S through V

set metric (EIGRP)

To set the metric value for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) in a route map, use the set metric route-map configuration command. To return to the default metric value, use the no form of this command.

set metric bandwidth delay reliability loading mtu

no set metric bandwidth delay reliability loading mtu

Syntax Description


Metric value or EIGRP bandwidth of the route in kbps. The range is from 0 to 4294967295.


Route delay (in tens of microseconds). It can be in the range from 0 to 4294967295.


Likelihood of successful packet transmission expressed as a number from 0 to 255. The value 255 means 100 percent reliability; 0 means no reliability.


Effective bandwidth of the route expressed as a number from 0 to 255 (255 is 100 percent loading).


Minimum maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the route, in bytes. It can be in the range from 0 to 4294967295.

Command Default

No metric will be set in the route map.

Command Modes

Route-map configuration (config-route-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend you consult your Cisco technical support representative before changing the default value.

Use the route-map global configuration command, and the match and set route-map configuration commands, to define the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol into another. Each route-map command has a list of match and set commands associated with it. The match commands specify the match criteria --the conditions under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map command. The set commands specify the set actions --the particular redistribution actions to perform if the criteria enforced by the match commands are met. The no route-map command deletes the route map.

The set route-map configuration commands specify the redistribution set actions to be performed when all of the match criteria for a router are met. When all match criteria are met, all set actions are performed.


The following example sets the bandwidth to 10,000, the delay to 10, the reliability to 255, the loading to 1, and the MTU to 1500:

Router(config-route-map)# set metric 10000 10 255 1 1500

set tag (IP)

To set a tag value for a route in a route map, use the set tag command in route-map configuration mode. To delete the entry, use the no form of this command.

set tag {tag-value | tag-value-dotted-decimal}

no set tag {tag-value | tag-value-dotted-decimal}

Syntax Description


Route tag value in plain decimals. The range is from 0 to 4294967295.


Route tag value in dotted decimals. The range is from to

Command Default

Routes are not tagged.

Command Modes

Route-map configuration (config-route-map)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.


This command was modified. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(2)S and the tag-value-dotted-decimal argument was added to support tag values in dotted-decimal format.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. The tag-value-dotted-decimal argument was added to support tag values in dotted-decimal format.

Usage Guidelines

Use the set tag command to set an administrative tag for a route within a route map. Route tags are 32-bit values attached to routes. You can set tag values as plain decimals or dotted decimals. Route tags are used by route maps to filter routes. The tag value has no impact on routing decisions. It is used to mark or flag routes to prevent routing loops when routes are redistributed between routing protocols.


The following example shows how to set the tag value of the destination routing protocol to 5:

Device(config)# route-map tag
Device(config-route-map)# set tag 5

The following example shows how to set the tag value in the dotted-decimal format:

Device(config)# route-map tag
Device(config-route-map)# set tag

show eigrp address-family accounting

To display prefix accounting information for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) processes, use the show eigrp address-family accounting command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] [multicast] accounting

Syntax Description


Selects the IPv4 protocol address family.


Selects the IPv6 protocol address family.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VRF. This keyword/argument pair is available only for IPv4 configurations.

autonomous-system- number

(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Displays information about multicast instances.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command Default

Prefix accounting information for all EIGRP processes is displayed.

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show ip eigrp accounting command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family accounting command.


The following example shows how to display EIGRP prefix accounting information for autonomous-system 22:

Router# show eigrp address-family ipv4 22 accounting
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(saf) Accounting for AS(22)/ID( 
Total Prefix Count: 3  States: A-Adjacency, P-Pending, D-Down 
State Address/Source    Interface       Prefix   Restart  Restart/ 
                                        Count     Count   Reset(s) 
 A          Et0/0               2         0        0
 P          Se2/0               0         2        114
 D          Et0/0               0         3        0 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 1. show eigrp address-family accounting Field Descriptions



IP-EIGRP accounting for AS...

Identifies the EIGRP instance, AS number, router ID, and table ID.

Total Prefix Count

Number of distinct prefixes that are present in this autonomous system.


State of the given neighbor: Adjacency, Pending, or Down.


IP address of the neighbor.


Interface on which the neighbor is connected.

Prefix Count

Number of prefixes that are advertised by this neighbor.

Restart Count

Number of times this neighbor has been restarted due to exceeding prefix limits.


Time remaining until the neighbor will be restarted (if in Pending state) or until the restart count will be cleared (if in Adjacency state.)

show eigrp address-family events

To display information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) address-family events, use the show eigrp address-family events command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] [multicast] events [starting-event-number ending-event-number] [errmsg [starting-event-number ending-event-number]] [sia [starting-event-number ending-event-number]] [type]

Syntax Description


Selects the IPv4 protocol address family.


Selects the IPv6 protocol address family.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VRF.

autonomous-system- number

(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Displays information about multicast instances.


(Optional) Number of first event to display.


(Optional) Number of last event to display.


(Optional) Displays error message events.


(Optional) Displays Stuck in Active (SIA) events.


(Optional) Displays the types of events being logged.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command Default

All EIGRP address-family events are displayed.

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Usage Guidelines

The event log is used by Cisco technical support to display a history of EIGRP internal events that are specific to a particular address family.

To display information about EIGRP service-family events, use the show eigrp service-family events command.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show ip eigrp events command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family events command.


The following example shows how to display EIGRP address-family events for autonomous-system 3:

Router# show eigrp address-family ipv4 3 events
Event information for AS 3:
1 15:37:47.015 Change queue emptied, entries: 1 
2 15:37:47.015 Metric set: 307200 
3 15:37:47.015 Update reason, delay: new if 4294967295 
4 15:37:47.015 Update sent, RD: 4294967295 
5 15:37:47.015 Update reason, delay: metric chg 4294967295 
6 15:37:47.015 Update sent, RD: 4294967295 
7 15:37:47.015 Route installed: 
8 15:37:47.015 Route installing: 

show eigrp address-family interfaces

To display information about interfaces that are configured for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show eigrp address-family interfaces command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] [multicast] interfaces [detail] [interface-type interface-number]

Syntax Description


Selects the IPv4 protocol address family.


Selects the IPv6 protocol address family.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VPN routing and forwarding (VRF).

autonomous-system- number

(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Displays information about multicast instances.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about EIGRP interfaces.

interface-type interface-number

(Optional) Interface type and number to display. If not specified, all enabled interfaces are displayed.

Command Default

Information about all interfaces enabled with EIGRP is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS Release XE 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display information about the state of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on an interface.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)E.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show eigrp address-family interfaces command to determine the interfaces on which EIGRP is active and to learn EIGRP information about those interfaces.

If an autonomous system is specified, only the routing process for the specified autonomous system is displayed. Otherwise, all EIGRP processes are displayed.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show ip eigrp interfaces command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family interfaces command.


The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 interfaces command displays information about EIGRP interfaces for autonomous system 4453:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 interfaces
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(Virtual-name) Address-family Neighbors for AS(4453) 
             Xmit   Queue        Mean  Pacing Time     Multicast    Pending 
Interface    Peers  Un/Reliable  SRTT  Un/Reliable     Flow Timer   Services
Se0           1        0/0        28      0/15          127           0 
Se1           1        0/0        44      0/15          211           0 

The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv4 2 interfaces detail Loopback1 command shows how to display detailed information about Loopback interface 1 in autonomous system 2:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv4 2 interfaces detail Loopback1 

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(saf2) Address-family Neighbors for AS(2) 
             Xmit    Queue       Mean  Pacing Time     Multicast    Pending 
Interface    Peers  Un/Reliable  SRTT  Un/Reliable     Flow Timer   Services 
Lo1          166       0/0        48      0/1            258           0 
	Hello-interval is 5, Hold-time is 15 
	Split-horizon is enabled 
	Next xmit serial <none> 
	Un/reliable mcasts: 0/0 Un/reliable ucasts: 10148/67233 
	Mcast exceptions: 0 CR packets: 0 ACKs suppressed: 8719 
	Retransmissions sent: 2696 Out-of-sequence rcvd: 594 
	Interface has all stub peers 
	Topology-ids on interface - 0 
	Authentication mode is not set 

The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv6 interfaces detail command shows how to display information about the state of BFD on an interface:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv6 interfaces detail
              Xmit  Queue        Mean  Pacing Time  Multicast   Pending 
Interface    Peers  Un/Reliable  SRTT  Un/Reliable  Flow Timer  Routes 
Lo1            0     0/0         0/10     0             0         0  
	Hello-interval is 5 sec
	Next xmit serial <none> 
	BFD is enabled

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the sample displays.

Table 2. show eigrp address-family interfaces Field Descriptions




Interface over which EIGRP is configured.


Number of EIGRP neighbors connected on this interface.

Xmit Queue Un/Reliable

Number of packets remaining in the unreliable and reliable transmit queues.


Mean smooth round-trip time interval (SRTT), in milliseconds.

Pacing Time Un/Reliable

Pacing time used to determine when reliable and unreliable EIGRP packets should be sent out of the interface.

Multicast Flow Timer

Maximum time (in seconds) for which the device sends multicast EIGRP packets.

Pending Services

Number of services in the packets in the transmit queue waiting to be sent.

Pending Routes

Number of available routes in the packets in the transmit queue waiting to be sent.

