Cisco Unified CME Commands: S2


To create a directory number to be shared by multiple SIP phones, use the shared-line command in voice register dn configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command.

shared-line [max-calls number-of-calls]

no shared-line

Syntax Description

max-calls number-of-calls

(Optional) Maximum number of active calls allowed on the shared line. Range: 2 to 16. Default: 2.

Command Default

Directory number is not a shared line. Maximum number of calls on a shared line is 2.

Command Modes

Voice register dn configuration

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 7.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 7.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables a shared line on an individual SIP phone directory number.

This command is supported only on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7941G, 7941GE, 7961G, 7961GE, 7970G, and 7971GE.


The following example shows that extension 5001 associated with directory number 2 is defined as a shared line and can support up to four calls:

Router(config)# voice register dn 2
Router(config-register-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-register-dn)# shared-line max-calls 4

shared-line sip

To add an ephone-dn as a member of a shared directory number in the database of the Shared-Line Service Module for a mixed shared line between Cisco Unified SIP and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones, use the shared-line sip command in ephone-dn configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command.

shared-line sip [max calls number-of-calls]

no shared-line sip

Syntax Description

max calls number-of calls

(Optional) Maximum number of active calls allowed on the shared line. Range: 2 to 16. Default: 2.

Command Default

Directory number is not a mixed shared line.

Maximum number of calls on a mixed shared line is 2.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-ephone-dn)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the shared-line sip command to add an ephone-dn as a member of a shared directory number in the database of the Shared-Line Service Module for a mixed shared line between Cisco Unified SIP IP phones and Cisco Unified SCCP IP phones. However, a mixed shared line is not enabled when an ephone-dn nnnn is the only shared directory number nnnn in the database of the Shared-Line Service Module. It is only enabled when a corresponding Cisco Unified SIP IP phone with a shared directory number nnnn is subscribed.

Mixed shared lines can only be configured on one of several common directory numbers. All attempts to add more are rejected.


The secondary number of an ephone-dn cannot be used as a search key in the Shared-Line Service Module.

Features are effectively supported on a mixed shared line when dial-plan patterns have matching configurations in telephony-service and voice register global configuration modes using the dialplan pattern command.


The following example shows 1001 as the shared line between a Cisco Unified SCCP IP phone and a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone. The maximum number of active calls allowed on the mixed shared line is four.

voice register dn 1
 number 1001
 shared-line max-calls 4
ephone-dn 1 octo-line
 number 1001
 shared-line sip

The following example shows how configuring a mixed shared line on a second common directory number is rejected:

Router(config)# ephone-dn 14 octo-line
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2502
Router(config-ephone-dn)# shared-line sip
Router(config)# ephone-dn 20 octo-line
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2502
Router(config-ephone-dn)# shared-line sip
DN number already exists in the shared line database

show capf-server

To display CAPF server configuration and session information, use the show capf-server command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.

show capf-server {auth-string | sessions | summary}

Syntax Description


Display authentication strings for ephones.


Display information about active CAPF sessions.


Display CAPF server configuration details.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used with Cisco Unified CME phone authentication.


The following example output displays CAPF server parameters:

Router# show capf-server summary
CAPF Server Configuration Details
        Trustpoint for TLS With Phone: cmeserver
        Trustpoint for CA operation: iosra
        Source Address:
        Listening Port: 3804
        Phone Key Size: 1024
        Phone KeyGen Retries: 100
        Phone KeyGen Timeout: 120 minutes
        Device Authentication Mode: Auth-String

The following example output displays the authentication strings that have been defined for the phones with the listed MAC addresses:

Router# show capf-server auth-string
Authentication Strings for configured Ephones
Mac-Addr        Auth-String
--------        -----------
000CCE3A817C    7012
001121116BDD    922
000D299D50DF    9182
000ED7B10DAC    3114
000F90485077    3328
0013C352E7F1    0678

The following example output displays active sessions between phones (identified by their MAC addresses) and the CAPF server. The phone ID field lists standard phone identifications, which include the letters “SEP” plus the MAC addresses of the phones. The below sample output defines the different session states that can appear in the output.

Router# show capf-server sessions
Active CAPF Sessions
Phone ID                State
Table 1. show capf-server sessions State Descriptions




Phone is idle.


A TLS connection was established on the TCP port that is specified in the configuration file. After a successful handshake verified the server certificate, a dialog was started between the CAPF server and the phone’s CAPF client. The server has challenged the phone by sending an authentication request and is waiting for a response.


Phone authentication was successful. The CAPF server has sent a key generation request message to the phone and is waiting for a response.


A key has been generated and the CAPF has used the phone’s public key to start the enrollment process with PKI. The CAPF sent an encrypt-message request to the phone and is waiting for a response.


The phone has signed the received message using its private key and the CAPF has continued the enrollment process. PKI has forwarded the certificate request to the CA and is waiting for a response.


Upon receiving an certificate issued from the CA, the CAPF has sent a store-certificate request message to the phone. The store-certificate request contains the certificate to be written to the phone’s flash memory. The CAPF is waiting for a store-certificate response message to confirm that the certificate has been stored.

show credentials

To display the credentials settings that have been configured for use during Cisco Unified CME phone authentication communications or secure Cisco Unified SRST fallback, use the show credentials command in privileged EXEC mode.

show credentials

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco SRST 3.3

This command was introduced for Cisco SRST.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced for Cisco Unified CME.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command for Cisco Unified CME was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco Unified CME

This command displays the credentials settings on a Cisco Unified CME router that has been configured with a CTL provider to be used with Cisco Unified CME phone authentication.

Cisco Unified SRST

This command displays the credentials settings on the Cisco Unified SRST router that are supplied to Cisco Unified CallManager for use during secure SRST fallback.


The following is sample output from the show credentials :

Router# show credentials
Credentials IP:
Credentials PORT: 2445
Trustpoint: srstca

The below table describes the fields in the sample output.

Table 2. show credentials Field Descriptions



Credentials IP

Cisco Unified CME—IP address where the CTL provider is configured.

Cisco Unified SRST—The specified IP address where certificates from Cisco Unified CallManager to the SRST router are received.

Credentials PORT

Cisco Unified CME—TCP port for credentials service communication. Default is 2444.

Cisco Unified SRST—The port to which the SRST router connects to receive messages from the Cisco Unified IP phones. The port number is from 2000 to 9999. The default port number is 2445.


Cisco Unified CME—CTL provider trustpoint label that will be used for TLS sessions with the CTL client.

Cisco Unified SRST—The name of the trustpoint that is associated with the credentials service between the Cisco Unified CallManager client and the SRST router.

show cti

To display the status of the CTI subsystem, use the show cti command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cti {call | gcid | line node | session}

Syntax Description


Details for active (ACT) calls only.


List of Global Call IDs for active calls only.

line node

List of line nodes.


Details for active CTI sessions.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History


Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1a Release

Unified CME 12.6

This command is deprecated. It is not supported on Unified CME 12.6 and later releases.

Usage Guidelines

This commands displays status information for the CTI subsystem in Cisco Unified CME.


The following sample output is for each command when there are no active calls.

Router#show cti gcid
GCID                                 callIDs
===================================  =================
no active GCID
Router#show cti call
DN         CallID GCID                                Calling    Called     State
=========  ====== =================================== ========== ========== =====
A line-node is the internal data structure of a directory number. Once a line-node is created, the structure remains until the CTI interface is shut down.
Router#show cti line-node
line dn             number of call instance
================    =======================
1001                0
201                 0
202                 0
203                 0
204                 0
233                 0
6789                0
A0001               0

The following is sample output from the show cti gcid command for one call. This sample contains a single Gcid with two callIDs, one for each call leg.

Router#show cti gcid
GCID                                 callIDs
===================================  =================
1E2E3483-5ACB11DE-BA9EF925-DF2AFB55  59291, 59292,

The following is sample output from the show cti call command. This samples shows that a call was placed from (DN) 201 to (DN) 204 and both directory numbers are now Active (ACT). Note that the Gcid and callIDs in this sample correspond to those in the output from the show cti gcid command.

Router#show cti call
DN         CallID GCID                                Calling    Called     State
=========  ====== =================================== ========== ========== ======
           59291   1E2E3483-5ACB11DE-BA9EF925-DF2AFB55 201        204        ACT
           59292   1E2E3483-5ACB11DE-BA9EF925-DF2AFB55 201        204        ACT

The following is sample output from the show cti line-node command. In the following sample, there are eight line-nodes and two (201 and 204) are in use.

Router#show cti line-node
line dn             number of call instance
================    =======================
1001                0
201                 1
      callID 59291(C7C ),  *cg = 201, cd = 204
202                 0
203                 0
204                 1
      callID 59292(C7C ),  cg = 201, *cd = 204
233                 0
6789                0
A0001               0

<< Table number >> describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 3. show xxx Field Descriptions




Global Call ID (Gcid)—Unique identifier in for every call on an outbound leg of a VoIP dial peer for an endpoint. A single Gcid remains the same for the same call in the system, and is valid for redirect, transfer, and conference events.


Unique identifier for each call leg of a call.

show ctl-client

To display information about the certificate trust list (CTL) client, use the show ctl-client command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.

show ctl-client

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used with Cisco Unified CME phone authentication.


The following example displays trustpoints and IP addresses known to the CTL client.

Router# show ctl-client
CTL Client Information
        SAST 1 Certificate Trustpoint: cmeserver
        SAST 1 Certificate Trustpoint: sast2
        List of Trusted Servers in the CTL
                CME        cmeserver
                TFTP        cmeserver
                CAPF        cmeserver

show ephone

To display information about registered Cisco Unified IP phones, use the show ephone command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone [mac-address | phone-type]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information for the phone with the specified MAC address.


(Optional) Displays information for phones of the specified phone type. Supported phone types are version-specific. Type ? to display a list of values.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco ITS 1.0 Cisco SRST 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco ITS 2.0 Cisco SRST 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


Cisco ITS 2.01 Cisco SRST 2.01

The ata keyword was added and this command was implemented on the Cisco 1760.


Cisco ITS 2.1 Cisco SRST 2.1

The 7914 keyword was added.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

The 7902 , 7905 , and 7912 keywords were added.


Cisco CME 3.1 Cisco SRST 3.1

The 7920 and 7936 keywords were added.


Cisco CME 3.2.1 Cisco SRST 3.2.1

The 7970 keyword was added.


Cisco CME 3.3 Cisco SRST 3.3

The 7971 keyword was added, and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.

Command History


Cisco Unified CME 4.0 Cisco Unified SRST 4.0

The 7911 , 7941 , 7941GE , 7961 , and 7961GE keywords were added.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0 Cisco Unified SRST 4.0

The 7911 , 7941 , 7941GE , 7961 , and 7961GE keywords were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2)

The 7931 keyword was added for Cisco Unified CME.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3)

The 7931 keyword was added for Cisco Unified CME.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0(3)

The 7931 keyword for Cisco Unified CME was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1 Cisco Unified SRST 4.1

The 7921 and 7985 keywords were added.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1(1) Cisco Unified SRST 4.1(1)

The 7942 , 7945 , 7962 , 7965 , and 7975 keywords were added and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T1.


Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1) Cisco Unified SRST 4.2(1)

Emergency response location (ERL) information displays in the output.


Cisco Unified CME 4.3 Cisco Unified SRST 4.3

Support for user-defined phone types created with the ephone-type command was added.


Cisco Unified CME 4.3 Cisco Unified SRST 4.3

The 7915-12 , 7915-24 , 7916-12 , 7916-24 , and 7937 keywords were added.


Cisco Unified CME 7.0 Cisco Unified SRST 7.0

The 7915-12 , 7915-24 , 7916-12 , 7916-24 , and 7937 keywords were added and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was modified. The IP-STE keyword was added and logical partitioning class of restriction (LPCOR) and Cancel Call Waiting information was added to the output.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.


Significant fields in the output from this command are described in the table.

The following sample output shows general information for registered phones:

Router# show ephone
ephone-8[7] Mac:000A.B7B1.444A TCP socket:[5] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 11/9 max_streams=1
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:8 privacy:0
IP: * 50007 Telecaster 7940  keepalive 8424 max_line 2 available_line 2
button 1: cw:1 ccw:(0 0) 
  dn 6  number 6006 CH1   IDLE         CH2   IDLE         overlay shared 
button 2: cw:1 ccw:(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 
  dn 42 number 6042 CH1   IDLE         CH2   IDLE         CH3   IDLE         CH4   IDLE         CH5   IDLE         CH6   IDLE         CH7   IDLE         CH8   IDLE         shared 
overlay 1: 6(6006) 7(6007) 8(6008) 
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw 
Lpcor Type: local Incoming: ephone_group1 Outgoing: ephone_group1

The table describes significant fields in the output.

Table 4. show ephone Field Descriptions



Active Call

An active call is in progress.


Line (button) on the phone that is in use. Zero indicates that no line is in use.

auto-dial number

Intercom extension that automatically dials number .

button number : dn number

Phone button number and the extension (ephone-dn) dn-tag number associated with that button.


Total number of voice data bytes sent or received by the phone.

Called Dn, Calling Dn

Ephone-dn tag numbers of the called and calling ephone-dn. Set to -1 if the call is not to or from an ephone-dn, or if there is no active call.

cfa number

Call-forward-all to number is enabled for this extension.


Status of channel 1 and, if this is a dual-line ephone-dn, the status of channel 2.


1 indicates that Call Waiting is enabled. 0 indicates that Call Waiting is disabled.


1 indicates that debug for the phone is enabled. 0 indicates that debug is disabled.


Do Not Disturb is set on this phone.

DP tag

Not used.


Unique sequence number used to identify this phone during configuration (phone-tag).


Assigned IP address of the Cisco Unified IP phone.


Amount of variation (in milliseconds) of the time interval between voice packets received by the Cisco Unified IP phone.


Number of keepalive messages received from the Cisco Unified IP phone by the router.


Estimated playout delay for voice packets received by the Cisco Unified IP phone.

line number

Button number on an IP phone. Line 1 is the button nearest the top of the phone.


Number of voice packets lost, as calculated by the Cisco Unified IP phone, on the basis of examining voice packet time-stamp and sequence numbers during playout.

Lpcor Incoming

Setting of the lpcor incoming command.

Lpcor Outgoing

Setting of the lpcor outgoing command.

Lpcor Type

Setting of the lpcor type command.


MAC address.

Max Conferences

Maximum number of allowable conference calls and number of active conference calls.

max_line number

Maximum number of line buttons that can be configured on this phone.


1 indicates that an active conversation is in progress. 0 indicates that no conversation is ongoing.


This button is set up as a monitor button.


Telephone or extension number associated with the Cisco Unified IP phone button and its dn-tag.


1 indicates that the phone is off-hook. 0 indicates that the phone is on-hook.


This button contains an overlay set. Use show ephone overlay to display the contents of overlay sets.


1 indicates that the phone has received an audio page. 0 indicates that the phone has not received an audio page.


Ephone-dn that is dedicated for receiving audio pages on this phone. The paging-dn number is the number of the paging set to which this phone belongs.


Authentication string that the phone user types when logging in to the web-based Cisco Unified CME GUI.


Port used for TAPI transmissions.


The Cisco Unified IP phone is active and registered. Alternative states are UNREGISTERED (indicating that the connection to the Cisco Unified IP phone was closed in a normal manner) and DECEASED (indicating that the connection to the Cisco Unified IP phone was closed because of a keepalive timeout).


Pending reset.


Request for reset has been sent to the Cisco Unified IP phone.


1 indicates that the phone is ringing. 0 indicates that the phone is not ringing.

Rx Pkts

Number of received voice packets.


Silent ring has been set on this button and extension.


TCP socket number used to connect to IP phone.

speed dial speed-tag:digit-string label-text

This button is a speed-dial button, assigned to the speed-dial sequence number speed-tag . It dials digit-string and displays the text label-text next to the button.

sub=3, sub=4

Subtype 3 means that one Cisco Unified IP Phone 7914 Expansion Module is attached to the main Cisco Unified IP Phones 7960 and 7960G, and subtype 4 means that two are attached.

Tag number

Dn-tag number, the unique sequence number that identifies an ephone-dn during configuration, followed by the type of ephone-dn it is.

TAPI Client IP Address

IP address of the PC running the TAPI client.

TCP socket

TCP socket number used to communicate with the Cisco Unified IP phone. This can be correlated with the output of other debug and show commands.

Telecaster model-number

Type and model of the Cisco Unified IP phone. This information is received from the phone during its registration with the router.

Tx Pkts

Number of transmitted voice packets.


Username that the phone user types when logging in to the web-based Cisco Unified CME GUI.

show ephone attempted-registrations

To display the log of ephones that unsuccessfully attempt to register with Cisco Unified CME, use the show ephone attempted-registrations command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone attempted-registrations

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

The no auto-reg-ephone blocks the automatic registration of ephones whose MAC addresses are not explicitly listed in the configuration. When automatic registration is blocked, Cisco Unified CME records the MAC addresses of phones that attempt to register but cannot because they are blocked.

Use the show ephone attempted-registrations to view the list of phones that have attempted to register but have been blocked. The clear telephony-service ephone-attempted-registrations clears the list.


The following example displays ephones that unsuccessfully attempted to register with Cisco Unified CME:

Router# show ephone attempted-registrations
Attempting Mac address:
Num    Mac Address         DateTime                          DeviceType
1      C863.8475.5417      22:52:05 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005      SCCP Gateway (AN) 
2      C863.8475.5408      22:52:05 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005      SCCP Gateway (AN) 
25     000D.28D7.7222      22:26:32 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005      Telecaster 7960 
26     000D.BDB7.A9EA      22:25:59 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005      Telecaster 7960 
47     C863.94A8.D40F      22:52:17 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005      SCCP Gateway (AN) 
48     C863.94A8.D411      22:52:18 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005      SCCP Gateway (AN) 
49     C863.94A8.D400      22:52:15 UTC Thu Apr 28 2005      SCCP Gateway (AN) 

The below table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 5. show ephone attempted-registrations Field Descriptions




Index number.

Mac Address

MAC address of the ephone.


Date and time that the attempt to register was made.


Type of ephone.

show ephone cfa

To display status and information on the registered phones that have call-forward-all set on one or more of their extensions (ephone-dns), use the show ephone cfa command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone cfa

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following is sample output from the show ephone cfa command:

Router# show ephone cfa
ephone-1 Mac:0007.0EA6.353A TCP socket:[2] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 52491 Telecaster 7960  keepalive 14 max_line 6
button 1: dn 11 number 60011 cfa 60022 CH1 IDLE 
button 2: dn 17 number 60017 cfa 60021 CH1 IDLE

The show ephone describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone dn

To display phone information for specified dn-tag or for all dn-tags, use the show ephone dn command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone dn [dn-tag]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Unique sequence number that is used during configuration to identify a particular extension (ephone-dn).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to identify the phone on which a particular dn-tag has been assigned.


The following is sample output for the two appearances of DN 5:

Router# show ephone dn 5
Tag 5, Normal or Intercom dn 
ephone 1, mac-address 0030.94C3.CAA2, line 2
ephone 2, mac-address 0030.94c2.9919, line 3

The show ephone describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone dnd

To display information on the registered phones that have “do not disturb” set on one or more of their extensions (ephone-dns), use the show ephone dnd command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone dnd

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command does not apply to Cisco Unified SRST.


The following is sample output from the show ephone dnd command:

Router# show ephone dnd
ephone-1 Mac:0007.0EA6.353A TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 52486 Telecaster 7960  keepalive 2729 max_line 6 DnD
button 1: dn 11 number 60011 CH1 IDLE 

The show ephone describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone login

To display the login states of all local IP phones, use the show ephone login command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone login

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was modified. LOCAL and GLOBAL replace TRUE in the output for “Pin enabled.”


Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

The show ephone login command displays whether an ephone has a personal identification number (PIN) and whether its owner is logged in.

In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and earlier versions, FALSE is displayed if there is no PIN configured for the specified ephone. TRUE is displayed if there is a PIN configured for the specified ephone.

In Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions, the show output is modified as follows:

  • FALSE is displayed only if no PIN is defined, neither in an ephone configuration nor in the telephony-service configuration.
  • LOCAL is displayed if an individual PIN is defined for the specific ephone.
  • GLOBAL is displayed if a global PIN is defined.


The following is sample output from the show ephone login command. It shows that a PIN is defined for ephone 1 and that its owner has not logged in. The other phones do not have PINs associated with them.

Router# show ephone login
ephone 1        Pin enabled:LOCAL       Logged-in:FALSE
ephone 2        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 3        Pin enabled:FALSE

The following is sample output from the show ephone login command. It shows that a PIN is defined for ephone 1 and that its owner has not logged in. A global PIN is defined also defined for this system. If the pin command is configured in ephone configuration mode and telephony-service configuration mode, the command in ephone configuration mode takes precedence.

Router# show ephone login
ephone 1        Pin enabled:LOCAL       Logged-in:FALSE
ephone 2        Pin enabled:GLOBAL      Logged-in:TRUE
ephone 3        Pin enabled:GLOBAL      Logged-in:TRUE

The following is sample output from the show ephone login command. It shows that neither a local nor a global PIN is enabled for ephones 1 to 3.

Router# show ephone login
ephone 1        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 2        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 3        Pin enabled:FALSE


The following is sample output from the show ephone login command. It shows that a PIN is enabled for ephone 1 and that its owner has not logged in. The other phones do not have PINs associated with them.

