Cisco Unified CME Commands: C

call application voice aa-hunt

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice aa-hunt command is replaced by the param aa-hunt command. See the param aa-hunt command for more information.

To declare a Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) menu number and associate it with the pilot number of an ephone hunt group, use the call application voice aa-hunt command in global configuration mode. To remove the menu number and the ephone hunt group pilot number, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name aa-hunt menu-number pilot-number

no call application voice application-name aa-hunt menu-number pilot-number

Syntax Description


Number that callers must dial to reach the pilot number of an ephone hunt group. The range is from 1to 10. The default is 1.


Application name given to the call queue script in the call application voice command.


Ephone hunt group pilot number.

Command Default

Cisco CME B-ACD menu number 1 is configured, but it has no pilot number.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced with the param aa-hunt command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD call queue scripts. Up to three menu options are allowed per call queue script. You can use any of the allowable numbers in any order.

The call application voice aa-hunt command allows each of the menu options to be associated with the pilot number of an ephone hunt group. The menu options are announced by the audio file, which you can rerecord. When a caller presses a number, the call will go to the pilot number of an ephone hunt group so it can be transferred to one of the ephone hunt group’s ephone-dns. It will not go to any other ephone hunt group. The order in which ephone-dns are selected depends on the ephone hunt group’s search method, which is configured with the ephone-hunt command, and whether an ephone-dn is busy or not.

If only one menu option is configured, callers will hear a greeting and be transferred directly to the pilot number of the corresponding ephone hunt group. They do not have to enter a number.

The highest aa-hunt number will automatically be set to zero (0) for the operator. In the following example, aa-hunt8 supports the menu option of 0 and 8.

call application voice queue aa-hunt1 1111
call application voice queue aa-hunt3 3333
call application voice queue aa-hunt8 8888

If a phone user presses 0 or 8, their call be sent to pilot number 3333.

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example associates three menu numbers with three pilot numbers of three ephone hunt groups. Pilot number 1111 is for ephone hunt group 1 (sales); 2222 is for ephone hunt group 2 (customer service); and 3333 is for ephone hunt group 3 (operator). If sales is selected from the AA menu, the call will be transferred to 1111 and sent to ephone hunt group 1’s available ephone-dns (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006).

Router(config)# ephone-hunt 1 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 1111
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010
Router(config)# ephone-hunt 2 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 2222
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Router(config)# ephone-hunt 3 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 3333
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004
Router(config)# call application voice queue flash:app-b-acd-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice queue aa-hunt1 1111
Router(config)# call application voice queue aa-hunt2 2222
Router(config)# call application voice queue aa-hunt3 3333

call application voice aa-name

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice aa-name command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To associate the queue script for Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) with the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD auto-attendant (AA) script, use the call application voice aa-name command in global configuration mode. To remove the queue script and AA script association, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name aa-name aa-script-name

no call application voice application-name aa-name aa-script-name

Syntax Description


Application name given to the call queue script in the call application voice command .


Application name given to the AA script in the call application voice command .

Command Default

No call queue script and AA script association is configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced with the param aa-name command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD call queue scripts. Only one AA script can be associated with one call queue script.

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example associates a call queue script with an AA script:

Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice queue flash:app-b-acd-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice queue aa-name aa

call application voice aa-pilot

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice aa-pilot command is replaced by the param aa-pilot command. See the param aa-pilot command for more information.

To assign a pilot number to the Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) service, use the call application voice aa-pilot command in global configuration mode. To remove the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD pilot number, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name aa-pilot pilot-number

no call application voice application-name aa-pilot pilot-number

Syntax Description


Application name given to the auto-attendant (AA) script in the call application voice command .


Pilot number for Cisco CME B-ACD.

Command Default

No Cisco Unified CME B-ACD pilot number is configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param aa-pilot command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco CME B-ACD AA scripts. Only one pilot number can be used for each Cisco Unified CME B-ACD service, and the voice ports handling AA must have dial peers that will send calls to the pilot number.

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example assigns 8005550100 as the pilot number to the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD service. Included in this example is the dial-peer configuration for the pilot number.

Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice aa aa-pilot 8005550100
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 1000 pots
Router(config)# incoming pilot number 8005550100
Router(config)# application aa
Router(config)# direct-inward-dial
Router(config)# port 1/0:23
Router(config)# forward digits-all
Router(config)# call application voice aa aa-pilot 80055501

call application voice call-retry-timer

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application call-retry-timer command is replaced by the param call-retry-timer command. See the param call-retry-timer command for more information.

To assign the length of time that calls to Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) must wait before attempting to transfer to an ephone hunt group pilot number, use the call application voice call-retry-timer command in global configuration mode. To remove the retry time, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name call-retry-timer seconds

no call application voice application-name call-retry-timer seconds

Syntax Description


Application name given to the auto-attendant (AA) script in the call application voice command .


Number of seconds that a call must wait before attempting to transfer an ephone hunt pilot number or voice-mail pilot number. The range is from 5 to 30 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.

Command Default

The retry interval is 15 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param call-retry-timer command

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco CME B-ACD AA scripts. The following sequence of events might occur:

  • An outside call comes into a system configured with Cisco CME B-ACD.
  • A menu option is selected that attempts to transfer the call to an ephone hunt group pilot number.
  • All of the ephone hunt group’s ephone-dns are busy.

In that case, the call will wait in a queue for the period of time set by the call application voice call-retry-timer command and retry to the pilot number.

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example shows a configuration that allows outside calls to Cisco CME B-ACD to retry an ephone hunt group pilot number every 30 seconds. The example shows the configuration for one ephone hunt group, which is presented by Cisco CME B-ACD menu as the sales department and uses a simple configuration. If a caller selects the sales menu option (ephone-hunt 1 ) and all of the ephone-dns configured in the list command (1001, 1002, 1003, 1004) are busy, the call will wait 30 seconds and then retry the pilot number (1111) until either an ephone-dn becomes available or a configured amount of time has elapsed (see the call application voice max-time-call-retry command).

Router(config)# ephone-hunt 1 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 1111
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice aa call-retry-timer 30

call application voice dial-by-extension-option

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application dial-by-extension-option command is replaced by the param dial-by-extension-option command. See the param dial-by-extension-option command for more information.

To enable direct extension access and set the access number for Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD), use the call application voice dial-by-extension-option command in global configuration mode. To disable direct dial extension access and remove the access number, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name dial-by-extension number

no call application voice application-name dial-by-extension number

Syntax Description


Application name given to the auto-attendant (AA) script in the call application voice command .


The single digit that callers press to be able to enter an extension number from the AA menu. The range is from 1 to 10. There is no default.

Command Default

Direct dial access is disabled. No access number is configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param dial-by-extension-option command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA scripts. It enables the audio file. The default announcement says, “Please enter the extension number you want to reach.” The call application voice dial-by-extension-option command also allows for the configuration of the number that callers must press before they can enter the extension number that they want to call.

Callers who select the extension access option can then dial any extension. If they dial an ephone hunt group ephone-dn or pilot number, their call will not be sent to the ephone hunt-group call queue.


The following example configures Cisco CME B-ACD to include an option that allows callers to press the number 4 so they can dial an extension number.

Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice aa dial-by-extension 4

call application voice drop-through-option

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later releases support Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution (B-ACD) and Auto-Attendant (AA) Tcl scripts version and greater. In these releases, the call application voice drop-through-option command has been replaced by the param drop-through-option command.

call application voice drop-through-prompt

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later releases support Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution (B-ACD) and Auto-Attendant (AA) Tcl scripts version and greater. In these releases, the call application voice drop-through-prompt command has been replaced by the param drop-through-prompt command.

call application voice handoff-string

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later releases support Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution (B-ACD) and Auto-Attendant (AA) Tcl scripts version and greater. In these releases, the call application voice handoff-string command has been replaced by the param handoff-string command.

call application voice max-extension-length

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later releases support Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution (B-ACD) and Auto-Attendant (AA) Tcl scripts version and greater. In these releases, the call application voice max-extension-length command has been replaced by the param max-extension-length command.

call application voice max-time-call-retry

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice max-time-call-retry command is replaced by the param max-time-call-retry command. See the param max-time-call-retry command for more information.

To assign the maximum length of time for which calls to Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) can stay in a call queue, use the call application voice max-time-call-retry command in global configuration mode. To remove the maximum length of time, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name max-time-call-retry seconds

no call application voice application-name max-time-call-retry seconds

Syntax Description


Application name given to the auto attendant (AA) script in the call application voice command .


Maximum length of time that the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA script can keep redialing an ephone hunt group pilot number. The range is from 0 to 3600 seconds. The default is 600 seconds.

Command Default

The default maximum length of time that calls can stay in a call queue is 600 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param max-time-call-retry command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA scripts. The call application voice max-time-retry command allows you set a time limit for the redialing of pilot numbers under the following circumstances:

  • An outside call comes into a system configured with Cisco Unified CME B-ACD.
  • A menu option is selected that transfers the call to an ephone hunt-group pilot number.
  • All of the ephone hunt group’s ephone-dns are busy.
  • The call is sent to a queue and tries the pilot number at intervals of time set by the call application voice call-retry-timer command.

