Introduction to Network Visibility Module Collector

This document describes how to install and configure the Network Visbility Module (NVM) Collector that you can download from the Cisco Software Download page. It describes its components, how to set it up, and then how to validate installation and collector status, as well as perform basic troubleshooting. Refer to the Release Notes for AnyConnect Network Visibility Module Collector, Release 4.10 for additional information.

AnyConnect is a unified agent that delivers multiple security services to protect the enterprise, and it also supports additional modules that cater to different aspects of enterprise security. The additional modules enable security features like posture assessment, malware protection, roaming security, and more.

AnyConnect Network Visibility Module provides a continuous feed of high-value endpoint telemetry. Network Visibility Module allows organizations to see endpoint and user behaviors on their networks. It collects flow from endpoints both on- and off-premise, along with valuable context like users, applications, devices, locations, and destinations. It caches this data and sends it to the Network Visibility Module Collector when it is on a trusted network (the corporate network on-prem or through VPN).

Network Visibility Module Collector is a server that receives Internet Protocol Flow Information Export (IPFIX) data and optionally filters, and then exports it to syslog or a third-party collector like Splunk. Network Visibility Module Collector processes received messages that adhere to the nvzFlow protocol specification: You can install the collector on a standalone Linux system.

Components Of and Requirements For Network Visibility Module Collector

Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:

  • AnyConnect with Network Visibility Module

  • AnyConnect licensing

  • Network Visibility Module Collector licensing

If you run NVM Collector on a separate Linux device, you should plan for 35-40K endpoints per device, using this general scaling:
  • CPU/memory sizing can be reduced

  • Disk input/output will not be applicable since logging is only being done for the collector and Linux

  • 50GB of disk space available to run the OS and collector components

Hardware Sizing for Standalone Network Visibility Module Collector

The following provides recommended hardware requirements for a standalone Network Visibility Module Collector instance running on 64-bit Linux:


By default, Network Visibility Module multiprocess mode is enabled.

  • Up to 1000 endpoints/server instance:
    • CPU cores: 6 cores / 2.2 GHz (x86 64-bit)

    • RAM size: 8 GB

    • Combined IOPS: 800 input/output operations per second (IOPS)

    • Disk sub-system: Any (minimum 10k RPM)

    • Total disk capacity: 50 GB

  • 1000-5000 endpoints/server instance:
    • CPU cores: 8 cores / 2.4 GHz (x86 64-bit)

    • RAM size: 16 GB

    • Combined IOPS: 1000 input/output operations per second (IOPS)

    • Disk sub-system: Any (minimum 10k RPM)

    • Total disk capacity: 50 GB

  • 7500-10,000 endpoints/server instance:
    • CPU cores: 12 cores / 2.6 GHz (x86 64-bit)

    • RAM size: 24 GB

    • Combined IOPS: 1200 input/output operations per second (IOPS)

    • Disk sub-system: Any (minimum 10k RPM)

    • Total disk capacity: 50 GB

Internet Protocol Flow Information Export (IPFIX)

IPFIX is an IETF protocol that defines a standard for exporting IP flow information for various purposes such as accounting, auditing, or security. IPFIX is based on Cisco NetFlow protocol v9, although it is not directly compatible. Cisco nvzFlow is a protocol specification based on the IPFIX protocol. By design, IPFIX is an extensible protocol allowing you to define new parameters to convey information. Cisco nvzFlow protocol extends the IPFIX standard and defines new information elements, as well as a standard set of IPFIX templates that are conveyed as part of the telemetry used by AnyConnect Network Visibility Module.

IPFIX flow templates are sent to the collector at the start of the IPFIX communication. These templates help the collector make sense of the IPFIX data. In rare circumstances, a template may not be found. This issue is identified with a No template found message in a packet capture on the endpoint or a No templates for flowset message in the collector logs. To remedy this issue, restart one of the endpoints.

Network Visibility Module Collector Exported Data Fields

Network Visibility Module Collector exports three kinds of data records: endpoint, interface, and flow. Each data record is a set of field key-value pairs. The table below provides the field keys, field names, and context for the kind of data record in which the given field key is present.

