Configuring Downstream Cable Interface Features on the Cisco CMTS Routers

First Published: February 14, 2008

Last Updated: May 12, 2009


Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA integrates support for this feature on the Cisco CMTS routers. This feature is also supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC, and this document contains information that references many legacy documents related to Cisco IOS 12.3BC. In general, any references to Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC also apply to Cisco IOS Release 12.2SC.

The cable interface in the Cisco universal broadband routers serves as the cable TV radio frequency (RF) interface, supporting downstream and upstream signals. The downstream signal is output as an intermediate-frequency (IF) signal suitable for use with an external upconverter. Your cable plant, combined with your planned and installed subscriber base, service offering, and external network connections, determines the combination of cable interfaces, network uplink line cards, and other components that you should use.

The Cisco IOS software command-line interface (CLI) can be used to configure the Cisco cable interface line card for correct operation on the hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) cable network. This chapter provides a configuration summary for the various downstream cable interface features available on a Cisco CMTS router. Details about some of these features can be found in other chapters of this book.


The configuration commands and examples in this chapter may show slot numbering or references to either Cisco uBR7200 series or Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Routers. However, the features can be configured on either platform. Use the slot numbering appropriate for your CMTS router configuration.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the Feature Information Table at the end of this document.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http:/​/​​ITDIT/​CFN/​. An account on http:/​/​​ is not required.


Prerequisites for Configuring Downstream Cable Interfaces on the Cisco CMTS Routers

The configuration of downstream cable interface features is supported on the Cisco CMTS routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC and 12.2SC. The table below shows the hardware compatibility prerequisites for this feature.

Table 1 Configuring Downstream Cable Interfaces on the Cisco CMTS Routers Hardware Compatibility Matrix

CMTS Platform

Processor Engine

Cable Interface Cards

Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA

  • PRE-2

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCH and later releases

  • PRE5

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA

  • Cisco uBR10-MC5X20S/U/H

Cisco uBR7246VXR Universal Broadband Router

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA

  • NPE-G1
  • NPE-G2

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA

  • Cisco uBR-MC28U/X
  • Cisco uBR-MC16U/X

Cisco uBR7225VXR Universal Broadband Router

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA

  • NPE-G1

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA

  • Cisco uBR-E-28U
  • Cisco uBR-E-16U
  • Cisco uBR-MC28U/X
  • Cisco uBR-MC16U/X


In most applications, default values for the commands used in these configuration steps are adequate to configure the Cisco CMTS router. You do not need to specify individual parameters unless you want to deviate from system defaults.

Activating Downstream Cable Address Resolution Protocol Requests

This configuration is required. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is an Internet protocol used to map IP addresses to MAC addresses on computers and other equipment installed in a network. You must activate ARP requests on the cable interface so that the Cisco uBR10000 series CMTS can perform IP address resolution on the downstream path.


The default values for the commands used in this configuration step are adequate in most cases to configure the Cisco uBR7200 series CMTS.

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1enable

    Router> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.
    Step 2configure terminal

    Router# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 interface cable5/0

    Router(config)# interface cable5/0

    Enters cable interface configuration mode.

    In this example, the interface is downstream port 0 on the cable interface card installed in slot 1 of the Cisco uBR7200 series CMTS.

    Step 4cable arp

    Router(config-if)# cable arp

    Enables ARP. This is the default.

    What to Do Next

    To verify that cable ARP is activated, enter the more system:running-config command and look for the cable interface configuration information. If ARP is activated, it does not appear in this output. If ARP is deactivated, it appears in the output as
    no cable arp
    Router# more system:running-config
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration:
    interface cable5/0
    ip address
     no keepalive
     no cable arp 
     cable downstream annex B
     cable downstream modulation 64qam
     cable downstream interleave-depth 32
     cable downstream symbol-rate 5056941
     cable upstream 0 frequency 15008000
     no cable upstream 0 shutdown


    If you are having difficulty with verification, verify that you entered the correct port and cable interface line card slot number when you activated ARP and when you entered the show interface cable command.

    Activating Downstream Ports

    To activate a downstream port on a Cisco uBR7200 series cable interface card for digital data transmissions over the HFC network, complete the steps in the following table.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1enable

      Router> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.
      Step 2configure terminal

      Router# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 interface cable5/0

      Router(config)# interface cable5/0

      Enters cable interface configuration mode.

      In this example, the interface is downstream port 0 on the cable interface card installed in slot 1 of the Cisco uBR7200 series CMTS.

      Step 4 Enter the following commands:
      • cable downstream if-output
      • no cable downstream if-output

      Router(config-if)# cable downstream if-output
      Router(config-if)# no cable downstream if-output

      Activates downstream digital data from the Cisco uBR7200 series router.

      Deactivates downstream digital data. This command mutes the IF output of the cable interface card and shuts down the interfaces.

      Step 5no shutdown

      Router(config-if)# no shutdown

      Places the downstream port in the “admin up” state.

      Step 6 end

      Router(config-if)# end
      %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

      Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

      This message is normal and does not indicate an error.

