Upgrading Cisco DCNM

This section includes instructions for upgrading your Cisco DCNM Open Virtual Appliance installation in the following scenarios:

Cisco DCNM Installer version
Release from which you can upgrade

DCNM 10.4(2) ISO/OVA

  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.3(1)
  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.3(2)
  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.4(1)

DCNM 10.4(1) ISO/OVA

  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.3(1)
  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.2(1)

DCNM 10.3(1) ISO/OVA

  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.2(1)
  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.0(1)

DCNM 10.2(1) ISO/OVA

  • Cisco DCNM, Release 10.0(1)

You can migrate Cisco DCNM with a local PostgreSQL database and an external Oracle database and Cisco DCNM in a High Availability (HA) environment.


Noteblank.gif Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(x) allows the HA setup for XMPP uses external oracle database. You must provide username and password for external oracle database. Create a new username and password for the XMPP application to use in the same remote Database instance, used by the Cisco DCNM.


Noteblank.gif Before upgrading Cisco DCNM, ensure that automatic failover is disabled. Otherwise, if one server within the federation is down, the devices discovered by the server will be moved to the other DCNM server which comes up first after upgrade. To prevent the automatic failover for DCNM upgrade, you need to disable the automatic failover on all DCNMs within the federation, and then upgrade the DCNM server one by one. Only after all the DCNMs upgrade successfully and run normally, then enable the automatic failover again. To enable / disable automatic failover, go to Administration > DCNM Server > Federation from DCNM web page, click the check box at top left for Enable Automatic Failover.


Noteblank.gif When upgrading to a newer DCNM version, you should use the same administrative password (as used in the existing setup) for the new DCNM setup. If you want to use a different password in the new setup, change the password in the existing DCNM setup before taking a backup and initiating the upgrade process.

Adhere to the following password requirements. If you do not comply with the requirements, the DCNM application might not function properly:

blank.gif It must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one alphabet and one numeral.

blank.gif It can contain a combination of alphabets, numerals, and special characters.

blank.gif DO NOT use any of these special characters in the DCNM password for Linux, Windows, OVA, and ISO platforms: <SPACE> & $ % ‘ “ ^ = < > ; :


Noteblank.gif When upgrading to DCNM release 10.4(2), temperature data will not be automatically backed up as part of appmgr backup script on an OVA setup where EPL is not enabled.

This chapter contains the following:

Retaining the CA Signed Certificate

Perform this procedure if you need to retain the CA signed SSL Certificate after upgrade.


Step 1blank.gif Backup the signed certificate from the location


Step 2blank.gif Upgrade to Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(2) based on the requirement.

Step 3blank.gif After upgrade, copy the certificate to the same location on the upgraded version of the Cisco DCNM.


Noteblank.gif You must load the certificates to the same location as mentioned in Step 1.

Step 4blank.gif Open the following files:

  • <Install root>/dcm/JBoss- 7.2.0.Final/standalone/configuration/standalone-san.xml
  • <Install root>/dcm/JBoss- 7.2.0.Final/standalone/configuration/ standalone-lan.xml

Step 5blank.gif Search for key-alias =“sme” and replace with key-alias=<key-alias used to create CA signed SSL Certificate>

Step 6blank.gif Restart the DCNM Services.


Upgrading Cisco DCNM Windows and Linux through GUI Installation

Before you begin, make sure that Cisco DCNM 10.3(1),10.3(2), or 10.4(1) is up and running.

Step 1blank.gif Stop the DCNM services.

Step 2blank.gif Run the Cisco DCNM software for Release 10.4(2) executable file.

Upgrade Notification window appears

Step 3blank.gif Click OK to begin the upgrade.

Step 4blank.gif Click Done after the upgrade is complete.

The Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(2) services will start automatically.


Upgrading Cisco DCNM Windows and Linux through Silent Installation

Before you begin, make sure that Cisco DCNM 10.3(1), 10.3(2), or 10.4(1) is up and running.


Noteblank.gif Cisco DCNM supports Silent installation and upgrade only on Local Authorization mode and not on Remote Authorization mode.


Step 1blank.gif Stop the DCNM services.