When the time period set by the call application voice max- call-retry command expires, one of the following two events will occur:

  • If a voice-mail pilot number has been configured in Cisco Unified CME and mail boxes for hunt group pilot numbers have been configured in a voice-mail application, calls will be transferred to voice mail.
  • If voice mail has not been configured, a default message will be played that says, “We are unable to take your call at this time. Please try again at a later time. Thank you for calling.”


In the following example, the length of time for which calls can try to reach ephone hunt group 1 and ephone hunt group 2 is 90 seconds. If a caller selects the AA menu option for either hunt group and all of its ephone-dns configured in the list command are busy, the call will keep retrying the ephone hunt group’s pilot number until one of the ephone-dns is available or 90 seconds has elapsed. When 90 seconds elapses, the call will go to voice mail.

Router(config)# ephone-hunt 1 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 1111
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004
Router(config)# ephone-hunt 2peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 2222
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice aa max-call-retry-timer 90

call application voice max-time-vm-retry

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later releases support Cisco Unified CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution (B-ACD) and Auto-Attendant (AA) Tcl scripts version and greater. In these releases, the call application voice max-time-vm-retry command has been replaced by the param max-time-vm-retry command.

call application voice number-of-hunt-grps

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice number-of-hunt-grps command is replaced by the param number-of-hunt-grps command. See the param number-of-hunt-grps command for more information.

To declare the maximum number of ephone hunt-group menus supported by Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD), use the call application voice number-of-hunt-grps command in global configuration mode. To remove the maximum number of ephone hunt-group menus supported by Cisco CME B-ACD, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name number-of-hunt-grps number

no call application voice application-name number-of-hunt-grps number

Syntax Description


Application name given to the auto-attendant (AA) script in the call application voice command .


Number of hunt groups used by the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA script and call queue script. The range is from 1 to 3. The default is 3.

Command Default

Three ephone hunt-group menus are supported by Cisco CME B-ACD.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param number-of-hunt-grps command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA scripts. The number argument declares the number of ephone hunt groups only. The menu option for direct extension access (see the call application voice dial-by-extension-option command) is not included.


The following example configures a Cisco Unified CME B-ACD call queue script to use three ephone hunt groups and one direct extension access number, making the number argument in the call application voice number-of-hunt-grps equal to 3. The ephone-hunt command is used to configure the three ephone hunt groups. The call application voice dial-by-extension-option command is used to enable direct extension access and set the access number to 1.

Router(config)# ephone-hunt 1 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 1111
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010
Router(config)# ephone-hunt 2 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 2222
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# final 9000
Router(config)# ephone-hunt 3 peer
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# pilot 3333
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# list 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004
Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice aa dial-by-extension 1
Router(config)# call application voice aa number-of-hunt-grps 3

call application voice queue-len

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application queue-len command is replaced by the param queue-len command. See the param queue-len command for more information.

To set the maximum number of calls allowed for each ephone hunt group’s call queue that is used by Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD), use the call application voice queue-len command in global configuration mode. To remove the queue-length setting, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name queue-len number

no call application voice application-name queue-len number

Command Default


Application name given to the call queue script in the call application voice command .


Number of calls that can be waiting in each ephone hunt group’s queue. The range is dependent on your hardware configuration. The range is from 1 to 30. The default is 10.

Command Default

Thirty calls are allowed in each call queue.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param queue-len command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD call queue scripts. The following sequence of events might occur:

  • An outside call comes into a system configured with Cisco Unified CME B-ACD.
  • A menu option is selected that transfers the call to an ephone hunt-group pilot number.
  • All of the ephone hunt group’s ephone-dns are busy.

In that case, the call will be sent to a queue for that individual hunt group. The number of calls that each ephone hunt group can hold in its queue is configured by the call application voice queue-len command.

In the following configuration example, ephone hunt group 1 supports two ephone-dns; ephone hunt group 2 supports three ephone-dns; and the queue length is 10 for both ephone hunt groups:

ephone-hunt 1 peer
 pilot 1111
 list 1001, 1002
ephone-hunt 2 peer
 pilot 2222
 list 2001, 2002, 2003
call application voice queue flash:app-b-acd-x.x.x.x.tcl
call application voice callqueuescriptfilename queue-len 10

If ephone hunt group 1’s ephone-dns are busy, ten more calls can be made to ephone hunt group 1. During that time, the calls in the queue would periodically retry the pilot numbers (call application voice max-time-retry-timer command) and receive secondary greetings (call application voice second-greeting-time command). If none of the calls has hung up or connected to an ephone-dn, the eleventh caller would hear the message and a busy signal. The default message is, “We are unable to take your call at this time. Please try again at a later time. Thank you for calling.” Includes a four-second pause after the message.

For ephone hunt group 2, three calls can be connected to ephone-dns 2001, 2002, and 2003, and ten calls can be waiting in ephone hunt group 2’s queue. If the status remains unchanged, the fourteenth caller hears the disconnect message and a busy signal. But if one of the earlier calls disconnects (either by leaving the queue or by ending a call), the fourteen call enters the queue.

The maximum number of calls allowed in the queues of ephone hunt groups must be based on the number of ports or trunks available. For example, if you had 20 foreign exchange office (FXO) ports and two ephone hunt groups, you could configure a maximum of ten calls per ephone hunt-group queue with the call application voice queue-len 10 command. You could use the same configuration if you had a single T1 trunk, which supports 23 channels.


The following example configures a Cisco Unified CME B-ACD call queue script to allow a maximum of 12 calls to wait in each ephone hunt group’s calling queue for ephone-dns to become available:

Router(config)# call application voice queue flash:app-b-acd-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice queue queue-len 12

call application voice queue-manager-debugs

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application queue-manager-debugs command is replaced by the param queue-manager-debugs command. See the param aa-hunt command for more information.

To enable or disable the collection of call queue debug information from Cisco CallManager Express (Cisco CME) basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD), use the call application voice queue-manager-debugs command in global configuration mode. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command with the keyword that was used in the previous occurrence of the call application voice queue-manager-debugs command .

call application voice application-name queue-manager-debugs [0 | 1]

no call application voice application-name queue-manager-debugs [0 | 1]

Syntax Description


Application name given to the call queue script in the call application voice command .


Disables debugging.


Enables debugging.

Command Default

The collection of call queue debug information from Cisco CME B-ACD is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param queue-manager-debugs command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco CME B-ACD call queue scripts. It enables the collection of data regarding call queue activity. It is used in conjunction with the debug voip ivr script command. Both commands must be enabled at the same time.

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example configures a Cisco CME B-ACD call queue script to enable debugging for the collection of data for the debug voip ivr script command:

Router(config)# call application voice queue flash:app-b-acd-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice queue queue-manager-debugs 1

call application voice second-greeting-time

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice second-greeting-time command is replaced by the param second-greeting-time command. See the param second-greeting-time command for more information.

To set the delay before the second greeting is played after a caller joins a Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) calling queue and set the interval of time at which the second-greeting message is repeated, use the call application voice second-greeting-time command in global configuration mode. To remove the second-greeting time, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name second-greeting-time seconds

no call application voice application-name second-greeting-time seconds

Syntax Description


Application name given to the auto-attendant (AA) script in the call application voice command .


Amount of time that second-greeting message must wait before it can be played. The range is from 30 to 120 seconds. The default is 60 seconds.

Command Default

The second-greeting delay time is 60 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param second-greeting-time command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA scripts. A second greeting is an audio message of up to 15 seconds in length. The default announcement is, “All agents are currently busy assisting other customers. Continue to hold for assistance. Someone will be with you shortly.” The second-greeting message is only presented to callers waiting in a CME B-ACD call queue.

The second-greeting time is clocked when the second-greeting message begins, not after it ends. For example, if the second greeting were 15 seconds in length and the configured second-greeting time were 70 seconds, the greeting would begin every 70 seconds, not 85 seconds as if to allow for the 15-second message.

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example configures a Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA script to allow a second-greeting message to be repeated every 50 seconds as long as a call is in a call queue.

Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice AAscriptfilename second-greeting-time 50

call application voice service-name

Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later releases support Cisco CME Basic Automatic Call Distribution (B-ACD) and Auto-Attendant (AA) Tcl scripts version and greater. In these releases, the call application voice service-name command has been replaced by the param service-name command.

call application voice voice-mail

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice voice-mail command is replaced by the param voice-mail command. See the param voice-mail command for more information.

To assign a pilot number for the Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) service’s voice mail, use the call application voice voice-mail command in global configuration mode. To remove the voice-mail pilot number, use the no form of the command.

call application voice application-name voice-mail number

no call application voice application-name voice-mail number

Syntax Description


Application name given to the auto attendant (AA) script in the call application voice command .


