Dial Plan Configuration

Dialed Number Analyzer allows analysis of a configured Cisco Unified Communications Manager dial plan and provides details about the call flow of dialed digits. In the predeployment stage, you can use the tool to identify problems in a complex dial plan and fine tune the dial plan. You can also use the tool, after the dial plan is deployed, to identify real-time problems in the call flow of dialed digits.

Using Dialed Number Analyzer to analyze dial plans for a cluster of Cisco Unified Communications Manager systems and numerous devices may enable you to access the windows and enter data for analysis quickly. However, you may not be able to see results after you perform the analysis. The following message is displayed:

Enable Database Synchronization

Dialed Number Analyzer replicates and uses the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database configuration to analyze calls in a dial plan. For this reason, make sure that Dialed Number Analyzer is in sync with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database before you use the tool to perform an analysis. When changes are made to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, ensure that Dialed Number Analyzer reflects the changes to facilitate analysis by using current data. Examples of database changes include addition or deletion of devices, modification of route patterns, modification of gateway configuration settings, and so on.

You can enable Dialed Number Analyzer to receive database change notifications from Cisco Unified Communications Manager whenever database changes are made by using Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. Use the following steps to enable database change notifications to Dialed Number Analyzer.

    Step 1   In Dialed Number Analyzer, choose Service > Control Center.

    The Control Center window is displayed. Database Synchronization is displayed under the Service Name-Database column.

    Step 2   By default, the system enables Database Synchronization when Dialed Number Analyzer is installed. To keep database synchronization enabled, do not modify this setting.

    Every time that you disable and enable database synchronization again, stop and start the Dialed Number Analyzer service to ensure that Dialed Number Analyzer is in sync with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. For instructions on starting the Dialed Number Analyzer service, see Activate Dialed Number Analyzer Service.

    Related Information
    Related Topics

    Disable Database Synchronization

    You can choose not to notify Dialed Number Analyzer of changes that are made to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. Use the following steps to disable notification of database changes.

      Step 1   Choose Service > Control Center.

      The Control Center window is displayed. Database Synchronization is displayed under the Service Name-Database column.

      Step 2   Click Disable in the corresponding Action column.

      Related Information
      Related Topics

      Learned Patterns

      If Call Control Discovery is configured on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster, you can dynamically insert learned patterns (hosted DN patterns from remote call-control entities) into the digit analysis Digit Analysis cache.

      You can view learned patterns in RTMT.

      Adding/Removing/Updating Learned Patterns

      The following procedures add, remove and update learned patterns.

        Step 1   To add/remove/update learned patterns, from the DNA UI, select Service > Control Center.
        Step 2   The Control Center window is displayed.
        1. To add learned patterns, in the Learned Patterns field, click Add.

          After the Learned Patterns get added, the DNA Control Center window reloads, displaying an Update option and a Remove option.


          If you restart DNA, you must add the learned patterns again.

        2. To remove learned patterns, in the Learned Patterns field, click Remove.

          After the Learned Patterns get removed, the DNA Control center windows reloads, displaying only the Add option.

        3. To update the learned patterns, in the Learned Patterns field, click Update.

          After the Learned Patterns get updated, the DNA Control center window reloads, displaying the Update and Remove options.


          Be aware that DNA does not automatically update after a new list of learned patterns gets generated. You must click Update to update the learned patterns.

          For more information

          Call Control Discovery chapter of the System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

        Perform Simple Analysis

        Simple analysis involves entering calling party and called party digits in Dialed Number Analyzer and choosing a calling search space for the analysis. Dialed Number Analyzer uses this calling search space and analyzes the dialed digits. You need not choose specific devices or provide other input. Dialed Number Analyzer allows analysis of a route pattern, translation pattern, phone DN, or CTI Route Point.

        Use this procedure only when you want to perform a quick analysis by entering dialed digits, selecting a calling search space, and entering the time and date of the calling party for analysis. Analysis results that are obtained by using this procedure do not display details like partitions, AAR calling search space details, and so on in the Calling Party Information section. Enter a calling party number that is not associated with a device that is configured in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system, because you do not choose a specific device to dial digits.

        You can enter numerals, the symbols # and *, and the alphabet letters A, a, B, b, C, c, D, and d in the Dialed Digits and Calling Party fields for analysis.

        Access Dialed Number Analyzer and use the following procedure to perform a simple analysis.

        Before You Begin


        If time of day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you must choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. Even when you select a specific time zone for analysis, the DNA output varies—for example, "Blocking the call" when the call is actually routed for the desired time zone.

        Consider this example:

        • Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the default time zone in DNA and is used to compute the time of day.

        • For time of day settings to take effect, you must configure the day and time settings with reference to GMT.

        • For a time zone of GMT+9, a business hour time schedule of 9:00 am to 6 pm (0900 to 1800) GMT will route the call from 6:00 pm to to 3:00 am (18:00-03:00), which is GMT+9.

          Step 1   Choose Analysis > Analyzer.

          The Analyzer window is displayed. Enter input for the analyzer in this window.

          Step 2   Under Analyzer Input, enter the calling party information in one of the following fields:
          • If you want to use either a phone number, directory number, or SIP route pattern for the calling party information, enter the digits in the Calling Party field. By default, this option is selected with 1000 displayed in the field.
          • If you want to use a directory URI, click the Directory URI radio button and enter a URI address in the Directory Number URI field.
          Step 3   Under Dialed Digit Settings, enter the information for the called party in the relevant fields:
          • If you want to dial a phone number or directory number, enter the digits for the number you are dialing in the Dialed Digits field. By default, this option is selected.
          • If you want to dial a directory URI, click the Directory URI radio button and enter the URI address in the Directory Number URI field.

            If you want to perform analysis on a third party +E.164 imported pattern in fully qualified format (for example, pattern@domain), you must enter the pattern in the directory URI field and use domain routing. Otherwise, you can enter the pattern in the Dialed Digits field.

          Step 4   In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if applicable, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

          If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


          You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

          Step 5   From the Calling Search Space drop-down list box, choose the calling search space used to analyze the dialed digits. A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched to determine how a dialed number should be routed.
          Step 6   From the Device Time Zone drop-down box, choose the time zone of the calling party. The time zone is displayed by default. This time zone represents the time zone information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed.

          The system uses this time zone for analysis only when the partition time zone setting is configured to Originating Device, in the Partition Configuration window in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

          Step 7   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled, leave the default settings.

          The local time and date display by default in the Date and Time drop-down list boxes. This time and date represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed.

          1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Standard Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
          2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
          3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
          Step 8   To start the analysis, click Do Analysis or to clear the fields and to reenter data, click Clear.

          After you click Do Analysis, Dialed Number Analyzer analyzes the dialed digits and displays the results in a new window that is called DNA Analysis Output window. You can simply view the results or save the results in a file format on your PC for later use.

          Step 9   To save the results, in the upper, right corner of the DNA Analysis Output window, click Save.

          The File Download dialog is displayed.

          Step 10   Click Save.

          The Save As dialog is displayed. Browse to a location on your PC where you want to save the file.

          Step 11   Click Save.

          The system saves the results in an XML file on your PC. The saved file has the following naming convention:


          where <callingparty> and <dialeddigits> specify the digits that are entered in the Calling Party and Dialed Digits fields, respectively.

          Step 12   In the Download Complete dialog box, click Close to complete the Save As procedure.

          For instructions on how to view the saved XML file in the browser, see the View Output Files section.

          Step 13   Close the DNA Analysis Output window.

          Related Information
          Related Topics

          Phone Analysis

          Dialed Number Analyzer provides a Phones window where you can find and list phones by device name, description, directory number, Directory URI, calling search space device pool, device type, and call pickup group. You can find a phone and choose it as a calling device for the analysis that you want to perform. You can further choose a configured phone line (directory number) and use it as a calling party number.

          Use the following topics to choose a phone and a phone line and to carry out analysis by using that phone line:

          Find Phone

          Dialed Number Analyzer allows you to locate a phone that you can use to analyze dialed digits from that phone. Use the following procedure to locate a phone.

            Step 1   Choose Analysis > Phones.

            The Find and List Phones window is displayed.

            Step 2   From the first Find Phones where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
            1. Device Name
            2. Description
            3. Directory Number
            4. Directory URI
            5. Alternate Number
            6. Calling Search Space
            7. Device Pool
            8. Phone Type
            9. Call Pickup Group
            10. LSC Status
            11. Authentication String
            12. Device Protocol
            13. Security Profile

              The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of phones is displayed. For example, if you choose Device Name, the Device Name column is displayed as the left column of the results list.


              If you choose Directory Number, Calling Search Space, or Call Pickup Group, the options that are available in the database display.

            Step 3   From the second Find Phones where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
            1. begins with
            2. contains
            3. ends with
            4. is exactly
            5. is not empty
            6. is empty

              If you choose Calling Search Space, Device Pool, Device Type, or Call Pickup Group in the first field, you can choose a value from the drop-down list for this field.

            Step 4   Specify how many items per window to display.
            Step 5   Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.

            To find all phones, click Find without entering search text or choose Device Name in the first Find Phones where drop-down list box and "is not empty" in the second Find Phones where drop-down list box.

            A list of discovered phones that match the criteria is displayed.

            This window also lists the total number of records that are displayed.

            Step 6   To view the next set of discovered phones, click Next.
            Step 7   From the list of records, click the record that you want to open.

            The Phone Configuration window is displayed.

            Step 8   Continue with Choose Phone Line.

            Related Information
            Related Topics

            Choose Phone Line

            After you identify a phone to use for analysis, you need to choose a phone line that is configured in the system. Use the following procedure to choose a phone line as the calling party.

              Step 1   Find the phone that you want to use as a calling party device by using the procedure that the Find Phone section describes.

              In the Phone Configuration window, under the Device Information column, information about the device is displayed. The address of the machine (MAC Address), the device pool to which the phone belongs, calling search space, AAR calling search space, Media Resource Group List details, and device time zone display.

              Step 2   From the list of records, choose the phone line by clicking the Line radio button for the phone line that you require.

              To return to the Find and List Phones window, in the upper, right corner of the window, choose Back to Find/List Phones from the drop-down list box and click Go.

              Step 3   Continue with the procedure in Perform Analysis by Phone.

              Related Information
              Related Topics

              Perform Analysis by Phone

              After you identify a phone and chosen a phone line, you can enter dialed digits for analysis. This section describes how to perform analysis by using the chosen phone line.

                Step 1   Find the phone that you want to use as a calling party device by using the procedure in the Find Phone section. The Phone Configuration window is displayed.

                The time zone that is configured for the phone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Device Time Zone field.

                Step 2   Choose a phone line by using the procedure in the Choose Phone Line section.
                Step 3   Under Dialed Digits settings, enter the information for the called party in the relevant field:
                • If you are dialing a phone number, directory number, or SIP route pattern, enter the digits for the number you are dialing in the Dialed Digits field. By default, this option is selected.
                • If you are dialing a directory URI, click the Directory URI radio button and enter the URI address in the Directory Number URI field.
                Step 4   In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

                Step 5   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled, leave the default settings.

                The local time and date display by default. This time and date represent the time zone information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed.

                1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
                2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                Step 6   Click Do Analysis.

                Dialed Number Analyzer chooses the Calling Search Space of the chosen phone line and device for the analysis. The results display in a new window that is called the DNA Analysis Output window. You can simply view the results or save the results in a file format on your PC for later use.

                Step 7   To save the results, in the upper, right corner of the window, click Save.

                The File Download dialog is displayed.

                Step 8   Click Save.

                The Save As dialog is displayed. Browse to a location on your PC where you want to save the file.

                Step 9   Click Save.

                The results get saved in an XML file on your PC. The saved file has the following naming convention:


                where <dialeddigits> specifies the dialed digits that are entered in the Dialed Digits field.

