debug ip http all through debug ip rsvp

debug ip http all

To enable debugging output for all HTTP processes on the system, use the debug ip http all command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http all

no debug ip http all

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable debugging messages for all HTTP processes and activity. Issuing this command is equivalent to issuing the following commands:

  • debug ip http authentication

  • debug ip http ezsetup

  • debug ip http ssi

  • debug ip http token

  • debug ip http transaction

  • debug ip http url


For sample output and field descriptions of this command, see the documentation of the commands listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section.

debug ip http authentication

To troubleshoot HTTP authentication problems, use the debug ip http authentication command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http authentication

no debug ip http authentication

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the authentication method the router attempted and authentication-specific status messages.


The following is sample output from the debug ip http authentication command:

Router# debug ip http authentication
Authentication for url ‘/’ ‘/’ level 15 privless ‘/’
Authentication username = ‘local15’ priv-level = 15 auth-type = local

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 1. debug ip http authentication Field Descriptions



Authentication for url

Provides information about the URL in different forms.

Authentication username

Identifies the user.


Indicates the user privilege level.


Indicates the authentication method.

debug ip http client

To enable debugging output for the HTTP client, use the debug ip http client command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output for the HTTP client, use the no or undebug form of this command.

debug ip http client {all | api | cache | error | main | msg | socket}

no debug ip http client {all | api | cache | error | main | msg | socket}

undebug ip http client {all | api | cache | error | main | msg | socket}

Syntax Description


Enables debugging for all HTTP client elements.


Enables debugging output for the HTTP client application interface (API).


Enables debugging output for the HTTP client cache.


Enables debugging output for HTTP communication errors.


Enables debugging output specific to the Voice XML (VXML) applications interacting with the HTTP client.


Enables debugging output of HTTP client messages.


Enables debugging output specific to the HTTP client socket.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display transactional information for the HTTP client for debugging purposes.


The following example shows sample debugging output for a failed copy transfer operation when the host name resolution fails:

Router# debug ip http client all
2w4d: Cache ager called
Router# copy flash:index.html
Destination filename [index.html]? 
Erase flash: before copying? [confirm] no
Translating ""
% Bad IP address for host
%Error opening (I/O error)
2w4d: http_client_request:
2w4d: httpc_setup_request:
2w4d: http_client_process_request:
2w4d: HTTPC: Host name resolution failed for
2w4d: http_transaction_free:

2w4d: http_transaction_free: freed httpc_transaction_t

The following example shows sample debugging output for a failed copy transfer operation when the source file is not available:

Router# copy flash:/file.html
Destination filename [file.html]?
%Error opening (No such file or directory)
2w4d: http_client_request:
2w4d: httpc_setup_request:
2w4d: http_client_process_request:
2w4d: httpc_request:Dont have the credentials
Thu, 17 Jul 2003 07:05:25 GMT ok
        Protocol = HTTP/1.1
        Content-Type = text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
        Date = Thu, 17 Jul 2003 14:24:29 GMT
2w4d: http_transaction_free:
2w4d: http_transaction_free:freed httpc_transaction_t
2w4d: http_client_abort_request:
2w4d: http_client_abort_request:Bad Transaction Id

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 2. debug ip http client Field Descriptions




In the examples shown, the string “2w4d” is the timestamp configured on the system. Indicates two weeks and four days since the last system reboot.

  • The time-stamp format is configured using the service timestamps debug global configuration mode command.




Indicates the HTTP client in Cisco IOS software.

httpc_request:Dont have the credentials

Indicates that this HTTP client request did not supply any authentication information to the server.

The authentication information consists of a username and password combination.

The message is applicable to both HTTP and HTTPS.

Thu, 17 Jul 2003 07:05:25 GMT ok

The “ok” in this line indicates that there were no internal errors relating to processing this HTTP client transaction by the HTTP client. In other words, the HTTP client was able to send the request and receive some response.


The “ok” value in this line does not indicate file availability (“200: OK” message or “404: File Not Found” message).

debug ip http client cookie

To debug the HTTP client cookie, use the debug ip http client cookie command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging activity, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http client cookie

no debug ip http client cookie

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the debug ip http client cookie command:

Device# debug ip http client cookie
ClientCookie: Receiving Set-Cookie cookie1=1 domain= path=/cwmp-1-0/testacs flags=264 expire=Mon,30-Jun-2008 05:51:27 GMT now=48686D74
ClientCookie2: Receiving Set-Cookie2 cookie1= 1  domain= path=/cwmp-1-0/ flags=256 expire=60 port=0 now=48686E1A comment= commentURL=

debug ip http ezsetup

To display the configuration changes that occur during the EZ Setup process, use the debug ip http ezsetup command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http ezsetup

no debug ip http ezsetup

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to verify the EZ Setup actions without changing the configuration of the router.

EZ Setup is a form you fill out to perform basic router configuration from most HTML browsers.


The following sample output from the debug ip http ezsetup command shows the configuration changes for the router when the EZ Setup form has been submitted:

Router# debug ip http ezsetup
service timestamps debug
service timestamps log
service password-encryption
hostname router-name
enable secret router-pw
line vty 0 4
password router-pw
interface ethernet 0
 ip address
 no shutdown
 ip helper-address
ip name-server
isdn switch-type basic-5ess
username Remote-name password Remote-chap
interface bri 0
 ip unnumbered ethernet 0
 encapsulation ppp
 no shutdown
 dialer map ip speed 56 name Remote-name Remote-number
 isdn spid1 spid1
 isdn spid2 spid2
 ppp authentication chap callin
 dialer-group 1
ip classless
access-list 101 deny udp any any eq snmp
access-list 101 deny udp any any eq ntp
access-list 101 permit ip any any
dialer-list 1 list 101
ip route
ip route bri 0
logging buffered
snmp-server community public RO
ip http server
ip classless
ip subnet-zero

debug ip http secure-all

To generate the following output, use the debug ip http secure-all command in privileged EXEC mode:

  • The debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-session command

  • The debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-state command

  • Debugging information for each call to the SSL driver, for use primarily by Cisco support personnel

To disable this debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http secure-all

no debug ip http secure-all

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command generates the following:

  • The debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-session command. See the debug ip http secure-session command page for example debugging output.

  • The debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-state command. See the debug ip http secure-state command page for example debugging output.

  • Debugging information for each call to the SSL driver, for use primarily by Cisco support personnel


The following example generates the following output:

  • The debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-session command

  • The debugging information generated by the debug ip http secure-state command

  • Debugging information for each call to the SSL driver

Router# debug ip http secure-all

debug ip http secure-session

To generate debugging information about each new secure HTTPS session when it is created, use the debug ip http secure-session command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http secure-session

no debug ip http secure-session

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command generates debugging information about each new HTTPS session when it is created. When a new HTTPS session is created, debugging information is generated in the following format:

HTTPS SSL Session Established/Handshake done - Peer
state = SSL negotiation finished successfully
SessionInfo: Digest=RC4-MD5 SSLVer=SSLv3 KeyEx=RSA Auth=RSA Cipher=RC4(128) Mac=MD5

The SessionInfo fields provide the following information about the session:

  • Digest-- digest mechanism

  • SSLVer-- SSL or TSL version

  • KeyEx-- key exchange mechanism

  • Auth-- authentication mechanism

  • Cipher-- encryption algorithm

  • Mac-- Message Authentication Code algorithm


The following example generates debugging information about each new HTTPS session when it is created:

debug ip http secure-session

debug ip http secure-state

To generate debugging output each time the Secure HTTP (HTTPS) feature changes state, use the debug ip http secure-state command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable this debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http secure-state

no debug ip http secure-state

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command generates debugging information each time the Secure HTTP (HTTPS) feature changes state. When the Secure HTTP (HTTPS) feature changes state, debugging information is generated in the following format:

HTTPS SSL State  Change - Peer
Old State = SSLv3 read finished A, New State = SSL negotiation finished successfully


The following example generates debugging information each time the Secure HTTP (HTTPS) feature changes state:

debug ip http secure-state

debug ip http ssi

To display information about the HTML SSI EXEC command or HTML SSI ECHO command, use the debug ip http ssi command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http ssi

no debug ip http ssi

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


The following is sample output from the debug ip http ssi command:

Router# debug ip http ssi
HTML: filtered command ‘exec cmd="show users"’
HTML: SSI command ‘exec’
HTML: SSI tag ‘cmd’ = "show users"
HTML: Executing CLI ‘show users’ in mode ‘exec’ done

The following line shows the contents of the SSI EXEC command:

HTML: filtered command ‘exec cmd="show users"’

The following line indicates the type of SSI command that was requested:

HTML: SSI command ‘exec’

The following line shows the show users argument assigned to the tag command :

HTML: SSI tag ’cmd’ = "show users"

The following line indicates that the show users command is being executed in EXEC mode:

HTML: Executing CLI ‘show users’ in mode ‘exec’ done 

debug ip http ssl error

To enable debugging messages for the secure HTTP (HTTPS) web server and client, use the debug ip http ssl error command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging messages for the HTTPS web server and client, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http ssl error

no debug ip http ssl error

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging message output is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays output for debugging purposes related to the HTTPS server and HTTPS client. HTTPS services use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, version 3.0, for encryption.


The following is sample debugging output from the debug ip http ssl error command:

Router# 000030:00:08:01:%HTTPS:Key pair generation failed
Router# 000030:00:08:10:%HTTPS:Failed to generate self-signed cert
Router# 000030:00:08:15:%HTTPS:SSL handshake fail
Router# 000030:00:08:21:%HTTPS:SSL read fail, uninitialized hndshk ctxt
Router# 000030:00:08:25:%HTTPS:SSL write fail, uninitialized hndshk ctxt

The table below describes the debug messages shown above.

Table 3. debug ip http ssl error Field Descriptions



%HTTPS:Key pair generation failed

The RSA key pair generation failed.

%HTTPS:Failed to generate self-signed cert

The HTTPS server or client failed to generate a self-signed certificate.

%HTTPS:SSL handshake fail

SSL connection handshake failed.

%HTTPS:SSL read fail, uninitialized hndshk ctxt

A read operation failed for SSL with an unitialized handshake context

debug ip http token

To display individual tokens parsed by the HTTP server, use the debug ip http token command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http token

no debug ip http token

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.

Usage Guidelines

Use the debug ip http token command to display low-level HTTP server parsings. To display high-level HTTP server parsings, use the debug ip http transaction command.