Pilot number of the voice mail to which calls to Cisco CME B-ACD will be transferred.

Command Default

No voice-mail pilot number is configured for Cisco Unified CME B-ACD.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param voice-mail command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco Unified CME B-ACD AA scripts. Only one pilot number is allowed per Cisco CME B-ACD service. Calls to the service will be sent to this voice mail number.

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example configures a Cisco Unified CME B-ACD voice-mail pilot number as 5000.

Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice aa voice-mail 5000

call application voice welcome-prompt

Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T and later, the call application voice welcome-prompt command is replaced by the param welcome-prompt command. See the param welcome-prompt command for more information.

To assign an audio file that is used by the Cisco Unified CME basic automatic call distribution (B-ACD) auto-attendant (AA) script for the welcome greeting, use the call application welcome-prompt command in global configuration mode. To remove the audio file assignment, use the no form of this command.

call application voice application-name welcome-prompt _ audio-filename

no call application voice application-name welcome-prompt _ audio-filename

Syntax Description


Application name given to the AA script in the call application voice command .

_ audio-filename

Filename of the welcome greeting to be played when callers first reach the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD, preceded by the underscore (_) character. The filename must not have a language code prefix, such as “en,” for English.

Command Default

The welcome audio file downloaded with Cisco Unified CME B-ACD is used for the welcome prompt.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.2.2

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was replaced by the param welcome-prompt command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used only with with a version of the Cisco Unified CME B-ACD script that is earlier than and is valid only for the configuration of Cisco CME B-ACD AA scripts. The welcome greeting is the initial AA response to a caller. The default audio file used is, which is is downloaded with Cisco CME B-ACD and announces, “Thank you for calling,” and includes a two-second pause after the message.

The filename must be preceded by an underscore (_) character. In addition, it must not contain a language-code prefix, such as “en” for English. For example, for, you must configure welcome-prompt instead of welcome-prompt .

For any configuration changes to take effect, you must reload the Cisco CME B-ACD scripts.


The following example sets file name as the welcome greeting for Cisco Unified CME B-ACD:

Router(config)# call application voice aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-x.x.x.x.tcl
Router(config)# call application voice aa welcome-prompt 

callback (voice emergency response settings)

To route an E911 callback to another number (for example, the company operator) if the callback cannot find the last 911 caller associated to the ELIN, use the callback command in voice emergency response settings configuration mode. This command is optional.

callback number

no callback

Syntax Description


Identifier of the E.164 default number to contact if a 911 callback fails.

Command Default

A callback number is not defined.

Command Modes

Voice emergency response settings configuration (cfg-emrgncy-resp-settings)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.2(1) Cisco Unified SRST 4.2(1) Cisco Unified SIP SRST 4.2(1)

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 7.0 Cisco Unified SRST 7.0 Cisco Unified SIP SRST 7.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the default number to contact if a 911 callback cannot find the last 911 caller associated with an ELIN. If no default callback number is configured, and the expiry time is exceeded, the 911 operator may hear a reorder tone or be incorrectly routed.


In this example, the ELIN (4085550101) defined in the voice emergency response settings configuration is used if the 911 caller’s IP phone address does not match any of the voice emergency response locations. After the 911 call is placed to the PSAP, the PSAP has 120 minutes to call back 408-555-0101 to reach the 911 caller. If the call history has expired (after 120 minutes), any callback is routed to extension 7500.

voice emergency response settings
callback 7500
elin 4085550101
expiry 120


To specify whether to pass the local caller ID or the original caller ID with calls from an extension in Cisco Unified CME that is using loopback, use the caller id command in ephone-dn configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command.

caller-id {local | passthrough}

no caller-id {local | passthrough}

Syntax Description


Local caller ID for redirected calls.


Original caller ID. Default.

Command Default

Default is passthrough .

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-ephone)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is valid only for ephone-dns that are being used for loopback.

This command with the local keyword is applied as follows:

  • For transferred calls, caller ID is provided by the original caller-ID information source, such as from a separate loopback-dn that handles inbound calls or from a public switched telephone network interface.
  • For forwarded calls, caller ID is provided by the original caller-ID information source or, for local IP phones, is extracted from the redirected information associated with the call.

This command with the passthrough keyword is applied as follows:

  • For transferred calls, the caller ID is provided by the original caller-ID information that is obtained from the inbound side of the loopback-dn.
  • For forwarded calls, the caller ID is provided by the original caller-ID information of the incoming call.


The following example selects local caller ID for redirected calls:

Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-ephone-dn)# loopback-dn 15 forward 4
Router(config-ephone-dn)# caller-id local
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no huntstop

caller-id block (ephone-dn and ephone-dn-template)

To specify caller-ID blocking for outbound calls from a specific extension, use the caller id block command in ephone-dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To disable caller-ID blocking for outbound calls, use the no form of this command.

caller-id block

no caller-id block

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Caller-ID display is not blocked on calls originating from a Cisco Unified IP phone.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration
Ephone-dn-template configuration

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco ITS 1.0

This command was introduced


Cisco ITS 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was made available in ephone-dn-template configuration mode.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command in ephone-dn-template configuration mode was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets caller-ID blocking for outbound calls originating from a specific extension (ephone-dn). This command requests the far-end gateway device to block the display of the calling party information for calls received from the ephone-dn that is being configured. This command does not affect the ephone-dn calling party information display for inbound calls received by the ephone-dn.

If you want caller-ID name or number to be available on local calls but not on external calls, use the clid strip name command or the clid strip command in dial-peer configuration mode to remove caller-ID name or number from calls to VoIP. In this case, do not also use the caller-id block command, which blocks caller-ID information on all calls.


This command is not valid for ephone-dns that are being used for loopback.

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example shows how to set caller-ID blocking for the directory number 5001:

Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-ephone-dn)# caller-id block

The following example uses an ephone-dn template to set caller-ID blocking for the directory number 5001:

Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 5
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# caller-id block
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 5

caller-id block (voice register template)


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)XJ, the caller id block (voice register template) command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To enable caller-ID blocking for outbound calls from a specific SIP phone, use the caller id block command in voice register template configuration mode. To disable caller-ID blocking, use the no form of this command.

caller-id block

no caller-id block

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Caller ID blocking is disabled.

Command Modes

Voice register template configuration (config-register-temp)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.4

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command sets caller-ID blocking for outbound calls originating from any SIP phone that uses the specified template. This command requests the far-end gateway device to block the display of the calling party information for calls received from the specified SIP phone. This command does not affect the calling party information displayed for inbound calls received by the SIP phone. To apply a template to a SIP phone, use the template command in voice register pool configuration mode.


The following example shows how to enable caller-ID blocking in template 1:

Router(config)# voice register template 1
Router(config-register-temp)# caller-id block

caller-id block code (telephony-service)

To set a code for a user to dial to block the display of caller ID on selected outgoing calls from Cisco IP phones, use the caller-id block code command in telephony-service configuration mode. To remove the code, use the no form of this command.

caller-id block code code-string

no caller-id block code

Syntax Description


Character string to dial to enable blocking of caller ID display on selected outgoing calls. The first character must be an asterisk (*) and the remaining characters must be digits. The string can contain a maximum of 16 characters.

Command Default

No caller-ID blocking code is defined.

Command Modes

Telephony-service configuration (config-telephony)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.

Usage Guidelines

Once the caller-ID blocking code has been defined using this command, phone users should enter the caller-ID blocking code before dialing any call on which they want their caller ID not to display.


The following example sets a caller-ID blocking code of *4321:

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# caller-id block code *4321


To specify the uniform resource identifier (URI) for soft keys on SIP phones registered to a Cisco Unified CME router, use the call-feature-uri command in voice register global configuration mode. To remove a URI association, use the no form of this command.

call-feature-uri {cfwdall | gpickup | pickup} service-uri

no call-feature-uri cfwdall {cfwdall | gpickup | pickup}

Syntax Description


Call Forward All (CfwdAll) soft key.


Group Pickup (GPickUp) soft key.


Local Pickup (PickUp) soft key.


URI that is requested when the specified soft key is pressed.

Command Default

No URI is associated with the soft key.

Command Modes

Voice register global configuration (config-register-global)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.


Cisco Unified CME 7.1

The gpickup and pickup keywords were added.


Cisco Unified CME 7.1

This command has been integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command updates the service URI for soft keys in the configuration file that is downloaded from the Cisco Unified CME router to the SIP phones during phone registration.

For Call Forward All, this URI and the call forward number is sent to Cisco Unified CME when a user enables Call Forward All from the phone using the CfwdAll soft key.

After you configure this command, restart the phone by using the reset or restart command.

This command is not supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7912, 7940, or 7960.


The following example shows how to specify the URI for the call forward all soft key:

Router(config)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# call-feature-uri cfwdall


To globally apply dialplan-pattern expansion to redirecting numbers for extension numbers associated with SCCP IP phones in Cisco Unified CME, use the call-forward system command in telephony-service configuration mode. To disable the call-forward system command, use the no form of this command.

call-forward system redirecting-expanded

no call-forward system redirecting-expanded

Syntax Description


Call forward system parameter.


