Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)

Prerequisites for VLANs

Restrictions for VLANs

Information About VLANs

Default Settings for VLANs

How to Configure VLANs

NoteFor complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, see these publications:

Cisco IOS Release 15.0SY supports only Ethernet interfaces. Cisco IOS Release 15.0SY does not support any WAN features or commands.

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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Prerequisites for VLANs


Restrictions for VLANs

If the switch is in VTP server or transparent mode (see the "How to Configure VTP" section), you can configure VLANs in global and config-vlan configuration modes. When you configure VLANs in global and config-vlan configuration modes, the VLAN configuration is saved in the vlan.dat files. To display the VLAN configuration, enter the show vlan command.

If the switch is in VLAN transparent mode, use the copy running-config startup-config command to save the VLAN configuration to the startup-config file. After you save the running configuration as the startup configuration, use the show running-config and show startup-config commands to display the VLAN configuration.

When the switch boots, if the VTP domain name and the VTP mode in the startup-config file and vlan.dat files do not match, the switch uses the configuration in the vlan.dat file.

You can configure extended-range VLANs only in global configuration mode.

Supervisor engine redundancy does not support nondefault VLAN data file names or locations. Do not enter the vtp file file_name command on a switch that has a redundant supervisor engine.

Before installing a redundant supervisor engine, enter the no vtp file command to return to the default configuration.

Before you can create a VLAN, the switch must be in VTP server mode or VTP transparent mode. For information on configuring VTP, see Chapter 23 "VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)."

The VLAN configuration is stored in the vlan.dat file, which is stored in nonvolatile memory. You can cause inconsistency in the VLAN database if you manually delete the vlan.dat file.

To do a complete backup of your configuration, include the vlan.dat file in the backup.

Information About VLANs

VLAN Overview

VLAN Ranges

VLAN Overview

A VLAN is a group of end stations with a common set of requirements, independent of physical location. VLANs have the same attributes as a physical LAN but allow you to group end stations even if they are not located physically on the same LAN segment.

VLANs are usually associated with IP subnetworks. For example, all the end stations in a particular IP subnet belong to the same VLAN. Traffic between VLANs must be routed. LAN port VLAN membership is assigned manually on an port-by-port basis.

VLAN Ranges

Note You must enable the extended system ID to use 4096 VLANs (see the "Information about the Bridge ID" section).

Cisco IOS Release 15.0SY supports 4096 VLANs in accordance with the IEEE 802.1Q standard. These VLANs are organized into several ranges; you use each range slightly differently. Some of these VLANs are propagated to other switches in the network when you use the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP). The extended-range VLANs are not propagated, so you must configure extended-range VLANs manually on each network device.

Table 24-1 describes the VLAN ranges.

Table 24-1 VLAN Ranges

by VTP

0, 4095


For system use only. You cannot see or use these VLANs.



Cisco default. You can use this VLAN but you cannot delete it.




For Ethernet VLANs; you can create, use, and delete these VLANs.




Cisco defaults for FDDI and Token Ring. You cannot delete VLANs 1002-1005.




For Ethernet VLANs only.


The following information applies to VLAN ranges:

Layer 3 LAN ports, WAN interfaces and subinterfaces, and some software features use internal VLANs in the extended range. You cannot use an extended range VLAN that has been allocated for internal use.

To display the VLANs used internally, enter the show vlan internal usage command. With earlier releases, enter the show vlan internal usage and show cwan vlans commands.

You can configure ascending internal VLAN allocation (from 1006 and up) or descending internal VLAN allocation (from 4094 and down).

You must enable the extended system ID to use extended range VLANs (see the "Information about the Bridge ID" section).

Default Settings for VLANs

VLAN ID: 1; range: 1-4094

VLAN name:

VLAN 1: "default"

Other VLANs: "VLANvlan_ID"

802.10 SAID: 10vlan_ID; range: 100001-104094

MTU size: 1500; range: 1500-18190

Translational bridge 1: 0; range: 0-1005

Translational bridge 2: 0; range: 0-1005

VLAN state: active: active, suspend

Pruning eligibility:

VLANs 2-1001 are pruning eligible

VLANs 1006-4094 are not pruning eligible

How to Configure VLANs

Configurable VLAN Parameters

VLAN Locking

Creating or Modifying an Ethernet VLAN

Assigning a Layer 2 LAN Interface to a VLAN

Configuring the Internal VLAN Allocation Policy

Configuring VLAN Translation

Saving VLAN Information

Configurable VLAN Parameters

NoteEthernet VLAN 1 uses only default values.