The following is part of sample output from the debug ip http token command. In this example, the browser accessed the router’s home page http://router-name/. The output gives the token parsed by the HTTP server and its length.

Router# debug ip http token
HTTP: token len 3: 'GET'
HTTP: token len 1: ' '
HTTP: token len 1: '/'
HTTP: token len 1: ' '
HTTP: token len 4: 'HTTP'
HTTP: token len 1: '/'
HTTP: token len 1: '1'
HTTP: token len 1: '.'
HTTP: token len 1: '0'
HTTP: token len 2: '\15\12'
HTTP: token len 7: 'Referer'
HTTP: token len 1: ':'
HTTP: token len 1: ' '
HTTP: token len 4: 'http'
HTTP: token len 1: ':'
HTTP: token len 1: '/'
HTTP: token len 1: '/'
HTTP: token len 3: 'www'
HTTP: token len 1: '.'
HTTP: token len 3: 'thesite'
HTTP: token len 1: '.'
HTTP: token len 3: 'com'
HTTP: token len 1: '/'
HTTP: token len 2: '\15\12'
HTTP: token len 10: 'Connection'
HTTP: token len 1: ':'
HTTP: token len 1: ' '
HTTP: token len 4: 'Keep'
HTTP: token len 1: '-'
HTTP: token len 5: 'Alive'
HTTP: token len 2: '\15\12'
HTTP: token len 4: 'User'
HTTP: token len 1: '-'
HTTP: token len 5: 'Agent'
HTTP: token len 1: ':'
HTTP: token len 1: ' '
HTTP: token len 7: 'Mozilla'
HTTP: token len 1: '/'
HTTP: token len 1: '2'
HTTP: token len 1: '.'

debug ip http transaction

To display HTTP server transaction processing, use the debug ip http transaction command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http transaction

no debug ip http transaction

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.

Usage Guidelines

Use the debug ip http transaction command to display what the HTTP server is parsing at a high level. To display what the HTTP server is parsing at a low level, use the debug ip http toke n command.


The following is sample output from the debug ip http transaction command. In this example, the browser accessed the router’s home page http://router-name/.

Router# debug ip http transaction
HTTP: parsed uri '/'
HTTP: client version 1.1
HTTP: parsed extension Referer
HTTP: parsed line
HTTP: parsed extension Connection
HTTP: parsed line Keep-Alive
HTTP: parsed extension User-Agent
HTTP: parsed line Mozilla/2.01 (X11; I; FreeBSD 2.1.0-RELEASE i386)
HTTP: parsed extension Host
HTTP: parsed line router-name
HTTP: parsed extension Accept
HTTP: parsed line image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/
HTTP: parsed extension Authorization
HTTP: parsed authorization type Basic
HTTP: received GET ''

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 4. debug ip http transaction Field Descriptions



HTTP: parsed uri '/'

Uniform resource identifier that is requested.

HTTP: client version 1.1

Client HTTP version.

HTTP: parsed extension Referer

HTTP extension.

HTTP: parsed line

Value of HTTP extension.

HTTP: received GET ''

HTTP request method.

debug ip http url

To show the URLs accessed from the router, use the debug ip http url command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip http url

no debug ip http url

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.

Usage Guidelines

Use the debug ip http url command to keep track of the URLs that are accessed and to determine from which hosts the URLs are accessed.


The following is sample output from the debug ip http url command. In this example, the HTTP server accessed the URLs and /exec. The output shows the URL being requested and the IP address of the host requesting the URL.

Router# debug ip http url 
HTTP: processing URL '/' from host
HTTP: processing URL '/exec' from host

debug ip icmp

To display information on Internal Control Message Protocol (ICMP ) transactions, use the debug ip icmp command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip icmp

no debug ip icmp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command helps you determine whether the router is sending or receiving ICMP messages. Use it, for example, when you are troubleshooting an end-to-end connection problem.


For more information about the fields in debug ip icmp command output, refer to RFC 792, Internet Control Message Protocol ; Appendix I of RFC 950, Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure ; and RFC 1256, ICMP Router Discovery Messages .


The following is sample output from the debug ip icmp command:

Router# debug ip icmp
ICMP: rcvd type 3, code 1, from
ICMP: src, dst, echo reply
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: src, dst, echo reply
ICMP: dst ( protocol unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( protocol unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: src, dst, echo reply
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( protocol unreachable rcv from
ICMP: dst ( port unreachable rcv from 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 5. debug ip icmp Field Descriptions




Indication that this message describes an ICMP packet.

rcvd type 3

The type field can be one of the following:

  • 0--Echo Reply

  • 3--Destination Unreachable

  • 4--Source Quench

  • 5--Redirect

  • 8--Echo

  • 9--Router Discovery Protocol Advertisement

  • 10--Router Discovery Protocol Solicitations

  • 11--Time Exceeded

  • 12--Parameter Problem

  • 13--Timestamp

  • 14--Timestamp Reply

  • 15--Information Request

  • 16--Information Reply

  • 17--Mask Request

  • 18--Mask Reply

code 1

This field is a code. The meaning of the code depends upon the type field value, as follows:

  • Echo and Echo Reply--The code field is always zero.

  • Destination Unreachable--The code field can have the following values:

0--Network unreachable

1--Host unreachable

2--Protocol unreachable

3--Port unreachable

4--Fragmentation needed and DF bit set

5--Source route failed

  • Source Quench--The code field is always 0.

  • Redirect--The code field can have the following values:

0--Redirect datagrams for the network

1--Redirect datagrams for the host

2--Redirect datagrams for the command mode of service and network

3--Redirect datagrams for the command mode of service and host

  • Router Discovery Protocol Advertisements and Solicitations--The code field is always zero.

  • Time Exceeded--The code field can have the following values:

    0--Time to live exceeded in transit

    1--Fragment reassembly time exceeded

  • Parameter Problem--The code field can have the following values:

    0--General problem

    1--Option is missing

    2--Option missing, no room to add

  • Timestamp and Timestamp Reply--The code field is always zero.

  • Information Request and Information Reply--The code field is always zero.

  • Mask Request and Mask Reply--The code field is always zero.


Source address of the ICMP packet.

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the second line of the display.

Table 6. debug ip icmp Field Descriptions




Indicates that this message describes an ICMP packet.


Address of the sender of the echo.


Address of the receiving router.

echo reply

Indicates that the router received an echo reply.

Other messages that the debug ip icmp command can generate follow.

When an IP router or host sends out an ICMP mask request, the following message is generated when the router sends a mask reply:

ICMP: sending mask reply ( to via Ethernet0

The following two lines are examples of the two forms of this message. The first form is generated when a mask reply comes in after the router sends out a mask request. The second form occurs when the router receives a mask reply with a nonmatching sequence and ID. Refer to Appendix I of RFC 950, Internet Standard Subnetting Procedures, for details.

ICMP: mask reply from
ICMP: unexpected mask reply from

The following output indicates that the router sent a redirect packet to the host at address, instructing that host to use the gateway at address in order to reach the host at destination address

ICMP: redirect sent to for dest use gw

The following message indicates that the router received a redirect packet from the host at address, instructing the router to use the gateway at address in order to reach the host at destination address

ICMP: redirect rcvd from -- for use gw

The following message is displayed when the router sends an ICMP packet to the source address ( in this case), indicating that the destination address ( in this case) is unreachable:

ICMP: dst ( host unreachable sent to

The following message is displayed when the router receives an ICMP packet from an intermediate address ( in this case), indicating that the destination address ( in this case) is unreachable:

ICMP: dst ( host unreachable rcv from

Depending on the code received (as the first table above describes), any of the unreachable messages can have any of the following “strings” instead of the “host” string in the message:

frag. needed and DF set
source route failed

The following message is displayed when the TTL in the IP header reaches zero and a time exceed ICMP message is sent. The fields are self-explanatory.

ICMP: time exceeded (time to live) send to (dest was

The following message is generated when parameters in the IP header are corrupted in some way and the parameter problem ICMP message is sent. The fields are self-explanatory.

ICMP: parameter problem sent to (dest was

Based on the preceding information, the remaining output can be easily understood:

ICMP: parameter problem rcvd
ICMP: source quench rcvd
ICMP: source quench sent to (dest was
ICMP: sending time stamp reply to
ICMP: sending info reply to
ICMP: rdp advert rcvd type 9, code 0, from
ICMP: rdp solicit rcvd type 10, code 0, from 

debug ip igmp

To display Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) packets received and sent, and IGMP-host related events, use the debug ip igmp command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip igmp [vrf vrf-name] [group-address]

no debug ip igmp [vrf vrf-name] [group-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Supports the multicast Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Name assigned to the VRF.


(Optional) Address of a particular group about which to display IGMP information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


Fields were added to the output of this command to support the Source Specific Multicast (SSM) feature.


The vrf keyword and vrf-name argument were added.


The vrf keyword and vrf-name argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


Fields were added to the output of this command to support the SSM Mapping feature. The group-address attribute was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXD3.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.

Usage Guidelines

This command helps discover whether the IGMP processes are functioning. In general, if IGMP is not working, the router process never discovers that another host is on the network that is configured to receive multicast packets. In dense mode, this situation will result in packets being delivered intermittently (a few every 3 minutes). In sparse mode, packets will never be delivered.

Use this command in conjunction with the debug ip pim and debug ip mrouting commands to observe additional multicast activity and to learn the status of the multicast routing process, or why packets are forwarded out of particular interfaces.

When SSM mapping is enabled, a debug message is displayed to indicate that the router is converting an IGMP version 2 report from the group (G) into an IGMP version 3 join. After SSM mapping has generated the appropriate IGMP version 3 report, any debug output that follows is seen as if the router had received the same IGMP version 3 report directly.


The following is sample output from the debug ip igmp command:

Router# debug ip igmp
IGMP: Received Host-Query from (Ethernet1) 
IGMP: Received Host-Report from (Ethernet1) for 
IGMP: Received Host-Report from (Ethernet1) for 
IGMP: Received Host-Report from (Ethernet1) for 

The messages displayed by the debug ip igmp command show query and report activity received from other routers and multicast group addresses.

The following is sample output from the debug ip igmp command when SSM is enabled. Because IGMP version 3 lite (IGMPv3lite) requires the host to send IGMP version 2 (IGMPv2) packets, IGMPv2 host reports also will be displayed in response to the router IGMPv2 queries. If SSM is disabled, the word “ignored” will be displayed in the debug ip igmp command output.

