show service-module serial through standby port

show service-module serial

To display the performance report for an integrated CSU/DSU, use the showservice-moduleserial command in privileged EXEC mode.

show service-module serial number [performance-statistics [interval-range] ]

Syntax Description


Interface number 0 or 1.


(Optional) Displays the CSU/DSU performance statistics for the past 24 hours. This keyword applies only to the fractional T1/T1 module.


(Optional) Specifies the number of 15-minute intervals displayed. You can choose a range from 1 to 96, where each value represents the CSU/DSU activity performed in that 15-minute interval. For example, a range of 2-3 displays the performance statistics for the intervals two and three.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies to the 2- and 4-wire 56/64-kbps CSU/DSU module and FT1/T1 CSU/DSU module. The performance-statistics keyword applies only to the FT1/T1 CSU/DSU module.


The following sample output shows CSU/DSU performance statistics on a Cisco 2524 or Cisco 2525 router for intervals 30 to 32. Each interval is 15 minutes long. All the data is zero because no errors were discovered on the T1 line:

show service-module serial 1 performance-statistics 30-32
Total Data (last 58 15 minute intervals):
    0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
Data in current interval (131 seconds elapsed):
    0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
Data in Interval 30:
    0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
Data in Interval 31:
    0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
Data in Interval 32:
    0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs

The following is sample output from the showservice-moduleserial command for a fractional T1 line:

Router1# show service-module serial 0
Module type is T1/fractional
    Hardware revision is B, Software revision is 1.1 ,
    Image checksum is 0x2160B7C, Protocol revision is 1.1
Receiver has AIS alarm,
Unit is currently in test mode:
    line loopback is in progress
Framing is ESF, Line Code is B8ZS, Current clock source is line,
Fraction has 24 timeslots (64 Kbits/sec each), Net bandwidth is 1536 Kbits/sec.
Last user loopback performed:
    remote loopback
    Failed to loopup remote
Last module self-test (done at startup): Passed
Last clearing of alarm counters 0:05:50
    loss of signal        :    1, last occurred 0:01:50
    loss of frame         :    0,
    AIS alarm             :    1, current duration 0:00:49
    Remote alarm          :    0,
    Module access errors  :    0,
Total Data (last 0 15 minute intervals):
Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
Data in current interval (351 seconds elapsed):
    1466 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
    25 Slip Secs, 49 Fr Loss Secs, 40 Line Err Secs, 1 Degraded Mins
    0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 49 Unavail Secs

The following sample output from the showservice-moduleserial command displays the status of a switched 56-KB line:

Router1# show service-module serial 1
Module type is 4-wire Switched 56
    Hardware revision is B, Software revision is 1.00,
    Image checksum is 0x44453634, Protocol revision is 1.0
Connection state: active,
Receiver has loss of signal, loss of sealing current,
Unit is currently in test mode:
    line loopback is in progress
Current line rate is 56 Kbits/sec
Last user loopback performed:
    dte loopback
    duration 00:00:58
Last module self-test (done at startup): Passed
Last clearing of alarm counters 0:13:54
    oos/oof               :    3, last occurred 0:00:24
    loss of signal        :    3, current duration 0:00:24
    loss of sealing curren:    2, current duration 0:04:39
    loss of frame         :    0,
    rate adaption attempts:    0,

The following shows sample output from the showservice-moduleserial command issued on a Cisco 3640 modular access router:

Router# show service-module serial 0/1
Module type is 4-wire Switched 56
    Hardware revision is B, Software revision is 1.00,
    Image checksum is 0x42364436, Protocol revision is 1.0
Connection state: Idle
Receiver has no alarms.
CSU/DSU Alarm mask is 0
Current line rate is 56 Kbits/sec
Last module self-test (done at startup): Passed
Last clearing of alarm counters 4d02h
    oos/oof               :    0,
    loss of signal        :    0,
    loss of sealing curren:    0,
    loss of frame         :    0,
    rate adaptation attemp:    0,

The following shows sample output from the showservice-moduleserial command issued on a Cisco 1605 router:

Router# show service-module serial 0
Module type is 4-wire Switched 56
    Hardware revision is B, Software revision is 1.00,
    Image checksum is 0x42364436, Protocol revision is 1.0
Receiver has oos/oof, loss of signal,
CSU/DSU Alarm mask is 4
Current line rate is 56 Kbits/sec
Last module self-test (done at startup): Passed
Last clearing of alarm counters 1d02h
    oos/oof               :    1, current duration 1d02h
    loss of signal        :    1, current duration 1d02h
    loss of frame         :    0,
    rate adaptation attemp:    0,

The table below describes the fields displayed by the showservice-moduleserial command.

Table 1. show service-module serial Field Descriptions



Module type

CSU/DSU module installed in the router. The possible modules are T1/fractional, 2-wire switched 56-kbps, and 4-wire 56/64-kbps.

Receiver has AIS alarm

Alarms detected by the FT1/T1 CSU/DSU module or 2- and 4-wire 56/64-kbps CSU/DSU modules.

Possible T1 alarms are as follows:

  • Transmitter is sending remote alarm.

  • Transmitter is sending AIS.

  • Receiver has loss of signal.

  • Receiver has loss of frame.

  • Receiver has remote alarm.

  • Receiver has no alarms.

Possible switched 56k alarms are as follows:

  • Receiver has loss of signal.

  • Receiver has loss of sealing current.

  • Receiver has loss of frame.

  • Receiver has rate adaptation attempts.

Unit is currently in test mode

Loopback tests are in progress.


Indicates frame type used on the line. Can be extended super frame or super frame.

Line Code

Indicated line-code type configured. Can be alternate mark inversion (AMI) or binary 8-zero substitution (B8ZS).

Current clock source

Clock source configured on the line, which can be supplied by the service provider (line) or the integrated CSU/DSU module (internal).


Number of time slots defined for the FT1/T1 module, which can range from 1 to 24.

Net bandwidth

Total bandwidth of the line (for example, 24 time slots multiplied by 64 kbps equals a bandwidth of 1536 kbps).

Last user loopback performed

Type and outcome of the last performed loopback.

Last module self-test (done at startup): Passed

Status of the last self-test performed on an integrated CSU/DSU module.

Last clearing of alarm counters

List of network alarms that were detected and cleared on the CSU/DSU module.

Total Data Data in current interval

Shows the current accumulation period, which rolls into the 24-hour accumulation every 15 minutes. The oldest 15-minute period falls off the back of the 24-hour accumulation buffer.

Line Code Violations

Indicates the occurrence of either a bipolar violation or excessive zeroes error event.

Path Code Violations

Indicates a frame synchronization bit error in the D4 and E1-no cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC) formats or a CRC error in the extended super frame (ESF) and E1-CRC formats.

Slip Secs

Indicates the replication or detection of the payload bits of a DS1 frame. A slip may be performed when there is a difference between the timing of a synchronous receiving terminal and the received signal.

Fr Loss Secs

Indicates the number of seconds an Out-of-Frame error is detected.

Line Err Secs

Line errored seconds is a second in which one or more line code violation errors are detected.

Errored Secs

In ESF and E1-CRC links, an errored second is a second in which one of the following is detected: one or more path code violations; one or more Out-of-Frame defects; one or more controlled slip events; a detected AIS defect.

For D4 and E1-no-CRC links, the presence of bipolar violation also triggers an errored second.

Bursty Err Secs

Second with fewer than 320 and more than 1 path coding violation errors. No severely errored frame defects or incoming AIS defects are detected. Controlled slips are not included in this parameter.

Severely Err Secs

For ESF signals, a second with one of the following errors: 320 or more path code violation errors; one or more Out-of-Frame defects; a detected AIS defect.

For D4 signals, a count of 1-second intervals with framing errors, or an Out-of-Frame defect, or 1544 line code violations.

Unavail Secs

Total time the line was out of service.

show sip-disk

To display file information on the internal storage disk of the SPA interface processor (SIP), use the showsip-disk command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.

show sip slot-disk0 [all | chips | filesys]

Syntax Description


Chassis slot number.

Refer to the appropriate hardware manual for slot information. For SIPs, refer to the platform-specific SPA hardware installation guide or the corresponding “Identifying Slots and Subslots for SIPs and SPAs” topic in the platform-specific SPA software configuration guide.


(Optional) Displays all information on the Flash Disk.


(Optional) Displays information for files on the Flash Disk. This is the default.


(Optional) Displays file system parameters for the Flash Disk.

Command Default

If no optional keyword is specified, information for files on the Flash Disk is the default display (same as using the chips keyword).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following example shows information about eight files stored internally on the SIP located in slot 5 of the router:

Router# show sip5-disk0
-#- --length-- -----date/time------ path
 number of file 8
 inode path is 1 idprom-oc12-atm-superspa
 fullpath is disk0:/idprom-oc12-atm-superspa
1         1152 Jun 09 2004 13:03:38 idprom-oc12-atm-superspa
 inode path is 2 idprom-4oc3-atm-superspa
 fullpath is disk0:/idprom-4oc3-atm-superspa
2         1152 Jun 09 2004 05:51:34 idprom-4oc3-atm-superspa
 inode path is 3 bonham_brd_rev2_rev19.hex
 fullpath is disk0:/bonham_brd_rev2_rev19.hex
3      2626407 Aug 24 2004 11:04:42 bonham_brd_rev2_rev19.hex
 inode path is 4 sip2-dw-mz.b2-testt
 fullpath is disk0:/sip2-dw-mz.b2-testt
4      5895640 Aug 26 2004 05:09:08 sip2-dw-mz.b2-testt
 inode path is 5 sip2-dw-mz.hp-depth
 fullpath is disk0:/sip2-dw-mz.hp-depth
5      5897476 Aug 12 2004 04:40:38 sip2-dw-mz.hp-depth
 inode path is 6 viking1.jbc
 fullpath is disk0:/viking1.jbc
6      2678150 Jun 09 2004 12:48:32 viking1.jbc
 inode path is 7 sip2-dw-mz.hpd
 fullpath is disk0:/sip2-dw-mz.hpd
7      5916716 Aug 25 2004 10:25:14 sip2-dw-mz.hpd
 inode path is 8 sip2iofpga_promlatest_rev78.hex
 fullpath is disk0:/sip2iofpga_promlatest_rev78.hex
8       468975 Aug 24 2004 10:56:54 sip2iofpga_promlatest_rev78.hex
40606720 bytes available (23490560 bytes used)

The following example shows information about the SIP flash file system for the SIP located in slot 5 of the router:

Router# show sip3-disk0 filesys 
******** ATA Flash Card Geometry/Format Info ********
   Number of Heads:       4     
   Number of Cylinders    978   
   Sectors per Cylinder   32    
   Sector Size            512   
   Total Sectors          125184
   Number of FAT Sectors  62    
   Sectors Per Cluster    8     
   Number of Clusters     15598 
   Number of Data Sectors 125049
   Base Root Sector       227   
   Base FAT Sector        103   
   Base Data Sector       259   
   Image Monlib size = 52216
   Disk monlib size = 52736
   Name = NA
   Monlib end sector = NA
   Monlib Start sector = NA
   Monlib updated by = NA
   Monlib version = NA
Negotiated Version                  : 0
Highest version supported in Server : 0
Highest version supported in Client : 0

show slot0:

To display information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system located in slot 0, use the show slot0: command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show slot0: [all | chips | detailed | err | summary]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays all possible flash system information for all PCMCIA flash cards in the system.


(Optional) Displays flash chip information.


(Optional) Displays the flash detailed directory.


(Optional) Displays the flash chip erase and write retries.


(Optional) Displays the flash partition summary.

Command Modes

User EXEC Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show slot0: command to display details about the files in a particular linear PCMCIA flash memory card of less than 20 MB and some 32 MB linear PCMCIA cards.


Use the show disk command for ATA PCMCIA cards. Other forms of this commands are show disk0: and show disk1: .

For more information regarding file systems and flash cards, access the PCMCIA Filesystem Compatibility Matrix and Filesystem Information document at the following URL:

To see which flash cards are used in your router, use the show version command and look at the bottom portion of the output.

The following display indicates an ATA PCMCIA flash disk.

Router# show version
46976K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). 

The following display indicates a linear PCMCIA flash card with 20480K bytes of flash memory in card at slot 1 with a sector size of 128K.

Router# show version
20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K).


In some cases the show slot command will not display the file systems, use show slot0: or show slot1: .


The following example displays information about slot 0. The output is self-explanatory.

Router# show slot0:
PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   11081464  c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b  
[11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total]
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
Router# show slot0: all
Partition   Size    Used      Free      Bank-Size  State          Copy Mode
  1        20223K  10821K     9402K     4096K      Read/Write     Direct
PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
        addr      fcksum  ccksum
  1   11081464  c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b  
        0x40      0x5EA3  0x5EA3
[11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total]
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
   Chip    Bank    Code      Size      Name
    1      1       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      1       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      2       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      2       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      3       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      3       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      4       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      4       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      5       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      5       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
The following example shows flash chip information.
Router# show slot0: chips
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
   Chip    Bank    Code      Size      Name
    1      1       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      1       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      2       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      2       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      3       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      3       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      4       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      4       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    1      5       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA
    2      5       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA

The following example show the flash detailed directory.

Router# show slot0: detailed
PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
        addr      fcksum  ccksum
  1   11081464  c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b  
        0x40      0x5EA3  0x5EA3
[11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total]
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)

The following example shows the flash chip erase and write retries.

Router# show slot0: err
PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory:
File  Length   Name/status
  1   11081464  c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b  
[11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total]
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
   Chip    Bank    Code      Size      Name                erase  write
    1      1       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    2      1       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    1      2       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    2      2       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    1      3       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    2      3       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    1      4       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    2      4       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    1      5       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    
    2      5       89A0      2048KB    INTEL 28F016SA      0      0    

The following example shows the flash partition summary.