CR packets

Packets marked for conditional receive.

show eigrp address-family neighbors

To display neighbors that are discovered by the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show eigrp address-family neighbors command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] [multicast] neighbors [static] [detail] [interface-type interface-number]

Syntax Description


Selects the IPv4 protocol address family.


Selects the IPv6 protocol address family.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VPN routing and forwarding (VRF).

autonomous-system- number

(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Displays information about multicast instances.


(Optional) Displays static neighbors.


(Optional) Displays detailed EIGRP neighbor information.

interface-type interface-number

(Optional) Interface type and number. If an interface is not specified, all enabled interfaces are displayed.

Command Default

Information about all neighbors discovered by EIGRP is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display information for the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) sessions.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)E.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show eigrp address-family neighbors command to determine when neighbors become active and inactive. The command is also useful for debugging certain types of transport problems.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous system configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show ip eigrp neighbors command. We recommend that you use the show eigrp address-family neighbors command.


The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 neighbors command shows how to display neighbors that are discovered by EIGRP:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 neighbors 

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(Virtual-name) Address-family Neighbors for AS(4453) 
Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq 
                                     (sec)         (ms)  (ms)   Cnt   Num            Ethernet1     13   0:00:41  0      11   4     20            Ethernet0     14   0:02:01  0      10   12    24            Ethernet0     12   0:02:02  0      4    5     20 

The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv4 neighbors detail command shows how to display detailed information about neighbors that are discovered by EIGRP, including whether a neighbor has been restarted:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv4 neighbors detail
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Address-family Neighbors for AS(3) 
H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq 
                                     (sec)         (ms)  (ms)   Cnt   Num            Ethernet1     13   0:00:41  0      11   4     20            Ethernet0     14   0:02:01  0      10   12    24            Ethernet0     12   0:02:02  0      4    5     20

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Address-Family Neighbors for AS(3)
H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq
                    (sec)       (ms) Cnt   Num Et1/1 11 01:11:08 10 200 0 8
Time since Restart 00:00:05
Version 5.0/3.0, Retrans: 2, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 2
Topology-ids from peer - 0


The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv6 neighbors detail command shows how to display detailed information about the neighbors that are discovered by EIGRP with BFD enabled on an interface:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv6 neighbors detail

EIGRP-IPv6 Neighbors for AS(1) 
H Address           Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq
                              (sec)       (ms) Cnt   Num 
0 Link-Local address: Et1/0 13 00:00:24 1592 5000 0  3
Version 6.0/3.0, Retrans: 1, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 32
Topology-ids from peer - 0

BFD Sessions
NeighAddr Interface
FE80:	:A8BB:CCFF:FE00:C901 Ethernet1/0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the sample displays:

Table 3. show eigrp address-family neighbors Field Descriptions




Autonomous system number specified in the configuration command, for example 4453.


IP address of the peer.


Interface on which the device is receiving hello packets from the peer.


Duration (seconds) for which the device will wait to hear from the peer before declaring it down. If the default hold time is specified, the hold time value will be less than 15. If a nondefault hold time is specified, the hold time value is displayed.


Elapsed time (in seconds) since the local device first heard from this neighbor.


Smooth round-trip time (SRTT). Duration (milliseconds) for which an EIGRP packet requires to be sent to its neighbor and for the local device to receive an acknowledgment of that packet.


Retransmission timeout (RTO). Duration (milliseconds) for which EIGRP waits before retransmitting a packet from the retransmission queue to a neighbor.

Q Cnt

Number of packets (update, query, and reply) that the software is waiting to send.

Seq Num

Sequence number of the last update, query, or reply packet that was received from this neighbor.

Time since Restart

Time elapsed since a neighbor has been restarted.

show eigrp address-family timers

To display information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) timers and expiration times, use the show eigrp address-family timers command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] [multicast] timers

Syntax Description


Selects the IPv4 protocol address family.


Selects the IPv6 protocol address family.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VRF.

autonomous-system- number

(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Displays information about multicast instances.

Command Default

Information about all EIGRP timers is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Usage Guidelines

This command is useful for debugging and troubleshooting by Cisco technical support, but it is not intended for normal EIGRP administration tasks. This command should not be used without guidance from Cisco technical support.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show ip eigrp timers command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family timers command.


The following example shows how to display information about EIGRP timers:

Router# show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 timers
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(Virtual-name) Address-family Timers for AS(4453) 
Hello Process 
Expiration Type 
| 1.022 (parent) 
| 1.022 Hello (Et0/0) 
Update Process 
Expiration Type 
| 14.984 (parent) 
| 14.984 (parent) 
| 14.984 Peer holding 
SIA Process 
Expiration Type for Topo(base) 
| 0.000 (parent) 

show eigrp address-family topology

To display Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) address-family topology table entries, use the show eigrp address-family topology command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp address-family {ipv4 [multicast | vrf vrf-name] | ipv6 [vrf vrf-name]} [autonomous-system-number] topology [topology-name [accounting | events [ [errmsg | sia] [reverse] [starting-event-number ending-event-number] | type]] | ip-address [mask] | ip-prefix | active | all-links | detail-links | pending | route-type {connected | external | internal | local | redistributed | summary | vpn} | summary | zero-successors]

Syntax Description


Displays information about IPv4 address-family topologies.


(Optional) Displays information about IPv4 multicast instances.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


Displays information about IPv6 address-family topologies.


(Optional) Autonomous system number. The valid range is from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) Displays information about EIGRP topology tables.


(Optional) Name of the EIGRP topology table.


(Optional) Displays information about prefix accounting.


(Optional) Displays events log.


(Optional) Displays error message events.


(Optional) Displays stuck-in-active (SIA) events.


(Optional) Changes the order in which the event log is displayed.


(Optional) Number of the first event that is displayed.


(Optional) Number of the last event that is displayed.


(Optional) Displays the types of events that are being logged.


(Optional) IP address. When the IP address is specified with a mask, a detailed description of the entry is provided.


(Optional) Network mask.


(Optional) IP prefix in the format <network>/<length>; for example,


(Optional) Displays only active entries in the EIGRP topology table.


(Optional) Displays all entries in the EIGRP topology table (including nonfeasible-successor sources).


(Optional) Displays detailed information about all entries in the topology table.


(Optional) Displays all entries in the EIGRP topology table that are either waiting for an update from a neighbor or waiting to reply to a neighbor.


(Optional) Displays information about services of the specified route type.


(Optional) Displays information about all connected routes.


(Optional) Displays information about all external routes.


(Optional) Displays information about all internal routes.


(Optional) Displays information about all locally originated routes.


(Optional) Displays information about all redistributed routes.


(Optional) Displays information about all summary routes.


(Optional) Displays information about all VPN-sourced IPv4 routes.


(Optional) Displays summary information about the EIGRP topology table.


(Optional) Displays available routes that have zero successors.

Command Default

If this command is used without any arguments or keywords, only routes that are feasible successors are displayed. This command displays the same information as the show ip eigrp topology command. We recommend using the show eigrp address-family topology command.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was modified. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)S, and the output of the command was enhanced to display the Routing Information Base (RIB) value.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display the RIB value.


This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display route tag values in dotted-decimal format.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display route tag values in dotted-decimal format.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named and EIGRP autonomous system configurations.


The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv4 autonomous-system-number topology command displays entries of an IPv4 topology table:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 topology 

EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Table for AS(4453)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply, 
       r - Reply status 
P, 2 successors, FD is 720896 RIB is 5632
          via (46251776/46226176), Ethernet0 
          via (46251776/46226176), Ethernet1 
          via (46277376/46251776), Serial0 

The following sample output from the show eigrp address-family ipv4 autonomous-system-number topology ip-address command displays EIGRP metrics for specified internal and external services:

Device# show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 topology

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(virtual-name) Topology Entry for AS(4453)/ID( for 
  State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 128256, RIB is 6543 
  Descriptor Blocks: (Null0), from Connected, Send flag is 0x0 
      Composite metric is (128256/0), service is Internal 
      Vector metric: 
        Minimum bandwidth is 10000000 Kbit 
        Total delay is 5000 picoseconds 
        Reliability is 255/255 
        Load is ½55 
        Minimum MTU is 1514 
        Hop count is 0 
        Originating router is

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 4. show eigrp address-family topology Field Descriptions




State of this topology table entry. Passive and Active refer to the EIGRP state with respect to the destination; Update, Query, and Reply refer to the type of packet that is being sent.

P - Passive

Indicates that no EIGRP computations are being performed for this destination.

A - Active

Indicates that EIGRP computations are being performed for this destination.

U - Update

Indicates that an update packet was sent to this destination.

Q - Query

Indicates that a query packet was sent to this destination.

R - Reply

Indicates that a reply packet was sent to this destination.

r - Reply status

The flag that is set after the software has sent a query and is waiting for a reply.


Number of successors. This number corresponds to the number of next hops in the IP routing table. If “successors” is capitalized, the route or the next hop is in a transition state.


Feasible distance. The feasible distance is the best metric to reach the destination or the best metric that was known when the route became active. This metric value is used in the feasibility condition check. If the reported distance of the device is less than the feasible distance, the feasibility condition is met and the route is considered a feasible successor. After the software determines that it has a feasible successor, the software need not send a query for that destination.


RIB metric.


(Not shown in the output.) Number of replies that are still outstanding (have not been received) with respect to this destination. This information appears only when the destination is in active state.


(Not shown in the output) The exact EIGRP state of this destination. It can be the number 0, 1, 2, or 3. This information appears only when the destination is in active state.