IGMP:Received v3-lite Report from (Ethernet3/3), group count 1
IGMP:Received v3 Group Record from (Ethernet3/3) for
IGMP:Update source
IGMP:Send v2 Query on Ethernet3/3 to
IGMP:Received v2 Report from (Ethernet3/3) for
IGMP:Update source

The following is sample output from the debug ip igmp command when SSM static mapping is enabled. The following output indicates that the router is converting an IGMP version 2 join for group (G) into an IGMP version 3 join:

IGMP(0): Convert IGMPv2 report (*, to IGMPv3 with 2 source(s) using STATIC.

The following is sample output from the debug ip igmp command when SSM DNS-based mapping is enabled. The following output indicates that a DNS lookup has succeeded:

IGMP(0): Convert IGMPv2 report (*, to IGMPv3 with 2 source(s) using DNS.

The following is sample output from the debug ip igmp command when SSM DNS-based mapping is enabled and a DNS lookup has failed:

IGMP(0): DNS source lookup failed for (*,, IGMPv2 report failed 

debug ip igmp snooping

To display debugging messages about Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping services, use the debug ip igmp snooping command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip igmp snooping {group | management | router | timer}

no debug ip igmp snooping {group | management | router | timer}

Syntax Description


Displays debugging messages related to multicast groups.


Displays debugging messages related to IGMP management services.


Displays debugging messages related to the local router.


Displays debugging messages related to the IGMP timer.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


The following example shows debugging messages for the IGMP snooping services being displayed:

Router# debug ip igmp snooping
IGMP snooping enabled

debug ip igrp events

To display summary information on Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) routing messages that indicate the source and destination of each update, and the number of routes in each update, use the debug ip igrp events command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip igrp events [ip-address]

no debug ip igrp events [ip-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The IP address of an IGRP neighbor.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

If the IP address of an IGRP neighbor is specified, the resulting debug ip igrp events output includes messages describing updates from that neighbor and updates that the router broadcasts toward that neighbor. Messages are not generated for each route.

This command is particularly useful when there are many networks in your routing table. In this case, using debug ip igrp transactions could flood the console and make the router unusable. Use debug ip igrp events instead to display summary routing information.


The following is sample output from the debug ip igrp events command:

This shows that the router has sent two updates to the broadcast address The router also received two updates. Three lines of output describe each of these updates.

The first line indicates whether the router sent or received the update packet, the source or destination address, and the interface through which the update was sent or received. If the update was sent, the IP address assigned to this interface is shown (in parentheses).

IGRP: sending update to via Ethernet1 (

The second line summarizes the number and types of routes described in the update:

IGRP: Update contains 26 interior, 40 system, and 3 exterior routes.

The third line indicates the total number of routes described in the update:

IGRP: Total routes in update: 69

debug ip igrp transactions

To display transaction information on Interior Gateway Routing Protocol ( IGRP) routing transactions, use the debug ip igrp transactions command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip igrp transactions [ip-address]

no debug ip igrp transactions [ip-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The IP address of an IGRP neighbor.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

If the IP address of an IGRP neighbor is specified, the resulting debug ip igrp transactions output includes messages describing updates from that neighbor and updates that the router broadcasts toward that neighbor.

When many networks are in your routing table, the debug ip igrp transactions command can flood the console and make the router unusable. In this case, use the debug ip igrp events command instead to display summary routing information.


The following is sample output from the debug ip igrp transactions command:

The output shows that the router being debugged has received updates from two other routers on the network. The router at source address sent information about ten destinations in the update; the router at source address sent information about three destinations in its update. The router being debugged also sent updates--in both cases to the broadcast address as the destination address.

On the second line the first field refers to the type of destination information: “subnet” (interior), “network” (system), or “exterior” (exterior). The second field is the Internet address of the destination network. The third field is the metric stored in the routing table and the metric advertised by the neighbor sending the information. “Metric... inaccessible” usually means that the neighbor router has put the destination in a hold down state.

The entries show that the router is sending updates that are similar, except that the numbers in parentheses are the source addresses used in the IP header. A metric of 16777215 is inaccessible.

Other examples of output that the debug ip igrp transactions command can produce follow.

The following entry indicates that the routing table was updated and shows the new edition number (97 in this case) to be used in the next IGRP update:

IGRP: edition is now 97

Entries such as the following occur on startup or when some event occurs such as an interface making a transition or a user manually clearing the routing table:

IGRP: broadcasting request on Ethernet0
IGRP: broadcasting request on Ethernet1

The following type of entry can result when routing updates become corrupted between sending and receiving routers:

IGRP: bad checksum from

An entry such as the following should never appear. If it does, the receiving router has a bug in the software or a problem with the hardware. In either case, contact your technical support representative.

IGRP: system 45 from, should be system 109 

debug ip inspect


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T, the debug ip inspect command is replaced by the debug policy-firewall command. See the debug policy-firewall command for more information.

To display messages about Cisco IOS Firewall events, use the debug ip inspect command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip inspect {function-trace | object-creation | object-deletion | events | timers | protocol | detailed | update}

Firewall MIB Statistics Syntax

debug ip inspect mib {object-creation | object-deletion | events | retrieval | update}

no debug ip inspect

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays messages about MIB functionality.


Displays messages about software functions called by the Cisco IOS Firewall.


Displays messages about software objects being created by the Cisco IOS Firewall. Object creation corresponds to the beginning of Cisco IOS Firewall-inspected sessions.


Displays messages about software objects being deleted by the Cisco IOS Firewall. Object deletion corresponds to the closing of Cisco IOS Firewall-inspected sessions.


Displays messages about Cisco IOS Firewall software events, including information about Cisco IOS Firewall packet processing or MIB special events.


Displays messages about Cisco IOS Firewall timer events such as when the Cisco IOS Firewall idle timeout is reached.


Displays messages about Cisco IOS Firewall-inspected protocol events, including details about the packets of the protocol. The table below provides a list of protocol keywords.


Displays detailed information to be displayed for all the other enabled Cisco IOS Firewall debugging. Use this form of the command in conjunction with other Cisco IOS Firewall debug commands.


Displays messages of statistics requested via Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or command-line interface (CLI).


Displays messages about Cisco IOS Firewall software updates or updates to MIB counters.

Table 7. Protocol Keywords for the debug ip inspect Command

Application Protocol

Protocol Keyword

Transport-layer protocols





User Datagram Protocol (UDP)


Application-layer protocols



FTP commands and responses


FTP tokens (enables tracing of the FTP tokens parsed)


H.323 (version 1 and version 2)






Microsoft NetShow






Remote procedure call (RPC)


Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)


Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)


Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP)


Structured Query Language*Net (SQL*Net)






UNIX r-commands (rlogin, rexec, rsh)




Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


NetShow support was added.


H.323 V2 and RTSP protocol support were added.


Support for the ICMP and SIP protocols was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T.


Support for the skinny protocol was added.


Support for the IMAP and POP3 protocols was added.


The MIB syntax was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was replaced by the debug policy-firewall command.


The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect function-trace command:

Router# debug ip inspect function-trace
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_inspection 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_pre_process_sync
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_find_tcp_host_entry addr bucket 41
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_find_pregen_session
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_get_idbsb
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_get_idbsb
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_get_irc_of_idb
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_get_idbsb
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_create_sis
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_inc_halfopen_sis
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_link_session_to_hash_table
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_inspect_pak 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_l4_inspection 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_process_tcp_seg 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_listen_state 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_ensure_return_traffic
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_add_acl_item
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_ensure_return_traffic
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_add_acl_item
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_process_syn_packet
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_find_tcp_host_entry addr bucket 41
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_create_tcp_host_entry
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_fast_inspection
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_inspect_pak 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_l4_inspection 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_process_tcp_seg 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_synrcvd_state 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_fast_inspection
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_inspect_pak
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_l4_inspection 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_process_tcp_seg 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC* FUNC: insp_synrcvd_state 
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_dec_halfopen_sis
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_remove_sis_from_host_entry
*Mar  2 01:16:16: CBAC FUNC: insp_find_tcp_host_entry addr bucket 41

This output shows the functions called by the Cisco IOS Firewall as a session is inspected. Entries with an asterisk (*) after the word “CBAC” are entries when the fast path is used; otherwise, the process path is used.

The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect object-creation and debug ip inspect object-deletion commands:

Router# debug ip inspect object-creation
Router# debug ip inspect object-deletion
*Mar  2 01:18:30: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create pre-gen sis 25A3574
*Mar  2 01:18:30: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create acl wrapper 25A36FC -- acl item 25A3634
*Mar  2 01:18:30: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create sis 25C1CC4
*Mar  2 01:18:30: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete pre-gen sis 25A3574
*Mar  2 01:18:30: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create host entry 25A3574 addr bucket 31
*Mar  2 01:18:30: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete sis 25C1CC4
*Mar  2 01:18:30: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete create acl wrapper 25A36FC -- acl item 25A3634
*Mar  2 01:18:31: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete host entry 25A3574 addr

The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect object-creation , debug ip inspect object-deletion , and debug ip inspect events commands:

Router# debug ip inspect object-creation
Router# debug ip inspect object-deletion
Router# debug ip inspect events
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create pre-gen sis 25A3574
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create acl wrapper 25A36FC -- acl item 25A3634
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC Src Port [1:65535]
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC Dst Port [46406:46406]
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC Pre-gen sis 25A3574 created:[1:65535][46406:46406]
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create sis 25C1CC4
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC sis 25C1CC4 initiator_addr ( responder_addr ( initiator_alt_addr ( responder_alt_addr (
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete pre-gen sis 25A3574
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_CREATE: create host entry 25A3574 addr bucket 31
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete sis 25C1CC4
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete create acl wrapper 25A36FC -- acl item 25A3634
*Mar  2 01:18:51: CBAC OBJ_DELETE: delete host entry 25A3574 addr

The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect timers command:

Router# debug ip inspect timers
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Init Leaf: Pre-gen sis 25A3574
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Start: Pre-gen sis 25A3574 Timer: 25A35D8 Time: 30000 milisecs
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Init Leaf: sis 25C1CC4
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Stop: Pre-gen sis 25A3574 Timer: 25A35D8
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Start: sis 25C1CC4 Timer: 25C1D5C Time: 30000 milisecs
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Start: sis 25C1CC4 Timer: 25C1D5C Time: 3600000 milisecs
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Start: sis 25C1CC4 Timer: 25C1D5C Time: 5000 milisecs
*Mar  2 01:19:15: CBAC Timer Stop: sis 25C1CC4 Timer: 25C1D5C

The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect tcp command:

Router# debug ip inspect tcp 
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC* sis 25A3604 pak 2541C58 TCP P ack 4223720032 seq 4200176225(22) ( => (
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC* sis 25A3604 ftp L7 inspect result: PROCESS-SWITCH packet
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC sis 25A3604 pak 2541C58 TCP P ack 4223720032 seq 4200176225(22) ( => (
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC sis 25A3604 ftp L7 inspect result: PASS packet
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC* sis 25A3604 pak 2544374 TCP P ack 4200176247 seq 4223720032(30) (10.0.0. 1:46409) <= (
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC* sis 25A3604 ftp L7 inspect result: PASS packet
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC* sis 25A3604 pak 25412F8 TCP P ack 4223720062 seq 4200176247(15) (10.0.0. 1:46409) => (
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC* sis 25A3604 ftp L7 inspect result: PASS packet
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC sis 25C1CC4 pak 2544734 TCP S seq 4226992037(0) ( => (
*Mar  2 01:20:43: CBAC* sis 25C1CC4 pak 2541E38 TCP S ack 4226992038 seq 4203405054(0) ( <= (

This sample shows TCP packets being processed and lists the corresponding acknowledge (ACK) packet numbers and sequence (SEQ) numbers. The number of data bytes in the TCP packet is shown in parentheses--for example, (22). For each packet shown, the addresses and port numbers are shown separated by a colon. For example, ( indicates an IP address of and a TCP port number of 21.

