Bulk Administration Tool User Guide, Release 4.1(1)
Working with Users

Table Of Contents

Working with Users

Adding Users

Creating the CSV File for Users

Using the User Tab in BAT.xlt

Creating an Optional CSV Text File for Users

Adding Users to Cisco CallManager

Adding User/Device Combinations

Creating the CSV File for User/Device Combinations

Using the Phone-User Tab in BAT.xlt

Creating an Optional CSV Text File for Users/Devices

Adding User Combinations to Cisco CallManager

Working with Users

BAT allows you to add users to Cisco CallManager, and associate users to phones or CTI ports.

Adding Users

You can add multiple users to the Cisco CallManager database/Cisco AVVID IP Telephony directory using the following procedures.

Note During the adding users procedure, use the default password abcd in the CallManager Log On screen.

Related Topics

Using TAPS, page 6-65

TAPS for End Users, page 6-68

Creating the CSV File for Users

Adding Users to Cisco CallManager

Adding User/Device Combinations

Creating the CSV File for Users

To add users into Cisco CallManager, you must create a CSV file by completing the BAT.xlt file.

Using the User Tab in BAT.xlt

Follow this procedure to add multiple users.


Step 1 On the Publisher database server, click C:\CiscoWebs\BAT\ExcelTemplate and double-click BAT.xlt.

Step 2 Click Enable Macros when prompted.

Step 3 Select the Users sheet tab.

Step 4 Complete all mandatory fields and any relevant optional fields. Each column heading specifies the length of the field.

Step 5 Select the CTI Port - Users tab to create a CSV data file to associate CTI ports to users.

Note The system treats blank rows in the spreadsheet as "End of File" and discards subsequent records.

Step 6 Click the Add Devices button to enter additional MAC addresses that will be associated to a new user.

Step 7 Click Export to BAT Format to transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file.

CSV String Formats for Users

The following example format shows the field length and string types followed by an example of a CSV file for users.

First Name (String[50] MANDATORY),Last Name (String[50] MANDATORY),User Id (String[30] MANDATORY),Manager (String[30] OPTIONAL), MAC Address1 (String[12] OPTIONAL),Directory Number (String[50] OPTIONAL)MAC Address2 (String[12] OPTIONAL)



The actual file does not contain field names (displayed in the first line). You must specify delimiters even if a field is blank. Refer to the following example and sample CSV record when creating a CSV file.


If the Manager for a user is blank


The Manager is the UserID of an existing user in the Cisco AVVID IP Telephony directory.


A user can control more than one device. You can add MAC addresses of additional devices at the end of the record.

If the user controls only one device, a sample record can be


If the user controls three devices, a sample record can be


Creating an Optional CSV Text File for Users

If you do not use the BAT.xlt for data input when adding users, follow this optional procedure to create lines of ASCII text with values separated by commas.

Note Cisco recommends that you use the BAT.xlt file to input data because data validation is performed on that file.


To create a CSV text file for users, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Open a text editor or any application that allows you to export or create a CSV file.

Step 2 Enter the following values for each user you want to add to Cisco CallManager:

First Name,Last Name,User ID,Manager,MAC Address1,Directory 
Number,MAC Address2

You must enter the Name, User ID, and MAC address. You can leave other fields empty, but you must include the comma separators.

You can associate any number of existing devices to a new user by entering the MAC address of all the devices separated by a comma at the end of the record.

Step 3 Save the file to C:\BATFiles\Users\ on the server running the Publisher database.

Note You cannot use CSV files saved anywhere else for BAT inserts.

Adding Users to Cisco CallManager

Follow this procedure to add batches of users to Cisco CallManager.

Before You Begin

You must create a CSV file before you add a batch of users to Cisco CallManager.


To add users, perform the following procedure.

Step 1 Click Configure > Users.

The Insert Users page displays.

Step 2 In the File Name field, select the name of the Users Template you created for this type of bulk transaction.

Step 3 (Optional) A check box provided on this page allows you to Enable CTI usage. Select the Enable CTI Application Use check box to enable CTI usage in the Cisco AVVID IP Telephony directory.

Step 4 Click Insert.

Step 5 Click View Log File to view the results.

Note After the users are added to Cisco CallManager, the application generates a log file indicating the number of records added and the number of records failed, including an error code. For more information on log files, see Chapter 7, "Troubleshooting BAT and TAPS".

Adding User/Device Combinations

You can add combinations of multiple phones and users or CTI ports and users to the Cisco CallManager database using the following procedures.

