本文有助於瞭解自動狀態功能及其特徵。在路由器上設定interface <vlan-id> 命令後,介面會根據平台而處於up/down或down/down狀態。本文討論為什麼會發生這種情況,以及L3和L2介面在被啟用後如何在控制平面中相互互動。
自動狀態預設情況下在基於CatOS和IOS Cisco的交換機上實施。在一些CatOS平台上,可以停用此功能,以便在特殊情況下允許備援。在基於IOS的交換機上,不能禁用此功能。
L2連線埠有時間收斂後(也就是從偵聽 — 學習轉送)會啟動VLAN介面。 這樣可防止路由通訊協定和其他功能使用VLAN介面,就好像它完全正常運作一樣。這還可以防止出現其他問題,例如佈線黑洞。
sh int <fast | gig> mod/port trunk(如果L2埠為trunk)
注意:與STP同步的自動狀態是在12.1(8a)E及更高版本中引入的。如需詳細資訊,請參閱錯誤ID CSCdu07244(僅限註冊客戶)。
注意:如果機箱中有IDS刀片(WS-X6381-IDS=),即使沒有活動的L2埠,VLAN介面仍將處於up/up狀態。這是12.1.13E及更新版本中通過錯誤ID CSCdx84895(僅供註冊客戶使用)修正的。如果沒有處於STP轉發狀態的L2埠,則正確的行為是使MSFC介面關閉。
在MSFC上,發出show int vlan <vlan-id> 命令。
在交換器上,發出sh vlan 、sh port mod/port (L2連線埠)、sh trunk mod/port (如果L2連線埠為主幹)和sh spantree <vlan-id> 命令。
在冗餘雙MSFC配置模式下,禁用自動狀態功能可能很有用。如果兩個MSFC之間使用VLAN僅用於第3層路由目的,並且沒有將第2層埠分配給VLAN,則應禁用此功能。若要保持介面VLAN up/up,而不具有指定給VLAN的專用L2連線埠,可以停用自動狀態功能。
Switch (enable) sh msfcautostate MSFC Auto port state: enabled
Switch (enable) set msfcautostate disable Switch (enable) sh msfcautostate MSFC Auto port state: disabled Switch (enable)
注意:從5.5(10)和6.3(1)開始,支援與Catalyst混合交換機的STP同步的自動狀態。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱錯誤ID CSCdu05914(僅限註冊客戶)。
注意:如果機箱中有IDS刀片(WS-X6381-IDS=),即使沒有活動的L2埠,MSFC介面仍將處於up/up狀態。透過6.2.2、6.3.1及更新版本中的錯誤ID CSCdt75094(僅供註冊客戶使用)修正。如果沒有處於STP 轉發狀態的L2埠,則正確的行為是使MSFC介面關閉。
註:如果啟用了自動狀態,且交換機中特定VLAN上沒有活動埠,則如果有多個RSM,RSM上的介面將保持up狀態。這允許流量在該VLAN上的兩個RSM之間流動,而無需禁用自動狀態功能。此行為不同於Catalyst 6000混合模式上的預設行為。
註:一個機箱中多RSM方案的自動狀態功能增強在6.1.2中得到增強。(有關詳細資訊,請參閱錯誤ID CSCdr80722(僅限註冊客戶))。 當交換器中VLAN上的最後一個實體連結關閉時,多RSM允許兩個RSM上的介面關閉。
在RSM上,發出show int <vlan-id> 命令。
在交換器上,發出sh vlan、sh port mod/port (L2連線埠)、sh trunk mod/port (如果L2連線埠為主幹)和sh spantree <vlan-id> 命令。
Switch (enable) sh rsmautostate RSM Auto port state: enabled Multi-RSM Option: enabled
Switch (enable) set rsmautostate disable RSM port auto state disabled. Switch (enable) sh rsmautostate RSM Auto port state: disabled Multi-RSM Option: enabled Switch (enable)
Switch (enable) sh rsmautostate RSM Auto port state: enabled Multi-RSM Option: enabled Switch (enable) set rsmautosta multirsm disable RSM port auto state multiple RSM disabled. Switch (enable) sh rsmautostate RSM Auto port state: enabled Multi-RSM Option: disabled Switch (enable)
當交換器VLAN上的最後一個L2連線埠關閉時,該VLAN上的所有L3介面/子介面都會關閉。除非機箱中的sc0位於VLAN上,或者機箱中有另一個L3模組與VLAN中的介面/子介面,否則介面/子介面將關閉。瞭解Catalyst 4000 Supervisor I/II不瞭解或控制第3層模組配置非常重要(就像Catalyst交換機不瞭解或控制外部路由器配置一樣)。 因此,如果第3層模組配置不正確,自動狀態功能將無法在第3層模組介面上工作。請參閱以下准則:
預設情況下啟用自動狀態功能。發出隱藏命令[no] autostate disable以啟用/禁用自動狀態功能。
發出以下命令,檢視自動狀態功能關閉或啟動的Catalyst 4000 L3服務模組介面:
Router#sh autostate entries Autostate Feature is currently enabled on the system.