Router# show
 slot0: summary
Partition   Size    Used      Free      Bank-Size  State          Copy Mode
  1        20223K  10821K     9402K     4096K      Read/Write     Direct
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)

show smf

To display the configured software MAC address filter (SMF) on various interfaces of a router, use the showsmf command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show smf [interface-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about the specified interface. Choices can include atm , ethernet , fastethernet , null , serial , tokenring , and async .

Command Modes

User EXEC Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced in a release prior to 10.0.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The SMF is active whenever the router is doing bridging or Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB). MAC address filtering can be used as a security feature in bridging or switching environments.


The following is sample output from the showsmf command:

Router# show smf fastethernet
 Software MAC address filter on FastEthernet0/0.2
  Hash Len    Address      Matches  Act      Type
  0x00:  0 ffff.ffff.ffff         0 RCV Physical broadcast
  0x0C:  0 0100.0c00.0000         0 RCV ISL vLAN Multicast
  0x2A:  0 0900.2b01.0001         0 RCV DEC spanning tree
  0xA6:  0 0010.a6ae.6000         0 RCV Interface MAC address
  0xC1:  0 0100.0ccc.cccd         0 RCV SSTP MAC address
  0xC2:  0 0180.c200.0000         0 RCV IEEE spanning tree
  0xC2:  1 0180.c200.0000         0 RCV IBM spanning tree
  0xC2:  2 0100.0ccd.cdce         0 RCV VLAN Bridge STP

The table below describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 2. show smf Field Descriptions




Position in the hash table for this entry.


Length of the entry.


MAC address for the interface.


Number of hits for the address.


Action taken. Values can be receive (RCV), forward (FWD), or discard (DIS).


Type of MAC address.

show srp

To display Spatial Reuse Protocol (SRP) information, use the showsrp command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco IOS SR, SX, and XE Trains

show srp [counters | failures | ips | source-counters | srr | topology | transit]

Cisco IOS T Train

show srp [counters | ips | source-counters | topology]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays counters for the packets received and transmitted on both sides of an SRP node.


(Optional) Displays Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) information.


(Optional) Displays source counter information.


(Optional) Displays topology map information.


(Optional) Displays self-detected failures.


(Optional) Displays Simple RSS Reader (SRR) information.


(Optional) Displays information about traffic buffer delays.

Command Default

If no keyword is specified, generic information about SRP is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was modified and integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC. The failures , srr , and transit keywords were added.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.


The following is sample output from the showsrptopology command:

Router# show srp topology
 Topology Map for Interface: SRP2_3
  Topology pkt. sent every 60 sec.  (next pkt. after 13 sec.)
  Last received topology pkt. 00:03:45
  Last topology change was 01:20:21 ago
  Hops (outer ring)      MAC       IP Address   Wrapped SRR   Name
         0       0005.dd9b.0d05   No    found SRP4
         1       0005.dd9b.0105   No    found SRP5
RP/0/1/0:SRP4#   0005.dd9b.2505   No    found SRP1

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 3. show srp topology Field Descriptions



Hops (outer ring)

Total number of hops.


Displays the MAC address.

IP Address

Displays the IP address.


Indicates if the SRP ring is wrapped at a node or not: Yes or No. If yes, the packet is sent in the reverse direction.


Status of the SRR, found or not found.


Displays the hostname of the router for the node.

The following is sample output from the showsrpips command:

Router# show srp ips
 IPS Information for Interface SRP2_3
 MAC Addresses
   Side A (Outer ring RX) neighbor 0005.dd9b.2505
   Side B (Inner ring RX) neighbor 0005.dd9b.0105
   Node MAC address 0005.dd9b.0d05
 IPS State
   Side A not wrapped
   Side B not wrapped
   Side A (Inner ring TX) IPS pkt. sent every 1 sec. (next pkt. after 1 sec.)
   Side B (Outer ring TX) IPS pkt. sent every 1 sec. (next pkt. after 1 sec.)
   IPS WTR period is 60 sec. (timer is inactive)
   Node IPS State: idle
 IPS Self Detected Requests           IPS Remote Requests
   Side A            IDLE               Side A IDLE
   Side B            IDLE               Side B IDLE
 IPS messages received
   Side A (Outer ring RX) { 0005.dd9b.2505,IDLE,SHORT}, TTL 255
   Side B (Inner ring RX) { 0005.dd9b.0105,IDLE,SHORT}, TTL 255
 IPS messages transmitted
   Side A (Inner ring TX) { 0005.dd9b.0d05,IDLE,SHORT}, TTL 255
   Side B (Outer ring TX) { 0005.dd9b.0d05,IDLE,SHORT}, TTL 255

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 4. show srp ips Field Descriptions



MAC Addresses

MAC address of the IPS interface.

IPS State

Information about the current IPS states.

IPS Self Detected Requests

Details about the IPS self-detected requests.

IPS Remote Requests

Details about the IPS remote requests.

IPS messages received

Details about the IPS messages received.

IPS messages transmitted

Details about the transmitted IPS messages.

show storm-control

To display switchport characteristics, including storm-control levels set on the interface, use the showstorm -control command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show storm-control [interface-type interface-number] [broadcast | multicast | unicast | history]

Syntax Description

interface-type interface-number

(Optional) Port for which information is to be displayed.


(Optional) Displays broadcast storm information. This is the default.


(Optional) Displays multicast storm information.


(Optional) Displays unicast storm information.


(Optional) Displays storm history on a per-port basis.

Command Default

If the interface-type and interface-number values are omitted, the showstorm-control command displays storm-control settings for all ports on the switch.

You can display broadcast, multicast, or unicast packet-storm information by using the corresponding keyword. When no keyword option is specified, the default is to display broadcast storm-control information.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T to support switchport creation on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


This command was modified. The interface-type and interface-number arguments and the broadcast , multicast , unicast , and history keywords were added to support the Ethernet switch network module on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


The following is partial sample output from the showstorm-controlbroadcast command:

Router# show storm-control broadcast
Interface  Filter State   Upper    Lower    Current
---------  -------------  -------  -------  -------
Fa0/1      <inactive>     100.00%  100.00%    0.00%
Fa0/2      <inactive>     100.00%  100.00%    0.00%
Fa0/3      <inactive>     100.00%  100.00%    0.00%
Fa0/4      Forwarding      30.00%   20.00%   20.32%

The table below describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 5. show storm-control broadcast Field Descriptions




Displays the ID of the interface.

Filter State

Displays the status of the filter:

  • Blocking--Storm control is enabled, a storm has occurred, and the action is filter.

  • Forwarding--Storm control is enabled, and a storm has not occurred.

  • Inactive--Storm control is disabled.

  • Shutdown--Storm control is enabled, a storm has occurred, and the action is to shut down.



If an interface is disabled by a broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm, the filter state for all traffic types is shutdown .


Displays the rising suppression level as a percentage of total available bandwidth.


Displays the falling suppression level as a percentage of total available bandwidth.


Displays the bandwidth utilization of a specific traffic type as a percentage of total available bandwidth. This field is valid only when storm control is enabled.

The following is sample output from the showstorm-controlfastethernet0/4history command, which displays the ten most recent storm events for an interface:

Router# show storm-control fastethernet 0/4 history
 Interface Fa0/4 Storm Event History 
 Event Type          Event Start Time  Duration (seconds)
 ------------------  ----------------  ------------------
 Unicast             04:58:18          206      
 Broadcast           05:01:54          n/a
 Multicast           05:01:54          n/a
 Unicast             05:01:54          108      
 Broadcast           05:05:00          n/a
 Multicast           05:05:00          n/a
 Unicast             05:06:00          n/a
 Broadcast           05:09:39          n/a
 Multicast           05:09:39          n/a
 Broadcast           05:11:32          172 

The table below describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 6. show storm-control history Field Descriptions




Displays the ID of the interface.

Event Type

Displays the type of storm event. The event type is one of the following:

  • Broadcast

  • Multicast

  • Unicast

Event Start Time

Time when the event started, in hours, minutes, seconds.

Duration (seconds)

Duration time of the event, in seconds.



The duration field could be n/a when a storm is still present or when a new storm of a different type occurs before the current storm ends.

show sup-bootflash

To display information about the sup-bootflash file system, use the show sup-bootflash command in privileged EXEC mode.

show sup-bootflash [all | chips | filesys]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays all possible Flash information.


(Optional) Displays information about the Flash chip.


(Optional) Displays information about the file system.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This example shows how to display a summary of bootflash information:

show sup-bootflash
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1   .. image    EBC8FC4D  A7487C    6 10700796 Nov 19 1999 07:07:37 halley
2   .. unknown  C7EB077D  EE2620   25  4644130 Nov 19 1999 07:50:44 cat6000-sup_
645600 bytes available (15345184 bytes used)

This example shows how to display all bootflash information:

show sup-bootflash all
-#- ED --type-- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- -----date/time------ name
1   .. image    EBC8FC4D  A7487C    6 10700796 Nov 19 1999 07:07:37 halley
2   .. unknown  C7EB077D  EE2620   25  4644130 Nov 19 1999 07:50:44 cat6000-sup_
645600 bytes available (15345184 bytes used)
-------- F I L E   S Y S T E M   S T A T U S --------
  Device Number = 2
  Magic Number          = 6887635   File System Vers = 10000    (1.0)
  Length                = 1000000   Sector Size      = 40000
  Programming Algorithm = 19        Erased State     = FFFFFFFF
  File System Offset    = 40000     Length = F40000
  MONLIB Offset         = 100       Length = F568
  Bad Sector Map Offset = 3FFF8     Length = 8
  Squeeze Log Offset    = F80000    Length = 40000
  Squeeze Buffer Offset = FC0000    Length = 40000
  Num Spare Sectors     = 0
  NO File Open for Write
  Complete Stats
  No Unrecovered Errors
  No Squeeze in progress
  Bytes Used     = EA2620  Bytes Available = 9D9E0
  Bad Sectors    = 0       Spared Sectors  = 0
  OK Files       = 2       Bytes = EA2520
  Deleted Files  = 0       Bytes = 0
  Files w/Errors = 0       Bytes = 0
******** Intel SCS Status/Register Dump ********
  Intelligent ID Code  : 890089
  Compatible Status Reg: 800080
  Layout                 : Paired x16 Mode
  Write Queue Size       : 64
  Queued Erase Supported : No

This example shows how to display information about the Flash chip:

Router# show sup-bootflash chips
******** Intel SCS Status/Register Dump ********
  Intelligent ID Code  : 890089
  Compatible Status Reg: 800080
  Layout                 : Paired x16 Mode
  Write Queue Size       : 64
  Queued Erase Supported : No

This example shows how to display information about the file system:

Router# show sup-bootflash filesys
-------- F I L E   S Y S T E M   S T A T U S --------
  Device Number = 2
  Magic Number          = 6887635   File System Vers = 10000    (1.0)
  Length                = 1000000   Sector Size      = 40000
  Programming Algorithm = 19        Erased State     = FFFFFFFF
  File System Offset    = 40000     Length = F40000
  MONLIB Offset         = 100       Length = F568
  Bad Sector Map Offset = 3FFF8     Length = 8
  Squeeze Log Offset    = F80000    Length = 40000
  Squeeze Buffer Offset = FC0000    Length = 40000
  Num Spare Sectors     = 0
  NO File Open for Write
  Complete Stats
  No Unrecovered Errors
  No Squeeze in progress
  Bytes Used     = EA2620  Bytes Available = 9D9E0
  Bad Sectors    = 0       Spared Sectors  = 0
  OK Files       = 2       Bytes = EA2520
  Deleted Files  = 0       Bytes = 0
  Files w/Errors = 0       Bytes = 0

show syscon sdp

To display information about the Shelf Discovery Protocol (SDP), use the showsysconsdp command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show syscon sdp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC User EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from theshowsysconsdp command:

Router# show syscon sdp
Current time 10:46:32 PST Jan 28 1998, system controller
Last hello packet received at 10:45:38 PST Jan 28 1998
11773 Total SDP packets
    0 packets with bad MD5 hash
    5884 Hello packets received
    5889 Hello packets sent
    0 Command packets received
    0 Command packets sent

The table below describes the fields shown in the sample display.

Table 7. show syscon sdp Field Descriptions



Current time

Current time and date.

system controller

IP address of the system controller.

Last hello packet received

Time and date when the last hello packet from the system controller was received by the shelf.

Total SDP packets

Total number of SDP packets sent or received by the shelf.

packets with bad MD5 hash

Number of packets with a bad MD5 hash.

Hello packets received

Number of hello packets received by the shelf from the system controller.

Hello packets sent

Number of hello packets sent from the shelf to the system controller.

Command packets received

Number of packets containing commands received by the shelf.

Command packets sent

Number of commands sent by the shelf.

show system jumbomtu

To display the g lobal maximum transmission unit (MTU) setting, use the show system jumbomtu command in privileged EXEC mode.

show system jumbomtu

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This example shows how to display the global MTU setting:

Router# show system jumbomtu
Global Ethernet MTU is 1550 bytes.

show tcam counts

To display the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) statistics, use the showtcamcounts command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tcam counts [detail] [arp | ip | ipv6 | mpls | other] [module number]

Syntax Description


Displays detailed TCAM statistics.


Displays TCAM statistics for ARP traffic.


Displays TCAM statistics for IP traffic


Displays TCAM statistics for IPv6 traffic


Displays TCAM statistics for MPLS traffic


Displays TCAM statistics for other traffic

module number

(Optional) Specifies the module number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

The module number keyword and argument designate the module and port number. Valid values for number depend on the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module that is installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 2 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.

The display includes information about the per-bank TCAM utilization for the ACL/QoS TCAM for Cisco 7600 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 720 only.


