New, Changed, and Deprecated Show Commands in Cisco Nexus 9000 Release 9.3(3)

New, Changed, and Deprecated Show Commands

The following sections describe changes in the Cisco Nexus 9000 CLI since Release 9.3(2).

New Commands

The following commands are added in this release.

  • show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] } path-attribute { discard | unknown } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • show bgp segment-routing srv6 [ __readonly__ [ <locator-name> <locator-id> <locator-prefix> ] [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <vrf-srv6-sid> ] [ TABLE_af <af-name> <af-dt> <table-srv6-sid> ] ] ]

  • show cfs lock [ { name <cfs-dyn-app-name> [ vsan <i0> ] | sap <i1> [ vsan1 <i2> ] } ]

  • show cfs merge status [ { name <cfs-dyn-app-name> [ vsan <i0> ] | sap <i1> [ vsan1 <i2> ] } ]

  • show cfs peers [ { name <cfs-dyn-app-name> [ vsan <i0> ] | sap <i1> [ vsan1 <i2> ] } ]

  • show cfs remote-switches vsan <i0>

  • show consistency-checker fcoe [ { interface <if1> } | { npv [ server-interface <svr_if1> external-interface <ext_if1> ] } | { hw-table { pif | vif | ucpccfg | vsan | acl | fib [ flogi | domain [ local | remote ] ] | fcf | zone | mac } } | { [ exclude ] ping } | { drop [ ingress | egress ] } ] [ verbose [ detail ] ]

  • show consistency-checker pacl extended module { all | <module-id> } [ brief | detail ]

  • show consistency-checker racl extended egress ip module <module-id> [ brief | detail ]

  • show consistency-checker racl extended egress ipv6 module <module-id> [ brief | detail ]

  • show consistency-checker racl extended module { all | <module-id> } [ brief | detail ]

  • show consistency-checker vxlan l2 mac-address <mac-addr> module <module> [ brief | detail ]

  • show consistency-checker vxlan l3 single-route { ipv4 | ipv6 } <ip-prefix> vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> } [ debug-logs ] [ brief | detail ]

  • show consistency-checker { l2-tahoe | l2-mtc } module <module> [ unit <unit> ] [ brief | detail ]

  • show device-alias database

  • show device-alias merge status

  • show device-alias name <s0> [ pending ]

  • show device-alias pending

  • show device-alias pending-diff

  • show device-alias pwwn <wwn0> [ pending ]

  • show device-alias session rejected

  • show device-alias session status

  • show device-alias statistics

  • show device-alias status

  • show dpvm database [ active ]

  • show dpvm device [ pwwn <wwn0> ] [ nwwn <wwn1> ]

  • show dpvm fip

  • show dpvm merge statistics

  • show dpvm merge status

  • show dpvm pending [ activation status ]

  • show dpvm pending-diff

  • show dpvm ports [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show dpvm session status

  • show dpvm status

  • show fabric switch information [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fabric-binding database [ { active [ vsan <i0> ] | vsan1 <i1> } ]

  • show fabric-binding efmd statistics [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fabric-binding fip

  • show fabric-binding statistics [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fabric-binding status [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fabric-binding violations [ last <i0> ]

  • show fcalias [ [ name <s0> ] [ [ pending ] [ vsan <i0> ] ] ]

  • show fcdomain

  • show fcdomain address-allocation [ { cache | vsan <i0> } ]

  • show fcdomain allowed [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fcdomain domain-list [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fcdomain fcid persistent [ { unused [ vsan <i0> ] | vsan1 <i1> } ]

  • show fcdomain pending [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fcdomain pending-diff [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fcdomain session-status [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fcdomain statistics [ { interface <if0> [ vsan <i0> ] | vsan1 <i1> } ]

  • show fcdomain status

  • show fcdomain vsan <i0>

  • show fcid-allocation area

  • show fcid-allocation company-id-from-wwn <wwn0>

  • show fcns database [ { detail [ vsan <i0> ] | domain <i1> [ { detail [ vsan1 <i2> ] | vsan2 <i3> } ] | fcid <fcid4> { detail2 vsan3 <i5> | vsan4 <i6> } | local [ { detail1 [ vsan5 <i7> ] | vsan6 <i8> } ] | npv [ { detail1 [ vsan7 <i9> ] | node_wwn <wwn10> [ vsan8 <i11> ] | vsan9 <i12> } ] | proxy-host { detail4 vsan10 <i13> | vsan11 <i14> } | vsan12 <i15> } ]

  • show fcns statistics [ { detail [ vsan <i0> ] | vsan1 <i1> } ]

  • show fcs database [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fcs ie [ { nwwn <wwn0> vsan <i1> | vsan1 <i2> } ]

  • show fcs platform { name <s0> vsan <i0> | vsan1 <i1> }

  • show fcs port { pwwn <wwn0> vsan <i1> | vsan1 <i2> }

  • show fcs statistics [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show fcs vsan

  • show fdmi database

  • show fdmi database detail

  • show fdmi database detail hba-id <wwn0> vsan <i1>

  • show fdmi database detail vsan <i0>

  • show fdmi database vsan <i0>

  • show fdmi suppress-updates

  • show flogi auto-area-list

  • show flogi database [ { details | [ fcid <fcid0> ] [ details ] | [ interface <if0> ] [ details ] | [ vsan <i1> ] [ details ] } ]

  • show flow vrf [ <vrf_name> ] [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_flow_vrf [ <vrf_name> ] [ <v4in_mon_name> ] [ <v4in_direction> ] [ <v6in_mon_name> ] [ <v6in_direction> ] [ <filter_name> ] } ] ]

  • show forwarding distribution srv6 local-sid bd-mapping [ __readonly__ { local_sid_bd_map <sid_bd_map> } [ { TABLE_local_sid <local_sid> <Table_id> <func_type> <bd> <locator> <function> <args> } ] ]

  • show forwarding srv6 adjacency decap [ table <table_id> ] [ module <num> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_adj_decap <locator> <function> <behavior> <tableid> <bd> <is_drop> } ]

  • show forwarding srv6 adjacency encap [ table <table_id> ] [ module <num> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_adj_encap <loc_bsid> <source_ip> <function> <tableid> <is_drop> } ]

  • show forwarding srv6 ecmp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } | [ table <table_id> ] ] [ module <num> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_ecmp <num_paths> <table_id> { TABLE_adj <loc_bsid> <source_ip> <function> } } ]

  • show forwarding srv6 local-sid [ <sid_value> ] [ detail ] [ module <num> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_local_sid <locator> <source_ip> <function> <behavior> <sid> } ]

  • show forwarding srv6 peers [ module <num> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_peers <peer_id> <locator> <source_ip> <vobj_count> } ]

  • show fspf

  • show fspf database [ vsan <i0> [ [ domain <i1> ] [ detail ] ] ]

  • show fspf interface

  • show fspf vsan <i0>

  • show fspf vsan <i0> interface [ <if0> ]

  • show install all progress

  • show ip traffic pps [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_ip_pps [ <ip_pps_type> ] <ip_pps_threshold_size> <ip_pps_threshold_log_interval> } ] ]

  • show ipt details [ __readonly__ <probe_marker> <source_monitor> <sink_monitor> ]

  • show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld global traffic [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_icmpv6_mld_stat <st-v1-queries> <rv-v1-queries> <st-v2-queries> <rv-v2-queries> <st-v1-reports> <rv-v1-reports> <st-v2-reports> <rv-v2-reports> <st-v1-leaves> <rv-v1-leaves> } ] ]

  • show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld interface [ <interface> ] [ brief ] [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf> [ <entry-count> ] [ [ TABLE_brief [ <if-name> ] [ <addr> ] [ <querier> ] [ <mc> ] [ <ver> ] ] [ TABLE_if <if-name> [ <if-status> ] [ <ip-sum> ] [ <querier> ] [ <q-ver> ] [ <next-query> ] [ <expires> ] [ <mc> ] [ <ver> ] [ <host-ver> ] [ <qi> ] [ <cqi> ] [ <mrt> ] [ <cmrt> ] [ <sqi> ] [ <csqi> ] [ <sqc> ] [ <lmmrt> ] [ <lmqc> ] [ <gt> ] [ <cgt> ] [ <qt> ] [ <cqt> ] [ <uri> ] [ <rv> ] [ <crv> ] [ <rll> ] [ <rc> ] [ <il> ] [ <join-group-map> ] [ <static-group-map> ] [ <v2qs> ] [ <v2qr> ] [ <v2rs> ] [ <v2rr> ] [ <v2ls> ] [ <v2lr> ] [ <v3qs> ] [ <v3qr> ] [ <v3rs> ] [ <v3rr> ] [ <v2gqdest> ] [ <v3gqdest> ] [ <cse> ] [ <ple> ] [ <lsip> ] [ <scf> ] [ <qnq> ] [ <rvm> ] [ <qvm> ] [ <uit> ] [ <v2gdam> ] [ <v3dai> ] [ <ra> ] ] ] ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping event-history { statistics | <mld-snoop-event-hist-buf-name> }

  • show ipv6 mld snooping [ otv | remote ] groups [ { <source> [ <group> ] } | { <group> [ <source> ] } ] [ vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid> ] [ detail ] [ summary ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vlan [ <vlan-id> ] [ <rports> ] [ <rtrPortFlag> ] [ TABLE_port <if-name> ] [ TABLE_rtrports <rport-if-name> ] [ <raddr> ] [ TABLE_source <source> ] [ TABLE_group <addr> [ <g-mfdm> ] [ <ver> ] [ <old-host> ] [ <raddr> ] [ <static> ] [ <dynamic> ] [ TABLE_static_ports <static-if-name> ] [ TABLE_v2_ports <v2-if-name> [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <gq-missed> ] ] [ TABLE_star_g_ports <star-g-if-name> [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] ] [ <g-vpc> ] [ <rsf> ] [ <js> ] [ TABLE_source <source> [ <srsf> ] [ <s-mfdm> ] [ <src-static> ] [ <src-dynamic> ] [ TABLE_src_static_ports <src-static-if-name> ] [ TABLE_src_dynamic [ <oifs> ] <dyn-if-name> [ <src-uptime> ] [ <src-expires> ] ] [ <s-vpc> ] ] ] [ <snoop-enabled> ] [ <omf-enabled> ] [ <group-count> ] [ <s-g-count> ] [ <total_star_g_count> ] [ <total_sg_count> ] ] ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping [ { vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid> } ] [ __readonly__ [ <vdc> ] [ <enabled> ] [ <omf> ] [ <grepsup> ] [ <gv3repsup> ] [ <glinklocalgrpsup> ] { TABLE_vlan <vlan-id> [ <description> ] [ <snoop-on> ] [ <qa> ] [ <qv> ] [ <qi> ] [ <qlmqi> ] [ <rv> ] [ <sq> ] [ <sqr> ] [ <eht> ] [ <fl> ] [ <repsup> ] [ <v3repsup> ] [ <vlinklocalgrpsup> ] [ <rpc> ] [ <gc> ] [ TABLE_active_ports [ <actvports> ] ] [ <lkupmode> ] [ <omf_enabled> ] [ <reportfloodenable> ] [ <reportfloodall> ] [ TABLE_intf <if-name> ] [ <leavegroupaddress> ] } ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping explicit-tracking [ vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid> ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vlan [ <vlan-id> ] [ TABLE_gaddr [ <grp-addr> ] [ TABLE_if [ <if-name> ] [ TABLE_haddr [ <host-addr> ] [ TABLE_srcaddr [ <src-addr> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <last-join> ] [ <expires> ] [ <cfs-flag> ] [ <native-flag> ] [ <delete-pending> ] [ <cfs-update-pending> ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping filter [ vlan <vlan_id> ] details [ __readonly__ { TABLE_vlanid <vlan-id> <access-group> <group-channels-limit> <mld-min-ver> } ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping lookup-mode [ vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid> ] [ __readonly__ [ <configured> ] [ <operational> ] [ TABLE_vlan [ <vlan-id> ] [ <lookup> ] ] ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping mrouter [ otv ] [ vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid> ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vlan <vlan-id> TABLE_intf <if-name> <static> <dynamic> <vpc> <fabricpath-core-port> <co-learned> <user-configured> <learnt-by-peer> <uptime> <expires> <internal> ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping otv vlan brief [ __readonly__ <vlan-id> ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping pw vlan brief [ __readonly__ <vlan-id> ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping querier [ vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid> ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vlan <vlan-id> <qa> <qv> [ <expires> ] <qiod> <qname> <int> [ <last_member_query_count> ] [ <config_last_member_query_count> ] [ <snooping_version> ] [ <config_qv> ] [ <robust> ] [ <config_robust> ] [ <startup_query_count> ] [ <config_startup_query_count> ] [ <startup_query_interval> ] [ <config_startup_query_interval> ] [ <mbr_query_interval> ] [ <config_mbr_query_interval> ] [ <snooping_query_intvl> ] [ <config_snooping_query_intvl> ] [ <gquery_response_time> ] [ <config_gquery_response_time> ] [ <querier_timeout> ] [ <querier_timeout_flag> ] ] ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping statistics [ global | vlan <vlan> | bridge-domain <bdid> ] [ __readonly__ [ <pr> ] [ <inv_pkt> ] [ <pnv> ] [ <loopbkpkt> ] [ <mrdloopbk> ] [ <pf> ] [ <vpcdrqs> ] [ <vpcdrqr> ] [ <vpcdrqf> ] [ <vpcdrus> ] [ <vpcdrur> ] [ <vpcdruf> ] [ <vpccfssf> ] [ <vpccfsrs> ] [ <vpccfsrr> ] [ <vpccfsrf> ] [ <vpccfsrfp> ] [ <vpccfsurls> ] [ <vpccfsurlr> ] [ <vpccfsurlf> ] [ <vpccfsrls> ] [ <vpccfsrlr> ] [ <vpccfsrlf> ] [ <inv_iod> ] [ <stptcnr> ] [ <imapif> ] [ <mfreqr> ] [ <mfcmps> ] [ <mfdgcmps> ] [ <bufsnt> ] [ <bufackr> ] [ <vpcmismatch> ] [ { TABLE_vlan [ <vlan-id> ] [ <ut> ] [ <vpr> ] [ <v1rr> ] [ <v2rr> ] [ <v3rr> ] [ <v1qr> ] [ <v2qr> ] [ <v3qr> ] [ <v2lr> ] [ <phr> ] [ <irr> ] [ <iqr> ] [ <v1rs> ] [ <v2rs> ] [ <v2ls> ] [ <v3gs> ] [ <vmr> ] [ <upr> ] [ <qo> ] [ <v2ro> ] [ <v2lo> ] [ <v3ro> ] [ <vpsr> ] [ <str> ] [ <mps> ] [ <mpr> ] [ <mpe> ] [ <cps> ] [ <cpr> ] [ <cpe> ] [ <repflooded> ] [ <repfwded> ] } ] ]

  • show ipv6 mld snooping { report-policy | access-group } statistics [ vlan <vlan> ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vlanid { <vlan-id> <rpm-type> <policy-name> } ] ]

  • show ipv6 mld vrf all [ __readonly__ { TABLE_vrfname <vrf-name> <vrf-id> <instance> <work-in-txlist> } { TABLE_vrfid <vrf-name-i> <vrf-id-i> <instance-i> <work-in-txlist-i> } ]

  • show ipv6 pim config-sanity [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <out-context> ] [ TABLE_RP [ <rp-addr> ] [ <rperr-count> ] [ <rp-interface> ] [ <rp-error> ] ] [ TABLE_ANYCAST [ <arperr-count> ] [ <anycastrp-addr> ] [ <arp-interface> ] [ <arp-error> ] [ <configure-as-RP> ] [ TABLE_MEMBER [ <memerr-count> ] [ <mem-interface> ] [ <mem-error> ] ] [ <found> ] ] [ TABLE_BSR [ <rp-cand-count> ] [ <rp-cand-interface> ] [ <rp-cand-error> ] [ <bsr-cand-count> ] [ <bsr-cand-interface> ] [ <bsr-cand-error> ] ] ] ]

  • show ipv6 pim host-proxy [ __readonly__ TABLE_intf <intf-name> ]

  • show ipv6 pim mdt [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <out_context> <mti> <mti_status> <default_mdt_grp> <grp_mode> <asm_shared_tree> <mti_config_mtu> <mti_active_mtu> <cfg_tunnel_src_if> <bgp_update_src_if> <hello_interval> <jp_interval> <data_mdt_join_interval> <data_switchover_interval> <data_holddown_interval> <data_timeout_interval> <mdt_src> <mdt_src_if> <bgp_rd> <bgp_rd_set> <send_join_count> <rcvd_join_count> { TABLE_data_mdt <grange_prefix> <grange_mask_len> <threshold> [ <policy_name> ] } ]

  • show ipv6 pim mdt bgp [ mdt-source <src-addr> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_entry <bgp_rd> <mdt_src> <mdt_grp> <local> } ]

  • show ipv6 pim mdt history interval <min> [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <out_context> [ { TABLE_entry <csrc> <cgrp> <psrc> <pgrp> <uptime> <send_count> } ] ]

  • show ipv6 pim mdt receive [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf [ <out_context> ] [ TABLE_entry [ <csrc> ] [ <cgrp> ] [ <psrc> ] [ <pgrp> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <recv_count> ] ] ]

  • show ipv6 pim mdt send [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <out_context> [ { TABLE_entry <csrc> <cgrp> <psrc> <pgrp> <uptime> <send_count> } ] ]

  • show ipv6 pim policy statistics { register-policy | bsr { bsr-policy | rp-candidate-policy } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf_name_stats> { TABLE_routemap <name> <action> <seq_num> [ { TABLE_cmd <command> <compare_count> <match_count> } ] } <total_accept_count> <total_reject_count> ]

  • show isis [ <isis-tag> ] segment-routing srv6 [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_process_tag <process-tag-out> { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <vrf-id-out> <srv6-enabled-out> <sidmgr-registered-out> } } ]

  • show isis [ <isis-tag> ] segment-routing srv6 locators [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_process_tag <process-tag-out> { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <vrf-id-out> <srv6-enabled-out> [ { TABLE_locators <name-out> <active-out> [ <ipv6-prefix-out> ] [ <mask-len-out> ] <sidmgr-cfg-complete-out> <isis-cfg-complete-out> <stale-locator-out> [ { TABLE_level <level-out> <advertised> [ <lsp-id-out> ] } ] } ] } } ]

  • show lcnd dot1x address { <macaddr> | all }

  • show lcnd dot1x port <portnum>

  • show lcnd trace events

  • show lcnd trace file

  • show license all [ __readonly__ <smart_status> { smart_reg_info <reg_status> { [ <smart_account> ] [ <virtual_account> ] [ <export_controlled> ] [ <initial_reg> ] [ <fail_reason> ] [ <next_reg_attempt> ] [ <last_renew_attempt> ] [ <next_renew_attempt> ] [ <reg_expire_time> ] } } { smart_auth_info <auth_status> { [ <last_attempt> ] [ <fail_reason> ] [ <next_attempt> ] [ <auth_expire_time> ] } } { smart_dlc_info <autoconv_status> <conv_status> { [ <conv_initial_time> ] [ <conv_failure_reason> ] [ <conv_next_time> ] } } [ TABLE_smart_feat_info { <feature_name> <description> <count> <version> <status> } ] { local_udi [ <local_pid> ] <local_sn> } [ TABLE_udiList <role> <pid> <sn> ] { smart_version <version> } ]

  • show license status [ __readonly__ <smart_status> { smart_reg_info <reg_status> { [ <smart_account> ] [ <virtual_account> ] [ <export_controlled> ] [ <initial_reg> ] [ <fail_reason> ] [ <next_reg_attempt> ] [ <last_renew_attempt> ] [ <next_renew_attempt> ] [ <reg_expire_time> ] } } { smart_auth_info <auth_status> { [ <eval_period> ] [ <last_attempt> ] [ <fail_reason> ] [ <next_attempt> ] [ <auth_expire_time> ] } } { smart_dlc_info <autoconv_status> <conv_status> { [ <conv_initial_time> ] [ <conv_failure_reason> ] [ <conv_next_time> ] } } ]

  • show license summary [ __readonly__ <smart_status> { smart_reg_info <reg_status> { [ <smart_account> ] [ <virtual_account> ] [ <export_controlled> ] } } { smart_auth_info { [ <auth_status> ] [ <eval_period> ] } } { smart_dlc_info <autoconv_status> <conv_status> { [ <conv_initial_time> ] [ <conv_failure_reason> ] [ <conv_next_time> ] } } [ TABLE_smart_feat_info { <license_name> <feature_name> <count> <status> } ] ]

  • show license udi [ __readonly__ { local_udi [ <local_pid> ] <local_sn> } [ TABLE_udiList <role> <pid> <sn> ] ]

  • show logging level [ ipv6 ] mld

  • show logging level acl

  • show logging level device-alias

  • show logging level dhclient

  • show logging level dpvm

  • show logging level fcdomain

  • show logging level fcns

  • show logging level fcs

  • show logging level fdmi

  • show logging level flogi

  • show logging level fspf

  • show logging level ipv6 mfwd

  • show logging level ipv6 pim

  • show logging level oim

  • show logging level rdl

  • show logging level rib

  • show logging level rscn

  • show logging level scsi-target

  • show logging level tunenc_mgr

  • show logging level zone

  • show mcast [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show npiv status

  • show platform vnic info [ __readonly__ <scheme> <total-vnics> <vnics-mapped> <vnics-unmapped> <mgmt-int-device> <mgmt-int-mac> { TABLE_linecard_info <module> <module-vnics> } ]

  • show platform vnic mapped [ module <module-num> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_interface_info <nxos-interface> <mac-address> <vnic> } ]

  • show procmon req-type <i0> oc-path <s0> depth <i1>

  • show role status

  • show routing ipv6 multicast lisp encap [ __readonly__ { TABLE_m6rib_list_encap <encap-index> <source-rloc> <dest-rloc> <ref-count> } ]

  • show routing ipv6 multicast mdt encapsulation [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_mdt <index> <group> <source> <count> <delete-pending> ] ] ]

  • show routing ipv6 multicast sr [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> <mode> <mac-rewrite> [ TABLE_route <interface> <in-group-range> <to-group-range> <group-mask> <in-source-range> <to-source-range> <source-mask> ] ] ]

  • show routing ipv6 multicast { { [ bitfield ] [ detail ] } | rp | { [ <group> ] summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] } | { summary [ count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] } | { { <source> <group> } | { <group> [ <source> ] | <group> shared-tree | <group> source-tree } | shared-tree | source-tree } { [ flags ] | [ detail ] | [ summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] | bitfield ] } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ <expry_timer> ] [ <route_count> ] [ <star_g_cnt> ] [ <sg_cnt> ] [ <star_g_prfx_cnt> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <star-g-route> ] [ <sg-route> ] [ <star-g-prfx> ] [ <group-count> ] [ <avg> ] [ <rem> ] [ <stats-pndg> ] ] [ TABLE_summary_source [ <group_addr> ] [ <group_mask_len> ] [ <source_count> ] [ TABLE_one_sg [ <source_addr> ] [ <packets> ] [ <bytes> ] [ <aps> ] [ <pps> ] [ <rate_buf> ] [ <oifs> ] [ <software_fwd> ] [ <rpf-failed-pkts> ] [ <rpf-failed-bytes> ] ] ] [ TABLE_one_route <mcast-addrs> [ <source_addrs> <group_addrs> ] <pending> <bidir> <uptime> <mofrr> [ TABLE_mpib [ <mpib-name> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <stale-route> ] ] [ <mdt-encap-index> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <stats-rate-buf> ] [ <lisp-src-rloc> ] [ <translated-route-src> ] [ <translated-route-grp> ] [ <route-iif> ] [ <rpf-nbr> ] [ <mofrr-iif> ] [ <mofrr-nbr> ] <internal> [ <oif-count> ] <fabric-oif> <fabric-loser> [ <num-vpc-svi-oifs> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <oif-uptime> ] [ TABLE_oif_mpib [ <oif-mpib-name> ] [ <stale-oif> ] [ <omd-vpc-svi> ] [ <core-interest> ] [ <fabric-interest> ] ] <rpf> ] [ <route-mdt-iod> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] [ TABLE_extranet [ <extranet_vrf_name> ] [ <extranet_addr> ] [ <extranet_oif_count> ] ] ] ]

  • show rscn event-tov vsan <i0>

  • show rscn pending vsan <i0>

  • show rscn pending-diff vsan <i0>

  • show rscn scr-table [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show rscn session status vsan <i0>

  • show rscn statistics { [ vsan <i0> ] | detail [ vsan <i1> ] }

  • show rscn status

  • show running-config mld [ all ]

  • show running-config ofm [ all ]

  • show running-config zone

  • show running-config zone vsan <vsan-id>

  • show srv6 clients [ __readonly__ TABLE_client <name> <id> <state> <createtime> <modifytime> <pid> <epid> <notifysid> <mtsqh> <mtssap> [ TABLE_msgs_rcvd <Register> <State_Change> <SID_add> <SID_del> ] [ TABLE_msgs_sent <Locator_add> <Locator_del> <Loc_Down_Pending> <Locator_Down> <Sid_add_ack> <Sid_del_ack> <Sid_add> <Sid_del> <Encap_add> <Encap_del> ] ]

  • show srv6 locator [ detail ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_locator <locname> <locid> <locprefix> <locstate> [ sid-count ] [ loc-created ] [ loc-modified ] [ mod-reason ] ] ]

  • show srv6 manager [ __readonly__ { parameters <enabled> [ src_address <configured> ] } { summary <nblocator> <nblocup> <nbsid> } { capabilities { { end-functions [ TABLE_endfunct <efunct-name> ] } { transit-functions [ TABLE_tfunct <tfunct-name> ] } { security [ TABLE_secrule <sec-rule> ] } [ max-sid <max-sid-count> ] [ sid-holdtime-sec <sid-hold> ] } } ]

  • show srv6 sid <ipv6-addr> counters [ __readonly__ <counter-sid> <counter-sid-type> <counter-rx-packets> <counter-rx-bytes> <counter-tx-packets> <counter-tx-bytes> ]

  • show srv6 sid [ <ipv6-addr> ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_loc <sidlocname> [ { TABLE_sid <sidaddr> <sidfunct> <sidctx> <sidowner> <sidstate> <sidrewrite> [ det-ctx ] [ loc-name ] [ alloc-type ] [ created ] [ modified ] } ] ] ]

  • show startup-config mld [ all ]

  • show startup-config ofm [ all ]

  • show startup-config zone

  • show startup-config zone vsan <vsan-id>

  • show system default zone

  • show tech-support acl [ { commands | detail [ commands ] } ]

  • show tech-support device-alias

  • show tech-support dpvm

  • show tech-support epp

  • show tech-support fcdomain [ commands ]

  • show tech-support fcns [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show tech-support fcs

  • show tech-support feature [ commands ]

  • show tech-support fib module <module>

  • show tech-support fib-all

  • show tech-support flogi

  • show tech-support forwarding srv6 [ module <module> ]

  • show tech-support fspf [ commands ]

  • show tech-support interfaces

  • show tech-support ipv6 mfwd [ brief ]

  • show tech-support ipv6 mld snooping [ brief ]

  • show tech-support nexus9000v

  • show tech-support ofm [ server-only ] [ all ]

  • show tech-support oim [ brief ]

  • show tech-support rib

  • show tech-support rscn [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show tech-support slowdrain [ commands ]

  • show tech-support zone [ [ commands ] [ vsan <i0> ] ]

  • show telemetry dynamic configuration [ __readonly__ [ <subscription_id> ] [ { TABLE_destination_groups <dst_grp_row_idx> <dst_grp_id> } ] [ { TABLE_sensor_groups <snsr_grp_row_idx> <snsr_grp_id> <snsr_grp_sample_interval> } ] [ <destination_group_id> ] [ { TABLE_destinations <destination_ip> <destination_port> <destination_encoding> <destination_transport> } ] [ <snsr_grp_id> ] [ { TABLE_sensor_path <path_row_idx> <path_name> } ] ]

  • show telemetry port-counters [ interface <if_name> ] [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_port_counters <if_name> <portInIpv4> <portOutIpv4> <portInIpv6> <portOutIpv6> <portPacketInIpv4> <portPacketOutIpv4> <portPacketInIpv6> <portPacketOutIpv6> <portInIpv4Bps> <portOutIpv4Bps> <portInIpv6Bps> <portOutIpv6Bps> <portPacketInIpv4Pps> <portPacketOutIpv4Pps> <portPacketInIpv6Pps> <portPacketOutIpv6Pps> } ] ]

  • show telemetry syslog-filter [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_syslog_filter_table <syslog_filter_row_idx> <syslog_filter_path> } ] ]

  • show telemetry yang direct-path { all | cisco-nxos-device | openconfig-interfaces | openconfig-lldp | openconfig-network-instance } [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_path_list <list_row_idx> <path_name> } ] ]

  • show topology [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show topology isl [ [ san-port-channel <i1> ] [ detail ] ]

  • show topology isl [ [ vsan <i0> ] [ detail ] ]

  • show topology isl [ detail ]

  • show troubleshoot l2 port-channel [ interface <ch-id> ]

  • show tunnel-profile [ <profile-name> ] [ __readonly__ [ <num_of_profiles> ] [ <num_of_err_routes> ] [ TABLE_tunnel <profile-name> <encap-type> <src-vtep> <src-intf> <status> ] ]

  • show wwn oui [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_oui <oui> [ <vendor> ] [ <type> ] ] ]

  • show zone

  • show zone [ name <s0> ] vsan <i0>

  • show zone active [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show zone analysis [ pending ] { active vsan <i0> | vsan1 <i1> | zoneset <s0> vsan2 <i2> }

  • show zone ess [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show zone member { fcalias <s0> [ [ active ] [ vsan <i0> ] ] | fcid <fcid1> [ [ lun <lun2> ] [ [ active ] [ vsan1 <i3> ] ] ] | pwwn <wwn4> [ [ lun1 <lun5> ] [ [ active ] [ vsan2 <i6> ] ] ] | device-alias <s7> [ [ lun2 <lun8> ] [ [ active ] [ vsan3 <i9> ] ] ] }

  • show zone name <s0>

  • show zone name <s0> active [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show zone name <s0> pending [ { active [ vsan <i0> ] | vsan1 <i1> } ]

  • show zone pending [ { active [ vsan <i0> ] | vsan1 <i1> } ]

  • show zone pending-diff [ vsan <i0> ]

  • show zone policy [ { pending [ vsan <i0> ] | vsan1 <i1> } ]

  • show zone smart-zoning auto-conv log errors

  • show zone smart-zoning auto-conv status vsan <i0>

  • show zone statistics

  • show zone statistics vsan <i0>

  • show zone status [ { vsan <i0> | global } ]

  • show zone vsan <i0>

  • show zone-attribute-group [ [ name <s0> ] [ [ pending ] [ vsan <i0> ] ] ]

  • show zoneset [ [ name <s0> ] [ [ pending ] [ [ brief ] [ [ active ] [ vsan <i0> ] ] ] ] ]

Changed Commands

The following commands are modified in this release.

