Configuring ERPS

This document describes the Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) feature and configuration steps to implement protection switching mechanisms for Ethernet layer ring topologies.

Prerequisites for Configuring ERPS

  • NID must have an IP address.

Restrictions for Configuring ERPS

  • Maintenance End Point (MEP) is not supported on Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVC) bridge domain.

  • MEP domain for control VLAN is only on Port or VLAN.

Information About ERPS

The ITU-T G.8032 ERPS feature implements protection switching mechanisms for Ethernet layer ring topologies. This feature uses the G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) protocol, defined in ITU-T G.8032, to provide protection for Ethernet traffic in a ring topology, while ensuring that no loops are within the ring at the Ethernet layer. The loops are prevented by blocking traffic on either a predetermined link or a failed link.

The following figure shows the topology used for provisioning ERPS on NID-1 and NID-2.

Figure 1. ERPS Topology

How to Provision ERPS

Creating VLAN on NID-1

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1ProvisionPortVlanPortType

    Switch# ProvisionPortVlanPortType
    Enters the ProvisionPortVlanPortType mode.  
    Step 2createVlanCommand createVlanReq vlan-list vlan-list

    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# createVlanCommand createVlanReq vlan-list 2000 
    Creates VLAN list.  
    Step 3modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface interface-id | mode [access Vlan vlan-number] | trunk {allowed | native}

    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 3
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000 
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 4
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000
    Modifies the switchport configuration.
    • interface—Selects the interface to be configured.
    • Interface Id—Specifies the interface ID.
    • mode—Specifies the mode of operation.
    • access—Sets mode to ACCESS unconditionally.
    • vlan—Sets VLAN when interface is in access mode.
    • vlan-number—Specifies the VLAN number.
    • trunk—Sets mode to TRUNK unconditionally.
    • allowed—Sets allowed VLAN characteristics when interface is in trunk mode.
    • native—Sets native VLAN.
    Step 4modifySwPort review

    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort review
    Displays the configuration.  
    Step 5modifySwPort commit

    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort commit
    Sends the configuration to NID.  
    Step 6exit

    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# exit
    Exits the ProvisionPortVlanPortType mode.  

    Configuration Example

    The example shows how to create VLAN on NID-1:

    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# createVlanCommand createVlanReq vlan-list 2000 
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 3
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000 
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 4
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000 
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort review
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort commit
    Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# exit

    Creating MEP on Port 1 of NID-1

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1ProvisionMepPortType

      Switch# ProvisionMepPortType
      Enters the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  
      Step 2createMep createMepConfig {mepinstance | mode {mep | mip} | direction {up | down} | domain {port | evc | vlan} | flowId | vid | level level-number | residencePort port-number | mepld id-number | megdomain {maName ma-name | megIdFormat {ituMeg | ituCcMeg | ieee}}}

      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName ERPS-1
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ituMeg
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 3
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
      Creates MEP configuration.
      • mepinstance—Specifies the MEP instance number.
      • mode—Specifies the mode of the MEP instance.
      • mep—Specifies the maintenance entity end point.
      • mip—Specifies the maintenance entity intermediate point.
      • direction—Selects the direction of the MEP.
      • up—Specifies an Up MEP - monitoring egress OAM and traffic on residence port.
      • down—Specifies a Down MEP - monitoring ingress OAM and traffic on residence port.
      • domain—Selects the domain of the MEP.
      • port—Specifies a MEP in the Port Domain. Flow Instance is a Port.
      • evc—Specifies a MEP in the EVC Domain. Flow Instance is a EVC. The EVC must be created.
      • vlan—Specifies a MEP in the VLAN Domain. Flow Instance is a VLAN. The VLAN must be created.
      • flowId—Specifies the flow related to the MEP.
      • vid—In case the MEP is a port Up-MEP or a EVC customer MIP the VID must be given.
      • level—Specifies the MEG level of the MEP.
      • level-number—MEG level number.
      • residencePort—Specifies the port monitored by MEP.
      • port-number—Residence port number.
      • mepld—Specifies MEP ID.
      • id-number—MEP ID number.
      • megdomain—Specifies the maintenance domain configuration.
      • maName—Specifies the ITU/IEEE MEG-ID (short MA name).
      • ma-name—Short MA name.
      • megIdFormat—Selects the MEG ID format.
      • ituMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU format (ICC - UMC).
      • ituCcMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU Country Code format (CC - ICC - UMC).
      • ieee—Specifies the MEG-ID (Short MA Name) using IEEE Character String format.
      Step 3addPeerMepId commit | flush | peerMepConfig {macAddress | mepInstance | peerMepId}

