Table Of Contents
Release Notes for the Cisco 1700 Series Routers for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL
Cisco 1750, 1750-2V, and 1750-4V Routers
Determining Your Software Release
Upgrading to a New Software Release
New Hardware Features in Release 12.2(4)XL
New Software Features in Release 12.2(4)XL
New Software Features in Release 12.2(4)T
Fan Operation in Cisco 1700 Series Routers
Flash defaults to Flash:1 on Multipartition Flash
Peak Cell Rate and Sustainable Cell Rate Values
Resolved Caveats - Releases 12.2(4)XL2 Through 12.2(4)XL6
Cisco IOS Software Documentation Set
Release 12.2 Documentation Set
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Contacting TAC by Using the Cisco TAC Website
Release Notes for the Cisco 1700 Series Routers for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL
June 24, 2002
These release notes describe new features and significant software components for the Cisco 1700 series routers that support Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T, up to and including Release 12.2(4)XL6. These release notes are updated as needed to describe new memory requirements, new features, new hardware support, software platform deferrals, microcode or modem code changes, related document changes, and any other important changes. Use these release notes with the Cross-Platform Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T located on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM.
For a list of the software caveats that apply to Release 12.2(4)XL6, refer to the section "Caveats" and to the online Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T document. The caveats document is updated for every 12.2 T maintenance release and is located on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) and the Documentation CD-ROM.
These release notes discuss the following topics:
Obtaining Technical Assistance
System Requirements
This section describes the system requirements for Release 12.2(4)XL6 and includes the following sections:
Determining Your Software Release
Upgrading to a New Software Release
Memory Requirements
This section describes the memory requirements for the Cisco IOS feature sets supported by Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL6 on the Cisco 1700 series routers.
Hardware Supported
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL6 supports the following Cisco 1700 series routers:
Cisco 1710 router
Cisco 1720 router
Cisco 1750, 1750-2V, and 1750-4V routers
Cisco 1751 and 1751-V routers
Cisco 1760 and 1760-V routers
The Cisco 1710 and 1720 routers run data images only. The Cisco 1750, 1750-2V, and 1750-4V routers run data and data-and-voice images, providing analog voice support. Cisco 1751, 1751-V, 1760, and 1760-V routers run data and data-and-voice images, providing digital and analog voice support.
For detailed descriptions of the new hardware features, see the documents listed in the "Platform-Specific Documents" section.
Cisco 1710 Routers
The 1710 router provides Internet and intranet access and includes the following:
Support for virtual private networking.
Modular architecture.
Network device integration.
The Cisco 1710 router has the following hardware components:
One autosensing 10/100 Fast Ethernet port, which operates in full- or half-duplex mode (with manual override available).
One Ethernet (10BASE-T) port, which operates in full- or half-duplex mode.
One auxiliary (AUX) port (up to 115.2 kbps asynchronous serial).
One console port.
Motorola MPC855T PowerQUICC at 48 MHz. The hardware encryption module offloads the processor for encryption and decryption.
One internal expansion slot for support of hardware-assisted services such as encryption (up to T1/E1) and compression.
DRAM memory: 32 MB default, expandable to 64 MB.
Flash memory: 16 MB default, 16 MB maximum.
One security slot that supports Kensington or similar lockdown equipment.
Desktop form factor.
Cisco 1720 Routers
The 1720 router provides Internet and intranet access and includes the following:
Support for virtual private networking.
Modular architecture.
Network device integration.
The Cisco 1720 router has the following hardware components:
One autosensing 10/100 Fast Ethernet port, which operates in full- or half-duplex mode (with manual override available).
Two WAN interface card slots.
One auxiliary (AUX) port (up to 115.2 kbps asynchronous serial).
One console port.
RISC Processor for high performance encryption.
One internal expansion slot for support of hardware-assisted services such as encryption (up to T1/E1) and compression.
DRAM memory: 32 MB default, expandable to 48 MB.
Flash memory: 8 MB default, expandable to 16 MB.
Desktop form factor.
The Cisco 1720 router supports any combination of one or two of the following WAN interface cards:
WIC-1T—One port high speed serial (sync/async).
WIC-2T—Two port high speed serial (sync/async).
WIC-2A/S—Two port low speed serial (sync/async) (up to 128 kbps).
WIC-1B-S/T—One port ISDN BRI S/T.
