Manage the Node

This document explains how to modify node provisioning for the Cisco ONS 15454 and perform common management tasks such as monitoring the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) automatic power control (APC) and span loss values. To provision a new node, see the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide. To change default network element (NE) settings and to view a list of those settings, refer to the Network Element Defaults document.


The procedures and tasks described in this chapter for the Cisco ONS 15454 platform is applicable to the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms, unless noted otherwise.


Unless otherwise specified, "ONS 15454" refers to both ANSI and ETSI shelf assemblies.

Revision History



June 2023

Added the following procedures for R11.1.3:

  • Configure the Node for ACL

  • Configure the Network for ACL

May 2020

Updated the "NTP-G357 Perform OTDR Scan and OTDR Event Scan" procedure for R11.1.1.2.

December 2017

Updated the "DLP-G786 Perform OTDR Scan on TNCS-O Cards" and "DLP-G787 Perform OTDR Event Scan on TNCS-O Cards" procedures for R10.8.

March 2017

Updated the "DLP-G787 Perform OTDR Event Scan on TNCS-O Card" procedure for R10.6.2.

November 2016

Added the section, "System Mode Conversion".

January 2016

Updated the following procedures:

  • NTP-G357 Perform OTDR Scan and OTDR Event Scan

  • DLP- G785 Zooming In/Out with Graphs

  • DLP-G786 Perform OTDR Scan on TNCS-O Cards

  • DLP-G787 Perform OTDR Event Scan on TNCS-O Cards

November 2014

Added the section "DLP-G776 Configure the Node for TACACS+ Authentication".

October 2011

Updated the section "DLP-G281 Configure the Node for RADIUS Authentication".

December 2011

Updated the following procedures:

  • NTP-G85 Modify or Delete OSC Terminations, DCC/GCC Terminations, and Provisionable Patchcords

  • DLP-G184 Change a DCC/GCC Termination

  • DLP-G185 Delete a DCC/GCC Termination

Before You Begin

Before performing the following procedures, investigate all alarms and clear any trouble conditions. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide as necessary.

This section lists the procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure for applicable tasks (DLPs).

  1. NTP-G357 Perform OTDR Scan and OTDR Event Scan—Complete this procedure as needed to perform OTDR scan and OTDR event scan.

  2. NTP-G76 Verify Optical Span Loss Using CTC—Complete this procedure as needed to view or modify the DWDM span loss values.

  3. NTP-G77 Manage Automatic Power Control—Complete this procedure as needed to manage the DWDM APC.

  4. NTP-G78 View Side Power Monitoring—Complete this procedure as needed to view and update a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexing (ROADM) node's power equalization.

  5. NTP-G80 Change Node Management Information—Complete this procedure as needed to change node name, contact information, latitude, longitude, date, time, and login legal disclaimer.

  6. NTP-G134 Modify OSI Provisioning—Complete this procedure as needed to modify Open System Interconnection (OSI) parameters including the OSI routing mode, Target Identifier Address Resolution Protocol (TARP), routers, subnets, and IP-over-connectionless network service (CLNS) tunnels.

  7. NTP-G81 Change CTC Network Access—Complete this procedure as needed to change the IP address, default router, subnet mask, network configuration settings, and static routes.

  8. NTP-G82 Customize the CTC Network View—Complete this procedure as needed to create domains and customize the appearance of the network map, including specifying a different default map, creating domains, consolidating links in the network view, selecting your own map or image, and changing the background color.

  9. NTP-G83 Modify or Delete Card Protection Settings—Complete this procedure as needed.

  10. NTP-G84 Initiate and Clear Y-Cable and Splitter External Switching Commands—Complete this procedure as needed.

  11. NTP-G85 Modify or Delete OSC Terminations, DCC/GCC Terminations, and Provisionable Patchcords—Complete this procedure as needed to modify or delete generic communications channel (GCC) terminations, optical service channel (OSC) terminations, and provisionable patchcords.

  12. NTP-G86 Convert a Pass-Through Connection to Add/Drop Connections—Complete this procedure as needed to convert a pass-through connection to an add/drop connection.

  13. NTP-G87 Change Node Timing Parameters—Complete this procedure as needed.

  14. NTP-G88 Modify Users and Change Security—Complete this procedure as needed to make changes to user settings, including security level and security policies, and to delete users.

  15. NTP-G89 Change SNMP Settings—Complete this procedure as needed.

System Mode Conversion

The system mode can be changed from ANSI (SONET) to ETSI (SDH) or vice-versa. Changing the system mode removes the provisioned data and the system reverts to the default configuration.

This is available on the single controller and dual controller cards. The node can be in a standalone or multishelf configuration.

The system mode cannot be changed, under the following conditions:
  • "SHELF-COMM-FAIL" alarm is present

  • any SSC is in limited state

  • ONS 15454 chassis is present as a part of the multishelf set-up

DLP-G796 Change System Mode Using CTC

This task enables the user to change the system mode using CTC.


This task enables the user to change the System Mode.



Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

In tab view, click the Provisioning > General tabs.

Step 2

In the System Mode area, the current System Mode is displayed (ETSI or ANSI).

Step 3

Click the Change System Mode tab to change the system mode. If the system is currently in ANSI mode, the system mode is changed to ETSI, or vice-versa.

Step 4

To proceed with the mode change, click Yes on the displayed pop-up.

What to do next

Start a new CTC session and check the system mode.

NTP-G357 Perform OTDR Scan and OTDR Event Scan


This task allows you to perform OTDR scan and OTDR event scan and displays the scan details in graphical format.



Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-G786 Perform OTDR Scan


This task allows you to perform a hybrid or fast OTDR scan and displays the scan details in graphical format.


TNCS-O or TNCS-2O card

Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


When the optical side is not configured, the user could start the OTDR scan on that fiber. However, the user must ensure that the far end of the fiber has no OSC in service.


Step 1

In the node view, click the Maintenance > DWDM > OTDR tabs.

Step 2

From the OTDR Port drop-down list, choose the port on which you want to perform the scan.



Only after you perform a scan and raise alarms, you can view the scan related details of an alarm.

CTC can log the data of a maximum of 32 historical OTDR scans. The history is maintained for OTDR scans in the same zone and direction. The values of the Back reflection and Insertion Loss are also listed for each scan along with the date and timestamp. If an OTDR-ABSOLUTE-x-EXCEEDED-xx or OTDR-BASELINE-x-EXCEEDED-xx alarm is raised, the triggering event is highlighted.

Step 3

Click Line Rx or Line Tx tabs.

Step 4

From the Sector drop-down list, choose a sector to perform the scan.

The OTDR scan parameters such as Capture Start Point, Capture End Point, Pulse Width, Measure Time, and Resolution can be configured by user in Expert sector. For all other sectors, the above parameters are provided as predefined set of values. In case of Expert sector, these parameters can be configured in OTDR configuration panel, for every OTDR port.
Table 1. OTDR Configuration Parameters in Expert Mode





Capture Start Point (in km)

This parameter is the initial location for expert scan.

0 to 150


Capture End Point (in km)

This parameter is the ending location for expert scan. The user must follow the rule that Capture Start Point must be lesser than the Capture End Point.

0 to 150


Pulse Width (micro sec)

This value is related to light pulse length in time. This value can be configured with a value selected in the ranges provided here. It is suggested to use a value that is as close as possible to one of the four predefined legacy zones, according to the configured scan length. After this initial selection the pulse width can be changed around the configured value in order to get a new scan that will result in a cleaner trace with less resolution using an higher pulse width, or a better resolution trace but with more noise using a lower pulse width. For example, if the Capture End Point is equal to 70 km , then the scan falls mainly in Zone-3. Hence, it is suggested to start using the pulse width defined for Zone-3 and after initial scan, adopt the value according to the specific needs and guideline suggested here. 0.01 to 10.0 1.0

Measure Time (in sec)

It is recommended to use the same value defined in the legacy scan. This value is related to the average of the OTDR measures. For higher values, OTDR executes more measures and the average is taken in the final scan. It is recommended to set a value > 60 seconds.

60, 360 180

Resolution (in m)

This parameter is the distance in meters between two adjacent points. A scan trace is composed of a maximum of 10.000 points. For this reason the resolution is to be selected with respect to the maximum point constraint. For example if the scan length is 50 km the maximum resolution is (50000/10000) = 5 meters

0.4, 50


Step 5

Choose Base Scan or Last Scan.

When the last scan and baseline configurations differ, the last scan details are displayed on the graph. Choose Base Scan in the drop-down list to view the baseline scan.

Step 6

Click Hybrid Scan or Fast Scan from the Manual Scan area to start an OTDR scan manually.

Fast scan trace is displayed to the user for quick reference before the composite trace. It is displayed at the end of OTDR training operation and before start of the composite trace. A progress bar is provided to the user for each scan in the sector that displays the percentage of execution of the entire scan operation.

In R10.8, auto sector is substituted with the composite trace. The composite trace is stitched through scans executed on legacy zones (1km, 25km, 80km, 100km). The composite trace is provided only when OTDR training is successfully executed. When you start a fast scan on the RX port, an OTDR-FAST-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-RX alarm is raised. When you start a fast scan on the TX port, an OTDR-FAST-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-TX alarm is raised. The fast scan shuts down the OSC channel.



If an OTDR fast scan is triggered on a span with channels, an LOS-O alarm is raised. This alarm occurs as CTC cannot suppress the alarm on a port that holds traffic channels. An LOS alarm is also raised if all the provided channels are deleted during the scan. The LOS alarms, which are related to channels, are high priority alarms and are not hidden.

