Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide, Release 4.1(3)

Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Z




granting rights, CAR system 16-2

revoking rights, CAR system 16-3

alarm configuration, described 2-1

Alarm definitions

catalog descriptions 3-4

creating user-defined description

procedure 3-3

described 3-1

searching and viewing

procedure 3-2

searching for 3-2

user-defined, creating 3-3

viewing 3-2

Alarm Information, described 4-1



catalogs 3-4

definitions window 4-5

event properties window 4-4

example 4-4

directing Syslog messages to a local server 27-3

directing Syslog messages to CiscoWorks2000 server 27-4

information, described 4-1

viewing information

text format 4-2

XML format 4-3


applying configuration to all nodes 2-4

configuring, procedure 2-2

destinations 2-6

destination settings 2-6

event levels 2-7

event level settings 2-7

Event Viewer 2-6

SDI trace library 2-6

SDL trace library 2-6

Syslog 2-6

updating, procedure 2-2

alert actions configuration 12-93

alert notification


parameters for counter 12-94

parameters for directory servers 12-30


for counter 12-60

window 12-64

message 12-60

schedule 12-60

thresholds 12-60


enabling or disabling, by mail 17-14

authorization code name

system report 19-26

authorization code name report 19-26

authorization level

system report 19-28

authorization level report 19-28


report generation 17-12


base rate 17-2


department 18-3

department detail, report results A-4

department summary, report results A-2

individual 18-2

individual detail, report results A-4

individual summary, report results A-2

Bulk Trace Analysis

correlation tags 24-12

creating a report 24-6

creating a report with multiple views 24-12

customizing report table headings 24-16

displaying view information 24-15

downloading 24-1

installing 24-2

opening a report 24-8

printing a report 24-9

saving master report 24-10

searching for data 24-11

starting and exiting 24-4

using 24-3

window 24-5


call data, line graph of (figure) 23-6

call detail

conference call detail, report results A-32

Call Detail Records (CDR) 26-2

call termination

CDR search by 21-5

call termination details, viewing 21-7

call types

QoS by 19-11

QoS report results by call types A-18


assistant call usage configuration 18-17

automatic database purge configuration 16-29

automatic report generation/alert configuration 17-12

call termination details, viewing 21-7

CDR/CMR records configuration 22-1

CDR database alerts configuration 16-27

CDR error report 19-31

CDR error report configuration 19-31

CDR search 21-1

by call precedence levels 21-10

CDR search by cause for call termination configuration 21-5

CDR search by gateway configuration 21-3

CDR search by user extension configuration 21-2

CDR service parameters 15-4

Cisco IP manager/assistant, described 18-15

Cisco IP Phone services report configuration 18-19

conference bridge utilization report 20-23

conference call details configuration 20-22

configuration, gateway 16-8

CTI application user configuration 18-18

department bills configuration 18-3

device report, described 20-1

dial plan default values 16-7

disabling automatic database purge 16-30

error log report output 16-36

event log report output 16-36

event log report status 16-34

export CDR/CMR records results 22-2

gateway report 20-1, 20-11

generate report fields 19-9, 19-11, 19-15, 19-19

individual bills configuration 18-2

load CDR and CMR values 16-13

loading 15-5

logging off 15-8

logging on 15-7

log reports, described 16-35

Malicious Call Identification 19-22

manager call usage configuration 18-15

manual database purge 16-31

notification limits configuration 17-15

overview 15-1

precedence call summary 19-23

QoS by call types report 19-11

QoS by gateway report 19-8

QoS default values 17-11

QoS detail report

call types 19-3

voice quality 19-4, 19-18

QoS detail report configuration 19-2

QoS parameter operators 19-32

QoS parameters

call types 19-12

described 19-8

QoS reports, described 19-2

QoS summary report 19-5

call types 19-6

QoS summary report configuration 19-5

QoS values, defining 17-9

rating engine configuration 17-1

report configuration, described 17-1

reports, understanding A-1

restoring database purge defaults 16-32

restoring dial plan default values 16-6

searching for users 18-22

system configuration 16-1

system log screens, described 16-33

system overview report 19-29

