
This chapter provides basic information about Virtual Network Management Center (VNMC) and the VNMC CLI.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Information About VNMC

Information About the VNMC CLI

Information About VNMC

This section contains information about the VNMC.


System Requirements


VNMC is a virtual appliance, based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), that provides centralized device and security policy management of the Cisco Virtual Security Gateway (VSG) for the Cisco Nexus 1000V Series switch. Designed for multitenant operation, VNMC provides seamless, scalable, and automation-centric management for virtualized data center and cloud environments. With a web-based GUI, CLI, and XML APIs, VNMC allows you to manage VSGs that are deployed throughout the data center from a centralized location.

Multitenancy refers to the architectural principle, where a single instance of the software runs on a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) server, serving multiple client organizations or tenants. Multitenancy is contrasted with a multi-instance architecture, where separate software instances are set up for different client organizations. With a multitenant architecture, a software application is designed to virtually partition data and configurations, so that each tenant works with a customized virtual application instance.

VNMC is built on an information model-driven architecture, where each managed device is represented by its subcomponents. This architecture enables VNMC to provide greater agility and simplification for securing multitenant infrastructure.

VNMC communicates with vCenter, VSM, and VSG over a management VLAN.

System Requirements

Following are the requirements for Cisco VNMC:

Virtual Appliance requirements

1.5 GHz virtual CPU

2 Gb RAM

25 Gb hard drive

One network management interface

Hypervisor requirements

VMware vShpere 4.0.1, 4.0.2,or 4.1.0 with VMware ESX or ESXi

VMware vCenter 4.0.1, 4.0.2, or 4.1.0

Protocol requirements



Operating system


Information About the VNMC CLI

This section contains information about the VNMC CLIs.

This section includes the following topics:

Overview of the VNMC CLIs

VNMC CLIs Basic Commands

Overview of the VNMC CLIs

An important component of the VNMC is the CLI. With it, you can perform the following tasks:

Restore VNMC to full state of the VNMC without having to reinstall.

Collect the technical support data and copy it to a file.

Change the hostname.

Change the management interface IP settings.

Configure VNMC device profiles.

Create VNMC system policies.

Create backups and import/export services.

VNMC contains six sub-CLIs. You use all six sub-CLIs to manage VNMC. The CLIs are as follows:

Management controller—This is the default CLI. The command prompt is host-name#. Use this CLI to perform the following tasks:

  commit-buffer   Commit transaction buffer 
  connect         Connect to another CLI 
  discard-buffer  Discard transaction buffer 
  exit            Exit from command interpreter 
  scope           Changes the current mode 
  show            Show system information 
  terminal        Terminal 
  top             Go to the top mode 
  where           Show information about the current mode 

host-name# show 
  cli                CLI Information 
  clock              Clock 
  network-interface  VM IP interface 
  system             Systems 
  version            Version of installed applications 

Local management—This is the local management CLI. The command prompt is
host-name(local-mgmt)#. Use this CLI to perform the following tasks:

  connect   Connect to Another CLI 
  copy      Copy a file 
  delete    Delete a file 
  dir       Show content of dir 
  download  Download an application from a remote system 
  exit      Exit from command interpreter 
  install   Install a downloaded application 
  modify    Modify the shared secret on service registry 
  reboot    Perform system reboot 
  restore   Restore the VM 
  service   Control services 
  show      Show system information 
  terminal  Terminal 
  top       Go to the top mode 

host-name(local-mgmt)# connect 
  local-mgmt    Local-mgmt 
  policy-mgr    Policy-mgr 
  resource-mgr  Resource-mgr 
  service-reg   Service-reg 
  vm-mgr        Vm-mgr 

host-name(local-mgmt)# show 
  cli           CLI Information 
  clock         Clock 
  download      Downloaded applications 
  install       Installed applications 
  process       Process 
  tech-support  Show tech support 
  version       Version of installed applications 