When you start a Hybrid scan on the RX port, an OTDR-HYBRID-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-RX condition is raised. When you start a Hybrid scan on the TX port, an OTDR-HYBRID-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-TX condition is raised. Hybrid scan does not shut down the OSC channel and takes longer time to complete.

The alarms are raised at both near-end and far-end if the OSC link is established. If no OSC link is up, then the alarms are raised only at the near-end.



If no OSC link is up after you click Hybrid Scan, a fast scan is triggered.

In case of EDRA, When you start a Fast scan on the RX port, an OTDR-FAST-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-TX alarm is raised. When you start Fast scan on the TX port, an OTDR-FAST-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-RX alarm is raised. Fast scan shuts down the OSC channel. When you start a Hybrid scan on the RX port, an OTDR-HYBRID-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-TX alarm is raised. When you start a Hybrid scan on the TX port, an OTDR-HYBRID-SCAN-IN-PROGRESS-RX alarm is raised. Hybrid scan does not shut down the OSC channel and takes longer time to complete.

Step 7

Click Yes in the Start Scan dialog box and click OK in the confirmation Start Scan dialog box.

Any ongoing scan operation can be stopped by clicking Cancel.

When the scan is completed, click OK in the Scan Completed dialog box. The OTDR scan results are displayed in the graph having Distance (km or mile) on the x-axis and Loss (dB) on the y-axis. To zoom in or zoom out of a graph, see DLP-G785 Zoom In/Out with Graphs.

Step 8

Click Baseline to set the last scan result as a baseline and click Yes in the Baseline Setting dialog box.

The baseline scan is indicated by blue color and the last scan is indicated by red color on the graph. When a baseline scan is set, you can compare the last scan result with the baseline scan values in the graph.

Step 9

Click Refresh to refresh the scan details.

Step 10

Click Details to display the details of the parameters of the baseline scan and the last scan.

Step 11

Choose File > Export to export the measurement results as an HTML, CSV, TSV or SOR file.

Step 12

Save the HTML, CSV, or SOR file format.

Step 13

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

What to do next

View Alarmed Events

From the Alarms drop-down list, choose an alarm to view its details as a graph and in the Reflection and Insertion Loss tabs.

The alarms in the drop-down list contain details of the side, direction, slot, and zone.

DLP-G802 Exporting OTDR Scan Results to an SOR File

Important Notes
  • Marker locations are not available and are not present in the exported SOR file.

  • Terminating location of the OTDR measurement is not exported, only the originating location is exported.

  • Event loss and event reflection can appear in the same or different event, depending on the tools used to view the SOR file.

  • Comment field of the general parameters block contains information of the Network Element and other scan details.


This task allows you to export the OTDR scan details to an SOR file.


TNCS-O or TNCS-2O card

Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


This procedure is applicable only for the OTDR tab.


External SOR viewer application may offset the loss reported in Y-axis of SOR file generated by NCS 2000 system because certain applications use relative value instead of absolute value.


Step 1

In the node view, click the Maintenance > DWDM > OTDR tabs.

Step 2

Choose File > Export. The Export window opens and displays the various formats of export.

Step 3

Click the AS SOR radio button to export the last OTDR scan information as a SOR file.

While exporting the SOR file, ensure the following:

  • The SOR file is exported as per the specification mentioned in SR-4731.

  • When no information is available for any field, default values are added to the SOR file.

  • Link Parameters block is not exported.

  • Checksum block is optional as per the specification. A dummy checksum value is added, as many tools require checksum.



    When there are two events in the same location, the events appear separately or as a single event depending on the tool used for viewing the SOR file.

DLP-G787 Perform OTDR Event Scan


This task allows you to perform the OTDR event scan and displays the event scan details in graphical format.


TNCS-O or TNCS-2O card

Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


When the optical side isn’t configured, you could start the OTDR scan on that fiber. However, you must ensure that the far end of the fiber has no OSC in service.


Step 1

In the node view, click the Maintenance > DWDM > OTDR tabs.

Step 2

From the OTDR Port drop-down list, choose the port on which you want to perform the scan.

Step 3

Click Line Rx or Line Tx tabs.

Step 4

Click Reflection or the Insertion Loss tabs.

Step 5

Right-click Location [km] Accuracy (km) row in the Reflection table or the Insertion Loss table and choose Scan for Event to start an OTDR event scan.

Step 6

Click Yes in the Start Event Scan dialog box.

When the event scan is completed, the OTDR event scan result is displayed on the graph. The value in the Sector drop-down list changes to Event Scan Result. To zoom in or zoom out of a graph, see DLP-G785 Zoom In/Out with Graphs.



You can set the Refractive Index (RI) and Backscatter Coefficient (BS) parameters before performing the OTDR scan in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > OTDR > Side > RI & BS tab. These parameters help to know the location of the fiber cut, adapt the OTDR scan to specific fiber used, and retrieve a better event location measure. To set RI and BS values for the OTDR scan, see Perform OTDR Scan with RI & BS.

When you change the RI value and run the expert scan, the baseline line graph is displayed instead of the new graph. After changing the RI value, run the scan, and after the scan is completed, set it as the baseline and refresh.


When OTDR measures variation of reflection or insertion loss higher than the threshold values set in the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > OTDR > Side > Baseline Thresholds tab, the corresponding alarms are raised in CTC. This check is performed only on the detected events. The corresponding row in the Last Scan column turns yellow.

Scan on event executes an Expert Scan with a specific set of parameters defined for any kind of fiber plant. Since the set of parameters computed doesn’t take into account the specific characteristics of the fiber plant, it’s possible that the event under analysis isn’t found and reported in the event table associated to the scan on the event panel even if the graph is correctly reported. To overcome the issue, follow this procedure:

  1. Copy the Scan on Event scan parameters from the OTDR details panel.

  2. Configure Expert Scan using copied parameters as the starting point. Execute several Expert Scans by incrementing the following parameters, until the event is correctly identified and the related amplitude is reported in the table.

    • Capture Offset (start point)

    • Capture Length (end point)

    • Pulse Width

    • Resolution

Step 7

Click the Fiber End tab to view the baseline and last scan values of EOF (End of Fiber).

OTDR identifies EOF as a fiber termination event along with the reflection or loss event. EOF is checked along the life of the fiber plant to check for possible changes to fiber length. If the fiber length is higher than 20dB or 100 km, it’s not guaranteed to find the EOF.



Fiber end accuracy isn’t available for legacy scan.

Step 8

Click the ORL tab to view the baseline and last scan values of the measured ORL.

Step 9

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

Perform OTDR Scan with RI & BS

This task enables you to perform the OTDR scan with Refractive Index (RI) and Backscatter Coefficient (BS) parameters to know the location of the fiber cut.


OTDR system can autonomously trigger ORL training for calibration when required without user trigger.


Step 1

In the node view, click the Provisioning > WDM-ANS > OTDR tabs.

Step 2

Click Side tab.

Step 3

From the OTDR Position drop-down list, choose a slot position on which you choose to perform the scan.

Step 4

Click RI & BS tab to enable configuration of the RI and BS parameters on the port by navigating to Provisioning > WDM-ANS > OTDR > Side > RI & BS tab.

Step 5

Enter the values in the table under the RI and BS parameter columns.

There are default values set in the table for both the RI and BS parameters. The value for RI is 1.4986 and BS is -82. To configure and define the fiber, the values of parameters in the table can be changed. There is a defined range of values that can be entered in both the RI and BS columns. The value range for RI is from 1 to 2, and for BS is 0 to -100.

Step 6

Click Apply.

Click Reset to reset values to default.



Updating the values of RI results in change of the Line graph located at Maintenance > DWDM > OTDR. It is recommended that after you change the value of the RI, set a new baseline scan as an existing baseline cannot be deleted.

An External SOR viewer application reports Loss in the SOR file for applications that use relative value.

The Backscatter Coefficicent value can translate in upward or downward plotting of trace depending on the backscatter coefficient.

The RI & BS are configured as per the fiber connected to the node. Wrong RI & BS values may cause unexpected results.

Accuracy of fiber end will not be available if the scan is performed over legacy sectors. Accuracy will be available once the fiber end is detected through OTDR scan in Auto Sector.

Successful OTDR scan over the fiber length of more than 100 km can trigger the OTDR-FIBER-END-NOT-DETECTED alarm.

DLP-G785 Zoom In/Out with Graphs


This task allows you to zoom in or zoom out of a graph.


TNCS-O or TNCS-2O card

Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

To zoom in, into the desired section in the graph displayed on the CTC screen, position the mouse cursor at one end of the section, click, and draw a box over the section. Repeat this step to zoom in further.

Step 2

To zoom out, simultaneously do the following:

  • Press and hold the Shift Key on your keyboard.

  • Click the mouse cursor anywhere on the graph and draw a box at that point.

Step 3

Click Refresh to zoom out completely and return to the original view of the graph.

Step 4

To move to the desired view of graph section displayed on the CTC screen, do the following:

  • Right click the mouse cursor on a point on the graph and move to the desired view.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G76 Verify Optical Span Loss Using CTC


This procedure verifies the span loss between two DWDM nodes using Cisco Transport Controller (CTC). Perform this procedure after a node or network modification has occurred and you want to verify that the span loss between the nodes has not changed.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • In the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide:

    • All procedures in the chapter "Turn Up a Node".

    • If an OSC exists on the link, create an OSC termination link by completing the "NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations" procedure in the chapter "Turn Up a Node".

    • If an OSC is not present on the link, create OTS provisionable patchcord terminations on line ports by completing the "NTP-G184 Create a Provisionable Patchcord" procedure in the chapter "Create Optical Channel Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords", as required.

    • Ensure at least one channel is activated before performing this procedure on Raman links.

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Using CTC to verify span loss is faster than a span loss measurement using an optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) and does not require fibers to be removed. However, the resolution is not as precise as an OTDR measurement.