      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 101
      Adds peer MEP request.
      • commit—Commits addPeerMepId.
      • flush—Flushes all addPeerMepId commands from queue.
      • peerMepConfig—Adds peer mep request.
      • macAddress—Specifies the peer MAC. This is overwritten by any learned MAC - through CCM reception.
      • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
      • peerMepId—Specifies the peer MEP-ID.
      Step 4addCcAps {commit | flush | mepFunctionalConfig {aps {enable | disable} | cc {enable | disable} | mepInstance mep-instance-number} | review}

      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
      Adds CC/APS configuration request.
      • commit—Commits addCcAps.
      • flush—Flushes all addCcAps commands from queue.
      • mepFunctionalConfig—Adds CC/APS configuration request.
      • aps—Specifies APS protocol.
      • enable—Enables APS.
      • disbale—Disables APS.
      • cc—Specifies continuity check.
      • enable—Enables CC.
      • disbale—Disables CC.
      • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
      • mep-instance-number—MEP instance number.
      Step 5addCcAps review

      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
      Displays the configuration.  
      Step 6addCcAps commit

      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
      Sends the configuration to NID.  
      Step 7exit

      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit
      Exits the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  

      Configuration Example

      The example shows how to create MEP on port 1 of NID-1:

      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName ERPS-1
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ituMeg
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 3
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 101
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 100
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
      Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit

      Creating MEP on Port 2 of NID-1

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1ProvisionMepPortType

        Switch# ProvisionMepPortType
        Enters the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  
        Step 2createMep createMepConfig {mepinstance | mode {mep | mip} | direction {up | down} | domain {port | evc | vlan} | flowId | vid | level level-number | residencePort port-number | mepld id-number | megdomain {maName ma-name | megIdFormat {ituMeg | ituCcMeg | ieee}}}

        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 99
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName W-N-V2000
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ieee name W-N-V2000
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 101
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 4
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
        Creates MEP configuration.
        • mepinstance—Specifies the MEP instance number.
        • mode—Specifies the mode of the MEP instance.
        • mep—Specifies the maintenance entity end point.
        • mip—Specifies the maintenance entity intermediate point.
        • direction—Selects the direction of the MEP.
        • up—Specifies an Up MEP - monitoring egress OAM and traffic on residence port.
        • down—Specifies a Down MEP - monitoring ingress OAM and traffic on residence port.
        • domain—Selects the domain of the MEP.
        • port—Specifies a MEP in the Port Domain. Flow Instance is a Port.
        • evc—Specifies a MEP in the EVC Domain. Flow Instance is a EVC. The EVC must be created.
        • vlan—Specifies a MEP in the VLAN Domain. Flow Instance is a VLAN. The VLAN must be created.
        • flowId—Specifies the flow related to the MEP.
        • vid—In case the MEP is a port Up-MEP or a EVC customer MIP the VID must be given.
        • level—Specifies the MEG level of the MEP.
        • level-number—MEG level number.
        • residencePort—Specifies the port monitored by MEP.
        • port-number—Residence port number.
        • mepld—Specifies MEP ID.
        • id-number—MEP ID number.
        • megdomain—Specifies the maintenance domain configuration.
        • maName—Specifies the ITU/IEEE MEG-ID (short MA name).
        • ma-name—Short MA name.
        • megIdFormat—Selects the MEG ID format.
        • ituMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU format (ICC - UMC).
        • ituCcMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU Country Code format (CC - ICC - UMC).
        • ieee—Specifies the MEG-ID (Short MA Name) using IEEE Character String format.
        Step 3addPeerMepId commit | flush | peerMepConfig {macAddress | mepInstance | peerMepId}

