Installing and Upgrading VMware

This chapter contains the following sections:

Upgrading from VMware Releases 5.x to VMware Release 6.0

The steps to upgrade are as follows:


Do not install VMware vSphere 5.5 Patch 2702864 with Cisco Nexus 1000V. The VMware vSphere 5.5 Patch 2702864 is not supported on Cisco Nexus 1000V.


    1.    Installing the vCenter Server

    2.    Upgrading the vSphere Client

    3.    Upgrading the vCenter Update Manager to Release 6.0

    4.    Creating a Customized Upgrade ISO with a VMware ESX Image and a Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM Image

    5.    Installing VMware Release 5.x or 6.x Patches:

    6.    Verifying the Build Number and Upgrade

    Step 1   Installing the vCenter Server
    Step 2   Upgrading the vSphere Client
    Step 3   Upgrading the vCenter Update Manager to Release 6.0
    Step 4   Creating a Customized Upgrade ISO with a VMware ESX Image and a Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM Image
    Step 5   Installing VMware Release 5.x or 6.x Patches:
    Step 6   Verifying the Build Number and Upgrade

    Installing the vCenter Server

    Before You Begin
    • Download the upgrade ISO file that contains the ESXi image and the Cisco Nexus 1000V software image files.

    • See the Cisco Nexus 1000V and VMware Compatibility Information document to determine the correct VIB Version, VEM Bundle, Host Build, vCenter Server, and Update Manager versions.

      Step 1   Mount the vCenter Server 6.0 ISO image.
      Step 2   Unzip the ISO image.
      Step 3   If autorun doesn't start, double-click autorun.exe.
      Step 4   In the VMware vCenter Installer window, select vCenter Server for Windows and click Install.
      Step 5   Click Next.
      Step 6   Accept the license agreements.
      Step 7   Enter the vCenter Single Sign On password and the service account password if applicable and click Next.
      Step 8   After the pre-upgrade checks are complete, accept the default ports and click Next.
      Step 9   Check the box to verify that you have backed up this vCenter Server and its database and click Upgrade.
      Step 10   Click Finish.

      What to Do Next

      Complete the steps in Upgrading the vSphere Client.

      Upgrading the vSphere Client

        Step 1   Run the vSphere Client installer.
        • Start the vCenter Server installer. Double-click the autorun.exe file and select vSphere Client.
        • If you downloaded the vSphere Client, double-click the VMware-viclient-build number.exe file.
        Step 2   Click Next.
        Step 3   Accept the terms in the license agreements and click Next.
        Step 4   Click Next.
        Step 5   Click Install.
        Step 6   Click Finish after the installation completes.

        What to Do Next

        Complete the steps in Upgrading the vCenter Update Manager to Release 6.0.

        Upgrading the vCenter Update Manager to Release 6.0

        Before You Begin

        You have upgraded the vCenter Server to the vSphere Client to a compatible version.


          1.    In the VMware vCenter Installer window, select vCenter Update Manager Server and check Use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express as the embedded database.

          2.    Click Install.

          3.    Choose a language and click OK. The vCenter Update Manager Installer appears.

          4.    Click OK.

          5.    Click Next to being the upgrade.

          6.    View the patent agreement and click Next.

          7.    Click the I agree to the terms in the license agreement radio button and click Next.

          8.    Verify the IP address and username in the VMware vCenter Server Information area .

          9.    In the Password field, enter your password and click Next.

          10.    Click Next.

          11.    Click the Yes, I want to upgrade my Update Manager database radio button and click Next.

          12.    Verify the Update Manager port settings and click Next.

          13.    Verify the proxy settings and click Next.

          14.    Click Install to begin the database upgrade.

          15.    Click OK to acknowledge that a reboot will be required to complete the setup. During the upgrade, the vSphere Client is disconnected.

          16.    Click Cancel for the attempt to reconnect.

          17.    Click OK in the Server Connection Invalid window.

          18.    Click Finish.

          19.    Reboot the vCenter Update Manager and vCenter Server.

          20.    Select Other (Planned) from the Option drop-down list in the Shut Down Windows dialog box and enter a value in the comment field.

          21.    Click OK.

          22.    After the system reboots, navigate to the C:\ProgramData\VMware Update Manager\Logs\folder and open the vmware-vum-server-log4cpp file.

          23.    Choose Manage Plug-ins from the VMware vCenter Server's Plug-in menu.

          24.    Click Download and Install for VMware vSphere Update Manager Extension under Available Plug-ins..

          Step 1   In the VMware vCenter Installer window, select vCenter Update Manager Server and check Use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express as the embedded database.