IP address of the peer that advertised this destination. The first of these entries is the current successor. Subsequent entries in the list are feasible successors.


The first number is the EIGRP metric that represents the cost to the destination. The second number is the EIGRP metric that this peer advertised.


The interface from which this information was learned.

show eigrp address-family traffic

To display the number of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) packets that are sent and received, use the show eigrp address-family traffic command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] [multicast] traffic

Syntax Description


Selects the IPv4 protocol address family.


Selects the IPv6 protocol address family.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VRF.

autonomous-system- number

(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Displays information about multicast instances.

Command Default

The number of all EIGRP packets sent and received is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show ip eigrp traffic command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family traffic command.


The following example shows how to display the number of EIGRP packets sent and received for autonomous system number 4453:

Router# show eigrp address-family ipv4 4453 traffic
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(virtual-name) Address-family Traffic Statistics for AS(4453) 
  Hellos sent/received: 122/122 
  Updates sent/received: 3/1 
  Queries sent/received: 0/0 
  Replies sent/received: 0/0 
  Acks sent/received: 0/3 
  SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0 
  SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0 
  Hello Process ID: 128 
  PDM Process ID: 191 
  Socket Queue: 0/2000/1/0 (current/max/highest/drops) 
  Input Queue: 0/2000/1/0 (current/max/highest/drops

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 5. show eigrp address-family traffic Field Descriptions



Hellos sent/received

Number of hello packets sent and received.

Updates sent/received

Number of update packets sent and received.

Queries sent/received

Number of query packets sent and received.

Replies sent/received

Number of reply packets sent and received.

Acks sent/received

Number of acknowledgement packets sent and received.

SIA-Queries sent/received

Number of stuck in active query packets sent and received.

SIA-Replies sent/received

Number of stuck in active reply packets sent and received.

Hello Process ID

Cisco IOS hello process identifier.

PDM Process ID

Protocol-dependent module IOS process identifier.

Socket Queue

IP to EIGRP Hello Process socket queue counters.

Input Queue

EIGRP Hello Process to EIGRP PDM socket queue counters.

show eigrp plugins

To display general information including the versions of the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) protocol features that are currently running, use the show eigrp plugins command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp [vrf vrf-name] [as-number]plugins [plugin-name] [detailed]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Obsolete) (Optional) Specifies a particular VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance name.


(Obsolete) (Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Name of an EIGRP plugin to display.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about EIGRP features.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.


This command was modified. The vrf keyword and the vrf-name and the as-number arguments were removed.


This command was modified. The vrf keyword and the vrf-name and as-number arguments were removed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was modified. The vrf keyword and the vrf-name and as-number arguments were removed.


This command was modified. The output of the command was modified to display information about wide metric.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The output of the command was modified to display information about wide metric.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show eigrp plugins command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode to determine if a particular EIGRP feature is available in your Cisco IOS image. This command displays a summary of information about EIGRP service families and address families.

This command is useful when contacting Cisco technical support.


The following example shows how to display EIGRP plugin information:

Router# show eigrp plugins
EIGRP feature plugins:::
    eigrp-release      :   8.00.00 : Portable EIGRP Release                  
                       :   6.01.03 : Source Component Release(snakenavel)
                                     + HMAC-SHA-256 Authentication
    parser             :   2.02.00 : EIGRP Parser Support                    
    igrp2              :   2.00.00 : Reliable Transport/Dual Database
                                     + Wide Metrics
    bfd                :   1.01.00 : BFD Platform Support                    
    client-simulator   :   1.00.01 : Service Distribution Simulator          
    mtr                :   1.00.01 : Multi-Topology Routing(MTR)             
    eigrp-pfr          :   1.00.01 : Performance Routing Support             
                                     + IPv4 PFR
    vNets              :   1.00.00 : vNets Platform Support                  
                                     + IPv4 vNets
    ipv4-af            :   2.01.01 : Routing Protocol Support
    ipv4-sf            :   1.02.00 : Service Distribution Support            
                                     + Dynamic Remote Neighbors
    external-client    :   1.02.00 : Service Distribution Client Support     
    vNets-parse        :   1.00.00 : EIGRP vNets Parse Support               
    ipx-af             :   2.00.01 : Routing Protocol Support                
    ipv6-af            :   2.01.01 : Routing Protocol Support                
                                     + IPv6 VRF
    ipv6-sf            :   2.01.00 : Service Distribution Support            
                                     + Dynamic Remote Neighbors
                                     + IPv6 VRF
    snmp-agent         :   1.01.01 : SNMP/SNMPv2 Agent Support

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 6. show eigrp plugins Field Descriptions



eigrp release

Portable EIGRP release version.


Reliable transport and dual database version.


EIGRP-BFD feature version.


EIGRP multitopology routing (MTR) version.


EIGRP performance routing feature version.


EIGRP IPv4 routing protocol feature version.


EIGRP IPv4 service distribution feature version.


EIGRP service distribution client support feature version.


EIGRP IPv6 routing protocol feature version.


EIGRP IPv6 service distribution feature version.


EIGRP SNMP and SNMPv2 agent support version.

show eigrp protocols

To display general information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) protocols that are currently running, use the show eigrp protocols command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp protocols [vrf vrf-name]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VPN Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI4.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to display the relevant wide metric information.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The command output was modified to display the relevant wide metric information.


This command was modified to display the relevant wide metric information.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show eigrp protocols command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode to see a summary information on EIGRP IPv4 service families or address families.


The following example shows how to display general EIGRP information:

Device# show eigrp protocols

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(foo) Address-Family Protocol for AS(1)
  Metric weight K1=1, K2=0, K3=1, K4=0, K5=0 K6=0
  Metric rib-scale 128
  Metric version 64bit
  NSF-aware route hold timer is 240
  Topology : 0 (base) 
    Active Timer: 3 min
    Distance: internal 90 external 170
    Maximum path: 4
    Maximum hopcount 100
    Maximum metric variance 1
    Total Prefix Count: 2
    Total Redist Count: 0

The following example shows how to display general EIGRP information for VRF1:

Device# show eigrp protocols vrf vrf1 

EIGRP-IPv4 Protocol for AS(5) VRF(vrf1) 
Metric weight K1=1, K2=0, K3=1, K4=0, K5=0 K=6
Metric rib-scale 128
Metric version 64bit
NSF-aware route hold timer is 240 
Topology : 0 (base) 
Active Timer: 3 min 
Distance: internal 90 external 170 
Maximum path: 4 
Maximum hopcount 100 
Maximum metric variance 1 
Total Prefix Count: 0 
Total Redist Count: 0 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 7. show eigrp protocols Field Descriptions



EIGRP-IPv4 Protocol for AS(1)

EIGRP instance and autonomous system number.

Metric weight

EIGRP metric calculations.

NSF-aware route hold timer

Route-hold timer value for an NSF-aware router.


Router ID.


Number of entries in the EIGRP topology table.

Active Timer

EIGRP routing active time limit.


Internal and external administrative distance.

Maximum path

Maximum number of parallel routes that EIGRP can support.

Maximum hopcount

Maximum hop count (in decimal).

Maximum metric variance

Metric variance used to find feasible paths for a route.

Total Prefix Count

Aggregate sum of the prefixes in an EIGRP instance topology table. It includes prefixes learned from all neighbors or from redistribution.

Total Redist Count

Number of prefixes redistributed into an EIGRP process.

show eigrp tech-support

To generate a report of the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) internal state information, use the show eigrp tech-support command in privileged EXEC mode.

show eigrp tech-support [detailed]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed output.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI4.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to display relevant wide metric information.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The command output was modified to display relevant wide metric information.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to display relevant wide metric information.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show eigrp tech-support command in privileged EXEC mode to display various internal EIGRP states.


This command is useful for debugging and troubleshooting by Cisco technical support, but it is not intended for normal EIGRP administration tasks. This command should not be used without guidance from Cisco technical support.


The following is sample output from the show eigrp tech-support detailed command:

Device# show eigrp tech-support detailed

EIGRP feature plugins:::
    eigrp-release      :   8.00.00 : Portable EIGRP Release
                       :   3.00.21 : Source Component Release(dev8)
                                     + HMAC-SHA-256 Authentication
    parser             :   2.02.00 : EIGRP Parser Support
    igrp2              :   2.00.00 : Reliable Transport/Dual Database
                                     + Wide Metrics
    eigrp-nsf          :   2.00.00 : Platform Support
    bfd                :   1.01.00 : BFD Platform Support
    mtr                :   1.00.01 : Multi-Topology Routing(MTR)
    eigrp-pfr          :   1.00.01 : Performance Routing Support
                                     + IPv4 PFR
    EVN/vNets          :   1.00.00 : Easy Virtual Network (EVN/vNets)
                                     + IPv4 EVN/vNets
    ipv4-af            :   2.01.01 : Routing Protocol Support
    ipv4-sf            :   1.02.00 : Service Distribution Support
                                     + Dynamic Remote Neighbors
    ipv6-af            :   2.01.01 : Routing Protocol Support
                                     + IPv6 VRF
    ipv6-sf            :   2.01.00 : Service Distribution Support
                                     + Dynamic Remote Neighbors
                                     + IPv6 VRF
    vNets-parse        :   1.00.00 : EIGRP vNets Parse Support
    snmp-agent         :   1.01.01 : SNMP/SNMPv2 Agent Support
EIGRP Internal Process States

