Cisco UCS Director Release Notes for Cisco IMC Connector Pack Release 6.6.x.x
Cisco UCS Director
Cisco UCS Director delivers unified, highly secure management for supported compute, network, storage, and virtualization platforms and for the industry's leading converged infrastructure solutions, which are based on the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS) and Cisco Nexus platforms. Cisco UCS Director extends the unification of computing and network layers through Cisco UCS to provide data center administrators with comprehensive visibility and management capabilities for compute, network, storage, and virtualization. For more information, see Cisco UCS Director on
Revision History
Release |
Date |
Description |
---|---|---| |
September 6, 2018 |
Created for Release |
Connector Packs
Connector packs help you perform connector level upgrade in Cisco UCS Director without impacting other connectors and without having to upgrade the entire software version. After claiming Cisco UCS Director in Cisco Intersight, as a system administrator, you can view information on new versions of connector packs that are available for upgrade. The top header pane of the user interface displays a Download icon indicating that new connector pack versions are available. You can select and upgrade the connector packs in Cisco UCS Director.
Cisco IMC Connector Pack
The Cisco IMC connector pack enables you to orchestrate and automate some of the steps required to configure and maintain rack servers (Cisco UCS C-Series Rack-Mount Servers, Cisco UCS S-Series and Cisco UCS E-Series servers). You must add these rack servers as a Rack account to Cisco UCS Director, after which Cisco UCS Director provides you with complete visibility into the rack server configuration. In addition, you can use Cisco UCS Director to manage and configure the rack-mount server.
Upgrading Connector Packs
Before you begin
You must have system administrator privileges in Cisco UCS Director and Cisco Intersight.
Cisco UCS Director has been claimed in Cisco Intersight. For information on claiming a device, see the integrated guided walkthrough titled Learn How to Claim a Device available within the Online Help menu in the Cisco Intersight user interface.
Cisco UCS Director is successfully connected to Cisco Intersight.
Take a snapshot of Cisco UCS Director before you initiate the upgrade.
Step 1 |
On the header, click Available Connector Packs for Upgrade. The Available Connector Packs for Upgrade screen appears that displays a list of available connector packs for upgrade along with the version information. Clicking Yes in the pop-up message that appeared immediately after you logged in to the user interface will display this screen.
Step 2 |
Check the check box of a connector pack from the list. You can check the check boxes of multiple connector packs. |
Step 3 |
Click Upgrade. |
Step 4 |
In the Confirm Upgrade dialog box, click Yes. After you confirm that the connector version must be upgraded, the validation process is initiated. If the validation process completes successfully, the upgrade process is initiated and the Connector Pack Upgrade Status screen displays the upgrade status. After the upgrade process is successful, the Logout option is enabled. Proceed to step 5. Following are some of the possible outcomes of the validation and upgrade process:
Step 5 |
Click Logout. You can login to Cisco UCS Director
after the upgrade process is complete.
What to do next
You can view the upgrade reports by choosing Viewing Connector Pack Upgrade Information.
. From this screen, you can double-click on a report, and view additional details on the upgrade process. For more information, seeViewing Connector Pack Upgrade Information
Step 1 |
Choose . |
Step 2 |
On the System page, click Connector Pack Upgrades. Information such as upgrade request ID, user that initiated the upgrade, upgrade start time and end time, and the upgrade
status are displayed.
Step 3 |
Select a connector pack and choose View Details to view details such as connector pack name, upgraded version, and prior version. |
Step 4 |
Click State History to view the various states of the connector pack upgrade process. For example, upgrade request received, upgrade process initiated or upgrade process completed. |
Step 5 |
Click Stages to view the entire lifecycle of the connector pack upgrade request. |
New and Changed Features in Release
Enhancements to Host Image Mapping on E-series Servers
Host Image Mapping allows you to download a firmware file to Cisco UCS Director, and upgrade the firmware on E-series servers. Using Cisco UCS Director, you can create a host image mapping profile to download and upgrade either one of the following:
ISO firmware image
CIMC image or
BIOS image
Using Cisco UCS Director, you can download the firmware image on Cisco IMC in one of the following methods:
Provide a location on the network (an FTP, FTPS, HTTP or HTTPS server) where the firmware file is currently available.
Choose the firmware file from a location on your system.