For a PSM card in line (or path) protection configuration, the span loss is measured for both the working and protect paths.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > OSC tabs. Verify that two OSC terminations are provisioned and have an In-Service and Normal (IS-NR) (ANSI) or Unlocked-enabled (ETSI) service state.



If a DCN extension is provisioned, verify that two provisionable patchcords are provisioned between the nodes

Step 2

Click the Maintenance > DWDM > WDM Span Check tabs.

Step 3

Click Retrieve Span Loss Values to retrieve the latest span loss data.

Step 4

View the following information:

  • Side—Shows the side to which the span loss values apply, from A through H.

  • Measured By—Shows the different methods used to measure span loss:

    • OSC—The OSC is used to measure the span loss

    • CHANNEL—The provisioned circuits are used to measure the span loss.



      CTC automatically chooses the method (OSC or CHANNEL) to use for span loss measurement depending on which method is available and more accurate .

    • Current Span Measure with Raman—Estimated span loss with Raman pump turned ON.

    • Wizard Span Measure with Raman Off—Span loss with Raman pump turned OFF, during Raman installation.

    • Last Span Measure with Raman Off—Span loss after a fiber cut restoration procedure.



    The first span loss measurements must be triggered by the user and subsequent measurements are performed automatically on an hourly basis.

  • Min Expected Span Loss (dB)—Shows the expected minimum span loss (in dB). You can change the minimum by entering a new value in the field.

  • Max Expected Span Loss (dB)—Shows the expected maximum span loss (in dB). You can change the maximum by entering a new value in the field.



    The minimum and maximum expected span loss values are calculated by Cisco TransportPlanner and imported to the node when you perform the "NTP-G143 Import the Cisco TransportPlanner NE Update Configuration File" task in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

  • Meas. Span Loss (dB)—Shows the measured span loss (in dB).

  • Resolution (dB)—Shows the accuracy of the span loss measurement (in dB).

If the measured span loss is not between the minimum and maximum expected span loss, which includes a measurement tolerance that is compliant with the Resolution value, the Span Loss Out of Range alarm is raised. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for instructions on how to clear this alarm.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-G77 Manage Automatic Power Control


This procedure manages APC. It displays APC information at the network-level and node-level APC domain level, and it enables and disables APC domains.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • All procedures in the chapters "Turn Up a Node" and "Turn Up a Network" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

  • Complete the "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task as described in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document at a node where you want to manage APC.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


An APC domain is a set of nodes that are regulated by the same instance of APC at the network level. An APC domain optically identifies a network portion that can be independently regulated. Every domain is terminated by two node sides residing on a terminal node, ROADM node, hub node, line termination meshed node, or an XC termination meshed node. For more information about APC, refer to the "Automatic Power Control" section in the Network Reference chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.


Complete the following tasks as necessary:

DLP-G157 Disable Automatic Power Control


This task disables APC.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Disable APC only to perform specific troubleshooting or node provisioning tasks. Always enable and run APC as soon as the tasks are completed. Leaving APC disabled can cause traffic loss.


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View .

Step 2

Click the Maintenance > APC tabs.

Step 3

Click Refresh.

The APC Discovery dialog box appears with the discovered APC domains. It may take 10-15 seconds for all the domains to appear. Each discovered domain will be identified as "Discovered: Domain" followed by "node name side, node name side". If APC could not be discovered on a node, a triangle with an exclamation point appears next to the node. If this occurs, double-click the node to display the reason. If you want to save the APC discovery results to a text file, complete the following sub-steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 4.

  1. Click Save.

  2. In the Save Detailed Error Dialog to File dialog box, enter the path to a local or network server where you want to save the file, or click Browse to navigate to the directory.

  3. Click OK.

Step 4

Click Close to close the APC Discovery dialog box.

Step 5

Choose the domain that you want to disable.

Only domains with a status, APC State: Enabled, can be disabled.

Step 6

Click Disable APC.

Step 7

In the APC window, verify that the Check APC State status changes to Disable.

Step 8

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G158 Enable Automatic Power Control


This task enables the DWDM APC.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

Click the Maintenance > APC tabs.

Step 3

Click Refresh.

The APC Discovery dialog box appears with the discovered APC domains. It may take 10-15 seconds for all the domains to appear. Each discovered domain will be identified as "Discovered: Domain" followed by "node name side, node name side". If APC could not be discovered on a node, a triangle with an exclamation point appears next to the node. If this occurs, double-click the node to display the reason. If you want to save the APC discovery results to a text file, complete the following sub-steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 4.

  1. Click Save.

  2. In the Save Detailed Error Dialog to File dialog box, enter the path to a local or network server where you want to save the file, or click Browse to navigate to the directory.

  3. Click OK.

Step 4

Click Close to close the APC Discovery dialog box.

Step 5

Choose the domain that you want to enable. (Only domains with a status, APC State: Disabled can be enabled.)

Step 6

Click Enable APC.

Step 7

In the APC window, verify that the Check APC State status changes to Enable.

Step 8

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G430 Run Automatic Power Control


This task runs the DWDM APC.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

Click the Maintenance > APC tabs.

Step 3

Click Refresh.

The APC Discovery dialog box appears with the discovered APC domains. It may take 10-15 seconds for all the domains to appear. Each discovered domain will be identified as "Discovered: Domain" followed by "node name side, node name side". If APC could not be discovered on a node, a triangle with an exclamation point appears next to the node. If this occurs, double-click the node to display the reason. If you want to save the APC discovery results to a text file, complete the following sub-steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 4.

  1. Click Save.

  2. In the Save Detailed Error Dialog to File dialog box, enter the path to a local or network server where you want to save the file, or click Browse to navigate to the directory.

  3. Click OK.

Step 4

Click Close to close the APC Discovery dialog box.

Step 5

Click Run APC.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G159 View Node-Level Automatic Power Control Information


This task displays the node-level APC information.


A node provisioning plan prepared by Cisco Transport Planner is required.

Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > DWDM > APC tabs.

Step 2

In the Side field, choose the side where you want to view the APC information. Options include A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H (D through H do not appear if the sides are not provisioned). Choose All to choose all sides.



If you have created a side for the PSM card, the Side field will display both the working (w) and the protected (p) side.

Step 3

Click Refresh.

Step 4

View the APC information:

  • Position—The node, side, and slot.

  • Last Modification-—The last time a modification to the APC parameters occurred, in Date-Hour-Time Zone format. APC parameters are reported only when their ports are in IS-NR/Unlocked-enabled service state.

  • Parameter—The parameter that was last modified. Parameters can include:

    • Gain and optical power setpoints on the LINE-TX ports of the OPT-BST, OPT-BST-L, OPT-BST-E, OPT-AMP-L, OPT-AMP-17-C, OPT-AMP-C, OPT-EDFA-17,OPT-EDFA-24, and OPT-EDFA-35 cards.

    • Gain and optical power setpoints on the COM-TX port of the OPT-PRE card.

    • Gain setpoints on the DC-TX ports of the OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE cards.

    • VOA target attenuation on the DC-TX ports of the OPT-RAMP-C and OPT-RAMP-CE cards.

    • VOA target attenuation on the COM-RX ports of 32DMX, 32DMX-O, 32DMX-L, and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE cards.

    • VOA target attenuation on the COM-RX ports of 32DMX, 32DMX-O, 32DMX-L, and 40-DMX-C/40-DMX-CE cards.

    • VOA target attenuation on the W-RX and P-RX ports of the PSM card.

  • Last Check—The date and time the APC parameters were last monitored, in Date-Hour-Time Zone format. APC parameters are reported only when their ports are in IS-NR/Unlocked-enabled service state.

  • Side—The letter of the side, A through H.



    If you have created a side for the PSM card, the Side field will display both the working (w) and the protected (p) side.

  • APC State-Displays the APC state:

    • Enabled—APC is enabled.

    • Disabled—User-APC was disabled by a user action.

    • Disabled Internal—APC was disabled by an internal action.

    • Not Applicable—APC parameters are not reported, for example, does not apply to the side, for example, no amplifiers are installed.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G431 View Network-Level Automatic Power Control Information


This task displays the network-level APC information.


A node provisioning plan prepared by Cisco Transport Planner is required.

Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

Click the Maintenance > APC tabs.

Step 3

Double-click the domain for which you want to view APC information.

Step 4

Right-click the APC span under the domain and choose the node and span.

Step 5

View the APC information:

  • Domain—Optically identifies a set of nodes that can be independently regulated by the same instance of APC at the network level. Every domain is terminated by two node sides residing on a terminal node, ROADM node, hub node, line termination meshed node, or an XC termination meshed node.

  • APC State—Displays the APC state:

    • Enabled—APC is enabled.

    • Disabled—User-APC was disabled by a user action.

    • Disabled—Internal-APC was disabled by an internal action.

    • Not Applicable—APC parameters are not normally reported, for example, a gain set point when working mode is set to Control Power.

  • Admin State—Displays the admin state of the APC engine:

    • Free to run

    • APC Disabled

    • APC Disabled Internal

  • Progress State—Indicates the APC engine state:

    • APC Running

    • APC Aborted

    • APC Run Completed

  • Run APC—Runs the APC function manually for the selected domain. To run APC on multiple domains, press CTRL and select the desired domains, before clicking Run APC.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G78 View Side Power Monitoring


This procedure allows you to view the side power levels.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


This procedure applies to all DWDM node types except nodes without add/drop cards (for example, line sites) or nodes with add/drop cards such as AD-xC or AD-xB cards.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > DWDM > Side Power Monitoring > Optical Side n tabs, where n = A, B, C,D.

