The Supervisor boots into ROMmon mode if the image specified is corrupt or no image file exists. Typically, you should have
more than one image in the bootflash: device so that the switch can be recovered.
Complete these steps, in the order given, to facilitate a successful image recovery from ROMmon mode without any valid image.
Make a console connection to the Supervisor. Typically on a standard Windows operating system platform, configure a HyperTerminal
connection directly to COM1 with these settings:
9600 bps
Eight data bits
No parity
One stop bit
Use a rolled male RJ-45 cable to connect from COM1 on the PC to the console port on the Supervisor module. Use a DB-9 connector
on the PC, and a HyperTerminal connect window to connect to the Supervisor.
Press Enter. If you get the rommon > prompt, skip to Step 3. If the switch continuously reboots, press Control-C to prevent autoboot and to get into ROMmon mode.
* *
* Welcome to ROM Monitor for WS-X4014 System. *
* Copyright (c) 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
ROM Monitor Program Version 12.1(11br)EW
Board type 1, Board revision 5
Swamp FPGA revision 14, Dagobah FPGA revision 48
MAC Address : 00-01-96-d9-f6-fe
Ip Address : Not set.
Netmask : Not set.
Gateway : Not set.
TftpServer : Not set.
Main Memory : 256 Mbytes
***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****
Type control-C to prevent autobooting.
!--- Press Control-C.
Autoboot cancelled......... please wait!!!
rommon 1 > [interrupt]
Verify that there is a valid file present in the bootflash: by issuing the dir bootflash: command, as this example shows. If you do have any valid file, see the Recovering from a Continuous Reboot section of this document for the recovery. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
rommon 1 >dir bootflash:
File size Checksum File name
Total space = 61341696 bytes, Available = 61341696 bytes
Issue the set command to display the current environment variables.
rommon 3 >set
PS1=rommon ! >
RET_2_RTS=13:36:46 UTC Tue Aug 15 2000
Issue the unset BOOT command to clear the current invalid boot variable, which defines the file to load.
rommon 6 >unset BOOT
Connect the management port on the Supervisor to the network to access a TFTP server. The Fast Ethernet port (10/100 MGT)
on the Supervisor Engine is inoperative in normal operation in current software release. An Ethernet cable plugged into the
10/100 MGT is active only in ROMmon mode
As this example shows, if you plan to connect the 10/100 MGT port to the PC/Router directly, use a straight cable. If you
connect to another switch, use a crossover cable.
rommon 7 >
!--- Connect the appropriate cable to connect to the network.
Established physical link 100MB Full Duplex
Network layer connectivity may take a few seconds
The Management port auto-negotiates speed and duplex with the connected device. Currently, you can not hardcode speed and
duplex settings. Since this port is available only in ROMmon mode and for TFTP only, it is not a major concern if the speed
and duplex are mismatched due to any potential auto-negotiating problem. The TFTP application has an internal packet loss
mechanism to prevent any corruption of the system image being downloaded.
Enter the set commands to configure an IP address for the 10/100 MGT port, as this example shows. If the subnet mask is not specified,
the IP address would take the default classful mask.
rommon 7> set IP_ADDRESS=
rommon 8> set IP_SUBNET_MASK=
Enter the set DEFAULT_GATEWAY command to configure the default gateway for the switch to use to get to the TFTP server, as this example shows. The default
gateway should be a routing device in the same subnet as the IP address configured in Step 6.
rommon 8> set DEFAULT_GATEWAY=
Enter the set command to verify the configurations which have been made.
switch: set
Ping the TFTP server to ensure that there is connectivity to the server from the MGT port on the Supervisor Engine. Enter
the ping
tftp_server_ip_address command, as this example shows:
rommon 9 >ping
Host is alive
If the ping is not successful, troubleshoot the IP connectivity issue from the default gateway to the TFTP server. If the
TFTP server is the same subnet, make sure it is configured with the IP address you are pinging.
Once the ping to the TFTP server is successful, you can issue the boot tftp://tftp_server_ip_address/image_path_and_file_name command to specify the system image which is available in the TFTP server to boot the Supervisor.
rommon 1>boot tftp://
attempting to boot from [tftp://]
interface : eth0
macaddr : E4:AA:5D:59:7B:44
ip :
netmask :
gateway :
server :
file : cat9k/cat9k_iosxe.2017-08-25_09.41.bin
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco IOS Software [Everest], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K_IOSXE), Experimental Version 16.6.20170824:202043 [v166_throttle-/nobackup/srchanna/lock_166 104]
Copyright (c) 1986-2017 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 24-Aug-17 13:23 by srchanna
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2017 by cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are
licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The
software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such
GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the
documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,
or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE
FIPS: Flash Key Check : Begin
FIPS: Flash Key Check : End, Not Found, FIPS Mode Not Enabled
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
cisco C9407R (X86) processor (revision V00) with 869398K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FXS1939Q3LZ
144 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
16 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
4 Forty Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
15958516K bytes of physical memory.