      What to Do Next

      To determine if the downstream carrier is active (up), enter the show controllers cable command for the downstream port that you just configured. For National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) 6 MHz operations, see the following example:

      Router# show controllers cable5/0 downstream
      Cable5/0 Downstream is up
      Frequency=96000000, Channel Width 6 MHz, 64-QAM, Symbol Rate 5.056941 Msps
       FEC ITU-T J.83 Annex B, R/S Interleave I=32, J=4

      Assigning the Downstream Channel ID

      To assign a numeric channel ID to the downstream port on the Cisco cable interface line card, use the following command in cable interface configuration mode.

      Router(config-if)# cable downstream channel-id id


      For Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB and later releases, the acceptable range is 1 to 255 (0 is reserved for network management) and for releases prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB, the acceptable range is 0 to 255.


      The cable downstream channel-id command must be used with the following command:
      cable downstream frequency 54000000-1000000000 broadcast frequency - h

      These commands are used in instances where you want to send multiple downstream frequencies to a single region that contains CMs that can connect only to upstream ports on the same cable interface line card. You must configure unique channel IDs for each downstream that any CM is capable of receiving. The downstream frequency setting must match the setting on the upconverter.


      After defining unique downstream IDs, test the CMs for correct operation. Cisco recommends that when using this feature, you re-test each subsequent software release of CM code to verify correct operation and to ensure reasonable acquisition time for new installations. Failure to use these commands in conjunction or to test the involved CMs can result in customer service outages of indefinite duration.

      Verifying the Downstream Channel ID

      To verify the downstream channel ID, enter the show controllers cable command for the downstream port you have just configured. See the following example:

      Router# show controllers cable5/0 downstream
      Cable5/0 Downstream is up
      Frequency=96000000, Channel Width 6 MHz, 64-QAM, Symbol Rate 5.056941 Msps
      FEC ITU-T J.83 Annex B, R/S Interleave I=32, J=4
      Downstream channel ID: 1

      Traffic Shaping

      Traffic shaping basically uses queues to limit data surges that can congest a network. The data is buffered and then sent into the network in regulated amounts to ensure that the traffic fits within the expected traffic envelope for the particular connection.

      Traffic shaping reduces the chance that information must be retransmitted to hosts on the cable plant. When cable modems (CMs) have rate limits established, the CMTS typically drops data packets to enforce the rate limit. Dropping packets from the requesting CM causes the host sending the information to retransmit its information, which wastes bandwidth on the network. If both hosts sending and requesting information are on the cable plant, the upstream bandwidth is wasted as well.

      Traffic shaping allows the CMTS to perform upstream and downstream rate limiting on the DOCSIS upstream and downstream channels. Rate limiting restricts the data rate to and from a CM; the MAC scheduler supports traffic-shaping capabilities for downstream and upstream traffic. Rate limiting ensures that no single CM consumes all of the channel bandwidth and allows a CMTS administrator to configure different maximum data rates for different subscribers. Subscribers requiring higher sustained rates and willing to pay for higher rates can be configured with higher sustained rate limits in their CM DOCSIS configuration file over regular subscribers, who pay less and get lower rate limits.

      Each time a packet belonging to a flow is transmitted on an output channel, the token-bucket policer function checks the rate limit status of the flow, passing the following parameters:

      • Token bucket maximum sustained rate in bits per millisecond.
      • Token bucket depth (maximum transmit burst) in bits.
      • Length of current packet to be sent in bits.
      • Pointer to the flow’s token bucket.
      • Pointer to the flow’s token bucket last update time stamp.
      • Variable to return the milliseconds buffering delay in case the packet needs to be shaped.
      • Maximum buffering delay that the subsequent traffic shaper can handle in milliseconds.

      Every flow has its own shaping buffer where rate-exceeded packets are typically held back in first-in/first-out (FIFO) order for later releases transmission.


      Token bucket policing with shaping is the per-upstream default rate limiting setting at the CMTS. Shaping can be enabled or disabled for the token-bucket algorithm.

      Downstream Traffic Shaping

      The CMTS supports basic downstream traffic shaping by effecting data rate limiting on a per-modem basis. A downstream traffic shaping feature called downstream rate limiting with type of service (ToS) bits extends that capability by allowing the CMTS administrator to configure the ToS byte to calculate the data rate for a specified flow.

      Downstream rate limiting with ToS bits enables you to partition downstream traffic for a CM into multiple classes of service and multiple data rates by using the three precedence bits in the ToS byte in the IP header to specify a class of service assignment for each packet. Those packets with the precedence bit set in the ToS field are given higher priority. Using the ToS byte, you can calculate the data rate for a specified flow, in addition to the data rate configured on a per-CM basis. By specifying a maximum data rate for a particular ToS, you can override the common maximum downstream data rate.

      The administrator can override the maximum common downstream data rate limits by configuring the ToS byte.

      Packets that contain ToS bytes that have not been configured for downstream data rates continue to use the common data rate limits.

