Step 2 |
To create a
B Series
On the Blueprint Initial Setup pane of the Cisco VIM Insight, complete the following fields:

Blueprint Name field
Enter blueprint configuration name.
Platform Type drop-down list
Choose one of the following platform types:
Tenant Network drop-down list
Choose one of the following tenant network types:
Pod Type drop-down list
Choose one of the following pod types:
Ceph Mode drop-down list
Choose one of the following Ceph types:
Optional Features and Services Checkbox
Swiftstack, LDAP, Syslog Export Settings, Install Mode, ToR Switch Information, TLS, NFVMON, Pod Name, VMTP, NFV Bench, Auto-backup,
Heat, Keystone v3, Enable Esc Priv.
If any one is selected, the corresponding section is visible in various Blueprint sections.
By default all features are disabled except Auto -backup.
Import Existing YAML file
Click Browse button to import the existing yaml file.
If you have an existing B Series YAML file you can use this feature to upload the file.
Unified Management automatically fill in the fields and if any mandatory field is missed then it gets highlighted in the
respective section.
Click Physical Setup to navigate to the Registry Setup configuration page. Fill in the following details for Registry Setup:

Registry User Name text field
Enter the User-Name for Registry (Mandatory).
Registry Password text field
Enter the Password for Registry (Mandatory).
Registry Email text field
Enter the Email ID for Registry (Mandatory).
Once all mandatory fields are filled the Validation Check Registry Pane shows a Green Tick.
Click UCSM Common Tab and complete the following fields:

User name disabled field
By default the value is Admin.
Password text field
Enter Password for UCSM Common (Mandatory).
UCSM IP text field
Enter IP Address for UCSM Common (Mandatory).
Resource Prefix text field
Enter the resource prefix(Mandatory).
QOS Policy Type drop-down
Choose one of the following types:
Max VF Count text field
Select the Max VF Count.
<1-54> Maximum VF count 54, default is 20.
If VF performance is enabled we recommend you to keep MAX_VF_COUNT to 20 else may fail on some VICs like 1240.
Enable VF Performance optional checkbox
Default is false. Set to true to apply adaptor policy at VF level.
Enable Prov FI PIN optional checkbox
Default is false.
MRAID-CARD optional checkbox
Enables JBOD mode to be set on disks. Applicable only if you have RAID controller configured on Storage C240 Rack servers.
Enable UCSM Plugin optional checkbox
Visible when Tenant Network type is OVS/VLAN.
Enable QoS Policy optional checkbox
Visible only when UCSM Plugin is enabled. If UCSM Plugin is disabled then this option is set to False.
Enable QOS for Port Profile optional checkbox
Visible only when UCSM Plugin is enabled.
SRIOV Multi VLAN Trunk optional grid
Visible when UCSM Plugin is enabled. Enter the values for network and vlans ranges. Grid can handle all CRUD operations such
as Add, Delete, Edit and, Multiple Delete.
Click Networking to advance to the networking section of the Blueprint:

Domain Name field
Enter the domain name (Mandatory).
HTTP Proxy Server field
If your configuration uses an HTTP proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.
HTTPS Proxy Server field
If your configuration uses an HTTPS proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.
IP Tables on Management Pods
Specifies the list of IP Address with Mask.
NTP Server
Enter a maximum of four and minimum of one IPv4 and /or IPv6 addresses in the table.
Domain Name Server
Enter a maximum of three and minimum of one IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses.
Network table
Network table is pre-populated with segments. To add Networks you can either clear all the table using Delete All or click Edit icon for each segment and fill in the details.
You can add, edit, or delete network information in the table:
VLAN field
Enter the VLAN ID.
For Segment - Provider, the VLAN ID value is always none.
Segment drop-down list
You can select any one segment from the drop-down list.
Provider (optional)
Some segments do not need some of the values listed in the preceding points.
Subnet field
Enter the IPv4 address for the subnet.
IPv6 Subnet field
Enter IPv6 address. This field is available only for Management provision and API.
Gateway field
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
IPv6 Gateway field
Enter IPv6 gateway. This field is available only for Management provision and API network.
Pool field
Enter the pool information in the following format. For example: or to
IPv6 Pool field
Enter the pool information in the following format. For example:,
This field is only available for the Mgmt/Provision.
Click Save.
On the Servers and Roles page of the Cisco VIM Suite wizard, you see a pre-populated table filled with Roles: Control, Compute and Block Storage (Only
if CEPH Dedicated is selected in Blueprint Initial Setup.

