Integration of Customer Instance with Shared Management

Certificates for Unified Contact Center Enterprise Web Administration


  • You must import self-signed certificates of solution components into the AW machines, if you are not using CA-signed certificates.

  • Make sure that the certificates in the keystore pertain to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the servers. If you have changed the domain name or hostname, be sure to update the certificates in the keystore.

CA Certificates

The following table outlines the CA certificate tasks for each component.



Unified CCE Components

  1. Generate CSR

  2. Create Trusted CA-Signed Server or Application Certificate

  3. Upload and Bind CA-Signed Certificate

Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Call Server/CVP Reporting Server1

See Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal at

Email and Chat

See Enterprise Chat and Email Installation and Configuration Guide at

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)

See Security Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager at

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)

Obtain and Upload Third-party CA Certificate

Cisco Finesse

See Cisco Finesse Administration Guide at

Deploy Certificate in Browsers

Live Data

Obtain and Upload Third-party CA Certificate

Cisco Identity Service (IdS)

  1. From the IdS server, generate and download a Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).

  2. Obtain Root and Application certificates from the third-party vendor.

  3. Upload the appropriate certificates to the IdS server.

For more information, see Ensure to run the instructions in IdS server.

Cloud Connect

Obtain and Upload Third-party CA Certificate

Virtualized Voice Browser (VVB)

See Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal at

Customer Collaboration Platform

See Security Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at

1 CA certificate instructions for CVP Reporting Server are similar to CVP call server.

Generate CSR

This procedure explains how to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 1

Log in to Windows and choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2

In the Connections pane, click the server name.

The server Home pane appears.

Step 3

In the IIS area, double-click Server Certificates.

Step 4

In the Actions pane, click Create Certificate Request.

Step 5

In the Request Certificate dialog box, do the following:

  1. Specify the required information in the displayed fields and click Next.

  2. In the Cryptographic service provider drop-down list, leave the default setting.

  3. From the Bit length drop-down list, select 2048.

Step 6

Specify a file name for the certificate request and click Finish.

Create Trusted CA-Signed Server or Application Certificate

You can create CA-signed certificate in any one of the following ways:

  • Create certificate internally. Do the following:

    1. Set up Microsoft Certificate Server for Windows Server

    2. Download the CA-signed certificate on each component server. Do the following:
      1. Open the CA server certificate page (https://<CA-server-address>/certsrv).

      2. Click Request a Certificate and then click advanced certificate request. Then do the following:
        1. Copy the Certificate Request content in the Base-64-encoded certificate request box.

        2. From the Certificate Template drop-down list, choose Web Server.

        3. Click Submit.

        4. Choose Base 64 encoded.

        5. Click Download certificate and save it to the desired destination folder.

      3. On the CA server certificate page, click Download a CA Certificate, Certificate Chain, or CRL, and then do the following:
        1. Select the Encoding method as Base 64.

        2. Click Download CA Certificate and save it to the desired destination folder.

    3. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Windows trust store of every component. For more information on how to import CA certificates into Windows trust store, see Microsoft documentation.

    4. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Java keystore of every component. For more information, see Import CA Certificate into AW Machines.

  • Obtain certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Do the following:

    1. Send the CSR to a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) for sign-off.

    2. Obtain the CA-signed application certificate, Root CA certificate, and Intermediate Authority certificate (if any).

    3. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Windows trust store of every component. For more information on how to import CA certificates into Windows trust store, see Microsoft documentation.

    4. Import the Root CA and Intermediate Authority certificates into Java keystore of every component. For more information, see Import CA Certificate into AW Machines.

Import CA Certificate into AW Machines


Step 1

Log in to the AW-HDS-DDS Server.

Step 2

Run the following command:

cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin

Step 3

Copy the Root or intermediate certificates to a location in AW Machine.

Step 4

Run the following command and remove the existing certificate:

keytool.exe -delete -alias <AW FQDN> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

Step 5

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 6

At the AW machine terminal, run the following command:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where the Root or intermediate certificate is stored> -alias <AW FQDN> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts 

Step 7

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

Step 8

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Upload and Bind CA-Signed Certificate

Upload CA-Signed Certificate to IIS Manager
This procedure explains how to upload a CA-Signed certificate to IIS Manager.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have the Root certificate, and Intermediate certificate (if any).

Step 1

Log in to Windows and choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2

In the Connections pane, click the server name.

Step 3

In the IIS area, double-click Server Certificates.

Step 4

In the Actions pane, click Complete Certificate Request.

Step 5

In the Complete Certificate Request dialog box, complete the following fields:

  1. In the File name containing the certification authority's response field, click the button.

  2. Browse to the location where signed certificate is stored and then click Open.

  3. In the Friendly name field, enter the FQDN of the server.

Step 6

Click OK to upload the certificate.

If the certificate upload is successful, the certificate appears in the Server Certificates pane.

Bind CA-Signed Certificate to IIS Manager
Bind CCE Web Applications
This procedure explains how to bind a CA Signed certificate in the IIS Manager.

Step 1

Log in to Windows and choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2

In the Connections pane, choose <server_name> > Sites > Default Web Site.

Step 3

In the Actions pane, click Bindings....

Step 4

Click the type https with port 443, and then click Edit....

Step 5

From the SSL certificate drop-down list, select the uploaded signed Certificate Request.

Step 6

Click OK.

Step 7

Navigate to Start > Run > services.msc and restart the IIS Admin Service.

If IIS is restarted successfully, certificate error warnings do not appear when the application is launched.

Bind Diagnostic Framework Service
This procedure explains how to bind a CA Signed Certificate in the Diagnostic Portico.

Step 1

Open the command prompt.

Step 2

Navigate to the Diagnostic Portico home folder using:

cd <ICM install directory>:\icm\serviceability\diagnostics\bin

Step 3

Remove the current certificate binding to the Diagnostic Portico tool using:

DiagFwCertMgr /task:UnbindCert

Step 4

Open the signed certificate and copy the hash content (without spaces) of the Thumbprint field. Run the following command:

DiagFwCertMgr /task:BindCertFromStore /certhash:<hash_value>

If certificate binding is successful, it displays "The certificate binding is VALID" message.

Step 5

Validate if the certificate binding was successful using:

DiagFwCertMgr /task:ValidateCertBinding



DiagFwCertMgr uses port 7890 by default.

If certificate binding is successful, it displays "The certificate binding is VALID" message.

Step 6

Restart the Diagnostic Framework service by running the following command:

sc stop "diagfwsvc"

sc start "diagfwsvc"

If Diagnostic Framework restarts successfully, certificate error warnings do not appear when the application is launched.

Self-Signed Certificates

The following table lists components from which self-signed certificates are generated and components into which self-signed certificates are imported.


To establish a secure communication, run the commands (given in the links below) in the Command Prompt as an Administrator (right click over the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator).

Import Self-signed Certificates to Target Server

Generate Self-signed Certificates from Source Component Server


AW Machines

Unified CCE Components (Router, Logger2, Rogger3, PGs, and HDS)

Import CCE Component Certificates

Import Diagnostic Framework Portico Certificate into AW Machines

Cisco Finesse

Import VOS Components Certificate

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) Publisher and Subscriber

Cisco Identity Service (IdS) Publisher and Subscriber

Cloud Connect

Customer Collaboration Platform



Import CCE Component Certificates


2 Router and Logger are applicable only for 12000 Agent deployments.
3 Applicable only for 2000 and 4000 Agent deployments.

Import CCE Component Certificates

This procedure explains how to import self-signed certificates from a source CCE component sever to a target server.


The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the CCE components in the CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Log in to the required CCE component server.

Step 2

From the browser (https://<FQDN of the CCE component server>), download the certificate.

If you want to regenerate a certificate instead of using the existing certificate, run the following commands:

  1. From the Cisco Unified CCE Tools folder, launch the SSL Encryption Utility.

  2. Go to the Certificate Administration tab and click Uninstall.

  3. Click Yes to confirm uninstallation of certificate.

    A message is displayed upon successful uninstallation of the certificate.

  4. Click Install to generate a new certificate.

Step 3

Copy the certificate to a location in the target server.

Step 4

Run the following command at the target server (machine terminal):

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of component Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

Step 5

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 6

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat on target servers.

Import Diagnostic Framework Portico Certificate into AW Machines
Generate Diagnostic Framework Portico self-signed certificate on each CCE component server and import them into all AW Machines.

Step 1

Log in to the CCE component server.

Step 2

From the Cisco Unified CCE Tools, open the Diagnostic Framework Portico.

Step 3

Download the self-signed certificate from the browser.

Step 4

Copy the certificate to a location in AW Machine.

Step 5

Run the following command at the AW machine terminal:

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of the CCE component Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts



The alias name of the CCE component server must be different from the alias name given while creating the CCE component server's self-signed certificate.

Step 6

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.



To change the truststore password, see Change Java Truststore Password.