Download the firmware image from
![]() Important |
To perform these tasks, Cisco IMC version 3.2.4 must be installed on the E-series servers. This feature does not work with prior versions of Cisco IMC. Host image mapping profiles created in prior versions of Cisco UCS Director will no longer work after you upgrade to the Cisco IMC Connector Pack release You must delete these profiles and create it again after upgrading to this connector pack version. |
For more information, see the knowledge base article titled Host Image Mapping with Cisco UCS Director IMC Connector Pack, Release
Introduction of Power Restore Policy for E-series Servers
This release introduces a Power Restore policy that allows you to change the value set for the power restore policy on an E-series server without logging into the Cisco IMC of that server.
Support for Configuring Graceful Timeout on UCS C-series Servers
This release introduces support for configuring a timeout for host systems to shut down before a firmware upgrade process is initiated.
While uploading a firmware image from a local server, or while uploading a firmware image from a network server, you can now specify a timeout period, in minutes, within which the host system must gracefully shut down. You can also enable the host system to forcibly shutdown before the firmware upgrade process is initiated. The new fields introduced to enable configuring graceful timeout and force shut down are available on the Add Firmware Image - Local screen and Add Firmware Image - Network screen.
![]() Note |
You can configure graceful timeout for systems running Cisco IMC version 3.1(3a) or higher. |
Support for Cisco UCS VIC 1425 Series Adapter
This release introduces support for Cisco UCS VIC 1425 adapter.
Introduction of new REST APIs
This release introduces REST APIs for the following features:
Host Image Mapping
Policy and Profile Related APIs
Deriving a Hardware Profile
Reading Hardware Policy Apply Status
Reading Hardware Profile Apply Status
Reading Power Restore Policy
Graceful Timeout
Creating a Firmware Local Image
Creating a Firmware Network Image
Open Defects in Release
Following are the defects that are open in this release:
Defect ID |
Description |
Cannot apply BIOS policy to ENCS/e-series servers |
ULTRA M C series servers support by IMC Supervisor |
CCO download for firmware versions 3.1(3a) and 3.1(3b) are failing in IMCS. |
Failing validation when trying to perform FW update via IMC supervisor |
Resolved Defects in Release
Following are the resolved defects in Release
Defect ID |
Description |
CSV import does not escape out commas in fields enclosed with double quotes |
UCSD NPE is displayed for Server health if no server is added under IMCS |
UCSD Firmware Management and Server diagnostics showing errors When tried with local option. |
Valid file path example should be placed in Add Host Image mapping profile |
Incorrect message is returned from CIMC when user deletes already added invalid image |
IPV6 getting enabled even with v6extEnabled="no" in network config policy. |
Tech Support operation is already in progress is showing when there is no operation in progress. |
Host Image Upgrade status message should be appropriate |
Available images from CCO are not displaying for EHWIC |
In IMCS 2.2.0.+ the firmware graph does not display the version information as a label. |
Firmware selection for S3260 needs further verification step |
AD accounts used to connect IMCS to E-Series CIMC servers getting locked out |
Power restore policy option text should be same as in CIMC |
Upgrade status is empty when xml parsing error occurs |
Creating multiple VDs with same DG policy when PDs in JBOD state results in error |
HIU: Warning message to be updated in Run upgrade |
IMCS unable to apply Write policy "Write Back Good BBU" to S3260. |
Error message is displayed when importing the server using csv file. |
Map and delete image option to be placed in Upload HIM |
Apply profile should allow user to select respective servers alone |
Cisco IMC Web Administrative Console cleartext passwords returned in server response |
Cisco IMC Supervisor and UCS Director Third Party Library Upgrades |
UCSE: Host image upgrade status show empty |
Issues while applying VIC policy with default iSCSI and usNIC properties |
UCS-E - Multiple issues observed after HIM implementation in IMCS |
When a local user password is about to expire, user getting blank email warnings |
Add Advanced Filter and click on column heading to sort, lose filter |
Cisco UCS Director and Cisco IMC Supervisor restrict unnecessary ports. |
IMCS HIM profile - Need to add option to unmap current image |
IMCS Web UI - Clear text passwords returned in server response for Credential Policies |
Cisco IMC Web Administrative Console server information disclosure |
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, using the Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST), submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see What's New in Cisco Product Documentation.
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