show mls qos

To display multilayer switching (MLS) quality of service (QoS) information, use the show mls qos command in privileged EXEC mode.

show mls qos [{arp | ipv6 | ip | ipx | last | mac | module [module-number]} [interface interface-number | slot slot | null 0 | port-channel number | vlan vlan-id]] [detailed]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) information.


(Optional) Displays IPv6 information.


(Optional) Displays information about the MLS IP status.


(Optional) Displays information about the MLS Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) status.


(Optional) Displays information about the last packet-policing.


(Optional) Displays information about the MAC address-based QoS status.

module module-number

(Optional) Specifies the module (slot) number; displays the global and per-interface QoS enabled and disabled settings and the global QoS counters.


(Optional) Interface type; valid values are ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, tengigabitethernet, ge-wan, pos, and atm.


(Optional) Module and port number; see the "Usage Guidelines" section for valid values.

slot slot

(Optional) Specifies the slot number; displays the global and per-interface QoS enabled and disabled settings and the global QoS counters.

null 0

(Optional) Specifies the null interface; the only valid value is 0.

port-channel number

(Optional) Specifies the channel interface; there is a maximum of 64 values ranging from 1 to 282.

vlan vlan-id

(Optional) Specifies the VLAN ID; valid values are from 1 to 4094.


(Optional) Displays additional statistics.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


The arpand ipv6 keywords were added on the Supervisor Engine 720 only.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The following information was added to the command output on the Catalyst 6500 series switch:

Display of last 30-second counters.

Display of peak 30-second counters over the last 5 minutes.

Display of 5-minute average and peak packets-per-second (pps) rates.

The peak rates are monitored with 10-second resolution. Releases prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI were monitored at 30-second resolution.

Usage Guidelines

The ge-wan, pos, and atm interfaces are not supported on systems that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 720.

The interface-number argument designates the module and port number. Valid values for interface-number depend on the specified interface type and the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you specify a Gigabit Ethernet interface and have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module that is installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 1 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.

The port-channel number values from 257 to 282 are supported on the Content Switching Module (CSM) and the Firewall Services Module (FWSM) only.

Catalyst 6500 Series Switches

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI and later releases, the following information is included in the output of the show mls qos command:

Display of last 30-second counters.

Display of peak 30-second counters over the last 5 minutes.

Display of 5-minute average and peak bps rates.

The peak rates are monitored with 10-second resolution. Releases prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI are monitored at 30-second resolution.


Last Logged Packet Example

This example shows how to display information about the last logged packet:

Router# show mls qos last

QoS engine last packet information:
    Packet was transmitted
    Output TOS/DSCP: 0xC0/48[unchanged]   Output COS: 0[unchanged]
    Aggregate policer index: 0(none)
    Microflow policer index: 0(none)                                 

IPv6 Example

This example shows how to display IPv6 information:

Router# show mls qos ipv6

QoS Summary [IPv6]:      (* - shared aggregates, Mod - switch module)

     Int Mod Dir  Class-map DSCP  Agg  Trust Fl   AgForward-By   AgPoliced-By
                                  Id         Id

      All  7   -    Default    0    0*    No  0      189115356              0

Supervisor Engine 720 Example

This example shows how to display QoS information:

Router# show mls qos

QoS is enabled globally
Microflow policing is enabled globally
QoS ip packet dscp rewrite enabled globally

QoS is disabled on the following interfaces:
Fa6/3 Fa6/4

QoS DSCP-mutation map is enabled on the following interfaces:
Vlan or Portchannel(Multi-Earl) policies supported: Yes
Egress policies supported: Yes

----- Module [5] -----
QoS global counters:
Total packets: 164
IP shortcut packets: 0
Packets dropped by policing: 0
IP packets with TOS changed by policing: 0
IP packets with COS changed by policing: 0
Non-IP packets with COS changed by policing: 0
MPLS packets with EXP changed by policing: 0

Supervisor Engine 2 Example

This example shows the output if you do not enter any keywords:

Router# show mls qos

  QoS is enabled globally
  Microflow QoS is enabled globally

QoS global counters:
    Total packets: 217500
    IP shortcut packets: 344
    Packets dropped by policing: 344
    IP packets with TOS changed by policing 18323
    IP packets with COS changed by policing 1602
    Non-IP packets with COS changed by policing 0

Catalyst 6500 Series Switches Example

The show mls qos command output in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI and later releases contains more packet counter information than in previous releases.

This example shows the Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI output with the detailed keyword:

Router# show mls qos detailed

  QoS is enabled globally
  Policy marking depends on port_trust
  QoS ip packet dscp rewrite enabled globally
  Input mode for GRE Tunnel is Pipe mode
  Input mode for MPLS is Pipe mode
  Vlan or Portchannel(Multi-Earl) policies supported: Yes
  Egress policies supported: Yes

 ----- Module [5] -----
Traffic:            Total pkt's   30-s pkt's    peak pkts  5-min avg pps   peak pps

Total packets:           775606           46           22              2          5
IP shortcut packets:     5465402          33           16              1          1
Packets dropped by 
policing:                      0           0            0              0          0
IP packets with TOS 
changed by policing:          41          10            4              0          0
IP packets with COS 
changed by policing:           2           0            0              0          0
Non-IP packets with COS 
changed by policing:           0           0            0              0          0
MPLS packets with EXP 
changed by policing:           0           0            0              0          0

Table 173 describes the significant fields added when you enter the detailed keyword.

Table 173 show mls qos detailed Field Descriptions 


Total packets

The cumulative counters.

IP shortcut packets

Number of IP shortcut packets.

Packets dropped by policing

Number of police dropped packets.

Packets changed by policing

Number of police modified packets.

30-s pkts

The total 30-second packet count over the last 5 minutes.

30-s peak pkts

The peak 30-second packet count over the last 5 minutes.

5-min avg pps

The average packets-per-second (pps) rate over the last 5 minutes.

5-min peak pps

The peak pps rate over the last 5 minutes.

Related Commands


mls qos (global configuration mode)

Enables the QoS functionality globally.

mls qos (interface configuration mode)

Enables the QoS functionality on an interface.

show mls qos aggregate-policer

Displays information about the aggregate policer.

show mls qos free-agram

Displays the number of free aggregate RAM indexes on the switch processor and the DFCs.

show mls qos interface

Displays MLS QoS information at the interface level.

show mls qos maps

Displays MLS QoS mapping information.

show mls qos mpls

Displays an interface summary for MPLS QoS classes in policy maps.

show mls qos protocol

Displays protocol pass-through information.

show mls qos statistics-export

Displays MLS statistics data-export status and configuration.

show mls qos aggregate policer

To display information about the aggregate policer for multilayer switching (MLS) quality of service (QoS), use the show mls qos aggregate policer command in EXEC mode.

show mls qos aggregate policer [aggregate-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the aggregate policer.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes


Command History



Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Aggregate policing works independently on each Distributed Forwarding Card (DFC)-equipped switching module and independently on the Policy Feature Card 2 (PFC2), which supports any non-DFC-equipped switching modules. Aggregate policing does not combine flow statistics from different DFC-equipped switching modules. You can display aggregate-policing statistics for each DFC-equipped switching module, the PFC2, and any non-DFC-equipped switching modules that are supported by the PFC2.


This example shows how to display information about the aggregate policer for MLS QoS:

Router# show mls qos aggregate-policer

ag1 (undefined)
    AgId=0 [ pol1 pol2 ]
ag2 64000 64000 conform-action set-dscp-transmit 56 exceed-action drop
    AgId=0 [ pol3 ]
ag3 32000 32000 conform-action set-dscp-transmit 34 exceed-action drop

In the output, the following applies:

The AgId parameter displays the hardware-policer ID and is nonzero if assigned.

The policy maps using the policer, if any, are listed in the square brackets ([]).

If there are no policies using the policer, no AgId line is displayed.

If the policer is referred to in policy maps, but has not been defined, [undefined] is displayed.

Related Commands


mls qos aggregate-policer

Defines a named aggregate policer for use in policy maps.

show mls qos free-agram

To display the number of free aggregate RAM indexes on the switch processor and the Distributed Forwarding Cards (DFCs), use the show mls qos free-agram command in EXEC mode.

show mls qos free-agram

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes


Command History



Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720 and the Supervisor Engine 2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This example shows how to display the number of free aggregate RAM indexes on the switch processor and the DFCs:

Router# show mls qos free-agram 

Total Number of Available AG RAM indices : 1023

 Module [1]
 Free AGIDs : 1023

 Module [6]
 Free AGIDs : 1023

show mls qos interface

To display Multilayer Switching (MLS) quality of service (QoS) information at the interface level, use the show mls qos interface command in privileged EXEC mode.

show mls qos interface [interface-id] [policers]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the interface for which QoS information is to be displayed.


(Optional) Displays all the policers configured on the interface, their settings, and the number of policers unassigned.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show mls qos interface command without keywords to display parameters for all interfaces.

Use the show mls qos interface interface-id command to display the parameters for a specific interface.

On most Cisco switch platforms, the global command, "(no) mls qos", is used to toggle the MLS QoS state to be enabled or disabled. When MLS QoS is disabled globally, the CoS/IP Precidence/DSCP values for all traffic passing through the switch will not be modified. On the other hand, if MLS QoS is enabled, then by default all interfaces will be in an untrusted state, which means all incoming CoS/IP Prec/DSCP values will be remarked down to 0.

Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series Switches

Becuase the (no) mls qos global command is not supported for the Cisco_2600 or Csico_3600 series switches, this presents a unique situationregarding the default trust state for the interface.

By default, when there is no "mls qos" related commands configured under an interface on the Cisco_2600 or Cisco_3600 series switches, the CoS/IP Prec/DSCP value of all incoming traffic will not be remarked as it passes through the switch. This has the same result as when MLS QoS is disabled on other Cisco switches.


The following is sample output from the show mls qos interface fastethernet0/1 command:

Router# show mls qos interface fastethernet0/1

trust state: trust cos
COS override: dis
default COS: 0

The following example shows that there is no mls QoS command configured on the interface. the CoS/IP Precidence/DSCP values of incoming traffic will not be remarked as it passes through the switch.

Router# show mls qos interface f1/1
trust state: none  <<<
trust mode: none  <<<
COS override: dis
default COS: 0
pass-through: none

Related Commands


mls qos cos

Defines the default MLS CoS value of a port or assigns the default CoS value to all incoming packets on the port.

mls qos map

Defines the MLS CoS-to-DSCP map and DSCP-to-CoS map.

mls qos trust

Configures the MLS port trust state and classifies traffic by an examination of the CoS or DSCP value.

show mls qos maps

To display multilayer switching (MLS) quality of service (QoS) mapping information, use the show mls qos maps command in privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco 2600, 3660, 3700, 3845, 7200, 7400, and 7500 Series Routers

show mls qos maps [cos-dscp | dscp-cos]

Cisco 7600 Series Router and Catalyst 6500 Series Switch

show mls qos maps [cos-dscp | cos-mutation | dscp-cos | dscp-exp | dscp-mutation | exp-dscp | exp-mutation | ip-prec-dscp | policed-dscp]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the class of service (CoS)-to-differentiated services code point (DSCP) map.


(Optional) Displays the DSCP-to-CoS map.


(Optional) Displays the CoS-mutation map.


(Optional) Displays the DSCP-to-exp map.


(Optional) Displays the DSCP-mutation map.


(Optional) Displays the exp-to-DSCP map.


(Optional) Displays the exp-mutation map.


(Optional) Displays the IP-precedence-to-DSCP map.


(Optional) Displays the policed-DSCP map.

Command Default

All MLS QoS maps are displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 7600 series routers.


This command was implemented on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series routers, Cisco 3600 series routers, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


This command was changed to support the cos-mutation, exp-dscp, and exp-mutation keywords.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T on the following platforms: Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco 3700 series routers.


Support was added for all map type keywords.

Usage Guidelines

Maps are used to generate an internal DSCP value, which represents the priority of the traffic. Use the show mls qos maps command without keywords to display all maps.


The following is sample output from the show mls qos maps cos-dscp command displaying the DSCP values to which each CoS value will be mapped:

Router# show mls qos maps cos-dscp

Cos-dscp map:
        cos:  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
       dscp:  8  8  8  8 24 32 56 56

The following is sample output from the show mls qos maps dscp-cos command displaying the CoS values to which each DSCP value will be mapped:

Router# show mls qos maps dscp-cos

Dscp-cos map:
       dscp:  0  8 10 16 18 24 26 32 34 40 46 48 56
        cos:  0  1  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  6  7

This example shows how to display the QoS-map settings:

Router# show mls qos maps

   Policed-dscp map:
            0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
      00:  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
      10:  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
      20:  20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
      30:  30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
      40:  40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
      50:  50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
      60:  60 61 62 63

   Dscp-cos map:
            0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
      00:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01
      10:  01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02
      20:  02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03
      30:  03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
      40:  05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06
      50:  06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07
      60:  07 07 07 07

   Cos-dscp map:
          cos:   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
        dscp:   0  8 16 24 32 40 48 56

   IpPrecedence-dscp map:
       ipprec:   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
        dscp:   0  8 16 24 32 40 48 56


In the policed DSCP and DSCP-CoS map displays, the new DSCP or CoS values are shown in the body of the table. The decade of the original DSCP value is shown in the left-side vertical column, and the units digit is in the top row. For example, the DSCP-CoS map indicates that if the original DSCP value is between 32 and 39, the CoS will be set to 4.

The CoS-DSCP and IP precedence-DSCP maps display the DSCP values to which each CoS or IP precedence value will be mapped. For example, the IP precedence-DSCP map indicates that if the original IP precedence value is 3, the DSCP will be set to 24.

This example shows how to verify the configuration of DSCP-mutation mapping:

Router# show mls qos maps | begin DSCP mutation 

DSCP mutation map mutmap1:                  (dscp= d1d2)
     d1 :  d2 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 
      0 :    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 
      1 :    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 
      2 :    20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 
      3 :    08 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 
      4 :    40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 
 <...Output Truncated...>

In the DSCP mutation map display, the marked-down DSCP values are shown in the body of the table. The first digit (d1) of the original DSCP value is in the left-side vertical column labeled d1, and the second digit (d2) is in the top row. For example, a DSCP value of 30 maps to a new DSCP value of 08.

Related Commands


mls qos map

Defines the CoS-to-DSCP map and DSCP-to-CoS map.

mls qos map cos-dscp

Defines the ingress CoS-to-DSCP map for trusted interfaces.

mls qos map cos-mutation

Maps a packet's CoS to a new CoS value.

mls qos map dscp-cos

Defines an egress DSCP-to-CoS map.

mls qos map dscp-mutation

Defines a named DSCP mutation map.

mls qos map ip-prec-dscp

Defines an ingress IP precedence-to-DSCP map for trusted interfaces.

mls qos map policed-dscp

Sets the mapping of policed DSCP values to marked-down DSCP values.

show mls qos mpls

To display an interface summary for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) quality of service (QoS) classes in policy maps, use the show mls qos mpls command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show mls qos mpls [interface-type interface-number | module slot]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface type; valid values are the following:




(Optional) Module and port number; see the "Usage Guidelines" section for valid values.

module slot

(Optional) Specifies the module slot number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported in PFC3BXL or PFC3B mode only.

The interface-number argument designates the module and port number. Valid values for interface-number depend on the specified interface type and the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you specify a Gigabit Ethernet interface and have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module that is installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 1 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.


The following example shows an interface summary for MPLS QoS classes in policy maps:

Router# show mls qos mpls

QoS Summary [MPLS]: (* - shared aggregates, Mod - switch module)
Int Mod Dir Class-map DSCP Agg Trust Fl AgForward-By AgPoliced-By 
Id Id 
Fa3/38 5 In exp2 0 1 dscp 0 378900 0 
Fa3/41 5 In exp4 0 3 dscp 0 0 0
All 5 - Default 0 0* No 0 1191011240 0 

Table 174 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 174 show mls qos mpls Field Descriptions 


QoS Summary [MPLS]: (* - shared aggregates, Mod - switch module)

Shows if there are any shared aggregate policers, indicated by *, and the type of module.

