Show Commands

show account

This command lists current administrator accounts, except the primary administrator account.

show account

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 4

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.

show accountlocking

This command displays the current account locking settings.

show accountlocking

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.


admin:show accountlocking
Account Lockout is enabled
Unlock Time : 300 seconds
Retry Count : 3 attempts


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show cert list

This command displays certificate trust lists.

show cert list {own | trust}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies owned certificates.


Specifies trusted certificates.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.


admin:cert list own

show cert list type

This command displays the available selected type certificate files.

show cert list type {own | trust}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies owned certificates.


Specifies trusted certificates.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.

show cert own

This command displays certificate contents.

show cert own filename

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies owned certificates.


Represents the name of the certificate file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.

show cert trust

This command displays certificate contents.

show cert trust filename

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies trusted certificates.


Represents the name of the certificate file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.

show cli pagination

This command displays the status of automatic CLI automatic pagination.

show cli pagination

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.


admin:show cli pagination
Automatic Pagination : Off. 

show cli session timeout

This command displays the CLI session timeout value, which is the amount of time, in minutes, that can elapse before a CLI session times out and disconnects.

show cli session timeout

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection.

show csr list

This command displays Certificate Sign Request contents and certificate trust lists.

show csr list {own | | trust}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows a list of owned Certificate Sign Requests.


Shows a list of trusted Certificate Sign Requests.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The certificate name can be obtained by using the show cert list own command.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade:

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show csr list own

show csr list type

This command displays the selected own Certificate Sign Request files.

show csr list type own

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows a list of owned Certificate Sign Requests.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show csr own

This command displays Certificate Sign Request (CSR) contents and certificate trust lists.

show csr own name

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

The name of the CSR file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The certificate name can be obtained by using the show cert list own command.


Command privilege level: 1

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


admin:show csr own tomcat/tomcat.csr 

show csr own name

This command displays Certificate Sign Request (CSR) own certificate files.

show csr own name name of certificate sign request

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

The name of the CSR file.

name of certificate sign request

The name of the certificate sign request.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The certificate name can be obtained by using the show cert list own command.


Command privilege level: 1

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show ctl

This command displays the contents of the Certificate Trust List (CTL) file on the server. It notifies you if the CTL is invalid.

show ctl

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc cluster status

This command shows the status of the servers in the cluster.

show cuc cluster status

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc config groups

This command displays a list of the valid configuration group names.

show cuc config groups [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

To see a list of the settings for a specified group, run the command show cuc config settings.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc config groups


show cuc config settings

This command displays the settings and values for a specified group of Connection configuration settings.

show cuc config settings group_name page

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the name of the configuration group whose settings you want to display. To see a list of valid group names, run the command show cuc config groups. Be aware that group names are case sensitive.


Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

Configuration Settings for the Group SA

admin: show cuc config settings SA

SA Setting      					Value

----------      					-----	

SessionTimeout      	20
Use24HrClockFormat   0

show cuc dbconsistency

This command checks the tables and indexes of a specified database for inconsistencies.

show cuc dbconsistency [database_name]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the name of the database that you want to check. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb-Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb-Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5-Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb-Contains audit log data.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After the command completes, the system saves detailed information in a log file and displays a summary of the results, including the location of the log file. Use the file commands to display the contents of the file.


Checking database consistency makes a significant impact on system performance. Run this command only when little or no system activity is occurring. After the operation begins, you can not cancel it. Do not restart the server during the operation; the operation must complete successfully before Connection will function properly.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

Example of a Consistency Check of the unityrptdb Database

admin: show cuc dbconsistency unityrptdb

Checking consistency of unityrptdb tables. Please wait.

Consistency check of unityrptdb tables successful.

Validation of unityrptdb indexes successful.

Output is in file: cuc/cli/consistency_unityrptdb_070404-123636.txt

show cuc dbcontents

This command exports the data from a specified database to a CSV file.

show cuc dbcontents [database_name]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the name of the database whose data you want to export to a CSV file. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb-Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb-Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5-Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb-Contains audit log data.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After the command completes, the location of the CSV file displays. Use the file commands to display the contents of the file.


Saving the contents of a database to a CSV file affects system performance. Run this command only when little or no system activity is occurring.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

Example of Exporting the Data From the unitydirdb Database to a CSV File and Displays the Location of the File

admin: show cuc dbcontents unitydirdb

This operation may take a few minutes to complete. Please wait.

Output is in file: cuc/cli/contents_unitydirdb_070404-124027.csv

show cuc dbschema

This command exports the SQL statements that are necessary to replicate the schema for a specified database to a file.

show cuc dbschema [database_name]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Speicifies the name of the database whose schema you want to export. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb-Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb-Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5-Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb-Contains audit log data.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After the command completes, the location of the file displays. Use the file commands to display the file.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

Example of Exporting the Schema of the unitydirdb Database to a File and Displays the Location of the File

admin: show cuc dbschema unitydirdb

Output is in file: cuc/cli/schema_unitydirdb_061013-115815.sql

show cuc dbserver disk

This command displays summary information about informix storage space for all Connection databases on the current server.

show cuc dbserver disk [page] [file]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.


Saves the output to a file. If you include this option, the summary includes the location of the file. Be aware that file is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc dbserver session

This command displays summary information about a specified informix database user session.

show cuc dbserver session session_id [page] [file]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the database user session for which you want to display summary information. To get a list of current sessions, use either the show cuc dbserver sessions list command or the show cuc dbserver user list command.


Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.


Saves the output to a file. If you include this option, the summary includes the location of the file. Be aware that file is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc dbserver sessions all

This command displays summary information about all the current Informix database user sessions.

show cuc dbserver sessions all [page] [file]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.