Step 7

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Import VOS Components Certificate

This procedure explains how to import self-signed certificates from a source VOS component sever to a target server.


The certificate CommonName (CN) must match the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) provided for the respective component servers in the CCE Inventory.


Step 1

Sign in to the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the source component server using the URL (https://<FQDN of the Component server>:8443/cmplatform).

Step 2

From the Security menu, select Certificate Management.

Step 3

Click Find.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is not on the list, click Generate Self-signed. When the certificate generation is complete, reboot your server.

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is on the list, click the certificate to select it. (Ensure that the certificate you select includes the hostname for the server.)

Step 5

Download the self-signed certificate that contains hostname of the primary server.

Step 6

Copy the certificate to a location in the target server.

Step 7

Run the following command as an administrator at the target server (machine terminal):

  • cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin
  • keytool -import -file <path where self-signed certificate is copied> -alias <FQDN of component Server> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

Step 8

Enter the truststore password when prompted.

The default truststore password is changeit.

Step 9

Go to Services and restart Apache Tomcat.

Certificates for Live Data

Certificates and Secure Communications

For secure Cisco Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, and Live Data server-to-server communication, perform any of the following:

  • Use the self-signed certificates provided with Live Data.


    When using self-signed certificates, agents must accept the Live Data certificates in the Finesse desktop when they sign in before they can use the Live Data gadget.

  • Obtain and install a Certification Authority (CA) certificate from a third-party vendor.

  • Produce a Certification Authority (CA) certificate internally.

Self-Signed Certificates and Third-Party CA Certificates

For secure Cisco Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, and Live Data server-to-server communication, you must set up security certificates (Applicable for both Self-Signed and Third-Party CA Certificates):

  • For Cisco Finesse and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center servers to communicate with the Live Data server, you must to import the Live Data certificates and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center certificates into Cisco Finesse, and the Live Data certificates into Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

On Server

Import Certificates From


Live Data and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center

Live Data


Cisco Unified Intelligence Center

Live Data

Export Self-Signed Live Data Certificates

Live Data installation includes the generation of self-signed certificates. If you choose to work with these self-signed certificates (rather than producing your own CA certificate or obtaining a CA certificate from a third-party certificate vendor), you must first export the certificates from Live Data and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, as described in this procedure. You must export from both Side A and Side B of the Live Data and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center servers. You must then import the certificates into Finesse, importing both Side A and Side B certificates into each side of the Finesse servers.

As is the case when using other self-signed certificates, agents must accept the Live Data certificates in the Finesse desktop when they sign in before they can use the Live Data gadget.


Step 1

Sign in to Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (https://hostname of Cisco Unified Intelligence Center server/cmplatform).

Step 2

From the Security menu, select Certificate Management.

Step 3

Click Find.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  • If the tomcat certificate for your server is on the list, click the certificate to select it. (Ensure that the certificate you select includes the hostname for the server.)

  • If you are using self-signed certificate, do the following:

    1. Click Generate New.

    2. When the certificate generation is complete, restart the Cisco Tomcat service and the Cisco Live Data NGNIX service.

    3. Restart this procedure.

Step 5

Click Download .pem file and save the file to your desktop.

Be sure to perform these steps for both Side A and Side B.

Step 6

After you have downloaded the certificates from Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, sign in to Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the Live Data server (http://hostname of LiveData server/cmplatform), and repeat steps 2 to 5. This is applicable only for Standalone LiveData.

What to do next

You must now import the Live Data and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center certificates into the Finesse servers.

Import Self-Signed Live Data Certificates

To import the certificates into the Finesse servers, use the following procedure.


Step 1

Sign in to Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the Finesse server using the following URL:

http://FQDN of Finesse server:8443/cmplatform

Step 2

From the Security menu, select Certificate Management.

Step 3

Click Upload Certificate.

Step 4

From the Certificate Name drop-down list, select tomcat-trust.

Step 5

Click Browse and browse to the location of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center certificate (with the .pem file extension).

Step 6

Select the file, and click Upload File.

Step 7

After you have uploaded the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center certificate repeat steps 3 to 6 for Live Data certificates.This is applicable only for standalone Live Data.

Step 8

After you upload both the certificates, restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat on the Finesse server.

What to do next

Be sure to perform these steps for both Side A and Side B.

Obtain and Upload Third-party CA Certificate

You can use a Certification Authority (CA) certificate provided by a third-party vendor to establish an HTTPS connection between the Live Data, Cisco Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center servers, and Cloud Connect servers.

To use third-party CA certificates:

  • From the Cisco Unified Operating System Administrator of Live Data, Cisco Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, and Cloud Connect servers, generate and download a Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).

  • Obtain root and application certificates from the third-party vendor.

  • Upload the appropriate certificates to the Live Data, Unified Intelligence Center, Cisco Finesse, and Cloud Connect servers.

Follow the instructions provided in the Unified CCE Solution: Procedure to Obtain and Upload Third-Party CA certificates (Version 11.x) technical note at .

Produce Certificate Internally

Set up Microsoft Certificate Server for Windows Server

This procedure assumes that your deployment includes a Windows Server Active Directory server. Perform the following steps to add the Active Directory Certificate Services role on the Windows Server domain controller.

Before you begin

Before you begin, Microsoft .Net Framework must be installed. See Windows Server documentation for instructions.


Step 1

In Windows, open the Server Manager.

Step 2

In the Quick Start window, click Add Roles and Features .

Step 3

In the Set Installation Type tab, select Role-based or feature-based installation , and then click Next.

Step 4

In the Server Selection tab, select the destination server then click Next.

Step 5

In the Server Roles tab, check the Active Directory Certificate Services box, and then click the Add Features button in the pop-up window.

Step 6

In the Features and AD CS tabs, click Next to accept default values.

Step 7

In the Role Services tab, verify that Certification Authority, Certification Authority Web Enrollment, Certificate Enrollment Web Service, and Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service boxes are box is checked, and then click Next.

Step 8

In the Confirmation tab, click Install.

Step 9

After the installation is complete, click the Configure Active Directory Certificate Service on the destination server link.

Step 10

Verify that the credentials are correct (for the domain Administrator user), and then click Next.

Step 11

In the Role Services tab, check the Certification Authority, Certification Authority Web Enrollment, Certificate Enrollment Web Service, and Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service boxes box, and then click Next.

Step 12

In the Setup Type tab, select Enterprise CA, and then click Next.

Step 13

In the CA Type tab, select Root CA, and then click Next.

Step 14

In the Private Key, Cryptography, CA Name, Validity Period, and Certificate Database tabs, click Next to accept default values.

Step 15

In the following tabs, leave the default values, and click Next.

  1. CA for CES

  2. Authentication Type for CES

  3. Service Account for CES

  4. Authentication Type for CEP

Step 16

Review the information in the Confirmation tab, and then click Configure.

Download CA certificate

This procedure assumes that you are using the Windows Certificate Services. Perform the following steps to retrieve the root CA certificate from the certificate authority. After you retrieve the root certificate, each user must install it in the browser used to access Finesse.


Step 1

On the Windows domain controller, run the CLI command certutil -ca.cert ca_name.cer, in which ca_name is the name of your certificate.

Step 2

Save the file. Note where you saved the file so you can retrieve it later.

Change Java Truststore Password

This procedure explains how to change a truststore password in a Windows machine.


Step 1

Log in to the Windows machine.

Step 2

Run the following command:

cd %JAVA_HOME%\bin

Step 3

Change the truststore password by running the following command:

keytool.exe -storepasswd -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Enter keystore password:  <old-password>
New keystore password:  <new-password>
Re-enter new keystore password:  <new-password>

Single Sign-on Integration

Establish Trust Relationship for Cisco IdS

To enable applications to use Cisco Identity Service (Cisco IdS) for Single Sign-On, perform the metadata exchange between the Cisco IdS and the Hosted Identity Provider (IdP).

  • Download the SAML SP Metadata file, sp.xml, on the Cisco IdS publisher primary node.

    1. Open Identity Service Management by doing either of the following:

      • Open the Identity Service Management window: https://<Unified CCX server address>:8553/idsadmin.

      • In Administration, navigate to System > Single Sign-On and click Identity Service Management.

    2. On the Settings > IdS Trust tab, download the SAML SP Metadata file, sp.xml.

  • Download the Identity Provider Metadata file, federationmetadata.xml, from the IdP. For example,

    1. For AD FS, download the Identity Provider Metadata file from the IdP at the location:

      https://<ADFSServer FQDN>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml.

    2. On the Identity Service Management page, upload the Identity Provider Metadata file that was downloaded in the previous step.

The SAML SSO uses trust authentication certificates to exchange authentication and authorization details between the IdP (such as AD FS) and the Cisco IdS. This secures the communication between the servers.


  • Cisco IdS supports SAML self-signed certificates for authentication.

  • If the IdP certificates are automatically rolled-over, manually renewed, or updated by the administrator, then re-establish the trust relationship between the IdS and the IdP.