Field Key

Field Name

Field Context

Field Description


Agent Version


Software version of the agent/client. Typically of the form major_v.minor_v.build_no (for AnyConnect Network Visibility Module 4.9 or later). The logged in username on the physical device, in the form Authority\Principal, on the endpoint from which the network flow is generated. A domain user is in the same form as a user locally logged in to a device (for example, MYDOMAIN\aduser or SOMEMACHINE\localuseracct).


Additional Logged In Users List


(Windows only) A list of logged in users on the device other than nvzFlowLoggedInUser, each in the form SessionType:AccountType:Authority\Principal

For example, rdp:8001:ACME\JSmith console:0002:<machine>\Administrator


This field is empty for non-system processes.




IPv4 address of the destination to where the flow was generated from the endpoint.




IPv6 address of the destination to where the flow was generated from the endpoint.




The Destination Domain of the Destination Address to where the network flow was sent to the endpoint.




Destination Port number to where the flow was generated from the endpoint.




The DNS suffix configured on the network to which the user was connected when the network flow was generated on the endpoint.


Flow Direction


The direction of the Flow observed at the endpoint. The two values defined are 0: ingress flow and 1: egress flow.




Timestamp (in msec) of when the network flow was complete by the endpoint (for AnyConnect NVM 4.9 or later).




Timestamp of when the network flow was completed by the endpoint.




Timestamp (in msec) of when the network flow was initiated by the endpoint (for AnyConnect NVM 4.9 or later).




Timestamp of when the network flow was initiated by the endpoint.




Network Visibility Flow (nvzFlow) version sent by the client.




The total number of bytes downloaded during a given flow on the endpoint at layer 4, not including L4 headers.




The index of the network interface as reported by the operating system.





Unique ID for an interface metadata. Use to look up the interface metadata from the InterfaceInfo records.




MAC address of the interface.




Network Interface/Adapter name as reported by the operating system.




Parsed from InterfaceDetailsList, this is the STATE portion, for example STATE=Trusted. Either AnyConnect VPN is active or has determned the device is on a Trusted Network based on TND.




Interface type, such as Wired, Wireless, Cellular, VPN, Tunneled, Bluetooth, and so on. Enumeration of network types.




If this field is empty, it indicates that either no user was logged into the device, or a user remotely logged into the device via RDP, SSH, and so on. liuida and liuidp fields would also be empty as a result. User information can still be derived from the process account information.




The authority portion of the logged in username on the physical device from which the network flow is generated.




The principal portion of the logged in username on the physical device from which the network flow is generated.




Account type of the logged in user, as per the enumeration of AccountType.




List of 0 or more SHA256 hashes of the modules associated with the nvzFlowModuleNameList.




List of 0 or more names of the modules hosted by the process that generated the flow. This name can include the main DLLs in common containers such as dllhost, svchost, rundll32, and so on. It can also contain the other hosted components such as the name of the jar file in a JVM.




The total number of bytes uploaded during a given flow on the endpoint at layer 4, not including L4 headers.


OS Name


Name of the operating system on the endpoint (for example, WinNT). This name matches the value sent by AnyConnect VPN to an ASA.


OS Version


Version of the operating system on the endpoint (for example, 6.1.7601). This version matches the value sent by AnyConnect VPN to an ASA.




The fully qualified account, in the form Authority\Principal, under whose context the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint was executed.




The authority portion of the fully qualified account under whose context the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint was executed.




The principal portion of the fully qualified account under whose context the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint was executed.




Command line arguments of the process that initiated the network flow (for AnyConnect NVM 4.9 or later).




Unique SHA256 hash for the executable generating the Network Flow on the endpoint.




Process Id of the process that initiated the network flow (for AnyConnect NVM 4.9 or later).




Name of the executable generating the Network Flow on the endpoint.




The fully qualified account, in the form Authority\Principal, under whose context the parent process of the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint was executed.




The authority portion of the fully qualified account under whose context the parent process of the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint was executed.




The principal portion of the fully qualified account under whose context the parent process of the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint was executed.




Command line arguments of the parent of the process that initiated the network flow (for AnyConnect NVM 4.9 or later).




File system path of the process that initiated the network flow (for AnyConnect NVM 4.9 or later).




Unique SHA256 hash for the executable of the parent process of the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint.




Process Id of the parent of the process that initiated the network flow (for AnyConnect NVM 4.9 or later).




Name of the parent process of the application generating the Network Flow on the endpoint.




File system path of the parent of the process that initiated the network flow.