Step 2blank.gif Open the installer.properties file and update the following properties:


Step 3blank.gif Go to the directory where you downloaded the Cisco DCNM software and run the appropriate installer by using the following command:

  • For Windows installer—dcnm-release.exe -i silent -f <path_of_installer.properties>
  • For Linux installer—dcnm-release.bin -i silent -f <path_of_installer.properties>

The Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(2) services will start after the upgrade is complete.


Note For Windows upgrade, you can check the status of the upgrade in the Task Manager process.

For Linux upgrade, you can check the status of the upgrade process by using the following command: ps -ef | grep ‘LAX’. The prompt will return after the silent install is complete.


Upgrading Cisco DCNM Windows and Linux Federation through GUI Installation

Before you begin, make sure that Cisco DCNM 10.3(1), 10.3(2), or 10.4(1) is up and running.


Noteblank.gif Ensure that both primary and secondary database properties are same.

Step 1blank.gif Stop both the primary and secondary DCNM services.

Step 2blank.gif On the primary server, run the Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(2) executable file.

Upgrade notification window appears.

Step 3blank.gif Click OK to begin the upgrade.

Step 4blank.gif On the secondary server, perform run the Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(2) executable file.

Upgrade notification window appears.

Step 5blank.gif Click OK to begin the upgrade.

Step 6blank.gif On the primary server, click Done after the upgrade is complete.

The Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(2) services will start automatically on the primary server.

Step 7blank.gif On the secondary server, click Done after the upgrade is complete.

The Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(2) services will start automatically on the secondary server.


Upgrading Cisco DCNM Windows and Linux Federation through Silent Installation

Before you begin, make sure that Cisco DCNM 10.3(1), 10.3(2), or 10.4(1) is up and running.


Noteblank.gif Cisco DCNM supports Silent installation and upgrade only on Local Authorization mode and not on Remote Authorization mode.


Noteblank.gif Ensure that both primary and secondary database properties are same.

Step 1blank.gif Stop both the primary and secondary DCNM services.

Step 2blank.gif On the primary server, open the installer.properties file and update the following properties:


Step 3blank.gif Go to the directory where you downloaded the Cisco DCNM software and run the appropriate installer by using the following command:

  • For Windows installer—dcnm-release.exe -i silent -f <path_of_installer.properties>
  • For Linux installer—dcnm-release.bin -i silent -f <path_of_installer.properties>

Note For Windows upgrade, you can check the status of the upgrade in the Task Manager process.

For Linux upgrade, you can check the status of the upgrade process by using the following command: ps -ef | grep ‘LAX’. The prompt will return after the silent install is complete.


Step 4blank.gif On the secondary server, open the installer.properties file and update the following properties:


Step 5blank.gif Go to the directory where you downloaded the Cisco DCNM software and run the appropriate installer by using the following command:

  • For Windows installer—dcnm-release.exe -i silent -f <path_of_installer.properties>
  • For Linux installer—dcnm-release.bin -i silent -f <path_of_installer.properties>

Step 6blank.gif On the primary server, click Done after the upgrade is complete.

The Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(x) services will start automatically on the primary server.

Step 7blank.gif On the secondary server, click Done after the upgrade is complete.

The Cisco DCNM Release 10.4(x) services will start automatically on the secondary server.


Upgrading Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliance with Local PostgreSQL Database

Before you begin, make sure that Cisco DCNM 10.3(1), 10.3(2) or 10.4(1) is up and running.

Step 1blank.gif Use the appmgr backup all command to backup all applications associated with the installation of Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1).

A prompt appears to provide the DCNM DB password and XMPP DB password. By default, this password is the administrative password provided during the Open Virtual Appliance installation.

Step 2blank.gif On Cisco DCNM 10.4(2), ensure that the MAC addresses along with all network settings such as the IP address, default gateway, hostname, etc., are identical to the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1) installation.

Step 3blank.gif Transfer the backup file to an external file system.

Step 4blank.gif Power off Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1).

Step 5blank.gif Deploy the Cisco DCNM Open Virtual Appliance file for version 10.4(2).