                Step 10   To complete the Save As procedure, click Close in the Download Complete dialog box.

                For instructions on how to view the saved XML file in the browser, see the View Output Files section.

                Step 11   Close the DNA Analysis Output window.

                You can use the DNA Analysis Output window to enter new data in the fields and perform another analysis by using the steps in the Phone Analysis section.

                Related Information
                Related Topics

                Gateway Analysis

                Dialed Number Analyzer allows you to find and list gateways through which Cisco Unified Communications Manager receives inbound calls. From the list of gateways, you can choose gateway endpoints to dial digits and analyze the call flow of inbound calls to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager system. You can choose gateway endpoints that are configured in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system.

                Use the following topics to find gateways, choose gateway endpoints, enter dialed digits, and perform analysis:

                Find Gateway

                You can find and list gateways by device name, description, DN/route pattern, device type, calling search space, route group, and device pool. This section describes the procedure to find gateways.

                  Step 1   Choose Analysis > Gateways.

                  The Find and List Gateways window is displayed.

                  Step 2   From the first Find gateways where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
                  1. Name
                  2. Description
                  3. DN/Route Pattern
                  4. Calling Search Space Name
                  5. Device Pool Name
                  6. Route Group Name
                  7. Gateway Type

                    The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of gateways is displayed. For example, if you choose Device Name, the Device Name column is displayed as the left column of the results list.


                    If you choose DN/Route Pattern, Calling Search Space, or Route Group, the options that are available in the database display.

                  Step 3   From the second Find gateways where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
                  1. begins with
                  2. contains
                  3. is exactly
                  4. ends with
                  5. is not empty
                  6. is empty

                    If you choose Calling Search Space, Device Pool, Route Group, or Device Type in the first field, you can choose a value from the drop-down list for this field.

                  Step 4   Specify how many items per window to display.
                  Step 5   Specify whether endpoints of gateways must be shown or hidden.
                  Step 6   Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.

                  To find all gateways, click Find without entering search text or choose Device Name in the first Find gateways where drop-down list box and "is not empty" in the second Find gateways where drop-down list box.

                  A list of gateways that matches the criteria is displayed. The information that is displayed differs for different gateway models.

                  This window also lists the total number of devices.

                  Step 7   To view the next set of discovered gateways, click Next.

                  Choose Gateway Endpoints

                  After you find gateways that match your search criteria, you need to choose gateway endpoints and enter calling and called party information. Use the following steps to choose gateway endpoints.

                    Step 1   Find the gateway that you want to use by using the procedure in the Find Gateway section.
                    Step 2   From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Gateways window, choose a gateway. Choose from the following types of gateways:
                    1. Cisco IOS MGCP Gateway
                    2. Non-IOS MGCP Gateway
                    3. Cisco IOS H.323 Gateway
                    4. Analog Access Gateway
                    5. Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway
                    6. Cisco IOS SCCP Gateway

                      Depending on the type of gateway, different information is displayed.

                      Use the following topics to choose gateway endpoints for each gateway type:

                    7. Choose IOS gateways
                    8. Choose Non-IOS Gateways
                    9. Choose IOS H.323 Gateways
                    10. Choose Analog Access Gateways
                    11. Choose Analog Phone Gateways

                    Choose IOS gateways

                    After you find gateways that match your search criteria, you can choose Cisco IOS MGCP gateway endpoints and Cisco IOS SCCP Gateways. The following list comprises Cisco IOS MGCP gateways:

                    • Cisco Voice Gateway 200 (VG200)
                    • Cisco IOS 269X, 26XX, 364X, 366X, 3725, 3745 gateways
                    • Cisco Catalyst 4000 Access Gateway Module
                    • Cisco Catalyst 4224 Voice Gateway Switch
                    • Communication Media Module
                    • Cisco IAD2400

                    Use the following steps to choose Cisco IOS MGCP/IOS SCCP gateway endpoints for analysis.

                    Find the gateway that you want to use by using the procedure in the Find Gateway section.

                    You can use two ways to access Cisco IOS MGCP/IOS SCCP gateway endpoints. You can directly access the Endpoint Identifiers from the Gateway Configuration window, or you can first see a list of all the configured endpoints in a new window and then choose one of them.

                    Use one of the following procedures.

                    1. From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Gateways window, click the gateway that you want to use.
                      • The Gateway Configuration window is displayed and lists the installed Voice Interface Cards and Endpoint Identifiers for each card. The endpoint identifiers represent configured ports for the chosen devices.
                      • From the list of endpoint identifiers, click the required endpoint. The appropriate window is displayed and shows gateway information and port information.

                        The time zone that is configured for the gateway in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Device Time Zone field.

                      • In the Calling Party field, the calling party number that is configured for this endpoint is displayed.
                      • In the Dialed Digits field, enter the digits you want to dial.
                      • In the Pattern Analysis field, check the check box corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                        If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                        You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

                      • Choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis only if Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. If not, leave the default settings.

                        The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                        From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.

                        From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.

                        From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.

                      • Click Do Analysis to analyze the call flow for the dialed digits.
                      • Use the steps in Perform Gateway Analysis section to complete the analysis procedure.
                    2. From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Gateways window, click the See Endpoints link in the record that you want to use.

                      The endpoints display in a new window. You can choose BRI and analog endpoints for analysis.

                      • From the list of endpoints in the new window, click the record that you want to use. The Gateway Configuration window is displayed and shows Gateway Information and Port Information.

                        The time zone that is configured for the endpoint in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Device Time Zone field.

                      • In the Calling Party field, the calling party number that is configured for this endpoint is displayed.
                      • In the Dialed Digits field, enter the digits you want to dial.
                      • In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                        If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                        You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

                      • If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, leave the default settings.

                        The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                        From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.

                        From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.

                        From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.

                      • To analyze the call flow for the dialed digits, click Do Analysis.

                        Use the steps in Perform Gateway Analysis section to complete the analysis procedure.


                      Gateways include one or more configured ports with multiple endpoints. All ports for the chosen gateway display in the left frame of the Gateway Configuration window. Click another endpoint to go to that endpoint Gateway Configuration window.


                      In the upper, right corner or the lower, right corner of the Gateway Configuration window, choose Back to MGCP Configuration from the Related Links drop-down list box to return to the Gateway Configuration window. To return to the discovered gateways on the Find and List Gateways window, choose Back to Find/List Gateways.

                    Related Information
                    Related Topics

                    Choose Non-IOS Gateways

                    After you find gateways that match your search criteria, you can choose Non-IOS MGCP gateway endpoints. The following list comprises Non-IOS MGCP gateways:

                    • Cisco Catalyst 6000 E1 VoIP Gateway
                    • Cisco Catalyst 6000 T1 VoIP Gateway
                    • Cisco DT-24+ or DE-30+ Digital Access Trunk Gateway

                    Use the following procedure to choose Non-IOS MGCP gateway endpoints for analysis.

                      Step 1   Find the gateway that you want to use by using the procedure in the Find Gateway section.
                      Step 2   From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Gateways window, click the Non-IOS MGCP gateway that you want to use.

                      The Gateway Configuration window is displayed and shows Device Information and Call Routing Information.


                      The time zone that is configured for the gateway in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Time Zone field.

                      Step 3   In the Calling Party field, the calling party number that is configured for this endpoint is displayed.
                      Step 4   In the Dialed Digits field, enter the digits you want to dial.
                      Step 5   In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                      If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                      You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

                      Step 6   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, leave the default settings.

                      The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                      1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
                      2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                      3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                      Step 7   To analyze the call flow for the dialed digits, click Do Analysis.
                      Step 8   Follow the steps in Perform Gateway Analysis section to complete the analysis procedure.

                      In the upper, right corner or the lower, right corner of the window, choose Back to Find/List Gateways from the Related Links drop-down list box to return to the discovered gateways on the Find and List Gateways window.

                      Related Information
                      Related Topics

                      Choose IOS H.323 Gateways

                      After you find a list of gateways that match your search criteria, you can choose Cisco IOS H.323 gateway endpoints. Use the following procedure to choose Cisco IOS H.323 gateway endpoints for analysis.

                        Step 1   Find the gateway that you want to use by using the procedure in the Find Gateway section.
                        Step 2   From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Gateways window, click the Cisco IOS H.323 gateway that you want to use. The Gateway Configuration window is displayed and shows Device Information and Call Routing Information.

                        The time zone that is configured for the gateway in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Time Zone field.

                        Step 3   In the Calling Party field, the calling party number that is configured for this endpoint is displayed.
                        Step 4   In the Dialed Digits field, enter the digits you want to dial.
                        Step 5   In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                        If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                        You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

                        Step 6   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, leave the default settings.

                        The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                        1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
                        2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                        3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                        Step 7   To analyze the call flow for the dialed digits, click Do Analysis.
                        Step 8   Use the steps in Perform Gateway Analysis section to complete the analysis procedure.

                        In the upper, right corner or the lower, right corner of the window, click the Back to Find/List Gateways link to return to the discovered gateways on the Find and List Gateways window.

                        Related Information
                        Related Topics

                        Choose Analog Access Gateways

                        After you find a list of gateways that match your search criteria, you can choose Analog Access gateway endpoints. Analog Access gateways comprises of Cisco Catalyst 6000 24 Port FXS Gateways.

                        Use the following procedure to choose Analog Access gateway endpoints for analysis.

                          Step 1   Find the gateway that you want to use by using the procedure in the Find Gateway section.
                          Step 2   From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Gateways window, click the Analog Access gateway that you want to use.

                          The Gateway Configuration window is displayed and shows all the ports that are configured for the gateway in the left frame.


                          The time zone that is configured for the gateway in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Time Zone field.

                          Step 3   Click the port that you require to make a call.

                          The Gateway Configuration window is displayed.

                          Step 4   In the Calling Party field, the calling party number that is configured for this endpoint is displayed.
                          Step 5   In the Dialed Digits field, enter the digits you want to dial.
                          Step 6   In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                          If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                          You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.


                          The outgoing SIP call must go through a SIP trunk.

                          Step 7   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, leave the default settings.

                          The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                          1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
                          2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                          3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                          Step 8   To analyze the call flow for the dialed digits, click Do Analysis.
                          Step 9   Use the steps in Perform Gateway Analysis section to complete the analysis procedure.

                          In the upper, right corner or the lower, right corner of the window, click the Back to Find/List Gateways link to return to the discovered gateways on the Find and List Gateways window.

                          Related Information
                          Related Topics

                          Choose Analog Phone Gateways

                          After you find a list of gateways that matches your search criteria, you can choose Cisco VG248 Analog Phone gateway endpoints that are applicable to a Cisco VG248 Analog Phone gateway. Use the following procedure to choose Cisco VG248 Analog Phone gateway endpoints for analysis.

                            Step 1   Find the gateway that you want to use by using the procedure in the Find Gateway section.
                            Step 2   From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Gateways window, click the gateway that you want to use.

                            The Gateway Configuration window is displayed and shows all ports that are configured for the chosen gateway.


                            The time zone that is configured for the gateway in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Time Zone field.

                            Step 3   Choose and click the port that you require.

                            If you click a port that is not configured, a message is displayed to inform you that the port is not configured.

                            If you choose a configured port, the Phone Line Selection window is displayed.

                            Step 4   From the list of records, click the Line radio button for the phone line that you require.
                            Step 5   In the Dialed Digits field, enter the digits you want to dial.
                            Step 6   In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                            If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                            You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

                            Step 7   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, leave the default settings.

                            The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                            1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
                            2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                            3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                            Step 8   To analyze the call flow for the dialed digits, click Do Analysis.
                            Step 9   Use the steps in Perform Gateway Analysis section to complete the analysis procedure.

                            In the upper, right corner or the lower, right corner of the window, click the Back to Find/List Gateways link to return to the discovered gateways on the Find and List Gateways window.

