Sign In and Meeting Issues

This section includes troubleshooting topics about sign in and meeting issues.

Account Activation Fails

Problem    An administrator or user receives notification that his account has been activated but he is unable to sign into the account.
Possible Cause    The account activation period has expired. After an account has been activated, administrators have two days and end-users have three days to sign in before the account deactivates.
Solution    Go to your sign-in page and select the forgot password link to reset your account. When you receive your reset password email, follow the instructions to reset your password and sign into your account.

Automatic Login Problems Occur After Cookies are Imported from Microsoft Internet Explorer

Problem    A user checks the "Remember me" option after signing into Cisco WebEx Meetings Server on Microsoft Internet Explorer. If the user then installs Mozilla Firefox and imports all cookies from Internet Explorer, it causes the user to automatically sign in whenever he launches Firefox, even after signing out manually. When an administrator changes the authentication key on the Administration site or upgrades to a new version, it causes the user to always sign out of the site when he launches Firefox, even if he has checked on "Remember me" the last time he signed into Cisco WebEx Meetings Server.
Possible Cause    Firefox adds a "." before the cookie domain name when importing cookies from Internet Explorer.
Solution    Have your user clear his Firefox cookies manually.

Browser Compatibility Issues

Problem    You are using an Internet Explorer browser that is listed as compatible with this product but you receive a message that states your browser is not compatible.
Possible Cause    A group policy setting on your system causes your browser to advertise that it is Internet Explorer 6 instead of Internet Explorer 8.
Solution    If you are using Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP with Service Pack 3, the incompatibility message is false and you can ignore it. You can prevent your system from sending this message by changing your compatibility settings. In Internet Explorer 8, select Tools > Compatibility View Settings. Remove the domain name of your Cisco WebEx Meetings Server from the list of web sites that you have added to your Compatibility View if it is present.

Cannot Connect to WebEx Site or Administration Site

Problem    You cannot connect to your WebEx site or Administration site using a browser that requires SSL 3.0.
Possible Cause    FIPS is enabled which blocks SSL 3.0.
Solution    Disable FIPS.

Cannot Start or Join Meetings or View Recordings Due to Unsupported Java Version

Problem    Users cannot start or join meetings or view recordings on any browser.
Possible Cause    Users are using unsupported Java versions.
Solution    If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, enable ActiveX or install Java above 1.6.034 or above 1.7.06. If you are using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, install Java above 1.6.034 or above 1.7.06 or download and reinstall your Cisco WebEx Meetings or Network Recording Player client manually. Then attempt to start or join a meeting or view a recording again.

Forwarded Meeting Invitations Do not Work After Upgrade

Problem    A user schedules a meeting and then forwards the invitation to other participants. The participants are able to use the forwarded email to attend meetings initially but after the system is upgraded and they attempt to attend the meeting, they receive the error message, "The meeting does not exist or has already ended."
Possible Cause    The upgrade procedure invalidates the meeting.
Solution    After performing a system upgrade, inform your users that they must reschedule all meetings. Forward meeting emails as necessary.

Graphics Quality Degrades When Application or Desktop Sharing is Used

Problem    When I use the application sharing or desktop sharing features my graphics quality degrades.
Possible Cause    When your system uses the application sharing or desktop sharing features, Cisco WebEx Meetings Server automatically disables certain graphics settings, including Aero mode and Clear-True Type.
Solution    This feature is working as intended. After you stop using the application sharing or desktop sharing features, Cisco WebEx Meetings Server enables any graphics settings that it disabled during the use of those features.

Join Before Host Meeting not Shown on Meetings Page

Problem    A meeting configured with the "Join before host" option enabled is not showing up on your meetings page.
Possible Cause    A user other than the host joined the meeting and then left before the host joined. On the Dashboard and Meeting Trends page, this meeting will be displayed with no participants.
Solution    This is a known issue. If a meeting participant other than the host attends the meeting and then leaves before the host joins, the meeting is not recorded on the meetings page.

Join Before Host Meeting Status is Incorrect

Problem    You have enabled JMBH (join meetings before host) and JTBH (join teleconference before host) for your meetings. A meeting participant has joined a meeting only through the telephone but the Start button is still displayed on the Meetings page.
Solution    This is a known issue. The system is waiting for the host to start the meeting on his web client or is still using the telephone to join the meeting for audio only.

Meeting Issues Email Received

Problem    You receive an email indicating that there are meeting issues.
Possible Cause    There might be latency and jitter issues in the user's environment. Users, including those attending meetings through a virtual private network (VPN) might have limited network bandwidth.
Solution    Sign into the Administration site, select Dashboard, and select the Meetings chart to see the Meeting Trend page. Examine the meetings that occurred at the date and time the Meeting Alert occurred. Look for meetings with a status of fair or poor. Note the meeting topic, host, and issue and contact the host to determine what the issue with the meeting was.

Meeting Participants are Unable to Dial Out to Their Phones

Problem    Meeting participants are unable to dial out to their phones. They receive a "failed to connect" error.
Possible Cause    Your CUCM settings are configured incorrectly.
Solution    Check your CUCM settings on the Audio page. Sign in to your Administration site and select Settings > Audio > CUCM. Make sure you have configured the correct IP addresses, transport, and port settings.

Meeting Trend Data is One Hour Later on the One-Day and One-Week Charts

Problem    On the Meeting Trend page, the data for one hour and one day charts is one hour later than that shown on the 1–6 month charts.
Possible Cause    For the one-day and one-week Meeting Trend charts, future (scheduled) meeting data is computed every 4 hours. If you schedule a meeting, the meeting information is picked up during the four–hour interval.
Solution    This is a known issue. Most scheduled meetings are recurring and we do not want to compute the information too frequently because it might impact system performance.