Integrate the Customer Instance to the Shared ADFS

Integrate Cisco IdS to the Shared Management AD FS


Step 1

In AD FS, be sure that the default Authentication Type is set to Forms. (Cisco Identity Service requires the Identity Provider to provide form-based authentication.) See the Microsoft AD FS documentation for details.

Step 2

In AD FS server, open AD FS Management.

Step 3

Right-click AD FS -> Trust Relationships -> Relying Party Trust.

Step 4

From the menu, choose Add Relying Party Trust to launch the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard.

Step 5

In the Select Data Source step, choose the option Import data about the relying party from a file.

Step 6

Browse to the sp.xml file that you downloaded from Cisco Identity Server and complete the import to establish the relying party trust.

Step 7

Select the step Specify Display Name, and add a significant name you can use to identify the Relying Party Trust.

Step 8

For AD FS in Windows Server, select the option I do not want to configure multi-factor authentication settings for the relying party at this time in the Step Configure Multi-factor Authentication Now.

Step 9

In the Step Choose Issuance Authorization Rules, select the option Permit all users to access this relying party and click Next.

Step 10

Click Next again to finish adding the relying party.

Step 11

Right-click on the Relying Party Trust and click Properties. Select the Identifiers tab.

Step 12

On the Identifiers tab, configure the following:



Display name

The unique name of the identifier.

Relying party identifier

FQDN of the publisher node of Cisco Identity Server from which you downloaded the Cisco IdS metadata file.

FQDN of the subscriber node of Cisco Identity Server.

Step 13

Still in Properties, select the Advanced tab.

Step 14

Select secure hash algorithm as SHA-1 and then click OK.


In the following steps, you configure two claim rules to specify the claims that are sent from AD FS to Cisco Identity Service as part of a successful SAML assertion:
  • A claim rule with the following custom claims, as AttributeStatements, in the assertion:

    • uid - Identifies the authenticated user in the claim sent to the applications.

    • user_principal - Identifies the authentication realm of the user in the assertion sent to Cisco Identity Service.

  • A second claim rule that is a NameID custom claim rule specifying the fully qualified domain name of the AD FS server and the Cisco IdS server.

Follow the steps to configure these rules.

Step 15

In Relying Party Trusts, right-click on the Relying Party Trust you created, and click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 16

Follow these steps to add a rule with Send LDAP Attributes as Claims as the Claim rule template.

  1. In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

  2. In the Step Choose Rule Type, select the claim rule template Send LDAP Attributes as Claims and click Next.

  3. In the Configure Claim Rule step, in the Claim rule name field, enter NameID.

  4. Set the Attribute store drop-down to Active Directory.

  5. Set the table Mapping of LDAP attributes to outgoing claim types to the appropriate LDAP Attributes and the corresponding Outgoing Claim Type for the type of user identifier you are using:

    • When the identifier is stored as a SAM-Account-Name attribute:

      1. Select an LDAP Attributeof SAM-Account-Name, and set the corresponding Outgoing Claim Type to uid (lowercase).

      2. Select a second LDAP Attribute of User-Principal-Name and set the corresponding Outgoing Claim Type to user_principal (lowercase).

    • When the identifier is a UPN:

      1. Select an LDAP Attributeof User-Principal-Name, and set the corresponding Outgoing Claim Type to uid (lowercase).

      2. Select a second LDAP Attribute of User-Principal-Name and set the corresponding Outgoing Claim Type to user_principal (lowercase).



    The SAM-Account-Name or UPN choice is based on the User ID configured in the AW.

Step 17

Follow these steps to add a second rule with the template custom claim rule.

  1. Select Add Rule on the Edit Claim Rules window.

  2. Select Send Claims Using Custom Rule.

  3. Set the name of rule to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Cisco Identity Server publisher (primary) node.

  4. Add the following rule text:

    c:[Type == ""] =>
     issue(Type = "",
     Issuer = c.Issuer, OriginalIssuer = c.OriginalIssuer, Value = c.Value, ValueType = c.ValueType,
     Properties[""] =
     Properties[""] =
     "http://<AD FS Server FQDN>/adfs/services/trust",
     Properties[""] =
     "<fully qualified domain name of Cisco IdS>"); 
  5. Edit the script as follows:

    • Replace <ADFS Server FQDN> to match exactly (including case) the ADFS server FQDN (fully qualified domain name.)

    • Replace <Cisco IdS server FQDN> to match exactly (including case) the Cisco Identity Server FQDN.

Step 18

Add the following rules for Federated Scenario:

  1. Add the rule for Name ID:

    • In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add.

    • Select the claim rule template as Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim.

    • In the Configure Claim Rule field, enter the claim rule name.

    • Select Incoming Claim type to Name ID.

    • Select Incoming name_ID format to Transient Identifier, then click Finish.

  2. Add the rule for uid:

    • In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add.

    • Select the claim rule template as Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim.

    • In the Configure Claim Rule field, enter the claim rule name.

    • In the Incoming Claim type field, enter uid, then click Finish.

  3. Add the rule for user_principal:

    • In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add.

    • Select the claim rule template as Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim.

    • In the Configure Claim Rule field, enter the claim rule name.

    • In the Incoming Claim type field, enter user_principal, then click Finish.

Step 19

Click OK.

Federate the Customer ADFS to the Shared Management ADFS

Add Claim Description for Customer ADFS

Step 1

Open AD FS Management Console, select Service > Claim Descriptions.

Step 2

Right click Claim Descriptions and select Add Claim Descriptions.

Step 3

Create uid claim description:

  1. Enter the display name as uid.

  2. Enter the claim identifier as

  3. Check the Publish this claim description in federation metadata as a claim type that this Federation Service can accept check box.

  4. Check the Publish this claim description in federation metadata as a claim type that this Federation Service can send check box, then click OK.

Step 4

Create user_principal claim description:

  1. Enter the display name as user_principal.

  2. Enter the claim identifier as

  3. Check the Publish this claim description in federation metadata as a claim type that this Federation Service can accept check box.

  4. Check the Publish this claim description in federation metadata as a claim type that this Federation Service can send check box, then click OK.



    After creating claim descriptions, update federation metadata of the claim provider trust in Hosted AD FS.

Add Claim Rules for Relying Party Trust in the Customer ADFS

Use this procedure to add the Claim rules for the Relying Party Trust in the Customer ADFS:


Step 1

Open AD FS Management Console.

Step 2

Select Trust Relationships > Relying Party Trusts.

Step 3

Select and right click the appropriate Relying party trust, then select Edit Claim Rules.

Step 4

Add a rule with Send LDAP Attributes as Claims as the Claim rule template.

  1. In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule. Select the claim rule template Send LDAP Attributes as Claims.

  2. For Configure Claim Rule, set the rule name as NameID.

  3. Select Attribute store to Active Directory.

  4. Map the LDAP attribute User-Principal-Name to the Outgoing Claim Type of user_principal (lowercase).

  5. Select one of the possible LDAP attributes that identifies application users and map it to uid (lowercase).



    The rule that you create can use one of several possible LDAP attributes to identify the user. The exact mapping depends on which attribute the rule uses:

    • When the identifier is stored as a SAMAccountName attribute:

      • The Outgoing Claim Type uid maps to the LDAP attribute SAM-Account-Name.

      • The Outgoing Claim Type user_principal maps to the LDAP attribute User-Principal-Name.

    • When the identifier is a UPN:

      • The Outgoing Claim Type uid maps to the LDAP attribute User-Principal-Name.

      • The Outgoing Claim Type user_principal maps to the LDAP attribute User-Principal-Name.

Step 5

Add another rule with the template custom claim rule.

  1. Select Add Rule on the Edit Claim Rules window.

  2. Select Send Claims Using Custom Rule.

  3. Set the name of rule to the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Cisco Identity Server publisher (primary) node.

  4. Add the following rule text:

    c:[Type == ""] =>
     issue(Type = "",
     Issuer = c.Issuer, OriginalIssuer = c.OriginalIssuer, Value = c.Value, ValueType = c.ValueType,
     Properties[""] =
     Properties[""] =
     "http://<AD FS Server FQDN>/adfs/services/trust",
     Properties[""] =
     "<fully qualified domain name of Cisco IdS>"); 
    • Set <AD FS Server FQDN> to match exactly (including case) the AD FS FQDN.

    • Set <fully qualified domain name of Cisco IdS> to match exactly (including case) the Cisco Identity Server FQDN.

Step 6

Click OK.

Add Claim Rules for Claim Provider Trust in the Shared Management ADFS


Add the claim rules for Claim Provider Trust in Hosted (Shared Management) ADFS (the ADFS where Cisco IDS is registered).


Step 1

Open AD FS Management Console.

Step 2

Select Trust Relationships > Claim Provider Trusts.

Step 3

Select and right click the appropriate Claims provider trust, then select Edit Claim Rules.