  • OLD: show [ ip ] bgp peer-template [ <peer-template-name> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_neighbor <templatepeer> [ <remoteas> ] [ <inherit-template> ] [ <inherit-session-template> ] [ { <prefix-parent> | <ipv6prefix-parent> } ] [ <description> ] [ <sourceif> ] [ <connectedcheck> ] [ <lowmemexempt> ] [ <bfd> ] [ <bfdmintxinterval> ] [ <bfdminrxinterval> ] [ <bfdmultiplier> ] [ <bfdauthenticationtype> ] [ <ttlsecurity> ] [ <ttllimit> ] [ <dscp> ] [ <password> ] [ <passiveonly> ] <localas-inactive> [ <remove-privateas> ] [ <configholdtime> <configkeepalivetime> ] [ TABLE_peraf <per-afi> TABLE_persaf <per-safi> <per-af-name> [ <tableversion> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <pfxrecvd> ] [ <pathsrecvd> ] [ <pfxbytes> ] [ <pfxsent> ] [ <pathssent> ] [ <conditionmap> <advertisemap> <advertisemapstatus> ] <insoftreconfigallowed> [ <insoftreconfigallowedalways> ] [ <sendcommunity> ] [ <sendextcommunity> ] [ { <localnexthop> | <ipv6localnexthop> } ] [ <thirdpartynexthop> ] [ <maxpfx> ] [ <maxpfx_threshold> ] [ <soo> ] [ <weight> ] [ <allowasin> ] <asoverride> <peerascheckdisabled> [ <vplssignalingprotocol> ] [ { TABLE_inpolicy <inpolicynr> <inpolicytype> <inpolicyname> [ <inpolicyhandle> ] } ] [ { TABLE_outpolicy <outpolicynr> <outpolicytype> <outpolicyname> [ <outpolicyhandle> ] } ] <rrconfigured> <defaultoriginate> [ <defaultoriginatermap> ] [ <defaultsent> ] [ <grpathssaved> ] [ <firsteorrecvd> ] [ <firsteortime> ] [ <pathsflushed> ] [ <lasteorrecvtime> ] [ <lasteorsenttime> ] [ <firstconvgtime> ] [ <pfxsentfirsteor> ] [ <unsuppress-map> ] [ { TABLE_policy_template <preference> <inherit-policy-template> } ] ] [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_inheritingpeer <inheritingpeer> ] ] } ]

  • NEW: show [ ip ] bgp peer-template [ <peer-template-name> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_neighbor <templatepeer> [ <remoteas> ] [ <inherit-template> ] [ <inherit-session-template> ] [ { <prefix-parent> | <ipv6prefix-parent> | <interface-parent> } ] [ <description> ] [ <sourceif> ] [ <connectedcheck> ] [ <lowmemexempt> ] [ <bfd> ] [ <bfdmintxinterval> ] [ <bfdminrxinterval> ] [ <bfdmultiplier> ] [ <bfdauthenticationtype> ] [ <ttlsecurity> ] [ <ttllimit> ] [ <dscp> ] [ <password> ] [ <passiveonly> ] <localas-inactive> [ <remove-privateas> ] [ <configholdtime> <configkeepalivetime> ] [ TABLE_peraf <per-afi> TABLE_persaf <per-safi> <per-af-name> [ <tableversion> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <pfxrecvd> ] [ <pathsrecvd> ] [ <pfxbytes> ] [ <pfxtreataswithdrawn> ] [ <pfxsent> ] [ <pathssent> ] [ <conditionmap> <advertisemap> <advertisemapstatus> ] <insoftreconfigallowed> [ <insoftreconfigallowedalways> ] [ <sendcommunity> ] [ <sendextcommunity> ] [ { <localnexthop> | <ipv6localnexthop> } ] [ <thirdpartynexthop> ] [ <maxpfx> ] [ <maxpfx_threshold> ] [ <soo> ] [ <weight> ] [ <allowasin> ] <asoverride> <peerascheckdisabled> [ <vplssignalingprotocol> ] [ { TABLE_inpolicy <inpolicynr> <inpolicytype> <inpolicyname> [ <inpolicyhandle> ] } ] [ { TABLE_outpolicy <outpolicynr> <outpolicytype> <outpolicyname> [ <outpolicyhandle> ] } ] <rrconfigured> <defaultoriginate> [ <defaultoriginatermap> ] [ <defaultsent> ] [ <grpathssaved> ] [ <firsteorrecvd> ] [ <firsteortime> ] [ <pathsflushed> ] [ <lasteorrecvtime> ] [ <lasteorsenttime> ] [ <firstconvgtime> ] [ <pfxsentfirsteor> ] [ <unsuppress-map> ] [ { TABLE_policy_template <preference> <inherit-policy-template> } ] ] [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_inheritingpeer <inheritingpeer> [ <interface-parent> ] ] ] } ]

  • OLD: show [ ip ] bgp { peer-session [ <session-template-name> ] | peer-policy [ <policy-template-name> ] } [ __readonly__ TABLE_template <template> <present> [ { TABLE_command <command> [ <polarity> ] [ <updatesource> ] [ <description> ] [ <multihop> ] [ <holdtime> ] [ <keepalive> ] [ <dscp> ] [ <routemapin> ] [ <routemapout> ] [ <filterlistin> ] [ <filterlistout> ] [ <prefixlistin> ] [ <prefixlistout> ] [ <maxprefixlimit> ] [ <defaultorigin> ] } ] [ { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> { TABLE_peer <inheritingpeer> } } ] ]

  • NEW: show [ ip ] bgp { peer-session [ <session-template-name> ] | peer-policy [ <policy-template-name> ] } [ __readonly__ TABLE_template <template> <present> [ { TABLE_command <command> [ <polarity> ] [ <updatesource> ] [ <description> ] [ <multihop> ] [ <holdtime> ] [ <keepalive> ] [ <dscp> ] [ <routemapin> ] [ <routemapout> ] [ <filterlistin> ] [ <filterlistout> ] [ <prefixlistin> ] [ <prefixlistout> ] [ <maxprefixlimit> ] [ <defaultorigin> ] } ] [ { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> { TABLE_peer <inheritingpeer> [ <interface-parent> ] } } ] ]

  • OLD: show boot timings

  • NEW: show boot timings [ detail ]

  • OLD: show bgp event-history { <bgp-event-hist> | msgs | sdwrap-errors }

  • NEW: show bgp event-history { cli | detail | errors | events | logs | msgs | objstore | periodic | sdwrap-errors | socket }

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] convergence [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ <starttime> <configdonetime> <juststarted> [ <initwaittime> ] [ <ldpconverged> ] [ <ulibconvergencesent> ] [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <bestpathtimeout> <configuredtimeout> <updatedelay> [ <firstpeerup> ] <timerrunning> [ <timerexpires> ] [ TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> <total_configured_peers> <total_capable_peers> <firstbestpathsignalled> [ <firstbestpathsignalledtime> ] <firstbestpathdone> [ <firstbestpathdonetime> [ <lastbestpathsignalledtime> <lastbestpathdonetime> ] ] [ <riblibconvergencesent> ] [ <importtimerrunning> ] [ <importtimerexpires> ] [ { TABLE_rcvdpeers [ <peer> ] [ <ipv6peer> ] [ <signalledtimepeer> ] } ] [ { TABLE_notrcvdpeers [ <notpeer> ] [ <notipv6peer> ] [ <nokeepalive> ] [ <notsignalledtime> ] } ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] convergence [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ <starttime> <configdonetime> <juststarted> [ <initwaittime> ] [ <ldpconverged> ] [ <ulibconvergencesent> ] [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <bestpathtimeout> <configuredtimeout> <updatedelay> [ <firstpeerup> ] <timerrunning> [ <timerexpires> ] [ TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> <total_configured_peers> <total_capable_peers> <firstbestpathsignalled> [ <firstbestpathsignalledtime> ] <firstbestpathdone> [ <firstbestpathdonetime> [ <lastbestpathsignalledtime> <lastbestpathdonetime> ] ] [ <riblibconvergencesent> ] [ <importtimerrunning> ] [ <importtimerexpires> ] [ { TABLE_rcvdpeers [ <peer> ] [ <ipv6peer> ] [ <signalledtimepeer> ] [ <interface-parent> ] } ] [ { TABLE_notrcvdpeers [ <notpeer> ] [ <notipv6peer> ] [ <nokeepalive> ] [ <notsignalledtime> ] } ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] process [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ [ <processid> <protocolstartedreason> <protocoltag> <protocolstate> <isolatemode> <gshut-aware> <gshut-activate> [ <gshut-map> ] <mmode> <memorystate> [ <mallocmemorystate> ] [ <platformmemorystate> ] [ <lowmemorytimer> ] [ <issu> ] <forwardingstatesaved> <asformat> [ <fabricsoo> ] [ <srgbmin> <srgbmax> ] [ <epeconfiguredpeers> <epeactivepeers> ] <attributeentries> <hwmattributeentries> <bytesused> <entriespendingdelete> <hwmentriespendingdelete> <pathsperattribute> <aspathentries> <aspathbytes> ] TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <vrf-id> ] [ <vrf-state> ] [ <vrf-state-rsn> ] [ <vrf-delete-pending> ] [ <vrf-evpn-mpls> ] [ <vrf-vni-id> ] [ <vrf-vni-id-valid> ] [ <vrf-topo-id> ] [ <vrf-encap-type> ] [ <vrf-vtep-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-virtual-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-vipr> ] [ <vrf-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vip-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vipr-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-router-id> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-id> ] [ <vrf-local-as> ] [ <vrf-confed-id> ] [ <vrf-cluster-id> ] [ <vrf-reconnect-interval> ] [ <vrf-peers> ] [ <vrf-pending-peers> ] [ <vrf-est-peers> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-rd-configured> ] [ <vrf-rd> ] [ <vrf-pending-rd> ] { TABLE_af <af-id> [ <af-name> ] [ <af-table-id> ] [ <af-state> ] [ <af-state-rsn> ] [ <af-num-peers> ] [ <af-num-active-peers> ] [ <af-peer-routes> ] [ <af-peer-paths> ] [ <af-peer-networks> ] [ <af-peer-aggregates> ] [ <af-export-rmap> ] [ <af-import-rmap> ] [ <af-retain-rt> ] [ { TABLE_redist <protocol> <route-map> } ] <wait-igp-convergence> [ { TABLE_add_paths_selection <route-map> } ] [ TABLE_export_rt <export-rt> ] [ TABLE_import_rt <import-rt> ] [ TABLE_evpn_export_rt <evpn-export-rt> ] [ TABLE_evpn_import_rt <evpn-import-rt> ] [ TABLE_mvpn_export_rt <mvpn-export-rt> ] [ TABLE_mvpn_import_rt <mvpn-import-rt> ] [ <af-label-mode> ] [ <af-aggregate-label> ] [ <srv6-alloc-mode> ] [ <srv6-end-function> ] [ <importdefault_prefixlimit> <importdefault_prefixcount> <importdefault_map> <importdefault_advertisevpn> ] <import_vrf_advertisevpn> [ <exportdefault_prefixlimit> <exportdefault_prefixcount> <exportdefault_map> <exportdefault_allowvpn> ] <export_vrf_allowvpn> <af-rr> <default-information-enabled> [ <default-information-rd> <default-information-rt> ] <nexthop-trigger-delay-critical> <nexthop-trigger-delay-non-critical> [ <nexthop-route-map> ] } ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] process [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ [ <processid> <protocolstartedreason> <protocoltag> <protocolstate> <isolatemode> <gshut-aware> <gshut-activate> [ <gshut-map> ] <mmode> <memorystate> [ <mallocmemorystate> ] [ <platformmemorystate> ] [ <lowmemorytimer> ] [ <issu> ] <forwardingstatesaved> <asformat> [ <fabricsoo> ] [ <srgbmin> <srgbmax> ] [ <epeconfiguredpeers> <epeactivepeers> ] <attributeentries> <hwmattributeentries> <bytesused> <entriespendingdelete> <hwmentriespendingdelete> <pathsperattribute> <aspathentries> <aspathbytes> ] TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <vrf-id> ] [ <vrf-state> ] [ <vrf-state-rsn> ] [ <vrf-delete-pending> ] [ <vrf-evpn-mpls> ] [ <vrf-vni-id> ] [ <vrf-vni-id-valid> ] [ <vrf-topo-id> ] [ <vrf-encap-type> ] [ <vrf-vtep-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-virtual-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-vipr> ] [ <vrf-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vip-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vipr-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-router-id> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-id> ] [ <vrf-local-as> ] [ <vrf-confed-id> ] [ <vrf-cluster-id> ] [ <vrf-reconnect-interval> ] [ <vrf-peers> ] [ <vrf-pending-peers> ] [ <vrf-est-peers> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-rd-configured> ] [ <vrf-rd> ] [ <vrf-pending-rd> ] { TABLE_af <af-id> [ <af-name> ] [ <af-table-id> ] [ <af-state> ] [ <af-state-rsn> ] [ <af-num-peers> ] [ <af-num-active-peers> ] [ <af-peer-routes> ] [ <af-peer-paths> ] [ <af-peer-networks> ] [ <af-peer-aggregates> ] [ <af-export-rmap> ] [ <af-import-rmap> ] [ <af-retain-rt> ] [ { TABLE_redist <protocol> <route-map> } ] <wait-igp-convergence> [ { TABLE_add_paths_selection <route-map> } ] [ TABLE_export_rt <export-rt> ] [ TABLE_import_rt <import-rt> ] [ TABLE_evpn_export_rt <evpn-export-rt> ] [ TABLE_evpn_import_rt <evpn-import-rt> ] [ TABLE_mvpn_export_rt <mvpn-export-rt> ] [ TABLE_mvpn_import_rt <mvpn-import-rt> ] [ <af-label-mode> ] [ <af-aggregate-label> ] [ <af-alloc-index> ] [ <srv6-sid-locator-name> ] [ <srv6-sid-locator-id> ] [ <srv6-sid-locator-prefix> ] [ <srv6-sid-src-enc-address> ] [ <srv6-vrf-sid-alloc> ] [ <srv6-vrf-dt46-sid> ] [ <srv6-vrf-dt-sid-alloc-pending> ] [ <srv6-vrf-dt-sid-del-pending> ] [ <srv6-vrf-sid-alloc-pending-reason> ] [ <srv6-tbl-sid-alloc> ] [ <srv6-tbl-dt-type> ] [ <srv6-tbl-dt-sid> ] [ <srv6-tbl-dt-sid-alloc-pending> ] [ <srv6-tbl-dt-sid-del-pending> ] [ <srv6-tbl-dt-sid-alloc-pending-reason> ] [ <srv6-alloc-mode> ] [ <importdefault_prefixlimit> <importdefault_prefixcount> <importdefault_map> <importdefault_advertisevpn> ] <import_vrf_advertisevpn> [ <exportdefault_prefixlimit> <exportdefault_prefixcount> <exportdefault_map> <exportdefault_allowvpn> ] <export_vrf_allowvpn> <af-rr> <default-information-enabled> [ <default-information-rd> <default-information-rt> ] <nexthop-trigger-delay-critical> <nexthop-trigger-delay-non-critical> [ <nexthop-route-map> ] } ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] sessions [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ <totalpeers> <totalestablishedpeers> <localas> TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <local-as> <vrfpeers> <vrfestablishedpeers> <router-id> [ TABLE_neighbor <neighbor-id> <connectionsdropped> <remoteas> [ <lastflap> ] [ <lastread> ] [ <lastwrite> ] <state> <localport> <remoteport> <notificationssent> <notificationsreceived> ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] sessions [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ <totalpeers> <totalestablishedpeers> <localas> TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <local-as> <vrfpeers> <vrfestablishedpeers> <router-id> [ TABLE_neighbor <neighbor-id> <connectionsdropped> [ <interface-parent> ] <remoteas> [ <lastflap> ] [ <lastread> ] [ <lastwrite> ] <state> <localport> <remoteport> <notificationssent> <notificationsreceived> ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } regexp <regexp-str> [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } regexp <regexp-str> [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } self-originated [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } self-originated [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } summary [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <vrf-id> ] [ <vrf-state> ] [ <vrf-state-rsn> ] [ <vrf-delete-pending> ] [ <vrf-evpn-mpls> ] [ <vrf-vni-id> ] [ <vrf-vni-id-valid> ] [ <vrf-topo-id> ] [ <vrf-encap-type> ] [ <vrf-vtep-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-virtual-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-vipr> ] [ <vrf-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vip-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vipr-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-router-id> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-id> ] [ <vrf-local-as> ] [ <vrf-confed-id> ] [ <vrf-cluster-id> ] [ <vrf-reconnect-interval> ] [ <vrf-peers> ] [ <vrf-pending-peers> ] [ <vrf-est-peers> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-rd-configured> ] [ <vrf-rd> ] [ <vrf-pending-rd> ] [ TABLE_af <af-id> [ <af-name> ] [ <af-table-id> ] [ <af-state> ] [ <af-state-rsn> ] [ <af-num-peers> ] [ <af-num-active-peers> ] [ <af-peer-routes> ] [ <af-peer-paths> ] [ <af-peer-networks> ] [ <af-peer-aggregates> ] [ <af-export-rmap> ] [ <af-import-rmap> ] [ <af-retain-rt> ] TABLE_saf <safi> [ <af-name> ] [ <tableversion> ] [ <configuredpeers> ] [ <capablepeers> ] [ <totalnetworks> ] [ <totalpaths> ] [ <memoryused> ] [ <numberattrs> ] [ <bytesattrs> ] [ <numberpaths> ] [ <bytespaths> ] [ <numbercommunities> ] [ <bytescommunities> ] [ <numberclusterlist> ] [ <bytesclusterlist> ] [ <dampening> ] [ <historypaths> ] [ <dampenedpaths> ] [ <softreconfigrecvdpaths> ] [ <softreconfigidenticalpaths> ] [ <softreconfigcombopaths> ] [ <softreconfigfilteredrecvd> ] [ <softreconfigbytes> ] [ TABLE_neighbor <neighborid> [ <neighborversion> ] [ <msgrecvd> ] [ <msgsent> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <inq> ] [ <outq> ] [ <neighboras> ] [ <time> ] [ <state> ] [ <prefixreceived> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } summary [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <vrf-id> ] [ <vrf-state> ] [ <vrf-state-rsn> ] [ <vrf-delete-pending> ] [ <vrf-evpn-mpls> ] [ <vrf-vni-id> ] [ <vrf-vni-id-valid> ] [ <vrf-topo-id> ] [ <vrf-encap-type> ] [ <vrf-vtep-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-virtual-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-vipr> ] [ <vrf-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vip-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vipr-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-router-id> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-id> ] [ <vrf-local-as> ] [ <vrf-confed-id> ] [ <vrf-cluster-id> ] [ <vrf-reconnect-interval> ] [ <vrf-peers> ] [ <vrf-pending-peers> ] [ <vrf-est-peers> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-rd-configured> ] [ <vrf-rd> ] [ <vrf-pending-rd> ] [ TABLE_af <af-id> [ <af-name> ] [ <af-table-id> ] [ <af-state> ] [ <af-state-rsn> ] [ <af-num-peers> ] [ <af-num-active-peers> ] [ <af-peer-routes> ] [ <af-peer-paths> ] [ <af-peer-networks> ] [ <af-peer-aggregates> ] [ <af-export-rmap> ] [ <af-import-rmap> ] [ <af-retain-rt> ] TABLE_saf <safi> [ <af-name> ] [ <tableversion> ] [ <configuredpeers> ] [ <capablepeers> ] [ <totalnetworks> ] [ <totalpaths> ] [ <memoryused> ] [ <numberattrs> ] [ <bytesattrs> ] [ <numberpaths> ] [ <bytespaths> ] [ <numbercommunities> ] [ <bytescommunities> ] [ <numberclusterlist> ] [ <bytesclusterlist> ] [ <dampening> ] [ <historypaths> ] [ <dampenedpaths> ] [ <softreconfigrecvdpaths> ] [ <softreconfigidenticalpaths> ] [ <softreconfigcombopaths> ] [ <softreconfigfilteredrecvd> ] [ <softreconfigbytes> ] [ TABLE_neighbor <neighborid> [ <neighborversion> ] [ <msgrecvd> ] [ <msgsent> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <inq> ] [ <outq> ] [ <neighboras> ] [ <time> ] [ <state> ] [ <prefixreceived> ] [ <interface-parent> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } community { <regexp-str> | { { <comm-id> | <wellknown-id> } + [ exact-match ] } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } community { <regexp-str> | { { <comm-id> | <wellknown-id> } + [ exact-match ] } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } dampening { dampened-paths [ regexp <regexp-str> ] | history-paths [ regexp <regexp-str> ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } dampening { dampened-paths [ regexp <regexp-str> ] | history-paths [ regexp <regexp-str> ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } extcommunity { <regexp-str> | { { 4byteas-generic { transitive <ext-comm-gen-trans> | non-transitive <ext-comm-gen-nontrans> } } + [ exact-match ] } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } extcommunity { <regexp-str> | { { 4byteas-generic { transitive <ext-comm-gen-trans> | non-transitive <ext-comm-gen-nontrans> } } + [ exact-match ] } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } received-paths [ private ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } received-paths [ private ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } { route-map { <rmap-name> | <rmap-name> } | filter-list { <fltrlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } | { community-list { <commlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } | extcommunity-list { <extcommlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } } [ exact-match ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } { route-map { <rmap-name> | <rmap-name> } | filter-list { <fltrlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } | { community-list { <commlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } | extcommunity-list { <extcommlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } } [ exact-match ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } } prefix-list { <prfxlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } } prefix-list { <prfxlist-name> | <test_pol_name> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast } nexthop <ipnexthop> | { ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] } nexthop <ipv6nexthop> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | link-state | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | l2vpn evpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast } nexthop <ipnexthop> | { ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] } nexthop <ipv6nexthop> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast } [ <ip-addr> [ <ip-mask> [ longer-prefixes ] ] [ detail ] | <ip-prefix> [ longer-prefixes ] [ detail ] | labels | exported | imported | detail ] | { ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast } [ <ipv6-prefix> [ longer-prefixes ] [ detail ] | labels | exported | imported | detail ] | { ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] } [ <ip-addr> [ <ip-mask> ] | <ip-prefix> | labels | mdt-group <mdt-group> ] | { ipv4 | ipv6 } unicast [ injected-routes ] | link-state [ route-type <rt-type> | <ipv4-ls-rt> | <ipv6-ls-rt> ] | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ { <ip-addr> [ <ip-mask> ] | <ip-prefix> } | { ve-id <ve-id> block-offset <ve-bs> } ] ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ join <v4src-addr> <v4grp-addr> <src-asn> | rp <v4src-addr> <grp-v4prefix> <pe-addr> <rp-flags> <rp-priority> <hashlen> | sa <grp-v4prefix> | sa-ad <v4src-addr> <v4grp-addr> | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] ] | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] | join [ detail ] | sa-ad [ detail ] | i-pmsi [ detail ] ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ join <v6src-addr> <v6grp-addr> <src-asn> | rp <v6src-addr> <grp-v6prefix> <pe-addr> <rp-flags> <rp-priority> <hashlen> | sa <grp-v6prefix> | sa-ad <v6src-addr> <v6grp-addr> | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] ] | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] | join [ detail ] | sa-ad [ detail ] | i-pmsi [ detail ] ] | l2vpn evpn [ route-type <rtype> [ etid <et> ] | rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ route-type <rtype> [ etid <et> ] | <ipv4-evpn-rt> | <ipv6-evpn-rt> | <mac-address> ] | vni-id <vni_id> [ route-type <rtype> ] | es <es-id> [ route-type <rtype> [ etid <et> ] ] | <ipv4-evpn-rt> | <ipv6-evpn-rt> | <mac-address> ] | all [ detail ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | vpnv4 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv4 labeled-unicast } [ <ip-addr> [ <ip-mask> [ longer-prefixes ] ] [ detail ] | <ip-prefix> [ longer-prefixes ] [ detail ] | labels | exported | imported | detail ] | { ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | vpnv6 unicast [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] | ipv6 labeled-unicast } [ <ipv6-prefix> [ longer-prefixes ] [ detail ] | labels | exported | imported | detail ] | { ipv4 mdt [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } ] } [ <ip-addr> [ <ip-mask> ] | <ip-prefix> | labels | mdt-group <mdt-group> ] | { ipv4 | ipv6 } unicast [ injected-routes ] | link-state [ route-type <rt-type> | <ipv4-ls-rt> | <ipv6-ls-rt> ] | l2vpn vpls [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ { <ip-addr> [ <ip-mask> ] | <ip-prefix> } | { ve-id <ve-id> block-offset <ve-bs> } ] ] | ipv4 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ join <v4src-addr> <v4grp-addr> <src-asn> | rp <v4src-addr> <grp-v4prefix> <pe-addr> <rp-flags> <rp-priority> <hashlen> | sa <grp-v4prefix> | sa-ad <v4src-addr> <v4grp-addr> | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] ] | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] | join [ detail ] | sa-ad [ detail ] | i-pmsi [ detail ] ] | ipv6 mvpn [ rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ join <v6src-addr> <v6grp-addr> <src-asn> | rp <v6src-addr> <grp-v6prefix> <pe-addr> <rp-flags> <rp-priority> <hashlen> | sa <grp-v6prefix> | sa-ad <v6src-addr> <v6grp-addr> | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] ] | route-type { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } [ detail ] | join [ detail ] | sa-ad [ detail ] | i-pmsi [ detail ] ] | l2vpn evpn [ route-type <rtype> [ etid <et> ] | detail | rd { <ext-comm-rd-aa2nn4> | <ext-comm-rd-aa4nn2> } [ route-type <rtype> [ etid <et> ] | <ipv4-evpn-rt> | <ipv6-evpn-rt> | <mac-address> ] | vni-id <vni_id> [ route-type <rtype> | detail ] | es <es-id> [ route-type <rtype> [ etid <et> ] ] | <ipv4-evpn-rt> | <ipv6-evpn-rt> | <mac-address> ] | all [ detail ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls | ipv4 mvpn | ipv6 mvpn | l2vpn evpn | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } summary [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <vrf-id> ] [ <vrf-state> ] [ <vrf-state-rsn> ] [ <vrf-delete-pending> ] [ <vrf-evpn-mpls> ] [ <vrf-vni-id> ] [ <vrf-vni-id-valid> ] [ <vrf-topo-id> ] [ <vrf-encap-type> ] [ <vrf-vtep-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-virtual-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-vipr> ] [ <vrf-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vip-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vipr-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-router-id> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-id> ] [ <vrf-local-as> ] [ <vrf-confed-id> ] [ <vrf-cluster-id> ] [ <vrf-reconnect-interval> ] [ <vrf-peers> ] [ <vrf-pending-peers> ] [ <vrf-est-peers> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-rd-configured> ] [ <vrf-rd> ] [ <vrf-pending-rd> ] [ TABLE_af <af-id> [ <af-name> ] [ <af-table-id> ] [ <af-state> ] [ <af-state-rsn> ] [ <af-num-peers> ] [ <af-num-active-peers> ] [ <af-peer-routes> ] [ <af-peer-paths> ] [ <af-peer-networks> ] [ <af-peer-aggregates> ] [ <af-export-rmap> ] [ <af-import-rmap> ] [ <af-retain-rt> ] TABLE_saf <safi> [ <af-name> ] [ <tableversion> ] [ <configuredpeers> ] [ <capablepeers> ] [ <totalnetworks> ] [ <totalpaths> ] [ <memoryused> ] [ <numberattrs> ] [ <bytesattrs> ] [ <numberpaths> ] [ <bytespaths> ] [ <numbercommunities> ] [ <bytescommunities> ] [ <numberclusterlist> ] [ <bytesclusterlist> ] [ <dampening> ] [ <historypaths> ] [ <dampenedpaths> ] [ <softreconfigrecvdpaths> ] [ <softreconfigidenticalpaths> ] [ <softreconfigcombopaths> ] [ <softreconfigfilteredrecvd> ] [ <softreconfigbytes> ] [ TABLE_neighbor <neighborid> [ <neighborversion> ] [ <msgrecvd> ] [ <msgsent> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <inq> ] [ <outq> ] [ <neighboras> ] [ <time> ] [ <state> ] [ <prefixreceived> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | ipv4 mdt | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls | ipv4 mvpn | ipv6 mvpn | l2vpn evpn | ipv4 labeled-unicast | all } summary [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <vrf-id> ] [ <vrf-state> ] [ <vrf-state-rsn> ] [ <vrf-delete-pending> ] [ <vrf-evpn-mpls> ] [ <vrf-vni-id> ] [ <vrf-vni-id-valid> ] [ <vrf-topo-id> ] [ <vrf-encap-type> ] [ <vrf-vtep-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-virtual-ip> ] [ <vrf-vtep-vipr> ] [ <vrf-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vip-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-vipr-router-mac> ] [ <vrf-router-id> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-id> ] [ <vrf-local-as> ] [ <vrf-confed-id> ] [ <vrf-cluster-id> ] [ <vrf-reconnect-interval> ] [ <vrf-peers> ] [ <vrf-pending-peers> ] [ <vrf-est-peers> ] [ <vrf-cfgd-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-max-as-limit> ] [ <vrf-rd-configured> ] [ <vrf-rd> ] [ <vrf-pending-rd> ] [ TABLE_af <af-id> [ <af-name> ] [ <af-table-id> ] [ <af-state> ] [ <af-state-rsn> ] [ <af-num-peers> ] [ <af-num-active-peers> ] [ <af-peer-routes> ] [ <af-peer-paths> ] [ <af-peer-networks> ] [ <af-peer-aggregates> ] [ <af-export-rmap> ] [ <af-import-rmap> ] [ <af-retain-rt> ] TABLE_saf <safi> [ <af-name> ] [ <tableversion> ] [ <configuredpeers> ] [ <capablepeers> ] [ <totalnetworks> ] [ <totalpaths> ] [ <memoryused> ] [ <numberattrs> ] [ <bytesattrs> ] [ <numberpaths> ] [ <bytespaths> ] [ <numbercommunities> ] [ <bytescommunities> ] [ <numberclusterlist> ] [ <bytesclusterlist> ] [ <dampening> ] [ <historypaths> ] [ <dampenedpaths> ] [ <softreconfigrecvdpaths> ] [ <softreconfigidenticalpaths> ] [ <softreconfigcombopaths> ] [ <softreconfigfilteredrecvd> ] [ <softreconfigbytes> ] [ TABLE_neighbor <neighborid> [ <neighborversion> ] [ <msgrecvd> ] [ <msgsent> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <inq> ] [ <outq> ] [ <neighboras> ] [ <time> ] [ <state> ] [ <prefixreceived> ] [ <interface-parent> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp { { [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } } | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv4 labeled-unicast | l2vpn evpn } neighbors { <neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id> } { routes [ advertised | received | dampened ] | advertised-routes | received-routes } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_v6sid> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp { { [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } } | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | ipv4 labeled-unicast | l2vpn evpn } neighbors { <neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id> } { routes [ advertised | received | dampened ] | advertised-routes | received-routes } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_afi <afi> TABLE_safi <safi> <af-name> [ <table-version> <router-id> ] [ TABLE_rd [ <rd_val> [ <rd_vrf> ] [ <rd_vniid> ] ] [ TABLE_prefix { <ipprefix> | <ipv6prefix> | <nonipprefix> } [ <prefixversion> <totalpaths> <bestpathnr> [ <on-newlist> <on-xmitlist> <suppressed> <needsresync> <locked> ] [ <table-map-filtered> ] [ <export-on-newlist> <export-on-xmitlist> ] [ <srv6-local-sid> ] [ <locallabel> ] [ <labelhldwstr> ] [ <mpath> ] ] { TABLE_path <pathnr> { { <status> <best> <type> <statuscode> <bestcode> <typecode> { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } { { <inlabel> <outlabel> <vpn> <hold_down> } | { <weight> <aspath> <origin> [ <metric> ] [ <localpref> ] } } } | { [ <policyincomplete> <pathvalid> <pathbest> <pathdeleted> <pathstaled> <pathhistory> <pathovermaxaslimit> <pathmultipath> <pathnolabeledrnh> <pathlocator> ] [ <importsource> [ <originalimportsource> ] ] [ <importdestscount> ] [ TABLE_importdests <importdest> ] [ <existpath> ] [ <aspath> <source> ] { <ipnexthop> | <ipv6nexthop> } <nexthopmetric> { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> } <neighborid> <origin> [ <metric> ] <localpref> <weight> [ <aggregator> <aggregatoras> <atomicaggregate> ] [ <inlabel> ] [ <originflag> ] [ { TABLE_community <community> } ] [ { TABLE_extcommunity <extcommunity> } ] [ <originatorid> { TABLE_clusterlist <clusterlist> } ] [ <flappenalty> <dampenedtime> <flaps> <flaptime> <flapflags> <flapindex> <flaphalflife> <flapreuse> <flapsuppress> <flapmax> ] [ <con_type> <con_len> <con_rd> <con_ip> ] [ <psid_len> [ <psid_lindx_len> <psid_lindx_flag> <psid_lindx> ] [ <psid_v6sid_len> <psid_sub_type> <psid_v6sid> <psid_func_len> <psid_trans_len> <psid_trans_off> ] [ <psid_origsrgb_len> <psid_origsrgb_flag> <psid_origsrgb_base> <psid_origsrgb_end> ] ] [ <remotenh> <remotenh_encap> <remotenh_vnid> <remotenh_mac> ] [ <pmsi> ] [ <evpn-esi> ] [ <link-state-attr> <link-state-attr-len> ] [ <mdt_grp_addr> ] [ TABLE_path_attr_list <path_attr_list> [ TABLE_attr <attr_num> <attr_code_str> <attr_code_hex> <attr_flags> <attr_len> [ TABLE_attr_val <attr_value> ] ] ] } } } [ TABLE_advertisedto <advertisedto> ] [ TABLE_scheduledto <scheduledto> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show bgp { { [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } } | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls | l2vpn evpn | ipv4 mvpn | ipv6 mvpn | ipv4 labeled-unicast } neighbors [ { <neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id> | <neighbor-prefix-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-prefix-id> } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_neighbor { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> | <templatepeer> | <ipv4prefixneighbor> | <ipv6prefixneighbor> } [ <remoteas> ] [ <localas> ] <link> [ <peertype> ] [ <index> ] [ TABLE_peer <peer> ] [ <maxprefixpeers> ] [ <configpeer> ] [ <inherit-template> ] [ <inherit-session-template> ] [ { <prefix-parent> | <ipv6prefix-parent> } ] [ <description> ] [ <version> <remote-id> <state> <up> [ <elapsedtime> ] [ <restarttime> ] ] [ <sourceif> ] [ <connectedif> ] [ <connectedcheck> ] [ <lowmemexempt> ] [ <bfd> ] [ <bfdmintxinterval> ] [ <bfdminrxinterval> ] [ <bfdmultiplier> ] [ <bfdauthenticationtype> ] [ <ttlsecurity> ] [ <ttllimit> ] [ <dscp> ] [ <password> ] [ <passiveonly> ] [ <activepeers> <closingpeers> <maxconcurrentpeers> ] [ <allocatedpeers> ] [ <totalpeersaccepted> ] [ <localas-inactive> ] <remove-privateas> [ <gshut-activate> ] [ <gshut-map> ] { { [ <lastread> ] <holdtime> <keepalivetime> [ <lastwrite> ] [ <keepalive> ] <msgrecvd> <notificationsrcvd> <recvbufbytesinq> <msgsent> <notificationssent> <sentbytesoutstanding> <sentbytespacked> <connsestablished> <connsdropped> [ <connattempts> ] { { [ <peerresettime> ] <peerresetreason> [ <resettime> ] <resetreason> } | { [ <resettime> ] <resetreason> [ <peerresettime> ] <peerresetreason> } } [ <capsnegotiated> <capmpadvertised> [ <caprefreshadvertised> <capgrdynamicadvertised> ] [ <capmprecvd> <caprefreshrecvd> <capgrdynamicrecvd> ] [ <capolddynamicadvertised> <capolddynamicrecvd> <caprradvertised> <caprrrecvd> <capoldrradvertised> <capoldrrrecvd> <capas4advertised> <capas4recvd> ] [ { TABLE_af <af-afi> TABLE_saf <af-safi> <af-advertised> <af-recvd> <af-name> } ] [ <capgradvertised> <capgrrecvd> ] [ { TABLE_graf <gr-afi> TABLE_grsaf <gr-safi> <gr-af-name> <gr-adv> <gr-recv> <gr-fwd> } ] [ <grrestarttime> <grstaletime> ] [ <grrecvdrestarttime> ] [ [ { TABLE_addpathscapaf <addpathscap-afi> TABLE_addpathscapsaf <addpathscap-safi> <addpathscap-af-name> <addpathssendcap-adv> <addpathsrecvcap-adv> <addpathssendcap-recv> <addpathsrecvcap-recv> } ] [ <capaddpathsadvertised> <capaddpathsrecvd> ] ] [ <capextendednhadvertised> <capextendednhrecvd> ] [ { TABLE_capextendednhaf <capextendednh-afi> TABLE_capextendednhsaf <capextendednh-safi> <capextendednh-af-name> } ] ] } | { [ <configholdtime> <configkeepalivetime> ] } } [ <epe> ] [ <epe-adj-sids> ] [ <epe-peer-rpc-set> ] [ <epe-peer-sid> ] [ <epe-peer-set-name> ] [ <epe-peer-set-rpc-set> ] [ <epe-peer-set-sid> ] [ { TABLE_epe-adj { { <epe-adj-ip-local> <epe-adj-ip-remote> } | { <epe-adj-ipv6-local> <epe-adj-ipv6-remote> } } [ <epe-adj-ifindex> <epe-adj-rpc-set> <epe-adj-sid> ] } ] [ <grstate> <grexpiry> ] [ <firstkeepalive> ] [ <openssent> <opensrecvd> <updatessent> <updatesrecvd> <keepalivesent> <keepaliverecvd> <rtrefreshsent> <rtrefreshrecvd> <capabilitiessent> <capabilitiesrecvd> <bytessent> <bytesrecvd> ] [ TABLE_peraf <per-afi> TABLE_persaf <per-safi> <per-af-name> [ <tableversion> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <pfxrecvd> ] [ <pathsrecvd> ] [ <pfxbytes> ] [ <pfxsent> ] [ <pathssent> ] [ <conditionmap> <advertisemap> <advertisemapstatus> ] <insoftreconfigallowed> [ <insoftreconfigallowedalways> ] [ <sendcommunity> ] [ <sendextcommunity> ] [ { <localnexthop> | <ipv6localnexthop> } ] [ <thirdpartynexthop> ] [ <maxpfx> ] [ <maxpfx_threshold> ] [ <soo> ] [ <weight> ] [ <allowasin> ] <asoverride> <peerascheckdisabled> [ <vplssignalingprotocol> ] [ { TABLE_inpolicy <inpolicynr> <inpolicytype> <inpolicyname> [ <inpolicyhandle> ] } ] [ { TABLE_outpolicy <outpolicynr> <outpolicytype> <outpolicyname> [ <outpolicyhandle> ] } ] <rrconfigured> <defaultoriginate> [ <defaultoriginatermap> ] [ <defaultsent> ] [ <grpathssaved> ] [ <firsteorrecvd> ] [ <firsteortime> ] [ <pathsflushed> ] [ <lasteorrecvtime> ] [ <lasteorsenttime> ] [ <firstconvgtime> ] [ <pfxsentfirsteor> ] [ <unsuppress-map> ] [ { TABLE_policy_template <preference> <inherit-policy-template> } ] ] [ [ <threadid> ] [ <passivethreadid> <passivefd> ] [ { <localaddr> | <ipv6localaddr> } <localport> { <remoteaddr> | <ipv6remoteaddr> } <remoteport> <fd> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show bgp { { [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | ipv6 { unicast | multicast } | all } } | vpnv4 unicast | vpnv6 unicast | ipv6 labeled-unicast | link-state | l2vpn vpls | l2vpn evpn | ipv4 mvpn | ipv6 mvpn | ipv4 labeled-unicast } neighbors [ { <neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id> | <neighbor-prefix-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-prefix-id> | <neighbor-interface> } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_neighbor { <neighbor> | <ipv6neighbor> | <templatepeer> | <ipv4prefixneighbor> | <ipv6prefixneighbor> | <interfaceneighbor> } [ <remoteas> ] [ <localas> ] <link> [ <peertype> ] [ <index> ] [ { TABLE_conf-filter <discard-attr> } ] [ { TABLE_filter <in-attr-type> <no-discard-attr> <dfilter-type> } ] [ { TABLE_conf-wfilter <withdrawn-attr> } ] [ { TABLE_wfilter <in-wattr-type> <no-withdrawn-attr> <wfilter-type> } ] [ TABLE_peer <peer> ] [ <maxprefixpeers> ] [ <configpeer> ] [ <inherit-template> ] [ <inherit-session-template> ] [ { <prefix-parent> | <ipv6prefix-parent> | <interface-parent> } ] [ <description> ] [ <version> <remote-id> <prevstate> <state> <up> <vrf> [ <elapsedtime> ] [ <restarttime> ] ] [ <sourceif> ] [ <connectedif> ] [ <connectedcheck> ] [ <lowmemexempt> ] [ <bfd> ] [ <bfdmintxinterval> ] [ <bfdminrxinterval> ] [ <bfdmultiplier> ] [ <bfdauthenticationtype> ] [ <ttlsecurity> ] [ <ttllimit> ] [ <dscp> ] [ <password> ] [ <passiveonly> ] [ <activepeers> <closingpeers> <maxconcurrentpeers> ] [ <allocatedpeers> ] [ <totalpeersaccepted> ] [ <localas-inactive> ] <remove-privateas> [ <gshut-activate> ] [ <gshut-map> ] { { [ <lastread> ] <holdtime> <keepalivetime> [ <lastwrite> ] [ <keepalive> ] <msgrecvd> <notificationsrcvd> <recvbufbytesinq> <msgsent> <notificationssent> <sentbytesoutstanding> <sentbytespacked> <enhancederr> <discardattrs> <connsestablished> <connsdropped> [ <connattempts> ] { { [ <peerresettime> ] <peerresetreason> <errlenrcvd> <errvalrcvd> <rstmajrcvd> <rstminrcvd> [ <resettime> ] <resetreason> <errlensnt> <errvalsnt> <rstmajsnt> <rstminsnt> } | { [ <resettime> ] <resetreason> <errlensnt> <errvalsnt> <rstmajsnt> <rstminsnt> [ <peerresettime> ] <peerresetreason> <errlenrcvd> <errvalrcvd> <rstmajrcvd> <rstminrcvd> } } [ <capsnegotiated> <capmpadvertised> [ <caprefreshadvertised> <capgrdynamicadvertised> ] [ <capmprecvd> <caprefreshrecvd> <capgrdynamicrecvd> ] [ <capolddynamicadvertised> <capolddynamicrecvd> <caprradvertised> <caprrrecvd> <capoldrradvertised> <capoldrrrecvd> <capas4advertised> <capas4recvd> ] [ { TABLE_af <af-afi> TABLE_saf <af-safi> <af-advertised> <af-recvd> <af-name> } ] [ <capgradvertised> <capgrrecvd> ] [ { TABLE_graf <gr-afi> TABLE_grsaf <gr-safi> <gr-af-name> <gr-adv> <gr-recv> <gr-fwd> } ] [ <grrestarttime> <grstaletime> ] [ <grrecvdrestarttime> ] [ [ { TABLE_addpathscapaf <addpathscap-afi> TABLE_addpathscapsaf <addpathscap-safi> <addpathscap-af-name> <addpathssendcap-adv> <addpathsrecvcap-adv> <addpathssendcap-recv> <addpathsrecvcap-recv> } ] [ <capaddpathsadvertised> <capaddpathsrecvd> ] ] [ <capextendednhadvertised> <capextendednhrecvd> ] [ { TABLE_capextendednhaf <capextendednh-afi> TABLE_capextendednhsaf <capextendednh-safi> <capextendednh-af-name> } ] ] } | { [ <configholdtime> <configkeepalivetime> ] } } [ <epe> ] [ <epe-adj-sids> ] [ <epe-peer-rpc-set> ] [ <epe-peer-sid> ] [ <epe-peer-set-name> ] [ <epe-peer-set-rpc-set> ] [ <epe-peer-set-sid> ] [ { TABLE_epe-adj { { <epe-adj-ip-local> <epe-adj-ip-remote> } | { <epe-adj-ipv6-local> <epe-adj-ipv6-remote> } } [ <epe-adj-ifindex> <epe-adj-rpc-set> <epe-adj-sid> ] } ] [ <grstate> <grexpiry> ] [ <firstkeepalive> ] [ <openssent> <opensrecvd> <updatessent> <updatesrecvd> <keepalivesent> <keepaliverecvd> <rtrefreshsent> <rtrefreshrecvd> <capabilitiessent> <capabilitiesrecvd> <bytessent> <bytesrecvd> ] [ TABLE_peraf <per-afi> TABLE_persaf <per-safi> <per-af-name> [ <tableversion> ] [ <neighbortableversion> ] [ <pfxrecvd> ] [ <pathsrecvd> ] [ <pfxbytes> ] [ <pfxtreataswithdrawn> ] [ <pfxsent> ] [ <pathssent> ] [ <conditionmap> <advertisemap> <advertisemapstatus> ] <insoftreconfigallowed> [ <insoftreconfigallowedalways> ] [ <sendcommunity> ] [ <sendextcommunity> ] [ { <localnexthop> | <ipv6localnexthop> } ] [ <thirdpartynexthop> ] [ <maxpfx> ] [ <maxpfx_threshold> ] [ <soo> ] [ <weight> ] [ <allowasin> ] <asoverride> <peerascheckdisabled> [ <vplssignalingprotocol> ] [ { TABLE_inpolicy <inpolicynr> <inpolicytype> <inpolicyname> [ <inpolicyhandle> ] } ] [ { TABLE_outpolicy <outpolicynr> <outpolicytype> <outpolicyname> [ <outpolicyhandle> ] } ] <rrconfigured> <defaultoriginate> [ <defaultoriginatermap> ] [ <defaultsent> ] [ <grpathssaved> ] [ <firsteorrecvd> ] [ <firsteortime> ] [ <pathsflushed> ] [ <lasteorrecvtime> ] [ <lasteorsenttime> ] [ <firstconvgtime> ] [ <pfxsentfirsteor> ] [ <unsuppress-map> ] [ { TABLE_policy_template <preference> <inherit-policy-template> } ] ] [ [ <threadid> ] [ <passivethreadid> <passivefd> ] [ { <localaddr> | <ipv6localaddr> } <localport> { <remoteaddr> | <ipv6remoteaddr> } <remoteport> <fd> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show catena <instance-name> [ brief ] [ __readonly__ <instance_name> <state> { TABLE_chain <chain> [ TABLE_rule <seqno> <aclname> <whichconfig> [ <vlan_group> ] [ <ingress_port> ] [ <egress_port> ] [ <egress_device> ] [ <mode> ] [ <l2_lb> ] ] } ]

