Cisco Lightweight Access Point Commands

ap auth-list ap-policy

To configure authorization policy for all Cisco lightweight access points joined to the device, use the ap auth-list ap-policy command. To disable authorization policy for all Cisco lightweight access points joined to the device, use the no form of this command.

ap auth-list ap-policy {authorize-ap | lsc | mic | ssc}

no ap auth-list ap-policy {authorize-ap | lsc | mic | ssc}

Syntax Description


Enables the authorization policy.


Enables access points with locally significant certificates to connect.


Enables access points with manufacture-installed certificates to connect.


Enables access points with self signed certificates to connect.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable the access point authorization policy:

Device(config)# ap auth-list ap-policy authorize-ap

This example shows how to enable access points with locally significant certificates to connect:

Device(config)# ap auth-list ap-policy lsc

This example shows how to enable access points with manufacture-installed certificates to connect:

Device(config)# ap auth-list ap-policy mic

This example shows how to enable access points with self-signed certificates to connect:

Device(config)# ap auth-list ap-policy ssc

ap bridging

To enable Ethernet to 802.11 bridging on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the ap bridging command. To disable Ethernet to 802.11 bridging on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the no form of this command.

ap bridging

no ap bridging

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This example shows how to enable Ethernet-to-Ethernet bridging on a lightweight access point:

Device(config)# ap bridging

This example shows how to disable Ethernet-to-Ethernet bridging on a lightweight access point:

Device(config)# no ap bridging

ap capwap multicast

To configure the multicast address used by all access points to receive multicast traffic when multicast forwarding is enabled and to configure the outer Quality of Service (QoS) level of those multicast packets sent to the access points, use the ap capwap multicast command.

ap capwap multicast {multicast-ip-address | service-policy output pollicymap-name}

Syntax Description


Multicast IP address.


Specifies the tunnel QoS policy for multicast access points.


Assigns a policy map name to the output.


Service policy map name.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This example shows how to configure a multicast address used by all access points to receive multicast traffic when multicast forwarding is enabled:

Device(config)# ap capwap multicast

This example shows how to configure a tunnel multicast QoS service policy for multicast access points:

Device(config)# ap capwap multicast service-policy output tunnmulpolicy

ap capwap retransmit

To configure Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) control packet retransmit count and control packet retransmit interval, use the ap capwap retransmit command.

ap capwap retransmit {count retransmit-count | interval retransmit-interval}

Syntax Description

count retransmit-count

Specifies the access point CAPWAP control packet retransmit count.


The count is from 3 to 8 seconds.

interval retransmit-interval

Specifies the access point CAPWAP control packet retransmit interval.


The interval is from 2 to 5 seconds.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



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This example shows how to configure the CAPWAP control packet retransmit count for an access point:

Device# ap capwap retransmit count 3

This example shows how to configure the CAPWAP control packet retransmit interval for an access point:

Device# ap capwap retransmit interval 5

ap capwap timers

To configure advanced timer settings, use the ap capwap timers command.

ap capwap timers {discovery-timeout seconds | fast-heartbeat-timeout local seconds | heartbeat-timeout seconds | primary-discovery-timeout seconds | primed-join-timeout seconds}

Syntax Description


Specifies the Cisco lightweight access point discovery timeout.


The Cisco lightweight access point discovery timeout is how long a Cisco device waits for an unresponsive access point to answer before considering that the access point failed to respond.


Cisco lightweight access point discovery timeout from 1 to 10 seconds.


The default is 10 seconds.

fast-heartbeat-timeout local

Enables the fast heartbeat timer that reduces the amount of time it takes to detect a device failure for local or all access points.


Small heartbeat interval (from 1 to 10 seconds) that reduces the amount of time it takes to detect a device failure.


The fast heartbeat time-out interval is disabled by default.


Specifies the Cisco lightweight access point heartbeat timeout.


The Cisco lightweight access point heartbeat timeout controls how often the Cisco lightweight access point sends a heartbeat keep-alive signal to the Cisco device.

This value should be at least three times larger than the fast heartbeat timer.


Cisco lightweight access point heartbeat timeout value from 1 to 30 seconds.


The default is 30 seconds.


Specifies the access point primary discovery request timer. The timer determines the amount of time taken by an access point to discovery the configured primary, secondary, or tertiary device.


Access point primary discovery request timer from 30 to 3600 seconds.


The default is 120 seconds.


Specifies the authentication timeout. Determines the time taken by an access point to determine that the primary device has become unresponsive. The access point makes no further attempts to join the device until the connection to the device is restored.


Authentication response timeout from 120 to 43200 seconds.


The default is 120 seconds.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This example shows how to configure an access point discovery timeout with the timeout value of 7:

Device(config)# ap capwap timers discovery-timeout 7

This example shows how to enable the fast heartbeat interval for all access points:

Device(config)# ap capwap timers fast-heartbeat-timeout 6

This example shows how to configure an access point heartbeat timeout to 20:

Device(config)# ap capwap timers heartbeat-timeout 20

This example shows how to configure the access point primary discovery request timer to 1200 seconds:

Device(config)# ap capwap timers primary-discovery-timeout 1200

This example shows how to configure the authentication timeout to 360 seconds:

Device(config)# ap capwap timers primed-join-timeout 360

ap cdp

To enable the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the ap cdp command. To disable the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the no form of this command.

ap cdp [interface {ethernet ethernet-id | radio radio-id}]

no ap cdp [interface {ethernet ethernet-id | radio radio-id}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies CDP in a specific interface.


Specifies CDP for an Ethernet interface.


Ethernet interface number from 0 to 3.


Specifies CDP for a radio interface.


Radio number from 0 to 3.

Command Default

Disabled on all access points.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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Usage Guidelines

The no ap cdp command disables CDP on all access points that are joined to the device and all access points that join in the future. CDP remains disabled on both current and future access points even after the device or access point reboots. To enable CDP, enter the ap cdp command.


CDP over Ethernet/radio interfaces is available only when CDP is enabled. After you enable CDP on all access points joined to the device, you can disable and then reenable CDP on individual access points using the ap name Cisco-AP cdp command. After you disable CDP on all access points joined to the device, you can enable and then disable CDP on individual access points.


This example shows how to enable CDP on all access points:

Device(config)# ap cdp

This example shows how to enable CDP for Ethernet interface number 0 on all access points:

Device(config)# ap cdp ethernet 0

ap core-dump

To enable a Cisco lightweight access point’s memory core dump settings, use the ap core-dump command. To disable a Cisco lightweight access point’s memory core dump settings, use the no form of this command.

ap core-dump tftp-ip-addr filename {compress | uncompress}

no ap core-dump

Syntax Description


IP address of the TFTP server to which the access point sends core dump files.


Name that the access point uses to label the core file.


Compresses the core dump file.


Uncompresses the core dump file.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

The access point must be able to reach the TFTP server.


This example shows how to configure and compress the core dump file:

Device(config)# ap core-dump log compress

ap country

To configure one or more country codes for a device, use the ap country command.

ap country country-code

Syntax Description


Two-letter or three-letter country code or several country codes separated by a comma.

Command Default

US (country code of the United States of America).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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Usage Guidelines

The Cisco device must be installed by a network administrator or qualified IT professional and the installer must select the proper country code. Following installation, access to the unit should be password protected by the installer to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and to ensure proper unit functionality. See the related product guide for the most recent country codes and regulatory domains.