Step 4

In the Acceptance Transform Rules tab, click Add.

Step 5

Add the rule for Name ID:

  1. Select the claim rule template as Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim.

  2. In the Configure Claim Rule field, enter the claim rule name.

  3. Select Incoming Claim type to Name ID.

  4. Select Incoming name_ID format to Transient Identifier, then click Finish.

Step 6

Add the rule for uid:

  1. Select the claim rule template as Transform an Incoming Claim.

  2. In the Configure Claim Rule field, enter the claim rule name.

  3. Select Incoming Claim type to

  4. Select Outgoing Claim type to uid, then click Finish.

Step 7

Add the rule for user_principal:

  1. Select the claim rule template as Transform an Incoming Claim.

  2. In the Configure Claim Rule field, enter the claim rule name.

  3. Select Incoming Claim type to

  4. Select Outgoing Claim type to user_principal, then click Finish.

Optionally Customize the ADFS Sign-In Page in Windows Server to Hide Federated Domains List

Follow the procedure to automatically redirect the end-user to their organization. This is required when your Contact Center solution has multi-domain federations with partners and does not want to display the list of IdPs that it is federated with.


Step 1

Open the Windows Powershell of Hosted AD FS.

Step 2

Enter the Set-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust -TargetName “<adfsCPName>” -OrganizationalAccountSuffix @(“<mydomain>”) command.

In the mentioned command, <adfsCPName> represents AD FS Claim Provider Trust Name and <mydomain> represents Organization Domain Name.

Enable Signed SAML Assertions

Enable Signed SAML Assertions for the Relying Party Trust (Cisco Identity Service).


Step 1

Click Start and type powershell in the Search field to display the Windows Powershell icon.

Step 2

Right-click on the Windows Powershell program icon and select Run as administrator



All PowerShell commands in this procedure must be run in Administrator mode.

Step 3

Run the command, Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName <Relying Party Trust Display Name> -SamlResponseSignature "MessageAndAssertion".



Set <Relying Party Trust Display Name> to exactly match (including case) the Identifier tab of the Relying Party Trust properties.

For example:

Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName -SamlResponseSignature "MessageAndAssertion".

Step 4

Navigate back to the Cisco Identity Service Management window.

Step 5

Click Settings.

By default IdS Trust tab is displayed.

Step 6

On the Download SAML SP Metadata and Upload IdP Metadata windows, click Next as you have already established trust relationship between IdP and IdS.

Step 7

On the AD FS authentication window, provide the login credentials.

Step 8

On successful SSO setup, the message "SSO Configuration is tested successfully" is displayed.



If you receive the error message "An error occurred", ensure that the claim you created on the AD FS is enabled.

If you receive the error message "IdP configuration error: SAML processing failed", ensure that the rule has the correct names for Ids and AD FS.

Unified CCDM Integration

Unified CCDM is generally hosted on shared management level across multiple customer instances. This chapter describes how to configure multiple customer instances from a shared Unified CCDM.

This section describes the following steps:

Configure Unified CCE Servers in Unified CCDM Cluster

Unified CCE components must be configured before Unified CCDM can connect to them for Provisioning. Complete the following procedures to configure Unified CCE for Unified CCDM connectivity

Unified CCE Prerequisites

Before you integrate Unified CCE with Unified CCDM, you must setup SQL agents and CMS server. Complete the following procedures for prerequisites configurations.

Configure Unified CCE AW Database(AWDB) for Unified CCDM

Before configuring AWDB, ensure that you create a two-way trust relationship between forests if:

  • your CCDM and the Unified CCE domains are in seperate forests

  • your customer domains and Unified CCE domains are in seperate forests

  • your customer domains and CCDM domains are in seperate forests

If you use SQL Server Authentication to connect Unified CCDM to

Unified CCE

, no configuration of the Administrative Workstation Database (AWDB) is required. If you do not use the SQL authentication, you must configure the AWDB to connect the Unified CCDM to Unified CCE.

Complete the following procedure to configure AWDB:


Step 1

Log in to the Unified CCE Admin Workstation Server with local administrative privileges.

Step 2

Open SQL Server Management Studio and click Connect to establish connection with the server.

Step 3

Expand Security folder and choose Logins.

Step 4

Right-click Logins and choose New Logins.

Step 5

To add SQL logins for both the Side A and Side B Unified CCDM Servers ( this includes Web server, CCDM Domain administrator and Database server on both the sides).

Configure the General page as follows:

  1. In the Login Name field, enter the name for the machine in the following format: <DOMAIN>\<Unified CCDM-HOSTNAME>$.

  2. Choose Windows Authentication unless you are connecting to a server on another domain.

  3. Select Default language as English.

Configure the User Mapping page as follows:

  1. In the Users mapped to this login field, check hcs_awdb database.

  2. In the Database role membership for field, check the following roles to grant to the AWDB login: public and db_datareader.

Step 6

Click OK.

Step 7

Repeat steps 1 to 6 for Side B if Unified CCE AW server is dual-sided.

Configure the Unified CCE AW for Provisioning

For each Unified CCE instance that Unified CCDM Resource Management connects to must meet the following criteria:

  • Configure an Application Instance on the Unified CCE distributor machine (AW) for Unified CCDM to connect to Unified CCE. Configure the Application Instance with Application Type as Cisco Voice.


    The application instance for CCDM is provided as part of the load base configuration. For more information, see Application Instance List from Load Base Configuration. The default name of the Application Instance is CCDM as per the Load Base configuration.

  • If the AW is dual-sided, each Unified CCE AW must connect to a different RMI registry port on the Unified CCDM Database Server.

Each Unified CCE instance requires a distinct primary distributor AW to connect to Unified CCDM resource management.

Set Up CMS Server on Unified CCE

A new application connection must be defined on each configured Unified CCE

instance for each Database Server. This ensures that in a dual-sided system, the alternate side can also connect to the Unified CCE in a failover scenario.

Complete the following procedure to set up the Configuration Management Service (CMS) server on each Unified CCE:

Before you begin

Before configuring the Unified CCDM server cluster you must ensure that the CMS Server(s) are set up correctly on each Unified CCE for each Unified CCDM Database Server. Firstly, check that the CMS Node option was selected when the Admin Workstation was configured. You can determine if this was the case by looking for a cmsnode and a cms_jserver process running on the Unified CCE.


Step 1

In Unified CCE Admin Workstation Server Side A, open CMS Control application.

Step 2

Under Application tab, click Add and configure the following in the Application Connection Details page.

  1. Administration & Data Server Link - Enter the name of the Unified CCDM Database Server. This should be in all capital letters, with Server appended, for example, CCDMDBServer.

  2. Administration & Data Server RMI Registry Port - Enter the Unified CCE AW port number for the Unified CCDM provisioning service to connect to. This is usually 2099. If the Unified CCDM provisioning service connects to multiple Unified CCE instances, it is required that each instance should use a different port.

    When you configure CMS server onUnified CCE at Side B, use a different RMI registry port.

  3. Application link - Enter the name of the Unified CCDM Database Server. This should be in all capital letters, with Client appended, for example, CCDMDBClient.

  4. Application RMI registry port - Enter the Unified CCDM Database Server port number for the Unified CCE AW to connect to.

    This should be rather the same as for the Administration & Data Server RMI Registry Port. Each Unified CCE AW must connect to a different port on the Unified CCDM Database Server. You should record this information for future use.

  5. Application host name- Enter the server name, for example, Unified CCDM.

  6. Click OK to save the changes and to close the Application Connection Details.

Step 3

Click OK to save your changes and to close the CMS Control Console.

Step 4

Repeat steps 1-3 to set up CMS Server on Cisco Unified CCE Admin Workstation Server (Side A) for Unified CCDM Database Server Side B.

Enure that you use the same ports used for Side A Unified CCDM Database Server under Application Connection Details.


If the CMS JServer process fails to connect Unified CCDM, restart the Unified CCE Enterprise Distributor service.
Create Conditional Forwarders for Customer Domain

Complete the following procedure to create conditional forwarder.

Before you begin


You need to complete this procedure only for Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution for Contact Center deployments.


Step 1

Go to DNS Manager.

Step 2

Click the Conditional Forwarder.

Step 3

Right-click and select New Conditional Forwarder.

Step 4

Enter the DNS domain name.

Step 5

In the IP address field, click and enter the NAT IP address of the Service Provider domain.

Step 6

Click OK.

Create Forwarders for Customer Domain

Complete the following procedure to create forwarders.

Before you begin


You need to complete this procedure only for Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution for Contact Center deployments.


Step 1

Go to DNS Manager.

Step 2

Right-click the domain name.

Step 3

Click Properties.

Step 4

Click the Forwarders tab and then click Edit.

Step 5

In the IP address field, click and enter the NAT IP address of the Service Provider domain.

Step 6

Click OK to create forwarders and then click Apply and Ok.