system overview report configuration 19-29

system preferences parameters 16-11

system reports, described 19-1

top N, described 18-5

top N by charge

call types 18-7

report types 18-7

top N by charge configuration 18-6

top N by duration

call types 18-9

report types 18-10

top N by duration configuration 18-9

top N by number of calls

call types 18-12

report types 18-13

top N by number of calls configuration 18-12

traffic reports

described 19-14

traffic summary (extn), call types 19-20

traffic summary, call types 19-16

traffic summary by extensions report configuration 19-18

traffic summary report 19-15

traffic summary report configuration 19-15

uninhibited loading of CDR values 16-14

user reports, described 18-1

voice messaging utilization report 20-26


accessing CDP driver control 28-2

advertisement support 28-1

Cisco device support 28-1

default settings 28-8

driver, usage 28-2

enabling CDP protocol driver 28-5

installing CDP protocol driver 28-3

list of topics 28-1

locating updated driver 28-7

periodic messages 28-1

protocol driver

enabling 28-5

installing 28-3

settings 28-8

showing CDP protocol driver property 28-6

starting CDP protocol driver 28-4

updating IP address for CDP protocol driver 28-6


automatic database purge configuration 16-29

CAR plugin, installing 15-2

CAR plugin, uninstalling 15-3

database alerts, configuration 16-27

disabling automatic database purge 16-30

disabling loading 16-15

dump table A-38

enabling loading 16-16

error, report results A-27

error report 19-31

load schedule configuration 16-12


setting up 26-2

restoring database purge defaults 16-32

restoring the default load schedule 16-15

search 21-1

search by cause for call termination 21-5

search by gateway 21-3

search by user extension 21-2

search by user extension, report results A-35

service parameters, configuring 15-4

setting up logging 26-2


CDR load 16-13

CDR Analysis and Reporting Tool

described 15-1

loading 15-5

logging off 15-8

logging on 15-7

CDR service parameters 15-4

CDR values

uninhibited loading 16-14



configuring 12-59

Cisco Bulk Trace Analysis tool, described 24-1

Cisco CallManager, service 5-3

Cisco CallManager, starting performance tool 23-1

Cisco CDR Insert service 5-8

Cisco CTIManager service 5-12

Cisco Database Layer Monitor service 5-17, 5-23, 5-25

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) 25-3

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), described 28-1

Cisco IP manager/assistant 18-15, 18-17

assistant call usage 18-17

manager call usage 18-15

Cisco IP Phone services, report results A-14

Cisco IP Phone services report, configuration 18-19

Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service 5-28

Cisco Messaging Interface service 5-31

Cisco MOH Audio Translator service 5-33

Cisco RIS Data Collector service 5-35

Cisco Secure Telnet

applications 29-3


relay server 29-2

Telnet client 29-2

Telnet server 29-2

executables 29-3

list of topics 29-1

proxy 29-4

terminate session 29-6

usage scenario 29-7

Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher service 5-39

Cisco TFTP service 5-41


list of topics 25-1

messages directed to server 27-4

remote network management faetures 25-2

SNMP requests 27-5

Syslog messages 27-4

CiscoWorks2000, defined 25-2

clearing alerts 12-88

client matter code

system report 19-25

client matter code report 19-25

CMR dump table A-38

CMR values, CDR load 16-13

collecting traces 6-2


show.exe 30-1

show CDP neigh 28-2

show command

list of topics 30-1

options 30-2

parameters 30-2

show tech 30-2

show win 30-2

tndconnect 29-4

conference bridge utilization, report results A-33

conference call detail, report results A-32

configuration profiles

creating, Real-Time Monitoring Tool 12-7

configuring 19-22, 21-10

automatic database purge 16-29

CAR system 16-1

CDR database alerts 16-27

CDR load schedule 16-12

Cisco Extended Functions trace parameters 5-20

dial plan 16-5

gateway reports 20-1

mail server parameters in CAR 16-4

SDL trace parameters 5-51

serviceability reports archive 14-1

system log management 27-1

system preferences, CAR 16-10


SDL parameters 5-51

configuring CDR service parameters 15-4

Control Center

list of topics 11-1

service status 11-3

start a service 11-6

status icons 11-3

stop a service 11-5

view status 11-4

Control Center, described 11-1

conventions xxiv

correlation tags, Bulk Trace Analysis 24-12