        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 99
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 102
        Adds peer MEP request.
        • commit—Commits addPeerMepId.
        • flush—Flushes all addPeerMepId commands from queue.
        • peerMepConfig—Adds peer mep request.
        • macAddress—Specifies the peer MAC. This is overwritten by any learned MAC - through CCM reception.
        • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
        • peerMepId—Specifies the peer MEP-ID.
        Step 4addCcAps {commit | flush | mepFunctionalConfig {aps {enable | disable} | cc {enable | disable} | mepInstance mep-instance-number} | review}

        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 99
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
        Adds CC/APS configuration request.
        • commit—Commits addCcAps.
        • flush—Flushes all addCcAps commands from queue.
        • mepFunctionalConfig—Adds CC/APS configuration request.
        • aps—Specifies APS protocol.
        • enable—Enables APS.
        • disbale—Disables APS.
        • cc—Specifies continuity check.
        • enable—Enables CC.
        • disbale—Disables CC.
        • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
        • mep-instance-number—MEP instance number.
        Step 5addCcAps review

        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
        Displays the configuration.  
        Step 6addCcAps commit

        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
        Sends the configuration to NID.  
        Step 7exit

        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit
        Exits the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  

        Configuration Example

        The example shows how to create MEP on port2 of NID-1:

        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 99
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName W-N-V2000
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ieee name W-N-V2000
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 101
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 4
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 99
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 102
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 99
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
        Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit

        Configuring ERPS on NID-1

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1ErpsPortType

          Switch# ErpsPortType
          Enters the ErpsPortType mode.  
          Step 2setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig {erpsInst erpsInst-number | mep {port0 {sf sf-number | aps aps-number} | port1 {sf sf-number | aps aps-number}} | ringType {major | sub}}

          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig erpsInst 1
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 aps 100
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 sf 100
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 aps 99
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 sf 99
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port0 3
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port1 4
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig ringType major
          Sets ERPS configuration.
          • erpsConfig—Specifies the ERPS configuration.
          • erpsInst— Specifies the ERPS instance.
          • erpsInst-number—ERPS instance number
          • mep—Specifies the MEP configuration.
          • port0—Selects the ERPS port 0 interface.
          • port1—Selects the ERPS port 0 interface.
          • sf—Specifies signal fail MEP.
          • sf-number—Signal fail MEP number.
          • aps—Specifies the APS MEP.
          • aps-number— APS MEP number.
          • ringType—Specifies type of ring.
          • major—Specifies the major ring.
          • sub—Specifies the sub ring.
          Step 3setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig {wtrTime time-in-minutes | erpsInst erp-instance-number | rplPort {port0 | port1} | rplRole {owner | neighbour} | vlan {vlanList vlan-list-number | add | remove | none}}

          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig erpsInst 1
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplPort port0
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplRole owner
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig vlan vlanList 2-10
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
          Adds CC/APS configuration request.
          • wtrTime— Specifies the WTR time.
          • time-in-minutes—WTR time in minutes. Allowed range is 1, 5-12.
          • erpsInst—Specifies the ERPS instance.
          • erp-instance-number—ERPS instance number.
          • rplPort—Specifies the RPL port.
          • port0—Selects the ERPS port 0 interface.
          • port1— Selects the ERPS port 1 interface.
          • rplRole—Specifies the RPL role.
          • owner—Specifies the RPL owner.
          • neighbour—Specifies the RPL neighbour.
          • vlan—Specifies the VLAN configuration.
          • vlanList—Specifies the VLAN list.
          • vlan-list-number— VLAN list number.
          • add—Adds to the set of included VLANs.
          • remove—Removes from the set of included VLANs.
          • none— Does not include any VLANs.
          Step 4setErpsInstProperties review

          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties review
          Displays the configuration.  
          Step 5setErpsInstProperties commit

          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties commit
          Sends the configuration to NID.  
          Step 6exit

          Switch(ErpsPortType)# exit
          Exits the ErpsPortType mode.  