Problem Launching a Meeting on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome Due to Inactive ActiveTouch General Plugin Container

Problem    A user attempts to launch a meeting using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome and receives an error message such as the following: "We encountered a problem launching your meeting. Restart your web browser and try again, or join your meeting from a different web browser. If the problem persists, then contact your system administrator." Your browser gets stuck in a loop and fails to load Meeting Center.
Possible Cause    The user disabled the ActiveTouch General Plugin Container on their browser.
Solution    On Mozilla Firefox, have your user select Tools > Add-ons > Plugins, and enable ActiveTouch General Plugin Container, restart the browser, and try to attend the meeting again. On Google Chrome, have your user go to the URL, "chrome://plugins", enable ActiveTouch General Plugin Container, restart the browser, and try to attend the meeting again.

Stuck on the "One Moment Please" Page When Trying to Start or Join a Meeting

Problem    Users are stuck on the "One moment please..." page when attempting to start or join a meeting.
Possible Cause    You are using Mozilla Firefox 18 and Firefox thinks that Java has a potential security issue and prompts the user to deactivate it. The user selects "Never activate plugins for this site." This causes Java to deactivate which disables users' ability to start or join a meeting with Java.
Solution    If you believe there is a Java security issue, have your users start or join the meeting by either of the two methods listed on the page: Install the meeting application and then start or join the meeting again; or select Run a temporary application to start or join the meeting. If you do not believe there is a Java security issue, have your users clear their cookies, select Always activate plugins for this site, and then start or join their meeting using Java.

Users are Unable to Host or Attend Meetings

Problem    A user is unable to host or attend a meeting.
Possible Cause    The user has restricted PC permissions.
Solution    Configure your system to manually push Cisco WebEx Meetings and Productivity Tools to the user's desktop. Select Settings > Downloads and select the Manually push Cisco WebEx Meetings and Productivity Tools to user's desktop option. See Configuring Your Download Settings for more information.

Unable to Start a Meeting

Problem    Unable to start a meeting.
Possible Cause    Your network ports are not configured correctly.
Solution    Ensure that your firewall or load balancing solution redirects requests to the correct ports to ensure end users can host and join meetings successfully.

URL Entered in Mixed Case

Problem    Site or Administration URL is entered in mixed case.
Possible Cause    Browsers always send URLs in lowercase to the back end, which causes a mismatch because of case sensitivity.
Solution    Site and Administration URL must be entered in lowercase.

User Cannot Access Product

Problem    TLS cannot be established. When checking sniffing packets, it shows CUCM sends "Un-Support certificate" to Cisco WebEx Meetings Server during CUCM and Cisco WebEx Meetings Server TLS handshaking.
Possible Cause    Under Windows 7 32-bit and IE 8 environments, the local security setting has the following options: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing enabled. The option path: gpedit.msc | Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local Policy | Security Options.
Solution    If the TLSv1.0 option in IE advance settings is disabled then the user should enable the local policy. After enabling the local policy, IE 8 will work now with the TLSv1.0 turned off.

User is Dropped from Audio Conference

Problem    A user is dropped from an audio conference.
Possible Cause    The user has low network connectivity speed (a few KB/sec).
Solution    Get the user's network connectivity speed to 100 KB/sec or higher to restore the ability to connect to the audio conference.

WBX*INPROGRESSMEETING Table Does Not Record Data When Meeting Ends at Specific Time

Problem    If a WebEx meeting ends at the statistics timestamp, such as 18:45 for 5-minutes statistics, 19:00 for hourly statistics, 9/27 00:00 for daily statistics, the corresponding WBX*INPROGRESSMEETING table does not capture data during the time that the daily statistics process would normally capture.
Possible Cause    The DB Statistic job runs at a slower speed than the DB trigger job thereby producing a 5-minute delay in processing data.
Solution    There is no current workaround. This issue will be fixed in a revision of the product.

Cisco WebEx Meetings Fails to Launch Due to Java Issues

Problem    Your users experience intermittent failures to launch the Cisco WebEx Meetings application on Windows when they are connected to their corporate intranet using Cisco Any-Connect VPN Client. This failure occurs only when the user attempts to download and install the Cisco WebEx Meetings application the first time he tries to join a meeting. Once the application is installed on the user's PC this problem no longer occurs. Problem    This problem does not occur when the user attempts to join the meeting without VPN turned on (this assumes that the WebEx site is enabled for public access).
Possible Cause    Your users are using an outdated version of Java.
Solution    Update your end-user Windows desktops to the latest Java version. If this does not work, we recommend that you tell your users to manually install the Cisco WebEx Meetings application from the Downloads page. Alternatively users can download the Cisco WebEx Meetings application when they attempt to join the meeting for the first time. These workarounds assume that user PCs in your organization have administrator privileges. If they do not have administrator privileges, you can push the Cisco WebEx Meetings application to their PCs using the installation files provided on the Download page.

Maximum Meeting Capacity Exceeded


The following error message displays when you attempt to join a WebEx meeting:

You cannot join the meeting now because the number of concurrent users has reached the system's limit. Contact your administrator for further support.

Possible Cause:

This error message displays if a participant attempts to join a meeting and exceeds the maximum number of concurrent users supported by your system.


The audio portion of a WebEx meeting does not have a limit for the number of concurrent users. Once the maximum number of concurrent users have joined the WebEx meeting, the remaining users can dial in to the meeting and listen. However, exceeding the maximum number of supported users can cause performance issues.