

Release Notes for Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL Router with Firmware Release ABpv6C035j

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Release Notes for Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL Router with Firmware Release ABpv6C035j

Table Of Contents

Release Notes for Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL Router with Firmware Release ABpv6C035j



System Requirements

Hardware Supported

Memory Requirements and IOS Software Requirements

Determining the Firmware Version

Upgrading to a New Firmware Release

New and Changed Information

Modem Settings

Related Documentation

Release-Specific Documents

Platform-Specific Documents

Other Firmware Code

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

Release Notes for Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL Router with Firmware Release ABpv6C035j

F irst Published: July 30, 2012
Revised Date: November 10, 2012
Release: Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)M



System Requirements

New and Changed Information

Related Documentation


These release notes describe new enhancements and fixed caveats for the Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL Routers using firmware release ABpv6C035j.

All enhancements and fixes also applies to Cisco EHWIC Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ Multicard for ISR G2 platforms. Any differences in configuration will be documented in each section as appropriate. These release notes are updated as needed.

System Requirements

Hardware Supported

Memory Requirements and IOS Software Requirements

Determining the Firmware Version

Upgrading to a New Firmware Release

Hardware Supported

The following are the hardware supported:

Cisco 887V Series VDSL2 platforms

Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL platforms

Cisco 880 Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ with WLAN platforms

Cisco 800 Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ with analog and ISDN voice platforms

Cisco EHWIC Multimode VDSL2/ADSL+ Multicard

Cisco 1900 Series

Cisco 2900 Series

Cisco 3900 Series

Cisco 3900E Series

Memory Requirements and IOS Software Requirements

All platforms with IOS Release 15.1(4)M or older is embedded with A2pv6C032b. All platforms with IOS Release 15.2(4)M or later is embedded with ABpv6C035j.

Table 1 lists the supported Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL platforms and memory requirements using firmware release ABpv6C035j.

Table 1 Supported Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL and Memory Requirements

Flash (MB)









Table 2 lists the supported Cisco 880 Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ with WLAN platforms and memory requirements using firmware release ABpv6C035j.

Table 2 Supported Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ with WLAN Platforms and Memory Requirements

Flash (MB)







Table 3 lists the supported Cisco 880 Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ with analog and ISDN voice platforms and memory requirements using firmware release ABpv6C035j.

Table 3 Supported Cisco 880 Series Multimode VDSL/ADSL2/2+ with Analog ISDN Voice Platforms and Memory Requirements

Flash (MB)







Table 4 lists the supported Cisco 880 Series Data ISR platforms and memory requirements using firmware release ABpv6C035j.

Table 4 Supported Cisco 880 Series Data ISR Platforms and Memory Requirements

Flash (MB)










Table 5 lists the supported Cisco 887 Series VDSL Routers and memory requirements using firmware release ABpv6C035j.

Table 5 Supported Cisco 887V Series Platforms and Memory Requirements

Flash (MB)







Determining the Firmware Version

To determine the version of firmware currently running on your Cisco 880VA series router, issue the following IOS command and look for the output as shown below:

Router# show controllers vdsl 0
Firmware	Source	File Name (version)
--------	------	-------------------
VDSL		embedded	VDSL_LINUX_DEV_01212008(1)
Modem FW  Version:	120306_1254-4.02l.03.A2pv6C035j.d23j

Modem PHY Version: Ap6v35j.23j 68

Note All configuration examples are for Cisco 88xVA Series Platform. For EHWIC, use the slot/subslot/port number argument for the show controllers vdsl command.

Upgrading to a New Firmware Release

Perform the following steps to upgrade to a new firmware release:

1. Download the new firmware from Software Center at

Choose Products -> Routers -> Branch Routers -> Cisco 800 Series Routers -> Cisco 887VA Integrated Services Router -> Very High Bitrate DSL (VDSL) Firmware

2. Copy the firmware to a designated location; for example, router flash or a TFTP server.

3. Configure the router to load the new firmware from a designated location.

Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# controller vdsl 0
Router(config-controller)# firmware filename ?
  archive:  Download fw file name
  cns:      Download fw file name
  flash:    Download fw file name
  ftp:      Download fw file name
  http:     Download fw file name
  https:    Download fw file name
  null:     Download fw file name
  nvram:    Download fw file name
  rcp:      Download fw file name
  scp:      Download fw file name
  system:   Download fw file name
  tar:      Download fw file name
  tftp:     Download fw file name
  tmpsys:   Download fw file name
  xmodem:   Download fw file name
  ymodem:   Download fw file name
Router(config-controller)# firmware filename flash:vdsl.bin.35j23jdslfw

Note Controller VDSL 0 should not be turned off.