Except for the VLAN name, Ethernet VLANs 1006 through 4094 use only default values.

You can configure the VLAN name for Ethernet VLANs 1006 through 4094.

You can configure the following parameters for VLANs 2 through 1001:

VLAN name

VLAN type (Ethernet, FDDI, FDDI network entity title [NET], TrBRF, or TrCRF)

VLAN state (active or suspended)

Security Association Identifier (SAID)

Bridge identification number for TrBRF VLANs

Ring number for FDDI and TrCRF VLANs

Parent VLAN number for TrCRF VLANs

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) type for TrCRF VLANs

VLAN Locking

The VLAN locking feature provides an extra level of verification to ensure that you have configured the intended VLAN. When VLAN locking is enabled, you need to specify the VLAN name when you change a port from one VLAN to another. This feature affects switchport commands (in interface configuration mode) that specify the VLANs or private VLANs for access and trunk ports.

For additional information about how to configure access and trunk ports with VLAN locking enabled, see the "How to Configure LAN Interfaces for Layer 2 Switching" section.

For additional information about how to configure ports in private VLANs with VLAN locking enabled, see the "How to Configure Private VLANs" section.

By default, the VLAN locking is disabled. To enable VLAN locking, perform this task:


Router(config)# vlan port provisioning

Enables VLAN locking.

Creating or Modifying an Ethernet VLAN

User-configured VLANs have unique IDs from 1 to 4094, except for reserved VLANs (see Table 24-1). Enter the vlan command with an unused ID to create a VLAN. Enter the vlan command for an existing VLAN to modify the VLAN (you cannot modify an existing VLAN that is being used by a Layer 3 port or a software feature).

See the "Default Settings for VLANs" section for the list of default parameters that are assigned when you create a VLAN. If you do not specify the VLAN type with the media keyword, the VLAN is an Ethernet VLAN.

To create or modify a VLAN, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router# configure terminal

Enters configuration mode.

Step 2 

Router(config)# vlan vlan_ID{[-vlan_ID]|[,vlan_ID])

Creates or modifies an Ethernet VLAN, a range of Ethernet VLANs, or several Ethernet VLANs specified in a comma-separated list (do not enter space characters).

Step 3 

Router(config-vlan)# end

Updates the VLAN database and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

When you create or modify an Ethernet VLAN, note the following information:

Because Layer 3 ports and some software features require internal VLANs allocated from 1006 and up, configure extended-range VLANs starting with 4094.

You can configure extended-range VLANs only in global configuration mode. You cannot configure extended-range VLANs in VLAN database mode.

Layer 3 ports and some software features use extended-range VLANs. If the VLAN you are trying to create or modify is being used by a Layer 3 port or a software feature, the switch displays a message and does not modify the VLAN configuration.

When deleting VLANs, note the following information:

You cannot delete the default VLANs for the different media types: Ethernet VLAN 1 and FDDI or Token Ring VLANs 1002 to 1005.

When you delete a VLAN, any LAN ports configured as access ports assigned to that VLAN become inactive. The ports remain associated with the VLAN (and inactive) until you assign them to a new VLAN.

This example shows how to create an Ethernet VLAN in global configuration mode and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# vlan 3 
Router(config-vlan)# end 
Router# show vlan id 3 
VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
3    VLAN0003                         active    
VLAN Type  SAID       MTU   Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp  BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
3    enet  100003     1500  -      -      -        -    -        0      0   
Primary Secondary Type              Interfaces
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------

Assigning a Layer 2 LAN Interface to a VLAN

A VLAN created in a management domain remains unused until you assign one or more LAN ports to the VLAN.

Note Make sure you assign LAN ports to a VLAN of the appropriate type. Assign Ethernet ports to Ethernet-type VLANs.

To assign one or more LAN ports to a VLAN, complete the procedures in the "How to Configure LAN Interfaces for Layer 2 Switching" section.

Configuring the Internal VLAN Allocation Policy

For more information about VLAN allocation, see the "VLAN Ranges" section.

Note The internal VLAN allocation policy is applied only following a reload.