Router# show ephone login
ephone 1        Pin enabled:TRUE        Logged-in:FALSE
ephone 2        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 3        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 4        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 5        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 6        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 7        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 8        Pin enabled:FALSE
ephone 9        Pin enabled:FALSE

The below table describes significant fields in this output.

Table 6. show ephone login Field Descriptions



ephone phone-tag

Phone identified with its unique phone-tag sequence number.

Pin enabled

In Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and earlier versions:

  • TRUE—A PIN is defined for this phone.
  • FALSE —No PIN is defined for this phone.

In Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions:

  • LOCAL—A PIN has been defined for this phone.
  • GLOBAL—A global PIN is defined for this Cisco Unified CME system.
  • FALSE—No PIN is defined.


  • TRUE indicates that a phone user is currently logged in on this phone.
  • FALSE indicates that no phone user is currently logged in on this phone.

show ephone moh

To display information about moh files in use, use the show ephone moh command in global configuration mode.

show ephone moh

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords

Command Modes

Global Configuration mode.

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ephone moh to display information about the different MOH group configured. The following examples displays different MOH group configured.


Router #show ephone moh
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 1)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/ (not cached) type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes
Moh multicast port 2000
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 2)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/audio/ type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k  160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 3)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/ type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k  160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 4)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/ type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k  160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via
Skinny Music On Hold Status (moh-group 5)
Active MOH clients 0 (max 830), Media Clients 0
File flash:/ type AU Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k  160 bytes
Moh multicast on port 2000 via

show ephone offhook

To display information and packet counts for the phones that are currently off hook, use the show ephone offhook command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone offhook

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command is introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command is integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1a

Unified CME 12.6

This command is enhanced to display the keys that are in use per media stream, along with the sRTP Ciphers.


The following sample output is displayed when no phone is off hook:

Router# show ephone offhook
No ephone in specified type/condition.

The following sample output displays information for a phone that is off hook:

Router# show ephone offhook
ephone-5 Mac:000A.8A2C.8C6E TCP socket:[20] activeLine:1 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:1 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 51228 Telecaster 7960  keepalive 43218 max_line 6
button 1:dn 9  number 59943 CH1 SIEZE     silent-ring
button 2:dn 10 number 59943 CH1 IDLE
button 3:dn 42 number A4400  auto dial A4500 CH1 IDLE
button 4:dn 96 number 69943  auto dial 95259943 CH1 IDLE
button 5:dn 75 number 49943  auto dial 49943 CH1 IDLE
speed dial 1:57514 marketing
Active Call on DN 9 chan 1 :59943 0 to 2000 via
G711Ulaw64k  160 bytes vad
Tx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Rx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Lost 0
Jitter 0 Latency 0 callingDn -1 calledDn -1
Username:user1 Password:newuser

The following is a sample output for the show command, show ephone offhook . The lines that are added to the show command output as part of the Unified CME 12.6 enhancement are local key and remote key.

ephone-1[0] Mac:549A.EBB5.8000 TCP socket:[1] activeLine:1 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 21/17 max_streams=1 + Authentication + Encryption with TLS connection
mediaActive:1 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:1 offhook:1 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:8
IP: * 17872 SCCP Gateway (AN) keepalive 28 max_line 1 available_line 1
port 0/0/0
button 1: cw:1 ccw:(0 0)
 dn 1 number 6901 CM Fallback CH1 CONNECTED CH2 IDLE
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw
Lpcor Type: none Active Secure Call on DN 1 chan 1 :6901 18116
 to 8066 via
G711Ulaw64k 160 bytes no vad
SRTP cipher: AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32
  local key: 0OPV0yxvcnRLPMzHfmYbwgHfdxcuS1uPbp5j/Tjk
  remote key: e8DQl3Kvk7LjZlipaCoMg9TMreBmiPsFmNiVHwIA
Tx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Rx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Lost 0
Jitter 0 Latency 0 callingDn -1 calledDn -1

The following sample output displays information for a phone that has just completed a call:

Router# show ephone offhook
ephone-5 Mac:000A.8A2C.8C6E TCP socket:[20] activeLine:1 REGISTERED
mediaActive:1 offhook:1 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 51228 Telecaster 7960  keepalive 43224 max_line 6
button 1:dn 9  number 59943 CH1 CONNECTED silent-ring
button 2:dn 10 number 59943 CH1 IDLE
button 3:dn 42 number A4400  auto dial A4500 CH1 IDLE
button 4:dn 96 number 69943  auto dial 95259943 CH1 IDLE
button 5:dn 75 number 49943  auto dial 49943 CH1 IDLE
speed dial 1:57514 marketing
Active Call on DN 9 chan 1 :59943 22926 to 2000 via
G711Ulaw64k  160 bytes no vad
Tx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Rx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Lost 0
Jitter 0 Latency 0 callingDn -1 calledDn -1 (media path callID 19288 srcCallID 1
Username:user1 Password:newuser

The show ephone describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone overlay

To display information for the registered phones that have overlay ephone-dns associated with them, use the show ephone overlay in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone overlay

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command does not apply to Cisco Unified SRST.


The following is sample output from the show ephone overlay command:

Router# show ephone overlay
ephone-1 Mac:0007.0EA6.353A TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 52486 Telecaster 7960  keepalive 2771 max_line 6
button 1: dn 11 number 60011 CH1 IDLE      overlay 
button 2: dn 17 number 60017 CH1 IDLE      overlay 
button 3: dn 24 number 60024 CH1 IDLE      overlay 
button 4: dn 30 number 60030 CH1 IDLE      overlay 
button 5: dn 36 number 60036 CH1 IDLE      CH2 IDLE      overlay 
button 6: dn 39 number 60039 CH1 IDLE      CH2 IDLE      overlay 
overlay 1: 11(60011) 12(60012) 13(60013) 14(60014) 15(60015) 16(60016) 
overlay 2: 17(60017) 18(60018) 19(60019) 20(60020) 21(60021) 22(60022) 
overlay 3: 23(60023) 24(60024) 25(60025) 26(60026) 27(60027) 28(60028) 
overlay 4: 29(60029) 30(60030) 31(60031) 32(60032) 33(60033) 34(60034) 
overlay 5: 35(60035) 36(60036) 37(60037) 
overlay 6: 38(60038) 39(60039) 40(60040) 

The show ephone command describes significant fields in this output. The below table describes a field that is not in that table.

Table 7. show ephone overlay Field Descriptions



overlay number

Displays the contents of an overlay set, including each dn-tag and its associated extension number.

show ephone phone-load

To display information about the phone firmware that is loaded on registered phones, use the show ephone phone-load command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone phone-load

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following is sample output that displays the phone firmware versions for all phones in the system:

Router# show ephone phone-load
DeviceName        CurrentPhoneload       PreviousPhoneload      LastReset
SEP0002B9AFC49F   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP003094C2D0B0   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP000C30F03707   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP003094C2999F   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP000A8A2C8C6E   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              Initialized
SEP0002B9AFBB4D   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP00075078627F   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP0002FD659E59   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP00024BCCD626   3.2(2.14)                                     CM-closed-TCP
SEP0008215F88C1   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP000C30F0390C   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout
SEP003094C30143   3.2(2.14)              3.2(2.14)              TCP-timeout

The below table describes significant fields in this output.

Table 8. show ephone phone-load Field Descriptions




Device name.


Current phone firmware version.


Phone firmware version before last phone load.


Reason for last reset of phone.

show ephone registered

To display the status of registered phones, use the show ephone registered command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone registered

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was modified. The output was enhanced to include the setting of the feature-button command.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.


The following is sample output from the show ephone registered command:

Router# show ephone registered
ephone-12[11] Mac:001A.A11B.7D6D TCP socket:[5] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGIS
TERED in SCCP ver 15/12 max_streams=1
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 res
et_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:7
IP: * 35177 6941  keepalive 3593 max_line 4 available_line 3
button 1: cw:1 dn 11 number 1001 CH1   IDLE         CH2   IDLE
button 2: cw:1 dn 56 number 6971  auto dial 6970 CH1   IDLE
button 3: cw:1 dn 10 number 1000 CH1   IDLE         CH2   IDLE
1 feature buttons enabled: dnd
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw
Lpcor Type: none

The below table describes significant fields in this output.

Table 9. show ephone registered Field Descriptions




Number of active parties registered.


Cisco IP phone.


MAC address of the Cisco IP phone.


Defines keepalive timeout period to unregister IP phone.


Displays the type of feature button on the ephone.

show ephone registered summary

To display the details of all the registered Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) phones that are sorted based on ephone tags, use the show ephone registered summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone registered summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release Cisco Product Modification
15.4(3)M Cisco Unified CME 10.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the details of the registered phones configured in the SCCP mode sorted by ephone tags.


The following is sample output of the registered phones configured in the SCCP mode.


The * symbol adjacent to the Directory Number (DN) in the command output indicates that the Directory Number (DN) is an Overlay-dn.

router# show ephone registered summary  

PhoneType 	Ephone 	MacAddress 				 IpAddress 		Ln 		 Dn 		Number 		Status
8941 								1 				7081.050C.0927 			1 			1 			3001 			Registered
 																												 																  2    2* 		3002				Registered
  																																														2 			5*		 3005				Registered
		                               												  	2				6*			3006 			Registered
7970 								2 				001B.D52C.DF27 			1				3 			3003 			Registered
  																																														2    4				3004				Registered
7970 								5 				001B.D52C.4AEE			 1 			9 			3009   	Registered
  																																														2 			10	 	3010				Registered
Total ephones configured 			: 10
Total ephones registered 			: 3
Total ephones unregistered		: 5
Total ephones deceased 					: 0
Ephones in unknown state 			: 2
Table 10. show ephone registered summary field descriptions




Directory number of the phone.


Total number of ephone tags configured.

IP Address

IP address of the phones.


Line number of the phone.


Shows the MAC address of the SCCP phone.


Number assigned to ephone.


Shows the type of Cisco IP phone.


Shows the registration status.

show ephone remote

To display nonlocal phones (phones with no Address Resolution Protocol [ARP] entry), use the show ephone remote command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone remote

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Phones without ARP entries are suspected not to be on the LAN. Use the show ephone remote command to identify phones without ARP entries that might have operational issues.


The following is sample output that identifies ephone 2 as not having an ARP entry:

Router# show ephone remote
ephone-2 Mac:0185.047C.993E TCP socket:[4] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:1 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 1 debug:0
IP: 49231 Telecaster 7910  keepalive 112 max_line 2 dual-line
button 1:dn 3  number 95021 CH1 IDLE
paging-dn 25

The show ephone describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone ringing

To display information on phones that are ringing, use the show ephone ringing command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone ringing

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following is sample output from the show ephone ringing command:

Router# show ephone ringing
ephone-1 Mac:0005.5E37.8090 TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:1 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 49329 Telecaster 7960  keepalive 17602 max_line 6
button 1:dn 1  number 95011 CH1 RINGING   CH2 IDLE
button 2:dn 2  number 95012 CH1 IDLE

The show ephone describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone rtp connections

To display active Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) call information on ephone call legs, use the show ephone rtp connections command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone rtp connections

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show ephone rtp connections command displays information on active RTP calls, including the ephone tag number of the phone with an active call, the channel of the ephone-dn, and the caller and called party's numbers for the connection for both local and remote endpoints. The output from this command provides an overview of all the connections in the system, narrowing the criteria for debugging pulse code modulation and Cisco Unified CME packets without a sniffer.