This example shows how to configure country codes on the device to IN (India) and FR (France):

Device(config)# ap country IN,FR

ap crash-file

To delete crash and radio core dump files, use the ap crash-file command.

ap crash-file {clear-all | delete filename}

Syntax Description


Deletes all the crash and radio core dump files.


Deletes a single crash and radio core dump file.


Name of the file to delete.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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This example shows how to delete all crash files:

Device# ap crash-file clear-all

This example shows how to delete crash file 1:

Device# ap crash-file delete crash-file-1

ap dot11 24ghz preamble

To enable only a short preamble as defined in subclause , use the ap dot11 24ghz preamble command. To enable long preambles (for backward compatibility with pre-802.11b devices, if these devices are still present in your network) or short preambles (recommended unless legacy pre-802.11b devices are present in the network), use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 24ghz preamble short

no ap dot11 24ghz preamble short

Syntax Description


Specifies the short 802.11b preamble.

Command Default

short preambles

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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Usage Guidelines


You must reboot the Cisco device (reset system) with the Save command before you can use the ap dot11 24ghz preamble command.

This parameter may need to be set to long to optimize this Cisco device for some legacy clients, including SpectraLink NetLink telephones.

This command can be used any time that the CLI interface is active.


This example shows how to enable both long and short preamblest:

Device(config)# no ap dot11 24ghz preamble short

ap dot11 24ghz dot11g

To enable the Cisco wireless LAN solution 802.11g network, use the ap dot11 24ghz dot11g command. To disable the Cisco wireless LAN solution 802.11g network, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 24ghz dot11g

no ap dot11 24ghz dot11g

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

Before you enter the ap dot11 24ghz dot11g command, disable the 802.11 Cisco radio with the ap dot11 24ghz shutdown command.

After you configure the support for the 802.11g network, use the no ap dot11 24ghz shutdown command to enable the 802.11 2.4 Ghz radio.


This example shows how to enable the 802.11g network:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz dot11g

ap dot11 5ghz channelswitch mode

To configure a 802.11h channel switch announcement, use the ap dot11 5ghz channelswitch mode command. To disable a 802.11h channel switch announcement, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 5ghz channelswitch mode value

no ap dot11 5ghz channelswitch mode

Syntax Description


802.11h channel announcement value.

You can specify anyone of the following two values:
  • 0—Indicates that the channel switch announcement is disabled.

  • 1—Indicates that the channel switch announcement is enabled.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This example shows how to enable the 802.11h switch announcement:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz channelswitch mode 1

ap dot11 5ghz power-constraint

To configure the 802.11h power constraint value, use the ap dot11 5ghz power-constraint command. To remove the 802.11h power constraint value, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 5ghz power-constraint value

no ap dot11 5ghz power-constraint

Syntax Description


802.11h power constraint value.


The range is from 0 to 30 dBm.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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This example shows how to configure the 802.11h power constraint to 5 dBm:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz power-constraint 5

ap dot11 beaconperiod

To change the beacon period globally for 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, use the ap dot11 beaconperiod command.


Disable the 802.11 network before using this command. See the “Usage Guidelines” section.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} beaconperiod time

Syntax Description


Specifies the settings for 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the settings for 5 GHz band.


Specifies the beacon for a network globally.


Beacon interval in time units (TU). One TU is 1024 microseconds. The range is from 20 to 1000.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

In Cisco wireless LAN 802.11 networks, all Cisco lightweight access point wireless LANs broadcast a beacon at regular intervals. This beacon notifies clients that the wireless service is available and allows the clients to synchronize with the lightweight access point.

Before you change the beacon period, make sure that you have disabled the 802.11 network by using the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command. After changing the beacon period, enable the 802.11 network by using the no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.


This example shows how to configure the 5 GHZ band for a beacon period of 120 time units:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz beaconperiod 120

ap dot11 beamforming

To enable beamforming on the network or on individual radios, use the ap dot11 beamforming command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} beamforming

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies beamforming on the network.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

When you enable beamforming on the network, it is automatically enabled for all the radios applicable to that network type.

Follow these guidelines for using beamforming:

  • Beamforming is supported for legacy orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) data rates (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps).


    Beamforming is not supported for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum data rates ( 1 and 2 Mbps) and Complementary-Code Key (CCK) data rates (5.5 and 11 Mbps).

  • Beamforming is supported only on access points that support 802.11n (AP1260, AP3500, and AP3600).

  • Two or more antennas must be enabled for transmission.

  • All three antennas must be enabled for reception.

  • OFDM rates must be enabled.

    If the antenna configuration restricts operation to a single transmit antenna, or if OFDM rates are disabled, beamforming is not used.


This example shows how to enable beamforming on the 5 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz beamforming

ap dot11 cac media-stream

To configure media stream Call Admission Control (CAC) voice and video quality parameters for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, use the ap dot11 cac media-stream command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac media-stream multicast-direct {max-retry-percent retryPercent | min-client-rate {eighteen | eleven | fiftyFour | fivePointFive | fortyEight | nine | oneFifty | oneFortyFourPointFour | oneThirty | oneThirtyFive | seventyTwoPointTwo | six | sixtyFive | thirtySix | threeHundred | twelve | twentyFour | two | twoSeventy}}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies CAC parameters for multicast-direct media streams.


Specifies the percentage of maximum retries that are allowed for multicast-direct media streams.


Percentage of maximum retries that are allowed for multicast-direct media streams.


The range is from 0 to 100.


Specifies the minimum transmission data rate to the client for multicast-direct media streams (rate at which the client must transmit in order to receive multicast-direct unicast streams).

If the transmission rate is below this rate, either the video will not start or the client may be classified as a bad client. The bad client video can be demoted for better effort QoS or subject to denial.


You can choose the following rates:

  • eighteen

  • eleven

  • fiftyFour

  • fivePointFive

  • fortyEight

  • nine

  • one

  • oneFifty

  • oneFortyFourPointFour

  • oneThirty

  • oneThirtyFive

  • seventyTwoPointTwo

  • six

  • sixtyFive

  • thirtySix

  • threeHundred

  • twelve

  • twentyFour

  • two

  • twoSeventy

Command Default

The default value for the maximum retry percent is 80. If it exceeds 80, either the video will not start or the client might be classified as a bad client. The bad client video will be demoted for better effort QoS or is subject to denial.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

CAC commands require that the WLAN you are planning to modify is configured for the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) protocol.

Before you can configure CAC parameters on a network, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled by entering the wlan wlan_name shutdown command.

  • Disable the radio network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.

  • Save the new configuration.

  • Enable voice or video CAC for the network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac voice acm or ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac video acm commands.


This example shows how to configure the maximum retry percent for multicast-direct media streams as 90 on a 802.11a network:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz cac media-stream multicast max-retry-percent 90

ap dot11 cac multimedia

To configure multimedia Call Admission Control (CAC) voice and video quality parameters for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, use the ap dot11 cac multimedia command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac multimedia max-bandwidth bandwidth

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies the percentage of maximum bandwidth allocated to Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) clients for voice and video applications on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


Percentage of the maximum bandwidth allocated to WMM clients for voice and video applications on the 802.11a or 802.11b/g network. Once the client reaches the specified value, the access point rejects new multimedia flows this radio band. The range is from 5 to 85%.

Command Default

The default value is 75%.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

CAC commands require that the WLAN you are planning to modify is configured for the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) protocol.