          Configuration Example

          The example shows how to configure ERPS on NID-1:

          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig erpsInst 1
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 aps 100
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 sf 100
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 aps 99
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 sf 99
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port0 3
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port1 4
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig ringType major
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig erpsInst 1
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplPort port0
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplRole owner
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig vlan vlanList 2-10
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties review
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties commit
          Switch(ErpsPortType)# exit

          Creating VLAN on NID-2

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1ProvisionPortVlanPortType

            Switch# ProvisionPortVlanPortType
            Enters the ProvisionPortVlanPortType mode.  
            Step 2createVlanCommand createVlanReq vlan-list vlan-list

            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# createVlanCommand createVlanReq vlan-list 2000 
            Creates VLAN list.  
            Step 3modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface interface-id | mode [access Vlan vlan-number] | trunk {allowed | native}

            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 3
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000 
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 5
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000
            Modifies the switchport configuration.
            • interface—Selects the interface to be configured.
            • Interface Id—Specifies the interface ID.
            • mode—Specifies the mode of operation.
            • access—Sets mode to ACCESS unconditionally.
            • vlan—Sets VLAN when interface is in access mode.
            • vlan-number—Specifies the VLAN number.
            • trunk—Sets mode to TRUNK unconditionally.
            • allowed—Sets allowed VLAN characteristics when interface is in trunk mode.
            • native—Sets native VLAN.
            Step 4modifySwPort review

            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort review
            Displays the configuration.  
            Step 5modifySwPort commit

            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort commit
            Sends the configuration to NID.  
            Step 6exit

            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# exit
            Exits the ProvisionPortVlanPortType mode.  

            Configuration Example

            The example shows how to create VLAN on NID-2:

            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# createVlanCommand createVlanReq vlan-list 2000 
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 3
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000 
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig interface 5
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk native vlan 1
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort modifySWPortConfig mode trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list 2000 
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort review
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# modifySwPort commit
            Switch(ProvisionPortVlanPortType)# exit

            Creating MEP on Port 1 of NID-2

               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1ProvisionMepPortType

              Switch# ProvisionMepPortType
              Enters the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  
              Step 2createMep createMepConfig {mepinstance | mode {mep | mip} | direction {up | down} | domain {port | evc | vlan} | flowId | vid | level level-number | residencePort port-number | mepld id-number | megdomain {maName ma-name | megIdFormat {ituMeg | ituCcMeg | ieee}}}

              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 100
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName ERPS-1
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ituMeg
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 101
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 3
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
              Creates MEP configuration.
              • mepinstance—Specifies the MEP instance number.
              • mode—Specifies the mode of the MEP instance.
              • mep—Specifies the maintenance entity end point.
              • mip—Specifies the maintenance entity intermediate point.
              • direction—Selects the direction of the MEP.
              • up—Specifies an Up MEP - monitoring egress OAM and traffic on residence port.
              • down—Specifies a Down MEP - monitoring ingress OAM and traffic on residence port.
              • domain—Selects the domain of the MEP.
              • port—Specifies a MEP in the Port Domain. Flow Instance is a Port.
              • evc—Specifies a MEP in the EVC Domain. Flow Instance is a EVC. The EVC must be created.
              • vlan—Specifies a MEP in the VLAN Domain. Flow Instance is a VLAN. The VLAN must be created.
              • flowId—Specifies the flow related to the MEP.
              • vid—In case the MEP is a port Up-MEP or a EVC customer MIP the VID must be given.
              • level—Specifies the MEG level of the MEP.
              • level-number—MEG level number.
              • residencePort—Specifies the port monitored by MEP.
              • port-number—Residence port number.
              • mepld—Specifies MEP ID.
              • id-number—MEP ID number.
              • megdomain—Specifies the maintenance domain configuration.
              • maName—Specifies the ITU/IEEE MEG-ID (short MA name).
              • ma-name—Short MA name.
              • megIdFormat—Selects the MEG ID format.
              • ituMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU format (ICC - UMC).
              • ituCcMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU Country Code format (CC - ICC - UMC).
              • ieee—Specifies the MEG-ID (Short MA Name) using IEEE Character String format.
              Step 3addPeerMepId commit | flush | peerMepConfig {macAddress | mepInstance | peerMepId}