This example shows how to display the TCAM statistics:

Router# show tcam counts
           Used        Free        Percent Used       Reserved
           ----        ----        ------------       --------
 Labels:      8         504            1
  Masks:      6        4090            0                     0
Entries:     37       32731            0                     0
  Masks:      3        4093            0                     0
Entries:     20       32748            0                     0
    LOU:      0         128            0
  ANDOR:      0          16            0
  ORAND:      0          16            0
    ADJ:      1        2047            0

The table below describes the fields that are shown in the example.

Table 8. show tcam counts Command Output Fields



Labels Used

Number of labels that are used (maximum of 512).

Labels Free

Number of free labels remaining.

Labels Percent Used

Percentage of labels that are used.

Masks Used

Number of masks that are used (maximum of 4096).

Masks Free

Number of free labels remaining.

Masks Percent Used

Percentage of masks that are used.

Entries Used

Number of labels that are used (maximum of 32767).

Entries Free

Number of free labels that are remaining.

Entries Percent Used

Percentage of entries that are used.

show tcam interface

To display information about the interface-based Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM), use the showtcaminterface command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tcam interface {interface interface-number | null interface-number | vlan vlan-id {acl {in | out} | qos {type1 | type2} type [detail | module number]}}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface type; possible valid values are ethernet , fastethernet , gigabitethernet , tengigabitethernet , pos , atm , and ge-wan .


(Optional) Module and port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

null interface-number

(Optional) Specifies the null interface; the valid value is 0 .

vlan vlan-id

(Optional) Specifies the VLAN; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

acl in

(Optional) Displays the ACL-based incoming packets.

acl out

(Optional) Displays the ACL-based outgoing packets.

qos type1

(Optional) Displays the QoS-based Type 1 packets.

qos type2

(Optional) Displays the QoS-based Type 2 packets.


Specifies the protocol type to display; valid values are arp , ipv4 , ipv6 , mpls , and other .


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

module number

(Optional) Specifies the module number.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was changed to support the ipv6 keyword.


This command was changed as follows:

  • Support for the detail keyword was added to display detailed information.

  • The output (without the detail keyword) was changed to include the match count for supervisor engines and DFCs that support ACL counters.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

The pos , atm , and ge-wan keywords are supported on Cisco 7600 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 2 only.

Use the clear mls acl counters command to clear the TCAM ACL match counters.

The match counts display is supported in PFC3BXL or PFC3B mode only.


This example shows how to display interface-based TCAM information:

Router# show tcam interface
 vlan 7 acl in ip
deny ip any any 
permit ip 
redirect ip 
permit tcp 
Fragments (1 match) 
permit tcp 
permit tcp range 30000 30020 range 10000 10010 (102 matches) 
permit tcp eq 9000 
eq telnet 
deny ip any any 
deny ip any any

This example shows how to display detailed TCAM information:

Router# show tcam interface
 fa5/2 acl in ip detail
DPort - Destination Port   SPort - Source Port        TCP-F - U -URG
 Pro   - Protocol
I     - Inverted LOU       TOS   - TOS Value                - A -ACK
 rtr   - Router
MRFM  - M -MPLS Packet     TN    - T -Tcp Control           - P -PSH
 COD   - C -Bank Care Flag
      - R -Recirc. Flag          - N -Non-cachable          - R -RST
       - I -OrdIndep. Flag
      - F -Fragment Flag   CAP   - Capture Flag             - S -SYN
       - D -Dynamic Flag
      - M -More Fragments  F-P   - FlowMask-Prior.          - F -FIN
 T     - V(Value)/M(Mask)/R(Result)
X     - XTAG               (*)   - Bank Priority
Interface: 1018   label: 1   lookup_type: 0
protocol: IP   packet-type: 0
|T|Index|  Dest Ip Addr | Source Ip Addr|     DPort     |     SPort     | TCP-F
 V 18396       P=0             P=0        ------
   0 ---- 0   0 -- --- 0-0
 M 18404         0               0
   0 ---- 0   0
 R rslt: L3_DENY_RESULT                rtr_rslt: L3_DENY_RESULT
 V 36828       P=0             P=0        ------
   0 ---- 0   0 -- --- 0-0
 M 36836         0               0
   0 ---- 0   0
 R rslt: L3_DENY_RESULT (*)            rtr_rslt: L3_DENY_RESULT (*)

show tcam-mgr subslot

To display ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) manager information for a SPA, use the showtcam-mgrsubslot command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.

show tcam-mgr subslot slot/ subslot inst-info

show tcam-mgr subslot slot/ subslot region region-number [config | statistics]

show tcam-mgr subslot slot/ subslot {rx-dest-mac | rx-vlan} {alloc-mbus [summary] | table}

show tcam-mgr subslot slot/ subslot statistics

Syntax Description


Chassis slot number.

Refer to the appropriate hardware manual for slot information. For SIPs, refer to the platform-specific SPA hardware installation guide or the corresponding “Identifying Slots and Subslots for SIPs and SPAs” topic in the platform-specific SPA software configuration guide.

/ subslot

Secondary slot number on a SIP where a SPA is installed.

Refer to the platform-specific SPA hardware installation guide and the corresponding “Specifying the Interface Address on a SPA” topic in the platform-specific SPA software configuration guide for subslot information.


Specifies the display of Instance Control Block information for the SPA.

region region-number config | statistics

Specifies the display of region-related TCAM manager information, with the following options:

  • region region-number-- Displays TCAM manager information, where:
    • region0 -- Specifies the destination MAC address TCAM region.
    • region1 -- Specifies the VLAN ID TCAM region.
  • config -- (Optional) Displays TCAM manager configuration information.

  • statistics -- (Optional) Displays TCAM manager statistical information.

rx-dest-mac | rx-vlan }{alloc-mbus summary ] | table

Specifies the display of TCAM manager information related to the following areas:

  • rx-dest-mac --Destination MAC address filtering for received frames.

  • rx-vlan --VLAN filtering for received frames.

  • alloc-mbus summary ]--Displays allocated Mask Block Unit (MBU) entry information related to the MAC or VLAN TCAM filters. There is no difference between the alloc-mbus and alloc-mbussummary form of the command.

  • table -- Displays table entries for the MAC or VLAN TCAM filters.



The label andfree-mbus summary ] forms of the command are not supported on SPAs.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(20)S2 and support for the subslot , rx-dest-mac , and rx-vlan keywords were added for SPAs on the Cisco 7304 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use the showtcam-mgrsubslot command to display TCAM manager information for the destination MAC address and VLAN filter regions supported by the SPAs.

The TCAM manager allocates memory among the applications that it supports, in the form of regions. The SPAs support two TCAM regions, region 0 for destination MAC address filtering and region 1 for VLAN ID filtering of received frames.


The following examples provide sample output for several versions of the showtcam-mgrsubslot command for a 4-Port 10/100 Fast Ethernet SPA located in the top subslot (0) of the MSC that is installed in slot 4 on a Cisco 7304 router:


The following shows sample output from the showtcam-mgrsubslotinst-info command:

Router# show tcam-mgr subslot 4/0 inst-info
Instance Control Block Information :
CAM name                    =  SPA 4xFE/2xGE CAM2
Maximum key length          =  72 bits
TBU (TCAM Base Unit) length =  72 bits
V2M Ratio                   =  8
TCAM Size                   =  8192 TBUs
SRAM Size                   =  0 words
Start index of first VC     =  0
Label table size            =  0


The following shows sample output from the showtcam-mgrsubslotregion command for the destination MAC address TCAM region (0) for the SPA:

Router# show tcam-mgr subslot 4/0 region 0
Region Configuration :
 Region ID                   =  0
 Region name                 =  DA_FILTERING
 Fixed size                  =  no
 Region type (hash:mask    ) =  Partial_Order_Indep_Order_Dep_At_Bottom
 Application VMR V/M size    =  12
 Application VMR result size =  1
 Vc region size (percentage) =  50
Region Information :
 Region ID                  =   0
 Value cells size           =   4096
 Mask cells size            =   512
 MBUs size                  =   512
 Mask index start TBU       =   0
 Mask index end TBU         =   511
 First dynamic region       =   yes
 Last dynamic region        =   yes
 Size is fixed              =   yes
 Expansion unit MBUs        =   1
 Lower Limit, llimit_p      =   450A6CF0
 Upper Limit, ulimit_p      =   450AE4B4
 Lower limit pointer index  =   0
 Upper limit pointer index  =   511
 Lower next pointer index   =   0
 Upper next pointer index   =   4
 Lower free entries         =   1
 Upper free entries         =   507
 Bottom pointer index       =   510
 Free mask block units      =  508
 Region ID                   =  0
 Region expansion count      =  0
 Region Shifts             =  0
 Region expansion failures   =  0
 Invalid direction hits      =  0
 Invalid parameter hits      =  0
 No free entry failures      =  0


The following shows sample output from the showtcam-mgrsubslotregionstatistics command for the destination MAC address TCAM region (0) for the SPA:

Router# show tcam-mgr subslot 4/0 region 0 statistics
 Region ID                   =  0
 Region expansion count      =  0
 Region Shifts             =  0
 Region expansion failures   =  0
 Invalid direction hits      =  0
 Invalid parameter hits      =  0
 No free entry failures      =  0


The following shows partial output from the showtcam-mgrsubslotrx-dest-mactable command:

Router# show tcam-mgr subslot 4/0 rx-dest-mac table
Dest mac filtering Table
 There are 15 entries in the table
 Entry# 1:
 Application ID              = 1
 Value                       =
                                0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Mask                        =
                                0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Result                      =
 Mask index                  = 511
 Mask Physical Address       = 4088
 Value cell index            = 7
 Value cell Physical address = 4095
 Allocation direction        = bottom
 Entry# 2:
 Application ID              = 1
 Value                       =
                                0 0 0 0 0 4 0 B0 64 FF 44 80
 Mask                        =
                                0 0 0 0 0 F FF FF FF FF FF FF
 Result                      =
 Mask index                  = 2
 Mask Physical Address       = 16
 Value cell index            = 1
 Value cell Physical address = 17
 Allocation direction        = no direction
 Entry# 3:
 Application ID              = 1
 Value                       =
                                0 0 0 0 0 4 FF FF FF FF FF FF
 Mask                        =
                                0 0 0 0 0 F FF FF FF FF FF FF
 Result                      =
 Mask index                  = 2
 Mask Physical Address       = 16
 Value cell index            = 2
 Value cell Physical address = 18
 Allocation direction        = no direction


The following shows partial output from the showtcam-mgrsubslotrx-vlantable command:

Router# show tcam-mgr subslot 4/0 rx-vlan table
RX VLAN filtering Table
 There are 9 entries in the table
 Entry# 1:
 Application ID              = 2
 Value                       =
                                0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Mask                        =
                                0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Result                      =
 Mask index                  = 1023
 Mask Physical Address       = 8184
 Value cell index            = 7
 Value cell Physical address = 8191
 Allocation direction        = bottom
 Entry# 2:
 Application ID              = 2
 Value                       =
                                0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Mask                        =
                                0 0 0 0 0 F 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Result                      =
 Mask index                  = 512
 Mask Physical Address       = 4096
 Value cell index            = 0
 Value cell Physical address = 4096
 Allocation direction        = top


The following shows sample output from the showtcam-mgrsubslotstatisitics command:

Router# show tcam-mgr subslot 4/0 statisitics
 Application entry alloc failures            =  0
 TCAM entry alloc failures                   =  0
 TCAM driver failures                        =  0
 TCAM API invalid parameters                 =  0
 TCAM API application entry lookup failures  =  0
 TCAM API application entry mismatch failures=  0
 TCAM API label table occupied failures      =  0
 TCAM MGR free mbu vc failures               =  0
TCAM Mgr insertion/deletion time
  Insert  time: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
    check dupl: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
    alloc  mbu: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
    queue appl: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
    insert drv: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
  Delete  time: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
    delete drv: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
    delete mbu: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
    delete appl: total:0.0000 num:0     avg:0.0000
 Region ID                   =  0
 Region name                 =  DA_FILTERING
 Fixed size                  =  no
 Region type (hash:mask    ) =  Partial_Order_Indep_Order_Dep_At_Bottom
 Application VMR V/M size    =  12
 Application VMR result size =  1
 Vc region size (percentage) =  50

show tdm backplane

To display modem and PRI channel assignments with streams and channels on the modem side as assigned to the unit and channels on the PRI side of the time-division multiplexing (TDM) assignment, use the showtdmbackplane command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tdm backplane stream [stream-number]

Syntax Description


Backplane stream in the range 0 to 7. There are 8 backplane “streams” on the TDM backplane for the Cisco AS5300 access server. Each stream runs at 2 MHz and has 32 channels (running at 64 Hz) on the Cisco AS5300 access server backplane hardware.


(Optional) Actual number entered (either 0 to 7 or 0 to 15).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The showtdmbackplane command shows the status of the TDM backplane, related data structure values, and TDM chip memory settings. This commands is generally used only by a Cisco technical support representative during troubleshooting of data continuity problems.


