- About this Guide
- Chapter 1, Install Shelf and Common Control Cards
- Chapter 2, Connect the PC and Log into GUI
- Chapter 3, Turn Up a Node
- Chapter 4, Perform Node Acceptance Tests
- Chapter 5, Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards
- Chapter 6, Turn Up a Network
- Chapter 7, Create Channels and Circuits
- Chapter 8, Manage Alarms
- Chapter 9, Monitor Performance
- Chapter 10, Manage the Node
- Chapter 11, Provision DWDM Cards
- Chapter 12, Add and Remove Cards and Nodes
- Chapter 13, Maintain a Node
- Chapter 14, Power Down a Node
- Chapter 15, Shelf Hardware Reference
- Chapter 16, Card Reference
- Chapter 17, Node Reference
- Chapter 18, Network Reference
- Chapter 19, CTC Operation Reference
- Chapter 20, Security Reference
- Chapter 21, Timing Reference
- Chapter 22, Management Connectivity Reference
- Chapter 23, Alarm Management Reference
- Appendix A, CTC Information and Shortcuts
- Appendix B, Hardware Specifications
- Appendix C, DWDM Administrative and Service States
- Appendix D, Network Element Defaults
CTC Information and Shortcuts
Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.
This appendix describes the Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) views, menus options, tool options, shortcuts, and table display options. This appendix also describes the shelf inventory data presented in CTC. For more information about CTC, see "CTC Operation Reference."
Note Unless otherwise specified, "ONS 15454" refers to both ANSI and ETSI shelf assemblies.
A.1 Display Node, Card, and Network Views
CTC provides three views of the ONS 15454 and the ONS network:
•Node view appears when you first log into an ONS 15454. This view shows a graphic of the ONS 15454 shelf and provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the node.
•Card view provides access to individual ONS 15454 cards. This view provides a graphic of the card and provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the card.
•Network view shows all the nodes in a ring. A Superuser can set up this feature so each user will see the same network view, or the user can create a custom view with maps. This view provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the network.
Table A-1 lists different actions for changing CTC views.
A.1.1 Node Icons on the Network View Map
Table A-2 lists the node icons on the network view map.
A.2 Manage the CTC Window
Different navigational methods are available within the CTC window to access views and perform management actions. You can double-click and right-click objects in the graphic area and move the mouse over nodes, cards, and ports to view popup status information.
A.2.1 CTC Menu and Toolbar Options
The CTC window menu bar and toolbar provide primary CTC functions. Table A-3 shows the actions that are available from the CTC menu and toolbar.
File |
Add Node |
Adds a node to the current session. See the "DLP-G49 Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group" task. |
Delete Selected Node |
Deletes a node from the current session. |
Lock CTC |
Locks CTC without closing the CTC session. A user name and password are required to open CTC. |
Prints CTC data. See the "DLP-G113 Print CTC Data" task. |
Export |
Exports CTC data. See the "DLP-G114 Export CTC Data" task. |
Exit |
— |
Closes the CTC session. |
Edit |
Preferences |
Displays the Preferences dialog box, which shows the following tabs: •General—Allows you to change event defaults and manage preferences. •Login Node Groups—Allows you to create login node groups. See the "DLP-G48 Create Login Node Groups" task. •Map—Allows you to customize the network view. See the "DLP-G168 Change the Network View Background Color" task and the "DLP-G170 Apply a Custom Network View Background Map" task. •Circuit—Allows you to change the color of circuit spans. This task is not applicable on DWDM-only nodes. •Firewall—Sets the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) listener ports for access to the ONS 15454 through a firewall. See the "G27 Set Up the ONS 15454 for Firewall Access" procedure. •JRE—Allows you to select another Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version. See the "DLP-G52 Change the JRE Version" task. |
View |
Go To Previous View |
Displays the previous CTC view. |
Go To Next View |
Displays the next CTC view. Available only after you navigate to a previous view. Go to Previous View and Go to Next View are similar to forward and backward navigation in a web browser. |
Go To Parent View |
References the CTC view hierarchy: network view, node view, and card view. In card view, this command displays the node view; in node view, the command displays network view. Not available in network view. |