              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 100
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 100
              Adds peer MEP request.
              • commit—Commits addPeerMepId.
              • flush—Flushes all addPeerMepId commands from queue.
              • peerMepConfig—Adds peer mep request.
              • macAddress—Specifies the peer MAC. This is overwritten by any learned MAC - through CCM reception.
              • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
              • peerMepId—Specifies the peer MEP-ID.
              Step 4addCcAps {commit | flush | mepFunctionalConfig {aps {enable | disable} | cc {enable | disable} | mepInstance mep-instance-number} | review}

              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 100
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
              Adds CC/APS configuration request.
              • commit—Commits addCcAps.
              • flush—Flushes all addCcAps commands from queue.
              • mepFunctionalConfig—Adds CC/APS configuration request.
              • aps—Specifies APS protocol.
              • enable—Enables APS.
              • disbale—Disables APS.
              • cc—Specifies continuity check.
              • enable—Enables CC.
              • disbale—Disables CC.
              • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
              • mep-instance-number—MEP instance number.
              Step 5addCcAps review

              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
              Displays the configuration.  
              Step 6addCcAps commit

              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
              Sends the configuration to NID.  
              Step 7exit

              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit
              Exits the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  

              Configuration Example

              The example shows how to create MEP on port 1 of NID-2:

              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 100
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName ERPS-1
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ituMeg
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 101
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 3
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 100
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 100
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 100
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
              Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit

              Creating MEP on Port 2 of NID-2

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1ProvisionMepPortType

                Switch# ProvisionMepPortType
                Enters the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  
                Step 2createMep createMepConfig {mepinstance | mode {mep | mip} | direction {up | down} | domain {port | evc | vlan} | flowId | vid | level level-number | residencePort port-number | mepld id-number | megdomain {maName ma-name | megIdFormat {ituMeg | ituCcMeg | ieee}}}

                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 99
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName W-N-V2000
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ieee name W-N-V2000
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 103
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 5
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
                Creates MEP configuration.
                • mepinstance—Specifies the MEP instance number.
                • mode—Specifies the mode of the MEP instance.
                • mep—Specifies the maintenance entity end point.
                • mip—Specifies the maintenance entity intermediate point.
                • direction—Selects the direction of the MEP.
                • up—Specifies an Up MEP - monitoring egress OAM and traffic on residence port.
                • down—Specifies a Down MEP - monitoring ingress OAM and traffic on residence port.
                • domain—Selects the domain of the MEP.
                • port—Specifies a MEP in the Port Domain. Flow Instance is a Port.
                • evc—Specifies a MEP in the EVC Domain. Flow Instance is a EVC. The EVC must be created.
                • vlan—Specifies a MEP in the VLAN Domain. Flow Instance is a VLAN. The VLAN must be created.
                • flowId—Specifies the flow related to the MEP.
                • vid—In case the MEP is a port Up-MEP or a EVC customer MIP the VID must be given.
                • level—Specifies the MEG level of the MEP.
                • level-number—MEG level number.
                • residencePort—Specifies the port monitored by MEP.
                • port-number—Residence port number.
                • mepld—Specifies MEP ID.
                • id-number—MEP ID number.
                • megdomain—Specifies the maintenance domain configuration.
                • maName—Specifies the ITU/IEEE MEG-ID (short MA name).
                • ma-name—Short MA name.
                • megIdFormat—Selects the MEG ID format.
                • ituMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU format (ICC - UMC).
                • ituCcMeg—Specifies the MEG-ID using ITU Country Code format (CC - ICC - UMC).
                • ieee—Specifies the MEG-ID (Short MA Name) using IEEE Character String format.
                Step 3addPeerMepId commit | flush | peerMepConfig {macAddress | mepInstance | peerMepId}

                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 99
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 104
                Adds peer MEP request.
                • commit—Commits addPeerMepId.
                • flush—Flushes all addPeerMepId commands from queue.
                • peerMepConfig—Adds peer mep request.
                • macAddress—Specifies the peer MAC. This is overwritten by any learned MAC - through CCM reception.
                • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
                • peerMepId—Specifies the peer MEP-ID.
                Step 4addCcAps {commit | flush | mepFunctionalConfig {aps {enable | disable} | cc {enable | disable} | mepInstance mep-instance-number} | review}

                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 99
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
                Adds CC/APS configuration request.
                • commit—Commits addCcAps.
                • flush—Flushes all addCcAps commands from queue.
                • mepFunctionalConfig—Adds CC/APS configuration request.
                • aps—Specifies APS protocol.
                • enable—Enables APS.
                • disbale—Disables APS.
                • cc—Specifies continuity check.
                • enable—Enables CC.
                • disbale—Disables CC.
                • mepInstance—Specifies the mep instance number.
                • mep-instance-number—MEP instance number.
                Step 5addCcAps review

                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
                Displays the configuration.  
                Step 6addCcAps commit

                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
                Sends the configuration to NID.  
                Step 7exit

                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit
                Exits the ProvisionMepPortType mode.  