Create Conditional Forwarders for Service Provider Domain

Complete the following procedure to create conditional forwarder.


Step 1

Go to DNS Manager.

Step 2

Click the Conditional Forwarder.

Step 3

Right-click and select New Conditional Forwarder.

Step 4

Enter the DNS domain name.

Step 5

In the IP address field, click and enter the NAT IP address of the customer domain.

Step 6

Click OK.

Create Forwarders for Service Provider Domain

Step 1

Go to DNS Manager.

Step 2

Right-click the Domain Name.

Step 3

Click Properties.

Step 4

Click the Forwarders tab and then click Edit.

Step 5

In the IP address field, click and enter the NAT IP address of the customer domain.

Step 6

Click OK to create forwarders and then click Apply and Ok.

Create Two-Way Forest Trust

Complete the following procedure from the customer domain controller to create a two-way forest trust:


Step 1

Right-click the domain under the Active Directory Domains and Trusts.

Step 2

Click Properties.

Step 3

Click the Trust tab and then click New Trust.

Step 4

Click Next.

Step 5

Enter the service provider domain name and click Next.

Step 6

Select the Forest Trust option and click Next.

Step 7

Select the option Two-way Trust and click Next.

Step 8

Select the option Both this domain and specified domain and click Next.

Step 9

Enter the authentication username for the customer and a password for the specified domain and click Next.

You must have the administrator privileges to create the trust.

Step 10

Select the option Forest-wide authentication and then click Next until you reach Confirm Outgoing Trust.

Step 11

Select the option Yes, confirm the outgoing trust, and click Next.

Step 12

Select the option Yes, confirm the incoming trust, and click Next.

Step 13

Click Finish.

Launch the Integrated Configuration Environment

Complete the following procedure to launch the Integrated Configuration Environment (ICE) in the Unified CCDM data server.


Step 1

Open the Integrated Configuration Environment application.

Step 2

On the Database Connection page, enter:

  1. The Server Name field default value is current machine.

  2. In the Database Name field, accept the default value (Portal).

  3. In the Authentication field, accept the default value.

Step 3

Click Test to test the connection to the database server for the first time. If the test fails, check the Database Connection settings.

Step 4

Click OK to open the ICE.

When ICE starts, the Cluster Configuration tool is the default tool. You can use the Tool drop-down list in the toolbar to switch to other ICE tools.

Setup Unified CCE Servers in Unified CCDM Cluster

Complete the following procedure to configure Unified CCE for Unified CCDM:


Step 1

Launch Integrated Configuration Environment on Unified CCDM Database Server Side A, see Launch the Integrated Configuration Environment.

Step 2

In the ICE Cluster Configuration tool, from Tool drop-down list, select Cluster Configuration.

Step 3

Click Configure Cisco Unified Contact Enterprise Servers.

Step 4

From Select Task drop-down list, select Add a New Instance and click Next.

Step 5

In Specify Resource Name, specify a name for the instance you want to configure. Click Next.

Step 6

In Select Required Components, select the required components in the deployment and click Next.

  • Admin Workstation - This is a required component in all configurations.
  • Provision Components (ConAPI/Unified config) - Select this option if you require resource management.

Step 7

In Configure Redundancy, select whether you want to configure a single-sided or a dual-sided setup.

Step 8

In Configure AW Server, enter the primary server name and IP address.



If Unified CCE is dual-sided, then enter the secondary server name and the IP address also.

Step 9

In Configure Connection Details, enter authentication details to connect to the Admin Workstation database.

  1. Windows Authentication: This is a default authentication mode.

  2. SQL Authentication: Specify the SQL Server User name and the corresponding password to connect to the databases.

Step 10

In Select Unified CCE Instance, select the AW instance for the deployment and click Next.

Step 11

In Configure Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Server window, configure Unified Config Web Services as follows:

  • Enter the domain username and password for primary Unified CCE Admin workstation server in Configure Primary Unified Config Web Service page and click Next.

  • If Unified CCE is dual-sided, then enter the domain username and password for secondary Unified CCE Admin Workstation server in Configure Secondary Unified Config Web Service page and Click Next.



Use the domain account credentials to login, username format must be

Step 12

If you selected the option ConAPI Server (Provisioning) option in Step 4, enter the following details:

  • Local Registry Port - Enter the port number of the Unified CCE for the Unified CCDM Provisioning service to connect. Default port is 2099. Ensure that you enter the same Unfied CCDM Database Server port number configured in the Application RMI registery port of the Set Up CMS Server on Unified CCE.
  • Remote Registry Port - Enter the port number of the Unified CCDM Database Server for the Unified CCE to connect. Default port is 2099. Ensure that you enter the same Unified CCE AW port number configured in the Administration & Data Server RMI Registry Port of the Set Up CMS Server on Unified CCE.
  • Local Port - Select this as the designated port for live provisioning traffic between the Unified CCE and Unified CCDM servers. Assign a unique port for each Unified CCE. Configure the firewall between the Unified CCE and Unified CCDM server to allow two-way traffic on this port.



If Unified CCE is dual-sided, enter the same port details configured for Side B in Set up CMS Server on Unified CCE.

Step 13

In Configure ConAPI Application Instance dialog box, enter the following details and click Next:

  • Application Name - Name of the application to be used for provisioning Unified CCE from Unified CCDM. Enter the value as CCDM (pre-configured as part of load base configurations).

  • Application Key - Use the password for the application you specified above.

Step 14

In Multi Media Support dialog box, select Yes if you are using a Cisco Unified WIM and EIM application instance to provide support for non-voice interactions. The default is No.

Step 15

In Purge On Delete dialog box, select Yes if you want to purge items from the Unified CCE automatically when they are deleted from Unified CCDM. The default is Yes.

Step 16

In the Supervisor Active Directory Integration dialog box, select Yes if you want to enable support for associating existing Active Directory user accounts for Unified CCE Supervisors. The default is No. If you select Yes, enter the following:

  1. In Configure Active Directory Connections, enter the addresses of both primary and secondary domain controllers and configure the required security settings to connect. Click Next.

  2. In the Select Supervisor Active Directory Location, select the required active directory and click Next.

Step 17

Review the details in the Summary page and click Next to apply the changes to the model.

Step 18

When the Unified CCE is successfully configured click Exit to close the wizard and then click Save to retain your changes to the database.

Create an Equipment Mapping

Complete the following procedure to create an equipment mapping between a tenant and the Unified CCE equipment.


To create a equipment mapping for SCC deployment, see Deployment Specific Configurations.


Step 1

Launch Integrated Configuration Environment on Unified CCDM Database Server Side A, see Launch the Integrated Configuration Environment.

Step 2

From Tool drop-down list, select Cluster Configuration. Select Equipment Mapping tab.

Step 3

In the folder tree, right-click on root folder and select Add Tenant.

Step 4

Provide name for the new tenant.

Step 5

Create tenant for all customer.


Step 6

Select newly added Customer Tenant, in adjoining pane, check Unified Contact Center equipment check-box that you want to associate with the selected tenant.

Step 7

In the right-hand pane, choose Default Import Location.

Using Default Import Location, all the resources imported to selected tenant in Unified CCDM.

Step 8

Click Save.

Configure Unified CVP Servers in Unified CCDM Cluster

Setup Unified CVP Servers in Unified CCDM Cluster

The Configure Cisco Unified CVP Servers wizard configures Cisco Unified CVP server clusters. A Cisco Unified CVP server cluster consists of a Unified CVP Operations Console and, optionally, one or more call servers. To configure a Cisco Unified CVP server cluster:


Step 1

Launch Integrated Configuration Environment on Unified CCDM Database Server Side A, see Launch the Integrated Configuration Environment.

Step 2

In ICE Cluster Configuration tool, select the Setup tab and click Configure Cisco Unified CVP Servers to start the wizard.

Step 3

Select Add a New Instance and click Next.

Step 4

In Specify Unified CVP Operations Console Resource Name dialog box, specify a name for the Unified CVP operations console and click Next.

Step 5

In Select Version dialog box, specify the version of Unified CVP that is running on the CVP cluster you are configuring and click Next.

Step 6

In Configure Unified CVP Operations Console dialog box, enter the following:

  • Primary Server:
    • Sever Name: This is the non-domain qualified machine name where the Cisco Unified CVP Operations Console is deployed.
    • Server Address: This defaults to Server Name. You can change this to an IP Address or a domain qualified name of the server.
  • Secondary Server: This option is always disabled.

Step 7

Click Next.

Step 8

In Configure Primary Unified Config Web Service dialog box (only shown when the selected Unified CVP version is 10.0 or later), enter the following details:

  • URL: This is the auto-generated URL of the primary unified config web service on the Unified CVP cluster
  • User Name: This is a username with appropriate access to the Unified CVP that the web service is running on

  • Password: This is the password for the user

Step 9

Click Next.

Step 10

In Select Number of Call Servers dialog box, specify the number of CVP call servers in the CVP cluster and click Next.