Expand redirecting extensions to an E.164 number.

Command Default

The redirecting number is not expanded.

Command Modes

Telephony-service configuration (config-telephony)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to apply dialplan-pattern expansion on a per-system basis to individual nonSIP redirecting numbers, including original called and last reroute numbers, in a Cisco Unified CME system.

When A calls B, and B forwards the call to C; B is the original called number and the last reroute number. If C then forwards or transfers the call to another number, C becomes the original called number and the last reroute number. The dial-plan pattern expansion is applied to both redirecting numbers. Once the number is expanded, it remains expanded during the entire call instance.

The dial-plan pattern to be matched must be configured using the dialplan-pattern command.


The following example shows how to create a dialplan-pattern for expanding calling numbers to an E.164 number and to also apply the expansion globally to redirecting numbers.

Router(config)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# dialplan-pattern 1 5105550... extension-length 5
Router(config-register-global)# call-forward system redirecting-expanded

call-forward (voice register)

To globally apply dialplan-pattern expansion to redirecting numbers for extension numbers associated with SIP IP phones in Cisco Unified CME, use the call-forward system command in voice register global configuration mode. To disable the call-forward system command, use the no form of this command.

call-forward system redirecting-expanded

no call-forward system redirecting-expanded

Syntax Description


Call forward system parameter.


Redirecting extension is to be expanded to an E.164 number.

Command Default

The redirecting number is not expanded.

Command Modes

Voice register global configuration (config-register-global)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to apply dialplan-pattern expansion on a per-system basis to individual SIP redirecting numbers, including original called and last reroute numbers, in Cisco Unified CME.

When A calls B, and B forwards the call to C; B is the original called number and the last reroute number. If C then forwards or transfers the call to another number, C becomes the original called number and the last reroute number. The dial-plan pattern expansion is applied to both redirecting numbers. Once the number is expanded, it remains expanded during the entire call instance.

This command supports call forward using B2BUA only.

The dial-plan pattern to be matched must be configured using the dialplan-pattern command.


The following example shows how to create a dialplan-pattern for expanding calling numbers of SIP phones to an E.164 number and to also apply the expansion globally to SIP redirecting numbers.

Router(config)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# dialplan-pattern 1 5105550... extension-length 5
Router(config-register-global)# call-forward system redirecting-expanded

call-forward all

To configure call forwarding so that all incoming calls to a directory number are forwarded to another directory number, use the call forward all command in ephone-dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward all directory-number

no call-forward all

Syntax Description

directory number

Directory number to which calls are forwarded. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number.

Command Default

Call forwarding for all calls is not set.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-ephone-dn)
Ephone-dn-template configuration (config-ephone-dn-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco ITS 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco ITS 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was made available in ephone-dn-template configuration mode.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command in ephone-dn-template configuration mode was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

The call forwarding mechanism applies to the individual directory number and cannot be configured for individual Cisco Unified IP phones.


The call forward all command takes precedence over the call-forward busy and call-forward noan commands.

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example shows how to set call forwarding of all calls on directory number 5001 to directory number 5005. All incoming calls destined for extension 5001 are forwarded to another Cisco IP phone with the extension number 5005:

Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
 all 5005

The following example uses an ephone-dn template to forward all calls for extension 5001 to extension 5005.

Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 3
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# call-forward all 5005
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 3

call-forward b2bua all

To enable call forwarding for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) so that all incoming calls are forwarded to another extension, use the call forward b2bua all command in voice register dn or voice register pool configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward b2bua all directory-number

no call-forward b2bua all

Syntax Description

directory number

Telephone number to which calls are forwarded. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number. Maximum length of the telephone number is 32.

Command Default

Feature is disabled.

Command Modes

Voice register dn configuration (config-register-dn)
Voice register pool configuration (config-register-pool)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.4 Cisco SIP SRST 3.4

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed from voice register pool configuration mode for Cisco Unified CME only.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

Command with modifications was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.4(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command in voice register dn configuration mode applies the call forward mechanism to a individual SIP extension in Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Unified SIP SRST. This command in voice register pool configuration mode is for Cisco Unified SIP SRST only and applies to SIP IP phones on which the extension appears.

If this command is configured in both the voice register dn and voice register pool configuration modes, the configuration under voice register dn takes precedence.

We recommend that you do not use this command to configure a SIP extension or SIP IP phone that is a member of a hunt group. If this command is configured for a member of a hunt group, remove the phone from any hunt group to which it is assigned to avoid forwarding calls to all phones in the hunt group.

The call-forward b2bua all command takes precedence over the call-forward b2bua busy and call-forward b2bua noan commands.


This command in voice register dn configuration mode is not commonly used for Cisco Unified SIP SRST.



The following example shows how to forward all incoming calls to extension 5001 on directory number 4, to extension 5005.

Router(config)# voice register dn 4
Router(config-register-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward b2bua all 5005


The following example shows how to forward all incoming calls for extension 5001 on pool number 4, to extension 5005.

Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Router(config-register-pool)# number 5001
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward b2bua all 5005

call-forward b2bua busy

To enable call forwarding for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) so that incoming calls to a busy extension are forwarded to another extension, use the call forward b2bua busy command in voice register dn or voice register pool configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward b2bua busy directory-number

no call-forward b2bua busy

Syntax Description

directory number

Telephone number to which calls are forwarded. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number. Maximum length of the telephone number is 32.

Command Default

Feature is disabled.

Command Modes

Voice register dn configuration (config-register-dn)
Voice register pool configuration (config-register-pool)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.4 Cisco SIP SRST 3.4

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed from voice register pool configuration mode for Cisco Unified CME only.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command with modifications was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command in voice register dn configuration mode applies the call forward mechanism to a individual SIP extension in Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Unified SIP SRST that is off-hook. This command in voice register pool configuration mode is for Cisco Unified SIP SRST only and applies to SIP IP phones on which the extension appears.

In Cisco Unified CME, call forward busy is also invoked when a call arrives for a destination that is configured but unregistered. A destination is considered to be configured if its number is listed under the voice register dn configuration.

If this command is configured in both voice register dn and voice register pool configuration modes, the configuration under voice register dn takes precedence.

We recommend that you do not use this command to configure a SIP extension or SIP IP phone that is a member of a hunt group. If this command is configured for a member of a hunt group, remove the phone from any hunt group to which it is assigned to avoid forwarding calls to all phones in the hunt group.

The call-forward b2bua all command takes precedence over the call-forward b2bua busy and call-forward b2bua noan commands.


This command in voice register dn configuration mode is not commonly used for Cisco Unified SIP SRST.


The following example shows how to forward all incoming calls to extension 5001 on directory number 4 to extension 5005 when extension 5001 is busy.

Router(config)# voice register dn 4
Router(config-register-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward b2bua busy 5005


The following example shows how to forward calls from extension 5001 in pool 4 to extension 5005 when extension 5001 is busy.

Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Router(config-register-pool)# number 5001
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward b2bua busy 5005

call-forward b2bua mailbox

To control the specific voice-mail box selected in a voice-mail system at the end of a call forwarding exchange, use the call forward b2bua mailbox command in voice register dn or voice register pool configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward b2bua mailbox directory-number

no call-forward b2bua mailbox

Syntax Description

directory number

Telephone number to which calls are forwarded when the forwarded destination is busy or does not answer. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number. Maximum length of the telephone number is 32.

Command Default

Feature is disabled.

Command Modes

Voice register dn configuration (config-register-dn)
Voice register pool configuration (config-register-pool)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.4 Cisco SIP SRST 3.4

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed from voice register pool configuration mode for Cisco Unified CME only.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command with modifications was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to denote the voice-mail box to use at the end of a chain of call forwards to busy or no answer destinations. It can be used to forward calls to a voice-mail box that has a different number than the forwarding extension, such as a shared voice-mail box.

This command in voice register dn configuration mode applies the call forward mechanism to a individual SIP extension in Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Unified SIP SRST. This command in voice register pool configuration mode is for Cisco Unified SIP SRST only and applies to SIP IP phones on which the extension appears.

If this command is configured in both the voice register dn and voice register pool configuration modes, the configuration under voice register dn takes precedence.

We recommend that you do not use this command to configure a SIP extension or SIP IP phone that is a member of a hunt group. If this command is configured for a member of a hunt group, remove the phone from any hunt group to which it is assigned to avoid forwarding calls to all phones in the hunt group.

This command is used in conjunction with the call-forward b2bua all , call-forward b2bua busy , and call-forward b2bua noan commands.


This command in voice register dn configuration mode is not commonly used for Cisco Unified SIP SRST.


The following example shows how to forward all incoming calls to extension 5005 if an incoming call is forwarded to extension 5001, and extension 5001 is busy or does not answer.