  • NEW: show catena <instance-name> [ brief ] [ __readonly__ <instance_name> <state> { TABLE_chain <chain> [ TABLE_rule <seqno> <aclname> <whichconfig> [ <vlan_group> ] [ <ingress_port> ] [ <egress_port> ] [ <egress_device> ] [ <mode> ] [ <l2_lb> ] ] } [ { TABLE_dgroup <name> [ <vrf> ] [ <probe> ] [ <srcloopbackip> ] <num_nodes> [ { TABLE_node <node_ip> <status> } ] } ] ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker forwarding single-route { ipv4 | ipv6 } <ip-prefix> vrf <vrf-name> [ brief | detail ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker forwarding single-route { ipv4 | ipv6 } <ip-prefix> vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> } [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker gwmacdb

  • NEW: show consistency-checker gwmacdb [ interface { <int-id> | <ch-id> | <vlan-id> } ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker l2-tahoe mac-address <mac-addr> [ module <module> ] [ unit <unit> ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker l2-tahoe mac-address <mac-addr> [ module <module> ] [ unit <unit> ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker l3 multicast [ group { <grp-address> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> } ] source <src-address> vrf <vrf-string> [ debug-logs ] [ brief | detail ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker l3 multicast [ group { <grp-address> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> } ] source <src-address> vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> } [ debug-logs ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker l3-interface { module <moduleid> | interface <ifid> } [ brief | detail ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker l3-interface { all | module <moduleid> | interface { <ifid> | <ch-id> | <vlan-id> } } [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker membership vlan <vlanid> [ private-vlan [ interface [ <int-id> | <ch-id> ] ] ] [ native-vlan ] [ brief | detail ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker membership vlan <vlanid> [ [ interface <intf-id> ] | [ private-vlan [ interface [ <int-id> | <ch-id> ] ] ] ] [ native-vlan ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker qinq

  • NEW: show consistency-checker qinq [ interface [ <int-id> | <ch-id> ] ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker segment-routing mpls ip <ip-address> mask <ip-mask> vrf <vrf-name> [ brief | detail ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker segment-routing mpls { ip <ip-address> mask <ip-mask> vrf <vrf-name> | label <label> } [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker stp-state vlan <vlan> [ brief | detail ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker stp-state vlan <vlan> [ interface <int-id> ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker vxlan config-check [ verbose-mode ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker vxlan config-check [ verbose-mode ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker vxlan infra [ verbose-mode ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker vxlan infra [ verbose-mode ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker vxlan l2 module <module>

  • NEW: show consistency-checker vxlan l2 module <module> [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show consistency-checker vxlan vlan { <vlanid> | all } [ verbose-mode ]

  • NEW: show consistency-checker vxlan vlan { <vlanid> | all } [ verbose-mode ] [ brief | detail ]

  • OLD: show debug ipv6 { icmp | mld | nd }

  • NEW: show debug ipv6 { icmp | nd }

  • OLD: show encryption service stat [ __readonly__ [ <encryptionService> <MasterKeyEncryption> <Type6Encryption> ] ]

  • NEW: show encryption service status [ __readonly__ [ <encryptionService> <MasterKeyEncryption> <Type6Encryption> ] ]

  • OLD: show event manager system-policy [ all | <policy-name> ] [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_eem [ <thresh_min> ] [ <thresh_max> ] <event_name> <event_description> <event_overridable> ] } ]

  • NEW: show event manager system-policy [ all | <policy-name> ] [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_eem [ <thresh_min> ] [ <thresh_max> ] <event_name> <event_description> <event_overridable> <event_type> ] } ]

  • OLD: show flow rtp { errors { active | history } | details } [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] [ __readonly__ [ <flow-timeout> ] [ { TABLE_flow_rtp <flow-rtp-index> [ <flow-type> ] [ <source-ip> ] [ <destination-ip> ] [ <bridge-domain-id> ] [ <source-port> ] [ <destination-port> ] [ <protocol> ] [ <packet-count> ] [ <bytes-per-sec> ] [ <start-time> ] [ <if-name> ] [ { TABLE_flow_rtp_errors <loss-start> [ <loss-end> ] [ <packet-loss> ] } ] } ] ]

  • NEW: show flow rtp { errors { active | history } | details } [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] [ __readonly__ [ <flow-timeout> ] [ { TABLE_flow_rtp <flow-rtp-index> [ <flow-type> ] [ <source-ip> ] [ <destination-ip> ] [ <bridge-domain-id> ] [ <source-port> ] [ <destination-port> ] [ <protocol> ] [ <packet-count> ] [ <bytes-per-sec> ] [ <bits-per-sec> ] [ <start-time> ] [ <if-name> ] [ { TABLE_flow_rtp_errors <loss-start> [ <loss-end> ] [ <packet-loss> ] } ] } ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } | table <tab_id> ] ipv6 multicast route { [ group { <group> | <group_addr> } | source { <source> | <source_addr> } | module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | all } ] + | summary [ module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] + } [ __readonly__ [ <table_type> ] [ <vrfname> ] [ <table_id> ] [ <num_routes> <num_starg_routes> <num_sg_routes> <num_gprefix_routes> ] [ <num_groups> ] [ <num_sources> ] [ <num_prefix_insert_fail> ] [ [ TABLE_MROUTE_INFO <address> [ <src_len> <grp_len> ] [ <df_ordinal> ] [ <rpfif> ] [ <rpf_ifindex> ] <flag> [ <flag_value> ] <route_pkts> <route_bytes> <oiflist_id> <oif_count> <oiflist_flag> [ TABLE_OIF_INFO <oifindex> [ <vlan> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INTF_INFO [ <oifname> ] [ <dvif> ] ] [ <platform_id> ] [ <encap_id> ] [ <hw_index> ] ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } | table <tab_id> ] ipv6 multicast route { [ group { <group> | <group_addr> } [ source { <source> | <source_addr> } ] | module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | all } ] + | summary [ module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] + } [ __readonly__ [ <table_type> ] [ <vrfname> ] [ <table_id> ] [ <num_routes> <num_starg_routes> <num_sg_routes> <num_gprefix_routes> ] [ <num_groups> ] [ <num_sources> ] [ <num_prefix_insert_fail> ] [ [ TABLE_MROUTE_INFO <address> [ <src_len> <grp_len> ] [ <df_ordinal> ] [ <rpfif> ] [ <rpf_ifindex> ] <flag> [ <flag_value> ] <route_pkts> <route_bytes> <oiflist_id> <oif_count> <oiflist_flag> [ TABLE_OIF_INFO <oifindex> [ <vlan> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INTF_INFO [ <oifname> ] [ <dvif> ] ] [ <platform_id> ] [ <encap_id> ] [ <hw_index> ] ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } | table <table_id> ] [ ipv4 ] multicast route [ platform ] { [ group { <gaddr> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> } | source { <saddr> [ <smask> ] | <sprefix> } | module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] + | summary [ module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] + } [ __readonly__ [ <table_type> ] [ <vrfname> ] [ <table_id> ] [ <num_routes> <num_starg_routes> <num_sg_routes> <num_gprefix_routes> ] [ <num_groups> ] [ <num_sources> ] [ <num_prefix_insert_fail> ] [ [ TABLE_MROUTE_INFO <mcast_addr> [ <src_len> <grp_len> ] [ <df_ordinal> ] [ <rpfif> ] [ <rpf_ifindex> ] <flag> [ <flag_value> ] <route_pkts> <route_bytes> <oiflist_id> <oif_count> [ <refcount> ] <oiflist_flag> [ TABLE_OIF_INFO <oifindex> [ TABLE_MCAST_VLAN_INFO [ <vlan> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INFO [ <oifname> ] [ <dvif> ] ] ] [ <platform_id> ] [ <encap_id> ] [ <hw_index> ] [ <oif_pkts> <oif_bytes> ] ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } | table <table_id> ] [ ipv4 ] multicast route [ platform ] { [ group { <gaddr> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> } [ source { <saddr> [ <smask> ] | <sprefix> } ] | module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] + | summary [ module <module> | vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] + } [ __readonly__ [ <table_type> ] [ <vrfname> ] [ <table_id> ] [ <num_routes> <num_starg_routes> <num_sg_routes> <num_gprefix_routes> ] [ <num_groups> ] [ <num_sources> ] [ <num_prefix_insert_fail> ] [ [ TABLE_MROUTE_INFO <mcast_addr> [ <src_len> <grp_len> ] [ <df_ordinal> ] [ <rpfif> ] [ <rpf_ifindex> ] <flag> [ <flag_value> ] <route_pkts> <route_bytes> <oiflist_id> <oif_count> [ <refcount> ] <oiflist_flag> [ TABLE_OIF_INFO <oifindex> [ TABLE_MCAST_VLAN_INFO [ <vlan> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INFO [ <oifname> ] [ <dvif> ] ] ] [ <platform_id> ] [ <encap_id> ] [ <hw_index> ] [ <oif_pkts> <oif_bytes> ] ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding distribution [ ip ] multicast route [ table <id> | vrf { <vrf_name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ [ group { <gaddr> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> } ] [ source { <saddr> [ <smask> ] | <sprefix> } ] | summary ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf [ <vrf-name> ] [ <table-name> ] [ <table-id> ] [ <table-wildcard> ] [ <total-num-groups> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <vrf-name> ] [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <num-star-g-route> ] [ <num-sg-route> ] [ <num-star-g-prfx> ] [ <num-group-count> ] ] [ TABLE_one_route [ <source-addrs> ] [ <source-len> ] [ <group-addrs> ] [ <group-len> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <rpf-intf> ] [ <flags> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <oiflist-index> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <mti-src-intf> ] [ <mti-grp-ip> ] [ <mti-src-ip> ] [ <next-hop> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding distribution [ ip ] multicast route [ table <id> | vrf { <vrf_name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ [ group { <gaddr> [ <mask> ] | <gprefix> } [ source { <saddr> [ <smask> ] | <sprefix> } ] ] | summary ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf [ <vrf-name> ] [ <table-name> ] [ <table-id> ] [ <table-wildcard> ] [ <total-num-groups> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <vrf-name> ] [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <num-star-g-route> ] [ <num-sg-route> ] [ <num-star-g-prfx> ] [ <num-group-count> ] ] [ TABLE_one_route [ <source-addrs> ] [ <source-len> ] [ <group-addrs> ] [ <group-len> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <rpf-intf> ] [ <flags> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <oiflist-index> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <mti-src-intf> ] [ <mti-grp-ip> ] [ <mti-src-ip> ] [ <next-hop> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding distribution ipv6 multicast route [ table <table_id> | vrf <vrf-name> ] [ [ group { <group> } ] [ source { <source> } ] | summary ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf [ <vrf-name> ] [ <table-name> ] [ <table-id> ] [ <total-num-groups> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <vrf-name> ] [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <num-star-g-route> ] [ <num-sg-route> ] [ <num-star-g-prfx> ] [ <num-group-count> ] ] [ TABLE_one_route [ <source-addrs> ] [ <source-len> ] [ <group-addrs> ] [ <group-len> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <rpf-intf> ] [ <flags> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <oiflist-index> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <mti-src-intf> ] [ <mti-grp-ip> ] [ <mti-src-ip> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding distribution ipv6 multicast route [ table <table_id> | vrf <vrf-name> ] [ [ group { <group> } [ source { <source> } ] ] | summary ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf [ <vrf-name> ] [ <table-name> ] [ <table-id> ] [ <total-num-groups> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <vrf-name> ] [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <num-star-g-route> ] [ <num-sg-route> ] [ <num-star-g-prfx> ] [ <num-group-count> ] ] [ TABLE_one_route [ <source-addrs> ] [ <source-len> ] [ <group-addrs> ] [ <group-len> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <rpf-intf> ] [ <flags> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <oiflist-index> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <mti-src-intf> ] [ <mti-grp-ip> ] [ <mti-src-ip> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding distribution l2 multicast [ ip-based | mac-based ] [ vlan <vlan-id> [ { group <grpaddr> [ source <srcaddr> ] } | destination-mac <dmac> ] ] [ summary ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_sum [ <mode> ] [ <num_vlan> ] [ <num_starg> ] [ <num_sg> ] [ <num_aggstarg> ] [ TABLE_sum_info [ <ftag_id> ] [ <vlan_id> ] [ <routable_flag> ] [ <num_starg> ] [ <num_sg> ] [ <num_aggstarg> ] [ <total_route> ] ] ] [ TABLE_route [ <vlan> ] [ <grp_str> ] [ <src_str> ] [ <grp_mac> ] [ <src_mac> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oiflist_id> ] [ <refcount> ] [ <l3_usage> ] [ <plt_index> ] [ <num_oif> ] [ <oif_name> ] [ <flags> ] [ <dvif> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding distribution l2 multicast [ ip-based | mac-based ] [ vlan <vlan-id> [ { group { <grpaddr> | <v6grpaddr> } [ source { <srcaddr> | <v6srcaddr> } ] } | destination-mac <dmac> ] ] [ summary ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_sum [ <mode> ] [ <num_vlan> ] [ <num_starg> ] [ <num_sg> ] [ <num_aggstarg> ] [ TABLE_sum_info [ <ftag_id> ] [ <vlan_id> ] [ <routable_flag> ] [ <v6_routable_flag> ] [ <num_starg> ] [ <num_sg> ] [ <num_aggstarg> ] [ <total_route> ] ] ] [ TABLE_route [ <vlan> ] [ <grp_str> ] [ <v6grp_str> ] [ <src_str> ] [ <v6src_str> ] [ <grp_mac> ] [ <src_mac> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oiflist_id> ] [ <refcount> ] [ <l3_usage> ] [ <plt_index> ] [ <num_oif> ] [ <oif_name> ] [ <flags> ] [ <dvif> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding ecmp recursive [ platform ] [ max-display-count <display_count> ] [ module <module> ] [ partial ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vobj { [ <header_vobj> ] [ <header_ecmp> ] } [ TABLE_vobj_idx { [ <hw_vobj_index> ] [ <cmn_index> ] } ] [ <num_pfxs> ] [ <ecmp_partial> ] [ <activepath_hdr> ] [ TABLE_active { [ TABLE_activepath { [ <ap_nh> ] [ <ap_v6nh> ] [ <ap_rnh_len> ] [ <ap_nh_vpn_label> ] [ <ap_rnh_table_id> ] [ <ap_nh_weight> ] } ] } ] [ <backuppath_hdr> ] [ TABLE_backuppath { [ <bp_nh> ] [ <bp_v6nh> ] [ <bp_nh_vpn_label> ] [ <bp_rnh_table_id> ] [ <bp_nh_weight> ] } ] [ <cnh_hdr> ] [ TABLE_cnh { [ <nh> ] [ <v6nh> ] [ <intf> ] [ TABLE_cnh_adj { [ <hw_adj> ] [ <hw_cmn_index> ] [ <lif> ] } ] } ] [ <hw_inst_n> ] [ <ls_count_n> ] [ <hw_inst_o> ] [ <ls_count_o> ] [ <fec_type> ] [ <header_fec_ecmp> ] [ <hw_vobj_fec_idx> ] [ <cmn_idx> ] [ <vobj_hw_inst_n> ] [ <vobj_ls_count_n> ] [ <vobj_hw_inst_o> ] [ <vobj_ls_count_o> ] [ <vobj_refcount> ] [ TABLE_vobj_ecmp { [ <ec_hash> ] [ <ec_num_paths> ] [ <ec_hwindex> ] [ <ec_ecmppartial> ] [ <ec_refcnt> ] [ <ec_ecmp_holder> ] } [ TABLE_adjacency_ec { [ <ec_intf> ] [ <ec_nh> ] [ <ec_v6nh> ] [ <ec_hw_adj_idx> ] [ <ec_hw_cmn_idx> ] [ <ec_lif> ] [ <ec_hw_nve_adj_idx> ] [ <ec_hw_nve_cmn_idx> ] [ <ec_nve_lif> ] } ] [ <ec_vobj_count> ] [ <ec_vxlan_vobj_count> ] [ <ec_vxlan> ] [ <ec_vobj_list_header> ] ] ] [ <header> <num_pfxs> <rnh_table_id> <nh> <rnh_len> <v6nh> <hw_instance> <nh_vpn_label> <nh_weight> <cnh_intf> <ecmp_partial> ] [ TABLE_ecmp { [ <hash> ] [ <num_paths> ] [ <hwindex> ] [ <ecmppartial> ] [ TABLE_index { [ <ecmp_idx> ] [ <cmn_idx> ] } ] [ <refcnt> ] [ <ecmp_holder> ] } [ TABLE_adjacency { [ <intf> ] [ <nh> ] [ <v6nh> ] [ <hw_adj_idx> ] [ <hw_cmn_idx> ] [ <lif> ] [ <hw_nve_adj_idx> ] [ <hw_nve_cmn_idx> ] [ <nve_lif> ] } ] [ <vobj_count> ] [ <vxlan_vobj_count> ] [ <vxlan> ] [ <vobj_list_header> ] [ TABLE_vobj_id { [ <vobj-id> ] } ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding ecmp recursive [ platform ] [ srv6 ] [ max-display-count <display_count> ] [ module <module> ] [ partial ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vobj { [ <header_vobj> ] [ <header_ecmp> ] } [ TABLE_vobj_idx { [ <hw_vobj_index> ] [ <cmn_index> ] } ] [ <num_pfxs> ] [ <ecmp_partial> ] [ <activepath_hdr> ] [ <ecmp_hw_prog_fail> ] [ TABLE_active { [ TABLE_activepath { [ <ap_nh> ] [ <ap_v6nh> ] [ <ap_rnh_len> ] [ <ap_nh_vpn_label> ] [ <ap_rnh_table_id> ] [ <ap_nh_weight> ] } ] } ] [ <backuppath_hdr> ] [ TABLE_backuppath { [ <bp_nh> ] [ <bp_v6nh> ] [ <bp_nh_vpn_label> ] [ <bp_rnh_table_id> ] [ <bp_nh_weight> ] } ] [ <cnh_hdr> ] [ TABLE_cnh { [ <nh> ] [ <v6nh> ] [ <intf> ] [ TABLE_cnh_adj { [ <hw_adj> ] [ <hw_cmn_index> ] [ <lif> ] } ] } ] [ <hw_inst_n> ] [ <ls_count_n> ] [ <hw_inst_o> ] [ <ls_count_o> ] [ <fec_type> ] [ <header_fec_ecmp> ] [ <hw_vobj_fec_idx> ] [ <cmn_idx> ] [ <vobj_hw_inst_n> ] [ <vobj_ls_count_n> ] [ <vobj_hw_inst_o> ] [ <vobj_ls_count_o> ] [ <vobj_refcount> ] [ <vobj_function> ] [ TABLE_vobj_ecmp { [ <ec_hash> ] [ <ec_num_paths> ] [ <ec_hwindex> ] [ <ec_ecmppartial> ] [ <ec_refcnt> ] [ <ec_ecmp_holder> ] } [ TABLE_adjacency_ec { [ <ec_intf> ] [ <ec_nh> ] [ <ec_v6nh> ] [ <ec_hw_adj_idx> ] [ <ec_hw_cmn_idx> ] [ <ec_lif> ] [ <ec_hw_nve_adj_idx> ] [ <ec_hw_nve_cmn_idx> ] [ <ec_nve_lif> ] } ] [ <ec_vobj_count> ] [ <ec_vxlan_vobj_count> ] [ <ec_vxlan> ] [ <ec_vobj_list_header> ] ] ] [ <header> <num_pfxs> <rnh_table_id> <nh> <rnh_len> <v6nh> <hw_instance> <nh_vpn_label> <nh_weight> <cnh_intf> <ecmp_partial> ] [ TABLE_ecmp { [ <hash> ] [ <num_paths> ] [ <hwindex> ] [ <ecmppartial> ] [ TABLE_index { [ <ecmp_idx> ] [ <cmn_idx> ] } ] [ <refcnt> ] [ <ecmp_holder> ] } [ TABLE_adjacency { [ <intf> ] [ <nh> ] [ <v6nh> ] [ <hw_adj_idx> ] [ <hw_cmn_idx> ] [ <lif> ] [ <hw_nve_adj_idx> ] [ <hw_nve_cmn_idx> ] [ <nve_lif> ] } ] [ <vobj_count> ] [ <vxlan_vobj_count> ] [ <vxlan> ] [ <vobj_list_header> ] [ TABLE_vobj_id { [ <vobj-id> ] } ] [ <vobj_function> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding l2 multicast { [ { vlan <vlan-id> [ { group <grpaddr> source <srcaddr> } | destination-mac <dstmac> ] } ] } [ vdc <vdc-id> ] [ module <num> ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_L2_MCAST_INFO <vlan_id> [ <group> ] [ <source> ] [ <dmac> ] <epoch> <resource_id> <dest_index> [ <hw_handle> ] [ <text> ] [ <value> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding l2 multicast { [ { vlan <vlan-id> [ { group <grpaddr> source <srcaddr> } | { group <v6grpaddr> source <v6srcaddr> } | destination-mac <dstmac> ] } ] } [ vdc <vdc-id> ] [ module <num> ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_L2_MCAST_INFO <vlan_id> [ <group> ] [ <group_v6> ] [ <source> ] [ <source_v6> ] [ <dmac> ] <epoch> <resource_id> <dest_index> [ <hw_handle> ] [ <text> ] [ <value> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding mpls [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } [ label <label-id> | <prefix> | <v6prefix> ] | table <table_id> [ label <label-id> | <prefix> | <v6prefix> ] | label-space <label-space-id> | label <label-id> | <prefix> | <v6prefix> ] [ stats ] [ module <module> ] [ implicit ] [ platform ] [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_mpls <label> [ { TABLE_table_id [ <out-table-id> ] [ <fec> ] [ <out-ip> ] [ <out-intf> ] [ <out-label> ] [ <out-op> ] [ <hh> ] [ <ref-count> ] } ] [ <in-pkts> ] [ <in-bytes> ] [ <swap-out-pkts> ] [ <swap-out-bytes> ] [ <tunnel-out-pkts> ] [ <tunnel-out-bytes> ] } ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding mpls [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } [ label <label-id> | <prefix> | <v6prefix> ] | table <table_id> [ label <label-id> | <prefix> | <v6prefix> ] | label-space <label-space-id> | label <label-id> | <prefix> | <v6prefix> ] [ stats ] [ module <module> ] [ implicit ] [ platform ] [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_mpls <label> [ { TABLE_table_id [ <out-table-id> ] [ <fec> ] [ <out-ip> ] [ <out-intf> ] [ <out-label> ] [ <out-op> ] [ <hh> ] [ <ref-count> ] [ <hw-index> ] } ] [ <in-pkts> ] [ <in-bytes> ] [ <swap-out-pkts> ] [ <swap-out-bytes> ] [ <tunnel-out-pkts> ] [ <tunnel-out-bytes> ] } ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding multicast outgoing-interface-list { L2 | L3 | vxlan-encap | vxlan-ir-dci-encap } [ platform ] [ module <module> ] [ <index> ] [ __readonly__ [ <refcount> ] [ <total_l2_oiflist> ] [ <total_l3_oiflist> ] [ <slot> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INFO <oiflist_idx> [ <vlan> ] [ <num_oif> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INTF_INFO [ <intf> ] [ <dvif> ] ] [ <encap_id> ] <hw_oiflist_idx> [ <mcidx> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show forwarding multicast outgoing-interface-list { L2 | L3 | vxlan-encap | vxlan-ir-dci-encap | mvpn } [ platform ] [ module <module> ] [ <index> ] [ __readonly__ [ <refcount> ] [ <total_l2_oiflist> ] [ <total_l3_oiflist> ] [ <slot> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INFO <oiflist_idx> [ <vlan> ] [ <num_oif> ] [ TABLE_MCAST_OIF_INTF_INFO [ <intf> ] [ <dvif> ] ] [ <encap_id> ] <hw_oiflist_idx> [ <mcidx> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show forwarding multicast-sr mac-trap-db