                Configuration Example

                The example shows how to create MEP on port 2 of NID-2:

                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepInstance 99
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig direction DOWN
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig domain vlan
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig level 0
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain maName W-N-V2000
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig megDomain megIdFormat ieee name W-N-V2000
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mepId 103
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig mode MEP
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig residencePort 5
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# createMep createMepConfig flow 2000
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig mepInstance 99
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addPeerMepId peerMepConfig peerMepId 104
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig mepInstance 99
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable priority 7
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig cc enable frameRate fr1s
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable mode multi
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable priority 7
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps mepFunctionalConfig aps enable switchingProtocol raps octet 1
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps review
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# addCcAps commit
                Switch(ProvisionMepPortType)# exit

                Configuring ERPS on NID-2

                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1ErpsPortType

                  Switch# ErpsPortType
                  Enters the ErpsPortType mode.  
                  Step 2setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig {erpsInst erpsInst-number | mep {port0 {sf sf-number | aps aps-number} | port1 {sf sf-number | aps }} | ringType {major | sub}}

                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig erpsInst 1
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 aps 100
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 sf 100
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 aps 99
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 sf 99
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port0 3
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port1 5
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig ringType major
                  Sets ERPS configuration.
                  • erpsConfig—Specifies the ERPS configuration.
                  • erpsInst— Specifies the ERPS instance.
                  • erpsInst-number—ERPS instance number
                  • mep—Specifies the MEP configuration.
                  • port0—Selects the ERPS port 0 interface.
                  • port1—Selects the ERPS port 0 interface.
                  • sf—Specifies signal fail MEP.
                  • sf-number—Signal fail MEP number.
                  • aps—Specifies the APS MEP.
                  • aps-number— APS MEP number.
                  • ringType—Specifies type of ring.
                  • major—Specifies the major ring.
                  • sub—Specifies the sub ring.
                  Step 3setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig {wtrTime time-in-minutes | erpsInst erp-instance-number | rplPort {port0 | port1} | rplRole {owner | neighbour} | vlan {vlanList vlan-list-number | add | remove | none}}

                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig erpsInst 1
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplPort port0
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplRole neighbour
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig vlan vlanList 2-10
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
                  Sets ERPS instance.
                  • wtrTime— Specifies the WTR time.
                  • time-in-minutes—WTR time in minutes. Allowed range is 1, 5-12.
                  • erpsInst—Specifies the ERPS instance.
                  • erp-instance-number—ERPS instance number.
                  • rplPort—Specifies the RPL port.
                  • port0—Selects the ERPS port 0 interface.
                  • port1— Selects the ERPS port 1 interface.
                  • rplRole—Specifies the RPL role.
                  • owner—Specifies the RPL owner.
                  • neighbour—Specifies the RPL neighbour.
                  • vlan—Specifies the VLAN configuration.
                  • vlanList—Specifies the VLAN list.
                  • vlan-list-number— VLAN list number.
                  • add—Adds to the set of included VLANs.
                  • remove—Removes from the set of included VLANs.
                  • none— Does not include any VLANs.
                  Step 4setErpsInstProperties review

                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties review
                  Displays the configuration.  
                  Step 5setErpsInstProperties commit

                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties commit
                  Sends the configuration to NID.  
                  Step 6exit

                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# exit
                  Exits the ErpsPortType mode.  

