Social Innovation Investments

Cisco helps nonprofits and NGOs serve communities worldwide

Our distinctive model to maximize impact

Cisco and the Cisco Foundation partner with nonprofit organizations around the world, helping to solve global problems through cash grants, technology, and shared expertise. We support grantees through the following four stages of innovation:

Stage 1: Blueprint

Ideating, creating, and iterating innovative tech-enabled concepts with high potential for lasting impact

Stage 2: Validate

Deployment and testing of preliminary model to validate effectiveness and growth potential

Stage 3: Scale

Expanding and scaling the validated model to reach more underserved people

Stage 4: Transition

Helping the mature solution transition to financial self-sufficiency and sustainability

Explore our grant programs

Global Impact Cash Grant Program

Funding to multiply the tech-fueled impact of organizations with national or multinational operations

India Cash Grant Program

Funding for programs that serve the underserved in India by applying technology

Technology Grant Program

Donating Cisco networking technology to help nonprofits make innovative use of the internet

Technology helps us change more lives for the better

We exceeded our ten-year goal to positively impact one billion people by 2025

Inclusive future for all

Emphasizing the innovative use of technology, we support programs with scalable, replicable, and financially sustainable solutions, focusing especially on underserved populations.

Working locally, nationally, and globally

Our social impact partners use technology to enable unprecedented impact at every level, building programs that will carry on long after our funding concludes.

Core requirements for grant applicants

Social investment areas

We concentrate our investments around climate, crisis response, economic empowerment, and education.

Grant giving policies

Cisco grantees must meet the requirements listed. Each grant program also has specific eligibility requirements. 

SMART metrics for nonprofits

We prioritize proposals that clearly articulate planned results, using SMART metrics for measurement.

Cisco Foundation

The Cisco Foundation supports Cisco’s efforts to team up with nonprofit and non-governmental organizations around the world.

Helping nonprofits develop and scale tech solutions

Cisco and the Cisco Foundation's social impact grants to nonprofit organizations support early-stage, technology-based solutions that serve underrepresented and vulnerable populations.

Power an inclusive future for all

We pursue our purpose by closing the digital divide, empowering the future of work, fighting for equality and social justice, and building a regenerative planet.