When an ephone to non-ephone call is made, information on the non-ephone does not appear in a show ephone rtp connections command output. To display the non-ephone call information, use the show voip rtp connections command.


The following sample output shows all the connected ephones in the Cisco Unified CME system. The sample output shows five active ephone connections with one of the phones having the dspfarm-assist keyword configured to transcode the code on the local leg to the indicated codec. The output also shows four ephone to ephone calls, represented in the CallID columns of both the RTP connection source and RTP connection destination by zero values.

Normally, a phone can have only one active connection but in the presence of a whisper intercom call, a phone can have two. In the sample output, ephone-40 has two active calls: it is receiving both a normal call and a whisper intercom call. The whisper intercom call is being sent by ephone-6, which has an invalid LocalIP of The invalid LocalIP indicates that it does not receive RTP audio because it only has a one-way voice connection to the whisper intercom call recipient.

Router# show ephone rtp connections
Ephone RTP active connections :
Ephone    Line  DN Chan  SrcCallID  DstCallID             Codec (xcoded?)
    SrcNum DstNum  LocalIP               RemoteIP
ephone-5     1   5    1         15         14              G729 (Y)
    1005  1102  []:23192  []:2000
ephone-6     2  35    1          0          0       G711Ulaw64k (N) 
    1035  1036  []:0  []:21256
ephone-40    1 140    1          0          0       G711Ulaw64k (N)
    1140  1141  []:21244  []:20664
ephone-40    2  36    1          0          0       G711Ulaw64k (N)
    1035  1036  []:21256  []:2000
ephone-41    1 141    1          0          0       G711Ulaw64k (N)
    1140  1141  []:20664  []:21244 
Found 5 active ephone RTP connections

The below table explains the fields in the show ephone rtp connections command output.

Table 11. show ephone rtp connections Field Descriptions




Ephone tag number with an active call.


Line appearance of the phone.


Ephone-dn tag.


Channel of the ephone-dn.


CCAPI CallID for the RTP connection source. For ephone to ephone calls, this will be 0. SrcCallID compares to “CallId” in the show voip rtp connections command output.


CCAPI CallID for the RTP connection destination. For ephone to ephone calls, this will be 0. DstCallID compares to “dstCallId” in the show voip rtp connections command output.

Codec (xcoded)

Codec name used by the phone with the active call. If xcoded is ‘Y’, the phone has the dspfarm-assist keyword configured to transcode the code on the local leg to the indicated codec.


Caller’s number for the connection. This number is not necessarily the ephone’s DN.


Called party’s number for the connection.


Call’s local IP address and port. This is usually the ephone’s IP address. The IP address in brackets is either in IPv4 or IPv6 format, followed by a colon and the port number. The port compares to the “LocalRTP” number in the show voip rtp connections command output.


Call’s remote IP address and port. For flow-around ephone to ephone calls, this is usually the other ephone’s IP address. For flow-through trunk calls, this is usually the Cisco Unified CME’s IP address. The port compares to the “RmtRTP” number in the show voip rtp connections command output.

show ephone socket

To display IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6, or dual-stack) being used by ephone sockets, use the show ephone socket command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone socket

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ephone socket command to verify if IPv4 only, IPv6 only, or dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6) is configured on Cisco Unified CME. In the following example, skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd = 0 and skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd = 1 verify that dual-stack configuration. When IPv6 only is configured show ephone socket command displays skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd = -1 and skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd = 0 values. When IPv4 only is configured the show ephone socket command displays skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd = 0 and skinny_tcp_listen_socket (ipv6) fd = -1 values.


The following is sample output from the show ephone socket command:

Router# show ephone ssocket
skinny_tcp_listen_socket fd = 0
skinny_tcp_listen_socket (ipv6) fd = 1
skinny_secure_tcp_listen_socket fd = -1
skinny_secure_tcp_listen_socket (ipv6) fd = -1
skinny_open_sockets = 3:
Phone 3, 
skinny_sockets[0] fd = 1 
        read_buffer 0x480061E8, read_offset 0, read_header N, read_length 0                     
        resend_queue 0x47CE8178, resend_offset 0, resend_flag N, resend_Q_depth 0 
Phone 2, 
skinny_sockets[1] fd = 2 
        read_buffer 0x48006A24, read_offset 0, read_header N, read_length 0                     
        resend_queue 0x47CE8104, resend_offset 0, resend_flag N, resend_Q_depth 0 
Phone 1, 
skinny_sockets[2] fd = 3 
        read_buffer 0x48007260, read_offset 0, read_header N, read_length 0                     
        resend_queue 0x47CE8090, resend_offset 0, resend_flag N, resend_Q_depth 0 

show ephone summary brief

To display details of all the SCCP phones sorted by ephone-tag, use the show ephone summary brief command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone summary brief

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command had no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release Cisco Product Modification
15.4(3)M Cisco SIP CME 10.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The command output displays the status, IP address, and MAC address of the phones.


The following is sample output of the show ephone summary brief command.


The asterisk symbol (*) adjacent to the Directory Number (DN) in the command output indicates that the Directory Number (DN) is an Overlay-dn.

router# show ephone summary brief
PhoneType 	      Ephone 	      MacAddress 	      IpAddress 	      Ln 	    Dn 	     Number 	  Status
8941 						        1 						7081.050C.0927 			     1 						1 							3001 				Registered
																																													           											2    			2* 						3002     Registered
																																													 																					2 						5* 						3005 				Registered
																																																																			2 						6* 						3006 				Registered
7970 						       	2 						001B.D52C.DF27 								1 						3 							3003 				Registered
																																																																			2 						4 							3004 				Registered
7970 														3 						001B.54CA.43F7 																									1 						5 							3005 				Unregistered
																																																																			2 						6 							3006 				Unregistered
																																																																			3 						2* 						3002 				Unregistered
																																																																			3 						3* 						3003 				Unregistered
																																																																			3 						8* 						3008 				Unregistered
8945														 4 					 D48C.B5C9.D2E6 																									1 						7 							3007 				Unregistered
																																																																			2 						8 							3008 				Unregistered
7970 														5 						001B.D52C.4AEE 								1 						9 							3009 				Registered
																																																																			2 						10 						3010 				Registered
8941														 6 						1111.2222.3333 																																																			Unregistered
8941 														10 					1111.2222.3334 																																																			Unregistered
6901 																						11 1111.2222.3332 																																																Unregistered
Unknown Ephone				 12 																																																																							Unknown
Unknown Ephone				 13 																																																																							Unknown
Total ephones configured 	: 10
Total ephones registered 	: 3
Total ephones unregistered: 5
Total ephones deceased 			: 0
Ephones in unknown state 	: 2
Table 12. show ephone summary brief field descriptions




Directory number of the phone.


ephone tag.

IP Address

IP address of the phone.


Line number of the phone.


Shows the MAC address of the SCCP phone.


Number assigned to ephone.


Shows the type of Cisco IP phone.


Shows the registration status.

show ephone summary

To display brief information about Cisco IP phones, use the show ephone summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 1.0 Cisco SRST 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 2.0 Cisco SRST 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T .


Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was modified. The output was enhanced to show IPv6 or IPv4 addresses configured on ephones.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.


Cisco Unified CME 8.1 Cisco Unified SRST 8.1

This command was modified. The output was enhanced to show voice-class stun-usage information.


The following is sample output from the show ephone summary command:

Router# show ephone summary 
ephone-1[0] Mac:FCAC.3BAE.0000 TCP socket:[17] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 debug:0  primary_dn: 1*
IP: * SCCP Gateway (AN)  keepalive 2966   music 0  1:1
port 0/0/0
voice-class stun is enabled
ephone-2[1] Mac:FCAC.3BAE.0001 TCP socket:[18] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 debug:0  primary_dn: 2*
IP: * SCCP Gateway (AN)  keepalive 2966   music 0  1:2
port 0/0/1
voice-class stun is enabled
ephone-4 Mac:0030.94C3.F43A TCP socket:[-1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 debug:0
IP: Telecaster 7960  keepalive 59 
Max 48, Registered 1, Unregistered 0, Deceased 0, Sockets 1
Max Conferences 4 with 0 active (4 allowed)
Skinny Music On Hold Status
Active MOH clients 0 (max 72), Media Clients 0
No MOH file loaded

The show ephone command describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone summary types

To display the total count of registered and unregistered phones for each phone type operating in the Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP ) mode, use the show ephone summary types command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone summary types

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release Cisco Product Modification
15.4(3)M Cisco Unified CME 10.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the count of configured, registered, unregistered, and deceased phones.


The following is an example of the show ephone summary types command:

Router# show ephone summary types
PhoneType										 Configured 	Registered 	Unregistered 	Deceased 	Other
Unknown Ephone type 				2 										0 											0 										0 							2
6901 																			1 										0 											1 										0 							0
8945 																			1 										0 											1 										0 							0
7970 																			3 										2 											1 										0 							0
8941 																			3 										1 											2 										0 							0
Total Phones 											10 									3 											5 										0 							2

show ephone tapiclients

To display status of ephone Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) clients, use the show ephone tapiclients command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone tapiclients

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following is sample output from the show ephone tapiclients command:

Router# show ephone tapiclients
ephone-4 Mac:0007.0EA6.39F8 TCP socket:[2] activeLine:0 REGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 50291 Telecaster 7960  sub=3 keepalive 728 max_line 20
button 1:dn 6  number 1004 CH1 IDLE      CH2 IDLE
button 2:dn 1  number 1000 CH1 IDLE      shared
button 3:dn 2  number 1000 CH1 IDLE      shared
button 7:dn 3  number 1001 CH1 IDLE      CH2 IDLE      monitor-ring shared
button 8:dn 4  number 1002 CH1 IDLE      CH2 IDLE      monitor-ring shared
button 9:dn 5  number 1003 CH1 IDLE      CH2 IDLE      monitor-ring
button 10:dn 91 number A00  auto dial A01 CH1 IDLE
speed dial 1:2000 PAGE-STAFF
speed dial 2:2001 HUNT-STAFF
paging-dn 90
Username:userB Password:ge30qe
Tapi client information
Username:userB status:REGISTERED Socket :[5]
 Tapi Client IP address:  Port:2295

The show ephone command describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone telephone-number

To display information for the phone associated with a specified number, use the show ephone telephone-number command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone telephone-number number

Syntax Description


Telephone number that is associated with an ephone.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to find the phone on which a particular telephone number appears.