All CVP call servers must be on the same Unified CCE as the Unified CVP operations console.

Step 11

If you specified at least one call server:

  1. In Specify Unified CVP Call Server 1 Resource Name dialog box, enter a name for the call server.
  2. In Configure Unified CVP Call Server 1 dialog box, enter the following:
    • Primary Server:
      • Sever Name: This is the non-domain qualified machine name where the Cisco Unified CVP call server.
      • Server Address: This defaults to Server Name. You can change this to an IP Address or a domain qualified name of the server.
    • Secondary Server: This option is always disabled.
  3. Click Next.



Repeat this step to configure more than one call server.

Step 12

Optional, In Configure Unified CCE Server dialog box, select the Unified CCE servers that is linked to the configured unified CVP instance.

Step 13

The Summary dialog box, provides the brief details of the Unified CVP cluster being configured and the settings you have chosen.

Step 14

Check the details, click Next.

Step 15

A confirmation message is displayed to indicate that the wizard has completed successfully. Click Exit to close the wizard.

Step 16

Click the Save icon.

Equipment Mapping for CVP with CCDM

For small contact center deployment model once the CVP integrated, by default CVP will get imported under unallocated folder.


Step 1

Open Integrated Configuration Environment application, select Cluster Configuration > Equipment Mapping tab.

Step 2

In the folder tree, right-click on Root and click on Add Tenant and provide the name for Tenant.


You can also use existing Unified CCE Customer tenant to map unified CVP.

Step 3

Create Tenant for all CVP customer instances.


Step 4

Select newly added Tenant, in the adjoining pane, check the check box next to each item of Unified CVP that you want to associate with the selected Tenant.

Step 5

In right hand pane, select Default Import Location to import all the resources to selected tenant in Unified CCDM.

Step 6

Click Save.

Create Users in Active Directory

You must create a user in active directory to create a tenant or sub-customer from CCDM.


Step 1

Log in to Active Directory Domain.

Step 2

Open Active Directory Users and Computers and click User.

Step 3

Right-click User and select New > User

Step 4

Enter First Name, Last Name, user logon name and click Next.

Step 5

Enter Password and retype the same password in Confirm Password field.

Step 6

Check user cannot change password check box.

Step 7

Check Password never expires check box and click Next.

Step 8

Click Finish.

Configure Unified CCE for Partitioned Internet Script Editor

Cisco's Internet Script Editor (ISE) can be integrated with Unified CCDM, which allows routing scripts and the resources within those routing scripts to be partitioned using Unified CCDM security. ISE users can see only the scripts and the resources within those scripts that they are authorized to access, according to the Unified CCDM security model. For example, when creating a routing script element to route to a dialed number, the ISE user will only see the dialed numbers that the corresponding Unified CCDM user is authorized to access. Similarly, when viewing the available routing scripts, the ISE user will only see the scripts available to the corresponding Unified CCDM user.

ISE integration with Unified CCDM uses the Unified CCDM Analytical Data Web Service to implement the secure partitioning, and requires specific configuration settings in both Unified CCE and Unified CCDM in order to work properly.


Configure Unified CCE Admin Workstation for Internet Script Editor

Complete the following procedure to configureUnified CCE Admin Workstation for Internet Script Editor integration with Unified CCDM


Step 1

Log In to Unified CCE Web Setup and navigate to Component Management >Administration & Data server, check the Administrator & Data server check-box and click Edit.

Step 2

Click Next until you see Database and Options tab, in Database and Options tab select the following options.

  1. Select Internet Script Editor (ISE) Server.

  2. Select Authorization Server.

  3. Enter the name of the Authorization Server.

    This is the Unified CCDM App/Web Server that will be used to apply Unified CCDM security to partition the resource data.
  4. Enter the port that has Unified CCDM Analytical Data Services Web Service hosted.

    By default, this port is 8087. If this is changed for your installation, enter the value that your installation uses.
  5. Click Next.

Step 3

In Central Controller Connectivity tab enter the following details.

  1. Enter the IP addresses for Router Side A, Router Side B, Logger Side A, Logger Side B, in Central Controller Connectivity section

  2. Enter the domain name in Central Controller Domain.

  3. Select the radio button Central Controller Side A preferred in Central Controller Preferred Side and click Next

Step 4

In Summary tab, click Finish

Step 5

Ensure that the firewall is configured on the server running the Unified CCE AW to allow inbound traffic from ISE on the appropriate port.

Step 6

Ensure that the specified Authorization Server port on the Unified CCDM Authorization Server has been configured in the firewall to allow inbound HTTPS traffic.

Install Internet Script Editor


Step 1

Download the Internet Script Editor from AW machine https://localhost/install/iScriptEditor.htm

Step 2

Save iscripteditor.exe in a shared location for the particular customer/sub customer.

Step 3

Double-click iscripteditor.exe file.

Displays Cisco ICM Internet Script Editor Setup window

Step 4

Click Next.

Step 5

Select the folder to install files and click Next.

Step 6

After installation, click Finish.

Deployment Specific Configurations

Integration of Small Contact Center Agent Deployment for UCCE with CCDM

Create Customer Definition

Step 1

Log in to AW machine and Open the Configuration Manager.

Step 2

Select Explorer Tools > ICM Instace Explorer.

Step 3

Click Retrieve and select the ICM Instance for SCC Deployment.

Step 4

Click Add Customer Definition.

Step 5

In Name field, enter the name of the sub customer definition.


Step 6

From Network VRU drop-down list, select CVP_Network_VRU option.

Step 7

Click on Save.


Repeat the same steps for all Sub Customer.

Map Equipment for Small Contact Center Deployment

Complete the following procedure to create an equipment mapping between a tenant or folder and the Unified CCE equipment for Small Contact Center.

Before you begin
Integrate AW with CCDM. For more information on How to Integrate AW, See Setup Unified CCE Servers in Unified CCDM Cluster

Step 1

In the ICE Cluster Configuration tool, select Equipment Mapping tab.

Step 2

In the folder tree, right-click on root, click Add Tenant and provide the name for tenant.

Create tenant for all sub customers.


Step 3

Select the newly created Sub Customer Tenant and In the adjoining pane select the check box or check boxes next to each item of Unified CCE equipment that you want to associate with the selected Tenant.

Step 4

In right-hand side pane, choose Customer Resource Mapping and click + icon.

Step 5

From Type drop-down list, select Remote Tenant option.

Step 6

From Resource drop-down list, select the customer definition created for sub customer.

Step 7

Click Active Directory Configuration tab and configure as follows:

  1. Check Configure Active Directory Settings check-box.

  2. In Primary Domain Controller field, enter Sub-customer Domain Controller IP address.

  3. Click Next and ensure that domain controller name is correct.

  4. Click Update.

Step 8

Select Small Contact Center Settings tab and configure as follows:

  1. Check Enable Small Contact Center check-box.

  2. In Department Name field, enter department name for the sub-customer domain.

  3. Click Create Department.

Step 9

Click OK.

Step 10

Repeat the above steps for all sub customers.

Step 11

Click the unallocated folder and select the Unified CCE folder that is integrated. In the adjoining pane, check each item of Unified CCE equipment check-box that you want to associate with the selected Tenant and check Default Import check box.


By Default all the Configuration under Unified CCE will get imported under Unallocated folder.

Step 12

Click on Save

Resource Allocation for Small Contact Center Agent Deployment

* Configuration done by Sub Customer User

** Configurations provided in load base configuration which gets imported to Unallocated folder

*** Configurations are moved to sub customer domain from unallocated folder and configurations are done by service provider

Parameters Configuration done by Sub Customer Configuration done by Service Provider Notes
Peripheral and Routing Client ** & ***

Peripherals, routing client of CUCM and MR are moved under Sub Customer Tenant.

Logical Interface Controller ** & *** Logical Interface Controller for CUCM and MR peripheral are moved under Sub Customer Tenant.
Physical Interface Controller ** & *** Physical Interface Controller for CUCM and MR peripheral are moved under Sub Customer Tenant.
Network VRU ** Network VRU for Type10 and Type2 are given in Day1 configuration. Default, it is available under Unallocated Folder.
ECC Variable * ** ECC Variables are given in Day1 Configuration. Default, it is available under Unallocated Folder. and also the array size should be within the limitation
Network VRU Script * ** & *** Network VRU Script given in Day1 configuration. Default, it is available under Unallocated Folder.



Since it is mapped to the customer definition “HCS for CC” in day1 config , this can be used by the subcustomer whose customer definition is HCS for CC. Sub customer user creates Network VRU Script specific to sub customer in his own Tenant.