Int Mod Dir Class-map DSCP Agg Trust Fl AgForward-By AgPoliced-By

Provides the column headings for the following lines in the display. These include interface name and number, module number, direction, class-map name, and DSCP value.

Fa3/38 5 In exp2 0 1 dscp 0 378900 0

Provides the following information:

Fa3/38—Interface name and number.

5—Module number in the chassis.

In—Direction of the policy applied (In = ingress).

exp2—Class map configured in the policy.

0—Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.

1—Policer ID assigned to that class map.

dscp—Trust value configured on the port. In this example, the value is trusting on DSCP.

0—The flow ID if the flow policer is configured.

378900—The aggregate forwarded bytes, meaning the forwarded traffic.

0—The aggregate policed bytes, meaning this traffic has been subjected to policing.

All 5 - Default 0 0* No 0 1191011240 0

The total of the preceding lines including the aggregate forwarded and aggregate policed bytes.

Related Commands


mls qos exp-mutation

Attaches an egress-EXP mutation map to the interface.

mls qos map exp-dscp

Defines the ingress EXP value to the internal DSCP map.

mls qos map exp-mutation

Maps a packet's EXP to a new EXP value.

show mls qos protocol

To display protocol pass-through information, use the show mls qos protocol command in EXEC mode.

show mls qos protocol [module number]

Syntax Description

module number

(Optional) Specifies the module number.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes


Command History



Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 2 but does not support Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Integrated Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS), or Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP).

Support for neighbor discovery protocol packets was added on the Supervisor Engine 720 only.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This example shows how to display protocol pass-through information:

Router# show mls qos protocol

RIP : Passthru mode 
OSPF : Passthru mode
ND : Policing mode Cir = 32000 Burst = 1000
----- Module [5] ----- 
Routing protocol RIP is using AgId 0* 
Routing protocol OSPF is using AgId 0*
Routing protocol ND is using AgId 1
----- Module [6] ----- 
Routing protocol RIP is using AgId 0* 
Routing protocol OSPF is using AgId 0*

Related Commands


mls qos protocol

Defines the routing-protocol packet policing.

show mls qos queuing interface

To display the queueing statistics of an interface, use the show mls qos queuing interface command in user EXEC mode.

show mls qos queuing interface {type | vlan }

Syntax Description


Interface type.

For Cisco 7600 series routers, the valid interface types are ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, tengigabitethernet, pos, atm, and ge-wan.


Specifies the VLAN identification number; valid values are from 1 to 4094.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Command History



This command was introduced on LAN cards on Cisco 7600 Series Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco 7600 Series Routers

The pos, atm, and ge-wan interfaces are supported on Cisco 7600 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 2 only.

The type number argument used with the interface keyword designates the module and port number. Valid values depend on the specified interface type and the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you specify a Gigabit Ethernet interface and have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 1 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.

Use the show qm-sp port-data command to verify the values that are programmed in the hardware.


The following example shows sample output from the show mls qos queuing interface gigabitethernet 5/1 command on the Endor (RSP720-10G) card.

Router# show mls qos queuing interface gig5/1

Weighted Round-Robin
  Port QoS is enabled
  Port is untrusted
  Extend trust state: not trusted [COS = 0]
  Default COS is 0
    Queueing Mode In Tx direction: mode-cos
    Transmit queues [type = 1p3q8t]:
    Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds
       01         WRR                 08
       02         WRR                 08
       03         WRR                 08
       04         Priority            01
WRR bandwidth ratios:  100[queue 1] 150[queue 2] 200[queue 3] 
    queue-limit ratios:     50[queue 1]  20[queue 2]  15[queue 3]  15[Pri Queue]

    queue tail-drop-thresholds
    1     70[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 
    2     70[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 
    3     100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 

    queue random-detect-min-thresholds
      1    40[1] 70[2] 70[3] 70[4] 70[5] 70[6] 70[7] 70[8] 
      2    40[1] 70[2] 70[3] 70[4] 70[5] 70[6] 70[7] 70[8] 
      3    70[1] 70[2] 70[3] 70[4] 70[5] 70[6] 70[7] 70[8] 

    queue random-detect-max-thresholds
      1    70[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 
      2    70[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 
      3    100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 

    WRED disabled queues:    

    queue thresh cos-map
    1     1      0 
    1     2      1 
    1     3      
    1     4      
    1     5      
    1     6      
    1     7      
    1     8      
    2     1      2 
    2     2      3 4 
    2     3      
    2     4      
    2     5      
    2     6      
    2     7      
    2     8      
    3     1      6 7 
    3     2      
    3     3      
    3     4      
    3     5      
    3     6      
    3     7      
    3     8      
    4     1      5 

    Queueing Mode In Rx direction: mode-cos
    Receive queues [type = 2q8t]:
    Queue Id    Scheduling  Num of thresholds
       01         WRR                 08
       02         WRR                 08

    WRR bandwidth ratios:  100[queue 1]   0[queue 2] 
    queue-limit ratios:    100[queue 1]   0[queue 2] 

    queue tail-drop-thresholds
    1     100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 
    2     100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 

    queue random-detect-min-thresholds
      1    40[1] 40[2] 50[3] 50[4] 50[5] 50[6] 50[7] 50[8] 
      2    100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 

    queue random-detect-max-thresholds
      1    70[1] 80[2] 90[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 
      2    100[1] 100[2] 100[3] 100[4] 100[5] 100[6] 100[7] 100[8] 

    queue thresh cos-map
    1     1      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
    1     2      
    1     3      
    1     4      
    1     5      
    1     6      
    1     7      
    1     8      
    2     1      
    2     2      
    2     3      
    2     4      
    2     5      
    2     6      
    2     7      
    2     8      

  Packets dropped on Transmit:

    queue     dropped  [cos-map]
    1                        0  [0 1 ]
    2                        0  [2 3 4 ]
    3                        0  [6 7 ]
    4                        0  [5 ]

  Packets dropped on Receive:
    BPDU packets:  0

    queue              dropped  [cos-map]
    1                        0  [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
    2                        0  []

Related Commands


mls qos cos

Defines the default MLS CoS value of a port or assigns the default CoS value to all incoming packets on the port.

mls qos map

Defines the MLS CoS-to-DSCP map and DSCP-to-CoS map.

mls qos trust

Configures the MLS port trust state and classifies traffic by an examination of the CoS or DSCP value.


Assigns a custom queue list to an interface.

fair-queue (class-default)

Specifies the number of dynamic queues to be reserved for use by the class-default class as part of the default class policy.

fair-queue (WFQ)

Enables WFQ for an interface.


Assigns the specified priority list to an interface.

random-detect flow

Enables flow-based WRED.

random-detect (interface)

Enables WRED or DWRED.

random-detect (per VC)

Enables per-VC WRED or per-VC DWRED.

show frame-relay pvc

Displays information and statistics about WFQ for a VIP-based interface.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show qm-sp port-data

Displays information about the QoS manager switch processor.

show queueing

Lists all or selected configured queueing strategies.

show mls qos statistics-export info

To display information about the multilayer switching (MLS)-statistics data-export status and configuration, use the show mls qos statistics-export info command in EXEC mode

show mls qos statistics-export info

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes


Command History



Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Quality of service (QoS)-statistics data export is not supported on Optical Service Module (OSM) interfaces.


This example shows how to display information about the MLS-statistics data-export status and configuration:

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 

QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 250 seconds
Export Delimiter : @
Export Destination :, UDP port 514 Facility local6, Severity debug
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following ports:
QoS Statistics Data export is enabled on following shared aggregate policers:
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following class-maps:

Related Commands


mls qos statistics-export (global configuration)

Enables QoS-statistics data export globally.

mls qos statistics-export (interface configuration)

Enables per-port QoS-statistics data export.

mls qos statistics-export aggregate-policer

Enables QoS-statistics data export on the named aggregate policer.

mls qos statistics-export class-map

Enables QoS-statistics data export for a class map.

mls qos statistics-export delimiter

Sets the QoS-statistics data-export field delimiter.

mls qos statistics-export destination

Configures the QoS-statistics data-export destination host and UDP port number.

mls qos statistics-export interval

Specifies how often a port and/or aggregate-policer QoS-statistics data is read and exported.

show platform hardware acl entry global-qos

To display information about inbound and outbound access control list (ACL) ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) global Quality of Service (QoS) entries, use the show platform hardware acl entry global-qos command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware acl entry global-qos {in | out} {arp | ip | ipv6 | mac | mpls}[detail]

Syntax Description


Displays inbound entries in the output.


Displays outbound entries in the output.


Specifies the Address Resolution Protocol for entries.


Specifies the Internet Protocol for entries.


Specifies the Internet Protocol, Version 6 for entries.


Specifies the Media Access Control address for entries.


Specifies the Multiprotocol Label Switching Protocol for entries.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about the entries.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco IOS-based switches support the wire-rate ACL and QoS feature with use of the TCAM. Enabling ACLs and policies does not decrease the switching or routing performance of the switch as long as the ACLs are fully loaded in the TCAM.

To implement the various types of ACLs and QoS policies in hardware, the Cisco IOS-based switches use hardware lookup tables (TCAM) and various hardware registers in the Supervisor Engine. When a packet arrives, the switch performs a hardware table lookup (TCAM lookup) and decides to either permit or deny the packet.


The following sample output from the show platform hardware acl entry global-qos command displays one result for inbound Address Resolution Protocol entries:

Switch# show platform hardware acl entry global-qos in arp 

0x0000000000000003 arp ip any any mac any 

The following sample output from the show platform hardware acl entry global-qos command displays the detailed results for inbound Address Resolution Protocol entries (the legend provides definitions for abbreviations that may appear in the output):

Switch# show platform hardware acl entry global-qos in arp detail


ENTRY TYPE: A - ARP I - IPv4 M - MPLS O - MAC Entry S - IPv6(Six) C - Compaction L - L2V4 
Suffix: D - dynamic entry E - exception entry R - reserved entry 

FIELDS: FS - first_seen/from_rp ACOS - acos/group_id F - ip_frag FF - frag_flag DPORT - 
dest_port SPORT - src_port LM - L2_miss GP - gpid_present ETYPE - enc_etype CEVLD - 
ce_vlan_valid MM - mpls_mcast FN - exp_from_null IV - ip_hdr_vld MV - mpls_valid E_CAU - 
exception_cause UK - U_key ACO - acos A/R - arp_rarp RR - req_repl GM - 
global_acl_fmt_match D-S-S-A - dest_mac_bcast, src_snd_mac_same, snd_tar_mac_same, 
arp_rarp_vld OM - ofe_mode SVLAN - Src_vlan 



mls qos protocol

Configures TCAM entries that are displayed by the show platform hardware acl entry global-qos command.

show platform hardware qfp active feature qos config global

To display whether the QoS: Packet Marking Statistics and QoS: Packet Matching Statistics features are currently enabled, use the show platform hardware qfp active feature qos config global command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active feature qos config global

Syntax Description




Quantum flow processor


Active instance


Feature specific information


Quality of Service (QoS) information


QoS config information


Global configuration

Command Default

Disabled (no information about the status of the QoS: Packet Marking Statistics or QoS: Packet Matching Statistics feature is displayed).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History


Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Both the QoS: Packet Marking Statistics and QoS: Packet Matching Statistics features are disabled by default. Use the show platform hardware qfp active feature qos config global command to display whether they are enabled.


The following example shows how to see if the QoS: Packet Marking Statistics or QoS: Packet Matching Statistics feature is enabled:

Router# show platform hardware qfp active feature qos config global 

Marker statistics are: enabled
Match per filter statistics are: enabled

Table 175 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 175 show platform hardware qfp active feature qos config global Field Descriptions 


Marker statistics are:

The status of the QoS: Packet Marking Statistics feature, enabled or disabled.

Match per filter statistics are:

The status of the QoS: Packet Matching Statistics feature, enabled or disabled.

Related Commands


platform qos marker-statistics

Displays the number of packets that have modified headers and have been classified into a category for local router processing.

platform qos match-statistics per-filter

Displays the display the number of packets and bytes matching a user-defined filter.

show platform lowq

To display the number of low queues configured on each interface, use the show platform lowq command.

show platform lowq

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC(#)

Command History


15.0(1) S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show platform lowq command to check the number of queues per interface, if you are using low-queue line cards. If there are no queues configured on any line card, a message is displayed to show that low queue is empty.


The following is a sample output of the show platform lowq command.

Router# show platform lowq
Input Queue count:8     Output Queue count:8    Total Queue count:16

The following table describes the fields in the command output:


Input Queue Count

Number of input low queues on the interface.

Output Queue Count

Number of output low queues on the interface.

Total Queue Count

Sum of the input and output low queues.

show platform qos policy-map

To display the type and number of policy maps that are configured on the router, use the show platform qos policy-map command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform qos policy-map

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced for Cisco Catalyst 6500 series switches and Cisco 7600 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

On Cisco Catalyst 6500 series switches and Cisco 7600 series routers, you cannot attach a quality of service (QoS) policy map with match input vlan to an interface if you have already attached a QoS policy map to a VLAN interface (a logical interface that has been created with the interface vlan command). If you attempt to use both types of service policies, you must remove both types of service policies before you can add the policy maps.

The show platform qos policy-map command shows whether the router is currently configured for interface vlan and match input vlan service policies. It also shows the number of policy maps for each type.


The following example shows a router that has service policies configured only on VLAN interfaces:

Router# show platform qos policy-map 

 service policy configured on int vlan: TRUE 
 # of int vlan service policy instances: 3 
 match input vlan service policy configured: FALSE 
 # of match input vlan service policy instances: 0 

The following example shows a router that has service policies configured on VLAN interfaces and that has a service policy configured with match input vlan. In this configuration, you must remove all service policies from their interfaces, and then configure only one type or another.

Router# show platform qos policy-map 

 service policy configured on int vlan: TRUE 
 # of int vlan service policy instances: 1 
 match input vlan service policy configured: TRUE 
 # of match input vlan service policy instances: 1 

Table 176 describes each field shown in the show platform qos policy-map command:

Table 176 show platform qos policy-map Field Descriptions 


service policy configured on int vlan

Indicates whether any QoS policy maps are configured on VLAN interfaces.

# of int vlan service policy instances

Number of QoS policy maps that are configured on VLAN interfaces.

match input vlan service policy configured

Indicates whether any QoS policy maps that use the match input vlan command are configured on interfaces.

# of match input vlan service policy instances

Number of QoS policy maps using the match input vlan command that are configured on interfaces.

Related Commands


match input vlan

Configures a class map to match incoming packets that have a specific virtual local area network (VLAN) ID.

match qos-group

Identifies a specified QoS group value as a match criterion.

mls qos trust

Sets the trusted state of an interface, to determine which incoming QoS field on a packet, if any, should be preserved.


Creates or modifies a policy map that can be attached to one or more interfaces to specify a service policy.


Attaches a policy map to an input interface or VC, or an output interface or VC, to be used as the service policy for that interface or VC.

show policy-map

Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show platform qos policy-map

Displays the type and number of policy maps that are configured on the router.

show policy-manager events

To display detailed information about the policy-manager event statistics, use the show policy-manager events command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-manager events

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 series routers.


The following is sample output from the show policy-manager events command:

Router# show policy-manager events

Event Statistics
0          catastrophic
0          critical
0          high
0          medium
0          low
0          positive

The following events were discarded
0          unknown

Event buffer pool
Number of free event buffers = 300
Number of events awaiting processing by Policy Manager process = 0

Table 177 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 177 show policy-manager events Field Descriptions 



Displays the total number of events in a catastrophic state.


Displays the total number of events in a critical state.


Displays the total number of events in a high severity state.


Displays the total number of events in a medium severity state.


Displays the total number of events in a low severity state.