  • NEW: show forwarding multicast-sr mac-trap-db [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_mac_trap_db <mac-addr> <mac-trap-id> <ref-cnt> ] <total-count> } ]

  • OLD: show hardware profile buffer monitor [ interface <intf-num> | buffer-block <buf-blk> | multicast <mcst-blk> ] { brief | detail [ last <samples-per-intf> ] | sampling } [ module <module> ] | show hardware profile buffer monitor { internal-raw | summary [ module <module> ] } [ __readonly__ <cmd_name> <cmd_issue_time> [ TABLE_summary <summary_util_name> <summary_1sec_util> <summary_5sec_util> <summary_60sec_util> <summary_5min_util> <summary_1hr_util> <summary_total_buffer> <summary_class_threshold> ] [ TABLE_ucst_hdr <ucst_hdr_util_name> <ucst_hdr_1sec_util> <ucst_hdr_5sec_util> <ucst_hdr_60sec_util> <ucst_hdr_5min_util> <ucst_hdr_1hr_util> <ucst_hdr_total_buffer> <ucst_hdr_class_threshold> ] [ TABLE_brief_entry <brief_util_name> <brief_1sec_util> <brief_5sec_util> <brief_60sec_util> <brief_5min_util> <brief_1hr_util> ] [ TABLE_mcst_hdr <mcst_hdr_util_name> <mcst_hdr_1sec_util> <mcst_hdr_5sec_util> <mcst_hdr_60sec_util> <mcst_hdr_5min_util> <mcst_hdr_1hr_util> <mcst_hdr_total_buffer> <mcst_hdr_class_threshold> ] [ TABLE_detail_entry <detail_util_name> <detail_util_state> <time_stamp> <384k_util> <768k_util> <1152k_util> <1536k_util> <1920k_util> <2304k_util> <2688k_util> <3072k_util> <3456k_util> <3840k_util> <4224k_util> <4608k_util> <4992k_util> <5376k_util> <5760k_util> <6144k_util> ] [ TABLE_sampling <sampling_interval> ] ]

  • NEW: show hardware profile buffer monitor [ interface <intf-num> | buffer-block <buf-blk> | multicast <mcst-blk> ] { brief | detail [ last <samples-per-intf> ] | sampling } [ module <module> ] | show hardware profile buffer monitor { internal-raw | summary [ module <module> ] } [ __readonly__ <cmd_name> <cmd_issue_time> [ TABLE_summary <summary_util_name> <summary_1sec_util> <summary_5sec_util> <summary_60sec_util> <summary_5min_util> <summary_1hr_util> <summary_total_buffer> <summary_class_threshold> ] [ TABLE_ucst_hdr <ucst_hdr_util_name> <ucst_hdr_1sec_util> <ucst_hdr_5sec_util> <ucst_hdr_60sec_util> <ucst_hdr_5min_util> <ucst_hdr_1hr_util> <ucst_hdr_total_buffer> <ucst_hdr_class_threshold> ] [ TABLE_brief_entry <brief_util_name> <brief_1sec_util> <brief_5sec_util> <brief_60sec_util> <brief_5min_util> <brief_1hr_util> ] [ TABLE_mcst_hdr <mcst_hdr_util_name> <mcst_hdr_1sec_util> <mcst_hdr_5sec_util> <mcst_hdr_60sec_util> <mcst_hdr_5min_util> <mcst_hdr_1hr_util> <mcst_hdr_total_buffer> <mcst_hdr_class_threshold> ] [ TABLE_detail_entry <detail_util_name> <detail_util_state> [ TABLE_detail_data <time_stamp> <384k_util> <768k_util> <1152k_util> <1536k_util> <1920k_util> <2304k_util> <2688k_util> <3072k_util> <3456k_util> <3840k_util> <4224k_util> <4608k_util> <4992k_util> <5376k_util> <5760k_util> <6144k_util> ] ] [ TABLE_sampling <sampling_interval> ] ]

  • OLD: show install all impact epld <uri1> [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_compat <module> <type> <upgradable> <impact> <reason> } ] ]

  • NEW: show install all impact epld <uri1> [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_verinfo <ver_module> <ver_type> <epld_name> <run_ver> <new_ver> <upg_req> } ] [ { TABLE_compat <module> <type> <upgradable> <impact> <reason> } ] ]

  • OLD: show interface <ifeth> [ quick ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> <state> [ <state_rsn_desc> ] [ <state_rsn> ] [ <eth_rsn_fac> ] [ <eth_rsn_code> ] [ <admin_state> ] [ <share_state> ] [ <parent_interface> ] [ <vpc_status> ] [ <eth_bundle> ] [ <eth_hw_desc> ] [ <eth_hw_addr> ] [ <eth_bia_addr> ] [ <desc> ] [ <eth_ip_addr> ] [ <eth_ip_mask> ] [ <eth_ip_prefix> ] [ <eth_mtu> ] + [ <eth_bw> ] [ <eth_dly> ] [ <eth_reliability> ] [ <eth_txload> ] [ <eth_rxload> ] [ <eth_encap_vlan> ] [ <encapsulation> ] [ <medium> ] [ <eth_mode> ] [ <eth_duplex> ] [ <eth_speed> ] [ <eth_media> ] [ <eth_beacon> ] [ <eth_autoneg> ] [ <eth_in_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_out_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_mdix> ] [ <eth_ratemode> ] [ <eth_swt_monitor> ] [ <eth_ethertype> ] [ <eth_eee_state> ] [ <eth_admin_fec_state> ] [ <eth_oper_fec_state> ] [ <eth_members> ] [ <eth_link_flapped> ] [ <eth_clear_counters> ] [ <eth_reset_cntr> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inpkts> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outpkts> ] [ <eth_inucast> ] [ <eth_inmcast> ] [ <eth_inbcast> ] [ <eth_inpkts> ] [ <eth_inbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_inpkts> ] [ <eth_storm_supp> ] [ <eth_runts> ] [ <eth_giants> ] [ <eth_crc> ] [ <eth_nobuf> ] [ <eth_inerr> ] [ <eth_frame> ] [ <eth_overrun> ] [ <eth_underrun> ] [ <eth_ignored> ] [ <eth_watchdog> ] [ <eth_bad_eth> ] [ <eth_bad_proto> ] [ <eth_in_ifdown_drops> ] [ <eth_dribble> ] [ <eth_indiscard> ] [ <eth_inpause> ] [ <eth_outucast> ] [ <eth_outmcast> ] [ <eth_outbcast> ] [ <eth_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outerr> ] [ <eth_coll> ] [ <eth_deferred> ] [ <eth_latecoll> ] [ <eth_lostcarrier> ] [ <eth_nocarrier> ] [ <eth_babbles> ] [ <eth_outdiscard> ] [ <eth_outpause> ] [ <switchport> ] ]

  • NEW: show interface <ifeth> [ quick ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> <state> [ <state_rsn_desc> ] [ <state_rsn> ] [ <eth_rsn_fac> ] [ <eth_rsn_code> ] [ <admin_state> ] [ <share_state> ] [ <parent_interface> ] [ <vpc_status> ] [ <eth_bundle> ] [ <eth_hw_desc> ] [ <eth_hw_addr> ] [ <eth_bia_addr> ] [ <desc> ] [ <eth_ip_addr> ] [ <eth_ip_mask> ] [ <eth_ip_prefix> ] [ <eth_mtu> ] + [ <eth_bw> ] [ <eth_bw_str> ] [ <eth_dly> ] [ <eth_reliability> ] [ <eth_txload> ] [ <eth_rxload> ] [ <eth_encap_vlan> ] [ <encapsulation> ] [ <medium> ] [ <eth_mode> ] [ <eth_duplex> ] [ <eth_speed> ] [ <eth_media> ] [ <eth_beacon> ] [ <eth_autoneg> ] [ <eth_in_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_out_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_mdix> ] [ <eth_ratemode> ] [ <eth_swt_monitor> ] [ <eth_ethertype> ] [ <eth_eee_state> ] [ <eth_admin_fec_state> ] [ <eth_oper_fec_state> ] [ <eth_members> ] [ <eth_link_flapped> ] [ <eth_clear_counters> ] [ <eth_reset_cntr> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inpkts> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outpkts> ] [ <eth_inucast> ] [ <eth_inmcast> ] [ <eth_inbcast> ] [ <eth_inpkts> ] [ <eth_inbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_inpkts> ] [ <eth_storm_supp> ] [ <eth_runts> ] [ <eth_giants> ] [ <eth_crc> ] [ <eth_nobuf> ] [ <eth_inerr> ] [ <eth_frame> ] [ <eth_overrun> ] [ <eth_underrun> ] [ <eth_ignored> ] [ <eth_watchdog> ] [ <eth_bad_eth> ] [ <eth_bad_proto> ] [ <eth_in_ifdown_drops> ] [ <eth_dribble> ] [ <eth_indiscard> ] [ <eth_inpause> ] [ <eth_outucast> ] [ <eth_outmcast> ] [ <eth_outbcast> ] [ <eth_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outerr> ] [ <eth_coll> ] [ <eth_deferred> ] [ <eth_latecoll> ] [ <eth_lostcarrier> ] [ <eth_nocarrier> ] [ <eth_babbles> ] [ <eth_outdiscard> ] [ <eth_outpause> ] [ <switchport> ] ]

  • OLD: show interface <ifeth_ctr_dtl> counters detailed [ snmp ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> [ <eth_load_interval1_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_inpkts> ] [ <eth_inucast> ] [ <eth_inmcast> ] [ <eth_inbcast> ] [ <eth_ingiants> ] [ <eth_inbytes> ] [ <eth_storm_supp> ] [ <eth_inb64> ] [ <eth_inb65_127> ] [ <eth_inb128_255> ] [ <eth_inb256_511> ] [ <eth_inb512_1023> ] [ <eth_inb1024_1518> ] [ <eth_inb1519_1548> ] [ <eth_intrunk> ] [ <eth_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outucast> ] [ <eth_outmcast> ] [ <eth_outbcast> ] [ <eth_outgiants> ] [ <eth_outbytes> ] [ <eth_outb64> ] [ <eth_outb65_127> ] [ <eth_outb128_255> ] [ <eth_outb256_511> ] [ <eth_outb512_1023> ] [ <eth_outb1024_1518> ] [ <eth_outb1519_1548> ] [ <eth_outtrunk> ] [ <eth_nobuf> ] [ <eth_runts> ] [ <eth_crc> ] [ <eth_ecc> ] [ <eth_overrun> ] [ <eth_underrun> ] [ <eth_ignored> ] [ <eth_bad_eth> ] [ <eth_bad_proto> ] [ <eth_in_ifdown_drops> ] [ <eth_coll> ] [ <eth_latecoll> ] [ <eth_lostcarrier> ] [ <eth_nocarrier> ] [ <eth_babbles> ] [ <eth_watchdog> ] [ <eth_dribble> ] [ <eth_inerr> ] [ <eth_outerr> ] [ <eth_deferred> ] [ <eth_jabbers> ] [ <eth_shortframe> ] [ <eth_single_coll> ] [ <eth_multi_coll> ] [ <eth_excess_coll> ] [ <eth_indiscard> ] [ <eth_bad_encap> ] [ <eth_outcrc> ] [ <eth_symbol> ] [ <eth_out_drops> ] [ <eth_bpdu_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos0_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos1_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos2_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos3_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos4_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos5_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos6_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos7_outlost> ] [ <eth_inpause> ] [ <eth_outpause> ] [ <eth_resets> ] [ <eth_sqetest> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inpkts> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outpkts> ] [ <eth_ipmcast> ] [ <eth_inhw_switched> ] [ <eth_insw_switched> ] [ <eth_throtles> ] [ <eth_frame> ] [ <eth_outhw_switched> ] [ <eth_outsw_switched> ] [ <eth_buffail> ] [ <eth_bufswapped> ] [ <eth_arpdrops> ] [ <eth_out_ifdown_drops> ] ]

  • NEW: show interface <ifeth_ctr_dtl> counters detailed [ snmp ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> [ <eth_load_interval1_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_inpkts> ] [ <eth_inucast> ] [ <eth_inmcast> ] [ <eth_inbcast> ] [ <eth_ingiants> ] [ <eth_inbytes> ] [ <eth_storm_supp> ] [ <eth_inb64> ] [ <eth_inb65_127> ] [ <eth_inb128_255> ] [ <eth_inb256_511> ] [ <eth_inb512_1023> ] [ <eth_inb1024_1518> ] [ <eth_inb1519_1548> ] [ <eth_intrunk> ] [ <eth_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outucast> ] [ <eth_outmcast> ] [ <eth_outbcast> ] [ <eth_outgiants> ] [ <eth_outbytes> ] [ <eth_outb64> ] [ <eth_outb65_127> ] [ <eth_outb128_255> ] [ <eth_outb256_511> ] [ <eth_outb512_1023> ] [ <eth_outb1024_1518> ] [ <eth_outb1519_1548> ] [ <eth_outtrunk> ] [ <eth_nobuf> ] [ <eth_runts> ] [ <eth_crc> ] [ <eth_ecc> ] [ <eth_overrun> ] [ <eth_underrun> ] [ <eth_ignored> ] [ <eth_bad_eth> ] [ <eth_bad_proto> ] [ <eth_in_ifdown_drops> ] [ <eth_coll> ] [ <eth_latecoll> ] [ <eth_lostcarrier> ] [ <eth_nocarrier> ] [ <eth_babbles> ] [ <eth_watchdog> ] [ <eth_dribble> ] [ <eth_inerr> ] [ <eth_outerr> ] [ <eth_deferred> ] [ <eth_jabbers> ] [ <eth_shortframe> ] [ <eth_single_coll> ] [ <eth_multi_coll> ] [ <eth_excess_coll> ] [ <eth_indiscard> ] [ <eth_bad_encap> ] [ <eth_outcrc> ] [ <eth_symbol> ] [ <eth_out_drops> ] [ <eth_bpdu_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos0_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos1_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos2_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos3_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos4_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos5_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos6_outlost> ] [ <eth_cos7_outlost> ] [ <eth_inpause> ] [ <eth_outpause> ] [ <eth_resets> ] [ <eth_sqetest> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inpkts> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outpkts> ] [ <eth_ipmcast> ] [ <eth_inhw_switched> ] [ <eth_insw_switched> ] [ <eth_throtles> ] [ <eth_frame> ] [ <eth_outhw_switched> ] [ <eth_outsw_switched> ] [ <eth_buffail> ] [ <eth_bufswapped> ] [ <eth_arpdrops> ] [ <eth_out_ifdown_drops> ] [ <eth_fcoe_in_pkts> ] [ <eth_fcoe_in_octets> ] [ <eth_fcoe_out_pkts> ] [ <eth_fcoe_out_octets> ] [ <eth_nfcoe_in_pkts> ] [ <eth_nfcoe_in_octets> ] [ <eth_nfcoe_out_pkts> ] [ <eth_nfcoe_out_octets> ] ]