          If the Installer window is not open, run the autorun.exe file.

          Step 2   Click Install.
          Step 3   Choose a language and click OK. The vCenter Update Manager Installer appears.
          Step 4   Click OK.
          Step 5   Click Next to being the upgrade.
          Step 6   View the patent agreement and click Next.
          Step 7   Click the I agree to the terms in the license agreement radio button and click Next.
          Step 8   Verify the IP address and username in the VMware vCenter Server Information area .
          Step 9   In the Password field, enter your password and click Next.
          Step 10   Click Next.
          Step 11   Click the Yes, I want to upgrade my Update Manager database radio button and click Next.
          Step 12   Verify the Update Manager port settings and click Next.
          Step 13   Verify the proxy settings and click Next.
          Step 14   Click Install to begin the database upgrade.
          Step 15   Click OK to acknowledge that a reboot will be required to complete the setup. During the upgrade, the vSphere Client is disconnected.
          Step 16   Click Cancel for the attempt to reconnect.
          Step 17   Click OK in the Server Connection Invalid window.
          Step 18   Click Finish.
          Step 19   Reboot the vCenter Update Manager and vCenter Server.
          Step 20   Select Other (Planned) from the Option drop-down list in the Shut Down Windows dialog box and enter a value in the comment field.
          Step 21   Click OK.
          Step 22   After the system reboots, navigate to the C:\ProgramData\VMware Update Manager\Logs\folder and open the vmware-vum-server-log4cpp file.
          Step 23   Choose Manage Plug-ins from the VMware vCenter Server's Plug-in menu.
          Step 24   Click Download and Install for VMware vSphere Update Manager Extension under Available Plug-ins..

          What to Do Next

          Complete the steps in Creating a Customized Upgrade ISO with a VMware ESX Image and a Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM Image.

          Creating a Customized Upgrade ISO with a VMware ESX Image and a Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM Image

          Before You Begin
          • Install the VMware PowerCLI on a Windows platform. For more information, see the vSphere PowerCLI Installation Guide.

          • On the same Windows platform, where the VMware PowerCLI is installed, do one of the following:
            • Download the ESX depot, which is a .zip file, to a local file path.

            • Download the VEM offline bundle, which is a .zip file, to a local file path.

            Step 1   Start the VMWare PowerCLI application.
            Step 2   Run the Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted command.
            Step 3   Connect to the vCenter Server by using the Connect-VIServer IP_address -User Administrator -Password password_name command.
            Step 4   Load the ESXi depot by using the Add-ESXSoftwareDepot path_name\file_name command.
            Step 5   Display the image profiles by using the Get-EsxImageProfile command.
            Step 6   Clone the ESX standard image profile by using the New-ESxImageProfile -CloneProfile ESXImageProfile_name -Name clone_profile command.

            The image profiles are usually in READ-ONLY format. You must clone the image profile before adding the VEM image to it.

            Step 7   Load the Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM offline bundle by using the Add-EsxSoftwareDepot VEM_offline_bundle command.
            Step 8   Confirm that the n1kv-vib package is loaded by using the Get-EsxSoftwarePackage -Name package_name command.
            Step 9   Bundle the n1kv-package into the cloned image profile by using the Add-EsxSoftwarePackage -ImageProfile n1kv-Image -SoftwarePackage cloned_image_profile command.
            Step 10   Verify that the Cisco VIB is present by listing all the VIBs in the cloned image profile by entering the following commands.
            1. $img = Get-EsxImageProfile n1kv-Image
            2. $img.vibList

            Verify that the Cisco VIB is present by listing all the VIBs in the cloned image profile.

            Step 11   Export the image profile to an ISO file by using the Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile n1kv-Image -FilePath iso_filepath command.

            This example shows how to create an upgrade ISO with a VMware ESX image and a Cisco VEM image.