The following is sample output from the show ephone telephone-number :

Router# show ephone telephone-number 91400
DP tag: 0, primary
Tag 1, Normal or Intercom dn
  ephone 1, mac-address 000A.0E51.19F0, line 1

The show ephone command describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone unregistered

To display information about unregistered phones, use the show ephone unregistered command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone unregistered

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

There are two ways that an ephone can become unregistered. The first way is when an ephone is listed in the running configuration but no physical device has been registered for that ephone. The second way is when an unknown device was registered at some time after the last router reboot but has since unregistered.


The following is sample output from the show ephone unregistered :

Router# show ephone unregistered
ephone-1 Mac:0007.0E81.10F0 TCP socket:[-1] activeLine:0 UNREGISTERED
mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0
IP: 0 Unknown 0  keepalive 0 max_line 0

The show ephone command describes significant fields in this output.

show ephone unregistered summary

To display the details of all the unregistered Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP) phones sorted by ephone tag, use the show ephone unregistered summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone unregistered summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release Cisco Product Modification
15.4(3)M Cisco SIP CME 10.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the details of the unregistered phones configured in the SCCP mode.


The following is a sample output of the show ephone unregistered summary command.


The * symbol adjacent to the Directory Number (DN) in the command output indicates that the Directory Number (DN) is an Overlay-dn.

router# show ephone unregistered summary
PhoneType 			Ephone 			MacAddress 				IpAddress 		Ln 		Dn 		Number 		Status 
7970 										3 						001B.54CA.43F7														1 			5 		3005 				Unregistered
																																																			2 			6 		3006 				Unregistered
																																																			3 			2* 	3002 				Unregistered
																																																			3 			3* 	3003 				Unregistered
																																																			3 			8* 	3008 				Unregistered
8945 										4 						D48C.B5C9.D2E6 													1 			7 		3007 				Unregistered
																																																			2 			8 		3008 				Unregistered
8941 										6 						1111.2222.3333 																															Unregistered
8941 										10 					1111.2222.3334 																															Unregistered
6901 																		11 1111.2222.3332 																												Unregistered
Total ephones configured 	: 10
Total ephones registered 	: 3
Total ephones unregistered: 5
Total ephones deceased 			: 0
Ephones in unknown state 	: 2
Table 13. show ephone unregistered summary field descriptions




Directory number of the phone.


Total number of ephone tags configured.

IP Address

IP address of the phones.


Line number of the phone.


Shows the MAC address of the SCCP phone.


Number assigned to ephone.


Shows the type of Cisco IP phone.


Shows the registration status.

show ephone-dn

To display status and information for a Cisco IP phone destination number or for extensions (ephone-dns) in a Cisco Unified CallManager Express (Cisco Unified CME) or Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (SRST) environment, use the show ephone-dn command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn [dn-tag]

Syntax Description


(Optional) For Cisco Unified CME, a unique sequence number that is used during configuration to identify a particular extension (ephone-dn).

(Optional) For Cisco Unified SRST, a destination number tag. The destination number can be from 1 to 288.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 1.0 Cisco SRST 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 2.0 Cisco SRST 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T command.



The following Cisco Unified CME sample output displays status and information for all ephone-dns:

Router# show ephone-dn
50/0/1 CH1 DOWN 
EFXS 50/0/1 Slot is 50, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 1
 Type of VoicePort is EFXS
 Operation State is UP
 Administrative State is UP
 No Interface Down Failure
 Description is not set
 Noise Regeneration is enabled
 Non Linear Processing is enabled
 Non Linear Mute is disabled
 Non Linear Threshold is -21 dB
 Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm
 In Gain is Set to 0 dB
 Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB
 Echo Cancellation is enabled
 Echo Cancellation NLP mute is disabled
 Echo Cancellation NLP threshold is -21 dB
 Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms
 Playout-delay Mode is set to adaptive
 Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms
 Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms
 Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms 
 Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms
 Connection Mode is normal
 Connection Number is not set
 Initial Time Out is set to 10 s
 Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s
 Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s
 Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s
 Wait Release Time Out is set to 30 s
 Companding Type is u-law
 Region Tone is set for US
 Station name None, Station number 91400
 Caller ID Info Follows:
 Standard BELLCORE
 Translation profile (Incoming): 
 Translation profile (Outgoing): 
 Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms
50/0/2 CH1 IDLE      CH2 IDLE        
EFXS 50/0/2 Slot is 50, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 2
 Type of VoicePort is EFXS
 Operation State is DORMANT
 Administrative State is UP
 No Interface Down Failure
 Description is not set
 Noise Regeneration is enabled
 Non Linear Processing is enabled
 Non Linear Mute is disabled
 Non Linear Threshold is -21 dB
 Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm
 In Gain is Set to 0 dB
 Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB
 Echo Cancellation is enabled
 Echo Cancellation NLP mute is disabled
 Echo Cancellation NLP threshold is -21 dB
 Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms
 Playout-delay Mode is set to adaptive
 Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms
 Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms
 Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms 
 Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms
 Connection Mode is normal
 Connection Number is not set
 Initial Time Out is set to 10 s
 Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s
 Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s
 Ringing Time Out is set to 180 s
 Wait Release Time Out is set to 30 s
 Companding Type is u-law
 Region Tone is set for US
 Station name None, Station number 91450
 Caller ID Info Follows:
 Standard BELLCORE
 Translation profile (Incoming): 
 Translation profile (Outgoing): 
 Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms


The following SRST sample output displays status and information for all ephone-dns:

Router# show ephone-dn 7
50/0/7 INVALID     
EFXS 50/0/7 Slot is 50, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 7
 Type of VoicePort is EFXS
 Operation State is UP
 Administrative State is UP
 No Interface Down Failure
 Description is not set
 Noise Regeneration is enabled
 Non Linear Processing is enabled
 Non Linear Mute is disabled
 Non Linear Threshold is -21 dB
 Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm
 In Gain is Set to 0 dB
 Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB
 Echo Cancellation is enabled
 Echo Cancellation NLP mute is disabled
 Echo Cancellation NLP threshold is -21 dB
 Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms
 Playout-delay Mode is set to default
 Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms
 Playout-delay Maximum is set to 200 ms
 Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 4 ms 
 Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms
 Connection Mode is normal
 Connection Number is not set
 Initial Time Out is set to 10 s
 Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s
 Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s
 Ringing Time Out is set to 8 s
 Wait Release Time Out is set to 30 s
 Companding Type is u-law
 Region Tone is set for US
 Station name None, Station number None
 Caller ID Info Follows:
 Standard BELLCORE
 Voice card specific Info Follows:
 Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms

The following table describes significant fields in the output from this command.

Table 14. show ephone-dn Field Descriptions



Administrative State

Administrative (configured) state of the voice port.


The number of calls that were disconnected by the far-end device when the local IP phone was in the call alerting state (for example, because the far-end phone rang but was not answered and the far-end system decided to drop the call rather than let the phone ring for too long).

answered (incoming)

The number of incoming calls that were actually answered (the phone goes off hook when ringing).

answered (outgoing)

The number of outgoing call attempts that were answered by the far end.


The number of outgoing call attempts that got a busy response.

Call Disconnect Time Out

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

called, calling

Extension numbers of called and calling parties.

Caller ID Info Follows

Information about the caller ID.

Call Ref

A unique per-call identifier used by the SCCP protocol. The Call Ref values are assigned sequentially within the Cisco CME–SCCP interface, so this value also indicates the total number of SCCP calls since the router was last rebooted.


Channel number of an ephone-dn.


Codec type.

Companding Type

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


The number of calls that were disconnected by the far-end device when the local IP phone was in the call connected state.

Connection Mode

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

Connection Number

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

Digit Duration Timing

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


Ephone-dn tag number and state of the phone line associated with an extension.

Echo Cancellation...

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

Echo Cancel Coverage

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


Voice port type.

Far-end disconnect at...

See connect, alert, hold, and ring.

Final Jitter

The final voice packet receive jitter reported by the IP phone at the end of the call.


The number of calls that were disconnected by the far-end device when the local IP phone was in the call hold state (for example, if the caller was left on hold for too long and got tired of waiting).


The number of incoming calls presented (the phone rings).

In Gain

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

Initial Time Out

Amount of time the system waits for an initial input digit from the caller.

Interdigit Time Out

Amount of time the system waits for a subsequent input digit from the caller.

Last 64 far-end disconnect cause codes

See the Mappings of PSTN Cause Codes to SIP Event table for a list of public switch telephone network (PSTN) cause codes that can be sent as an ISDN cause information element (IE) and the corresponding Session Interface Protocol (SIP) event.


The final voice packet receive latency reported by the IP phone at the end of the call.


Number of lost packets.

Music On Hold Threshold

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

No Interface Down Failure

State of the interface.

Noise Regeneration

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

Non Linear...

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.

Operation State

Operational state of the voice port.

Out Attenuation

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


The number of outgoing call attempts.

Playout-delay Maximum

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


Port number for the interface associated with the voice interface card.

Region Tone

Not applicable to the Cisco IP phone.


The number of calls that were disconnected by the far-end device when the local IP phone was in the ringing state (for example, if the call was not answered and the caller hung up).

Ringing Time Out

Duration, in seconds, for which ringing is to continue if a call is not answered. Set with the timeouts ringing command.

Rx Pkts, bytes

Number of packets and bytes received during the current or last call.

Signal Level to phone, peak

For G.711 calls only, this parameter indicates the most recent voice signal level in the voice IP packets sent from the router to the IP phone. This parameter is valid only for VoIP or PSTN G.711 calls to the IP phones. This parameter is not valid for calls between local IP phones, or calls that use codecs other than G.711. The peak field indicates the peak signal level seen during the entire call.


Slot used in the voice interface card for this port.

Station name

Station name.

Station number

Station number.

Stream Port

RTP port allocated by the given DN/channel.


Subunit used in the voice interface card for this port.

Tx Pkts, bytes

Number of packets and bytes transmitted during the current call or last call.

Type of VoicePort

Voice port type.


Voice activity detection.

Voice card specific info

Information specific to the voice card.


State indication for the VPM software component.


State indication for the VTSP software component.

Wait Release Time Out

Time that a voice port stays in the call-failure state while the router sends a busy tone, reorder tone, or out-of-service tone to the port.

The following table lists the PSTN cause codes that can be sent as an ISDN cause information element (IE) and the corresponding SIP event for each. These are the far-end disconnect cause codes listed in the output for the show ephone-dn statistics command.

