Installing the Controller in AWS Environment

Using Private IP

Overview on Amazon Web Services

The controller can be deployed in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for public cloud solutions.


Before attempting to launch the controller in AWS, the following prerequisites should be met:

  • Create an AWS account.

  • Install an SSH client (for example, Putty on Windows or Terminal on Macintosh) to access the controller console.

  • Determine the instance type that you want to deploy.

  • Create an IAM user.

  • Create a key pair.

  • Create a VPC.

  • Create a security group.

  • Create a VPN gateway.

  • Create subnets.

  • For each remote site, create:

    • Create a customer gateway

    • Create a VPN connection.


The AP in Sniffer mode is not supported in AWS.

General Information

  • All interfaces in the public cloud are Layer 3 and there are no trunk interfaces.

  • All the public cloud IP allocations are done using DHCP in public cloud. You can decide on the IP to be assigned to the controller.

  • Supports only one interface, which is shared by device management and wireless management.

  • Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud - Ultra-Low Profile is not supported on public cloud.

Creating a Virtual Private Cloud

Perform the following procedure to configure a VPC in AWS:

Before you begin

  • A VPC is a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account and logically isolated from the other virtual networks in the AWS Cloud.

  • You can specify an IP address range for the VPC, add subnets, associate security groups, and configure route tables.

  • You can optionally connect your VPC to your own corporate data center using an IPsec AWS-managed VPN connection, making the AWS Cloud an extension of your data center.


A VPN connection consists of a virtual private gateway attached to your VPC and a customer gateway located in your data center. A virtual private gateway is the VPN concentrator in the Amazon side of the VPN connection. A customer gateway is a physical device or software appliance on your side of the VPN connection.


Step 1

Choose AWS Console > VPC Dashboard > Launch VPC Wizard > VPC with a Private Subnet Only and Hardware VPN Access to select a VPC configuration.

Step 2

On the VPC with a Private Subnet Only and Hardware VPN Access page, enter the details.

Step 3

Choose VPC Console > Subnets > Create Subnet to create a subnet.

Step 4

Choose VPC Console > Security Groups > Create Security Group to create a security group.

A security group is a virtual firewall that controls traffic to and from one or more instances. When an instance is brought up, you can associate one or more security groups with it. You can use the default security group for the instances, but it is recommended that you create a security group that reflects the role for your instances.

Step 5

Click Create.

This creates a VPC.

Creating a Virtual Private Gateway

Perform the following to create an AWS Virtual Private Gateway:

Before you begin


Step 1

Choose VPN Connections > Virtual Private Gateway.

The Create Virtual Private Gateway window is displayed. Enter the following details:

  1. Enter a Name Tag.



    Use the AWS VPN router name.

  2. Choose an ASN.

    You can either use a custom ASN or use the default one selected by the Amazon gateway.



After creating the AWS VPN gateway, it will be shown as detached and you need to attach it to a VPC.

Step 2

Click Actions and choose Attach to VPC.

Step 3

From the pop-up window, select the VPC created earlier.

This way the AWS VPN is attached to the VPC.

Creating a Customer Gateway

Perform the following procedure to create a customer gateway:


Step 1

From the AWS console and VPC dashboard, click VPN Connections > Customer Gateways.

Step 2

Click Create Customer Gateway.

The Create Customer Gateway window is displayed. Enter the following details:

  1. Name of your VPN router.

  2. Select routing as dynamic or static.

  3. Enter the external, internet routable address of your router or firewall.

Step 3

Click Create Customer Gateway.

Creating a VPN Connection

Perform the following procedure to create a VPN connection:


Step 1

From the AWS console and VPC dashboard, choose VPN Connections > VPN Connections.

Step 2

Click Create VPN Connection.

The Create VPN Connection window is displayed. Enter the following details:

  1. Name of the VPN connection.

  2. Select the AWS VPN gateway and customer gateway.

  3. Select routing as dynamic or static.

  4. Enter the remote subnets reachable through VPN.

    The remote subnets are the remote network where your APs will be on-prem.

Step 3

(Optional) Assign subnet and keys for tunnel interfaces for IPSEC VPN.

AWS creates 2 tunnel interfaces for redundancy. If you do not specify details, AWS randomly generates tunnel options.

Step 4

Click Create VPN Connection.

This creates a VPN connection. It takes a few minutes to set up the connection and change the status from pending to available.

Step 5

While the VPN is being created, you can download the configuration to deploy in the customer VPN router. Click Download Configuration.

Step 6

From the pop-up window, select the brand and type of customer VPN router.

Step 7

Click Download.

Creating a Key Pair

Perform the following procedure to create a key pair:


Step 1

From the AWS console and EC2 dashboard, choose Network & Security > Key pairs.

Step 2

Click Create Key Pair.