Server User Name field
Enter the username of the server.
Disable Hyperthreading
Default value is false. You can set it as true or false.
Enter the Cobbler details in the following fields:
Cobbler Timeout field
The default value is 45 min.
This is an optional parameter. Timeout is displayed in minutes, and its value ranges from 30 to 120.
Block Storage Kickstart field
Kickstart file for Storage Node.
Admin Password Hash field
Enter the Admin Password. Password must be Alphanumeric. Password should contain minimum 8 characters and maximum of 32 characters.
Cobbler Username field
Enter the cobbler username to access the cobbler server.
Control Kickstart field
Kickstart file for Control Node.
Compute Kickstart field
Kickstart file for Compute Node.
Cobbler Admin Username field
Enter the admin username of the Cobbler.
Add Entry to Servers and Roles
Click Edit or + to add a new server and role to the table.
Server Name
Enter a server name.
Server Type drop-down list
Choose Blade or Rack from the drop-down list.
Rack ID
The Rack ID for the server.
Chassis ID
Enter a Chassis ID.
If Rack is chosen, the Rack Unit ID field is displayed.
Enter a Rack Unit ID.
If Blade is chosen, the Blade ID field is displayed.
Enter a Blade ID.
Select the Role from the drop-down list.
If Server type is Blade then select Control and Compute. If server is Rack then select Block Storage.
Management IP
It is an optional field but if provided for one server then it is mandatory to provide details for other Servers as well.
Management IPv6
Enter the Management IPv6 Address.
Click Save.
Click ToR Switch checkbox in Blueprint Initial Setup to enable the TOR SWITCH configuration page. It is an Optional section in Blueprint Setup, but when all the fields are filled it is a part of the Blueprint.

Configure ToR optional checkbox.
Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.
ToR Switch Information mandatory table.
Click (+) to add information for ToR Switch.

ToR switch hostname.
ToR switch username.
ToR switch password.
ToR switch SSH IP Address.
ToR switch ssn num.
VPC Peer Keepalive
Peer Management IP. You do not define if there is no peer.
VPC Domain
Do not define if peer is absent.
VPC Peer Port Info
Interface for vpc peer ports.
BR Management Port Info
Management interface of the management node.
BR Management PO Info
Port channel number for management interface of the management node.
On clicking save button, Add ToR Info Connected to Fabric field is visible.
Port Channel field.
Enter the Port Channel input.
Switch Name field.
Enter the name of the Switch.
Click OpenStack Setup tab to advance to the OpenStack Setup Configuration page. On the OpenStack Setup page of the Cisco VIM Insight wizard, complete the following fields:
HA Proxy
Fill in the following details:
External VIP Address field
Enter the IP address of the External VIP.
External VIP Address IPv6 field
Enter the IPv6 address of the External VIP.
Virtual Router ID field
Enter the Router ID for the HA.
Internal VIP Address IPv6 field
Enter the IPv6 address of the Internal IP.
Internal VIP Address field
Enter the IP address of the Internal VIP.
The following are the Pre-populated field values. This option is always set to be true.
Admin Username field
admin |
Admin Tenant Name field
admin |
(Only if Keystonev3 is enabled)
This option is only available with Keystone v3
This is available only when Keystone v3 and LDAP both are enabled under Optional Features and Services in Blueprint Initial Setup.
Domain Name field
Enter the Domain name.
Object Class for Users field
Enter a string as input.
Object Class for Groupsfield
Enter a string.
Domain Name Tree for Users field
Enter a string.
Domain Name Tree for Groups field
Enter a string.
Suffix for Domain Name field
Enter a string.
URL field
Enter a URL with ending port number.
Domain Name of bind user field
Enter a string.
Password field
Enter Password as string format.
User Filter field
Enter filter name as string.
User ID Attribute field
Enter a string.
User Name Attribute field
Enter a string.
User Mail Attribute field
Enter a string.
Group Name Attribute field
Enter a string.
Neutron fields change on the basis of Tenant Network Type selection from Blueprint Initial Setup. Following are the options available for Neutron for OVS/VLAN:
Tenant Network Type field
It is Auto-filled based on the Tenant Network Typeselected in the Blueprint Initial Setup page.
Mechanism Drivers field
It is Auto-filled based on the Tenant Network Type selected in Blueprint Initial Setup page.
NFV Hosts field
It is Auto-filled with the Compute you added in Server and Roles.
If you select All in this section NFV_HOSTS: ALL is added to the Blueprint or you can select one particular compute. For Example:
NFV_HOSTS: compute-server-1, compute-server-2.
Tenant VLAN Ranges field
List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.
Provider VLAN Ranges field
List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.
VM Hugh Page Size (available for NFV_HOSTS option) field
2M or 1G
Enable Jumbo Frames field
Enable the checkbox.
For Tenant Network Type, Linux Bridge everything remains the same but Tenant VLAN Ranges is removed.
1. When Object Storage Backend is selected as Central in the blueprint initial setup.