Entries with an asterisk (*) after the word “CBAC” are entries when the fast path is used; otherwise, the process path is used.

The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect tcp and debug ip inspect detailed commands:

Router# debug ip inspect tcp
Router# debug ip inspect detailed 
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* Pak 2541E38 Find session for ( ( tcp
*Mar  2 01:20:58:  P ack 4223720160 seq 4200176262(22)
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* Pak 2541E38 Addr:port pairs to match: ( (
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* sis 25A3604 SIS_OPEN
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* Pak 2541E38 IP: s= (Ethernet0), d= (Ethernet1), len 76,proto=6
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC sis 25A3604 Saving State: SIS_OPEN/ESTAB iisn 4200176160 i_rcvnxt 4223720160 i_sndnxt 4200176262 i_rcvwnd 8760 risn 4223719771 r_rcvnxt 4200176262 r_sndnxt 4223720160 r_rcvwnd 8760
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* sis 25A3604 pak 2541E38 TCP P ack 4223720160 seq 4200176262(22) ( => (
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* sis 25A3604 pak 2541E38 SIS_OPEN/ESTAB TCP seq 4200176262(22) Flags: ACK 4223720160 PSH
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* sis 25A3604 pak 2541E38 --> SIS_OPEN/ESTAB iisn 4200176160 i_rcvnxt 4223720160 i_sndnxt 4200176284 i_rcvwnd 8760 risn 4223719771 r_rcvnxt 4200176262 r_sndnxt 4223720160 r_rcvwnd 8760
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* sis 25A3604 L4 inspect result: PASS packet 2541E38 ( ( bytes 22 ftp
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC sis 25A3604 Restoring State: SIS_OPEN/ESTAB iisn 4200176160 i_rcvnxt 4223
720160 i_sndnxt 4200176262 i_rcvwnd 8760 risn 4223719771 r_rcvnxt 4200176262 r_sndnxt 4223720160 r_rcvwnd 8760
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* sis 25A3604 ftp L7 inspect result: PROCESS-SWITCH packet
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* sis 25A3604 ftp L7 inspect result: PROCESS-SWITCH packet
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC* Bump up: inspection requires the packet in the process path( (
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC Pak 2541E38 Find session for ( ( tcp
*Mar  2 01:20:58:  P ack 4223720160 seq 4200176262(22)
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC Pak 2541E38 Addr:port pairs to match: ( (
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC sis 25A3604 SIS_OPEN
*Mar  2 01:20:58: CBAC Pak 2541E38 IP: s= (Ethernet0), d= (Ethernet1), len 76, proto=6

The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect icmp and debug ip inspect detailed commands:

Router# debug ip inspect icmp 
Router# debug ip inspect detailed 
1w6d:CBAC sis 81073F0C SIS_CLOSED
1w6d:CBAC Pak 80D2E9EC IP:s= (Ethernet1), d= (Ethernet0), len 98, proto=1
1w6d:CBAC ICMP:sis 81073F0C pak 80D2E9EC SIS_CLOSED ICMP packet ( => ( datalen 56
1w6d:CBAC ICMP:start session from
1w6d:CBAC sis 81073F0C --> SIS_OPENING ( (
1w6d:CBAC sis 81073F0C L4 inspect result:PASS packet 80D2E9EC ( ( bytes 56 icmp
1w6d:CBAC sis 81073F0C SIS_OPENING
1w6d:CBAC Pak 80E72BFC IP:s= (Ethernet0), d= (Ethernet1), len 98, proto=1
1w6d:CBAC ICMP:sis 81073F0C pak 80E72BFC SIS_OPENING ICMP packet ( <= ( datalen 56
1w6d:CBAC sis 81073F0C --> SIS_OPEN ( (
1w6d:CBAC sis 81073F0C L4 inspect result:PASS packet 80E72BFC ( ( bytes 56 icmp
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C SIS_OPEN
1w6d:CBAC* Pak 80D2F2C8 IP:s= (Ethernet1), d= (Ethernet0), len 98, proto=1
1w6d:CBAC* ICMP:sis 81073F0C pak 80D2F2C8 SIS_OPEN ICMP packet ( => ( datalen 56
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C --> SIS_OPEN ( (
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C L4 inspect result:PASS packet 80D2F2C8 ( ( bytes 56 icmp
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C SIS_OPEN
1w6d:CBAC* Pak 80E737CC IP:s= (Ethernet0), d= (Ethernet1), len 98, proto=1
1w6d:CBAC* ICMP:sis 81073F0C pak 80E737CC SIS_OPEN ICMP packet ( <= ( datalen 56
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C --> SIS_OPEN ( (
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C L4 inspect result:PASS packet 80E737CC ( ( bytes 56 icmp
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C SIS_OPEN
1w6d:CBAC* Pak 80F554F0 IP:s= (Ethernet1), d= (Ethernet0), len 98, proto=1
1w6d:CBAC* ICMP:sis 81073F0C pak 80F554F0 SIS_OPEN ICMP packet ( => ( datalen 56
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C --> SIS_OPEN ( (
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C L4 inspect result:PASS packet 80F554F0 ( ( bytes 56 icmp
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C SIS_OPEN
1w6d:CBAC* Pak 80E73AC0 IP:s= (Ethernet0), d= (Ethernet1), len 98, proto=1
1w6d:CBAC* ICMP:sis 81073F0C pak 80E73AC0 SIS_OPEN ICMP packet ( <= ( datalen 56
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C --> SIS_OPEN ( (
1w6d:CBAC* sis 81073F0C L4 inspect result:PASS packet 80E73AC0 ( ( bytes 56 icmp

debug ip inspect ha

To display messages about Cisco IOS stateful failover high availability (HA) events, use the debug ip inspect ha command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip inspect ha [manager | packet | update]

no debug ip inspect ha [manager | packet | update]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed messages for interaction of firewall HA manager with the box-to-box high availability infrastructure.


(Optional) Used to debug the processing of the first packet postfailover on the new active device.


(Optional) Used to debug the periodic update messages between the active and standby. The Firewall HA sends periodical messages to update the standby of the firewall sessions state on the active.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect ha command. This example shows an add session message and a delete session message received by the the active and standby devices:

Router# debug ip inspect ha 
Active debugs -
*Apr 13 17:15:20.795:  FW-HA:Send add session msg for session 2C6B820
*Apr 13 17:15:36.919:  FW-HA:Send delete session msg for session 2C6B820
Standby debugs -
*Apr 13 17:19:00.471:  FW-HA:Received add session message (>(
*Apr 13 17:19:12.051:  FW-HA:Received delete session message (>(

The following is sample output from the debug ip inspect ha manager command. Using the manager keyword provides a more detailed debug analysis:

Router# debug ip inspect ha manager
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995: HA Message 0:flags=0x01 len=727 FW_HA_MSG_INSERT_SESSION (1)
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   ID: grp1
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_INITIATOR_ADDR (1) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    0A 00 00 0A
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_RESPONDER_ADDR (2) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    0B 00 00 0A
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_INITIATOR_PORT (3) len 2
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    BF 1C
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_RESPONDER_PORT (4) len 2
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 17
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_L4_PROTOCOL (5) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 00 01
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_SRC_TABLEID (6) len 1
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_DST_TABLEID (7) len 1
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_R_RCVNXT (20) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    79 EA E2 9A
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_R_SNDNXT (21) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    6C 7D E4 04
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_R_RCVWND (22) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 10 20
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_R_LAST_SEQ_TO_SND (23) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 00 00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_I_RCVNXT (24) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    6C 7D E4 04
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_I_SNDNXT (25) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    79 EA E2 9A
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_I_RCVWND (26) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 10 20
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_I_LAST_SEQ_TO_SND (27) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 00 00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_TCP_STATE (28) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 00 04
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_INITIATOR_ALT_ADDR (8) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    0A 00 00 0A
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_RESPONDER_ALT_ADDR (9) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    0B 00 00 0A
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_INITIATOR_ALT_PORT (10) len 2
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    BF 1C
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_RESPONDER_ALT_PORT (11) len 2
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_L7_PROTOCOL (12) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 00 05
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_INSP_DIR (13) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 00 01
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_I_ISN (29) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    79 EA E2 99
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_R_ISN (30) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    6C 7D E4 03
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_APPL_INSP_FLAGS (15) len 2
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 10
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_TERM_FLAGS (16) len 1
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_IS_LOCAL_TRAFFIC (17) len 1
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_DATA_DIR (18) len 4
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00 00 00 00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_SESSION_LIMITING_DONE (19) len 1
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    00
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:   attr FW_HA_ATT_INSPECT_RULE (14) len 256
*Apr 13 17:23:28.995:    74 65 73 74 00 00 00 00

debug ip inspect L2-transparent

To enable debugging messages for transparent firewall events, use the debug ip inspect L2-transparent command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging messages, use the no form of this command.

debug ip inspect L2-transparent {packet | dhcp-passthrough}

no debug ip inspect L2-transparent {packet | dhcp-passthrough}

Syntax Description


Displays messages for all debug packets that are inspected by the transparent firewall.


