Cisco Intersight Kubernetes Service


  1. Software features
  2. Container Network Interface (CNI)
    1. Get a plug-in responsible for inserting a network interface into the container network namespace.
  3. Container Storage Interface (CSI)
    1. Provide integrated storage for standard Kubernetes primitives such as persistent volume claims and storage classes.
  4. Certificate manager
    1. Issue and manage certificates for services.
  5. L7 load balancer
    1. Efficiently distribute network traffic with layer 7 load balancing.
  6. L4 load balancer
    1. Load balance network traffic at layer 4.
  7. Kubernetes Dashboard
    1. The Kubernetes multi-cluster dashboard displays the status of all your Kubernetes clusters.
  8. Cisco Intersight Service Mesh Manager
    1. Provide rapid deployment and continued lifecycle management of an Istio Service Mesh.
  9. Cisco Intersight Workload Optimizer agents
    1. Gain greater insight and optimize your Kubernetes clusters with Intersight Workload Optimizer agents.
  10. Helm Charts
    1. Provide continuous delivery toolkit for Helm Charts.
  11. Attach Kubernetes clusters
    1. Get support for attaching third-party and public cloud service Kubernetes cluster deployments.

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