The following example shows sample output for the showtdmbackplane command. When the debugtdmdetail command is executed, more detail is shown. The following examples are run with the debugtdmdetail command executed:

Router# show tdm backplane
Show BackPlane Connections
TDM Backplane Connection for Stream 0
     Modem (St/Ch)<->PRI (Unit/Ch)   xx/xx:Not Used ??/??:Unknown State
0  :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  00/02<->00/30,  00/03<->03/10
4  :  00/04<->00/15,  00/05<->02/02,  00/06<->02/07,  00/07<->02/08
8  :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  00/09<->03/11,  00/10<->02/09,  xx/xx<->xx/xx
12 :  00/12<->00/17,  00/13<->02/17,  00/14<->02/18,  00/15<->02/10
16 :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  00/18<->00/19,  00/19<->02/19
20 :  00/20<->02/11,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  00/23<->00/07
24 :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  00/25<->00/01,  00/26<->00/20,  00/27<->02/20
28 :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  00/29<->00/18,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx

TDM Backplane Connection for Stream 1
     Modem (St/Ch)<->PRI (Unit/Ch)   xx/xx:Not Used ??/??:Unknown State
0  :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  01/03<->03/09
4  :  01/04<->00/03,  01/05<->02/13,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx
8  :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  01/10<->02/14,  01/11<->00/04
12 :  01/12<->00/21,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  01/14<->00/05,  xx/xx<->xx/xx
16 :  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  01/08<->02/12
20 :  01/20<->00/06,  01/09<->00/02,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx
24 :  01/24<->03/01,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  01/26<->02/15,  xx/xx<->xx/xx
28 :  01/28<->03/05,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx,  xx/xx<->xx/xx

show tdm connections

To display a snapshot of the time-division multiplexing (TDM) bus connection memory in a Cisco access server or to display information about the connection memory programmed on the Mitel TDM chip in a Cisco AS5800 access server, use the showtdmconnections command in privileged EXEC mode.

Standard Syntax

show tdm connections [motherboard | slot slot-nu mber]

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

show tdm connections {motherboard stream stream-number | slot slot-number device device-number stream stream-number}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays connection memory for the TDM bus connections on the motherboard in the Cisco access server only.

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

The motherboard in the Cisco AS5800 access server has ethernet and serial interfaces, console port, and aux port. The motherboard has one TDM device (MT8980) for the Cisco 5300 access server.

slot slot-number

(Optional) Slot number.

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

There are three slots on the Cisco AS5800 access server. The range of the slots is from 0 to 2. A modem card or a trunk PRI card can be inserted into each slot. Each card in the slot has one or two TDM devices (either MT8980 or MT90820) on them.


Device stream in the range 0 to 7. There are 8 backplane “streams” on the TDM backplane for the Cisco AS5800 access server. Each stream runs at 2 Mhz and has 32 channels (running at 64 Hz) on the Cisco AS5800 access server backplane hardware.


Stream number (the range is from 0 to 7 or 0 to 15).


TDM device on the motherboard or slot cards. The range for the Cisco AS5800 access server is from 0 to 1. Each card has at least one TDM device (MT8980 or MT80920), and some of the slot cards have two devices (for example, the Octal PRI has two MT90820 TDM devices). The TDM device is also referred to as “TSI Chip Number” in the online help.


Valid range is from 0 to 1.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified to include support for the Cisco AS5800 access server.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

The showtdmconnections command shows the status of the TDM chip memory settings. This command is generally used only by a Cisco technical support representative during troubleshooting of data continuity problems.



The following example shows sample output for the showtdmconnections command. When the debugtdmdetail command is executed, more detail is shown. The following examples are run with the debugtdmdetail executed.

Router# show tdm connections slot 0
Slot 0 MT8980 TDM Device 0, Control Register = 0x1E, ODE Register = 0x01
Connection Memory for ST0:
Ch0:  0x00 0xE1, Ch1:  0x00 0xE2, Ch2:  0x01 0xDE, Ch3:  0x00 0x00
Ch4:  0x01 0xCF, Ch5:  0x00 0xE4, Ch6:  0x00 0xE5, Ch7:  0x00 0x00
Ch8:  0x00 0xEB, Ch9:  0x00 0xE6, Ch10: 0x00 0xE7, Ch11: 0x00 0x00
Ch12: 0x01 0xD1, Ch13: 0x00 0xE8, Ch14: 0x00 0x00, Ch15: 0x00 0xE9
Ch16: 0x00 0x00, Ch17: 0x00 0xD2, Ch18: 0x01 0xD3, Ch19: 0x00 0xEA
Ch20: 0x00 0xEB, Ch21: 0x00 0xC1, Ch22: 0x00 0xEC, Ch23: 0x01 0xC7
Ch24: 0x00 0xED, Ch25: 0x01 0xC1, Ch26: 0x01 0xD4, Ch27: 0x00 0xEE
Ch28: 0x00 0xE1, Ch29: 0x01 0xD2, Ch30: 0x00 0x00, Ch31: 0x00 0x00
Connection Memory for ST1:
Ch0:  0x00 0xEF, Ch1:  0x00 0xC2, Ch2:  0x00 0xED, Ch3:  0x00 0xF1
Ch4:  0x01 0xC3, Ch5:  0x00 0xF2, Ch6:  0x00 0xE2, Ch7:  0x00 0x00
Ch8:  0x00 0xF3, Ch9:  0x00 0xFF, Ch10: 0x00 0xF4, Ch11: 0x01 0xC4
Ch12: 0x01 0xD5, Ch13: 0x00 0xF5, Ch14: 0x01 0xC5, Ch15: 0x00 0xEE
Ch16: 0x00 0xF6, Ch17: 0x00 0xE3, Ch18: 0x00 0x00, Ch19: 0x00 0xF7
Ch20: 0x01 0xC6, Ch21: 0x01 0xC2, Ch22: 0x00 0xF8, Ch23: 0x00 0xE4
Ch24: 0x00 0xF9, Ch25: 0x00 0xC7, Ch26: 0x00 0x00, Ch27: 0x00 0xFA
Ch28: 0x00 0xFB, Ch29: 0x00 0xE5, Ch30: 0x00 0x00, Ch31: 0x00 0x00

show tdm data

To display a snapshot of the time-division multiplexing (TDM) bus data memory in a Cisco access server or to display data memory that is programmed on the Mitel TDM chip in a Cisco 5800 access server, use the showtdmdata command in privileged EXEC mode.

Standard Syntax

show tdm data [motherboard | slot slot-number]

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

show tdm data {motherboard stream stream-number | slot slot-number device device-number stream stream-number}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays bus data memory for the TDM bus connections on the motherboard in the Cisco access server only.

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

The motherboard on the Cisco AS5300 access server has the ethernet I/Fs, serial I/Fs, console port, and aux port. The motherboard has one TDM device (MT8980) for the Cisco AS5300 access server.

slot slot-number

(Optional) Slot number.

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

In addition to the motherboard, there are three slots on the Cisco AS5300 access server. The range of the slots is 0 to 2. A modem card or a trunk PRI card can be inserted in each slot. Each card in the slot has one or two TDM devices (either MT8980 or MT90820) on them.


TDM device stream in the range 0 to 15. There are up to 16 streams on a TDM device (Mitel 90820). The TDM device is also known as the TSI chip. The help on the command (by typing ? ) indicates whether the stream is “Stream number within the TSI chip” or “Backplane Stream.”


Stream number within the range of either 0 to 7 or 0 to 15.


TDM device on the motherboard, or slot cards. Valid range for the Cisco AS5300 access server is 0 to 1. Each card has at least one TDM device (MT8980 or MT80920), and the Octal PRI has two MT90820 TDM devices. Also referred to as TSI Chip Number in the help pages.


Valid range is from 0 to 1.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified to include support for the Cisco AS5800 access server.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The data memory for all TDM bus connections in the access server is displayed if you do not specify a motherboard or slot.

Cisco AS5800 Access Server

The showtdmdata command shows the status of the TDM data structure values. This command is generally used only by a Cisco technical support representative during troubleshooting of data continuity problems.


The following is sample output for the showtdmdata command on a Cisco AS5800 access server. When the debugtdmdetail command is executed, more detail is shown. The following example is run with the debugtdmdetail executed:

Router# show tdm data
Motherboard MT8980 TDM Device 0, Control Register = 0x1F, ODE Register = 0xE1
Data Memory for ST0:
Ch0:  0xFF, Ch1:  0xFF, Ch2:  0x98, Ch3:  0x61
Ch4:  0x0C, Ch5:  0xE1, Ch6:  0x8D, Ch7:  0x86
Ch8:  0xFF, Ch9:  0xF3, Ch10: 0xE4, Ch11: 0xFF
Ch12: 0x51, Ch13: 0x02, Ch14: 0x18, Ch15: 0x14
Ch16: 0xFF, Ch17: 0xFF, Ch18: 0x05, Ch19: 0xC7
Ch20: 0x00, Ch21: 0xFF, Ch22: 0xFF, Ch23: 0x98
Ch24: 0xFF, Ch25: 0x15, Ch26: 0x5C, Ch27: 0x15
Ch28: 0xFF, Ch29: 0x80, Ch30: 0xFF, Ch31: 0xFF
Data Memory for ST1:
Ch0:  0xFF, Ch1:  0xFF, Ch2:  0xFF, Ch3:  0x62
Ch4:  0x94, Ch5:  0x88, Ch6:  0xFF, Ch7:  0xFF
Ch8:  0xFF, Ch9:  0xFF, Ch10: 0xFB, Ch11: 0x91
Ch12: 0xF7, Ch13: 0xFF, Ch14: 0x96, Ch15: 0xFF
Ch16: 0xFF, Ch17: 0xFF, Ch18: 0xFF, Ch19: 0x94
Ch20: 0x8F, Ch21: 0x95, Ch22: 0xFF, Ch23: 0xFF
Ch24: 0xE2, Ch25: 0xFF, Ch26: 0xD3, Ch27: 0xFF
Ch28: 0x87, Ch29: 0xFF, Ch30: 0xFF, Ch31: 0xFF
Data Memory for ST2:

show tdm detail

To display details about a specific time-division mulltiplexing (TDM) channel programmed on the Mitel chip, use the showtdmdetail command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tdm detail slot-number/ device-number source-stream-number/ source-channel-number

Syntax Description


There are three slots on the Cisco AS5300 access server. A modem card or a trunk Primary Rate Interface (PRI) card can be inserted in each slot. Each card has one or two TDM devices (either MT8980 or MT90820) on it. The valid range is from 0 to 2.


TDM device on the motherboard or slot cards. Each card has at least one TDM device (MT8980 or MT80920), and the Octal PRI has two MT90820 TDM devices. Also referred to a TSI Chip Number in the online help. The valid values are 0 to 1.


Source stream number from the TDM device. The valid range is from 0 to 15.


Source channel from the TDM device stream. The valid range is from 0 to 31.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

The showtdmdetail command shows the status of the TDM backplane, related data structure values, and TDM chip memory settings. This command is generally used only by a Cisco technical support representative during troubleshooting of data continuity problems.

This command indicates connection memory and map, data memory, and whether the channel is enabled or disabled. Specify the slot, TDM device, TDM stream, and TDM channel to view the appropriate details.


The following is sample output from the showtdmdetail command. When the debugtdmdetail command is executed, more detail is shown. The following example was run with the debugtdmdetail command executed. The fields are self-explanatory.

Router# show tdm detail 0/0 1/2
Show Detail TDM device info: slot 0 unit 0
ODE Register: 0x0001
Connection Memory: 0x00ED, Output is Disable
Connection Map: STi7 CHi13 ----> STo1 CHo2
Data Memory: 0x00FF

show tdm information

To display information about the specified time-division multiplexing (TDM) device, use the showtdminformation command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tdm information {motherboard | slot slot-number device device-number}

Syntax Description


Motherboard on the Cisco AS5300 access server has the Ethernet I/Fs, serial I/Fs, console port, and aux port. The motherboard has one TDM device (MT8980) for the Cisco AS5300 access server.


There are three slots on the Cisco AS5300 access server. The range of the slots is 0 to 2. A modem card or a trunk PRI card can be inserted in each slot. Each card has one or two TDM devices (either MT8980 or MT90820) on it.


Slot number. Valid range is from 0 to 2.


TDM device on the motherboard or slot cards. The valid range is from 0 to 1. Each card has at least one TDM device (MT8980 or MT80920), and the Octal PRI has two MT90820 TDM devices. Also referred to as TSI Chip Number in the online help.


Device number. Valid range is from 0 to 1.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The showtdminformation command shows the status of the TDM backplane, related data structure values, and TDM chip memory settings. This command is generally used only by a Cisco technical support representative during troubleshooting of data continuity problems.

This command displays the register base address, device type, and capabilities on a per-slot basis.


The following example shows sample output for the showtdminformation command. When the debugtdmdetail command is executed, more detail is shown. The following example is run with the debugtdmdetail command executed:

Router# show tdm information motherboard
TDM Slot Info display for Motherboard:
  Slot Info ptr @0x610D39C0  Feature info ptr @0x60B737E8
  Feature board is MOTHERBOARD, NIM ID: 0x30
  TSI device is MT8980, 1 on this board. Each TSI device supports 0 DS1s
  First TSI device is at offset: 0x100
  TSI device 0, register base 0x3E801100
    TDM Device Info ptr @0x611AA3EC for slot -1
    TSI device Info ptr @0x60FCC0BC   memory size = 0x100
      This device supports 8 streams with 32 channels per stream
TDM Information display for slot 0:
  Slot Info ptr @0x610D39E4  Feature info ptr @0x60B73818
  Feature board is E1 Quad PRI, NIM ID: 0x43
  TSI device is MT8980, 2 on this board. Each TSI device supports 2 DS1s
  First TSI device is at offset: 0x100, Second TSI device is at Offset: 0x200
  HDLC   Streams start at 4
  Framer Streams start at 6
  TSI device 0, register base 0x3C400100
    TDM Device Info ptr @0x61222054 for slot 0
    TSI device Info ptr @0x60FCC0BC   memory size = 0x100
      This device supports 8 streams with 32 channels per stream
  TSI device 1, register base 0x3C400200
    TDM Device Info ptr @0x61222098 for slot 0
    TSI device Info ptr @0x60FCC0BC   memory size = 0x100
      This device supports 8 streams with 32 channels per stream
TDM Information display for slot 1:
  Slot Info ptr @0x610D3A08  Feature info ptr @0x60B738A8
  Feature board is High Density Modems, NIM ID: 0x47
  TSI device is MT8980, 1 on this board. Each TSI device supports 0 DS1s
  First TSI device is at offset: 0x100
  TSI device 0, register base 0x3C500100
    TDM Device Info ptr @0x612F1B80 for slot 1
    TSI device Info ptr @0x60FCC0BC   memory size = 0x100
      This device supports 8 streams with 32 channels per stream
TDM Information display for slot 2:
  Slot Info ptr @0x610D3A2C  Feature info ptr @0x60B738A8
  Feature board is High Density Modems, NIM ID: 0x47
  TSI device is MT8980, 1 on this board. Each TSI device supports 0 DS1s
  First TSI device is at offset: 0x100
  TSI device 0, register base 0x3C600100
    TDM Device Info ptr @0x613A6F60 for slot 2
    TSI device Info ptr @0x60FCC0BC   memory size = 0x100
      This device supports 8 streams with 32 channels per stream

show tdm pool

To display time-division multiplexing (TDM) resources available for a TDM device, use the showtdmpool command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tdm pool [slot slot-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) There are three slots on the Cisco AS5300 access server with a range of 0 to 2. A modem card or a trunk PRI card can be inserted in each slot. Each card has one or two TDM devices (either MT8980 or MT90820) on it.