WIC-1B-U—One port ISDN BRI U.
WIC-1DSU-56K4—One port integrated 56/64 kbps 4-wire DSU/CSU.
WIC-1DSU-T1—One port integrated T1 / Fractional T1 DSU/CSU.
WIC-1ENET—One-port 10Base-T Ethernet interface.
WIC-1ADSL—One-port asymmetrical digital subscriber line.
WIC-1G.SHDSL—One-port G-Standard High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Loop.
Cisco 1750, 1750-2V, and 1750-4V Routers
The voice-and-data capable Cisco 1750, 1750-2V and 1750-4V routers provide global Internet and company intranet access and includes the following:
Voice-over-IP (VoIP) voice-and-data functionality; the router can carry voice traffic (for example, telephone calls and faxes) over an IP network.
Support for virtual private networking.
Modular architecture.
Network device integration.
The Cisco 1750, 1750-2V and 1750-4V routers have the following hardware components:
One autosensing 10/100 Fast Ethernet port, which operates in full- or half-duplex mode (with manual override available).
One voice interface card (VIC) slot—Supports a single voice interface card with two ports per card.
Two WAN interface card (WIC) slots for either WICs or VICs.
Synchronous serial interfaces on serial WICs.
Asynchronous serial interfaces on serial WICs.
ISDN WICs—ISDN dialup and ISDN leased line (IDSL) at 144 kbps; encapsulation over ISDN leased line; Frame Relay and PPP.
One auxiliary (AUX) port (up to 115.2 kbps asynchronous serial).
One console port.
One internal expansion slot—Supports hardware-assisted services such as encryption (up to T1/E1 speeds).
RISC Processor—Motorola MPC860T PowerQUICC at 48 MHz.
One security slot that supports Kensington or similar lockdown equipment.
DRAM: 16 MB default, expandable to 48 MB.
Flash memory: 4 MB default, expandable to 16 MB.
Desktop form factor.
The Cisco 1750, 1750-2V and 1750-4V routers support any combination of one or two of the following WICs:
WIC-1T—One-port high speed serial (sync/async)(T1/E1).
WIC-2T—Two-port high speed serial (sync/async) (T1/E1).
WIC-2A/S—Two-port low speed serial (sync/async) (up to 128 kbps).
WIC-1B-S/T—One-port ISDN BRI S/T.
WIC-1B-U—One-port ISDN BRI U with integrated NT1.
WIC-1DSU-56K4—One-port integrated 56/64 kbps 4-wire DSU/CSU.
WIC-1DSU-T1—One-port integrated T1 / Fractional T1 DSU/CSU.
WIC-1ADSL—One-port asymmetric digital subscriber line.
WIC-1ENET—One-port 10Base-T Ethernet interface.
WIC-G.HDSL—One-port asymmetrical digital subscriber line.
The Cisco 1750, 1750-2V and 1750-4V routers support any combination of one or two of the following voice interface cards:
VIC-2FXS—Two-port Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO—Two-port Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO-EU—Two-port FXO voice interface card for Europe.
VIC-2E/M—Two-port Ear and Mouth (E & M) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO-M1—Two-port FXO for the United States with battery reversal.
VIC-2FXO-M2—Two-port FXO for Europe with battery reversal.
VIC-2FXO-M3—Two-port FXO for Australia.
Cisco 1751 and 1751-V Routers
The voice-and-data capable Cisco 1751 and 1751-V routers provide global Internet and company intranet access and include the following:
Voice-over-IP (VoIP) voice-and-data functionality; the router can provide support for digital and analog voice traffic (for example, telephone calls and faxes) over an IP network.
Support for virtual private networking.
Modular architecture.
Network device integration.
The Cisco 1751 and 1751-V routers have the following hardware components:
One autosensing 10/100 Fast Ethernet port, which operates in full- or half-duplex mode (with manual override available).
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN support.
One VIC slot—Supports a single voice interface card with two ports per card.
Two WIC slots for either WICs or VICs.
Synchronous serial interfaces on serial WICs.
Asynchronous serial interfaces on serial WICs.
ISDN WICs—ISDN dialup and ISDN leased line (IDSL) at 144 kbps; encapsulation over ISDN leased line; Frame Relay and PPP.
One auxiliary (AUX) port (up to 115.2 kbps asynchronous serial).
One console port.