4. Enter the copy running-config startup-config command to save your configuration.

5. Enter the reload command to restart the router.

Note Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ Platforms are backward compatible. If necessary, you can download older firmware version at

New and Changed Information

This section contains changes introduced with firmware release A2pv6C035j.

Improves G.992.[135] DS and US improvements against LU DSLAMs with CNXT CO

Improves G.992.5 and T1.413 DS/US performance against NVLT-C linecard on M.7.2.1 design

Improves T1.413 rate reach performance against LU AnyMedia and Pedestal CO

Improves DS performance against EVLT-F card with CNXT CO in G.993.2

Accounts for OLR message transmit duration in timeout for bitswap messages in G.992.[35] and G.993.2

Improves T1.413 US rates against ANDV CO in short loops

Improves DS LATN computation in T1.413 and G.992.5 on M.7.2.1 design

Improves SNR estimation and performance in low SNR cases for G.992.[35]

Supports micro-filter detection in G.993.2

Improves Showtime Stability in G.992.[35] during bitswap tests with RFI injection

This section contains changes introduced with firmware release B2pv6C035j.

Accounts for OLR message transmit duration in timeout for bitswap messages in G.992.[35] and G.993.2

Improves SNR estimation and performance in low SNR cases for G.992.[35]

Supports micro-filter detection in G.993.2

Improves Showtime Stability in G.992.[35] during bitswap tests with RFI injection

Fixes G.992.[35] AnnexJ PSD in masks below EU-48

Known Issues and Limitations

G.INP mode in 30a mode is not supported yet.

G.INP supports DTU framing type 1 only.

US PhyR in 30a mode has stability issue in certain loops with no delay queue feature enabled against BRCM CO FW ver 10.3.1 and older. The issue has been fixed and the fix will be in future CO FW releases.

US SRA with dynamic D may have excessive CRCs under certain conditions with q = 2 against BRCM CO FW ver 10.3.4 and older. The issue has been fixed and the fix will be in future CO FW releases.

Modem Settings

New and existing modem commands are integrated to the release of the ABpv6C035j firmware and IOS release 15.2(4)M to allow custom configurations of DSL modem settings and to ensure DSL interoperability in different environments.

Modem settings are optional, depending on the DSLAM used. Please consult your Service Provider on required modem settings (if any) for the particular SP network configuration.

Before you enable the modem settings, execute the service internal command in configuration mode. For example:

Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# service internal

The following list contains the modem settings:

Setting UK Annex M Flag


Command—modem customUKAnnexM under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—enabling UK specific Annex M mask

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23j driver and A2pv6C035d

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 20 in adslAnnexAParam—ON

Bit 9 in adslDemodCap2Mask—ON

Bit 9 in adslDemodCap2Value—ON




show controller vdsl 0 console—custom UK Annex M Mask SET

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 20 in adslAnnexAParam—OFF

Bit 9 in adslDemodCap2Mask—OFF

Bit 9 in adslDemodCap2Value—OFF




show controller vdsl 0 console—custom UK Annex M Mask NOT SET

Setting CO5 Flag


Command—modem co5 under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—resolving performance related interoperability issues with Ikanos CO5 DSLAM

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23j driver and A2pv6C035d

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 4 vdslCfgFlagsMask—ON

Bit 4 vdslCfgFlagsValue—ON

Bit 5 vdslCfgFlagsMask—ON

Bit 5 vdslCfgFlagsValue—ON



show controller vdsl 0 console—CO5 Flag SET

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 4 vdslCfgFlagsMask—OFF

Bit 4 vdslCfgFlagsValue—OFF

Bit 5 vdslCfgFlagsMask—OFF

Bit 5 vdslCfgFlagsValue—OFF



show controller vdsl 0 console—CO5 Flag NOT SET

Disabling V.43 Carrier Set


Command—modem disableV43 under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—disabling V43 carrier set

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23b driver and B2pv6C032b

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 16 vdslCfgFlagsMask—ON

Bit 16 vdslCfgFlagsValue—ON



show controller vdsl 0 console—disable V43 SET

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 16 vdslCfgFlagsMask—OFF

Bit 16 vdslCfgFlagsValue—OFF



show controller vdsl 0 console—disable V43 CLEAR

Disabling GinpDs Support Carrier Set


Command—modem disableGinpDsSupport under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—disabling G.INP feature bit