            The example may contain Cisco Nexus 1000V versions and filenames that are not relevant to your release. Refer to the Cisco Nexus 1000V and VMware Compatibility Information for your specific versions and filenames.

            vSphere PowerCLI> Connect-VIServer -User administrator -Password 'XXXXXXXX'
            Working with multiple default servers?
                Select [Y] if you want to work with more than one default servers. In this
            case, every time when you connect to a different server using Connect-VIServer,
             the new server connection is stored in an array variable together with the
            previously connected servers. When you run a cmdlet and the target servers
            cannot be determined from the specified parameters, the cmdlet runs against all
             servers stored in the array variable.
                Select [N] if you want to work with a single default server. In this case,
            when you run a cmdlet and the target servers cannot be determined from the
            specified parameters, the cmdlet runs against the last connected server.
            IN A FUTURE RELEASE. You can explicitly set your own preference at any time by
            using the DefaultServerMode parameter of Set-PowerCLIConfiguration.
            [Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
            Name                           Port  User
            ----                           ----  ----
                    443   administrator
            vSphere PowerCLI> Add-EsxSoftwareDepot 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\upgrade\229\'
            Depot Url
            zip:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\upgrade\229\VMware-ESXi-...
            vSphere PowerCLI> Get-EsxImageProfile
            Name                           Vendor          Last Modified   Acceptance Level
            ----                           ------          -------------   ----------------
            ESXi-5.1.0-20121201001s-no-... VMware, Inc.    02/02/2016 7:... PartnerSupported
            CN1-CY                         CISCO           4/22/2015 11... PartnerSupported
            ESXi-5.1.0-20121204001-stan... VMware, Inc.    12/7/2015 7:... PartnerSupported
            ESXi-5.1.0-20121201001s-sta... VMware, Inc.    12/7/2015 7:... PartnerSupported
            ESXi-5.1.0-799733-no-tools     VMware, Inc.    8/2/2015 3:0... PartnerSupported
            ESXi-5.1.0-20121204001-no-t... VMware, Inc.    12/7/2015 7:... PartnerSupported
            ESXi-5.1.0-799733-standard     VMware, Inc.    8/2/2015 3:0... PartnerSupported
            vSphere PowerCLI> New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile ESXi-5.1.0-799733-standard -Name ESXi-N1Kv-bundle
            cmdlet New-EsxImageProfile at command pipeline position 1
            Supply values for the following parameters:
            (Type !? for Help.)
            Vendor: CISCO
            Name                           Vendor          Last Modified   Acceptance Level
            ----                           ------          -------------   ----------------
            ESXi-N1Kv-bundle               CISCO           09/09/2016 3:0... PartnerSupported
            vSphere PowerCLI> Add-EsxSoftwareDepot 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\upgrade\229
            Depot Url
            zip:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\upgrade\229\cisco-vem-v1...
            vSphere PowerCLI> Get-EsxSoftwarePackage cisco*
            Name                     Version                        Vendor          			  Creation Date                                                                   e
            ----                     -------                        ------          			  ------------
            cisco-vem-v320-esx      Cisco Partner Supported        2016-09-09
            vSphere PowerCLI> Add-EsxSoftwarePackage -SoftwarePackage cisco-vem-v170-esx -ImageProfile  ESXi-N1Kv-bundle
            Name                           Vendor          Last Modified   Acceptance Level
            ----                           ------          -------------   ----------------
            ESXi-N1Kv-bundle               CISCO           09/09/2016 3:... PartnerSupported
            vSphere PowerCLI> $img = Get-EsxImageProfile ESXi-N1Kv-bundle
            vSphere PowerCLI> $img.vibList
            Name                     Version                        Vendor     Creation Dat
            ----                     -------                        ------     ------------
            scsi-bnx2i               1.9.1d.v50.1-5vmw.510.0.0.7... VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            sata-sata-promise        2.12-3vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-forcedeth            0.61-2vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            esx-xserver              5.1.0-0.0.799733               VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            misc-cnic-register       1.1-1vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-tg3                  3.110h.v50.4-4vmw.510.0.0.7... VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-megaraid-sas        5.34-4vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-megaraid-mbox   VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-ips                 7.12.05-4vmw.510.0.0.799733    VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-e1000e               1.1.2-3vmw.510.0.0.799733      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            sata-ahci                3.0-13vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            sata-sata-svw            2.3-3vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-cnic                 1.10.2j.v50.7-3vmw.510.0.0.... VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-e1000          VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-serverworks     0.4.3-3vmw.510.0.0.799733      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-mptspi     VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-hpt3x2n         0.3.4-3vmw.510.0.0.799733      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-s2io        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            esx-base                 5.1.0-0.0.799733               VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-vmxnet3        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-bnx215-esx             Cisco      2016-09-09
            scsi-megaraid2           2.00.4-9vmw.510.0.0.799733     VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-amd             0.3.10-3vmw.510.0.0.799733     VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ipmi-ipmi-si-drv         39.1-4vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-lpfc820     VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-atiixp          0.4.6-4vmw.510.0.0.799733      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            esx-dvfilter-generic-... 5.1.0-0.0.799733               VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-sky2                 1.20-2vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-qla2xxx             902.k1.1-9vmw.510.0.0.799733   VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-r8169                6.011.00-2vmw.510.0.0.799733   VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            sata-sata-sil            2.3-4vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-mpt2sas    VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            sata-ata-piix            2.12-6vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-hpsa                5.0.0-21vmw.510.0.0.799733     VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-via             0.3.3-2vmw.510.0.0.799733      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-aacraid       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-rste       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-cmd64x          0.2.5-3vmw.510.0.0.799733      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ima-qla4xxx              2.01.31-1vmw.510.0.0.799733    VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-igb           VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-qla4xxx     VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            block-cciss              3.6.14-10vmw.510.0.0.799733    VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-aic79xx             3.1-5vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            tools-light              5.1.0-0.0.799733               VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            uhci-usb-uhci            1.0-3vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            sata-sata-nv             3.5-4vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            sata-sata-sil24          1.1-1vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-ixgbe       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ipmi-ipmi-msghandler     39.1-4vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-adp94xx      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-fnic          VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-pdc2027x        1.0-3vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            misc-drivers             5.1.0-0.0.799733               VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-enic         VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-be2net      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-nx-nic               4.0.558-3vmw.510.0.0.799733    VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            esx-xlibs                5.1.0-0.0.799733               VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-bnx2x                1.61.15.v50.3-1vmw.510.0.0.... VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ehci-ehci-hcd            1.0-3vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ohci-usb-ohci            1.0-3vmw.510.0.0.799733        VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            net-r8168                8.013.00-3vmw.510.0.0.799733   VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            esx-tboot                5.1.0-0.0.799733               VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ata-pata-sil680          0.4.8-3vmw.510.0.0.799733      VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            ipmi-ipmi-devintf        39.1-4vmw.510.0.0.799733       VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            scsi-mptsas     VMware     8/2/2012 ...
            vSphere PowerCLI> Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile  ESXi-N1Kv-bundle -FilePath 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\ESXi-N1Kv-bundle.iso' -ExportToIso

