
Access: System > Licenses.

All web-based products use a dedicated license, and each license grants specific usage rights for software features.

This page gives immediate information on which licenses are installed, including the expiration date and the number of nodes for which it is valid. This page also lists the Cisco license version number, which is not the same as the product’s release number.

  • To view a list of the details about a license, click the Features button.
  • To install a new license, click the Upload License button.

The lower left identifies on which host the license is installed, and where the license is located.

This chapter is specific to the web UI Licenses page. For more comprehensive information on license installation, see the Cisco WAE Server Installation Guide.


Noteblank.gif The license installation and information accessed from this UI apply only to the local server.

Upload Licenses

Step 1blank.gif Choose System > Licenses.

Step 2blank.gif Click Upload Licenses.

Step 3blank.gif Click Select Licenses.

a.blank.gif Browse to the location or enter the name of the license file (.lic extension), and click Open.

b.blank.gif If there is already a license installed, the default is to replace the existing license. To merge the two licenses instead, select the merge option. If you are uncertain whether you have a complete set of desired features in the new license, we recommend that you merge the licenses.

c.blank.gif Click Upload License.

Step 4blank.gif Verify the license installed correctly by locating it on the System > Licenses page.