  • Use the same network parameters (IP address/subnet/gateway/DNS).
  • Use the same administrative password.
  • Use the same vCenter port groups for both network interfaces.
  • Disable auto-power-on. (The Power on Open Virtual Appliance after deployment check-box should not be selected).

Step 6blank.gif After Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) is deployed, right-click on VM > Edit Settings > Hardware.

For both Network Adapters, update the MAC address to be the same as Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1). This ensures that the same MAC address is used for the new Virtual Machine (VM); licenses on Cisco DCNM will not need to be regenerated in the event of an upgrade.

Step 7blank.gif Power on DCNM 10.4(2) VM.

Step 8blank.gif Copy the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1) backup file from the external repository to Cisco DCNM 10.4(2).

Step 9blank.gif Use the appmgr status all status all command to make sure that all applications are up and running.

Step 10blank.gif Use the appmgr stop all to shut down all applications on Cisco DCNM 10.4(2).

Step 11blank.gif Use the appmgr upgrade <backup filename> command to run the upgrade script on Cisco DCNM 10.4(2).

The application displays the following message:

Please Shut Down All Applications Before Continuing.
Press 'y' to continue [y/n] [n]

Step 12blank.gif Press Y to continue.

Press [1] or [2] or [3] when prompted, based on your Cisco DCNM 7.2.x setup:
Choose [1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database
[2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database
[3] High Availability
[4] Native High Availability


If you choose option [1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database, It will get upgraded successfully.

If you choose option [2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database, ensure that the external database is up and running. For more information, see Upgrading Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliance with External Oracle Database.


Upgrading Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliance with External Oracle Database

Perform the following procedure to upgrade Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliance with external Oracle database.


Noteblank.gif Ensure that you configure the timezone after installation or upgrade, before performing any other operations on the Cisco DCNM Appliance. For more information, see Setting the Timezone for Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliances.

When you select Option [2] in Step 12 of the procedure Upgrading Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliance with Local PostgreSQL Database, the following query appears:

Prior to upgrade, we strongly advise that you make a backup of your remote Oracle instance. Do you want to proceed with upgrade?

Press 'y' to continue [y/n] [n]

Step 1blank.gif Press Y to continue.

Step 2blank.gif Enter the DB URL.

Example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@

Step 3blank.gif Enter the DB username

Step 4blank.gif Enter the DB password.

Enter it again for verification:

Step 5blank.gif Enter the administrative password provided during Virtual Appliance installation, when prompted for the root password.

The external DCNM database will be configured to access all the Fabric applications using the root password of this server.


Noteblank.gif You can change the password using the Cisco DCNM Web Client. To change the password, choose Administration > Management Users > Local.


Noteblank.gif Upgrading from Non-DFA to Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) with a Local PostgreSQL or External Oracle Database. Deploy the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) with the Enhanced Fabric Management Network fields with default values (i.e., IP Address:, Subnet Mask: and DNS IP: Perform the procedure detailed in Upgrading Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliance with External Oracle Database.



Noteblank.gif Ensure that you configure the timezone after installation or upgrade, before performing any other operations on the Cisco DCNM Appliance. For more information, see Setting the Timezone for Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliances.

Upgrading Cisco DCNM appliances with Enhanced Fabric Management in HA Environment

Before you begin, ensure that:

    • Both the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1) Active and Standby peers are up and running.
    • Automatic failover is stopped manually. To disable automatic failover, go to Administration > DCNM Server > Federation in the DCNM web page, and clear the Enable Automatic Failover check box at the top left part of the screen.

Noteblank.gif For more information on Active and Standby peers in a High Availability environment, see “Managing Applications in a High-Availability Environment”.

Step 1blank.gif Verify if the appmgr backup all command was executed on both the Active and Standby peers. Check if separate tar archives are stored in an external file system.

Example: active.tar.gz and standby.tar.gz

Noteblank.gif If it is the non-DFA environment, please verify if the appmgr backup dcnm command was executed on both the Active and Standby peers.

Step 2blank.gif Power off the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1) Active peer.

Step 3blank.gif Power-on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Active peer.

Step 4blank.gif Use the appmgr status all command to ensure that all the applications are up and running on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Active peer.