Installing the Controller on AWS Using Cloud Formation Template

Perform the following procedure to install the controller on AWS using the Cloud Formation Template:

Before you begin

  • A VPC is created with the desired subnet for the controller management interface.

  • A managed VPN connection is created from the Enterprise site or sites to the VPC.

  • Download the CloudFormation template from the AWS marketplace and save it to your computer.


Step 1

From the AWS console and CloudFormation page, click Create Stack.

Step 2

From Choose a template section, select upload template to Amazon S3 option.

The json file is loaded directly to AWS.

Step 3

Click Next.

The Specify Details page is displayed.

Step 4

Enter the stack and instance details:

  • Enter any name for the stack you want.

  • Enter the controller name as the hostname.

  • Enter a name for the Instance Key Pair.

  • Enter an AMI for the EC2 instance.

Step 5

Click Next.

The Network Details page is displayed.

Step 6

Enter Network and User details.

For the Management Network and Management Security, use the drop-downs to select subnet and security group. Enter an username and password to connect to the instance remotely.

Step 7

Click Next.

You get to view the status change from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE.

Step 8

Choose the Instance Type.

Step 9

From the EC2 dashboard, click Running Instances.

The new instance will be in Status Checks (System Status Checks & Instance Status Checks) initializing. You will need to wait for few minutes until it turns green.

When the status turns green, your controller in the cloud is ready to use. You can connect to the controller using SSH with the defined credentials or .pem file.

Installing the Controller Using AWS Console

Perform the following procedure to install the controller with the AWS console:


Step 1

From the AWS console and EC2 Management page, click Launch Instance.

Step 2

Click My AMIs to select the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud AMI.

Step 3

Choose an Instance Type.

You will need to choose the instances as per your requirements.

Step 4

Perform the following to configure the instance details:

  1. Choose Availability Zone.

  2. Choose Network.

  3. Select Subnet.

  4. Associate an IAM role to restrict or allow usage of instance to other users.



You must disable the public IP during bring-up.

Step 5

From the Add Storage page, you can use this optional step to specify additional volumes to be attached to the instance.

Step 6

Perform the following in the Add Tags page:

  1. Enter Tag Volumes.

  2. Select Interfaces.

  3. Select Instance.

Step 7

From the Configure Security Group page, choose a security group. If a relevant one does not exist, create a new one.

Step 8

Click Review and Launch. Review the configuration of your instance.

Step 9

Click Launch Instances.

Before launching your instance, you need a key pair to access the instance. Key pair consists of a public key that AWS stores and a private key that you store. If you do not have a key, click Create a new keypair, and create a new one, else choose an existing keypair.

What to do next

After the instance is up, you can connect to the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud instance using the following UNIX command in your terminal:

ssh -i path_to_pem_file ec2-user@[public-ip|DNS name]


You can obtain the IP and the DNS name from the description of the instance in the EC2 instance console.

Bootstrap Properties for AWS

Table 1. Bootstrap Properties for AWS




Configures the hostname of the router, as shown in the following example:



Configures the network domain name, as shown in the following example:



Configures the IPv4 management default gateway address, as shown in the following example:



Enables execution of a Cisco IOS command. To execute multiple commands, use multiple instances of ios-config, with a number appended to each instance, for example, ios-config-1, ios-config-2, and so on.

When you specify a Cisco IOS command, use escape characters to pass special characters that are within the command: ampersand(&), double quotes(“), single quotes('), less than(<) or greater than(>). See "ios-config-5" in the following example:

ios-config-1="username cisco priv 15 pass ciscoxyz"
ios-config-2="ip scp server enable"
ios-config-3="ip domain lookup"
ios-config-4="ip domain name”
ios-config-5="event syslog pattern &quot;\(Tunnel1\) is down: 
 BFD peer down notified&quot;"

Using Public IP

Creating a Virtual Private Cloud

A VPC is a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account and logically isolated from other virtual networks in the AWS Cloud. You can specify an IP address range for the VPC, add subnets, associate security groups, and configure route tables.


The AP join to public IP does not require VPN connection.

Perform the following procedure to configure a VPC in AWS:


Step 1

Choose AWS Console > VPC Dashboard > Launch VPC Wizard > VPC with a Private Subnet Only and Hardware VPN Access.

Step 2

In the VPC with a Private Subnet Only and Hardware VPN Access window, enter the details.

Step 3

Choose VPC Console > Subnets > Create Subnet to create a subnet.

Step 4

Choose VPC Console > Security Groups > Create Security Group to create a security group.



A security group is a virtual firewall that controls traffic to and from one or more instances. When an instance is brought up, you can associate one or more security groups with it. You can use the default security group for the instances, but we recommend that you create a security group that reflects the role of your instances.

Step 5

Click Create.

This creates a VPC.