Saves the output to a file. If you include this option, the summary includes the location of the file. Be aware that file is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc dbserver sessions list

This command displays a list of the current Informix database user sessions.

show cuc dbserver sessions list [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The names of internal database users generally correspond with the names of Connection components. Run this command before you run the show cuc dbserver session command to obtain the required session id.
Results are sorted by session id.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc dbserver user list

This command displays a list of the active Connection internal database users.

show cuc dbserver user list [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The names of internal database users generally correspond with the names of Connection components.
Results get sorted first by database and then by user.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc dbserver user waiting

This command displays a list of the Connection internal users that are waiting for a resource.

show cuc dbserver user waiting [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The names of the internal database users generally correspond with the names of Connection components.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

show cuc dbtable contents

This command exports the contents of a specified Connection table to a CSV file.

show cuc dbtable contents {database_name | table_name}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the database that contains the table whose contents you want to export to a CSV file. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb—Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb—Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5—Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb—Contains audit log data.

Specifies the table whose contents you want to export to a CSV file.

For a list of the tables in a specified database, use the show cuc dbtable list command. Be aware that table names are case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After the command completes, the location of the CSV file displays. Use the file commands to display the contents of the file.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc dbtable contents unitydirdb tbl_cos

Output is in file: cuc/cli/contents_tbl_cos_1013-113910.csv

show cuc dbtable list

This command displays a list of the tables in a specified database.

show cuc dbtable list database_name [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the database for which you want a list of tables. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb—Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb—Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5—Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb—Contains audit log data.


Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc dbtable list unitydirdb


show cuc dbtable schema

This command displays a description for a specified table and a list of the columns in the table.

show cuc dbtable schema {database_name | table_name} [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the database that contains the table show schema you want to display. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb—Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb—Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5—Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb—Contains audit log data.

Specifies the table whose schema you want to display.

For a list of the tables in a specified database, use the show cuc dbtable list command. Be aware that table names are case sensitive.


Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection

Example of Displaying the Schema for the Table tbl_user in the unitydirdb Database

admin: show cuc dbtable schema unitydirdb tbl_cos

A collection of service privileges for subscribers that control access to features and use 
of the system into classes. Class of Service objects determine which features a subscriber 
is licensed to use, the maximum length of their greetings and messages, what numbers they are 
allowed to dial, and what options are available to the subscriber among other things.


show cuc dbview contents

This command saves the results from a specified SQL view in a CSV file.

show cuc dbview contents {database_name | view_name}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the database that contains the view whose results you want to save to a file. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb—Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb—Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5—Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb—Contains audit log data.

Specifies the view whose results you want to save to a file.

For a list of the views in a specified database, use the show cuc dbview list command. Be aware that view names are case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After the command completes, the location of the CSV file displays. Use the file commands to display the contents of the file.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


The following example saves the results from the view vw_cos, in the database unitydirdb, to a CSV file.
admin: show cuc dbview contents unitydirdb vw_cos_061013-113910.csv

show cuc dbview list

This command displays a list of the views in a specified database.

show cuc dbview list database_name [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the database for which you want a list of views. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb—Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb—Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5—Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb—Contains audit log data.


Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


The following example displays a list of the views in the unitydirdb database.
admin: show cuc dbview list unitydirdb


show cuc dbview schema

This command displays the schema for a specified view.

show cuc dbview schema {database_name | view_name} [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the database that contains the view for which you want to display the schema. Be aware that database names are case sensitive. Connection databases include:
  • unitydirdb—Contains the directory and configuration data.

  • unitydyndb—Contains dynamic data that Connection uses internally.

  • unitymbxdb1 to unitymbxdb5—Contains the data about the current voice messages in the corresponding mailbox store, including pointers to the audio files that are stored in the file system. If only one mailbox store is configured, the name of the mailbox store database is always unitymbxdb1.

  • unityrptdb—Contains audit log data.

Specifies the view for which you want to display the schema.
For a list of the views in a specified database, use the show cuc dbview list command. Be aware that view names are case sensitive.

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


The following example displays the schema for the view vw_user in the database unitydirdb.
admin: show cuc dbview schema unitydirdb vw_cos

A simple view for tbl_Cos.


show cuc jetty ssl status

This command allows you to check the status of SSL (Enabled/Disabled) on the Jetty server for notifications.

show cuc jetty ssl status

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc jetty ssl status

Command completed successfully.
SSL notification is DISABLED

show cuc locales

This command displays a list of the locales currently installed.

show cuc locales

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc locales

Installed Locale Package			Locale

-------------------------			------

uc-locale-en_GB-		en-GB

uc-locale-fr_CA-		fr-CA

show cuc speechview registration certificate size

This command displays the current certificate bit size used for Speech to Text service registration and Voicemail transcription with Nuance server.

show cuc speechview registration certificate size

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

To view the current certificate bit size, use the show cuc speechview registration certificate size (Cisco Unity Connection Only) command.


Command privilege level: 4

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection only.

show cuc sysagent task list

This command displays a list of the Sysagent tasks.

show cuc sysagent task list [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

To run a sysagent task, use the run cuc sysagent task command. If the value of the Is Singleton column is Y for a specified task, the task can only be run on the primary server in a multi-server cluster. If this server is standalone, then all tasks run on this server.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc sysagent task list

Task Name																												Is Singleton

------------------------------     		------------

Data.BroadcastMessagePurge																N

Umss.CleanDeletedMessagesTask													Y

Umss.CleanDirectoryStreamFilesTask								Y

Umss.CleanOrphanAttachmentFilesTask							Y


Data.UpdateDatabaseStats																		N

show cuc sysagent task results

This command displays the times at which the specified task started and completed, with the most recent time listed first.

show cuc sysagent task results task_name [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Specifies the task for which you want to display information when the task starts and completes.

For a list of task names, run the show cuc sysagent task list command. Be aware that task names are case sensitive.


Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

To run a Sysagent task, use the run cuc sysagent task command.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


The following example displays the times at which the Sysagent task Umss.CleanDeletedMessagesTask started and completed.
admin: show cuc sysagent task results Umss.CleanDeletedMessagesTask

Time Started													Time Completed

----------------------			--------------------

2006-10-25 17:31:45.689		2006-10-25 17:31:45.785

2006-10-25	17:16:45.702		2006-10-25	17:16:45.742

2006-10-25	17:01:45.690		2006-10-25 17:01:45.730

show cuc sysinfo

This command displays a summary of hardware and software system information for the current Connection server, including the version installed on the active and inactive partitions; whether a cluster is configured; QOS settings; hardware specifications; the amount of used and free disk space on the active, inactive, and common partitions; licensing information; and so on.

show cuc sysinfo

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc sysinfo

Gather Data/Time : Wed Oct 21 09:45:29 PDT 2009

Connection Install Information:

		Host Name : connection1


			Active Version :

			Inactive Version :

		High Availability (this server is) : Pri_Single_Server

			Publisher : -

			Subscriber(s) : None

		QOS Settings :

			Call Signaling DSCP : CS3

			Media Signaling DSCP : EF

		Hardware : 

			HW Platform										: 7825I3

			Processors											: 1

			Type																	: Family: Core 2

			CPU Speed												: 2130

			Memory															: 2048

			Object Id												:

			OS Version											: UCOS


show cuc tech dbschemaversion

This command displays the schema version information for each database.

show cuc tech dbschemaversion [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc tech dbschemaversion



Schema Version		Product Version		Date

--------------		---------------		-----------------

1.2.363									2.1														2007-02-13 19:10:50.0

show cuc tech dbserver all

This command runs all the show cuc tech commands in sequence and saves the results in a text file.

show cuc tech dbserver all

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After the command completes, detailed information gets saved in a text file and the location of the text file displays. Use the file commands to display the contents of the file.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


admin: show cuc tech dbserver all

Output is in file: cuc/cli/dbserverall_061013-111801.txt

show cuc tech dbserver integrity

This command checks the integrity of the Informix database server storage space structure.

show cuc tech dbserver integrity

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After the command completes, detailed information gets saved in a text file, and a summary of the results displays, including the location of the file. Use the file commands to display the contents of the file.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show cuc tech dbserver integrity
Database system catalog tables were successfully validated.
Database disk extents were successfully validated.
Database reserved pages were successfully validated.
Output is in file: cuc/cli/integrity_061013-95853.txt

show cuc tech dbserver log diagnostic

This command checks for the existence of Informix assertion-failure and shared-memory-dump logs.

show cuc tech dbserver log diagnostic

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the logs exist, their location displays. Use the file commands to display the contents of the files.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection only.


admin:show cuc tech dbserver log diagnostic
The following Informix logs are available for the UC database server:

show cuc tech dbserver log message

This command displays the end of the Informix message log.

show cuc tech dbserver log message [lines] [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the number of lines that display at the end of the Informix message log. If the lines parameter is not included, the last 20 lines of the log are displayed.


(Optional) Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection only.


admin:show cuc tech dbserver log message
Message Log File: online.ciscounity.log
18:09:01 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds, 6 buffers
not flushed.
18:09:01 Checkpoint loguniq 57, logpos 0x208418, timestamp: 0x33b807
18:09:01 Maximum server connections 159
18:14:01 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds, 6 buffers
not flushed.
18:14:01 Checkpoint loguniq 57, logpos 0x20a57c, timestamp: 0x33b9fc 

show cuc tech dbserver status

This command saves a detailed status report of the database server instance to a file.

show cuc tech dbserver status

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection only.


admin:show cuc tech dbserver status
Output is in file: cuc/cli/status_061013-95031.txt 

show cuc trace levels

This command displays a list of all the diagnostic traces and trace levels that are currently enabled.

show cuc trace levels [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

(Optional) Causes the output to display one page at a time. Be aware that page is case sensitive.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

To enable or disable specified traces and trace levels, use the set cuc trace (Cisco Unity Connection only) command.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection only.


admin:show cuc trace levels
Trace Name Levels
------------------------- --------------
Arbiter -
AudioStore 0
AxlAccess -
BulkAdministrationTool 0
CCL 10,11
CDE 3,14
CDL 11,13,15,17
VirtualQueue - 

show cuc version

This command displays the Cisco Unity Connection version that is currently installed on the active and inactive partitions.

show cuc version

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

This command always displays the version in the active partition. If the active partition contains an upgrade, the command also shows the version in the inactive partition. The current Engineering Special also displays.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection only.


admin:show cuc version
Active version:
Inactive version: 

show date

This command displays the date and time on the server.

show date

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


admin: show date
Sat Jul 17 01:28:57 IST 2010

show diskusage

This command displays disk usage information about specific directories.

show diskusage activelog {activelog | common | inactivelog | install | tftp | tmp} filename filename {directory | sort}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
filename filename

Saves the output to a specified file. These files are stored in the platform/cli directory. To view saved files, use the file view activelog command.


Displays the directory sizes only.


Sorts the output on the basis of file size. File sizes display in 1024-byte blocks.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show dscp all

This command displays the current DSCP traffic markings on all the ports. It displays the DSCP markings in decimal and hexidecimal. If the value corresponds to a class then it displays the correct class. If the value does not correspond to a class, then it displays N/A.

show dscp all

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection

show dscp defaults

This command displays the default factory DSCP settings. These values take effect if the set dscp defaults command is executed.

show dscp defaults

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection

show dscp marking

This command displays the current DSCP traffic markings for a particular DSCP value.

show dscp marking value

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

DSCP value. You can enter the name of a well-known DSCP class, or a numeric value in decimal or hexadecimal format. Precede hexadecimal values with 0x or 0X.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The valid class names as defined by DSCP are:

  • Class Selector: values CSO, CS1, CS2, CS3, CS5, CS6 CS7

    The class selector (CS) values correspond to IP Precedence values and are fully compatible with IP Precedence.

