Table Of Contents
Quick Start Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x
Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager
Use DMM to Register and Configure Digital Media Players
Quick Start Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x
Revised: September 17, 2011
AudienceWe prepared this material with specific expectations of you.
You are qualified to configure an enterprise server in your organization's datacenter.
This guide supports you during the first boot process and initial configuration of Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x (Cisco DMS) component products. It contains the following sections.
Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager
Use DMM to Register and Configure Digital Media Players
Set Up and Configure Cisco Digital Media Manager
Use the checklist in this section to set up a DMM 5.4 appliance and configure its software.
Before You Begin
Obtain the IP address and subnet mask to assign to your DMM appliance.
Obtain the IP addresses of the default network gateway, the primary DNS server, and the secondary DNS server.
Ensure that a DNS entry has been created and published for the DMM appliance.
Make sure you are running a supported browser, as described in our release notes.
Enable popup windows in your browser if they are disabled. You can complete the checklist only when popup windows are enabled.
Task Steps
Set up the server.
Unpack the equipment from its container and verify that all components are present.
Plug in the redundant power cords.
Connect an Ethernet cable to you network and to the appliance. (The number 1 in this illustration indicates which physical interface on a DMM appliance should connect to your network.)
Connect a monitor to the VGA output on the back of the appliance.
Connect a standard PS2 keyboard to the purple PS2 port on the back of the appliance.
Power On the appliance.
Press Enter at the "Start of First Boot" message.
Specify the fully qualified, DNS-resolvable hostname for your DMM appliance.
For example, you might enter
This field requires an FQDN. Do not enter an IP address.
Then, choose OK.
Supply the required network information.
As prompted, enter:
The server IP address
The subnet mask
The default gateway IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
The primary DNS server IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
The secondary DNS server IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname
Then, choose OK.
Confirm that you entered the correct network settings.
Are the settings correct?
Choose Yes or No.
Then, if you chose No, go back and correct any errors.
Configure settings for the appliance network interface card (NIC).
Should the NIC auto-negotiate the fastest possible transmission mode when it is connected to another device?
Choose Yes or No.
Then, if you chose No:a.
Choose the NIC speed and choose OK.
Select the duplex method and choose OK.
Choose Yes.
Set the time zone settings.
Use the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate through the Time Zone list.
Stop when the correct time zone is displayed. Then, choose OK.
Are the settings correct?
Choose Yes or No.
Then, if you chose No, go back and correct any errors.
Set the current month, year, and day.
Use the Tab key and the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and change the selected values.
When you are done, choose OK.
Are the settings correct?
Choose Yes or No.
Then, if you chose No, go back and correct any errors.
Set the current hour, minute, and second.
Use the 24 hour time format (24 hours that increment from 0100 to 2400).
Use the Tab key and the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and change the selected values.
When you are done, choose OK.
Are the settings correct?
Choose Yes or No.
Then, if you chose No, go back and correct any errors.
Set the administrator password for Appliance Administration Interface (AAI), a command console for your DMM server.
Enter a password for the admin account. Then, choose OK.
Re-enter the password. Then, choose OK twice.
This is the default account to use AAI. These are not the credentials to open DMM in your browser.
TipYour password must contain at least six characters. However, we recommend that you use at least eight characters, including numbers and a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters from the Latin-1 character set.
Set the recovery password.
Enter a password for the pwadmin account. Then, choose OK.
Re-enter the password. Then, choose OK twice.
DO NOT LOSE THE pwadmin PASSWORD. You cannot recover it if you do. This account is used to recover the admin and superuser account passwords and to run diagnostic tools when troubleshooting with Cisco technical support engineers.
The appliance reboots.
Log in to Cisco DMM.
TipUse the server FQDN that you configured in Step 2.
Go to https://<DMM_FQDN>:8443/.
Log in with these credentials:
Username: superuser
Password: admin
(This password is valid only once. You change it immediately.)c.
Click Accept to agree to the the End User License Agreement.
Configure the superuser account.
Specify which carefully monitored email address should receive all DMM system notification messages and all "contact your administrator" messages from DMM users who cannot log in.
Enter and confirm your NEW password for the superuser account.
Click Save.
The license installation page opens.
Install the license keys to activate your purchased Cisco DMS features.
Click Browse.
Find and choose the license file where you saved it.
Click Open.
Click Install License.
The features and modules that you purchased are now enabled.
Use DMM to Register and Configure Digital Media Players
DMM can discover your DMPs and add them to your device inventory for simplified, remote management. Such operations follow this sequence.
1. DMM identifies each device in the specified address range where TCP port 7777 is open.
2. DMM confirms which of these devices are DMPs.
3. DMPs receive information about your DMM server, and are then instructed to restart.
4. Restarted DMPs send their updated information to DMM and set their own status to "Up."
5. DMM generates new database records for all DMPs that are newly autoregistered.
6. DMM assigns newly registered DMPs to any DMP groups that match the specified address range.
7. DMM assigns newly registered DMPs to the "All DMPs" group.
You can stop untrusted DMM appliances from seizing control of your DMPs. Simply configure your network firewall to restrict which devices can send inbound traffic to your DMPs over TCP port 7777.
When you autoregister DMPs that are new to your DMM appliance, they restart immediately even when they are known already to another DMM appliance, and even when they are running an event. Therefore, when your organization uses more than one DMM appliance, be careful to autoregister only those DMPs that you are not already managing centrally elsewhere. Otherwise, you might temporarily disrupt media playback for the signs in your network.
Before You Begin
DMM-native (non-Medianet) DMP autoregistration uses NMAP. Verify that the routers, switches, and firewalls between your DMM appliance and the NMAP address range for non-Medianet autoregistration allow TCP port 7777 to send and receive packets. Verify also that ICMP (ping) traffic is allowed to pass from your DMM appliance to your DMPs on this port. When any of this traffic is blocked anywhere along its route, non-Medianet autoregistration cannot occur. (CSCtk02451)
We recommend that you autoregister DMPs after normal business hours. Autoregistration of 5,000 DMPs takes approximately 4 minutes in a fast network and does not use polling.
DMM runs any non-Medianet autoregistration job once each time that you schedule it to run. DMM does not scan the specified NMAP range continuously for DMPs that you might add in the future. Therefore, when you plan to add DMPs frequently, you should schedule a non-Medianet autoregistration event to recur accordingly.
Make sure you are running a supported browser, as described in our release notes.
Procedure (Continued)
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Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.
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