One internal expansion slot—Supports hardware-assisted services such as encryption (up to T1/E1 speeds).
RISC Processor—Motorola MPC860P PowerQUICC at 48.384 MHz.
One security slot that supports Kensington or similar lockdown equipment.
Cisco 1751: 32 MB default, expandable to 96 MB.
Cisco 1751-V: 64 MB default, expandable to 128 MB.
Flash memory:
Cisco 1751: 16 MB.
Cisco 1751-V: 32 MB.
Desktop form factor.
The Cisco 1751 and 1751-V routers support any combination of one or two of the following WICs:
WIC-1T—One-port high speed serial (sync/async)(T1/E1).
WIC-2T—Two-port high speed serial (sync/async) (T1/E1).
WIC-2A/S—Two-port low speed serial (sync/async) (up to 128 kbps).
WIC-1B-S/T—One-port ISDN BRI S/T.
WIC-1B-U—One-port ISDN BRI U with integrated NT1.
WIC-1DSU-56K4—One-port integrated 56/64 kbps 4-wire DSU/CSU.
WIC-1DSU-T1—One-port integrated T1 / Fractional T1 DSU/CSU.
WIC-1ADSL—One-port asymmetric digital subscriber line.
WIC-1SHDSL—One-port G-Standard High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Loop.
WIC-1ENET—One-port 10Base-T Ethernet interface.
WIC-G.HDSL--One-port asymmetrical digital subscriber line.
The Cisco 1751 and 1751-V routers support any combination of one, two or three of the following VICs:
VIC-2FXS—Two-port Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO—Two-port Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO-EU—Two-port FXO voice interface card for Europe.
VIC-2E/M—Two-port Ear and Mouth (E&M) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO-M1—Two-port FXO for the United States with battery reversal.
VIC-2FXO-M2—Two-port FXO for Europe with battery reversal.
VIC-2FXO-M3—Two-port FXO for Australia.
VIC-2BRI-NT/TE—Two-port ISDN interface.
VIC-2DID—Two-port direct inward-dialing voice interface card.
Cisco 1760 and 1760-V Routers
The voice-and-data capable Cisco 1760 and 1760-V routers provide global Internet and company intranet access and include the following:
Voice-over-IP (VoIP) voice-and-data functionality; the router can provide support for digital and analog voice traffic (for example, telephone calls and faxes) over an IP network.
Cisco 1760-V routers integrate data and voice services with support for multiple voice channels.
VoIP and Voice-over-Frame Relay (VoFR) connections.
Support for virtual private networking.
Modular architecture.
Network device integration.
Support for the following network management tools and applications:
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
AutoInstall (for downloading configuration files to the router over a WAN connection).
The Cisco 1760 and 1760-V routers have the following hardware components:
One autosensing 10/100 Fast Ethernet port, which operates in full- or half-duplex mode (with software override support).
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN support.
Two VIC slots—Support voice interface cards with two ports per card.
Two WIC slots for either WICs or VICs.
Synchronous serial interfaces on serial WICs.
Asynchronous serial interfaces on serial WICs.
One auxiliary (AUX) port (to support a modem connection to the router, which can be configured and managed from a remote location, up to 115.2 kbps asynchronous serial).
One console port (for router configuration and management from a connected terminal or PC, up to 115.2 kbps).
One internal expansion slot—Supports hardware-assisted services such as encryption (up to T1/E1 speeds).
RISC Processor—Motorola MPC860P PowerQUICC at 40 MHz externally and 80MHz internally.
Cisco 1760: 32 MB default, expandable to 96 MB.
Cisco 1760-V: 64 MB default, expandable to 96 MB.
Flash memory:
Cisco 1760: 16 MB default, expandable to 64 MB.
Cisco 1760-V: 32 MB default, expandable to 64 MB.
The Cisco 1760 and 1760-V routers support any combination of one or two of the following WICs:
WIC-1T—One-port high speed serial (sync/async)(T1/E1).
WIC-2T—Two-port high speed serial (sync/async) (T1/E1).
WIC-2A/S—Two-port low speed serial (sync/async) (up to 128 kbps).
WIC-1B-S/T—One-port ISDN BRI S/T.
WIC-1B-U—One-port ISDN BRI U with integrated NT1.
WIC-1DSU-56K4—One-port integrated 56/64 kbps 4-wire DSU/CSU.