  • Expedited Forwarding: value EF

    EF PHB is ideally suited for applications such as VoIP that require low bandwidth, guaranteed bandwidth, low delay, and low jitter.

  • Best Effort: value BE

    Also called default PHB, this value essentially specifies that a packet be marked with 0x00, which gets the traditional best-effort service from the network router.

  • Assured Forwarding: values AF11, AF12, AF13, AF21, AF22, AF23, AF41, AF42, AF43

    There are four types of Assured Forwarding classes, each of which has three drop precedence values. These precedence values define the order in which a packet is dropped (if needed) due to network congestion. For example, packets in AF13 class are dropped before packets in the AF12 class.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show dscp status

This command displays the current DSCP traffic markings.

show dscp status {enabled | disabled}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Filters the output to show only DSCP traffic markings that are enabled. If you do not specify a status, this filter is the default option.


Filters the output to show only DSCP traffic markings that are disabled.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show environment fans

This command shows the status of the fan sensors.

show environment fans

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show environment power-supply

This command shows the status of the power supply for MCS-7845, MCS-7835, MCS-7825H3/H4, and MCS-7816H3 servers—those with redundant power supply or embedded health hardware.

show tlstrace

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show environment temperatures

This command retrieves the status of the temperature sensors.

show environment temperatures

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show fileserver transferspeed

This command shows the reading and writing speed between the IM and Presence Service node and the external file server. It involves copying a large file onto the mounted directory and then copying it back onto the node. As a result, this command may have a performance impact on the node from which it is run.

show fileserver transferspeed

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Applies to: IM and Presence Service on Unified Communications Manager.


admin:show fileserver transferspeed 
WARNING: This command involves copying a large file to and from the mounted directory. It can impact the performance of the system.
Do you want to continue? (y/n):y
Creating a file to perform the test, please wait...

Copying the file onto the mounted file system. Please note the writing speed recorded below.
262144+0 records in
262144+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 28.9302 s, 37.1 MB/s

Copying the file from the mounted file system. Please note the reading speed recorded below.
262144+0 records in
262144+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 67.7504 s, 15.8 MB/s

Clean-up finised

show hardware

This command displays hardware-related information about the platform.

show hardware

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The following information is displayed:

  • Platform

  • Serial number

  • BIOS build level

  • BIOS manufacturer

  • Active processors

  • RAID controller status

  • Disk partition details


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show ipsec information

This command displays detailed information about the specified ipsec policy.

show ipsec information {policy_group | policy_name}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: yes

Applies to: IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager


admin:show ipsec information test test1
PolicyGroup             : test
PolicyName              : test1
Type                    : transport
Source Address          :
Source Type             : ip
Destination Address     :
Destination Type        : ip
Protocol                : tcp
Source Port             : Any
Destination Port        : Any
Remote Port             : Any
Authentication Method   : psk
Destination Certificate : null
PSK                     : cisco
Phase 1 Life Time       : 3600
Encryption Algorithm    : des
Hash Algorithm          : sha1
Phase 1 DH Value        : null
Phase 2 Life Time       : 3600
ESP                     : null_enc
AH                      : hmac_sha1
Phase 2 DH Value        : null
Peer Type               : null
Status                  : disabled
Source Certificate      : null

show ipsec policy_group

This command displays all the ipsec policy group on the node.

show ipsec policy_group

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection

show ipsec policy_name

This command displays the list of ipsec policy names that exist in the specified policy group.

show ipsec policy_name policy_group

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the policy group name.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection

show ipsec status

show ipsec status

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines


Command privilege level:

Allowed during upgrade:

Applies to: IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager

show itl

This command displays the ITL file contents or prints an error message if the ITL file is invalid.

show itl

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show logins

This command lists recent logins to the server

show login [number]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the number of the most recent logins to display. The default is 20.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection

show logins successful

This command shows the previous successful logins.

show logins successful [last n]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
last n

(Optional) Represents the last number of logins. By default, the value of this variable is 20.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show logins unsuccessful

Use this command to list recent unsuccessful login attempts to the following web applications:

  • On Unified Communications Manager

    • Disaster Recovery System

    • Cisco Unified OS Administration

  • On IM and Presence Service

    • IM and Presence Disaster Recovery System

    • Unified IM and Presence OS Administration

show logins unsuccessful [number]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the number of most recent logins to display. The default is 20.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service

show Login Grace Timeout

This command shows the login Grace Timeout.

show Login Grace Timeout

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show media streams

This command captures information on current media stream connections.

show media streams [options]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
Enter one of the following options:
  • file fname: Limit (valid characters alphanumeric [a-Z, A-Z, 0-9, (-) ad , (_)]. Default: mediainfo

  • count #: Range 1-1000; Default: 2

  • sleep #: Range 1-300 seconds; Default 5

  • device {ALL | ANN | CFB | CRA | MOH | MTP} Default: device ALL

  • info: Displays extra information

  • buffers: Displays buffer usage information.

  • trace: Activates extra trace from media driver to system log.