                            Related Information
                            Related Topics

                            Perform Gateway Analysis

                            After you choose a gateway endpoint and entered input for analysis, you can analyze the dialed digits. Use the following procedure to do the analysis.

                              Step 1   Find the gateway that you want to use by using the procedure in the Find Gateway section.
                              Step 2   From the Find and List Gateways window, choose gateway endpoints. In the Gateway Configuration window, enter calling party or called party information by using the procedures in the following sections for different types of gateways:
                              1. Choose IOS gateways
                              2. Choose Non-IOS Gateways
                              3. Choose IOS H.323 Gateways
                              4. Choose Analog Access Gateways
                              5. Choose Analog Phone Gateways
                              Step 3   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, leave the default settings.

                              The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                              1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
                              2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                              3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                              Step 4   Click Do Analysis.

                              Dialed Number Analyzer uses the Calling Search Space that is specified for the chosen endpoint and analyzes the dialed digits. The results display in a new window called the DNA Analysis Output window. You can simply view the results or save the results in a file format on your PC for later use.

                              Step 5   To save the result, in the upper, right corner of the window, click Save.

                              The File Download dialog is displayed.

                              Step 6   Click Save.

                              The Save As dialog is displayed. Browse to a location on your PC where you want to save the file.

                              Step 7   Click Save.

                              The result gets saved as an XML file on your PC. The saved file has the following naming convention:


                              where <callingparty> and <dialeddigits> specify the calling party and the dialed digits that are entered in the Dialed Digits and Calling Party fields, respectively.

                              Step 8   In the Download Complete dialog box, click Close to complete the Save As procedure.

                              For instructions on how to view the saved XML file in the browser, see the View Output Files section.

                              Step 9   Close the DNA Analysis Output window.

                              Related Information
                              Related Topics

                              Trunk Analysis

                              Dialed Number Analyzer provides a Trunks window where you can find and list trunks through which inbound dialed digits can be analyzed. Use the following topics to find and choose a trunk and analyze dialed digits:

                              Find Trunk

                              You can find and list trunks by device name, description, calling search space, route pattern, device pool, route group, and device type. This section describes the procedure to find trunks.

                                Step 1   Choose Analysis > Trunks.

                                The Find and List Trunks window is displayed.

                                Step 2   From the first Find trunks where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
                                1. Device Name
                                2. Description
                                3. Calling Search Space
                                4. Route Pattern
                                5. Device Pool
                                6. Route Group
                                7. Trunk Type

                                  The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of gateways display. For example, if you choose Device Name, the Device Name column is displayed as the left column of the results list.


                                  If you choose Route Pattern, Calling Search Space, or Route Group, the options that are available in the database display.

                                Step 3   From the second Find trunks where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
                                1. begins with
                                2. contains
                                3. ends with
                                4. is exactly
                                5. is not empty
                                6. is empty

                                  If you choose Calling Search Space, Device Pool, Route Group, or Device Type in the first field, you can choose a value from the drop-down list for this field.

                                Step 4   Specify how many items per window to display.
                                Step 5   Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.

                                To find all trunks, click Find without entering search text or choose Device Name in the first Find trunks where drop-down list box and "is not empty" in the second Find trunks where drop-down list box.

                                A list of trunks that match the search criteria is displayed.

                                This window also lists the total number of records in this window.

                                Step 6   To view the next set of discovered trunks, click Next.

                                Related Information
                                Related Topics

                                Choose Trunk

                                After you find the trunks that you require, you need to choose a trunk. Use the following procedure to choose a trunk. You can perform analysis for SIP trunks.

                                  Step 1   Find the trunk that you want to use for analysis by using the procedure in the Find Trunk section.

                                  The Find and List Trunks window is displayed and shows trunk information.

                                  Step 2   From the list of records, choose a trunk by clicking the required record.

                                  The Trunk Configuration window is displayed.

                                  Related Information
                                  Related Topics

                                  Perform Trunk Analysis

                                  After you identify and choose a trunk, you need to enter input for analysis. Use the following procedure to enter input and perform analysis.

                                    Step 1   Find the trunk that you require by using the procedure in the Find Trunk section.
                                    Step 2   From a list of discovered trunks, choose the trunk that you require by using the steps in the Choose Trunk section.

                                    The Trunk Configuration window is displayed. Device and Call Routing information for the chosen trunk is displayed.


                                    The time zone that is configured for the trunk in Cisco Unified Communications Manager is displayed in the Device Time Zone field.

                                    Step 3   Under Analyzer Input enter the calling party information in one of the following fields:
                                    • If want to use either a phone number, directory number, or SIP route pattern for the calling party information, enter the digits in the Calling Party field. By default, the Dialed Number Analyzer selects this option.
                                    • If you want to use a directory URI, click the Directory URI radio button and enter a directory URI in the Directory URI field.
                                    Step 4   Under Dialed Digit Settings, enter the information for the called party in one of the following fields:
                                    • If you are dialing either a phone number or a directory number, enter the digits for the number you are dialing in the Dialed Digits field. By default, this option is selected.
                                    • If you are dialing a directory URI, click the Directory URI radio button and enter the directory URI in the Directory URI field.
                                    Step 5   In the Pattern Analysis field, check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis, if required, and choose Domain Route or IP Route.

                                    If you want to perform a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) analysis, make sure that you configure a SIP Route Pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For more details, see System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                                    The outgoing SIP call must go through a SIP trunk.


                                    You can perform SIP analysis only for phones that support SIP and for SIP trunks.

                                    Step 6   If Time of Day routing is enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, choose the time zone, date, and time settings for analysis. If Time of Day routing is not enabled in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, leave the default settings.

                                    The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the default Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                                    1. From the Time Zone drop-down list box, choose the time zone that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis. Greenwich Median Time (GMT) is displayed by default.
                                    2. From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose the year, month, and date that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                                    3. From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose the hour, minute, second, and millisecond that Dialed Number Analyzer must use for analysis.
                                    Step 7   Click Do Analysis.

                                    Dialed Number Analyzer uses the Calling Search Space that is specified for the trunk and analyzes the dialed digits. The results display in a new window that is called the DNA Analysis Output window. You can simply view the results or save the results in a file format on your PC for later use.

                                    Step 8   To save the results, click Save in the upper, right corner of the window.

                                    The File Download dialog is displayed.

                                    Step 9   Click Save.

                                    The Save As dialog is displayed. Browse to a location on your PC where you want to save the file.

                                    Step 10   Click Save.

                                    The result gets saved as an XML file on your PC. The saved file has the following naming convention:


                                    where <callingparty> and <dialeddigits> specify the calling party and the dialed digits that are entered in the Dialed Digits and Calling Party field, respectively.

                                    Step 11   To complete the Save As procedure, click Close in the Download Complete dialog box.

                                    For instructions on how to view the saved XML file in the browser, see the View Output Files section.

                                    Step 12   Close the DNA Analysis Output window.

                                    Related Information
                                    Related Topics

                                    Multiple Analysis

                                    Multiple Dial Plan support feature allows you to perform multiple analysis and bulk testing of dial plans.

                                    Dialed Number Analyzer (DNA) provides a Multiple Analyzer window where you can choose a CSV file that contains a list of data that is required for analysis. Then, DNA processes the CSV file and displays the bulk output results.

                                    During installation, DNATemplate.xlt installs as DNATemplate.zip on the server. Using this template, you can create a CSV file that contains multiple sets of calling party numbers with corresponding dialed digits, calling search spaces, device time zones, time zones, and date and time information.

                                    You can upload or download these files by using the Multiple Analyzer window in DNA.

                                    Use the following topics for creating a CSV input file by using the DNA template, uploading or downloading the input files, viewing the file contents, and analyzing the chosen input file.

                                    Create CSV File for Multiple Analysis

                                    To create a comma separated value (CSV) data file, use the DNATemplate.xlt file that is stored in the server during DNA installation.

                                    You can download DNATemplate.zip file on the local machine from Upload/Download Input File. For more details, seeCreate Text File for Multiple Analysis.

                                    The zip file, after extracted, gives the DNATemplate.xlt file.

                                    Use the following procedure to create the CSV data file by using the DNA template.

                                      Step 1   To open the DNA template, locate and double-click the DNATemplate.xlt file.
                                      Step 2   When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.
                                      Step 3   To display the DNA options, click the DNA tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
                                      Step 4   In Section 1–Default Fields, enter any default values that you want to apply to your queries:
                                      • Calling Party Number—Enter a phone number or SIP address to represent the caller. If you want to use a directory URI to represent the caller, check the directory URI check box and enter a directory URI in the corresponding field.
                                      • Dialed Digits—Enter a phone number or SIP address to represent the called party. If you want to use a directory URI to represent the called party, check the directory URI check box and enter the directory URI in the corresponding field.
                                      • SIP Analysis—If you want to perform SIP Analysis on dialed numbers, check the SIP Analysis check box and select the Domain Route or IP route radio button. SIP Analysis is only a valid option if the dialed number uses numeric digits—it is not a valid option if the dialed number is a directory URI. If you check SIP Analysis, the digits that you enter in the Dialed Digits (Numeric Values Only) field must be in a SIP address format (for example, sip: 2000@ip_address).

                                      For example, if you enter bob@cisco.com as the default Calling Party Number, after you export the information in the DNA template to a CSV file, bob@cisco.com populates all the rows that are created as the Calling Party Number for any DNA queries, unless a different value is populated in the Multiple Analyzer Query Table row that corresponds to that query.


                                      To enter Device Time Zone and Time Zone values, you can either use the corresponding drop-down lists or enter the index number from the list on the TimeZone Index tab on DNATemplate.xlt.

                                      Step 5   If required, in Section 2–Multiple Analyzer Query Table, enter non-default information in the corresponding column. Each row in the table represents a single DNA query. If you leave the values blank for any row, the default values will be pulled from Section 1 when you export to CSV.

                                      For the Calling Party Number and Dialed Digits parameters, you cannot enter both a numeric phone number and a directory URI.


                                      If you want to associate a calling search space (CSS) with calling party and dialed digits, enter the correct CSS values, as configured on Cisco Unified Communications Manager administration. For more information about calling search space, see the System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


                                      You can add a maximum of 500 entries in the CSV file for multiple analysis.

                                      Step 6   Click Export to CSV Format. In the dialog box that is displayed, enter the location to save the CSV file.

                                      Related Information
                                      Related Topics

                                      Create Text File for Multiple Analysis

                                      Instead of using the DNA template for data input for multiple analysis, you can create the comma separated values (CSV) file by using lines of ASCII text with commas separating the values.

                                      Use the following procedure to create a CSV text file for multiple analysis.

                                        Step 1   Open a text editor or application that allows you to export or create a CSV file.
                                        Step 2   Use a separate line to enter the values for each analysis that you want to add to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
                                        1. Specify all checkbox values with the Boolean values of True or False.
                                        2. Always include comma separators, even if a field is blank.
                                        3. An error occurs after you insert a CSV file with blank lines.

                                          See CSV File Format for Multiple Analysis for information about the CSV data file formats.

                                        Step 3   Save the completed file.

                                        Related Information
                                        Related Topics

                                        CSV File Format for Multiple Analysis

                                        The following sample shows the field length, and whether the field is optional or mandatory for a text-based CSV file for CTI ports and H.323 clients format.

                                        Calling Party Number (Mandatory, Numeric, #, *, A, B, C, or D, up to 24 characters), Dialed Digits (Mandatory, Numeric, #, *, A, B, C, or D, up to 24 characters), Calling Search Space (Optional, Should be a valid CSS name configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administrator), Device Time Zone (Optional, Numeric 1 to 53), Time Zone (Optional, Numeric 1 to 53), Date For Analysis (Optional, should be in the format YYYY-MMM-DD), Time For Analysis (Optional, should be in the format HH:MM:SS)

                                        Use Table 1 to determine the index value (1 to 53) corresponding to the time zone for the Device Time Zone and Time Zone fields.