counter alert configuration settings 12-94


alert notification parameters 12-94

chart view 12-59

configuring alert notification 12-60

data sample 12-67

data sample parameters 12-68

removing from monitoring window 12-70

table view 12-59

viewing data 12-69

zooming 12-64

creating a Bulk Trace Analysis report 24-6

creating a Bulk Trace Analysis report with multiple views 24-12

CTI application user

enabled 18-18

report results A-13

CTI application user, report results A-13

CTI port, configuration 18-18

customizing, reports for automatic generation 17-13

customizing report table headings for Bulk Trace Analysis 24-16


daily charges, notification limits configuration 17-15

daily reports

restoring default schedule 16-21

scheduling CAR reports 16-17


automatic purge configuration 16-29

disabling automatic purge 16-30

purge, CAR 16-31

restoring purge defaults 16-32

data sample


parameters 12-68

data sample, Real-Time Monitoring Tool 12-67

debug trace levels

Cisco CallManager fields 5-4, 5-21

Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application fields 5-29

Database Layer Monitor fields 5-18, 5-24, 5-26

defined 5-46

RIS Data Collector fields 5-36

Telephony Call Dispatcher fields 5-40

TFTP fields 5-42, 5-45

Trace configuration filter settings 5-58

Trace configuration output settings 5-59

department bill

detail 18-3

summary 18-3

department bill detail, report results A-4

department bill summary, report results A-2


department bill 18-3

department bill, report results A-4

gateway 20-2

gateway, report results A-28

individual bill 18-2

individual bill, report results A-4

QoS, report results A-14

QoS report 19-2

details report 19-22

Device Manager menu 28-3

device name based trace monitoring 5-47

device reports 20-1


information window 12-45


phones 12-44

dial plan

configuration 16-5

restoring default values 16-6

directory servers

alert notification parameters 12-30


alerts by mail 17-14

automatic CAR and CDR database purge 16-30

automatic database purge 16-30

CDR loading 16-15

disabling alerts 12-85

displaying view information for Bulk Trace Analysis 24-15


audience xx

conventions xxiv

organization xx

purpose xix


related xxiii

downloading Bulk Trace Analysis 24-1


CDP driver

control 28-2

locating interface files 28-7

locating updated CDP driver 28-7

using 28-2

CDP protocol

enabling 28-5

installing 28-3

showing property 28-6

starting 28-4

updating IP address 28-6

dump table, CDR and CMR A-38

duration 17-2


e-mail configuration 12-91


alerts by mail 17-14

CDR loading 16-16

reports for automatic generation 17-13

enabling alerts 12-84


CDR report 19-31

CDR report, results A-27

error log

generating 16-34

understanding the details 16-37

understanding the output 16-36

error log report, output 16-36

event levels for alarms 2-7

event log

generating 16-33

understanding the output 16-36

event log report

output 16-36

status 16-34

exiting Bulk Trace Analysis 24-4


CDR search by 21-2

CDR search by, report results A-35


features, remote network management 25-2



CDR search by 21-3

configuration for CAR 16-8

QoS by 19-8

QoS report results by gateway A-17

gateway detail

call types 20-3, 20-6

voice quality 20-4

gateway detail, report results A-28

gateway detail report 20-2

gateway report, configuring 20-1

gateway summary, report results A-30

gateway summary report 20-5

gateway utilization, report results A-31

gateway utilization report 20-7

generate report fields 20-8, 20-13, 20-16, 20-19, 20-24, 20-27


error log 16-34

event log 16-33

granting administrator rights, CAR system 16-2


individual bill

configuration 18-2

detail 18-2

summary 18-2

individual bill detail, report results A-4

individual bill summary, report results A-2

initial user ID and password 15-4

installing Bulk Trace Analysis 24-2

installing the CAR plugin 15-2

introduction, serviceability 1-1

IOS messages, from ISDN trace files 8-1

IP path analysis 25-2

IP Phone Problem Reports

procedure 13-2

ISDN trace files, translating to IOS format 8-1


line graph of static call data (figure) 23-6


disabling CDR 16-15

enabling CDR 16-16

restoring the default CDR schedule 16-15

loading CDR Analysis and Reporting Tool 15-5

load schedule

CDR schedule configuration 16-12

log files, Trace 5-55

logging off CAR 15-8

logging on to CAR 15-7


mailing a report 18-20

mail server parameters 16-4

manual database purge, configuration 16-31