Before you can configure CAC parameters on a network, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled by entering the wlan wlan_name shutdown command.

  • Disable the radio network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.

  • Save the new configuration.

  • Enable voice or video CAC for the network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac voice acm or ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac video acm commands.


This example shows how to configure the percentage of the maximum bandwidth allocated to WMM clients for voice and video applications on the 5 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz cac multimedia max-bandwidth 5

ap dot11 cac video

To configure Call Admission Control (CAC) parameters for the video category, use the ap dot11 cac video command. To disable the CAC parameters for video category, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac video {acm | max-bandwidth value | roam-bandwidth value}

no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac video {acm | max-bandwidth value | roam-bandwidth value}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Enables bandwidth-based video CAC for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


To disable bandwidth-based video CAC for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band, use the no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac video acm command.


Sets the percentage of the maximum bandwidth allocated to clients for video applications on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


Bandwidth percentage value from 5 to 85%.


Sets the percentage of the CAC maximum allocated bandwidth reserved for roaming video clients on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


Bandwidth percentage value from 0 to 85%.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

CAC commands require that the WLAN you are planning to modify is configured for the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) protocol.

Before you can configure CAC parameters on a network, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled by entering the wlan wlan_name shutdown command.

  • Disable the radio network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.

  • Save the new configuration.

  • Enable voice or video CAC for the network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac voice acm or ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac video acm command.


This example shows how to enable the bandwidth-based CAC:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac video acm

This example shows how to specify the percentage of the maximum allocated bandwidth for video applications on the selected radio band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac video max-bandwidth 50

This example shows how to configure the percentage of the maximum allocated bandwidth reserved for roaming video clients on the selected radio band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac video roam-bandwidth 10

ap dot11 cac voice

To configure Call Admission Control (CAC) parameters for the voice category, use the ap dot11 cac voice command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac voice {acm | load-based | max-bandwidth value | roam-bandwidth value | sip [bandwidth bw] sample-interval value | stream-size x max-streams y | tspec-inactivity-timeout {enable | ignore}}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Enables bandwidth-based voice CAC for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


To disable bandwidth-based voice CAC for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band, use the no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac voice acm command.


Enable load-based CAC on voice access category.


To disable load-based CAC on voice access category for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band, use the no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac voice load-based command.


Sets the percentage of the maximum bandwidth allocated to clients for voice applications on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


Bandwidth percentage value from 5 to 85%.


Sets the percentage of the CAC maximum allocated bandwidth reserved for roaming voice clients on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


Bandwidth percentage value from 0 to 85%.


Specifies the CAC codec name and sample interval as parameters and calculates the required bandwidth per call for the 802.11 networks.


(Optional) Specifies bandwidth for a SIP-based call.

Bandwidth in kbps. The following bandwidth values specify parameters for the SIP codecs:
  • 64kbps—Specifies CAC parameters for the SIP G711 codec.

  • 8kbps—Specifies CAC parameters for the SIP G729 codec.

The default value is 64 Kbps.


Specifies the packetization interval for SIP codec.


Packetization interval in msecs. The sample interval for SIP codec value is 20 seconds.


Specifies the number of aggregated voice Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) traffic specification (TSPEC) streams at a specified data rate for the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.


Stream size. The range of the stream size is from 84000 to 92100.


Specifies the maximum number of streams per TSPEC.


Number (1 to 5) of voice streams.


The default number of streams is 2 and the mean data rate of a stream is 84 kbps.

Specifies TSPEC inactivity timeout processing mode.

Use this keyword to process or ignore the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) traffic specifications (TSPEC) inactivity timeout received from an access point. When the inactivity timeout is ignored, a client TSPEC is not deleted even if the access point reports an inactivity timeout for that client.


Processes the TSPEC inactivity timeout messages.


Ignores the TSPEC inactivity timeout messages.


The default is ignore (disabled).

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

CAC commands require that the WLAN you are planning to modify is configured for the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) protocol and the quality of service (QoS) level be set to Platinum.

Before you can configure CAC parameters on a network, you must complete the following prerequisites:

  • Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled by entering the wlan wlan_name shutdown command.

  • Disable the radio network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.

  • Save the new configuration.

  • Enable voice or video CAC for the network you want to configure by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac voice acm or ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cac video acm commands.


This example shows how to enable the bandwidth-based CAC:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac voice acm

This example shows how to enable the load-based CAC on the voice access category:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac voice load-based

This example shows how to specify the percentage of the maximum allocated bandwidth for voice applications on the selected radio band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac voice max-bandwidth 50

This example shows how to configure the percentage of the maximum allocated bandwidth reserved for roaming voice clients on the selected radio band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac voice roam-bandwidth 10

This example shows how to configure the bandwidth and voice packetization interval for the G729 SIP codec on a 2.4 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac voice sip bandwidth 8 sample-interval 40

This example shows how to configure the number of aggregated voice traffic specifications stream with a stream size of 85000 and with a maximum of 5 streams:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac voice stream-size 85000 max-streams 5

This example shows how to enable the voice TSPEC inactivity timeout messages received from an access point:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cac voice tspec-inactivity-timeout enable

ap dot11 cleanair

To configure CleanAir on 802.11 networks, use the ap dot11 cleanair command. To disable CleanAir on 802.11 networks, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cleanair

no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cleanair

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies CleanAir on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable the CleanAir settings on the 2.4 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cleanair

ap dot11 cleanair alarm air-quality

To configure CleanAir air-quality alarms for Cisco lightweight access points, use the ap dot11 cleanair alarm air-quality command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cleanair alarm air-quality [threshold value]

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies the air-quality alarm threshold.


Air quality alarm threshold (1 is bad air quality, and 100 is good air quality).

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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This example shows how to configure the CleanAir 2.4 GHz air-quality threshold to 90:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cleanair air-quality threshold 90

ap dot11 cleanair alarm device

To configure the CleanAir interference devices alarms on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, use the ap dot11 cleanair alarm device command. To disable the CleanAir interference devices alarms on the 802.11 networks, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cleanair alarm device {all | bt-discovery | bt-link | canopy | cont-tx | dect-like | fh | inv | jammer | mw-oven | nonstd | superag | tdd-tx | video | wimax-fixed | wimax-mobile | xbox | zigbee}

no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cleanair

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies all the device types at once.


Specifies the Bluetooth device in discovery mode.


Specifies the Bluetooth active link.


Specifies the Canopy devices.


Specifies the continuous transmitter.


Specifies a Digital Enhanced Cordless Communication (DECT)-like phone.


Specifies the frequency hopping devices.


Specifies the devices using spectrally inverted Wi-Fi signals.


Specifies the jammer.


Specifies the microwave oven devices.


Specifies the devices using nonstandard Wi-Fi channels.


Specifies 802.11 SuperAG devices.


Specifies the TDD transmitter.


Specifies video cameras.


Specifies a WiMax fixed device.


Specifies a WiMax mobile device.


Specifies the Xbox device.


Specifies the ZigBee device.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to disable alarms for ZigBee interference detection:

Device(config)# no ap dot11 24ghz cleanair alarm device zigbee

This example shows how to enable alarms for detection of Bluetooth links:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cleanair alarm device bt-link

ap dot11 cleanair device

To configure CleanAir interference device types, use the ap dot11 cleanair device command.

ap dot11 24ghz cleanair device [all | bt-discovery | bt-link | canopy | cont-tx | dect-like | fh | inv | jammer | mw-oven | nonstd | superag | tdd-tx | video | wimax-fixed | wimax-mobile | xbox | zigbee]

Syntax Description


Specifies all device types.