To configure the internal VLAN allocation policy, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# vlan internal allocation policy {ascending | descending}

Configures the internal VLAN allocation policy.

Step 2 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 3 

Router# reload

Applies the new internal VLAN allocation policy.

Caution You do not need to enter the reload command immediately. Enter the reload command during a planned maintenance window.

When you configure the internal VLAN allocation policy, note the following information:

Enter the ascending keyword to allocate internal VLANs from 1006 and up.

Enter the descending keyword to allocate internal VLAN from 4094 and down.

This example shows how to configure descending as the internal VLAN allocation policy:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# vlan internal allocation policy descending 

Configuring VLAN Translation

VLAN Translation Guidelines and Restrictions

Configuring VLAN Translation on a Trunk Port

Enabling VLAN Translation on Other Ports in a Port Group

NoteTo avoid spanning tree loops, be careful not to misconfigure the VLAN translation feature.

On trunk ports, you can translate one VLAN number to another VLAN number, which transfers all traffic received in one VLAN to the other VLAN.

VLAN Translation Guidelines and Restrictions

When translating VLANs, follow these guidelines and restrictions:

A VLAN translation configuration is inactive if it is applied to ports that are not Layer 2 trunks.

Do not configure translation of ingress native VLAN traffic on an 802.1Q trunk. Because 802.1Q native VLAN traffic is untagged, it cannot be recognized for translation. You can translate traffic from other VLANs to the native VLAN of an 802.1Q trunk.

Do not remove the VLAN to which you are translating from the trunk.

The VLAN translation configuration applies to all ports in a port group. VLAN translation is disabled by default on all ports in a port group. Enable VLAN translation on ports as needed.

Cisco IOS Release 15.0SY supports only IEEE 802.1Q trunking.

Table 24-2 Module Support for VLAN Translation 

Product Number
Number of Ports
Number of
Port Groups
Port Ranges
per Port Group
per Port Group




1 port in each group



See the Release Notes.





1 port in each group





1 port in each group





1 port in each group





1 port in each group










1-23, odd
2-24, even
25-47, odd
26-48, even







Note To configure a port as a trunk, see the "Configuring a Layer 2 Switching Port as a Trunk" section.

Configuring VLAN Translation on a Trunk Port

To translate VLANs on a trunk port, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# interface type slot/port

Selects the Layer 2 trunk port to configure.

Step 2 

Router(config-if)# switchport vlan mapping enable

Enables VLAN translation.

Step 3 

Router(config-if)# switchport vlan mapping original_vlan_ID translated_vlan_ID

Translates a VLAN to another VLAN. The valid range is 1 to 4094.

When you configure a VLAN mapping from the original VLAN to the translated VLAN on a port, traffic arriving on the original VLAN gets mapped or translated to the translated VLAN at the ingress of the switch port, and the traffic internally tagged with the translated VLAN gets mapped to the original VLAN before leaving the switch port. This method of VLAN mapping is a two-way mapping.

Step 4 

Router(config-if)# end

Exits configuration mode.

This example shows how to map VLAN 1649 to VLAN 755 Gigabit Ethernet port 5/2:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 5/2 
Router(config-if)# switchport vlan mapping 1649 755 
Router(config-if)# end 

This example shows how to verify the configuration:

Router# show interface gigabitethernet 5/2 vlan mapping 
State: enabled
Original VLAN Translated VLAN
------------- ---------------
  1649           755 

Enabling VLAN Translation on Other Ports in a Port Group

To enable VLAN translation on other ports in a port group, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# interface type slot/port

Selects the LAN port to configure.

Step 2 

Router(config-if)# switchport vlan mapping enable

Enables VLAN translation.

Step 3 

Router(config-if)# end

Exits configuration mode.

This example shows how to enable VLAN translation on a port:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 5/2 
Router(config-if)# switchport vlan mapping enable 
Router(config-if)# end 

Saving VLAN Information

The VLAN database is stored in the vlan.dat file. You should create a backup of the vlan.dat file in addition to backing up the running-config and startup-config files. If you replace the existing supervisor engine, copy the startup-config file as well as the vlan.dat file to restore the system. The vlan.dat file is read on bootup and you will have to reload the supervisor engine after uploading the file. To view the file location, use the dir vlan.dat command. To copy the file (binary), use the copy vlan.dat tftp command.

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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