Router(config)# voice register dn 4
Router(config-register-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward b2bua mailbox 5005


The following example shows how to forward calls to extension 5005 if an incoming call is forwarded to extension 5001 on pool number 4, and extension 5001 is busy or does not answer.

Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Router(config-register-pool)# number 5001
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward b2bua mailbox 5005

call-forward b2bua night-service

To automatically forward calls to another number during night-service hours, use the call-forward b2bua night-service command in voice register dn configuration mode. To remove the code, use the no form of this command.

call-forward b2bua night-service target-number

no call-forward b2bua night-service

Syntax Description


Phone number to which calls are forwarded.

Command Default

Calls are not forwarded during night-service hours.

Command Modes

Voice register dn configuration: (config-register-dn)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product




Cisco Unified CME 11.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You need to configure the night-service bell command under voice register dn. Night-service hours are defined using the night-service date and night-service day commands.

A voice register dn can have all other types of call forwarding defined at the same time: all-calls, no-answer, busy, and night-service. Each type of call forwarding can have a different forwarding destination defined in its target-number argument. If more than one type of call forwarding is in effect (is active) at one time, the precedence order for evaluating the different types is as follows:

  • call forward night-service (only during night service hours)

  • call forward all

  • call forward busy and call forward no answer


The following example defines a call forward night-service configuration under voice register dn :

Router(config)# voice register dn tag
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward b2bua night-service

call-forward b2bua noan

To enable call forwarding for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) so that incoming calls to an extension that does not answer after a configured amount of time are forwarded to another extension, use the call forward b2bua noan command in voice register dn or voice register pool configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward b2bua noan directory-number timeout seconds

no call-forward b2bua noan

Syntax Description

directory number

Telephone number to which calls are forwarded. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number. Maximum length of the telephone number is 32.

timeout seconds

Number of seconds that a call can ring with no answer before the call is forwarded to another extension. Range is 3 to 60000. Default is 20.

Command Default

Feature is disabled.

Command Modes

Voice register dn configuration (config-register-dn)
Voice register pool configuration (config-register-pool)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.4 Cisco SIP SRST 3.4

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed from voice register pool configuration mode for Cisco Unified CME only.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command with modifications was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command in voice register dn configuration mode applies the call forward mechanism to a individual SIP extension in Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Unified SIP SRST that remains unanswered after a specified length of time. This command in voice register pool configuration mode is for Cisco Unified SIP SRST only and applies to SIP IP phones on which the extension appears.

If this command is configured in both the voice register dn and voice register pool configuration modes, the configuration under voice register dn takes precedence.

We recommend that you do not use this command to configure a SIP extension or SIP IP phone that is a member of a hunt group. If this command is configured for a member of a hunt group, remove the phone from any hunt group to which it is assigned to avoid forwarding calls to all phones in the hunt group.

The call-forward b2bua all command takes precedence over the call-forward b2bua busy and call-forward b2bua noan commands.


This command in voice register dn configuration mode is not commonly used for Cisco Unified SIP SRST.


The following example shows how to forward calls to extension 5005 when extension 5001 is unanswered. The timeout before the call is forwarded to extension 5005 is 10 seconds.

Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Router(config-register-pool)# number 5001
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward b2bua noan 5005 timeout 10


The following example shows how to forward calls to extension 5005 when extension 5001 on pool number 4 is unanswered. The timeout before the call is forwarded to extension 5005 is 10 seconds.

Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Router(config-register-pool)# number 5001
Router(config-register-pool)# call-forward b2bua noan 5005 timeout 10

call-forward b2bua unreachable


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)XJ, the call forward b2bua unreachable command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To forward calls to a phone that is not registered to Cisco Unified CME, use the call forward b2bua unreachable command in voice register dn or voice register pool configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward b2bua unreachable directory-number

no call-forward b2bua unreachable

Syntax Description

directory number

Telephone number to which calls are forwarded. Represents a fully qualified E.164 number.

Command Default

Feature is disabled

Command Modes

Voice register dn configuration (config-register-dn)
Voice register pool configuration (config-register-pool)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release




Cisco CME 3.4

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was removed in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

Call forward unreachable is triggered when a call arrives for a destination that is configured but unregistered with Cisco CME. A destination is considered to be configured if its number is listed under the voice register pool or voice register dn configurations.

If call forward unreachable is not configured for a pool or directory number (DN) register, any calls that match the numbers in that pool or DN register will use call forward busy instead.

We recommend that you do not use this command with hunt groups. If the command is used, consider removing the phone from any assigned hunt groups, unless you want to forward calls to all phones in the hunt group.


The following example shows how to forward calls to extension 5005 when extension 5001 on directory number 4 is unreachable, either because it is unplugged or the network between the Cisco router and the extension is nonfunctional. The timeout before the call is forwarded to extension 5005 is 10 seconds.

Router(config)# voice register pool 4
Router(config-register-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-register-dn)# call-forward b2bua unreachable 5005 timeout 10

call-forward busy

To configure call forwarding so that incoming calls to a busy extension (ephone-dn) are forwarded to another extension, use the call forward busy command in ephone - dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward busy target-number [primary | secondary] [dialplan-pattern]

no call-forward busy

Syntax Description


Phone number to which calls are forwarded.


(Optional) Call forwarding is selectively applied only to the dial peer created for the primary number for this ephone-dn.


(Optional) Call forwarding is selectively applied only to the dial peer created for the secondary number for this ephone-dn.


(Optional) Call forwarding is selectively applied only to dial peers created for this ephone-dn by the dial-plan pattern.

Command Default

Call forwarding for a busy extension is not enabled.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-dn-ephone)
Ephone-dn-template configuration (config-ephone-dn-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco ITS 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco ITS 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

The primary , secondary , and dialplan-pattern keywords were added, and this command was made available in ephone-dn-template configuration mode.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command with the primary , secondary , and dialplan-pattern keywords added, and this command in ephone-dn-template configuration mode was integrated into Cisco IOS 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

The call forwarding mechanism is applied to an individual extension (ephone-dn) and is not applied to the phone on which the extension appears.

Normally, call forwarding is applied to all dial peers that are created by the ephone-dn. An ephone-dn can create up to four dial peers:

  • A dial peer for the primary number
  • A dial peer for the secondary number
  • A dial peer for the primary number as expanded by the dialplan-pattern command
  • A dial peer for the secondary number as expanded by the dialplan-pattern command

The primary , secondary , and dialplan-pattern keywords allow you to apply call forwarding selectively to one or more dial peers based on the exact called number that was used to route the call to the ephone-dn. If none of the optional keywords is used, call forwarding applies to all dial-peers that are defined for the ephone-dn.

An ephone-dn can have all four types of call forwarding defined at the same time: all-calls, no-answer, busy, and night-service. Each type of call forwarding can have a different forwarding target defined in its target-number argument. If more than one type of call forwarding is in effect (is active) at one time, the precedence order for evaluating the different types is as follows:

  1. call forward night service
  2. call forward all
  3. call forward busy and call forward no answer

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example forwards all calls for the ephone-dn 2345 when it is busy.

Router(config)# ephone-dn 236
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2345
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
 busy 2000

The following example uses an ephone-dn template to forward calls for extension 2345 when it is busy.

Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 6
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# call-forward
 busy 2000
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 236
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2345
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 6

The following example creates a dial-plan pattern to expand extension numbers into E.164 numbers. It then sets call forwarding of incoming calls to directory number 5005. In this example, call forwarding on busy is applied only when callers dial the primary number for this ephone-dn, 5001.

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# dialplan-pattern 1 40855501.. extension-length 4 extension-pattern 50..
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001 secondary 5002
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
 busy 5005 primary

call-forward max-length

To restrict the number of digits that can be entered using the CfwdALL soft key on an IP phone, use the call forward max-length command in ephone-dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To remove a restriction on the number of digits that can be entered, use the no form of this command.

call-forward max-length length

no call-forward max-length

Syntax Description


Number of digits that can be entered using the CfwdAll soft key on an IP phone.

Command Default

There is no restriction on the number of digits that can be entered.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-dn-ephone)
Ephone-dn-template configuration (config-ephone-dn-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was made available in ephone-dn-template configuration mode.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command in ephone-dn-template configuration mode was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to prevent a phone user from using the CfwdALL soft key on an IP phone to forward calls to numbers that will incur toll charges when they receive forwarded calls.

If the length argument is set to 0, the CfwdALL soft key is completely disabled. If the ephone-dn associated with the first line button has an active call forward number when this command is used to set the length argument to 0, the CfwdALL soft key will be disabled after the next phone restart.

The restriction created by this command does not apply to destinations that are entered using the Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) or the Cisco Unified CME GUI.

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example restricts the number of digits that a phone user can enter using the CfwdALL soft key to four. In this example, extensions in the phone user’s Cisco Unified CME system have four digits, so that means the user can use the IP phone to forward all calls to any extension in the system, but not to any number outside the system.

Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
 max-length 4

The following example uses an ephone-dn-template to restrict the number of digits that a phone user can enter using the CfwdALL soft key to four.

Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 4
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# call-forward
 max-length 4
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 4

call-forward night-service

To automatically forward calls to another number during night-service hours, use the call-forward night-service command in ephone-dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To disable automatic call forwarding during night service, use the no form of this command.

call-forward night-service target-number

no call-forward night-service

Syntax Description


Phone number to which calls are forwarded.

Command Default

Calls are not forwarded during night-service hours.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-dn-ephone)
Ephone-dn-template configuration (config-ephone-dn-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

You must also configure the night-service bell command for this ephone-dn.

Night-service hours are defined using the night-service date and night-service day commands.

An ephone-dn can have all four types of call forwarding defined at the same time: all-calls, no-answer, busy, and night-service. Each type of call forwarding can have a different forwarding destination defined in its target-number argument. If more than one type of call forwarding is in effect (is active) at one time, the precedence order for evaluating the different types is as follows:

  1. call forward night-service
  2. call forward all
  3. call forward busy and call forward no answer

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example establishes night-service hours from 1 p.m. Saturday until 8 a.m. Monday. During that time, calls to extension 1000 (ephone-dn 1) are forwarded to extension 2346. Note that the night-service bell command has also been used for ephone-dn 1.

 night-service day sat 13:00 12:00
 night-service day sun 12:00 08:00
 night-service code *1234
ephone-dn 1
 number 1000
 night-service bell
 call-forward night-service 2346
ephone-dn 2
 number 2346
ephone 12
 button 1:1
ephone 13
 button 1:2
The following example uses an ephone-dn template to apply call forwarding for extension 2876 during the night service hours established in the previous example.
ephone-dn-template 2
 call-forward night-service 2346
ephone-dn 25
 number 2876
 ephone-dn-template 2

call-forward noan

To configure call forwarding so that incoming calls to an extension (ephone-dn) that does not answer are forwarded to another number, use the call forward noan command in ephone - dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To disable call forwarding, use the no form of this command.

call-forward noan target-number timeout seconds [primary | secondary] [dialplan-pattern]

no call-forward noan

Syntax Description


Phone number to which calls are forwarded.

timeout seconds

Sets the duration that a call can ring with no answer before the call is forwarded to the target number. Range is from 3 to 60000. There is no default value.


(Optional) Call forwarding is selectively applied only to the dial peer created for the primary number for this ephone-dn.


(Optional) Call forwarding is selectively applied only to the dial peer created for the secondary number for this ephone-dn.


(Optional) Call forwarding is selectively applied only to dial peers created for this ephone-dn by the dial-plan pattern.

Command Default

Call forwarding for an extension that does not answer is not enabled.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-dn-ephone)
Ephone-dn-template configuration (config-ephone-dn-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco ITS 1.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco ITS 2.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

The primary , secondary , and dialplan-pattern keywords were added, and this command was made available in ephone-dn-template configuration mode.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command with modifications was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

The call forwarding mechanism is applied to an individual extension (ephone-dn) and is not applied to the phone on which the extension appears.

Normally, call forwarding is applied to all dial peers that are created by the ephone-dn. An ephone-dn can create up to four dial peers:

  • A dial peer for the primary number
  • A dial peer for the secondary number
  • A dial peer for the primary number as expanded by the dialplan-pattern command
  • A dial peer for the secondary number as expanded by the dialplan-pattern command

The primary , secondary , and dialplan-pattern keywords allow you to apply call forwarding selectively to one or more dial peers based on the exact called number that was used to route the call to the ephone-dn. If none of the optional keywords is used, call forwarding applies to all dial-peers that are defined for the ephone-dn.

An ephone-dn can have all four types of call forwarding defined at the same time: all-calls, no-answer, busy, and night-service. Each type of call forwarding can have a different forwarding target defined in its target-number argument. If more than one type of call forwarding is in effect (is active) at one time, the precedence order for evaluating the different types is as follows:

  1. call forward night service
  2. call forward all
  3. call forward busy and call forward no answer

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example forwards calls for the ephone-dn 2345 when it does not answer.

Router(config)# ephone-dn 236
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2345
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
 busy 2000
The following example uses an ephone-dn-template to forward calls for the ephone-dn 2345 when it does not answer.
Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 8
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# call-forward
 busy 2000
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 236
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2345
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 8

The following example creates a dial-plan pattern to expand extension numbers into E.164 numbers. It then sets call forwarding of incoming calls to directory number 5005. In this example, call forwarding on no answer is applied only when callers dial the primary number for this ephone-dn, 5001.

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# dialplan-pattern 1 40855501.. extension-length 4 extension-pattern 50..
Router(config-telephony)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 5001 secondary 5002
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-forward
 noan 5005 primary

call-forward pattern

To specify a pattern for calling - party numbers that are able to support the ITU-T H.450.3 standard for call forwarding, use the call forward pattern command in telephony-service configuration mode. To remove the pattern, use the no form of this command.

call-forward pattern pattern

no call-forward pattern pattern

Syntax Description


String that consists of one or more digits and wildcard markers or dots (.) to define a specific pattern. Calling parties that match a defined pattern use the H.450.3 standard if they are forwarded. A pattern of .T specifies the H.450.3 forwarding standard for all incoming calls.

Command Default

No call-forward pattern is defined.

Command Modes

Telephony-service configuration (config-telephony)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with Cisco IOS Telephony Services (ITS) V2.1, Cisco CallManager Express 3.0, or a later version.

When H.450.3 call forwarding is selected, the router must be configured with a Tool Command Language (Tcl) script that supports the H.450.3 protocol. The Tcl script is loaded on the router by using the call application voice command.

The pattern match in this command is against the phone number of the calling party. When an extension number has forwarded its calls and an incoming call is received for that number, the router sends an H.450.3 response back to the original calling party to request that the call be placed again using the forward-to destination.

Calling numbers that do not match the patterns defined using this command are forwarded using Cisco-proprietary call forwarding for backward compatibility.


The following example specifies that all 4-digit directory numbers that begin with 4 should use the H.450.3 standard whenever they are forwarded:

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# call-forward pattern 4...

The following example forwards all calls that support the H.450.3 standard:

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# call-forward pattern .T

calling-number local

To replace a calling-party number and name with the forwarding-party number and name (the local number and name) in calls forwarded using local hairpin call routing, use the calling-number local command in telephony-service configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

calling-number local [secondary]

no calling-number local

Syntax Description


(Optional) Uses the secondary number associated with the forwarding party instead of the primary number. The primary number is the default if this keyword is not used.

Command Default

Calling-party numbers and names are used in forwarded calls.

Command Modes

Telephony-service configuration

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


Cisco CME 3.0

The secondary keyword was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.3

Support was added to the default IOS voice application framework and dependency on the TCL script was removed.

Usage Guidelines

In Cisco CME 3.2 and earlier versions, this command is used with the Tool Command Language (Tcl) script app-h450-transfer. or a later version.

In Cisco CME 3.3 and later versions, this command can be used without the TCL script because the functionality is integrated into the default IOS voice application framework.

If the ephone-dn used by a forwarding party has a secondary number in addition to its primary number and neither number is registered with the gatekeeper, the primary number is the number that appears as the calling number on hairpin-forwarded calls when the calling-number local command is used. If only one of the numbers is registered with the gatekeeper, the registered number is the number that appears as the calling number. If both numbers are registered with the gatekeeper, the primary number is the number that appears as the calling number.

If the ephone-dn used by a forwarding party has a secondary number in addition to its primary number and the calling-number local secondary command is used, the secondary number is the number that appears as the calling number on hairpin-forwarded calls if both numbers are registered with the gatekeeper or if both numbers are not registered. If only one number is configured to register with the gatekeeper, the number that is registered appears as the calling number.


The following example specifies use of the name and number of the local forwarding party in hairpin-forwarded calls:

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# calling-number local

The following examples demonstrate the use of the calling-number local command without the secondary keyword.

  • The calling number for hairpin calls forwarded from ephone-dn 1 is 1234 in the following example:

calling-number local
ephone-dn 1
 number 1234 secondary 4321 no-reg
  • The calling number for hairpin calls forwarded from ephone-dn 1 is 4321 in the following example:

calling-number local
ephone-dn 1
 number 1234 secondary 4321 no-reg primary
  • The calling number for hairpin calls forwarded from ephone-dn 1 is 1234 in the following example:

calling-number local
ephone-dn 1
 number 1234 secondary 4321 no-reg both


 number 1234 secondary 4321 

The following examples demonstrate the use of the calling-number local secondary command.