                                        Table 1 Device Time Zone Index Values

                                        Device Time Zone

                                        Index Value

                                        (GMT-12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein


                                        (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa


                                        (GMT-10:00) Hawaii


                                        (GMT-09:00) Alaska


                                        (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana


                                        (GMT-07:00) Arizona


                                        (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)


                                        (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


                                        (GMT-06:00) Mexico City, Tegucigalpa


                                        (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan


                                        (GMT-05:00) Bogata, Lima


                                        (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


                                        (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)


                                        (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)


                                        (GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz


                                        (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland


                                        (GMT-03:00) Brasilia


                                        (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown


                                        (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic


                                        (GMT-01:00) Azores, Cape Verde Is.


                                        (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time; Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon


                                        (GMT) Monrovia, Casablanca


                                        (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Bern, Vienna


                                        (GMT+02:00) Athens, Helsinki, Istanbul


                                        (GMT+02:00) Cairo


                                        (GMT+02:00) Eastern Europe


                                        (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Paris, Madrid, Copenhagen


                                        (GMT+01:00) Prague, Warsaw, Budapest


                                        (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria


                                        (GMT+02:00) Israel


                                        (GMT+03:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Nairobi, Riyadh


                                        (GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Volgorad


                                        (GMT+03:30) Tehran


                                        (GMT+04:00) Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi


                                        (GMT+04:30) Kabul


                                        (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent


                                        (GMT+05:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo


                                        (GMT+06:00) Almaty, Dhaka


                                        (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi


                                        (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Urumqi


                                        (GMT+08:00) Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei


                                        (GMT+09:00) Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Yakutsk


                                        (GMT+09:30) Adelaide


                                        (GMT+09:30) Darwin


                                        (GMT+10:00) Brisbane


                                        (GMT+10:00) Melbourne, Sydney


                                        (GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby, Vladivostok


                                        (GMT+10:00) Hobart


                                        (GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia


                                        (GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.


                                        (GMT+12:00) Wellington, Auckland


                                        (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat


                                        (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg


                                        Sample 1



                                        Make sure that you enter a comma at the end of each line of input data.

                                        Related Information
                                        Related Topics

                                        Upload Input Files

                                        To allow DNA access to the CSV data file, you must upload the data file that was created in the previous procedure to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager publisher database server.

                                        Use the following procedure to upload a CSV data file.

                                          Step 1   Choose Analysis > Multiple Analyzer.
                                          Step 2   Select Upload/Download Input Files from the drop-down list box in the upper, right corner of the window and click Go.
                                          Step 3   The Upload/Download Input Files window is displayed.
                                          Step 4   To upload input files, enter the directory where the CSV file is stored or use the Browse button to choose the directory.
                                          Step 5   Click Upload File. The CSV file uploads to the server.

                                          To download the DNA template to create a CSV data file, click the Download link below Download Template Files and save the file to your local machine.

                                          Related Information
                                          Related Topics

                                          View CSV File

                                          You can view the content of the CSV file before doing the analysis.

                                          Use the following procedure to view the CSV file content.

                                            Step 1   Choose Analysis > Multiple Analyzer
                                            • .
                                            Step 2   In the File Name field, choose the CSV file from the drop-down list box. This box should list all the files that were uploaded to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server by using Create Text File for Multiple Analysis.
                                            Step 3   Click View File Contents.
                                            Step 4   The information in the chosen CSV file is displayed in a separate window.

                                            Related Information
                                            Related Topics

                                            Delete CSV Files

                                            Use the following procedure to delete uploaded CSV files.

                                              Step 1   Choose Analysis > Multiple Analyzer
                                              Step 2   Select Upload/Download Input Files from the drop-down list box in the upper, right corner of the window and click Go.
                                              Step 3   The Upload/Download Input Files window is displayed.
                                              Step 4   Click Delete Uploaded Files in the upper, right corner of the window.
                                              Step 5   The View/Delete Uploaded Files window is displayed a list of all the CSV files that are uploaded on the server.

                                              You can search for a particular file by entering criteria in the text box on the top of the window and clicking Find.

                                              Step 6   Choose the file or files that you want to delete from the list by checking the checkbox next to the file name.
                                              Step 7   Click Delete Selected.
                                              Step 8   To delete the chosen file or files, click OK in the confirmation dialog box. To cancel file deletion, click Cancel.

                                              Related Information
                                              Related Topics

                                              Analyze CSV File

                                              Multiple analyses for the different sets of input provide a consolidated result that consists of Calling Party Number, corresponding Dialed Digits, CSS, and final analysis result (Route/Block), in a row-by-row fashion for each set of input.

                                              Use the following procedure to analyze the uploaded CSV data file.

                                                Step 1   Choose Analysis > Multiple Analyzer
                                                • .
                                                Step 2   From the File Name drop-down list box, chose the CSV file that you want to analyze.
                                                Step 3   Click Do Analysis. The analysis results display in a separate window.

                                                Multiple analyses consume enormous CPU resources and impact the database performance severely. Perform multiple analyses only during times of least traffic on the network.


                                                You can perform only one multiple analysis at a time.

                                                Step 4   To view the detailed analysis for each row of results, click Details.

                                                The system stores files at file list activelog /tomcat/logs/dna/Results.

                                                Step 5   To save the results file in the CSV format, click Save.

                                                Related Information
                                                Related Topics

                                                Analysis Output

                                                The results of analysis that you perform contain information about the dialed digits call flow. This section provides two examples of analysis results that were obtained by using Dialed Number Analyzer. Each example shows results that were obtained by using different types of inputs and Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration data. This section also describes each value in the analysis output.

                                                Three sections provide the description of the results: Results Summary, Call Flow, and Alternate Matches. Use the following topics to understand the information in the analysis output:

                                                Analysis Examples

                                                This section provides a few examples to help you understand the results that you could obtain with different inputs by using Dialed Number Analyzer. The Results Summary, Call Flow, and Alternate Matches sections describe all the values that could display in analysis results. The sample results may include only values that result from the type of input that is provided to Dialed Number Analyzer.

                                                Example 1

                                                This example assumes the following setup in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

                                                Phone - 1360064 in partition "DallasPartition"

                                                Line Calling Search Space - ALL (ALL CSS has DallasPartition and SJPartition)

                                                Route Filter - RF-SJ (LONG-DISTANCE-DIRECT-DIAL EXISTS AND AREA-CODE == 408). This route pattern selects RouteList "RL1". RL1 uses RG1 and RG2.

                                                RG1 configuration includes an intercluster trunk as, with route group level calling and called party transformations. RG2 configuration includes an intercluster trunk, with QSIG tunneled protocol.

                                                Route Pattern - 9.@ in partition "SJPartition", where:

                                                • Offnet Pattern (Outside Dial Tone) is checked.
                                                • Require Forced Authorization Code is checked.
                                                • Require Client Matter Code is checked.
                                                • Authorization Level equals 155.

                                                Associate the route pattern with the RL1 route list and route filter RF-SJ.

                                                Configure the intercluster Trunk as follows:

                                                • Tunneled Protocol - QSIG
                                                • Call Classification - Use System Default
                                                • Inbound Fast Start - Disabled
                                                • Outbound Fast Start - Enabled
                                                • Codec For Outbound FastStart - G711 mu-law 64k

                                                Configure the intercluster Trunk as follows

                                                • Tunneled Protocol - QSIG
                                                • Call Classification - Use System Default
                                                • Inbound Fast Start - Disabled
                                                • Outbound Fast Start - Disabled

                                                Use the following procedure to run this example:

                                                  Step 1   Access Dialed Number Analyzer and choose Analysis > Analyzer.
                                                  Step 2   In the Analyzer window, enter 1360064 in the Calling Party field.
                                                  Step 3   In the Dialed Digits field, enter 914089027872.
                                                  Step 4   From the Calling Search Space drop-down list box, choose ALL.
                                                  Step 5   Leave the default values in the Device Time Zone field, Cisco Unified Communications Manager system Time Zone, Date, and Time fields.
                                                  Step 6   Click Do Analysis.

                                                  The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.

                                                  Step 7   To expand all the nodes in the window and view all values, click Expand All or to close all the nodes in the window, click Collapse All.

                                                  When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window is first displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                  See the following for the results.

                                                  Analysis Results for Example 1
                                                  Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                  Calling Party = 1360064 
                                                  Partition = 
                                                  Device CSS = 
                                                  Line CSS = ALL 
                                                  AAR Group Name = 
                                                  AARCSS = 
                                                  Dialed Digits = 914089027872 
                                                  Match Result = RouteThisPattern 
                                                  Matched Pattern Information 
                                                  Pattern = 9.@ 
                                                  Partition = SJPartition 
                                                  Time Schedule = 
                                                  Called Party Number = 914089027872 
                                                  Time Zone = (GMT+05:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo 
                                                  End Device = RL1 
                                                  CallClassification = OffNet 
                                                  InterDigit Timeout = NO 
                                                  Provide Outside Dial Tone) 
                                                  PlayedAfter = 9 
                                                  Call Flow 
                                                  Route Pattern :Pattern= 9.@ 
                                                  Positional Match List = 9:1:408:902:7872 
                                                  DialPlan = North American Numbering Plan 
                                                  Route Filter 
                                                     Filter Name = RF-SJ 
                                                     Filter Clause = (LONG-DISTANCE-DIRECT-DIAL EXISTS AND AREA-CODE == 408) 
                                                  Require Forced Authorization Code = Yes 
                                                  Authorization Level = 155 
                                                  Require Client Matter Code = Yes 
                                                  Network Location = OffNet 
                                                  PreTransform Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                  PreTransform Called Party Number = 914089027872 
                                                  Calling Party Transformations 
                                                     External Phone Number Mask = NO 
                                                     Calling Party Mask = 
                                                     Prefix = 
                                                     CallingLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                     CallingName Presentation = Default 
                                                     Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                  ConnectedParty Transformations 
                                                     ConnectedLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                     ConnectedName Presentation = Default 
                                                  Called Party Transformations 
                                                     Called Party Mask = 
                                                     Discard Digits Instruction = 
                                                     Prefix = 
                                                     Called Number = 914089027872 
                                                  Route List :Route List Name= RL1 
                                                  RouteGroup :RouteGroup Name= RG1 
                                                     PreTransform Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                     PreTransform Called Party Number = 914089027872 
                                                     Calling Party Transformations 
                                                        External Phone Number Mask = Default 
                                                        Calling Party Mask = 
                                                        Prefix = 
                                                        Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                     Called Party Transformations 
                                                        Called Party Mask = 
                                                        Discard Digits Instructions = 
                                                        Prefix = 
                                                        Called Number = 914089027872 
                                                     Device :Type= InterClusterTrunk-NonGatekeeperControlled 
                                                        End Device Name = 
                                                        PortNumber = 0 
                                                        Device Status = UnKnown 
                                                        AAR Group Name = 
                                                        AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                        AAR Prefix Digits = 
                                                        Inbound Fast Start = Disabled 
                                                        Outbound Fast Start = Enabled 
                                                        Codec For Outbound FastStart = G711 u-law 64K 
                                                        Call Classification = Use System Default 
                                                        Tunneled Protocol = QSIG 
                                                        Calling Party Transformations 
                                                           PreTransform Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                           Calling Party Selection = Originator 
                                                           Calling Party Presentation = Default 
                                                           CallerID DN = 
                                                           Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                  RouteGroup :RouteGroup Name= RG2 
                                                     PreTransform Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                     PreTransform Called Party Number = 914089027872 
                                                     Calling Party Transformations 
                                                        External Phone Number Mask = Default 
                                                        Calling Party Mask = 
                                                        Prefix = 
                                                        Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                     Called Party Transformations 
                                                        Called Party Mask = 
                                                        Discard Digits Instructions = 
                                                        Prefix = 
                                                        Called Number = 914089027872 
                                                     Device :Type= InterClusterTrunk-NonGatekeeperControlled 
                                                        End Device Name = 
                                                        PortNumber = 0 
                                                        Device Status = UnKnown
                                                        Automated Alternate Routing (AAR)
                                                           AAR Group Name = 
                                                           AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                           AAR VoiceMail Status = Disabled 
                                                           AAR Destination Mask = 
                                                           AAR Prefix Digits =
                                                        Inbound Fast Start = Disabled 
                                                        Outbound Fast Start = Disabled 
                                                        Call Classification = Use System Default 
                                                        Tunneled Protocol = QSIG 
                                                        Calling Party Transformations 
                                                           PreTransform Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                           Calling Party Selection = Originator 
                                                           Calling Party Presentation = Default 
                                                           CallerID DN = 
                                                           Calling Party Number = 1360064 
                                                  Alternate Matches 
                                                  Note: Information Not Available
                                                  Related Information
                                                  Related Topics

                                                  Example 2

                                                  This example assumes the following setup in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

                                                  Route Pattern - 9.@ in partition 'SJPartition'

                                                  Route Filter - RF-SJ (LONG-DISTANCE-DIRECT-DIAL EXISTS AND AREA-CODE == 408). This route pattern selects RouteList 'RL1'. RL1 uses RG1.

