Managing Catalogs

This chapter contains the following sections:

About Managing Catalogs

You can self-provision virtual machines (VMs) and bare metal (BM) servers using predefined catalog items. Only a system administrator can create a catalog. A catalog defines parameters, such as the cloud name and the group name to which the VM is bound.

The following folders are available by default. You cannot edit or delete them.

  • Standard

  • Advanced

  • Service Container

  • Bare Metal

To aid in managing catalogs, Cisco UCS Director allows you to group similar catalogs within a folder. While creating a catalog, you can choose to add it in a previously created folder, or create a new folder. A folder is visible in the system only when it contains a catalog.

The Manage Folder option on the Catalog page allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Edit a folder—Modify the name of a user-created folder or the folder icon for all folders. You cannot modify the name of a default folder.

  • Delete a folder—Delete a folder from Cisco UCS Director. If this folder contains catalogs, then these catalogs are automatically moved into the folders that are available by default, based on the catalog type.

    Default folders cannot be deleted.

  • Re-order the list of folder—Change the order in which the folders are listed in the Catalog page. By default, folders are listed alphabetically.


If you have upgraded Cisco UCS Director to the latest version, then all catalogs created in prior versions are grouped into folders available by default, based on their catalog types.

By default, the catalogs will be displayed in a tile view format.

From the Catalog page, you can create a Service Request. Click Create Service Request, and complete the procedure documented in Creating a Service Request with Catalog Type—Standard.


Place the Catalogs option on the menu bar to easily access all the catalog-related options. Click your user name on the top right corner of the interface, choose the Catalogs tab in the User Information dialog box, and check the Enable Catalogs check box.

Publishing a Catalog

    Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Policies > Catalogs.
    Step 2   Choose the Catalog tab.
    Step 3   Click Add (+).
    Step 4   In the Catalog Add dialog box, select the type of catalog that you want to add.

    It can be one of the following:

    • Standard—Used to create catalogs for VM provisioning, using images from a list of clouds.

    • Advanced—Used for publishing orchestration workflows, such as catalog items.

    • Service Container—Used for publishing application containers as catalog items.

    • Bare Metal Catalog—Used to create catalogs for bare metal server provisioning.

      ucsd-admin-only For information on how to create a bare metal catalog, see Creating a Bare Metal Server Catalog.

    Step 5   Click Submit.
    Step 6   In the Create Catalog dialog box, complete the following fields:



    Basic Information pane

    Catalog Name field

    Enter a name of the catalog.


    Once created, a catalog name cannot be modified.

    Catalog Description field

    Enter a description of the catalog.

    Catalog Type drop-down list

    The type of catalog. It can be one of the following:

    • Standard—Used to create catalogs for VM provisioning, using images from a list of clouds.

    • Advanced—Used for publishing orchestration workflows, such as catalog items.

    • Service Container—Used for publishing application containers as catalog items.

    • Bare Metal Catalog—Used to create catalogs for bare metal server provisioning.

    Catalog Icon drop-down list

    Choose from a list of icons to associate this catalog with an image. This icon is seen when you are creating a service request using this catalog.

    Applied to all groups check box

    Check the check box to enable all groups to use this catalog. Leave it unchecked to deny its use to other groups.

    Support Contact Email Addresses field

    Specify the email address of the support contacts.

    Selected Groups check box list

    Check the check boxes for included groups that are from the Select Items dialog box. The checked groups use this catalog to provision new VMs.

    Publish to end users check box

    By default, this check box is checked. Uncheck this check box if you do not want this catalog to be visible to end users. If you do not uncheck this check box, then this catalog is visible to the end users of the system.

    Cloud Name drop-down list

    Choose the cloud with the image for VM provisioning.

    Provision new VM for ISO mounting check box

    Check this check box to clone a new VM from a selected image. If you do not check this check box, a blank VM is created.

    Image field

    Choose the type of image, (any existing templates such as Windows, Linux, and other files that make up the image) that you use when VMs are provisioned using this catalog.