Policy manager—This is the policy manager CLI. The command prompt is host-name(policy-mgr)#. Use this CLI to perform the following tasks:

  commit-buffer   Commit transaction buffer 
  connect         Connect to Another CLI 
  discard-buffer  Discard transaction buffer 
  exit            Exit from command interpreter 
  scope           Changes the current mode 
  show            Show system information 
  terminal        Terminal 
  top             Go to the top mode 
  where           Show information about the current mode 

host-name(policy-mgr)# connect 
  policy-mgr    Policy-mgr 
  resource-mgr  Resource-mgr 
  service-reg   Service-reg 
  vm-mgr        Vm-mgr 

host-name(policy-mgr)# scope 
  monitoring  Monitor the system 
  org         Organizations 

host-name(policy-mgr)# show 
  cli       CLI Information 
  org       Organizations 
  timezone  Set timezone 
  version   Version of installed applications 

Resource manager—This is the resource manager CLI. The command prompt is host-name(resource-mgr)#. Use this CLI to perform the following tasks:

  commit-buffer   Commit transaction buffer 
  connect         Connect to Another CLI 
  discard-buffer  Discard transaction buffer 
  exit            Exit from command interpreter 
  scope           Changes the current mode 
  show            Show system information 
  terminal        Terminal 
  top             Go to the top mode 
  where           Show information about the current mode 

host-name(resource-mgr)# connect 
  policy-mgr    Policy-mgr 
  resource-mgr  Resource-mgr 
  service-reg   Service-reg 
  vm-mgr        Vm-mgr 

host-nameresource-mgr)# scope 
  monitoring  Monitor the system 

Tech-Docs(resource-mgr)# show 
  cli      CLI Information 
  version  Version of installed applications 

Service registry—This is the service registry CLI. The command prompt is host-name(service-reg)#. Use this CLI to perform the following tasks:

  acknowledge     Acknowledge 
  commit-buffer   Commit transaction buffer 
  connect         Connect to Another CLI 
  discard-buffer  Discard transaction buffer 
  exit            Exit from command interpreter 
  scope           Changes the current mode 
  show            Show system information 
  terminal        Terminal 
  top             Go to the top mode 
  where           Show information about the current mode 

host-name(service-reg)# connect 
  policy-mgr    Policy-mgr 
  resource-mgr  Resource-mgr 
  service-reg   Service-reg 
  vm-mgr        Vm-mgr 

host-name(service-reg)# scope 
  monitoring  Monitor the system 

host-name(service-reg)# show 
  cli          CLI Information 
  clients      Show registered clients 
  controllers  Show registered controllers 
  fault        Fault 
  providers    Show registered providers 
  version      Version of installed applications 

Virtual machine manager—This is the virtual machine manager CLI. The command prompt is host-name(vm-mgr)#. Use this CLI to perform the following tasks:

  commit-buffer   Commit transaction buffer 
  connect         Connect to Another CLI 
  discard-buffer  Discard transaction buffer 
  exit            Exit from command interpreter 
  scope           Changes the current mode 
  show            Show system information 
  terminal        Terminal 
  top             Go to the top mode 
  where           Show information about the current mode 

host-name(vm-mgr)# connect 
  policy-mgr    Policy-mgr 
  resource-mgr  Resource-mgr 
  service-reg   Service-reg 
  vm-mgr        Vm-mgr 

host-name(vm-mgr)# scope 
  monitoring  Monitor the system 

host-name(vm-mgr)# show 
  cli      CLI Information 
  version  Version of installed applications 

VNMC CLIs Basic Commands

The basic commands for the VNMC CLIs are as follows:

commit-buffer—Saves the configuration.

commit-buffer can be used with the optional keyword verify-only. When you execute commit-buffer verify-only the configuration is not saved, just verified.

connect—Connects to other CLIs.

discard-buffer—Deletes the configuration.

enter—Creates an object and places you in a mode.

exit—Exits modes, CLIs, and the default CLI.

scope—Places you in a mode.

show—Displays information.

top—Places you in management controller mode.

where—Shows you where you are at in the VNMC CLI.

?—Displays the commands available in the mode.

>—Redirects show commands to a file.

>>—Redirect show commands to a file in append mode.

|—Pipes cshow ommand output to a filter.