CDR Analysis and Reporting
Provides an overview of CDR Analysis and Reporting, a tool
that is used to create user, system, device, and billing reports.
CDR Analysis and Reporting Tool
Provides the procedures for configuring the CDR Analysis and
Reporting (CAR), CDR service and enterprise parameters and for logging in and
out of CAR.
User Reports
User Reports Overview
Assists the user in understanding the purpose of CAR User
reports and how they are organized.
Bills User Reports
Provides procedures for configuring Individual Bills and
Department Bills CAR User reports.
Top N User Reports
Provides procedures for configuring Top N by Charge, Top N
by Duration, and Top N by Number of Calls CAR User reports.
Assistant User Reports
Provides procedures for configuring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Assistant Usage CAR User reports.
IP Phone Service User Reports
Provides procedures for configuring Cisco IP Phone CAR User
Review User Reports Results
Describes the results of CAR User reports and provides
examples of each report.
System Reports
CAR System Reports
Assists the user in understanding the purpose of CAR System
reports and how they are organized.
QoS System Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the QoS Detail, QoS
Summary, QoS by Gateway, and QoS by Call Types CAR system reports.
Traffic System Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Traffic Summary and
Traffic Summary by Extensions CAR system reports.
FAC/CMC System Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Client Matter Code,
Authorization Code Name, and Authorization Level CAR System reports.
Malicious Call Details System Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Malicious Call
Details CAR System report.
Precedence Call Summary System Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Precedence Call
Summary CAR System report.
System Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the System Overview CAR
System reports.
CDR Error System Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the CDR Error CAR System
System Reports Results
Describes the results of the CAR System reports and provides
examples of each report.
Device Reports
CAR Device Reports
Assists the user in understanding the purpose of CAR Device
reports and how they are organized.
Gateway Device Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Gateway Detail,
Gateway Summary, and Gateway Utilization CAR Device report.
Route Pattern and Hunt Pilot Device Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Route and Line Group
Utilization, Route/Hunt List Utilization, and Route Pattern/Hunt Pilot
Utilization CAR Device reports.
Conference Bridge Device Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Conference Call
Details and Conference Bridge Utilization CAR Device reports.
Voice Messaging Utilization Device Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Voice Messaging
Utilization CAR Device report.
Trunk Device Reports
Provides procedures for configuring the Route and Line Group
Utilization, Route/Hunt List Utilization, and Route Pattern/Hunt Pilot
Utilization CAR Device reports.
CAR Device Reports Results
Describes the results of the CAR Device reports and provides
examples of each report.
Assists the user in understanding Call Detail Records (CDRs)
and how they are created.
CDR Search
Provides procedures for configuring CAR CDR Search by User
Extension, by Gateway, by Cause for Call Termination, by Call Precedence
Levels, and by Malicious Calls.
CDR and CMR Records
Provides procedures for exporting CDR and CMR records and
viewing the results of the exported records.
CDR Search
Assists the user in understanding the results of CDR Search.
CAR System Parameters
Provides procedures for configuring the Mail Server
Parameters, the Dial Plan, the Gateways, and the CAR System Preferences.
CAR System Scheduler
Provides procedures for configuring the CDR Load Schedule
and scheduling daily, weekly, and monthly reports.
CAR System Database
Provides procedures for manually purging or reloading the
CAR system database and configuring the automatic system database purge.
CAR System Event Log
Provides procedures for generating the CAR system Event Log.
Report Configuration
CAR Reports Configurations
Assists the user in understanding the purpose of CAR reports
and how they are configured.
CAR Rating Engine
Provides procedures for setting the base rate and duration
and factoring the time of day and voice quality into the call cost.
CAR Reports QoS Values
Provides procedures for configuring the quality of service
parameters, including lost packets, jitter, and latency values for CAR reports.
Automatic Generation of CAR Reports and Alerts
Provides a list of all reports that are available for
automatic generation, the procedures for configuring the automatic generation
of CAR reports, and how to enable and disable alerts by e-mail.
CAR Reports Notification Limits
Provides procedures for configuring the QoS and daily charge
notification limits for administrator e-mail alerts for various CAR reports.