                                                  RG1 configuration includes an intercluster trunk as, with route group level calling and called party transformations. Configure gateway with CSS-AALL. (ALL CSS has DallasPartition and SJPartition.)

                                                  RG2 configuration includes an intercluster trunk, with QSIG tunneled protocol.

                                                  Route Pattern - 9.@ in partition 'SJPartition', where

                                                  • Offnet Pattern (Outside Dial Tone) is checked.
                                                  • Require Forced Authorization Code is checked.
                                                  • Require Client Matter Code is checked.
                                                  • Authorization Level = 155

                                                  Associate the route pattern with the RL1 route list and route filter RF-SJ.

                                                  Configure the intercluster Trunk as follows:

                                                  • Tunneled Protocol - QSIG
                                                  • Call Classification - Use System Default
                                                  • InBound Fast Start - Disabled
                                                  • OutBound Fast Start - Enabled
                                                  • Codec For Outbound Fast Start - G711 mu-law 64k

                                                  Configure the intercluster Trunk as follows:

                                                  • Tunneled Protocol - QSIG
                                                  • Call Classification - Use System Default
                                                  • InBound Fast Start - Disabled
                                                  • OutBound Fast Start - Disabled

                                                  Configure a phone with DN 254564. Ensure that the phone Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) checkbox is checked. Translation pattern 972813XXXX exists in partition 'DallasPartition' with Called Party Transformations configured with DN 254564.

                                                  Provide Outside dial tone does not get checked for the translation pattern.

                                                  Use the following procedure to run this example:

                                                    Step 1   Access Dialed Number Analyzer and choose Analysis > Trunks.
                                                    Step 2   Find a list of trunks that are configured by using the procedure in the Find Trunk section.
                                                    Step 3   From the list of records that is displayed in the Find and List Trunks window, choose gateway The Trunk Information window is displayed.
                                                    Step 4   In the Trunk Information window, enter 9728130064 in the Calling Party field.
                                                    Step 5   In the Dialed Digits field, enter 9728135054.
                                                    Step 6   Leave the default values in the Time Zone, Date, and Time drop-down list boxes.
                                                    Step 7   Click Do Analysis.

                                                    The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.

                                                    Step 8   To expand all the nodes in the window and view all values, click Expand All or to close all the nodes in the window, click Collapse All.

                                                    When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window is first displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                    See the following for the results.

                                                    Analysis Results for Example 2
                                                    Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                    Calling Party = 9728130064 
                                                    Partition = 
                                                    Device CSS = ALL 
                                                    Line CSS = 
                                                    AAR Group Name = 
                                                    AARCSS = 
                                                    Dialed Digits = 9728135054 
                                                    Match Result = RouteThisPattern 
                                                    Matched Pattern Information 
                                                    Pattern = 254564 
                                                    Partition = 
                                                    Time Schedule = 
                                                    Called Party Number = 254564 
                                                    Time Zone = 
                                                    InterDigit Timeout = NO 
                                                    Provide Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                    Call Flow 
                                                    TranslationPattern :Pattern= 972813XXXX 
                                                    Positional Match List = 254564 
                                                    DialPlan = North American Numbering Plan 
                                                    Route Filter 
                                                       Filter Name = 
                                                       Filter Clause = 
                                                    PreTransform Calling Party Number = 9728130064 
                                                    PreTransform Called Party Number = 9728135054 
                                                    Calling Party Transformations 
                                                       External Phone Number Mask = NO 
                                                       Calling Party Mask = 
                                                       Prefix = 
                                                       CallingLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                       CallingName Presentation = Default 
                                                       Calling Party Number = 9728130064 
                                                    ConnectedParty Transformations 
                                                       ConnectedLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                       ConnectedName Presentation = Default 
                                                    Called Party Transformations 
                                                       Called Party Mask = 254564 
                                                       Discard Digits Instruction = 
                                                       Prefix = 
                                                       Called Number = 254564 
                                                    Directory Number :DN= 254564 
                                                    Partition = 
                                                    Call Classification = OnNet 
                                                    Forwarding Information 
                                                       ForwardAll : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                          Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                          External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                          Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                          External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                          Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                          External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                       CFDF : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                       Pickup Group Number = 
                                                    Device :Type= Cisco 7960 
                                                    Device Status = UnKnown 
                                                    Device Name = SEP487698944444 
                                                    Ignore Presentation Indicators = Disabled 
                                                    Logged Into Hunt Groups = Enabled 
                                                    Alerting Name = 
                                                    Dual Mode = Disabled 
                                                    Do Not Disturb(DND) 
                                                    DND Status = Disabled 
                                                    DND Option = Ringer Off 
                                                    DND Incoming Call Alert = 
                                                    DND Timeout (minutes) = 0 
                                                    Automated Alternate Routing (AAR) 
                                                    AAR Group Name = 
                                                    AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                    AAR VoiceMail Status = Disabled 
                                                    AAR Destination Mask = 
                                                    AAR Prefix Digits =
                                                    Alternate Matches 
                                                    Note: Information Not Available
                                                    Related Information
                                                    Related Topics

                                                    Example 3

                                                    This example shows how hunt pilot information is displayed in the analysis results if your dial plan configuration includes hunt lists. This sample assumes the following setup in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

                                                    Hunt pilot - 9043.

                                                    10 voice mail ports from 90431 through 90440 get configured.

                                                    Line Group VMLG includes the 10 ports.

                                                    Hunt List VMHL includes Line Group VMLG.

                                                    Forward Hunt No Answer setup follows:

                                                    Use Personal Preference is checked.

                                                    Destination = 30129.

                                                    CSS = None.

                                                    Forward Hunt Busy setup follows:

                                                    Use Personal Preference is checked

                                                    Destination = 30139

                                                    CSS = None

                                                    Maximum Hunt Timer = 5

                                                    Use the following procedure to run this example:

                                                      Step 1   Access Dialed Number Analyzer and choose Analysis > Analyzer.

                                                      The Analyzer window is displayed.

                                                      Step 2   In the Calling Party field, enter a calling party number (1000 is displayed by default).
                                                      Step 3   In the Dialed Digits field, enter 9043.
                                                      Step 4   In the Device Time Zone field, leave the default values.

                                                      The local time and date that represent the time and date information from the operating system of the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed display by default. You can choose time and date settings that differ from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time.

                                                      Step 5   In the Time Zone, Date, and Time fields, leave the default settings.
                                                      Step 6   Click Do Analysis.
                                                      Step 7   The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.
                                                      Step 8   Click Expand All to expand all the nodes in the window and view all values or click Collapse All to close all the nodes in the window.

                                                      When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window is first displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                      See the following for the results. The results section details only the Call Flow section that includes Hunt List information.

                                                      Analysis Results for Example 3
                                                      Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                      Calling Party = 1000 
                                                      Partition = 
                                                      Device CSS = 
                                                      Line CSS = 
                                                      AAR Group Name = 
                                                      AARCSS = 
                                                      Dialed Digits = 9043 
                                                      Match Result = RouteThisPattern 
                                                      Matched Pattern Information 
                                                      Pattern = 9043 
                                                      Partition = 
                                                      Time Schedule = 
                                                      Called Party Number = 9043 
                                                      Time Zone = 
                                                      End Device = VMHL 
                                                      Call Classification = OffNet 
                                                      InterDigit Timeout = YES 
                                                      Provide Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                      Call Flow 
                                                      Hunt Pilot :Pattern= 9043 
                                                      Positional Match List = 9043 
                                                      DialPlan = North American Numbering Plan 
                                                      Route Filter 
                                                         Filter Name = 
                                                         Filter Clause = 
                                                      Hunt Forward Settings 
                                                         Forward Hunt No Answer 
                                                            Use Personal Preferences = Yes 
                                                            Destination = 30129 
                                                            Calling Search Space = 
                                                         Forward Hunt Busy 
                                                            Use Personal Preferences = Yes 
                                                            Destination = 30139 
                                                            Calling Search Space = 
                                                         Maximun Hunt Timer = 5 
                                                      Network Location = OffNet 
                                                      PreTransform Calling Party Number = 1000 
                                                      PreTransform Called Party Number = 9043 
                                                      Calling Party Transformations 
                                                         External Phone Number Mask = NO 
                                                         Calling Party Mask = 
                                                         Prefix = 
                                                         CallingLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                         CallingName Presentation = Default 
                                                         Calling Party Number = 1000 
                                                      ConnectedParty Transformations 
                                                         ConnectedLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                         ConnectedName Presentation = Default 
                                                      Called Party Transformations 
                                                         Called Party Mask = 
                                                         Discard Digits Instruction = 
                                                         Prefix = 
                                                         Called Number = 9043 
                                                      Hunt List :HuntListName= VMHL 
                                                      Line Group :LineGroupName= VMLG 
                                                         Directory Number :DN= 90431 
                                                            Partition = 
                                                            Call Classification = OnNet 
                                                            Device :Type= Cisco Voice Mail Port 
                                                               Device Status = UnKnown 
                                                               Device Name = CiscoUM1-VI1 
                                                               Ignore Presentation Indicators = Disabled 
                                                               Alerting Name =
                                                            Automated Alternate Routing (AAR) 
                                                               AAR Group Name = 
                                                               AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                               AAR VoiceMail Status = Disabled 
                                                               AAR Destination Mask = 
                                                               AAR Prefix Digits =
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90432 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90433 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90434 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90435 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90436 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90437 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90438 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90439 
                                                         + Directory Number :DN= 90440 
                                                      Alternate Matches 
                                                      Note: Information Not Available 


                                                      The last section of the preceding sample shows detailed Directory Number information for the first port. Similar information is displayed for the remaining ports that are configured.

                                                      Related Information
                                                      Related Topics

                                                      Example 4

                                                      This example shows how time-of-day settings information is displayed in the analysis results after the time zone setting for a phone is set to a specific time zone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. In this example, the analysis uses the time zone, date, and time settings that the Analysis > Analyzer window specifies. This sample assumes the following setup in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

                                                      Time Period - DNATimePeriod1

                                                      Configure DNATimePeriod1 as follows:

                                                      • Start Time = 9.00
                                                      • End Time = 12.00
                                                      • Repeat Every = Year On: Jun 15

                                                      Time Schedule - DNATimeSchedule1

                                                      Configure DNATimeSchedule1 to DNATimePeriod1.

                                                      Partition - DNAPartition1

                                                      Configure DNAPartition1 to DNATimeSchedule1.

                                                      Ensure DNAPartition1 configuration is as follows:

                                                      • Time Zone = Specific Time Zone, (GMT+5.30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo

                                                      Configure DNACSS1 with DNAPartition1.