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23j driver and A2pv6C035d

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 17 xdslAuxFeaturesMask—ON

Bit 17 xdslAuxFeaturesValue—ON



show controller vdsl 0 console—disable GinpDsSupport

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 17 xdslAuxFeaturesMask—OFF

Bit 17 xdslAuxFeaturesValue—OFF



show controller vdsl 0 console—enable GinpDsSupport

Disabling GinpUs Support Carrier Set


Command—modem disableGinpUsSupport under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—disabling GinpUs support

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from 23j driver and ABpv6C035j

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 18 kDslGinpUsSupported—OFF


show controller vdsl 0 console—disable GinpUsSupport

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 18 kDslGinpUsSupported—ON


show controller vdsl 0 console output—enable GinpUsSupport

Enabling HBI Feature


Command—modem hbifeature under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—enabling HBI specific feature bit

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23b driver and A2pv6C032b

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 12 kDslG992FTFeatureBit—ON



show controller vdsl 0 console output—HBI Bit SET

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 12 kDslG992FTFeatureBit—OFF



show controller vdsl 0 console output—HBI Bit CLEAR

Enabling Channel Policy 2


Command—modem chanpolicy2 under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—enabling Channel Policy 2 specific feature bit

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23b driver and A2pv6C032b

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 23 kDslAuxFeatureChanPolicy—ON



show controller vdsl 0 console—Chan Policy Bit SET

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 23 kDslAuxFeatureChanPolicy—OFF



show controller vdsl 0 console—Chan Policy Bit CLEAR

Disabling FireDS Support


Command—modem disableFireDsSupport under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—disabling FireDS support

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23j driver and A2pv6C035d

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 22 kDslFireDsSupported—OFF


show controller vdsl 0 console—disable FireDsSupport

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 22 kDslFireDsSupported—ON


show controller vdsl 0 console—enable FireDsSupport

Disabling FireUs Support


Command—modem disableFireUsSupport under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—Disabling FireUS support

Firmware/Driver dependency—Starting from d23j driver and A2pv6C035d

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured.

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 23 kDslFireUsSupported—Off


show controller vdsl 0 console—disable FireUsSupport

When the command is not configured.

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 23 kDslFireUsSupported—On


show controller vdsl 0 console—enable FireUsSupport

Disabling MonitorTone


Command—modem disableMonitorTone under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—disabling MonitorTone

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23j driver and A2pv6C035d

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 14 kDslMonitorToneDisable—ON


show controller vdsl 0 console—disable MonitorTone

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bits 14 kDslMonitorToneDisable—OFF


show controller vdsl 0 console—enable MonitorTone

Enabling UKfeature


Command—modem UKfeature under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—enabling British Telecom specific feature bit

Firmware/Driver dependency—starting from d23b driver and A2pv6C032b

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 21 kDslG992BTFeatureBit—ON



show controller vdsl 0 consoleUKFeatureBit SET

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 21 kDslG992BTFeatureBit—OFF



show controller vdsl 0 console—UKFeatureBit CLEAR

Enabling dsattn Flag


Command—modem dsattn under controller vdsl 0

Purpose—enabling dsattn

Note Reload the router after setting or unsetting this command.


When the command is configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 13 in adslDemodCapMask—ON

Bit 13 in adslDemodCapValue—ON



show controller vdsl 0 consoledsattn SET

When the command is not configured:

test vdsl 0 modem exec adsl info—cfg

Bit 13 in adslDemodCapMask—OFF

Bit 13 in adslDemodCapValue—OFF



show controller vdsl 0 console—dsattn CLEAR

Related Documentation

Release-Specific Documents

Platform-Specific Documents

Other Firmware Code

Release-Specific Documents

For detailed information about the release-specific platforms, see the following documentations:

Cisco Multimode VDSL2 and ADSL2/ADSL2+ High-Speed WAN Interface Card

Cisco 860 Series, Cisco 880 Series, and Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Cisco 860 Series, Cisco 880 Series, and Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers Hardware Installation Guide

Platform-Specific Documents

For more information about the supported platforms, see the following documentations:

Cisco 880 Series Integrated Services Router Software Configuration Guide

Cisco 860 Series, Cisco 880 Series, and Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers Hardware Installation Guide

Cisco 860 Series, Cisco 880 Series, and Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers Software Configuration Guide

Other Firmware Code

For information on the firmware used prior to this release, see Release Notes for Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL Router with firmware release A2pv6C032b.d23b and Release Notes for Cisco 880VA Series Multimode VDSL2/ADSL2/2+ DSL Router with firmware release A2pv6C035d.d23j.

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation:

Subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation as an RSS feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service. Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.

This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Related Documentation" section.