Step 2

On the Side Power Monitoring tab, view the bar charts of the input and output spectrum on each optical side of the node.

The IN bar graph displays the optical spectrum at the input port (LINE-RX) of the side in the direction from the fiber to the node provided the OCM functionality is available on this port else the graph displays the aggregate signal spectral distribution on the first port in the signal flow (indicated in the title of the bar chart) that is downstream of the LINE-RX port where an OCM measurement is available (For example, in node using a booster and 40-SMR1-C card, the measurement is done on the EXP port of the 40-SMR1-C card).

The OUT bar graph displays the optical spectrum at the output port (LINE-TX) of the side in the direction from the node to the fiber provided the OCM functionality is available on this port else the graph displays the aggregate signal spectral distribution on the first port (indicated in the title of the bar chart) that is upstream of the LINE-TX port where an OCM measurement is available.



Depending on the side layout, the LINE-TX port (output) and the LINE-RX port (input) of the card facing the fiber cannot measure the optical spectrum in a reliable manner if the OCM functionality is not available on these ports.



The DWDM cards supporting this feature are designed to handle minor differences in output power. The output power does not need to be exactly the same for all wavelengths.

Step 3

If needed, click Refresh to update the display.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

NTP-G80 Change Node Management Information


This procedure changes the node name, date, time, contact information, and login legal disclaimer.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • "NTP-G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information" in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

  • "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > General tabs.

Step 2

Complete the "DLP-G160 Change the Node Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information" task, as needed.

Step 3

Complete the "DLP-G161 Change the Login Legal Disclaimer" task, as needed.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-G160 Change the Node Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information


This task changes basic information such as node name, date, time, and contact information.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Changing the date, time, or time zone might invalidate the node's performance monitoring counters.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > General tabs.

Step 2

Change any of the following:

  • General: Node Name

  • General: Contact

  • Location: Latitude

  • Location: Longitude

  • Location: Description

  • Time: Use NTP/SNTP Server

  • Time: NTP/SNTP Server IP Address (if Use NTP/SNTP Server is checked)

  • Time: Date (M/D/Y)

  • Time: Time (H:M:S)

  • Time: Time Zone

  • Time: Use Daylight Saving Time

  • S-V Insertion On STS-1 Signal Degrade - Path: Insert AIS-V on STS-1 SD-P

  • AIS-V Insertion On STS-1 Signal Degrade - Path: SD-P BER



To see changes to longitude or latitude on the network map, you must go to network view and right-click the specified node, then click Reset Node Position.

See the "NTP-G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information" procedure in the chapter "Turn Up a Node" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide for detailed field descriptions.

Step 3

Click Apply.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G161 Change the Login Legal Disclaimer


This task modifies the legal disclaimer statement shown in the CTC login dialog box so that it will display customer-specific information when users log in to the network.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Security > Legal Disclaimer > HTML tabs

Step 2

The existing statement is a default, non-customer-specific disclaimer. If you want to edit this statement with specifics for your company, you can change the text. Use the HTML commands in the following table to format the text, as needed.

Command Description


Begins boldface font


Ends boldface font


Aligns type in the center of the window


Ends the center alignment

<font=n> (where n = font point size)

Changes the font to the new size


Ends the font size command


Creates a line break


Begins subscript


Ends subscript


Begins superscript


Ends superscript


Begins underline


Ends underline

Step 3

If you want to preview your changed statement and formatting, click the Preview subtab.

Step 4

Click Apply.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G134 Modify OSI Provisioning


This procedure modifies the ONS 15454 OSI parameters including the OSI routing mode, TARP, routers, subnets, and IP-over-CLNS tunnels.



Prerequisite Procedures

"NTP-G132 Provision OSI" procedure in the "Turn Up a Node" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

Complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Step 2

Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

Step 3

Complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-G284 Modify the TARP Operating Parameters


This task modifies the TARP operating parameters including TARP protocol data unit (PDU) propagation, timers, and loop detection buffer (LDB).



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > Config tabs.

Step 2

Provision the following parameters, as needed:

  • TARP PDUs L1 Propagation—If checked (default), TARP Type 1 PDUs that are received by the node and are not excluded by the LDB are propagated to other NEs within the Level 1 OSI area. (Type 1 PDUs request a protocol address that matches a target identifier [TID] within a Level 1 routing area.) The propagation does not occur if the NE is the target of the Type 1 PDU, and PDUs are not propagated to the NE from which the PDU was received



    The TARP PDUs L1 Propagation parameter is not used when the Node Routing Area (Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup tab) is set to End System.

  • TARP PDUs L2 Propagation—If checked (default), TARP Type 2 PDUs received by the node that are not excluded by the LDB are propagated to other NEs within the Level 2 OSI areas. (Type 2 PDUs request a protocol address that matches a TID within a Level 2 routing area.) The propagation does not occur if the NE is the target of the Type 2 PDU, and PDUs are not propagated to the NE from which the PDU was received.



    The TARP PDUs L2 Propagation parameter is only used when the Node Routing Area is provisioned to Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2

  • TARP PDUs Origination—If checked (default), the node performs all TARP origination functions including:

    • TID to Network Service Access Point (NSAP) resolution requests (originate TARP Type 1 and Type 2 PDUs)

    • NSAP to TID requests (originate Type 5 PDUs)

    • TARP address changes (originate Type 4 PDUs)



    TARP Echo and NSAP to TID are not supported.

  • TARP Data Cache—If checked (default), the node maintains a TARP data cache (TDC). The TDC is a database of TID-to-NSAP pairs created from TARP Type 3 PDUs that are received by the node and modified by TARP Type 4 PDUs (TID-to-NSAP updates or corrections). TARP 3 PDUs are responses to Type 1 and Type 2 PDUs. The TDC can also be populated with static entries entered on the TARP > Static TDC tab.



    This parameter is only used when the TARP PDUs Origination parameter is enabled.

  • L2 TARP Data Cache—If checked (default), the TIDs and NSAPs of NEs originating Type 2 requests are added to the TDC before the node propagates the requests to other NEs.



    The L2 TARP Data Cache parameter is designed for Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2 nodes that are connected to other Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2 nodes. Enabling the parameter for Intermediate System Level 1 nodes is not recommended.

  • LDB—If checked (default), enables the TARP loop detection buffer. The LDB prevents TARP PDUs from being sent more than once on the same subnet.



    The LDB parameter is not used if the Node Routing Mode is provisioned to End System or if the TARP PDUs L1 Propagation parameter is not enabled.

  • LAN TARP Storm Suppression—If checked (default), enables TARP storm suppression. This function prevents redundant TARP PDUs from being unnecessarily propagated across the LAN network.

  • Send Type 4 PDU on Startup—If checked, a TARP Type 4 PDU is originated during the initial ONS 15454 startup. Type 4 PDUs indicate that a TID or NSAP change has occurred at the NE. (The default setting is not enabled.)

  • Type 4 PDU Delay—Sets the amount of time that will pass before the Type 4 PDU is generated when Send Type 4 PDU on Startup is enabled. 60 seconds is the default. The range is 0 to 255 seconds.



    The Send Type 4 PDU on Startup and Type 4 PDU Delay parameters are not used if the TARP PDUs Origination parameter is not enabled.

  • LDB Entry—Sets the TARP loop detection buffer timer. The LDB buffer time is assigned to each LDB entry for which the TARP sequence number (tar-seq) is zero. The default is 5 minutes. The range is 1 to 10 minutes.

  • LDB Flush—Sets the frequency period for flushing the LDB. The default is 5 minutes. The range is 0 to 1440 minutes.

  • T1—Sets the amount of time to wait for a response to a Type 1 PDU. Type 1 PDUs seek a specific NE TID within an OSI Level 1 area. The default is 15 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.

  • T2—Sets the amount of time to wait for a response to a Type 2 PDU. TARP Type 2 PDUs seek a specific NE TID value within OSI Level 1 and Level 2 areas. The default is 25 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.

  • T3—Sets the amount of time to wait for an address resolution request. The default is 40 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.

  • T4—Sets the amount of time to wait for an error recovery. This timer begins after the T2 timer expires without finding the requested NE TID. The default is 20 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.



The T1, T2, and T4 timers are not used if TARP PDUs Origination is not enabled.

Step 3

Click Apply.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G286 Remove a Static TID to NSAP Entry from the TARP Data Cache


This task removes a static TID to NSAP entry from the TDC.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > Static TDC tabs.

Step 2

Click the static entry that you want to delete.

Step 3

Click Delete Static Entry.

Step 4

n the Delete TDC Entry dialog box, click Yes.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G287 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry


This task adds an entry to the TARP manual adjacency table (MAT). Entries are added to the MAT when the ONS 15454 must communicate across routers or non-SONET NEs that lack TARP capability.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > MAT tabs.

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

In the Add TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry dialog box, enter the following:

  • Level-Sets the TARP Type Code that will be sent:

    • Level 1—Indicates that the adjacency is within the same area as the current node. The entry generates Type 1 PDUs.

    • Level 2—Indicates that the adjacency is in a different area from the current node. The entry generates Type 2 PDUs.

  • NSAP—Enter the OSI NSAP address in the NSAP field or, if preferred, click Use Mask and enter the address in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box.

Step 4

Click OK to close the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box, if used, and then click OK to close the Add Static Entry dialog box.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G292 Remove a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry


This task removes an entry from the TARP MAT.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


If TARP manual adjacency is the only means of communication to a group of nodes, loss of visibility will occur when the adjacency table entry is removed.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > MAT tabs.

Step 2

Click the MAT entry that you want to delete.

Step 3

Click Remove.