Account type of the parent-process account, as per the enumeration of AccountType.




Network Protocol number associated with each flow. Currently, we only support TCP (6) and UDP (17).




Account type of the process account, as per the enumeration of AccountType.




IPv4 address of the interface from where the flow was generated on the endpoint.




IPv6 address of the interface from where the flow was generate on the endpoint




Endpoint manufacturer (for example, Lenovo, Apple, and so on).




Source port number from where the flow was generated on the endpoint.




Parsed from InterfaceDetailsList, this is the SSID portion, for example SSID=internet.


System Type







A unique identifier for each endpoint in the network. It is derived and recreated from hardware attributes and is used to correlate records back to a single source. This matches the same value sent by AnyConnect VPN to an ASA.




Device name configured on the endpoint (such as Boris-Macbook). Domain joined machines will be in the form [machinename].[domainname].[com](such as

Host Firewall Recommendation for NVM Collector

The recommended Host Firewall settings on a Network Visibility Module Collector node are as follows:

  • Inbound—Allow all Network Visibility Module Hosts' UDP traffic on the netflow_collector_port configured in the acnvm.conf file

  • Outbound— Allow UDP traffic only to the configured syslog_server_ip (on syslog_flowdata_server_port, syslog_sysdata_server_port, and syslog_intdata_server_port) ports configured in the acnvm.conf file.

All other incoming and outgoing traffic from the collector should be blocked unless it is needed by some other software on the Collector nodes.

Set Up Network Visibility Module Collector

Install or Upgrade Network Visibility Module Collector on Linux


Step 1

Download from Cisco Software Download Site.

Step 2

Extract the .zip file to any temporary directory.

Step 3

If this is a fresh install, change configuration settings according to Options for Collector Export, Set Up Collector DTLS, or Filter Network Visibility Module Collector Flows. If this is an upgrade, existing configuration is retained.

Step 4

Execute the script with super user privileges.

Build a Docker Image

You can run the Network Visibility Module collector in a Docker Container. The acnvmcollector file includes a Dockerfile image. You should first make any configuration adjustments (as needed) to the acnvm.conf file before building a Docker image, as parameters for running the docker image depend on your acnvm.conf file. In the directory containing the Docker file, build the image:
docker build -t nvmcollector
Enter the following for the default configuration, where the collector listens on port 2055 and the syslog server is on the same host:
docker run -t -p 2055:2055/udp --net="host" nvmcollector

Adjust Server Process of Hosts With Multiple Cores

You can adjust the multi-core behavior of the Network Visibility Module Collector, as well as include or exclude filtering capabilities. This adjustment is primarily used if you performed a Linux installation. By default, when running on a host with multiple cores, the Collector creates a separate server process per core. You can adjust the process to force just one or to force two server processes. You also have the option to disable multi-core processes.

To disable multiprocessing and force a single process:
                {"enabled": false}
To force two server processes:
            "enabled": true,
            "numProcesses": 2

Filter Network Visibility Module Collector Flows

The Collector supports three optional flow filtering modes: inclusion, exclusion, and hybrid, as defined in a separate JSON policy file. You should specify the policy file path when starting the Collector, and the Collector will look for the policy stored in this file by default: /opt/acnvm/conf/acnvmfilters.conf.

If no policy exists, filtering is disabled, and all flows are processed and exported. The three filtering modes operate as follows:
  • Include Only —By default, a flow is dropped unless it matches an include rule.

  • Exclude Only—By default, a flow is collected unless it matches an exclude rule.

  • Include + Exclude (hybrid)— By default, a flow is dropped unless it matches an include rule AND it does not match an exclude rule.

Each rule is specified as a JSON dictionary, with each key and value pair specifying a match criteria on a flow field (whose name matches the key). Suffix wildcards are supported for string field types and is denoted by an asterisk.

Example to exclude all DNS flows
                {"dp": 53, "pr": 17}
Example to exclude flows to certain DNS servers
                {"dp": 53, "pr": 17, "da": "1.2.*"}
                {"dp": 53, "pr": 17, "da": ""}
Example to collect flows only from Angry Birds (Android app), but ignore DNS flows
                {"pname": "com.rovio.angrybirds")
                {"dp": 53, "pr": 17, "da": "1.2.*"},
                {"dp": 53, "PRP: 17, "da": ""}

Options for Collector Export

The collector exporter currently supports syslog, Kafka, or your own exporter (with a custom plugin).