      Configuring Downstream Rate Limiting and Traffic Shaping

      To configure downstream traffic shaping, use the following command in cable interface configuration mode.



      Router(config-if)# [no] cable downstream rate-limit
      token-bucket [shaping] weighted-discard [expwt

      Enables or disables rate limiting and traffic shaping on the downstream of a cable interface.


      Using Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)T1 or higher, the software adds downstream calendar queuing routines and grant shaping application of the calendar queues.


      Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCF, the cable downstream rate-limit command is not supported for Cisco uBR-MC88U line card in Cisco IOS software.

      Details for key command usage are provided below:

      • To enable rate limiting on the given downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm, issue the cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket command.
      • To enable rate limiting on the given downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm with traffic shaping, issue the cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket shaping command.
      • To enable rate limiting on the given downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm with a specific traffic shaping time granularity, issue the cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket shaping granularity 8 command. Acceptable values are 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 msecs.
      • To enable rate limiting on the given downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm with a specific maximum traffic shaping buffering delay, issue the cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket shaping granularity 8 command. Acceptable values are 128, 256, 512, or 1028 msecs.
      • To remove rate limiting on the given downstream port, issue the cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket command.
      • To enable rate limiting on the given downstream port using a weighted packet discard policing algorithm and to assign a weight for the exponential moving average of loss rate value, issue the cable downstream rate-limit weighted-discard 3 command. Acceptable values are 1 to 4.

      Setting the Downstream Helper Address

      Specify an IP address of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server where User Datagram Protocol (UDP) broadcast packets will be sent. You can specify a DHCP server for UDP broadcast packets from cable interfaces, and a DHCP server for UDP broadcast packets from hosts. To set a downstream helper address, use the following commands in cable interface configuration mode.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1cable helper-address 10.x.x.x cable-modem

        Router(config-if)# cable helper-address 10.x.x.x cable-modem

        Set the downstream helper address to the DHCP server at IP address 10.x.x.x for UDP broadcast packets from cable modems.


        Use the IP address of the DHCP server. Both 10.x.x.x and 172.56.x.x are private ranges.

        Step 2cable helper-address 172.56. x.xhost

        Router(config-if)# cable helper-address 172.56.x.x host

        Set the downstream helper address to the DHCP server at IP address 172.56.x.x for UDP broadcast packets from hosts.


        Verifying the Downstream Helper Address

        To verify the downstream helper address setting, enter the show running-config command and look for cable helper-address in the cable interface configuration information:

        Router# show running-config
        Building configuration...
        Current configuration:
        interface cable5/0
        ip address
         no ip directed-broadcast
         cable helper-address
         no keepalive

        Perform these steps if you are having difficulty with verification:

          Step 1   Check the cables, upconverters, RF levels, and frequencies if the cable interfaces do not find a downstream signal.
          Step 2   Check the cables, RF levels, and upstream frequencies, and enter a no shut command if the cable interfaces find a downstream signal, but not an upstream signal.
          Step 3   Check the provisioning servers.
          • Ping the DHCP server using the source IP address option—the primary IP address of a cable interface.

          • Check IP routing if the cable interfaces acquire an RF upstream and downstream lock, but do not stay up.

          Step 4   Check DHCP options and the IP address of the Time-of-Day (ToD) server:
          • Ping the ToD server using the source IP address option.

          • Check IP routing.

          • Verify that the TFTP filename is correct.

          • Verify that the TFTP file is in the correct directory on the TFTP server.

          • Ensure that the TFTP file has read privileges.

          • Ping the TFTP server using the source IP address option, and check IP routing if the cable interfaces acquire an RF and a DHCP, but fail on ToD or TFTP.

          Setting the Downstream Interleave Depth

          Set the interleave depth for the downstream port on the Cisco cable interface line card. A higher interleave depth provides more protection from bursts of noise on the HFC network; however, it increases downstream latency.


          The valid values are 8, 16, 32 (default), 64, and 128.

          To set the downstream interleave depth in milliseconds, use the following command in cable interface configuration mode:

          Router(config-if)# cable downstream interleave-depth {8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128}

          Verifying the Downstream Interleave Depth

          To verify the downstream interleave depth setting, enter the show controllers cable command for the downstream port you have just configured:

          Router# show controllers cable5/0 downstream
          Cable5/0 Downstream is up
           Frequency=96000000, Channel Width 6 MHz, 64-QAM, Symbol Rate 5.056941 Msps
           FEC ITU-T J.83 Annex B, R/S Interleave I=32, J=

          Perform these steps if you are having difficulty with verification:

            Step 1   Ensure that the cable connections are not loose or disconnected.
            Step 2   Ensure that the cable interface line card is firmly seated in its chassis slot.
            Step 3   Ensure that the captive installation screws are tight.
            Step 4   Verify that you have entered the correct slot and port numbers.
            Step 5   Verify that the downstream carrier is active, using the cable downstream if-output command.

