Cisco Secure Awareness Training At-a-Glance

At a Glance

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Updated:December 9, 2020

Bias-Free Language

The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.

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Updated:December 9, 2020

Flexibility and support

Cisco Secure Awareness Training, formerly Cisco Security Awareness, provides flexibility and support to effectively deploy your phishing simulations, awareness training — or both — and measure and report results. Empower your security operations team with the ability to focus on real time threats and not end user mitigation. Our product provides the education that helps employees to work smarter and safer.

High-quality content is central to any security awareness program and a pre-requisite to provide a training experience that is fun, compelling and relevant. Our content is developed by a team of experts using a proven pedagogical approach and methodology for adult learning that ensures the highest degree of engagement. Your users will learn about cyber security in a way that expands user knowledge and increases their affinity for your organization to help protect it.

Key reasons to invest in Cisco Secure Awareness Training

     People influence security more than technology or policy and cybercriminals know how to exploit human behaviors.

     No security system can be 100% effective in detecting all incoming threats. Increasing security awareness plays a critical role in an organization’s overall security and risk posture.

     Security and Risk Management leaders (SRM) should invest in tools that increase awareness and influence behavior that supports security business objectives through computer-based training.

     SRMs leaders must understand the diversity of people in an organization and approach security awareness training with personalization.

Reap the benefits

Partner with a security awareness expert and leverage domain expertise including CISO coaching to develop your security awareness strategy:

     Analyze your organization’s security awareness needs and set strategic objectives

     Plan your awareness program including phishing simulation, awareness training, communication and reinforcement plan

     Optimize program performance by setting and measuring against strategic metrics and KPIs

Key trends in Security Awareness Training that are driving long-term behavioral change

High quality content: Security training cannot effectively be approached with a “one-sizefits-all” approach. Content that varies in format and length promotes better participation and retention rates.

Intuitive phishing simulator: Out of the box phishing scenarios that reflect real-life cyber and phishing threats are integrated with training for just in time feedback.

Multilingual content and platform: Out-of-the box language support (narration and text) support global security awareness programs.

Communications and reinforcement materials: Large libraries of predesigned content and templates for internal campaign promotion and content reinforcement; including videos, posters and newsletters.

Consultative approach: Our approach incorporates unique offerings including CISO coaching, managed services and content customization.

Security simulation

Security simulation and training

Unlimited phishing simulations

Unlimited phishing simulations

Phishing reporting button

Phishing reporting button

Reporting features

Reporting features

Corporate branding

Corporate branding

Admin platform training

Admin platform training

TAC support

TAC support

Corporate branding

User guides and periodic bulletins


12 Training Topics (Pick your own 12)

Hackers attack every 39 seconds and on average 2,244 times a day*

     Over 3.4 billion email scams or phishing emails are sent every day. This adds up to one trillion email scams per year

     Data breaches exposed 4.1 Billion records in the first half of 2019 (RiskBased)

     62% of businesses experienced phishing and social engineering attacks in 2018 (Cybint Solutions)

     52% of breaches featured hacking, 28% involved malware and 32–33% included phishing or social engineering, respectively. (Verizon)

*Magic Quadrant for Security Awareness Computerbased Training 2019 Report

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