Displays the total number of events that are safe.

Number of free event buffers

Displays the total number of event buffers that are free.

Number of events awaiting processing by Policy Manager process

Displays the number of events that are yet to be processed by the policy manager.

Related Commands


show policy-manager policy

Displays different policies of the policy manager.

show policy-manager subsystem

Displays subsystems of the policy manager.

show policy-manager policy

To display information about the policy-manager policy database, use the show policy-manager policy command in privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco IOS SX, T, and XE Trains

show policy-manager policy [policy-id | detail | subsystem subsystem-name [detail | policy-name name]]

Cisco IOS SR Train

show policy-manager policy [policy-id | detail | event-id | policy-id | subsystem subsystem-name [detail | policy-name name]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about the policy with the specified policy ID. The range is from 1 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Displays policy database information in detail.


(Optional) Displays information about the specified subsystem.


(Optional) Name of the subsystem.


(Optional) Displays information about the specified policy.


(Optional) Name of the policy.


(Optional) Displays information about the event ID table.


(Optional) Displays information about the policy ID table.

Command Default

If no argument or keywords are specified, information about all policies is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was modified and integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC. The event-id and policy-id keywords were added.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.


The following is sample output from the show policy-manager policy command. The field descriptions are self-explanatory.

Router# show policy-manager policy 

Status (S) codes:
A = active
D = deactivated

S ID    Subsystem                 Name

Related Commands


show policy-manager events

Displays detailed information about the policy-manager event statistics.

show policy-manager subsystem

Displays subsystems of the policy manager.

show policy-map

To display the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or of all classes for all existing policy maps, use the show policy-map command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map [policy-map]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the service policy map whose complete configuration is to be displayed. The name can be a maximum of 40 characters.

Command Default

All existing policy map configurations are displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)XE.


This command was intergrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)E.


This command was modified for two-rate traffic policing to display burst parameters and associated actions.


The command was modified for the Policer Enhancement—Multiple Actions feature and the Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED)—Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature.


The following modifications were made:

The output was modified for the Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping feature.

This command was modified as part of the Modular QoS CLI (MQC) Unconditional Packet Discard feature. Traffic classes can now be configured to discard packets belonging to a specified class.

This command was modified for the Enhanced Packet Marking feature. A mapping table (table map) can now be used to convert and propagate packet-marking values.


This command was modified to support display of Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic-shaping information.


The output of this command was modified for the QoS: Percentage-Based Policing feature to display the committed (conform) burst (bc) and excess (peak) burst (be) sizes in milliseconds (ms).


Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB, and the command was modified to display information about Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol Version 3 (L2TPv3) tunnel marking.


This command was enhanced to display bandwidth-remaining ratios configured on traffic classes and ATM overhead accounting, and was implemented on the Cisco 10000 series router for the PRE3.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


Support for the Cisco 7600 series router was added.


This command was modified to display information about Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel marking.

Note For this release, GRE-tunnel marking is supported on the Cisco MGX Route Processor Module (RPM-XF) platform only.


This command was modified to display information about GRE-tunnel marking, and support for the Cisco 7300 series router was added. This command's output was modified on the Cisco 10000 series router for the PRE3 and PRE4.

Cisco IOS XE 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 and was implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 series router.


This command was modified. Support was added for hierarchical queueing framework (HQF) using the Modular Quality of Service (QoS) Command-Line Interface (CLI) (MQC).

Usage Guidelines

The show policy-map command displays the configuration of a policy map created using the policy-map command. You can use the show policy-map command to display all class configurations comprising any existing service policy map, whether or not that policy map has been attached to an interface. The command displays:

ECN marking information only if ECN is enabled on the interface.

Bandwidth-remaining ratio configuration and statistical information, if configured and used to determine the amount of unused (excess) bandwidth to allocate to a class queue during periods of congestion.

Cisco 10000 Series Router

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB, the output of the show policy-map command is slightly different from previous releases when the policy is a hierarchical policy.

For example, in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB output similar to the following displays when you specify a hierarchical policy in the show policy-map command:

Router# show policy-map Bronze

policy-map bronze
	class class-default
	shape average 34386000
	service-policy Child

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB, output similar to the following displays when you specify a hierarchical policy in the show policy-map command:

Router# show policy-map Gold

policy-map Gold
	Class class-default
	Average Rate Traffic Shaping
	cir 34386000 (bps)
	service-policy Child2

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB, the output from the show policy-map command displays police actions on separate lines as shown in the following sample output:

Router# show policy-map Premium

Policy Map Premium
	Class P1
	police percent 50 25 ms 0 ms
	conform-action transmit
	exceed-action transmit
	violate-action drop

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB, the output from the show policy-map command displays police actions on one line as shown in the following sample output:

Router# show policy-map Premium

Policy Map Premium
	Class P2
	police percent 50 25 ms 0 ms conform-action transmit exceed-action transmit violate- 
action drop


This section provides sample output from typical show policy-map commands. Depending upon the interface or platform in use and the options enabled (for example, Weighted Fair Queueing [WFQ]), the output you see may vary slightly from the ones shown below.

Weighted Fair Queueing: Example

Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Traffic-Shaping: Example

Traffic Policing: Example

Two-Rate Traffic Policing: Example

Multiple Traffic Policing Actions: Example

Explicit Congestion Notification: Example

Modular QoS CLI (MQC) Unconditional Packet Discard: Example

Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping: Example

Enhanced Packet Marking: Example

Bandwidth-Remaining Ratio: Example

ATM Overhead Accounting: Example

Tunnel Marking: Example

HQF: Example 1

HQF: Example 2

Weighted Fair Queueing: Example

The following example displays the contents of the service policy map called po1. In this example, WFQ is enabled.

Router# show policy-map po1

Policy Map po1 
 Weighted Fair Queueing 
    Class class1 
       Bandwidth 937 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class2 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)
    Class class3 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class4 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class5 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class6 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class7 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class8 
         Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)

The following example displays the contents of all policy maps on the router. Again, WFQ is enabled.

Router# show policy-map 

Policy Map poH1 
 Weighted Fair Queueing 
    Class class1 
       Bandwidth 937 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class2 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)
    Class class3 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class4 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class5 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class6 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class7 
Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class8 
         Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)
Policy Map policy2 
 Weighted Fair Queueing 
    Class class1 
       Bandwidth 300 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class2 
        Bandwidth 300  (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)
    Class class3 
        Bandwidth 300 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class4 
        Bandwidth 300 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class5 
        Bandwidth 300 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class6 
        Bandwidth 300 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 

Table 178 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 178 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for WFQ


Policy Map

Policy map name.


Class name.


Amount of bandwidth in kbps allocated to class.

Max thresh

Maximum threshold in number of packets.

Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Traffic-Shaping: Example

The following sample output for the show-policy map command indicates that Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic-shaping is configured in the class-default class in the policy map MQC-SHAPE-LLQ1 and that the deactivation timer is set to 30 seconds.

Router# show policy-map

  Policy Map VSD1
    Class VOICE1
      Strict Priority
      Bandwidth 10 (kbps) Burst 250 (Bytes)
    Class SIGNALS1
      Bandwidth 8 (kbps) Max Threshold 64 (packets)
    Class DATA1
      Bandwidth 15 (kbps) Max Threshold 64 (packets)

  Policy Map MQC-SHAPE-LLQ1
    Class class-default
      Traffic Shaping
         Average Rate Traffic Shaping
                 CIR 63000 (bps) Max. Buffers Limit 1000 (Packets)
                 Adapt to 8000 (bps)
                 Voice Adapt Deactivation Timer 30 Sec 
      service-policy VSD1

Note In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T, if an interface configured with a policy map is full of heavy traffic, the implicit policer allows the traffic as defined in the bandwidth statement of each traffic class.

Table 179 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 179 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Traffic-Shaping 


Strict Priority

Indicates the queueing priority assigned to the traffic in this class.


Specifies the traffic burst size in bytes.

Traffic Shaping

Indicates that Traffic Shaping is enabled.

Average Rate Traffic Shaping

Indicates the type of Traffic Shaping enabled. Choices are Peak Rate Traffic Shaping or Average Rate Traffic Shaping.


Committed Information Rate (CIR) in bps.

Max. Buffers Limit

Maximum memory buffer size in packets.

Adapt to

Traffic rate when shaping is active.

Voice Adapt Deactivation Timer

Indicates that Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic-shaping is configured, and that the deactivation timer is set to 30 seconds.


Name of the service policy configured in the policy map "MQC-SHAPE-LLQ1".

Traffic Policing: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map command. This sample output displays the contents of a policy map called policy1. In policy 1, traffic policing on the basis of a committed information rate (CIR) of 20 percent has been configured, and the bc and be have been specified in milliseconds. As part of the traffic policing configuration, optional conform, exceed, and violate actions have been specified.

Router# show policy-map policy1

  Policy Map policy1
    Class class1
     police cir percent 20 bc 300 ms pir percent 40 be 400 ms
       conform-action transmit 
       exceed-action drop 
       violate-action drop 

Table 180 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 180 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Traffic Policing 


Policy Map

Name of policy map displayed.


Name of the class configured in the policy map displayed.


Indicates that traffic policing on the basis of specified percentage of bandwidth has been enabled. The committed burst (Bc) and excess burst (Be) sizes have been specified in milliseconds (ms), and optional conform, exceed, and violate actions have been specified.

Two-Rate Traffic Policing: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map command when two-rate traffic policing has been configured. As shown below, two-rate traffic policing has been configured for a class called police. In turn, the class called police has been configured in a policy map called policy1. Two-rate traffic policing has been configured to limit traffic to an average committed rate of 500 kbps and a peak rate of 1 Mbps.

Router(config)# class-map police
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 101
Router(config-cmap)# policy-map policy1
Router(config-pmap)# class police
Router(config-pmap-c)# police cir 500000 bc 10000 pir 1000000 be 10000 conform-action 
transmit exceed-action set-prec-transmit 2 violate-action drop
Router(config-pmap-c)# interface serial3/0
Router(config-pmap-c)# exit
Router(config-pmap)# exit
Router(config)# interface serial3/0
Router(config-if)# service-policy output policy1
Router(config-if)# end

The following sample output shows the contents of the policy map called policy1 :

Router# show policy-map policy1 

 Policy Map policy1
  Class police
   police cir 500000 conform-burst 10000 pir 1000000 peak-burst 10000 conform-action
   transmit exceed-action set-prec-transmit 2 violate-action drop

Traffic marked as conforming to the average committed rate (500 kbps) will be sent as is. Traffic marked as exceeding 500 kbps, but not exceeding 1 Mbps, will be marked with IP Precedence 2 and then sent. All traffic exceeding 1 Mbps will be dropped. The burst parameters are set to 10000 bytes.

Table 181 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 181 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Two-Rate Traffic Policing 



Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing. Also, displays the specified CIR, conform burst size (bc), peak information rate (PIR), and peak burst (BE) size used for marking packets.


Displays the action to be taken on packets conforming to a specified rate.


Displays the action to be taken on packets exceeding a specified rate.


Displays the action to be taken on packets violating a specified rate.

Multiple Traffic Policing Actions: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map command when the Policer Enhancement—Multiple Actions feature has been configured. The following sample output from the show policy-map command displays the configuration for a service policy called police. In this service policy, traffic policing has been configured to allow multiple actions for packets marked as conforming to, exceeding, or violating the CIR or the PIR shown in the example.

Router# show policy-map police

  Policy Map police
    Class class-default
     police cir 1000000 bc 31250 pir 2000000 be 31250
       conform-action transmit 
       exceed-action set-prec-transmit 4
       exceed-action set-frde-transmit 

       violate-action set-prec-transmit 2
       violate-action set-frde-transmit 

Packets conforming to the specified CIR (1000000 bps) are marked as conforming packets. These are transmitted unaltered.

Packets exceeding the specified CIR (but not the specified PIR, 2000000 bps) are marked as exceeding packets. For these packets, the IP Precedence level is set to 4, the discard eligibility (DE) bit is set to 1, and the packet is transmitted.

Packets exceeding the specified PIR are marked as violating packets. For these packets, the IP Precedence level is set to 2, the DE bit is set to 1, and the packet is transmitted.

Note Actions are specified by using the action argument of the police command. For more information about the available actions, see the police command reference page.

Table 182 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 182 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Multiple Traffic Policing Actions



Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing. Also, displays the specified CIR, BC, PIR, and BE used for marking packets.


Displays the one or more actions to be taken on packets conforming to a specified rate.


Displays the one or more actions to be taken on packets exceeding a specified rate.


Displays the one or more actions to be taken on packets violating a specified rate.

Explicit Congestion Notification: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map command when the WRED—Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature has been configured. The words "explicit congestion notification" (along with the ECN marking information) included in the output indicate that ECN has been enabled.

Router# show policy-map

   Policy Map pol1
     Class class-default
       Weighted Fair Queueing
             Bandwidth 70 (%)
             exponential weight 9
             explicit congestion notification
             class    min-threshold    max-threshold    mark-probability
             0        -                -                1/10
             1        -                -                1/10
             2        -                -                1/10
             3        -                -                1/10
             4        -                -                1/10
             5        -                -                1/10
             6        -                -                1/10
             7        -                -                1/10
             rsvp     -                -                1/10

Table 183 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 183 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for ECN 


explicit congestion notification

Indication that Explicit Congestion Notification is enabled.


IP precedence value.


Minimum threshold. Minimum WRED threshold in number of packets.


Maximum threshold. Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets.


Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

Modular QoS CLI (MQC) Unconditional Packet Discard: Example

The following example displays the contents of the policy map called policy1. All the packets belonging to the class called c1 are discarded.

Router# show policy-map policy1

 Policy Map policy1
  Class c1

Table 184 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 184 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for MQC Unconditional Packet Discard


Policy Map

Name of the policy map being displayed.


Name of the class in the policy map being displayed.


Indicates that the packet discarding action for all the packets belonging to the specified class has been configured.

Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping: Example

The following example displays the contents of two service policy maps—one called policy1 and one called policy2. In policy1, traffic policing based on a CIR of 50 percent has been configured. In policy 2, traffic shaping based on an average rate of 35 percent has been configured.

Router# show policy-map policy1

Policy Map policy1 
 class class1 
    police cir percent 50 

Router# show policy-map policy2

Policy Map policy2 
 class class2 
    shape average percent 35

The following example displays the contents of the service policy map called po1 :

Router# show policy-map po1

Policy Map po1 
 Weighted Fair Queueing 
    Class class1 
Bandwidth 937 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class2 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)

Class class3
Bandwidth 937 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets)
Class class4
Bandwidth 937 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets)

The following example displays the contents of all policy maps on the router:

Router# show policy-map 

Policy Map poH1 
 Weighted Fair Queueing 
    Class class1 
       Bandwidth 937 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class2 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)
    Class class3 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class4 
        Bandwidth 937 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
Policy Map policy2 
 Weighted Fair Queueing 
    Class class1 
       Bandwidth 300 (kbps) Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class2 
        Bandwidth 300  (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets)
    Class class3 
        Bandwidth 300 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 
    Class class4 
        Bandwidth 300 (kbps)  Max thresh 64 (packets) 

Table 185 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 185 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping


Policy Map

Name of policy map displayed.

Weighted Fair Queueing

Indicates that weighted fair queueing (WFQ) has been enabled.


Name of class configured in policy map displayed.


Bandwidth, in kbps, configured for this class.

Max threshold

Maximum threshold. Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Enhanced Packet Marking: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map command displays the configuration for policy maps called policy1 and policy2.

In policy1 , a table map called table-map-cos1 has been configured to determine the precedence based on the class of service (CoS) value. Policy map policy 1 converts and propagates the packet markings defined in the table map called table-map-cos1.

The following sample output from the show policy-map command displays the configuration for service polices called policy1 and policy2 . In policy1 , a table map called table-map1 has been configured to determine the precedence according to the CoS value. In policy2 , a table map called table-map2 has been configured to determine the CoS value according to the precedence value.