Specifies the CleanAir interference device type.


Specifies the Bluetooth device in discovery mode.


Specifies the Bluetooth active link.


Specifies the Canopy devices.


Specifies the continuous transmitter.


Specifies a Digital Enhanced Cordless Communication (DECT)-like phone.


Specifies the 802.11 frequency hopping devices.


Specifies the devices using spectrally inverted Wi-Fi signals.


Specifies the jammer.


Specifies the microwave oven devices.


Specifies the devices using nonstandard Wi-Fi channels.


Specifies 802.11 SuperAG devices.


Specifies the TDD transmitter.


Specifies video cameras.


Specifies a WiMax fixed device.


Specifies a WiMax mobile device.


Specifies the Xbox device.


Specifies the ZigBee device.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the device to monitor ZigBee interferences:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz cleanair device zigbee

ap dot11 dot11n

To configure settings for an 802.11n network, use the ap dot11 dot11n command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} dot11n {a-mpdu tx priority { priority_value all } | scheduler timeout rt scheduler_value} | a-msdu tx priority {priority_value | all} | guard-interval {any | long} | mcs tx rate | rifs rx}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4-GHz band.


Specifies the 5-GHz band.


Enables 802.11n support.

a-mpdu tx priority

Specifies the traffic that is associated with the priority level that uses Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU) transmission.


Aggregated MAC protocol data unit priority level from 0 to 7.


Specifies all of the priority levels at once.

a-msdu tx priority

Specifies the traffic that is associated with the priority level that uses Aggregated MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU) transmission.


Aggregated MAC protocol data unit priority level from 0 to 7.


Specifies all of the priority levels at once.

scheduler timeout rt

Configures the 802.11n A-MPDU transmit aggregation scheduler timeout value in milliseconds.


The 802.11n A-MPDU transmit aggregation scheduler timeout value from 1 to 10000 milliseconds.


Specifies the guard interval.


Enables either a short or a long guard interval.


Enables only a long guard interval.

mcs tx rate

Specifies the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) rates at which data can be transmitted between the access point and the client.


Specifies the modulation and coding scheme data rates.


The range is from 0 to 23.

rifs rx

Specifies the Reduced Interframe Space (RIFS) between data frames.

Command Default

By default, priority 0 is enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Aggregation is the process of grouping packet data frames together rather than transmitting them separately. The two aggregation methods available are:
  • A-MPDU—This aggregation is performed in the software.
  • A-MSDU—This aggregation is performed in the hardware

Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit priority levels assigned per traffic type are as follows:

  • 0—Best effort

  • 1—Background

  • 2—Spare

  • 3—Excellent effort

  • 4—Controlled load

  • 5—Video, less than 100-ms latency and jitter

  • 6—Voice, less than 10-ms latency and jitter

  • 7—Network control

  • all—Configure all of the priority levels at once.


Configure the priority levels to match the aggregation method used by the clients.


This example shows how to enable 802.11n support on a 2.4-GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz dot11n

This example shows how to configure all the priority levels at once so that the traffic that is associated with the priority level uses A-MSDU transmission:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz dot11n a-msdu tx priority all

This example shows how to enable only long guard intervals:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz dot11n guard-interval long

This example shows how to specify MCS rates:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz dot11n mcs tx 5

This example shows how to enable RIFS:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz dot11n rifs rx

ap dot11 dtpc

To configure Dynamic Transmit Power Control (DTPC) settings, Cisco Client eXtension (CCX) version 5 expedited bandwidth request feature, and the fragmentation threshold on an 802.11 network, use the ap dot11 dtpc command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} {dtpc | exp-bwreq | fragmentation threshold}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies Dynamic Transport Power Control (DTPC) settings.


This option is enabled by default.


Specifies Cisco Client eXtension (CCX) version 5 expedited bandwidth request feature.


The expedited bandwidth request feature is disabled by default.

fragmentation threshold

Specifies the fragmentation threshold.


This option can only used be when the network is disabled using the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.


Threshold. The range is from 256 to 2346 bytes (inclusive).

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

When the CCX version 5 expedited bandwidth request feature is enabled, the device configures all joining access points for this feature.


This example shows how to enable DTPC for the 5 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz dtpc

This example shows how to enable the CCX expedited bandwidth settings:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz exp-bwrep

This example shows how to configure the fragmentation threshold on the 5 GHz band with the threshold number of 1500 bytes:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz fragmentation 1500

ap dot11 edca-parameters

To enable a specific enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) profile on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, use the ap dot11 edca-parameters command. To disable an EDCA profile on the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} edca-parameters {custom-voice | optimized-video-voice | optimized-voice | svp-voice | wmm-default}

no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} edca-parameters {custom-voice | optimized-video-voice | optimized-voice | svp-voice | wmm-default}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies a specific enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) profile on the 802.11 networks.


Enables custom voice EDCA parameters.


Enables EDCA voice- and video-optimized profile parameters. Choose this option when both voice and video services are deployed on your network.


Enables EDCA voice-optimized profile parameters. Choose this option when voice services other than SpectraLink are deployed on your network.


Enables SpectraLink voice priority parameters. Choose this option if SpectraLink phones are deployed on your network to improve the quality of calls.


Enables the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) default parameters. Choose this option when voice or video services are not deployed on your network.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


The custom-voice keyword was removed for Cisco 5700 Series WLC.


This example shows how to enable SpectraLink voice priority parameters:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz edca-parameters svp-voice

ap dot11 rrm group-mode

To set the 802.11 automatic RF group selection mode on, use the ap dot11 rrm group-mode command. To set the 802.11 automatic RF group selection mode off, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 {5ghz | 24ghz} rrm group-mode {auto | leader | off | restart}

no ap dot11 {5ghz | 24ghz} rrm group-mode

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Sets the 802.11 RF group selection to automatic update mode.


Sets the 802.11 RF group selection to static mode, and sets this device as the group leader.


Sets the 802.11 RF group selection to off.


Restarts the 802.11 RF group selection.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to turn the auto RF group selection mode on the 5 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm group-mode auto

ap dot11 rrm channel cleanair-event

To configure CleanAir event-driven Radio Resource Management (RRM) parameters for all 802.11 Cisco lightweight access points, use the ap dot11 rrm channel cleanair-event command. When this parameter is configured, CleanAir access points can change their channel when a source of interference degrades the operations, even if the RRM interval has not expired yet.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm channel {cleanair-event sensitivity value}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Sets the sensitivity for CleanAir event-driven RRM.

Sensitivity value. You can specify any one of the following three optional sensitivity values:
  • low—Specifies low sensitivity.

  • medium—Specifies medium sensitivity.

  • high—Specifies high sensitivity.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to set the high sensitivity for CleanAir event-driven RRM:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz rrm channel cleanair-event sensitivity high

ap dot11 l2roam rf-params

To configure the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz Layer 2 client roaming parameters, use the ap dot11 l2roam rf-params command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} l2roam rf-params custom min-rssi roam-hyst scan-thresh trans-time

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies custom Layer 2 client roaming RF parameters.