Related Topics

Creating CSV Files for Phones and CTI Ports

Creating the CSV File for Users

Adding Phones to Cisco CallManager

Adding Users to Cisco CallManager

Creating the CSV File for User/Device Combinations

To add phone and user combinations or CTI port and user combinations into the Cisco CallManager, you must create a CSV file.

Related Topics

Using the Phone-User Tab in BAT.xlt

CSV String Formats for Phone and User Combinations

Using the Phone-User Tab in BAT.xlt

Follow this procedure to quickly import batches of phone and user combinations.


Step 1 On the Publisher database server, click C:\CiscoWebs\BAT\ExcelTemplate and double-click BAT.xlt.

Step 2 When prompted, click Enable Macros.

Step 3 Click the Phones-Users sheet tab.

Step 4 Complete all mandatory fields and any relevant optional fields. Each column heading specifies the length of the field.

Step 5 Click the CTI Port - Users tab to create a CSV file to associate CTI ports to new users.

Note The system treats blank rows in the spreadsheet as "End of File" and discards subsequent records.

Step 6 Enter the number of lines in the Number of Phone Lines box that equals the number of directory numbers.

Step 7 Select the Create Dummy MAC Address check box to use the dummy MAC address option.
You must enter the MAC address or use the dummy MAC address option (the MAC address updates when a phone is plugged in).

Step 8 Click Export to BAT Format to transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file.

CSV String Formats for Phone and User Combinations

The following example format shows the field length and string types followed by an example of a CSV file for phones and users.

First Name (String[50] MANDATORY),Last Name (String[50] MANDATORY),User ID (String[30] MANDATORY),Manager (String[30] OPTIONAL),MAC Address (String[12] MANDATORY),Description (String[50] OPTIONAL),Location (String[50] OPTIONAL),Directory Number (String[50] MANDATORY),Display (String[30] OPTIONAL),Forward Busy Destination (String[50] OPTIONAL),Call Pickup Group (String[50/50] OPTIONAL)

Note For the Manager, use the UserID of an existing user in the USER Directory.



The actual file does not contain field names (displayed in the first line). You must specify delimiters even if a field is blank. Specify Call Pickup Group either as a Directory Number or as Directory Number/Route Partition Name, if a Route Partition restricts the access to the call pickup group.

Refer to the following examples and sample CSV records when creating CSV files.


If the description for a phone is blank


If the selected phone template supports a maximum of six lines and no active line is required


If no active line is required and the description is also blank


If two active lines are required


Note For the MAC address, enter MAC address values or check the option for creating dummy MAC addresses.

If the option for a dummy MAC address is checked


Creating an Optional CSV Text File for Users/Devices

If you do not use the BAT.xlt for data input for phones and users, follow this optional procedure to create lines of ASCII text with values separated by commas.

Tips Use the BAT.xlt file to input data because data validation is performed on that file.


Step 1 Open a text editor or any application that allows you to export or create a CSV file.

Step 2 Using a separate line for each phone, enter the following values for each phone and user combination you want to add to Cisco CallManager:

First Name,Last Name,User ID,Manager,MAC 
Address,Description,Location,Directory Number,Display,Forward Busy 
Destination,Call Pickup Group

You must enter the Name, User ID, and MAC address or use the dummy MAC address option on the Insert Phones\Users page (the MAC address updates when a phone is plugged in). You may leave other fields empty, but you must include the comma separators.

If the dummy MAC address option is checked, the following example shows a sample CSV record:


Step 3 Save the file to C:\BATFiles\PhonesUsers\ on the server running the Publisher for Cisco CallManager.

Note You cannot use CSV files saved anywhere else for BAT inserts.

Adding User Combinations to Cisco CallManager

Follow this procedure to add phone and user combinations or CTI port and user combinations to Cisco CallManager.

Before You Begin

You must create a CSV file before you add user combinations to Cisco CallManager.


Step 1 Click Configure > Phones/Users.

The Insert Phones/Users page displays.

Step 2 In the File Name field, select the name of the template you created for this type of bulk transaction.

Step 3 In the Phone Template Name field, select the phone template you created for this type of bulk transaction.

Step 4 (Optional) Select the Create Dummy MAC Address box to use the dummy MAC address option.

Step 5 (Optional) Select the Enable CTI Application Use check box to enable CTI usage in the Cisco AVVID IP Telephony directory.

Step 6 Click Insert.

Step 7 Click View Log File to view the results.

Note After the users are added to Cisco CallManager, BAT generates a log file indicating the number of records added and the number of records failed, including an error code. For more information on log files, see Troubleshooting BAT and TAPS.

Related Topics

Creating the CSV File for User/Device Combinations