   1: 0x1FC6EB4C vrid:0 afi:1 as:46    tableid:0 vrfid:0 tid:0 name:virtual-name
       topo_ddbQ(1) 0x1FCC478C tableid:0 name:base
       topo_ddbQ.count: 1
   procinfoQ.count: 1


       1: 0x1FCC478C name:base
      ddbQ.count: 1

EIGRP Memory Usage:

  EIGRP Memory                 In-use Asked-For/Allocated Count  Size  Cfg/Max
  EIGRP IP pdb            :      8216      8216/8268          1  8216   --/--
  EIGRP-Core: DDB         :      2440      2440/2492          1  2440   --/--
  EIGRP-Core: Dual Events :     30000     30000/30052         1 30000   --/--
  EIGRP-Core: IIDB        :       928       928/980           1   928   --/--
  EIGRP-Core: IIDB Scratc :        24        24/76            1    24   --/--
  EIGRP-Core: Peer Handle :        76        76/180           2    38   --/--
  EIGRP-Core: Peer Sub-To :        32        32/84            1    32   --/--
  EIGRP-Core: Topology II :       104       104/156           1   104   --/--
  EIGRP-IPv4: Proto Priva :        24        24/76            1    24   --/--
  EIGRP-IPv4: Protocol In :      3464      3464/3516          1  3464   --/--
  EIGRP-IPv4: VR-Router   :        32        32/84            1    32   --/--
  EIGRP-Parser: dBase Hdr :      1740      1740/2052          6   290   --/--
  EIGRP-v4: Work Entry    :        --      4260/4728         --    60   50/71
  EIGRP: Anchor entries   :        --      7404/10052        --    12  500/617
  EIGRP: Dummy thread ent :        --      8892/10052        --    36  200/247
  EIGRP: ExtData          :        --      1320/1708         --    24   50/55
  EIGRP: Input packet hea :        --      2304/3052         --    16  100/144
  EIGRP: Large packet buf :        --     57512/65588        --  8216  100/7
  EIGRP: List Large       :        --      1332/1552         --   148    5/9
  EIGRP: List Medium      :        --      1296/1604         --    72   10/18
  EIGRP: Max packet buffe :        --     49224/65588        -- 16408    5/3
  EIGRP: Medium packet bu :        --     64856/65588        --   536  100/121
  EIGRP: Packet descripto :        --      4260/4728         --    60   50/71
  EIGRP: Queue elements   :        --     11788/13640        --    28  200/421
  EIGRP: Small Pool       :        32       624/956           2    16   32/39
  EIGRP: Small packet buf :        --      4444/5052         --    44  100/101
  EIGRP: cmd handles      :        56        56/160           2    28   --/--
  EIGRP: mgd_timer        :      1600      1600/2640         20    80   --/--
  Total                   :     48768    268252/304704       42    --   --/--

  Total allocated: 0.290 Mb, 297 Kb, 304704 bytes

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(virtual-name) Address-Family Protocol for AS(46)
 {vrid:0 afi:1 as:46 mode:3 tableid:0 vrfid:0 tid:0 name:virtual-name }

          PIDs: Hello: (no process)  PDM: (no process)
       Threads: procinfo: 0x1FC72E58   ddb: 0x1FC73050
 RedistStructs: src:(0)default  distflag:0x4  ipdb->pdb->mask:0x4
                count: 1
  Socket Queue: %EIGRP(ERROR): invalid socket
   Input Queue: 0/2000/0/0 (current/max/highest/drops)
       GRS/NSF: enabled    hold-timer: 240
  Active Timer: 3 min
      Distance: internal 90 external 170
      Max Path: 4
  Max Hopcount: 100
      Variance: 1
     Rib-scale: 1
    Metric Ver: 32bit

show ip eigrp accounting

To display prefix accounting information for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) processes, use the show ip eigrp accounting command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp [vrf {vrf-name | *}] [autonomous-system-number] accounting

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VRF.

vrf *

(Optional) Displays information about all VRFs.


(Optional) Autonomous system number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


This command was modified. The vrf , vrf-name , and * keywords and arguments were added. This command replaces the show ip eigrp vrf accounting command.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family accounting command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family accounting command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp accounting command:

Router# show ip eigrp vrf RED accounting

EIGRP-IPv4 Accounting for AS(100)/ID( VRF(RED) 
Total Prefix Count: 4  States: A-Adjacency, P-Pending, D-Down
State Address/Source   Interface        Prefix   Restart  Restart/
                                        Count     Count   Reset(s)
 P    Redistributed     ----               0           3         211
 A          Et0/0              2           0          84
 P          Se2/0              0           2         114
 D          Et0/0              0           3           0


Connected and summary routes are not listed individually in the output of this command but are counted in the total aggregate count per process.


The following is sample output of the show ip eigrp accounting command. The EIGRP process and redistribution is in adjacency state:

RTR-203#show ip eigrp accounting                                                   
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Accounting for AS(100)/ID(                             
Total Prefix Count: 15  States: A-Adjacency, P-Pending, D-Down                     
State Address/Source          Interface                  Prefix   Restart  Restart/
                                                         Count     Count   Reset(s)
 A    Process                 ----                         15        0        0    
 A    Redistributed           ----                          5        0        0    
 A                Et0/0                         8        0        0    
 A                Et0/1                         0        0        0 


The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 8. show ip eigrp accounting Field Descriptions



EIGRP IPv4 Accounting for AS...

Identifies the EIGRP instance along with the AS number, router ID, and table ID.

Total Prefix Count

Shows the aggregate sum of the prefixes in an EIGRP instance topology table. It includes prefixes learned from all neighbors and redistribution sources.

States: A-Adjacency, P-Pending, D-Down

A-Adjacency: Indicates a stable adjacency with the neighbor or a normal redistribution state.

P-Pending: Neighbor adjacency or redistribution is suspended or in a penalized state because the maximum prefix limit has been exceeded.

D-Down: Neighbor adjacency or redistribution is suspended permanently until a manually reset is performed with the clear ip eigrp neighbor command.


Shows either the neighbor IP address or the redistribution source.


Shows the interface on which neighbor information is received.

Prefix Count

Displays the total number of learned prefixes by source.



Routes can be learned for the same prefix from multiple sources, and the sum of all prefix counts in this column may be greater than the figure displayed in the “Prefix Count” field.

Restart Count

Number of times a route source has exceeded the maximum-prefix limit.

Restart Reset(s)

Displays the time, in seconds, that a route source is in a P (penalized) state. If the route source is in an A (stable or normal) state, the displayed time, in seconds, is the time period until penalization history is reset.

show ip eigrp events

To display the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) event log, use the show ip eigrp events command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp [vrf vrf-name] events [ [errmsg | | sia] [reverse] [starting-event-number ending-event-number] | | type]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VPN routing and forwarding (VRF).


(Optional) Displays error message events.


(Optional) Displays stuck in active (SIA) events.


(Optional)Displays the oldest event first and the most recent event last.


(Optional) Number of the first event to display.


(Optional) Number of the last event to display.


(Optional) Displays the types of events being logged.

Command Default

All events in the EIGRP event log are displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was modified. The reverse keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The EIGRP event log is used by Cisco technical support to display a history of EIGRP internal events.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family events command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family events command.

The output of the show ip eigrp events command displays the most recent event first and the oldest event last. To display the output in the reverse order (the oldest event first and the recent event last), use the reverse keyword.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp events command. The output fields are self-explanatory.

Router# show ip eigrp events

1    02:37:58.171 NSF stale rt scan, peer: 
2    02:37:58.167 Metric set: 284700416 
3    02:37:58.167 FC sat rdbmet/succmet: 284700416 0 
4    02:37:58.167 FC sat nh/ndbmet: 284700416 
5    02:37:58.167 Find FS: 284700416 
6    02:37:58.167 Rcv update met/succmet: 284956416 284700416 
7    02:37:58.167 Rcv update dest/nh: 
8    02:37:58.167 Peer nsf restarted: Tunnel0 
9    02:36:38.383 Metric set: 284700416 
10   02:36:38.383 RDB delete: 
11   02:36:38.383 FC sat rdbmet/succmet: 284700416 0 
12   02:36:38.383 FC sat nh/ndbmet: 284700416

show ip eigrp interfaces

To display information about interfaces that are configured for the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show ip eigrp interfaces command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] interfaces [type number] [detail]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Autonomous system number whose output needs to be filtered.


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Interface or subinterface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about EIGRP interfaces for a specific EIGRP process.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXE. Support for the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) feature was added. The detail keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(31)S. Support for the BFD feature was added. Support for the Cisco 12000 series Internet router was added.


This command was modified. Support for the BFD feature was added. The detail keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added. This command replaces the show ip eigrp vrf interfaces command.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added. This command replaces the show ip eigrp vrf interfaces command.


This command was modified. The PeerQ Un/Reliable, Packetized sent/expedited, and Hello’s sent/expedited fields were included in the command output.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. Information about the Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) mode was included in the command output.


This command was modified. Information about the ECMP mode was included in the command output.


This command was modified. Information about the ECMP mode was included in the command output.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip eigrp interfaces command to display active EIGRP interfaces and EIGRP-specific interface settings and statistics. The optional type number argument and the detail keyword can be entered in any order.

If an interface is specified, only information about that interface is displayed. Otherwise, information about all interfaces on which EIGRP is running is displayed.