11161600K bytes of Bootflash at bootflash:.
1638400K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:.
0K bytes of WebUI ODM Files at webui:.
%INIT: waited 0 seconds for NVRAM to be available
Press RETURN to get started!
*Sep 1 13:20:31.770: %SMART_LIC-6-AGENT_READY: Smart Agent for Licensing is initialized
*Sep 1 13:20:37.460: NGWC: not crashing for mcprp_get_ecfm_brain_mac_addr
*Sep 1 13:20:39.084: %CRYPTO-4-AUDITWARN: Encryption audit check could not be performed
*Sep 1 13:20:39.125: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
*Sep 1 13:20:39.350: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Lsmpi12/3, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:20:39.351: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface EOBC12/1, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:20:39.351: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface LI-Null0, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:20:39.351: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0, changed state to down
*Sep 1 13:20:39.351: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface LIIN12/2, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:20:39.418: %SYS-3-HARIKARI: Process pki_app top-level routine exited
*Sep 1 13:20:39.431: %PNP-6-PNP_DISCOVERY_STOPPED: PnP Discovery stopped (Startup Config Present)
*Sep 1 13:20:39.441: %ILPOWER-6-SET_ILPOWER: Set power allocated to POE to 2780 for slot 0
*Sep 1 13:20:40.292: %IOSXE_MGMTVRF-6-CREATE_SUCCESS_INFO: Management vrf Mgmt-vrf created with ID 1, ipv4 table-id 0x1, ipv6 table-id 0x1E000001
*Sep 1 13:20:00.189: %HW_PFU-3-PFU_IDPROM_CORRUPT: R1/0: cmand: The PEM/FM idprom could be read, but is corrupt in slot P17 The system will run without environmental monitoring for this component
*Sep 1 13:20:11.565: %CMRP_PFU-6-PWR_MGMT_OK: R1/0: cmand: Sufficient number of power supplies (4) are installed for power redundancy mode none (excess power 3150 watts).
*Sep 1 13:20:24.203: %CMRP_PFU-6-PWR_MGMT_OK: R1/0: cmand: Sufficient number of power supplies (4) are installed for power redundancy mode none (excess power 1685 watts).
*Sep 1 13:20:35.524: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:15:00.1: BAR 2: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x102000] has bogus alignment
*Sep 1 13:20:35.524: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:15:00.1: BAR 4: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x102000] has bogus alignment
*Sep 1 13:20:35.524: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:15:00.0: BAR 4: error updating (0x2021000c != 0x00000c)
*Sep 1 13:20:35.524: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: Error: Storage device initialization failed with unknown error! error 0xd2b5c46f, Img version: 0xb3537bb0, lslot 0
*Sep 1 13:20:36.184: %CMRP_PFU-6-PWR_MGMT_OK: R1/0: cmand: Sufficient number of power supplies (4) are installed for power redundancy mode none (excess power 1555 watts).
*Sep 1 13:20:36.532: %EVENTLIB-3-CPUHOG: R1/0: cmcc: undefined: 5072ms, Traceback=1#d1ecae96f48e7b01c7626e7421118715 c:7FF4ACC05000+33410 c:7FF4ACC05000+E0197 tam_act2:7FF4B0B0F000+8F1F tam_act2:7FF4B0B0F000+F676 tam_act2:7FF4B0B0F000+FA28 cmlib_util:7FF4B289F000+9CF5 cmlib_util:7FF4B289F000+19D8B :565477ADE000+4F17E :565477ADE000+4F6BA :565477ADE000+723B9 :565477ADE000+60FEA
*Sep 1 13:20:38.312: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:1b:00.1: BAR 2: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x102000] has bogus alignment
*Sep 1 13:20:38.312: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:1b:00.1: BAR 4: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x102000] has bogus alignment
*Sep 1 13:20:38.312: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:1b:00.0: BAR 4: error updating (0x2021000c != 0x00000c)
*Sep 1 13:20:38.312: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: Error: Storage device initialization failed with unknown error! error 0xe7da8ea0, Img version: 0x1dfdead4, lslot 2
*Sep 1 13:20:39.370: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:35:00.1: BAR 2: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x102000] has bogus alignment
*Sep 1 13:20:39.370: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:35:00.1: BAR 4: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x102000] has bogus alignment
*Sep 1 13:20:39.370: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: pci 0000:35:00.0: BAR 4: error updating (0x2021000c != 0x00000c)
*Sep 1 13:20:39.370: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R1/0: kernel: Error: Storage device initialization failed with unknown error! error 0x976ff5fb, Img version: 0xc92bf77b, lslot 3
*Sep 1 13:20:40.348: %EVENTLIB-3-CPUHOG: R1/0: cmcc: undefined: 5392ms, Traceback=1#d1ecae96f48e7b01c7626e7421118715 c:7F7461488000+33410 c:7F7461488000+E0197 tam_act2:7F7465392000+8F1F tam_act2:7F7465392000+F8BF tam_act2:7F7465392000+FA28 cmlib_util:7F7467122000+9CF5 cmlib_util:7F7467122000+19D8B :563133282000+4F17E :563133282000+4F6BA :563133282000+723B9 :563133282000+60FEA
*Sep 1 13:20:40.436: %EVENTLIB-3-CPUHOG: R1/0: cmcc: undefined: 5509ms, Traceback=1#d1ecae96f48e7b01c7626e7421118715 c:7F97C4C70000+33410 pthread:7F97C5014000+100B0 syshw:7F97D0F6F000+FCE1 syshw:7F97D0F6F000+FE58 :562F95125000+54DAE :562F95125000+81565 :562F95125000+425F6 :562F95125000+732ED cm_oir:7F97CC4EF000+28A55 cmcc_msgs:7F97CB280000+91422 cmcc_msgs:7F97CB280000+91210
*Sep 1 13:20:40.490: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed state to down
*Sep 1 13:20:44.086: %CMEM-3-SENSOR_INIT_FAILED: R1/0: cmand: Sensor (Temp: outlet) initialization failed due to No such file or directory.
