Manage Serviceability Service

Manage local logs


Step 1

Sign in to the Serviceability node and click Collected Logs.

This page lists logs that have been collected by this serviceability node. The list shows where the log came from (which managed device or cluster), the date and time it was collected, and the service that requested the log.

Step 2

(Optional) Sort or filter the logs using the controls in the column headers.

Step 3

Select the log that interests you and choose:

  • Delete removes the local copy of this log. This does not affect the copy that was collected by the upstream service.
  • Download puts a copy of the collected log (.zip file) on your local computer.
  • Analyse opens the Collaboration Solutions Analyzer, where you can upload and analyze your copy of the log.

What to do next

When you are finished analyzing or archiving your logs, you should delete them from the Serviceability node. This reduces the local disk usage, so there is enough storage to collect future logs.


We added a disk usage monitor to protect the Serviceability node from becoming too full. The monitor raises an alarm when a log is collected but the disk does not have enough space to keep a copy. The monitor is configured to raise the alarm if utilization reaches 80%.

When this threshold is reached, the monitor also deletes all previously collected logs, to ensure there is enough capacity to store the next log collected by this node.

Collect problem reports


Step 1

Sign in to the Serviceability node and click PRT Collector.

This page lists problem reports previously collected by this node. The list shows the device name and the date of the problem report. You can search, sort, and filter the reports.

Step 2

Click Generate to collect a report from a specific device. Supply the device name or MAC address, then click Generate.

The device name must match the value as registered on the Unified CM. The serviceability connector queries its list of Unified CM nodes for the given device name.

The dialog box shows progress and then a success message. The new problem report appears in the list.

Step 3

Select the report and choose:

  • Delete removes the local copy of this problem report.
  • Download puts a copy of the problem report (.zip file) on your local computer.
  • Analyse opens the Collaboration Solutions Analyzer, where you can upload and analyze the problem report.