                                                      Phone - Configure an SEP000000036201 with DN 36201.

                                                      Partition for the SEP000000036201 phone = DNAPartition1

                                                      Use the following procedure to run this example:

                                                        Step 1   Access Dialed Number Analyzer and choose Analysis > Analyzer.

                                                        The Analyzer window is displayed.

                                                        Step 2   In the Calling Party field, enter a calling party number (1000 is displayed by default).
                                                        Step 3   In the Dialed Digits field, enter 36201.
                                                        Step 4   From the Calling Search Space drop-down list, choose DNACSS1.
                                                        Step 5   From the Time Zone drop-down list, choose a specific time zone, (GMT+5.30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo.
                                                        Step 6   From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose 2004, Jun, and 15 as the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system date settings.
                                                        Step 7   From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose 11:30:0:0 as the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system time settings.
                                                        Step 8   Click Do Analysis.
                                                        Step 9   The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.
                                                        Step 10   To expand all the nodes in the window and view all values, click Expand All or to close all the nodes in the window, click Collapse All.

                                                        When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window is first displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                        See the following for the results.

                                                        Analysis Results for Example 4
                                                        Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                        Calling Party = 1000 
                                                        Partition = 
                                                        Device CSS = 
                                                        Line CSS = DNACSS1 
                                                        AAR Group Name = 
                                                        AARCSS = 
                                                        Dialed Digits = 36201 
                                                        Match Result = RouteThisPattern 
                                                        Matched Pattern Information 
                                                        Pattern = 36201 
                                                        Partition = DNAPartition1 
                                                        Time Schedule = DNATimeSchedule1 
                                                        Called Party Number = 36201 
                                                        Time Zone = (GMT+05:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo 
                                                        InterDigit Timeout = NO 
                                                        Provide Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                        Call Flow 
                                                        Directory Number :DN= 36201 
                                                        Partition = DNAPartition1 
                                                        Call Classification = OnNet 
                                                        Forwarding Information 
                                                           ForwardAll : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                              Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                              External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                              Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                              External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                              Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                              External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                           CFDF : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                           Pickup Group Number = 
                                                        Device :Type= Cisco 7960 
                                                           Device Status = UnKnown 
                                                           Device Name = SEP000000036201 
                                                           Ignore Presentation Indicators = Disabled 
                                                           Alerting Name = 
                                                           Do Not Disturb(DND) 
                                                             DND Status = Disabled 
                                                             DND Option = Ringer Off 
                                                             DND Incoming Call Alert = 
                                                             DND Timeout (minutes) = 0 
                                                           Automated Alternate Routing (AAR) 
                                                             AAR Group Name = 
                                                             AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                             AAR VoiceMail Status = Disabled 
                                                             AAR Destination Mask = 
                                                             AAR Prefix Digits =
                                                        Alternate Matches 
                                                        Note: Information Not Available 
                                                        Related Information
                                                        Related Topics

                                                        Example 5

                                                        This example shows how time-of-day settings information is displayed when a call is made between two phones in the same time period with the time zone that is specified as Originating Device. This example assumes the following setup in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

                                                        Configure a Time Period DNATimePeriod1 as follows:

                                                        Start Time=9.00

                                                        End Time=12.00

                                                        Repeat Every Year=Jun 15

                                                        Configure a Time schedule DNATimeSchedule1 as follows:

                                                        Time period=DNATimePeriod1

                                                        Insert a partition called DNAPartition1.

                                                        Configure DNAPartition1 as follows:

                                                        • Time Schedule=DNATimeSchedule1
                                                        • Time Zone=Originating Device

                                                        Insert a Calling Search Space called DNACSS-1. Add the DNAPartition1 partition to this CSS.

                                                        Insert a Phone SEP000000036201 and assign a DN, 36201, to it.

                                                        Choose DNAPartition1 as the partition for the phone.

                                                        Use the following procedure to run this example

                                                          Step 1   Access Dialed Number Analyzer and choose Analysis > Analyzer.

                                                          The Analyzer window is displayed.

                                                          Step 2   In the Calling Party field, enter a calling party number (1000 is displayed by default).
                                                          Step 3   In the Dialed Digits field, enter 36201.
                                                          Step 4   From the Calling Search Space drop-down list, choose DNACSS1.
                                                          Step 5   From the Device Time Zone drop-down list box, choose Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon.
                                                          Step 6   From the Time Zone drop-down list, choose (GMT+05:30): Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo.
                                                          Step 7   From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose 2004, Jun, and 15.
                                                          Step 8   From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose 15:30:0:0.
                                                          Step 9   Click Do Analysis.
                                                          Step 10   The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.
                                                          Step 11   Click Expand All to expand all the nodes in the window and view all values or click Collapse All to close all the nodes in the window.

                                                          When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window is first displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                          See the following for the results.

                                                          Analysis Results for Example 5
                                                          Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                          Calling Party = 1000 
                                                          Partition = 
                                                          Device CSS = 
                                                          Line CSS = DNACSS1 
                                                          AAR Group Name = 
                                                          AARCSS = 
                                                          Dialed Digits = 36201 
                                                          Match Result = RouteThisPattern 
                                                          Matched Pattern Information 
                                                          Pattern = 36201 
                                                          Partition = DNAPartition1 
                                                          Time Schedule = DNATimeSchedule1 
                                                          Called Party Number = 36201 
                                                          Time Zone = (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time; Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon 
                                                          InterDigit Timeout = NO 
                                                          Provide Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                          Call Flow 
                                                          Directory Number :DN= 36201 
                                                          Partition = DNAPartition1 
                                                          Call Classification = OnNet 
                                                          Forwarding Information 
                                                             ForwardAll : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                                Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                                External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                                Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                                External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                                Internal : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                                External : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                             CFDF : DN = VoiceMail = No CSS = 
                                                             Pickup Group Number = 
                                                          Device :Type= Cisco 7960 
                                                             Device Status = UnKnown 
                                                             Device Name = SEP000000036201 
                                                             Ignore Presentation Indicators = Disabled 
                                                             Alerting Name = 
                                                             Do Not Disturb(DND) 
                                                                DND Status = Disabled 
                                                                DND Option = Ringer Off 
                                                                DND Incoming Call Alert = 
                                                                DND Timeout (minutes) = 0 
                                                             Automated Alternate Routing (AAR)
                                                                AAR Group Name = 
                                                                AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                                AAR VoiceMail Status = Disabled 
                                                                AAR Destination Mask = 
                                                                AAR Prefix Digits =
                                                          Alternate Matches 
                                                          Note: Information Not Available 
                                                          Related Information
                                                          Related Topics

                                                          Example 6

                                                          This example shows how SIP analysis settings display in the analysis results when SIP route pattern is configured with domain routing. This example assumes the following setup in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

                                                          Pattern Usage = Domain Routing

                                                          Pattern = cisco.com

                                                          Route Partition = None

                                                          SIP Trunk = SIPTrunk

                                                          Calling Line ID Presentation = Default

                                                          Calling Line Name Presentation = Default

                                                          Connected Line ID Presentation = Default

                                                          Connected Line Name Presentation = Default

                                                          Use the following procedure to run this example.

                                                            Step 1   Access Dialed Number Analyzer and choose Analysis > Analyzer.

                                                            The Analyzer window is displayed.

                                                            Step 2   In the Calling Party field, enter a calling party number (1000 is displayed by default).
                                                            Step 3   Check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis and choose Domain Route.
                                                            Step 4   In the Dialed Digits field, enter sip:1001@cisco.com where, cisco.com represents the gateway mapped to the SIP route pattern through which the call is directed out. 1001 represents the destination address within the other network to the destination where the SIP call gets routed out from the SIP trunk.

                                                            Make sure that you check the checkbox corresponding to SIP analysis before entering Dialed Digits information. If the checkbox is not checked, the Dialed Digits field accepts only numerical values, A–D, a–d, #, and *.

                                                            Step 5   From the Calling Search Space drop-down list, choose None.
                                                            Step 6   From the Device Time Zone drop-down list box, choose Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon.
                                                            Step 7   From the Time Zone drop-down list, choose (GMT+05:30): Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo.
                                                            Step 8   From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose 2005, Nov, and 24.
                                                            Step 9   From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose 15:30:0:0.
                                                            Step 10   Click Do Analysis.
                                                            Step 11   The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.
                                                            Step 12   Click Expand All to expand all the nodes in the window and view all values or click Collapse All to close all the nodes in the window.

                                                            When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window first is displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                            See the following for the results.


                                                            The analysis results are based only on configuration settings that are available in Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. For Gateway outbound calls, call details might differ depending on the Gateway's settings

                                                            Analysis Results for Example 6
                                                            Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                            Calling Party = 1000 
                                                            Partition = 
                                                            Device CSS = 
                                                            Line CSS = 
                                                            AAR Group Name = 
                                                            AARCSS = 
                                                            Dialed Digits = sip:1001@cisco.com 
                                                            Match Result = RouteThisPattern 
                                                            Matched Pattern Information 
                                                            Pattern = ([mM][oO][cC].[oO][cC][sS][iI][cC]) 
                                                            Partition = 
                                                            Time Schedule = 
                                                            Called Party Number = 
                                                            Time Zone = 
                                                            Call Classification = OnNet 
                                                            InterDigit Timeout = NO 
                                                            Device Override = Disabled 
                                                            Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                            Call Flow 
                                                            RouteDomainPattern :Pattern= ([mM][oO][cC].[oO][cC][sS][iI][cC]) 
                                                            Positional Match List = 
                                                            Calling Party Transformations 
                                                            External Phone Number Mask = NO 
                                                            Calling Party Mask = 
                                                            Prefix = 
                                                            CallingLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                            CallingName Presentation = Default 
                                                            Calling Party Number = 1000 
                                                            ConnectedParty Transformations 
                                                            ConnectedLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                            ConnectedName Presentation = Default 
                                                            Called Party Transformations 
                                                            Called Party Mask = 
                                                            Discard Digits Instruction = 
                                                            Prefix = 
                                                            Called Number = 
                                                            Device :Type= SIPTrunk 
                                                            End Device Name = SIPTrunk 
                                                            PortNumber = 
                                                            Device Status = UnKnown 
                                                            Automated Alternate Routing (AAR) 
                                                               AAR Group Name = 
                                                               AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                               AAR VoiceMail Status = Disabled 
                                                               AAR Destination Mask = 
                                                               AAR Prefix Digits =
                                                            Call Classification = Use System Default 
                                                            Calling Party Selection = Originator 
                                                            CallingLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                            CallerID DN = 
                                                            Alternate Matches 
                                                            Note: Information Not Available 
                                                            Related Information
                                                            Related Topics

                                                            Example 7

                                                            This example shows how SIP analysis settings display in the analysis results when SIP route pattern is configured with IP address routing. This example assumes the following setup in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

                                                            Pattern Usage = IPAddress Routing

                                                            Pattern =

                                                            Route Partition = None

                                                            SIP Trunk = SIPTrunk

                                                            Calling Line ID Presentation = Default

                                                            Calling Line Name Presentation = Default

                                                            Connected Line ID Presentation = Default

                                                            Connected Line Name Presentation = Default

                                                            Use the following procedure to run this example.

                                                              Step 1   Access Dialed Number Analyzer and choose Analysis > Analyzer.

                                                              The Analyzer window is displayed.

                                                              Step 2   In the Calling Party field, enter a calling party number (1000 is displayed by default).
                                                              Step 3   Check the checkbox corresponding to SIP Analysis and choose IP Route.
                                                              Step 4   In the Dialed Digits field, enter sip:1001@ where, represents the gateway mapped to the SIP route pattern through which the call is directed out. 1001 represents the destination address within the other network to the destination where the SIP call gets routed out from the SIP trunk.

                                                              Make sure that you check the checkbox corresponding to SIP analysis before entering Dialed Digits information. If the checkbox is not checked, the Dialed Digits field accepts only numerical values, A–D, a–d, #, and *.