Only IP packets (TCP, User Datagram Protocol [UDP], and Internet Control Management Protocol [ICMP]) are subjected to inspection by the transparent firewall.


Displays debug messages only for DHCP pass-through traffic that the transparent firewall forwards across the bridge.

To allow a transparent firewall to forward DHCP pass-through traffic, use the ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough command.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The debug ip inspect L2-transparent command can be used to help verify and troubleshoot transparent firewall-related configurations, such as a Telnet connection from the client to the server with inspection configured.


The following example shows how the transparent firewall debug command works in a basic transparent firewall configuration. (Note that each debug message is preceded by an asterisk (*).)

! Enable debug commands.
Router# debug ip inspect L2-transparent packet
INSPECT L2 firewall debugging is on
Router# debug ip inspect object-creation
INSPECT Object Creations debugging is on
Router# debug ip inspect object-deletion
INSPECT Object Deletions debugging is on
! Start the transparent firewall configuration process
Router# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
! Configure bridging 
Router(config)# bridge 1 protocol ieee
Router(config)# bridge irb
Router(config)# bridge 1 route ip
Router(config)# interface bvi1
*Mar  1 00:06:42.511:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface BVI1, changed state to down.
Router(config-if)# ip address
! Configure inspection 
Router(config)# ip inspect name test tcp
! Following debugs show the memory allocated for CBAC rules.
*Mar  1 00:07:21.127:CBAC OBJ_CREATE:create irc 817F04F0 (test)
*Mar  1 00:07:21.127:CBAC OBJ_CREATE:create irt 818AED20 Protocol:tcp Inactivity time:0 test 
Router(config)# ip inspect name test icmp
*Mar  1 00:07:39.211:CBAC OBJ_CREATE:create irt 818AEDCC Protocol:icmp Inactivity time:0
! Configure Bridging on ethernet0 interface 
Router(config)# interface ethernet0
Router(config-if)# bridge-group 1
*Mar  1 00:07:49.071:%LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface BVI1, changed state to up
*Mar  1 00:07:50.071:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface BVI1, changed state to up
! Configure inspection on ethernet0 interface 
Router(config-if)# ip inspect test in
*Mar  1 00:07:57.543:CBAC OBJ_CREATE:create idbsb 8189CBFC (Ethernet0)
! Incremented the number of bridging interfaces configured for inspection */ 
*Mar  1 00:07:57.543:L2FW:Incrementing L2FW i/f count
Router(config-if)# interface ethernet1
! Configure bridging and ACL on interface ethernet1 
Router(config-if)# bridge-group 1
Router(config-if)# ip access-group 101 in
*Mar  1 00:08:26.711:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface Ethernet1, changed state to up
Router(config-if)# end

debug ip ips

To enable debugging messages for Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), use the debug ip ips command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging messages, use the no form of this command.

debug ip ips [engine] [detailed] [service-msrpc] [service-sm]

no debug ip ips [engine] [detailed]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays debugging messages only for a specific signature engine.


(Optional) Displays detailed debugging messages for the specified signature engine or for all IPS actions.


(Optional) Displays debugging messages for Microsoft RPC (Remote Procedure Call) (MSRPC) actions.


(Optional) Displays debugging messages for Microsoft SMB(Server Message Block) actions.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The service-msrpc and the service-sm keywords were added to support Microsoft communication protocols MSRPC and SMB.


The following example shows how to enable debugging messages for the Cisco IOS IPS:

Router# debug ip ips

debug ip mbgp dampening

To log route flap dampening activity related to multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), use the debug ip mbgp dampening command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mbgp dampening [access-list-number]

no debug ip mbgp dampening [access-list-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The number of an access list in the range from 1 to 99. If an access list number is specified, debugging occurs only for the routes permitted by the access list.

Command Default

Logging for route flap dampening activity is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mbgp dampening command:

Router# debug ip mbgp dampening
BGP: charge penalty for path 49 with halflife-time 15 reuse/suppress 750/2000
BGP: flapped 1 times since 00:00:00. New penalty is 1000
BGP: charge penalty for path 19 49 with halflife-time 15 reuse/suppress 750/2000
BGP: flapped 1 times since 00:00:00. New penalty is 1000

debug ip mbgp updates

To log multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)-related information passed in BGP update messages, use the debug ip mbgp updates command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mbgp updates

no debug ip mbgp updates

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Logging for multiprotocol BGP-related information in BGP update messages is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mbgp updates command:

Router# debug ip mbgp updates
BGP: NEXT_HOP part 1 net, neigh, next
BGP: send UPDATE, next, metric 0, path 33 34 19 49 109 65000 297 3561 6503
BGP: NEXT_HOP part 1 net, neigh, next
BGP: send UPDATE, next, metric 0, path 33 34 19 49 109 65000 297 1239 1800 3597
BGP: NEXT_HOP part 1 net, neigh, next
BGP: rcv UPDATE about, next hop, path 49 109 metric 0
BGP: rcv UPDATE about, next hop, path 49 109 metric 0
BGP: rcv UPDATE about, next hop, path 49 109 metric 0
BGP: rcv UPDATE about, next hop, path 49 19 metric 0
BGP: rcv UPDATE about, next hop, path 49 19 metric 0
BGP: rcv UPDATE about, next hop, path 49 metric 0
BGP: rcv UPDATE about, next hop, path 49 metric 0
BGP: nettable_walker calling revise_route
BGP: revise route installing ->
BGP: computing updates, neighbor version 267099, table version 267100, starting at
BGP: NEXT_HOP part 1 net, neigh, next
BGP: send UPDATE, next, metric 0, path 33 49
BGP: 1 updates (average = 46, maximum = 46)
BGP: updates replicated for neighbors :,,
BGP: 1 updates enqueued (average=46, maximum=46)
BGP: update run completed, ran for 0ms, neighbor version 267099, start version 267100, throttled to 267100, check point net 

debug ip mcache


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M and Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE, the debug ip mcache command is not available in Cisco IOS software.

To display IP multicast fast-switching events, use the debug ip mcache command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mcache [vrf vrf-name] [hostname | group-address]

no debug ip mcache [vrf vrf-name] [hostname | group-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Supports the Multicast Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Name assigned to the VRF.


(Optional) The host name.


(Optional) The group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The vrf keyword and vrf-name argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was removed.


This command was removed.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when multicast fast switching appears not to be functioning.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mcache command when an IP multicast route is cleared:

Router# debug ip mcache
IP multicast fast-switching debugging is on
Router# clear ip mroute *
MRC: Build MAC header for (,, Ethernet0
MRC: Fast-switch flag for (,, off -> on, caller ip_mroute_replicate-1
MRC: Build MAC header for (,, Ethernet0
MRC: Build MAC header for (,, Ethernet0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 8. debug ip mcache Field Descriptions




Multicast route cache.

Fast-switch flag

Route is fast switched.


Host route with 32 bits of mask.

off -> on

State has changed.

caller ...

The code function that activated the state change.

debug ip mds ipc

To debug multicast distributed switching ( MDS) interprocessor communication, that is, synchronization between the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) on the line card and the multicast routing table in the Route Processor (RP), use the debug ip mds ipc command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mds ipc {event | packet}

no debug ip mds ipc {event | packet}

Syntax Description


Displays MDS events when there is a problem.


Displays MDS packets.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on the line card or RP.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mds ipc packet command:

Router# debug ip mds ipc packet
MDFS ipc packet debugging is on
MDFS: LC sending statistics message to RP with code 0 of size 36
MDFS: LC sending statistics message to RP with code 1 of size 680
MDFS: LC sending statistics message to RP with code 2 of size 200
MDFS: LC sending statistics message to RP with code 3 of size 152
MDFS: LC sending window message to RP with code 36261 of size 8
MDFS: LC received IPC packet of size 60 sequence 36212

The following is sample output from the debug ip mds ipc event command:

Router# debug ip mds ipc event
MDFS: LC received invalid sequence 21 while expecting 20

debug ip mds mevent

To debug Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) route creation, route updates, and so on, use the debug ip mds mevent command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mds mevent

no debug ip mds mevent

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on the line card.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mds mevent command:

Router# debug ip mds mevent 
MDFS mroute event debugging is on
Router#clear ip mdfs for *
MDFS: Create (*,
MDFS: Create (,, RPF POS2/0/0
MDFS: Add OIF for mroute ( on Fddi0/0/0
MDFS: Create (*,
MDFS: Create (,, RPF POS2/0/0
MDFS: Add OIF for mroute ( on Fddi0/0/0
MDFS: Create (,, RPF POS2/0/0

debug ip mds mpacket

To debug multicast distributed switching ( MDS) events such as packet drops, interface drops, and switching failures, use the debug ip mds mpacket command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mds mpacket

no debug ip mds mpacket

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on the line card.

debug ip mds process

To debug line card process level events, use the debug ip mds process command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mds process

no debug ip mds process

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

Use this command on the line card or Route Processor (RP).


The following is sample output from the debug ip mds process command:

Router# debug ip mds process 
MDFS process debugging is on
Mar 19 16:15:47.448: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:47.448: MDFS: RP queueing midb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:47.628: MDFS: RP servicing low queue for LC in slot 0
Mar 19 16:15:47.628: MDFS: RP servicing low queue for LC in slot 2
Mar 19 16:15:48.229: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:48.229: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:48.229: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:48.229: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:48.229: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:48.229: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards
Mar 19 16:15:48.233: MDFS: RP queueing mdb message for (, to all linecards 

debug ip mfib adjacency

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) adjacency management activity, use the debug ip mfib adjacency command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib adjacency

no debug ip mfib adjacency

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB adjacency management activity:

Router# debug ip mfib adjacency

debug ip mfib db

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) route database management activity, use the debug ip mfib db command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] db [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] db [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * }

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB route database management activity associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB route database management activity associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output for route database management activity associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB route database management activity:

Router# debug ip mfib db

debug ip mfib fs

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) fast switching activity, use the debug ip mfib fs command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] fs [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] fs [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * }

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB fast switching activity associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB fast switching activity associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB fast switching activity associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB fast switching activity:

Router# debug ip mfib fs

debug ip mfib init

To enable debugging output for events related to IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) system initialization, use the debug ip mfib init command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib init

no debug ip mfib init

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for events related to IPv4 MFIB system initialization:

Router# debug ip mfib init

debug ip mfib interface

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) interfaces, use the debug ip mfib interface command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib interface

no debug ip mfib interface

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB interfaces:

Router# debug ip mfib interface

debug ip mfib mrib

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) communication with the IPv4 Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB), use the debug ip mfib mrib command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] mrib [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ] [detail]

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] mrib [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ] [detail]

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * ]

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB communication with the IPv4 MRIB associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB communication with the IPv4 MRIB associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB communication with the IPv4 MRIB associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.