Table 15. Mappings of PSTN Cause Codes to SIP Events

PSTN Cause Code


SIP Event


Unallocated number

410 Gone


No route to destination

404 Not found


Normal call clearing



User busy

486 Busy here


No user responding

480 Temporarily unavailable


No answer from the user


Call rejected

603 Decline


Number changed

302 Moved temporarily


Destination out of order

404 Not found


Address incomplete

484 Address incomplete


Facility rejected

501 Not implemented


Normal unspecified

404 Not found


No circuit available

503 Service unavailable


Network out of order


Temporary failure


Switching equipment congestion


Requested channel not available


Resource unavailable


Incoming class barred within CUG

603 Decline


Bearer capability not authorized

501 Not implemented


Bearer capability not presently available


Service or option unavailable

503 Service unavailable


Bearer cap not implemented

501 Not implemented


Service or option not implemented


User not member of CUG

603 Decline


Incompatible destination

400 Bad Request


Invalid message


Recover on timer expiry

408 Request timeout


Protocol error

400 Bad request


Interworking unspecified

500 Internal server error

Any code other than those listed above

500 Internal server error

show ephone-dn callback

To display information about pending callbacks in a Cisco Unified CallManager Express (Cisco Unified CME) or a Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST) environment, use the show ephone-dn callback command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn callback

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following sample output shows a callback placed by ephone-dn 1 against ephone-dn 3. Ephone-dn 3 has its channel 1 on hold and has just seized dial tone on its channel 2.

Router# show ephone-dn callback
DN 3 (95021) CallBack pending to DN 1 (95021) for ephone-1 age 7 seconds
State for DN 3 is CH1 HOLD      CH2 SIEZE

The following sample output shows a callback placed by ephone-dn 1 against ephone-dn 3. Ephone-dn 3 has a call in progress on channel 1.

Router# show ephone-dn callback
DN 3 (95021) CallBack pending to DN 1 (95021) for ephone-1 age 8 seconds
State for DN 3 is CH1 CONNECTED

Significant fields in the output from this command are described in the following table.

Table 16. show ephone-dn callback Field Descriptions



DN 3 (95021) CallBack pending to DN 1 (95021)

Callback originator is the extension with the dn-tag 1 (in this example), and the callback has been placed on the extension with the dn-tag 3 and the number 95021.


Number of seconds since the callback was placed.

State for DN 3 is CH1... CH2...

Call states for channel 1 and channel 2, if any, of the extension that the callback is for.

show ephone-dn conference

To display information about ad hoc and meet-me conferences in a Cisco Unified CallManager Express (Cisco Unified CME) environment, use the show ephone-dn conference command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn conference [ad-hoc [video] | meetme [video] | number number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays adhoc conferences.


(Optional) Displays meet-me conferences.


(Optional) Displays video conferences.

number number

(Optional) Displays the conference telephone or extension number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was modified. The command output was enhanced to display the unlocked Meet-Me conference setting.


Cisco CME 8.6

This command was modified to display information on video conferences.


The following sample output displays information for the 1397 conference number. There are three directory numbers and six inactive parties. The number of unlocked DN tags are displayed at the end of each MeetMe conference.

Router# show ephone-dn conference number 1397
type   active inactive  numbers
Meetme    0       6      1397
DN tags: 10, 11, 12
Unlocked DN tags: 2/3
Meetme    0       4      2486
DN tags: 13, 14
All DN tags unlocked.
Meetme    0       4      1111
DN tags: 15, 16
Ad-hoc    0       4      7777
DN tags: 20, 21
Router# sh ephone-dn conference  ad-hoc video
type   		active 	inactive  	numbers
Ad-hoc-video    	3       	3      	2000  
DN tags: 20, 21, 22
Router# sh ephone-dn conference  meetme video
type   		active 	inactive  	numbers
Meetme-video    	0       	8      	3000  
1.	DN tags: 25

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 17. show ephone-dn conference Field Descriptions




Number of active parties in the conference.

DN tags

Directory numbers (DNs) in the conference.


Number of inactive parties in the conference.


Conference telephone or extension number.


Type of conference: meet-me or ad hoc.

show ephone-dn loopback

To display information about loopback ephone-dns that have been created in a Cisco Unified CallManager Express (Cisco Unified CME) or a Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST) environment, use the show ephone-dn loopback command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn loopback

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 1.0 Cisco SRST 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 2.0 Cisco SRST 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


The following example displays information for a loopback using ephone-dn 21 and ephone-dn 22:

Router# show ephone-dn loopback
LOOPBACK DN status (min 21, max 22):
DN 21 51...  Loopback to DN 22 CH1 IDLE
CallingDn -1 CalledDn -1 Called   Calling   G711Ulaw64k
Strip NONE, Forward 2, prefix 10 retry 10 Media 0
callID 0 srcCallID 0 ssrc 0 vector 0
DN 22 11...  Loopback to DN 21 CH1 IDLE
CallingDn -1 CalledDn -1 Called   Calling   G711Ulaw64k
Strip NONE, Forward 2, prefix 50 retry 10 Media 0
callID 0 srcCallID 0 ssrc 0 vector 0

Significant fields in the output from this command are described in the following table.

Table 18. show ephone-dn loopback Field Descriptions



Called, Calling

Called number and calling number when there is a call present.

CalledDn, CallingDn

Ephone-dn tag numbers of the called and calling ephone-dn. Set to -1 if the call is not to or from an ephone-dn, or if there is no active call.


Internal call reference. This usage is the same as in other Cisco IOS voice gateway commands.


Ephone-dn tag (sequence number).


Number of digits in the original called number to forward to the other ephone-dn in the loopback-dn pair.


G711Ulaw64k indicates G.711 codec, mu-law, 64000-bit stream. G711alaw64k indicates G.711 codec, A-law, 64000-bit stream.

Loopback to command...

Indicates the opposite ephone-dn in the loopback pair and the status of that ephone-dn.


IP destination address, if any, for any voice packets that are passing through the loopback DN.

min, max

Lowest and highest dn-tag numbers of ephone-dns that are configured as loopback-dns.


Digit string to add to the beginning of forwarded called numbers.


Number of seconds to wait before retrying the loopback target when is it busy.


Internal call reference for the destination.


Real-time transport protocol (RTP) synchronization source (SSRC) of the most recent RTP packet.


Number of leading digits to strip before forwarding to the other extension in the loopback-dn pair.


The following values describe the media path for voice packets that pass through the loopback-dn:

  • 0—No media path or not a loopback-dn path (inactive).
  • 1—Normal path. Loopback-dn has identified the final media destination as a local IP phone. The media IP address field shows a valid, non-zero value.
  • 2—Hairpin. Media packets are routed back through paired loopback-dns. The final destination is not known. For example, this can be a VoIP-to-VoIP call path by a loopback-dn.
  • 3—Hairpin. The final destination is an ephone-dn in a special mode such as paging.
  • 4—Loopback-dn chain has been detected, in which two loopback-dn pairs have been connected together.
  • 5—Loopback-dn chain has been detected in which more than two loopback-dn pairs are connected in series.

show ephone-dn paging

To display configuration information on paging groups, use the show ephone-dn paging command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn paging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ephone-dn paging command to display which paging dn is specified and which phone is being paged.


The following is a sample output from the show ephone-dn paging command before paging. The output shows two parts: the static “Paging Configuration” part and the dynamic “Paging Control Info” part. The output of the show ephone-dn paging command should be exactly the same before and after paging.

Router# show ephone-dn paging
Paging Configuration
ephone-dn 250 ( IDLE )
 number 7770
 paging ip port 20480
   ephone-2[1]          paging-dn 250(OFF) 
   ephone-7[6]          paging-dn 250(OFF) 
 paging group 251,252
   voice reg pool 1     pagingGrp 251(OFF) 
   voice reg pool 2     pagingGrp 252(OFF) 
ephone-dn 251 ( IDLE )
 number 7771
 paging ip port 20480
   voice reg pool 1     paging-dn 251(OFF) 
ephone-dn 252 ( IDLE )
 number 7772
 paging ip port 20480
   voice reg pool 2     paging-dn 252(OFF) 
ephone-dn 253 ( IDLE )
 number 7773
 paging ip port 20480
   ephone-8[7]          paging-dn 253(OFF) 
        Paging Control Info
skinnyPC[0] ephone-paging-dn 250        ( IDLE ) count 0
skinnyPC[1] ephone-paging-dn 251        ( IDLE ) count 0
skinnyPC[2] ephone-paging-dn 252        ( IDLE ) count 0
skinnyPC[4] ephone-paging-dn 253        ( IDLE ) count 0

The following is a sample output from the show ephone-dn paging command during paging. In this output, the “Paging Configuration” part remains the same expect for the changes in state from IDLE to ACTIVE and OFF to ON. However, the “Paging Control Info” part displays the changes in the paging control information.

Router# show ephone-dn paging
        Paging Configuration
ephone-dn 250 (ACTIVE)
 number 7770
 paging ip port 20480
   ephone-2[1]          paging-dn 250(ON ) 
   ephone-7[6]          paging-dn 250(OFF) 
 paging group 251,252
   voice reg pool 1     pagingGrp 251(ON ) 
   voice reg pool 2     pagingGrp 252(ON ) 
ephone-dn 251 ( IDLE )
 number 7771
 paging ip port 20480
   voice reg pool 1     paging-dn 251(ON ) 
ephone-dn 252 ( IDLE )
 number 7772
 paging ip port 20480
   voice reg pool 2     paging-dn 252(ON ) 
ephone-dn 253 ( IDLE )
 number 7773
 paging ip port 20480
   ephone-8[7]          paging-dn 253(OFF) 
        Paging Control Info
skinnyPC[0] ephone-paging-dn 250        (ACTIVE) count 1
				phone           ip address      port
ephone#[phone]  2[1]  		 20480
sccp(ephone#[phone]): 2[1](mcast)
 group 251      (ephone#[phone]): None
 group 252      (ephone#[phone]): None
sip (pool[peer tag]): None
 group 251      (pool[peer tag]): 1[40001](mcast)
 group 252      (pool[peer tag]): 2[40003](mcast)
skinnyPC[1] ephone-paging-dn 251        ( IDLE ) count 0
skinnyPC[2] ephone-paging-dn 252        ( IDLE ) count 0
skinnyPC[4] ephone-paging-dn 253        ( IDLE ) count 0

The following is another sample output from the show ephone-dn paging command during paging:

Paging Configuration
ephone-dn 250 ( IDLE )
 number 7770
 paging ip port 20480
 paging group 251
   ephone-2[1]          pagingGrp 251(ON )
   voice reg pool 3     pagingGrp 251(ON )
ephone-dn 251 (ACTIVE)
 number 7771
 paging ip port 20480
   ephone-2[1]          paging-dn 251(ON )
   voice reg pool 3     paging-dn 251(ON )
        Paging Control Info
skinnyPC[0] ephone-paging-dn 250        ( IDLE ) count 0
skinnyPC[1] ephone-paging-dn 251        (ACTIVE) count 1
                phone           ip address      port
ephone#[phone]  2[1]         20480
sccp(ephone#[phone]): 2[1](m)
sip (pool[peer tag]): 3[40007](m)

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 19. show ephone-dn paging Field Descriptions




Indicates the ephone-dn and the paging-dn tag.

ip address

Indicates the IP multicast address to multicast voice packets for audio paging.