Router# show policy-map policy1

  Policy Map policy1
    Class class-default
      set precedence cos table table-map1

Router# show policy-map policy2

   Policy Map policy2
    Class class-default
      set cos precedence table table-map2

Table 186 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 186 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Enhanced Packet Marking


Policy Map

Name of the policy map being displayed.


Name of the class in the policy map being displayed.

set precedence cos table table-map1


set cos precedence table table-map2

Name of the set command used to set the specified value.

For instance, set precedence cos table-map1 indicates that a table map called table-map1 has been configured to set the precedence value on the basis of the values defined in the table map.

Alternately, set cos table table-map2 indicates that a table map called table-map2 has been configured to set the CoS value on the basis of the values defined in the table map.

Bandwidth-Remaining Ratio: Example

The following sample output for the show policy-map command indicates that the class-default class of the policy map named vlan10_policy has a bandwidth-remaining ratio of 10. When congestion occurs, the scheduler allocates class-default traffic 10 times the unused bandwidth allocated in relation to other subinterfaces.

Router# show policy-map vlan10_policy

  Policy Map vlan10_policy
    Class class-default
      Average Rate Traffic Shaping
      cir 1000000 (bps)
      bandwidth remaining ratio 10
      service-policy child_policy

Table 187 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 187 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Bandwidth-Remaining Ratio


Policy Map

Name of the policy map being displayed.


Name of the class in the policy map being displayed.

Average Rate Traffic Shaping

Indicates that Average Rate Traffic Shaping is configured.


Committed information rate (CIR) used to shape traffic.

bandwidth remaining ratio

Indicates the ratio used to allocate excess bandwidth.

ATM Overhead Accounting: Example

The following sample output for the show policy-map command indicates that ATM overhead accounting is enabled for the class-default class. The BRAS-DSLAM encapsulation is dot1q and the subscriber encapsulation is snap-rbe for the AAL5 service.

Policy Map unit-test
Class class-default
Average Rate Traffic Shaping
cir 10% account dot1q aal5 snap-rbe

Table 188 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 188 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for ATM Overhead Accounting 


Average Rate

Committed burst (Bc) is the maximum number of bits sent out in each interval.

cir 10%

Committed information rate (CIR) is 10 percent of the available interface bandwidth.


BRAS-DSLAM encapsulation is 802.1Q VLAN.


DSLAM-CPE encapsulation type is based on the ATM Adaptation Layer 5 service. AAL5 supports connection-oriented variable bit rate (VBR) services.


Subscriber encapsulation type.

Tunnel Marking: Example

In this sample output of the show policy-map command, the character string "ip precedence tunnel 4" indicates that tunnel marking (either L2TPv3 or GRE) has been configured to set the IP precedence value to 4 in the header of a tunneled packet.

Note In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T2, GRE-tunnel marking is supported on the RPM-XF platform only.

Router# show policy-map

    Class MATCH_FRDE
      set ip precedence tunnel 4

Table 189 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 189 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for Tunnel Marking


Policy Map

Name of the policy map being displayed.


Name of the class in the policy map being displayed.

set ip precedence tunnel

Indicates that tunnel marking has been configured.

HQF: Example 1

The following sample output from the show policy-map command displays the configuration for a policy map called test1:

Router# show policy-map test1

  Policy Map test1
    Class class-default
      Average Rate Traffic Shaping
      cir 1536000 (bps)
      service-policy test2

Table 190 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 190 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for HQF


Policy Map

Name of the policy map being displayed.


Name of the class in the policy map being displayed.

Average Rate Traffic Shaping

Indicates that Average Rate Traffic Shaping is configured.


Committed information rate (CIR) in bps.


Name of the service policy configured in policy map "test1".

HQF: Example 2

The following sample output from the show policy-map command displays the configuration for a policy map called test2:

Router# show policy-map test2

  Policy Map test2
    Class RT
      priority 20 (%)
    Class BH
      bandwidth 40 (%)
      queue-limit 128 packets
    Class BL
      bandwidth 35 (%)
       packet-based wred, exponential weight 9
      dscp    min-threshold    max-threshold    mark-probablity
      af21 (18)     100              400              1/10
      default (0)   -                -                1/10

Table 191 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 191 show policy-map Field Descriptions—Configured for HQF


Policy Map

Name of the policy map being displayed.


Name of the class in the policy map being displayed.

Average Rate Traffic Shaping

Indicates that Average Rate Traffic Shaping is configured.


Indicates the queueing priority percentage assigned to traffic in this class.


Indicates the bandwidth percentage allocated to traffic in this class.


Indicates the queue limit in packets for this traffic class.

packet-based wred, exponential weight

Indicates that random detect is being applied and the units used are packets. Exponential weight is a factor for calculating the average queue size used with WRED.


Differentiated services code point (DSCP). Values can be the following:

0 to 63—Numerical DSCP values. The default value is 0.

af1 to af43—Assured forwarding (AF) DSCP values.

cs1 to cs7—Type of service (ToS) precedence values.

default—Default DSCP value.

ef—Expedited forwarding (EF) DSCP values.


Minimum threshold. Minimum WRED threshold in number of packets.


Maximum threshold. Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets.


Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

Related Commands



Specifies or modifies the bandwidth allocated for a class belonging to a policy map, and enables ATM overhead accounting.

bandwidth remaining ratio

Specifies a bandwidth-remaining ratio for class queues and subinterface-level queues to determine the amount of unused (excess) bandwidth to allocate to the queue during congestion.

class (policy map)

Specifies the name of the class whose policy you want to create or change, and the default class (commonly known as the class-default class) before you configure its policy.


Creates a class map to be used for matching packets to a specified class.


Configures a traffic class to discard packets belonging to a specific class.


Configures traffic policing.

police (two rates)

Configures traffic policing using two rates, the CIR and the PIR.


Creates or modifies a policy map that can be attached to one or more interfaces to specify a service policy.

random-detect ecn

Enables ECN.


Shapes traffic to the indicated bit rate according to the algorithm specified, and enables ATM overhead accounting.

show policy-map class

Displays the configuration for the specified class of the specified policy map.

show policy-map interface

Displays the packet statistics of all classes that are configured for all service policies either on the specified interface or subinterface or on a specific PVC on the interface.

show running-config

Displays the current configuration of the router. If configured, the command output includes information about ATM overhead accounting.

show table-map

Displays the configuration of a specified table map or of all table maps.

table-map (value mapping)

Creates and configures a mapping table for mapping and converting one packet-marking value to another.

show policy-map class

To display the configuration for the specified class of the specified policy map, use the show policy-map class command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map policy-map class class-name

Syntax Description


The name of a policy map that contains the class configuration to be displayed.


The name of the class whose configuration is to be displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)XE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)E.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on Cisco ASR 1000 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the show policy-map class command to display any single class configuration for any service policy map, whether or not the specified service policy map has been attached to an interface.


The following example displays configurations for the class called class7 that belongs to the policy map called po1:

Router# show policy-map po1 class class7
Class class7 
 Bandwidth 937 (kbps) Max Thresh 64 (packets)

Related Commands


show policy-map

Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show policy-map control-plane

To display the configuration and statistics for a traffic class or all traffic classes in the policy maps attached to the control plane for aggregate or distributed control plane services, use the show policy-map control-plane command in privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco 3660, 3800, 7200, 7400, and 7500 Series Routers

show policy-map control-plane [type policy-type] [all | slot slot-number] [host | transit | cef-exception] [input [class class-name] | output [class class-name]]

Cisco 7600 and ASR 1000 Series Routers

show policy-map control-plane [all] [input [class class-name] | output [class class-name]]

Syntax Description

type policy-type

(Optional) Specifies policy-map type for which you want statistics (for example, port-filter or queue-threshold).


(Optional) Displays all QoS control plane policies used in aggregate and distributed control plane (CP) services.

slot slot-number

(Optional) Displays information about the quality of service (QoS) policy used to perform distributed CP services on the specified line card.


(Optional) Displays policy-map and class-map statistics for the host subinterface.


(Optional) Displays policy-map and class-map statistics for the transit subinterface.


(Optional) Displays policy-map and class-map statistics for the Cef-exception subinterface.


(Optional) Displays statistics for the attached input policy.


(Optional) Displays statistics for the attached output policy.

Note The output keyword is supported only in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T and later Cisco IOS 12.3T releases.

class class-name

(Optional) Name of the class whose configuration and statistics are to be displayed.

Command Default

Information displays for all classes of the policy map of the control plane.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T, and support for the output keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(29)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXD1.


The slot slot-number parameter was added to support distributed CP services.


Support was added for the type policy-type keyword and argument combination and for the host, transit, and cef-exception keywords.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.2

This command was implemented on Cisco ASR 1000 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show policy-map control-plane command displays information for aggregate and distributed control-plane policing services that manage the number or rate of control-plane (CP) packets sent to the process level of the route processor.

Information for distributed control-plane service is displayed for a specified line card. Distributed CP services are performed on a line card's distributed switch engine and manage CP traffic sent from all interfaces on the line card to the route processor, where aggregate CP services (for CP packets received from all line cards on the router) are performed.


The following example shows that the policy map TEST is associated with the control plane. This policy map polices traffic that matches the class map TEST, while allowing all other traffic (that matches the class map called "class-default") to go through as is.

Router# show policy-map control-plane 

Control Plane 

Service-policy input:TEST

Class-map:TEST (match-all)
      20 packets, 11280 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match:access-group 101
        8000 bps, 1500 limit, 1500 extended limit
        conformed 15 packets, 6210 bytes; action:transmit
        exceeded 5 packets, 5070 bytes; action:drop
        violated 0 packets, 0 bytes; action:drop
        conformed 0 bps, exceed 0 bps, violate 0 bps

Class-map:class-default (match-any)
      105325 packets, 11415151 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps

Table 192 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 192 show policy-map control-plane Field Descriptions 

Fields Associated with Classes or Service Policies

Service-policy input

Name of the input service policy that is applied to the control plane. (This field will also show the output service policy, if configured.)


Class of traffic being displayed. Traffic is displayed for each configured class. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are coming into the class.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria for the specified class of traffic.

For more information about the variety of match criteria options available, see the "Applying QoS Features Using the MQC" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

Fields Associated with Traffic Policing


Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that conform to a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that exceed a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that violate a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.

Related Commands



Enters control-plane configuration mode to apply a QoS policy to police traffic destined for the control plane.

service-policy (control-plane)

Attaches a policy map to the control plane for aggregate or distributed control-plane services.

show policy-map interface

To display the statistics and the configurations of the input and output policies that are attached to an interface, use the show policy-map interface command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

ATM Shared Port Adapters

show policy-map interface slot/subslot/port[.subinterface]

Cisco 3660, 3845, 7200, 7400, 7500, and Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers

show policy-map interface [type access-control] type number [vc [vpi/] vci] [dlci dlci] [input | output] [class class-name]

Cisco 6500 Series Switches

show policy-map interface [interface-type interface-number | vlan vlan-id] [detailed] [{input | output} [class class-name]]

show policy-map interface [port-channel channel-number [class class-name]]

Cisco 7600 Series Routers

show policy-map interface [interface-type interface-number | null 0 | vlan vlan-id] [input | output]

Syntax Description


(ATM shared port adapter only) Chassis slot number. See the appropriate hardware manual for slot information. For SIPs, see the platform-specific SPA hardware installation guide or the corresponding "Identifying Slots and Subslots for SIPs and SPAs" topic in the platform-specific SPA software configuration guide.


(ATM shared port adapter only) Secondary slot number on an SPA interface processor (SIP) where a SPA is installed. See the platform-specific SPA hardware installation guide and the corresponding "Specifying the Interface Address on an SPA" topic in the platform-specific SPA software configuration guide for subslot information.


(ATM shared port adapter only) Port or interface number. See the appropriate hardware manual for port information. For SPAs, see the corresponding "Specifying the Interface Address" topics in the platform-specific SPA software configuration guide.


(ATM shared port adapter only—Optional) Subinterface number. The number that precedes the period must match the number to which this subinterface belongs. The range is 1 to 4,294,967,293.

type access-control

(Optional) Displays class maps configured to determine the exact pattern to look for in the protocol stack of interest.


Type of interface or subinterface whose policy configuration is to be displayed.


Port, connector, or interface card number.


(Optional) For ATM interfaces only, shows the policy configuration for a specified PVC.


(Optional) ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) for this permanent virtual circuit (PVC). On the Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, this value ranges from 0 to 255.

The vpi and vci arguments cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.

The absence of both the forward slash (/) and a vpi value defaults the vpi value to 0. If this value is omitted, information for all virtual circuits (VCs) on the specified ATM interface or subinterface is displayed.


(Optional) ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) for this PVC. This value ranges from 0 to 1 less than the maximum value set for this interface by the atm vc-per-vp command. Typically, the lower values 0 to 31 are reserved for specific traffic (F4 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance [OAM], switched virtual circuit [SVC] signaling, Integrated Local Management Interface [ILMI], and so on) and should not be used.

The VCI is a 16-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VCI value is unique only on a single link, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only.

The vpi and vci arguments cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.


(Optional) Indicates a specific PVC for which policy configuration will be displayed.


(Optional) A specific data-link connection identifier (DLCI) number used on the interface. Policy configuration for the corresponding PVC will be displayed when a DLCI is specified.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached input policy will be displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached output policy will be displayed.

class class-name

(Optional) Displays the QoS policy actions for the specified class.


(Optional) Interface type; possible valid values are ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, tengigabitethernet, pos, atm, and ge-wan.


(Optional) Module and port number; see the "Usage Guidelines" section for valid values.

vlan vlan-id

(Optional) Specifies the VLAN ID; valid values are from 1 to 4094.


(Optional) Displays additional statistics.

port-channel channel-number

(Optional) Displays the EtherChannel port-channel interface.

null 0

(Optional) Specifies the null interface; the only valid value is 0.

Command Default

This command displays the packet statistics of all classes that are configured for all service policies on the specified interface or subinterface or on a specific permanent virtual circuit (PVC) on the interface.

The absence of both the forward slash (/) and a vpi value defaults the vpi value to 0. If this value is omitted, information for all virtual circuits (VCs) on the specified ATM interface or subinterface is displayed.

ATM Shared Port Adapter

When used with the ATM shared port adapter, this command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

ATM Shared Port Adapter

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)XE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)S.


This command was modified for the QoS: Percentage-Based Policing feature to include milliseconds when calculating the committed (conform) burst (bc) and excess (peak) burst (be) sizes.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)E.


This command was modified to display information about the policy for all Frame Relay PVCs on the interface or, if a DLCI is specified, the policy for that specific PVC. This command was also modified to display the total number of packets marked by the quality of service (QoS) set action.


This command was modified to display per-class accounting statistics.


This command was modified for two-rate traffic policing and can display burst parameters and associated actions.


This command was modified for the Policer Enhancement—Multiple Actions feature and the WRED—Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature.

For the Policer Enhancement—Multiple Actions feature, the command was modified to display the multiple actions configured for packets conforming to, exceeding, or violating a specific rate.

For the WRED—Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature, the command displays ECN marking information.


The following modifications were made:

This command was modified for the Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping feature.

This command was modified for the Class-Based RTP and TCP Header Compression feature.

This command was modified as part of the Modular QoS CLI (MQC) Unconditional Packet Discard feature. Traffic classes in policy maps can now be configured to discard packets belonging to a specified class.

This command was modified to display the Frame Relay DLCI number as a criterion for matching traffic inside a class map.

This command was modified to display Layer 3 packet length as a criterion for matching traffic inside a class map.

This command was modified for the Enhanced Packet Marking feature. A mapping table (table map) can now be used to convert and propagate packet-marking values.


This command was modified. Support for this command was introduced on Cisco 7600 series routers.


This command was modified to display Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic-shaping information.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was modified to display bandwidth estimation parameters.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXE. This command was modified to display aggregate WRED statistics for the ATM shared port adapter. Note that changes were made to the syntax, defaults, and command modes. These changes are labelled "ATM Shared Port Adapter."


