Cisco MediaSense Solution Reference Network Design Guide, Release 10.0(1)
Reporting and call correlation

Reporting and call correlation

The information available in the MediaSense metadata database is limited to
  • data provided in a CUBE or Unified Communication Manager SIP invitation
  • tags that are inserted by client applications
  • information generated within MediaSense itself.
Real-time correlation with other components uses an identifier known as the Cisco-Guid. This identifier is usually created by an IOS device (such as CUBE or a gateway) or by the Customer Voice Portal (CVP) and is forwarded to other components that the call encounters. It is used to correlate calls across components either in real time or historically.

However, for Unified Communications Manager calls, MediaSense does not receive the Cisco-Guid.

Other identifiers are used to correlate recordings in MediaSense with historical call records in other solution components, but the only way to correlate recordings in real time is to have a TAPI or JTAPI connection with the Unified Communications Manager.

The device extension, which is available in both MediaSense and Unified CCE, can be used to associate data. But this can be problematic because lines are configured for recording in Unified Communications Manager, not devices or extensions-- and there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between the line and the extension. If a given phone happens to have two lines or two extensions (or a given extension happens to be assigned to two phones), then some ambiguity can result.

For more information about call correlation techniques, see http:/​/​​wiki/​FAQs_​for_​Cisco_​MediaSense.