WIC-1DSU-T1—One-port integrated T1 / Fractional T1 DSU/CSU.
WIC-1ADSL—One-port asymmetric digital subscriber line.
WIC-1ENET—One-port 10Base-T Ethernet interface.
WIC-G.HDSL--One-port asymmetrical digital subscriber line.
The Cisco 1760 and 1760-V routers support any combination of one, two, three, or four of the following VICs:
VIC-2FXS—Two-port Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO—Two-port Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO-EU—Two-port FXO voice interface card for Europe.
VIC-2E/M—Two-port Ear and Mouth (E&M) voice interface card.
VIC-2FXO-M1—Two-port FXO for the United States with battery reversal.
VIC-2FXO-M2—Two-port FXO for Europe with battery reversal.
VIC-2FXO-M3—Two-port FXO for Australia.
VIC-2BRI-NT/TE—Two-port ISDN interface.
VIC-2DID—Two-port direct inward-dialing voice interface card.
Determining Your Software Release
To determine the version of Cisco IOS software currently running on your Cisco 1700 series router, log in to the router and enter the show version EXEC command. The following sample output from the show version command indicates the version number on the second output line:
router> show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System SoftwareIOS (tm) c1700 Software (c1700-y-mz), Version 12.2(4)XL6, RELEASE SOFTWAREUpgrading to a New Software Release
For general information about upgrading to a new software release, see Software Installation and Upgrade Procedures located at:
Feature Sets
The Cisco IOS software is packaged in feature sets consisting of software images—depending on the platform. Each feature set contains a specific set of Cisco IOS features. Release 12.2(4)XL6 supports the same feature sets as Releases 12.2 and 12.2(4)T, but Release 12.2(4)XL6 includes new features supported by the Cisco 1700 series routers, including support for the command Squeeze Flash: and for G.SHDSL ATM WIC software on all the Release 12.2(4)XL6 images listed in the "Memory Requirements" section, in Table 1: "Recommended Memory for the Cisco 1700 Series Routers".
CautionCisco IOS images with strong encryption (including, but not limited to 168-bit (3DES) data encryption feature sets) are subject to United States government export controls and have limited distribution. Strong encryption images to be installed outside the United States are likely to require an export license. Customer orders can be denied or subject to delay due to United States government regulations. When applicable, the purchaser/user must obtain local import and use authorizations for all encryption strengths. Please contact your sales representative or distributor for more information, or send an e-mail to
The command Squeeze Flash: was introduced on Cisco 1700 series routers in Release Release 12.2(4)XL. Additional features are listed in previously-released software versions for Cisco 1700 series routers, the Cross-Platform Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T and Release 12.2 T Cisco IOS documentation.
New and Changed Information
The following sections list the new hardware and software features supported by the Cisco 1700 series for Release 12.2(4)XL6.
New Hardware Features in Release 12.2(4)XL
The following sections list the new hardware features supported by the Cisco 1700 series for Release 12.2(4)XL.
G.SHDSL WAN Interface Card
Release 12.2(4)XL supports a new G-standard Symmetrical High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Loop (G.SHDSL) WAN interface card. The Cisco G.SHDSL WAN interface can achieve rates up to 2.3 Mbps over a single copper pair with TC-PAM line coding. The card is supported on the following routers:
Cisco 1720 routers
Cisco 1750 series routers
Cisco 1751 series routers
New Software Features in Release 12.2(4)XL
The following sections describe the new software features supported by the Cisco 1700 series for Release 12.2(4)XL.
Squeeze Flash Command Support
Release 12.2(4)XL supports the command squeeze flash: on Cisco 1700 series routers. This command removes all deleted files from Flash, recovers the space they occupied, and retains the other files intact.
To enable the Squeeze Flash feature, you must first remove all existing Flash partitions (if any), erase the entire Flash using the command erase flash, and then enter the command squeeze flash:. To disable the feature, enter the command erase /no-squeeze flash:.
To enable the feature to function within an individual partition of a partitioned Flash, specify the partition using the command flash:partition_number. For example, the following command performs the Squeeze Flash feature operation on the second partition:
Router> squeeze flash:2
New Software Features in Release 12.2(4)T
For information regarding the features supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T, refer to the Cross-Platform Release Notes and New Feature Documentation links at the following location on CCO:
This URL is subject to change without notice. If it changes, point your web browser to CCO, and click the following path:
Service & Support: Technical Documents: Cisco IOS Software: Release 12.2: Release Notes: Cross-Platform Release Notes (Cisco IOS Release 12.2T)
Important Notes
The following sections contain important notes about Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL6 that can apply to the Cisco 1700 series. (Also, see the "Caveats" section.)