            Setting the Downstream Modulation

            To set the downstream modulation, define the speed in symbols per second at which data travels downstream to the subscriber’s CM. A symbol is the basic unit of modulation. Quadrature Phase Shift Key (QPSK) encodes 2 bits per symbol, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) -16 encodes 4 bits per symbol, QAM-64 encodes 6 bits per symbol, and QAM-256 encodes 8 bits per symbol.


            Setting a downstream modulation rate of QAM-256 requires approximately a 6 dB higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) than QAM-64 at the subscriber’s cable interface. If your network is marginal or unreliable at QAM-256, use the QAM-64 format instead. Also, consider the significance of your data.

            To set the downstream modulation, use the following command in cable interface configuration mode. The standard DOCSIS modulation rate (and the Cisco default) is QAM-64.

            Router(config-if)# cable downstream modulation 64qam

            Verifying the Downstream Modulation

            To verify the downstream modulation setting, enter the show controllers cable command for the downstream port you have just configured. See the following example:

            Router# show controllers cable5/0 downstream
            Cable5/0 Downstream is up
             Frequency=96000000, Channel Width 6 MHz, 64-QAM, Symbol Rate 5.056941 Msps
             FEC ITU-T J.83 Annex B, R/S Interleave I=32, J=4

            Perform these steps if you are having difficulty with verification:

              Step 1   Ensure that the cable connections are not loose or disconnected.
              Step 2   Ensure that the cable interface line card is firmly seated in its chassis slot.
              Step 3   Ensure that the captive installation screws are tight.
              Step 4   Verify that you have entered the correct slot and port numbers
              Step 5   Verify that the downstream carrier is active, using the cable downstream if-output command
              Step 6   Verify that you have selected the default if you are not certain about the modulation rate needed.

              Setting the Downstream MPEG Framing Format

              The MPEG framing format must be compatible with DOCSIS specifications at:

              http:/​/​​cablemodem/​ and your local cable plant operations.


              Annex B is the DOCSIS MPEG framing format standard for North America.


              Annex B framing format is automatically set when configuring Cisco cable interface line cards. The cable interface line card’s downstream ports and the connected CMs on the network must be set to the same MPEG framing format and must support DOCSIS operations as appropriate.

              The following command appears in the Cisco uBR7200 series router configuration file to designate Annex B operation. This command sets the downstream MPEG framing format.

              Router(config-if)# cable downstream annex {B}

              Verifying the Downstream MPEG Framing Format

              To verify the downstream MPEG framing format setting, enter the show controllers cable command for the downstream port you have just configured. See the following example:

              Router# show controllers cable5/0 downstream
              Cable5/0 Downstream is up
              Frequency=96000000, Channel Width 6 MHz, 64-QAM, Symbol Rate 5.056941 Msps
              FEC ITU-T J.83 Annex B, R/S Interleave I=32, J=4
              Downstream channel ID: 1

              Setting Downstream Traffic Shaping

              Downstream traffic shaping enables you to use the token bucket policing algorithm with traffic shaping options or the weighted discard algorithm to buffer, shape, or discard packets that exceed a set bandwidth. Downstream traffic shaping is disabled by default.

              To enable downstream traffic shaping for a downstream port on a Cisco cable interface line card, use one of the following commands in cable interface configuration mode.

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket [shaping [ granularity msec | max-delay msec]

                Router(config-if)# cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket
                Router(config-if)# cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket shaping
                Router(config-if)# cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket shaping granularity 8
                Router(config-if)# cable downstream rate-limit token-bucket shaping max-delay 256

                Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm. With this command, the Cisco uBR7200 series router automatically drops packets that are in violation of the allowable bandwidth.

                Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm with traffic shaping.

                Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm with specific traffic shaping time granularity. Acceptable values are 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 milliseconds.

                Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the token bucket policing algorithm with specific maximum traffic shaping buffering delay. Acceptable values are 128, 256, 512, or 1028 milliseconds.

                Step 2 cable downstream rate-limit weighted-discard exp-weight

                Router(config-if)# cable downstream rate-limit weighted-discard 3

                Enables traffic shaping on the downstream port using the weighted discard algorithm and assigns a weight for the exponential moving average of the loss rate. Acceptable values are 1 to 4.

                Step 3end

                Router(config-if)# end

                Exits back to privileged EXEC mode so that you can verify the steps.


                Verifying Downstream Traffic shaping

                To determine if downstream traffic shaping is configured and activated, enter the show running-config command and look for the cable interface configuration information. If downstream traffic shaping is configured and enabled, a traffic shaping entry appears in the output. If downstream traffic shaping is disabled, no traffic shaping entry appears.

                Router# show running-config
                Building configuration...
                Current configuration:
                interface cable5/0
                ip address
                no ip directed-broadcast
                cable helper-address
                no keepalive
                cable downstream annex B
                cable downstream modulation 64qam

                Perform these steps if you are having difficulty with verification:

                  Step 1   Ensure that the cable connections are not loose or disconnected.
                  Step 2   Ensure that the cable interface line card is firmly seated in its chassis slot.
                  Step 3   Ensure that the captive installation screws are tight.
                  Step 4   Verify that you have entered the correct slot and port numbers.
                  Step 5   Verify that you selected the default if you are not certain about the modulation rate needed.
                  Step 6   Verify that the downstream carrier is active using the cable downstream if-output command.