Creating a Key Pair

Perform the following procedure to create a key pair:


Step 1

From the AWS console and EC2 dashboard, choose Network & Security > Key pairs.

Step 2

Click Create Key Pair.

Installing the Controller on AWS Using Cloud Formation Template

Perform the following procedure to install the controller on AWS using the Cloud Formation Template:

Before you begin

  • A VPC is created with the desired subnet for the controller management interface.

  • A managed VPN connection is created from the Enterprise site or sites to the VPC.

  • Download the CloudFormation template from the AWS marketplace and save it to your computer.


Step 1

From the AWS console and CloudFormation page, click Create Stack.

Step 2

From Choose a template section, select upload template to Amazon S3 option.

The json file is loaded directly to AWS.

Step 3

Click Next.

The Specify Details page is displayed.

Step 4

Enter the stack and instance details:

  • Enter any name for the stack you want.

  • Enter the controller name as the hostname.

  • Enter a name for the Instance Key Pair.

  • Enter an AMI for the EC2 instance.

Step 5

Click Next.

The Network Details page is displayed.

Step 6

Enter Network and User details.

For the Management Network and Management Security, use the drop-downs to select subnet and security group. Enter an username and password to connect to the instance remotely.

Step 7

Click Next.

You get to view the status change from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE.

Step 8

Choose the Instance Type.

Step 9

From the EC2 dashboard, click Running Instances.

The new instance will be in Status Checks (System Status Checks & Instance Status Checks) initializing. You will need to wait for few minutes until it turns green.

When the status turns green, your controller in the cloud is ready to use. You can connect to the controller using SSH with the defined credentials or .pem file.

Installing the Controller Using AWS Console

Perform the following procedure to install the controller with the AWS console:


Step 1

From the AWS console and EC2 Management page, click Launch Instance.

Step 2

Click My AMIs to select the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud AMI.

Step 3

Choose an Instance Type.

You will need to choose the instances as per your requirements.

Step 4

Perform the following to configure the instance details:

  1. Choose Availability Zone.

  2. Choose Network.

  3. Select Subnet.

  4. Associate an IAM role to restrict or allow usage of instance to other users.



You must disable the public IP during bring-up.

Step 5

From the Add Storage page, you can use this optional step to specify additional volumes to be attached to the instance.

Step 6

Perform the following in the Add Tags page:

  1. Enter Tag Volumes.

  2. Select Interfaces.

  3. Select Instance.

Step 7

From the Configure Security Group page, choose a security group. If a relevant one does not exist, create a new one.

Step 8

Click Review and Launch. Review the configuration of your instance.

Step 9

Click Launch Instances.

Before launching your instance, you need a key pair to access the instance. Key pair consists of a public key that AWS stores and a private key that you store. If you do not have a key, click Create a new keypair, and create a new one, else choose an existing keypair.

What to do next

After the instance is up, you can connect to the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller for Cloud instance using the following UNIX command in your terminal:

ssh -i path_to_pem_file ec2-user@[public-ip|DNS name]


You can obtain the IP and the DNS name from the description of the instance in the EC2 instance console.

Bootstrap Properties for AWS

Table 2. Bootstrap Properties for AWS




Configures the hostname of the router, as shown in the following example:



Configures the network domain name, as shown in the following example:



Configures the IPv4 management default gateway address, as shown in the following example:



Enables execution of a Cisco IOS command. To execute multiple commands, use multiple instances of ios-config, with a number appended to each instance, for example, ios-config-1, ios-config-2, and so on.

When you specify a Cisco IOS command, use escape characters to pass special characters that are within the command: ampersand(&), double quotes(“), single quotes('), less than(<) or greater than(>). See "ios-config-5" in the following example:

ios-config-1="username cisco priv 15 pass ciscoxyz"
ios-config-2="ip scp server enable"
ios-config-3="ip domain lookup"
ios-config-4="ip domain name”
ios-config-5="event syslog pattern &quot;\(Tunnel1\) is down: 
 BFD peer down notified&quot;"

Enabling Public IP on the Controller

Perform the following procedure to enable the Wireless Management Interface with Public IP:

Before you begin

  • The controller has two types of IPs:

    • Private IP

    • Public IP


    By default, the public IP is not enabled.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device> configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless management interface interface-type interface-number


Device(config)# wireless management interface gigabit1

Defines the management interface.


  • interface-type refers to the Gigabit interface.

  • interface-number is 1.



    The Public cloud VM supports only the following:

    • Gigabit as the interface-type.

    • 1 as the interface-number.

Step 3

public-ip public-ip


Device(config-mgmt-interface)# public-ip

Defines the external Public IP.

Step 4



Device(config-mgmt-interface)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Enabling CAPWAP Discovery to Respond Only with Public or Private IP