    If you are a group administrator, or an end user in a group with permissions to create catalogs, this field displays images that have been assigned to the group you belong to.

    If you are an MSP administrator, then this field displays images that have been assigned to your MSP organization, and to the groups within the MSP organization.

    Windows License Pool field

    Choose the Windows License.


    This option appears only when a Windows image is chosen. This option is not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Provision all disks in single datastore check box

    Check the check box to provision all disks in a single datastore. You can also choose to use the datastores configured for each disk in the storage policy.

    For more information on multiple disk storage policy creation, see Managing Policies.


    This option appears if the chosen template has multiple disks. This option is not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Service Container Template Name drop-down list

    Choose the template from the list.


    This option appears when the chosen Catalog Type is Service Container.

    Select Folder drop-down list

    Choose the folder within which this catalog must be created.


    The drop-down list includes names of folders that are available by default. You can either select a folder that is available, or click the + icon to create a new folder.

    To create a new folder in the Add New Folder dialog box, specify a folder name, and select an icon for the folder.

    Step 7   Click Next.
    Step 8   In the Applications Details pane, complete the following fields:



    Category drop-down list

    Choose a VDC category.

    Override check box

    Check the check box to enable the end user to override the selected category while provisioning a VM using a service request.

    Support Contact Email Address field

    The email address of the contact who is notified when a service request is created using this catalog item.

    Specify OS drop-down list

    Choose the type of OS installed on the VM when it is provisioned.

    This option is not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Specify Other OS field

    Specify an OS that is not available in the Specify OS list.


    This option is not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Specify Applications check box list

    Check the appropriate check boxes to specify applications from the Select Items dialog box. These applications are installed on the VM during provisioning.


    This option is not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Specify Other Applications field

    Specify other applications that are not available in the Select Items dialog box.


    This option is not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Application Code field

    Specify an application code that is used in the VM name.

    The application code can be between 1 to 4 characters (for example: W2K3, DB, WS). The application code can be used in a system policy for the VM name by using the variable ${APPCODE}.

    For example, if the VM Name Template is vm-${GROUP_NAME}-${APPCODE}, the VM provisioned with the system policy has the name vm-groupname-W2K3.


    This option is not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Step 9   Click Next.
    Step 10   In the User Credentials pane, complete the following fields:

    These options are not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.



    Credential Options drop-down list

    Choose to allow or disallow users to retrieve VM access credentials (shared).

    User ID field

    The user ID.


    This field is available only if a choice is made under Credential Options.

    Password field

    The user password.


    This field is available only if a choice is made under Credential Options.

    Step 11   Click Next.
    Step 12   In the Customization pane, complete the following fields:



    Automatic Guest Customization Enable check box

    Check the check box to enable automatic guest customization.

    If you do not check this check box, then Cisco UCS Director does not configure the DNS, Network, and Guest OS properties.

    Post Provisioning Custom Actions check box

    Check the check box to enable execution of an orchestration workflow after VM provisioning.

    Workflow drop-down list

    Choose a defined workflow for provisioning.


    This option appears when Post Provisioning Custom Actions is checked.

    Virtual Storage Catalog Enable check box

    Check the check box to select storage entries from the Virtual Storage catalog.

    Virtual Storage Catalog drop-down list

    Select a storage entry from the catalog.


    This option appears when the Virtual Storage Catalog Enable check box is checked.

    Cost Computation

    Charge Duration drop-down list

    Choose Hourly or Monthly.

    Active VM Application Cost field

    The cost for the application that is included in the template.

    Not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    Inactive VM Application Cost field

    The cost to this catalog of a VM in inactive state, per hour or month.

    Not supported in the RHEV KVM Connector.

    VM Life Cycle Configuration

    Lease Time check box

    Check the check box to define a lease time (in days and hours).

    Day field

    Specify the number of days.