                  Activating Host-to-Host Communication (Proxy ARP)

                  Cable proxy ARP allows a Cisco CMTS router to issue cable ARP requests on behalf of CMs on the same cable network subnet.


                  Because the downstream and upstreams are separate interfaces, modems cannot directly perform ARP with other modems on the cable plant.


                  The default values for the commands used in this configuration task are adequate in most cases to configure the Cisco CMTS routers.

                  Activating Cable Proxy ARP Requests

                  This configuration is optional. To activate cable proxy ARP for host-to-host communications, use the following command in cable interface configuration mode.



                  Router(config-if)# cable proxy-arp

                  Enables proxy ARP on the cable interface. This is the default.

                  Verifying Cable Proxy ARP Requests

                  To verify if cable proxy ARP has been activated or deactivated, enter the more system:running-config command and look for the cable interface configuration information. If cable proxy ARP has been activated, it does not appear in the output. If cable proxy ARP has been deactivated, it appears in the output as no cable proxy-arp.

                  Router# more system:running-config
                  Building configuration...
                  Current configuration:
                  interface cable5/0/0
                   ip address
                   no keepalive
                   no cable proxy-arp
                   cable downstream annex B
                   cable downstream modulation 64qam
                   cable downstream interleave-depth 32
                   cable downstream symbol-rate 5056941
                   cable upstream 0 frequency 15008000
                   no cable upstream 0 shutdown


                  If you are having difficulty with verification, make sure that you entered the correct port and cable interface line card slot number when you activated cable proxy ARP.

                  Activating Packet Intercept Capabilities

                  This configuration is optional. To activate packet intercept functionality, use the following commands in cable interface configuration mode.



                  Router(config-if)# cable intercept xxxx.xxxx.xxxx

                  Specifies a MAC address on the cable network for which interception capabilities are to be activated. There is a limit of 10 MAC addresses.

                  Router(config-if)# no cable intercept xxxx.xxxx.xxxx

                  Disables interception after it is enabled.

                  Configuring Payload Header Suppression and Restoration

                  This configuration is optional. Payload Header Suppression (PHS) is a new feature in the DOCSIS1.1 MAC driver. The PHS feature is used to suppress repetitive or redundant portions in packet headers before transmission on the DOCSIS link. The upstream receive driver is now capable of restoring headers suppressed by CMs, and the downstream driver is capable of suppressing specific fields in the packet header before forwarding the frame to the CM.



                  show interface cable x/0/0 
                  service-flow [sfid] phs

                  Displays cable interface information.

                  debug cable error 

                  Displays errors that occur in the cable MAC protocols. To disable debugging output, use the no form of the command.

                  debug cable phs 

                  Displays the activities of the PHS and restoration driver. The no form of this command disables debugging output.

                  Setting Optional Broadcast and Cable IP Multicast Echo

                  This configuration is optional. You can set additional IP parameters to enable downstream echoing of upstream data. This section contains two procedures to configure these optional IP parameters:


                  The default values for the commands used in these configuration steps are adequate in most cases to configure the Cisco CMTS routers.

                  Setting IP Multicast Echo

                  The Cisco uBR10012 router echoes IP multicast packets by default. To activate IP multicast echo if it has been previously disabled, use the following command in cable interface configuration mode.



                  Router(config-if)# cable ip-multicast-echo

                  Enables IP multicast echo. This is the default.

                  To disable IP multicast echo, enter the no cable ip-multicast-echo command in cable interface configuration mode.

                  Verifying IP Multicast Echo

                  To determine whether IP multicast echo is activated or deactivated, enter the more system:running-config command, and look for the cable interface configuration information. If IP multicast echo is activated, there is no notation in the output, because this is the default setting. If IP multicast echo is deactivated, a notation appears in the output:

                  Router# more system:running-config
                  Building configuration...
                  Current configuration:
                  interface cable5/0/0
                   ip address
                   no keepalive
                   no cable ip-multicast-echo 
                   cable downstream annex B
                   cable downstream modulation 64qam
                   cable downstream interleave-depth 32
                   cable upstream 0 frequency 15008000
                   no cable upstream 0 shutdown


                  If you are having difficulty with verification, make sure that you entered the correct slot and port numbers when you entered cable interface configuration mode.

                  Access Lists and the cable ip-multicast echo Command

                  The cable ip-multicast-echo command is enabled by default on the Cisco CMTS routers, so that multicast IP packets that arrive on the upstream at the Cisco CMTS are forwarded on the appropriate downstream ports so that they are delivered to the other CMs and CPE devices on that segment of the network. This allows the cable network to behave like a standard Ethernet network in terms of its handling of multicast IP traffic.

                  However, on the Cisco uBR10012 router, input access lists are not applied to the multicast traffic that is echoed on each downstream. To control the echoed multicast traffic, you therefore need to configure an output access list and apply it to each downstream interface.