If an autonomous system is specified, only the routing process for the specified autonomous system is displayed. Otherwise, all EIGRP processes are displayed.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named and EIGRP autonomous system configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family interfaces command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family interfaces command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp interfaces command:

Device# show ip eigrp interfaces

EIGRP-IPv4 Interfaces for AS(60)
                    Xmit Queue    Mean   Pacing Time   Multicast   Pending
Interface   Peers   Un/Reliable   SRTT   Un/Reliable   Flow Timer  Routes
Di0           0         0/0          0      11/434          0          0
Et0           1         0/0        337       0/10           0          0
SE0:1.16      1         0/0         10       1/63         103          0
Tu0           1         0/0        330       0/16           0          0

The following sample output from the show ip eigrp interfaces detail command displays detailed information about all active EIGRP interfaces:

Device# show ip eigrp interfaces detail

EIGRP-IPv4 Interfaces for AS(1)
                        Xmit Queue   PeerQ        Mean   Pacing Time   Multicast   Pending 
Interface        Peers  Un/Reliable  Un/Reliable  SRTT   Un/Reliable   Flow Timer   Routes
Et0/0              1        0/0       0/0         525       0/2         3264           0
Hello-interval is 5, Hold-time is 15
  Split-horizon is enabled
  Next xmit serial <none>
  Packetized sent/expedited: 3/0
  Hello's sent/expedited: 6/2
  Un/reliable mcasts: 0/6  Un/reliable ucasts: 7/4
  Mcast exceptions: 1  CR packets: 1  ACKs suppressed: 0
  Retransmissions sent: 1  Out-of-sequence rcvd: 0
  Topology-ids on interface - 0 
  Authentication mode is not set

The following sample output from the show ip eigrp interfaces detail command displays detailed information about a specific interface on which the no ip next-hop self command is configured along with the no-ecmp-mode option:

Device# show ip eigrp interfaces detail tunnel 0

EIGRP-IPv4 Interfaces for AS(1)
                        Xmit Queue   PeerQ        Mean   Pacing Time   Multicast   Pending 
Interface        Peers  Un/Reliable  Un/Reliable  SRTT   Un/Reliable   Flow Timer   Routes
Tu0/0              2        0/0       0/0         		2       0/0         50           0
Hello-interval is 5, Hold-time is 15
  Split-horizon is disabled
  Next xmit serial <none>
  Packetized sent/expedited: 24/3
  Hello's sent/expedited: 28083/9
  Un/reliable mcasts: 0/19  Un/reliable ucasts: 18/64
  Mcast exceptions: 5  CR packets: 5  ACKs suppressed: 0
  Retransmissions sent: 52  Out-of-sequence rcvd: 2
		Next-hop-self disabled, next-hop info forwarded, ECMP mode Enabled
  Topology-ids on interface - 0 
  Authentication mode is not set

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 9. show ip eigrp interfaces Field Descriptions




Interface on which EIGRP is configured.


Number of directly connected EIGRP neighbors.

PeerQ Un/Reliable

Number of unreliable and reliable packets queued for transmission to specific peers on the interface.

Xmit Queue Un/Reliable

Number of packets remaining in the Unreliable and Reliable transmit queues.


Mean smooth round-trip time (SRTT) interval (in seconds).

Pacing Time Un/Reliable

Pacing time (in seconds) used to determine when EIGRP packets (unreliable and reliable) should be sent out of the interface .

Multicast Flow Timer

Maximum number of seconds for which the device will send multicast EIGRP packets.

Pending Routes

Number of routes in the transmit queue waiting to be sent.

Packetized sent/expedited

Number of EIGRP routes that have been prepared for sending packets to neighbors on an interface, and the number of times multiple routes were stored in a single packet.

Hello’s sent/expedited

Number of EIGRP hello packets that have been sent on an interface and packets that were expedited.

show ip eigrp neighbors

To display neighbors discovered by the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show ip eigrp neighbors command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp [vrf vrf-name] [autonomous-system-number] neighbors [static | detail] [interface-type interface-number]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VPN Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Autonomous-system-number-specific output is displayed.


(Optional) Displays static neighbors.


(Optional) Displays detailed neighbor information.

interface-type interface-number

(Optional) Interface-specific output is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The static keyword was added.


This command was modified. Support for Nonstop Forwarding (NSF) restart operations was integrated into the output.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added. This command replaces the show ip eigrp vrf neighbors command.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added. This command replaces the show ip eigrp vrf neighbors command.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)S. The command output was modified to display relevant wide metric information.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The command output was modified to display relevant wide metric information.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to display relevant wide metric information.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.10S

This command was modified. The command output was modified to display information about Location/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) encapsulated routes.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to display information about LISP encapsulated routes.

Usage Guidelines

The show ip eigrp neighbors command can be used to display information about EIGRP named and EIGRP autonomous-system configurations. Use the show ip eigrp neighbors command to display dynamic and static neighbor states. You can use this command for also debugging certain types of transport problems.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family neighbors command. Cisco recommends that you use the show eigrp address-family neighbors command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp neighbors command:

Router# show ip eigrp neighbors

H   Address                 Interface       Hold Uptime   SRTT   RTO  Q  Seq
                                            (sec)         (ms)       Cnt Num
0                 Et0/0             13 00:00:03 1996  5000  0  5
2                 Et0/0             14 00:02:24 206   5000  0  5
1                 Et0/1             11 00:20:39 2202  5000  0  5

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 10. show ip eigrp neighbors Field Descriptions




IP address of the EIGRP peer.


Interface on which the router is receiving hello packets from the peer.


Time in seconds for which EIGRP waits to hear from the peer before declaring it down.


Elapsed time (in hours:minutes: seconds) since the local router first heard from this neighbor.


Smooth round-trip time. This is the number of milliseconds required for an EIGRP packet to be sent to this neighbor and for the local router to receive an acknowledgment of that packet.


Retransmission timeout (in milliseconds). This is the amount of time the software waits before resending a packet from the retransmission queue to a neighbor.

Q Cnt

Number of EIGRP packets (update, query, and reply) that the software is waiting to send.

Seq Num

Sequence number of the last update, query, or reply packet that was received from this neighbor.

The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp neighbors detail command:

Router# show ip eigrp neighbors detail

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(foo) Address-Family Neighbors for AS(1)
H   Address                 Interface       Hold Uptime   SRTT   RTO  Q  Seq
                                            (sec)         (ms)       Cnt Num
0                 Gi2/0             12 00:00:21 1600  5000  0  3
   Static neighbor (Lisp Encap)
			Version 8.0/2.0, Retrans: 0, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 1
   Topology-ids from peer - 0 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 11. show ip eigrp neighbors detail Field Descriptions




This column lists the order in which a peering session was established with the specified neighbor. The order is specified with sequential numbering starting with 0.


IP address of the EIGRP peer.


Interface on which the router is receiving hello packets from the peer.


Time in seconds for which EIGRP waits to hear from the peer before declaring it down.

Lisp Encap

Indicates that routes from this neighbor are LISP encapsulated.


Elapsed time (in hours:minutes: seconds) since the local router first heard from this neighbor.


Smooth round-trip time. This is the number of milliseconds required for an EIGRP packet to be sent to this neighbor and for the local router to receive an acknowledgment of that packet.


Retransmission timeout (in milliseconds). This is the amount of time the software waits before resending a packet from the retransmission queue to a neighbor.

Q Cnt

Number of EIGRP packets (update, query, and reply) that the software is waiting to send.

Seq Num

Sequence number of the last update, query, or reply packet that was received from this neighbor.


The software version that the specified peer is running.


Number of times that a packet has been retransmitted.


Number of times an attempt was made to retransmit a packet.

show ip eigrp topology

To display Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) topology table entries, use the show ip eigrp topology command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp topology [vrf vrf-name | autonomous-system-number | network [mask] | prefix | active | all-links | detail-links | frr | name | pending | summary | zero-successors]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Network address.


(Optional) Network mask.


(Optional) Network prefix in the format <network>/<length>; for example,


(Optional) Displays all topology entries that are in the active state.


(Optional) Displays all entries in the EIGRP topology table (including nonfeasible-successor sources).


(Optional) Displays all topology entries with additional details.


(Optional) Displays information about Fast Reroute (FRR) loop-free alternates (LFAs).


(Optional) Displays the IPv4 topology table name. This name is the topology identifier and shows topology-related information for Multitopology Routing (MTR).


(Optional) Displays all entries in the EIGRP topology table that are either waiting for an update from a neighbor or waiting to reply to a neighbor.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the EIGRP topology table.


(Optional) Displays available routes that have zero successors.

Command Default

If this command is used without any of the optional keywords, only topology entries with feasible successors are displayed and only feasible paths are shown.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The output of this command was enhanced to display internal and external EIGRP routes.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was modified. The name keyword was added to support MTR.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added. The name keyword was removed.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)S. The output of the command was enhanced to display information about wide metrics.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display information about wide metrics.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. Information about the Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) mode was included in the command output.


This command was modified. Information about the ECMP mode was included in the command output.


This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display route tag values in dotted-decimal format.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display route tag values in dotted-decimal format.


This command was modified. Information about the ECMP mode was included in the command output.