Minimum received signal strength indicator (RSSI) that is required for the client to associate to the access point. If the client’s average received signal power dips below this threshold, reliable communication is usually impossible. Clients must already have found and roamed to another access point with a stronger signal before the minimum RSSI value is reached. The valid range is –80 to –90 dBm, and the default value is –85 dBm.


How much greater the signal strength of a neighboring access point must be in order for the client to roam to it. This parameter is intended to reduce the amount of roaming between access points if the client is physically located on or near the border between the two access points. The valid range is 2 to 4 dB, and the default value is 2 dB.


Minimum RSSI that is allowed before the client should roam to a better access point. When the RSSI drops below the specified value, the client must be able to roam to a better access point within the specified transition time. This parameter also provides a power-save method to minimize the time that the client spends in active or passive scanning. For example, the client can scan slowly when the RSSI is above the threshold and scan more rapidly when the RSSI is below the threshold. The valid range is –70 to –77 dBm, and the default value is –72 dBm.


Maximum time allowed for the client to detect a suitable neighboring access point to roam to and to complete the roam, whenever the RSSI from the client’s associated access point is below the scan threshold. The valid range is 1 to 10 seconds, and the default value is 5 seconds.

Command Default









Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure custom Layer 2 client roaming parameters on an 802.11a network:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz l2roam rf-params custom -80 2 -70 7

ap dot11 media-stream

To configure media stream multicast-direct and video-direct settings on an 802.11 network, use the ap dot11 media-stream command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} media-stream {multicast-direct {admission-besteffort | client-maximum value | radio-maximum value} | video-redirect}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies the multicast-direct for the 2.4 GHz or a 5 GHz band.


Admits the media stream to the best-effort queue.

client-maximum value

Specifies the maximum number of streams allowed on a client.

radio-maximum value

Specifies the maximum number of streams allowed on a 2.4 GHz or a 5 GHz band.


Specifies the media stream video-redirect for the 2.4 GHz or a 5 GHz band.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

Before you configure the media stream multicast-direct or video-redirect on a 802.11 network, ensure that the network is nonoperational.


This example shows how to enable media stream multicast-direct settings on the 5 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz media-stream multicast-direct

This example shows how to admit the media stream to the best-effort queue if there is not enough bandwidth to prioritize the flow:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz media-stream multicast-direct admission-besteffort

This example shows how to set the maximum number of streams allowed on a client:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz media-stream multicast-direct client-maximum 10

This example shows how to enable media stream traffic redirection on the 5 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz media-stream video-redirect

ap dot11 rrm ccx location-measurement

To configure cisco client Extensions (CCX) client location measurements for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, use the ap dot11 rrm ccx location-measurement command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm ccx location-measurement {disable | interval}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4-GHz band.


Specifies the 5-GHz band.


Disables support for CCX client location measurements.


Interval from 10 to 32400.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This example shows how to disable support for 2.4 GHz CCX client location measurements:

Device(config)# no ap dot11 24ghz rrm ccx location-measurement

ap dot11 rrm channel dca

To configure Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) algorithm parameters on 802.11 networks, use the ap dot11 rrm channel dca command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm channel dca {channel_number | anchor-time value | global {auto | once} | interval value | min-metric value | sensitivity {high | low | medium}}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Channel number to be added to the DCA list.


The range is from 1 to 14.


Specifies the anchor time for DCA.


Hour of time between 0 and 23. These values represent the hour from 12:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.


Specifies the global DCA mode for the access points in the 802.11 networks.


Enables auto-RF.


Enables one-time auto-RF.


Specifies how often the DCA is allowed to run.


Interval between the times when DCA is allowed to run. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24 hours. 0 is 10 minutes (600 seconds). Default value is 0 (10 minutes).


Specifies the DCA minimum RSSI energy metric.


Minimum RSSI energy metric value from –100 to –60.


Specifies how sensitive the DCA algorithm is to environmental changes (for example, signal, load, noise, and interference) when determining whether or not to change channels.


Specifies that the DCA algorithm is not particularly sensitive to environmental changes. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.


Specifies that the DCA algorithm is moderately sensitive to environmental changes. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.


Specifies that the DCA algorithm is highly sensitive to environmental changes. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

The DCA sensitivity thresholds vary by radio band as shown in the table below.

To aid in troubleshooting, the output of this command shows an error code for any failed calls. The table below explains the possible error codes for failed calls.

Table 1. DCA Sensitivity Threshold
Sensitivity 2.4 Ghz DCA Sensitivity Threshold 5 Ghz DCA Sensitivity Threshold
High 5 dB 5 dB
Medium 15 dB 20 dB
Low 30 dB 35 dB


This example shows how to configure the device to start running DCA at 5 pm for the 2.4 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz rrm channel dca anchor-time 17

This example shows how to set the DCA algorithm to run every 10 minutes for the 2.4 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz rrm channel dca interval 0

This example shows how to configure the value of DCA algorithm’s sensitivity to low on the 2.4 GHz band:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz rrm channel dca sensitivity low

ap dot11 rrm group-member

To configure members in an 802.11 static RF group, use the ap dot11 rrm group-member command. To remove members from 802.11 RF group, use the no form of this command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm group-member controller-name controller-ip

no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm group-member controller-name controller-ip

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Name of the device to be added.


IP address of the device to be added.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to add a device in the 5 GHz band RF group:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm group-member cisco-controller

ap dot11 rrm logging

To configure report log settings on supported 802.11 networks, use the ap dot11 rrm logging command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm logging {channel | coverage | foreign | load | noise | performance | txpower}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Turns the channel change logging mode on or off. The default mode is off (Disabled).


Turns the coverage profile logging mode on or off. The default mode is off (Disabled).


Turns the foreign interference profile logging mode on or off. The default mode is off (Disabled).


Turns the load profile logging mode on or off. The default mode is off (Disabled).


Turns the noise profile logging mode on or off. The default mode is off (Disabled).


Turns the performance profile logging mode on or off. The default mode is off (Disabled).


Turns the transit power change logging mode on or off. The default mode is off (Disabled).

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This example shows how to turn the 5 GHz logging channel selection mode on:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm logging channel

This example shows how to turn the 5 GHz coverage profile violation logging selection mode on:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm logging coverage

This example shows how to turn the 5 GHz foreign interference profile violation logging selection mode on:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm logging foreign

This example shows how to turn the 5 GHz load profile logging mode on:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm logging load

This example shows how to turn the 5 GHz noise profile logging mode on:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm logging noise

This example shows how to turn the 5 GHz performance profile logging mode on:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm logging performance

This example shows how to turn the 5 GHz transmit power change mode on:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm logging txpower

ap dot11 rrm monitor

To Configure monitor settings on the 802.11 networks, use the ap dot11 rrm monitor command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm monitor {channel-list | {all | country | dca} | coverage | load | noise | signal} seconds

Syntax Description


Specifies the 802.11b parameters.


Specifies the 802.11a parameters.

channel-list all

Monitors the noise, interference, and rogue monitoring channel list for all channels.

channel-list country

Monitors the noise, interference, and rogue monitoring channel list for the channels used in the configured country code.

channel-list dca

Monitors the noise, interference, and rogue monitoring channel list for the channels used by automatic channel assignment.


Specifies the coverage measurement interval.


Specifies the load measurement interval.


Specifies the noise measurement interval.


Specifies the signal measurement interval.


Configure RRM Neighbor Discovery RSSI Normalization.