                  Refer to the Cisco IOS CMTS Cable Command Reference Guide on for additional information on access lists and multicast echo:


                  Setting IP Broadcast Echo

                  By default, the Cisco uBR10012 router does not echo IP broadcast packets. To activate IP broadcast echo, use the following command in cable interface configuration mode.



                  Router(config-if)# cable ip-broadcast-echo

                  Enables IP broadcast echo.

                  To disable IP broadcast echo when it is enabled, enter the no cable ip-broadcast-echo command in cable interface configuration mode.

                  Verifying IP Broadcast Echo

                  To determine whether IP broadcast echo is activated or deactivated, enter the more system:running-config command and look for a notation in the cable interface configuration information:

                  Router# more system:running-config
                  Building configuration...
                  Current configuration:
                  interface cable5/0/0
                  ip address
                   no keepalive
                   cable ip-broadcast-echo 
                   cable downstream annex B
                   cable downstream modulation 64qam
                   cable downstream interleave-depth 32
                   cable upstream 0 frequency 15008000
                   no cable upstream 0 shutdown

                  Cable Interface Configuration Examples

                  This section provides the following configuration examples:

                  Example: Subinterface Configuration

                  The following example shows how to define a subinterface on the cable5/0/0:

                  interface cable5/0/0
                  ! No IP address
                  ! MAC level configuration only
                  ! first subinterface
                  interface cable5/0/0.1
                  description Management Subinterface
                  ip address
                  cable helper-address
                  ! second subinterface
                  interface cable5/0/0.2
                  ip address
                  cable helper-address
                  ! third subinterface
                  interface cable5/0/0.3
                  ip address
                  cable helper-address

                  Example: Cable Interface Bundling

                  The following example shows how to bundle a group of physical interfaces. In this example, the interfaces int c5/0/0 and int c4/0 are bundled.

                  int c5/0/0
                  ip address
                  ip address secondary
                  cable helper-address
                  ! MAC level configuration
                  cable bundle 1 master
                  int c4/0/0
                  ! No IP address
                  ! MAC layer configuration only
                  cable bundle 1

                  Example: Subinterface Definition on Bundle Master

                  The following example shows how to define subinterfaces on a bundle master and define Layer 3 configurations for each subinterface. In this example, the interfaces int c5/0/0 and int c4/0/0 are bundled.

                  int c5/0/0
                  ! No IP address
                  ! MAC level configuration only
                  cable bundle 1 master
                  int c4/0/0
                  ! No IP address
                  ! MAC layer configuration
                  cable bundle 1
                  ! first subinterface
                  int c5/0/0.1
                  ip address
                  cable helper-address
                  ! second subinterface
                  int c5/0/0.2
                  ip address
                  cable helper-address
                  ! third subinterface
                  int c5/0/0.3
                  ip address
                  cable helper-address

                  Example: Cable Interface Bundle Master Configuration

                  The following example shows how to configure cable interface bundles:

                  Displaying the contents of the bundle
                  Router(config-if)# cable bundle ?
                    <1-255>  Bundle number
                  Router(config-if)# cable bundle 25 ?
                    master  Bundle master
                  Router(config-if)# cable bundle 25 master ?
                  Router(config-if)# cable bundle 25 master
                  07:28:17: %uBR10000-5-UPDOWN: Interface Cable5/0/0 Port U0, changed state to down
                  07:28:18: %uBR10000-5-UPDOWN: Interface Cable5/0/0 Port U0, changed state to up

                  Example: PE Router Configuration

                  This example (system information display) identifies the version of Cisco IOS software installed and displays PE configurations:

                  ! Defines the hostname of the Cisco uBR10012
                  hostname region-1-ubr
                  ! Describes where the system is getting the software image it is running. In
                  ! this configuration example, the system is loading a Cisco uBR10012 image named
                  ! AdamSpecial from slot 0.
                  boot system flash slot0:uBR10000-p-mz.AdamSpecial
                  ! Creates the enable secret password.
                  enable secret xxxx
                  enable password xxxx
                  ! Sets QoS per modem for the cable plant.
                  no cable qos permission create
                  no cable qos permission update
                  cable qos permission modems
                  ! Allows the system to use a full range of IP addresses, including subnet zero, for
                  ! interface addresses and routing updates.
                  ip subnet-zero
                  ! Enables Cisco Express Forwarding.
                  ip cef
                  ! Configures a Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to insert the
                  ! DHCP relay agent information option in forwarded BOOTREQUEST messages.
                  ip dhcp relay information option
                  ! Enters the virtual routing forwarding (VRF) configuration mode and maps a VRF table to
                  ! the virtual private network (VPN) called MGMT-VPN. The VRF table contains the set of
                  ! routes that points to or gives routes to the CNR device, which provisions the cable
                  ! modem devices. Each VRF table defines a path through the MPLS cloud.
                  ip vrf MGMT-VPN
                  ! Creates the route distinguisher and creates the routing and forwarding table of the
                  ! router itself.
                   rd 100:1
                  ! Creates a list of import and/or export route target communities for the VPN.
                   route-target export 100:2
                   route-target export 100:3
                  ! Maps a VRF table to the VPN called ISP1-VPN.
                  ip vrf ISP1-VPN
                  ! Creates the route distinguisher and creates the routing and forwarding table of the
                  ! router itself.
                   rd 100:2
                  ! Creates a list of import and/or export route target communities for the VPN.
                   route-target import 100:1
                  ! Maps a VRF table to the VPN called ISP2-VPN.
                  ip vrf ISP2-VPN
                  ! Creates the route distinguisher and creates the routing and forwarding table of the
                  ! router itself.
                   rd 100:3
                  ! Creates a list of import and/or export route target communities for the VPN.
                   route-target import 100:1
                  ! Maps a VRF table to the VPN called MSO-isp. Note: MSO-isp could be considered ISP-3; in
                  ! this case, the MSO is competing with other ISPs for other ISP services.
                  ip vrf MSO-isp
                  ! Creates the route distinguisher and creates the routing and forwarding table of the
                  ! router itself.
                   rd 100:4
                  ! Creates a list of import and/or export route target communities for the VPN.
                    route-target import 100:1
                  ! Builds a loopback interface to be used with MPLS and BGP; creating a loopback interface ! eliminates unnecessary updates (caused by physical interfaces going up and down) from
                  ! flooding the network.
                  interface Loopback0
                   ip address
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                  ! Assigns an IP address to this Fast Ethernet interface. MPLS tag-switching must be
                  ! enabled on this interface.
                  interface FastEthernet0/0/0
                   description Connection to MSO core.
                   ip address
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                   tag-switching ip
                  ! Enters cable interface configuration mode and configures the physical aspects of the
                  ! 5/0/0 cable interface. Please note that no IP addresses are assigned to this interface;
                  ! they will be assigned instead to the logical subinterfaces. All other commands for
                  ! this cable interface should be configured to meet the specific needs of your cable RF
                  ! plant and cable network.
                  interface Cable5/0/0
                   no ip address
                   ip directed-broadcast
                   no ip mroute-cache
                   load-interval 30
                   no keepalive
                   cable downstream annex B
                   cable downstream modulation 64qam
                   cable downstream interleave-depth 32
                   cable downstream frequency 855000000
                   cable upstream 0 frequency 30000000
                   cable upstream 0 power-level 0
                   no cable upstream 0 shutdown
                   cable upstream 1 shutdown
                   cable upstream 2 shutdown
                   cable upstream 3 shutdown
                   cable upstream 4 shutdown
                   cable upstream 5 shutdown
                  ! Configures the physical aspects of the 5/0/0.1 cable subinterface. If cable modems have
                  ! not been assigned IP addresses, they will automatically come on-line using the settings
                  ! for subinterface X.1. 
                  interface Cable5/0/0.1
                   description Cable Administration Network
                  ! Associates this interface with the VRF and MPLS VPNs that connect to the MSO cable
                  ! network registrar (CNR). The CNR provides cable modems with IP addresses and other
                  ! initialization parameters. 
                   ip vrf forwarding MSO
                  ! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to cable modems not yet associated with an ISP.
                   ip address
                  ! Disables the translation of directed broadcasts to physical broadcasts.
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                  ! Defines the DHCP server for cable modems whether they are associated with an ISP or
                  ! with the MSO acting as ISP.
                   cable helper-address cable-modem
                  ! Defines the DHCP server for PCs that are not yet associated with an ISP.
                   cable helper-address host
                  ! Disables cable proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and IP multicast echo on this
                  ! cable interface.
                   no cable proxy-arp
                   no cable ip-multicast-echo
                  ! Configures the physical aspects of the 5/0/0.2 cable subinterface.
                  interface Cable5/0/0.2
                   description MSO as ISP Network
                  ! Assigns this subinterface to the MPLS VPN used by the MSO to supply service to
                  ! customers—in this case, MSO-isp. 
                   ip vrf forwarding MSO-isp
                  ! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to cable modems associated
                  ! with the MSO as ISP network.
                   ip address secondary
                  ! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to host devices associated
                  ! with the MSO as ISP network.
                   ip address
                  ! Disables the translation of directed broadcasts to physical broadcasts.
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                  ! Defines the DHCP server for cable modems whether they are associated with an ISP or
                  ! with the MSO acting as ISP.
                   cable helper-address cable-modem
                  ! Defines the DHCP server for PC host devices.
                   cable helper-address host
                  ! Disables cable proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and IP multicast echo on this
                  ! cable interface.
                   no cable proxy-arp
                   no cable ip-multicast-echo
                  ! Configures the physical aspects of the 5/0.3 cable subinterface
                  interface Cable5/0/0.3
                   description ISP1's Network
                  ! Makes this subinterface a member of the MPLS VPN.
                   ip vrf forwarding isp1
                  ! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to cable modems associated
                  ! with the MSO as ISP network.
                   ip address secondary
                  ! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to host devices associated
                  ! with the MSO as ISP network.
                   ip address
                  ! Disables the translation of directed broadcasts to physical broadcasts.
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                  ! Disables cable proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and IP multicast echo on this
                  ! cable interface.
                   no cable proxy-arp
                   no cable ip-multicast-echo
                  ! Defines the DHCP server for cable modems whether they are associated with an ISP or
                  ! with the MSO acting as ISP.
                   cable helper-address cable-modem
                  ! Defines the DHCP server for PC host devices.
                   cable helper-address host
                  ! Configures the physical aspects of the 5/0/0.4 cable subinterface
                  interface Cable5/0/0.4
                   description ISP2's Network
                  ! Makes this subinterface a member of the MPLS VPN.
                   ip vrf forwarding isp2
                  ! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to cable modems associated
                  ! with the MSO as ISP network.
                   ip address secondary
                  ! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to host devices associated
                  ! with the MSO as ISP network.
                   ip address
                  ! Disables the translation of directed broadcasts to physical broadcasts.
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                  ! Disables cable proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and IP multicast echo on this
                  ! cable interface.
                   no cable proxy-arp
                   no cable ip-multicast-echo
                   cable dhcp-giaddr policy
                  !! Defines the DHCP server for cable modems whether they are associated with an ISP or
                  ! with the MSO acting as ISP.
                   cable helper-address cable-modem
                  ! Defines the DHCP server for PC host devices.
                   cable helper-address host