    Ignore any kernel messages that display on the console screen when show media streams trace is entered.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show media streams info buffers

Resulting file /platform/log/mediainfo.txt contains:

Time: 2008.03.04 11:01:42
I/F Ver=5, #Apps: Free=		7, Alloc=		4, #Conf: Free= 		12, #Streams: Free=		40
Buffer Size =		652, Allocated Buffers=		1, Free Buffers =  5147
Buffer Size =	8192, Allocated Buffers=		0, Free Buffers = 	 450
App ID=		332, Cfg=CFB, Dead App Timer=86400, Active=Yes, Streams: Available=		92 Active=
Conf ID = 16777225, Type = Two No Sum, Streams: Tx =			2, Rx =			2, Active = Yes
Rx Stream: PktCnt= 5979, PID=16777653, PktSz=20ms, Payld=uLaw, IP=,
MCast=N, Mute=N, UsrMd=N, Actv=Y, QdPkts=2, PktOR=0, DtmfPL=0 DiscTimeSlice=	0 DiscPkts= 0
Buffer Size =		652, Used Buffers =			1
Buffer Size = 8192, Used Buffers =			0
Rx Stream: PktCnt=	6179, PID=16777651, PktSz=20ms, PayId=uLaw, IP=,
MCast=N, Mute=N, UsrMd=N, Actv=Y, QdPkts=0, PktOR=0, DtmfPL=0 DiscTimeSlice= 0 DiscPkts= 0
Buffer Size =		652, Used Buffers =			0
Buffer Size =	8192, Used Buffers =			0
Tx Stream: PktCnt= 5988, PID=16777653, PktSz=20ms, Payld=uLaw,
IP= (24652), MCast=N, Mute=N, UsrMd=N, Actv=Y, DtmfPL=0, DtmfQ=0 10:59:42
Buffer Size =		652, Used Buffers =			0
Buffer Size =	8192, Used Buffers =			0
Tx Stream: PktCnt=	6193, PID=16777651, PktSz=20ms, Payld=uLaw,
IP=, MCast=N, Mute=N, UsrMd=N, Actv=Y, DtmfPL=0, DtmfQ=0 10:59:42
Buffer Size =		652, Used Buffers =			0
Buffer Size =	8192, Used Buffers =			0
App ID=	331, Cfg=ANN, Dead App Timer=86400, Active=Yes, Streams: Available=		96 Active=
App ID=	330, Cfg=MOH, Dead App Timer=86400, Active=Yes, Streams: Available=	658 Active=
App ID= 329, Cfg=MTP, Dead App Timer=86400, Active=Yes, Streams: Available=		96 Active=

show memory

This command displays information about the onboard memory.

show memory {count | modules | size}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays the number of memory modules on the system.


Displays detailed information about all the memory modules.


Displays the total amount of physical memory.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show myself

This command displays information about the current account.

show myself

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show network all

This command shows network information for listening and nonlistening sockets.

show network all [detail] [page] [search srchtext]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows additional information.


Displays information one page at a time.

search srchtext

Searches for srchtext in the output.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network cluster

This command lists nodes in the network cluster and also shows the remaining timer value when you enable Dynamic Cluster Configuration.

show network cluster

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network dhcp eth0

This command shows DHCP status information.

show network dhcp eth0

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The eth0 parameter displays Ethernet port 0 settings, including DHCP configurations and options.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network eth0

This command shows network information for ethernet 0.

show network eth0 [detail] [search srchtxt]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows additional information.

search srchtxt

Searches for srchtxt in the output.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The eth0 parameter displays Ethernet port 0 settings


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network failover

This command shows Network Fault Tolerance information.

show network failover [detail] [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows additional information.


Shows information one page at a time.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network ip_conntrack

This command shows ip_conntrack usage information.

show network ip_conntrack

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network ipprefs

This command shows the list of ports that have been requested to be opened or translated in the firewall.

show network ipprefs {all | enabled | public}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows all incoming ports that may be used on the product.


Shows all incoming ports that are currently opened.


Shows all incoming ports that are currently opened for a remote client.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


admin:show network ipprefs public
Application IPProtocol PortValue HashLimit (max:rate) H-Status ConnLimit C-Status Type XlatedPort Status  Description
----------- ---------  --------- -------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---- ---------- ------  ------------
sshd            tcp        22        1500:25/second    enabled     -     disabled public   -      enabled sftp and ssh
tomcat          tcp        443       4000:50/second    disabled   300     enabled public  8443    enabled  secure web
tomcat          tcp        80        4000:50/second    disabled   300     enabled public  8080 

show network ipv6

This command shows IPv6 network routes and network settings.

show network ipv6 {route | settings}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows all IPv6 routes.


Shows all IPv6 network settings.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network max_ip_conntrack

This command shows max_ip_conntrack information.

show network max_ip_conntrack

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network ntp option

This command displays the security option that is configured in the /etc/config file.

show network ntp option

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network route

This command shows network routing information.

show network route [detail] [search srchtext]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows additional information.

search srchtext

Searches for the srchtext in the output.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show network status

This command shows active internet connections.

show network status [detail] [listen] [process] [all] [nodns] [search stext]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows additional information.


Shows only listening sockets.


Shows the process ID and name of the program to which each socket belongs.


Shows both listening and nonlistening sockets.


Shows numerical addresses without any DNS information.

search stext

Searches for the stext in the output.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


This example displays active internet connections.
admin: show network status

show network name-service attributes

This command displays name service cache general attributes.

show network name - service attributes

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No


admin:show network name-service hosts attributes
enable-cache                 yes   
positive-time-to-live        3600  
negative-time-to-live        20    


show network name-service cache-stats

This command displays name service cache statistics.

show network name-services [host] [services] cache-stats

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

host services cache.


services service cache.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No


admin:show network name-service hosts cache-stats
yes  cache is enabled
             no  cache is persistent
            yes  cache is shared
            211  suggested size
         216064  total data pool size
            272  used data pool size
           3600  seconds time to live for positive entries
             20  seconds time to live for negative entries
              0  cache hits on positive entries
              0  cache hits on negative entries
              2  cache misses on positive entries
              0  cache misses on negative entries
              0% cache hit rate
              2  current number of cached values
              2  maximum number of cached values
              0  maximum chain length searched
              0  number of delays on rdlock
              0  number of delays on wrlock
              0  memory allocations failed
            yes  check /etc/hosts for changes


show network name-service {hosts|services} attributes

This command displays name service cache attributes.