    This field is visible only when you check the Lease Time check box

    Hours field

    Specify the number of hours.

    This field is visible only when you check the Lease Time check box

    Hide end user lease configuration check box

    Check the check box to prevent service end users from configuring a lease time for VMs.

    Hide end user VM provision later check box

    Check the check box to prevent service end users from provisioning VMs at a later time.

    Step 13   Click Next.
    Step 14   In the VM Access pane, complete the following fields:



    Web Access Configuration

    Enable check box

    Check the check box to enable web access to the VM. By default, this check box is unchecked which means that web access to the VM is disabled.

    URL field

    The URL of the VM.


    This option appears when Web Access Configuration is checked.

    Label field

    The label that is defined for this URL


    This option appears when Web Access Configuration is checked.

    Remote Desktop Access Configuration

    Enable check box

    Check the check box to enable remote desktop access to the VM. By default, this check box is unchecked, which means that remote desktop access to the VM is disabled.

    Server field

    The IP address of the server for remote access.


    This option appears when Remote Desktop Access Configuration is checked.

    Port field

    The port number on the server for remote access.


    This option appears when Remote Desktop Access Configuration is checked.

    Label field

    The label that is defined for this remote access.


    This option appears when Remote Desktop Access Configuration is checked.

    VMRC Console Configuration

    Enable check box

    Check the check box to enable VMRC console access to the VM. By default, this check box is unchecked, which means that the VMRC console access to the VM is disabled.

    Step 15   Click Next.
    Step 16   Review the catalog information in the Summary page.
    Step 17   Click Submit.

    About Publishing Advanced Catalogs

    When you choose the Advanced catalog type, you can provision workflow catalogs. End users can execute workflows with these catalogs during a Service Request. You create an Advanced Catalog Item by defining parameters such as Group Name and Workflow.

    Publishing Advanced Catalogs

      Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Policies > Catalogs.
      Step 2   Choose the Catalog tab.
      Step 3   Click Add.
      Step 4   In the Catalog Add dialog box, from the Catalog Type drop-down list, select Advanced.
      Step 5   Click Submit.
      Step 6   In the Create Catalog dialog box, complete the following fields:



      Basic Information Pane

      Catalog Name field

      The name of the catalog.

      Catalog Description field

      The description of the catalog.

      Catalog Type

      Choose Advanced.

      Catalog Icon drop-down list

      Choose the icon to associate this catalog with an image. The icon is seen when creating a service request using this catalog.

      Applied to all groups check box

      Check the check box to enable all groups to use this catalog. By default, this check box is not checked, which means that all groups cannot use this catalog.

      Selected Groups

      Click Select and complete the following:

      1. (Optional) Click Check All to choose all of the categories or click Check None to deselect all categories.

      2. From the Select Items dialog box, check the appropriate groups to include. The checked groups can use this catalog to provision new VMs.

      3. Click Select to finish your selection of categories.

      Publish to end users check box

      By default, this check box is checked, which means that the catalog is available to end users. Uncheck this check box if you do not want this catalog to be visible to end users.

      Select Folder drop-down list

      Choose the folder within which this catalog must be created in.


      The drop-down list includes names of folders that are already available. You can either select a folder that is available, or click the + icon to create a new folder.

      To create a new folder in the Add New Folder dialog box, specify a folder name, and select an icon for the folder.

      Step 7   Click Next.
      Step 8   In the vApp Workflow pane, click Workflow Select.
      Step 9   In the Select dialog box, check the check box next to the appropriate workflow.
      Step 10   Click Select.
      Step 11   Review the catalog information on the Summary page.
      Step 12   Click Submit.

      Creating a Bare Metal Server Catalog

      Before You Begin

      You should have created a bare metal provisioning policy.

        Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Policies > Catalogs.
        Step 2   Choose the Catalog tab.
        Step 3   Click Add (+).
        Step 4   In the Catalog Add dialog box, choose Bare Metal as the Catalog Type.
        Step 5   Click Submit.
        Step 6   In the Add Catalog dialog box, complete the following fields:



        Basic Information pane

        Catalog Name field

        Enter a name of the catalog.