Step 4

the Delete TDC Entry dialog box, click OK.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G293 Change the OSI Routing Mode


This task changes the OSI routing mode.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Do not complete this procedure until you confirm the role of the node within the network. It will be either an ES, IS Level 1, or IS Level 1/Level 2. This decision must be carefully considered. For additional information about OSI provisioning, refer to the "Management Network Connectivity" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.


Link state PDU (LSP) buffers must be the same at all NEs within the network, or loss of visibility could occur. Do not modify the LSP buffers unless you are sure that all NEs within the OSI have the same buffer size.


LSP buffer sizes cannot be greater than the LAP-D MTU size within the OSI area.


Step 1

Verify the following:

  • All L1/L2 virtual routers on the NE must reside in the same area. This means that all neighboring virtual routers must have at least one common area address.

  • For OSI L1/L2 to ES routing mode changes, only one L1/L2 virtual router and no more than one subnet can be configured.

  • For OSI L1 to ES routing mode changes, only one L1 virtual router and no more than one subnet can be configured.

Step 2

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup tabs.

Step 3

Choose one of the following node routing modes:

  • End System—The ONS 15454 performs OSI IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It depends upon an IS L1/L2 node to communicate with IS and ES nodes that reside outside its OSI area.

  • Intermediate System Level 1—The ONS 15454 performs IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It does not communicate with IS nodes that reside in other OSI areas except through an IS L1/L2 node residing in its own area

  • Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2—The ONS 15454 performs IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It also communicates with IS L1/L2 nodes that reside in other OSI areas. Before choosing this option, verify the following:

    • The node is connected to another IS Level 1/Level 2 node that resides in a different OSI area.

    • The node is connected to all nodes within its area that are provisioned as IS L1/L2.



Changing a routing mode should be carefully considered. Additional information about OSI ESs and ISs and the ES-IS and IS-IS protocols are provided in the "Management Network Connectivity" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Step 4

Although Cisco does not recommend changing the LSP buffer sizes, you can adjust the buffers in the following fields:

  • L1 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 1 link state PDU buffer size.

  • L2 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 2 link state PDU buffer size.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G294 Edit the OSI Router Configuration


This task allows you to edit the OSI router configuration, including enabling and disabling OSI routers, editing the primary area address, and creating or editing additional area addresses.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

Click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Setup tabs.

Step 2

Choose the router you want to provision and click Edit.

Step 3

In the OSI Router Editor dialog box:

  1. Check or uncheck the Enabled box to enable or disable the router.



    Router 1 must be enabled before you can enable Routers 2 and 3.

  2. For enabled routers, edit the primary area address, if needed. The address can be between 8 and 24 alphanumeric characters in length.

  3. If you want to add or edit an area address to the primary area, enter the address at the bottom of the Multiple Area Addresses area. The area address can be 2 to 26 numeric characters (0-9) in length. Click Add.

  4. Click OK.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G295 Edit the OSI Subnetwork Point of Attachment


This task allows you to view and edit the OSI subnetwork point of attachment parameters. The parameters are initially provisioned when you create a section data communications channel (SDCC) (ANSI) or regeneration section (RS-DCC) (ETSI), Line data communications channel (LDCC) (ANSI) or multiplex section (MS-DCC) (ETSI), generic communications channel (GCC), or optical service channel (OSC), or when you enable the LAN subnet.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

If the subnet router is not enabled, complete the DLP-G294 Edit the OSI Router Configuration task to enable it. If it is enabled, continue with Step 2.

Step 2

In the node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Subnet tabs.

Step 3

Choose the subnet you want to edit, then click Edit.

Step 4

In the Edit <subnet type> Subnet <slot/port> dialog box, edit the following fields:

  • ESH—The End System Hello (ESH) PDU propagation frequency. An end system NE transmits ESHs to inform other ESs and ISs about the NSAPs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds.

  • ISH—The Intermediate System Hello (ISH) PDU propagation frequency. An intermediate system NE sends ISHs to other ESs and ISs to inform them about the NEs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds.

  • IIH—The Intermediate System to Intermediate System Hello (IIH) PDU propagation frequency. The IS-IS Hello PDUs establish and maintain adjacencies between ISs. The default is 3 seconds. The range is 1 to 600 seconds .



The IS-IS Cost and DIS Priority parameters are provisioned when you create or enable a subnet. You cannot change the parameters after the subnet is created. To change the DIS Priority and IS-IS Cost parameters, delete the subnet and create a new one.

Step 5

Click OK.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G296 Edit an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel


This task allows you to edit the parameters of an IP-over-CLNS tunnel.



Prerequisite Procedures

DLP-G291 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel. Refer the chapter "Turn Up a Node" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

Click the Provisioning > OSI > Tunnels tabs.

Step 2

Click Edit.

Step 3

In the Edit IP Over OSI Tunnel dialog box, complete the following fields:

  • Tunnel Type-Edit the tunnel type:

    • Cisco—Creates the proprietary Cisco IP tunnel. Cisco IP tunnels add the CLNS header to the IP packets.

    • GRE—Creates a generic routing encapsulation (GRE). GRE tunnels add the CLNS header and a GRE header to the IP packets.

      The Cisco proprietary tunnel is slightly more efficient than the GRE tunnel because it does not add the GRE header to each IP packet. The two tunnel types are not compatible. Most Cisco routers support the Cisco IP tunnel, while only a few support both GRE and Cisco IP tunnels. You generally should create Cisco IP tunnels if you are tunneling between two Cisco routers or between a Cisco router and an ONS node.



      Always verify that the IP-over-CLNS tunnel type you choose is supported by the equipment at the other end of the tunnel.

  • IP Address—Enter the IP address of the IP-over-CLNS tunnel destination.

  • IP Mask—Enter the IP address subnet mask of the IP-over-CLNS destination.

  • OSPF Metric—Enter the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) metric for sending packets across the IP-over-CLNS tunnel. The OSPF metric, or cost, is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. The default is 110. Normally, it is not changed unless you are creating multiple tunnel routes and want to prioritize routing by assigning different metrics.

  • NSAP Address—Enter the destination NE or OSI router NSAP address.

Step 4

Click OK.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G297 Delete an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel


This task allows you to delete an IP-over-CLNS tunnel.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Deleting an IP-over-CLNS tunnel might cause the nodes to lose visibility or cause node isolation. If node isolation occurs, onsite provisioning might be required to regain connectivity. Always confirm tunnel deletions with your network administrator.


Step 1

Click the Provisioning > OSI > Tunnels tabs.

Step 2

Choose the IP-over-CLNS tunnel that you want to delete.

Step 3

Click Delete.

Step 4

Click OK.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G81 Change CTC Network Access


This procedure changes or deletes network information, including IP settings, static routes, OSPF options, proxy tunnels, and firewall tunnels.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • Complete the "NTP-G26 Set Up CTC Network Access" procedure in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

  • Complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Additional ONS 15454 networking information, including IP addressing examples, dual IP addressing (secure mode) information, static route scenarios, OSPF protocol information, and Routing Information Protocol (RIP) options are provided in the "Management Network Connectivity" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.


Step 1

Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

Step 2

Complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-G162 Change IP Settings


This task changes the IP address, subnet mask, default router, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) access, firewall Internet Inter-Object Request Broker Protocol (IIOP) listener port, LCD IP display, and proxy server settings.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Changing the node IP address, subnet mask, or IIOP listener port causes the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards to reboot. If Ethernet circuits using Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) originate or terminate on E-Series Ethernet cards installed in the node, circuit traffic will be lost for several minutes while the spanning trees reconverge. Other circuits are not affected by TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE reboots.


If the node contains TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards and is in default (repeater) mode, the node IP address refers to the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE front-access TCP/IP (LAN) port as well as the backplane LAN port. If the node is in secure mode, this task only changes the front-access port IP address only. If the node is in secure mode and has been locked, the IP address cannot be changed unless the lock is removed by Cisco Technical Support.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network > General tabs.

Step 2

Change any of the following, as required:

  • IP Address

  • Net/Subnet Mask Length

  • Default Router

  • IPv6 Configuration

  • LCD Setting

  • Suppress CTC IP Display

  • Forward DHCP Request To

Gateway Settings

  • Enable SOCKS proxy on Port. If enabled, one of the following:

    • External Network Element

    • Gateway Network Element

    • SOCK Proxy only

See the "DLP-G56 Provision IP Settings" task in the chapter "Turn Up a Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide for detailed field descriptions.

Step 3

Click Apply.

If you changed a network field that will cause the node to reboot, such as the IP address, or subnet mask, the Change Network Configuration confirmation dialog box appears. If you changed a gateway setting, a confirmation appropriate to the gateway field appears.

Step 4

If a confirmation dialog box appears, click Yes.

If you changed an IP address, subnet mask length, TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards reboot, one at a time. A TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card reboot causes a temporary loss of connectivity to the node, but traffic is unaffected.

Step 5

Confirm that the changes appear on the Provisioning > Network > General tabs. If not, refer to the chapter, "General Troubleshooting" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G265 Lock Node Security


This task locks the secure mode. When secure mode is locked, two IP addresses must always be provisioned for the node. The first address is provisioned for the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE LAN (TCP/IP) port. The second address is provisioned for the backplane LAN port (ONS 15454), EMS RJ-45 port on the ECU (ONS 15454 M6), EMS RJ-45 port on the power module (ONS 15454 M2).


TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards must be installed.

Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

"DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode" in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


When a node is locked, it cannot be unlocked by any user or action. It can only be changed by Cisco Technical Support. Even if the node's database is deleted and another unlocked database is loaded, the node will remain locked. Do not proceed unless you want the node to permanently retain the current secure configuration including dual IP addresses.


The options in this task are available only when TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards are installed.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Security > Data Comm tabs.

Step 2

Click Lock.