(Optional) Displays detailed debugging output for IPv4 MFIB communication with the IPv4 MRIB.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was modified. The detail keyword was added.


This command was modified. The detail keyword was added.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB communication with the IPv4 MRIB:

Router# debug ip mfib mrib

debug ip mfib nat

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) Network Address Translation (NAT) events associated with all tables, use the debug ip mfib nat command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib nat [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

no debug ip mfib nat [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB NAT events associated with all tables:

Router# debug ip mfib nat

debug ip mfib pak

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) packet forwarding activity, use the debug ip mfib pak command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] pak [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] pak [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | *

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet forwarding activity associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • * --Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet forwarding activity associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet forwarding activity associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet forwarding activity:

Router# debug ip mfib pak

debug ip mfib platform

To enable debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) application program interfaces (APIs), use the debug ip mfib platform command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] platform {api | callbacks | errors | notify | trnx}

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] platform {api | callbacks | errors | notify | trnx}

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * }

(Optional) Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB APIs associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB APIs associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB APIs associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB API calls.


Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB API callbacks.


Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB API errors.


Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB notifications.


Enables debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB database transactions.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output related to the hardware platform use of IPv4 MFIB API errors:

Router# debug ip mfib platform errors

debug ip mfib ppr

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) packet preservation events, use the debug ip mfib ppr command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] ppr [errors | limit | preserve | release | trnx] [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] ppr [errors | limit | preserve | release | trnx] [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * }

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation events associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation events associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation events associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation errors.


(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation limits.


(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation events.


(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation release events.


(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation database transaction events.


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB packet preservation errors:

Router# debug ip mfib ppr errors

debug ip mfib ps

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) process switching activity, use the debug ip mfib ps command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] ps [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] ps [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * }

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB process switching activity associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB process switching activity associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB process switching activity associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB process switching activity:

Router# debug ip mfib ps

debug ip mfib signal

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) signal activity, use the debug ip mfib signal command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] signal [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] signal [source-address [group-address] | group-address [source-address] ]

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * }

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB signal activity associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB signal activity associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB fast signal activity associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


(Optional) Multicast source address.


(Optional) Multicast group address.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB signal activity for the default IPv4 table:

Router# debug ip mfib signal

The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB signal activity for the group, the source, and for the VRF Mgmt-intf:

Router# debug ip mfib vrf Mgmt-intf signal

debug ip mfib table

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) table activity, use the debug ip mfib table command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] table {db | mrib}

no debug ip mfib [vrf {vrf-name | *}] table {db | mrib}

Syntax Description

vrf {vrf-name | * }

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB signal activity associated with Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instances.

After specifying the optional vrf keyword, you must specify either:

  • vrf-name --Name of an MVRF. Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB signal activity associated with the MVRF specified for the vrf-name argument.

  • * --Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB fast signal activity associated with all tables (all MVRF tables and the global table).


Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB database table events and operations.


Enables debugging output for IPv4 MFIB Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) API table events and operations.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB database table events and operations:

Router# debug ip mfib table db

The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MFIB MRIB API table events and operations:

Router# debug ip mfib table mrib

debug ip mhbeat

To monitor the action of the heartbeat trap, use the debug ip mhbeat command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mhbeat

no debug ip mhbeat

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging is not enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mhbeat command.

Router# debug ip mhbeat
IP multicast heartbeat debugging is on
Router debug snmp packets
SNMP packet debugging is on
Router(config)# ip multicast heartbeat intervals-of 10
 Dec 23 13:34:21.132: MHBEAT: ip multicast-heartbeat group port 0
         source at-least 3 in 5 intervals-of 10 secondsd
 Dec 23 13:34:23: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
 Dec 23 13:34:31.136: MHBEAT: timer ticked, t=1,i=1,c=0
 Dec 23 13:34:41.136: MHBEAT: timer ticked, t=2,i=2,c=0
 Dec 23 13:34:51.136: MHBEAT: timer ticked, t=3,i=3,c=0
 Dec 23 13:35:01.136: MHBEAT: timer ticked, t=4,i=4,c=0
 Dec 23 13:35:11.136: MHBEAT: timer ticked, t=5,i=0,c=0
 Dec 23 13:35:21.135: Send SNMP Trap for missing heartbeat
 Dec 23 13:35:21.135: SNMP: Queuing packet to
 Dec 23 13:35:21.135: SNMP: V1 Trap, ent ciscoExperiment.2.3.1, addr, gentrap 6, spectrap 1 
  ciscoIpMRouteHeartBeat.1.0 = 
  ciscoIpMRouteHeartBeat.2.0 = 
  ciscoIpMRouteHeartBeat.3.0 = 10 
  ciscoIpMRouteHeartBeat.4.0 = 5 
  ciscoIpMRouteHeartBeat.5.0 = 0 
  ciscoIpMRouteHeartBeat.6.0 = 3

debug ip mobile

To display IP mobility activities, use the debug ip mobile command in privileged EXEC mode.

debug ip mobile [advertise | host [access-list-number] | local-area | redundancy | udp-tunneling]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Advertisement information.


(Optional) The mobile node host.


(Optional) The number of an IP access list.


(Optional) The local area.


(Optional) Redundancy activities.


(Optional) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) tunneling activities.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The standby keyword was added.


The standby keyword was replaced by the redundancy keyword.


This command was enhanced to display information about foreign agent reverse tunnels and the mobile networks attached to the mobile router.


The udp-tunneling keyword was added and the command was enhanced to display information about NAT traversal using UDP tunneling.


This command was enhanced to include the Resource Management capability.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use the debug ip mobile redundancy command to troubleshoot redundancy problems.

No per-user debugging output is shown for mobile nodes using the network access identifier (NAI) for the debug ip mobile host command. Debugging of specific mobile nodes using an IP address is possible through the access list.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile command when foreign agent reverse tunneling is enabled:

MobileIP:MN deleted from ReverseTunnelTable of Ethernet2/1(Entries 0)

The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile advertise command:

Router# debug ip mobile advertise
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out Ethernet1/2: type=16, len=10, seq=1, lifetime=36000, 
Care-of address: 
Prefix Length ext: len=1 (8 )
FA Challenge value:769C808D

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 9. debug ip mobile advertise Field Descriptions




Type of advertisement.


Length of extension (in bytes).


Sequence number of this advertisement.


Lifetime (in seconds).


Capital letters represent bits that are set; lowercase letters represent unset bits.

Care-of address

IP address.

Prefix Length ext

Number of prefix lengths advertised. This is the bits in the mask of the interface sending this advertisement. Used for roaming detection.

FA Challenge value

Foreign Agent challenge value (randomly generated by the foreign agent.)

The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile host command:

Router# debug ip mobile host
MobileIP: HA received registration for MN on interface Ethernet1 using COA HA lifetime 30000 options sbdmgvT
MobileIP: Authenticated FA using SPI 110 (MN
MobileIP: Authenticated MN using SPI 300
MobileIP: HA accepts registration from MN
MobileIP: Mobility binding for MN updated
MobileIP: Roam timer started for MN, lifetime 30000
MobileIP: MH auth ext added (SPI 300) in reply to MN
MobileIP: HF auth ext added (SPI 220) in reply to MN
MobileIP: HA sent reply to MN

The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile redundancy command. In this example, the active home agent receives a registration request from mobile node and sends a binding update to peer home agent

MobileIP:MN - sent BindUpd to HA HAA
MobileIP:HA standby maint started - cnt 1
MobileIP:MN - sent BindUpd id 3780410816 cnt 0 elapsed 0
adjust -0 to HA in grp HAA

In this example, the standby home agent receives a binding update for mobile node sent by the active home agent:

MobileIP:MN - HA rcv BindUpd from HAA

The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile udp-tunneling command and displays the registration, authentication, and establishment of UDP tunneling of a mobile node (MN) with a foreign agent (FA):

Dec 31 12:34:25.707: UDP: rcvd src=,dst=, length=54
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type MHAE(32) addr 2000FEEC end 2000FF02
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 10 to next
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: FA rcv registration for MN on Ethernet2/2 using  COA HA lifetime 65535 options sbdmg-T-identification  C1BC0D4FB01AC0D8
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: Ethernet2/2 glean accepted
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: Registration request byte count = 74
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: FA queued MN in register table
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: Visitor registration timer started for MN,  lifetime 120
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP:  Adding UDP Tunnel req extension
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: MN FHAE added to HA using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:25.707: MobileIP: FA forwarded registration for MN to HA
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: UDP: rcvd src=, dst=, length=94
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type NVSE(134) addr 20010B28 end 20010B6A
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type MN-config NVSE(14) subtype 1 (MN prefix  length) prefix length (24)
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 12 to next
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type MHAE(32) addr 20010B36 end 20010B6A
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 10 to next
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type UDPTUNREPE(44) addr 20010B4C end 20010B6A
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: Parsing UDP Tunnel Reply Extension - length 6
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 6 to next
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type FHAE(34) addr 20010B54 end 20010B6A
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 20 to next
Dec 31 12:34:25.715: MobileIP: FA rcv accept (0) reply for MN on Ethernet2/3  using HA lifetime 65535
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Authenticating HA using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Authenticated HA using SPI 1000 and 16 byte  key
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: HA accepts UDP Tunneling
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Update visitor table for MN
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Enabling UDP Tunneling
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Tunnel0 (MIPUDP/IP) created with src dst
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Setting up UDP Keep-Alive Timer for tunnel - with keep-alive 30
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Starting the tunnel keep-alive timer
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: ARP entry for MN using inserted on  Ethernet2/2
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: FA route add successful. Code = 0
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: MN added to ReverseTunnelTable of Ethernet2/2  (Entries 1)
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: FA dequeued MN from register table
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: MN using visiting on Ethernet2/2 Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: Reply in for MN using, accepted
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: registration reply byte count = 84
Dec 31 12:34:25.719: MobileIP: FA forwarding reply to MN ( mac  0060.70ca.f021)
Dec 31 12:34:26.095: MobileIP: agent advertisement byte count = 48
Dec 31 12:34:26.095: MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out Ethernet2/2: type=16, len=10,  seq=55, lifetime=65535, flags=0x1580(rbhFmG-TU),
Dec 31 12:34:26.095: Care-of address:
Dec 31 12:34:26.719: MobileIP: swif coming up Tunnel0
Dec 31 12:34:35.719: UDP: sent src=, dst=
Dec 31 12:34:35.719: UDP: rcvd src=, dst=, length=32d0