                  Configuration Example

                  The example shows how to configure ERPS on NID-2:

                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig erpsInst 1
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 aps 100
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port0 sf 100
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 aps 99
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig mep port1 sf 99
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port0 3
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig port1 5
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstConfig erpsConfig ringType major
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig erpsInst 1
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplPort port0
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig rplRole neighbour
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig vlan vlanList 2-10
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties erpsInstconfig wtrTime 1
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties review
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# setErpsInstProperties commit
                  Switch(ErpsPortType)# exit

                  Configuring ERPS on the ME 3600

                  To configure ERPS on the ME 3600, such as Cisco ME 3600X Series Ethernet Access Switch, complete the following steps.

                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 enable

                    Device> enable

                    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

                    • Enter your password if prompted.

                    Step 2 configure terminal

                    Device# configure terminal

                    Enters global configuration mode.

                    Step 3 ethernet ring g8032 ring-name

                    Device(config)# ethernet ring g8032 ring1

                    Specifies the Ethernet ring and enters Ethernet ring port configuration mode.

                    Step 4 port0 interface type number

                    Device(config-erp-ring)# port0 interface fastethernet 0/1/0

                    Connects port0 of the local node of the interface to the Ethernet ring and enters Ethernet ring protection mode.

                    Step 5 monitor service instance instance-id

                    Device(config-erp-ring-port)# monitor service instance 1

                    Assigns the Ethernet service instance to monitor the ring port (port0) and detect ring failures.

                    Step 6 exit

                    Device(config-erp-ring-port)# exit

                    Exits Ethernet ring port configuration mode.

                    Step 7 port1 {interfacetype number | none}

                    Device(config-erp-ring)# port1 interface fastethernet 0/1/1

                    Connects port1 of the local node of the interface to the Ethernet ring and enters Ethernet ring protection mode.

                    Step 8 monitor service instance instance-id

                    Device(config-erp-ring-port)# monitor service instance 2

                    Assigns the Ethernet service instance to monitor the ring port (port1) and detect ring failures.

                    • The interface (to which port1 is attached) must be a subinterface of the main interface.

                    Step 9 exit

                    Device(config-erp-ring-port)# exit

                    Exits Ethernet ring port configuration mode.

                    Step 10 exclusion-list vlan-ids vlan-id

                    Device(config-erp-ring)# exclusion-list vlan-ids 2

                    Specifies VLANs that are unprotected by the Ethernet ring protection mechanism.

                    Step 11 open-ring

                    Device(config-erp-ring)# open-ring

                    Specifies the Ethernet ring as an open ring.

                    Step 12 instance instance-id

                    Device(config-erp-ring)# instance 1

                    Configures the Ethernet ring instance and enters Ethernet ring instance configuration mode.

                    Step 13 description descriptive-name

                    Device(config-erp-inst)# description cisco-customer-instance

                    Specifies a descriptive name for the Ethernet ring instance.

                    Step 14 profile profile-name

                    Device(config-erp-inst)# profile profile1

                    Specifies the profile associated with the Ethernet ring instance.

                    Step 15 rpl {port0 | port1} {owner | neighbor | next-neighbor }

                    Device(config-erp-inst)# rpl port0 neighbor

                    Specifies the Ethernet ring port on the local node as the RPL owner, neighbor, or next neighbor.

                    Step 16 inclusion-list vlan-ids vlan-id

                    Device(config-erp-inst)# inclusion-list vlan-ids 11

                    Specifies VLANs that are protected by the Ethernet ring protection mechanism.

                    Step 17 aps-channel

                    Device(config-erp-inst)# aps-channel

                    Enters Ethernet ring instance aps-channel configuration mode.

                    Step 18 level level-value

                    Device(config-erp-inst-aps)# level 5

                    Specifies the Automatic Protection Switching (APS) message level for the node on the Ethernet ring.

                    • All nodes in the Ethernet ring must be configured with the same level.

                    Step 19 port0 service instance instance-id

                    Device(config-erp-inst-aps)# port0 service instance 100 

                    Associates APS channel information with port0.

                    Step 20 port1 service instance {instance-id | none }

                    Device(config-erp-inst-aps)# port1 service instance 100

                    Associates APS channel information with port1.

                    Step 21 end

                    Device(config-erp-inst-aps)# end

                    Returns to user EXEC mode.