(Optional) Slot number. Valid range is from 0 to 2 for the Cisco AS5300 access server.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The showtdmpool command shows the status of the TDM backplane, related data structure values, and TDM chip memory settings. This command is generally used only by a Cisco technical support representative during troubleshooting of data continuity problems.

This command displays TDM groups, where group 0 is streams 0 to 3 and group 1 is streams 4 to 7. It also displays register address and capabilities on a per-slot basis.


The following example shows sample output for the showtdmpool command. When the debugtdmdetail command is executed, more detail is shown. The following example was run with the debugtdmdetail command executed:

Router# show tdm pool
Dynamic Backplane Timeslot Pool:
 Grp ST Ttl/Free Req(Cur/Ttl/Fail)       Queues(Free/Used)      Pool Ptr
  0 0-3  120 60    60  361      0        0x61077E28  0x61077E28  0x61077E20
  1 4-7  0   0     0   0        0        0x61077E38  0x61077E28  0x61077E24

show tunnel interface

To display detailed information for a specified tunnel interface or for all tunnel interfaces, use the show tunnel interface command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show tunnel interface [tunnel tunnel-number]

Syntax Description

tunnel tunnel-number

(Optional) Specifies a tunnel interface identifier.

Command Default

Information about all tunnels on a device is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The output was enhanced to display information about how a tunnel is created.


The following is sample output from the show tunnel interface tunnel command for a specific tunnel:

Device# show tunnel interface tunnel 1

   Mode:PIM/IPv4, Destination, Source Ethernet0/0
   IP transport: output interface unknown next hop
   Application ID 3: unspecified
   Tunnel Subblocks:
         Tunnel1 source tracking subblock associated with Ethernet0/0
          Set of tunnels with source Ethernet0/0, 3 members (includes iterators)
, on interface <OK>
   Linestate - current down
   Internal linestate - current down, evaluated down - interface not up
   Tunnel Source Flags: Local  Remote 

Tunnel1 is up (if_number 30) ['1]
  Corresponding hwidb fast_if_number 30
  Corresponding hwidb firstsw->if_number 30
  Internet address is
  Unnumbered interface. Using address of Ethernet0/0 (
  ICMP redirects are never sent
  Per packet load-sharing is disabled
  IP unicast RPF check is disabled
  Suppressed input features: MCI Check
  Suppressed output features: IP Post Routing Processing
  Suppressed post encapsulation features: MTU Processing, IP Protocol Output Cou
nter, IP Sendself Check
  IP policy routing is disabled
  BGP based policy accounting on input is disabled
  BGP based policy accounting on output is disabled
  Interface is marked as point to point interface
  Interface is marked as tunnel interface
  Hardware idb is Tunnel1
  Fast switching type 14, interface type 0
  IP CEF switching enabled
  IP prefix lookup IPv4 mtrie generic
  Flags 0x46049, hardware flags 0x8
  Input fast flags 0x0, Output fast flags 0x0
  ifindex 28(6) ['1]
  Slot unknown Slot unit -1 VC -1
  IP MTU 1472
  Real output interface is Ethernet0/0
 Switching statistics:
  Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes
  Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes
  Tunnel1: mode 25, submode 0
  fibhwidb if_number:28 fibidb if_number 30
  Tunnel source UNKNOWN, destination
  Tunnel protocol/transport, PIM/IPv4 key disabled
  Tunnel flags: 0x2000480 flags_private 0x0
  Enable sequencing:no, Enable checksum: no
  Carry ipso:no, Fast capable:no
  Tableid: 0 Appid:3
  Tunnel Source Flags:  Remote 
  IPv4: Internet address is
        Unnumbered interface. Using address of Ethernet0/0 (
        Broadcast address
        Per packet load-sharing is disabled
        ICMP redirects are never sent
        ICMP unreachables are always sent
        IP MTU 1472
  MFIB IPv4 @01C0CD28 wire=01C0F528
        fixup:  UNUSED   (0)


The following is sample output from the show tunnel interface command:

Device# show tunnel interface

   Mode:multi-GRE/IP, Destination UNKNOWN, Source GigabitEthernet1/1
   Application ID 2: L3VPN : profile : TEST
   Tunnel Subblocks:
         Tunnel0 source tracking subblock associated with GigabitEthernet1/1
          Set of tunnels with source GigabitEthernet1/1, 2 members (includes ite
rators), on interface <OK>
   Linestate - current up
   Internal linestate - current up, evaluated up
   Tunnel Source Flags: Local   
   OCE: IP tunnel decap 
   Provider: interface Tu0, prot 47   
     Performs protocol check [47] 
     Protocol Handler: GRE: opt 0x0
       ptype: ipv4 [ipv4 dispatcher: punt] 
       ptype: ipv6 [ipv6 dispatcher: punt] 
       ptype: mpls [mpls dispatcher: from if Tu0] 
   Mode:GRE/IP, Destination, Source GigabitEthernet1/1
   IP transport: output interface GigabitEthernet1/1 next hop
   Application ID 1: unspecified
   Tunnel Subblocks:
         Tunnel20 source tracking subblock associated with GigabitEthernet1/1
          Set of tunnels with source GigabitEthernet1/1, 2 members (includes ite
rators), on interface <OK>
   Linestate - current up
   Internal linestate - current up, evaluated up
   Tunnel Source Flags: Local   
   OCE: IP tunnel decap 
   Provider: interface Tu20, prot 47   
     Performs protocol check [47] 
     Protocol Handler: GRE: opt 0x0
       ptype: ipv4 [ipv4 dispatcher: punt] 
       ptype: ipv6 [ipv6 dispatcher: punt] 
       ptype: mpls [mpls dispatcher: drop] 
There are 0 tunnels running over the EON IP protocol
There are 0 tunnels running over the IPinIP protocol
There are 0 tunnels running over the NOSIP protocol
There are 0 tunnels running over the IPv6inIP protocol

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 9. show tunnel interface Field Descriptions




Tunnel encapsulation method. For example, GRE, IP in IP, IPv6 in IP.


Destination address of the tunnel packets. This field is relevant for point-to-point tunnels only.


Source of packets in a tunnel.

IP transport

Destination of IP packets.

Application ID

Application that created the tunnel. For example,L3VPN, PIM, and generic applications that use a tunnel created using the CLI.

Tunnel Subblocks

Subset of tunnel information that is accessible through a Forwarding Information Base (FIB) Hardware Interface Descriptor Block (HWIDB) subblock.


Indicates the interface on which source tracking needs to be enabled in case an attack is suspected on a tunnel. Also indicates the number of tunnels associated with this interface.


Indicates the state of the interface.

Tunnel Source Flags

Flag that indicates the set of sources for a tunnel. The value of this flag can be as follows:

  • Local—Indicates that the tunnel was created locally by an application. Tunnels on an active Route Processor (RP) have only a local source set.

  • Remote—Indicates that the tunnel was created on receipt of an External Data Representation (XDR) message. Tunnels on a standby RP always have a remote source set. The tunnels may also have a local source set if the application created a tunnel on the standby.

Corresponding hwidb

Corresponding HWIDB. This is the system-wide representation of an interface. There is one HWIDB per interface.


Output chain elements (OCEs) applied to tunnel packets after an adjacency. This is an object that is used to decapsulate traffic received on a tunnel and dispatch the payload. There is only one decapsulation OCE associated with a tunnel.


IP protocol type number of the tunneling protocol used.

For example, GRE packets that are encapsulated within IP use IP protocol type 47.


Each tunnel endpoint can receive packets of different payload types. Each payload type has an adjacency associated with it. The payload type can include the Layer 2 next-hop address to which the tunnel packet has to be forwarded or special adjacency type information such as Drop (drop the packets) or Punt (forward the packets to a higher switching layer such as fast switching).

Switching statistics

Number of packets that have been received by the tunnel, forwarded through the tunnel, or dropped by the tunnel.


Subset of tunnel information that is accessible via a FIB HWIDB subblock.

Enable sequencing

Indicates whether sequencing of packets is enabled.

Carry ipso

Indicates whether IP Security Option (IPSO) or Commercial IP Security Option (CIPSO) labels are acquired from parent.

Fast capable

Indicates whether fast tunneling is possible.


Indicates the table ID associated with the transport Virtual routing and forwarding (VRF).


Tunnel application identity.

show tunnel keys-database tunnel

To display all transmit and receive generic routing encapsulation (GRE) key pairs associated with traffic flows in a tunnel, use the show tunnel keys-database tunnel command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tunnel keys-database tunnel tunnel-number

Syntax Description


Tunnel number. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)       

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A key can be optionally added to a GRE tunnel and used to identify a traffic flow within the tunnel, as defined in RFC 2890, Key and Sequence Number Extensions to GRE.

GRE keys can be used in various ways in a network, and one such use case is in the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) application. To facilitate seamless movement of mobile users from one access network to another, PMIPv6 as described in RFC 5213, Proxy Mobile IPv6, defines network-based mobility protocols that allow mobile users to communicate without disruption while roaming. The solution requires IP tunneling of packets of mobile nodes from a Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) to a Local Mobility Anchor (LMA). A mobile node is an IP host or a device whose mobility is managed by the network. The LMA is the home agent for a mobile node in a PMIPv6 domain. The MAG is an access router function that manages mobility-related signaling for a mobile node, tracks the mobile node’s movements, and signals the LMA. RFC 5845, GRE Key Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6 further explains the scenario in which multiple GRE keys can be used to differentiate packets of a specific mobile session in a tunnel between an LMA and a MAG.

Tunnel endpoints are added by applications. For example, Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) adds the endpoint for Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Network (DMVPN) application. An endpoint is associated with a transport address and in many cases with an overlay address. The transport address corresponds to the egress point of a tunnel, which is where the tunnel terminates, and an overlay address can be any address reachable on or beyond the tunnel’s egress point in the network.

Applications can add an endpoint with an overlay address and a corresponding transport address. In case applications do not need an overlay address or just need to forward packets to an endpoint based on a policy, they can add an endpoint with just a transport address.

In the context of PMIPv6, the overlay address corresponds to the mobile node address, and the transport address corresponds to either the Proxy Care-of Address (global address configured on the egress interface of the MAG) or the LMA address depending on where the endpoint is being added. When an endpoint is added on an LMA, the transport address is the Proxy Care-of Address of the MAG. When an endpoint is added on the MAG, the transport address is the LMA address.

The tunnel maintains a GRE key database, that is accessed by the forwarding plane using a receive GRE key that is unique for a tunnel. The receive GRE key database is populated on the request of an application when the application is associated with a tunnel. The receive key database also has other data such as the list of operations to be done before forwarding the payload. One of these operations is the setting of virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)-ID.

VRF-ID is an optional parameter that is used by applications to set the egress of the tunnel before forwarding packets. This can be used in case there are overlapping mobile node IP addresses belonging to different VRFs. At the egress of a tunnel, the forwarding plane can look up the GRE key database based on the received GRE Key and get the corresponding VRF-ID. If the VRF-ID is not set, the forwarding plane sets the VRF-ID based on the VRF of the tunnel interface.


The following is sample output from show tunnel keys-database tunnel 0 , which shows all transmit and receive GRE key pairs associated with various traffic flows in a tunnel:

Device# show tunnel keys-database tunnel 0

Remote address, RefCount 2 
Transmit Key 16, Receive Key 15, Association 
Connection-ID 16, VRF-Override enabled, VRF-ID 65535 
Transmit Key 161, Receive Key 151, Association 
Connection-ID 161, VRF-Override enabled, VRF-ID 65535 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 10. show tunnel keys-database tunnel Field Descriptions



Remote address

Overlay address or a remote IPv4 or IPv6 address, reachable beyond the tunnel endpoint in the network.


Reference count used for debugging.

Transmit Key

Transmit key associated with a flow.

Receive Key

Receive key associated with a flow.


Associated flow identifier. For example, IP address in the payload.


Locally stored connection identifier used for key insertion in a packet.

VRF-Override enabled

Flag that indicates which VRF to forward the received packets. If the flag is enabled, the received packets are forwarded to the VRF with a given VRF-ID. If the flag is disabled, the received packets are forwarded to the tunnel interface VRF.


VRF identifier associated with a key.

show top counters interface report

To display TopN reports and information, use the showtopcountersinterfacereport command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show top counters interface report [number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the report to be displayed; valid values are from 1 to 5.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

User EXEC Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported on Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports only. LAN ports on the OSMs are also supported.

When you enter a TopN request, a round of polling is performed, the counters for all the applicable ports in the Cisco 7600 series router are read, and the information is saved. The TopN process then sleeps for the specified interval. After wakeup, another round of polling is performed and the counter information from the ports is read. The difference between the two sets of data is stored. The ports are then sorted, the ports choose from one of the seven types of statistics information, and a TopN report is generated.