media information A-37

menus, Device Manager 28-3


CDP 28-1

directing messages to syslog 27-3

syslog 27-3

message translator, using 8-1


CISCO-CCM-MIB, Updating 31-10

control of CDP driver 28-2

enable device discovery 28-2

Microsoft Performance tool 23-1



extending data display 23-5

line graph of static call data (figure) 23-6

report icons (figure) 23-5

setting up (figure) 23-3

Windows 2000 tool (figure) 23-2

monthly reports

restoring default schedules 16-21

scheduling CAR reports 16-20



applying an alarm configuration to all nodes 2-4

notification limits 17-15

NT Event Viewer 2-6


opening a Bulk Trace Analysis report 24-8

organization xx


automatic report generation 17-12

CAR 15-1

department bill reports 18-3

device reports 20-1

individual bill reports 18-2

system report 19-29



factoring time of day for rating 17-3

factoring voice quality for rating 17-5

mail server configuration 16-4

restoring default values for call cost 17-7

setting the base rate and duration for rating 17-2

system configuration 16-1

password, initial use 15-4

path analysis

configuration 26-1

described 26-1

PathTool 25-2



extending data display 23-5

line graph of static call data (figure) 23-6

report icons (figure) 23-5

setting up (figure) 23-3

Windows 2000 (figure) 23-2

removing a counter 12-70

tool, starting 23-1

viewing performance statistics 23-4


Real-Time Monitoring Tool 12-44

viewing information 12-44

plug-in software, Bulk Trace Analysis 24-1


system configuration 16-10

printing a Bulk Trace Analysis report 24-9

properties, counter 12-66


automatic database configuration 16-29

disabling automatic database 16-30

restoring database defaults 16-32

using manual database purge, CAR 16-31

purging CAR database manually 16-31


Q931 translator

list of topics 8-1

message, using 8-1

procedure 8-1


default values 17-11

notification limits configuration 17-15

restoring default values 17-10

QoS by call types, report results A-18

QoS by call types report 19-11

QoS by gateway, report results A-17

QoS by gateway report 19-8

QoS detail, report results A-14

QoS detail report

call types 19-3

voice quality 19-4, 19-18

QoS parameter operators 19-32

QoS parameters, call types 19-12

QoS summary, report results A-16

QoS summary report

call types 19-6

QoS values, defining 17-9


viewer 13-1

QRT viewer 13-1

listing IP phone problem reports 13-2


rating engine, configuration 17-1

rating parameters

factoring time of day 17-3

factoring voice quality 17-5

restoring default values for call cost 17-7

setting the base rate and duration 17-2

Real-Time Information Server (RIS) data collector 31-8

Real-Time Monitoring Tool

adding a counter 12-56

alert central 12-71, 12-74, 12-83, 12-84, 12-85, 12-87, 12-88, 12-89, 12-91, 12-93, 12-94

alert notification


for a counter   1

chart view, configuring 12-59

configuring alert notification for counter 12-60

counter alert configuration parameters 12-94

counter data sample configuration parameters 12-68

counter properties 12-66


alert notify 12-60

chart view 12-59

data sample 12-67

properties 12-66

display property description   1

removing 12-70

table view 12-59

viewing data 12-69

zooming 12-64

CPU and memory monitoring 12-13

data samples 12-67

default configuration 12-6

directory servers alert configuration parameters 12-30

list of topics 12-1

loading 12-2

monitoring call activity 12-19

monitoring Cisco TFTP 12-27

monitoring critical services 12-16

monitoring CTI applications using search 12-49

monitoring CTI devices using CTI search 12-51

monitoring CTI lines 12-53

monitoring CTI manager 12-47

monitoring device information 12-34

monitoring devices by device search 12-35

monitoring directory server information 12-28

monitoring disk usage 12-15

monitoring gateway activity 12-20

monitoring heartbeat 12-32

monitoring SDL queue 12-25

monitoring trunk activity 12-23

removing a counter 12-70

table view, configuring 12-59

understanding alert central 12-70

understanding perfmon monitoring 12-56

using CTI search 12-49

using device search 12-35

viewing call process category 12-19

viewing CTI category 12-47

viewing data 12-69

viewing phone information 12-44

viewing server category 12-12

viewing summary 12-11

viewing the device category 12-34

viewing the service category 12-27


displayed 12-4, 12-5, 12-6, 12-9, 12-12, 12-14, 12-16, 12-18, 12-20, 12-22, 12-24, 12-26, 12-28, 12-30, 12-33, 12-35, 12-37