Application Instance ** & *** This item cannot be moved under any Tenant/folder, but service provider can create based on Customer request in AW
Media Class **
Media Routing Domain ** Default MRDs given in Day1 Configuration. Default, it is available under Unallocated Folder.
Agent *
Agent Team *
Agent Desktop *
Call Type *
Department *
Dialed Number *
Enterprise Skill Group *
Label * Labels given in the day1 configuration will be imported under Unallocated folder. Service provider will map the label with Network VRU Type in the AW, based on Customer's request. For more information on how to map label to the network VRU Types, see Map Labels to the Network VRU Type.
Person *
Precision Attribute *
Precision Queue *
Skill Group *
User Variable *
Outbound *** All the Outbound configuration will be done in AW by the Service Provider and those configurations will be moved to Sub Customer Tenant.
Move Resource to Sub Customer Tenant

Step 1

Log In to CCDM Portal with Tenant Administrator Credentials.

Step 2

Click the burger icon and select Resource Manager > Unallocated > SCC Tenant Folder.

Step 3

Click on the tree structure and select the parameters which should be move to sub customer Tenant.

Select Routing Client specific to sub-customer.

Step 4

Click on Move and select the Sub Customer Tenant.

Step 5

Click on Save and click on OK.

Repeat the steps for all the parameters that has to be moved under Sub Customer Tenant.

Map Labels to the Network VRU Type


This action will be performed by the Service Provider based on Sub Customer's request.

Step 1

Login to AW machine.

Step 2

Navigate to Configuration Manager -> Explore Tools -> Network VRU Explorer.

Step 3

Click on Retrieve expand the unassigned tree structure.

Step 4

Right Click on the label that you want to map to Network VRU Type10.

Step 5

Click on Cut option.

Step 6

Select and right click the Network VRU Type 10 to which you want to map the label.

Step 7

Click on paste and Click on Save.

Associate Department with an Agent

Step 1

Log in to CCDM portal.

Step 2

Click the burger icon.

Step 3

Select Provisioning > Resource Manager.

Step 4

Select the Tenant > Agent.

Step 5

Click on the tenant which we you want to associate to the department.

Step 6

Click Advanced tab.

Step 7

From Department drop-down list, select the required department.

Step 8

Click Save.

Naming Convention for the Resources in Small Contact Center Agent Deployment Model
This table describes the examples of the naming conventions to be followed for the resources in the small contact center agent deployment model.
Parameters Sub Customer1 Sub Customer2
Dialed Numbers Enterprise Name: 9220000001<RoutingClient> , Dialed Number String: 9220000001 OR Enterprise Name: PlayAgentGreeting<RoutingClient> Dialed Number String: PlayAgentGreeting Enterprise Name: 9330000001<RoutingClient> , Dialed Number String: 9330000001 OR Enterprise Name: PlayAgentGreeting<RoutingClient> Dialed Number String: PlayAgentGreeting
Call Type Enterprise Name: CT1Cust1 Enterprise Name: CT1Cust2
Agent Enterprise Name: 10101010 LogIn Name: 10101010 Agent ID: 6001 Enterprise Name: 20202020 LogIn Name: 20202020 Agent ID: 6001
Skill Group Enterprise Name: Skg1Cust1 Peripheral Number: 7001 Enterprise Name: Skg1Cust2 Peripheral Number: 7001
Network VRU Script Enterprise Name: AgentGreetingCust1 VRU Script Name: PM,-a,,Cust1 Enterprise Name: AgentGreetingCust2 VRU Script Name: PM,-a,,Cust2
Network VRU Labels Name: 9999500001 Label: 9999500001<RoutingClient> Name: 9999500001 Label: 9999500001<RoutingClient>
Routing Script Name: Script1 Name: Script1

Configure IDP

Configure Metadata Exchange to IDP


Step 1

Open ICE tool.

Step 2

From the Tool drop-down list, select System Properties.

Step 3

Select Global Properties > Login Authentication Configuration.

Step 4

In the AD FS Metadata URL field, enter the metadata URL of the AD FS server.


Step 5

From the Enabled Login Types, check the ADFS Logins (adfs) check box.

Step 6

Click Save.

Step 7

Open command prompt and perform iisreset in all CCDM servers.

Add Identity Server on Hosted AD FS

Follow the procedure to manually add the Unified CCDM identity server:


Step 1

Open AD FS Management Console.

Step 2

Select Trust Relationships > Relying Party Trusts.

Step 3

Select Add Relying Party Trusts, then click Start.

Step 4

Select Enter data about the relying party manually, then click Next.

Step 5

Enter the appropriate display name, then click Next.

Unified CCDM Identity Server

Step 6

Select AD FS profile, then click Next.

Step 7

In the Configure Certificate step, click Next.



Unified CCDM does not support an optional token encryption certificates.

Step 8

Check the Enable support for the WS-Federation Passive protocol check box.

Step 9

In the Relying Party WS-Federation Passive Protocol URL field, enter the following URL of identity server AD FS endpoint:

https://<CCDM web server fqdn name>/identity/adfs



The URL must use AD FS trusted SSL certificate.

Step 10

Click Next.

Step 11

In the Relying party trust identifier pane, enter the following URL of the identity server:

https://<CCDM web server fqdn name>/identity

Step 12

Click Add, then click Next.

Step 13

Do not configure multi-factor authentication settings for the relying party trust, then click Next.

Step 14

Select Permit all user to access this relying trust party, and click Next.

Step 15

Review the settings, click Next to add the relying party trust to the AD FS configuration database.



To edit claim rules immediately, check the Open the Edit Claim Rules dialog for this relying party trust when the wizard closes check box.

Step 16

Click Close.

Step 17

Repeat the steps for each identity server.

Add the Claim Rules

Follow the procedure on Hosted AD FS to add the claim rules for Unified CCDM:


Step 1

Select Unified CCDM trust, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

From the Claim Rule Template drop-down list, select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims, then click Next.

Step 4

Add the required claims individually.

Claim Rule Name


LDAP Attribute

Outgoing Claim Type


AD: SID as NameID

Active Directory

objectSid (type directly)

Name ID


AD: UPN as Name

Active Directory




AD: GivenName

Active Directory


Given Name


AD: Surname

Active Directory




AD: Email

Active Directory






Name ID of each claim rule must be unique. Therefore, always use SID as Name ID.

Step 5

Click Finish.

Step 6

Click Add Rule, and select the Transform an Incoming Claim and complete the Add Transform Claim Wizard:

Claim Rule Name

Incoming Claim Type

Outgoing Claim Type


TFN: Windows Account Name as Name

Windows Account Name



Step 7

After adding the claim rules, click Finish.

Automatic User Provisioning

This is an alternate procedure to provision users.


Step 1

Select Unified CCDM trust, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

Select Send Group Membership as a Claim as the claim rule template, and click Next.

Step 4

Add the following additional claims rules:

Claim Rule Name

User's Group

Outgoing Claim Type

Outgoing Claim Value

AD: Role = Supervisor

<windows group>



AD: Role = Advanced

<windows group>



Step 5

After adding the claim rules, click Finish.

Set up AD FS

Step 1

Open AD FS Management Console.

Step 2

Select Trust Relationships > Claim Provider Trusts.

Step 3

Select Active Directory > Edit Claim Rules.

Step 4

In the Edit Claim Rules for Active Directory dialog box, click Add Rule.

Step 5

From the Claim Rule Template drop-down list, select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims, then click Next.

Step 6

In the Claim Rule Name field, enter the Pass-thru DN.

Step 7

From the Attribute Store drop-down list, select the Active Directory.

Step 8

Map the LDAP Attribute to the Ongoing Claim type.

In the LDAP Attribute (Select or type or add more) column, enter distinguishedname. In the Ongoing Claim Type (Select or type or add more) column, enter

Step 9

Click Finsh and OK, restart the server.

Map Tenants to AD FS

Step 1

Select Unified CCDM trust, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

In the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard window, select Send Claims Using a Custom Rule, then click Next.

Step 4

Enter the claim rule name.

Claim rule name format: AD: Tenant(<TenantPath>)

Step 5

Enter the following custom rule text.

c:[Type == "", Value =~ "^.*()$"]
=> issue(Type = "", Value = "/");
c:[Type == "", Value =~ "^.*()$"]
=> issue(Type = "", Value = "qacce");

Step 6

Click Finish.

Configure AD FS for Federated Scenario


Create the Federated trust between Hosted AD FS and Customer AD FS.

Add Claim Rules for Relying Party Trust


Add the claim rules for Relying Party Trust in Customer AD FS.


Step 1

Select the Relying party trust at the Customer AD FS, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

From the Claim Rule Template drop-down list, select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims, then click Next.

Step 4

Add the required claims individually:

Claim Rule Name


LDAP Attribute

Outgoing Claim Type


AD: SID as Primary SID

Active Directory

objectSid (type directly)

Primary SID


AD: UPN as Name

Active Directory




AD: GivenName

Active Directory


Given Name


AD: Surname

Active Directory




AD: Email

Active Directory






Name ID of each claim rule must be unique. Therefore, always use SID as Name ID.

Step 5

Click Finish.

