Template Name
Enter a
unique name, up to 30 alphanumeric characters, for the user template.
Password to User ID
Check this
check box if you want to make the user ID the default password for all users.
Default PIN
to Telephone Number
Check this
check box to make the telephone number the default PIN.
Telephone Number to Primary Extension
Check this
check box to make the telephone number the primary extension.
Default Mail
ID to User ID
Check this
check box to make the mail ID to default for the user ID.
Manager User
manager user ID, up to 128 characters, for the user of this phone.
Enter the
department number, up to 64 characters, for the user of this phone.
User Locale
Choose the
language and country set that you want to associate with this user from the
drop-down list. Your choice determines which cultural-dependent attributes
exist for this user and which language displays in the
Unified CM user
windows and phones.
This field, which is required for Cisco SoftPhone and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Attendant Console users, displays after the user is added.
Choose the
default profile for this user from the default Profile drop-down list.
BLF Presence
From the
drop-down list, choose the BLF presence group that watches the status of the
directory number, the presence entity.
Calling Search Space
All calling search spaces that you configure in Unified CM Administration appear in the SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space drop-down list.
The SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space determines how Cisco Unified Communications Manager routes the Presence subscription requests that come from the user. To configure a calling search space specifically for this
purpose, you configure a calling search space as you do all calling search spaces ().
Control of Device from CTI
Check this
check box to allow CTI to control and monitor this device.
If the associated directory number specifies a shared line, enable this check box as long as at least one associated device
specifies a combination of device type and protocol that CTI supports.
Cisco dual-mode devices (Jabber) such as Android, iPhone, and iPad operating in WiFi mode are monitored through CTI and not
controlled. However, devices operating in GSM mode cannot be monitored or controlled.
EMCC Enabled
Check this
check box to enable the EMCC service.
User Rank
From the drop-down list box, select the rank that you want to assign to this user. The highest rank is 1, the lowest is 10.
Control Group
From the
drop-down list, choose the access control group to which the user belongs.
Only those access control groups that are either the same or lower than the user's rank are available to select from.
When you configure digest authentication for phones that are running SIP, Cisco Unified Communications Manager challenges the identity of the phone every time that the phone sends a SIP request to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The digest credentials that you enter in this field get associated with the phone when you choose a digest user in the Phone Configuration window.
Enter a
string of up to 128 alphanumeric characters.
For information about digest authentication, see the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide.
Digest Credentials
To confirm that you entered the digest credentials correctly, reenter the credentials in this field.
Check this check box to home users in this user template to this cluster. The user must only be homed to one cluster within
the enterprise.
IM and Presence does not function properly if a user is assigned to more than one home cluster.
User for Unified CM IM and Presence
Check this check box to enable users in this user template for IM and Presence. Configure IM and Presence in the associated
service profile.
You must install a Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence node along with this Cisco Unified Communications
Manager cluster.
Use the menu to configure the IM and Presence service.
Include meeting information
in Presence
Check this
check box to enable the user to include meeting and calendar information in
and Presence Service.
The user
must be on the home cluster and have IM and Presence enabled. Also ensure that
an Exchange Presence Gateway is configured on the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence
Service server.
Presence Server
Assign a user to an IM and Presence Service server that is installed in the cluster if the system is nonbalanced. The server you specify using the Bulk Administration
Tool must be part of a Presence Redundancy Group.
clusters that have the user assignment mode for the IM and Presence server set
to balanced or active-standby, user assignments that are made using the Bulk
Administration Tool override the automatic user assignments.
UC Service
Choose a UC service profile from the drop-down list.
Use the menu to set up service profiles for the users.
Check this check box to activate Cisco Unified Mobility, which allows a user to manage calls by using a single phone number
and to pick up calls on the desk phone and mobile phone.
Mobile Voice Access
Check this
check box to allow the user to access the Mobile Voice Access integrated voice
response (IVR) system to initiate Cisco Unified Mobility calls and activate or
deactivate Cisco Unified Mobility capabilities.
Wait Time for Desk Pickup
Enter the
maximum wait time, up to five numerals, for this user.
This value indicates the maximum time that is permitted to pass before the user pickup a call that is transferred from the
mobile phone to the desk phone.
Maximum Login Time (HHH:MM)
Enter the maximum login time in the HHH:MM format to configure maximum login time for the Extension Mobility and Extension
Mobility Cross Cluster users.
The value ranges from 00:01 to 168:00 hours.
For example: 168:00, 25:16, 025:16, :30 or 00:30.
Destination Limit
Enter the
maximum number of phones, up to two numerals, to which the user is permitted to
transfer calls from the desk phone.