This command was modified. The frr keyword was added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was modified. The frr keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY. The output of the command was enhanced to display information about wide metrics.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip eigrp topology command to display topology entries, feasible and nonfeasible paths, metrics, and states. This command can be used without any arguments or keywords to display only topology entries with feasible successors and feasible paths. The all-links keyword displays all paths, whether feasible or not, and the detail-links keyword displays additional details about these paths.

Use this command to display information about EIGRP named and EIGRP autonomous system configurations. This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family topology command. We recommend using the show eigrp address-family topology command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp topology command:

Device# show ip eigrp topology

EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - Reply status, s - sia status
P, 1 successors, FD is 409600
        via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 409600
        via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600
        via Summary (281600/0), Null0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600
        via Connected, Ethernet0/0
The following sample output from the show ip eigrp topology prefix command displays detailed information about a single prefix. The prefix shown is an EIGRP internal route.

Device# show ip eigrp topology  
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(vr1) Topology Entry for AS(1)/ID( for
  State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 82329600, RIB is 643200
  Descriptor Blocks: (Ethernet2/0), from, Send flag is 0x0
      Composite metric is (82329600/163840), route is Internal
      Vector metric:
        Minimum bandwidth is 16000 Kbit
        Total delay is 631250000 picoseconds
        Reliability is 255/255
        Load is ½55
        Minimum MTU is 1500
        Hop count is 1
        Originating router is

The following sample output from the show ip eigrp topology prefix command displays detailed information about a single prefix. The prefix shown is an EIGRP external route.

Device# show ip eigrp topology

EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Entry for AS(1)/ID( for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 409600, RIB is 643200
  Descriptor Blocks: (Ethernet0/0), from, Send flag is 0x0
      Composite metric is (409600/128256), route is External
      Vector metric:
        Minimum bandwidth is 10000 Kbit
        Total delay is 6000 picoseconds
        Reliability is 255/255
        Load is ½55
        Minimum MTU is 1500
        Hop count is 1
        Originating router is
								External data:
        AS number of route is 0
        External protocol is Connected, external metric is 0
        Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000)

The following sample output from the show ip eigrp topology prefix command displays Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) mode information when the no ip next-hop-self command is configured without the no-ecmp-mode keyword in an EIGRP topology. The ECMP mode provides information about the path that is being advertised. If there is more than one successor, the top most path will be advertised as the default path over all interfaces, and “ECMP Mode: Advertise by default” will be displayed in the output. If any path other than the default path is advertised, “ECMP Mode: Advertise out <Interface name>” will be displayed.

The topology table displays entries of routes for a particular prefix. The routes are sorted based on metric, next-hop, and infosource. In a Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) scenario, routes with same metric and next-hop are sorted based on infosource. The top route in the ECMP is always advertised.

Device# show ip eigrp topology

EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Entry for AS(1)/ID( for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 2 Successor(s), FD is 284160
  Descriptor Blocks: (Tunnel0), from, Send flag is 0x0
      Composite metric is (284160/281600), route is Internal
      Vector metric:
        Minimum bandwidth is 10000 Kbit
        Total delay is 1100 microseconds
        Reliability is 255/255
        Load is ½55
        Minimum MTU is 1400
        Hop count is 1
        Originating router is
								ECMP Mode: Advertise by default (Tunnel1), from, Send flag is 0X0
								Composite metric is (284160/281600), route is Internal
								Vector metric:
								Minimum bandwidth is 10000 Kbit
								Total delay is 1100 microseconds
								Reliability is 255/255
								Load is ½55
								Minimum MTU is 1400
								Hop count is 1
								Originating router is
								ECMP Mode: Advertise out Tunnel1

The following sample output from the show ip eigrp topology all-links command displays all paths, even those that are not feasible:

Device# show ip eigrp topology all-links

EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status 
P, 1 successors, FD is 409600, serno 14
        via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
        via (2586111744/2585599744), Serial3/0, serno 18

The following sample output from the show ip eigrp topology detail-links command displays additional details about routes:

Device# show ip eigrp topology detail-links 

EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status 
P, 1 successors, FD is 409600, serno 6
        via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 409600, serno 14
        via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600, serno 3
        via Summary (281600/0), Null0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600, serno 1
        via Connected, Ethernet0/0

The following sample output from the show ip eigrp topology frr command displays details about the LFAs in the EIGRP topology:

Device# show ip eigrp topology frr

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status

P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0
        via (137625600/6635520), Ethernet0/1, [LFA]
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0
        via (137625600/6635520), Ethernet0/2, [LFA]
        via (137625600/6635520), Ethernet0/1
P, 1 successors, FD is 131727360
        via (131727360/7208960), Ethernet0/2
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000
        via Connected, Ethernet0/1
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000
        via Connected, Ethernet0/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 262144000
        via (262144000/196608000), Ethernet0/0
        via (131727360/7208960), Ethernet0/2, [LFA]

The following is a sample output from the show ip eigrp topology command when the EIGRP process is in pending state:
Device# show ip eigrp topology                                   
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Topology Table for AS(100)/ID(       
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status                          
   EIGRP Process is in Pending state. Restart in 296 sec.        
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000                     
        via Connected, Ethernet0/0                               
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000                     
        via Connected, Ethernet0/1
The following is a sample output from the show ip eigrp topology command when the EIGRP process is in down state:
Device# show ip eigrp topology                
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Topology Table for AS(100)/ID(       
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status                          
   EIGRP Process is in DOWN state. Manual restart required.      
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000                     
        via Connected, Ethernet0/0                               
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000                     
        via Connected, Ethernet0/1
The following is a sample output from the show ip eigrp topology command when the EIGRP redistribution is in pending state:
Device# show ip eigrp topology                                   
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Topology Table for AS(100)/ID(       
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status            

   Redistribution is in Pending state. Restart in 44 sec.
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000                     
        via Connected, Ethernet0/0                               
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                  
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                      
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0
The following is a sample output from the show ip eigrp topology command when the EIGRP redistribution is in down state:
Device# show ip eigrp topology                                   
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(test) Topology Table for AS(100)/ID(       
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status            

   Redistribution is in DOWN state. Manual restart required.
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131072000                     
        via Connected, Ethernet0/0                               
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                  
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                      
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0             
P, 1 successors, FD is 131153920                   
        via (131153920/163840), Ethernet0/0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 12. show ip eigrp topology Field Descriptions




State of this topology table entry. Passive and Active refer to the EIGRP state with respect to the destination. Update, Query, and Reply refer to the type of packet that is being sent.

  • P - Passive—Indicates that no EIGRP computations are being performed for this route.

  • A - Active—Indicates that EIGRP computations are being performed for this route.

  • U - Update—Indicates that a pending update packet is waiting to be sent for this route.

  • Q - Query—Indicates that a pending query packet is waiting to be sent for this route.

  • R - Reply—Indicates that a pending reply packet is waiting to be sent for this route.

  • r - Reply status—Indicates that EIGRP has sent a query for the route and is waiting for a reply from the specified path.

  • s - sia status—Indicates that the EIGRP query packet is in stuck-in-active (SIA) status.


Number of successors. This number corresponds to the number of next hops in the IP routing table. If “successors” is capitalized, then the route or the next hop is in a transition state.


Serial number.


Feasible distance. The feasible distance is the best metric to reach the destination or the best metric that was known when the route became active. This value is used in the feasibility condition check. If the reported distance of the device is less than the feasible distance, the feasibility condition is met and that route becomes a feasible successor. After the software determines that it has a feasible successor, the software need not send a query for that destination.


Next-hop address that advertises the passive route.

show ip eigrp traffic

To display the number of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) packets sent and received, use the show ip eigrp traffic command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp [vrf {vrf-name | *}] [autonomous-system-number] traffic

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays information about the specified VRF.

vrf *

(Optional) Displays information about all VRFs.


(Optional) Autonomous system number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was modified. The vrf , vrf-name , and * keywords and arguments were added. This command replaces the show ip eigrp vrf traffic command.


This command was modified. The vrf , vrf-name , and * keywords and arguments were added. This command replaces the show ip eigrp vrf traffic command.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family traffic command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family traffic command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp traffic command:

Router# show ip eigrp traffic
EIGRP-IPv4 Traffic Statistics for AS(60)
Hellos sent/received: 21429/2809
Updates sent/received: 22/17
Queries sent/received: 0/0
Replies sent/received: 0/0
Acks sent/received: 16/13
SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0
SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0
Hello Process ID: 204
PDM Process ID: 203
Socket Queue: 0/2000/2/0 (current/max/highest/drops)
Input Queue: 0/2000/2/0 (current/max/highest/drops)

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 13. show ip eigrp traffic Field Descriptions



Hellos sent/received

Number of hello packets sent and received.

Updates sent/received

Number of update packets sent and received.

Queries sent/received

Number of query packets sent and received.

Replies sent/received

Number of reply packets sent and received.

Acks sent/received

Number of acknowledgement packets sent and received.

SIA-Queries sent/received

Number of stuck in active query packets sent and received.

SIA-Replies sent/received

Number of stuck in active reply packets sent and received.

Hello Process ID

Hello process identifier.

PDM Process ID

Protocol-dependent module IOS process identifier.

Socket Queue

The IP to EIGRP Hello Process socket queue counters.

Input queue

The EIGRP Hello Process to EIGRP PDM socket queue counters.

show ip eigrp vrf accounting


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M, this command was replaced by the show ip eigrp accounting command. See the show ip eigrp accounting command for more information.