with CM-default configuration 12-7

window components 12-8

zooming a counter 12-64

related documentation xxiii

remote network management, features 25-2

removing alerts 12-83


authorization code name 19-26

authorization level 19-28

CAR system report configuration 19-1

CDR error 19-31

CDR search 21-1

CDR search by cause for call termination 21-5

CDR search by gateway 21-3

CDR search by user extension 21-2

Cisco IP manager/assistant 18-15, 18-17

Cisco IP phone services 18-19

client matter code 19-25

CTI application user enabled 18-18

department bill 18-3

device 20-1

for Bulk Trace Analysis 24-3

gateway detail report 20-2

gateway summary 20-5

gateway utilization 20-7

individual bill 18-2

mailing 18-20

precedence call summary 19-23

QoS by call types report 19-11

QoS by gateway report 19-8

QoS detail 19-2

route and line group utilization 20-12

route list utilization 20-15

route pattern/hunt pilot utilization 20-18

system overview 19-29

top N by charge 18-6

top N by duration 18-9

top N by number of calls 18-12

traffic summary 19-15

traffic summary by extensions 19-18

voice-mail utilization 20-26

report configuration, CAR 17-1

report icons, performance (figure) 23-5

report results

CDR error A-27

CDR search by user extension A-35

Cisco IP Phone services A-14

conference bridge utilization A-33

conference call detail A-32

CTI application user A-13

department bill, detail A-4

department bill, summary A-2

gateway detail A-28

gateway summary A-30

gateway utilization A-31

individual bill, detail A-4

individual bill, summary A-2

QoS by gateway A-17

QoS detail A-14

QoS report by call types A-18

QoS summary A-16

route group utilization A-31

route list utilization A-31

route pattern utilization A-31

system overview A-25

top N by charge A-6

top N by duration A-6

top N by number of calls A-8

traffic summary A-20

traffic summary by extensions A-20

voice mail utilization A-34


understanding CAR reports A-1


automatic generation configuration 17-12

automatic report generation/alert 17-12

customizing for automatic generation 17-13

enabling for automatic generation 17-13

gatway report configuration 20-1

restoring default schedules 16-21

route plan 20-11

scheduling daily, CAR 16-17

scheduling monthly, CAR 16-20

scheduling weekly, CAR 16-18

system overview results A-25

user 18-1


CAR and CDR database purge defaults 16-32

default CDR load schedule 16-15

default QoS values 17-10

default schedule for daily, weekly, and monthly reports 16-21

default values for rating parameters 17-7

revoking administrator rights, CAR system 16-3


granting administrator, CAR system 16-2

revoking administrator, CAR system 16-3

RIS data collector 31-8


group utilization, report results A-31

list utilization, report results A-31

pattern utilization, report results A-31

route and line group utilization report 20-12

route list utilization report 20-15

route pattern/hunt pilot utilization report 20-18

route plan report, configuring 20-11


saving the Bulk Trace Analysis master report 24-10


CDR load configuration 16-12

restoring the default CDR load 16-15


CAR daily reports 16-17

monthly CAR reports 16-20

weekly CAR reports 16-18

SDI log file, saving to IOS format 8-1

SDL configuration


Cisco CallManager service 5-53

Cisco CTIManager service 5-53

filter settings

Cisco CallManager service 5-51

Cisco CTIManager 5-52

procedure 5-51


CDR by cause for call termination 21-5

CDR by gateway 21-3

CDR by user extension 21-2

CDR by user extension, report results A-35

CDRs 21-1

searching for data in a Bulk Trace Analysis report 24-11

searching for users, CAR 18-22

server, mail parameters 16-4


introduction 1-1

Serviceability Reports Archive

configuration 14-1

Service Activation

activate services 10-3

activation status 10-2

deactivate services 10-5

delete services 10-11

list of topics 10-1

service considerations 10-6


checking status using Control Center 11-3

checking status using Service Activation 10-2

status icons 11-3


setting alert properties 12-74

show CDP neigh command 28-2

show command

list of topics 30-1

options 30-2

parameters 30-2

syntax 30-1


agent, enabling 27-5

Cisco CallManager traps

configuring 31-5

list of topics 31-1

RIS data collector 31-8

SNMP agent

configuring SNMP security 31-2

setting SNMP trap receiver 31-3

SNMP extension agent

starting 31-4

stopping 31-7

SNMP RIS data collector

starting 31-9

stopping 31-9

support 25-3

starting Bulk Trace Analysis 24-4


department bill 18-3

department bill, report results A-2

gateway 20-5

gateway, report results A-30

individual bill 18-2

individual bill, report results A-2

QoS, report results A-16

traffic 19-15

traffic, report results A-20

traffic by extensions 19-18

traffic by extensions, report results A-20