Step 3

In the Confirm Lock Secure Mode dialog box, click Yes.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G266 Modify Backplane Port IP Settings in Security Mode


This task modifies the ONS 15454 backplane IP address, subnet mask, and default router when security mode is enabled. It also modifies settings that control backplane IP address visibility in CTC and the ONS 15454 LCD.


TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards must be installed.

Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • In the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide:

    • "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure in the chapter "Maintain the Node".

    • DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode in the chapter "Turn Up a Node" .

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Provisioning an IP address that is incompatible with the ONS 15454 network might be service affecting.


This task cannot be performed on a secure mode NE that has been locked.


The options in this task are available only when TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards are installed.


Step 1

Click the Provisioning > Security > Data Comm tabs.

Step 2

Modify the following fields, as necessary:

  • IP Address

  • Subnet Mask

  • Default Router

  • LCD IP Setting—Choose one of the following:

    • Allow Configuration—Displays the backplane IP address on the LCD and allows it to be changed using the LCD buttons.

    • Display only—Displays the backplane IP address on the LCD but does not allow it to be changed using the LCD buttons.

    • Suppress Display—Suppresses the display of the IP address on the LCD.

  • Suppress CTC IP Address—If checked, suppresses the IP address from display on the Data Comm subtab, CTC node view or multishelf view information area, and other locations.

  • IPv6 Configuration—Allows provisioning of IPv6 addresses. After you provision an IPv6 address, you can access the device using the IPv6 address. Configure these settings only if you want to enable IPv6 on the node. IPv6 cannot be configured using the LCD push buttons.

  • Enable IPv6—Select this check box to assign an IPv6 address to the node. The IPv6 Address, Prefix Length, and IPv6 Default Router fields are enabled only if this check box is selected. The check box is disabled by default.



    The Enable SOCKS Proxy on Port check box is enabled when you enable IPv6 and can be disabled only when IPv6 is disabled.

  • IPv6 Address—Enter the IPv6 address that you want to assign to the node. This IP address is the global unicast IPv6 address. This field is disabled if the Enable IPv6 check box is not selected.

  • Prefix Length-Enter the prefix length of the IPv6 address. This field is disabled if the Enable IPv6 check box is not selected.

  • IP6 Default Router—Enter the IPv6 address of the default router of the IPv6 NE. This is optional. This field is disabled if the Enable IPv6 check box is not selected.



    ONS platforms use NAT-PT internally to support native IPv6. NAT-PT uses the IPv4 address range 128.x.x.x for packet translation. Do not use this address range when you enable the IPv6 feature.



Ensure that the IPv6 address assigned to the node is unique in the network. Duplicate IP addresses in the same network causes loss of visibility.

Step 3

Click Apply.

If you changed the IP address, subnet mask, or default router, the node will reboot. This will take 5 to 10 minutes.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G267 Disable Secure Mode


This task disables the secure mode and allows only one IP address to be provisioned for the backplane LAN port (ONS 15454), EMS RJ-45 port on the ECU (ONS 15454 M6), EMS RJ-45 port on the power module (ONS 15454 M2), and the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE LAN port.


TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards must be installed.

Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • "DLP-G264 Enable Node Security Mode" task in the "Turn Up a Node" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


The node will reboot after you complete this task, causing a temporary disconnection between the CTC computer and the node.


If you change an NE from secure mode to the default (repeater) mode, the backplane IP address becomes the node IP address.


This task cannot be performed if the NE's secure mode configuration is locked. If secure mode is locked, you must contact Cisco Technical Support to change the node configuration.


The options in this task are only available when TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards are installed.


Step 1

Click the Provisioning > Security > Data Comm tabs.

Step 2

Click Change Mode.

Step 3

view the information on the Change Secure Mode wizard page, then click Next.

Step 4

On the Node IP Address page, choose the address you want to assign to the node:

  • Backplane Ethernet Port—Assigns the backplane IP address as the node IP address.

  • TCC Ethernet Port—Assigns the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE port IP address as the node IP address.

  • New IP Address—Allows you to define a new IP address. If you choose this option, enter the new IP address, subnet mask, and default router IP address.

Step 5

Click Next.

Step 6

On the SOCKS Proxy Server Settings page, choose one of the following:

  • External Network Element (ENE)—If selected, SOCKS proxy will be disabled by default, and the CTC computer is only visible to the ONS 15454 where the CTC computer is connected. The computer is not visible to the secure mode data communications channel (DCC)-connected nodes. Firewall is enabled, which means that the node prevents IP traffic from being routed between the DCC and the LAN port.

  • Gateway Network Element (GNE)—If selected, the CTC computer is visible to other DCC-connected nodes and SOCKS proxy remains enabled. However, the node prevents IP traffic from being routed between the DCC and the LAN port.

  • Proxy-only—If selected, the ONS 15454 responds to CTC requests with a list of DCC-connected nodes within the firewall for which the node serves as a proxy. The CTC computer is visible to other DCC-connected nodes. The node does not prevent traffic from being routed between the DCC and LAN port.

Step 7

Click Finish.

Within the next 30 to 40 seconds, the TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards reboot. CTC switches to network view, and the CTC Alerts dialog box appears. In network view, the node changes to gray and a DISCONNECTED condition appears.

Step 8

In the CTC Alerts dialog box, click Close. Wait for the reboot to finish. (This might take several minutes.)

Step 9

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G163 Modify a Static Route


This task modifies a static route on an ONS 15454.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • DLP-G58 Create a Static Route. Refer the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network tabs.

Step 2

Click the Static Routing tab.

Step 3

Click the static route you want to edit.

Step 4

Click Edit.

Step 5

In the Edit Selected Static Route dialog box, enter the following:

  • Mask

  • Next Hop

  • Cost

See the "DLP-G58 Create a Static Route" task in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide for detailed field descriptions.

Step 6

Click OK.

Step 7

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G164 Delete a Static Route


This task deletes an existing static route on an ONS 15454.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • DLP-G58 Create a Static Route. Refer the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network > Static Routing tabs.

Step 2

Click the static route that you want to delete.

Step 3

Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box appears.

Step 4

Click Yes.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G165 Disable OSPF


This task disables the OSPF routing protocol process for an ONS 15454 LAN.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • DLP-G59 Set Up or Change Open Shortest Path First Protocol. Refer the chapter, "Turn Up a Node" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Network > OSPF tabs. The OSPF subtab has several options.

Step 2

In the OSPF on LAN area, uncheck the OSPF active on LAN check box.

Step 3

Click Apply. Confirm that the changes appear.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G167 Delete a Firewall Tunnel


This task removes a firewall tunnel.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

Click the Provisioning > Network > Firewall subtabs.

Step 2

Click the firewall tunnel that you want to delete.

Step 3

Click Delete.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G82 Customize the CTC Network View


This procedure modifies the CTC network view, including grouping nodes into domains for a less-cluttered display, changing the network view background color, and using a custom image for the network view background.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Complete the following tasks, as needed:

DLP-G168 Change the Network View Background Color


This task changes the network view background color or the domain view background color (the area displayed when you open a domain).



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher


If you modify background colors, the change is stored in your CTC user profile on the computer. The change does not affect other CTC users.


Step 1

From the View menu in CTC, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

If you want to change a domain background, double-click the domain. If not, continue with Step 3.

Step 3

Right-click the network view or domain map area and choose Set Background Color from the shortcut menu.

Step 4

In the Choose Color dialog box, select a background color.

Step 5

Click OK.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G169 Change the Default Network View Background Map


This task changes the default map of the CTC network view.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


If you modify the background image, the change is stored in your CTC user profile on the computer. The change does not affect other CTC users.


Step 1

From the Edit menu, choose Preferences > Map and check the Use Default Map check box.

Step 2

Click Apply.

Step 3

Click OK. Verify that the United States map is displayed.

Step 4

In network view, double-click any node on the map.

Step 5

In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Defaults tabs. Wait for the Defaults selector frame to load the defaults. This could take a few minutes.

Step 6

In the Defaults Selector area, choose CTC and then network.

You might have to scroll down on the list to find "network."

Step 7

Click the Default Value field and choose a default map from the drop-down list. Map choices are Germany, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Step 8

Click Apply.

Step 9

Click OK.

Step 10

From the View menu, select Go to Network View. Confirm that the new map is displayed.

Step 11

If the ONS 15454 icons are not visible, right-click the network view and choose Zoom Out. Repeat until all the ONS 15454 icons are visible. (You can also choose Fit Graph to Window.)

Step 12

If you need to reposition the node icons, drag and drop them one at a time to a new location on the map.

Step 13

If you want to change the magnification of the icons, right-click the network view and choose Zoom In. Repeat until the ONS 15454 icons are displayed at the magnification you want.

Step 14

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G170 Apply a Custom Network View Background Map


This task changes the background image or map of the CTC network view.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher


You can replace the network view background image with any JPEG or GIF image that is accessible on a local or network drive. If you apply a custom background image, the change is stored in your CTC user profile on the computer. The change does not affect other CTC users.


Step 1

From the Edit menu, choose Preferences > Map and uncheck the Use Default Map check box.

Step 2

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 3

Right-click the network or domain map and choose Set Background Image.

Step 4

Click Browse. Navigate to the graphic file you want to use as a background.

Step 5

Select the file. Click Open.

Step 6

Click Apply and then click OK.

Step 7

If the ONS 15454 icons are not visible, right-click the network view and choose Zoom Out. Repeat this step until all the ONS 15454 icons are visible.

Step 8

If you need to reposition the node icons, drag and drop them one at a time to a new location on the map.

Step 9

If you want to change the magnification of the icons, right-click the network view and choose Zoom In. Repeat until the ONS 15454 icons are displayed at the magnification you want.