Fan Operation in Cisco 1700 Series Routers
The fans in some Cisco 1700 series routers stay off until thermally activated. The fans in Cisco 1760 and 1760-V routers are always on.
Flash defaults to Flash:1 on Multipartition Flash
When using a multipartition flash card, the various flash partitions are referred to as "flash:1:", "flash:2:", etc. If you specify only "flash" in a multipartition flash, the parser assumes "flash:1:." For example, if you enter show flash all the parser defaults to "show flash:1: all" and only the flash information for the first partition displays. To see information for all flash partitions, enter show flash ?. This will list all of the valid partitions. Then enter show flash:xx: all on each valid partition.
Peak Cell Rate and Sustainable Cell Rate Values
On Cisco 1700 routers, specify the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) and Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR) as multiples of 32 Kbps. Other rates are treated as the next lower value of a multiple of 32. For example, an entered PCR value of 150 is considered 128.
Using the boot flash Command
Booting a Cisco 1700 series router with the commands boot flash or boot system flash results in unpredictable behavior. To work around this problem, be sure to enter a colon (:) following both commands (for example, boot flash: or boot system flash:.)
Caveats describe unexpected behavior or defects in Cisco IOS software releases. Severity 1 caveats are the most serious caveats, severity 2 caveats are less serious, and severity 3 caveats are the least serious of these three severity levels.
All caveats in Release 12.2 T are also in Release 12.2(4)XL6. For information on caveats in Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T, refer to the Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T document. For information on caveats in Cisco IOS Release 12.2, refer to the Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 document. These documents list severity 1 and 2 caveats, and are located on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM.
If you have an account with, you can also use the Bug Toolkit to find select caveats of any severity. To reach the Bug Toolkit, log in and click Service & Support: Technical Assistance Center: Tool Index: Bug Toolkit. Another option is to go to
Resolved Caveats - Releases 12.2(4)XL2 Through 12.2(4)XL6
This section describes unexpected behavior that is fixed in Releases 12.2(4)XL2 through 12.2(4)XL6.
An error can occur with management protocol processing. Please use the following URL for further information:
Caveats for Release 12.2(4)XL
This section describes possibly unexpected behavior by Release 12.2(4)XL. Only severity 1 through 3 caveats are included.
Release 12.2(4)XL supports the command squeeze flash: on Cisco 1700 series routers. See the "Squeeze Flash Command Support" section.
When using the ATM-MIB on a Cisco 1700 series router with a G.SHDSL WAN interface card, the object table aal5VccTable does not become populated. Performing an SNMP query returns no response.
When running an object query, the object atmTrafficQoSClass returns a value different from the default value defined in the MIB.
When running an object query, the object atmVclAdminStatus returns the value "UP" when the ATM interface and its corresponding PVCs are down.
The command default atm vp-per-vc does not work. The configured value remains 256, irrespective of the value entered with the command default atm vp-per-vc.
The counter for the G.SHDSL WIC becomes unreliable under very heavy traffic. This caveat is a duplicate of CSCdv39226.
Related Documentation
The following sections describe the documentation available for the Cisco 1700 series routers. Typically, these documents consist of hardware and software installation guides, Cisco IOS configuration and command references, system error messages, feature modules, and other documents. Documentation is available as printed manuals or electronic documents, except for feature modules, which are available online on and the Documentation CD-ROM.