Indicates the UDP port for multicast paging. Range is from 2000 to 65535.

The correct paging port for the paging-dn of Cisco Unified SIP IP phones is an even number from 20480 to 32768 only.

show ephone-dn park

To display information about call-park slots in the system, use the show ephone-dn park command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn park

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows information for a single call-park slot that uses an ephone-dn identifier of 50 and an extension number of 1560.

 show ephone-dn park
DN 50 (1560) park-slot state IDLE
Notify to () timeout 15 limit 20

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 20. show ephone-dn park Field Descriptions




Ephone-dn tag (identifier) number for the call-park slot.


Extension number associated with the call-park slot.

park-slot state

Whether the call-park slot is in use or idle.

Notify to ( )

Extension that has been specified for notification. Empty parentheses indicate that no extension was specified in the configuration.


Number of seconds between reminder rings, in seconds.


Number of reminder rings before a call parked at this slot is disconnected.

show ephone-dn statistics

To display call statistics for a Cisco IP destination or for extensions (ephone-dns) in a Cisco Unified CallManager Express (Cisco Unified CME) or a Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST) environment, use the show ephone-dn command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn [dn-tag] statistics

Syntax Description


(Optional) Unique sequence number that is used during configuration to identify a particular extension (ephone-dn).


Displays voice quality statistics on calls for a specified extension or for all extensions.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0 Cisco SRST 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


The following sample output displays statistics for all extensions (ephone-dns) in a Cisco Unified CME system. There are two ephone-dns (DN1 and DN3) in this example.

Router# show ephone-dn statistics
Total Calls 103
Stats may appear to be inconsistent for conference or shared line cases
DN 1 chan 1 incoming 36 answered 21 outgoing 60 answered 30 busy 6
Far-end disconnect at:connect 29 alert 18 hold 7 ring 15
Last 64 far-end disconnect cause codes
17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
16 16 16 16 65 16 65 65 65 65 16 65 65 65 16 16
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 65 47 65
47 47 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
local phone on-hook
DN 1 chan 1 (95011) voice quality statistics for last call
Call Ref 103 called 91500 calling 95011
Total Tx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Rx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Lost 0
Final Jitter 30 Latency 0 Lost 0
Signal Level to phone 0 (-78 dB) peak 0 (-78 dB)
Packets counted by router 0
DN 1 chan 2 incoming 0 answered 0 outgoing 1 answered 0 busy 0
Far-end disconnect at:connect 0 alert 0 hold 0 ring 0
Last 64 far-end disconnect cause codes
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
local phone on-hook
DN 1 chan 2 (95011) voice quality statistics for last call
Call Ref 86 called  calling
Total Tx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Rx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Lost 0
Final Jitter 0 Latency 0 Lost 0
Signal Level to phone 0 (-78 dB) peak 0 (-78 dB)
Packets counted by router 0
DN 3 chan 1 incoming 0 answered 0 outgoing 1 answered 1 busy 0
Far-end disconnect at:connect 0 alert 0 hold 0 ring 0
Last 64 far-end disconnect cause codes
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DN 3 chan 1 (95021) voice quality statistics for current call
Call Ref 102 called 94011 calling 95021
Current Tx Pkts 241 bytes 3133 Rx Pkts 3304 bytes 515023 Lost 0
Jitter 30 Latency 0
Worst Jitter 30 Worst Latency 0
Signal Level to phone 201 (-39 dB) peak 5628 (-12 dB)
Packets counted by router 3305

The following sample output displays voice quality statistics for the ephone-dn with dn-tag 2:

Router# show ephone-dn 2 statistics
DN 2 chan 1 incoming 0 answered 0 outgoing 2 answered 0 busy 0
Far-end disconnect at: connect 0 alert 0 hold 0 ring 0
Last 64 far-end disconnect cause codes
28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
local phone on-hook
DN 2 chan 1 (91450) voice quality statistics for last call
Call Ref 2 called  calling 
Total Tx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Rx Pkts 0 bytes 0 Lost 0
Final Jitter 0 Latency 0 Lost 0
Signal Level to phone 0 (-78 dB) peak 0 (-78 dB)
Packets counted by router 0

The show ephone-dn command describes significant fields in the output from this command.

show ephone-dn summary

To display brief information about Cisco IP phone destination numbers or for extensions (ephone-dns) in a Cisco Unified CallManager Express (Cisco Unified CME) or a Cisco Unified Survivable Remote Site Telephony (Cisco Unified SRST) environment, use the show ephone-dn summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 1.0 Cisco SRST 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 2.0 Cisco SRST 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


The following is example output from the show ephone-dn summary :

Router# show ephone-dn summary
======== ==========  ======== === ===================== =========
50/0/1   DOWN        -         -  -                     EFXS_ONHOOK             
50/0/2   DOWN        -         -  -                     EFXS_ONHOOK             
50/0/3   DOWN        -         -  -                     EFXS_ONHOOK             
50/0/4   INVALID     -         -  -                     EFXS_INIT               
50/0/5   INVALID     -         -  -                     EFXS_INIT               
50/0/6   INVALID     -         -  -                     EFXS_INIT 

The following table describes significant fields in the output from this command.

Table 21. show ephone-dn summary Field Descriptions




Type of codec.


Status of the ephone-dn.


Voice port type.


Port number (virtual) for this interface. The number that follows the last slash in the port number is the ephone-dn tag. For example, if the port number is 50/0/1, the dn-tag is 1.


Voice activity detection status.


State indication for the voice port module (VPM) software component.


State indication for the voice telephony service provider (VTSP) software component.

show ephone-dn whisper

To display information about whisper intercom ephone-dns that have been created in Cisco Unified CME, use the show ephone-dn whisper command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-dn whisper

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 7.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 7.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


The following is sample output from the show ephone-dn whisper command showing an active whisper intercom call between extension 6001 and 6002:

Router# show ephone-dn whisper
DN        DN NUMBER     LABEL         SPEED DIAL    DN STATE       PHONE         
==        =========     =====         ==========    ========       =====         
101       8881          wi_8881       -               IDLE         35 w36 
102       8882          -             -               IDLE         36 
103       8883          wi_8883       -               IDLE         m35 38 
104       8884          wi_8884       -               IDLE         38 
105       8885          wi_8885_sd_8888882            IDLE         
106       8886          wi_8886_sd_8888883            IDLE         36 
107       8887          -             8888            IDLE         35 
108       8888          Mary_sd_Peter 8887            IDLE         36 
109       8889          -             -               IDLE         
110       8890          wi_8890       -               IDLE         
111       4441          4441_wi_sd_4444442            IDLE         
112       4442          wi_4442       -               IDLE         
113       4443          -             -               IDLE         
114       4444          4444_sd-8882  8882            IDLE         
141       5551          -             -               IDLE         
142       5552          -             -               IDLE         
143       5553          -             -               IDLE         
144       5554          -             -               IDLE         
145       5555          -             -               IDLE         
161       6001          -             6002            WHISPER      1 
162       6002          -             6001            WHISPER      2 
163       6003          -             6001            IDLE         
164       6004          -             6002            IDLE         
166       6006          -             6003            IDLE         
167       6007          -             6003            IDLE         
168       6008          -             6002            IDLE         
169       6009          -             6006            IDLE 

The following table describes the significant fields in the output from this command in alphabetical order.

Table 22. show ephone-dn whisper Field Descriptions




Directory number tag.

DN Number

Extension or telephone number assigned to directory number.


Text string that identifies the whisper intercom line.

Speed Dial

Whisper intercom number to speed dial.

DN State

State of the directory number, either Idle or Busy.


Ephone that the directory number is assigned to.

show ephone-hunt

To display ephone-hunt configuration information and current status and statistics information, use the show ephone-hunt command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-hunt [tag | summary]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Hunt-group number that was used to identify a hunt group in the ephone-hunt command. Range is 1 to 100.


(Optional) Displays hunt group configuration information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

The show ephone-hunt and show ephone-hunt summary commands display information for peer, sequential, and last-idle ephone hunt groups. Using the tag argument outputs data for a specific ephone hunt group.

The output is dependent on call activity. If there is no activity, no data is displayed.


The following examples are contained in this section:


The following is a sample output from the show ephone-hunt command when no argument or keyword has been entered. The sample contains information for a peer hunt group, a sequential hunt group, and a longest-idle hunt group. See the table for descriptions of significant fields in the output.

Router# show ephone-hunt
Group 1
    type: peer
    pilot number: 450, peer-tag 20123
    list of numbers:
        451, aux-number A450A0900, # peers 5, logout 0, down 1
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20122     42     0       login      up  ]
             [20121     41     0       login      up  ]
             [20120     40     0       login      up  ]
             [20119     30     0       login      up  ]
             [20118     29     0       login      down]
        452, aux-number A450A0901, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20127     45     0       login      up  ]
             [20126     44     0       login      up  ]
             [20125     43     0       login      up  ]
             [20124     31     0       login      up  ]
        453, aux-number A450A0902, # peers 4, logout 0, down 0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20131     48     0       login      up  ]
             [20130     47     0       login      up  ]
             [20129     46     0       login      up  ]
             [20128     32     0       login      up  ]
        477, aux-number A450A0903, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20132     499    0       login      up  ]
    preference: 0
    members initial state: logout
    preference (sec): 7
    timeout: 3, 3, 3, 3
    max timeout : 10
    hops: 4
    next-to-pick: 1
    E.164 register: yes
    auto logout: no
    stat collect: no
Group 2
    type: sequential
    pilot number: 601, peer-tag 20098
    list of numbers:
        123, aux-number A601A0200, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20097     56     0       login      up  ]
        622, aux-number A601A0201, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20101     112    0       login      up  ]
             [20100     111    0       login      up  ]
             [20099     110    0       login      up  ]
        623, aux-number A601A0202, # peers 3, logout 0, down 0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20104     122    0       login      up  ]
             [20103     121    0       login      up  ]
             [20102     120    0       login      up  ]
        *, aux-number A601A0203, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20105     0      0       -          down]
        *, aux-number A601A0204, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20106     0      0       -          down]
    final number: 5255348
    preference: 0
    members initial state: logout
    preference (sec): 9
    timeout: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
    max timeout : 40
    fwd-final: orig-phone
    E.164 register: yes
    auto logout: no
    stat collect: no
Group 3
    type: longest-idle
    pilot number: 100, peer-tag 20142
    list of numbers:
        101, aux-number A100A9700, # peers 3, logout 0, down 3
            on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20141     132    0       login      down]
             [20140     131    0       login      down]
             [20139     130    0       login      down]
        *, aux-number A100A9701, # peers 1, logout 0, down 1
            on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20143     0      0       -          down]
        102, aux-number A100A9702, # peers 2, logout 0, down 2
            on-hook time stamp 7616, off-hook agents=0
            peer-tag  dn-tag  rna  login/logout  up/down
             [20145     142    0       login      down]
             [20144     141    0       login      down]
    all agents down!
    preference: 0
    members initial state: logout
    preference (sec): 7
    timeout: 100, 100, 100
    hops: 0
    E.164 register: yes
    auto logout: no
    stat collect: no


The following example shows a summary output. See the table for descriptions of significant fields in the output.