Step 5blank.gif Stop all DCNM applications on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Active peer, by using appmgr stop all command.

Step 6blank.gif Use the appmgr upgrade <active.tar.gz> command to run the upgrade script.

Press 'y' to continue [y/n] [n]
b. Choose option [3] High Availability when prompted.
Choose option [1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database
[2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database
[3] High Availability
[4] Native High Availability
c. Prior to upgrade, we strongly advise that you make a backup of your remote Oracle instance. Do you want to proceed with upgrade?
Press 'y' to continue [y/n] [n]
d. Select option [1] Active when prompted.
Choose [1] Active [2] Standby
f. Enter the standby eth0 IP address.
After the upgrade is completed successfully, you will see the following message:
**** Check /root/upgrade.log for details...****
Ensure that all applications are running on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Active peer.

Step 7blank.gif Power off the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1) Standby peer.

Step 8blank.gif Power on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Standby peer. Use the appmgr status all command to make sure that all applications are up and running.

Step 9blank.gif Stop all applications on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Standby peer.

Step 10blank.gif Use the appmgr upgrade <standby.tar.gz> command to run the upgrade script on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Standby peer.

a.blank.gif Choose option [3] High Availability when prompted.

Choose option [1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database
[2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database
[3] High Availability
[4] Native High Availability

b.blank.gif Select option [2] Standby when prompted.

Choose [1] Active [2] Standby

To migrate the standby peer, perform the following:

a.blank.gif Enter the active eth0 IP address.

Step 11blank.gif Invoke the following on the Active peer to establish SSH trust to the Standby peer:

sh /root/sshAutoLogin.sh <STANDBY_PEER_IP>



Noteblank.gif Ensure that you configure the timezone after installation or upgrade, before performing any other operations on the Cisco DCNM Appliance. For more information, see Setting the Timezone for Cisco DCNM Virtual Appliances.

Upgrading Cisco DCNM appliances without Enhanced Fabric Management in HA Environment

Before you begin, ensure that:

    • The virtual appliance is installed in Non Programmable Fabric mode.
    • Automatic failover is stopped manually. To disable automatic failover, go to Administration > DCNM Server > Federation in the DCNM web page, and clear the Enable Automatic Failover check box at the top left part of the screen.

Note For instruction about installing these applications with the Cisco DCNM Open Virtual Appliance, see DCNM installation without Enhanced Fabric Management capabilities.
For more information on NON DFA High Availability environment, see Managing Applications in a High-Availability Environment.

Step 1blank.gif Make sure that both Cisco DCNM DCNM 10.3(x) servers are deployed, powered on and made it as a First and Federated node by using the below commands.

appmgr setup ha -type first-node

appmgr setup ha -type federated-node

Step 2blank.gif Verify if the appmgr backup dcnm command was executed on both the First Node and Federated Node using the below command. Check if separate tar archives are stored in an external file system.

Example: first_node.tar.gz

Step 3blank.gif Bring up the DCNM 10.4(x) First and Federated node. Do not power on the DCNM yet.

Step 4blank.gif Power off the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) First and Federated Node virtual appliance.

Step 5blank.gif Power-on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(x) First and Federated Node virtual appliance which should be deployed in the same eth0 IP of 10.3(x).


Noteblank.gif While deploying Cisco DCNM 10.4(x) First and Federated Node virtual appliance, the Enhanced Fabric Management Network fields must contain default values (i.e., IP Address:, Subnet Mask: and DNS IP:

Step 6blank.gif Use the appmgr status all command to ensure that DCNM applications are up and running on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(x) First and Federated Nodes.

Step 7blank.gif Stop the applications on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(x) First node, by using appmgr stop dcnm command.

Step 8blank.gif Use the command appmgr upgrade <first_node.tar.gz> on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(x) First node to run the upgrade script. After issuing appmgr upgrade <first_node.tar.gz> on First Node, user will be prompted for various inputs. Provide the inputs as per the sample given below.

