Configure Voicemail
You can configure the internal or external phone number or URL for the voicemail system. If you use an external voicemail service, the number must include any digits required to dial out and any required area code.
Before you begin
Access the phone administration web page. See Access the Phone Web Interface.
Step 1 |
Select Voice > Phone. |
Step 2 |
In the General section, enter the Voice Mail Number that is a phone number or URL to check the voicemail.
Default: Empty |
Step 3 |
Click Submit All Changes. |
Configure Voicemail for An Extension
Before you begin
Access the phone administration web page. See Access the Phone Web Interface.
Step 1 |
Select (n) is the number of an extension. , where |
Step 2 |
In the Call Feature Settings section, configure the parameters Voice Mail Server, Voice Mail Subscribe Interval (optional), and Voice Mail Enable as described in Parameters for Voicemail Server and Message Waiting. |
Step 3 |
Click Submit All Changes. The phone reboots. |
Configure the Message Waiting Indicator
You can configure the Message Waiting Indicator for a specific extension on the phone. The Message Waiting Indicator lights based on the presence of new voicemail messages in the mailbox.
You can enable the indicator at the top of your IP phone to light when one or more voicemails are left. This light can show if a message is waiting.
Before you begin
Access the phone administration web page. See Access the Phone Web Interface.
Step 1 |
Select (n) is the number of an extension. , where |
Step 2 |
In the Call Feature Settings section, configure the parameter Message Waiting and relevant parameters as described in Parameters for Voicemail Server and Message Waiting. |
Step 3 |
Click Submit All Changes. |
Parameters for Voicemail Server and Message Waiting
The following table describes the Call Feature Settings for Voicemail and Message Waiting.
Parameter |
Description |
Voice Mail Server |
Identifies the SpecVM server for the phone, generally the IP address, and port number of the VM server. Perform one of the following:
Default: Empty |
Voice Mail Subscribe Interval |
The expiration time, in seconds, of a subscription to a voicemail server. Perform one of the following:
Allowed values: An integer from 0 through 86400 If the value is set to 0, then the phone uses the default value instead. Default: 86400 |
Voice Mail Enable |
Enables or disables the subscription to the voicemail server for the specific extension. Perform one of the following:
Allowed values: Yes and No Default: Yes |
Message Waiting |
Indicates whether the Message Waiting Indicator on the phone is lit. This parameter toggles a message from the SIP proxy to indicate if a message is waiting. This parameter is valid when the parameters Voice Mail Server, Voice Mail Subscribe Interval, and Voice Mail Enable are configured. Perform one of the following:
Allowed values: Yes and No Default: Yes |
Configure the Voicemail PLK on a Line Key
You can configure the voicemail PLK on a line key for the users to monitor a specified voicemail account of a user or a group.
The voicemail PLK can monitor both the voicemail of an extension and the voicemail account of another user or a group. Monitoring the voicemail of another user or a group requires the support from the SIP proxy.
For example, if the users belong to a customer service group, this feature allows the users to monitor both their voicemails and their group's voicemails.
If you add speed dial for the same line key, the users can press the line key to make a speed dial to the assigned extension.
Before you begin
Access the phone administration web page. See Access the Phone Web Interface.
Step 1 |
Select . |
Step 2 |
Select a Line Key on which to configure the voicemail PLK. |
Step 3 |
(Optional) Set the Extension parameter to Disabled to disable the extension.
You can also configure this parameter in the phone configuration file (cfg.xml). The parameter is line-specific. Enter a string in this format:
where n is the extension number. |
Step 4 |
In the Extended Function parameter, enter a string in this format:
For more information about the string syntax, see String Syntax for Voicemail PLK. You can also configure this parameter in the phone configuration file (cfg.xml). The parameter is line-specific. Enter a string in this format:
Step 5 |
In the General section, add Parameter in the configuration file (cfg.xml):
After the configuration, users can configure the corresponding features on the line key. |
Step 6 |
Click Submit All Changes. |
String Syntax for Voicemail PLK
The following table describes the string syntax associated with the voicemail Programmable Line Key (PLK) configured in the phone web interface.
String |
Description |
fnc |
Specifies the function of the key. You can use the PLK for only MWI or the combination of MWI and speed dial. Valid values: mwi|mwi+sd
Example: fnc=mwi+sd; Type: Mandatory |
sub |
Specifies the SIP URI of a voicemail account that the PLK monitors. The voicemail account can be the voicemail account of the user of an extension on the phone or a voicemail account of a group. For example, the user ID of extension 1 is 4085289931. The related voicemail account is The user belongs to a customer group whose voicemail account is In this example, the value can be If the SIP proxy allows the group member to monitor the group's voicemail, the value can be Examples:
Type: Mandatory |
vid |
The extension ID with which the voicemail PLK associates. The voicemail PLK associates with an extension of the phone to generate the SIP messages based on the extension user ID and proxy. Specifically, the voicemail PLK generates the From and Contact headers based on the associated extension user ID and proxy. Then it sends a SUBSCRIBE message to the specified SIP URI. If the string is missing, the PLK associates with extension 1. Example: vid=2; Type: Optional |
ext |
Specifies a speed dial number or a SIP URI if the key uses both MWI and speed dial functions (fnc=mwi+sd). The speed dial number is used to place a call for the voicemail messages. Example: ext=8000; To bypass the voicemail login session during a speed dial from the key, you can input the DTMF characters (including voicemail account ID and PIN) in the string. Example: ext=8000 ,4085283300#,123456#@$PROXY; Where: "4085283300" is the voicemail account ID, "123456" is the PIN.
A space is required between the speed dial number (8000) and the DTMF characters (,4085283300#,123456#). A comma (,) in the speed dial characters means a 2-second pause. For more information about the speed dial string, see DTMF Wait and Pause Parameters. Type: Optional |
nme |
Name displayed on the phone for the key. If this string is missing, the value will be the user part of the "sub" field. For example, "4085283300". Example: nme=Group Type: Optional |
Configure the Voicemail PLK on the Phone
You can configure the voicemail Programmable Line Key (PLK) on the phone. The maximum number of voicemail PLKs is ten. The voicemail PLK can monitor the voicemail account of a phone or monitor a voicemail account that isn't configured on the phone.
Before you begin
Make sure that one of the following situations are met:
The Extension parameter under the Line Key (n) section from is set to Disabled.
The Direct PLK Configuration feature is enabled. In this case, you don't need to disable the extension of a line key. For more information about how to enable the feature, see Enable Direct PLK Configuration.
Step 1 |
On the phone, press the line key that you want to configure as an voicemail PLK for 2 seconds. |
Step 2 |
Click MWI or MWI + Speed dial in the Select feature screen. |
Step 3 |
In the Define MWI screen, set up the parameters as described in the following table.
Step 4 |
Click Save. |