Sample Syslog Export Configuration
    "exporter": {
        "type": "syslog",
        "syslog_server": "localhost",
        "flow_port": 20519,
        "endpoint_port": 20520,
        "interface_port": 20521
Sample Kafka Export Configuration
    "exporter": {
        "type": "kafka",
        "bootstra_server": "localhost:9092",
        "flow_port": "flow",
        "endpoint_port": "endpoint",
        "interface_port": "interface"

Sample Custom Plugin

You can extend the collector's export capability using native C++ code by building a shared library against the plugin API. To use your custom plugin, a special configuration is required in the main collector configuration:
    "exporter": {
        "type": "plugin"

Set Up Collector DTLS

You can configure the Network Visibility Module (NVM) to send data securely to the Collector, over DTLS. In the Network Visibility Module Profile Editor, when the Secure checkbox is checked, the Network Visibility Module uses DTLS as the transport. The DTLS server (collector) certificate must be trusted by the endpoint for the DTLS connection to work. Untrusted certificates are silently rejected. The minimum supported versions are DTLS 1.2. The Collector only works in one mode: either secure or unsecure.

The following certificate requirements must also be met:
  • Collector certificates/certificate chains must be trusted by the client. (No configuration exists on AnyConnect.)

  • The certificate must be in PEM format.

  • Certificate key password is not supported. (Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) and its internal Certificate Authority requires one.)

  • You can use any certificate on the Collector as long as AnyConnect trusts it. (For example, internal Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and other well known certificates are trusted.)

  • AnyConnect NVM Profile Collector configuration must be set to IP or FQDN, based on what the common name (CN) of the certificate uses. FQDN is always preferred in the case of IP address changes. If you use an IP address, the Collector certificate CN or Subject Alternative Name (SAN) must have that IP. If you have FQDN as the CN in the certificate, the Network Visibility Module profile must have the same FQDN as a Collector.

Restart the AnyConnect Network Visibility Module service after the configuration file is updated. Any profiles pushed from ISE or ASA require a disconnect and reconnect to the network.

Configure Collector for DTLS

Follow these steps on the device that hosts the collector:

Before you begin

Read the Set Up Collector DTLS section.


Step 1

Create a /opt/acnvm/certs directory.

Step 2

Save the certificate and key in the /opt/acnvm/certs directory so that you can apply the certificate to the collector. Ensure that the certificate and private key file are in pem format.

Step 3

Change the owner and group of the folder to acnvm:acnvm with the following command:sudo chown -R acnvm:acnvm certs/:

Step 4

Set the permission as 400 for the certificate and private key files under /opt/acnvm/certs with the following command: sudo chmod 400 *.

Step 5

Configure the acnvm.conf section with the certificate and key.

Step 6

After the configuration and certificate are in place, restart the collector:sudo systemctl restart acnvm.service

Step 7

Check the collector status with the sudo systemctl status acnvm.service command:

    "security": { 
        "dtls_enabled": true,

The rest of the configuration looks as follows:

"syslog_server_ip" : "",
        "syslog_flowdata_server_port" : 20519,
        "syslog_sysdata_server_port" : 20520,
        "syslog_intdata_server_port" : 20521,
        "netflow_collector_port" : 2055
Step 8

Run the script with superuser privileges:sudo ./

The account needs sudo permissions or root to run the script, as well as permissions for the acnvm service account.

Validate Installation of Network Visibility Module

After successful installation, Network Visibility Module should be listed in Installed Modules, within the Information section of AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. Verify if the Network Visibility Module service is running on the endpoint, and if the profile is in the required directory.

Validate Collector Status

Ensure that the Collector is running, verifying that the collector is receiving IPFIX/cflow from the endpoints at all times. If it is not running, ensure that the acnvm account permissions for the file allow it to execute: /opt/acnvm/bin/acnvmcollector.

Basic Troubleshooting

If results aren't as expected, check the following:

  • Network connectivity between the client endpoint and the collector.

  • Network Visibility Module installation on the client endpoint.

  • If captures on the endpoint show IPFIX traffic being generated.

  • If captures on the collector show IPFIX traffic being received and forwarded.

  • If captures on third-party collector show it received traffic.