Measurement interval time from 60 to 3600 seconds.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This example shows how to monitor the channels used in the configured country:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz rrm monitor channel-list country

This example shows how to set the coverage measurement interval to 60 seconds:

Device(config)# ap dot11 24ghz rrm monitor coverage 60

ap dot11 rrm ndp-type

To configure the 802.11 access point radio resource management neighbor discovery protocol type, use the ap dot11 rrm ndp-type command.

ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} rrm ndp-type {protected | transparent}

Syntax Description


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies the Tx RRM protected (encrypted) neighbor discovery protocol.


Specifies the Tx RRM transparent (not encrypted) neighbor discovery protocol.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before you configure the 802.11 access point RRM neighbor discovery protocol type, ensure that you have disabled the network by entering the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.


This example shows how to enable the 802.11a access point RRM neighbor discovery protocol type as protected:

Device(config)# ap dot11 5ghz rrm ndp-type protected

ap dot11 5ghz dot11ac frame-burst

To configure the 802.11ac Frame Burst use the apdot115ghzdot11acframe-burst command. Use the no forms to disable the bursting of 802.11ac A-MPDUs.

ap dot11 5ghz dot11ac frame-burst

no ap dot11 5ghz dot11ac frame-burst

ap dot11 5ghz dot11ac frame-burst automatic

no ap dot11 5ghz dot11ac frame-burst automatic

Syntax Description


Configures the 802.11a parameters.


Configures the bursting of 802.11ac A-MPDUs.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE 3.6E

This command was introduced.


This is the example shows how to configure the bursting of 802.11ac A-MPDUs.

Deviceap dot11 5ghz
	 dot11ac frame-burst

ap dot1x max-sessions

To configure the maximum number of simultaneous 802.1X sessions allowed per access point, use the ap dot1x max-sessions command.

ap dot1x max-sessions num-of-sessions

Syntax Description


Number of maximum 802.1X sessions initiated per AP at a time. The range is from 0 to 255, where 0 indicates unlimited.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

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Usage Guidelines

It is required to limit the number of simultaneous 802.1X sessions initiated per access point to protect against flooding attacks caused by using 802.1X messages.


This example shows how to configure the maximum number of simultaneous 802.1X sessions:

Device(config)# ap dot1x max-sessions 100

ap dot1x username

To configure the 802.1X username and password for all access points that are currently joined to the device and any access points that join the device in the future, use the ap dot1x username command. To disable the 802.1X username and password for all access points that are currently joined to the device, use the no form of this command.

ap dot1x username user-id password {0 | 8} password-string

no ap dot1x username user-idpassword {0 | 8} password-string

Syntax Description




Specifies an 802.1X password for all access points.


Specifies an unencrypted password.


Specifies an AES encrypted password.



Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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Usage Guidelines

You should enter a strong password. Strong passwords have the following characteristics:

  • They are at least eight characters long.

  • They contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • They are not words in any language.

You can set the values for a specific access point.


This example shows how to configure the global authentication username and password for all access points:

Device(config)# ap dot1x username cisco123 password 0 cisco2020

ap ethernet duplex

To configure the Ethernet port duplex and speed settings of the lightweight access points, use the ap ethernet duplex command. To disable the Ethernet port duplex and speed settings of lightweight access points, use the no form of this command.

ap ethernet duplex duplex speed speed

no ap ethernet

Syntax Description


Ethernet port duplex settings. You can specify the following options to configure the duplex settings:

  • auto —Specifies the Ethernet port duplex auto settings.

  • half —Specifies the Ethernet port duplex half settings.

  • full —Specifies the Ethernet port duplex full settings.


Specifies the Ethernet port speed settings.


Ethernet port speed settings. You can specify the following options to configure the speed settings:

  • auto —Specifies the Ethernet port speed to auto.

  • 10 —Specifies the Ethernet port speed to 10 Mbps.

  • 100 —Specifies the Ethernet port speed to 100 Mbps.

  • 1000 —Specifies the Ethernet port speed to 1000 Mbps.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the Ethernet port duplex full settings as 1000 Mbps for all access points:

Device(config)# ap ethernet duplex full speed 1000

ap group

To create a new access point group, use the ap group command. To remove an access point group, use the no form of this command.

ap group group-name

no ap group group-name

Syntax Description


Access point group name.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An error message appears if you try to delete an access point group that is used by at least one access point. Before you can delete an AP group, move all APs in this group to another group. The access points are not moved to the default-group access point group automatically. To see the APs, enter the show ap summary command. To move access points, enter the ap name Cisco-AP ap-groupname Group-Name command.


This example shows how to create a new access point group:

Device(config)# ap group sampleapgroup

ap image

To configure an image on all access points that are associated to the device, use the ap image command.

ap image {predownload | reset | swap}

Syntax Description


Instructs all the access points to start predownloading an image.


Instructs all the access points to reboot.


Instructs all the access points to swap the image.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



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This example shows how to predownload an image to all access points:

Device# ap image predownload

This example shows how to reboot all access points:

Device# ap image reset

This example shows how to swap the access point’s primary and secondary images:

Device# ap image swap

ap ipv6 tcp adjust-mss

To configure IPv6 TCP maximum segment size (MSS) value for all Cisco APs, use the ap ipv6 tcp adjust-mss command.

ap ipv6 tcp adjust-mss size

no ap ipv6 tcp adjust-mss size

Syntax Description


Configures IPv6 TCP MSS settings for all Cisco APs.


MSS value in the range of 500 to 1440.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration.

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The MSS value must be in the range of 500 to 1440.


This example shows how to configure the IPv6 TCP MSS value to 600 for all Cisco APs:

Device(config)# ap ipv6 tcp adjust-mss 600

ap led

To enable the LED state for an access point, use the ap led command. To disable the LED state for an access point, use the no form of this command.

ap led

no ap led

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable the LED state for an access point:

Device(config)# ap led

ap link-encryption

To enable Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) data encryption for access points, use the ap link-encryption command. To disable the DTLS data encryption for access points, use the no form of this command.

ap link-encryption

no ap link-encryption

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords and arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable data encryption for all the access points that are joined to the controller:

Device(config)# ap link-encryption

ap link-latency

To enable link latency for all access points that are currently associated to the device, use the ap link-latency command. To disable link latency all access points that are currently associated to the device, use the no form of this command.

ap link-latency [ reset]

no ap link-latency

Syntax Description


(Optional) Resets all link latency for all access points.

Command Default

Link latency is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables or disables link latency only for those access points that are currently joined to the device. It does not apply to access points that join in the future.


This example shows how to enable the link latency for all access points:

Device(config)# ap link-latency

ap mgmtuser username

To configure the username, password, and secret password for access point management, use the ap mgmtuser username command.

ap mgmtuser username username password password_type password secret secret_type secret

Syntax Description


Specifies the username for access point management.


Specifies the password for access point management.


Password type. You can specify any one of the following two password types:

  • 0—Specifies that an unencrypted password will follow.

  • 8—Specifies that an AES encrypted password will follow.

Access point management password.
The password does not get encrypted by service-password encryption.

Specifies the secret password for privileged access point management.


Secret type. You can specify any one of the following two secret types:

  • 0—Specifies that an unencrypted secret password will follow.

  • 8—Specifies that an AES encrypted secret password will follow.


Access point management secret password.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



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This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To specify a strong password, the following password requirements should be met:

  • The password should contain characters from at least three of the following classes: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special characters.