suspending alerts 12-87


show command 30-1

tndconnect 29-4


analyzer 25-2

collector 25-2


analysis, components (figure) 27-2

directing messages 27-3

directing messages to CiscoWorks2000 server 27-4

directing messages to local server 27-3

system logging, components (figure) 27-2

system log management

configuration 27-1

described 27-1

system log screens

CAR 16-33

system overview, report results A-25

system overview report 19-29

system parameters, configuration 16-1

system preferences

configuration 16-10

system preferences parameters for CAR 16-11


table, CDR and CMR dump A-38

Telnet 29-1

connect with daemon 29-6

plan for Windows 29-7

terminate session 29-6

Telnet, Cisco Secure

applications 29-3


relay server 29-2

Telnet client 29-2

Telnet server 29-2

executables 29-3

list of topics 29-1

proxy 29-4

terminate session 29-6

usage scenario 29-7

time of day 17-3


connect with Telnet daemon 29-6

display all options 29-5

program structure 29-5

syntax 29-4

terminate session 29-4

top N

by charge 18-6

by charge, report results A-6

by duration 18-9

by duration, report results A-6

by number of calls 18-12

by number of calls, report results A-8

top N by charge 18-6

call types 18-7

report types 18-7

top N by charge, report results A-6

top N by duration 18-9

call types 18-9

configuration 18-9

report types 18-10

top N by duration, report results A-6

top N by number of calls 18-12

call types 18-12

configuration 18-12

report types 18-13

top N by number of calls, report results A-8



list of topics 7-1

records in XML format 7-8

results 7-7

SDI trace 7-2

SDL trace 7-5

analysis configuration, described 7-1

Cisco CallManager service

configuring 5-3

SDL configuration characteristics 5-53

SDL configuration filter settings 5-51

trace fields 5-4, 5-21

Cisco CDR Insert service 5-8

Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Fuction service

configuring 5-10

Cisco CTIManager service

configuring 5-12

SDL configuration characteristics 5-53

SDL configuration filter settings 5-52

Cisco CTL provider service

configuring 5-15

Cisco Database Layer Monitor service

configuring 5-17

trace fields 5-18, 5-24, 5-26

Cisco Extended Functions service

configuring 5-20

Cisco Extension Mobility service

configuring 5-23

Cisco IP Manager Assistant service

configuring 5-25

Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service

configuring 5-28

trace fields 5-29

Cisco Messaging Interface service 5-31

Cisco MOH Audio Translator service 5-33

Cisco RIS Data Collector service

configuring 5-35

trace fields 5-36

Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher service

configuring 5-39

trace fields 5-40

Cisco TFTP service

configuring 5-41

trace fields 5-42

Cisco WebDialer service

configuring 5-44

trace fields 5-45


list of topics 6-1

collection configuration, described 6-1


described 5-1

filter settings 5-58

list of topics 5-1

output settings 5-59

debug trace levels 5-46

device name based trace monitoring 5-47

log files

field descriptions 5-57

viewing 5-55

Q931 translator 8-1

records in XML format 7-8

SDI trace

analysis 7-2

SDL trace

analysis 7-5

Trace Collection Tool

collecting traces 6-8

loading 6-2

traffic summary 19-15

traffic summary (extn), call types 19-20

traffic summary, call types 19-16

traffic summary, report results A-20

traffic summary by extensions, report results A-20

traffic summary by extensions report 19-18

Troubleshooting Trace Setting

configuration 9-1

resetting 9-2

setting 9-1


uninhibited loading of CDR values 16-14

uninstalling the CAR plugin 15-3

user-defined alarm descriptions 3-3

user ID, initial use 15-4

user reports, described 18-1

using Bulk Trace Analysis 24-3


conference bridge, report results A-33

gateway 20-7

gateway, report results A-31

route and line group 20-12

route group, report results A-31

route list 20-15

route list, report results A-31

route pattern/hunt pilot 20-18

voice-mail 20-26

voice mail, report results A-34



export CDR/CMR record results 22-2

Viewing alarm information

text format 4-2

XML format 4-3

viewing and sorting alerts 12-71

viewing event details 12-89

voice mail utilization, report results A-34

voice-mail utilization report 20-26

voice quality 17-5


weekly reports

restoring default schedule 16-21

scheduling CAR reports 16-18


Real-Time Monitoring Tool

displayed 12-4, 12-5, 12-6, 12-9, 12-12, 12-14, 12-16, 12-18, 12-20, 12-22, 12-24, 12-26, 12-28, 12-30, 12-33, 12-35, 12-37

Real-Time Monitoring Tool with CM-default configuration 12-7

Windows 2000 performance monitoring tool (figure) 23-2



trace files, Q931 translator 8-1

using with Bulk Trace Analysis 24-1

XML format, Trace records in 7-8

XML format, viewing alarms 4-3


zooming a counter 12-64