CEPH Mode |
By default Ceph Mode is Central. |
Cluster ID |
Enter the Cluster ID. |
Monitor Host |
Enter the Monitor Host for CEPH |
Monitor Members |
Enter the Monitor Members for CEPH |
Secret UUID |
Enter the Secret UUID for CEPH |
NOVA Boot from |
You can choose CEPH or local from the drop-down list. |
Enter the NOVA RBD Pool (default's to vms)
CEPH NAT is required for Central Ceph and when mgmt network is not routable.
When Object Storage Backend is selected as Dedicated in the blueprint initial setup.
 • CEPH Mode: By default Dedicated.
• NOVA Boot: From drop-down selection you can choose CEPH or local.
When Object Storage Backend is selected as NetApp in the blueprint initial setup.

1. When Object Storage Backend is selected as Central in the blueprint initial setup.
Store Backend |
By default CEPH. |
Glance RBD Pool field
By default images. |
Glance Client Key |
Enter GLANCE Client Key
2. When Object Storage Backend is selected as Dedicated in the blueprint initial setup.
 By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Store Backend value as CEPH.
By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Volume Driver value as CEPH.
Volume Driver |
By default CEPH. |
Cinder RBD Pool field
By default volumes. |
Cinder Client Key |
Enter Cinder Client Key
VMTP optional section will only be visible once VMTP is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup.
Check one of the check boxes to specify a VMTP network:
Provider Network
External Network
For the Provider Network complete the following:
Network Name field
Enter the name for the external network.
Subnet field
Enter the Subnet for Provider Network.
Network IP Start field
Enter the start of the floating IPv4 address.
Network IP End field
Enter the end of the floating IPv4 address.
Network Gatewayfield
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
DNS Server field
Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.
Segmentation ID field
Enter the segmentation ID.
For External Network fill in the following details:
Network Name field
Enter the name for the external network.
Subnet field
Enter the Subnet for the external Network.
Network IP Start field
Enter the start of the floating IPv4 address.
Network IP End field
Enter the endof the floating IPv4 address.
Network Gateway field
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
DNS Server field
Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.
TLS This optional section will only be visible once TLS is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page.
TLS has two options:
Under the OpenStack setup tab, Vim_admins tab will be visible only when Vim_admins is selected from the Optional Features & Services under the Blueprint Initial setup tab
Following are the field descriptions for VIM Admins:
SwiftStack optional section will be visible once SwiftStack is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page. SwiftStack is only supported with KeyStonev2 . If you select Keystonev3, swiftstack will not be available for configuration.
Following are the options that needs to be filled for SwiftStack:
Cluster End Point field
IP address of PAC (Proxy-Account-Container) endpoint. |
Admin User field
Admin user for swift to authenticate in keystone. |
Admin Tenant field
The service tenant corresponding to the Account-Container used by the Swiftstack. |
Reseller Prefix field
Reseller_prefix as configured for Keysone Auth,AuthToken support in Swiftstack. Example: KEY_ |
Admin Password field
swiftstack_admin_password |
http or https |
If Syslog Export or NFVBENCH is selected in Blueprint Initial Setup, the Services Setup pane is enabled for the user to view.
Following are the options under Services Setup Tab:
Syslog Export
Following are the options for Syslog Settings:
Remote Host
Enter Syslog IP address.
Only UDP is supported.
Defaults to local5.
Defaults to debug.
Defaults to ELK.
Defaults to 514 but can be modified by the User.
NFVBENCH enable checkbox which by default is False.
 Add ToR information connected to switch:
Select a TOR Switch and enter the Switch name.
Enter the port number. For example:eth1/5. VTEP VLANS (mandatory and needed only for VXLAN): Enter 2 different VLANs for
NIC Ports: INT1 and INT2 optional input. Enter the 2 port numbers of the 4-port 10G Intel NIC at the management node used
for the NFVBench.
Enable the checkbox to set it as True. By default it is False.
Step 3 |
To create a
C Series
- On the
Blueprint Initial Setup page of the Cisco VIM
Insight, complete the following fields:

Blueprint Name field.
Enter the name for the blueprint configuration.
Platform Type drop-down list
Choose one of the following platform types:
- B-Series (By default)
- C-Series ( Select C Series)
Tenant Network drop-down list
Choose one of the following tenant network types:
Linux Bridge/VXLAN
when VTS/VLAN or ACI/VLAN is selected then respective tabs are available on Blueprint setup. When Mechanism driver OVS or
ACI is selected, VM_HUGEPAGE_PERCENTAGE field is enabled for all standalone compute nodes, when NFV_HOSTS is enabled.
Pod Type drop-down list
Choose one of the following pod type :
Fullon(By Default)
UMHC pod type is only supported for OVS/VLAN tenant type.
NGENAHC is supported for VPP/VLAN tenant type with no SRIOV
Pod type micro is supported for OVS/VLAN, ACI/VLAN,VPP/VLAN.
Ceph Mode drop-down list
Choose one of the following Ceph types:
- Dedicated (By Default)
- Central. Central is not supported in Production
Optional and Services Features checkbox
Swiftstack, LDAP, Syslog Export Settings, Install Mode, TorSwitch Information, TLS, NFVMON, Pod Name, VMTP, NFVBench, Autbackup,
Heat, Keystone v3, Enable Esc Priv.
If any one is selected, the corresponding section is visible in various Blueprint sections.
By default all features are disabled except Auto Backup.
Import Existing YAML file
If you have an existing C Series YAML file you can use this feature to upload the file.
Insight will automatically fill in the fields and any missed mandatory field will be highlighted in the respective section.
Setup to advance to the
Setup configuration page. Fill in the following details for Registry Setup:

Registry User Name text field
User-Name for Registry (Mandatory).
Registry Password text field
Password for Registry (Mandatory).
Registry Email text field
Email ID for Registry (Mandatory).
Once all
the mandatory fields are filled the
Validation Check Registry Page will be changed to a Green
Common Tab and complete the following fields:

User Name disabled field
By default value is Admin.
Password text field
Enter Password for UCSM Common (Mandatory).
Click Networking to advance to the networking section of the Blueprint.