Step 6

Add another rule, from the Claim Rule Template drop-down list, select Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim, then click Next.

Claim Rule Name

Incoming Claim Type

Select Pass through all claim values


AD: Windows Account Name

Windows account name



Step 7

After adding the claim rules, click Finish.

Automatic User Provisioning

This is an alternate procedure to provision users.


Step 1

Select the Relying party trust at the Customer AD FS, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

Select Send Group Membership as a Claim as the claim rule template, and click Next.

Step 4

Add the following claims rules:

Claim Rule Name

User's Group

Outgoing Claim Type

Outgoing Claim Value

AD: Role = Supervisor

<windows group>



AD: Role = Advanced

<windows group>



Step 5

After adding the claim rules, click Finish.

Add Claim Rules for Claim Provider Trust


Add the claim rules for Claim Provider Trust in Hosted AD FS.


Step 1

Select the Claims provider trust at the Hosted AD FS, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Acceptance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

In the The Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard window, select Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim, then click Next.

Step 4

Add the required claim rule individually:

Claim Rule Name

Incoming Claim Type

Select Pass through all claim values



Primary SID








Given Name











Windows Account Name

Windows account name



Name ID

Name ID




  • Name ID of each claim rule must be unique. Therefore, always use SID as Name ID.

  • For the Windows account name claim, select Pass through only claim values that start with a specific value.

Step 5

Once the claims have been set up, click Finish.

Automatic User Provisioning

This is an alternate procedure to provision users.


Step 1

Select the Claims provider trust at the Hosted AD FS, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Acceptance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

In the The Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard window, select Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim, then click Next.

Step 4

Add the following claims rules:

Claim Rule Name

Incoming Claim Type

Select Pass through only a specific claim value

Incoming Claim Value

Role = Advanced




Role = Supervisor




Step 5

Create custom rule, select Send Claims Using a Custom Rule as the claim rule template, then click Next.

  • Enter the claim rule name.

  • Enter the Custom Rule in the following format:
    => issue(Type = "", Value = "/<tenantname>", Properties
     = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified");

Step 6

After adding the claim rules, click Finish.

Add Pass through Claims


Add the claim rules for Relying Party Trust in Hosted AD FS.


Step 1

Select the Relying party trust at the Hosted AD FS, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

In the The Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard window, select Transform an Incoming Claim, then click Next.

Step 4

Add the required claim rule individually:

Claim Rule Name

Incoming Claim Type

Outgoing Claim Type


Federation: Transform Primary SID as Name ID

Primary SID

Name ID


Step 5

In the The Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard window, select Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim, then click Next.

Step 6

Add the required claim rule individually:

Claim Rule Name

Incoming Claim Type

Select Pass through all claim values







Given Name











Windows Account Name

Windows account name



Name ID

Name ID




  • Name ID of each claim rule must be unique. Therefore, always use SID as Name ID.

  • For the Windows account name claim, select Pass through only claim values that start with a specific value.

Step 7

After the claims have been set up, click Finish.

Automatic User Provisioning

This is an alternate procedure to provision users.


Step 1

Select the Relying party trust at the Hosted AD FS, then click Edit Claim Rules.

Step 2

In the Issuance Transform Rules tab, click Add Rule.

Step 3

In the The Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard window, select Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim, then click Next.

Step 4

Add the following claims rules:

Claim Rule Name

Incoming Claim Type

Pass through any specific claim value

Incoming Claim Value

Role = Advanced




Role = Supervisor




Step 5

Create custom rule, select Send Claims Using a Custom Rule as the claim rule template, then click Next.

  • Enter the claim rule name.

  • Enter the Custom Rule in the following format:
    c:[Type == ""]=> issue(claim = c);

Step 6

After adding the claim rules, click Finish.

Cisco UCDM Integration

Basic Configuration of Unified Communication Domain Manager

Add Customer


Step 1

Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager as provider or reseller admin.

Step 2

Ensure that hierarchy path is set to appropriate level.


You can add customers under both provider and reseller. To add a customer under provider you must login as provider. To add customer under reseller you can login as either provider or reseller.

Step 3

Navigate to Customer Management > Customer.

Step 4

Provide necessary details in the following:

  1. Enter Name.

  2. Enter Description.

  3. Enter Domain Name.

  4. Check Create Local Admin check box.

  5. Keep the default values for Clone Admin role and Default Admin Role.

  6. Enter Default Admin password and confirm in Confirm password text box.

Step 5

Click Save.



If you want to delete customer and retain Unified Communication Manager configurations, see Disassociate Unified Communication Manager from UCDM.

Setup Cisco Unified Communication Manager Servers


Step 1

Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager as provider or reseller or customer admin.

Step 2

Ensure that hierarchy path is set to appropriate level.



Shared instances should be created at provider or reseller level and dedicated instances should be created at customer level.

Step 3

Navigate to Device Management > CUCM > Servers.

Step 4

Click Add.

Step 5

Enter CUCM Server Name.

Step 6

Check Publisher check box to configure publisher node.

Step 7

Enter Cluster Name.


Uncheck Publisher check box, choose Cluster Name from the drop-down list to integrate subscriber node.

Step 8

In Network Address tab:

  1. Choose Service_Provider_Space from Address Space drop-down list.

  2. Enter IP address of CUCM in IPV4 Address field.

  3. Enter Hostname, default hostname is CUCM Server name.

  4. Enter Domain.

  5. Enter description.

Step 9

In Credentials tab:

  1. Choose Admin from Credential Type drop-down list.

  2. Enter CUCM user ID in User ID text box.

  3. Enter CUCM password in Password text box.

  4. Choose appropriate access type from Access Type drop-down list.

  5. Enter description.

Step 10

Click Save.

Configure Network Device List


Step 1

Login to Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager as a provider or reseller admin.

Step 2

Navigate to Customer Management > Network Device Lists. Choose a particular customer from hierarchy tree.

Step 3

Click Add.

Step 4

Enter Network Device List Name.

Step 5

Enter Description for Network Device List.

Step 6

Default, IP address of HCM-F is selected from Cisco HCM-F drop-down list.

Step 7

Expand Cisco Unified CM tab and choose cisco unified communication manager instance from the drop-down list.

Step 8

Click Save.

Add Site


Step 1

Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager as a Provider, Reseller, or, Customer admin.

Step 2

Ensure that hierarchy path is set to appropriate level.

Step 3

Navigate to Site Management > Sites.

Step 4

Click Add.

Step 5

Provide necessary details in the following:

  1. Enter Site Name.

  2. Enter Description.

  3. Check Create Local Admin check box.

  4. Enter Default Admin Password and confirm in Confirm Password text box.

  5. Choose Country from drop-down list.

  6. Choose Network Device List from the drop-down list.

Step 6

Click Save.



In dedicated options for Small Contact Centers, one customer and a site per customer is created in UCDM for each sub-customer. In shared options for Small Contact Centers, one customer and a site in UCDM are shared across multiple sub-customers.

Add Customer Dial Plan


Step 1

Login to Cisco Unified Communication Domain Manager as provider, reseller or customer.

Step 2

Ensure that hierarchy is set to appropriate customer level.

Step 3

Navigate to Dial Plan Management > Customer > Dial Plan.

Step 4

Click Add.

Step 5

Click Save.


  • Customer ID is Unique, auto-generated, read-only number allocated to the customer

  • If Site Location Code is not specified, by default Dial Plan Type will set to Type_4

Add Site Dial Plan

Before you begin

Ensure Customer Dial Plan is created, see Add Customer Dial Plan.


Step 1

Login to Cisco Unified Communication Domain Manager as provider, reseller or customer.

Step 2

Ensure that hierarchy is set to appropriate site.

Step 3

Navigate to Dial Plan Management > Site > Management.

Step 4

Click Add.

Step 5

Enter Extension Length value, it ranges from 1 - 11.

Step 6

Click Save.

Site information is loaded in to Cisco Unified Communication Manager, it can be identified using Customer ID and Site ID in its prefix.



This step takes few minutes to provision the site dial plan.

ASA Integration

This section covers the configuration procedures required in Cisco ASA to integrate the customer instances for all types of HCS for CC deployment.

Integration of ASA for HCS for CC Deployment model

For the 2000, 4000, 12000, and 24000 agent deployment models the following configuration in Cisco ASA is required to integrate the customer instance components with the shared components. The following figure illustrates the deployment of different types with a Single ASA.

Figure 1. Customer Instances of Two Different Deployment Types Integrated with Shared Components

Repeat the Below procedures to integrate ASA for each customer instance. Required VLAN ID's and sub-interface ID for each customer instances will be different. Hence, IP addresses can be reused for these deployments:

Configure Interfaces in the System Execution Space


Step 1

Navigate to global configuration mode:

hostname/context_name#changeto system
hostname#configure terminal

Step 2

Navigate to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 and enter the following command:

hostname(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/1
hostname(config-if)#no shut