  • The calling number for hairpin calls forwarded from ephone-dn 1 is 1234 in the following example:

calling-number local secondary
ephone-dn 1
 number 1234 secondary 4321 no-reg
  • The calling number for hairpin calls forwarded from ephone-dn 1 is 4321 in the following example:

calling-number local secondary
ephone-dn 1
 number 1234 secondary 4321 no-reg primary
  • The calling number for hairpin calls forwarded from ephone-dn 1 is 4321 in the following example:

calling-number local secondary
ephone-dn 1
 number 1234 secondary 4321 no-reg both


 number 1234 secondary 4321 

calling-number local (voice register global)

To replace a calling-party number and name with the forwarding-party number and name (the local number and name) in calls forwarded using local hairpin call routing, use the calling-number local command in voice register global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

calling-number local

no calling-number local

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Calling-party numbers and names are used in forwarded calls. The command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Voice register global configuration (config-register-global)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product


Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

Unified CME 12.0

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the CLI Command calling-number local in voice register global configuration mode so that the number and name of the forwarding party appears as the calling number on hairpin-forwarded calls. Once calling-number local is configured under voice register global, the calls forwarded from local SIP phones will have the calling-number and name of the last forwarded party.


The following example specifies use of the name and number of the local forwarding party in hairpin-forwarded calls:

Router(config)# voice register global
Router(config-register-global)# calling-number local

The following examples demonstrate the use of the calling-number local command.

  • The calling number for hairpin calls forwarded from voice register dn 1 is 1234 in the following example:

voice register global
calling-number local
voice register dn 1
 name Phone 1
 number 1234 


To configure call waiting notification display on the agent phone as continuous, periodic, or off, use the callqueue display command. To set the call waiting notification display to the default state of periodic (for voice hunt group) and continuous (for ephone hunt group), use the default form of this command.

callqueue display [continuous | periodic | off]

default callqueue display

Command Default

Call waiting notification is set to periodic for phones in voice hunt group, and to continuous for phones in ephone hunt group. The no form of this command also sets the call waiting display to default state.

Command Modes

Ephone-hunt configuration (config-ephone-hunt)

Voice hunt group configuration (config-voice-hunt-group)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product




Cisco Unified CME 11.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The callqueue display command is valid for both voice hunt group as well as ephone hunt group.


The following example shows how to set call waiting notification display to periodic in an ephone hunt group:

Router(config)# ephone-hunt 1
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# call
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# callqueue
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# callqueue display
Router(config-ephone-hunt)# callqueue display periodic

The following example shows how to set call waiting notification display to continuous in a voice hunt group:

Router(config)# voice hunt-group 1
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# callqueue display
Router(config-voice-hunt-group)# callqueue display continuous

call-park system

To define system parameters for the Call Park feature, use the call-park system command in telephony-service configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call-park system {application | redirect}

no call-park system {application | redirect}

Syntax Description


Enables Call Park and Directed Call Park for SCCP and SIP phones.


H.323 and SIP calls use H.450 or the SIP Refer method of call forwarding or transfer to park calls and to pick up calls from park.

Command Default

H.323 and SIP calls use hairpin call forwarding or transfer to park calls and to pick up calls from park.

Command Modes

Telephony-service configuration (config-telephony)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.


Cisco Unified CME 7.1

The application keyword and support for SIP phones was added.


Cisco Unified CME 7.1

This command has been integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.

Usage Guidelines

The application keyword selects the enhanced Call Park method supported in Cisco Unified CME 7.1 and later versions for SCCP and SIP phones.


The following example specifies that H.323 and SIP calls will use the H.450 or SIP Refer method of call forwarding or transfer to park calls and pick up calls from park:

Router(config)# telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)# call-park system redirect

call-waiting (voice register pool)

To enable call-waiting option on a SIP phone, use the call-waiting command in voice register pool configuration mode. To disable call waiting, use the no form of this command.


no call-waiting

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Feature is enabled.

Command Modes

Voice register pool configuration (call-waiting)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.4

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The call waiting feature is enabled by default on SIP phones. To disable call waiting, use the no call-waiting command.


The following example shows how to disable call waiting on SIP phone 1:

Router(config)# voice register pool 1
Router(config-register-pool)# no call-waiting

call-waiting beep

To allow call-waiting beeps to be accepted by or generated from an ephone-dn, use the call-waiting beep command in ephone-dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To disable the acceptance and generation of call-waiting beeps by an ephone-dn, use the no form of this command.

call-waiting beep [accept | generate]

no call-waiting beep [accept | generate]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Allows call-waiting beeps to be accepted by an ephone-dn.


(Optional) Allows call-waiting beeps to be generated by an ephone-dn.

Command Default

Call-waiting beeps are accepted and generated.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-ephone-dn)
Ephone-dn-template configuration (config-ephone-dn-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was made available in ephone-dn-template configuration mode.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command in ephone-dn-template configuration mode was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

The call-waiting beep command must be used with the ephone-dn command. The call-waiting beep command is used like a toggle and can be switched on and off for each ephone-dn.

A beep can be heard only if both sending and receiving ephone-dns are configured to accept call-waiting beeps.

To display how call-waiting beeps are configured, use the show running-confi g command in the privileged EXEC configuration mode. If the no call-waiting beep generate and no call-waiting beep accept commands are configured, the show running-config output will display the no call-waiting beep command.

If you configure a button to have a silent ring using the s option of the button command, you will not hear a call-waiting beep regardless of whether the ephone-dn associated with the button is configured to generate a call-waiting beep.

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example configures ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 2 not to accept and not to generate call-waiting beeps:

Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2588
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no call-waiting beep accept
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no call-waiting beep generate
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2589
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no call-waiting beep accept
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no call-waiting beep generate
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit

The following example uses an ephone-dn template to set the same attributes as in the previous example:

Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 5
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# no call-waiting beep accept
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# no call-waiting beep generate
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2588
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 5
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)# number 2589
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 5
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit

The following example configures ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 2 to switch back to accept call-waiting beeps. Ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 2 now accept but do not generate call-waiting beeps.

Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-waiting beep accept
Router(config)# ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-waiting beep accept

call-waiting ring

To allow an ephone-dn to use a ring sound for call-waiting notification, use the call-waiting ring command in ephone-dn or ephone-dn-template configuration mode. To disable the ring notification, use the no form of this command.

call-waiting ring

no call-waiting ring

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The ephone-dn accepts call waiting and uses beeps for notification.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-ephone-dn)
Ephone-dn-template configuration (config-ephone-dn-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco CME 3.2.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco CME 3.3

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was made available in ephone-dn-template configuration mode.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command in ephone-dn-template configuration mode was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

To use a ring sound for call-waiting notification on an ephone-dn, you must ensure that the ephone-dn will accept secondary calls while it is connected to another line. The acceptance of call waiting is the default ephone-dn behavior. However, the no call-waiting beep accept command can change this default so an ephone-dn does not accept call waiting. This command must be removed for ringing notification to work.

The call-waiting ring command will automatically disable a call-waiting beep configuration.

If you configure a button to have a silent ring using the s option of the button command, you will not hear a call-waiting ring regardless of whether the ephone-dn associated with the button is configured to generate a call-waiting ring.


The call-waiting ring option cannot be used on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902, Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, or Cisco Unified IP Phone 7912. Do not use the call-waiting ring command for ephone-dns associated with these types of phones.

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.


The following example configures ephone-dn 1 and ephone-dn 2 to use ringing for their call-waiting notification:

Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# call-waiting ring
Router(config)# ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)# no call-waiting ring

The following example uses an ephone-dn template to set the same attributes as in the previous example:

Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 9
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# call-waiting ring
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn-template 10
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# no 
call-waiting ring
Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 1
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 9
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit
Router(config)# ephone-dn 2
Router(config-ephone-dn)# ephone-dn-template 10
Router(config-ephone-dn)# exit


To enable USB camera capability on Cisco Unified IP Phones 9951 and 9971, use the camera command in voice register global, voice register template, and voice register pool configuration modes. To disable video capabilities on Cisco Unified IP Phones 9951 and 9971, use the no form of this command.


no camera

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

USB camera capability is disabled on Cisco Unified IP Phones 9951 and 9971.

Command Modes

Voice register global
Voice register template
Voice register pool

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable USB camera capability on Cisco Unified IP Phones 9951 and 9971. You need to create profile and apply-config or restart to the phone to enable the video capability on phones.


The following example shows camera command configured in voice register global:

Router#show run
voice service voip
 allow-connections sip to sip
 fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
voice register global
 mode cme
 bandwidth video tias-modifier 244 negotiate end-to-end
 max-pool 10
voice register template  10

The following example shows video and camera commands configured under voice register pool 5, you can also configure both camera and video commands under voice register template:

Router#show run
voice service voip
 allow-connections sip to sip
 fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
voice register global
 mode cme
 bandwidth video tias-modifier 244 negotiate end-to-end
 max-pool 10
voice register pool  1
 id mac 1111.1111.1111
voice register pool  4
voice register pool  5
 logout-profile 58
 id mac 0009.A3D4.1234


To define a string of digits that a user enters at the phone for CAPF authentication, use the capf-auth-str command in ephone configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command.

capf-auth-str digit-string

no capf-auth-str

Syntax Description


String of digits that a phone user enters at the phone for CAPF authentication.

Command Default

No authentication string exists for the phone.