Step 10

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G171 Create Domain Icons


This task creates a domain, which is an icon that groups ONS 15454 icons in CTC network view. By default, domains are visible to all CTC sessions that log in to the network.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


To allow users of any security level to create local domains, that is, domains that are visible on the home CTC session only, superusers can change the NE default value to TRUE. A TRUE value means any user can maintain the domain information in his or her Preferences file, meaning domain changes will not affect other CTC sessions. The Preferences file is available in the user's HOME directory. The filename is CTC.ini (Windows PC) and .ctcrc (Linux, Apple MAC, and Solaris). (The default value is FALSE, meaning domain information affects all CTC sessions and only superusers can create a domain or put a node into a domain.) See the "NTP-G135 Edit Network Element Defaults" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide to change NE default values.


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

Right-click the network map and choose Create New Domain from the shortcut menu.

Step 3

When the domain icon appears on the map, click the map name and type the domain name.

Step 4

Press Enter.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G172 Manage Domain Icons


This task manages CTC network view domain icons. By default, domains are visible to all CTC sessions that log in to the network.



Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


To allow users of any security level to create local domains, that is, domains that are visible on the home CTC session only, superusers can change the NE default value to TRUE. A TRUE value means any user can maintain the domain information in his or her Preferences file, meaning domain changes will not affect other CTC sessions. The CTC preferences file is available in the user's HOME directory. The filename is CTC.ini (Windows PC) and .ctcrc (Linux, Apple MAC, and Solaris). (The default value is FALSE, meaning domain information affects all CTC sessions and only superusers can create a domain or put a node into a domain.) See the "NTP-G135 Edit Network Element Defaults" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide to change NE default values.


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

Locate the domain action that you want to perform in the following table and complete the appropriate steps.

Domain Action Steps

Move a domain

Press Ctrl and drag and drop the domain icon to the new location.

Rename a domain

Right-click the domain icon and choose Rename Domain from the shortcut menu. Type the new name in the domain name field.

Add a node to a domain

Drag and drop the node icon to the domain icon.

Move a node from a domain to the network map

Open the domain and right-click a node. Choose Move Node Back to Parent View.

Open a domain

Complete one of the following:

  • Double-click the domain icon.

  • Right-click the domain and choose Open Domain.

Return to network view

Right-click the domain view area and choose Go to Parent View from the shortcut menu.

Preview domain contents

Right-click the domain icon and choose Show Domain Overview. The domain icon shows a small preview of the nodes in the domain. To turn off the domain overview, right-click the overview and select Show Domain Overview.

Remove domain

Right-click the domain icon and choose Remove Domain. Any nodes in the domain are returned to the network map.

Step 3

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G173 Enable Dialog Box Do-Not-Display Option


This task ensures that a user-selected do-not-display dialog box preference is enabled for subsequent sessions or disables the do-not-display option.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


If any user who has rights to perform an operation (for example, creating a circuit) selects the "Do not show this message again" check box in a dialog box, the dialog box is not displayed for any other users who perform that operation on the network from the same computer unless the command is overridden using the following task. (The preference is stored on the computer, not in the node database.)


Step 1

From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

Step 2

In the Preferences dialog box, click the General tab.

The Preferences Management area field lists all dialog boxes where "Do not show this message again" is enabled.

Step 3

Choose one of the following options, or uncheck the individual dialog boxes that you want to appear:

  • Don't Show Any—Hides all do-not-display check boxes.

  • Show All—Overrides do-not-display check box selections and displays all dialog boxes.

Step 4

Click OK.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G174 Switch Between TDM and DWDM Network Views


Use this task to switch between time division multiplexing (TDM) and DWDM network views.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

From the Network Scope drop-down list on the toolbar, choose one of the following:

  • All—Displays both TDM and DWDM nodes.

  • DM—Displays only ONS 15454s with SONET or SDH cards including the transponder (TXP) and muxponder (MSP) cards.

  • DWDM—Displays only ONS 15454s with DWDM cards, including the TXP and MXP cards.

Step 3

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G330 Consolidate Links in Network View


This task consolidates DCC, GCC, optical transport service (OTS) and provisionable patchcord (PPC) links in CTC network view.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Retrieve or higher


Global consolidation persists when CTC is re-launched but local consolidation does not persist.


Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View. CTC shows the link icons by default.

Step 2

Perform the following steps as needed:

  • To toggle between the links, go to Step 3.

  • To consolidate all the links on the network map, go to Step 4.

  • To consolidate a link or links between two nodes, go to Step 5.

  • To view information about a consolidated link, go to Step 6.

  • To access an individual link within a consolidated link, go to Step 7.

  • To expand consolidated links, go to Step 8.

  • To filter the links by class, go to Step 9.

Step 3

Right-click on the network map and choose Show Link Icons to toggle the link icons on and off.

Step 4

To consolidate all the links on the network map (global consolidation):

  1. Right-click anywhere on the network map.

  2. Choose Collapse/Expand Links from the shortcut menu. The Collapse/Expand Links dialog window appears.

  3. Select the check boxes for the link classes you want to consolidate.

  4. Click OK. The selected link classes are consolidated throughout the network map.

Step 5

To consolidate a link or links between two nodes (local consolidation):

  1. Right-click the link on the network map.

  2. Choose Collapse Link from the shortcut menu. The selected link type consolidates to show only one link.

The links consolidate by class. For example, if you select a DCC link for consolidation only the DCC links will consolidate, leaving any other link classes expanded.

The following figure shows the network view with unconsolidated DCC and PPC links.

Figure 1. Unconsolidated Links in the Network View

The following figure shows a network view with globally consolidated links.

Figure 2. Consolidated Links in the Network View

The following figure shows a network view with local DCC link consolidation between two nodes.

Figure 3. Network View with Local Link Consolidation

Step 6

To view information about a consolidated link, either move your mouse over the link (the tooltip displays the number of links and the link class) or single-click the link to display detailed information on the left side of the window.

Step 7

To access an individual link within a consolidated link (for example, if you need to perform a span upgrades):

  1. Right-click the consolidated link. A shortcut menu appears with a list of the individual links.

  2. Hover the mouse over the selected link. A cascading menu appears where you can select an action for the individual link or navigate to one of the nodes where the link is attached.

Step 8

To expand locally consolidated links, right-click the consolidated link and choose Expand [link class] Links from the shortcut menu, where "link class" is DCC, PPC, etc.

Step 9

To filter the links by class:

  1. Click the Link Filter button in the upper right area of the window. The Link Filter dialog appears.

    The link classes that appear in the Link Filter dialog are determined by the Network Scope you choose in the network view , as listed in the following table.

    Network Scope

    Displayed Link Classes


    DCC, GCC, OTS, PPC, Server Trail




    DCC, PPC

  2. Check the check boxes next to the links you want to display.

  3. Click OK.

Step 10

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G83 Modify or Delete Card Protection Settings


This procedure modifies and deletes card protection settings.



Prerequisite Procedures

  • "DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

  • "NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group" procedure in the chapter, "Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Modifying and deleting protection groups can be service affecting.


Step 1

Perform any of the following tasks as needed:

Step 2

Complete the "NTP-G103 Back Up the Database" procedure in the chapter, "Maintain the Node" of the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-G175 Modify a Y-Cable Protection Group


This task modifies a Y-cable protection group that has been created for two TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or OTU2_XP card client ports.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group. Refer the chapter, "Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards" in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups area, click the Y-cable protection group that you want to modify.

Step 3

Click Edit.

Step 4

In the Selected Group area, you can modify the following, as needed:

  • Name—Type the changes to the protection group name. The name can have up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

  • Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working card after failure conditions stay corrected for the amount of time chosen from the Reversion Time list. Uncheck this box if you do not want traffic to revert.

  • Reversion time—If the Revertive check box is selected, choose the reversion time from the Reversion time drop-down list. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working card. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.

Step 5

Click OK. Confirm that the changes appear.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G176 Modify a Splitter Protection Group


This task modifies a splitter protection group that has been created on a TXPP_MR_2.5G, MXPP_MR_2.5G, PSM, or OTU2_XP card. Splitter protection is automatically created when the TXPP_MR_2.5G, MXPP_MR_2.5G, or PSM card is installed. For the OTU2_XP card, a splitter protection group is configurable and can be created on Ports 3 and 4 .



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups area, click the splitter protection group that you want to modify.

Step 3

Click Edit.

Step 4

In the Selected Group area, you can modify the following, as needed:

  • Name—Type the changes to the protection group name. The name can have up to 32 alphanumeric characters.

  • Revertive—Check this box if you want traffic to revert to the working card after failure conditions stay corrected for the amount of time chosen from the Reversion Time list. Uncheck this box if you do not want traffic to revert.



    The reversion pulse width is configurable in the card view > Provisioning > Reversion tab in CTC only if the protection is revertive. This is applicable only to PSM cards. The reversion pulse width is calculated using the following formula :

    Minimum reversion pulse width= ROADM delay + 10 seconds

    ROADM delay = N x 5 x 2


    N = number of filter cards in the network between the source and destination PSM nodes on the working path.

    5= maximum startup delay in seconds

    2= bidirectional communication

  • Reversion time—If the Revertive check box is selected, choose the reversion time from the Reversion time drop-down list. The range is 0.5 to 12.0 minutes. The default is 5.0 minutes. This is the amount of time that will elapse before the traffic reverts to the working card. Traffic can revert when conditions causing the switch are cleared.

Step 5

Click OK. Confirm that the changes appear.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G177 Delete a Y-Cable Protection Group


This task deletes a Y-cable protection group.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the near end transponder card to open it in the card view.