                                                              Step 5   From the Calling Search Space drop-down list, choose None.
                                                              Step 6   From the Device Time Zone drop-down list box, choose Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon.
                                                              Step 7   From the Time Zone drop-down list, choose (GMT+05:30): Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo.
                                                              Step 8   From the Date drop-down list boxes, choose 2005, Nov, and 15.
                                                              Step 9   From the Time drop-down list boxes, choose 15:30:0:0.
                                                              Step 10   Click Do Analysis.
                                                              Step 11   The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.
                                                              Step 12   Click Expand All to expand all the nodes in the window and view all values or click Collapse All to close all the nodes in the window.

                                                              When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window first is displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                              See the following for the results.


                                                              The analysis results are based only on configuration settings that are available in Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. For Gateway outbound calls, call details might differ depending on the Gateway's settings

                                                              Analysis Results for Example 7
                                                              Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                              Calling Party = 1000 
                                                              Partition = 
                                                              Device CSS = 
                                                              Line CSS = 
                                                              AAR Group Name = 
                                                              AARCSS = 
                                                              Dialed Digits = sip:1001@ 
                                                              Match Result = RouteThisPattern 
                                                              Matched Pattern Information 
                                                              Pattern = (00001010010011010001010100010110) 
                                                              Partition = 
                                                              Time Schedule = 
                                                              Called Party Number = 
                                                              Time Zone = 
                                                              Call Classification = OnNet 
                                                              InterDigit Timeout = NO 
                                                              Device Override = Disabled 
                                                              Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                              Call Flow 
                                                              RouteIPNetPattern :Pattern= (00001010010011010001010100010110) 
                                                              Positional Match List = 
                                                              Calling Party Transformations 
                                                              External Phone Number Mask = NO 
                                                              Calling Party Mask = 
                                                              Prefix = 
                                                              CallingLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                              CallingName Presentation = Default 
                                                              Calling Party Number = 1000 
                                                              ConnectedParty Transformations 
                                                              ConnectedLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                              ConnectedName Presentation = Default 
                                                              Called Party Transformations 
                                                              Called Party Mask = 
                                                              Discard Digits Instruction = 
                                                              Prefix = 
                                                              Called Number = 
                                                              Device :Type= SIPTrunk 
                                                              End Device Name = SIPTrunk 
                                                              PortNumber = 
                                                              Device Status = UnKnown 
                                                              Automated Alternate Routing (AAR) 
                                                                 AAR Group Name = 
                                                                 AAR Calling Search Space = 
                                                                 AAR VoiceMail Status = Disabled 
                                                                 AAR Destination Mask = 
                                                                 AAR Prefix Digits =
                                                              Call Classification = Use System Default 
                                                              Calling Party Selection = Originator 
                                                              CallingLineId Presentation = Default 
                                                              CallerID DN = 
                                                              Alternate Matches 
                                                              Note: Information Not Available 
                                                              Related Information
                                                              Related Topics

                                                              Example 8

                                                              This example shows how to use the multiple analyzer feature to perform multiple analysis and bulk testing of dial plans.

                                                              Create a CSV file by using the Create CSV File for Multiple Analysis or Create Text File for Multiple Analysis.

                                                              For this example, the CSV file should contain the following three lines for the fields - Calling Party Number, Dialed Digit, Device Time Zone, Time Zone, Date for Analysis, Time for Analysis:




                                                              Use the following procedure to run this example:

                                                                Step 1   Choose Analysis > Multiple Analyzer
                                                                Step 2   Choose Upload/Download Input Files from the drop-down list box in the upper, right corner of the window and click Go.
                                                                Step 3   The Upload/Download Input Files window is displayed.
                                                                Step 4   To upload input files, enter the directory where the CSV file is stored or use the Browse button to choose the directory.
                                                                Step 5   Click Upload File. The CSV file uploads to the server.

                                                                On the server, the uploaded files get stored in the results directory. The results directory can be accessed from the CLI as file list activelog /tomcat/logs/dna/Results. You can collect and view trace files by using the trace and log central option in the Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT). For more information, see Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide.

                                                                Step 6   Choose Analysis > Multiple Analyzer
                                                                Step 7   From the File Name drop-down list box, chose the CSV file that you want to analyze.
                                                                Step 8   Click Do Analysis. The analysis results display in a separate window called Multiple Analyzer Results. This window is displayed concise information to determine if the pattern can be routed.

                                                                To view the detailed analysis for each row of results, click Details.

                                                                Step 9   The results display in a new window that is called Dialed Number Analyzer Results window. The Results Summary section expands and shows summary information.
                                                                Step 10   To expand all the nodes in the window and view all values, click Expand All or to close all the nodes in the window, click Collapse All.

                                                                When the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window is first displayed, both Expand All and Collapse All buttons are enabled.

                                                                See the following for the results.

                                                                Analysis Results for Example 8

                                                                Results for the first line of input data in the uploaded CSV file

                                                                Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                                Calling Party = 1000 
                                                                Partition = 
                                                                Device CSS = 
                                                                Line CSS = 
                                                                AAR Group Name = 
                                                                AARCSS = 
                                                                Dialed Digits = 20 
                                                                Match Result = BlockThisPattern 
                                                                Called Party Number = 
                                                                Matched Pattern Information 
                                                                Pattern = 
                                                                Partition = 
                                                                Pattern Type = 
                                                                Time Zone = 
                                                                Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                                Call Flow 
                                                                Note: Information Not Available 
                                                                Alternate Matches 
                                                                Note: Information Not Available 

                                                                Results for the second line of input data in the uploaded CSV file

                                                                Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                                Calling Party = 1000 
                                                                Partition = 
                                                                Device CSS = 
                                                                Line CSS = 
                                                                AAR Group Name = 
                                                                AARCSS = 
                                                                Dialed Digits = 30 
                                                                Match Result = BlockThisPattern 
                                                                Called Party Number = 
                                                                Matched Pattern Information 
                                                                Pattern = 
                                                                Partition = 
                                                                Pattern Type = 
                                                                Time Zone = 
                                                                Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                                Call Flow 
                                                                Note: Information Not Available 
                                                                Alternate Matches 
                                                                Note: Information Not Available 

                                                                Results for the third line of input data in the uploaded CSV file

                                                                Results Summary Calling Party Information 
                                                                Calling Party = 1000 
                                                                Partition = 
                                                                Device CSS = 
                                                                Line CSS = 
                                                                AAR Group Name = 
                                                                AARCSS = 
                                                                Dialed Digits = 40 
                                                                Match Result = BlockThisPattern 
                                                                Called Party Number = 
                                                                Matched Pattern Information 
                                                                Pattern = 
                                                                Partition = 
                                                                Pattern Type = 
                                                                Time Zone = 
                                                                Outside Dial Tone = NO 
                                                                Call Flow 
                                                                Note: Information Not Available 
                                                                Alternate Matches 
                                                                Note: Information Not Available 
                                                                Related Information
                                                                Related Topics

                                                                Results Summary

                                                                The Results Summary section of the analysis results provides a summary of the dialed digits analysis results and displays Calling Party Information and Matched Pattern Information.


                                                                Fields that do not contain a description in this section display data as specified in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For information about these fields, see the Cisco Unified CM Administration Online Help.

                                                                Calling Party Information

                                                                Calling Party - The calling party number after all the transformations are applied.

                                                                Partition - The partition to which the final calling party belongs.

                                                                Device CSS - The calling search space (CSS) that is associated with the calling device.

                                                                Line CSS - The CSS that is associated with the calling party number.

                                                                AAR Group Name - The automated alternate routing (AAR) group to which this pattern belongs.

                                                                AARCSS - The calling search space that the calling party device uses when performing AAR.

                                                                Dialed Digits - The digits that the user entered in the Dialed Digits field.

                                                                Match Result - Specifies whether the call is routed or blocked. RouteThisPattern or BlockThisPattern is displayed.


                                                                Line- and device- specific information is displayed in the results when you perform analysis by using Analysis > Phones, Analysis > Gateways and Analysis > Trunks windows because a specific device was chosen as a calling entity. When you perform analysis from the Analysis > Analyzer window, you enter a calling party number that is not linked to a device that is configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Line- and device- specific information does not display in the Results Summary section of the analysis results that are obtained by using this procedure.

                                                                Matched Pattern Information

                                                                • Pattern - Specifies the ultimate pattern matches.

                                                                • Partition - Specifies the partition where this ultimate pattern exists.

                                                                • Time Schedule - Specifies the name of the time schedule that was chosen for the partition where this pattern exists.

                                                                Pattern Type - The Meet-Me Conference Number, Call Park Code Number, and Call Pickup Number display. This field is displayed only when the dialed digits match a feature pattern type.

                                                                Called Party Number - The final called party number.

                                                                Time Zone - Time zone information of the device that is associated with the matched pattern.

                                                                Interdigit Timeout - The time delay in routing the call to the final device.

                                                                End Device - The final device to which the call was routed. This field is displayed only if the dialed digits match a route pattern.

                                                                OffNetPattern (OutsideDialTone) - OffNet/OnNet, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


                                                                For intercept patterns, device-specific information does not display, and instead, a tag that indicates the Pattern Type is displayed.

                                                                Related Information
                                                                Related Topics

                                                                Call Flow Details

                                                                The Call Flow section of the results provides detailed information about all the stages that a call goes through, such as translation patterns, route patterns, route lists, route groups, and end devices.

                                                                Use the following topics to understand the results that display in the Call Flow section:


                                                                Fields that do not contain a description in this section display data as specified in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For information about these fields, see the Cisco Unified CM Manager Administration Online Help.

                                                                • Calling Party Transformation - The transformation that is specific to the end device such as the following transformations:

                                                                • Pretransform Calling Party Number - The calling party number before the calling party transformation settings of the End Device are applied.

                                                                • Calling Party Selection - The selection that can be Originator/Last Redirect Number, and so on.

                                                                • Calling Party Presentation

                                                                • Calling Party Number - The calling party number after the calling party transformation settings of the End Device are applied.

                                                                Translation Pattern

                                                                The Translation Pattern section provides information about dialed digits, if the dialed digits match a configured translation pattern.

                                                                The following fields display:

                                                                • Hunt Pilot :Pattern - The hunt pilot pattern that is matched.

                                                                • Positional Match List - The position of the dialed digits in association with a pattern.

                                                                • DialPlan - The Numbering Plan in which this translation pattern resides.

                                                                • Route Filter - The route filter that is applied to the dialed digits.

                                                                  • Filter Name - The Route Filter name that is associated with the Translation Pattern.

                                                                  • Filter Clause - The Route Filter Clause that is associated with the Translation Pattern.

                                                                    • Pretransform Calling Party Number - The calling party number before the calling party transformation settings of the Translation Pattern are applied.

                                                                    • Pretransform Called Party Number - The called party number before the called party transformation settings of the Translation Pattern are applied.

                                                                    • Calling Party Transformations - The calling party transformation settings of the Translation Pattern.

                                                                  • External Phone Number Mask - Yes/No, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                  • Calling Party Mask

                                                                  • Prefix

                                                                  • Calling Party Presentation

                                                                  • Calling Party Number - The calling party number after the calling party transformation settings of the Translation Pattern are applied.

                                                                    • Called Party Transformations - The called party transformation settings of the Translation Pattern, such as the following settings:

                                                                  • Called Party Mask

                                                                  • Discard Digit Instructions

                                                                  • Prefix

                                                                  • Called Number - The calling party number after the calling party transformation settings of the Translation Pattern are applied.

                                                                Route Pattern

                                                                The Route Pattern subsection provides information about route pattern details for the dialed digits, if the dialed digits match a route pattern.

                                                                • Route pattern:Pattern - The matched route pattern.

                                                                • Positional Match List - The position of the dialed digits in association with a pattern.

                                                                • DialPlan - The Numbering Plan in which this route pattern resides.