show networkname - service{hosts|services} attributes

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

hosts services cache.


services service cache.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No


admin:show network name-service hosts attributes 
enable-cache                 yes   
positive-time-to-live        3600  
negative-time-to-live        20    
suggested-size               211   
persistent                   no    
max-db-size                  33554432


show open files all

This command shows all open files on the system.

show open files all

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show open files process

The command shows open files that belong to a specified process.

show open files process processID

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies a process.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show open files regexp

This command shows open files that match the specified regular expression.

show open files regexp reg_exp

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies a regular expression.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show open ports all

This command shows all open ports on the system.

show open ports all

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show open ports process

This command displays open ports the belong to a specified process.

show open ports process processID

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies a process.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show open ports regexp

This command shows open ports that match the specified regular expression.

show open ports regexp reg_exp

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies a regular expression.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show packages

This command displays the name and version for installed packages.

show packages {active | inactive} name [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies active packages.


Specifies inactive packages.


Specifies the package name. To display all active or inactive packages, use the wildcard character, *.


Shows the output one page at a time

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show password

This command shows information about the configured password.

show password {age | history | inactivity}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows information about the configured password age parameters


Shows the number of passwords that the history maintains for OS administration accounts.


Shows the status of the password inactivity for OS accounts. Password inactivity is the number of days of inactivity after a password has expired before the account is disabled.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show password change-at-login

This command shows whether a user is forced to change passwords after the user signs in to the system the next time.

show password change-at-login userid

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the user account that you want to show.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show password complexity character

This command displays the status of the password complexity rules—whether they are disabled or enabled. If the password complexity rules are enabled, this command displays the shows their current configuration.

show password complexity character

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show password complexity length

This command displays the minimum length of passwords that need to be used for Cisco OS administrator accounts. The default minimum length of a password is six characters.

show password complexity length

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show password expiry

This command shows the configured password expiration parameters.

show password expiry {maximum-age | minimum-age}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows the maximum number of days for set password expiry.


Shows the minimum number of days for set password expiry.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show password expiry user

This command shows the configured password expiration parameters for the specified user.

show password expiry user {maximum-age | minimum-age} userid

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Shows the maximum number of days for set password expiry.


Shows the minimum number of days for set password expiry.


Specifies the user account that you want to show.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show password expiry user list

This command shows the password maximum age and password minimum age for each CLI user in the system.

show password expiry user

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf counterhelp

This command displays information about the specified perfmon counter.

show perf counterhelp class-name counter-name

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the class name that contains the counter.

counter-name Represents the counter that you want to view.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the class name or counter name contains white spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf list categories

This command lists the categories in the perfmon system.

show perf list categories

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf list classes

This command lists perfmon classes (objects).

show perf list classes [cat category] [detail]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
cat category

Displays perfmon classes for the specified category.


Displays detailed information.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf list counters

This command lists perfmon counters for the specified perfmon class.

show perf list counters class-name [detail]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the class name that contains the counter.


Displays detailed information.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the class name contains white spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf list instances

This command lists the perfmon instances for the specified perfmon class.

show perf list instances class-name [detail]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the class name that contains the counter.


Displays detailed information.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the class name contains white spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf query class

This command queries a perfmon class and displays all the instances and counter values of each instance.

show perf query class class-name [,class-name...]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the class name that contains the counter.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the class name contains white spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks.

You can specify a maximum of five classes for each command.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf query counter

This command queries the specified counter or counters and displays the counter value of all instances.

show perf query counter class-name counter-name [,counter-name...]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the class name that contains the counter.

counter-name Represents the counter that you want to view.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the class name or counter name contains white spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks.

You can specify a maximum of five counters for each command.


The output that this command returns depends on the number of endpoints that is configured in the Route Groups in Unified Communications Manager.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf query instance

This command queries the specified instance and displays all its counter values.

show perf query instance class-name instance-name [,instance-name...]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the class name that contains the counter.

instance-name Specifies the perfmon instance to view.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the class name contains white spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks.

You can specify a maximum of five instances for each command.

This command does not apply to singleton perfmon classes.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show perf query path

This command queries a specified perfmon path.

show perf query path path-spec [,path-spec...]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies a perfmon path.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

For an instance-based perfmon class, you must specify path-spec as follows: class-name(instance-name)\counter-name

For a noninstance-based perfmon class (a singleton), you must specify path-spec as follows: class-name\counter-name

You can specify a maximum of five paths for each command.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show perf query path "Cisco Phones(phone-0)\CallsAttempted","Cisco Unified Communications Manager\T1ChannelsActive"

show process list

This command displays a list of all the processes and critical information about each process and visually indicates the child-parent relationships between the processes.

show process list [file filename] [detail]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Outputs the results to the file that is specified by the filename variable.


Specifies the filename.


Displays detailed output.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process load

This command displays the current load on the system.

show process load [cont] [clear] [noidle] [num number] [thread] [cpu | | memory | | time] [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Repeats the command continuously.


Clears the screen before displaying output.


Ignores the idle or zombie processes.

num number

Displays the number of processes that are specified by number. The default number of processes equals 10. Set number to all to display all processes.


Displays threads.


Sorts output by CPU usage. This is the default sorting.


Sorts output by memory usage.


Sorts output by time usage.


Displays the output in pages.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process name

This command displays the details of processes that share the same name and indicates their parent-child relationship.

show process name process [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the name of a process.

file filename

Outputs the results to the file that is specified by filename .