The port statistics will not be displayed in the following cases:

  • If a port is not present during the first poll.

  • If a port is not present during the second poll.

  • If a port’s speed or duplex changes during the polling interval.

  • If a port’s type changes from Layer 2 to Layer 3 or Layer 3 to Layer 2 during the polling interval.


For the report display format, due to the 80 characters per line limitation, only 10 spaces are reserved for the Tx/Rx-okts, Tx/Rx-bcst, and Tx/Rx-mcst columns. When these columns are larger than 10 digits, the display wraps around to the next line.

When you start the TopN processes from a Telnet session and the Telnet session is terminated before the TopN processes are completed, all the backgound TopN processes continue and generate the TopN reports, but the foreground TopN processes are terminated once the Telnet session is terminated.

When the TopN report is being generated against a large number of ports (for example, 13 slot x 96 ports/slot) in a very short interval (10 seconds), the actual interval time between the first and second polling may be longer than the specified interval time because polling takes time.


This example shows how to display TopN reports and information:

Router# show top counters interface report
Id Start Time                   Int N   Sort-By   Status  Owner
-- ---------------------------- --- --- --------- ------- ----------------------
1  08:18:25 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 76  20  util      done    console
2  08:19:54 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 76  20  util      done    console
3  08:21:34 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 76  20  util      done    console
4  08:26:50 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004 90  20  util      done    bambam onvty0 (

This example shows how to display TopN reports and information for a specific report:

Router# show top counters interface report
Started By        : console
Start Time        : 08:18:25 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004
End Time          : 08:19:42 UTC Tue Nov 23 2004
Port Type         : All
Sort By           : util
Interval          : 76 seconds
Port    Band  Util Bytes       Packets     Broadcast  Multicast  In-  Buf-
        width      (Tx + Rx)   (Tx + Rx)   (Tx + Rx)  (Tx + Rx)  err  ovflw
------- ----- ---- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---- -----
Fa2/5   100   50   726047564   11344488    11344487   1          0    0   
Fa2/48  100   35   508018905   7937789     0          43         0    0   
Fa2/46  100   25   362860697   5669693     0          43         0    0   
Fa2/47  100   22   323852889   4762539     4762495    43         0    0   
Fa2/6   100   15   217815835   3403372     0          39         21   0   
Fa2/44  100   10   145146009   2267900     0          43         0    0   
Gi4/15  1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/14  1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/13  1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/12  1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/11  1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/10  1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/9   1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/8   1000  0    776         2           0          2          0    0   
Gi4/7   1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/6   1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/5   1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/4   1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   
Gi4/3   1000  0    776         2           0          2          0    0   
Gi4/2   1000  0    0           0           0          0          0    0   

This example shows the display if you request a TopN report that is still in pending status:

Router# show top counters interface report
Id   Start time          Int N   Sort-by     Status   Owner (type/machine/user)
---  ------------------- --- --- ---------- -------- -------------------------
  4  1/24/2004,11:34:26  30  20  In-Errors  pending  Console//

show ucse imc download progress

To display the status of the CIMC firmware download, use the show ucse imc download progress command in EXEC mode.

show ucse slot imc download progress

Syntax Description


Router slot number in which the Cisco E-Series Server is installed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When the CIMC firmware is downloading, this command displays the percentage complete. After the download is complete, this command displays the last known download status.


The following examples show how to display the status of the CIMC firmware download:

Router# show ucse 2 imc download progress
Download is in progress (1% - 9894k/679M - 1kB/s)
Router# show ucse 2 imc download progress

No Download is not currently in process
Last download status: Downloaded successfully : ubuntu-server.iso

show ucse imc files

To display the CIMC installable images that are available on the local file system, use the show ucse imc files command in EXEC mode.

show ucse slot imc files

Syntax Description


Router slot number in which the Cisco E-Series Server is installed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine which images can be used to boot the server, or which files can be deleted to free up space.


The following example shows how to display the CIMC firmware files:

Router# show ucse 2 imc files
Directory of UCSE slot 2 imc filesystem
	-rw-		1697952			May 5 2010 16:55:04 +00.00 debian.iso

show ucse server boot

To display the device types from which the Cisco E-Series Server can boot, the order in which the boot is attempted, or the progress of boot initialization, use the show ucse server boot command from EXEC mode.

show ucse slot server boot [devices | order | progress]

Syntax Description


Router slot number in which the Cisco E-Series Server is installed.


The device types available to the module from which the Cisco E-Series Server can boot. It can be one of the following:

  • HDD—Hard disk drive

  • FDD—Floppy disk drive

  • CDROM—Bootable CD-ROM

  • PXE—PXE boot

  • EFI—Extensible Firmware Interface


The current order in which the boot configuration will be attempted.


The status of the image boot and image download.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the output of this command to see the boot options.


The following example displays the list of all devices that can be used to boot the module:

Router# show ucse 1 server boot devices

The following example shows how to display the boot order:

Router# show ucse 1 server boot order
Currently booted from CDROM:USB-CD
Boot order:
1) PXE
3) FDD

show ucse server erase device status

To display the status of devices that have been erased, use the show ucs server erase device status command in EXEC mode.

show ucse slot server erase device status

Syntax Description


Router slot number in which the Cisco E-Series Server is installed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command after you have erased HDDs using the ucse slot server erase device hh [all | use device_list] command.


The following example shows how to display the details after erasing HDDs:

Router# ucse 2 server erase device hdd use hdd2
You are about to erase all data on the selected hard drives.
Proceed with drive erasure? y

Erasing HDD2 started
Router# show ucse 2 server erase device status
HDD2 erased 0%

show ucse server raid level

To display the current RAID configuration, use the show ucse server raid level command in EXEC mode.

show ucse slot server raid level

Syntax Description


Router slot number in which the Cisco E-Series Server is installed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command after you have configured the RAID levels by using the ucse slot server raid level {0 | 1 | 5 | NONE } [use HDD_list ] command.


The following example shows how to display RAID details:

Router# ucse 2 server raid level 1

You are about to change RAID configuration.
It will destroy all data on the hard drives.

Are you sure [y/n] y
RAID reconfigured
Router# show ucse 2 server raid level

RAID 0 (Ctrl:SLOT-5 ID:0 Size:1905440 MB State:Optimal)
        HDD1 :              953869 MB online (0 errors)
      HDD255 :              953869 MB online (0 errors)
HDDs not in the RAID:
        HDD2 :              286102 MB system (0 errors)

show upgrade file

The show upgrade file command is replaced by the show upgrade fpd file command. See the show upgrade fpd file command for more information.

show upgrade fpd file

To display the contents of an FPD image package file, enter the showupgradefpdfile command in privileged EXEC mode.

show upgrade fpd file file-url [detail]

Syntax Description


Specifies the location of the FPD image package file, beginning with the location or type of storage device (examples include disk0 , slot0 , tftp , or ftp ) and followed by the path to the FPD image package file.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about the contents of the FPD image package file. This option is intended for use by Cisco customer support personnel only.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced and replaced the showupgradefile command on the Cisco 7304 router.


The output of the showupgradefpdfile file-url command was changed to display only brief versioning information. The output generated from this command in previous Cisco IOS releases can still be generated in this release by entering the showupgradefpd file-url detail command. The detail option is also new in this release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(31)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)XD.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides information related to the FPD image package file. Most of the information in this command output is useful for Cisco customer support purposes only.

In Cisco IOS Releases 12.2(20)S2 through 12.2(20)S5, the output generated by entering this command can be generated by entering the showupgradefile command.

For more information about FPD upgrades on SPA interface processors (SIPs) and shared port adapters (SPAs), see the Cisco 7600 Series Router SIP, SSC, and SPA Software Configuration Guide.



The following example shows that the router is able to generate FPD image package information for the FPD image package on the TFTP server:

Router# show upgrade fpd file tftp://mytftpserver/myname/myfpdpkg/c7200-fpd-pkg.124-4.XD.pkg
Loading /auto/tftpboot-users/jsmith/c7200-fpd-pkg.124-4.XD.pkg from (via GigabitEthernet0/1): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 1419264 bytes]
Cisco Field Programmable Device Image Package for IOS
C7200 FPD Image Package (c7200-fpd-pkg.124-4.XD.pkg), Version 12.4(20060105:195420)
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Built Thu 05-Jan-2006 11:54 by abcdef
=============================== ================================================
                                        Bundled FPD Image Version Matrix
                                                                       Min. Req.
Supported Card Types            ID  Image Name                Version  H/W Ver.
=============================== == ========================= ========= =========
NPEG2 IOFPGA                     1 NPEG2 IOFPGA                 0.7       0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
VSA                              1 VSA                          0.8       0.0 
=============================== ================================================


The output in the following example displays information about the FPD image package file stored in the disk0: Flash card memory:

Router# show upgrade fpd file disk0:spa-fpd.122-20.S6.pkg
% Extracting compressed bundle ...
Content for the "spa_4fe2ge-fpd.bndl" bundle file:
                     Bundle Name:4xFE/2xGE SPA FPD Bundle
                  Bundle Version:0.5
       Number of Supported Cards:2
          Supported Card Type(s):SPA-4FE-7304 (0x435)
                                  SPA-2GE-7304 (0x436)
    Bundle Header Format Version:4
            Bundle Header Length:128 bytes
              Bundle Data Length:4951592 bytes
             Bundle Magic Number:0xC5C0FBC0
               Bundle 32-Bit CRC:0x3B53C5C0
               Bundle Build Date:10/12/2004 (MM/DD/YYYY)
        Number of Images Bundled:1
              Bundle Name Prefix:spa_4fe2ge
Image #1:
         Name                  :Data & I/O FPGA
         ID                    :1
         Version               :4.17
         Minimal H/W Version   :0.0
         Order in Bundle       :1
         Header Length         :128 bytes
         Data Length           :4951464 bytes
         Total Length          :4951464 bytes (Data + Padding)
         Magic Number          :0xC5C0FDC0
         32-Bit CRC            :0x14613280
         Build Date            :10/12/2004 (MM/DD/YYYY)
         Image Format          :XSVF
         Upgrade Path          :By Host
         Upgrade Path Info     :0
         Control Flag Value    :0x1
         Estimated Upgrade Time:420 seconds

The output in the following example displays information about the FPD image package file stored at a TFTP server location:

Router# show upgrade fpd file tftp://mytftpserver/myfpdpkgd/spa-fpd.122-20.S6.pkg
Loading myfpdpkgd/spa-fpd.122-20.S6.pkg from (via FastEthernet0):!
% Extracting compressed bundle ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Content for the "spa_4fe2ge-fpd.bndl" bundle file:
                     Bundle Name:4xFE/2xGE SPA FPD Bundle
                  Bundle Version:0.5
       Number of Supported Cards:2
          Supported Card Type(s):SPA-4FE-7304 (0x435)
                                  SPA-2GE-7304 (0x436)
    Bundle Header Format Version:4
            Bundle Header Length:128 bytes
              Bundle Data Length:4951592 bytes
             Bundle Magic Number:0xC5C0FBC0
               Bundle 32-Bit CRC:0x3B53C5C0
               Bundle Build Date:10/12/2004 (MM/DD/YYYY)
        Number of Images Bundled:1
              Bundle Name Prefix:spa_4fe2ge
Image #1:
         Name                  :Data & I/O FPGA
         ID                    :1
         Version               :4.17
         Minimal H/W Version   :0.0
         Order in Bundle       :1
         Header Length         :128 bytes
         Data Length           :4951464 bytes
         Total Length          :4951464 bytes (Data + Padding)
         Magic Number          :0xC5C0FDC0
         32-Bit CRC            :0x14613280
         Build Date            :10/12/2004 (MM/DD/YYYY)
         Image Format          :XSVF
         Upgrade Path          :By Host
         Upgrade Path Info     :0
         Control Flag Value    :0x1
         Estimated Upgrade Time:420 seconds
[OK - 703488 bytes]


The output in the following example shows the show upgrade fpd file command on a Cisco 7600 series router and Catalyst 6500 series switch:

Router# show upgrade fpd file tftp://mytftpserver/myname/myfpdpkg/c7600-fpd-pkg.122-18.SXE.pkg
Loading myname/myfpdpkg/c7600-fpd-pkg.122-18.SXE.pkg from (via FastEthernet0): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cisco Field Programmable Device Image Package for IOS
C7600 Family FPD Image Package (c7600-fpd-pkg.122-18.SXE.pkg), Version 12.2(SXE)
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Built Fri 25-Mar-2005 09:12 by abcdef
=============================== ================================================
                                        Bundled FPD Image Version Matrix
                                                                       Min. Req.
Supported Card Types            ID  Image Name                Version  H/W Ver.
=============================== == ========================= ========= =========
2-port T3/E3 Serial SPA          1 T3E3 SPA ROMMON              2.12      0.0   
                                 2 T3E3 SPA I/O FPGA            0.24      0.0   
                                 3 T3E3 SPA E3 FPGA             0.6       0.0   
                                 4 T3E3 SPA T3 FPGA             0.14      0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
4-port T3/E3 Serial SPA          1 T3E3 SPA ROMMON              2.12      0.0   
                                 2 T3E3 SPA I/O FPGA            0.24      0.0   
                                 3 T3E3 SPA E3 FPGA             0.6       0.0   
                                 4 T3E3 SPA T3 FPGA             0.14      0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
8-port Channelized T1/E1 SPA     1 CTE1 SPA ROMMON              2.12      0.140 
                                 1 CTE1 SPA ROMMON NP           2.12      0.0   
                                 2 CTE1 SPA I/O FPGA            1.2       0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
2-port Channelized T3 SPA        1 CT3 SPA ROMMON               2.12      0.100 
                                 2 CT3 SPA I/O FPGA             1.1       0.100 
                                 3 CT3 SPA T3 FPGA R1           0.11      0.100 
                                 3 CT3 SPA T3 FPGA R2           0.15      0.200 
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
4-port Channelized T3 SPA        1 CT3 SPA ROMMON               2.12      0.100 
                                 2 CT3 SPA I/O FPGA             1.1       0.100 
                                 3 CT3 SPA T3 FPGA R1           0.11      0.100 
                                 3 CT3 SPA T3 FPGA R2           0.15      0.200 
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
2-port OC3 POS SPA               1 POS SPA IOFPGA P1            3.4       0.0   
                                 1 POS SPA IOFPGA P2            3.4       0.200 
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
4-port OC3 POS SPA               1 POS SPA IOFPGA P1            3.4       0.0   
                                 1 POS SPA IOFPGA P2            3.4       0.200 
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
1-port OC12 POS SPA              1 POS SPA IOFPGA P1            3.4       0.0   
                                 1 POS SPA IOFPGA P2            3.4       0.200 
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
2-port OC3 ATM SPA               1 KATM SPA IOFPGA              1.24      0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
4-port OC3 ATM SPA               1 KATM SPA IOFPGA              1.24      0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
1-port OC12 ATM SPA              1 KATM SPA IOFPGA              1.24      0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
SIP-200                          1 SIP-200 I/O FPGA P1          1.1       0.100 
                                 1 SIP-200 I/O FPGA P4          1.1       0.400 
                                 1 SIP-200 I/O FPGA P6          1.1       0.600 
                                 2 SIP-200 EOS FPGA P1          0.27      0.100 
                                 2 SIP-200 EOS FPGA P450        1.211     0.450 
                                 2 SIP-200 EOS FPGA P5          0.27      0.500 
                                 2 SIP-200 EOS FPGA P550        1.211     0.550 
                                 2 SIP-200 EOS FPGA P6          1.211     0.600 
                                 3 SIP-200 PEG TX FPGA P1       1.129     0.100 
                                 3 SIP-200 PEG TX FPGA P6       1.129     0.600 
                                 4 SIP-200 PEG RX FPGA P1       1.3       0.100 
                                 4 SIP-200 PEG RX FPGA P4       1.3       0.400 
                                 4 SIP-200 PEG RX FPGA P6       1.3       0.600 
                                 5 SIP-200 ROMMON               1.2       0.100 
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
SIP-400                          1 SIP-400 ROMMON               1.1       0.1   
                                 2 SIP-400 I/O FPGA             0.82      0.1   
                                 3 SIP-400 SWITCH FPGA          0.25      0.1   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
CWPA2                            1 CWPA2 I/O FPGA P1            0.37      0.1   
                                 2 CWPA2 EOS FPGA P1            0.28      0.1   
                                 3 CWPA2 ROMMON                 1.1       0.1   
=============================== ================================================


The output in the following example displays information about the FPD image package file stored at a TFTP server location:

Router# show upgrade fpd file
Cisco Field Programmable Device Image Package for IOS
UBR10k Family FPD Image Package (ubr10k-fpd-pkg.122-test.pkg), Version 12.2(20080609:181737)
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Built Tue 10-Jun-2008 08:42 by dapoirie
=============================== ================================================
                                        Bundled FPD Image Version Matrix
                                                                       Min. Req.
Supported Card Types            ID  Image Name                Version  H/W Ver.
=============================== == ========================= ========= =========
Modena SPA                       1 MODENA BLAZE FPGA         1285.1444    1.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
5-port GE V2 SPA                 1 GE SPA FPGA                  1.10      0.0   
------------------------------- -- ------------------------- --------- ---------
1-port 10GE V2 SPA               1 10GE SPA FPGA                1.9       0.0   
=============================== ================================================

show upgrade fpd package default

To display which FPD image package is needed for the router to properly support the SPAs or other FPD-capable cards for the running Cisco IOS release, enter the showupgradefpdpackagedefault command in privileged EXEC mode.

show upgrade fpd package default

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced and replaced the showupgradepackagedefault command on the Cisco 7304 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(31)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)XD.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB.

Usage Guidelines

It is important to note that the output from this command is generated from the Cisco IOS image and provides information regarding the default FPD image package file that is needed for your particular Cisco IOS release. This command output also lists the SPAs or other cards supported by the default FPD image package file for the running Cisco IOS image.

In Cisco IOS Releases 12.2(20)S2 through 12.2(20)S5, the output generated by entering this command can be generated by entering the showupgradepackagedefault command.

For more information about FPD upgrades on SPA interface processors (SIPs) and shared port adapters (SPAs), see the Cisco 7600 Series Router SIP, SSC, and SPA Software Configuration Guide.



The following example shows which cards are supported with your current Cisco IOS release and which FPD image package you need:

Router# show upgrade fpd package default
This IOS release requires the following default FPD Image Package for
the automatic upgrade of FPD images:
Version: 12.4(4)XD
Package Filename: c7200-fpd-pkg.124-4.XD.pkg
        List of card type supported in this package:
                 No. Card Type          HW Ver.
                ---- ------------------ -------
                  1) VSA                  0.0  
                  2) NPE-G2               0.0  
                ---- ------------------ -------


In the following example, the showupgradefpdpackagedefault command output shows that the spa_fpd.122-20-S6.pkg FPD image package file is required if you install the SPA-4FE-7304 or the SPA-2GE-7304 on this particular router with this particular Cisco IOS software release:

Router# show upgrade fpd package default
This IOS release supports the following default FPD Image Package(s) for
automatic upgrade:
SPA FPD Image Package:spa_fpd.122-20.S6.pkg
        List of SPAs supported in this package:
                 No. SPA Name           HW Ver.
                ---- ------------------ -------
                  1) SPA-4FE-7304         0.0 
                  2) SPA-2GE-7304         0.0 
                ---- ------------------ -------


In the following example, the showupgradefpdpackagedefault command output shows that the ubr10k-fpd-pkg.122-122_33_SCB_20081123.pkg FPD image package file is required for the SPAs on this particular router with this particular Cisco IOS software release:

Router# show upgrade fpd package default
This Cisco IOS software image requires the following default FPD Image 
Package for the automatic upgrade of FPD images (the package is available 
from and is accessible from the Cisco Software Center page where 
this IOS software image can be downloaded):
Version: 12.2(20080919:205903)
Package Filename: ubr10k-fpd-pkg.122-122_33_SCB_20081123.pkg
        List of card type supported in this package:
                 No. Card Type                                HW Ver.
                ---- ---------------------------------------- -------
                  1) 5xGE SPA                                   0.0  
                  2) 1x10GE XFP SPA                             0.0  
                  4) WIDEBAND DOCSIS SPA                        0.0  
                ---- ---------------------------------------- -------

show upgrade fpd progress

To view the progress of an FPD upgrade while an FPD upgrade is taking place, enter the showupgradefpdprogress command in privileged EXEC mode.

show upgrade fpd progress

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced and replaced the showupgradeprogress command on the Cisco 7304 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(31)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)XD.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB.

Usage Guidelines

In Cisco IOS Releases 12.2(20)S2 through 12.2(20)S5, the output generated by entering this command can be generated by entering the showupgradeprogress command.

For more information about FPD upgrades on SPA interface processors (SIPs) and shared port adapters (SPAs), refer to the Cisco 7600 Series Router SIP, SSC, and SPA Software Configuration Guide.



The following example shows that the FPD image is being updated, the approximate amount of time needed to perform the update, and the amount of time the FPD update has taken so far:

Router# show upgrade fpd progress
FPD Image Upgrade Progress Table:
 ==== =================== ====================================================
                          Field Programmable    Time     Elapsed
 Slot Card Type           Device : "ID-Name"   Needed      Time    State
 ==== =================== ================== ========== ========== ===========
  npe NPE-G2 IOFPGA       1-NPEG2 I/O FPGA    00:01:00   00:00:23  Updating...
 ==== =================== ====================================================


The following example shows the status of FPD updates on the SPAs located in subslots 0 and 1:

Router# show upgrade fpd progress
FPD Image Upgrade Progress Table:
 ==== =================== ====================================================
                          Field Programmable    Time
 Slot Card Description    Device :"ID-Name"    Needed   Time Left  State
 ==== =================== ================== ========== ========== ===========
  2/0 SPA-2GE-7304        1-4FE/2GE FPGA      00:06:00   00:05:17  Updating...
 ---- ------------------- ------------------ ----------- --------- -----------
  2/1 SPA-4FE-7304        1-4FE/2GE FPGA      --:--:--   --:--:--  Waiting...
 ==== =================== ====================================================


The following example shows the status of FPD updates on a Cisco uBR10012 router:

Router# show upgrade fpd progress
FPD Image Upgrade Progress Table:
==== =================== ====================================================
                          Field Programmable    Time     Elapsed
 Slot Card Type           Device : "ID-Name"   Needed      Time    State
 ==== =================== ================== ========== ========== ===========
  3/2 SPA-24XDS-SFP       1-Modena BLAZE FPG  00:10:00   00:05:07  Updating...
 ==== =================== ====================================================

show upgrade fpd table

To view various information used by the Cisco IOS software to manage the FPD image package file, use the showupgradefpdtable command in privileged EXEC mode.

show upgrade fpd table

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced and replaced the showupgradetable command on the Cisco 7304 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(31)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides version information used by the Cisco IOS image to manage the FPD image package file and to locate the correct FPD image within the FPD image package file to perform an FPD upgrade. Most of the information provided by this command is useful for customer support purposes.

In Cisco IOS Releases 12.2(20)S2 through 12.2(20)S5, the output generated by entering this command can be generated by entering the showupgradetable command.

For more information about FPD upgrades on SPA interface processors (SIPs) and shared port adapters (SPAs), refer to the Cisco 7600 Series Router SIP, SSC, and SPA Software Configuration Guide.


The following example displays various FPD information for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(20)S5:

Router# show upgrade fpd table
Field Programmable Devices (FPD) Bundle Information Table:
Table Entry #1:
       Bundle Card Type:SPA-4FE-7304 (0x435)
        Platform Family:0x0
     Bundle Name Prefix:spa_4fe2ge
         Bundle Version:0.5
    Minimal H/W Version:0.0
        FPD Image Count:1
     FPD Image Required:
                                                        Min. Required
                         FPD ID FPD Name                    Version   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
                            1   Data & I/O FPGA              4.17   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
Table Entry #2:
       Bundle Card Type:SPA-2GE-7304 (0x436)
        Platform Family:0x0
     Bundle Name Prefix:spa_4fe2ge
         Bundle Version:0.5
    Minimal H/W Version:0.0
        FPD Image Count:1
     FPD Image Required:
                                                        Min. Required
                         FPD ID FPD Name                    Version   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
                            1   Data & I/O FPGA              4.17   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------


The following example displays various FPD information for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB:

Router# show upgrade fpd table

Field Programmable Devices (FPD) Bundle Information Table:

Table Entry #1:
       Bundle Card Type: 5xGE SPA (0x50A)
            Card Family: SPA
        Platform Family: 0x0
     Bundle Name Prefix: spa_ge_eth
         Bundle Version: 0.1
    Minimal H/W Version: 0.0
        FPD Image Count: 1
     FPD Image Required:
                                                        Min. Required
                         FPD ID FPD Name                    Version   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
                            1   5xGE V2 I/O FPGA             1.10   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
Table Entry #2:
       Bundle Card Type: 1x10GE XFP SPA (0x50C)
            Card Family: SPA
        Platform Family: 0x0
     Bundle Name Prefix: spa_10ge_eth
         Bundle Version: 0.1
    Minimal H/W Version: 0.0
        FPD Image Count: 1
     FPD Image Required:
                                                        Min. Required
                         FPD ID FPD Name                    Version   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
                            1   10GE V2 I/O FPGA             1.9    
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
Table Entry #3:
Bundle Card Type: WIDEBAND DOCSIS SPA (0x4AE)
            Card Family: SPA
        Platform Family: 0x0
     Bundle Name Prefix: spa_modena
         Bundle Version: 0.5
    Minimal H/W Version: 0.0
        FPD Image Count: 1
     FPD Image Required:
                                                        Min. Required
                         FPD ID FPD Name                    Version   
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------
                            1   Modena BLAZE FPGA         1285.1444 
                         ------ ------------------------ -------------

show upgrade fpga progress

To display the progress of an FPGA upgrade on a Cisco 7304 router, use the showupgradefpgaprogress command in privileged EXEC mode.

show upgrade fpga progress

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command will only provide useful output during an FPGA upgrade.

This command provides information regarding FPGA upgrades, including the approximate amount of time a particular FPGA upgrade would take and the amount of time the in-progress FPGA upgrade has taken.

Because the console where you began the FPGA upgrade becomes unusable during the FPGA upgrade, this command can only be entered from a connection that was not used to initiate the FPGA upgrade.


The following example displays information about an in-progress FPGA update. Note that the example shows the FPGA mismatch and provides the user with the approximate time needed to complete the upgrade and the amount of time the current upgrade has taken.

Router# show upgrade fpga progress
FPGA image update progress information:
  Slot 0, FPGA name = NPEG100
  Hardware version = 01.00
  Current FPGA version = 02.04
  New FPGA version = 02.05
  Time needed to update = 00:12:00 (approximate)
  Actual time taken so far = 00:01:47

show upgrade hw-programmable file

To display the names and versions of individual files in the hw-programmable package file in a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router, use the showupgradehw-programmablefile command in Privileged EXEC configuration mode.

show upgrade hw-programmable file filename

Syntax Description


Specifies the hw-programmable upgrade package file and its file system location.