            Installing VMware Release 5.x and 6.x Patches

            Creating the Host Patch Baseline for 5.x or 6.x Patches

            Before You Begin
            • VMware release 5.x or 6.x must be installed prior to installing a patch.

            • Ensure you configure the VMware Update Manager Download settings with proxy enabled and VMware production portal links for VMware ESX/ESXi in connected state and download those images into the VUM patch repository.


            Do not install VMware vSphere 5.5 Patch 2702864 with Cisco Nexus 1000V. The VMware vSphere 5.5 Patch 2702864 is not supported on Cisco Nexus 1000V.

              Step 1   Under Home > Solutions and Applications > Update Manager, select Baselines and Groups tab.
              Step 2   Under Baseline, click Create to create a baseline.
              Step 3   In the Baseline Name and Type window, enter a name for the baseline, select the Host Patch radio button and click Next.
              Step 4   In the Patch Options window, select the Fixed radio button and click Next.
              Step 5   In the Patches window, select the required patch to upgrade to and move the selected patch to Fixed patches to Add column and click Next.

              To find the 6.x or 5.1 update 1 and later patches, refer to http:/​/​​patchmgr/​findPatch.portal .


              In the combined upgrade scenario, add the required Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM patch that corresponds to 6.x and 5.x releases to the Fixed patches to Add column along with ESXi 6.x and 5.x patches. You can get the required Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM patches into the VUM patch repository either from, VMWare production portal links or through the VSM home page.

              Upgrading the ESXi Hosts to Release 5.x or 6.x Patches Using VMware Update Manager


              Follow the same procedure to upgrade ESXi hosts 5.0 to 5.0 Update 1 and later.

                Step 1   In the vSphere Client, choose Home > Hosts and Clusters .
                Step 2   From the left navigation pane, select the host or cluster that needs to be upgraded and click Update Manager.
                Step 3   Click Attach.
                Step 4   In the Individual Baselines by Type area, select your Patch baseline's radio button check box.
                Step 5   Click Attach.
                Step 6   Click Scan.
                Step 7   In the Confirm Scan dialog box, check the Patches and extensions box and click Scan.

                Verify if all the hosts are non-compliant.