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process name process-name

The command shows the details of processes that share the same name. This commands displays parent-child relationship.

show process name process name [file vm detail cont]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
process name

Specifies the name of a process.


(Optional) Shows the file name where the output is to be received.


(Optional) Shows the virtual memory of the process.


(Optional) Shows the details, such as page fault, virtual memory, and start time of the process.


(Optional) Repeats the command continuously.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process open

This command lists the open file descriptors for a comma separated list of process IDs.

show process open file

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

(Optional) Shows the file name where the output is to be received.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process open-fd

This command lists the open file descriptors for a comma-separated list of process IDs.

show process open-fd process-id [,process-id2]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the process-id.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process pid

This command shows a specific process number or command name.

show process pid pid [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the process ID number of a process.

file filename

Outputs the results to the file that is specified by filename .

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process search

This command searches for the pattern that the regular expression regexp specifies in the output of the operating system-specific process listing.

show process search regexp [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents a regular expression.

file filename

Outputs the results to the file that is specified by filename .

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process user

This command retrieves details of processes that share the user name and displays parent-child relationship.

show process user username [file detail detail detail cont]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the username.

file filename

Outputs the results to the file that is specified by filename .


(Optional) Shows the virtual memory of the process.


(Optional) Shows the details, such as page fault, virtual memory, and start time of the process.


(Optional) Repeats the command continuously.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process using-most cpu

This command displays a list of the most CPU-intensive processes.

show process using-most cpu [ number ] [ file filename | | [ cont ] ]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the number of processes to display. The default specifies 5.

file filename

Outputs the results to the file that is specified by filename .


Repeats the command continuosly.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show process using-most memory

This command displays a list of the most memory-intensive processes.

show process using-most memory [ number ] [ file filename | | [ cont ] ]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the number of processes to display. The default specifies 5.

file filename

Outputs the results to the file that is specified by filename .


Repeats the command continuosly.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show registry

This command displays the contents of the registry.

show registry system component [name] [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the registry system name.


Represents the registry component name.


Represents the name of the parameter to show.


Displays one page at a time.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the name is “page,” and you want to display the output one page at a time, use the command show registry system component name page page

To show all components in a system, enter the wildcard character * in the command:  show registry system *


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


This example shows the contents of the cm system, dbl/sdi component.
admin:show registry cm dbl/sdi
system = cm
   component = dbl/sdi

show risdb list

This command displays the tables that are supported in the Realtime Information Service (RIS) database.

show risdb list [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the filename does not contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


This command displays a list of all RIS database tables.
admin: show risdb list

show risdb query

This command displays the contents of the specified RIS tables.

show risdb query table1 table2 table3 ... [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the name of a table.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the filename does not contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show samltrace level

This command displays the trace level that is currently configured.

show samltrace level

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence Service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection.

show session maxlimit

This command shows the upper limit for concurrent SSH sessions.

show session maxlimit

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show smtp

This command displays the name of the SMTP host.

show smtp

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


admin:show smtp
SMTP hostname:

show stats io

This command displays the IO statistics.

show stats io [kilo] [detail] [page] [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays statistics in kilobytes.


Displays detailed statistics on every available device on the system and overrides the kilo option.


Displays one page at a time.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file specified by filename

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the filename does not contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show status

This command displays basic platform status.

show status

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the following basic platform status:

  • hostname
  • date

  • timezone
  • locale
  • product version
  • platform version
  • CPU usage
  • memory and disk usage


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech activesql

This command displays the active queries to the database taken at one minute intervals as far back as the logs allow.

show tech activesql

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech all

This command displays the combined output of all show tech commands.

show tech all [page] [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays one page at a time.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech ccm_service

This command displays information about all services that can run on the system.

show tech ccm_service

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech database

This command shows information about the database.

show tech database {dump | sessions}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Creates a CSV file of the entire database.


Redirects the session and SQL information of the present session IDs to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech dberrcode

This command displays information (from the database log files) about the error code that is specified.

show tech dberrcode errorcode

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the error code as a positive integer.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If the error code is a negative number, enter it without the minus sign (-).


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech dbhighcputasks

This command displays the currently running high cost tasks and high CPU-intensive tasks.

show tech dbhighcputasks

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech dbintegrity

This command displays the database integrity.

show tech dbintegrity

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech dbschema

This command displays the database schema in a CSV file.

show tech dbschema [car | cm]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the car database.


Represents the cm database.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech dbinuse

This command displays the database in use.

show tech dbinuse [car | cm]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the car database.


Represents the cm database.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech dbstateinfo

This command displays the state of the database.

show tech dbstateinfo [car | cm]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the car database.


Represents the cm database.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech devdefaults

This command displays the device defaults table.

show tech devdefaults

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech dumpCSVandXML

This command provides detailed information for customer support in the case of a standard upgrade condition.

show tech dumpCSVandXML

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

You can get this file in the following ways:

  1. Use the file view activelog cm/trace/dbl/xmlcsv.tar command to view the contents of the file.
  2. Use the file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/xmlcsv.tar command to download the file.
  3. Use RTMT: Trace and Log Central > Collect Files > Cisco Database Cli Output > Install and upgrade log.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech gateway

This command displays the gateway table from the database.

show tech gateway

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech locales

This command displays the locale information for devices, device pools, and end users.

show tech locales

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech network all

This command displays all network tech information.

show tech network all [page] [search text] [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays one page at a time.

search text

Searches the output for the string that text specifies. Be aware that the search is case insensitive.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech network hosts

This command displays information about hosts configuration.

show tech network hosts [page] [search text] [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays one page at a time.

search text

Searches the output for the string that text specifies. Be aware that the search is case insensitive.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech network interfaces

This command displays information about the network interfaces.

show tech network interfaces [page] [search text] [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays one page at a time.