This command was modified. The type access-control keywords were added to support flexible packet matching.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB, and the following modifications were made:

This command was modified to display either legacy (undistributed processing) QoS or hierarchical queueing framework (HQF) parameters on Frame Relay interfaces or PVCs.

This command was modified to display information about Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol Version 3 (L2TPv3) tunnel marking.


The following modifications were made:

This command was enhanced to display statistical information for each level of priority service configured and information about bandwidth-remaining ratios, and this command was implemented on the Cisco 10000 series router for the PRE3.

This command was modified to display statistics for matching packets on the basis of VLAN identification numbers. As of Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2, matching packets on the basis of VLAN identification numbers is supported on Cisco 10000 series routers only.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was modified to display information about Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel marking.

Note As of this release, GRE-tunnel marking is supported on the Cisco MGX Route Processor Module (RPM-XF) platform only.


This command was modified to display information about GRE-tunnel marking, and support for the Cisco 7300 series router was added.

Cisco IOS XE 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 and was implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 series router.


This command was modified. Support was added for hierarchical queueing framework (HQF) using the Modular Quality of Service (QoS) Command-Line Interface (CLI) (MQC).


This command was implemented on the Catalyst 6500 series switch and modified to display the strict level in the priority feature and the counts per level.


This command was modified to automatically round off the bc and be values, in the MQC police policy map, to the interface's MTU size.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

The command output was modified to display information about subscriber QoS statistics.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco 3660, 3845, 7200, 7400, 7500, and Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers

The show policy-map interface command displays the packet statistics for classes on the specified interface or the specified PVC only if a service policy has been attached to the interface or the PVC.

The counters displayed after the show policy-map interface command is entered are updated only if congestion is present on the interface.

The show policy-map interface command displays policy information about Frame Relay PVCs only if Frame Relay Traffic Shaping (FRTS) is enabled on the interface.

The show policy-map interface command displays ECN marking information only if ECN is enabled on the interface.

To determine if shaping is active with HQF, check the queue depth field of the "(queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops)" line in the show policy-map interface command output.

In HQF images for Cisco IOS Releases 12.4(20)T and later, the packets delayed and the bytes delayed counters were removed for traffic shaping classes.

Cisco 7600 Series Routers and Catalyst 6500 Series Switches

The pos, atm, and ge-wan interfaces are not supported on Cisco 7600 series routers or Catalyst 6500 series switches that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 720.

Cisco 7600 series routers and Catalyst 6500 series switches that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 2 display packet counters.

Cisco 7600 series routers and Catalyst 6500 series switches that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 720 display byte counters.

The output does not display policed-counter information; 0 is displayed in its place (for example, 0 packets, 0 bytes). To display dropped and forwarded policed-counter information, enter the show mls qos command.

On the Cisco 7600 series router, for OSM WAN interfaces only, if you configure policing within a policy map, the hardware counters are displayed and the class-default counters are not displayed. If you do not configure policing within a policy map, the class-default counters are displayed.

On the Catalyst 6500 series switch, the show policy-map interface command displays the strict level in the priority feature and the counts per level.

The interface-number argument designates the module and port number. Valid values for interface-number depend on the specified interface type and the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you specify a Gigabit Ethernet interface and have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module that is installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 1 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.


When you configure HQF, the show policy-map interface command displays additional fields that include the differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, WRED statistics in bytes, transmitted packets by WRED, and a counter that displays packets output/bytes output in each class.


This section provides sample output from typical show policy-map interface commands. Depending upon the interface or platform in use and the options enabled, the output you see may vary slightly from the ones shown below.

Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ) on Serial Interface: Example

Traffic Shaping on Serial Interface: Example

Precedence-Based Aggregate WRED on ATM Shared Port Adapter: Example

DSCP-Based Aggregate WRED on ATM Shared Port Adapter: Example

Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Traffic-Shaping: Example

Two-Rate Traffic Policing: Example

Multiple Traffic Policing Actions: Example

Explicit Congestion Notification: Example

Class-Based RTP and TCP Header Compression: Example

Modular QoS CLI (MQC) Unconditional Packet Discard: Example

Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping: Example

Traffic Shaping: Example

Packet Classification Based on Layer 3 Packet Length: Example

Enhanced Packet Marking: Example

Traffic Policing: Example

Formula for Calculating the CIR: Example

Formula for Calculating the PIR: Example

Formula for Calculating the Committed Burst (bc): Example

Formula for Calculating the Excess Burst (be): Example

Bandwidth Estimation: Example

Shaping with HQF Enabled: Example

Packets Matched on the Basis of VLAN ID Number: Example

Cisco 7600 Series Routers: Example

Multiple Priority Queues on Serial Interface: Example

Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios: Example

Tunnel Marking: Example

Traffic Shaping Overhead Accounting for ATM: Example

HQF: Example

Account QoS Statistics for the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers: Example

Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ) on Serial Interface: Example

The following sample output of the show policy-map interface command displays the statistics for the serial 3/1 interface, to which a service policy called mypolicy (configured as shown below) is attached. Weighted fair queueing (WFQ) has been enabled on this interface. See Table 193 for an explanation of the significant fields that commonly appear in the command output.

policy-map mypolicy
 class voice
  priority 128
 class gold
  bandwidth 100
 class silver
  bandwidth 80

Router# show policy-map interface serial3/1 output


  Service-policy output: mypolicy

    Class-map: voice (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: ip precedence 5 
      Weighted Fair Queueing
        Strict Priority
        Output Queue: Conversation 264 
        Bandwidth 128 (kbps) Burst 3200 (Bytes)
        (pkts matched/bytes matched) 0/0
        (total drops/bytes drops) 0/0

    Class-map: gold (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: ip precedence 2 
      Weighted Fair Queueing
        Output Queue: Conversation 265 
        Bandwidth 100 (kbps) Max Threshold 64 (packets)
        (pkts matched/bytes matched) 0/0
        (depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0

    Class-map: silver (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: ip precedence 1 
      Weighted Fair Queueing
        Output Queue: Conversation 266 
        Bandwidth 80 (kbps)
        (pkts matched/bytes matched) 0/0
        (depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
         exponential weight: 9
         mean queue depth: 0

class     Transmitted       Random drop      Tail drop    Minimum Maximum  Mark
          pkts/bytes        pkts/bytes       pkts/bytes    thresh  thresh  prob
0             0/0               0/0              0/0           20      40  1/10
1             0/0               0/0              0/0           22      40  1/10
2             0/0               0/0              0/0           24      40  1/10
3             0/0               0/0              0/0           26      40  1/10
4             0/0               0/0              0/0           28      40  1/10
5             0/0               0/0              0/0           30      40  1/10
6             0/0               0/0              0/0           32      40  1/10
7             0/0               0/0              0/0           34      40  1/10
rsvp          0/0               0/0              0/0           36      40  1/10

Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 

Traffic Shaping on Serial Interface: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command displays the statistics for the serial 3/2 interface, to which a service policy called p1 (configured as shown below) is attached. Traffic shaping has been enabled on this interface. See Table 193 for an explanation of the significant fields that commonly appear in the command output.

Note In HQF images for Cisco IOS Releases 12.4(20)T and later, the packets delayed and bytes delayed counters were removed for traffic shaping classes.

policy-map p1
 class c1
  shape average 320000

Router# show policy-map interface serial3/2 output


  Service-policy output: p1

    Class-map: c1 (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: ip precedence 0 
      Traffic Shaping
        Target    Byte   Sustain   Excess    Interval  Increment Adapt
        Rate      Limit  bits/int  bits/int  (ms)      (bytes)   Active
        320000    2000   8000      8000      25        1000      -

        Queue     Packets   Bytes     Packets   Bytes     Shaping
        Depth                         Delayed   Delayed   Active
        0         0         0         0         0         no

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 

Table 193 describes significant fields commonly shown in the displays. The fields in the table are grouped according to the relevant QoS feature.

Table 193 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions1  

Fields Associated with Classes or Service Policies

Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets and bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.

Note In distributed architecture platforms (such as the Cisco 7500 series platform), the value of the transfer rate, calculated as the difference between the offered rate and the drop rate counters, can sporadically deviate from the average by up to 20 percent or more. This can occur while no corresponding burst is registered by independent traffic analyser equipment.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as IP precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental (EXP) value, access groups, and QoS groups. For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

Fields Associated with Queueing (if Enabled)

Output Queue

The weighted fair queueing (WFQ) conversation to which this class of traffic is allocated.


Bandwidth, in either kbps or percentage, configured for this class and the burst size.

pkts matched/bytes matched

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) matching this class that were placed in the queue. This number reflects the total number of matching packets queued at any time. Packets matching this class are queued only when congestion exists. If packets match the class but are never queued because the network was not congested, those packets are not included in this total. However, if process switching is in use, the number of packets is always incremented even if the network is not congested.

depth/total drops/no-buffer drops

Number of packets discarded for this class. No-buffer indicates that no memory buffer exists to service the packet.

Fields Associated with Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) (if Enabled)

exponential weight

Exponent used in the average queue size calculation for a WRED parameter group.

mean queue depth

Average queue depth based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant. It is a fluctuating average. The minimum and maximum thresholds are compared against this value to determine drop decisions.


IP precedence level.

Transmitted pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) passed through WRED and not dropped by WRED.

Note If there is insufficient memory in the buffer to accommodate the packet, the packet can be dropped after the packet passes through WRED. Packets dropped because of insufficient memory in the buffer (sometimes referred to as "no-buffer drops") are not taken into account by the WRED packet counter.

Random drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) randomly dropped when the mean queue depth is between the minimum threshold value and the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level.

Tail drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets dropped when the mean queue depth is greater than the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level.

Minimum thresh

Minimum threshold. Minimum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Maximum thresh

Maximum threshold. Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Mark prob

Mark probability. Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

Fields Associated with Traffic Shaping (if Enabled)

Target Rate

Rate used for shaping traffic.

Byte Limit

Maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted per interval. Calculated as follows:

((Bc+Be) /8) x 1

Sustain bits/int

Committed burst (Bc) rate.

Excess bits/int

Excess burst (Be) rate.

Interval (ms)

Time interval value in milliseconds (ms).

Increment (bytes)

Number of credits (in bytes) received in the token bucket of the traffic shaper during each time interval.

Queue Depth

Current queue depth of the traffic shaper.


Total number of packets that have entered the traffic shaper system.


Total number of bytes that have entered the traffic shaper system.

Packets Delayed

Total number of packets delayed in the queue of the traffic shaper before being transmitted.

Bytes Delayed

Total number of bytes delayed in the queue of the traffic shaper before being transmitted.

Shaping Active

Indicates whether the traffic shaper is active. For example, if a traffic shaper is active, and the traffic being sent exceeds the traffic shaping rate, a "yes" appears in this field.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy output name, class-map name, and match criteria information. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Precedence-Based Aggregate WRED on ATM Shared Port Adapter: Example

The following sample output of the show policy-map interface command displays the statistics for the ATM shared port adapter interface 4/1/0.10, to which a service policy called prec-aggr-wred (configured as shown below) is attached. Because aggregate WRED has been enabled on this interface, the class through Mark Prob statistics are aggregated by subclasses. See Table 194 for an explanation of the significant fields that commonly appear in the command output.

Router(config)# policy-map prec-aggr-wred
Router(config-pmap)# class class-default
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect aggregate
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect precedence values 0 1 2 3 minimum thresh 10 
maximum-thresh 100 mark-prob 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect precedence values 4 5 minimum-thresh 40 
maximum-thresh 400 mark-prob 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect precedence values 6 minimum-thresh 60 maximum-thresh 
600 mark-prob 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect precedence values 7 minimum-thresh 70 maximum-thresh 
700 mark-prob 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# exit
Router(config-pmap)# exit
Router(config)# interface ATM4/1/0.10 point-to-point
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# pvc 10/110

Router(config-if)# service-policy output prec-aggr-wred

Router# show policy-map interface atm4/1/0.10

 ATM4/1/0.10: VC 10/110 -

  Service-policy output: prec-aggr-wred

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
        Exp-weight-constant: 9 (1/512)
        Mean queue depth: 0
        class       Transmitted     Random drop      Tail drop     Minimum   Maximum  Mark
	pkts/bytes	pkts/bytes	pkts/bytes	thresh	thresh	prob
        0  1  2  3       0/0               0/0              0/0           10     100  1/10
        4  5             0/0               0/0              0/0           40     400  1/10
        6                0/0               0/0              0/0           60     600  1/10
        7                0/0               0/0              0/0           70     700  1/10

DSCP-Based Aggregate WRED on ATM Shared Port Adapter: Example

The following sample output of the show policy-map interface command displays the statistics for the ATM shared port adapter interface 4/1/0.11, to which a service policy called dscp-aggr-wred (configured as shown below) is attached. Because aggregate WRED has been enabled on this interface, the class through Mark Prob statistics are aggregated by subclasses. See Table 194 for an explanation of the significant fields that commonly appear in the command output.

Router(config)# policy-map dscp-aggr-wred
Router(config-pmap)# class class-default
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp-based aggregate minimum-thresh 1 maximum-thresh 
10 mark-prob 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp values 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 minimum-thresh 10 
maximum-thresh 20 mark-prob 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp values 8 9 10 11 minimum-thresh 10 
maximum-thresh 40 mark-prob 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# exit
Router(config-pmap)# exit
Router(config)# interface ATM4/1/0.11 point-to-point
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config-subif)# pvc 11/101
Router(config-subif)# service-policy output dscp-aggr-wred

Router# show policy-map interface atm4/1/0.11

 ATM4/1/0.11: VC 11/101 -

  Service-policy output: dscp-aggr-wred

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
        Exp-weight-constant: 0 (1/1)
        Mean queue depth: 0
        class       Transmitted     Random drop      Tail drop     Minimum   Maximum  Mark
                  	pkts/bytes	pkts/bytes	pkts/bytes	thresh	thresh	prob
        default          0/0               0/0              0/0            1      10  1/10
        0  1  2  3 
        4  5  6  7       0/0               0/0              0/0           10      20  1/10
        8  9  10 11      0/0               0/0              0/0           10      40  1/10

Table 194 describes the significant fields shown in the display when aggregate WRED is configured for an ATM shared port adapter.

Table 194 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Aggregate WRED on ATM Shared Port Adapter


exponential weight

Exponent used in the average queue size calculation for a Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) parameter group.

mean queue depth

Average queue depth based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant. It is a fluctuating average. The minimum and maximum thresholds are compared against this value to determine drop decisions.

Note When Aggregate Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) is enabled, the following WRED statistics will be aggregated based on their subclass (either their IP precedence or differentiated services code point (DSCP) value).


IP precedence level or differentiated services code point (DSCP) value.

Transmitted pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) passed through WRED and not dropped by WRED.

Note If there is insufficient memory in the buffer to accommodate the packet, the packet can be dropped after the packet passes through WRED. Packets dropped because of insufficient memory in the buffer (sometimes referred to as "no-buffer drops") are not taken into account by the WRED packet counter.

Random drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) randomly dropped when the mean queue depth is between the minimum threshold value and the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level or DSCP value.

Tail drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets dropped when the mean queue depth is greater than the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level or DSCP value.

Minimum thresh

Minimum threshold. Minimum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Maximum thresh

Maximum threshold. Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Mark prob

Mark probability. Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Traffic-Shaping: Example

The following sample output shows that Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping is currently active and has 29 seconds left on the deactivation timer. With traffic shaping active and the deactivation time set, this means that the current sending rate on DLCI 201 is minCIR, but if no voice packets are detected for 29 seconds, the sending rate will increase to CIR.

Note In HQF images for Cisco IOS Releases 12.4(20)T and later, the packets delayed and bytes delayed counters were removed for traffic shaping classes.