Go To Selected Object View |
Displays the object selected in the CTC window. |
Go To Home View |
Displays the login node in node view. |
Go To Network View |
Displays the network view. |
Go To Other Node |
Displays a dialog box allowing you to type in the node name or IP address of a a network node that you want to view. |
Show Status Bar |
— |
Click this item to display or hide the status bar at the bottom of the CTC window. |
Show Tool Bar |
— |
Click this item to display or hide the CTC toolbar. |
— |
— |
Zooms out the network view area (toolbar only). |
— |
— |
Zooms in the network view area (toolbar only). |
— |
— |
Zooms in a selected network view area (toolbar only). |
Tools |
Circuits |
— |
Displays the following options: •Repair Circuits—Repairs incomplete circuits following replacement of the ONS 15454 alarm interface panel (AIP). Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET and DWDM Troubleshooting Guide or the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Troubleshooting Guide for more information. •Reconfigure Circuits—Allows you to reconfigure circuits. Not applicable to DWDM nodes. •Set Path Selector Attributes—Allows you to edit path protection or subnetwork connection protection (SNCP) circuit path selector attributes. Not applicable on DWDM nodes. •Set Circuit State—Allows you to change a circuit state. Not applicable on DWDM nodes. •Roll Circuit—Allows you to reroute live traffic without interrupting service. •Delete Rolls —Removes rolls that are not deleted by CTC after a roll has been completed. |
Overhead Circuits |
— |
Displays the Repair IP Tunnels option, which fixes circuits that are in the PARTIAL status as a result of node IP address changes. See the "DLP-G111 Repair an IP Tunnel" task. |
Topology Upgrade |
— |
Displays the following options: •Convert path protection (or SNCP) to BLSR (or MS-SPRing)—Converts a path protection to a bidirectional line switch ring (BLSR). Not applicable to DWDM nodes. •Convert Unprotected to path protection (or SNCP)—Converts a point-to-point or linear add/drop multiplexer (ADM) to path protection. Not applicable to DWDM nodes. |
Manage VLANs |
— |
Displays a list of VLANs that have been created and allows you to delete VLANs. Not applicable to DWDM nodes. |
Open TL1 Connection |
Displays the TL1 session dialog box so you can create a TL1 session to a specific node. Refer to the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Reference Guide and the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH TL1 Reference Guide. |
Open IOS Connection |
Displays the Cisco IOS command line interface dialog box if a Cisco IOS capable card (ML1000-2, ML100T-12, or ML-100X-8) is installed in the node. Not applicable to DWDM nodes. |
Help |
Contents and Index |
— |
Displays the online help window. |
User Manuals |
— |
Displays the Cisco ONS 15454 documentation. |
About CTC |
— |
Displays the software version and the nodes in the CTC session. |
— |
Network Scope |
— |
Displays the selected network scope. The network scope drop-down list has three options: DWDM, TDM, or All. If you choose DWDM, DWDM and hybrid nodes appear on the network view map. If you choose TDM, TDM and hybrid nodes appear on the network view map. If you choose All, every node on the network appears on the network view map. |
— |
— |
Opens the CTC Alerts dialog box, which shows the status of certain CTC background tasks. When the CTC Alerts toolbar icon contains a red triangle, unread notifications exist. When there are no unread notifications, the CTC Alerts toolbar icon contains a gray triangle (see the icons in the Toolbar column for comparison). Notifications include: •Network disconnection. •Send-PDIP inconsistency—CTC discovers a new node that does not have a SEND-PDIP setting consistent with the login node. •Circuit deletion status—Reports when the circuit deletion process completes if you chose "Notify when complete" as described in the "G61 Modify and Delete Overhead Circuits" procedure. The CTC Alerts window always reports circuit deletion errors. •Conditions retrieval error. •Software download failure. You can save a notification by clicking the Save button in the CTC Alerts dialog box and navigating to the directory where you want to save the text file. By default, the CTC Alerts dialog box appears automatically. To disable automatic popup, see the "DLP-G53 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for Automatic Popup" task. |
A.2.2 CTC Mouse Options
In addition to the CTC menu bar and toolbar, you can invoke actions by double-clicking CTC window items with your mouse, or by right-clicking an item and selecting actions from shortcut menus. Table A-4 lists the CTC window mouse shortcuts.