Router# show ephone-hunt summary
Group 1
    type: peer
    pilot number: 5000
    list of numbers:
    final number: 5006
    preference: 0
    members initial state: logout
    timeout: 180
    hops: 2
    E.164 register: yes
Group 2
    type: sequential
    pilot number: 6000
    list of numbers:
    final number: 5007
    preference: 5
    members initial state: logout
    timeout: 3
    E.164 register: no


A portion of the show ephone-hunt command output displays the ready and not-ready agent status of extensions in hunt groups. An extension that is ready is available to receive hunt-group calls. An extension that is in not-ready status blocks hunt-group calls. An agent toggles an extension from ready to not ready and back to ready using the HLog soft key or a FAC.

The following examples display some output that reports different agent status not-ready conditions within a hunt group. In the hunt group used for these examples, there are four users: agent1 and agent4 share extension 8001, agent2 is on extension 8002, and agent3 is on extension 8003.

In the show ephone-hunt output, “logout 0” means that all instances of the extension are in ready status. Any number greater than zero next to “logout’ indicates that at least one ephone using the extension has activated not-ready status.

If agent1 is in not-ready status, the show ephone-hunt command will display the following output. The logout value for extension 8001 is 1 because one phone is in not-ready status.

Router# show ephone-hunt
list of numbers:
 8001, aux-number A8000A100, # peers 2, logout 1 ...
 8002, aux-number A8000A101, # peers 1, logout 0...
 8003, aux-number A8000A102, # peers 1, logout 0...

If agent1 and agent2 place their phones in not-ready status, the show ephone-hunt command will display the following output:

Router# show ephone-hunt
list of numbers:
    8001, aux-number A8000A100, # peers 2, logout 1...
    8002, aux-number A8000A101, # peers 1, logout 1...
    8003, aux-number A8000A102, # peers 1, logout 0...

If all agents place their phones in not-ready status, the show ephone-hunt command displays the following output. Note that the logout value of 2 for extension 8001 indicates that both ephone-dns with that extension number (agent1 and agent4) are in not-ready status.

Router# show ephone-hunt
list of numbers:
   8001, aux-number A8000A100, # peers 2, logout 2...
   8002, aux-number A8000A101, # peers 1, logout 1...
   8003, aux-number A8000A102, # peers 1, logout 1...
all agents logout!


The show ephone-hunt command displays the parameters that have been set using the auto logout command, which is used for the Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature. The table shows the possible values of the auto logout field. describes other fields in the output.

Router# show ephone-hunt 1
Group 1
   pilot number:8888, peer-tag 20029
   list of numbers:
       8001, aux-number A8888A000, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
           peer-tag:dn-tag [ 20028:1]
       8003, aux-number A8888A001, # peers 1, logout 0, down 0
           peer-tag:dn-tag [ 20030:3]
   members initial state: logout
   preference (sec):9
   E.164 register:yes
   auto logout:no
   stat collect:yes
Table 23. show ephone-hunt Auto Logout Examples

show ephone-hunt Output


auto logout Command

auto logout: no

The Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature is disabled. This is also the default if this command is not used.

no auto logout

auto logout: 1 type: both

The Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature is enabled and no options have been used with the auto logout command. The number of unanswered calls is 1 and the command applies to both static and dynamic hunt group members by default.

auto logout

auto logout: 2 type: both

Two unanswered calls will be sent to a hunt group agent before the agent’s status is automatically changed to not ready. The command applies to both static and dynamic hunt group members by default.

auto logout 2

auto logout: 3 type: static

Three unanswered calls will be sent to a hunt group agent before the agent’s status is automatically changed to not ready. The command applies to static hunt group members only.

auto logout 3 static

The table describes significant fields shown in show ephone-hunt command displays.

Table 24. show ephone-hunt Field Descriptions



auto logout

Indicates whether the Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature has been enabled. See the table.


Auxiliary number used to generate dial peers for a hunt group. This number is generated by the list command.


Description string entered for the ephone hunt group. This value is set using the description (ephone-hunt) command.


Directory number (DN) sequence number.

E.164 register

Displays whether a pilot number registers with an H.323 gatekeeper. This value is set by the no-reg command.

final number

Last number in the ephone-hunt group, after which a call is no longer redirected. This value is set by the final command.


Final destination of an unanswered call that has been transferred into a hunt group: orig-phone means calls are returned to the transferring phone, and final means calls are sent to the final number specified in the configuration. This value is set by the fwd-final command.


Number of hops before a call proceeds to the final number. This value is set by the hops command.

list of numbers

Extension numbers that are group members of the specified ephone hunt group. This value is set by the list command.


Ready status of the agent: login means ready and accepting calls, and logout means not-ready and blocking hunt-group calls.


Number of agents in the not-ready state (not accepting hunt-group calls).

max timeout

Maximum combined timeout for the no-answer periods for all ephone-dns in the ephone-hunt list. This value is set by the max-timeout command.

members initial state: logout/login

Sets all static members initial state to logout.


(Peer hunt groups only) List number of the agent whose phone will ring when the next call comes in to the hunt group. (For example, if the order of agents in the list command is 451, 452, 453, 454, the list number 2 represents extension 452.)

off-hook agents

Number of agents who are currently off-hook.

on-hook time stamp

(Longest-idle hunt groups only) The last on-hook time of the agent, which is used to determine which agent to ring next time.


Displays the number of ephone-dn dial peers.


Dial-peer sequence number.

pilot number

Number that callers dial to reach the ephone hunt group.


Preference order set by the preference (ephone-hunt) command for the primary pilot number.

preference (sec)

Preference order set by the preference (ephone-hunt) command for the secondary pilot number.


Number of unanswered hunt group calls (ring-no-answer) by this agent, used for the Automatic Agent Status Not-Ready feature.

stat collect

Indicates whether statistic are being Cisco Unified CME B-ACD data is being collected. See the statistics collect command.


Number of seconds after which a call that is not answered at one number is redirected to the next number in the hunt-group list. Multiple values in this field refer to the timeouts for the hops between ephone-dns in a hunt group as they appear in the list command. This value is set by the timeout command.


Type of ephone hunt group: longest-idle, peer, or sequential.


Dial peer is up or down.

show ephone-hunt statistics

To display ephone-hunt statistics information, use the show ephone-hunt statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ephone-hunt tag statistics {last hours hours | start day time [to day time]}

Syntax Description


Hunt-tag number that was used to identify a hunt group in an ephone-hunt command. Range is 1 to 100.


Displays information for the previous number of specified hours, counting backward from the current hour. Range is 1 to 167.

hours hours

Number of hours for which to display call statistics.


Defines the start of a period for which to display call statistics. Default duration is one hour.


Day of week. Use sun , mon , tue , wed , thu , fri , or sat .


Hour of day. Range is 0 to 23.


(Optional) Defines the stop time for display of call statistics.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

Call hold statistics were added.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

Call hold statistics were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.


Cisco Unified CME 9.0

This command was modified to add the following fields: Calls handoff to IOS, Average time to handoff, Longest time to handoff, and Number of error calls.

Usage Guidelines

The show ephone-hunt statistics last and show ephone-hunt statistics commands provide expanded information regarding extension (list of numbers) and pilot numbers.

The output is dependent on call activity. If there is no activity, no data is displayed.

If your Cisco Unified CME system is configured with the basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) and auto-attendant service, you can enable the collection of call statistics per ephone hunt group with the statistics collect command. Additional data is displayed for all agents combined and for individual agents. The additional data includes statistics such as: the number of calls received, the amount of time the calls waited to be answered, and the amount of time the calls spent on hold or in a queue.

The statistics collect command can be used to obtain other call statistics, such as direct calls to hunt group pilot numbers. For more information, see the “ Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution and Auto-Attendant Service ” chapter in the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD and TCL Call-Handling Applications guide.

Once you have enabled statistics collection, you can use the show ephone-hunt statistics command to display call statistics, or you can use the hunt-group report every hours and hunt-group report url commands to transfer the statistics to files using TFTP.


On the day that daylight saving time adjusts the time back by one hour at 2 a.m. each year, the original 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. statistics for that day are lost because they are overwritten by the new 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. statistics.


The following is a sample output that displays call statistics for the past hour for hunt group 2, which is associated with a Cisco Unified CME B-ACD service:

Router# show ephone-hunt 2 stat last 1 h
Thu 02:00 - 03:00
    Max Agents: 3
    Min Agents: 3
    Total Calls: 9
    Answered Calls: 7
    Abandoned Calls: 2
    Average Time to Answer (secs): 6
    Longest Time to Answer (secs): 13
    Average Time in Call (secs): 75
    Longest Time in Call (secs): 161
    Average Time before Abandon (secs): 8
    Calls on Hold: 2
    Average Time in Hold (secs): 16
    Longest Time in Hold (secs): 21
    Per agent statistics:
      Agent: 8004
        From Direct Call:
          Total Calls Answered : 3:
          Average Time in Call (secs) : 70
          Longest Time in Call (secs) : 150
          Total Calls on Hold : 1:
          Average Hold Time (secs) : 21
          Longest Hold Time (secs) : 21
        From Queue:
          Total Calls Answered : 3
          Average Time in Call (secs) : 55
          Longest Time in Call (secs) : 78
          Total Calls on Hold : 2:
          Average Hold Time (secs) : 19
          Longest Hold Time (secs) : 26
      Agent: 8006
        From Direct Call:
          Total Calls Answered : 3:
          Average Time in Call (secs) : 51
          Longest Time in Call (secs) : 118
          Total Calls on Hold : 1:
          Average Hold Time (secs) : 11
          Longest Hold Time (secs) : 11
        From Queue:
          Total Calls Answered : 1
          Average Time in Call (secs) : 4
          Longest Time in Call (secs) : 4
      Agent: 8044
        From Direct Call:
          Total Calls Answered : 1:
          Average Time in Call (secs) : 161
          Longest Time in Call (secs) : 161
        From Queue:
          Total Calls Answered : 1
          Average Time in Call (secs) : 658
          Longest Time in Call (secs) : 658
Queue related statistics:
      Total calls presented to the queue:  5
      Calls handoff to IOS: 2
      Number of calls in the queue: 1
      Average time to handoff (secs):  2
      Longest time to handoff (secs):  3
      Number of abandoned calls:  0
      Average time before abandon (secs):  0
      Calls forwarded to voice mail:  0
      Calls answered by voice mail:  0
Number of error calls: 0

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