F16581 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: user configuration to secondary(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:
The FSM could not send the user configuration to the subordinate fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16745 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: QoS Classification Definition classification configuration on secondary(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:QosclassDefinitionConfigGlobalQoS:SetPeer)
The FSM could not send the quality of the service configuration to the subordinate fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16725 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: VM profile configuration on external VM manager(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:VnicProfileSetConfigVmm:SetLocal)
The FSM could not send the VM profile configuration to the the subordinate fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16580 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: realm configuration to secondary(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:
The FSM could not send the security configuration to the subordinate fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16724 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: external VM manager configuration on local fabric(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:ExtvmmEpConfig:SetLocal)
The FSM could not send the VM manager configuration to the primary fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16579 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: external aaa server configuration to secondary(FSM-STAGE:
The FSM could not send the security configuration to the subordinate fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16749 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: Uplink eth port configuration on B(FSM-STAGE:
The FSM could not send the eth-uplink configuration to the fabric interconnects during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16749 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: internal network configuration on B(FSM-STAGE:
The FSM could not send the internal network configuration to the fabric interconnects during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16749 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: Uplink fc port configuration on B(FSM-STAGE:sam:
The FSM could not send the fibre channel uplink configuration to the fabric interconnects during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16680 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: Enable virtual interface on local fabric interconnect
The FSM could not send the virtual interface configuration to the fabric interconnects during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16579 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: keyring configuration on secondary(FSM-STAGE:
The FSM could not send the security configuration to the subordinate fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F16539 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: Fabric interconnect mode configuration to primary(FSM-STAGE:
The FSM could not send the end-host mode configuration on to the primary fabric interconnect during the initial cluster configuration or the setup. |
F0429 |
Fabric Interconnect A, HA functionality not ready
The cluster configuration cannot be completed until the chassis discovery is completed. |
F0400 |
Chassis 1 connectivity configuration: un-acknowledged
The Cisco UCS Manager discovered the chassis with only one link in the first attempt although the chassis discovery policy is configured for four links. THe Cisco UCS Manager reacknowledges the chassis to activate the other links. |
F0401 |
IOM 1/2 (B) current connectivity does not match discovery policy: unsupported-connectivity
The Cisco UCS Manager discovered the chassis with only one link in the first attempt although the chassis discovery policy is configured for four links. The Cisco UCS Manager can clear this fault when the communication is established between the chassis and the fabric interconnect with that link. |
F0440 |
Chassis discovery policy conflict: Link IOM 1/2/2 to fabric interconnect B:1/1 not configured
The Cisco UCS Manager discovered the chassis with only one link in the first attempt although the chassis discovery policy is configured for four links. Until the discovery is successful with that link, the remaining links cannot be marked as active. The Cisco UCS Manager can clear this fault when the communication is established between the chassis and the fabric interconnect with that link. |
F0332 |
AssociatePnuOSLocalDiskConfig fails with Service-Unavailable
During discovery, the server association failed due to an error when configuring the local disk controller. The associated remote invocation error code is 4106. |
F0277 |
ether port 1 on fabric interconnect B oper state: link-up, reason: FEX not configured
The Cisco UCS Manager discovered the chassis with only one link in the first attempt although the chassis discovery policy is configured for four links. Until the discovery is successful with that link, the remaining links cannot be marked as active. |
F0276 |
ether port 4 on fabric interconnect B oper state: link-down, reason: Link failure or not-connected
One or more of the links on the chassis flapped during the initial discovery. This fault is generated when the link is down during the flapping. |
F0206 |
Adapter 1/2/1 is unreachable
During discovery, the adapter information cannot be accessed from the server. This fault clears as soon as the information is available. |
F0283 |
VIF 1 / 2 B-42/44 down, reason: Bound Physical Interface Down
The internal VIF that the Cisco UCS Manager uses during discovery failed. |
F0367 |
No link between IOM port 1/1/2 and fabric interconnect A:1/2
The ethernet server ports flapped on the fabric interconnect during the initial discovery, because the discovery policy was configured for more than one link. The Cisco UCS Manager clears this fault when the initial discovery succeeds with one link and the other links can be marked as active. |
F0399 |
Current connectivity for chassis 1 does not match discovery policy: unsupported-connectivity
The Cisco UCS Manager discovered the chassis with only one link in the first attempt although the chassis discovery policy is configured for four links. Until the discovery is successful with that link, the remaining links cannot be marked as active. |
F16520 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: Identify pre-boot environment agent on server 1/2
The FSM failed to identify the pre-boot environment on the server during discovery. |
F77960 |
[FSM:STAGE:REMOTE-ERROR]: Result: end-point-unavailable Code: unspecified Message: Waiting for BIOS POST Completion information from IBMC(sam:dme:ComputeBladeDiscover:
The FSM did not receive a response from the server during discovery and is waiting for the BIOS POST completion information. |
F0320 |
Server 1/1 (service profile:) has an invalid FRU: mismatch-identity-unestablishable
The Cisco UCS Manager could not identify the FRUs from the servers during initial discovery. |
F77959 |
[FSM:STAGE:REMOTE-ERROR]: Result: unidentified-fail Code: ERR-0505-IBMC-fru-retrieval-error Message: Could not get Fru from 7f060101,
dn=fabric/server/chassis-1/slot-1 (sam:dme:FabricComputeSlotEpIdentify:ExecuteLocal)
The Cisco UCS Manager could not identify the FRUs from the servers during initial discovery. |
F16406 |
[FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: triggering chassis discovery via IOM 1/2(right)(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:EquipmentIOCardFeConn:DiscoverChassis)
In a cluster configuration, after the Cisco UCS Manager discovers the chassis through the I/O module connected to the primary fabric interconnect, it raises discovery through the I/O module connected to the secondary fabric interconnect. |