  • OLD: show interface <ifid_transceiver> transceiver [ calibrations | details | sprom ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> [ <sfp> ] [ <qsfp_or_cfp> ] [ <type> ] [ <name> ] [ <partnum> ] [ <rev> ] [ <serialnum> ] [ <nom_bitrate> ] [ <len_9> ] [ <len_9_2> ] [ <len_50> ] [ <len_625> ] [ <len_cu> ] [ <len_50_OM3> ] [ <txcvr_type> ] [ <connector_type> ] [ <bit_encoding> ] [ <protocol_type> ] [ <10gbe_code> ] [ <fiber_type_byte0> ] [ <fiber_type_byte1> ] [ <tx_range> ] [ <cable_type> ] [ <ciscoid> ] [ <ciscoid_1> ] [ <cisco_part_number> ] [ <cisco_product_id> ] [ <cisco_vendor_id> ] [ <firmware_version> ] [ <identifier> ] [ <ext_identifier> ] [ <connector> ] [ <infiniband_compliance_code> ] [ <sonet_compliance_code> ] [ <gigabit_ethernet_compliance_code> ] [ <fibre_chan_link_length> ] [ <fibre_chan_trans_technology> ] [ <fibre_chan_trans_tech_reserved> ] [ <fibre_chan_transmission_media> ] [ <fibre_chan_speed> ] [ <encoding> ] [ <br_nominal> ] [ <reserved1> ] [ <length_smf> ] [ <length_om5> ] [ <length_om4> ] [ <length_om3> ] [ <length_om2> ] [ <length_om1> ] [ <length_9u_1> ] [ <length_9u_2> ] [ <length_50u> ] [ <length_60u> ] [ <length_copper> ] [ <reserved3> ] [ <wave_length> ] [ <wave_len_tolerance> ] [ <vendor_oui> ] [ <vendor_part_no> ] [ <vendor_revision> ] [ <reserved4> ] [ <check_code_id> ] [ <options> ] [ <br_max> ] [ <br_min> ] [ <vendor_serial_no> ] [ <data_code> ] [ <diagnostic_monitoring_type> ] [ <enhanced_options> ] [ <sff8472compliance> ] [ <check_code_ext> ] [ <vendor_specific_data_id_data> ] [ <date_code> ] [ <clei_code> ] [ <power_class> ] [ <max_power> ] [ <cable_attenuation> ] [ <near_end_lanes> ] [ <far_end_lanes> ] [ <media_interface> ] [ <adv_code> ] [ <host_elt_intf_code> ] [ <med_intf_adv_code> ] [ <host_lane_count> ] [ <med_lane_count> ] [ <max_mod_temp> ] [ <min_mod_temp> ] [ <min_op_volt> ] [ <info_not_available> ] [ <temp_slope> ] [ <temp_offset> ] [ <volt_slope> ] [ <volt_offset> ] [ <curr_slope> ] [ <curr_offset> ] [ <tx_pwr_slope> ] [ <tx_pwr_offset> ] [ <rx_pwr_4> ] [ <rx_pwr_3> ] [ <rx_pwr_2> ] [ <rx_pwr_1> ] [ <rx_pwr_0> ] [ TABLE_lane [ <lane_number> ] [ <temperature> ] [ <temp_flag> ] [ <temp_alrm_hi> ] [ <temp_alrm_lo> ] [ <temp_warn_hi> ] [ <temp_warn_lo> ] [ <voltage> ] [ <volt_flag> ] [ <volt_alrm_hi> ] [ <volt_alrm_lo> ] [ <volt_warn_hi> ] [ <volt_warn_lo> ] [ <current> ] [ <current_flag> ] [ <current_alrm_hi> ] [ <current_alrm_lo> ] [ <current_warn_hi> ] [ <current_warn_lo> ] [ <tx_pwr> ] [ <tx_pwr_flag> ] [ <tx_pwr_alrm_hi> ] [ <tx_pwr_alrm_lo> ] [ <tx_pwr_warn_hi> ] [ <tx_pwr_warn_lo> ] [ <rx_pwr> ] [ <rx_pwr_flag> ] [ <rx_pwr_alrm_hi> ] [ <rx_pwr_alrm_lo> ] [ <rx_pwr_warn_hi> ] [ <rx_pwr_warn_lo> ] [ <xmit_faults> ] [ <snr> ] [ <snr_flag> ] [ <snr_alrm_hi> ] [ <snr_alrm_lo> ] [ <snr_warn_hi> ] [ <snr_warn_lo> ] [ <isi> ] [ <isi_flag> ] [ <isi_alrm_hi> ] [ <isi_alrm_lo> ] [ <isi_warn_hi> ] [ <isi_warn_lo> ] [ <pam> ] [ <pam_flag> ] [ <pam_alrm_hi> ] [ <pam_alrm_lo> ] [ <pam_warn_hi> ] [ <pam_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_warn_lo> ] [ <tec_current> ] [ <tec_current_flag> ] [ <tec_current_alrm_hi> ] [ <tec_current_alrm_lo> ] [ <tec_current_warn_hi> ] [ <tec_current_warn_lo> ] [ <laser_freq> ] [ <laser_freq_flag> ] [ <laser_freq_alrm_hi> ] [ <laser_freq_alrm_lo> ] [ <laser_freq_warn_hi> ] [ <laser_freq_warn_lo> ] [ <laser_temp> ] [ <laser_temp_flag> ] [ <laser_temp_alrm_hi> ] [ <laser_temp_alrm_lo> ] [ <laser_temp_warn_hi> ] [ <laser_temp_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_warn_lo> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show interface <ifid_transceiver> transceiver [ calibrations | details | sprom ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> [ <sfp> ] [ <qsfp_or_cfp> ] [ <type> ] [ <name> ] [ <partnum> ] [ <rev> ] [ <serialnum> ] [ <nom_bitrate> ] [ <len_9> ] [ <len_9_2> ] [ <len_50> ] [ <len_625> ] [ <len_cu> ] [ <len_50_OM3> ] [ <txcvr_type> ] [ <connector_type> ] [ <bit_encoding> ] [ <protocol_type> ] [ <10gbe_code> ] [ <fiber_type_byte0> ] [ <fiber_type_byte1> ] [ <tx_range> ] [ <cable_type> ] [ <ciscoid> ] [ <ciscoid_1> ] [ <cisco_part_number> ] [ <cisco_product_id> ] [ <cisco_version_id> ] [ <cisco_vendor_id> ] [ <firmware_version> ] [ <identifier> ] [ <ext_identifier> ] [ <connector> ] [ <infiniband_compliance_code> ] [ <sonet_compliance_code> ] [ <gigabit_ethernet_compliance_code> ] [ <fibre_chan_link_length> ] [ <fibre_chan_trans_technology> ] [ <fibre_chan_trans_tech_reserved> ] [ <fibre_chan_transmission_media> ] [ <fibre_chan_speed> ] [ <encoding> ] [ <br_nominal> ] [ <reserved1> ] [ <length_smf> ] [ <length_om5> ] [ <length_om4> ] [ <length_om3> ] [ <length_om2> ] [ <length_om1> ] [ <length_9u_1> ] [ <length_9u_2> ] [ <length_50u> ] [ <length_60u> ] [ <length_copper> ] [ <reserved3> ] [ <wave_length> ] [ <wave_len_tolerance> ] [ <vendor_oui> ] [ <vendor_part_no> ] [ <vendor_revision> ] [ <reserved4> ] [ <check_code_id> ] [ <options> ] [ <br_max> ] [ <br_min> ] [ <vendor_serial_no> ] [ <data_code> ] [ <diagnostic_monitoring_type> ] [ <enhanced_options> ] [ <sff8472compliance> ] [ <check_code_ext> ] [ <vendor_specific_data_id_data> ] [ <date_code> ] [ <clei_code> ] [ <power_class> ] [ <max_power> ] [ <cable_attenuation> ] [ <near_end_lanes> ] [ <far_end_lanes> ] [ <media_interface> ] [ <adv_code> ] [ <host_elt_intf_code> ] [ <med_intf_adv_code> ] [ <host_lane_count> ] [ <med_lane_count> ] [ <max_mod_temp> ] [ <min_mod_temp> ] [ <min_op_volt> ] [ <info_not_available> ] [ <temp_slope> ] [ <temp_offset> ] [ <volt_slope> ] [ <volt_offset> ] [ <curr_slope> ] [ <curr_offset> ] [ <tx_pwr_slope> ] [ <tx_pwr_offset> ] [ <rx_pwr_4> ] [ <rx_pwr_3> ] [ <rx_pwr_2> ] [ <rx_pwr_1> ] [ <rx_pwr_0> ] [ TABLE_lane [ <lane_number> ] [ <temperature> ] [ <temp_flag> ] [ <temp_alrm_hi> ] [ <temp_alrm_lo> ] [ <temp_warn_hi> ] [ <temp_warn_lo> ] [ <voltage> ] [ <volt_flag> ] [ <volt_alrm_hi> ] [ <volt_alrm_lo> ] [ <volt_warn_hi> ] [ <volt_warn_lo> ] [ <current> ] [ <current_flag> ] [ <current_alrm_hi> ] [ <current_alrm_lo> ] [ <current_warn_hi> ] [ <current_warn_lo> ] [ <tx_pwr> ] [ <tx_pwr_flag> ] [ <tx_pwr_alrm_hi> ] [ <tx_pwr_alrm_lo> ] [ <tx_pwr_warn_hi> ] [ <tx_pwr_warn_lo> ] [ <rx_pwr> ] [ <rx_pwr_flag> ] [ <rx_pwr_alrm_hi> ] [ <rx_pwr_alrm_lo> ] [ <rx_pwr_warn_hi> ] [ <rx_pwr_warn_lo> ] [ <xmit_faults> ] [ <snr> ] [ <snr_flag> ] [ <snr_alrm_hi> ] [ <snr_alrm_lo> ] [ <snr_warn_hi> ] [ <snr_warn_lo> ] [ <isi> ] [ <isi_flag> ] [ <isi_alrm_hi> ] [ <isi_alrm_lo> ] [ <isi_warn_hi> ] [ <isi_warn_lo> ] [ <pam> ] [ <pam_flag> ] [ <pam_alrm_hi> ] [ <pam_alrm_lo> ] [ <pam_warn_hi> ] [ <pam_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_warn_lo> ] [ <tec_current> ] [ <tec_current_flag> ] [ <tec_current_alrm_hi> ] [ <tec_current_alrm_lo> ] [ <tec_current_warn_hi> ] [ <tec_current_warn_lo> ] [ <laser_freq> ] [ <laser_freq_flag> ] [ <laser_freq_alrm_hi> ] [ <laser_freq_alrm_lo> ] [ <laser_freq_warn_hi> ] [ <laser_freq_warn_lo> ] [ <laser_temp> ] [ <laser_temp_flag> ] [ <laser_temp_alrm_hi> ] [ <laser_temp_alrm_lo> ] [ <laser_temp_warn_hi> ] [ <laser_temp_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_acc_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_min_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_max_warn_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_flag> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_alrm_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_alrm_lo> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_warn_hi> ] [ <pre_fec_ber_cur_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_acc_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_min_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_max_warn_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_flag> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_alrm_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_alrm_lo> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_warn_hi> ] [ <uncorrect_ber_cur_warn_lo> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show interface [ controller | quick ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> [ <state> ] [ <state_rsn> ] [ <state_rsn_desc> ] [ [ <vsan_brief> ] [ <oper_port_state> ] [ <port_state> ] [ <bound_interface> ] [ <port_desc> ] [ <port_des> ] [ <mgmt_hw_desc1> ] [ <mgmt_hw_addr1> ] [ <port_name> ] [ <hardware> ] [ <sfp> ] [ <port_wwn> ] [ <peer_port_wwn> ] [ <admin_mode> ] [ <admin_trunk_mode> ] [ <snmp_trap> ] [ <status> ] [ <state_rsn1> ] [ <fcot_info> ] [ <bind_info> ] [ <bind_mac> ] [ <bind_type> ] [ <port_mode> ] [ <fcid> ] [ <cfg_port_vsan> ] [ <vsan> ] [ <port_rate_mode> ] [ <oper_speed> ] [ <admin_speed> ] [ <port_channel> ] [ <ip_addr1> ] [ <oper_txbbcredit> ] [ <oper_rxbbcredit> ] [ <port_bb_scn> ] [ <admin_rxbufsize> ] [ <admin_port_encap> ] [ <admin_beacon_mode> ] [ <admin_fec_state> ] [ <oper_fec_state> ] [ <bundle_if_index> ] [ <trkd_if_index> ] [ <trk_cfg_vsans> ] [ <trkd_port_state> ] [ <num_ports> ] [ TABLE_trk_intf [ <trk_intf> ] ] [ <info_type_num> ] [ <info_model_num> ] [ <info_manufacturer> ] [ <info_port_id> ] [ <active_vsan> ] [ <trunk_vsan_up> ] [ <trunk_vsan_isolated> ] [ <trunk_vsan_initializing> ] [ <in_bps> ] [ <in_byps> ] [ <in_fps> ] [ <out_bps> ] [ <out_byps> ] [ <out_fps> ] [ <total_in_frames> ] [ <total_in_bytes> ] [ <total_in_discards> ] [ <total_in_errors> ] [ <invalid_crc> ] [ <unknown_class_frames> ] [ <frames_too_long> ] [ <frames_too_short> ] [ <total_out_frames> ] [ <total_out_bytes> ] [ <total_out_discards> ] [ <total_out_errors> ] [ <in_ols> ] [ <in_lrr> ] [ <in_nos> ] [ <in_loop_inits> ] [ <out_ols> ] [ <out_lrr> ] [ <out_nos> ] [ <out_loop_inits> ] [ <rx_b2b_perf_buff> ] [ <rx_b2b_credit> ] [ <tx_b2b_credit> ] [ <tx_b2b_low_pri_cre> ] [ <fcoe_in_pkts> ] [ <fcoe_in_octets> ] [ <fcoe_out_pkts> ] [ <fcoe_out_octets> ] [ TABLE_members [ <port_channel_member> ] ] [ <interface_last_changed> ] [ <time_last_cleared> ] ] [ [ <interface_quick> ] [ <vsan_brief_quick> ] [ <oper_port_state_quick> ] [ <port_state_quick> ] [ <bound_interface_quick> ] [ <port_desc_quick> ] [ <port_des_quick> ] [ <mgmt_hw_desc1_quick> ] [ <mgmt_hw_addr1_quick> ] [ <port_name_quick> ] [ <hardware_quick> ] [ <sfp_quick> ] [ <port_wwn_quick> ] [ <peer_port_wwn_quick> ] [ <admin_mode_quick> ] [ <admin_trunk_mode_quick> ] [ <snmp_trap_quick> ] [ <status_quick> ] [ <state_rsn1_quick> ] [ <fcot_info_quick> ] [ <bind_info_quick> ] [ <bind_mac_quick> ] [ <bind_type_quick> ] [ <port_mode_quick> ] [ <fcid_quick> ] [ <cfg_port_vsan_quick> ] [ <vsan_quick> ] [ <port_rate_mode_quick> ] [ <oper_speed_quick> ] [ <admin_speed_quick> ] [ <port_channel_quick> ] [ <ip_addr1_quick> ] [ <oper_txbbcredit_quick> ] [ <oper_rxbbcredit_quick> ] [ <port_bb_scn_quick> ] [ <admin_rxbufsize_quick> ] [ <admin_port_encap_quick> ] [ <admin_beacon_mode_quick> ] [ <admin_fec_state_quick> ] [ <oper_fec_state_quick> ] [ <bundle_if_index_quick> ] [ <trkd_if_index_quick> ] [ <trk_cfg_vsans_quick> ] [ <trkd_port_state_quick> ] [ <num_ports_quick> ] [ TABLE_trk_intf_quick [ <trk_intf_quick> ] ] [ <info_type_num_quick> ] [ <info_model_num_quick> ] [ <info_manufacturer_quick> ] [ <info_port_id_quick> ] [ <active_vsan_quick> ] [ <trunk_vsan_up_quick> ] [ <trunk_vsan_isolated_quick> ] [ <trunk_vsan_initializing_quick> ] [ <in_bps_quick> ] [ <in_byps_quick> ] [ <in_fps_quick> ] [ <out_bps_quick> ] [ <out_byps_quick> ] [ <out_fps_quick> ] [ <total_in_frames_quick> ] [ <total_in_bytes_quick> ] [ <total_in_discards_quick> ] [ <total_in_errors_quick> ] [ <invalid_crc_quick> ] [ <unknown_class_frames_quick> ] [ <frames_too_long_quick> ] [ <frames_too_short_quick> ] [ <total_out_frames_quick> ] [ <total_out_bytes_quick> ] [ <total_out_discards_quick> ] [ <total_out_errors_quick> ] [ <in_ols_quick> ] [ <in_lrr_quick> ] [ <in_nos_quick> ] [ <in_loop_inits_quick> ] [ <out_ols_quick> ] [ <out_lrr_quick> ] [ <out_nos_quick> ] [ <out_loop_inits_quick> ] [ <rx_b2b_perf_buff_quick> ] [ <rx_b2b_credit_quick> ] [ <tx_b2b_credit_quick> ] [ <tx_b2b_low_pri_cre_quick> ] [ <fcoe_in_pkts_quick> ] [ <fcoe_in_octets_quick> ] [ <fcoe_out_pkts_quick> ] [ <fcoe_out_octets_quick> ] [ TABLE_members_quick [ <port_channel_member_quick> ] ] [ <interface_last_changed_quick> ] [ <time_last_cleared_quick> ] ] [ [ <eth_rsn_fac> ] [ <eth_rsn_code> ] [ <admin_state> ] [ <share_state> ] [ <parent_interface> ] [ <vpc_status> ] [ <eth_bundle> ] [ <eth_hw_desc> ] [ <eth_hw_addr> ] [ <eth_bia_addr> ] [ <desc> ] [ <eth_ip_addr> ] [ <eth_ip_mask> ] [ <eth_ip_prefix> ] [ <eth_mtu> ] + [ <eth_bw> ] [ <eth_dly> ] [ <eth_reliability> ] [ <eth_txload> ] [ <eth_rxload> ] [ <eth_encap_vlan> ] [ <encapsulation> ] [ <medium> ] [ <eth_mode> ] [ <eth_duplex> ] [ <eth_speed> ] [ <eth_media> ] [ <eth_beacon> ] [ <eth_autoneg> ] [ <eth_in_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_out_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_mdix> ] [ <eth_ratemode> ] [ <eth_swt_monitor> ] [ <eth_ethertype> ] [ <eth_eee_state> ] [ <eth_admin_fec_state> ] [ <eth_oper_fec_state> ] [ <eth_members> ] [ <eth_link_flapped> ] [ <eth_clear_counters> ] [ <eth_reset_cntr> ] ] [ [ <eth_load_interval1_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_pkts> ] ] [ [ <eth_l2_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inpkts> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outpkts> ] ] [ [ <eth_inucast> ] [ <eth_inmcast> ] [ <eth_inbcast> ] [ <eth_inpkts> ] [ <eth_inbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_inpkts> ] [ <eth_storm_supp> ] [ <eth_runts> ] [ <eth_giants> ] [ <eth_crc> ] [ <eth_nobuf> ] [ <eth_inerr> ] [ <eth_frame> ] [ <eth_overrun> ] [ <eth_underrun> ] [ <eth_ignored> ] [ <eth_watchdog> ] [ <eth_bad_eth> ] [ <eth_bad_proto> ] [ <eth_in_ifdown_drops> ] [ <eth_dribble> ] [ <eth_indiscard> ] [ <eth_inpause> ] ] [ [ <eth_outucast> ] [ <eth_outmcast> ] [ <eth_outbcast> ] [ <eth_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outerr> ] [ <eth_coll> ] [ <eth_deferred> ] [ <eth_latecoll> ] [ <eth_lostcarrier> ] [ <eth_nocarrier> ] [ <eth_babbles> ] [ <eth_outdiscard> ] [ <eth_outpause> ] ] [ [ <mgmt_hw_desc> ] [ <mgmt_hw_addr> ] [ <mgmt_ip_addr> ] [ <mgmt_ip_mask> ] [ <mgmt_mtu> ] [ <mgmt_speed> ] [ <mgmt_duplex> ] ] [ [ <vdc_lvl_in_avg_bits> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_avg_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_avg_bits> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_avg_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_ucast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_mcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_bcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_bytes> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_bps> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_pps> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_ucast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_mcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_bcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_bytes> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_bps> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_pps> ] ] [ [ <mgmt_in_pkts> ] [ <mgmt_in_bytes> ] [ <mgmt_in_mcast> ] [ <mgmt_in_compressed> ] [ <mgmt_in_errors> ] [ <mgmt_in_frame> ] [ <mgmt_in_overrun> ] [ <mgmt_in_fifo> ] [ <mgmt_out_pkts> ] [ <mgmt_out_bytes> ] [ <mgmt_out_underruns> ] [ <mgmt_out_errors> ] [ <mgmt_out_collisions> ] [ <mgmt_out_fifo> ] [ <mgmt_out_carrier> ] [ <mgmt_align_err> ] [ <mgmt_fcs_err> ] [ <mgmt_xmit_err> ] [ <mgmt_rcv_err> ] [ <mgmt_undersize> ] [ <mgmt_outdisc> ] [ <mgmt_single_col> ] [ <mgmt_multi_col> ] [ <mgmt_late_col> ] [ <mgmt_excess_col> ] [ <mgmt_carri_sen> ] [ <mgmt_runts> ] [ <mgmt_giants> ] [ <mgmt_sqetest_err> ] [ <mgmt_deferred_tx> ] [ <mgmt_inmactx_err> ] [ <mgmt_inmacrx_err> ] [ <mgmt_symbol_err> ] ] [ [ <loop_in_pkts> ] [ <loop_in_bytes> ] [ <loop_in_mcast> ] [ <loop_in_compressed> ] [ <loop_in_errors> ] [ <loop_in_frame> ] [ <loop_in_overrun> ] [ <loop_in_fifo> ] [ <loop_out_pkts> ] [ <loop_out_bytes> ] [ <loop_out_underruns> ] [ <loop_out_errors> ] [ <loop_out_collisions> ] [ <loop_out_fifo> ] [ <loop_out_carriers> ] ] [ [ <svi_if_index> ] [ <svi_admin_state> ] [ <oper_state> ] [ <svi_rsn_desc> ] [ <svi_line_proto> ] [ <svi_hw> ] [ <svi_mac> ] [ <svi_desc> ] [ <svi_ip_addr> ] [ <svi_ip_mask> ] [ <svi_mtu> ] [ <svi_bw> ] [ <svi_delay> ] [ <vlan_id> ] [ <type> ] ] [ [ <svi_tx_load> ] [ <svi_rx_load> ] ] [ [ <svi_carrier_delay_sec> ] [ <svi_carrier_delay_msec> ] [ <svi_arp_type> ] [ <svi_arp_timeout> ] ] [ [ <svi_time_last_cleared> ] ] [ { [ TABLE_sec_vlan ] [ <sec_vlan> ] [ <sec_vlan_type> ] } ] [ [ <svi_routed_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_routed_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_routed_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_routed_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ucast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ucast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_mcast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_mcast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ucast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ucast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_mcast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_mcast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_average_input_bits> ] [ <svi_average_input_packets> ] [ <svi_average_output_bits> ] [ <svi_average_output_packets> ] [ <svi_rate_in_mins> ] ] [ [ <svi_reliability> ] ] [ [ <overlay_addr> ] [ <overlay_addr_mask> ] [ <overlay_mtu> ] [ <overlay_bandwidth> ] [ <overlay_encap_str> ] [ <overlay_vrf> ] [ <overlay_src_addr> ] [ <overlay_dst_addr> ] [ <overlay_last_link_flap> ] [ <overlay_clear_counters> ] ] [ [ <overlay_load_interval> ] [ <overlay_rx_ucastpkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_ucastbytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_mcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_mcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_pkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_bytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_bcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_bcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_bitrate> ] [ <overlay_rx_pktrate> ] [ <overlay_tx_ucastpkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_ucastbytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_mcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_mcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_bcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_bcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_pkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_bytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_bitrate> ] [ <overlay_tx_pktrate> ] ] [ <switchport> ] [ [ <admin-state> ] [ { <tunnel-ipv4> | <tunnel-ipv6> } ] [ <mtu> ] [ <bandwidth> ] [ <encap-type> ] [ <keepalive-period> ] [ <keepalive-retries> ] [ { <src-ipv4> | <src-ipv6> } ] [ <src-intf> ] [ { <dest-ipv4> | <dest-ipv6> } ] [ <dest-hostname> ] [ <vrf_name> ] [ <tunnel_vrf_name> ] [ <wccp_header> ] [ <ttl_val> ] [ <tunnel_pmtud_age_time> ] [ <tunnel_pmtud_min_mtu> ] [ <tunnel_pmtud> ] [ <tunnel_pgm_mtu> ] [ <tunnel_clear_counter> ] [ <tunnel_tx_pkt_count> ] [ <tunnel_tx_byte_count> ] [ <tunnel_tx_rate> ] [ <tunnel_rx_pkt_count> ] [ <tunnel_rx_byte_count> ] [ <tunnel_rx_rate> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show interface [ controller | quick ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_interface <interface> [ <state> ] [ <state_rsn> ] [ <state_rsn_desc> ] [ [ <vsan_brief> ] [ <oper_port_state> ] [ <port_state> ] [ <bound_interface> ] [ <port_desc> ] [ <port_des> ] [ <mgmt_hw_desc1> ] [ <mgmt_hw_addr1> ] [ <port_name> ] [ <hardware> ] [ <sfp> ] [ <port_wwn> ] [ <peer_port_wwn> ] [ <admin_mode> ] [ <admin_trunk_mode> ] [ <snmp_trap> ] [ <status> ] [ <state_rsn1> ] [ <fcot_info> ] [ <bind_info> ] [ <bind_mac> ] [ <bind_type> ] [ <port_mode> ] [ <fcid> ] [ <cfg_port_vsan> ] [ <vsan> ] [ <port_rate_mode> ] [ <oper_speed> ] [ <admin_speed> ] [ <port_channel> ] [ <ip_addr1> ] [ <oper_txbbcredit> ] [ <oper_rxbbcredit> ] [ <port_bb_scn> ] [ <admin_rxbufsize> ] [ <admin_port_encap> ] [ <admin_beacon_mode> ] [ <admin_fec_state> ] [ <oper_fec_state> ] [ <bundle_if_index> ] [ <trkd_if_index> ] [ <trk_cfg_vsans> ] [ <trkd_port_state> ] [ <num_ports> ] [ TABLE_trk_intf [ <trk_intf> ] ] [ <info_type_num> ] [ <info_model_num> ] [ <info_manufacturer> ] [ <info_port_id> ] [ <active_vsan> ] [ <trunk_vsan_up> ] [ <trunk_vsan_isolated> ] [ <trunk_vsan_initializing> ] [ <in_bps> ] [ <in_byps> ] [ <in_fps> ] [ <out_bps> ] [ <out_byps> ] [ <out_fps> ] [ <total_in_frames> ] [ <total_in_bytes> ] [ <total_in_discards> ] [ <total_in_errors> ] [ <invalid_crc> ] [ <unknown_class_frames> ] [ <frames_too_long> ] [ <frames_too_short> ] [ <total_out_frames> ] [ <total_out_bytes> ] [ <total_out_discards> ] [ <total_out_errors> ] [ <in_ols> ] [ <in_lrr> ] [ <in_nos> ] [ <in_loop_inits> ] [ <out_ols> ] [ <out_lrr> ] [ <out_nos> ] [ <out_loop_inits> ] [ <rx_b2b_perf_buff> ] [ <rx_b2b_credit> ] [ <tx_b2b_credit> ] [ <tx_b2b_low_pri_cre> ] [ <fcoe_in_pkts> ] [ <fcoe_in_octets> ] [ <fcoe_out_pkts> ] [ <fcoe_out_octets> ] [ TABLE_members [ <port_channel_member> ] ] [ <interface_last_changed> ] [ <time_last_cleared> ] ] [ [ <interface_quick> ] [ <vsan_brief_quick> ] [ <oper_port_state_quick> ] [ <port_state_quick> ] [ <bound_interface_quick> ] [ <port_desc_quick> ] [ <port_des_quick> ] [ <mgmt_hw_desc1_quick> ] [ <mgmt_hw_addr1_quick> ] [ <port_name_quick> ] [ <hardware_quick> ] [ <sfp_quick> ] [ <port_wwn_quick> ] [ <peer_port_wwn_quick> ] [ <admin_mode_quick> ] [ <admin_trunk_mode_quick> ] [ <snmp_trap_quick> ] [ <status_quick> ] [ <state_rsn1_quick> ] [ <fcot_info_quick> ] [ <bind_info_quick> ] [ <bind_mac_quick> ] [ <bind_type_quick> ] [ <port_mode_quick> ] [ <fcid_quick> ] [ <cfg_port_vsan_quick> ] [ <vsan_quick> ] [ <port_rate_mode_quick> ] [ <oper_speed_quick> ] [ <admin_speed_quick> ] [ <port_channel_quick> ] [ <ip_addr1_quick> ] [ <oper_txbbcredit_quick> ] [ <oper_rxbbcredit_quick> ] [ <port_bb_scn_quick> ] [ <admin_rxbufsize_quick> ] [ <admin_port_encap_quick> ] [ <admin_beacon_mode_quick> ] [ <admin_fec_state_quick> ] [ <oper_fec_state_quick> ] [ <bundle_if_index_quick> ] [ <trkd_if_index_quick> ] [ <trk_cfg_vsans_quick> ] [ <trkd_port_state_quick> ] [ <num_ports_quick> ] [ TABLE_trk_intf_quick [ <trk_intf_quick> ] ] [ <info_type_num_quick> ] [ <info_model_num_quick> ] [ <info_manufacturer_quick> ] [ <info_port_id_quick> ] [ <active_vsan_quick> ] [ <trunk_vsan_up_quick> ] [ <trunk_vsan_isolated_quick> ] [ <trunk_vsan_initializing_quick> ] [ <in_bps_quick> ] [ <in_byps_quick> ] [ <in_fps_quick> ] [ <out_bps_quick> ] [ <out_byps_quick> ] [ <out_fps_quick> ] [ <total_in_frames_quick> ] [ <total_in_bytes_quick> ] [ <total_in_discards_quick> ] [ <total_in_errors_quick> ] [ <invalid_crc_quick> ] [ <unknown_class_frames_quick> ] [ <frames_too_long_quick> ] [ <frames_too_short_quick> ] [ <total_out_frames_quick> ] [ <total_out_bytes_quick> ] [ <total_out_discards_quick> ] [ <total_out_errors_quick> ] [ <in_ols_quick> ] [ <in_lrr_quick> ] [ <in_nos_quick> ] [ <in_loop_inits_quick> ] [ <out_ols_quick> ] [ <out_lrr_quick> ] [ <out_nos_quick> ] [ <out_loop_inits_quick> ] [ <rx_b2b_perf_buff_quick> ] [ <rx_b2b_credit_quick> ] [ <tx_b2b_credit_quick> ] [ <tx_b2b_low_pri_cre_quick> ] [ <fcoe_in_pkts_quick> ] [ <fcoe_in_octets_quick> ] [ <fcoe_out_pkts_quick> ] [ <fcoe_out_octets_quick> ] [ TABLE_members_quick [ <port_channel_member_quick> ] ] [ <interface_last_changed_quick> ] [ <time_last_cleared_quick> ] ] [ [ <eth_rsn_fac> ] [ <eth_rsn_code> ] [ <admin_state> ] [ <share_state> ] [ <parent_interface> ] [ <vpc_status> ] [ <eth_bundle> ] [ <eth_hw_desc> ] [ <eth_hw_addr> ] [ <eth_bia_addr> ] [ <desc> ] [ <eth_ip_addr> ] [ <eth_ip_mask> ] [ <eth_ip_prefix> ] [ <eth_mtu> ] + [ <eth_bw> ] [ <eth_bw_str> ] [ <eth_dly> ] [ <eth_reliability> ] [ <eth_txload> ] [ <eth_rxload> ] [ <eth_encap_vlan> ] [ <encapsulation> ] [ <medium> ] [ <eth_mode> ] [ <eth_duplex> ] [ <eth_speed> ] [ <eth_media> ] [ <eth_beacon> ] [ <eth_autoneg> ] [ <eth_in_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_out_flowctrl> ] [ <eth_mdix> ] [ <eth_ratemode> ] [ <eth_swt_monitor> ] [ <eth_ethertype> ] [ <eth_eee_state> ] [ <eth_admin_fec_state> ] [ <eth_oper_fec_state> ] [ <eth_members> ] [ <eth_link_flapped> ] [ <eth_clear_counters> ] [ <eth_reset_cntr> ] ] [ [ <eth_load_interval1_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval1_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate1_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate1_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval2_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate2_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate2_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_rx> ] [ <eth_inrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_load_interval3_tx> ] [ <eth_outrate3_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_pkts> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_inrate3_summary_pkts> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_bits> ] [ <eth_outrate3_summary_pkts> ] ] [ [ <eth_l2_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l2_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_pkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_routed_bytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3in_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_ucastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_mcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastpkts> ] [ <eth_l3out_bcastbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_inpkts> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outbytes> ] [ <eth_l3avg1_outpkts> ] ] [ [ <eth_inucast> ] [ <eth_inmcast> ] [ <eth_inbcast> ] [ <eth_inpkts> ] [ <eth_inbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_inpkts> ] [ <eth_storm_supp> ] [ <eth_runts> ] [ <eth_giants> ] [ <eth_crc> ] [ <eth_nobuf> ] [ <eth_inerr> ] [ <eth_frame> ] [ <eth_overrun> ] [ <eth_underrun> ] [ <eth_ignored> ] [ <eth_watchdog> ] [ <eth_bad_eth> ] [ <eth_bad_proto> ] [ <eth_in_ifdown_drops> ] [ <eth_dribble> ] [ <eth_indiscard> ] [ <eth_inpause> ] ] [ [ <eth_outucast> ] [ <eth_outmcast> ] [ <eth_outbcast> ] [ <eth_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outbytes> ] [ <eth_jumbo_outpkts> ] [ <eth_outerr> ] [ <eth_coll> ] [ <eth_deferred> ] [ <eth_latecoll> ] [ <eth_lostcarrier> ] [ <eth_nocarrier> ] [ <eth_babbles> ] [ <eth_outdiscard> ] [ <eth_outpause> ] ] [ [ <mgmt_hw_desc> ] [ <mgmt_hw_addr> ] [ <mgmt_ip_addr> ] [ <mgmt_ip_mask> ] [ <mgmt_mtu> ] [ <mgmt_speed> ] [ <mgmt_duplex> ] ] [ [ <vdc_lvl_in_avg_bits> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_avg_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_avg_bits> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_avg_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_ucast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_mcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_bcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_bytes> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_bps> ] [ <vdc_lvl_in_pps> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_pkts> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_ucast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_mcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_bcast> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_bytes> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_bps> ] [ <vdc_lvl_out_pps> ] ] [ [ <mgmt_in_pkts> ] [ <mgmt_in_bytes> ] [ <mgmt_in_mcast> ] [ <mgmt_in_compressed> ] [ <mgmt_in_errors> ] [ <mgmt_in_frame> ] [ <mgmt_in_overrun> ] [ <mgmt_in_fifo> ] [ <mgmt_out_pkts> ] [ <mgmt_out_bytes> ] [ <mgmt_out_underruns> ] [ <mgmt_out_errors> ] [ <mgmt_out_collisions> ] [ <mgmt_out_fifo> ] [ <mgmt_out_carrier> ] [ <mgmt_align_err> ] [ <mgmt_fcs_err> ] [ <mgmt_xmit_err> ] [ <mgmt_rcv_err> ] [ <mgmt_undersize> ] [ <mgmt_outdisc> ] [ <mgmt_single_col> ] [ <mgmt_multi_col> ] [ <mgmt_late_col> ] [ <mgmt_excess_col> ] [ <mgmt_carri_sen> ] [ <mgmt_runts> ] [ <mgmt_giants> ] [ <mgmt_sqetest_err> ] [ <mgmt_deferred_tx> ] [ <mgmt_inmactx_err> ] [ <mgmt_inmacrx_err> ] [ <mgmt_symbol_err> ] ] [ [ <loop_in_pkts> ] [ <loop_in_bytes> ] [ <loop_in_mcast> ] [ <loop_in_compressed> ] [ <loop_in_errors> ] [ <loop_in_frame> ] [ <loop_in_overrun> ] [ <loop_in_fifo> ] [ <loop_out_pkts> ] [ <loop_out_bytes> ] [ <loop_out_underruns> ] [ <loop_out_errors> ] [ <loop_out_collisions> ] [ <loop_out_fifo> ] [ <loop_out_carriers> ] ] [ [ <svi_if_index> ] [ <svi_admin_state> ] [ <oper_state> ] [ <svi_rsn_desc> ] [ <svi_line_proto> ] [ <svi_hw> ] [ <svi_mac> ] [ <svi_desc> ] [ <svi_ip_addr> ] [ <svi_ip_mask> ] [ <svi_mtu> ] [ <svi_bw> ] [ <svi_delay> ] [ <vlan_id> ] [ <type> ] ] [ [ <svi_tx_load> ] [ <svi_rx_load> ] ] [ [ <svi_carrier_delay_sec> ] [ <svi_carrier_delay_msec> ] [ <svi_arp_type> ] [ <svi_arp_timeout> ] ] [ [ <svi_time_last_cleared> ] ] [ { [ TABLE_sec_vlan ] [ <sec_vlan> ] [ <sec_vlan_type> ] } ] [ [ <svi_routed_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_routed_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_routed_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_routed_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ucast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ucast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_mcast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_mcast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ucast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ucast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_mcast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_mcast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_ucast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv4_mcast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_ucast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_pkts_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_bytes_in> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_pkts_out> ] [ <svi_ipv6_mcast_bytes_out> ] [ <svi_average_input_bits> ] [ <svi_average_input_packets> ] [ <svi_average_output_bits> ] [ <svi_average_output_packets> ] [ <svi_rate_in_mins> ] ] [ [ <svi_reliability> ] ] [ [ <overlay_addr> ] [ <overlay_addr_mask> ] [ <overlay_mtu> ] [ <overlay_bandwidth> ] [ <overlay_encap_str> ] [ <overlay_vrf> ] [ <overlay_src_addr> ] [ <overlay_dst_addr> ] [ <overlay_last_link_flap> ] [ <overlay_clear_counters> ] ] [ [ <overlay_load_interval> ] [ <overlay_rx_ucastpkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_ucastbytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_mcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_mcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_pkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_bytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_bcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_rx_bcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_rx_bitrate> ] [ <overlay_rx_pktrate> ] [ <overlay_tx_ucastpkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_ucastbytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_mcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_mcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_bcastpkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_bcastbytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_pkts> ] [ <overlay_tx_bytes> ] [ <overlay_tx_bitrate> ] [ <overlay_tx_pktrate> ] ] [ <switchport> ] [ [ <admin-state> ] [ { <tunnel-ipv4> | <tunnel-ipv6> } ] [ <mtu> ] [ <bandwidth> ] [ <encap-type> ] [ <keepalive-period> ] [ <keepalive-retries> ] [ { <src-ipv4> | <src-ipv6> } ] [ <src-intf> ] [ { <dest-ipv4> | <dest-ipv6> } ] [ <dest-hostname> ] [ <vrf_name> ] [ <tunnel_vrf_name> ] [ <wccp_header> ] [ <ttl_val> ] [ <tunnel_pmtud_age_time> ] [ <tunnel_pmtud_min_mtu> ] [ <tunnel_pmtud> ] [ <tunnel_pgm_mtu> ] [ <tunnel_clear_counter> ] [ <tunnel_tx_pkt_count> ] [ <tunnel_tx_byte_count> ] [ <tunnel_tx_rate> ] [ <tunnel_rx_pkt_count> ] [ <tunnel_rx_byte_count> ] [ <tunnel_rx_rate> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ip igmp { groups | route } [ <source> [ <group> ] | <group> [ <source> ] ] [ <interface> ] [ summary ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ summary-old ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <if-name> ] [ <vrfname> ] [ <entry-count> ] [ <group-addr> ] [ <sourceaddress> ] [ TABLE_group [ <group-addr> ] [ <group-type> ] [ <if-name> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <reporter> ] ] [ TABLE_source [ <source-addr> ] [ <group-type> ] [ <translate> ] [ <if-name> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <reporter> ] ] [ <vrf-cntxt> ] [ <g-count> ] [ <sg-count> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ip igmp { groups | route } [ <source> [ <group> ] | <group> [ <source> ] ] [ <interface> ] [ summary ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ summary-old ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <if-name> ] [ <vrfname> ] [ <entry-count> ] [ <group-addr> ] [ <sourceaddress> ] [ TABLE_group [ <group-addr> ] [ <group-type> ] [ <if-name> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <reporter> ] [ TABLE_source [ <source-addr> ] [ <group-type> ] [ <translate> ] [ <if-name> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <reporter> ] ] ] [ <vrf-cntxt> ] [ <g-count> ] [ <sg-count> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ip load-sharing [ __readonly__ { <univer-id-ran-seed> [ <l3-msg-load> ] [ <l34-msg-load> ] [ <dest-addr-load> ] [ <src-dst-ip-gre> ] [ <bad-load> ] [ <gre-outer-hash> ] [ <concatenation> ] [ <rotate> ] [ <src-dst-ip-gtpu> ] } ]

  • NEW: show ip load-sharing [ __readonly__ { <univer-id-ran-seed> [ <l3-msg-load> ] [ <l34-msg-load> ] [ <dest-addr-load> ] [ <src-dst-ip-gre> ] [ <bad-load> ] [ <gre-outer-hash> ] [ <concatenation> ] [ <rotate> ] [ <src-dst-ip-gtpu> ] [ <src-dst-ip-ipv6-flowlabel> ] [ <src-dst-ip-ttl> ] [ { <src-dst-ip-udf> [ <offset> ] } ] } ]