Use these release notes with the documents listed in the following sections:
Cisco IOS Software Documentation Set
Release-Specific Documents
The following documents are specific to Release 12.2 and apply to Release 12.2(4)XL6. They are located on and the Documentation CD-ROM (under the heading Service & Support):
To reach the Release Notes for the Cisco 1700 Series Routers for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL, click this path:
Technical Documents: Cisco IOS Software: Release 12.2: Release Notes: Cisco 1700 Series Routers: Cisco 1700 Series - Release Notes for Release 12.2(4)XL
To reach the Cross-Platform Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T, click this path:
Technical Documents: Cisco IOS Software: Release 12.2: Release Notes: Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T
To reach product bulletins, field notices, and other release-specific documents, click this path:
Technical Documents: Product Bulletins
To reach the Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 and Caveats for Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T documents, which contain caveats applicable to all platforms for all maintenance releases of Release 12.2, click this path:
Technical Documents: Cisco IOS Software: Release 12.2: Caveats
If you have an account with, you can also use the Bug Toolkit to find select caveats of any severity. To reach the Bug Toolkit, log in and click Service & Support: Technical Assistance Center: Tool Index: Bug Toolkit. Another option is to go to
Platform-Specific Documents
Cisco 1710 Routers
These documents are available for the Cisco 1720 router on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM at Technical Documents: Access Servers and Access Routers: Modular Access Routers: Cisco 1710 Series Routers:
Quick Start Guide for Installing Your Cisco 1710 Security Router
Cisco 1710 Security Router Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1710 Security Router Software Configuration Guide
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco 1700 Routers
Cisco 1720 Routers
These documents are available for the Cisco 1720 router on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM at Technical Documents: Access Servers and Access Routers: Modular Access Routers: Cisco 1720 Series Routers:
Installing Your Cisco 1700 Router Quick Start Guide
Cisco 1720 Series Router Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1700 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Cisco 1720 Series Router Release Notes
Installing and Upgrading the Boot ROM in Cisco 1720 Routers
Cisco 1700 Series (Cisco IOS) Router Release Notes
Configuration Notes for Cisco 1700 Series Routers
WAN Interface Cards Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1750 Routers
These documents are available for the Cisco 1750 router on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM at Technical Documents: Access Servers and Access Routers: Modular Access Routers: Cisco 1750 Series Routers:
Installing Your Cisco 1700 Router Quick Start Guide
Cisco 1750 Series Router Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1700 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Cisco 1750 Series Router Release Notes
Cisco 1750 Router Voice-over-IP quick start guide
Cisco 1750 Voice-over-IP Software Configuration Guide
Cisco 1700 Series (Cisco IOS) Router Release Notes
Configuration Notes for Cisco 1700 Series Routers
WAN Interface Cards Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1751 and 1751-V Routers
These documents are available for the Cisco 1751 and 1751-V routers on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM at Technical Documents: Access Servers and Access Routers: Modular Access Routers: Cisco 1751 Series Routers:
Installing Your Cisco 1700 Router Quick Start Guide
Cisco 1751 Router Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1751 Router Software Configuration Guide
Cisco 1700 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Cisco 1751 Router Hardware Release Notes
Configuring the Voice Interface Card for the Cisco 1751 Router
Installing and Removing Packet Voice/fax DSP Modules
Cisco 1700 Series (Cisco IOS) Router Release Notes
Configuration Notes for Cisco 1700 Series Routers
WAN Interface Cards Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1760 and 1760-V Routers
These documents are available for the Cisco 1760 and 1760-V routers on CCO and the Documentation CD-ROM at Technical Documents: Access Servers and Access Routers: Modular Access Routers: Cisco 1760 Series Routers:
Quick Start Guide for Installing Your Cisco 1760 Modular Access Router
Cisco 1760 Modular Access Router Hardware Installation Guide
Cisco 1751 Router Software Configuration Guide
Cisco 1700 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Configuration Notes for Cisco 1700 Series Routers
Configuring the Voice Interface Card for the Cisco 1751 Router
Installing and Removing Packet Voice/fax DSP Modules
WAN Interface Cards Hardware Installation Guide
Feature Modules
Feature modules describe new features supported by Release 12.2 and are updates to the Cisco IOS documentation set. A feature module consists of a brief overview of the feature, benefits, configuration tasks, and a command reference.
As updates, the feature modules are available online only. Feature module information is incorporated in the next printing of the Cisco IOS documentation set. To reach the Release 12.2 feature modules, click this path (under the heading Service & Support): Technical Documents: Cisco IOS Software: Release 12.2: New Feature Documentation: New Features in 12.2-Based Limited Lifetime Releases: New Features in 12.2X Releases
Feature Navigator
Feature Navigator is a web-based tool that enables you to quickly determine which Cisco IOS software images support a particular set of features and which features are supported in a particular Cisco IOS image. Feature Navigator is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To access Feature Navigator, you must have an account on If you have forgotten or lost your account information, e-mail the Contact Database Administration group at If you do not have an account on, go to and follow the directions to set up an account.
