This chapter describes how to identify and resolve upgrade problems.
Identifying Upgrade Solutions
Table 4-1 provides symptoms related to upgrade, their possible causes, and recommended solutions.
VUM is downgrading my VIB package |
The VC does not have the correct VSM software bundle ID. If the VSM and VC bundle IDs do not match, VUM installs the VIB corresponding to the older VSM version on the host. |
Upgrade the VSM bundle ID on the VC. 1. "Verifying Bundle IDs" procedure 2. Upgrading the VSMs procedure in the following document: –Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Ethernet Module Software Installation Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(3a). |
Unable to add the host to VSM |
The VEM is not installed on the host |
Verify that VEM sofware is installed and running on the host. If not, install VEM software. 1. "Verifying that the correct VEM Software Version is Installed" procedure 2. "Verifying that the VEM is Running on the Host" procedure 3. If not installed, install VEM. For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Ethernet Module Software Installation Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(3a). 4. "Verifying that the correct VEM Software Version is Installed" procedure |
Unable to add a host |
The host is part of another DVS. |
Verify whether the host is part of another DVS. If so, then remove it and add it to the correct DVS. 1. "Verifying the VMware NICs on a DVS" procedure 2. Remove the host from the DVS where it is currently installed. 3. Add the host to the correct DVS. For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Ethernet Module Software Installation Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(3a) |
The upgrade fails |
VMware patch level is 219382 or higher. If so, you cannot install VEM using VUM. |
Verify the patch level. If required, upgrade the VUM and install VEM software. 1. "Verifying that the correct VEM Software Version is Installed" procedure 2. Do one of the following: –Upgrade your VUM to the latest version. –Install the VEM software. For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Virtual Ethernet Module Software Installation Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(3a). |
The upgrade commands were not used in the correct sequence, causing a mismatch between the bundle ID on the VSM and VC. If the VSM and VC bundle IDs do not match, VUM installs the VIB corresponding to the older VSM version on the host. The following is the correct sequence for entering upgrade commands: 1. vmware vem upgrade notify 2. vmware vem upgrade proceed 3. vmware vem upgrade complete |
Identify the problem host and repeat the upgrade. 1. "Verifying Upgrade Status" procedure 2. Identify which host failed to upgrade. 3. Verify that the VUM repository has the VIB that must be installed on that host. |
Your vCenter VUM build is older than Update 1, and your proxy is enabled. |
Disable the proxy on the VUM and retry the upgrade. Upgrade your VC to Update 1 and VUM to VMware vCenter Update Manager 4.0 Update 1 Patch 1. |
Verifying Bundle IDs
Use the following command to verify that the software bundle IDs on the VSM and VC match.
show vmware vem upgrade status
switch # show vmware vem upgrade status
Upgrade VIBs: System VEM Image
Upgrade Status:
Upgrade Notification Sent Time:
Upgrade Status Time(vCenter):
Upgrade Start Time:
Upgrade End Time(vCenter):
Upgrade Error:
Upgrade Bundle ID:
VSM: VEM400-201003101-BG
DVS: VEM400-200912267-BG
Verifying that the correct VEM Software Version is Installed
Use the following command to verify that the correct VEM software version is installed.
vemcmd show version
# vemcmd show version
VEM Version:
VSM Version: 4.2(1)SV1(1) [build 4.2(1)SV1(0.1)]
System Version: VMware ESXi 4.0.0 Releasebuild-208167
Verifying that the VEM is Running on the Host
Use the following command to verify that the VEM is running on the host.
vem status
~ # vem status
VEM modules are loaded
Switch Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU Uplinks
vSwitch0 64 3 64 1500 vmnic0
DVS Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports Uplinks
n1000v 256 9 256 vmnic1 VEM Agent is running
Verifying the VMware NICs on a DVS
Use the following command to verify the VMware NICs associated with a DVS.
esxcfg-vswitch -1
~ # esxcfg-vswitch -l
Switch Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU Uplinks
vSwitch0 128 3 128 1500 vmnic0
PortGroup Name VLAN ID Used Ports Uplinks
VM Network 0 0 vmnic0
Management Network 0 1 vmnic0
DVS Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU Uplinks
bldvs3 256 52 256 1500 vmnic2,vmnic1
DVPort ID In Use Client
352 1 vmnic1
353 1 vmnic2
Verifying the VMware Patches Installed on a Host
Use the following command to verify the VMware patches installed on a host.
esxupdate -vib-view query
Verifying Upgrade Status
Use the following command to verify the status of the VEM upgrade on the VSM and whether any host failed to upgrade.
show vmware vem upgrade status
switch# show vmware vem upgrade status
2010 Mar 17 15:19:41 pvk-vsm %VMS-5-DVS_UPGRADE_INFO: VEM Upgrade Notification has been accepted by vCenter Admin.
Upgrade VIBs: System VEM Image
Upgrade Status: Upgrade Accepted by vCenter Admin
Upgrade Notification Sent Time: Wed Mar 17 15:19:05 2010
Upgrade Status Time(vCenter): Wed Mar 17 17:28:46 2010
Upgrade Start Time:
Upgrade End Time(vCenter):
Upgrade Error:
Upgrade Bundle ID:
VSM: VEM400-201003101-BG
DVS: VEM400-200912267-BG