Log Configuration
The Log windows let you set up and view the IP camera log file, which captures information about the IP camera and its activities.
The IP camera stores the log file in its internal SDRAM. If the SDRAM becomes full, the IP camera begins to overwrite existing information. To avoid losing log information, you can configure the IP camera to send log information to a Syslog server.
The following sections describe the Log windows in detail:
Log Setup Window
The Log Setup window provides options for configuring the log file and an optional Syslog server on which to store log files.
To display the Log Setup window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Log to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Log menu, click Setup.
The Log Setup window appears. If you change any options in this window, you must click the Save Settings button to save the changes. If you do not click this button, changes are not retained when you exit the window. Save Settings appears at the bottom of the window. You may need to scroll down to it.
Table 7-1 describes the options in the Log Setup window.
Local Log Window
The Local Log window lets you view the log file that is stored on the IP camera.
To display the Local Log window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Log to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Log menu, click Local Log.
The Local Log window appears. If you change any options in this window, you must click the Save Settings button to save the changes. If you do not click this button, changes are not retained when you exit the window. Save Settings appears at the bottom of the window. You may need to scroll down to it.
Table 7-2 describes the options in the Local Log window.
Log List Area |
Rows per page |
Choose the number of log entry rows to display per page and click the Go button to the right of this option to update the display. |
Filter |
Choose the type of log message to include in the display. To include messages of every severity, choose All. |
Since |
Choose the time period for which you want to view log messages. |
Go button |
Update the log display based on the values in the Filter and Since fields. |
Severity |
An icon in this column indicates the severity of the corresponding log message: —Emergency message —Alert message —Critical message —Error message —Warning message —Notice message —Informational message —Debug message To display log messages in order of severity with the least severity first, click the Severity column heading. Click the heading again to reverse the display order. |
Date/Time |
Date and time that the logged activity occurred. By default, log messages appear in the order that the activity occurred with the oldest message first. To reverse this display order, click the Date/Time column heading. |
Description |
Message that describes the logged activity. For detailed information about log messages, see Table 7-3. |
Page controls |
Let you move through the log file entries: Page field—Enter a page number and press Enter. —Go to first page —Go to previous page —Go to next page —Go to last page |
Table 7-3 describes the messages that can appear in the IP camera log file. When you view the log file, each message includes the date and time that it was logged. In this table:
•Messages appear in alphabetical order.
•Angle brackets (<>) indicate items that are replaced by appropriate information when the message appears. Italic text describes these items.
•Severity indicates the severity of the message:
–0—Emergency (the system is unusable)
–1—Alert (a situation occurred that requires immediate action)
–2—Critical (a situation occurred that requires action soon)
–3—Error (an error occurred, but it does not necessarily affect the ability of the system to function)
–4—Warning (an undesirable condition occurred)
–5—Notice (notification about a system condition that is not an error condition)
–6—Informational (information about a system activity)
–7—Debug (information about a system activity with detailed technical information)