  • OLD: show ip mroute [ [ [ bitfield ] [ detail ] ] | sr | rp | [ summary [ count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] ] | { [ [ <source> <group> ] | [ <group> [ <source> ] ] | [ <gprefix> exact ] ] [ shared-tree | source-tree | mofrr ] [ [ flags ] | [ detail ] | [ bitfield ] | [ summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] ] ] } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ <expry_timer> ] [ <route_count> ] [ <star_g_cnt> ] [ <sg_cnt> ] [ <star_g_prfx_cnt> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <star-g-route> ] [ <sg-route> ] [ <star-g-prfx> ] [ <group-count> ] [ <avg> ] [ <rem> ] [ <stats-pndg> ] ] [ TABLE_summary_source [ <group_addr> ] [ <group_mask_len> ] [ <source_count> ] [ TABLE_one_sg [ <source_addr> ] [ <packets> ] [ <bytes> ] [ <aps> ] [ <pps> ] [ <rate_buf> ] [ <oifs> ] [ <software_fwd> ] [ <rpf-failed-pkts> ] [ <rpf-failed-bytes> ] ] ] [ TABLE_one_route <mcast-addrs> [ <source_addrs> <group_addrs> ] [ <pending> ] [ <bidir> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <mofrr> ] [ TABLE_mpib [ <mpib-name> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <stale-route> ] ] [ <mdt-encap-index> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <stats-rate-buf> ] [ <lisp-src-rloc> ] [ <translated-route-src> ] [ <translated-route-grp> ] [ <route-iif> ] [ <rpf-nbr> ] [ <mofrr-iif> ] [ <mofrr-nbr> ] [ <internal> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <fabric-oif> ] [ <fabric-loser> ] [ <num-vpc-svi-oifs> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <oif-uptime> ] [ TABLE_oif_mpib [ <oif-mpib-name> ] [ <stale-oif> ] [ <omd-vpc-svi> ] [ <core-interest> ] [ <fabric-interest> ] ] [ <rpf> ] ] [ <route-mdt-iod> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ip mroute [ [ [ bitfield ] [ detail ] ] | sr | rp | [ summary [ count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] ] | { [ [ <source> <group> ] | [ <group> [ <source> ] ] | [ <gprefix> exact ] ] [ shared-tree | source-tree | mofrr ] [ [ flags ] | [ detail ] | [ bitfield ] | [ summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] ] ] } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ <expry_timer> ] [ <route_count> ] [ <star_g_cnt> ] [ <sg_cnt> ] [ <star_g_prfx_cnt> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <star-g-route> ] [ <sg-route> ] [ <star-g-prfx> ] [ <group-count> ] [ <avg> ] [ <rem> ] [ <stats-pndg> ] ] [ TABLE_summary_source [ <group_addr> ] [ <group_mask_len> ] [ <source_count> ] [ TABLE_one_sg [ <source_addr> ] [ <packets> ] [ <bytes> ] [ <aps> ] [ <pps> ] [ <rate_buf> ] [ <oifs> ] [ <software_fwd> ] [ <rpf-failed-pkts> ] [ <rpf-failed-bytes> ] ] ] [ TABLE_one_route <mcast-addrs> [ <source_addrs> <group_addrs> ] [ <pending> ] [ <bidir> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <mofrr> ] [ TABLE_mpib [ <mpib-name> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <stale-route> ] ] [ <mdt-encap> ] [ <mdt-decap> ] [ <mdt-last-hop> ] [ <mdt-encap-index> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <stats-rate-buf> ] [ <lisp-src-rloc> ] [ <translated-route-src> ] [ <translated-route-grp> ] [ <route-iif> ] [ <rpf-nbr> ] [ <mofrr-iif> ] [ <mofrr-nbr> ] [ <internal> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <fabric-oif> ] [ <fabric-loser> ] [ <num-vpc-svi-oifs> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <oif-uptime> ] [ TABLE_oif_mpib [ <oif-mpib-name> ] [ <stale-oif> ] [ <omd-vpc-svi> ] [ <core-interest> ] [ <fabric-interest> ] ] [ <rpf> ] ] [ <route-mdt-iod> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] [ TABLE_extranet [ <extranet_vrf_name> ] [ <extranet_addr> ] [ <extranet_oif_count> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ip multicast vrf [ <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ <vrf-count> { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> <cid> <tid> <rc> <gc> <sc> <star_gc> <state> } ]

  • NEW: show ip multicast vrf [ <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ <vrf-count> [ { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> <cid> <tid> <rc> <gc> <sc> <star_gc> <state> [ <multipath-configuration> ] [ <mrib-cc-timer-left> ] [ <mrib-stats-timer-left> ] [ <mrib-mfdm-timer-left> ] [ <mrib-lisp-timer-left> ] [ <resilient> ] [ TABLE_RPF_SELECT <rpf-ip> <rpf-ip-mask> <rpf-vrf> ] } ] ]

  • OLD: show ip pim event-history { errors | msgs | <pim-event-hist-buf-name> | statistics }

  • NEW: show ip pim event-history { errors | msgs | hello | join-prune | join-prune-summary | data-register-receive | null-register | assert | rp | bidir | pim-internal | packet | vrf | cli | vpc | objstore | txlist | mrib | pim-library | join-prune-tw | mvpn | nbm }

  • OLD: show ip route [ ip | ipv4 ] [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ip-addr> | { <ip-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> | next-hop-v6 <next-hop-v6> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary | detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <unres> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <stale-label> ] [ <bgpbackuppath> ] [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ip route [ ip | ipv4 ] [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ip-addr> | { <ip-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> | next-hop-v6 <next-hop-v6> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary [ cached ] | detail | summary-counter-consistency-check ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <unres> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <stale-label> ] [ <bgpbackuppath> ] [ <type2> ] [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <remote-sid> ] [ <src-ip> ] [ <sid-fct> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ip { mbgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] | { bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | all } ] } } neighbors { [ { <neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id> } [ routes [ advertised | received | dampened ] | advertised-routes | received-routes | paths | flap-statistics ] ] | <neighbor-prefix-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-prefix-id> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ]

  • NEW: show ip { mbgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] | { bgp [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ] [ { ipv4 { unicast | multicast } | all } ] } } neighbors { [ { <neighbor-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-id> } [ routes [ advertised | received | dampened ] | advertised-routes | received-routes | paths | flap-statistics ] ] | <neighbor-prefix-id> | <ipv6-neighbor-prefix-id> | <neighbor-interface> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | ALL_VRFS_012345678901234 } ]

  • OLD: { show ipv6 { icmp | nd } interface [ <interface> ] { [ prefix [ full ] ] | [ route ] | [ detail ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] } | { show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld interface [ brief ] [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] } | { show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld interface <interface> } [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_intf <intf-name> <proto-state> <link-state> <admin-state> [ TABLE_addr <addr> ] <subnet> <link-local-addr> <icmpv6-disabled> <last-ns-sent> <last-na-sent> <last-ra-sent> <next-na-sent> <ra-min-interval> <ra-interval> <set-m-flag> <set-o-flag> <current-hop-limit> <mtu> <router-lifetime> <reachable-time> <retrans-timer> <ns-interval> <send-redirect> <send-unreachables> <mld-disabled> <mld-querier> <mld-entry-count> <mld-config-version> <mld-querier-version> <mld-host-version> <mld-query-timer> <mld-querier-expiry> <mld-qi> <mld-config-qi> <mld-query-mrt> <mld-config-query-mrt> <mld-startup-qi> <mld-config-startup-qi> <mld-startup-qc> <mld-config-last-member-mrt> <mld-last-member-qc> <mld-group-timeout> <mld-config-group-timeout> <mld-querier-timeout> <mld-config-querier-timeout> <mld-config-unsol-rpt-interval> <mld-qrv> <mld-config-robustness-variable> <mld-config-rpt-link-local> <mld-refcount> <static-group-map> <join-group-map> <ra-sent> <ra-rec> <rs-sent> <rs-rec> <na-sent> <na-rec> <ns-sent> <ns-rec> <redirect-sent> <redirect-rec> <msg-sent> <msg-rec> <errors-sent> <erros-rec> <ifdown-sent> <ifdown-rec> <am-ha-not-ready> <allow-mct-ttl> <our-own-mac> <tgt-not-us> <dest-unreachs-sent> <dest-unreachs-rec> <admin-prohibs-sent> <admin-prohibs-rec> <time-excds-sent> <time-excds-rec> <parm-problems-sent> <parm-problems-rec> <echos-sent> <echos-rec> <echo-replies-sent> <echo-replies-rec> <pkt-toobigs-sent> <pkt-toobigs-rec> <fastpath-pkt-recv> <fastpath-disable-pkt-recv> <fastpath-ignore-pkt-recv> <v1-queries-sent> <v1-queries-rec> <v2-queries-sent> <v2-queries-rec> <v1-reports-sent> <v1-reports-rec> <v2-reports-sent> <v2-reports-rec> <v1-leaves-sent> <v1-leaves-rec> <v2-leaves-sent> <v2-leaves-rec> <uptime> <mld-config-il> [ TABLE_one_int <grp-id> <protocol-one-int> <client-uuid> <client-state-act> <client-in-use> TABLE_vip_list <virt-ipv6> <virt-mac> <context_name> <context_id> <last-solocit-st> <last-nei-ad-st> <last-rtr-adv-st> <nxt-rtr-ad-st> ] <max-dad-attempts> <current-dad-attempts> [ TABLE_route <route> <preference> <lifetime> <info-option> <reachability-verify-enabled> <adv-route-info> <route-zero-lifetime> ] [ TABLE_prefix <prefix> <enabled> <vlaidlife-time> <preferredlife-time> <on-link> <off-link> <autonomous> ] ]

  • NEW: { show ipv6 { icmp | nd } interface [ <interface> ] { [ prefix [ full ] ] | [ route ] | [ detail ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] } [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_intf <intf-name> <proto-state> <link-state> <admin-state> [ TABLE_addr <addr> ] <subnet> <link-local-addr> <icmpv6-disabled> <last-ns-sent> <last-na-sent> <last-ra-sent> <next-na-sent> <ra-min-interval> <ra-interval> <set-m-flag> <set-o-flag> <current-hop-limit> <mtu> <router-lifetime> <reachable-time> <retrans-timer> <ns-interval> <send-redirect> <send-unreachables> <ra-sent> <ra-rec> <rs-sent> <rs-rec> <na-sent> <na-rec> <ns-sent> <ns-rec> <redirect-sent> <redirect-rec> <msg-sent> <msg-rec> <errors-sent> <erros-rec> <ifdown-sent> <ifdown-rec> <am-ha-not-ready> <allow-mct-ttl> <our-own-mac> <tgt-not-us> <dest-unreachs-sent> <dest-unreachs-rec> <admin-prohibs-sent> <admin-prohibs-rec> <time-excds-sent> <time-excds-rec> <parm-problems-sent> <parm-problems-rec> <echos-sent> <echos-rec> <echo-replies-sent> <echo-replies-rec> <pkt-toobigs-sent> <pkt-toobigs-rec> <fastpath-pkt-recv> <fastpath-disable-pkt-recv> <fastpath-ignore-pkt-recv> <uptime> <mld-config-il> [ TABLE_one_int <grp-id> <protocol-one-int> <client-uuid> <client-state-act> <client-in-use> TABLE_vip_list <virt-ipv6> <virt-mac> <context_name> <context_id> <last-solocit-st> <last-nei-ad-st> <last-rtr-adv-st> <nxt-rtr-ad-st> ] <max-dad-attempts> <current-dad-attempts> [ TABLE_route <route> <preference> <lifetime> <info-option> <reachability-verify-enabled> <adv-route-info> <route-zero-lifetime> ] [ TABLE_prefix <prefix> <enabled> <vlaidlife-time> <preferredlife-time> <on-link> <off-link> <autonomous> ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld groups [ { <source> [ <group> ] } | { <group> [ <source> ] } ] [ <interface> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <entry-count> TABLE_group <group-out> TABLE_intf <intf-name> <icmpv6-disabled> <mld-source> <mld-group> <mld-source-unspec> <mld-static> <mld-local-group> <mld-translated> <mld-uptime> <mld-expire> ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld groups [ { <source> [ <group> ] } | { <group> [ <source> ] } ] [ <interface> ] [ summary ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <if-name> ] [ <vrfname> ] [ <entry-count> ] [ <group-addr> ] [ <sourceaddress> ] [ TABLE_group [ <group-addr> ] [ <group-type> ] [ <if-name> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <reporter> ] [ TABLE_source [ <source-addr> ] [ <group-type> ] [ <translate> ] [ <if-name> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <expires> ] [ <reporter> ] ] ] [ <vrf-cntxt> ] [ <g-count> ] [ <sg-count> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld local-groups [ <interface> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf> { TABLE_entry <group-addr> <source-addr> <static-oif> <local-group> <if-name> <last-reported> } ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld local-groups [ <interface> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <vrf-name> ] [ TABLE_if [ <if-name> ] [ TABLE_grp [ <group-addr> ] [ TABLE_src [ <source-addr> ] [ <last-reported> ] [ <local-group> ] [ <static-oif> ] [ <report-only> ] [ <host-proxy> ] ] ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 mroute [ [ bitfield ] | rp | { [ <group> ] summary [ software-forwarded ] } | { summary [ count | software-forwarded ] } | { { <source> <group> } | { <group> [ <source> ] } } [ summary [ software-forwarded ] | bitfield ] ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_addr <mcast-addrs> <pending> <bidir> <uptime> [ TABLE_mpib <mpib-name> <stale-route> ] <if-name><rpf-nbr> <internal> <oif-count><fabric-oif><fabric-loser> [ TABLE_oif <oif-name> <oif-uptime> [ TABLE_oif_mpib <oif-mpib-name> <stale-oif> ] <rpf> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] ] [ <total-route-count> <star-g-count> <source-count> <star-g-prefix-count> <group-count> <avg-sources-per-group><rem> [ <reason-for-route-stats-pending> ] ] [ TABLE_group <group-addr> <group-mask-len> <source-count-per-grp> [ TABLE_source <route-or-source> [ <name> ] <packets> <bytes> <aps> <pps> <bit-rate-in-bps> <oifs> [ <software-pkts> ] ] ] } ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 mroute [ [ [ bitfield ] [ detail ] ] | sr | rp | [ summary [ count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] ] | { [ [ <source> <group> ] | [ <group> [ <source> ] ] ] [ shared-tree | source-tree | mofrr ] [ [ flags ] | [ detail ] | [ bitfield ] | [ summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] ] ] } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ <expry_timer> ] [ <route_count> ] [ <star_g_cnt> ] [ <sg_cnt> ] [ <star_g_prfx_cnt> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <star-g-route> ] [ <sg-route> ] [ <star-g-prfx> ] [ <group-count> ] [ <avg> ] [ <rem> ] [ <stats-pndg> ] ] [ TABLE_summary_source [ <group_addr> ] [ <group_mask_len> ] [ <source_count> ] [ TABLE_one_sg [ <source_addr> ] [ <packets> ] [ <bytes> ] [ <aps> ] [ <pps> ] [ <rate_buf> ] [ <oifs> ] [ <software_fwd> ] [ <rpf-failed-pkts> ] [ <rpf-failed-bytes> ] ] ] [ TABLE_one_route <mcast-addrs> [ <source_addrs> <group_addrs> ] [ <pending> ] [ <bidir> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <mofrr> ] [ TABLE_mpib [ <mpib-name> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <stale-route> ] ] [ <mdt-encap-index> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <stats-rate-buf> ] [ <lisp-src-rloc> ] [ <translated-route-src> ] [ <translated-route-grp> ] [ <route-iif> ] [ <rpf-nbr> ] [ <mofrr-iif> ] [ <mofrr-nbr> ] [ <internal> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <fabric-oif> ] [ <fabric-loser> ] [ <num-vpc-svi-oifs> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <oif-uptime> ] [ TABLE_oif_mpib [ <oif-mpib-name> ] [ <stale-oif> ] [ <omd-vpc-svi> ] [ <core-interest> ] [ <fabric-interest> ] ] [ <rpf> ] ] [ <route-mdt-iod> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] [ TABLE_extranet [ <extranet_vrf_name> ] [ <extranet_addr> ] [ <extranet_oif_count> ] ] ] ]


    For the variables uptime and oif-uptime, the syntax format is changed to hh:mm:ss.
  • OLD: show ipv6 multicast vrf [ { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ <vrf-count> { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> <cid> <tid> <rc> <gc> <sc> <star_gc> } ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 multicast vrf [ <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ <vrf-count> [ { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> <cid> <tid> <rc> <gc> <sc> <star_gc> <state> [ <multipath-configuration> ] [ <mrib-cc-timer-left> ] [ <mrib-stats-timer-left> ] [ <mrib-mfdm-timer-left> ] [ <mrib-lisp-timer-left> ] [ <resilient> ] [ TABLE_RPF_SELECT <rpf-ip> <rpf-ip-mask> <rpf-vrf> ] } ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim df [ <rp-or-group> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ <out-context> ] [ { TABLE_rp [ <rp-addr> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <df-bits> ] [ <df-bits-count> ] [ <metric-pref> ] [ <metric> ] [ { TABLE_grange [ <grange-grp> ] [ <grange-masklen> ] } ] [ { TABLE_iod [ <if-name> ] [ <df-winner> ] [ <df-state> ] [ <winner-metric-pref> ] [ <winner-metric> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <is-rpf> ] } ] } ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim df [ <rp-or-group> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_ctx [ <out-context> ] [ TABLE_rp [ <rp-addr> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <df-bits> ] [ <df-bits-count> ] [ <metric-pref> ] [ <metric> ] [ TABLE_grange [ <grange-grp> ] [ <grange-masklen> ] ] [ TABLE_iod [ <if-name> ] [ <df-winner> ] [ <df-state> ] [ <winner-metric-pref> ] [ <winner-metric> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <is-rpf> ] ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim fabric info [ __readonly__ <switch_role> ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim fabric info [ __readonly__ <switch_role> <fabric_ctrl_addr> <peer_fabric_ctrl_infra> <vpc_domain_id> <peer_fabric_ctrl_addr> ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim group-range [ <group> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <out-context> ] [ { TABLE_group [ <invalid-grp> ] [ <grp-addr> ] [ <mode> ] [ <rp-addr> ] [ <sh-tree-only-range> ] } ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim group-range [ <group> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <out-context> [ { TABLE_group [ <grp-addr> ] [ <invalid-grp> ] [ <action> ] [ <mode> ] [ <rp-addr> ] [ <sh-tree-only-range> ] [ <origin> ] } ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim interface [ <interface> ] [ brief ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ <is-pim-enabled> ] [ TABLE_vrf [ <out-context> ] [ TABLE_brief [ <if-name> ] [ <if-addr> ] [ <if-nbr-count> ] [ <if-is-border> ] [ <if-dr> ] ] [ TABLE_iod [ <if-name> ] [ <if-status> ] [ <if-addr> ] [ <dr> ] [ <is-iface-in-cib> ] [ <if-addr-summary> ] [ <dr-priority> ] [ <no-dr-priority> ] [ <nbr-cnt> ] [ <hello-interval-sec> ] [ <hello-interval-msec> ] [ <hello-timer> ] [ <holdtime-sec> ] [ <holdtime-msec> ] [ <is-border> ] [ <genid> ] [ <isauth-config> ] [ <nbr-policy-name> ] [ <jp-in-policy-name> ] [ <jp-out-policy-name> ] [ <is-passive> ] [ <last-cleared> ] [ <hello-sent> ] [ <hello-rcvd> ] [ <jp-sent> ] [ <jp-rcvd> ] [ <assert-sent> ] [ <assert-rcvd> ] [ <graft-sent> ] [ <graft-rcvd> ] [ <graft-ack-sent> ] [ <graft-ack-rcvd> ] [ <df-offer-sent> ] [ <df-offer-rcvd> ] [ <df-winner-sent> ] [ <df-winner-rcvd> ] [ <df-backoff-sent> ] [ <df-backoff-rcvd> ] [ <pass-sent> ] [ <pass-rcvd> ] [ <cksum-errors> ] [ <invalid-errors> ] [ <invalid-df-errors> ] [ <auth-failed> ] [ <pak-len-errors> ] [ <ver-errors> ] [ <pkts-self> ] [ <pkts-non-nbr> ] [ <pkts-on-passive> ] [ <jp-rcvd-on-rpf> ] [ <jp-rcvd-no-rp> ] [ <jp-rcvd-wrong-rp> ] [ <jp-rcvd-for-ssm> ] [ <jp-rcvd-for-bidir> ] [ <jp-in-policy-filter> ] [ <jp-out-policy-filter> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim interface [ <interface> ] [ brief ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ <is-pim-enabled> ] [ TABLE_vrf [ <out-context> ] [ TABLE_brief [ <if-name> ] [ <if-addr> ] [ <if-dr> ] [ <if-nbr-count> ] [ <if-is-border> ] ] [ TABLE_iod [ <if-name> ] [ <if-status> ] [ <cached_if_status> ] [ <if-addr-summary> ] [ <pim-dr-address> ] [ <dr-priority> ] [ <no-dr-priority> ] [ <nbr-cnt> ] [ <hello-interval-sec> ] [ <hello-interval-msec> ] [ <hello-timer> ] [ <holdtime-msec> ] [ <holdtime-sec> ] [ <if-conf-dr-priority> ] [ <if-conf-delay> ] [ <is-border> ] [ <genid> ] [ <isauth-config> ] [ <nbr-policy-name> ] [ <jp-in-policy-name> ] [ <jp-out-policy-name> ] [ <jp-interval> ] [ <jp-next-send> ] [ <pim-bfd-enabled> ] [ <is-passive> ] [ <is-pim-vpc-svi> ] [ <is-auto-enabled> ] [ <vpc-peer-nbr> ] [ <last-cleared> ] [ <hello-sent> ] [ <hello-rcvd> ] [ <hello-early-sent> ] [ <jp-sent> ] [ <jp-rcvd> ] [ <assert-sent> ] [ <assert-rcvd> ] [ <graft-sent> ] [ <graft-rcvd> ] [ <graft-ack-sent> ] [ <graft-ack-rcvd> ] [ <df-offer-sent> ] [ <df-offer-rcvd> ] [ <df-winner-sent> ] [ <df-winner-rcvd> ] [ <df-backoff-sent> ] [ <df-backoff-rcvd> ] [ <pass-sent> ] [ <pass-rcvd> ] [ <cksum-errors> ] [ <invalid-errors> ] [ <invalid-df-errors> ] [ <auth-failed> ] [ <pak-len-errors> ] [ <ver-errors> ] [ <pkts-self> ] [ <pkts-non-nbr> ] [ <pkts-on-passive> ] [ <jp-rcvd-on-rpf> ] [ <jp-rcvd-no-rp> ] [ <jp-rcvd-wrong-rp> ] [ <jp-rcvd-for-ssm> ] [ <jp-rcvd-for-bidir> ] [ <jp-in-policy-filter> ] [ <jp-out-policy-filter> ] [ <ecmp-redirect-sent> ] [ <ecmp-redirect-recv> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim neighbor { [ <interface> ] | [ <ipv6addr> ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <out-context> [ TABLE_neighbor <nbr-addr><if-name><uptime><expires> [ <dr-priority> ] <bidir-capable> <bfd-state><name> [ TABLE_secondary <sec-addr> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim neighbor { [ <interface> ] | [ <ipv6addr> ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ detail | internal ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <out-context> [ TABLE_neighbor <nbr-addr><if-name><uptime><expires> [ <dr-priority> ] <bidir-capable><bfd-state> [ <longest-hello-intvl><non-hello-pkts> ] [ <ecmp-redirect-capable> ] [ TABLE_secondary <sec-addr> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim oif-list <group> [ <source> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> { TABLE_grp <mcast-addrs> <incoming-intf> <rpf-nbr> <timeout-interval> <oif-list-count> [ { TABLE_oiflist <oif-name> } ] <timeout-list-count> [ { TABLE_timeoutlist <timeoutoif-name> } ] <immediate-list-count> [ { TABLE_immediatelist <immediateoif-name> } ] <immediate-timeout-list-count> [ { TABLE_immediatetimeoutlist <immediatetimeoutoif-name> } ] <sgr-prune-list-count> [ { TABLE_sgrprunelist <sgrprunelistoif-name> } ] } ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim oif-list <group> [ <source> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ { TABLE_grp [ <mcast-addrs> ] [ <incoming-intf> ] [ <rpf-nbr> ] [ <timeout-interval> ] [ <oif-list-count> ] [ { TABLE_oiflist <oif-name> } ] [ <timeout-list-count> ] [ { TABLE_timeoutlist <timeoutoif-name> } ] [ <immediate-list-count> ] [ { TABLE_immediatelist <immediateoif-name> } ] [ <immediate-timeout-list-count> ] [ { TABLE_immediatetimeoutlist <immediatetimeoutoif-name> } ] [ <sgr-prune-list-count> ] [ { TABLE_sgrprunelist <sgrprunelistoif-name> } ] } ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim policy statistics { jp-policy | neighbor-policy } <interface> [ __readonly__ { TABLE_routemap <name> <action> <seq_num> [ { TABLE_cmd <command> <match_count> <compare_count> } ] } <total_accept_count> <total_reject_count> ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim policy statistics { jp-policy | neighbor-policy } <interface> [ __readonly__ { TABLE_routemap <name> <action> <seq_num> [ { TABLE_cmd <command> <compare_count> <match_count> } ] } <total_accept_count> <total_reject_count> ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim route { [ bitfield ] | <source> <group> | <group> [ <source> ] [ bitfield ] } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <context-name> <route-count> [ TABLE_one_route <mcast-addrs> [ <rp-addr> <rp-local> ] [ <bidir> ] [ <sgexpire> ] [ <is-fabricowned> ] [ <sgrexpire> ] [ <timeleft> ] [ <rp-bit> ] [ <register> ] [ <assert-timeout> ] [ <intf-name> ] [ <rpf-nbr-1> ] [ <rpf-nbr-addr> ] [ <rpf-nbr-2> ] [ <metric-pref> <route-metric> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <oif-bf-str> ] [ <timeout-count> ] [ <timeout-bf-str> ] [ <immediate-count> ] [ <immediate-bf-str> ] [ <immediate-timeout-count> ] [ <immediate-timeout-bf-str> ] [ <sgr-prune-list-count> ] [ <sgr-prune-list-bf-str> ] [ <timeout-interval> <jp-holdtime-rndup> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim route [ [ <source> [ <group> ] ] | [ <group> [ <source> ] ] ] [ bitfield ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <context-name> ] [ <route-count> ] [ TABLE_one_route [ <mcast-addrs> ] [ <rp-addr> ] [ <rp-local> ] [ <bidir> ] [ <sgexpire> ] [ <sgrexpire> ] [ <timeleft> ] [ <rp-bit> ] [ <register> ] [ <intf-name> ] [ <rpf-nbr-1> ] [ <rpf-nbr-addr> ] [ <intf-name-2> ] [ <rpf-nbr-2> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <is-attached> ] [ <is-static> ] [ <zero-nonpim-oifs> ] [ <is-external> ] [ <otv-decap> ] [ <otv-router-mode> ] [ <non-dr-oifs-only> ] [ <data-created> ] [ <mdt-encap> ] [ <mdt-decap> ] [ <vxlan-decap> ] [ <vxlan-encap> ] [ <sw-pkts> ] [ <sw-bytes> ] [ <hw-pkts> ] [ <hw-bytes> ] [ <rpf-src> ] [ <mrib-rpf-notify> ] [ <add-pending> ] [ <aged-route> ] [ <sg-expiry-cfg> ] [ <jp-holdtime> ] [ <route-metric-internal> ] [ <metric-pref-internal> ] [ <delay-register-stop> ] [ <register-stop-rcvd> ] [ <lisp-src-rloc> ] [ TABLE_lisp_encap [ <encap-src-rloc> ] [ <encap-dst-rloc> ] [ <timeout-count> ] [ <add-pending> ] [ <del-pending> ] ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <oif-bf-str> ] [ <timeout-count> ] [ <timeout-bf-str> ] [ <immediate-count> ] [ <immediate-bf-str> ] [ <immediate-timeout-count> ] [ <immediate-timeout-bf-str> ] [ <sgr-prune-list-count> ] [ <sgr-prune-list-bf-str> ] [ <timeout-interval> ] [ <jp-holdtime-rndup> ] [ <mdt-encap-index> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim rp [ <group> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf [ <out-context> ] [ <is-bsr-enabled> ] [ <is-bsr-listen-only> ] [ <is-bsr-forward-only> ] [ <are-we-bsr> ] [ <bsr-address> ] [ <is-bsr-address> ] [ <bsr-priority> ] [ <bsr-hash-masklen> ] [ <bs-timer> ] [ <bsr-uptime> ] [ <bsr-expires> ] [ <rp-cand-policy-name> ] [ <bsr-policy-name> ] [ <rp-announce-policy-name> ] [ <rp-discovery-policy-name> ] [ { TABLE_anycast_rp [ <anycast-rp-addr> ] [ { TABLE_arp_rp [ <arp-rp-addr> ] [ <is-rpaddr-local> ] } ] } ] [ { TABLE_rp [ <rp-addr> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <is-rp-in-cib> ] [ <rp-uptime> ] [ <rp-priority> ] [ <bsr-rp-expires> ] [ <bsr-info-src> ] [ <is-rp-static> ] [ <static-rp-group-map> ] [ { TABLE_grange [ <grange-grp> ] [ <grange-masklen> ] [ <is-bidir-grp> ] [ <is-bsr-rp-owner> ] [ <is-static-rp-owner> ] } ] } ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim rp [ <group> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <out-context> [ <is-bsr-enabled> ] [ <is-bsr-listen-only> ] [ <is-bsr-forward-only> ] [ <bsr-address> ] [ <is-bsr-local> ] [ <bs-timer> ] [ <bsr-uptime> ] [ <bsr-expires> ] [ <bsr-priority> ] [ <bsr-hash-masklen> ] [ <rp-cand-policy-name> ] [ <bsr-policy-name> ] [ TABLE_anycast_rp <anycast-rp-addr> [ TABLE_arp_rp <arp-rp-addr> <is-rpaddr-local> ] ] [ TABLE_rp [ <rp-addr> ] [ <is-rp-local> ] [ <df-ordinal> ] [ <rp-uptime> ] [ <rp-priority> ] [ <is_autorp_source> ] [ <is_bsr_source> ] [ <is_static_source> ] [ <rp-source> ] [ <static-rp-group-map> ] [ TABLE_grange [ <grange-grp> ] [ <grange-masklen> ] [ <grange-is-deny> ] [ <is-bidir-grp> ] [ <autorp-expires> ] [ <bsr-rp-expires> ] [ <rp-owner-flags> ] ] [ [ <bidir-ordinal> ] [ <df-bits-recovered> ] [ <rpf-nbr-address> ] [ <metric> ] [ <metric-preference> ] ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim rp-hash <group> [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ <out-context> ] [ <rp-found> ] [ <is-rp-bsr-learnt> ] [ <out-group> ] [ <hash-length> ] [ <out-bsr> ] [ { TABLE_rp [ <rp-addr> ] [ <hash> ] [ <isbest_hash> ] } ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim rp-hash <group> [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ <out-context> [ <rp-found> ] [ <is-rp-bsr-learnt> ] [ <out-group1> <rp-addr1> ] [ <out-group> <hash-length> <out-bsr> ] [ { TABLE_rp <rp-addr> <hash> <isbest_hash> } ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim statistics [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_context [ <out-context> ] [ <uptime> ] [ <reg-sent> ] [ <reg-rcvd> ] [ <null-reg-sent> ] [ <null-reg-rcvd> ] [ <reg-stop-sent> ] [ <reg-stop-rcvd> ] [ <reg-rcvd-not-rp> ] [ <reg-rcvd-for-ssm> ] [ <reg-rcvd-for-bidir> ] [ <bootstrap-sent> ] [ <bootstrap-rcvd> ] [ <cand-rp-sent> ] [ <cand-rp-rcvd> ] [ <bs-no-nbr> ] [ <bs-border-deny> ] [ <bs-len-errors> ] [ <bs-rpf-failed> ] [ <bs-no-listen> ] [ <candrp-border-deny> ] [ <candrp-no-listen> ] [ <ctrl-no-route> ] [ <data-no-route> ] [ <no-state> ] [ <create-state> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim statistics [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ <uptime> <reg-sent> <reg-rcvd> <null-reg-sent> <null-reg-rcvd> <reg-stop-sent> <reg-stop-rcvd> <reg-rcvd-not-rp> <reg-rcvd-for-ssm> <reg-rcvd-for-bidir> <bootstrap-sent> <bootstrap-rcvd> <cand-rp-sent> <cand-rp-rcvd> <bs-no-nbr> <bs-border-deny> <bs-len-errors> <bs-rpf-failed> <bs-no-listen> <candrp-border-deny> <candrp-no-listen> <ctrl-no-route> <data-no-route> <no-state> <create-state> ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 pim vrf [ { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_context [ <out-context> ] [ <context-id> ] [ <count> ] [ <bfd-enabled> ] [ <table-id> ] [ <state-limit> ] [ <available-states> ] [ <reserved-limit> ] [ <available-reserved> ] [ <reserve-policy> ] [ <register-rate-limit-pps> ] [ <shared-tree-route-map> ] [ TABLE_RANGE [ <shared-tree-ranges> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 pim vrf [ { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ detail | internal ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_context <out-context> <context-id> <count> <table-id> <bfd> <mvpn> } ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 route [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ipv6-addr> | { <ipv6-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <ipv6-protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary | { [ detail ] [ deleted ] } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> [ <attached> ] TABLE_path [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <stalelbl> ] [ <hidden> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 route [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ipv6-addr> | { <ipv6-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <ipv6-protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary [ cached ] | summary-counter-consistency-check | { [ detail ] [ deleted ] } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> [ <attached> ] TABLE_path [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] [ <srv6-funct> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <stalelbl> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <remote-sid> ] [ <src-ip> ] [ <sid-fct> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ipv6 { icmp | nd } global traffic [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_icmpv6_global_stat [ <st-total> ] [ <rv-total> ] [ <st-err> ] [ <rv-err> ] [ <st-int-drp-cnt> ] [ <rv-int-drp-cnt> ] [ <st-adj-nt-recov-am-ha> ] [ <rv-adj-nt-recov-am-ha> ] [ <st-pkt-allow-inv-ttl-vpc> ] [ <rv-pkt-allow-inv-ttl-vpc> ] [ <st-drp-src-mac-own> ] [ <rv-drp-src-mac-own> ] [ <st-drp-tgt-ip-not-own> ] [ <rv-drp-tgt-ip-not-own> ] [ <st-drp-src-ip-not-own> ] [ <rv-drp-src-ip-not-own> ] [ <st-dest-unreach> ] [ <rv-dest-unreach> ] [ <st-admin-prohibit> ] [ <rv-admin-prohibit> ] [ <st-time-exceed> ] [ <rv-time-exceed> ] [ <st-para-pbms> ] [ <rv-para-pbms> ] [ <st-echo-req> ] [ <rv-echo-req> ] [ <st-echo-reply> ] [ <rv-echo-reply> ] [ <st-redirect> ] [ <rv-redirect> ] [ <st-pkt-too-big> ] [ <rv-pkt-too-big> ] [ <st-rtr-adver> ] [ <rv-rtr-adver> ] [ <st-rtr-solicit> ] [ <rv-rtr-solicit> ] [ <st-nei-adver> ] [ <rv-nei-adver> ] [ <st-nei-solicit> ] [ <rv-nei-solicit> ] [ <fast-path-pkts> ] [ <fastpath-disable> ] [ <ign-fastpath-pkts> ] [ <dup-rtr-ra-recvd> ] [ <rv-dup-rtr-ra-recvd> ] } ] [ { TABLE_icmpv6_mld_stat <st-v1-queries> <rv-v1-queries> <st-v2-queries> <rv-v2-queries> <st-v1-reports> <rv-v1-reports> <st-v2-reports> <rv-v2-reports> <st-v1-leaves> <rv-v1-leaves> } ] ]