To use Feature Navigator, you must have a JavaScript-enabled web browser such as Netscape 3.0 or later, or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. Internet Explorer 4.0 always has JavaScript enabled. To enable JavaScript for Netscape 3.x or Netscape 4.x, follow the instructions provided with the web browser. For JavaScript support and enabling instructions for other browsers, check with the browser vendor.
Feature Navigator is updated when major Cisco IOS software releases and technology releases occur. You can access Feature Navigator at the following URL:
Cisco IOS Software Documentation Set
The Cisco IOS software documentation set consists of the Cisco IOS configuration guides, Cisco IOS command references, and several other supporting documents. The Cisco IOS software documentation set is shipped with your order in electronic form on the Documentation CD-ROM—unless you specifically ordered the printed versions.
Documentation Modules
Each module in the Cisco IOS documentation set consists of one or more configuration guides and one or more corresponding command references. Chapters in a configuration guide describe protocols, configuration tasks, and Cisco IOS software functionality, and contain comprehensive configuration examples. Chapters in a command reference provide complete command syntax information. Use each configuration guide with its corresponding command reference. The Cisco IOS software documentation set is available on and on the Documentation CD-ROM (under the heading Service & Support) at:
Technical Documents: Cisco IOS Software: Release 12.2: Configuration Guides and Command References
Release 12.2 Documentation Set
Table 2 lists the contents of the Cisco IOS Release 12.2 software documentation set, which is available in both electronic and printed form (under the heading Service & Support) on and on the Documentation CD-ROM:
Technical Documents: Cisco IOS Software: Release 12.2
You can find the most current Cisco IOS documentation on and the Documentation CD-ROM. These electronic documents may contain updates and modifications made after the hard-copy documents were printed.
Obtaining Documentation
The following sections provide sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.
World Wide Web
The most current Cisco documentation is available on the World Wide Web at Translated documentation can be accessed at
Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.
Ordering Documentation
Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:
Registered Cisco Direct Customers can order Cisco product documentation from the Networking Products MarketPlace:
Registered users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online Subscription Store:
Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local account representative by calling Cisco corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, in North America, by calling 800 553-NETS(6387).
Documentation Feedback
If you are reading Cisco products documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit technical comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco.
You can e-mail your comments to
For your convenience, many documents contain a response card behind the front cover for submitting your comments by mail. Otherwise, you can mail your comments to the following address:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Document Resource Connection
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883We appreciate your comments.
Obtaining Technical Assistance
The following sections provide sources for obtaining technical assistance from Cisco Systems. is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open access to Cisco information and resources at anytime, from anywhere in the world. This highly integrated Internet application is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for doing business with Cisco. provides a broad range of features and services to help customers and partners streamline business processes and improve productivity. Through, you can find information about Cisco and our networking solutions, services, and programs. In addition, you can resolve technical issues with online technical support, download and test software packages, and order Cisco learning materials and merchandise. Valuable online skill assessment, training, and certification programs are also available.
Customers and partners can self-register on to obtain additional personalized information and services. Registered users can order products, check on the status of an order, access technical support, and view benefits specific to their relationships with Cisco.
To access, go to the following website:
Technical Assistance Center
The Cisco TAC website is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product or technology that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract.
Contacting TAC by Using the Cisco TAC Website
If you have a priority level 3 (P3) or priority level 4 (P4) problem, contact TAC by going to the TAC website:
P3 and P4 level problems are defined as follows:
P3—Your network performance is degraded. Network functionality is noticeably impaired, but most business operations continue.
P4—You need information or assistance on Cisco product capabilities, product installation, or basic product configuration.
In each of the above cases, use the Cisco TAC website to quickly find answers to your questions.
To register for, go to the following website: registered users who cannot resolve a technical issue by using the TAC online resource can open a case online by using the TAC Case Open tool at the following website:
Contacting TAC by Telephone
If you have a priority level 1(P1) or priority level 2 (P2) problem, contact TAC by telephone and immediately open a case. To obtain a directory of toll-free numbers for your country, go to the following website:
P1 and P2 level problems are defined as follows:
P1—Your production network is down, causing a critical impact to business operations if service is not restored quickly. No workaround is available.
P2—Your production network is severely degraded, affecting significant aspects of your business operations. No workaround is available.