  • No character in the password can be repeated more than three times consecutively.

  • The password should not contain a management username or the reverse of a username.

  • The password should not contain words such as Cisco, oscic, admin, nimda or any variant obtained by changing the capitalization of letters by substituting 1, |, or ! or substituting 0 for o or substituting $ for s.

To specify a strong secret password, the following requirement should be met:

  • The secret password should contain characters from at least three of the following classes: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, or special characters.


This example shows how to add a username, password, and secret password for access point management:

Device(config)# ap mgmtuser username glbusr password 0 Arc_1234 secret 0 Mid_1234

ap name ap-groupname

To add a Cisco lightweight access point to a specific access point group, use the ap name ap-groupname command.

ap name ap-name ap-groupname group-name

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Descriptive name for the access point group.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



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This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The Cisco lightweight access point must be disabled before changing this parameter.


This example shows how to add the access point AP01 to the access point group superusers:

Device# ap name AP01 ap-groupname superusers

ap name antenna band mode

To configure the antenna mode, use the ap name<AP name> antenna-band-mode{ single | dual } command.

ap nameap-name antenna-band-mode {single | dual}

Syntax Description

ap- name

Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Instructs the access point to enable the band mode of antenna.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the antenna band mode of access point.

Deviceap name <ap-name> antenna-band-mode single

ap name bhrate

To configure the Cisco bridge backhaul Tx rate, use the ap name bhrate command.

ap name ap-name bhrate kbps

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco access point.


Cisco bridge backhaul Tx rate in kbps. The valid values are 6000, 12000, 18000, 24000, 36000, 48000, and 54000.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the Cisco bridge backhaul Tx rate to 54000 kbps:

Device# ap name AP02 bhrate 54000

ap name bridgegroupname

To set a bridge group name on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the ap name bridgegroupname command. To delete a bridge group name on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the no form of this command.

ap name ap-name bridgegroupname bridge_group_name

ap name ap-name no bridgegroupname

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Only access points with the same bridge group name can connect to each other. Changing the access point bridgegroupname may strand the bridge access point.


This example shows how to set a bridge group name on Cisco access point’s bridge group name AP02:

Device# ap name AP02 bridgegroupname West

This example shows how to delete a bridge group name on Cisco access point’s bridge group name AP02:

Device# ap name AP02 no bridgegroupname

ap name bridging

To enable Ethernet-to-Ethernet bridging on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the ap name bridging command. To disable Ethernet-to-Ethernet bridging on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the no form of this command.

ap name ap-name bridging

ap name ap-name no bridging

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable Ethernet-to-Ethernet bridging on an access point:

Device# ap name TSIM_AP2 bridging

ap name cdp interface

To enable the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the ap name command. To disable the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on a Cisco lightweight access point, use the no form of this command.

ap name ap-name cdp interface {ethernet ethernet-id | radio radio-id}

ap name ap-name [ no] cdp interface {ethernet ethernet-id | radio radio-id}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Enables CDP on an Ethernet interface.


Ethernet interface number from 0 to 3.


Enables CDP for a radio interface.


Radio ID slot number from 0 to 3.

Command Default

Disabled on all access points.

Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

CDP over Ethernet/radio interfaces is available only when CDP is enabled. After you enable CDP on all access points that are joined to the device, you can disable and then reenable CDP on individual access points by using the ap name ap-name cdp interface ethernet ethernet-id cisco_ap command. After you disable CDP on all access points that are joined to the device, you cannot enable and then disable CDP on individual access points.


This example shows how to enable CDP for Ethernet interface number 0 on an access point:

Device# ap name TSIM_AP2 cdp interface ethernet 0

ap name console-redirect

To redirect the remote debug output of a Cisco lightweight access point to the console, use the ap name console-redirect command. To disable the redirection of the remote debug output of a Cisco lightweight access point to the console, use the no form of this command.

ap name ap-name console-redirect

ap name ap-name [ no] console-redirect

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable redirecting remote debug output of a Cisco access point named AP02 to the console:

Device# ap name AP02 console-redirect

ap name capwap retransmit

To configure the access point control packet retransmission interval and control packet retransmission count, use the ap name capwap retransmit command.

ap name ap-name capwap retransmit {count count-value | interval interval-time}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Sets the number of times control packet will be retransmitted.


Number of times that the control packet will be retransmitted from 3 to 8.


Sets the control packet retransmission timeout interval.


Control packet retransmission timeout from 2 to 5 seconds.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure the retransmission interval for an access point:

Device# ap name AP01 capwap retransmit interval 5

This example shows how to configure the retransmission retry count for a specific access point:

Device# ap name AP01 capwap retransmit count 5

ap name command

To execute a command remotely on a specific Cisco access point, use the ap name command command.

ap name ap-name command " command "

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco access point.


Command to be executed on a Cisco access point.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to remotely enter the show ip interface brief command on the Cisco access point named TSIM_AP2:

Device# ap name AP2 command "show ip interface brief"

ap name core-dump

To configure a Cisco lightweight access point’s memory core dump, use the ap name core-dump command. To disable a Cisco lightweight access point’s memory core dump, use the no form of this command.

ap name ap-name core-dump tftp-ip-addr filename {compress | uncompress}

ap name ap-name [ no] core-dump

Syntax Description


Name of the access point.


IP address of the TFTP server to which the access point sends core dump files.


Name that the access point used to label the core file.


Compresses the core dump file.


Uncompresses the core dump file.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The access point must be able to reach the TFTP server before you can use this command.


This example shows how to configure and compress the core dump file:

Device# ap name AP2 core-dump log compress

ap name country

To configure the country of operation for a Cisco lightweight access point, use the ap name country command.

ap name ap-name country country-code

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Two-letter or three-letter country code.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco devices must be installed by a network administrator or qualified IT professional and the installer must select the proper country code. Following installation, access to the unit should be password protected by the installer to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and to ensure proper unit functionality. See the related product guide for the most recent country codes and regulatory domains. Also, access point regulatory domains are defined during the access point manufacturing process. You can change the access point country code if the new country code matches a country that is valid within the access point regulatory domain. If you try to enter a country that is not valid to the access point regulatory domain, the command fails.


This example shows how to configure the Cisco lightweight access point's country code to DE:

Device# ap name AP2 country JP

ap name crash-file

To manage crash data and radio core files for the Cisco access point, use the ap name crash-file command.

ap name ap-name crash-file {get-crash-data | get-radio-core-dump {slot 0 | slot 1}}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Collects the latest crash data for a Cisco lightweight access point.


Gets a Cisco lightweight access point’s radio core dump


Slot ID for Cisco access point.


Specifies Slot 0.


Specifies Slot 1.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to collect the latest crash data for access point AP3:

Device# ap name AP3 crash-file get-crash-data

This example shows how to collect the radio core dump for access point AP02 and slot 0:

Device# ap name AP02 crash-file get-radio-core-dump slot 0

ap name dot11 24ghz rrm coverage

To configure coverage hole detection settings on the 2.4 GHz band, use the ap name dot11 24ghz rrm coverage command.

ap name ap-name dot11 24ghz rrm coverage {exception value | level value}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco access point.


Specifies the percentage of clients on an access point that are experiencing a low signal level but cannot roam to another access point.


Percentage of clients. Valid values are from 0 to 100%.


The default is 25%.