                Step 8   Click Stage.
                Step 9   In Baseline Selection window, keep the default selected baseline and click Next.
                Step 10   In Patch and Extension exclusion window, keep the default selected baseline and click Next.
                Step 11   Click Finish.
                Step 12   Click Remediate and click Next.
                Step 13   In Patch and Extension exclusion window, keep the default selected baseline and click Next.
                Step 14   Click Next.
                Step 15   In the Host Remediate Options window, under Maintenance Mode Options, select the Disable any removable media devices connected to the virtual machines on the host check box.

                If you have stateless host in your setup, select Enable Patch Remediation on Powered on PXE booted ESXi hosts radio button.

                Step 16   Click Next.
                Step 17   In the Cluster Remediation Options window, select all the check boxes and click Next.
                Step 18   Click Finish to begin the remediation.

                To check the host versions, on the left-hand pane, click on each host to confirm if version 6.x and 5.x appears in the top-left corner of the right-hand pane and the version information matches the information provided under the Cisco Nexus 1000V and VMware Compatibility Information guide.

                You can also confirm if the upgrade was successful by executing the show module command on the VSM and check if the VEMs are running the correct build.

                Upgrading the ESXi Hosts to Release 5.x or 6.x Using the CLI

                You can upgrade an ESXi host by installing a VMware patch or update with the compatible Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM software.


                Do not install VMware vSphere 5.5 Patch 2702864 with Cisco Nexus 1000V. The VMware vSphere 5.5 Patch 2702864 is not supported on Cisco Nexus 1000V.

                Before You Begin
                • You have downloaded and installed the VMware vCLI. For information about installing the vCLI, see the VMware vCLI documentation.

                • You are logged in to the remote host when the vCLI is installed.


                  The vSphere Command-Line Interface (vSphere CLI) command set allows you to enter common system administration commands against ESXi systems from any machine with network access to those systems. You can also enter most vSphere CLI commands against a vCenter Server system and target any ESXi system that the vCenter Server system manages. vSphere CLI commands are especially useful for ESXi hosts because ESXi does not include a service console.

                • If you are using the esxupdate command, you are logged into the ESX host.

                • Check the Cisco Nexus 1000V and VMware Compatibility Information for compatible versions.

                • You have already copied the ESXi host software and VEM software installation file to the /tmp directory.

                • You know the name of the ESXi and VEM software file to be installed.

                  Step 1   Download the VEM software and copy them to the local host.
                  Step 2   Determine the upgrade method that you want to use.

                  If you are using the vCLI, enter the esxcli command and install the ESXi and VEM software simultaneously.

                  esxcli software vib install -v full-path-to-vib

                  When using the esxcli software VIB install command, you must log in to each host and enter the command. ESXi expects the VIB to be in the /var/log/vmware directory if the absolute path is not specified.

                  # esxcli software vib update -d /var/tmp/
                  Installation Result
                     Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
                     Reboot Required: true
                     VIBs Installed: VMware_bootbank_esx-base_5.1.0-0.12.1065491, VMware_locker_tools-light_5.1.0-0.12.1065491
                     VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_esx-base_5.1.0-0.3.799733, VMware_locker_tools-light_5.0.0-0.0.799733
                     VIBs Skipped: VMware_bootbank_ata-pata-amd_0.3.10-3vmw.510.0. 3.799733, VMware_bootbank_ata-pata-atiixp_0.4.6-3vmw.510.0. 3.799733,
                     VMware_bootbank_scsi-qla4xxx_5.01.03.2-3vmw.510.0.3.799733., VMware_bootbank_uhci-usb-uhci_1.0-3vmw.510.0.3.799733

                  Upgrading the VMware DVS Version Using the VSM CLI

                  You can upgrade the VMware DVS version from the current version (4.0 or 5.0) to 5.0 and above using the VSM commands.

                  Before You Begin
                  • You have upgraded the VSM to the current Cisco Nexus 1000V release.


                  The VMware ESXi host should be compatible with the new DVS version. Supported DVS versions are 5.0.0, 5.1.0, 5.5.0 or 6.0.0. If the ESXi host is incompatible with the new DVS version, the upgrade process fails.