Router#autostate disable Disabling Autostate Router#sh autostate entries Autostate Feature is currently disabled on the system.
Router#no autostate disable Enabling Autostate Router#sh autostate entries Autostate Feature is currently enabled on the system.
Corgon-6000#sh int vlan 151 Vlan151 is up, line protocol is down !--- Line protocol on interface VLAN 151 is down. !--- You need to investigate why this line protocol is not up !--- (at least one L2 port exists, and there should be a !--- link up on this VLAN).
檢查以確保VLAN資料庫中存在VLAN 151且VLAN處於活動狀態狀態。以下命令顯示VLAN在交換機上存在並處於活動狀態。
Corgon-6000#sh vlan 151 | i 151 151 VLAN151 active Gi4/10 151 enet 100151 1500 - - - - - 0 0 Corgon-6000# !--- VLAN 151 exists in VLAN database and is active. !--- L2 port Gig4/10 is assigned to VLAN 151.
檢查分配給VLAN 151的介面gig 4/10的狀態。
Corgon-6000#sh int gig 4/10 GigabitEthernet4/10 is up, line protocol is down (notconnect) Corgon-6000#sh run int gig 4/10 Building configuration... Current configuration : 182 bytes ! interface GigabitEthernet4/10 no ip address logging event link-status logging event bundle-status switchport switchport access vlan 151 switchport mode access end
介面VLAN 151的線路通訊協定關閉的原因是GigabitEthernet4/10連結未連線,如介面狀態所示。可能沒有裝置連線到介面,或者鏈路存在佈線或自動協商問題,導致鏈路無法開啟。
Mar 11 12:10:52.340: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet4/10,changed state to up Mar 11 12:10:53.156: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet4/10,changed state to up Corgon-6000# Corgon-6000# Corgon-6000#sh int vlan 151 Vlan151 is up, line protocol is down
檢查VLAN介面是否顯示線路通訊協定仍處於down狀態。您需要調查為什麼此線路協定沒有up。請確保此VLAN上至少有一個L2埠處於spanning-tree forwarding狀態。
Corgon-6000#sh spanning-tree vlan 151 VLAN0151 Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp Root ID Priority 32768 Address 00d0.003f.8897 This bridge is the root Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Bridge ID Priority 32768 Address 00d0.003f.8897 Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Aging Time 300 Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------- Gi4/10 Desg LRN 4 128.202 P2p Corgon-6000#
Corgon-6000# Mar 11 12:11:23.406: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan151, changed state to up
Corgon-6000#sh int vlan 151 Vlan151 is up, line protocol is up
Corgon-6000#sh spanning-tree vlan 151 VLAN0151 Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp Root ID Priority 32768 Address 00d0.003f.8897 This bridge is the root Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Bridge ID Priority 32768 Address 00d0.003f.8897 Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Aging Time 300 Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------- Gi4/10 Desg FWD 4 128.202 P2p !--- Verified spanning-tree port status on L2 port !--- is FWN = forwarding.