Domain Name field
Enter the domain name. (Mandatory)
HTTP Proxy Server field
If your configuration uses an HTTP proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.
HTTPS Proxy Server field
If your configuration uses an HTTPS proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.
IP Tables on Management Pods
Specifies the list of IP Address with Mask.
NTP Servers field
Enter a maximum of four and minimum of one IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses in the table.
Domain Name Servers field
Enter a maximum of three and minimum of one IPv4 and/or IPV6 addresses.
Networks table
Network table is pre-populated with Segments. To add Networks you can either clear all the table with Delete all or click edit icon for each segment and fill in the details.
You can add, edit, or delete network information in the table.
VLAN field
Enter the VLAN ID.
For Segment - Provider, the VLAN ID value is 'none'.
Segment drop-down list
When you add/edit new segment then following segments types are available in the form of dropdown list and you can select
only one.
Aciinfra segment is available only when ACI/VLAN tenant type is selected) Depending upon the segment some of the entries below are
not needed. Please refer to the example file in openstack-configs dir for details.
Subnet field
Enter the IPv4 address for the subnet.
IPv6 Subnet field
Enter IPv6 Address. This field will be available only for Management provision and API
Gateway field
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
Gateway IPv6 field
Enter the IPv6 address for the gateway. This will support for API and management provision.
Pool field
Enter the pool information in the required format, for example:,
This field is available only for the Mgmt/Provision, Storage, and Tenant segments.
IPv6 Pool field
Enter the pool information in the required format. For example:,
Click Save.
On the Servers and Roles page of the Cisco VIM Suite wizard, a pre-populated table filled with Roles : Control, Compute and Block Storage (Only if
CEPH Dedicated is selected in Blueprint Initial Setup is available.
If you choose mechanism driver as OVS or ACI, VM_HUGEPAGE_PERCENTAGE field column is available for compute nodes, where you
can fill values from 0 to 100%, when NFV_HOSTS: ALL is chosen.
Server User Name field
Enter the username of the Server.
Disable Hyperthreading
Default value is false. You can set it as true or false. |
Enter the Cobbler details in the following fields:
Cobbler Timeout field
The default value is 45 min.
This is an optional parameter. Timeout is displayed in minutes, and its value ranges from 30 to 120.
Block Storage Kickstart field
Kickstart file for Storage Node.
Admin Password Hash field
Enter the Admin Password. Password should be Alphanumeric. Password should contain minimum 8 characters and maximum of 32
Cobbler Username field
Enter the cobbler username to access the cobbler server.
Control Kickstart field
Kickstart file for Control Node.
Compute Kickstart field
Kickstart file for Compute Node.
Cobbler Admin Username field
Enter the admin username of the Cobbler.
Add Entry to Servers and Roles
when Pod type micro is selected then all the three servers will be associated with control, compute and block storage role.
For Example:
Block Storage
-Server 1
-Server 2
-Server 3
-Server 1
-Server 2
-Server 3
-Server 1
-Server 2
-Server 3
When Pod type UMHC is selected then auto ToR configuration is not supported and the ToR info at server and roles level is
not allowed to be entered.
Click Edit or + to add a new server and role to the table.
If mechanism driver is either OVS or ACI, an additional optional field VM_HUGEPAGE_PERCENTAGE is shown when compute role is
chosen; This option is only valid when NFV_HOSTS is set to ALL; If no value is entered then the global value of VM_HUGEPAGE_PERCENTAGE
is used.

Server Name
Entry the name of the server.
Rack ID field
The rack ID for the server.
VIC Slot field
Enter a VIC Slot.
CIMC IP field
Enter a IP address.
CIMC Username field
Enter a Username.
CIMC Password field
Enter a Password for CIMC.
Select the Role from the drop down list
Choose Control or Compute or Block Storage from the drop-down list.
Management IP
It is an optional field but if provided for one Server then it is mandatory to provide it for other Servers as well.
Management IPv6
Routable and valid IPv6 address. It is an optional field but if provided for one server then it is mandatory for all other
servers as well.
Click Save or Add .
On clicking Save or Add all information related to Servers and Roles gets saved.
If Configure ToR checkbox is Truewith at-least one switch detail, these fields will be displayed for each server and this is similar to DP Tor: Port Channel and Switch Name (Mandatory if Configure ToR is true)
Port Channel field
Switch Name field
Switch Port Info field
DP ToR (Only for Control and Compute) : Mandatory if Intel NIC and Configure TOR is True.
Port Channel field
Switch Name field
Switch Port Info field
SRIOV TOR INFO (Only for Compute Nodes). It is mandatory in server and roles if Intel NIC and Configure TOR is True. with TOR TYPE Nexus.
For TOR TYPE NCS-5500 these fields are optional Switch Name (Mandatory if Configure ToR is true). This field appears only when Intel NIC support is true, as Auto TOR config is not supported in VIC_NIC combo
Switch Name field
Switch Port Info field
Intel SRIOV VFS (valid for Intel NIC testbeds) and can be integer.
For SRIOV support for Intel NIC. By Default, SRIOV support is disabled. To enable, define a value in the range # * 1-32 when
INTEL_NIC_SUPPORT is set True (X710 Max VFs = 32) # * 1-63 when CISCO_VIC_INTEL_SRIOV is set True (X520 Max VFs = 63)
INTEL_SRIOV_PHYS_PORTS (valid for Intel NIC test beds) and can be of value 2 or 4 (default is 2)
In some cases the # of Physical SRIOV port needed is 4; to meet that requirement, define the following: # this is optional,
if nothing is defined code will assume it to be 2; the only 2 integer values this parameter # takes is 2 or 4 and is true
when INTEL_NIC_SUPPORT is True and INTEL_SRIOV_VFS is valid.. For NCS-5500 this value is set to 4 and is non-editable.
Click Save or Add .
If all mandatory fields are filled click Save or Add to add information on Servers and Roles.
Disable Hyperthreading
Default value is false. You can set it as true or false. |
Click Save
Maximum two ToR info needs to be configured for each connection type on each node (control, compute and block_storage node).
If pod type UMHC is selected then CISCO_VIC_INTEL_SRIOV is enabled to be TRUE. CISCO_VIC_INTEL_SRIOV is also supported on
Micro pod with expanded computes
For Tenant type ACI/VLAN, port channel for each ToR port will not be available in servers and roles, as APIC will automatically assign port-channel
numbers. Also, for ACI in full on mode you can select Intel NIC Support in the “Servers and Roles” section.
Click ToR Switch checkbox in Blueprint Initial Setup to enable the TOR SWITCH configuration page. It is an Optional section in Blueprint Setup but once all the fields are filled in then it will become a part of the Blueprint.
Configure ToR optional checkbox.
If UMHC is selected as podtype, configure TOR is not allowed.
Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.
Configure tor is true then ToR switch info maps in servers
ToR Switch Information mandatory table if you want to enter ToR information.
Click (+) to add information for ToR Switch.

ToR switch name.
ToR switch username.
ToR switch password.
ToR switch SSH IP.
ToR switch ssn num.
VPC Peer Keepalive
Peer Management IP. You cannot define if there is no peer.
VPC Domain
Cannot define if there is no peer.
VPC Peer Port Info
Interface for vpc peer ports.
VPC Peer VLAN Info
VLAN ids for vpc peer ports (optional).
BR Management Port Info
Management interface of build node.
BR Management PO Info
Port channel number for management interface of build node.
BR Management VLAN info
VLAN id for management interface of build node (access).
Click Save.
When tenant type ACI/VLAN is selected, the TOR switch information table differs and is mandatory.
Configure ToR optional checkbox.
If UMHC is selected as podtype, configure TOR is not allowed.
Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.
Configure tor is true then ToR switch info maps in servers
ToR Switch Information mandatory table if you want to enter ToR information.
Click (+) to add information for ToR Switch.

ToR switch name.
ToR switch username.
ToR switch password.
ToR switch SSH IP.
ToR switch ssn num.
VPC Peer Keepalive
Peer Management IP. You cannot define if there is no peer.
VPC Domain
Cannot define if there is no peer.
VPC Peer Port Info
Interface for vpc peer ports.
VPC Peer VLAN Info
VLAN ids for vpc peer ports (optional).
BR Management Port Info
Management interface of build node.
BR Management PO Info
Port channel number for management interface of build node.
BR Management VLAN info
VLAN id for management interface of build node (access).
Click Save.
When the Tenant type ACI/VLAN is selected, the ToR switch information table differs and is mandatory.
Configure ToR
Is not checked, as by default ACI will configure the ToRs

Host Name
ToR switch name.
VPC Peer keep alive
Enter Peer must be exist pair.
VPC Domain
Enter an integer.
BR management port info
Enter BR management port info eg. Eth1/19 ,atleast one pair to be exist.
Enter Node ID
Entered integer must be unique.
If TOR_TYPE is selected as NCS-5500, the TOR switch information table differs and is mandatory.
Configure ToR optional checkbox
If NSC-5500 is selected as TOR_TYPE, configure TOR is set as mandatory.
Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.
Configure TOR is true then ToR switchinfo maps in servers.
If you want to enter NCS details fill in the NCS-5500 Information table.
Click (+) to add information for NCS-500 Switch.

Enter the NCS-5500 hostname.
User Name
Enter the NCS-5500 username.
Enter the NCS-5500 password. |
Enter the NCS-5500 ssh IP Address.
VPC Peer Link
Peer management IP.
BR Management PO Info
Port channel number for management interface of build node.
BR Management VLAN info
VLAN id for management interface of build node (access).
VPC Peer Port Info
Interface for vpc peer ports.
VPC Peer Port Address
Address for ISIS exchange.
ISIS Loopback Interface address
ISIS loopack IP Address.
ISIS net entity title
Enter a String.
ISIS prefix SID
Integer between 16000 to 1048575.
When TOR-TYPE selected as NCS-5500 and 2 NCS-5500 are configured it is mandatory to configure MULTI_SEGMENT_ROUTING_INFO
BGP AS Number field
Integer between 1 to 65535.
ISIS Area Tagfield
A valid string.
Loopback Interface namefield
Loopback Interface name.
API bundle IDfield
Integer between 1 to 65535.
API bridge domain field
String (Optional, only needed when br_api of mgmt node is also going through NCS-5500; this item and api_bundle_id are mutually
EXT bridge domain field
A valid string (user pre-provisions physical, bundle interface, sub-interface and external BD for external uplink and provides
external BD info setup_data).
Click OpenStack Setup Tab to advance to the OpenStack Setup Configuration page. On the OpenStack Setup Configuration page of the Cisco VIM Insight wizard, complete the following fields:
HA Proxy
Fill in the following details:

External VIP Address field
Enter IP address of External VIP.
External VIP Address IPv6 field
Enter IPv6 address of External VIP.
Virtual Router ID field
Enter the Router ID for HA.
Internal VIP Address IPv6 field
Enter IPv6 address of Internal IP.
Internal VIP Address field
Enter IP address of Internal VIP.
Mandatory fields are pre-populated.

Admin User Name
Admin Tenant Name
LDAP enable checkbox which by default is false, if LDAP is enabled on keystone.

Domain Name field
Enter name for Domain name.
Object Class for Users field
Enter a string as input.
Object Class for Groupsfield
Enter a string.
Domain Name Tree for Users field
Enter a string.
Domain Name Tree for Groups field
Enter a string.
Suffix for Domain Name field
Enter a string.
URL field
Enter a URL with ending port number.
Domain Name of Bind User field
Enter a string.
Password field
Enter Password as string format.
User Filter field
Enter filter name as string.
User ID Attribute field
Enter a string.
User Name Attribute field
Enter a string.
User Mail Attribute field
Enter a string.
Group Name Attribute field
Enter a string.
Neutron fields would change on the basis of Tenant Network Type Selection from Blueprint Initial Setup. Following are the options available for Neutron for OVS/VLAN:
Tenant Network Type field
Auto Filled based on the Tenant Network Type selected in the Blueprint Initial Setup page.
Mechanism Drivers field
Auto Filled based on the Tenant Network Type selected in Blueprint Initial Setup page.
NFV Hosts field
Auto filled with the Compute you added in Server and Roles.
If you select All in this section NFV_HOSTS: ALL will be added to the Blueprint or you can select one particular compute. For Eg:
NFV_HOSTS: compute-server-1, compute-server-2.
Tenant VLAN Ranges field
List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.
Provider VLAN Ranges field
List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.
VM Hugh Page Size (available for NFV_HOSTS option) field
2M or 1G (optional, defaults to 2M)
Optional, defaults to 100%; can range between 0 and 100
Allowed only for VPP
Number of cores associated to VPP, defaults to 2.
Enable Jumbo Frames field
Enable the checkbox
For Tenant Network Type Linux Bridge everything remains the same but Tenant VLAN Ranges will be removed.
1. When Object Storage Backend is selected Central in blueprint initial setup. 
CEPH Mode |
By default Central. |
Cluster ID |
Enter Cluster ID. |
Monitor Host |
Enter Monitor Host for CEPH |
Monitor Members |
Enter Monitor Members for CEPH |
Secret UUID |
Enter Secret UUID for CEPH |
NOVA Boot from |
Drop down selection. You can choose CEPH or local. |
Enter NOVA RBD Pool (default's to vms)
Optional, needed for Central Ceph and when mgmt network is not routable
When Object Storage Backend is selected Dedicated in blueprint initial setup.  • CEPH Mode: By default Dedicated.
• NOVA Boot: From drop down selection you can choose CEPH or local.
When Object Storage Backend is selected NetApp in blueprint initial setup. 
1. When Object Storage Backend is selected Central in blueprint initial setup.  When Object Storage Backend is selected Dedicated in blueprint initial setup. 
By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Store Backend value as CEPH.
By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Volume Driver value as CEPH.
 2. When Object Storage Backend is selected Dedicated in blueprint initial setup. 
By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Volume Driver value as CEPH.
VMTP optional section, this will be visible only if VMTP is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup. For VTS tenant type Provider
network is only supported.
Check one of the check boxes to specify a VMTP network:
Provider Network
External Network
For the Provider Network complete the following:

Network Name field
Enter the name for the external network.
Subnet field
Enter the Subnet for Provider Network.
Network IP Start field
Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.
Network IP End field
Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.
Network Gatewayfield
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
DNS Server field
Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.
Segmentation ID field
Enter the segmentation ID.
For External Network fill in the following details:

Network Name field
Enter the name for the external network.
IP Start field
Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.
IP End field
Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.
Gateway field
Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.
DNS Server field
Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.
Subnet field
Enter the Subnet for External Network.
TLS optional section, this will be visible only if TLS is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page.
TLS has two options:
Under the OpenStack setup tab, Vim_admins tab will be visible only when Vim_admins is selected from the Optional Features
& Services under the Blueprint Initial setup tab
Following are the field descriptions for VIM Admins:

User Name
Enter username
Password field. Admin hash password should always start with $6.
SwiftStack optional section will be visible only if SwiftStack is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page. SwiftStack is only supported
with KeyStonev2. If you select Keystonev3, swiftstack will not be available to configure.
Following are the options that needs to be filled for SwiftStack:

Cluster End Point
IP address of PAC (proxy-account-container) endpoint.
Admin User
Admin user for swift to authenticate in keystone.
Admin Tenant
The service tenant corresponding to the Account-Container used by Swiftstack.
Reseller Prefix
Reseller_prefix as configured for Keysone Auth,AuthToken support in Swiftstack E.g KEY_
Admin Password
http or https
APICINFO tab is available in Openstack setup, when the Tenant type ACI/VLAN is selected in blueprint initial setup.
When ACI/VLAN is selected then ToR switch from initial setup is mandatory.
APIC Hosts field
Enter host input. Example: <ip1|host1>:[port] . max of 3, min of 1, not 2;
apic_username field
Enter a string format.
apic_password filed
Enter Password.
apic_system_id field
Enter input as string. Max length 8.
apic_resource_prefix field
Enter string max length 6.
apic_tep_address_ pool field
Allowed only
multiclass_address_pool field
Allowed only
apic_pod_id field
Enter integer(1- 65535)
apic_installer_tenant field
Enter String, max length 32
apic_installer_vrf field
Enter String, max length 32
api_l3out_network field
Enter String, max length 32
VTS tab is available in Openstack setup, when Tenant Type is VTS/VLAN selected.
If vts day0 is enabled then SSH username and SSH password is mandatory.
If SSH_username is input present then SSH password is mandatory vice-versa
VTS Day0 (checkbox)
True or false default is false.
VTS User name
Enter as string does not contain special characters.
VTS Password
Enter password
Enter IP Address format.
VTC SSH Username
Enter a string
VTC SHH Password
Enter password
Export or
NFVBENCH is selected in
Blueprint Initial Setup Page, then
Setup page will be enabled for user to view. Following are the options
Setup Tab:
Syslog Export
Following are the options for Syslog Settings:
User can add maximum of three entries.
To add new SysLog information, click on Add SysLog button, fill all the required information listed below and hit Save button.
Remote Host
Enter Syslog IP address.
Only UDP is supported.
Defaults to local5.
Defaults to debug.
Defaults to ELK.
Defaults to 514 but can be modified by the User.
NFVBENCH enable checkbox by default isfalse.
Add ToR information connect to Switch:
Select a TOR Switch and enter the Switch name.
Enter the port number. For Example: eth1/5 . VTEP VLANS (mandatory and needed only for VTS/VXLAN,): Enter 2 different VLANs
for VLAN1 and VLAN2.
NIC Ports: INT1 and INT2 optional input. Enter the 2 port numbers of the 4-port 10G Intel NIC at the management node used
for NFVBench.
NIC Slot: Optional input, indicates which NIC to use in case there are multiple NICs.
Enable the checkbox to set it as True. By default it is