Press 'y' to continue [y/n]
Select an option for upgrading this appliance [ ] :
[1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database
[2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database
[3] High Availability
[4] Native High Availability
Choice [1|2|3|4]
Prior to upgrade, we strongly advise that you make a backup of your remote Oracle instance. Do you want to proceed with upgrade?
Press 'y' to continue [y/n]
Please enter the type of server:
[1] First Node | [2] Federated Node
You are about to be federated for DCNM alone in this DCNM appliance.
Please make sure that you have the following
1. An Oracle Database with a user defined for DCNM.
2. A repository with NFS capabilities.
3. An NTP server for time synchronization.
a) Do you want to continue? [y/n] [y]
b) Enter the DB URL {ex. jdbc:oracle:thin:@ipaddr:1521:<SID or Servicename>} :
c) Enter the DB username for DCNM tables: <dcnm-dbuser>
d) Enter the DB password for DCNM tables:
e) Enter it again for verification:
f) Enter the SCP/NFS repository IP : <repository IP>
g) NFS Exported location {ex. /var/shared/dcnm/} :
h) Enter an NTP server for time synchronization "NTP_SERVER":
******************Successfully Completed. Run 'appmgr start dcnm'*****************
i) Verify whether HA Federation enabled after upgrade by using command appmgr show ha-role.
j) Start DCNM using appmgr start dcnm.

Step 9blank.gif Stop DCNM applications on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(x) Federated Node by using appmgr stop dcnm command.

Step 10blank.gif Run the below NTP command on standby to sync the time.

ntpdate -b -u clock.cisco.com

Step 11blank.gif Use the appmgr upgrade <federated_node.tar.gz> command to run the upgrade script on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(x) Federated Node. After issuing appmgr upgrade <first_node.tar.gz> on First Node, user will be prompted for various inputs. Provide the inputs as per the sample given below.

Press 'y' to continue [y/n]
Select an option for upgrading this appliance [] :
[1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database
[2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database
[3] High Availability
[4] Native High Availability
Choice [1|2|3|4]
Prior to upgrade, we strongly advise that you make a backup of your remote Oracle instance. Do you want to proceed with upgrade?
Press 'y' to continue [y/n]
Please enter the type of server :
[1] First Node | [2] Federated Node
You are about to enable High Availability for DCNM alone in this DCNM appliance.
Please make sure that you have the following:
1. An Existing Federated server.
a)Do you want to continue? [y/n] [y]
b)Enter the existing Federated server IP (eth0 IP) : <PEER_ETH0_IP>
c)Enter the root password of the peer
d)Root password : <root_password_of_this_node>
**************** Successfully Completed.***************


Upgrading Cisco DCNM Native HA appliances

Perform the following to upgrade the Cisco DCNM Native HA appliances to Release 10.4(2).

Before you begin, ensure that both the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1) Active and Standby peers are up and running.

Step 1blank.gif Verify if the appmgr backup all command was executed on both the Active and Standby peers. Check if separate .tar archives are stored in an external file system.

Step 2blank.gif Power off the Cisco DCNM 10.3(x) or 10.4(1) Standby host first and then power off the Active host.

Step 3blank.gif Power on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Active host, and then power on the Standby host with the same IP and MAC address.

If both eth0 and eth1 interfaces are in the same subnet, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file for DCNM ISO Virtual appliance Native HA installation on both active and standby nodes for both the appliances, as follows:

  • Change the value of net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter from 1 to 2.
  • Add net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 2 to the sysctl.conf file.

Save and close the file. On the SSH terminal, execute the sysctl --system command.

Step 4blank.gif Ensure that all the applications are up and running on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Active host. Use the appmgr status all command to ensure that

Step 5blank.gif Stop all the DCNM applications on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Active host, by using appmgr stop all command.

Step 6blank.gif Transfer the backup file from the external file system to the corresponding setup.

Step 7blank.gif Run the upgrade script on the Active host, by using the appmgr upgrade <active.tar.gz> command.

Step 8blank.gif Provide the inputs as per the sample given below.