Topvar-msfc>sh int vlan 151 Vlan151 is down, line protocol is down !--- Line protocol is down (not administratively down). If so, issue the !--- no shutdown command under the interface. !--- Line protocol on interface VLAN 151 is down in this output. !--- You need to investigate why this line protocol is not up !--- (at least one L2 port exists, and there should be a !--- link up on this VLAN).
檢查以確保VLAN資料庫中存在VLAN 151且VLAN處於活動狀態狀態。以下命令顯示VLAN在交換機上存在並處於活動狀態。
Topvar (enable) sh vlan 151 VLAN Name Status IfIndex Mod/Ports, Vlans ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------- ------------------------ 151 VLAN151 active 284 3/1 15/1
您可以看到,L2埠3/1和15/1(MSFC)已分配給VLAN 151。請檢查分配給VLAN 15的埠3/1的狀態。如果埠3/1是中繼埠,請發出sh trunk命令以檢查是否允許VLAN 151。
Topvar (enable) sh port 3/1 Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type ----- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------ ----- ------------ 3/1 disabled 151 auto auto 10/100BaseTX !--- Since the only port (3/1) is diabled, !--- the line protocol for interface VLAN 151 is down.
Topvar (enable) set port enable 3/1 Port 3/1 enabled. 2003 Mar 12 05:42:10 %PAGP-5-PORTTOSTP:Port 3/1 joined bridge port 3/1 Topvar (enable) sh port 3/1 Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type ----- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------ ----- ------------ 3/1 connected 151 a-half a-10 10/100BaseTX
Topvar (enable) ses 15 Trying Router-15... Connected to Router-15. Escape character is '^]'. Topvar-msfc>sh int vlan 151 Vlan151 is down, line protocol is down
您可以看到,介面VLAN 151上的線路通訊協定仍然關閉。您需要調查此線路協定未啟動的原因。此VLAN上至少有一個L2埠處於生成樹轉發狀態。檢查交換機,如下圖所示。
Topvar (enable) sh spantree 151 VLAN 151 Spanning tree mode PVST+ Spanning tree type ieee Spanning tree enabled Designated Root 00-07-4f-1c-e8-47 Designated Root Priority 0 Designated Root Cost 119 Designated Root Port 3/1 Root Max Age 20 sec Hello Time 2 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Bridge ID MAC ADDR 00-05-00-a9-f4-96 Bridge ID Priority 32768 Bridge Max Age 20 sec Hello Time 2 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Port Vlan Port-State Cost Prio Portfast Channel_id ---------------------- ---- ------------- --------- ---- -------- ---------- 3/1 151 listening 100 32 disabled 0 Topvar (enable)
生成樹埠狀態為listing。VLAN介面的線路通訊協定將在過渡狀態中保持關閉(listening->learning to forwarding)。
Topvar (enable) sh spantree 151 VLAN 151 Spanning tree mode PVST+ Spanning tree type ieee Spanning tree enabled Designated Root 00-07-4f-1c-e8-47 Designated Root Priority 0 Designated Root Cost 119 Designated Root Port 3/1 Root Max Age 20 sec Hello Time 2 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Bridge ID MAC ADDR 00-05-00-a9-f4-96 Bridge ID Priority 32768 Bridge Max Age 20 sec Hello Time 2 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Port Vlan Port-State Cost Prio Portfast Channel_id ------------------------ ---- ------------- --------- ---- -------- ---------- 3/1 151 forwarding 100 32 disabled 0 15/1 151 forwarding 4 32 enabled 0 Topvar (enable)
Topvar (enable) ses 15 Trying Router-15... Connected to Router-15. Escape character is '^]'. Topvar-msfc>sh int vlan 151 Vlan151 is up, line protocol is up It is up in up/up status as expected.
Topvar (enable) sh trunk 15/1 * - indicates vtp domain mismatch Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlan -------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ----------- 15/1 nonegotiate isl trunking 1 Port Vlans allowed on trunk -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/1 1-1005,1025-4094 Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/1 1,151 Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15/1 1,151 Topvar (enable) !--- VLAN 151 is allowed, and is in spanning-tree !--- forwarding state. VLAN 151 is not pruned.
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
12-Mar-2003 |
初始版本 |