A.2.3 Node View Shortcuts
Table A-5 shows actions on ONS 15454 cards that you can perform by moving your mouse over the CTC window.
A.2.4 Network View Tasks
Right-click the network view graphic area or a node, span, or domain to display shortcut menus. Table A-6 lists the actions that are available from the network view.
Open a node |
Any of the following: •Double-click a node icon. •Right-click a node icon and choose Open Node from the shortcut menu. •Click a node and choose Go To Selected Object View from the View menu. •From the View menu, choose Go To Other Node. Choose a node from the Select Node dialog box. •Double-click a node alarm or event in the Alarms or History tab. |
Move a node icon |
Press the Ctrl key and the left mouse button simultaneously and drag the node icon to a new location. |
Reset node icon position |
Right-click a node and choose Reset Node Position from the shortcut menu. The node icon moves to the position defined by the longitude and latitude fields on the Provisioning > General tab in node view. |
Provision a circuit |
Right-click a node. From the shortcut menu, choose Provision Circuit To and choose the node where you want to provision the circuit. For circuit creation procedures, see "Create Channels and Circuits." |
Update circuits with new node |
Right-click a node and choose Update Circuits With New Node from the shortcut menu. Use this command when you add a new node and want to pass circuits through it. |
Display a link end point |
Right-click a span. From the shortcut menu, choose Go To {<node> | <port> | <slot>} for the drop port you want to view. CTC displays the card in card view. |
Display span properties |
Do any of the following: •Move the mouse over a span; the properties appear near the span. •Click a span; the properties appear in the upper left corner of the window. •Right-click a span; the properties appear at the top of the shortcut menu. |
Perform a path protection (ANSI) or SNCP (ETSI) protection switch for an entire span |
Right-click a network span and click Circuits. In the Circuits on Span dialog box, switch options appear in the path protection (or SNCP) Span Switching field. |
Display DWDM span properties |
Right-click a DWDM network span and choose Circuits from the shortcut menu. The optical channel network connection (OCHNC), optical direction, and circuit appear. |
Upgrade a span |
Right-click a span and choose Upgrade Span from the shortcut menu. Not applicable to DWDM nodes. |
A.2.5 Table Display Options
Right-clicking a table column displays a menu. Table A-7 shows table display options, which include rearranging or hiding CTC table columns and sorting table columns by primary or secondary keys.
A.3 Equipment Inventory
In node view, the Inventory tab displays information about the ONS 15454 equipment, including:
•Location—Identifies where the equipment is installed, either chassis or slot number.
•Eqpt Type—Displays the type of equipment but not the specific card name, for example, OC-12 or DS-1.
•Actual Eqpt Type—Displays the specific card name, for example, OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310.
•Admin State—Changes the card service state unless network conditions prevent the change. For more information about card administrative states, see "DWDM Administrative and Service States."
–IS (ANSI) or Unlocked (ETSI)—Places the card in the In-Service and Normal (IS-NR [ANSI]) or Unlocked-enabled (ETSI) service state.
–OOS,MA (ANSI) or Locked,maintenance (ETSI)—Places the card in the Out-of-Service and Autonomous, Maintenance (OOS-AU,MT [ANSI]) or Unlocked-disabled,maintenance (ETSI) service state.
•Service State—Displays the current card service state, which is an autonomously generated state that gives the overall condition of the card. Service states appear in the format: Primary State-Primary State Qualifier, Secondary State. For more information about card service states, see "DWDM Administrative and Service States."
•HW Part #—Displays the hardware part number; this number is printed on the top of the card or equipment piece.
•HW Rev—Displays the hardware revision number.
•Serial #—Displays the equipment serial number; this number is unique to each card.
•CLEI Code—Displays the Common Language Equipment Identifier code.
•Firmware Rev—Displays the revision number of the software used by the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chip installed on the ONS 15454 card.
•Product ID—Displays the manufacturing product identifier for a hardware component, such as a fan tray, chassis, or card. The Product ID column displays "N/A" for equipment existing before Software Release 4.6.
•Version ID—Displays the manufacturing version identifier for a fan tray, chassis, or card. The Version ID column displays "N/A" for equipment existing before Software Release 4.6.
Buttons at the bottom of the Inventory tab are used to delete or reset a card when a card is selected, or to delete a PPM if a PPM is selected on the table.