                                                                • Route Filter

                                                                  • Filter Name - The Route Filter name that is associated with the Route Pattern.

                                                                  • Filter Clause - The Route Filter Clause that is associated with the Route Pattern.

                                                                    • Require Forced Authorization Code - Yes/No, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Authorization Level - The authorization level that is specified in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Require Client Matter Code - Yes/No, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Pretransform Calling Party Number - The calling party number before the calling party transformation settings of the Route Pattern are applied.

                                                                    • Pretransform Called Party Number - The called party number before the called party transformation settings of the Route Pattern are applied.

                                                                    • Calling Party Transformations. Displays the calling party transformation settings of the Route Pattern, such as the following settings:

                                                                  • External Phone Number Mask - Yes/No, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                  • Calling Party Mask

                                                                  • Prefix

                                                                  • Calling Party Presentation

                                                                  • Calling Party Number - The calling party number after the calling party transformation settings of the Route Pattern are applied.

                                                                    • Called Party Transformations - The called party transformation settings of the Route Pattern, such as the following settings:

                                                                  • Called Party Mask

                                                                  • Digit Discarding Instructions

                                                                  • Prefix

                                                                  • Called Number - The calling party number after the calling party transformation settings of the Route Pattern are applied.

                                                                Hunt Pilot

                                                                This section includes information about Hunt Lists, Line Groups, and Hunt Forward Settings.

                                                                • Hunt List: HuntList Name - The name of the Route List.

                                                                • LineGroup: LineGroup Name - The name of the Route Group that is contained within this Route List.

                                                                • Pretransform Calling Party Number - The calling party number before the calling party transformation settings of the Route Group are applied.

                                                                • Pretransform Called Party Number - The called party number before the called party transformation settings of the Route Group are applied.

                                                                • Calling Party Transformations - The calling party transformation settings of the Route Group, such as the following settings:

                                                                  • External Phone Number Mask - Displays Yes/No, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                  • Calling Party Mask

                                                                  • Prefix

                                                                  • Calling Party Number - The calling party number after the calling party transformation settings of the Route Group are applied.

                                                                    • Called Party Transformations - The called party transformation settings of the Route Group such as the following settings:

                                                                  • Called Party Mask

                                                                  • Discard Digit Instructions

                                                                  • Prefix

                                                                  • Called Number - The calling party number after the calling party transformation settings of the Route Group are applied

                                                                    • Hunt Forward Settings

                                                                  • Forward Hunt No Answer - The call forwarding settings when a hunt pilot is matched.

                                                                    Use Personal Preferences - Yes/No, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    Destination - The destination number for the call forward when there is no answer.

                                                                    Calling Search Space - The Calling Search Space where the forward destination, either Busy or No Answer, whichever is applicable, is present.

                                                                  • Forward Hunt Busy -

                                                                    Use Personal Preferences - Yes/No, depending on whether this field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    Destination - The destination number for the call forward when there is no answer.

                                                                    Calling Search Space - The Calling Search Space where the forward destination, either Busy or No Answer, whichever is applicable, is present.

                                                                    • Maximum Hunt Timer - The value that is specified in the Maximum Hunt Timer field in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                Directory Number

                                                                The Directory Number (DN) subsection provides details about the DN, if the dialed digits match a DN number.

                                                                • Directory Number: DN - The directory number.

                                                                  • Partition - The partition in which the DN resides.

                                                                  • Device Location

                                                                    • Forwarding Information - The forwarding settings that are associated with the DN. The forwarding behavior differs depending on whether the call is from an internal or external user. The following forwarding settings display:
                                                                  • Forward All: DN

                                                                  • Forward Busy

                                                                    Internal: DN

                                                                    External: DN

                                                                  • Forward No Answer

                                                                    Internal: DN

                                                                    External: DN

                                                                  • Forward No Coverage

                                                                    Internal: DN

                                                                    External: DN

                                                                Device Information

                                                                • Device:Type - The type of device.

                                                                  • End Device Name - The name of the endpoint device.

                                                                  • Device Status - The status of the end device as Registered/Unregistered/Unknown.

                                                                  • Caller ID DN - The mask that is used to format the caller ID on outbound calls from a trunk.

                                                                    • Inbound Fast Start - Enabled/Disabled depending on whether the Inbound Fast Start field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Outbound Fast Start - Enabled/Disabled depending on whether the Outbound Fast Start field is checked or unchecked in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Codec For Outbound FastStart - The value that is specified in the Codec for Outbound FastStart in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Call Classification - OffNet/OnNet/Use System Default/None, depending on the value that is chosen in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Tunneled Protocol - QSIG/none depending on the value that is configured in the Tunneled Protocol field in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                    • Ignore Presentation Indicators - Presentation settings of the calling party that must be ignored for internal calls.

                                                                    • Alerting Name - The name of the alerting party that is chosen for a phone in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

                                                                    • Dual Mode - Enabled/Disabled, depending on option that was chosen in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

                                                                Do Not Disturb (DND)

                                                                • DND Status - Enabled/Disabled based on the status of DND.

                                                                • DND Option - The option to have DND ringer on or off.

                                                                • DND Incoming Call Alert - No Beep/Flash notification/Beep only/Flash only depending on the type of alert chosen when the ringer in off.

                                                                • DND Timeout (minutes) - The time interval after which the phone receives a reminder tone that DND is on.

                                                                Automated Alternate Routing (AAR)

                                                                AAR Group Name - The AAR Group to which this device belongs.

                                                                AAR Calling Search Space - The AAR Calling Search Space where this end device belongs.

                                                                AAR VoiceMail Status - Enabled/Disabled. The AAR voice mail status of the device.

                                                                AAR Destination Mask - The mask that is used to format the AAR destination.

                                                                AAR Prefix Digits - The prefix digits that are used for automated alternate routing within this AAR group.

                                                                Intercom DN Pattern

                                                                • CSS - The calling search space of the intercom DN.

                                                                • Presence Group - The presence group to which the intercom DN belongs.

                                                                See the Related Topics.

                                                                Alternate Matches

                                                                This section provides all the alternate matches that the analysis process looked up while finding the best match for the dialed digits.


                                                                Fields that do not contain a description in this section display data as specified in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. For information about these fields, see the Cisco Unified CM Manager Administration Online Help.

                                                                The output is displayed in the following format:

                                                                • Partition : Name - The partition where the route pattern exists.

                                                                • Pattern

                                                                  • Route Pattern - The name of the route pattern.

                                                                  • Pattern Type - The pattern type, either Translation or Enterprise.

                                                                  • Network Location - Indicates the network location of the route pattern, either OffNet or OnNet.

                                                                  • Communications Manager Device Type - Specifies whether the device matched is an Access Device or a User Device.


                                                                Other parameters may display, depending on the settings that are associated with the pattern.

                                                                Related Information
                                                                Related Topics

                                                                Dump Discard Digit Instructions

                                                                Each Cisco Unified Communications Manager dial plan configuration specifies called party transformation information that includes discard digit instructions (DDIs). Dialed Number Analyzer allows you to view the DDIs that are specified for the Cisco Unified Communications Manager dial plan that you are analyzing.

                                                                The tool also allows you to view all the dialing patterns that are associated with gateways and phones that are configured in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager dial plan that you are analyzing. Use the following procedure to view DDIs or dialing pattern information that is specified for a dial plan.

                                                                  Step 1   Choose Analysis > Dump DA Information.

                                                                  The Dump Options window is displayed.

                                                                  Step 2   In the Select Dump Option field, click the Discard Digit Instructions, Dialing Forest or Learned Patterns Dialing Forest radio button.
                                                                  Step 3   In the Select Viewing Option field, do one of the following actions:
                                                                  1. To view the discard digit instructions or dialing forest information in the browser window, click the Open File in Browser button.
                                                                  2. To save the discard digit instructions or dialing forest information to a file, click the Save File radio button.
                                                                  Step 4   Click Finish.

                                                                  If you chose to view the discard digit instructions or dialing forest information about the browser, the results display in the same window.

                                                                  If you chose to save the discard digit instructions or dialing forest information to a file, the File Download dialog box is displayed. Use the following procedure to save the file:

                                                                  1. Click Save.

                                                                    The Save As dialog is displayed. Browse to a location on your PC where you want to save the file.

                                                                  2. Click Save.

                                                                    The result gets saved as a text file called DialPlanForest.txt or DiscardDigitInstructions.txt, depending on whether you chose discard digit instructions or dialing forest.

                                                                  Related Information
                                                                  Related Topics

                                                                  View Output Files

                                                                  When you store results of analysis that you perform by using phones, gateways, or trunks, the results get saved as XML files on your PC. You can retrieve and view these output files on the browser by using Dialed Number Analyzer. Use the following procedure to view output files.

                                                                    Step 1   Choose Analysis > View File.
                                                                    Step 2   The View File window is displayed.
                                                                    Step 3   In the Select a File to View field, click Browse. Browse to the location on your PC where the required output file is located and choose it. An example of an output file follows.


                                                                    where 1001 represents the dialed digits that are specified during analysis.

                                                                    Step 4   Click View File.

                                                                    The output file is displayed in a new window called Dialed Number Analyzer Results.

                                                                    The Results Summary section expands to show the summary. Click the plus icon to expand the required results section to view the details.

                                                                    Step 5   Close the Dialed Number Analyzer Results window after viewing the results.

                                                                    Related Information
                                                                    Related Topics

                                                                    Enable Trace Configuration Files

                                                                    Trace files provide a means of tracking problems in the functioning of a tool. The system writes trace files for Dialed Number Analyzer to the server on which Dialed Number Analyzer is installed. You can choose to enable or disable the writing of trace files feature from the Service Control window in Dialed Number Analyzer. This section describes the procedure to enable and disable the writing of trace files.

                                                                    Use the following procedure to enable the feature.

                                                                      Step 1   In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability, choose Trace > Trace Configuration.

                                                                      The Trace Configuration window is displayed.

                                                                      Step 2   Choose the server from the Server drop-down list box.
                                                                      Step 3   Choose Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer from the Configured Services drop-down list box.
                                                                      Step 4   To activate the trace feature, click the Trace On checkbox.
                                                                      Step 5   In the Trace Filter Settings, choose the trace level that you want to set from the Debug Trace Level drop-down list box. Click the desired debug trace level as described in the following table.
                                                                      Table 2 Debug Trace Levels




                                                                      Traces very severe error events that may cause the application to abort.


                                                                      Traces alarm conditions and events. Used for all traces that are generated in abnormal path. Uses minimum amount of CPU cycles.


                                                                      Traces potentially harmful situations.


                                                                      Traces the majority of servlet problems and has a minimal effect on system performance.


                                                                      Traces all State Transition conditions plus media layer events that occur during normal operation.

                                                                      Trace level that turns on all logging.

                                                                      Step 6   In the Trace Output Settings, enter values for the maximum number of files, maximum number of lines per file, and maximum number of minutes per file.
                                                                      Step 7   Click Save.

                                                                      The system enables the feature, and the trace files get written to the following location on the server:


                                                                      The trace files for the Multiple Analyzer feature get written to the following location on the server:


                                                                      The file is displayed in the following format:


                                                                      where <indexNo> ranges from 1- 250.

                                                                      After you configure information that you want to include in the trace files, you can collect and view trace files by using the trace and log central option in the Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT). For more information, see Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide.

                                                                      Use the following procedure to disable the writing trace files feature.

                                                                      Step 8   In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability, choose Trace > Trace Configuration.

                                                                      The Trace Configuration window is displayed.

                                                                      Step 9   Choose the server from the Server drop-down list box.
                                                                      Step 10   Choose Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer from the Configured Services drop-down list box.
                                                                      Step 11   To deactivate the trace feature, uncheck the Trace On checkbox.
                                                                      Step 12   Click Save.

                                                                      This action means that the feature is disabled.

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