                    Step 1   Log in to svs-connection command mode in the VSM.
                    Step 2   Configure the DVS version using vmware dvs-version version_no command.
                    vsm(config-svs-conn)# vmware dvs-version 5.1.0
                    Step 3   Verify the DVS version upgrade using show svs connections command.
                    vsm(config-svs-conn)# show svs connections
                    connection n1k-vc:
                        hostname: -
                        ip address:
                        ipv6 address: -
                        remote port: 80
                        transport type: ipv4
                        protocol: vmware-vim https
                        certificate: default
                        datacenter name: dc-tb22
                        max-ports: 12000
                        DVS uuid: a4 a7 0f 50 c8 79 ba a2-85 86 75 fd 53 7f d9 25
                        dvs version: 5.1.0
                        config status: Enabled
                        operational status: Connected
                        sync status: Complete
                        version: VMware vCenter Server 6.0.0 build-2559268
                        vc-uuid: 4fd42386-8cba-4055-8872-6340e2f61d86
                        ssl-cert: self-signed or not authenticated

                    Verifying the Build Number and Upgrade


                    The examples in the procedure may contain Cisco Nexus 1000V versions and filenames that are not relevant to your release. Refer to the Cisco Nexus 1000V and VMware Compatibility Information for your specific versions and filenames.

                    Before You Begin
                    • You have upgraded the VSMs and VEMs to the current Cisco Nexus 1000V release.


                      The VSM upgrade will not proceed if ESX/ESXi 4.0 or 4.1 is part of the DVS. You must either remove ESX 4.0 or 4.1 from the DVS and proceed with VSM upgrade or upgrade ESX 4.0 or 4.1 to 5.0 or later releases and proceed with the VSM upgrade.

                    • You have upgraded the vCenter Server.

                    • You have upgraded the VMware Update Manager.

                    • You have upgraded your ESX/ESXi hosts.

                      Step 1   Verify the build number on the ESXi host.
                      ~ # vmware -v -l
                      VMware ESXi 5.5.0 build-2068190
                      VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Update 2
                      ~ #
                      Step 2   Verify the VIB installed
                      ~ # esxcli software vib list |grep cisco
                      cisco-vem-v320-esx                     Cisco   PartnerSupported  2016-09-09
                      ~ #
                      Step 3   Verify VEM status.
                      ~ # vem status -v
                      Package vssnet-esxesx2013-release
                      Build 1
                      Date Wed Sep 16:27:37 PST 2016
                      VEM modules are loaded
                      Switch Name      Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  MTU     Uplinks
                      vSwitch0         2432        106         128               1500    vmnic0
                      DVS Name         Num Ports   Used Ports  Configured Ports  MTU     Uplinks
                      BL               1024        22          1024              1500    vmnic5,vmnic4,vmnic7
                      VEM Agent (vemdpa) is running
                      ~ #
                      Step 4   Verify VEM version.
                      ~ # vemcmd show version
                      VEM Version:
                      VSM Version: 5.2(1)SV3(2.5)
                      System Version: VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Releasebuild-2068190
                      ESX Version Update Level: 2
                      ~ #
                      Step 5   Verify the upgrade on the Cisco Nexus 1000V VSM.
                      switch# show module
                      Mod  Ports  Module-Type                       Model               Status
                      ---  -----  --------------------------------  ------------------  ------------
                      1    0      Virtual Supervisor Module         Nexus1000V          active *
                      2    0      Virtual Supervisor Module         Nexus1000V          ha-standby
                      3    1022   Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
                      4    1022   Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
                      5    1022   Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
                      6    1022   Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
                      7    1022   Virtual Ethernet Module           NA                  ok
                      Mod  Sw                  Hw
                      ---  ------------------  ------------------------------------------------
                      1    5.2(1)SV3(2.5)      0.0
                      2    5.2(1)SV3(2.5)      0.0
                      3    5.2(1)SV3(2.5)      VMware ESXi 5.1.0 Releasebuild-2323236 (3.1)
                      4    5.2(1)SV3(2.5)      VMware ESXi 6.0.0 Releasebuild-3620759 (6.0)
                      5    5.2(1)SV3(2.5)      VMware ESXi 6.0.0 Releasebuild-3620759 (6.0)
                      6    5.2(1)SV3(2.5)      VMware ESXi 5.1.0 Releasebuild-2323236 (3.1)
                      7    5.2(1)SV3(2.5)      VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Releasebuild-2068190 (3.2)
                      Mod  Server-IP        Server-UUID                           Server-Name
                      ---  ---------------  ------------------------------------  --------------------
                      1    NA                                    NA
                      2    NA                                    NA
                      3    e0829a21-bc61-11e0-bd1d-30e4dbc2ba66  NA
                      4    e6c1a563-bc9e-11e0-bd1d-30e4dbc2baba  NA
                      5    8d8ff0e8-b565-11e0-bd1d-30e4dbc297da  NA
                      6    7b1a5e63-bcd0-11e0-bd1d-30e4dbc2c3ae  NA
                      7    db8b80ac-af1d-11e0-a4e7-30e4dbc26b82  NA
                      * this terminal session