To display prefix accounting information for an Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) VPN routing and forwarding instance (VRF), use the show ip eigrp vrf accounting command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp vrf {vrf-name | *} accounting [autonomous-system-number]

Syntax Description


Specifies the VRF name.


Displays all VRFs.


(Optional) Specifies the autonomous system number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


This command was replaced by the show ip eigrp accounting command.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family accounting command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family accounting command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp vrf accounting command:

Router# show ip eigrp vrf RED accounting 
IP-EIGRP accounting for AS(100)/ID( Routing Table: RED
Total Prefix Count: 4  States: A-Adjacency, P-Pending, D-Down
State Address/Source   Interface        Prefix   Restart  Restart/
                                        Count     Count   Reset(s)
 P    Redistributed     ----               0           3         211
 A          Et0/0              2           0          84
 P          Se2/0              0           2         114
 D          Et0/0              0           3           0


Connected and summary routes are not listed individually in the output of this command but are counted in the total aggregate count per process.

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 14. show ip eigrp vrf accounting Field Descriptions



IP-EIGRP accounting for AS...

Identifies the EIGRP instance along with the AS number, Router ID and Table ID.

Total Prefix Count

Shows to the aggregate sum of the prefixes in an EIGRP instance topology table. It includes prefixes learnt from all neighbors or from redistribution.

States: A-Adjacency, P-Pending, D-Down

A-Adjacency: Indicates a stable adjacency with the neighbor or a normal redistribution state.

P-Pending: Neighbor adjacency or redistribution in suspended or in a penalized state because the maximum prefix limit has been exceeded.

D-Down: Neighbor adjacency or redistribution is suspended permanently until a manually reset is performed with the clear ip route command.


Shows the peer IP address of the redistribution source.

Prefix Count

Displays the total number of learned prefixes by source.



Routes can be learned for the same prefix from multiple sources, and the sum of all prefix counts in this column may be greater than the figure displayed in the “Prefix Count” field.

Restart Count

Number of times a route source has exceeded the maximum-prefix limit.


Displays the time, in seconds, that a route source is in a P (penalized) state. If the route source is in an A (stable or normal) state, the displayed time, in seconds, is the time period until penalization history is reset.

show ip eigrp vrf interfaces


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M, this command was replaced by the show ip eigrp interfaces command. See the show ip eigrp interfaces command for more information.

To display information about interfaces that carry VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) information and that are configured for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show ip eigrp vrf interfaces command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp vrf {vrf-name | *} interfaces [autonomous-system-number] [interface-type] [detail interface-type] [static interface-type]

Syntax Description


Specifies the VRF name.


Displays all VRFs.


(Optional) Specifies the autonomous system number.


(Optional) Specifies the VRF interface for which to display EIGRP information.

detail interface-type

(Optional) Displays detailed VRF peer information. The interface can be specified after this keyword is entered.

static interface-type

(Optional) Displays VRF information for static neighbors. The interface can be specified after this keyword is entered. The interface-type argument allows you to display information about static neighbors for VRFs that are configured on specific interfaces.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into 12.2(15)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was replaced by the show ip eigrp interfaces command.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip eigrp vrf interfaces command to display EIGRP interfaces that are defined under the specified VRF. If an interface is specified with the interface-type argument, only the specified interface is displayed. Otherwise, all interfaces on which EIGRP is running as part of the specified VRF are displayed.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family interfaces command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family interfaces command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp vrf interfaces command:

Router# show ip eigrp vrf VRF-PINK interfaces
IP-EIGRP interfaces for process 1
                        Xmit Queue   Mean   Pacing Time   Multicast    Pending
Interface        Peers  Un/Reliable  SRTT   Un/Reliable   Flow Timer   Routes
Et3/0              1        0/0       131       0/10         528        0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 15. show ip eigrp vrf interfaces Field Descriptions



IP-EIGRP interfaces for process...

Displays the autonomous system number for the specified VRF.


Interface over which EIGRP is configured.


Number of directly connected EIGRP neighbors.

Xmit Queue Un/Reliable

Number of packets remaining in the Unreliable and Reliable transmit queues.


Mean smooth round-trip time (SRTT) interval (in milliseconds).

Pacing Time Un/Reliable

Pacing time used to determine when EIGRP packets should be sent out the interface (unreliable and reliable packets).

Multicast Flow Timer

Maximum number of seconds in which the router will send multicast EIGRP packets.

Pending Routes

Number of routes in the packets in the transmit queue waiting to be sent.

show ip eigrp vrf neighbors


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M, this command was replaced by the show ip eigrp neighbors command. See the show ip eigrp neighbors command for more information.

To display Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) neighbors that are on interfaces that are part of the specified Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding instance (VRF), use the show ip eigrp vrf neighbors command privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp vrf {vrf-name | *} neighbors [autonomous-system-number] [interface-type] [detail interface-type] [static interface-type]

Syntax Description


Specifies the VRF name.


Displays all VRFs.


(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Interface to display neighbor information under the specified VRF.

detail interface-type

(Optional) Displays detailed VRF peer information. The interface can be specified after this keyword is entered.

static interface-type

(Optional) Displays VRF information for static neighbors. The interface can be specified after this keyword is entered. The interface-type argument allows you to display information about static neighbors for VRFs that are configured on specific interfaces.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into 12.2(15)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was replaced by the show ip eigrp neighbors command.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip eigrp vrf neighbors command to determine when VRF neighbors become active and inactive. This command is also useful for debugging certain types of transport problems.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family neighbors command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family neighbors command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp vrf neighbors command:

Router# show ip eigrp vrf VRF-GREEN neighbors
IP-EIGRP neighbors for process 1
H   Address                 Interface       Hold Uptime   SRTT   RTO  Q
Seq Type
                                            (sec)         (ms)       Cnt
0              Et3/0             10 1d16h     131   786  0  3

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16. show ip eigrp vrf neighbors Field Descriptions



IP-EIGRP neighbors for process...

Displays the autonomous-system number for the specified EIGRP VRF.


IP address of the EIGRP peer.


Interface on which the router is receiving hello packets from the peer.

Hold Uptime

Length of time (in seconds) that the Cisco IOS software will wait to hear from the peer before declaring it down, and the length in time (in seconds) since the local router first heard from this neighbor.


Smooth round-trip time. This is the number of milliseconds required for an EIGRP packet to be sent to this neighbor and for the local router to receive an acknowledgment of that packet.


Retransmission timeout (in milliseconds). This is the amount of time the software waits before resending a packet from the retransmission queue to a neighbor.


Number of EIGRP packets (update, query, and reply) that the software is waiting to send.

show ip eigrp vrf topology

To display VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) entries in the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) topology table, use the show ip eigrp vrf topology command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp vrf {vrf-name | *} topology [as-number] [ip-address [mask] ] [active | all-links | pending | summary | zero-successors]

Syntax Description


Name of the VRF.


Displays all VRFs.


(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) IP address. When the IP address is specified with a mask, a detailed description of the entry is provided.


(Optional) Subnet mask.


(Optional) Displays only active entries in the EIGRP topology table.


(Optional) Displays all entries in the EIGRP topology table (including nonfeasible-successor sources).


(Optional) Displays all entries in the EIGRP topology table that are either waiting for an update from a neighbor or waiting to reply to a neighbor.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the EIGRP topology table.


(Optional) Displays available routes that have zero successors.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was modified. The output of the command was enhanced to display route tag values in dotted-decimal format.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S. The output of the command was enhanced to display route tag values in dotted-decimal format.

Usage Guidelines

The show ip eigrp vrf topology command can be used to determine Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) states and to debug possible DUAL problems.

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named and EIGRP autonomous system configurations.

This show ip eigrp vrf topology command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family topology command. We recommend using the show eigrp address-family topology command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp vrf vrf-name topology command:

Device# show ip eigrp vrf VRF1 topology

IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID( Routing Table:VRF1
Codes:P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
       r - reply Status, s - sia Status
P, 1 successors, FD is 409600
         via (409600/128256), Ethernet3/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 409600
         via (409600/128256), Ethernet3/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600
         via Connected, Ethernet3/0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600
         via Redistributed (281600/0)

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 17. show ip eigrp vrf vrf-name topology Field Descriptions




State of this topology table entry. Passive and Active refer to the EIGRP state with respect to the destination; Update, Query, and Reply refer to the type of packet that is being sent.


No EIGRP computations are being performed for this destination.


EIGRP computations are being performed for this destination.


An update packet was sent to this destination.


A query packet was sent to this destination.


A reply packet was sent to this destination.

r—reply Status

The flag that is set after the software has sent a query and is waiting for a reply.

s—sia Status

The flag that is set if a route is in stuck-in-active state.


Number of successors. This number corresponds to the number of next hops in the IP routing table. If “successors” is capitalized, then the route or the next hop is in a transition state.


Feasible distance. The feasible distance is the best metric to reach the destination or the best metric that was known when the route became active. This value is used in the feasibility condition check. If the reported distance of the device is less than the feasible distance, the feasibility condition is met and that route becomes a feasible successor. After the software determines that it has a feasible successor, the software need not send a query for that destination.


(Not shown in the output) Number of replies that are still outstanding (have not been received) with respect to this destination. This information appears only when the destination is in active state.


(Not shown in the output) The exact EIGRP state of this destination. It can be the number 0, 1, 2, or 3. This information appears only when the destination is in active state.