The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile udp-tunneling command and displays the registration, authentication, and establishment of UDP tunneling of a MN with a home agent (HA):

Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 20 to next
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type UDPTUNREQE(144) addr 2001E762 end 2001E780
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Parsing UDP Tunnel Request Extension - length 6
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 6 to next
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type FHAE(34) addr 2001E76A end 2001E780
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 20 to next
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: HA 167 rcv registration for MN on Ethernet2/1  using HomeAddr COA HA lifetime 65535 options  sbdmg-T-identification C1BC0D4FB01AC0D8
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: NAT detected SRC: COA:
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: UDP Tunnel Request accepted
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authenticating FA using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and truncated key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authenticated FA using SPI 1000 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authenticating MN using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and truncated key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Authenticated MN using SPI 1000 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Mobility binding for MN created
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: NAT detected for MN Terminating tunnel on
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Tunnel0 (MIPUDP/IP) created with src dst
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Setting up UDP Keep-Alive Timer for tunnel - with keep-alive 30
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: Starting the tunnel keep-alive timer 
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: MN Insert route for  via gateway on Tunnel0
Dec 31 12:34:26.167: MobileIP: MN is now roaming
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Gratuitous ARPs sent for MN MAC 0002.fca5.bc39
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Mask for address is 24
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: HA accepts registration from MN
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Dynamic and Static Network Extension Length 0 - 0
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Composed mobile network extension length:0
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Added prefix length vse in reply
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: MN MHAE added to MN using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: MN FHAE added to FA using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: MN - HA sent reply to
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.171: MobileIP: MN HHAE added to HA using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type CVSE(38) addr 2000128C end 200012AE
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type HA red. version CVSE(6)
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 8 to next
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: ParseRegExt type HHAE(35) addr 20001298 end 200012AE
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: ParseRegExt skipping 20 to next
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: Authenticating HA using SPI 1000
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and truncated key
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: Authentication algorithm MD5 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:26.175: MobileIP: Authenticated HA using SPI 1000 and 16 byte key
Dec 31 12:34:27.167: MobileIP: swif coming up Tunnel0d0

debug ip mobile advertise

The debug ip mobile advertise command was consolidated with the debug ip mobile command. See the description of the debug ip mobile command in the “Debug Commands” chapter for more information.

To display advertisement information, use the debug ip mobile advertise EXEC command .

debug ip mobile advertise

no debug ip mobile advertise

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default values.

Command Modes

EXEC mode

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile advertise command. The table below describes significant fields shown in the display.

Router# debug ip mobile advertise
MobileIP: Agent advertisement sent out Ethernet1/2: type=16, len=10, seq=1, 
Care-of address: 
Prefix Length ext: len=1 (8 )
Table 10. Debug IP Mobile Advertise Field Descriptions




Type of advertisement.


Length of extension in bytes.


Sequence number of this advertisement.


Lifetime in seconds.


Capital letters represent bits that are set, lower case letters represent unset bits.

Care-of address

IP address.

Prefix Length ext

Number of prefix lengths advertised. This is the bits in the mask of the interface sending this advertisement. Used for roaming detection.

debug ip mobile dyn-pbr

To display debugging messages for the mobile IP (MIP) dynamic policy based routing (PBR) mobile router, use the debug ip mobile dyn-pbr command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mobile dyn-pbr

no debug ip mobile dyn-pbr

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following sample output from the debug ip mobile dyn-pbr command:

Router# debug ip mobile dyn-pbr
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to up *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path WIFI in rmap MPATH_2 10 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Found link_type WIFI, ACL template is VIDEO *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Set int for link_type WIFI to Tunnel2 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: ACL handle VIDEO-to- created *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Retrieving ACL for
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        template->tos_value = 16 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Creating new rmap entry_hdl 104835472 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        new dyn rmap info added to map_entry->dyn_rmaps
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:          map_entry->dyn_rmaps =
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:               104835472, VIDEO-to-
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: added route-map entry for
VIDEO-to- via Tunnel2
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Dyn route-map entry added OK on HA *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: ACL handle VIDEO-to- created *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Retrieving ACL for
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        template->tos_value = 16 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Creating new rmap entry_hdl 84396264 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        new dyn rmap info added to map_entry->dyn_rmaps
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:          map_entry->dyn_rmaps =
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:               104835472, VIDEO-to-
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:               84396264, VIDEO-to-
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: added route-map entry for
VIDEO-to- via Tunnel2
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Dyn route-map entry added for home address on HA *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path WIFI in rmap MPATH_2 20 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path WIFI in rmap MPATH_2 30 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: MIP-01/12/09-19:46:39.495-1-MP-HA assoc with Ethernet2/0 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path WIFI in rmap MPATH_1 10 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Found link_type WIFI, ACL template is VIDEO *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Set int for link_type WIFI to Tunnel2 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn acl hdl
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   After api bind, ACL 
VIDEO-to-, user_count 3
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   current map_entry->dyn_rmaps = 0
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   found rmap_info = 
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn rmap entry
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: added route-map entry for
VIDEO-to- via Tunnel2
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Dyn route-map entry added OK on HA *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn acl hdl
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   After api bind, ACL 
VIDEO-to-, user_count 3
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   current map_entry->dyn_rmaps = 
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   found rmap_info = 
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn rmap entry
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: added route-map entry for
VIDEO-to- via Tunnel2
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Dyn route-map entry added for home address on HA *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path WIFI in rmap MPATH_1 20 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path WIFI in rmap MPATH_1 30 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: MIP-01/12/09-19:46:39.495-1-MP-HA assoc with Ethernet2/0 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        *Jan 12 19:50:16.271: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel3, changed state to up *Jan 12 19:50:16.271: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel4, changed state to up *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path UMTS in rmap MPATH_2 10 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path UMTS in rmap MPATH_2 20 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Found link_type UMTS, ACL template is VOICE *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Set int for link_type UMTS to Tunnel4 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: ACL handle VOICE-to- created *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn acl hdl
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   After api bind, ACL 
VOICE-to-, user_count 3
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   current map_entry->dyn_rmaps = 0
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   found rmap_info = 
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn rmap entry 84365440 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: added route-map entry for
VOICE-to- via Tunnel4
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Dyn route-map entry added OK on HA *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn acl hdl
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   After api bind, ACL 
VOICE-to-, user_count 3
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   current map_entry->dyn_rmaps = 
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR:   found rmap_info = 
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Using existing dyn rmap entry
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: added route-map entry for
VOICE-to- via Tunnel4
*Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: Dyn route-map entry added for home address on HA *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        Looking for path UMTS in rmap MPATH_1 30 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        MIP-PBR: MIP-01/12/09-19:46:39.495-1-MP-HA assoc with Ethernet2/0 *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:        *Jan 12 19:50:16.271:       
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            DELETING dyn_rmaps for reg_ptr 6436320:
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_1 10
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_2 10
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_1 10
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_2 10
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel4 MPATH_1 20
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel4 MPATH_2 20
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel4 MPATH_1 20
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel4 MPATH_2 20
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_1 10
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_2 10
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_1 10
*Jan 12 19:50:16.291:            Looking at reg_info: Tunnel2 MPATH_2 10

debug ip mobile host

The debug ip mobile host command was consolidated with the debug ip mobile command. See the description of the debug ip mobile command in the “Debug Commands” chapter for more information.

Use the debug ip mobile host EXEC command to display IP mobility events.

debug ip mobile host [access-list-number] | [nai {NAI username | username@realm}]

no debug ip mobile host [access-list-number] | [nai {NAI username | username@realm}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The mobile node host.

nai { NAI username | username@realm }

(Optional) Mobile host identified by NAI.

Command Default

No default values.

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile host command:

Router# debug ip mobile host
MobileIP: HA received registration for MN on interface Ethernet1 using COA HA lifetime 30000 options sbdmgvT
MobileIP: Authenticated FA using SPI 110 (MN
MobileIP: Authenticated MN using SPI 300
MobileIP: HA accepts registration from MN
MobileIP: Mobility binding for MN updated
MobileIP: Roam timer started for MN, lifetime 30000
MobileIP: MH auth ext added (SPI 300) in reply to MN
MobileIP: HF auth ext added (SPI 220) in reply to MN
MobileIP: HA sent reply to MN 

debug ip mobile mib

To display deb ugging messages for mobile networks, use the debug ip mobile mib command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mobile mib

no debug ip mobile mib

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is useful for customers deploying mobile networks functionality that need to monitor and debug mobile router information via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

Set operations (performed from a Network Management System) are supported for mobile network services. While setting the values for MIBs, a set operation may fail. The debug ip mobile mib command allows error messages explaining the failure to be displayed on the console of the home agent .


The following mobile networks deployment MIB debug messages are displayed only on certain conditions or when a certain condition fails.

Router# debug ip mobile mib
! Mobile router is not enabled 
MIPMIB: Mobile Router is not enabled
! Care-of-interface can be set as transmit-only only if its a Serial interface
MIPMIB: Serial interfaces can only be set as transmit-only
! The Care of address can be configured only if foreign agent is running
MIPMIB: FA cannot be started
! Check if home agent is active 
MIPMIB: HA is not enabled
! For mobile router configuration, host configuration must have been done already
MIPMIB: MN <address> is not configured
! Mobile Network does not match the existing mobile network 
MIPMIB: Conflict with existing mobile networks <name>
! Mobile router present 
MIPMIB: MR <address> is not configured
! Static mobile networks can be configured only for single member mobilenetgroups
MIPMIB: MR is part of group <name>, network cannot be configured
! If a binding exists for this mobile router, then delete the route for this unconfigured ! mobile network
MIBMIB: Delete static mobile net for MR 
! Check if its a dynamically registered mobile network 
nMIPMIB: Mobile network <address mask> is dynamically registered, cannot be removed
! Check if the mobile network has already been configured for another group
nMIPMIB: Mobile network already configured for MR 
! Check if the network has been dynamically registered 
nMIPMIB: Deleted dynamic mobnet <address mask> for MR <name>
! Check if the redundancy group exists
MIPMIB: Redundancy group <name> does not exist
! CCOA configuration, use primary interface address as the CCoA
MIPMIB: No IP address on this interface
! CCOA configuration, CCoA address shouldn't be the same as the Home Address

nMIPMIB: Collocated CoA is the same as the Home Address, registrations will fail

debug ip mobile redundancy

The debug ip mobile redundancy command was consolidated with the debug ip mobile command. See the description of the debug ip mobile command in the “Debug Commands” chapter for more information.