Specifies the minimum number of clients on an access point with a received signal strength indication (RSSI) value at or below the data or voice RSSI threshold.


Minimum number of clients. Valid values are from 1 to 75.


The default is 3.

Command Default

The default for the exception parameter is 25% and the default for the level parameter is 3.

Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you enable coverage hole detection, the device automatically determines, based on data that is received from the access points, whether any access points have clients that are potentially located in areas with poor coverage.

If both the number and percentage of failed packets exceed the values that you entered in the ap dot11 24ghz rrm coverage data packet-count count and ap dot11 24ghz rrm coverage data fail-percentage percentage commands for a 5-second period, the client is considered to be in a pre-alarm condition. The device uses this information to distinguish between real and false coverage holes and excludes clients with poor roaming logic. A coverage hole is detected if both the number and percentage of failed clients meet or exceed the values entered in the ap dot11 24ghz rrm coverage exception and ap dot11 24ghz rrm coverage level commands over a 90-second period. The device determines whether the coverage hole can be corrected and, if appropriate, mitigates the coverage hole by increasing the transmit power level for that specific access point.


This example shows how to specify the percentage of clients for an access point 2.4 GHz radio that is experiencing a low signal level:

Device# ap name AP2 dot11 24ghz rrm coverage exception 25%

This example shows how to specify the minimum number of clients on an 802.11b access point with an RSSI value at or below the RSSI threshold:

Device# ap name AP2 dot11 24ghz rrm coverage level 60 

ap name dot11 49ghz rrm profile

To configure Radio Resource Management (RRM) performance profile settings for a Cisco lightweight access point on a 4.9 GHz public safety channel, use the ap name dot11 49ghz rrm profile command.

ap name ap-name dot11 49ghz rrm profile {clients value | customize | exception value | foreign value | level value | noise value | throughput vaue | utilization value}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Sets the access point client threshold.


Access point client threshold from 1 to 75 clients.


The default client threshold is 12.


Turns on performance profile customization for an access point.


Performance profile customization is off by default.

exception value

Sets the 802.11a Cisco access point coverage exception level from 0 to100 percent.


Sets the foreign 802.11 transmitter interference threshold.


Foreign 802.11 transmitter interference threshold from 0 to 100 percent.


The default is 10 percent.

level value

Sets the 802.11a Cisco access point client minimum exception level from 1 to 75 clients.


Sets the 802.11 foreign noise threshold.


802.11 foreign noise threshold from –127 to 0 dBm.


The default is –70 dBm.


Sets the data-rate throughput threshold.


802.11 throughput threshold from 1000 to 10000000 bytes per second.


The default is 1,000,000 bytes per second.


Sets the RF utilization threshold.


The operating system generates a trap when this threshold is exceeded.


802.11 RF utilization threshold from 0 to 100 percent.


The default is 80 percent.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to set the AP1 clients threshold to 75 clients:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 49ghz rrm profile clients 75

This example shows how to turn performance on profile customization for Cisco lightweight access point AP1 on the 4.9 GHz channel:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 49ghz rrm profile customize

This example shows how to set the foreign transmitter interference threshold for AP1 to 0 percent:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 49ghz rrm profile foreign 0

This example shows how to set the foreign noise threshold for AP1 to 0 dBm:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 49ghz rrm profile noise 0

This example shows how to set the AP1 data-rate threshold to 10000000 bytes per second:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 49ghz rrm profile throughput 10000000

This example shows how to set the RF utilization threshold for AP1 to 100 percent:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 49ghz rrm profile utilization 100

ap name dot11 5ghz rrm channel

To configure a new channel using an 802.11h channel announcement, use the ap name dot11 5ghz rrm channel command.

ap name ap-name dot11 5ghz rrm channel channel

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


New channel.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure a new channel using the 802.11h channel:

Device# ap name AP01 dot11 5ghz rrm channel 140

ap name dot11 antenna

To configure radio antenna settings for Cisco lightweight access points on different 802.11 networks, use the ap name dot11 antenna command.

ap name ap-name dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} antenna {ext-ant-gain gain | mode {omni | sectorA | sectorB} | selection {external | internal}}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies the external antenna gain for an 802.11 network.


Before you enter this command, disable the Cisco radio by using the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command. After you enter this command, reenable the Cisco radio by using the no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.


Antenna gain in 0.5 dBm units (for example, 2.5 dBm = 5).


Specifies that the Cisco lightweight access point is to use one internal antenna for an 802.11 sectorized 180-degree coverage pattern or both internal antennas for an 802.11 360-degree omnidirectional pattern.


Specifies to use both internal antennas.


Specifies to use only the side A internal antenna.


Specifies to use only the side B internal antenna.


Selects the internal or external antenna selection for a Cisco lightweight access point on an 802.11 network.


Specifies the external antenna.


Specifies the internal antenna.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to configure a 5 GHz external antenna gain of 0.5 dBm for AP1:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 5ghz antenna ext-ant-gain 0.5

This example shows how to configure access point AP01 antennas for a 360-degree omnidirectional pattern on a 2.4 GHz band:

Device# ap name AP01 dot11 24ghz antenna mode omni

This example shows how to configure access point AP02 on a 2.4 GHz band to use the internal antenna:

Device# ap name AP02 dot11 24ghz antenna selection interval

ap name dot11 antenna extantgain

To configure radio antenna settings for Cisco lightweight access points on 4.9 GHz and 5.8 GHz public safety channels, use the ap name dot11 antenna extantgain command.

ap name ap-name dot11 {49ghz | 58ghz} {antenna extantgain gain}

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Specifies 4.9 GHz public safety channel settings.


Specifies 5.8 GHz public safety channel settings.


Antenna gain in 0.5 dBm units (for example, 2.5 dBm = 5).

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before you enter this command, disable the Cisco radio by using the ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command. After you enter this command, reenable the Cisco radio by using the no ap dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} shutdown command.


This example shows how to configure an external antenna gain of 0.5 dBm for AP1 on a 4.9 GHz public safety channel:

Device# ap name AP1 dot11 49ghz antenna extantgain 0.5

ap name dot11 cleanair

To configure CleanAir settings for a specific Cisco lightweight access point on 802.11 networks, use the ap name dot11 cleanair command.

ap name ap-name dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} cleanair

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco lightweight access point.


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable CleanAir on the 2.4 GHz band:

Device# ap name AP01 dot11 24ghz cleanair

ap name dot11 dot11n antenna

To configure an access point to use a specific antenna, use the ap name dot11 dot11n antenna command.

ap name ap-name dot11 {24ghz | 5ghz} dot11n antenna {A | B | C | D}

Syntax Description


Access point name.


Specifies the 2.4 GHz band.


Specifies the 5 GHz band.


Specifies antenna port A.


Specifies antenna port B.


Specifies antenna port C.


Specifies antenna port D.

Command Default


Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.3SECisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable antenna B on access point AP02:

Device# ap name AP02 dot11 5ghz dot11n antenna B

This example shows how to disable antenna C on access point AP02:

Device# ap name AP02 no dot11 5ghz dot11n C

ap name dot11 dual-band cleanair

To configure CleanAir for a dual band radio, use the ap name dot11 dual-band cleanair command.

ap name ap-name dot11 dual-band cleanair

ap name ap-name no dot11 dual-band cleanair

Syntax Description


Name of the Cisco AP.


Specifies the CleanAir feature.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE

This command was introduced.


This example sh