Command Modes

Ephone configuration (config-ephone)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used with Cisco Unified CME phone authentication to create or remove an authentication string (Personal Identification Number or PIN) for the specified secure ephone. Use this command if the auth-string keyword is specified in the auth-mode command. Once you specify a CAPF authentication string, it becomes part of the ephone configuration. This value can also be set globally or per ephone using the auth-string command in CAPF configuration mode.

Use the show capf-server auth-str command to display configured authentication strings.

When a phone is configured for a certificate upgrade that requires auth-string authentication, the CAPF initiation needs to be performed manually by the phone user using the following steps:

  1. Press the Settings button.
  2. If the configuration is locked, press **# (asterisk, asterisk, pound sign) to unlock it.
  3. Scroll down the menu and select Security Configuration.
  4. Scroll down the next menu to LSC and press the Update soft key.
  5. When prompted for the authentication string, enter the string provided by the system administrator.


The following example specifies the type of authentication for ephone 392 is an authentication string that is entered from the phone, and then defines the string as 38593.

ephone 392
 button 1:23 2:24 3:25
 device-security-mode authenticated
 cert-oper upgrade auth-mode auth-string
 capf-auto-str 38593


To enter CAPF-server configuration mode to set CAPF server parameters, use the capf-server command in global configuration mode. To remove the CAPF server configuration, use the no form of this command.


no capf-server

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

No CAPF server configuration is present.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used with Cisco Unified CME phone authentication.


The following example sets parameters for the CAPF server:

Router(config)# capf-server
Router(config-capf-server)# source address
Router(config-capf-server)# trustpoint-label server25
Router(config-capf-server)# cert-oper upgrade all
Router(config-capf-server)# cert-enroll-trustpoint server12 password 0 x8oWiet
Router(config-capf-server)# auth-mode auth-string
Router(config-capf-server)# auth-string generate all
Router(config-capf-server)# port 3000
Router(config-capf-server)# keygen-retry 5
Router(config-capf-server)# keygen-timeout 45
Router(config-capf-server)# phone-key-size 2048


To enroll the CAPF with the CA or RA, use the cert-enroll-trustpoint command in CAPF-server configuration mode. To remove an enrollment, use the no form of this command.

cert-enroll-trustpoint ca-label password {0 | 1} password-string

no cert-enroll-trustpoint

Syntax Description


PKI trustpoint label for the CA or for the RA if an RA is being used.


Values that follow apply to the password.

0 | 1

Encryption status of the password string that follows.

  • 0 —Encrypted.
  • 1 —Clear text.
This option refers to the way that you want the password to appear in show command output and not to the way that you enter the password in this command.


Alphanumeric challenge password that is required for certificate enrollment.

Command Default

The CAPF server is not enrolled with the CA or RA.

Command Modes

CAPF-server configuration (config-capf-server)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used with Cisco Unified CME phone authentication.


The following example specifies that the CAPF server should enroll with the trustpoint named server12 (the CA) using the password x8oWiet, which should be encrypted:

Router(config)# capf-server
Router(config-capf-server)# source address
Router(config-capf-server)# trustpoint-label server25
Router(config-capf-server)# cert-oper upgrade all
Router(config-capf-server)# cert-enroll-trustpoint server12 password 0 x8oWiet
Router(config-capf-server)# auth-mode auth-string
Router(config-capf-server)# auth-string generate all
Router(config-capf-server)# port 3000
Router(config-capf-server)# keygen-retry 5
Router(config-capf-server)# keygen-timeout 45
Router(config-capf-server)# phone-key-size 2048

clear cti session

To tear down the connection between a CSTA client application and Cisco Unified CME, use the clear cti session command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.

clear cti session session_id

Syntax Description


Unique numeric identifier for the session. String length is 1 to 10 characters. String value is 1 to 2147483647.

Command Default

The CTI session between the application and the router is active.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command gracefully disassociates the connection between a CSTA application and Cisco Unified CME. Use this command to direct Cisco Unified CME to send a SIP BYE for the CSTA call to the application and to clean up the session internally. This command does not reset the IP phone.

To disassociate the connection without using this command, you must reboot the router or the CSTA client application.

This command has a no form, but the no form has no effect.

To determine the ID for an active CTI session, use the show cti session command.


The following example shows how to tear down session 10133 between a CSTA client application and Cisco Unified CME:

Router# clear cti session 10133

clear telephony-service conference hardware number

To drop all conference parties and clear the conference call, use the clear telephony-service conference hardware number command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear telephony-service conference hardware number number

Syntax Description


Conference telephone or extension number.

Command Default

The conference call continues with all current parties.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show telephony-service conference hardware command to display the active hardware conferences. Use the clear telephony-service conference hardware number command to clear the desired conference.


The following example clears the conference number 1111 and drops all its parties:

Router# clear telephony-service conference hardware number 1111

clear telephony-service ephone-attempted-registrations

To empty the log of ephones that unsuccessfully attempt to register with Cisco Unified CME, use the clear telephony-service ephone-attempted-registrations command in privileged EXEC configuration mode.

clear telephony-service ephone-attempted-registrations

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

The log continues to accumulate attempted ephone registrations.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

The no auto-reg-ephone command blocks the automatic registration of ephones whose MAC addresses are not explicitly listed in the configuration. When automatic registration is blocked, Cisco Unified CME records the MAC addresses of phones that attempt to register but cannot because they are blocked.

Use the show ephone attempted-registrations command to view the list of phones that have attempted to register but have been blocked. The clear telephony-service ephone-attempted-registrations command clears the list.


The following example clears the attempted-registrations log.

Router# clear telephony-service ephone-attempted-registrations

clear telephony-service xml-event-log

To clear the event table used for the Cisco Unified CME XML application, use the clear telephony-service xml-event-log command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear telephony-service xml-event-log

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

The XML event table is not cleared.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

The show fb-its-log command displays the contents of the XML event table.


The following example clears the entries from the XML event table:

Router# clear telephony-service xml-event-log

clear voice fac statistics

To clear the voice FAC statistics information, use the clear voice fac statistics command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

clear voice fac statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or value.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC.

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.5

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the voice Forced Authentication Code (FAC) statistics information collected by the system.

Router #clear voice fac statistics

clear voice lpcor statistics

To clear all logical partitioning class of restriction (LPCOR) statistics that are displayed when the show voice lpcor statistics command is used, use the clear voice lpcor statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear voice lpcor statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Statistics continue to increment.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command resets all LPCOR failed-call statistics to 0. Use the show voice lpcor statistics command to display the current statistics.


The following example resets the LPCOR statistics:

Router# clear voice lpcor statistics

clear voice moh-group statistics

To clear the display of MOH subsystem statistics information and reset the packet counters, use the clear voice moh-group statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear voice moh-group statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

yCisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 8.0 Cisco Unified SRST 8.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the display of MOH subsystem statistics information displayed by the show voice moh-group statistics command.

We recommend that the clear voice moh-group statistics should be used once every two years to reset the packet counters. Each packet counter is of 32 bit size limit and the largest count a packet counter can hold is 4294967296 intervals. This means that with 20 milliseconds packet interval (for G.711), the counters will restart from 0 any time after 2.72 years (2 years and 8 months).


Router# clear voice moh-group statistics 
All moh group stats are cleared

clear voice register attempted-registrations

To clear the attempted-registrations, use the clear voice register attempted-registrations command in voice register global mode.

clear voice register attempted registrations [ip ip-address | mac H. H. H]

Syntax Description

ip ip-address

(Optional) IP address of the SIP phone attempting to register.

mac H.H.H

(Optional) MAC address of the SIP phone attempting to register.

Command Default

The attempted-registration entries are not cleared.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC.

Command History

Cisco IOS Release

Cisco Product



Cisco Unified CME 8.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to delete the entries in the attempted-registration table. The clear voice register attempted-registrations command does not alter the table size, but clears the existing entries. A user confirmation is sought before the cleanup is done.

The primary key to recognize the SIP phones that fail to register is through their MAC address (hardware address) and the secondary key is the IP address. You can clear the attempted registration entry for a specific phone that failed to register by providing its IP address or MAC address and create more space for new attempted registration entries in the attempted-registrations table. When no options (IP or MAC) are selected, all the entries are removed. A user confirmation is sought in such a case, before clearing the attempted-registrations table.

The ip keyword allows you to delete entries corresponding to a specific IP address. Similarly, the mac keyword allows you to clear the entries related to a specific MAC address. User confirmation is not sought if ip or mac option is used.


Router # clear voice regis attempted-registrations
This will clear all the entries. Proceed? Yes/No? [no]: Yes

Router# clear voice register attempted-registrations ?
  ip   IP Address of the phone
  mac  MAC Address of the phone


To specify the generation of different phone configuration files by type of phone or by individual phone, use the cnf-file command in telephony-service configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command.

cnf-file {perphonetype | perphone}

no cnf-file {perphonetype | perphone}

Syntax Description