For filename, specify one of the following system locations and a package file name:

  • bootflash: RP-relative HW programmable package name

  • flash: RP-relative HW programmable package name

  • harddisk: RP-relative HW programmable package name

This is the hw-programmable upgrade package file that contains a new version of the CPLD and FPGA code, used for performing the CPLD on a Cisco ASR 1013 Router or FPGA upgade on a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router.

The package file name is typically named asr1000-hw-programmables.<release_name>.pkg

Command Default

The names and versions of individual files in the hw-programmable package file is not displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced in Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

For procedures on performing a CPLD upgrade, see the Upgrading Field Programmable Hardware Devices for Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers document.


The following example displays the names of the card types and version numbers in the package file:

Router# show upgrade hw-programmable file harddisk:asr1000-hw-programmables.xe31.100616.pkg
  List of card type, hw-programmable device and version in this package:
  No.  Card Type           hw-programmable device  Version   
   0   ASR1000-SIP10       CPLD                    09111601  
   1   ASR1000-RP2         CPLD                    10021901

show upgrade hw-programmable progress

To display the upgrade progress of the line card-field upgradeable device (LC-FPD) on a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router, use the showupgradehw-programmableprogress command in Privileged EXEC configuration mode.

show upgrade hw-programmable progress

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The upgrade progress of the line card-field upgradeable device is not displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced in Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The line card may be an RP, ESP, or SIP card.

This command only displays the hardware programmable upgrades that are in progress.

For procedures on performing a CPLD upgrade, see the Upgrading Field Programmable Hardware Devices for Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers document.


The following example displays the upgrade progress of the CPLD upgrade in the RP slot 1:

Router# show upgrade hw-programmable progress
Upgrade hw-programmable progress
Slot              Hw-programmable device    Upgrade status   
R1                CPLD                      in progress      

show upgrade package default

The show upgrade package default command is replaced by the show upgrade fpd package default command. See the show upgrade fpd package default command for more information.

show upgrade progress

The show upgrade progress command is replaced by the show upgrade fpd progress command. See the show upgrade fpd progress command for more information.

show upgrade table

The show upgrade table command is replaced by the show upgrade fpd table command. See the show upgrade fpd table command for more information.

show vmi neighbors

To display information about neighbor connections to the Virtual Multipoint Interface (VMI ), use the showvmineighbors command in User EXEC mode.

show vmi neighbors [detail] [vmi-interface]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays details about the VMI neighbors.


(Optional) Number of the VMI interface

Command Default

If no arguments are specified, information about all neighbors for all VMI interfaces is displayed.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

If no arguments are specified, information about all neighbors for all VMI interfaces is displayed.

The showvmineighbors command provides a list of devices that have been dynamically discovered by the connected radio devices in a router-to-radio network, and for which connectivity has been achieved through PPPoE and the radio network.


The following is sample output from the showvmineighbors command used to display dynamically created neighbors on a VMI interface.

Router# show vmi neighbors vmi1
1 vmi1 Neighbors
           IPV6       IPV4                      Transmit    Receive
Interface  Address    Address       Uptime      Packets     Packets
vmi1       ::      00:02:11    0000000008  0000000073

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the showvmineighbors command display.

Table 11. show vmi neighbors Field Descriptions




The interface number.

IPv6 Address

IPv6 address of the neighbor.

IPv4 Address

IPv4 address of the neighbor.


How long the interface has been up. Time shown in hh:mm:ss format.

Transmit Packets

Number of packets transmitted from the interface during the monitored up time.

Received Packets

Number of packets received on the interface during the monitored up time.


The following example shows the details about the known VMI neighbors.

Router# show vmi neighbors detail
1 vmi1 Neighbors
vmi1   IPV6 Address=::
       IPV4 Address=, Uptime=00:02:16
       Output pkts=8, Input pkts=75
       No Session Metrics have been received for this neighbor.
       Transport PPPoE, Session ID=79
          VMI Interface=vmi1,
             Input qcount=0, drops=0, Output qcount=0, drops=0
          V-Access intf=Virtual-Access3,
             Input qcount=0, drops=0, Output qcount=0, drops=0
          Physical intf=FastEthernet0/0,
             Input qcount=0, drops=0, Output qcount=0, drops=0
PPPoE Flow Control Stats
 Local Credits: 65442   Peer Credits: 65443
 Credit Grant Threshold: 28000    Max Credits per grant: 65534
 PADG Seq Num: 133     PADG Timer index: 0
 PADG last rcvd Seq Num: 133
 PADG last nonzero Seq Num: 0
 PADG last nonzero rcvd amount: 0
 PADG Timers:    [0]-1000    [1]-2000    [2]-3000    [3]-4000
 PADG xmit: 133  rcvd: 133
 PADC xmit: 133  rcvd: 133
 PADQ xmit: 0  rcvd: 0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the showvmineighborsdetail command display.

Table 12. show vmi neighbors detail Field Descriptions




The interface number.

IPv6 Address

IPv6 address of the neighbor.

IPv4 Address

IPv4 address of the neighbor.


How long the interface has been up. Time shown in hh:mm:ss format.

Output pkts

Number of outgoing packets during the recorded up time.

Input pkts

Number of incoming packets during the recorded up time.

Transmitted packets

Number of packets transmitted from the interface.

Received Packets

Number of packets received on the interface.


The routing protocol, in this case-PPPoE.

Session ID

The identifier of the VMI session.


A series of statistics collected on the interface and shows for each of the VMI interface, virtual access interface, and the physical interface. For each interface, statistics are displayed indicating the number of packets in the input and output queues and the number of packets dropped from each queue.

PPPoE Flow Control Stats

The statistics collected for PPPoE credit flow.

Local Credits : The amount of credits belonging to this node.PeerCredits : The amount of credits belonging to the peer.CreditGrantThreshold : The number of credits below which the peer needs to dip before this node sends an inband or out-of-band grant.MaxCreditspergrant : 65534PADGSeqNum : 133 PADGTimerindex : 0PADGlastrcvdSeqNum : 133PADGlastnonzeroSeqNum : 0PADGlastnonzerorcvdamount : 0PADGTimers : [0]-1000 [1]-2000 [2]-3000 [3]-4000PADGxmit : numberic rcvd : numeric PADCxmit :133rcvd:133 PADQxmit :0rcvd : 0

show wedged-interfaces

To display input and output queue wedged interfaces, use the showwedged-interfaces command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show wedged-interfaces {input | output}

Syntax Description


Displays input the queue wedged interface list.


Displays output the queue wedged interface list.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M on the Cisco AS 5400 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

Interface queue wedged monitoring is disabled by default. You can use the interface-monitorenable command to enable the queue wedged monitoring. Once the monitoring is switched on, a background process is created, which monitors all the existing input and output queue wedged interfaces.


The following is sample output from the showwedged-interfaces command:

Router# show wedged-interfaces output 
Interface Name             Time Since Wedge
Async4/00                  00:23:33
Async4/01                  00:23:26
Async4/02                  00:23:21
Async4/03                  00:23:15
FastEthernet0/0            00:24:35
FastEthernet0/1            00:24:50
Virtual-Access2            00:38:19
Virtual-Access3            00:38:19

The table below describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 13. show wedged-interfaces output Field Descriptions



Interface Name

Lists the name of the interface.

Time Since Wedge

Time since a problem was detected in the interface.

shutdown (controller)

To disable the Channelized T3 Interface Processor (CT3IP) in Cisco 7500 or Cisco 10000 series routers, use the shutdown command in controller configuration mode. To restart a disabled CT3IP, use the no form of this command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Using this command assumes that the controller is already enabled. By default, if this command is not issued, the controller remains enabled.

Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco 7500 Series Routers

Shutting down the CT3IP disables all functions on the interface and sends a blue alarm to the network. The shutdown command marks the interface as unavailable. To check if the CT3IP is disabled, use the showcontrollerst3 command.

Cisco 10000 Series Router

Alarms are cleared automatically 10 seconds after a no shutdown command is issued on a T3 port. Shutting down a controller causes a T3 port to transmit:

  • A blue alarm for m13 framing

  • An idle signal for c-bit framing

There is no delay for alarms to clear after issuing a no shutdown command on an E3 port.



The following example shuts down the CT3IP:

# controller t3 9/0/0
# shutdown


The following example shuts down the controller on port 0:

# dsx3 1/0/0
# shutdown 

shutdown (dwdm)

To disable DWDM controller processing, use the shutdown command in controller configuration mode. To bring a DWDM controller back up and enable DWDM controller processing, use theno form of this command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Controller configuration (config-controller)

Command History




This command was introduced on the Cisco 7600 series router.

Usage Guidelines

The DWDM controller is enabled by default. You must use the shutdown command to disable the controller.


The following example disables the DWDM controller :

Router(config)# controller dwdm 1/1
Router(config-controller)# shutdown

shutdown (hub)

To shut down a port on an Ethernet hub of a Cisco 2505 or Cisco 2507 router, use the shutdown command in hub configuration mode. To restart the disabled hub, use the no form of this command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Using this command assumes that the hub is already enabled. By default, if this command is not issued, the hub remains enabled.

Command Modes

Hub configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following example shuts down hub 0, ports 1 through 3:

 hub ethernet 0 1 3

shutdown (interface)

To disable an interface, use the shutdown command in interface configuration mode. To restart a disabled interface, use the no form of this command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Using this command assumes that the interface is already enabled. By default, if this command is not issued, the interface remains enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The shutdown command disables all functions on the specified interface. On serial interfaces, this command causes the data terminal ready (DTR) signal to be dropped. On Token Ring interfaces, this command causes the interface to be removed from the ring. On FDDI interfaces, this command causes the optical bypass switch, if present, to go into bypass mode.

This command also marks the interface as unavailable. To check whether an interface is disabled, use the showinterfaces user EXEC command; an interface that has been shut down is shown as administratively down in the display from this command.


The following example turns off Ethernet interface 0:

# interface ethernet 0
# shutdown
08:32:03:%LINK-5-CHANGED:Interface Ethernet 0, changed state to administratively down

The following example turns the interface back on:

# interface ethernet 0
# no shutdown
08:32:16:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface Ethernet 0, changed state to up
08:32:17:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface Ethernet 0, changed state to up


To enable channel-associated signaling (CAS), use the signaling command in CEM configuration mode. To disable signaling, use the no form of this command.

signaling [on-hook-pattern] [off-hook-pattern] [msec]

no signaling [on-hook-pattern] [off-hook-pattern] [msec]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the ABCD signaling bits sent to the attached device (typically a PBX) to simulate the remote PBX sending notification that any call in progress has been terminated or is on-hook. The T1 default is 5 hex. The E1 default is D hex.


(Optional) Specifies the ABCD signaling bits sent to the attached device (typically a PBX) to simulate the remote PBX sending notification that a channel is already in use, or is off-hook. The T1 default is F hex. The E1 default is 5 hex.


(Optional) Specifies the time, in milliseconds, between the onhook and offhook patterns. Values are in the range from 50 to 5000. Default is 2000. Any value entered is rounded up to the next multiple of 50 milliseconds.

Command Default

CAS is disabled.

Command Modes

CEM configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The on-hook-pattern , off-hook-pattern , and msec arguments were added.

Usage Guidelines

When a T1/E1 channel with signaling enabled is placed in the failed state, the on-hook pattern is sent to the attached device for a duration specified by the msec attribute. After the time specified by the msec attribute, the off-hook pattern is sent to the attached device for as long as the CEM connection remains failed.

The on-hook pattern parameter specifies, as a single hexadecimal character, the ABCD signaling bits sent to the attached device (typically a PBX) to simulate the remote PBX sending notification that any call in progress has been terminated or is on-hook. This provides a forced disconnect of any calls when the CEM connection fails.

The off-hook pattern parameter specifies, as a single hexadecimal character, the ABCD signaling bits sent to the attached device (typically a PBX) to simulate the remote PBX sending notification that a channel is already in use, or is off-hook. This prevents the attached PBX from trying to use the failed channel to place a new call while the CEM connection remains failed.


The following example shows how to enable signaling.

Router(config-cem)# signaling 

The following example shows how to enable signaling with onhook and offhook parameters:

Router(config-cem)# signalling 0x0 0x1 101
Delay will be set to 150 ms


To set the maximum number of unprocessed FDDI station management (SMT) frames that will be held for processing, use the smt-queue-threshold command in global configuration mode. To restore the queue to the default, use the no form of this command.

smt-queue-threshold number

no smt-queue-threshold

Syntax Description


Number of buffers used to store unprocessed SMT messages that are to be queued for processing. Acceptable values are positive integers. The default value is equal to the number of FDDI interfaces installed in the router.

Command Default

The default threshold value is equal to the number of FDDI interfaces installed in the router.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

This command helps ensure that routers keep track of FDDI upstream and downstream neighbors, particularly when a router includes more than one FDDI interface.

In FDDI, upstream and downstream neighbors are determined by transmitting and receiving SMT Neighbor Information Frames (NIFs). The router can appear to lose track of neighbors when it receives an SMT frame and the queue currently contains an unprocessed frame. This occurs because the router discards incoming SMT frames if the queue is full. Discarding SMT NIF frames can cause the router to lose its upstream or downstream neighbor.


Use this command carefully because the SMT buffer is charged to the inbound interface (input hold queue) until the frame is completely processed by the system. Setting this value to a high limit can impact buffer usage and the ability of the router to receive routable packets or routing updates.


The following example specifies that the SMT queue can hold ten messages. As SMT frames are processed by the system, the queue is decreased by one:

Router(config)# smt-queue-threshold 10

snmp ifmib ifindex persist

To globally enable ifIndex values to persist , which will remain constant across reboots, for use by the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), use the snmpifmibifindexpersist command in global configuration mode. To globally disable ifIndex persistence, use the no form of this command.

snmp ifmib ifindex persist

no snmp ifmib ifindex