                    Configuration Example

                    The example shows how to configure ERPS on the ME 3600:

                    ethernet cfm domain W-N-V2000 level 0
                    service W-N-V2000 evc evc2000 vlan 2000 direction down
                      continuity-check interval 1s
                      efd notify g8032
                    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
                    switchport trunk allowed vlan none
                    switchport mode trunk
                    service instance 2000 ethernet evc2000
                      encapsulation dot1q 2000
                      bridge-domain 2000
                      cfm mep domain W-N-V2000 mpid 102
                       rmep mpid 101
                    interface GigabitEthernet0/20
                    switchport trunk allowed vlan none
                    switchport mode trunk
                    service instance 2000 ethernet evc2000
                      encapsulation dot1q 2000
                      bridge-domain 2000
                      cfm mep domain W-N-V2000 mpid 104
                       rmep mpid 103
                    ethernet ring g8032 profile 1
                    timer wtr 1
                    ethernet ring g8032 1
                    port0 interface GigabitEthernet0/1
                    port1 interface GigabitEthernet0/20
                    instance 1
                      profile 1
                      inclusion-list vlan-ids 2-10,2000
                       level 0   
                       port0 service instance 2000
                       port1 service instance 2000

                    Verifying ERPS

                    Use the following command to verify the ERPS status on the Cisco ME 1200 NID.

                    • showErpsConfig showErpsReq erpsInstList 1

                      This command displays the ERPS status on the Cisco ME 1200 NID. The following is a sample output from the command:

                      Switch(ErpsPortType)# showErpsConfig showErpsReq erpsInstList 1
                      Switch(ErpsPortType)# showErpsConfig review
                      showErpsConfig reviewCommands in queue:
                              showErpsConfig showErpsReq erpsInstList 1
                      Switch(ErpsPortType)# showErpsConfig commit
                      Stat = 0ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].grpId = 1
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.ringType.t = 1
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.ringType.u.major = 'major'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.virtualConnection.t = 2
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.virtualConnection.u.disable = 'Disable'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.interconnect.t = 2
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.interconnect.u.disable = 'Disable'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.instance = 0
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.port0 = 3
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.port1 = 4
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.mep.port0.sf = 100
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.mep.port0.aps = 100
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.mep.port1.sf = 99
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].config.mep.port1.aps = 99
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.guardTime = 500
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.wtrTime = 1
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.revertive.t = 1
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.revertive.u.enable = 'Enable'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.version.t = 2
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.version.u.v2 = 'V2'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.topologyChangePropagate.t = 2
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.topologyChangePropagate.u.disable = 'Disable'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.holdoff = 0
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.rplRole.t = 1
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.rplRole.u.owner = 'owner'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.rplPort.t = 1
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.rplPort.u.port0 = 'port0'
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.vlan.t = 1
                      ShowErpsConfig_Output.erpsInfo.erpsInstance[0].instConfig.vlan.u.vlanList = '2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,1023,1024,1022,1021,1013,1012'
                       ShowErpsConfig Commit Success!!!
                    • showErpsStats erpsShowStateReq erpsInst 1

                      This command displays the ERPS status on the Cisco ME 1200 NID. The following is a sample output from the command:

                      Switch(EpsPortType)# showErpsStats erpsShowStateReq erpsInst 1
                      Switch(EpsPortType)# showErpsStats erpsShowStateReq show brief
                      Switch(EpsPortType)# showErpsstats commit
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].grpId = 1
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.t = 1
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.grpId = 1
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.type = 'Maj'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.version = '2'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.port0 = 'GigabitEthernet 1/3'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.port0Lnk = 'U'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.port0Blk = 'B'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.majGrp = ''
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rplRole = 'Ownr'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rplPort = 'Port0'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rplBlk = 'Y'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.fsmState = 'IDLE'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rApsTx = 'Y'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rApsPort0Rx = ' '
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.fop = 'N'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.port1 = 'GigabitEthernet 1/4'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.port1Lnk = 'U'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.port1Blk = 'U'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.revertive = 'Rev'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.ringType = '-'
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rplRole_1 = ''
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rplPort_1 = ''
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rplBlk_1 = ''
                      ShowErpsStats_Output.erpsState.erpsInst[0].show.u.brief.rApsPort1Rx = ' '
                      ShowErpsStats Commit Success!!!