Intercom DN Additions and Updates for UDPs

This chapter provides information to use the Add/Update Intercom utility to add or update intercoms in bulk for user device profiles in Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.

The Intercom feature allows one user to call another user, and that call automatically gets answered with one-way media from caller to called party, regardless of whether the called party is busy or idle.

Update Intercom DNs for User Device Profiles

Use BAT to update Intercom DNs for user device profiles.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > User Device Profiles > Add/Update Intercom > Update Intercom Directory Numbers.

The Update Intercom Directory Number window displays
Step 2

From the first Find and List Intercom Directory Numbers To Update where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • Intercom Directory Number
  • Route Partition
  • Description
Step 3

From the second Find and List Intercom Directory Numbers To Update where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • begins with
  • contains
  • ends with
  • is exactly
  • is empty
  • is not empty
Step 4

Specify the appropriate search text in the text field, if applicable, and click Find.


To find all Intercom DNs that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

To further define your query, you can choose AND or OR to add multiple filters and repeat 2 and 3.

A list of discovered Intercom DNs displays by

  • Intercom DN Pattern
  • Route Partition
  • Description
Step 5

Click Next. The next Update Intercom Directory Number window displays.

Step 6

Specify the settings that you want to update for all the records that you have defined in your query. You can choose multiple parameters to update. See Update Intercom DN Field Descriptions for UDPs for descriptions of the parameters.

Add Intercom DNs to User Device Profiles

You can use a CSV data file to add Intercom DNs to user device profiles in a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.

Before you begin

  • You must have a data file in comma separated value (CSV) format that contains the unique details for the UDPs or other IP telephony devices.
  • Upload the data files by choosing the relevant target and function for the transaction.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > User Device Profiles > Add/Update Intercom > Add Intercom Directory Numbers.

The Bulk UDP Intercom DN Insert window displays.
Step 2

In the File Name drop-down list box, choose the CSV data file that you created for this specific bulk transaction.

Step 3

In the User Device Profile Template Name drop-down list box, choose the BAT UDP template that you created for this type of bulk transaction.

Step 4

Check the Override Configuration Settings check box to update the existing UDP template settings with the information that is contained in the file that you want to insert.

Consider overriding the configuration settings as optional.
Step 5

In the Job Information area, enter the Job description.

The default job description for this transaction specifies Insert Intercom DNs.

Step 6

Choose when to add Intercom DNs. Do one of the following:

  1. Click Run Immediately to add Intercom DNs immediately.

  2. Click Run Later to add Intercom DNs at a later time.

Step 7

To create a job for adding Intercom DNs, click Submit.

Use the Job Configuration window to schedule and/or activate this job.

Update Intercom DN Field Descriptions for UDPs

The following table provides the field descriptions for updating line details in user device profiles.

Table 1. Field Description for Updating Intercom DN Details in UDPs



Intercom Directory Number Information

Route Partition

Choose a route partition to which the directory number belongs.


The directory number can appear in more than one partition.


Enter a description that makes the device easy to recognize.

Alerting Name

This name represents the name that displays during an alert to a shared directory number. For non-shared directory numbers, during alerts, the system uses the name that is entered in the Display field.

ASCII Alerting Name

This field provides the same information as the Alerting Name field, but you must limit input to ASCII characters. Devices that do not support Unicode (internationalized) characters display the content of the Alerting Name ASCII field.

Intercom Directory Number Settings

Calling Search Space

Choose the calling search space to which this group of UDPs/ports should belong.

A calling search space specifies the collection of route partitions that are searched to determine how a dialed number should be routed.

Presence Group

Used with the Presence feature, the SIP or SCCP device serves as a watcher because it requests status about the presence entity, for example, directory number, that is configured as a BLF speed dial button on the device.

If you want the device to receive the status of the presence entity, choose a Presence Group that is allowed to view the status of the Presence Group that is applied to the directory number, as indicated in the Presence Group Configuration window.