Use the debug ip mobile redundancy EXEC command to display IP mobility events.

debug ip mobile redundancy

no debug ip mobile redundancy

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

No default values.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile redundancy command:

Router# debug ip mobile redundancy
00:19:21: MobileIP: Adding MN service flags to bindupdate
00:19:21: MobileIP:  Adding MN service flags 0 init registration flags 1
00:19:21: MobileIP: Adding a hared version cvse - bindupdate
00:19:21: MobileIP: HARelayBindUpdate version number 2MobileIP: MN - sent BindUpd to HA HAA
00:19:21: MobileIP: HA standby maint started - cnt 1
00:19:21: MobileIP: MN - HA rcv BindUpdAck accept from HAA
00:19:22: MobileIP: HA standby maint started - cnt 1

debug ip mobile router

To display debugging messages for the mobile router, use the debug ip mobile router command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mobile router [detail]

no debug ip mobile router [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed mobile router debug messages.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was enhanced to display information about the addition and deletion of mobile networks.


This command was enhanced to display information about Multi-VRF for Network Mobility.

Usage Guidelines

The mobile router operations can be debugged. The following conditions trigger debugging messages:

  • Agent discovery

  • Registration

  • Mobile router state change

  • Routes and tunnels created or deleted

  • Roaming information

Debugging messages are prefixed with “MobRtr” and detail messages are prefixed with “MobRtrX”.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile router command:

Device# debug ip mobile router
MobileRouter: New FA coa int Ethernet0/1 MAC 0050.50c1.c855
2w2d: MobileRouter: Register reason: isolated
2w2d: MobileRouter: Snd reg request agent coa home ha lifetime 36000 int Ethernet0/1 flag sbdmgvt cnt 0 id B496B69C.55E77974
2w2d: MobileRouter: Status Isolated -> Pending

The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile router detail command:

Device# debug ip mobile router detail
1d09h: MobRtr: New agent coa int Ethernet3/1 MAC 00b0.8e35.a055
1d09h: MobRtr: Register reason: left home
1d09h: MobRtrX: Extsize 18 add 1 delete 0 
1d09h: MobRtrX: Add network 
MobileIP: MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to HA
1d09h: MobRtr: Register to fa coa home ha life 120 int Ethernet3/1 flag sbdmgvt cnt 0 id BE804340.447F50A4
1d09h: MobRtr: Status Isolated -> Pending
1d09h: MobRtr: MN rcv accept (0) reply on Ethernet3/1 from lifetime 120
MobileIP: MN - authenticating HA using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated HA using SPI 100
1d09h: MobRtr: Status Pending -> Registered
1d09h: MobRtr: Add default gateway (Ethernet3/1)
1d09h: MobRtr: Add default route via (Ethernet3/1)

The following is sample output from the debug ip mobile router detail command when Multi-VRF for Network Mobility feature is configured:

Device# debug ip mobile router detail
1d09h: MobRtr: New agent coa int Ethernet3/1 MAC 00b0.8e35.a055
1d09h: MobRtr: Register reason: left home
1d09h: MobRtrX: Extsize 18 add 1 delete 0 
1d09h: MobRtrX: Add network 
MobileIP: MH auth ext added (SPI 100) to HA
1d09h: MobRtr: Register to fa coa home ha life 120 int Ethernet3/1 flag sbdmgvt cnt 0 id BE804340.447F50A4
1d09h: MobRtr: Status Isolated -> Pending
1d09h: MobRtr: MN rcv accept (0) reply on Ethernet3/1 from lifetime 120
MobileIP: MN - authenticating HA using SPI 100
MobileIP: MN - authenticated HA using SPI 100
1d09h: MobRtr: Status Pending -> Registered
1d09h: MobRtr: Add default gateway (Ethernet3/1)
1d09h: MobRtr: Add default route via (Ethernet3/1)

debug ip mpacket


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M and Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE, the debug ip mpacket command is replaced by the debug ip mfib ps command and the debug ip mcache command with the fastswitch keyword is replaced by the debug ip mfib pak command. See the debug ip mfib ps and debug ip mfib pak commands for more information.

To display IP multicast packets received and sent, use the debug ip mpacket command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mpacket [vrf vrf-name] [detail | fastswitch] [access-list] [group]

no debug ip mpacket [vrf vrf-name] [detail | fastswitch] [access-list] [group]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Supports the Multicast Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Name assigned to the VRF.


(Optional) Displays IP header information and MAC address information.


(Optional) Displays IP packet information in the fast path.


(Optional) The access list number.


(Optional) The group name or address.

Command Default

The debug ip mpacket command displays all IP multicast packets switched at the process level.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The fastswitch keyword was added.


This command was modified. The vrf keyword and vrf-name argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was replaced.


This command was replaced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays information for multicast IP packets that are forwarded from this router. Use the access-list or group argument to limit the display to multicast packets from sources described by the access list or a specific multicast group.

Use this command with the debug ip packet command to display additional packet information.


The debug ip mpacket command generates many messages. Use this command with care so that performance on the network is not affected by the debug message traffic.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mpacket command:

Router# debug ip mpacket 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 88, mforward 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 88, mforward 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 88, mforward 
IP: s= (Ethernet1), d= (Tunnel0), len 68, mforward 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 11. debug ip mpacket Field Descriptions




IP packet.


Source address of the packet.


Name of the interface that received the packet.


Multicast group address that is the destination for this packet.


Outgoing interface for the packet.

len 88

Number of bytes in the packet. This value will vary depending on the application and the media.


Packet has been forwarded.

debug ip mrib

To enable debugging output for IPv4 Multicast Routing Information Base (MRIB) activity, use the debug ip mrib command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mrib [vrf vrf-name] {client | io | issu | proxy | route | table | trans}

no debug ip mrib [vrf vrf-name] {client | io | issu | proxy | route | table | trans}

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Enables debugging output for IPv4 MRIB activity associated with the Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instance specified for the vrf-name argument.


Enables debugging output for IPv4 MRIB client management activity.


Enables debugging output for IPv4 MRIB input/output (I/O) events.


Enables debugging output for IPv4 MRIB events associated with In-Service Software Upgrades (ISSUs).


Enables debugging output related to IPv4 MRIB proxy activity between the Route Processor (RP) and line cards.


Enables debugging output for IPv4 MRIB activity pertaining to routing entries.


Enables debugging output for IPv4 MRIB table management activity.


Enables debugging output for activity related to IPv4 Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) to MRIB translation.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following example shows how to enable debugging output for IPv4 MRIB client management activity:

Router# debug ip mrib client

debug ip mrm

To display Multicast Routing Monitor (MRM) control packet activity, use the debug ip mrm command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mrm [events | packets]

no debug ip mrm [events | packets]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays MRM events.


(Optional) Displays MRM test packets.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following is sample output from the debug ip mrm command on different devices:


*Feb 28 16:25:44.009: MRM: Send Beacon for group, holdtime 86100 seconds
*Feb 28 16:26:01.095: MRM: Receive Status Report from on Ethernet0
*Feb 28 16:26:01.099: MRM: Send Status Report Ack to for group


MRM: Receive Test-Sender Request/Local trigger from on Ethernet0
MRM: Send TS request Ack to for group
MRM: Send test packet src: dst: manager:


MRM: Receive Test-Receiver Request/Monitor from on Ethernet0
MRM: Send TR request Ack to for group
MRM: Receive Beacon from on Ethernet0
MRM: Send Status Report to for group
MRM: Receive Status Report Ack from on Ethernet0

debug ip mrouting

To display information about activity in the multicast route (mroute) table, use the debug ip mrouting command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.

debug ip mrouting [vrf vrf-name] [rpf-events | timers] [group-address]

no debug ip mrouting [vrf vrf-name] [rpf-events | timers] [group-address]

Command Syntax in Cisco IOS 12.2(33)SXH and Subsequent 12.2SX Releases

debug ip mrouting [vrf vrf-name] [high-availability | rpf-events [group-address] | timers group-address]

no debug ip mrouting [vrf vrf-name] [high-availability | rpf-events [group-address] | timers group-address]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Displays debugging information related to mroute activity associated with the Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) routing and forwarding (MVRF) instance specified for the vrf-name argument.


(Optional) Displays high availability (HA) events associated with supervisor engine switchovers on Catalyst 6500 series switches, in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH and subsequent 12.2SX releases.


(Optional) Displays Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) events associated with mroutes in the mroute table.


(Optional) Displays timer-related events associated with mroutes in the mroute table.


(Optional) IP address or Domain Name System (DNS) name of a multicast group. Entering a multicast group address restricts the output to only display mroute activity associated with the multicast group address specified for the optional group-address argument.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The rpf-events keyword was added.


The timers keyword, vrf keyword, and vrf-name argument were added.


The timers keyword, vrf keyword, and vrf-name argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH. The high-availability keyword was added in support of the PIM Triggered Joins feature.

Usage Guidelines

This command indicates when the router has made changes to the mroute table. Use the debug ip pim and debug ip mrouting commands consecutively to obtain additional multicast routing information. In addition, use the debug ip igmp command to learn why an mroute message is being displayed.

This command generates a substantial amount of output. Use the optional group-address argument to limit the output to a single multicast group.

In Cisco IOS 12.2(33)SXH and subsequent 12.2SX releases, the high-availability keyword was added in support of the PIM Triggered Joins feature to monitor HA events in the event of a supervisor engine switchover on a Catalyst 6500 series switch. The PIM Triggered Joins feature is an HA multicast enhancement that improves the reconvergence of mroutes after a supervisor engine switchover on a Catalyst 6500 series switch. After a service engine switchover, all instances of PIM running on the newly active supervisor engine will modify the value of the Generation ID (GenID) that is included in PIM hello messages sent to adjacent PIM neighbors. When an adjacent PIM neighbor receives a PIM hello message on an interface with a new GenID, the PIM neighbor will interpret the modified GenID as an indication that all mroutes states on that interface have been lost. A modified GenID, thus, is utilized as a mechanism to alert all adjacent PIM neighbors that PIM forwarding on that interface has been lost, which then triggers adjacent PIM neighbors to send PIM joins for all (*, G) and (S, G) mroute states that use that interface as an RPF interface.