Step 2

In the card view mode, click the Provisioning tab. The Line tab view with the ports provisioned is displayed.

Step 3

Click the Admin State list box and select the Out-of-Service (OOS) option for the near end transponder trunk and client ports (for example, "1-1(OC3), 2(OC48)").

Step 4

Click Apply. Repeat above two steps for the far end transponder card.

Step 5

Right-click the transponder card in card view mode and select Go to Parent View.

Step 6

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 7

In the Protection Groups area, disconnect the Y-cable fiber for the protection transponder ports in the protection group you want to delete.

Step 8

Select the protection group and click Delete.

Step 9

Click Yes in the Delete Protection Group dialog box. Confirm that the changes appear.

Step 10

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).



When you delete the protection group, traffic drops because both the transponder TX ports will be in IS state (protect TX port gets turned on). The transponder TX ports are connected through a Y-cable and as a result two signals will be passing through the same fiber. Therefore, you should put the protect port out of service, remove the fiber for the protect port, and then delete the protection group.

DLP-G459 Delete a Splitter Protection Group


This task deletes a splitter protection group on the OTU2_XP card. For the TXPP_MR_2.5G or MXPP_MR_2.5G card, the splitter protection group is deleted when you delete the card.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups area, click the protection group you want to delete.

Step 3

Click Delete.

Step 4

Click Yes in the Delete Protection Group dialog box. Confirm that the changes appear.

Step 5

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G84 Initiate and Clear Y-Cable and Splitter External Switching Commands


This procedure describes how to apply and remove Manual and Force protection switches on Y-cable and splitter protection groups. It also describes how to apply and remove a Lock On or Lock Out protection command to a Y-cable protection group.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

In the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide:

  • NTP-G179 Install the TXP, MXP, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node"

  • NTP-G33 Create a Y-Cable Protection Group in the chapter, "Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards"

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Superuser only


Step 1

To perform a Manual protection switch, complete the DLP-G178 Apply a Manual Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch.

Step 2

To perform a Force protection switch, complete the DLP-G179 Apply a Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch.

Step 3

To clear a Force or Manual protection switch, complete the DLP-G180 Clear a Manual or Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch.

Step 4

To prevent traffic on a working or protect card from switching to the other card in the pair, complete the DLP-G181 Apply a Lock-On.

Step 5

To prevent traffic from switching to the protect card, complete the DLP-G182 Apply a Lockout.

Step 6

To remove a lock-on or lockout and return a protection group to its usual switching method, complete the DLP-G183 Clear a Lock-On or Lockout.

Stop. You have completed this procedure.

DLP-G178 Apply a Manual Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch


This task performs a Manual protection switch on a Y-cable or splitter protection group.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Maintenance or higher


A Manual switch will move traffic from the active to the standby card only if network conditions permit it. If conditions change during the switch, CTC will attempt to place traffic back on the original active card.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups list, click the Y-cable or splitter protection group where you want to apply the Manual protection switch.

Step 3

In the Selected Group area, click the active card or port .

Step 4

In the Switch Commands drop-down list, click Manual.

Step 5

In the Confirm Manual Operation dialog box, click Yes.

If conditions permit, the Manual switch will be applied. To clear the Manual switch, see the DLP-G180 Clear a Manual or Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G179 Apply a Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch


This task performs a Force protection switch on a Y-cable or splitter protection group.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Maintenance or higher


A Force switch will move traffic from the active to the standby card or port immediately, regardless of network conditions. The switch will remain in effect until it is cleared.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups list, click the Y-cable or splitter protection group where you want to apply the Force protection switch.

Step 3

In the Selected Group area, click the active card or port.

Step 4

In the Switch Commands drop-down list, click Force.

Step 5

In the Confirm Manual Operation dialog box, click Yes.

The Force switch will be applied. To clear the Force switch, see the DLP-G180 Clear a Manual or Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G180 Clear a Manual or Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch


This task clears a Manual or Force protection switch on a Y-cable or splitter protection group.



Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Maintenance or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups area, click the protection group that contains the card you want to clear.

Step 3

In the Selected Group area, click the card that you want to clear.

Step 4

In the Switch Commands drop-down list, click Clear.

Step 5

Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

The Manual or Force protection switch is cleared.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G181 Apply a Lock-On


This task prevents traffic from being switched from the working/active card in a Y-cable protection group or port in a splitter protection group.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Maintenance or higher


You can apply the Lock On command only to the working/active card or port. If the working card or port is standby (traffic is switched), the Lock On button is not available.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups area, click the protection group that contains the card (Y-cable) or port (splitter) that you want to lock on.

Step 3

In the Selected Group area, click the working/active card.

Step 4

In the Inhibit Switching drop-down list, click Lock On.

Step 5

Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

The lock-on has been applied. Traffic cannot switch to the protect card. To clear the lock-on, see the DLP-G183 Clear a Lock-On or Lockout.



Provisioning a lock-on raises a LOCKON-REQ or an FE-LOCKON condition in CTC. Clearing the lock-on switch request clears these conditions.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G182 Apply a Lockout


This task keeps traffic from switching to the protect/standby card or port. The Lock Out command overrides the Force and Manual switching commands.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Maintenance or higher


You can apply the lockout to the protect/standby card or port. If the protect card or port is active (traffic is switched), the lockout task cannot be performed.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups area, click the protection group that contains the card (Y-cable) or port (splitter) that you want to lock out.

Step 3

In the Selected Group area, click the protect/standby card.

Step 4

In the Inhibit Switching drop-down list, click Lock Out.

Step 5

Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

The lockout has been applied. Traffic cannot switch to the protect card. To clear the lockout, see the DLP-G183 Clear a Lock-On or Lockout.



Provisioning a lockout raises a LOCKOUT-REQ or an FE-LOCKOUT condition in CTC. Clearing the lockout switch request clears these conditions.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G183 Clear a Lock-On or Lockout


This task clears a lock-on or lockout.



Prerequisite Procedures

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Maintenance or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.

Step 2

In the Protection Groups area, click the protection group that contains the card you want to clear.

Step 3

In the Selected Group area, click the card you want to clear.

Step 4

In the Inhibit Switching drop-down list, click Unlock.

Step 5

Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

The lock-on or lockout is cleared.

Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

NTP-G85 Modify or Delete OSC Terminations, DCC/GCC Terminations, and Provisionable Patchcords


This procedure modifies DCC/GCC terminations, and deletes provisionable patchcords, OSC terminations, and DCC/GCC terminations.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

One or more of the following tasks in the in the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Configuration Guide:

  • DLP-G76 Provision DCC/GCC Terminations in the chapter, "Create Optical Channel Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords"

  • NTP-G38 Provision OSC Terminations in the chapter, "Turn Up a Node"

  • NTP-G184 Create a Provisionable Patchcord in the chapter, "Create Optical Channel Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords".

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), complete the following tasks as needed:

DLP-G184 Change a DCC/GCC Termination


This task modifies a DCC/GCC termination. You can enable or disable OSPF and enable or disable the foreign node setting.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Comm Channels.

Step 2

Select the DCC or GCC tabs as necessary. Available tabs are:

  • GCC (both ANSI and ETSI)

  • DCC

    • SDCC and LDCC (for ANSI)

    • RS-DCC and MS-DCC (for ETSI)

Step 3

Select the DCC/GCC that you want to change.

Step 4

Click Edit. The Edit Termination dialog box appears

Step 5

Complete the following as necessary:

  • GCC Rate—(Display only) Indicates the communication channel rate.

  • Disable OSPF on Link—If checked, OSPF is disabled on the link. OSPF should be disabled only when the slot and port connect to third-party equipment that does not support OSPF.

  • Far End is Foreign—Check this box to specify that the DCC/GCC termination is a non-ONS node

  • Far end IP—If you checked the Far End is Foreign check box, type the IP address of the far-end node or leave the default. An IP address of means that any address can be used by the far end.

Step 6

Click OK.

Step 7

Return to your origination procedure (NTP).

DLP-G185 Delete a DCC/GCC Termination


This task deletes the DWDM DCC/GCC terminations required for network setup when using TXP, MXP, or XP cards.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Deleting the DCC/GCC termination on a port also deletes any provisionable patchcord links that might exist on the port.


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Comm Channels.

Step 2

Select the DCC or GCC tabs as necessary. Available tabs are:

  • GCC (both ANSI and ETSI)

  • DCC

    • SDCC and LDCC (for ANSI)

    • RS-DCC and MS-DCC (for ETSI)

Step 3

Select the DCC/GCC that you want to delete.

Step 4

Click Delete.

Step 5

In the Delete Terminations dialog box, check the Set port OOS check box if you want to place ports out of service.

Step 6

Click Yes. The following alarms will appear until all network terminations are deleted and the ports are out of service:

  • GCC-EOC for GCC termination

  • EOC for SDCC termination

  • EOC-L for LDCC termination

Step 7

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G186 Delete an OSC Termination


This task deletes an OSC termination on the ONS 15454 node.



Prerequisite Procedures

"DLP-G46 Log into CTC" task in the "Connect the PC and Log into the GUI" document.

Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher


Deleting an OSC termination might cause node isolation and loss of visibility to nodes that do not have other OSCs or network connections to the CTC computer.


To delete OSC on a TNC or TNCE port, UDC/VoIP configuration must be set to None .


Step 1

In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Comm Channels > OSC tab.

Step 2

Click the OSC termination that you want to delete and click Delete.

Step 3

In the Delete OSC Termination confirmation box, click Yes. Confirm that the changes appear.

Until all network OSC terminations are deleted, loss of signal (LOS) or power failure alarms might appear on the OPT-BST amplifier, OSCM card, and OSC-CSM card.

Step 4

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-G187 Delete a Provisionable Patchcord