Router# show policy interface Serial3/1.1

 Serial3/1.1:DLCI 201 -

  Service-policy output:MQC-SHAPE-LLQ1
    Class-map:class-default (match-any)
      1434 packets, 148751 bytes
      30 second offered rate 14000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Traffic Shaping
           Target/Average   Byte   Sustain   Excess    Interval  Increment
             Rate           Limit  bits/int  bits/int  (ms)      (bytes)
            63000/63000     1890   7560      7560      120       945
        Adapt  Queue     Packets   Bytes     Packets   Bytes     Shaping
        Active Depth                         Delayed   Delayed   Active
        BECN   0         1434      162991    26        2704      yes
        Voice Adaptive Shaping active, time left 29 secs 

Table 195 describes the significant fields shown in the display. Significant fields that are not described in Table 195 are described in Table 193, "show policy-map interface Field Descriptions."

Table 195 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Traffic Shaping


Voice Adaptive Shaping active/inactive

Indicates whether Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping is active or inactive.

time left

Number of seconds left on the Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping deactivation timer.

Two-Rate Traffic Policing: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map interface command when two-rate traffic policing has been configured. In the example below, 1.25 Mbps of traffic is sent ("offered") to a policer class.

Router# show policy-map interface serial3/0 


  Service-policy output: policy1

   Class-map: police (match all)
    148803 packets, 36605538 bytes
    30 second offered rate 1249000 bps, drop rate 249000 bps
    Match: access-group 101
     cir 500000 bps, conform-burst 10000, pir 1000000, peak-burst 100000
     conformed 59538 packets, 14646348 bytes; action: transmit
     exceeded 59538 packets, 14646348 bytes; action: set-prec-transmit 2
     violated 29731 packets, 7313826 bytes; action: drop
     conformed 499000 bps, exceed 500000 bps violate 249000 bps
   Class-map: class-default (match-any)
    19 packets, 1990 bytes
    30 seconds offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
    Match: any

The two-rate traffic policer marks 500 kbps of traffic as conforming, 500 kbps of traffic as exceeding, and 250 kbps of traffic as violating the specified rate. Packets marked as conforming will be sent as is, and packets marked as exceeding will be marked with IP Precedence 2 and then sent. Packets marked as violating the specified rate are dropped.

Table 196 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 196 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Two-Rate Traffic Policing 



Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing. Also, displays the specified CIR, conform burst size, peak information rate (PIR), and peak burst size used for marking packets.


Displays the action to be taken on packets conforming to a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets exceeding a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets violating a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.

Multiple Traffic Policing Actions: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map command when the Policer Enhancement—Multiple Actions feature has been configured. The sample output from the show policy-map interface command displays the statistics for the serial 3/2 interface, to which a service policy called "police" (configured as shown below) is attached.

policy-map police
 class class-default
  police cir 1000000 pir 2000000
   conform-action transmit 
   exceed-action set-prec-transmit 4
   exceed-action set-frde-transmit 
   violate-action set-prec-transmit 2
   violate-action set-frde-transmit 

Router# show policy-map interface serial3/2

Serial3/2: DLCI 100 -

Service-policy output: police

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      172984 packets, 42553700 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 960000 bps, drop rate 277000 bps
      Match: any 
         cir 1000000 bps, bc 31250 bytes, pir 2000000 bps, be 31250 bytes
       conformed 59679 packets, 14680670 bytes; actions:
exceeded 59549 packets, 14649054 bytes; actions:
         set-prec-transmit 4
       violated 53758 packets, 13224468 bytes; actions: 
         set-prec-transmit 2
       conformed 340000 bps, exceed 341000 bps, violate 314000 bps

The sample output from show policy-map interface command shows the following:

59679 packets were marked as conforming packets (that is, packets conforming to the CIR) and were transmitted unaltered.

59549 packets were marked as exceeding packets (that is, packets exceeding the CIR but not exceeding the PIR). Therefore, the IP Precedence value of these packets was changed to an IP Precedence level of 4, the discard eligibility (DE) bit was set to 1, and the packets were transmitted with these changes.

53758 packets were marked as violating packets (that is, exceeding the PIR). Therefore, the IP Precedence value of these packets was changed to an IP Precedence level of 2, the DE bit was set to 1, and the packets were transmitted with these changes.

Note Actions are specified by using the action argument of the police command. For more information about the available actions, see the police command reference page.

Table 197 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 197 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Multiple Traffic Policing Actions



Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing. Also, displays the specified CIR, conform burst size (BC), PIR, and peak burst size (BE) used for marking packets.

conformed, packets, bytes, actions

Displays the number of packets (also shown in bytes) marked as conforming to a specified rate and the actions taken on the packet. If there are multiple actions, each action is listed separately.

exceeded, packets, bytes, actions

Displays the number of packets (also shown in bytes) marked as exceeding a specified rate and the actions taken on the packet. If there are multiple actions, each action is listed separately.

violated, packets, bytes, actions

Displays the number of packets (also shown in bytes) marked as violating a specified rate and the actions taken on the packet. If there are multiple actions, each action is listed separately.

Explicit Congestion Notification: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map interface command when the WRED — Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) feature has been configured. The words "explicit congestion notification" included in the output indicate that ECN has been enabled.

Router# show policy-map interface Serial4/1


  Service-policy output:policy_ecn
        Class-map:prec1 (match-all)
          1000 packets, 125000 bytes
          30 second offered rate 14000 bps, drop rate 5000 bps
          Match:ip precedence 1
          Weighted Fair Queueing
            Output Queue:Conversation 42
            Bandwidth 20 (%)
            Bandwidth 100 (kbps)
            (pkts matched/bytes matched) 989/123625
        (depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/455/0
             exponential weight:9
             explicit congestion notification
             mean queue depth:0

     class   Transmitted  Random drop  Tail drop   Minimum     Maximum     Mark
             pkts/bytes   pkts/bytes    pkts/bytes threshold   threshold   probability
       0       0/0          0/0          0/0          20          40        1/10
       1     545/68125      0/0          0/0          22          40        1/10
       2       0/0          0/0          0/0          24          40        1/10
       3       0/0          0/0          0/0          26          40        1/10
       4       0/0          0/0          0/0          28          40        1/10
       5       0/0          0/0          0/0          30          40        1/10
       6       0/0          0/0          0/0          32          40        1/10
       7       0/0          0/0          0/0          34          40        1/10
     rsvp      0/0          0/0          0/0          36          40        1/10
     class   ECN Mark 
       0     0/0
       1    43/5375
       2     0/0
       3     0/0
       4     0/0
       5     0/0
       6     0/0
       7     0/0
     rsvp    0/0

Table 198 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 198 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for ECN 


explicit congestion notification

Indication that Explicit Congestion Notification is enabled.

mean queue depth

Average queue depth based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant. It is a moving average. The minimum and maximum thresholds are compared against this value to determine drop decisions.


IP precedence value.

Transmitted pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) passed through WRED and not dropped by WRED.

Note If there is insufficient memory in the buffer to accommodate the packet, the packet can be dropped after the packet passes through WRED. Packets dropped because of insufficient memory in the buffer (sometimes referred to as "no-buffer drops") are not taken into account by the WRED packet counter.

Random drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) randomly dropped when the mean queue depth is between the minimum threshold value and the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence value.

Tail drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets dropped when the mean queue depth is greater than the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence value.

Minimum threshold

Minimum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Maximum threshold

Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Mark probability

Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

ECN Mark pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) marked by ECN.

Class-Based RTP and TCP Header Compression: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command shows the RTP header compression has been configured for a class called "prec2" in the policy map called "p1".

The show policy-map interface command output displays the type of header compression configured (RTP), the interface to which the policy map called "p1" is attached (Serial 4/1), the total number of packets, the number of packets compressed, the number of packets saved, the number of packets sent, and the rate at which the packets were compressed (in bits per second (bps)).

In this example, User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/RTP header compressions have been configured, and the compression statistics are included at the end of the display.

Router# show policy-map interface Serial4/1


Service-policy output:p1

    Class-map:class-default (match-any)
      1005 packets, 64320 bytes
      30 second offered rate 16000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          header ip rtp
          UDP/RTP Compression:
          Sent:1000 total, 999 compressed,
                41957 bytes saved, 17983 bytes sent
                3.33 efficiency improvement factor
                99% hit ratio, five minute miss rate 0 misses/sec, 0 max
                 rate 5000 bps

Table 199 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 199 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Class-Based RTP and TCP Header Compression1  


Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

UDP/RTP Compression

Indicates that RTP header compression has been configured for the class.

Sent total

Count of every packet sent, both compressed packets and full-header packets.

Sent compressed

Count of number of compressed packets sent.

bytes saved

Total number of bytes saved (that is, bytes not needing to be sent).

bytes sent

Total number of bytes sent for both compressed and full-header packets.

efficiency improvement factor

The percentage of increased bandwidth efficiency as a result of header compression. For example, with RTP streams, the efficiency improvement factor can be as much as 2.9 (or 290 percent).

hit ratio

Used mainly for troubleshooting purposes, this is the percentage of packets found in the context database. In most instances, this percentage should be high.

five minute miss rate

The number of new traffic flows found in the last five minutes.


The average number of new traffic flows found per second, and the highest rate of new traffic flows to date.


The actual traffic rate (in bits per second) after the packets are compressed.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy output name and the class-map name. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Modular QoS CLI (MQC) Unconditional Packet Discard: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command displays the statistics for the Serial2/0 interface, to which a policy map called "policy1" is attached. The discarding action has been specified for all the packets belonging to a class called "c1." In this example, 32000 bps of traffic is sent ("offered") to the class and all of them are dropped. Therefore, the drop rate shows 32000 bps.

Router# show policy-map interface Serial2/0


  Service-policy output: policy1

    Class-map: c1 (match-all)
       10184 packets, 1056436 bytes
       5 minute offered rate 32000 bps, drop rate 32000 bps
       Match: ip precedence 0

Table 200 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 200 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for MQC Unconditional Packet Discard1  


Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.

Note In distributed architecture platforms (such as the Cisco 7500), the value of the transfer rate, calculated as the difference between the offered rate and the drop rate counters, can sporadically deviate from the average by up to 20 percent or more. This can occur while no corresponding burst is registered by independent traffic analyser equipment.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as the Layer 3 packet length, IP precedence, IP DSCP value, MPLS experimental value, access groups, and QoS groups. For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.


Indicates that the packet discarding action for all the packets belonging to the specified class has been configured.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy output name and the class-map name. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command shows traffic policing configured using a CIR based on a bandwidth of 20 percent. The CIR and committed burst (Bc) in milliseconds (ms) are included in the display.

Router# show policy-map interface Serial3/1


  Service-policy output: mypolicy

    Class-map: gold (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any
          cir 20 % bc 10 ms
          cir 2000000 bps, bc 2500 bytes
          pir 40 % be 20 ms
          pir 4000000 bps, be 10000 bytes
     conformed 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions: 
     exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions: 
      violated 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
      conformed 0 bps, exceed 0 bps, violate 0 bps

Table 201 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 201 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping1


Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.


Indicates that traffic policing based on a percentage of bandwidth has been enabled. Also, displays the bandwidth percentage, the CIR, and the committed burst (Bc) size in ms.

conformed, actions

Displays the number of packets and bytes marked as conforming to the specified rates, and the action to be taken on those packets.

exceeded, actions

Displays the number of packets and bytes marked as exceeding the specified rates, and the action to be taken on those packets.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy output name and the class-map name. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Traffic Shaping: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command (shown below) displays the statistics for the serial 3/2 interface. Traffic shaping has been enabled on this interface, and an average rate of 20 percent of the bandwidth has been specified.

Note In HQF images for Cisco IOS Releases 12.4(20)T and later, the packets delayed and bytes delayed counters were removed for traffic shaping classes.

Router# show policy-map interface Serial3/2


  Service-policy output: p1

    Class-map: c1 (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any
      Traffic Shaping
        Target/Average      Byte   Sustain    Excess      Interval  Increment  Adapt
        Rate              Limit  bits/int  bits/int    (ms)     (bytes)   Active 
         20 %                       10 (ms)    20 (ms)
        201500/201500       1952   7808       7808        38         976       -

        Queue     Packets   Bytes     Packets   Bytes     Shaping
        Depth                         Delayed   Delayed   Active
        0         0         0         0         0         no

Table 202 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 202 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Percentage-Based Policing and Shaping (with Traffic Shaping Enabled)1  


Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as the Layer 3 packet length, IP precedence, IP DSCP value, MPLS experimental value, access groups, and quality of service (QoS) groups. For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

Traffic Shaping

Indicates that traffic shaping based on a percentage of bandwidth has been enabled.

Target/Average Rate

Rate (percentage) used for shaping traffic and the number of packets meeting that rate.

Byte Limit

Maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted per interval. Calculated as follows:

((Bc+Be) /8 ) x 1

Sustain bits/int

Committed burst (Bc) rate.

Excess bits/int

Excess burst (Be) rate.

Interval (ms)

Time interval value in milliseconds (ms).

Increment (bytes)

Number of credits (in bytes) received in the token bucket of the traffic shaper during each time interval.

Adapt Active

Indicates whether adaptive shaping is enabled.

Queue Depth

Current queue depth of the traffic shaper.


Total number of packets that have entered the traffic shaper system.


Total number of bytes that have entered the traffic shaper system.

Packets Delayed

Total number of packets delayed in the queue of the traffic shaper before being transmitted.

Note In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T, this counter was removed.

Bytes Delayed

Total number of bytes delayed in the queue of the traffic shaper before being transmitted.

Note In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T, this counter was removed.

Shaping Active

Indicates whether the traffic shaper is active. For example, if a traffic shaper is active, and the traffic being sent exceeds the traffic shaping rate, a "yes" appears in this field.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy output name, class-map name, and match criteria information. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Packet Classification Based on Layer 3 Packet Length: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command displays the packet statistics for the Ethernet4/1 interface, to which a service policy called "mypolicy" is attached. The Layer 3 packet length has been specified as a match criterion for the traffic in the class called "class1".

Router# show policy-map interface Ethernet4/1


  Service-policy input: mypolicy

    Class-map: class1 (match-all)
       500 packets, 125000 bytes
       5 minute offered rate 4000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
       Match: packet length min 100 max 300
       QoS Set
         qos-group 20
           Packets marked 500

Table 203 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 203 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Packet Classification Based on Layer 3 Packet Length1  


Service-policy input

Name of the input service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as the Layer 3 packet length, IP precedence, IP DSCP value, MPLS experimental value, access groups, and QoS groups.

QoS Set, qos-group, Packets marked

Indicates that class-based packet marking based on the QoS group has been configured. Includes the qos-group number and the number of packets marked.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy input name, class-map name, and match criteria information. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Enhanced Packet Marking: Example

The following sample output of the show policy-map interface command shows the service policies attached to a FastEthernet subinterface. In this example, a service policy called "policy1" has been attached. In "policy1", a table map called "table-map1" has been configured. The values in "table-map1" will be used to map the precedence values to the corresponding class of service (CoS) values.

Router# show policy-map interface


  Service-policy input: policy1

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
      QoS Set
        precedence cos table table-map1
          Packets marked 0

Table 204 describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 204 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Enhanced Packet Marking1


Service-policy input

Name of the input service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of the packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of the packets coming into the class.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as Precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental value, access groups, and quality of service (QoS) group (set). For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

QoS Set

Indicates that QoS group (set) has been configured for the particular class.

precedence cos table table-map1

Indicates that a table map (called "table-map1") has been used to determine the precedence value. The precedence value will be set according to the CoS value defined in the table map.

Packets marked

Total number of packets marked for the particular class.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy input name and the class-map name. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Traffic Policing: Example

The following is sample output from the show policy-map interface command. This sample displays the statistics for the serial 2/0 interface on which traffic policing has been enabled. The committed (conform) burst (bc) and excess (peak) burst (be) are specified in milliseconds (ms).