  • NEW: show ipv6 { icmp | nd } global traffic [ __readonly__ [ { TABLE_icmpv6_global_stat [ <st-total> ] [ <rv-total> ] [ <st-err> ] [ <rv-err> ] [ <st-int-drp-cnt> ] [ <rv-int-drp-cnt> ] [ <st-adj-nt-recov-am-ha> ] [ <rv-adj-nt-recov-am-ha> ] [ <st-pkt-allow-inv-ttl-vpc> ] [ <rv-pkt-allow-inv-ttl-vpc> ] [ <st-drp-src-mac-own> ] [ <rv-drp-src-mac-own> ] [ <st-drp-tgt-ip-not-own> ] [ <rv-drp-tgt-ip-not-own> ] [ <st-drp-src-ip-not-own> ] [ <rv-drp-src-ip-not-own> ] [ <st-dest-unreach> ] [ <rv-dest-unreach> ] [ <st-admin-prohibit> ] [ <rv-admin-prohibit> ] [ <st-time-exceed> ] [ <rv-time-exceed> ] [ <st-para-pbms> ] [ <rv-para-pbms> ] [ <st-echo-req> ] [ <rv-echo-req> ] [ <st-echo-reply> ] [ <rv-echo-reply> ] [ <st-redirect> ] [ <rv-redirect> ] [ <st-pkt-too-big> ] [ <rv-pkt-too-big> ] [ <st-rtr-adver> ] [ <rv-rtr-adver> ] [ <st-rtr-solicit> ] [ <rv-rtr-solicit> ] [ <st-nei-adver> ] [ <rv-nei-adver> ] [ <st-nei-solicit> ] [ <rv-nei-solicit> ] [ <fast-path-pkts> ] [ <fastpath-disable> ] [ <ign-fastpath-pkts> ] [ <dup-rtr-ra-recvd> ] [ <rv-dup-rtr-ra-recvd> ] } ] ]

  • OLD: show isis [ <isis-tag> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ process | protocol ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_process_tag <process-tag-out> <instance_num> <uuid> <process-id> <vrf-name-out> <system-id-out> <is-type-out> <sap-out> <qh-out> <mtu-out> [ <gr-status-out> ] [ <gr-state-active-out> ] [ <gr-state-inactive-out> ] [ <last-gr-status-fail-out> ] [ <last-gr-status-success-out> ] [ <last-gr-status-none-out> ] [ <gr-status-disable-out> ] [ TABLE_afi_safi <af-ix> <af-bfd-config> <af-pib-tag> ] <metric-style> <accept-metric> [ <net-set-none> ] [ TABLE_area_addr <area-addr-nsap> ] [ <proc-state-not-config> ] [ <proc-state-admin-down> ] [ <proc-state-l3vm-down> ] [ <proc-state-unknown-down> ] [ <proc-state-not-specified> ] [ <proc-state-no-net> ] [ <proc-state-no-vrf-id> ] [ <proc-state-out-memory> ] [ <proc-state-restart> ] [ <proc-state-running> ] <vrf-id-out> [ TABLE_te <te-lvl-out> <te-lvl-active> ] [ <te-ted-out> ] [ <mpls-te-out> ] [ TABLE_mpls_te [ <mpls-te-lvl-out> ] [ <mpls-te-rtrid-intf-out> ] [ <mpls-te-fa-lvl-out> ] [ TABLE_te_fa <te-fa-sysid-out> <te-fa-intf-out> ] ] [ <te-stat-sys-id-out> ] [ <te-stat-rtr-id-out> ] [ TABLE_te_stat_lvl <te-stat-lvl-out> <te-stat-up-out> <te-stat-down-out> ] [ <srte-registered-out> ] [ TABLE_segment_routing <af-out> <ptag-out> <cfg-out> <enable-out> [ <exp-null-cfg> ] ] [ TABLE_iib_list_yeild <intf-name-out> ] [ TABLE_auth <auth-lvl-out> [ <auth-type-no-type> ] [ <auth-type-cleartext> ] [ <auth-type-md5> ] [ <auth-type-key-chain> ] [ <auth-type-none> ] [ <auth-check> ] [ <auth-no-check> ] ] [ TABLE_spf <spf-lvl-out> [ <spf-timer> ] ] [ TABLE_distribute_ls <distribute-linkst-lvl> ] ]

  • NEW: show isis [ <isis-tag> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ process | protocol ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_process_tag <process-tag-out> <instance_num> <uuid> <process-id> <vrf-name-out> <system-id-out> <is-type-out> <sap-out> <qh-out> <mtu-out> [ <gr-status-out> ] [ <gr-state-active-out> ] [ <gr-state-inactive-out> ] [ <last-gr-status-fail-out> ] [ <last-gr-status-success-out> ] [ <last-gr-status-none-out> ] [ <gr-status-disable-out> ] [ TABLE_afi_safi <af-ix> <af-bfd-config> <af-pib-tag> ] <metric-style> <accept-metric> [ <net-set-none> ] [ TABLE_area_addr <area-addr-nsap> ] [ <proc-state-not-config> ] [ <proc-state-admin-down> ] [ <proc-state-l3vm-down> ] [ <proc-state-unknown-down> ] [ <proc-state-not-specified> ] [ <proc-state-no-net> ] [ <proc-state-no-vrf-id> ] [ <proc-state-out-memory> ] [ <proc-state-restart> ] [ <proc-state-running> ] <vrf-id-out> [ TABLE_te <te-lvl-out> <te-lvl-active> ] [ <te-ted-out> ] [ <mpls-te-out> ] [ TABLE_mpls_te [ <mpls-te-lvl-out> ] [ <mpls-te-rtrid-intf-out> ] [ <mpls-te-fa-lvl-out> ] [ TABLE_te_fa <te-fa-sysid-out> <te-fa-intf-out> ] ] [ <te-stat-sys-id-out> ] [ <te-stat-rtr-id-out> ] [ TABLE_te_stat_lvl <te-stat-lvl-out> <te-stat-up-out> <te-stat-down-out> ] [ <srte-registered-out> ] [ TABLE_segment_routing <af-out> <ptag-out> <cfg-out> <enable-out> [ <exp-null-cfg> ] ] [ <srv6-enabled> ] [ TABLE_iib_list_yeild <intf-name-out> ] [ TABLE_auth <auth-lvl-out> [ <auth-type-no-type> ] [ <auth-type-cleartext> ] [ <auth-type-md5> ] [ <auth-type-key-chain> ] [ <auth-type-none> ] [ <auth-check> ] [ <auth-no-check> ] ] [ TABLE_spf <spf-lvl-out> [ <spf-timer> ] ] [ TABLE_distribute_ls <distribute-linkst-lvl> ] ]

  • OLD: show isis [ <isis-tag> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] traffic [ <interface> ] [ mbuf-priority ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_process_tag <process-tag-out> { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> <traffic-if-out> [ <traffic-if-name-out> ] <traffic-lan-iih-out> <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-out> <traffic-lan-iih-xmit-out> <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-auth-err-out> <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-err-out> <traffic-p2p-iih-out> <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-out> <traffic-p2p-iih-xmit-out> <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-auth-err-out> <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-err-out> <traffic-csnp-out> <traffic-csnp-rcv-out> <traffic-csnp-xmit-out> <traffic-csnp-rcv-auth-err-out> <traffic-csnp-rcv-err-out> <traffic-psnp-out> <traffic-psnp-rcv-out> <traffic-psnp-xmit-out> <traffic-psnp-rcv-auth-err-out> <traffic-psnp-rcv-err-out> <traffic-lsp-out> <traffic-lsp-rcv-out> <traffic-lsp-flood-out> <traffic-lsp-rcv-auth-err-out> <traffic-lsp-rcv-err-out> <traffic-lsp-rexmit-out> [ <traffic-xmit-err-out> ] [ <traffic-unknown-pdu-rcv-out> ] } } ]

  • NEW: show isis [ <isis-tag> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] traffic [ <interface> ] [ interfaces ] [ mbuf-priority ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_process_tag <process-tag-out> [ { TABLE_vrf [ <vrf-name-out> ] [ { TABLE_interface [ <traffic-if-name-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-flood-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rexmit-out> ] [ <traffic-xmit-err-out> ] [ <traffic-unknown-pdu-rcv-out> ] } ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lan-iih-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-p2p-iih-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-csnp-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-xmit-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-psnp-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rcv-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-flood-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rcv-auth-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rcv-err-out> ] [ <traffic-lsp-rexmit-out> ] [ <traffic-xmit-err-out> ] [ <traffic-unknown-pdu-rcv-out> ] } ] } ]

  • OLD: show itd [ <svc-name> ] [ brief ] [ __readonly__ <is_detail> [ TABLE_summary <is_active> <service_name> <is_include_acl> <probe> <lb_scheme> <state> <buckets> [ <interface_num> ] [ <interface> ] [ TABLE_interface <interface_grp> ] [ <reason> ] [ <src_interface> ] [ <vrf_name> ] [ <excludeACL> ] [ <peer_status> ] [ TABLE_device <device_grp> <dg_probe> <dg_probe_port> ] [ <is_firstentry_routemap> ] [ TABLE_route_map [ <route_map> ] [ TABLE_rmap_interface [ <r_interface> ] [ <r_status> ] [ <int_track_id> ] ] ] [ TABLE_vip [ <vip_acl_key> ] [ <vip_probe> ] [ <vip_port> ] [ <ace_buckets> ] [ <vip_dgname> ] [ <is_firstentry_vip_node> ] [ TABLE_vip_node <is_vip_node_ipv6> <vip_node> <vip_config> <vip_weight> <vip_node_probe> <vip_node_probe_port> <vip_node_probe_ip> <vip_status> <vip_track_id> <vip_ip_sla_id> [ <is_firstentry_standby> ] [ TABLE_vip_standby <is_standby_vip_node_ipv6> <vip_standby_ip> <vip_standby_config> <vip_standby_weight> <vip_standby_probe> <vip_standby_probe_port> <vip_standby_probe_ip> <vip_standby_status> <vip_standby_track_id> <vip_standby_sla_id> ] [ <is_firstentry_acl> ] [ TABLE_vip_acl [ <vip_access_list> ] ] ] ] [ <is_firstentry> ] [ TABLE_node <is_node_ipv6> <node> <config> <weight> <node_probe> <node_probe_port> <node_probe_ip> <status> <track_id> <ip_sla_id> [ <is_first_def_stdby> ] [ TABLE_standby <is_standby_node_ipv6> <standby_ip> <standby_config> <standby_weight> <standby_probe> <standby_probe_port> <standby_probe_ip> <standby_status> <standby_track_id> <standby_sla_id> ] [ <is_first_defdg_acl> ] [ TABLE_acl [ <access_list> ] ] ] ] [ <is_lastentry> ] ]

  • NEW: show itd [ <svc-name> ] [ brief ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_summary <is_detail> <is_active> <service_name> <is_include_acl> <probe> <lb_scheme> <state> <buckets> [ <interface_num> ] [ <interface> ] [ TABLE_interface <interface_grp> ] [ <reason> ] [ <src_interface> ] [ <source_vlan> ] [ <vrf_name> ] [ <excludeACL> ] [ <peer_status> ] <is_l2> [ TABLE_device <device_grp> [ <dg_probe> ] [ <dg_probe_port> ] ] [ <is_firstentry_routemap> ] [ TABLE_route_map [ <route_map> ] [ TABLE_rmap_interface [ <r_interface> ] [ <r_status> ] [ <int_track_id> ] ] ] [ TABLE_vip [ <vip_flags> ] [ <vip_acl_key> ] [ <vip_probe> ] [ <vip_port> ] [ <ace_buckets> ] [ <vip_dgname> ] [ <is_firstentry_vip_node> ] [ TABLE_vip_node <is_vip_node_ipv6> <vip_node> <vip_config> <vip_weight> <vip_node_port> <vip_node_probe> <vip_node_probe_port> <vip_node_probe_ip> <vip_status> <vip_track_id> <vip_ip_sla_id> [ <is_firstentry_standby> ] [ TABLE_vip_standby <is_standby_vip_node_ipv6> <vip_standby_ip> <vip_standby_config> <vip_standby_weight> <vip_standby_probe> <vip_standby_probe_port> <vip_standby_probe_ip> <vip_standby_status> <vip_standby_track_id> <vip_standby_sla_id> ] [ <is_firstentry_acl> ] [ TABLE_vip_acl [ <vip_access_list> ] ] ] ] [ <is_firstentry> ] [ TABLE_node [ <is_node_ipv6> ] <node> [ <config> ] [ <weight> ] [ <port> ] [ <node_probe> ] [ <node_probe_port> ] [ <node_probe_ip> ] [ <status> ] [ <track_id> ] [ <ip_sla_id> ] [ <is_first_def_stdby> ] [ TABLE_standby <is_standby_node_ipv6> <standby_ip> <standby_config> <standby_weight> <standby_probe> <standby_probe_port> <standby_probe_ip> <standby_status> <standby_track_id> <standby_sla_id> ] [ <is_first_defdg_acl> ] [ TABLE_acl [ <access_list> ] ] ] ] [ <is_lastentry> ] ]

  • OLD: show itd session device-group [ <name> ] [ __readonly__ <first_entry> [ TABLE_svc <node> ] ]

  • NEW: show itd session device-group [ <name> ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_dg <dg_name> <first_entry> [ TABLE_svc <node> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show kubernetes containers [ brief | interface <if_name> ]

  • NEW: show kubernetes containers [ brief | interface <if_name> | mgmt0 ]

  • OLD: show mac address-table count [ static | dynamic | secure ] [ local ] [ { [ interface <interface-name> | { switch-id <swid> [ sub-switch-id <sswid> ] } | vlan <id> ] + } | { [ interface1 <interface-name> | vni <vni-id> | [ peer-ip <peer-ipv4> | peer-ipv6 <peer-ipv6> ] ] + } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE-macaddtblcount [ <id-out> ] [ <count_str> ] [ <dyn_cnt> ] [ <otv_cnt> ] [ <static_cnt> ] [ <rvtep_static_cnt> ] [ <secure_cnt> ] [ <total_cnt> ] ]

  • NEW: show mac address-table count [ static | dynamic | secure ] [ local ] [ { [ interface <interface-name> | { switch-id <swid> [ sub-switch-id <sswid> ] } | vlan <id> ] + } | { [ interface1 <interface-name> | vni <vni-id> | [ peer-ip <peer-ipv4> | peer-ipv6 <peer-ipv6> ] ] + } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE-macaddtblcount [ <id-out> ] [ <count_str> ] [ <dyn_cnt> ] [ <otv_cnt> ] [ <rvtep_static_cnt> ] [ <static_cnt> ] [ <secure_cnt> ] [ <total_cnt> ] ]

  • OLD: show module [ { <module> } | { <s0> [ <santa-cruz-range> ] } | { fabric [ <module> ] } ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_modinfo <modinf> <ports> <modtype> <model> <status> } [ { TABLE_modpwrinfo <modpwr> <pwrstat> <reason> } ] { TABLE_modwwninfo <modwwn> <sw> <hw> <slottype> } [ { TABLE_modapplinfo <modappl> <desc> <applver> } ] { TABLE_modmacinfo <modmac> <mac> <serialnum> } { TABLE_moddiaginfo <mod> <diagstatus> } [ { TABLE_xbarinfo <xbarinf> <xbarports> <xbartype> <xbarmodel> <xbarstatus> } ] [ { TABLE_xbarpwrinfo <xbarpwr> <xbarpwrstat> <xbarreason> } ] [ { TABLE_xbarwwninfo <xbarwwn> <xbarsw> <xbarhw> <xbarwwnstr> } ] [ { TABLE_xbarmacinfo <xbarmac> <xbarmacaddr> <xbarserialnum> } ] ]

  • NEW: show module [ { <module> } | { <s0> [ <santa-cruz-range> ] } | { fabric [ <module> ] } ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_modinfo <modinf> <ports> <modtype> <model> <status> } [ { TABLE_modpwrinfo <modpwr> <pwrstat> <reason> } ] { TABLE_modwwninfo <modwwn> <sw> <hw> <slottype> } [ { TABLE_modapplinfo <modappl> <desc> <applver> } ] { TABLE_modmacinfo <modmac> <mac> <serialnum> } { TABLE_moddiaginfo <mod> <diagstatus> } [ { TABLE_modinfo <modinf> <ports> <modtype> <model> <status> } [ { TABLE_modpwrinfo <modpwr> <pwrstat> <reason> } ] { TABLE_modwwninfo <modwwn> <sw> <hw> <slottype> } [ { TABLE_modapplinfo <modappl> <desc> <applver> } ] { TABLE_modmacinfo <modmac> <mac> <serialnum> } { TABLE_moddiaginfo <mod> <diagstatus> } ] [ { TABLE_xbarinfo <xbarinf> <xbarports> <xbartype> <xbarmodel> <xbarstatus> } ] [ { TABLE_xbarpwrinfo <xbarpwr> <xbarpwrstat> <xbarreason> } ] [ { TABLE_xbarwwninfo <xbarwwn> <xbarsw> <xbarhw> <xbarwwnstr> } ] [ { TABLE_xbarmacinfo <xbarmac> <xbarmacaddr> <xbarserialnum> } ] ]

  • OLD: show mpls interfaces detail [ __readonly__ TABLE_mpls_interface_det <intf> <client_name> <oper_str> <ls_id> <mpls_sublayer_name> <mpls_sublayer_id> ]

  • NEW: show mpls interfaces detail [ __readonly__ TABLE_mpls_interface_det <intf> { <client_name> + } <oper_str> <ls_id> <mpls_sublayer_name> <mpls_sublayer_id> ]

  • OLD: show mpls ip bindings [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ generic ] [ { <prefix> { <mask> | <mask-length> } | <prefix-mask> } [ longer-prefix ] ] [ neighbor <addr> | local ] [ [ local-label <local-label> [ local-to <local-label-max> ] ] | [ remote-label <remote-label> [ remote-to <remote-label-max> ] ] ] [ advertisement-prefix-list | detail ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_bnd [ <ldp_ctx> ] [ <llaf> ] [ { TABLE_bnd_acl_list <oldstyle> <prefix_acl> <peer_acl> } ] [ { TABLE_bnd_rec <lib_addr> <lib_mask> [ <lcl_bnd_rev> ] [ <no_route> ] [ <chkpt> ] [ <local_label> ] [ <withdraw> ] [ { TABLE_bnd_peer_list <peer_ident> } ] [ <remote_label> ] [ <remote_lsr> ] [ <rem_lbl_in_use> ] [ <stale_gr> ] [ <advert_acl_pending> ] [ <peer_acl> ] [ <prefix_acl> ] } ] } ]

  • NEW: show mpls ip bindings [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ generic ] [ { <prefix> { <mask> | <mask-length> } | <prefix-mask> } [ longer-prefix ] ] [ neighbor <addr> | local ] [ [ local-label <local-label> [ local-to <local-label-max> ] ] | [ remote-label <remote-label> [ remote-to <remote-label-max> ] ] ] [ advertisement-prefix-list | detail ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_bnd [ <ldp_ctx> ] [ <llaf> ] [ { TABLE_bnd_acl_list <oldstyle> <prefix_acl> <peer_acl> } ] [ { TABLE_bnd_rec <lib_addr> <lib_mask> [ <lcl_bnd_rev> ] [ <no_route> ] [ <chkpt> ] [ <local_label> ] [ <withdraw> ] [ { TABLE_bnd_peer_list <peer_ident> } ] [ { TABLE_bnd_remote [ <remote_lsr> ] [ <remote_label> ] [ <rem_lbl_in_use> ] [ <stale_gr> ] } ] [ <advert_acl_pending> ] [ <peer_acl> ] [ <prefix_acl> ] } ] } ]

  • OLD: show mpls ldp discovery [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_dsc_ctx [ <ldp_ctx> ] [ <ldp_status> ] [ <local_ldp_ident> ] [ { TABLE_dsc_if <if> <ptcl> [ <if_status> ] <xmit_recv> [ <if_cfg> ] [ <igp_cfg> ] [ <hello_int> ] [ <local_xport_addr> ] { TABLE_dsc_adj <remote_ldp_ident> [ <nhop_info> ] [ <remote_src_ip> ] [ <remote_xport_ip> ] [ <hold_time> ] [ <local_hold_time> ] [ <nbr_hold_time> ] [ <nhop_addr> ] [ <nhop_mask> ] [ <pwdinfo> ] } [ <clients> ] } ] [ { TABLE_dsc_tgtd [ <tgtd_remote_ip> ] [ <tgtd_local_ip> ] [ <tgtd_ptcl> ] [ <tgtd_type> ] [ <tgtd_xmit_recv> ] [ <tgtd_hello_int> ] [ <tgtd_local_xport_addr> ] [ <tgtd_remote_ldp_ident> ] [ <tgtd_nhop_info> ] [ <tgtd_remote_src_ip> <tgtd_remote_xport_ip> ] [ <tgtd_hold_time> <tgtd_local_hold_time> <tgtd_nbr_hold_time> ] [ <tgtd_nhop_addr> <tgtd_nhop_mask> ] [ <tgtd_pwdinfo> ] } ] } ]

  • NEW: show mpls ldp discovery [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_dsc_ctx [ <ldp_ctx> ] [ <ldp_status> ] [ <local_ldp_ident> ] [ { TABLE_dsc_if <if> <ptcl> [ <if_status> ] <xmit_recv> [ <if_cfg> ] [ <igp_cfg> ] [ <hello_int> ] [ <local_xport_addr> ] [ { TABLE_dsc_adj <remote_ldp_ident> [ <nhop_info> ] [ <remote_src_ip> ] [ <remote_xport_ip> ] [ <hold_time> ] [ <local_hold_time> ] [ <nbr_hold_time> ] [ <nhop_addr> ] [ <nhop_mask> ] [ <pwdinfo> ] } ] [ <clients> ] } ] [ { TABLE_dsc_tgtd [ <tgtd_remote_ip> ] [ <tgtd_local_ip> ] [ <tgtd_ptcl> ] [ <tgtd_type> ] [ <tgtd_xmit_recv> ] [ <tgtd_hello_int> ] [ <tgtd_local_xport_addr> ] [ <tgtd_remote_ldp_ident> ] [ <tgtd_nhop_info> ] [ <tgtd_remote_src_ip> <tgtd_remote_xport_ip> ] [ <tgtd_hold_time> <tgtd_local_hold_time> <tgtd_nbr_hold_time> ] [ <tgtd_nhop_addr> <tgtd_nhop_mask> ] [ <tgtd_pwdinfo> ] } ] } ]

  • OLD: show mpls switching [ labels <label> [ <max-label> ] | interface <intf> | { <ip-addr> | <ipv4-prefix> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | <ipv6-prefix> [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | traffic-eng srpath [ <srte-path-id> ] | aggregate [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | { fec { ipv4_prefix [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | ipv6_prefix [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | deagg [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all | ias_vpnv4 | ias_vpnv6 } ] | per-bd <per-bd-vlan-id> } } | { summary } ] [ detail ] [ private ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ [ TABLE_vrf [ <vrf_name> ] [ [ TABLE_inlabel <in_label> [ [ { <out_label_stack> + } ] { <srte_path_id> | <ipv4_prefix> | <ipv6_prefix> } [ <out_interface> ] { <ipv4_next_hop> | <ipv6_next_hop> } [ <weight> ] ] [ <deagg_vrf> [ <deagg_af> ] ] [ { <tunnel_v4_mid_source> | <tunnel_v6_mid_source> } <tunnel_id> { <ext_v4_tunnel_id> | <ext_v6_tunnel_id> } <tunnel_instance> <tunnel_head> ] [ <nhlfe_p2p_flag> ] [ <nhlfe_frr_status> ] [ <nhlfe_stale_flag> ] [ <in_packets> <in_bytes> ] [ [ <out_label> + ] <out_packets> + <out_bytes> + ] [ { <tunnel_v4_mid_dest> | <tunnel_v6_mid_dest> } { <ipv4_next_hop> | <ipv6_next_hop> } ] [ <per_ce_table> <per_ce_nh_set_id> ] [ { <ias_v4_prefix> | <ias_v6_prefix> } <ias_rd> ] [ <fec_none_label> ] [ <per_bd_vlan_id> ] [ <table_name> ] ] [ TABLE_adj_sid_inlabel <adj_sid_in_label> <out_label> { <ipv4_addr> | <ipv6_addr> } <out_interface> { <adj_sid_ipv4_next_hop> | <adj_sid_ipv6_next_hop> } [ <in_packets> <in_bytes> ] [ [ <out_label> + ] <out_packets> + <out_bytes> + ] ] ] ] [ TABLE_block <blockid> <lbl_range> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show mpls switching [ labels <label> [ <max-label> ] | interface <intf> | { <ip-addr> | <ipv4-prefix> } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | <ipv6-prefix> [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | traffic-eng srpath [ <srte-path-id> ] | aggregate [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | { fec { ipv4_prefix [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | ipv6_prefix [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] | deagg [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all | ias_vpnv4 | ias_vpnv6 } ] | per-bd <per-bd-vlan-id> } } | { summary } ] [ detail ] [ private ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ [ TABLE_vrf [ <vrf_name> ] [ [ TABLE_inlabel <in_label> [ [ { <out_label_stack> + } ] [ { <srte_path_id> | <ipv4_prefix> | <ipv6_prefix> } ] [ <out_interface> ] { <ipv4_next_hop> | <ipv6_next_hop> } [ <weight> ] ] [ <deagg_vrf> [ <deagg_af> ] ] [ { <tunnel_v4_mid_source> | <tunnel_v6_mid_source> } <tunnel_id> { <ext_v4_tunnel_id> | <ext_v6_tunnel_id> } <tunnel_instance> <tunnel_head> ] [ <nhlfe_p2p_flag> ] [ <nhlfe_frr_status> ] [ <nhlfe_stale_flag> ] [ <in_packets> <in_bytes> ] [ [ <out_label> + ] <out_packets> + <out_bytes> + ] [ { <tunnel_v4_mid_dest> | <tunnel_v6_mid_dest> } { <ipv4_next_hop> | <ipv6_next_hop> } ] [ <per_ce_table> <per_ce_nh_set_id> ] [ { <ias_v4_prefix> | <ias_v6_prefix> } <ias_rd> ] [ <fec_none_label> ] [ <per_bd_vlan_id> ] [ <table_name> ] ] [ TABLE_adj_sid_inlabel <adj_sid_in_label> <out_label> { <ipv4_addr> | <ipv6_addr> } <out_interface> { <adj_sid_ipv4_next_hop> | <adj_sid_ipv6_next_hop> } [ <in_packets> <in_bytes> ] [ [ <out_label> + ] <out_packets> + <out_bytes> + ] ] ] ] [ TABLE_block <blockid> <lbl_range> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show nbm flows static [ group <grp> ] [ source <src> ] [ stitched | unstitched ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <nbm-vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_stitched { <stitchedSrc> <stitchedGrp> [ TABLE_stitchedEgress { <stitchedEgressIntf> } ] [ TABLE_stitchedHost { <stitchedHostIp> } ] } ] [ TABLE_unstitched { <unstitchedSrc> <unstitchedGrp> [ TABLE_unstitchedEgress { <unstitchedEgressIntf> } ] [ TABLE_unstitchedHost { <unstitchedHostIp> } ] } ] ] } ]

  • NEW: show nbm flows static [ group <grp> ] [ source <src> ] [ stitched | unstitched ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <nbm-vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_stitched { <stitchedSrc> <stitchedGrp> [ TABLE_stitchedEgress { <stitchedEgressIntf> } ] [ TABLE_stitchedHost { <stitchedHostIp> } ] } ] [ TABLE_unstitched { <unstitchedSrc> <unstitchedGrp> [ TABLE_unstitchedEgress { <unstitchedEgressIntf> } ] [ TABLE_unstitchedHost { <unstitchedHostIp> } ] } ] [ TABLE_Provisioned_Static_Flows { [ <staticApiSrc> ] [ <staticApiGrp> ] } [ <iifName> ] [ <bwkbps> ] [ <policer> ] [ <iifProgStatus> ] [ TABLE_OIF { [ <isLhr> ] [ <oifName> ] [ <oifProgStatus> ] } ] ] ] } ]

  • OLD: show nbm interface bandwidth [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_bw { <index> <ifname> <iod> <slot> <unit> <slice> <ingr_fl_bw_available> <ingr_fl_bw_usable> <ingr_fl_bw_capacity> <egr_fl_bw_available> <egr_fl_bw_usable> <egr_fl_bw_capacity> <nbr_dev_id> <nbr_dev_name> <external> } ] ]