*Sep 1 13:20:44.513: %SYS-2-PRIVCFG_DECRYPT: Successfully apply the private config file
*Sep 1 13:20:44.969: %SW_VLAN-6-VTP_DOMAIN_NAME_CHG: VTP domain name changed to zdf-acc.
*Sep 1 13:20:44.973: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console
*Sep 1 13:20:44.975: %PARSER-4-BADCFG: Unexpected end of configuration file.
*Sep 1 13:20:44.990: %IOSXE_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 1 13:20:44.990: %IOSXE_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 3/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 1 13:20:44.990: %IOSXE_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 4/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 1 13:20:44.991: %IOSXE_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 5/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 1 13:20:44.991: %IOSXE_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 6/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 1 13:20:45.010: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (C9400-LC-48T) offline in subslot 1/0
*Sep 1 13:20:45.014: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (C9400-SUP-1) offline in subslot 3/0
*Sep 1 13:20:46.458: %SYS-6-BOOTTIME: Time taken to reboot after reload = 303 seconds
*Sep 1 13:20:46.939: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Vlan1, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 1 13:20:53.578: %IOSXE_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (fp) online in slot F1
*Sep 1 13:20:58.096: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:20:59.099: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0/0, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:20:59.104: %CRYPTO-6-ISAKMP_ON_OFF: ISAKMP is OFF
*Sep 1 13:21:15.745: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (C9400-SUP-1) online in subslot 4/0
*Sep 1 13:21:15.752: %TRANSCEIVER-6-INSERTED: R1/0: iomd: transceiver module inserted in TenGigabitEthernet4/0/1
*Sep 1 13:21:15.768: %TRANSCEIVER-6-INSERTED: R1/0: iomd: transceiver module inserted in TenGigabitEthernet4/0/3
*Sep 1 13:21:15.778: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (C9400-SUP-1) online in subslot 3/0
*Sep 1 13:21:15.783: %TRANSCEIVER-6-INSERTED: R1/0: iomd: transceiver module inserted in TenGigabitEthernet3/0/1
*Sep 1 13:21:15.790: %TRANSCEIVER-6-INSERTED: R1/0: iomd: transceiver module inserted in TenGigabitEthernet3/0/2
*Sep 1 13:21:17.543: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (C9400-LC-48T) online in subslot 1/0
*Sep 1 13:21:20.261: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (C9400-LC-48U) online in subslot 6/0
*Sep 1 13:21:20.353: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (C9400-LC-48U) online in subslot 5/0
*Sep 1 13:21:33.591: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/47, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:33.813: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:34.591: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/47, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:34.813: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.449: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.461: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/9, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.469: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/13, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.477: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/17, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.487: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/24, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.494: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/25, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.504: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/33, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:36.590: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/37, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.449: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.462: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/9, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.469: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/13, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.477: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/17, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.488: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/24, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.494: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/25, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.504: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/33, changed state to up
*Sep 1 13:21:37.591: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet5/0/37, changed state to up
Note |
The IP address of the TFTP server and the file has already been preselected since you used the information for the transfer
of the image to the bootflash:. If you would like to change it, type the new IP address or image name. Otherwise, press Enter
and the preselected information is used.
The system image has been copied. Issue the dir bootflash: command to note the file in the bootflash:.
Enter the verify command to verify the integrity of the downloaded file. If the verification fails, you have to download the file again.
Switch#verify bootflash:packages.conf
Verified bootflash:packages.conf
Enter the show bootvar command to check the current boot variable.
Remove any existing incorrect boot variables and add the correct one.
Enter the write memory command to save the configuration from running to startup.
Use the show bootvar command to check the boot variable again to ensure it is set correctly, so that the switch boots up the correct system file
on the next reboot.