Router# show policy-map interface serial2/0


  Service-policy output: policy1 (1050)

    Class-map: class1 (match-all) (1051/1)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: ip precedence 0  (1052)
          cir 20 % bc 300 ms
          cir 409500 bps, bc 15360 bytes
          pir 40 % be 400 ms
          pir 819000 bps, be 40960 bytes
        conformed 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        violated 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        conformed 0 bps, exceed 0 bps, violate 0 bps

    Class-map: class-default (match-any) (1054/0)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any  (1055)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps

In this example, the CIR and PIR are displayed in bps, and both the committed burst (bc) and excess burst (be) are displayed in bits.

The CIR, PIR bc, and be are calculated on the basis of the formulas described below.

Formula for Calculating the CIR: Example

When calculating the CIR, the following formula is used:

CIR percentage specified (as shown in the output from the show policy-map command) * bandwidth (BW) of the interface (as shown in the output from the show interfaces command) = total bits per second

According to the output from the show interfaces command for the serial 2/0 interface, the interface has a bandwidth (BW) of 2048 kbps.

Router# show interfaces serial2/0

Serial2/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down  
  Hardware is M4T 
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 2048 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 

The following values are used for calculating the CIR:

20 % * 2048 kbps = 409600 bps

Formula for Calculating the PIR: Example

When calculating the PIR, the following formula is used:

PIR percentage specified (as shown in the output from the show policy-map command) * bandwidth (BW) of the interface (as shown in the output from the show interfaces command) = total bits per second

According to the output from the show interfaces command for the serial 2/0 interface, the interface has a bandwidth (BW) of 2048 kbps.

Router# show interfaces serial2/0

Serial2/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down  
  Hardware is M4T 
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 2048 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 

The following values are used for calculating the PIR:

40 % * 2048 kbps = 819200 bps

Note Discrepancies between this total and the total shown in the output from the show policy-map interface command can be attributed to a rounding calculation or to differences associated with the specific interface configuration.

Formula for Calculating the Committed Burst (bc): Example

When calculating the bc, the following formula is used:

The bc in milliseconds (as shown in the show policy-map command) * the CIR in bits per seconds = total number bytes

The following values are used for calculating the bc:

300 ms * 409600 bps = 15360 bytes

Formula for Calculating the Excess Burst (be): Example

When calculating the bc and the be, the following formula is used:

The be in milliseconds (as shown in the show policy-map command) * the PIR in bits per seconds = total number bytes

The following values are used for calculating the be:

400 ms * 819200 bps = 40960 bytes

Table 205 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 205 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions 


Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets and bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as the Layer 3 packet length, IP precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental value, access groups, and quality of service (QoS) groups. For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.


Indicates that traffic policing has been enabled. Display includes the CIR, PIR (in both a percentage of bandwidth and in bps) and the bc and be in bytes and milliseconds. Also displays the optional conform, exceed, and violate actions, if any, and the statistics associated with these optional actions.

Bandwidth Estimation: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command displays statistics for the Fast Ethernet 0/1 interface on which bandwidth estimates for quality of service (QoS) targets have been generated.

The Bandwidth Estimation section indicates that bandwidth estimates for QoS targets have been defined. These targets include the packet loss rate, the packet delay rate, and the timeframe in milliseconds. Confidence refers to the drop-one-in value (as a percentage) of the targets. Corvil Bandwidth means the bandwidth estimate in kilobits per second.

When no drop or delay targets are specified, "none specified, falling back to drop no more than one packet in 500" appears in the output.

Router# show policy-map interface FastEthernet0/1


  Service-policy output: my-policy

    Class-map: icmp (match-all)
      199 packets, 22686 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: access-group 101
      Bandwidth Estimation:
        Quality-of-Service targets:
          drop no more than one packet in 1000 (Packet loss < 0.10%)
          delay no more than one packet in 100 by 40 (or more) milliseconds
            (Confidence: 99.0000%)
        Corvil Bandwidth: 1 kbits/sec

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      112 packets, 14227 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any
      Bandwidth Estimation:
        Quality-of-Service targets:
          <none specified, falling back to drop no more than one packet in 500
        Corvil Bandwidth: 1 kbits/sec

Shaping with HQF Enabled: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command shows that shaping is active (as seen in the queue depth field) with HQF enabled on the serial 4/3 interface. All traffic is classified to the class-default queue.

Note In HQF images for Cisco IOS Releases 12.4(20)T and later, the packets delayed and bytes delayed counters were removed for traffic shaping classes.

Router# show policy-map interface serial4/3


  Service-policy output: shape

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      2203 packets, 404709 bytes
      30 second offered rate 74000 bps, drop rate 14000 bps
      Match: any
      queue limit 64 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 64/354/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 1836/337280
      shape (average) cir 128000, bc 1000, be 1000
      target shape rate 128000
        lower bound cir 0,  adapt to fecn 0

      Service-policy : LLQ

        queue stats for all priority classes:
          queue limit 64 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0

        Class-map: c1 (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip precedence 1
          Priority: 32 kbps, burst bytes 1500, b/w exceed drops: 0

        Class-map: class-default (match-any)
          2190 packets, 404540 bytes
          30 second offered rate 74000 bps, drop rate 14000 bps
          Match: any

          queue limit 64 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 63/417/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 2094/386300

Packets Matched on the Basis of VLAN ID Number: Example

Note As of Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2, matching packets on the basis of VLAN ID numbers is supported on the Catalyst 1000 platform only.

The following is a sample configuration in which packets are matched and classified on the basis of the VLAN ID number. In this sample configuration, packets that match VLAN ID number 150 are placed in a class called "class1."

Router# show class-map

Class Map match-all class1 (id 3)
Match vlan 150

Class1 is then configured as part of the policy map called "policy1." The policy map is attached to Fast Ethernet subinterface 0/0.1.

The following sample output of the show policy-map interface command displays the packet statistics for the policy maps attached to Fast Ethernet subinterface 0/0.1. It displays the statistics for policy1, in which class1 has been configured.

Router# show policy-map interface


! Policy-map name.
Service-policy input: policy1

! Class configured in the policy map.
Class-map: class1 (match-all)
0 packets, 0 bytes
5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps

! VLAN ID 150 is the match criterion for the class.
Match: vlan 150
cir 8000000 bps, bc 512000000 bytes
conformed 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
conformed 0 bps, exceed 0 bps

Class-map: class-default (match-any)
10 packets, 1140 bytes
5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: any
10 packets, 1140 bytes
5 minute rate 0 bps

Table 206 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 206 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Packets Matched on the Basis of VLAN ID Number1


Service-policy input

Name of the input service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of the packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of the packets coming into the class.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as VLAN ID number, precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental value, access groups, and quality of service (QoS) group (set). For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy input name and the class-map name. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Cisco 7600 Series Routers: Example

The following example shows how to display the statistics and the configurations of all the input and output policies that are attached to an interface on a Cisco 7600 series router:

Router# show policy-map interface

  service-policy input: max-pol-ipp5
    class-map: ipp5 (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute rate 0 bps
      match: ip precedence 5
  class ipp5
    police 2000000000 2000000 conform-action set-prec-transmit 6 exceed-action p

The following example shows how to display the input-policy statistics and the configurations for a specific interface on a Cisco 7600 series router:

Router# show policy-map interface fastethernet 5/36 input

  service-policy input: max-pol-ipp5
    class-map: ipp5 (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute rate 0 bps
      match: ip precedence 5
  class ipp5
    police 2000000000 2000000 conform-action set-prec-transmit 6 exceed-action p

Table 207 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 207 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Cisco 7600 Series Routers


service-policy input

Name of the input service policy applied to the specified interface.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of the packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

minute rate

Rate, in kbps, of the packets coming into the class.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as VLAN ID number, precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental value, access groups, and quality of service (QoS) group (set). For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.


Precedence value.


Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing.

Cisco 7200 Series Routers: Example

The following example shows the automatic rounding-off of the bc and be values, in the MQC police policy-map, to the interface's MTU size in a Cisco 7200 series router. The rounding-off is done only when the bc and be values are lesser than the interface's MTU size.

Router# show policy-map interface

Service-policy output: p2

Service-policy output: p2

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      2 packets, 106 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
      Match: any 
        2 packets, 106 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
          cir 10000 bps, bc 4470 bytes
          pir 20000 bps, be 4470 bytes
        conformed 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        violated 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:

conformed 0000 bps, exceed 0000 bps, violate 0000 bps

Multiple Priority Queues on Serial Interface: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command shows the types of statistical information that displays when multiple priority queues are configured. Depending upon the interface in use and the options enabled, the output that you see may vary slightly from the output shown below.

Router# show policy-map interface

Service-policy output: P1
Queue statistics for all priority classes:
Class-map: Gold (match-all)
0 packets, 0 bytes			/*Updated for each priority level configured.*/
5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: ip precedence 2
Priority: 0 kbps, burst bytes 1500, b/w exceed drops: 0
Priority Level 4:
0 packets, 0 bytes

Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios: Example

The following sample output from the show policy-map interface command indicates that bandwidth-remaining ratios are configured for class queues. As shown in the example, the classes precedence_0, precedence_1, and precedence_2 have bandwidth-remaining ratios of 20, 40, and 60, respectively.

Router# show policy-map interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0.10

  Service-policy output: vlan10_policy

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
      queue limit 250 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
      shape (average) cir 1000000, bc 4000, be 4000
      target shape rate 1000000
      bandwidth remaining ratio 10

      Service-policy : child_policy

        Class-map: precedence_0 (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip precedence 0
          queue limit 62 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          shape (average) cir 500000, bc 2000, be 2000
          target shape rate 500000
          bandwidth remaining ratio 20

        Class-map: precedence_1 (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip precedence 1
          queue limit 62 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          shape (average) cir 500000, bc 2000, be 2000
          target shape rate 500000
          bandwidth remaining ratio 40

        Class-map: precedence_2 (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip precedence 2
          queue limit 62 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          shape (average) cir 500000, bc 2000, be 2000
          target shape rate 500000
          bandwidth remaining ratio 60

        Class-map: class-default (match-any)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: any
            0 packets, 0 bytes
            30 second rate 0 bps
          queue limit 62 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0 

Table 208 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 208 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Bandwidth-Remaining Ratios


Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of the packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

bandwidth remaining ratio

Indicates the ratio used to allocate excess bandwidth.

Tunnel Marking: Example

In this sample output of the show policy-map interface command, the character string "ip dscp tunnel 3" indicates that L2TPv3 tunnel marking has been configured to set the DSCP value to 3 in the header of a tunneled packet.

Router# show policy-map interface


  Service-policy input: tunnel

    Class-map: frde (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: fr-de 
      QoS Set
        ip dscp tunnel 3
          Packets marked 0

    Class-map: class-default (match-any) 
      13736 packets, 1714682 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
        13736 packets, 1714682 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps

Table 209 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 209 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Tunnel Marking


service-policy input

Name of the input service policy applied to the specified interface.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of the packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. In this example, the Frame Relay Discard Eligible (DE) bit has been specified as the match criterion.

For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

ip dscp tunnel

Indicates that tunnel marking has been configured to set the DSCP in the header of a tunneled packet to a value of 3.

Traffic Shaping Overhead Accounting for ATM: Example

The following output from the show policy-map interface command indicates that ATM overhead accounting is enabled for shaping and disabled for bandwidth:

Router# show policy-map interface
Service-policy output:unit-test

Class-map: class-default (match-any)
100 packets, 1000 bytes
30 second offered rate 800 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: any
shape (average) cir 154400, bc 7720, be 7720
target shape rate 154400
overhead accounting: enabled
bandwidth 30% (463 kbps)
overhead accounting: disabled

queue limit 64 packets
(queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
(packets output/bytes output) 100/1000

Table 210 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 210 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for Traffic Shaping Overhead Accounting for ATM


service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of the packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. In this example, the Frame Relay Discard Eligible (DE) bit has been specified as the match criterion.

For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

target shape rate

Indicates that traffic shaping is enabled at the specified rate.

overhead accounting

Indicates whether overhead accounting is enabled or disabled for traffic shaping.


Indicates the percentage of bandwidth allocated for traffic queueing.

overhead accounting:

Indicates whether overhead accounting is enabled or disabled for traffic queueing.

HQF: Example

The following output from the show policy-map interface command displays the configuration for Fast Ethernet interface 0/0:

Note In HQF images for Cisco IOS Releases 12.4(20)T and later releases, the packets delayed and bytes delayed counters were removed for traffic shaping classes.

Router# show policy-map interface FastEthernet0/0

  Service-policy output: test1
    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      129 packets, 12562 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
      queue limit 64 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 129/12562
      shape (average) cir 1536000, bc 6144, be 6144
      target shape rate 1536000
      Service-policy : test2
        queue stats for all priority classes:
          queue limit 64 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
        Class-map: RT (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip dscp ef (46)
          Priority: 20% (307 kbps), burst bytes 7650, b/w exceed drops: 0
        Class-map: BH (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip dscp af41 (34)
          queue limit 128 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          bandwidth 40% (614 kbps)
        Class-map: BL (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip dscp af21 (18)
          queue limit 64 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          bandwidth 35% (537 kbps)
            Exp-weight-constant: 9 (1/512)
            Mean queue depth: 0 packets
            dscp     Transmitted   Random drop   Tail drop   Minimum   Maximum   Mark
                     pkts/bytes    pkts/bytes    pkts/bytes  thresh    thresh    prob
            af21     0/0           0/0           0/0         100       400       1/10
        Class-map: class-default (match-any)
          129 packets, 12562 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: any 
          queue limit 64 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 129/12562

Table 211 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 211 show policy-map interface Field Descriptions—Configured for HQF 



Name of the interface.

service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets, bytes

Number of the packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic.

Note For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.


Indicates that queueing is enabled.

queue limit

Maximum number of packets that a queue can hold for a class policy configured in a policy map.


Indicates the percentage of bandwidth allocated for traffic queueing.


Differentiated services code point (DSCP). Values can be the following:

0 to 63—Numerical DSCP values. The default value is 0.

af1 to af43—Assured forwarding (AF) DSCP values.

cs1 to cs7—Type of service (ToS) precedence values.

default—Default DSCP value.

ef—Expedited forwarding (EF) DSCP values.

Account QoS Statistics for the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers: Example

The following example shows the new output fields associated with the QoS: Policies Aggregation Enhancements feature beginning in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6 for subscriber statistics. The new output fields begin with the label "Account QoS Statistics."

Router# show policy-map interface port-channel 1.1

   Service-policy input: input_policy 

     Class-map: class-default (match-any) 
       0 packets, 0 bytes 
       5 minute offered rate 0000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps 
       Match: any 
       QoS Set 
       dscp default 
       No packet marking statistics available 

   Service-policy output: Port-channel_1_subscriber 

     Class-map: EF (match-any) 
       105233 packets, 6734912 bytes 
       5 minute offered rate 134000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps 
       Match: dscp ef (46) 
       Match: access-group name VLAN_REMARK_EF 
       Match: qos-group 3 
       Account QoS statistics 
           Packets dropped 0 packets/0 bytes 
       QoS Set 
       cos 5 
       No packet marking statistics available 
       dscp ef 
       No packet marking statistics available 

     Class-map: AF4 (match-all) 
       105234 packets, 6734976 bytes 
       5 minute offered rate 134000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps 
       Match: dscp cs4 (32) 
       Account QoS statistics 
           Packets dropped 0 packets/0 bytes 
       QoS Set 
       cos 4 
       No packet marking statistics available 

     Class-map: AF1 (match-any) 
       315690 packets, 20204160 bytes 
       5 minute offered rate 402000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps 
       Match: dscp cs1 (8) 
       Match: dscp af11 (10) 
       Match: dscp af12 (12) 
       Account QoS statistics 
           Packets dropped 0 packets/0 bytes 
       QoS Set 
       cos 1 
       No packet marking statistics available 

     Class-map: class-default (match-any) fragment Port-channel_BE 
       315677 packets, 20203328 bytes 
       5 minute offered rate 402000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps 
       Match: any 
         queue limit 31250 bytes 
         (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0 
         (pkts output/bytes output) 315679/20203482 
         bandwidth remaining ratio 1

Related Commands


bandwidth remaining ratio

Specifies a bandwidth-remaining ratio for class queues and subinterface-level queues to determine the amount of unused (excess) bandwidth to allocate to the queue during congestion.