Press 'y' to continue [y/n]
Select an option for upgrading this appliance [] :
[1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database
[2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database
[3] High Availability
[4] Native High Availability
Choice [1|2|3|4]
Choose [1] Active
[2] Standby
You are about to enable Native High Availability on this DCNM virtual appliance.
Please make sure that you have the following
1. A couple of free IP addresses to be used as Virtual IPs (one on each port group)
2. A peer DCNM deployed with the same user profile (same username/password)
3. Shut down all applications in this server using 'appmgr stop all'
Do you want to continue? [y/n]

Noteblank.gif You need to wait till all applications are up and running in the Active node. Use the appmgr status all command to ensure all applications are up and running.

Step 9blank.gif Stop all the DCNM applications on the Cisco DCNM 10.4(2) Standby host, by using appmgr stop all command.

Step 10blank.gif Run the upgrade script on the Standby host, by using the appmgr upgrade <standby.tar.gz> command.

Step 11blank.gif Provide the inputs as per the sample given below.

Press 'y' to continue [y/n]
Select an option for upgrading this appliance []:
[1] Standalone DCNM with Local PostgreSQL database
[2] Standalone DCNM with External Oracle database
[3] High Availability
[4] Native High Availability
Choice [1|2|3|4]
Choose [1] Active
[2] Standby
You are about to enable Native High Availability on this DCNM virtual appliance.
Please make sure that you have the following
1. A couple of free IP addresses to be used as Virtual IPs (one on each port group)
2. A peer DCNM deployed with the same user profile (same username/password)
3. Shut down all applications in this server using 'appmgr stop all'
Do you want to continue? [y/n]


Database Utility Scripts

Local PostgreSQL Database Utility Scripts for Backup and Restore

Utility scripts for Local PostgreSQL database that is installed in RHEL machine are:

1.blank.gif backup-pgsql-dcnm-db.sh

2.blank.gif restore-pgsql-dcnm-db.sh

Utility scripts for Local PG database that is installed in Windows machine are:

1.blank.gif backup-pgsql-dcnm-db.bat

2.blank.gif restore-pgsql-dcnm-db.bat

Remote Oracle Database Utility Scripts for Backup and Restore

Irrespective of the platform, Cisco DCNM is installed (Windows or Linux), the following scripts to backup and restore the remote Oracle database.

Utility scripts for Oracle database that is installed on Linux platform are;

1.blank.gif backup-remote-oracledb.sh

2.blank.gif restore-remote-oracledb.sh

Utility scripts for Oracle database that is installed on Windows platform are:

1.blank.gif backup-remote-oracledb.bat

2.blank.gif restore-remote-oracledb.bat

Cisco DCNM host is configured to run with a remote Oracle database. As part of housekeeping, you can copy DCNM utility scripts to a remote Oracle database and restore the DCNM database schema.

To run the utility scripts, you need the database administrator credentials. These scripts will prompt you for:

1.blank.gif DCNM database password (the user name is already present)

2.blank.gif Username/password of the admin user.

While entering the DBA user credentials, ensure that you do not to enter “sys” as sysdba" because in some versions of Oracle, the presence of space might cause the backup/restore to fail. Instead, user should provide valid user credentials that does not have a space in the user name, for example, system or sysdba. The admin credentials are not saved/cached and hence they do not leak sensitive credential information.


Noteblank.gif User scripts under dcnm/bin can be run only by administrator user.

Standalone Inline Upgrade for OVA/ISO

This upgrade method, introduced in the 10.4(2) release, is an alternative to the traditional upgrade method. After the inline upgrade, ensure that you clear your browser cache before launching the DCNM application.

Ensure that all the applications are up and running on the Cisco DCNM server by using the appmgr status all command.

Before you begin - Take a backup of the existing files. If an issue arises during the upgrade process, you will need to restore the backup and start the upgrade process afresh.

a.blank.gif Use the appmgr backup all command to take a backup.

b.blank.gif Transfer the backup file to an external server.

Step 1blank.gif Unzip the dcnm-va.10.4.2.iso.zip file and upload the DCNM 10.4(2) ISO file to the /root/ folder in the DCNM setup that you want to upgrade.

Step 2blank.gif Create folder named iso using the mkdir /mnt/iso command.

Step 3blank.gif Mount the DCNM 10.4(2) ISO file on the standalone setup in the /mnt/iso folder.

mount -o loop <DCNM 10.4(2) image> /mnt/iso
For example: mount -o loop dcnm-va.10.4.2.iso /mnt/iso

Step 4blank.gif Stop the DCNM application using the appmgr stop dcnm command.