                  Example: Router Configuration

                  This example (system information display) identifies the version of Cisco IOS software installed and displays PE configurations:

                  Building configuration...
                  Current configuration:
                  version 12.0
                  service timestamps debug uptime
                  service timestamps log uptime
                  no service password-encryption
                  hostname R7460-7206-02
                  enable password xxxx
                  ip subnet-zero
                  ip cef
                  ip host brios
                  interface Loopback0
                   ip address
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                  interface Loopback1
                   no ip address
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                   no ip mroute-cache
                  interface FastEthernet0/0/0
                   ip address
                   no ip directed-broadcast
                   no ip mroute-cache
                   no cdp enable
                  router ospf 222
                   network area 0
                   network area 0
                   network area 0
                   network area 0
                   network area 0
                  ip classless
                  no ip http server
                  map-list test-b
                  no cdp run
                  tftp-server slot0:master/120/ubr10k-p6-mz.122-2.XF
                  line con 0
                   exec-timeout 0 0
                   password xxxx
                   transport input none
                  line aux 0
                  line vty 0 4
                   password xxxx
                  no scheduler max-task-time

                  Example: Configuring BGP Routing Sessions

                  To configure BGP routing sessions in a provider network, use the following commands in router configuration mode on the PE router:

                    Step 1   Configure the BGP routing process with the autonomous system number:

                    Router(config)# router bgp 42
                    Step 2   Specify a neighbor's IP address or BGP peer group, identifying it to the local autonomous system:

                    Router(config-router)# neighbor
                    Activate the advertisement of the IPv4address family.
                    Router(config-router)# neighbor activate

                    Example: Configuring PE-to-PE Routing Sessions

                    To configure PE-to-PE routing sessions in a provider network, use the following commands in router configuration mode on the PE router:

                      Step 1   Define internal Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) parameters for VPNv4 network-layer reachability information (NLRI) exchange:

                      Router(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 unicast
                      Step 2   Define an IBGP session to exchange VPNv4 NLRIs:

                      Router(config-router-af)# neighbor remote-as 48
                      Router(config-router-af)# exit
                      Step 3   Activate the advertisement of the IPv4address family:

                      Router(config-router)# neighbor activate

                      Example: Configuring BGP PE-to-CE Routing Sessions

                      To configure BGP PE-to-CE routing sessions, use the following commands in router configuration mode on the PE router:

                        Step 1   Define external Border Gateway Protocol (eBGP) parameters for PE-to-CE routing sessions:

                        Router(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast vrf 
                        Step 2   Define an eBGP session between PE and CE routers and activate the advertisement of the IPv4 address family:

                        Router(config-router-af)# neighbor remote-as 49
                        Router(config-router-af)# neighbor activate 

                        Example: Configuring RIP PE-to-CE Routing Sessions

                        To configure RIP PE-to-CE routing sessions, use the following commands in router configuration mode on the PE router:

                        Enable RIP, define RIP parameters for PE-to-CE routing sessions, and enable RIP on the PE-to-CE link:

                        Router(config)# router rip
                        Router(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast vrf 
                        Router(config-router-af)# network

                        Example: Configuring Static Route PE-to-CE Routing Sessions

                        To configure static route PE-to-CE routing sessions, use the following commands in router configuration mode on the PE router:

                          Step 1   Define static route parameters for each PE-to-CE session and for each BGP PE-to-CE routing session.

                          Router(config)# ip route vrf go_fast_internet_company 
                          Router(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast vrf 
                          Step 2   Redistribute VRF static routes and directly connected networks into the VRF BGP table.

                          Router(config-router-af)# redistribute static
                          Router(config-router-af)# redistribute static connected