  • For DTLS, AnyConnect clients should trust the Collector certificate and have the Network Visibility Module profile enabled as secure. Also, the Collector must be configured for certificates. If you are running DTLS between the client and the Collector, you need to filter on DTLS traffic within Wireshark.

Network Visibility Module Database Size is Expanding

If you notice the Network Visibility Module database size is expanding under C:/%ProgramData%\Cisco\AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, the logs aren't being sent from the client. The Network Visibility Module folder and the sql database show the size increase and further indicate that data is not being sent to the Collector. How Network Visibility Module caches, and the controls around caching, are described in the Network Visibility Module chapter of the AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Administrator Guide.

Configuration Requirements for a Trusted Network

AnyConnect Network Visibility Module sends flow information only when it is on a trusted network. It uses the Trusted Network Detection (TND) feature of the AnyConnect to learn if the endpoint is on a trusted network or not. The network state is used by Network Visibility Module to determine when to export Network Visibility Module data and how to apply the appropriate Data Collection Policy. Network Visibility Module has its own TND configuration, which involves an SSL probe being sent to the configured trusted headend, expecting a certificate in response (if reachable). Network Visibility Module TND is configured in the NVM Profile Editor. If Network Visibility Module TND is not configured, it relies on the VPN module's TND configuration.


When operating from outside your internal network, TND makes DNS requests and attempts to establish an SSL connection to the configured server. Cisco strongly recommends the use of an alias to ensure that the name and internal structure of your organization are not revealed through these requests by a device outside of your internal network.

Trusted Network Detection is configured in the AnyConnect Profile (xml) used for VPN, regardless of whether the VPN component is used in the environment or not. TND is enabled by configuring the Automatic VPN Policy section in the AnyConnect Profile Editor, Preferences (Part 2). VPN's TND uses the information received via DHCP: domain name and DNS server. If the DNS server and/or domain name match the configured values, the network is deemed as trusted. VPN also supports TLS certificate-based TND detection. You determine the action for AnyConnect to take when the client is on a trusted network. For example, you can set the Trusted and Untrusted Network Policy to Do Nothing.

An incorrect TND configuration causes issues with Network Visibility Module. Perform these actions for expected Trusted Network Detection performance:

  • Ensure the TND configuration is correct. Network Visibility Module exports only when on a trusted network. An example of an invalid TND configuration is having three DNS servers but not having three defined.

  • Remove the trusted domain from the TND VPN configuration.

  • Always include the Collector's IP address in the split include configuration for VPN. If the Collector's IP address is not part of the split tunnel and is untrusted, the data is sent out to the public interface.

  • Ensure the CollectionMode is configured to collect on the current network (trusted or untrusted).

  • Make sure that the VPN.xml and NVM_ServiceProfile.xml are in the correct folders and then restart.

  • Start and then stop all AnyConnect services.

  • Bounce the network connected to the inside that has a connection to DNS server.

  • TND detection behind a proxy is not supported.

Collection of Logs at the Client/Endpoint Side

To troubleshoot what AnyConnect is doing, run the Diagnostic and Reporting Tool (DART) on the Network Visibility Module components. All logs needed for Network Visibility Module are handled by DART. It collects log files, configuration, and so on. Windows logs are in various places. Look in the event viewer for Network Visibility Module under AnyConnect. macOS and Linux logs are found by filtering for nvmagent.

Network Visibility Module Collector Fails to Install

If you receive an Acnvm.conf error:line number 17: expected key string message in the system log directory while installing Collector or running the install script, check for an errant or extra comma.

Network Visibility Module Collector Fails to Start

If the code failed to execute on the acnvmcollector file /opt/acnvm/bin/acnvmcollector, the user and group might not have eXecute for the acnvmcollector.

Logging Levels and Collector Version

You can get the version of the collector with the /opt/acnvm/bin/acnvmcollector -v command.

To set the logging level to debug, use log4cplus.rootLogger=DEBUG, STDOUT, NvmFileAppender in the acnvmlog.conf file. The default and recommended logging level is INFO.

DTLS Issues

DTLS not configured— Indicates that it wasn't in the acnvm.conf.file.

Server key is invalid— Indicates the password key combination is not supported.

Related Documentation for Network Visibility Module Collector

Refer to the following documentation for additional resources: