Cisco WebEx Meetings Server User Guide Release 2.0


This release of Cisco WebEx Meetings Server has enhanced web page accessibility for both administrator and end-user sites on Windows operating systems including audio CAPTCHA, keyboard support, and screen reader (JAWS) support. Keyboard shortcuts and screen readers are also supported in the meeting client.

Using Audio CAPTCHA

The CAPTCHA challenge-response test requires that you accurately enter the text that is presented into the text box so that you can access your account. WebEx presents you with this security measure when you fail to sign in with the correct user credentials six times or when you choose to reset your password by selecting the Forgot your password link. As an alternative to entering what you see in the image, you can enter the text that you hear.


Audio CAPTCHA is not supported if your system is configured for SSO or LDAP authentication.
    Step 1   Navigate to the Hear an audio challenge link using the Tab or Shift+Tab keys and select Enter. The text will be read to you.
    Step 2   Enter the text that you hear into the text box and select Enter.
    Step 3   To hear the text again, navigate to the Replay link using Shift+Tab and select Enter. After entering the text correctly, you can proceed with signing in to WebEx.

    Screen Reader Support

    Cisco WebEx supports JAWS screen reading software for the following elements in the meeting client:

    • Application menus and drop-down menus
    • Shared file titles and tab titles
    • Quick Start page buttons, button titles, and tooltips
    • Panel and Panels tray buttons, button titles, and tooltips
    • Annotation panel and toolbars
    • Shared Meeting window content area toolbars
    • Meeting Controls Panel buttons, button titles, and tooltips

    Supported Keyboard Shortcuts

    Windows operating system participants who have special needs or who are power users can navigate around the meeting window using keyboard shortcuts. Some of these shortcuts are standard in the Windows environment.

    Press To


    Switch between meeting window areas such as the content area and the panels area


    • Switch between open documents in the content area of the meeting window
    • Navigate within the panels area
    • Switch between tabs in the following windows:
      • Invite and Remind
      • Preferences
      • Meeting Options
      • Participant Privileges


    • Use right-click menus in the following panels and elements:
      • Participant panel
      • Chat panel
      • Notes panel
      • Closed Captions panel
      • File Transfer window
      • Shared whiteboard and file tabs
    • Work with the Participants list
    • Copy text from the Chat panel


    Switch between elements, such as buttons, fields, and check boxes within a window or panel

    Arrow keys

    Switch between options in dialog boxes


    Close any dialog box


    Selecting Alt+F4 is just like selecting the "x" on any dialog box.


    • Check or uncheck an option box
    • Enter text in an input box


    Carry out the command for the active button (usually replaces a mouse click)


    Copy text from the Chat panel


    Show the Meeting Controls panel in full-screen mode


    Hiding the Meeting controls, panels, and notifications

    Working With the Participants List

    The Participants panel provides a right-click menu that allows you to act upon a participant depending on your role in the meeting:

    • If you are the host or presenter, you can perform actions such as making someone else the presenter or muting another participant's microphone if it is too noisy.
    • If you are not the host or presenter, you can perform actions such as asking to become the presenter or muting your own microphone.
      Step 1   Press F6 on your keyboard to navigate from the contents area to the Participants panel.
      Step 2   Navigate to the appropriate participant by using the up and down arrow keys.
      Step 3   Select Shift+F10 to open the right-click menu on the specific participant.
      Step 4   Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate between the available options.

      Copying Text From the Chat Panel

      The Chat panel provides a right-click menu that allows you to copy text from the Chat history area.

      Before You Begin
      Make sure that you are in the correct portion of the meeting window by doing the following:
      • Press F6 to move from the contents area to the panels area of the meeting window.
      • Press Ctrl+Tab to navigate between panels until you are in the Chat panel.
      • Press Tab until you are in the Chat history area.
        Step 1   With the focus on the Chat history area, select Shift+F10 to open the right-click menu.
        Step 2   Use the up and down arrows to copy text or to select all text.

        Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+A to select all the chat text.

        To select only a portion of the text, move your cursor with the arrow keys and then use Shift-[Arrow] to highlight text.

        Entering Text In An Input Box

        Note the following tips to enter text in an input box.

          Step 1   If the window includes questions, navigate between questions using the Tab key.
          Step 2   If the window includes options, move between the options using the up and down arrow keys.
          Step 3   Move the cursor to focus on the text input area and use the Spacebar or Enter key so you can type your answer.
          Step 4   Press Enter or Esc to finish editing.

          Accessing the Meeting Controls Panel During Sharing

          During sharing, the Meeting Controls panel is partially hidden at the top of your screen. Read the following task to display it during sharing.

            Step 1   Enter Ctrl+Alt+Shift to show the panel.

            After the panel is displayed, the initial focus is on the Participants icon.

            Step 2   Do the following:
            Press To


            Change focus


            Activate a feature


            Return to the sharing area from the Meeting Controls panel
            • If you are sharing a file, select the WebEx ball to return to the sharing area.
            • If you are sharing an application, select the application to return focus to it.
            • If you are sharing your desktop, select the application you want to share.

            To switch from the Meeting Controls panel to another open panel, such as the Participants list, enter F6.