IP address of the peer that advertised this destination. The first of these entries is the current successor. Subsequent entries on the list are feasible successors.


The first number is the EIGRP metric that represents the cost to the destination. The second number is the EIGRP metric that this peer advertised.


The interface from which this information was learned.

show ip eigrp vrf traffic


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M, the show ip eigrp vrf traffic command is replaced by the show ip eigrp traffic command. See the show ip eigrp traffic command for more information.

To display sent and received statistics for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) Virtual Private Networking (VPN) routing and forwarding instance (VRF) packets, use the show ip eigrp vrf traffic command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip eigrp vrf {vrf-name | *} traffic [as-number]

Syntax Description


VRF name.


Displays all VRFs.


(Optional) Autonomous system number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into 12.2(15)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was replaced by the show ip eigrp traffic command.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to display information about EIGRP named configurations and EIGRP autonomous-system (AS) configurations.

This command displays the same information as the show eigrp address-family traffic command. Cisco recommends using the show eigrp address-family traffic command.


The following is sample output from the show ip eigrp vrf traffic command:

Router# show ip eigrp vrf VRF-RED traffic 
IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for AS 101
  Hellos sent/received: 600/585
  Updates sent/received: 23/22
  Queries sent/received: 7/0
  Replies sent/received: 0/6
  Acks sent/received: 55/42
  Input queue high water mark 0, 0 drops

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 18. show ip eigrp vrf traffic Field Descriptions



IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for AS...

Displays the autonomous system number for the specified EIGRP VRF .

Hellos sent/received

Number of hello packets sent and received.

Updates sent/received

Number of update packets sent and received.

Queries sent/received

Number of query packets sent and received.

Replies sent/received

Number of reply packets sent and received.

Acks sent/received

Number of acknowledgment packets sent and received.

Input queue high water mark..., ... drops

Number of received packets that are approaching the maximum receive threshold and number of dropped packets.

show ip route tag

To display route tag entries for IPv4 routes, use the show ip route tag command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip route tag {tag-value | tag-value-dotted-decimal [mask]}

Syntax Description


Route tag value in plain decimals. The range is from 1 to 4294967295.


Route tag value in dotted decimals. The range is from to


(Optional) Route tag wildcard mask.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M.

Usage Guidelines

Route tags are 32-bit values attached to routes. They are used to filter routes. You can display route tag values as either plain decimals or dotted decimals.


The following sample output from the show ip route tag command displays detailed information about route tag entries. The route tag entries in this output are displayed in dotted-decimal format.

Device# show ip route tag

Routing entry for
  Known via "eigrp 2", distance 170, metric 1536000
  Tag, type external
  Redistributing via eigrp 2
  Last update from on Ethernet0/1, 00:00:20 ago
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
  *, from, 00:00:20 ago, via Ethernet0/1
      Route metric is 1536000, traffic share count is 1
      Total delay is 2000 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 10000 Kbit
      Reliability 100/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes
      Loading 100/255, Hops 1
      Route tag

The following sample output from the show ip route tag command displays detailed information about route tag entries with the wild card mask. The route tag entries in this output are displayed in dotted-decimal format.

Device# show ip route tag

Routing entry for
		Known via “eigrp 7”, distance 170, metric 2560512256
		Tag, type external
		Redistributing via eigrp 7, ospf 10
		Last update from on Serial2/1, 00:02:28 ago
		Routing Descriptor Blocks:
		*, from, 00:02:28 ago, via Serial2/1
					Route metric is 2560512256, traffic share count is 1	
					Total delay is 20010 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1 Kbit
					Reliability 1/255, minimum MTU 1 bytes
					Loading 1/255, Hops 1
					Route tag
Routing entry for
		Known via “eigrp 7”, distance 170, metric 2560512256
		Tag, type external
		Redistributing via eigrp 7, ospf 10
		Advertised by ospf 10 metric 100 route-map to_ospf
		Last update from on Serial2/1, 00:01:59 ago
		Routing Descriptor Blocks:
		*, from, 00:01:59 ago, via Serial2/1
					Route metric is 2560512256, traffic share count is 1
					Total delay is 20010 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1 Kbit
					Reliability 1/255, minimum MTU 1 bytes
					Loading 1/255, Hops 1
					Route tag
Routing entry for
		Known via “eigrp 7”, distance 170, metric 2560512256
		Tag, type external
		Redistributing via eigrp 7, ospf 10
		Advertised by ospf 10 metric 100 route-map to_ospf
		Last update from on Serial2/1, 00:01:59 ago
		Routing Descriptor Blocks:
		*, from, 00:01:59 ago, via Serial2/1
					Route metric is 2560512256, traffic share count is 1
					Total delay is 20010 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1 Kbit
					Reliability 1/255, minimum MTU 1 bytes
					Loading 1/255, Hops 1
					Route tag

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the displays.

Table 19. show ip route tag Field Descriptions



Known via

Indicates how the route was derived.

Redistributing via

Indicates the redistribution protocol.

Last update from

Indicates the interface on which the last update arrived.

Routing Descriptor Blocks

Displays the next-hop IP address followed by the information source.

Route metric

Displays the best metric for this routing descriptor block.

Total Delay

Displays the total delay of the route.


Indicates the reliability of the link.


Displays the total load on the link.

Route tag

Displays the tag of the prefix or network.

show ipv6 eigrp events

To display Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) events logged for IPv6, use the show ipv6 eigrp events command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ipv6 eigrp events [ [errmsg | sia] [event-num-start event-num-end] | type]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays error messages being logged.


(Optional) Displays Stuck In Active (SIA) messages.


(Optional) Starting number of the event range. The range is from 1 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Ending number of the event range. The range is from 1 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Displays event types being logged.

Command Default

If no event range is specified, information for all IPv6 EIGRP events is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1) on the Cisco 3845 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show ipv6 eigrp events command is used to analyze a network failure by the Cisco support team and is not intended for general use. This command provides internal state information about EIGRP and how it processes route notifications and changes.


The following is sample output from the show ipv6 eigrp events command. The fields are self-explanatory.

Router# show ipv6 eigrp events
Event information for AS 65535:
1    00:56:41.719 State change: Successor Origin Local origin
2    00:56:41.719 Metric set: 2555:5555::/32 4294967295
3    00:56:41.719 Poison squashed: 2555:5555::/32 lost if
4    00:56:41.719 Poison squashed: 2555:5555::/32 rt gone
5    00:56:41.719 Route installing: 2555:5555::/32 FE80::ABCD:4:EF00:1
6    00:56:41.719 RDB delete: 2555:5555::/32 FE80::ABCD:4:EF00:2
7    00:56:41.719 Send reply: 2555:5555::/32 FE80::ABCD:4:EF00:1
8    00:56:41.719 Find FS: 2555:5555::/32 4294967295
9    00:56:41.719 Free reply status: 2555:5555::/32
10   00:56:41.719 Clr handle num/bits: 0 0x0
11   00:56:41.719 Clr handle dest/cnt: 2555:5555::/32 0
12   00:56:41.719 Rcv reply met/succ met: 4294967295 4294967295
13   00:56:41.719 Rcv reply dest/nh: 2555:5555::/32 FE80::ABCD:4:EF00:2
14   00:56:41.687 Send reply: 2555:5555::/32 FE80::ABCD:4:EF00:2
15   00:56:41.687 Rcv query met/succ met: 4294967295 4294967295
16   00:56:41.687 Rcv query dest/nh: 2555:5555::/32 FE80::ABCD:4:EF00:2
17   00:56:41.687 State change: Local origin Successor Origin
18   00:56:41.687 Metric set: 2555:5555::/32 4294967295
19   00:56:41.687 Active net/peers: 2555:5555::/32 65536
20   00:56:41.687 FC not sat Dmin/met: 4294967295 2588160
21   00:56:41.687 Find FS: 2555:5555::/32 2588160
22   00:56:41.687 Rcv query met/succ met: 4294967295 4294967295
23   00:56:41.687 Rcv query dest/nh: 2555:5555::/32 FE80::ABCD:4:EF00:1
24   00:56:41.659 Change queue emptied, entries: 1
25   00:56:41.659 Metric set: 2555:5555::/32 2588160

show ipv6 eigrp interfaces

To display information about interfaces configured for the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) in IPv6 topologies, use the show ipv6 eigrp interfaces command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ipv6 eigrp [as-number] interfaces [type number] [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Autonomous system number.


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Interface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Displays detailed interface information.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)S. Information about the Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) mode was included in the command output.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. Information about the ECMP mode was included in the command output.


This command was modified. Information about the ECMP mode was included in the command output.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ipv6 eigrp interfaces command to determine the interfaces on which EIGRP is active and to get information about EIGRP processes related to those interfaces. The optional type number argument and the detail keyword can be entered in any order.

If an interface is specified, only that interface is displayed. Otherwise, all interfaces on which EIGRP is running are displayed.

If an autonomous system is specified, only the routing process for the specified autonomous system is displayed. Otherwise, all EIGRP processes are displayed.


The following is sample output from the show ipv6 eigrp interfaces command:

Device# show ipv6 eigrp 1 interfaces

IPv6-EIGRP interfaces for process 1
                     Xmit Queue    Mean    Pacing Time    Multicast     Pending
Interface    Peers   Un/Reliable   SRTT    Un/Reliable    Flow Timer    Routes
Et0/0         0         0/0           0        0/10            0          0

The following is sample output from the show