  • NEW: show nbm interface bandwidth [ interface <if-name> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <nbm-vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_bw { <index> <ifname> <iod> <slot> <unit> <slice> <fab_unicast_percentage> <ingr_fl_bw_available> <ingr_fl_bw_usable> <ingr_fl_bw_capacity> <ingr_unicast> <ingr_unicast_rsvd_percent> <egr_fl_bw_available> <egr_fl_bw_usable> <egr_fl_bw_capacity> <egr_unicast> <egr_unicast_rsvd_percent> <nbr_dev_id> <nbr_dev_name> <external> } ] ]

  • OLD: show nve vni [ { { interface <nve-if> | <vni-id> } [ detail ] } | control-plane | data-plane | summary | controller ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_nve_vni [ [ <detail> ] [ <if-name> <vni> <mcast> <vni-state> <mode> <type> <flags> [ { <prvsn-state> <vlan-bd> <svi-state> <vpc-compat-check> } ] ] ] [ [ <summary> ] <cp-vni-count> <cp-vni-up> <cp-vni-down> <dp-vni-count> <dp-vni-up> <dp-vni-down> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show nve vni [ { { interface <nve-if> | <vni-id> | all } [ detail ] } | control-plane | data-plane | summary | controller ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_nve_vni [ [ <detail> ] [ <if-name> <vni> <mcast> <vni-state> <mode> <type> <flags> [ { <prvsn-state> <vlan-bd> <svi-state> <vpc-compat-check> } ] ] ] [ [ <summary> ] <cp-vni-count> <cp-vni-up> <cp-vni-down> <dp-vni-count> <dp-vni-up> <dp-vni-down> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show [ ipv6 ] ospfv3 [ <tag> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] policy statistics { { redistribute { bgp <as> | { isis | rip } <tag> | static | direct | amt } } | { area <area-id-ip> filter-list { in | out } } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ]

  • NEW: show [ ipv6 ] ospfv3 [ <tag> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] policy statistics { { redistribute { bgp <as> | { isis | rip } <tag> | static | direct | amt | srv6 locator } } | { area <area-id-ip> filter-list { in | out } } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ]

  • OLD: show processes cpu [ sort ] [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_process_cpu <pid> <runtime> <invoked> <usecs> <onesec> <process> ] [ <user_percent> ] [ <kernel_percent> ] [ <idle_percent> ] } ]

  • NEW: show processes cpu [ sort ] [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_process_cpu <pid> <runtime> <invoked> <usecs> <onesec> <process> ] [ <user_percent> ] [ <kernel_percent> ] [ <idle_percent> ] [ <fivesec_percent> ] [ <fivesec_intr_percent> ] [ <onemin_percent> ] [ <fivemin_percent> ] } ]

  • OLD: show processes cpu module <i0> [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_process_cpu <pid> <runtime> <invoked> <usecs> <onesec> <process> ] [ <user_percent> ] [ <kernel_percent> ] [ <idle_percent> ] } ]

  • NEW: show processes cpu module <i0> [ __readonly__ { [ TABLE_process_cpu <pid> <runtime> <invoked> <usecs> <onesec> <process> ] [ <user_percent> ] [ <kernel_percent> ] [ <idle_percent> ] [ <fivesec_percent> ] [ <fivesec_intr_percent> ] [ <onemin_percent> ] [ <fivemin_percent> ] } ]

  • OLD: show processes vdc <e-vdc2> cpu [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_process_vdc_cpu <pid> <runtime> <invoked> <usecs> <onesec> <process> ] [ <user_percent> ] [ <kernel_percent> ] [ <idle_percent> ] ]

  • NEW: show processes vdc <e-vdc2> cpu [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_process_vdc_cpu <pid> <runtime> <invoked> <usecs> <onesec> <process> ] [ <user_percent> ] [ <kernel_percent> ] [ <idle_percent> ] [ <fivesec_percent> ] [ <fivesec_intr_percent> ] [ <onemin_percent> ] [ <fivemin_percent> ] ]

  • OLD: show ptp domain data [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_ptp <multidom_cap> <gm_cap> <gm_convergence_time> <def_dom> <transition_priority1> <transition_priority2> [ TABLE_ptp_domain <domain_number> <domain_priority> <ptp_clock_class_threshold> <ptp_clock_accuracy_threshold> <ptp-ifindex> ] ] <ptp-end> ]

  • NEW: show ptp domain data [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_ptp <multidom_cap> <gm_cap> <gm_convergence_time> <def_dom> <transition_priority1> <transition_priority2> [ TABLE_ptp_domain <domain_number> <domain_priority> <ptp_clock_class_threshold> <ptp_clock_accuracy_threshold> [ TABLE_ptp_ifindex <ptp-ifindex> ] ] ] <ptp-end> ]

  • OLD: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ip-addr> | { <ip-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> | next-hop-v6 <next-hop-v6> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary | detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <unres> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <stale-label> ] [ <bgpbackuppath> ] [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ip-addr> | { <ip-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> | next-hop-v6 <next-hop-v6> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary [ cached ] | detail | summary-counter-consistency-check ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <unres> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <stale-label> ] [ <bgpbackuppath> ] [ <type2> ] [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <remote-sid> ] [ <src-ip> ] [ <sid-fct> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] multicast event-history { errors | msgs | <mrib-event-hist-buf-name> | statistics }

  • NEW: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] multicast event-history { errors | msgs | rib | rib-error | mfdm-debugs | mfdm-events | mfdm-stats | vrf | mdt | nbm | cli | notify-clients | pim-library | urib-debugs | objstore-events | objstore-error | mofrr }

  • OLD: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] multicast mdt encapsulation [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_mdt <index> <group> <source> <count> <delete-pending> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] multicast mdt encapsulation [ detail ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_mdt <index> <group> <source> <count> <delete-pending> [ TABLE_customer_route [ <source> ] [ <group> ] ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] multicast { { [ bitfield ] [ detail ] } | rp | { [ <group> ] summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] } | { summary [ count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] } | { { <source> <group> } | { <group> [ <source> ] | <group> shared-tree | <group> source-tree } | shared-tree | source-tree } { [ flags ] | [ detail ] | [ summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] | bitfield ] } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ <expry_timer> ] [ <route_count> ] [ <star_g_cnt> ] [ <sg_cnt> ] [ <star_g_prfx_cnt> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <star-g-route> ] [ <sg-route> ] [ <star-g-prfx> ] [ <group-count> ] [ <avg> ] [ <rem> ] [ <stats-pndg> ] ] [ TABLE_summary_source [ <group_addr> ] [ <group_mask_len> ] [ <source_count> ] [ TABLE_one_sg [ <source_addr> ] [ <packets> ] [ <bytes> ] [ <aps> ] [ <pps> ] [ <rate_buf> ] [ <oifs> ] [ <software_fwd> ] [ <rpf-failed-pkts> ] [ <rpf-failed-bytes> ] ] ] [ TABLE_one_route <mcast-addrs> [ <source_addrs> <group_addrs> ] <pending> <bidir> <uptime> <mofrr> [ TABLE_mpib [ <mpib-name> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <stale-route> ] ] [ <mdt-encap-index> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <stats-rate-buf> ] [ <lisp-src-rloc> ] [ <translated-route-src> ] [ <translated-route-grp> ] [ <route-iif> ] [ <rpf-nbr> ] [ <mofrr-iif> ] [ <mofrr-nbr> ] <internal> [ <oif-count> ] <fabric-oif> <fabric-loser> [ <num-vpc-svi-oifs> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <oif-uptime> ] [ TABLE_oif_mpib [ <oif-mpib-name> ] [ <stale-oif> ] [ <omd-vpc-svi> ] [ <core-interest> ] [ <fabric-interest> ] ] <rpf> ] [ <route-mdt-iod> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] ] ]

  • NEW: show routing [ ip | ipv4 ] multicast { { [ bitfield ] [ detail ] } | rp | { [ <group> ] summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] } | { summary [ count | software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] } | { { <source> <group> } | { <group> [ <source> ] | <group> shared-tree | <group> source-tree } | shared-tree | source-tree } { [ flags ] | [ detail ] | [ summary [ software-forwarded | rpf-failed ] | bitfield ] } } [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ <expry_timer> ] [ <route_count> ] [ <star_g_cnt> ] [ <sg_cnt> ] [ <star_g_prfx_cnt> ] [ TABLE_route_summary [ <total-num-routes> ] [ <star-g-route> ] [ <sg-route> ] [ <star-g-prfx> ] [ <group-count> ] [ <avg> ] [ <rem> ] [ <stats-pndg> ] ] [ TABLE_summary_source [ <group_addr> ] [ <group_mask_len> ] [ <source_count> ] [ TABLE_one_sg [ <source_addr> ] [ <packets> ] [ <bytes> ] [ <aps> ] [ <pps> ] [ <rate_buf> ] [ <oifs> ] [ <software_fwd> ] [ <rpf-failed-pkts> ] [ <rpf-failed-bytes> ] ] ] [ TABLE_one_route <mcast-addrs> [ <source_addrs> <group_addrs> ] <pending> <bidir> <uptime> <mofrr> [ TABLE_mpib [ <mpib-name> ] [ <oif-count> ] [ <stale-route> ] ] [ <mdt-encap> ] [ <mdt-decap> ] [ <mdt-last-hop> ] [ <mdt-encap-index> ] [ <stats-pkts> ] [ <stats-bytes> ] [ <stats-rate-buf> ] [ <lisp-src-rloc> ] [ <translated-route-src> ] [ <translated-route-grp> ] [ <route-iif> ] [ <rpf-nbr> ] [ <mofrr-iif> ] [ <mofrr-nbr> ] <internal> [ <oif-count> ] <fabric-oif> <fabric-loser> [ <num-vpc-svi-oifs> ] [ TABLE_oif [ <oif-name> ] [ <oif-uptime> ] [ TABLE_oif_mpib [ <oif-mpib-name> ] [ <stale-oif> ] [ <omd-vpc-svi> ] [ <core-interest> ] [ <fabric-interest> ] ] <rpf> ] [ <route-mdt-iod> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] [ TABLE_extranet [ <extranet_vrf_name> ] [ <extranet_addr> ] [ <extranet_oif_count> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show routing [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ ip | ipv4 ] [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] hash <source> <dest> [ ip-proto <ip-proto> ] { { [ gtpu-teid <gtpu-teid> ] } | { [ <src-port> <dest-port> ] } } [ in-interface <in-interface> ] [ module <module-id> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> TABLE_hashpath <mcast> <hashpath> <hash-val> TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path <ubest> <mbest> <ipnexthop> <ifname> <pref> <metric> <uptime> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <unres> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <stale-label> ] ]

  • NEW: show routing [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ ip | ipv4 ] [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] hash <source> <dest> [ ip-proto <ip-proto> ] { { [ gtpu-teid <gtpu-teid> ] } | { [ ttl [ <ttl> [ dest-port <dest-port> ] ] ] } | { [ udf <value> length <length> [ dest-port <dest-port> ] ] } | { [ <src-port> <dest-port> ] } } [ in-interface <in-interface> ] [ module <module-id> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> TABLE_hashpath <mcast> <hashpath> <hash-val> TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path <ubest> <mbest> <ipnexthop> <ifname> <pref> <metric> <uptime> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <unres> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <stale-label> ] ]

  • OLD: show routing [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] ipv6 [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] hash [ mpls <ipv6-prefix> [ eos ] ] <source> <dest> [ ip-proto <ip-proto> ] [ <src-port> <dest-port> ] [ in-interface <in-interface> ] [ module <module-id> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <hash-type> ] [ <mcast> ] [ <hashpath> ] TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <ifname> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <hidden> ] ]

  • NEW: show routing [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] ipv6 [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] hash [ mpls <ipv6-prefix> [ eos ] ] <source> <dest> [ ip-proto <ip-proto> ] { { [ ipv6-flowlabel <ipv6-flowlabel> ] } { [ <src-port> <dest-port> ] } } { [ ttl <ttl> [ dest-port <dest-port> ] ] } { [ udf <value> length <length> [ dest-port <dest-port> ] ] } { [ gtpu-teid <gtpu-teid> ] } [ in-interface <in-interface> ] [ module <module-id> ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> [ <hash-type> ] [ <mcast> ] [ <hashpath> ] TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> <attached> TABLE_path [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <ifname> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <hidden> ] ]

  • OLD: show routing ipv6 [ unicast ] event-history { statistics | msgs | am | cli | detail | dme | errors | general | ha | lfe | recursive-next-hop | summary | ufdm | ufdm-detail | ufdm-summary }

  • NEW: show routing ipv6 [ unicast ] event-history { statistics | msgs | am | cli | detail | dme | errors | general | ha | lfe | recursive-next-hop | summary | ufdm | ufdm-detail | ufdm-summary | sidmgr }

  • OLD: show routing ipv6 [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ipv6-addr> | { <ipv6-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <ipv6-protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary | { [ detail ] [ deleted ] } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> [ <attached> ] TABLE_path [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <stalelbl> ] [ <hidden> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • NEW: show routing ipv6 [ unicast ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ l3vm-info ] [ rpf ] [ <ipv6-addr> | { <ipv6-prefix> [ { longer-prefixes | shorter-prefixes } ] } ] [ { <ipv6-protocol> [ all ] } | { bind-label <bind-lbl> | next-hop <next-hop> } | { interface <interface> } | { updated { [ since <stime> ] [ until <utime> ] } } ] + [ summary [ cached ] | summary-counter-consistency-check | { [ detail ] [ deleted ] } ] [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | <vrf-all> } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_vrf <vrf-name-out> TABLE_addrf <addrf> [ TABLE_prefix <ipprefix> <ucast-nhops> <mcast-nhops> [ <attached> ] TABLE_path [ <ubest> ] [ <mbest> ] [ <ipnexthop> ] [ <nexthop-vrf-name> ] [ <ifname> ] [ <bindlbl> ] [ <srv6-funct> ] <uptime> <pref> <metric> <clientname> [ <type> ] [ <tag> ] [ <stale> ] [ <stalelbl> ] [ <hidden> ] [ <remote-sid> ] [ <src-ip> ] [ <sid-fct> ] ] [ TABLE_summary <routes> <paths> [ <multicast_paths> ] [ TABLE_unicast [ <clientnameuni> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_multicast [ <clientnamemulti> ] [ <best-paths> ] [ <backup-paths> ] ] [ TABLE_route_count [ <mask_len> ] [ <count> ] ] ] ]

  • OLD: show routing ipv6 multicast event-history { errors | msgs | <m6rib-event-hist-buf-name> | statistics }

  • NEW: show routing ipv6 multicast event-history { errors | msgs | <mrib-event-hist-buf-name> | statistics }

  • OLD: show routing ipv6 multicast clients [ <client-name> ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_client <client-name> <cid> <pid> <mts-sap> <shared-mem> <is-stale-timer-running> <wants-notification> [ TABLE_protocol <SSM-owner> <Bidir-owner> <static-owner> <shared-only-owner> <locally-joined-owner> <external-owner> <Fabric-owner> ] { TABLE_join_notifications <sent> <fail> <ack-rcvd> } { TABLE_prune_notifications <sent> <fail> <ack-rcvd> } { TABLE_rpf_notifications <sent> <fail> <ack-rcvd> } { TABLE_delete_notifications <sent> <fail> <ack-rcvd> } { TABLE_clear_mroute_notifications <sent> <fail> } { TABLE_add_route_req <rcvd> <ack-sent> <ack-fail> } { TABLE_del_route_req <rcvd> <ack-sent> <ack-fail> } { TABLE_upd_route_req <rcvd> <ack-sent> <ack-fail> } { TABLE_mts_route_req <rcvd> <ack-sent> <ack-fail> } } ]

  • NEW: show routing ipv6 multicast clients [ <client-name> ] [ detail ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_mpib <mpib_name> <mpib_index> <mpib_pid> <mpib_mts_sap> <mpib_shm> <stale_timer> <join_notify> <prune_notify> <rpf_notify> <delete_notify> <repopulate_notify> <zero-oif-notify> <non-zero-oif-notify> <attach-notify> <non-attach-notify> <static-notify> <non-static-notify> <internal-notify> <non-internal-notify><external-notify><non-external-notify> <otv-decap-notify> <no-otv-decap-notify><vxlan-decap-notify> <no-vxlan-decap-notify> <mdt-encap-notify><no-mdt-encap-notify> <mdt-decap-notify> <no-mdt-decap-notify><vpc-svi-notify> <notification_pending> [ <ssm_owner> <bidir_owner> <static_owner> <shared_only_owner> <locally_joined_owner> <external_owner> <mdt_owner> <fabric_owner> <sticky_iif_owner> <data_created_owner> <internal_owner> <prune_owner> <attached_owner> <otv_decap_owner> <vxlan_decap_owner> <secondary_owner> <encap_index_owner> <force_punt_owner> <multi_route_owner> <register_stop_owner> ] <notify_sent> <notify_fail> <notify_ack_rcvd> <add_route_req_rcvd> <add_route_ack_sent> <add_route_ack_fail> <delete_route_req_rcvd> <delete_route_ack_sent> <delete_route_ack_fail> <update_route_req_rcvd> <update_route_ack_sent> <update_route_ack_fail> <update_mdt_info_req_rcvd> <update_mdt_info_ack_sent> <update_mdt_info_ack_fail> <mts_update_route_req_rcvd> <mts_update_route_ack_sent> <mts_update_route_ack_fail> <force_update_rcvd> <notify_member_count> <pending_mpib> <uptime> } ]

  • OLD: show routing ipv6 multicast memory estimate [ groups <group-count> sources-per-group <source-count> oifs-per-entry <oif-count> ] [ __readonly__ { { TABLE_cur_max <current-max-mb> <groups> <sources-per-group> <oifs-per-entry> } { TABLE_in_use <in-use_kb> <groups> <sources-per-group> <oifs-per-entry> } { TABLE_conf_max <conf-max-mb> <groups> <sources-per-group> <oifs-per-entry> } [ TABLE_est_max <estimate-mb> <groups> <sources-per-group> <oifs-per-entry> ] } ]

  • NEW: show routing ipv6 multicast memory estimate [ groups <group-count> sources-per-group <source-count> oifs-per-entry <oif-count> [ mdt-encap-entries <encap-entry-count> ] ] [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_currentmax [ <max-mb> ] [ <max-groups> ] [ <sources-per-group> ] [ <oifs-per-entry> ] ] [ TABLE_inuse [ <used-kb> ] [ <alloc-count> ] [ <sources-per-group> ] [ <oifs-per-entry> ] [ <mdt-encap-entry> ] ] [ TABLE_configuredmax [ <max-mb> ] [ <max-groups> ] [ <sources-per-group> ] [ <oifs-per-entry> ] ] [ TABLE_estimate [ <estimate-mb> ] [ <groups> ] [ <sources-per-group> ] [ <oifs-per-entry> ] [ <mdt-encap-entry> ] ] ]

  • OLD: show ssx exporter { all | <exportername> } [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_ssx_exporters <exporter-name> <src-ip><src-udp-port><dest-ip><dest-udp-port><vrf><mtu><dscp> ] ]

  • NEW: show ssx exporter { all | <exportername> } [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_ssx_exporters <exporter-name> { <src-ip><src-udp-port><dest-ip><dest-udp-port><vrf><mtu><dscp> | <dest-intf> } ] ]

  • OLD: show tech-support bgp [ brief ]

  • NEW: show tech-support bgp [ brief | detailed ]

  • OLD: show tech-support clis [ brief ]

  • NEW: show tech-support clis [ brief ] [ commands ]

  • OLD: show tech-support dme

  • NEW: show tech-support dme [ commands ]

  • OLD: show tech-support ip [ brief ]

  • NEW: show tech-support ip [ brief | static-routes ]

  • OLD: show tech-support ipv6 [ brief ]

  • NEW: show tech-support ipv6 [ brief | static-routes ]

  • OLD: show telemetry control { database [ subscriptions | destination-groups | destinations | sensor-paths | sensor-groups ] | stats } [ __readonly__ [ <subscription_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_subscriptions <subscription_id> <data_collector_type> } ] [ <sensor_grp_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_sensor_grp <snsr_grp_row_idx> <snsr_grp_id> <snsr_grp_type> <snsr_grp_collector_type> <snsr_grp_timer_interval> <snsr_grp_timer_status> <snsr_grp_sub_count> <snsr_grp_sub_id> <snsr_grp_dc_cur_time> <snsr_grp_dc_min_time> <snsr_grp_dc_max_time> <snsr_grp_enc_cur_time> <snsr_grp_enc_min_time> <snsr_grp_enc_max_time> <snsr_grp_trans_cur_time> <snsr_grp_trans_min_time> <snsr_grp_trans_max_time> <snsr_grp_stream_cur_time> <snsr_grp_stream_min_time> <snsr_grp_stream_max_time> <snsr_grp_stream_col_id_drop> <snsr_grp_stream_last_col_id_drop> <snsr_grp_stream_col_drop> } ] [ <sensor_path_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_sensor_path <path_row_idx> <path_subscribed> <path_group_count> <path_secondary_group_count> <path_level> <path_name> <path_grp_id> <path_query_condition> <path_filter_condition> <path_gpb_cur_enc_size> <path_gpb_min_enc_size> <path_gpb_max_enc_size> <path_json_cur_enc_size> <path_json_min_enc_size> <path_json_max_enc_size> <path_cgpb_cur_enc_size> <path_cgpb_min_enc_size> <path_cgpb_max_enc_size> <path_dc_cur_time> <path_dc_min_time> <path_dc_max_time> <path_enc_cur_time> <path_enc_min_time> <path_enc_max_time> <path_trans_cur_time> <path_trans_min_time> <path_trans_max_time> <path_stream_cur_time> <path_stream_min_time> <path_stream_max_time> } ] [ <destination_group_db_size> ] [ <destination_group_use_vrf> ] [ { TABLE_destination_group <destination_group_id> <destination_group_refcount> } ] [ <destination_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_destinations <destination_ip> <destination_port> <destination_encoding> <destination_transport> <destination_refcount> } ] [ db_statistics <chunk_alloc_fail> <sensor_path_chunk_create_fail> <sensor_group_chunk_create_fail> <destination_chunk_create_fail> <destination_group_chunk_create_fail> <subscription_chunk_create_fail> <sensor_path_db_create_fail> <sensor_group_db_create_fail> <destination_db_create_fail> <destination_group_db_create_fail> <subscription_db_create_fail> <sensor_path_db_insert_fail> <sensor_group_db_insert_fail> <destination_db_insert_fail> <destination_group_db_insert_fail> <subscription_db_insert_fail> <sensor_path_db_delete_fail> <sensor_group_db_delete_fail> <destination_db_delete_fail> <destination_group_db_delete_fail> <subscription_db_delete_fail> <sensor_path_delete_in_use> <sensor_group_delete_in_use> <destination_delete_in_use> <destination_group_delete_in_use> <delete_destination_in_use_fail> <sensor_path_sensor_group_list_create_fail> <sensor_path_prop_list_create_fail> <sensor_path_secondary_sensor_path_list_create_fail> <sensor_path_secondary_sensor_group_list_create_fail> <sensor_group_sensor_path_list_create_fail> <sensor_group_subscription_list_create_fail> <destination_group_subscription_list_create_fail> <destination_group_destination_list_create_fail> <destination_destination_group_list_create_fail> <subscription_sensor_group_list_create_fail> <subscription_destination_group_list_create_fail> <sensor_group_sensor_path_list_delete_fail> <sensor_group_subscription_list_delete_fail> <sensor_group_subscription_unsupported_data_source_fail> <destination_group_subscription_list_delete_fail> <destination_group_destination_list_delete_fail> <subscription_sensor_group_list_delete_fail> <subscription_destination_group_list_delete_fail> <destination_destination_group_list_delete_fail> <destination_delete_from_destination_group_fail> <destination_group_delete_from_subscription_fail> <sensor_group_delete_from_subscription_fail> <sensor_path_delete_from_sensor_group_fail> <get_encode_cb_fail> <get_transport_cb_fail> ] ]

  • NEW: show telemetry control { database [ subscriptions | destination-groups | destinations | [ { [ sensor-paths | sensor-groups ] [ detail ] } ] ] | stats } [ __readonly__ [ <subscription_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_subscriptions <subscription_id> <data_collector_type> } ] [ <sensor_grp_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_sensor_grp <snsr_grp_row_idx> <snsr_grp_id> <snsr_grp_type> <snsr_grp_collector_type> <snsr_grp_timer_interval> <snsr_grp_timer_status> <snsr_grp_sub_count> <snsr_grp_sub_id> <snsr_grp_dc_cur_time> <snsr_grp_dc_min_time> <snsr_grp_dc_max_time> <snsr_grp_enc_cur_time> <snsr_grp_enc_min_time> <snsr_grp_enc_max_time> <snsr_grp_trans_cur_time> <snsr_grp_trans_min_time> <snsr_grp_trans_max_time> <snsr_grp_stream_cur_time> <snsr_grp_stream_min_time> <snsr_grp_stream_max_time> <snsr_grp_stream_col_id_drop> <snsr_grp_stream_last_col_id_drop> <snsr_grp_stream_col_drop> } ] [ <sensor_path_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_sensor_path <path_row_idx> <path_subscribed> <path_group_count> <path_secondary_group_count> <path_level> <path_name> <path_grp_id> <path_query_condition> <path_filter_condition> <path_gpb_cur_enc_size> <path_gpb_min_enc_size> <path_gpb_max_enc_size> <path_json_cur_enc_size> <path_json_min_enc_size> <path_json_max_enc_size> <path_cgpb_cur_enc_size> <path_cgpb_min_enc_size> <path_cgpb_max_enc_size> <path_dc_cur_time> <path_dc_min_time> <path_dc_max_time> <path_enc_cur_time> <path_enc_min_time> <path_enc_max_time> <path_trans_cur_time> <path_trans_min_time> <path_trans_max_time> <path_stream_cur_time> <path_stream_min_time> <path_stream_max_time> } ] [ <destination_group_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_destination_group <destination_group_id> <destination_group_refcount> <destination_group_use_vrf> } ] [ <destination_db_size> ] [ { TABLE_destinations <destination_ip> <destination_port> <destination_encoding> <destination_transport> <destination_refcount> } ] [ db_statistics <chunk_alloc_fail> <sensor_path_chunk_create_fail> <sensor_group_chunk_create_fail> <destination_chunk_create_fail> <destination_group_chunk_create_fail> <subscription_chunk_create_fail> <sensor_path_db_create_fail> <sensor_group_db_create_fail> <destination_db_create_fail> <destination_group_db_create_fail> <subscription_db_create_fail> <sensor_path_db_insert_fail> <sensor_group_db_insert_fail> <destination_db_insert_fail> <destination_group_db_insert_fail> <subscription_db_insert_fail> <sensor_path_db_delete_fail> <sensor_group_db_delete_fail> <destination_db_delete_fail> <destination_group_db_delete_fail> <subscription_db_delete_fail> <sensor_path_delete_in_use> <sensor_group_delete_in_use> <destination_delete_in_use> <destination_group_delete_in_use> <delete_destination_in_use_fail> <sensor_path_sensor_group_list_create_fail> <sensor_path_prop_list_create_fail> <sensor_path_secondary_sensor_path_list_create_fail> <sensor_path_secondary_sensor_group_list_create_fail> <sensor_group_sensor_path_list_create_fail> <sensor_group_subscription_list_create_fail> <destination_group_subscription_list_create_fail> <destination_group_destination_list_create_fail> <destination_destination_group_list_create_fail> <subscription_sensor_group_list_create_fail> <subscription_destination_group_list_create_fail> <sensor_group_sensor_path_list_delete_fail> <sensor_group_subscription_list_delete_fail> <sensor_group_subscription_unsupported_data_source_fail> <destination_group_subscription_list_delete_fail> <destination_group_destination_list_delete_fail> <subscription_sensor_group_list_delete_fail> <subscription_destination_group_list_delete_fail> <destination_destination_group_list_delete_fail> <destination_delete_from_destination_group_fail> <destination_group_delete_from_subscription_fail> <sensor_group_delete_from_subscription_fail> <sensor_path_delete_from_sensor_group_fail> <get_encode_cb_fail> <get_transport_cb_fail> ] ]

  • OLD: show version module <module> epld [ __readonly__ { [ <header_info> ] [ <module> ] [ <mi_iofpga> <version> ] [ <io_fpga> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga2> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga3> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga4> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga5> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga6> <version> ] [ <cpu_iofpga> <version> ] [ <db_fpga> <version> ] } ]

  • NEW: show version module <module> epld [ __readonly__ { [ <header_info> ] [ <module> ] [ <mi_iofpga> <version> ] [ <io_fpga> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga2> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga3> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga4> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga5> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga6> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga7> <version> ] [ <mi_iofpga8> <version> ] [ <cpu_iofpga> <version> ] [ <db_fpga> <version> ] } ]

  • OLD: show vmtracker [ connection <conn_name> ] { { info { { [ interface <intf_id> ] { summary | detail | host | vm | port-group } } | { vxlan-segment | vxlan-vms } } } | event-history } [ __readonly__ TABLE_info <intf_name> <host_or_ip> <vmnic> <vm_name> <vm_state> <port_group> <pg_type> <vlan_range> <virt_wire_name> <multicast_ip> <vdn_id> <vtep_ip> ]

  • NEW: show vmtracker [ connection <conn_name> ] { { info { { [ interface <intf_id> ] { summary | detail | host | vm | port-group } } | { vxlan-segment | vxlan-vms } } } | event-history } [ __readonly__ [ TABLE_info <intf_name> <host_or_ip> <vmnic> <vm_name> <vm_state> <port_group> <pg_type> <vlan_range> <virt_wire_name> <multicast_ip> <vdn_id> <vtep_ip> <event_time> <event_msg> ] [ TABLE_evt <event_id> <event_time> <event_msg> ] ]

  • OLD: show vmtracker fabric auto-config [ interface <intf_id> ] [ vlan <vlan_id> ] [ status { success | pending | failure | skipped } ] [ __readonly__ TABLE_autoconfig <interface_name> <port_group_name> <vlan_range> <config_status> ]

  • NEW: show vmtracker fabric auto-config [ interface <intf_id> ] [ vlan <vlan_id> ] [ status { success | pending | failure | skipped } ] [ __readonly__ { <oper_status> } [ TABLE_autoconfig <interface_name> <port_group_name> <vlan_range> <config_status> ] ]

Deprecated Commands

The following commands are removed in this release.

  • show consistency-checker l2-tahoe module <module> [ unit <unit> ]

  • show ipv6 [ icmp ] mld vrf all

  • show ipv6 pim embed-rp <group>

  • show l2fwder l2rib info

  • show l2fwder statistics

  • show logging level [ ipv6 ] pim

  • show logging level poap

  • show mac address-table learning-mode [ vlan <id> ] [ __readonly__ <learning_mode_str> <vlan_id> <mode_str> ]

  • show routing ipv6 multicast [ vrf { <vrf-name> | <vrf-known-name> | all } ] [ topology <topology-name> ] [ [ bitfield ] | rp | { [ <group> ] summary [ software-forwarded ] } | { summary [ count | software-forwarded ] } | { { <source> <group> } | { <group> [ <source> ] } } [ summary [ software-forwarded ] | bitfield ] ] [ __readonly__ { TABLE_vrf <vrf-name> [ TABLE_addr <mcast-addrs> <pending> <bidir> <uptime> [ TABLE_mpib <mpib-name> <stale-route> ] <if-name><rpf-nbr> <internal> <oif-count><fabric-oif><fabric-loser> [ TABLE_oif <oif-name> <oif-uptime> [ TABLE_oif_mpib <oif-mpib-name> <stale-oif> ] <rpf> ] [ <oif-list-bitfield> ] ] [ <total-route-count> <star-g-count> <source-count> <star-g-prefix-count> <group-count> <avg-sources-per-group><rem> [ <reason-for-route-stats-pending> ] ] [ TABLE_group <group-addr> <group-mask-len> <source-count-per-grp> [ TABLE_source <route-or-source> [ <name> ] <packets> <bytes> <aps> <pps> <bit-rate-in-bps> <oifs> [ <software-pkts> ] ] ] } ]

  • show tech-support forwarding otv multicast vdc-all