Step 5blank.gif Navigate to /mnt/iso/packaged-files/scripts/ and run the ./inline-upgrade.sh script.


Noteblank.gif If some services are still running, you will receive a prompt that the services will be stopped. When prompted, press y and continue. An example is provided below.

Do you want to do the inline upgrade to 10.4(2)? The DCNM and Elasticsearch will go down (if it is running) and come up after the upgrade [y/n] n ? y

Step 6blank.gif Ensure the DCNM application is functional with the appmgr status dcnm command.

DCNM Native HA Inline Upgrade for OVA/ISO

This upgrade method, introduced in the 10.4(2) release, is an alternative to the traditional Native HA upgrade method. After the inline upgrade, ensure that you clear your browser cache before launching the DCNM application.

Ensure that all the applications are up and running on the Cisco DCNM server active node by using the appmgr status all command. On the DCNM standby node, TFTP applications will not be running, as per expected behavior. You can check using the appmgr status all command.

To verify the role of a DCNM server (as an active or standby node), use the appmgr show ha-role command on both the nodes, as shown in the example.

[root@active]# appmgr show ha-role
Native HA enabled.
Deployed role: Active
Current role: Active
[root@standby ~]# appmgr show ha-role
Native HA enabled.
Deployed role: Standby
Current role: Standby
[root@standby ~]#

Before you begin - Take a backup of the existing files. If an issue arises during the upgrade process, you will need to restore the backup and start the upgrade process afresh.

a.blank.gif Take a backup of DCNM using the appmgr backup all command on the DCNM active and standby nodes.

b.blank.gif Transfer the two backup files to an external server. For ease of use, name the files for appropriate recall.

Step 1blank.gif Unzip the dcnm-va.10.4.2.iso.zip file and upload the DCNM 10.4(2) ISO image to the /root/ folder on the active and standby nodes.

Step 2blank.gif Create a folder named iso using the mkdir /mnt/iso command, on the active and standby nodes.

Step 3blank.gif Mount the DCNM 10.4(2) ISO image in the /mnt/iso folder, on the active and standby nodes.

mount -o loop <DCNM 10.4(2) image> /mnt/iso
For example: mount -o loop dcnm-va.10.4.2.iso /mnt/iso

Step 4blank.gif Stop the DCNM application on the standby and active nodes, in that order, as noted below.


Noteblank.gif It is imperative that you execute the command on the standby node first, and only then on the active node. If not, the upgrade process will fail.

a.blank.gif On the standby node, use the appmgr stop ha-apps command to stop the DCNM application.

b.blank.gif On the active node, use the appmgr stop ha-apps command to stop the DCNM application.

Step 5blank.gif Verify that the DCNM application is stopped on the active and standby nodes using the appmgr show ha-role command, as show below.

[root@active ~]# appmgr show ha-role
Native HA enabled.
Deployed role: Active
Current role: Stopped
[root@active ~]#
[root@secondary ~]# appmgr show ha-role
Native HA enabled.
Deployed role: Standby
Current role: Stopped
[root@standby ~]#

Step 6blank.gif On the active node, navigate to /mnt/iso/packaged-files/scripts/ and run the ./inline-upgrade.sh script.


Noteblank.gif If some services are still running, you will receive a prompt that the services will be stopped. When prompted, press y and continue. An example is provided below.

Do you want to do the inline upgrade to 10.4(2)? The DCNM and Elasticsearch will go down (if it is running) and come up after the upgrade [y/n] n ? y

Step 7blank.gif After the script is executed, ensure that all the applications (including DCNM) are functional on the active node by using the appmgr status all command.

Step 8blank.gif On the standby node, navigate to /mnt/iso/packaged-files/scripts/ and run the ./inline-upgrade.sh script.

Step 9blank.gif After the script is executed, ensure that all the applications (including DCNM) are functional on the standby node by using the appmgr status all command.


Noteblank.gif The DCNM and TFTP services will not be running on the standby node, as per expected behavior.