search text

Searches the output for the string that text specifies. Be aware that the search is case insensitive.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech network resolv

This command displays information about hostname resolution.

show tech network resolv [page] [search text] [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays one page at a time.

search text

Searches the output for the string that text specifies. Be aware that the search is case insensitive.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech network routes

This command displays information about network routes.

show tech network routes [page] [search text] [file filename]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays one page at a time.

search text

Searches the output for the string that text specifies. Be aware that the search is case insensitive.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech network sockets

This command displays the list of open sockets.

show tech network sockets {numeric}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays the numerical addresses of the ports instead of determining symbolic hosts. This parameter is equivalent to running the Linux shell numeric [-n] command.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech notify

This command displays the database change notify monitor.

show tech notify [search pattern_to_match]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description
search pattern_to_match

Represents the string that needs to be searched in the command output.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech params

This command displays the database parameters.

show tech params {all | | enterprise | | service}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays all the database parameters.


Displays the database enterprise parameters.


Displays the database service parameters.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech prefs

This command displays database settings.

show tech prefs

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech procedures

This command displays the CAR or CM procedures that are in use for the database.

show tech procedures {car | | cm}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the CAR procedures.


Specifies the CM procedures.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech repltimeout

This command displays the replication timeout.

show tech repltimeout

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

When you increase the replication timeout, ensure that as many servers as possible in a large system are included in the first round of replication setup. If you have the maximum number of servers and devices, set the replication timeout to the maximum value. Be aware that this delays the initial set up of replication to give all servers time to get ready for setup.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech routepatterns

This command displays the route patterns that are configured for the system.

show tech routepatterns

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech routeplan

This command displays the route plans that are configured for the system.

show tech routeplan

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech runtime

This command displays CPU usage information at the time the command is run.

show tech runtime {all | cpu | disk | env | memory} page file filename

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays all runtime information.


Displays CPU usage information at the time the command is run.


Displays system disk usage information.


Displays environment variables.


Displays memory usage information.


Displays one page at a time.

file filename

Outputs the information to a specified file.


This option saves the information to platform/cli/<filename>.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection

show tech sqlhistory

This command prints the history of SQL statements executed.

show tech sqlhistory

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech systables

This command displays the name of all tables in the sysmaster database.

show tech systables

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech system

This command displays all the system information.

show tech system {all | bus | hardware | host | kernel modules | software | tools} page file filename

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays all the system information.


Displays information about the data buses on the server.


Displays information about the server hardware.


Displays information about the server.

kernel modules

Lists the installed kernel modules.


Displays information about the installed software versions.


Displays information about the software tools on the server.


Displays one page at a time.

file filename

Outputs the information to a file. This option saves the information to platform/cli/<filename>.txt. Ensure that the file name does not contain the "." character.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech table

This command displays the contents of the specified database table.

show tech table table_name [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the name of the table to display.


Displays the output one page at a time.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech triggers

This command displays table names and the triggers that are associated with those tables.

show tech triggers

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tech version

This command displays the version of the installed components.

show tech version [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays one page at a time.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show timezone config

This command displays the current timezone settings.

show timezone config

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show timezone list

This command displays the available timezones.

show timezone list [page]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Displays the output one page at a time.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

Although the list of available time zones includes Factory , Unified Communications Manager does not support the Factory timezone.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tlstrace

This command shows the status of TLS trace for a service.

show tlstrace [service]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the TLS tracing status of a service. It is a mandatory parameter.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show tlsresumptiontimeout

This command shows the TLS session resumption timeout.

show tlsresumptiontimeout

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show trace

This command displays trace information for a particular task.

show trace [task_name]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the name of the task for which you want to display the trace information.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter a parameter, the command returns a list of available tasks.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection


admin: show trace cdps

show ups status

This command shows the current status of the USB-connected APC smart-UPS device and starts the monitoring service if this service is not already started.

show ups status

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

This command provides full status only for 7835-H2 and 7825-H2 servers.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show version active

This command displays the software version on the active partition.

show version active

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show version inactive

This command displays the software version on the inactive partition

show version inactive

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show vos version

With Unity Connection 12.0(1) and later, Unity Connection supports a specific ISO that is separated from the Cisco Unified CM ISO. However, Unity Connection will provide all the latest VOS changes. To see the VOS version integrated with Unity Connection show vos version CLI is introduced.

This command displays the VOS version stored in the active and inactive partitions. If there is no VOS version in the inactive partition, it displays "VOS version not available".

For more information, see "Support for Cisco Unity Connection ISO" section of the Release Notes for Cisco Unity Connection 12.0(1) available at

show vos version

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

This command always displays the VOS version in the active partition. If the active partition contains an upgrade, the command also shows the VOS version in the inactive partition.


If you are upgrading from Cisco Unity Connection 11.5(1) or earlier version to 12.0(1) or later, the inactive partition does not contain the information of VOS version.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


admin:show vos version 
Active version: 
Inactive version: VOS version not available

show web-security

This command displays the contents of the current web-security certificate.

show web-security

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show webapp session timeout

This command displays the webapp session timeout value, which is the amount of time, in minutes, that can elapse before a web application times out and logs off the user.

show webapp session timeout

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show workingdir

This command retrieves the current working directory for activelog, inactivelog, install, and TFTP.

show workingdir

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

show logins unsuccessful

Use this command to list recent unsuccessful login attempts to the following web applications:

  • On Unified Communications Manager

    • Disaster Recovery System

    • Cisco Unified OS Administration

  • On IM and Presence Service

    • IM and Presence Disaster Recovery System

    • Unified IM and Presence OS Administration

show logins unsuccessful [number]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the number of most recent logins to display. The default is 20.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin)


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service