Quick Start for Branch Users Using Cisco ISR-4451-X
This chapter describes how to get started quickly with ISR-WAAS on the Cisco ISR 4451-X.
Prerequisites and Requirements for Using the EZConfig Program
This ection contains the following subsections:
Before getting started with ISR-WAAS on the Cisco ISR 4451-X, ensure that you have the following:
- Cisco ISR 4451-X router with 8 GB RAM, 16GB compact flash memory, and 200 GB hard disk
- Valid cisco.com username and password
- CCO image from Cisco.com
- Cisco ISR image with AppX licensing with RTU
- ISR-WAAS package file (OVA) that is shipped on the boot flash.
- Wide Area Virtualization Engine (WAVE) appliance as the peer device
- WAAS Central Manager (WCM)
- Cisco recommends that you connect the Cisco ISR 4451-X router to the WCM before using the EZConfig program. If you do not connect them, the EZConfig program still starts the service but displays an error at the end. You can later register the service with the WCM by using the WCM-specific commands service waas wcm ip address ip_address and service waas wcm deregister.
- You also need to configure an SRV record on a DNS server that is reachable from the router. The system uses the SRV record to look up the IP address of the WCM.
- You must manually configure the WAN and LAN interfaces and the WAN connectivity routes before you can use the EZConfig program.
- The EZConfig program attempts to enable the ISR-WAAS solution on the WAN interfaces that you enter. If the WAN interfaces are down or not configured for proper connectivity, the EZConfig program still configures the ISR-WAAS solution but the WAAS optimization functionality will not work until the WAN interfaces are enabled properly.
- If there is an existing configuration for ISR-WAAS (both the AppNav-XE component and the virtual container) on the Cisco ISR 4451-X that is not associated with the name AUTOWAAS, then you must manually clean the configuration before running the EZConfig program. EZConfig uses the name AUTOWAAS for the entire internal configuration naming so that the configuration can be tracked together and shown as being associated with the EZConfig menu.
Enabling ISR-WAAS on a Cisco ISR 4451-X Using the EZConfig Program
The EZConfig program is a single CLI command that launches an interactive mode for enabling ISR-WAAS on the Cisco ISR 4451-X. The program walks you through a series of questions and enables the corresponding AppNav Controller, container, interface, and connected application configurations.
- Using the EZConfig Program
- Selecting the OVA Package
- Selecting the ISR-WAAS Profile
- Entering the Host IP Address and the ISR-WAAS Service IP Address
- Entering the WAAS Central Manager (WCM) IP Address
- Entering the WAAS Interception Interfaces
- Verifying Input
- Applying the Configuration
Using the EZConfig Program
To run the EZConfig program, issue the following CLI command on a Cisco ISR 4451-X while logged in with privilege 15:
The system displays a welcome message and prompts you for several input parameters, as explained in subsequent sections.
Selecting the OVA Package
The EZConfig program searches the router storage devices, router flash, and hard disks for ISR-WAAS images with the following Cisco-approved naming convention: ISR4451-X-WAAS*.ova. The system only uses images with this naming convention as choices. If the system only finds one OVA package, it automatically uses it.
Note You can use the.OVA and.tar image to configure the ISR-WAAS on the Cisco 4451-X ISR. The.tar image is support only from Cisco IOX XE 16.9.X and later images.
Here is an example of the system only finding one OVA package:
Here is an example of the system finding multiple OVA packages:
The system sets the OVA image with the latest timestamp as the default. If you press enter without selecting an image, the system uses the default image. If you choose to enter an image name, the system prompts you for the image location and name, as in the example below. However, you can only select an image from the hard disk or the router flash.
Selecting the ISR-WAAS Profile
Each ISR-WAAS image is shipped with multiple profiles. The profiles dictate the resources used by the ISR-WAAS virtual instance and the number of connections supported. The system prompts you to select a profile, as in the following example:
The system sets the profile with the highest number of connections as the default. You can press enter to select the default profile or select a different profile.
Entering the Host IP Address and the ISR-WAAS Service IP Address
You must enter an internal IP address and subnet mask for the host, as well as an IP address for the ISR-WAAS service. The ISR-WAAS service IP address must be in the same network as the host. The host IP address is the address used by the router to communicate with the container.
Alternatively, you can specify that the ISR-WAAS service IP address be in the same subnet as one of the active router interfaces. This interface IP address can then be borrowed as the host IP address using IP unnumbered. The system inserts a static route to divert traffic to ISR-WAAS.
Note ● The system supports IPv4 and IPv6.
The following example illustrates the EZConfig IP address prompt. The system does not prompt you for the host IP address:
Because the service IP address entered was in the same subnet as one of the interfaces, say GigabitEthernet0/0/1, the system borrows the service IP address for the host from this interface using IP unnumbered. If you are not using IP unnumbered, the system prompts you to enter the ISR-WAAS service IP address, the host IP address, and the subnet mask.
Entering the WAAS Central Manager (WCM) IP Address
The WAAS Central Manager (WCM) manages the WAAS service. It configures the WAAS policy and the application accelerators. The IP address of the WCM must be reachable from the router; otherwise, the WCM registration fails. If this happens, the EZConfig program continues with the remaining configuration and you can manually connect ISR-WAAS to WCM using the service waas wcm command.
The system uses a DNS SRV record to look up the WCM IP address. The system sends the IP address to ISR-WAAS for registration with the WCM. In order to successfully look up the IP address, make sure that the following record is available on a DNS server that is reachable from the router:
If the system cannot reach the DNS server, or if there is no SRV record, and the system cannot obtain the IP address of the WCM, the system prompts you to manually enter it.
Note You must disable the boost license before you use the virtual-service command.
Use the show virtual-service detail command to check the status of the WCM registration.
The following is an example of the EZConfig WCM IP address prompt:
After the EZConfig program installs and activates the ISR-WAAS virtual instance, the system displays the virtual instance in the WCM.
Entering the WAAS Interception Interfaces
The EZConfig program displays a list of interfaces on the router. Enter the WAN interfaces where WAAS functionality is enabled using the underlying WAAS interception and routing mechanism AppNav.
Note You cannot use the GigabitEthernet0 interface because it is a management interface used by the router.
Verifying Input
After you enter all the requested information, the EZConfig program displays a configuration summary so that you can review the inputs and modify them if needed. The following is a sample:
If you select s, which is the default, the system applies the above configuration. If you choose a letter a through d, the system prompts you to modify the configuration that you chose. If you select v, the system displays the configuration as shown below:
service waas wcm ip address
Applying the Configuration
After verifying the configuration, the EZConfig program displays the progress of the WAAS installation and activation. The system then applies the configuration and displays the status of the WAAS virtual service. See the following example:
Disabling the WAAS Service Using the EZConfig Program
The EZConfig program uses the name AUTOWAAS for the virtual service, AppNav, class map, and policy map configuration. Whenever you run the EZConfig program, the system checks the configuration for any previously configured virtual instances and any AppNav configurations named AUTOWAAS. If the system finds any, the EZConfig program prompts you to clean up the system before enabling the WAAS service. See the following example:
Another way to clean up old EZConfig configurations is to use the service waas disable command. This command deactivates the virtual instance, uninstalls the OVA image, and removes all configurations with the name AUTOWAAS. See the following example:
Automatic Configuration Entries
In addition to setting the ISR-WAAS IP address and default gateway configuration entries (either using the EZConfig program or setting them manually as described in Chapter 3, “Detailed Configuration”), the system also automatically applies the following host router configurations entries to the ISR-WAAS:
The system automatically sets the ISR-WAAS hostname to be “Router-” followed by the router hostname, as in the following example:
The system automatically sets the ISR-WAAS domain name to the same domain name as the host router.
The system automatically sets the ISR-WAAS timezone configuration to the same timezone setting as the host router.
The host router allows up to six NTP servers but ISR-WAAS only allows up to three NTP servers. The system uses the first three NTP servers configured on the router for ISR-WAAS.
The system also configures the WCM server with the same clock source.
The host router allows up to six DNS servers but ISR-WAAS only allows up to three DNS servers. The system uses the first three DNS servers configured on the router for ISR-WAAS.
WAAS Central Manager (WCM) Changes for ISR-WAAS
Below are the changes in the WCM GUI that are unique to ISR-WAAS:
- The Jumbo MTU link under the Configure > Network tab is unavailable.
- On the Configure > Interception > Interception Configuration page, the AppNav Controller is the only supported interception method.
- The CIFS accelerator is unavailable in ISR-WAAS, which leads to the following:
– The CIFS Accelerator and Windows Print Accelerator fields under the Configure > Acceleration > Enabled Features page are unavailable on the device level and appropriate warning message will be provided in the device group level. The WCM ensures that CIFS-related configurations are not pushed to the ISR-WAAS application from DG level to prevent the device-level page from going into override mode.
– The CIFS Acceleration Report under the Monitor > Acceleration tab is unavailable.
– The ISR-WAAS application is not supported on the Preposition and Dynamic shares pages under the Home > CIFS File Services tab.