        Once created, a catalog name cannot be modified.

        Catalog Description field

        Enter a description of the catalog.

        Catalog Type drop-down list

        This field cannot be edited. It displays Bare Metal.

        Catalog Icon drop-down list

        Choose from a list of icons to associate this catalog with an image. This icon is seen when you are creating a service request using this catalog.

        Applied to all groups check box

        Check the check box to enable all groups to use this catalog. Leave it unchecked to deny its use to other groups.

        Support Contact Email Addresses field

        Specify the email address of the support contacts.

        Selected Groups check box list

        Check the check boxes for included groups that are from the Select Items dialog box. The checked groups use this catalog to provision new bare metal servers.

        Publish to end users check box

        By default, this check box is checked. Uncheck this check box if you do not want this catalog to be visible to end users. If you do not uncheck this check box, then this catalog is visible to the end users of the system.

        Select Folder drop-down list

        Choose the folder within which this catalog must be created.


        The drop-down list includes names of folders that are available by default. You can either select a folder that is available, or click the + icon to create a new folder.

        To create a new folder in the Add New Folder dialog box, specify a folder name, and select an icon for the folder.

        Bare Metal Server Provisioning Policy drop-down list

        Choose a bare metal provisioning policy.

        Configure Service Request Support Email check box

        By default, this check box is unchecked. Check this check box to specify an email address to which the status of the service request must be emailed to.

        Step 7   Click Next.
        Step 8   In the Bare Metal Workflow pane, click Select to choose a bare metal server provisioning workflow.

        To create a bare metal workflow, you will need to include the following set of tasks at a minimum:

        • The Bare Metal Provisioning wrapper

        • Select UCS Server

        • Create UCS Service Profile from Template

        • Associate UCS Service Profile

        • Setup PXE Boot With BMA Selection

        • Power On UCS Server

        • Monitor PXE Boot

        • Modify UCS Service Profile Boot Policy

        • Power On UCS Server

        • Assign UCS Server to Group

        Step 9   Click Next.
        Step 10   Review the catalog information in the Summary page.
        Step 11   Click Submit.

        What to Do Next

        Using this catalog, you can create a service request for bare metal servers.

        Reordering Catalogs Within a Folder

        By default the catalogs within a folder are listed alphabetically, but you can customize the order.

          Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Policies > Catalogs.
          Step 2   Choose the Catalog tab.
          Step 3   Expand a folder to view the catalogs within it.
          Step 4   Select a catalog from the list.
          Step 5   Click the Move Up or Move Down options to reorder the catalogs.

          Accessing Hosts for Deployment

          You can choose a catalog item to assess deployable hosts and provide a reason for hosts that are excluded. You can determine if you want to run this assessment on all configured VDCs, or on certain specific VDCs.

            Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Policies > Catalogs.
            Step 2   Choose the Catalog tab.
            Step 3   Choose the Catalog Entry to assess.
            Step 4   Click Deployability Assessment.
            Step 5   In the Select vDC dialog box, complete the following fields:



            Run Assessment Across all VDCs check box

            By default, this check box is checked, which indicates that this catalog item will be assessed with all VDCs. Uncheck this check box to select specific VDCs.

            Select VDC field

            Click Select to check the check boxes of the VDCs against which you want the catalog item assessed.

            The list displays all the vDCs associated with the user group for the selected catalog.

            Step 6   Click Submit.
            Step 7   View the Deployability Assessment report and the click Close.

            Reordering Catalog Folders

            By default the catalog folders are listed alphabetically, but you can customize the order.

              Step 1   On the menu bar, choose Policies > Catalogs.
              Step 2   Click Manage Folder.
              Step 3   In the Manager Folder dialog box, use the arrows to reorder the folders.
              Step 4   Click Submit.