Creates a class map to be used for matching packets to a specified class.

compression header ip

Configures RTP or TCP IP header compression for a specific class.


Configures a traffic class to discard packets belonging to a specific class.

match fr-dlci

Specifies the Frame Relay DLCI number as a match criterion in a class map.

match packet length (class-map)

Specifies the length of the Layer 3 packet in the IP header as a match criterion in a class map.


Configures traffic policing.

police (percent)

Configures traffic policing on the basis of a percentage of bandwidth available on an interface.

police (two rates)

Configures traffic policing using two rates, the CIR and the PIR.


Creates or modifies a policy map that can be attached to one or more interfaces to specify a service policy.


Specifies that low-latency behavior must be given to a traffic class and configures multiple priority queues.

random-detect ecn

Enables ECN.

shape (percent)

Specifies average or peak rate traffic shaping on the basis of a percentage of bandwidth available on an interface.

show class-map

Display all class maps and their matching criteria.

show frame-relay pvc

Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces.

show interfaces

Displays statistics for all interfaces configured on a router or access server.

show mls qos

Displays MLS QoS information.

show policy-map

Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps.

show policy-map class

Displays the configuration for the specified class of the specified policy map.

show table-map

Displays the configuration of a specified table map or of all table maps.

table-map (value mapping)

Creates and configures a mapping table for mapping and converting one packet-marking value to another.

show policy-map interface brief

To display information about only the active policy maps attached to an interface, use the show policy-map interface brief command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map interface [input | output] brief [policy-map-name] [vrf [vrf-id]] [timestamp]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that only the information about the active input policy maps will be displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that only the information about the active output policy maps will be displayed.


Indicates that the name of all the active policy maps (both input and output policy maps) and the interfaces to which the policy maps are attached will be displayed. The active input policy maps will be displayed first, followed by the output policy maps.


(Optional) Name of an active policy map to be displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that the active policy maps for Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding (VRF) instances will be displayed.


(Optional) A specific VRF identifier.


(Optional) Indicates that the date and time when the policy map was attached will be displayed, along with the ID of the user who attached the policy map.

Command Default

If no optional keywords or arguments are specified, all policy maps (even those that are not active) are displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

The show policy-map interface brief command displays the name of the active policy maps and the interfaces to which those policy maps are attached. An active policy map is one that is attached to an interface.

The optional keywords and arguments allow you to tailor the information displayed about VPNs, time stamps, and user IDs.

If you do not specify any optional keywords or arguments, all policy maps (even those that are not active) are displayed.

VPN Information Reported

The show policy-map interface brief command can be used for VRF interfaces in applications that use VPNs. To specify VRF interfaces, use the vrf keyword with the vrf-id argument.

Time-stamp and User ID Information Reported

If the optional timestamp keyword is used with the show policy-map interface brief command, the time and date when a policy map was attached to an interface appear in the display. In addition to the time and date information, the name (that is, the user ID) of the person who attached the policy map to the interface will be displayed.

Note If the network software is reloaded (reinstalled), the time-stamp information (the time and date information) obtained will not be retained for any of the policy maps attached to interfaces on the network. Instead, the time and date information displayed will be the time and date when the software was reloaded.

Method for Obtaining User Information

The user information included in the display is obtained from the information that you enter when you log in to the router. For example, if you are using the SSH Secure Shell utility to log in to a router, you would typically enter your username and password. However, it is not always possible to obtain the user information. Instances where user information cannot be obtained include the following:

Not all routers require user information when you log in. Therefore, you may not be prompted to enter your username when you log in to a router.

If you are connecting to a console port using the Telnet utility in a DOS environment, you do not need to enter user information.

The user information cannot be retrieved because of system constraints or other factors.

If the user information cannot be obtained, the words "by unknown" will be displayed.

Hierarchical Policy Map Information

For a hierarchical policy map structure, only the information about the parent policy maps is displayed. Information about child policy maps is not displayed.


For ATM permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), policy maps do not remain associated with the interface if the ATM PVC is not working properly (that is, the ATM PVC is "down"). Therefore, if an ATM PVC is down, and a policy map is attached to an interface, the show policy-map interface brief command does not include information about the policy maps in the command output.


The information that is displayed by the show policy-map interface brief command varies according to the optional keywords and arguments that you specify.

The following sections list the significant keyword and argument combinations used with the command and describe the corresponding information displayed.

show policy-map interface brief Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief command displays all the attached policy maps (both input policy maps and output policy maps) along with the information about the interfaces to which the policy maps are attached. The input policy maps are displayed first, followed by the output policy maps.

Service-policy input: policyname1
interface s2/0/1 
interface s6/0/0 

Service-policy output: policyname1interface s2/0/1 interface s6/0/0

show policy-map interface brief timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief timestamp command displays all the attached policy maps (both input policy maps and output policy maps) along with the information about the interfaces to which the policy maps are attached. The input policy maps are displayed first, followed by the output policy maps.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

Service-policy input: parentpolicy1 
Service-policy input: childpolicy1
interface s2/0/1 - applied 20:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1
interface s6/0/1 - applied 19:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

Service-policy output: policyname2
interface s2/0/2 - applied 21:47:04 on 24/12/01 by user1
interface s6/0/1 - applied 19:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name command displays the policy map attached as either an input policy map or an output policy map, along with the information about the interface to which the policy map is attached. Only the policy map specified by the policy-map-name argument is displayed.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface brief policyname1 command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname1
interface s2/0/1
interface s6/0/0

Service-policy output: policyname1
interface s1/0/2
interface s3/0/0

show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name timestamp command displays the policy map attached as either an input policy map or an output policy map, along with the information about the interface to which it is attached. Only the policy map specified by the policy-map-name argument is displayed.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface brief policyname2 timestamp command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname2
interface s2/0/2 - applied 21:47:04 on 24/12/01 by user1
interface s6/0/1 - applied 19:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

Service-policy output: policyname2
interface s4/0/2 - applied 12:47:04 on 24/12/01 by user1
interface s7/0/1 - applied 14:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface output brief Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief command displays the attached output policy maps, along with the information about the interfaces to which they are attached.

Service-policy output: policyname1

show policy-map interface output brief timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief timestamp command displays the attached output policy maps, along with the information about the interfaces to which they are attached.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

Service-policy output: policyname2
interface s2/0/2 - applied 21:47:04 on 24/12/01 by user1
interface s6/0/1 - applied 19:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface input brief Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief command displays the attached input policy maps, along with the information about the interfaces to which they are attached.

Service-policy input: policyname2
interface s2/0/2 
interface s6/0/1 

show policy-map interface input brief timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief timestamp command displays the attached input policy maps, along with the information about the interfaces to which they are attached.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

Service-policy input: policyname2
interface s2/0/2 - applied 21:47:04 on 24/12/01 by user1
interface s6/0/1 - applied 19:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface output brief policy-map-name Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief policy-map-name command displays the attached output policy map, along with the information about the interface to which it is attached. Only the policy map specified by the policy-map-name argument is displayed.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface output brief policyname1 command is as follows:

Service-policy output: policyname1
interface s2/0/1
interface s6/0/0

show policy-map interface output brief policy-map-name timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief policy-map-name timestamp command displays the attached output policy map, along with the information about the interface to which it is attached. Only the policy map specified by the policy-map-name argument is displayed.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface output brief policyname2 timestamp command is as follows:

Service-policy output: policyname2
interface s2/0/2 - applied 21:47:04 on 24/12/01 by user1
interface s6/0/1 - applied 19:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface input brief policy-map-name Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief policy-map-name command displays the attached input policy map, along with the information about the interface to which it is attached. Only the policy map specified by the policy-map-name argument is displayed.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface input brief policyname1 command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname1
interface s2/0/1
interface s6/0/0

show policy-map interface input brief policy-map-name timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief policy-map-name timestamp command displays the attached input policy map, along with the information about the interface to which it is attached. Only the policy map specified by the policy-map-name argument is displayed.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface input brief policyname2 timestamp command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname2
interface s2/0/2 - applied 21:47:04 on 24/12/01 by user1
interface s6/0/1 - applied 19:43:04 on 25/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface brief vrf Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief vrf command displays all the policy maps (both input policy maps and output policy maps), along with information about the interfaces and the VRFs to which the policy maps are attached.

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRFA   interface s2/0/1 
VRFB   interface s6/0/0 

Service-policy output: policyname2
VRFC   interface s2/0/2 
VRFB   interface s6/0/1 

show policy-map interface brief vrf timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief vrf timestamp command displays all the policy maps (both input policy maps and output policy maps), along with information about the interfaces and the VRFs to which the policy maps are attached.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRFA   interface s2/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1
VRFB   interface s6/0/0 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

Service-policy output: policyname2
VRFC   interface s2/0/3 - applied 20:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1
VRFD   interface s6/0/2 - applied 20:49:04 on 21/12/01 by user1

In some network configurations, the policy map may be attached to the interface initially, and then at a later time, the interface can be configured to act as a VRF interface. In this kind of network configuration, the time-stamp information displays the time when the policy map was attached to the interface. The display does not include the time when the interface was configured to act as a VRF interface. Displaying only the time when the policy map is attached to the interface also applies to the scenarios that are described in the following paragraph for other network configurations.

In other network configurations, a VRF may be attached to multiple interfaces as described in the following scenarios:

The policy map is also attached to both the interfaces and the VRFs. In this network configuration, all the interfaces should be shown in the display for the VRF, under the policy map name, as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRF1 interface s2/0/1 - applied 21:47:37 on 23/12/01 by user1
     interface atm0/0 - applied 11:37:57 on 21/11/01 by user1

The policy map is not attached to all interfaces to which the specific VRF is attached. In this network configuration, only the VRF interfaces that have that policy map configured are displayed.

show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name vrf timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name vrf timestamp command displays the policy maps attached as either an input policy map or an output policy map, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy map is attached. Only the policy map specified by the policy-map-name argument is displayed.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface brief policyname1 vrf timestamp command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRF1   interface s2/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

Service-policy output: policyname1
VRF2   interface s6/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name vrf vrf-id timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface brief policy-map-name vrf vrf-id timestamp command displays all the policy maps (both the input policy maps and the output policy maps), along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached. Only the policy map and VRF specified by the policy-map-name argument and the vrf-id argument are displayed.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

For example, the display for show policy-map interface brief policyname1 vrf VRFA timestamp command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRFA   interface s2/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

Service-policy output: policyname1
VRFA   interface s6/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface output brief vrf Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief vrf command displays the attached output policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached.

Service-policy output: policyname2
VRFC   interface s2/0/2
VRFA   interface s6/0/1 

show policy-map interface output brief vrf timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief vrf timestamp command displays the attached output policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

Service-policy output: policyname2
VRFC   interface s2/0/2 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1
VRFA   interface s6/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface input brief vrf Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief vrf command displays the attached input policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached.

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRFA   interface s2/0/1 
VRFB   interface s6/0/0 

Service-policy input: policyname2
VRFC   interface s2/0/2 
VRFB   interface s6/0/1 

show policy-map interface input brief vrf timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief vrf timestamp command displays the attached input policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRFA   interface s2/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1
VRFB   interface s6/0/0 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

Service-policy input: policyname2
VRFC   interface s2/0/3 - applied 20:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1
VRFD   interface s6/0/2 - applied 20:49:04 on 21/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface input brief vrf vrf-id Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief vrf vrf-id command displays the attached input policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached. Only the policy maps attached to the VRF specified by the vrf-id argument are displayed.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface input brief vrf VRFA command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRFA   interface s2/0/1 

Service-policy input: policyname2
VRFA   interface s6/0/1 

show policy-map interface output brief vrf vrf-id Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief vrf vrf-id command displays the attached output policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached. Only the policy maps attached to the VRF specified by the vrf-id argument are displayed.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface output brief vrf VRFB command is as follows:

Service-policy output: policyname1
VRFB   interface s2/0/1 

Service-policy output: policyname2
VRFB   interface s6/0/1 

show policy-map interface input brief vrf vrf-id timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface input brief vrf vrf-id timestamp command displays the attached input policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached. Only the policy maps attached to the VRF specified by the vrf-id argument are displayed.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface input brief vrf VRFA timestamp command is as follows:

Service-policy input: policyname1
VRFA   interface s2/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

Service-policy input: policyname2
VRFA   interface s6/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

show policy-map interface output brief vrf vrf-id timestamp Command Example

The show policy-map interface output brief vrf vrf-id timestamp command displays the attached output policy maps, along with information about the interface and VRF to which the policy maps are attached. Only the policy maps attached to the VRF specified by the vrf-id argument are displayed.

The timestamp keyword displays the time and date when the policy map was attached to the specific interface, along with the user ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface.

For example, the display for the show policy-map interface output brief vrf VRFB timestamp command is as follows:

Service-policy output: policyname1
VRFB   interface s2/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

Service-policy output: policyname2
VRFB   interface s6/0/1 - applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01 by user1

Table 212 describes the significant fields shown in the various displays.

Table 212 show policy-map interface brief Field Descriptions 


Service-policy output: policyname2

Output policy map name.

Service-policy input: policyname2

Input policy map name.

interface s2/0/1

Interface to which the policy map is attached.


VRF to which the policy map is attached.

applied 21:47:04 on 23/12/01

Time and date when the policy map was attached to the interface or VRF.

by user1

User ID of the person who attached the policy map to the interface or VRF.

Related Commands


show policy-map interface

Displays the packet statistics of all classes that are configured for all service policies either on the specified interface or subinterface or on a specific PVC on the interface.

show policy-map interface service group

To display the policy-map information for service groups that have members attached to an interface, use the show policy-map interface service group command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map interface type number service group [service-group-identifier]

Syntax Description


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Interface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Service-group number. Enter the number of an existing service group

Command Default

If a service group number is not specified, policy-map information for all service groups is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show policy-map interface service group command to display information about one or more service groups with members that are attached to an interface or port-channel. The information displayed includes the policy maps attached to the interface or port-channel, the QoS features configured in those policy maps (for example, traffic policing or traffic queueing), and the corresponding packet statistics. Before using this command, the policy maps and service groups must be created.


The following is an example of the show policy-map interface service group command. In this example, service group 1 is specified. Service group 1 contains two policy maps (service policies), policy1 and policy2. Traffic policing is enabled in the policy1 policy map. Traffic queueing is enabled in the policy2 policy map.

Router# show policy-map interface gigabitEthernet 9/5 service group 1
 GigabitEthernet9/5: Service Group 1
  Service-policy input: policy1
    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
      Match: any 
          cir 200000 bps, bc 6250 bytes
        conformed 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
        conformed 0000 bps, exceed 0000 bps
  Service-policy output: policy2
  Counters last updated 00:00:34 ago
    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
      Match: any 
      queue limit 131072 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
      bandwidth remaining ratio 2 

Table 213 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 213 show policy-map interface service group Field Descriptions 


GigabitEthernet9/5: Service Group 1

Interface and service-group number.

Service-policy input: policy1
Service-policy output: policy2

Service-policy (policy-map) names and whether the policy is in the input (ingress) or the output (egress) direction on the interface.


Indicates that traffic policing is enabled. Statistics associated with traffic policing are also displayed.


Indicates that a traffic queueing mechanism is enabled. Statistics associated with traffic queueing are also displayed.

Related Commands


show policy-map interface

Displays the statistics and the configurations of the input and output policies that are attached to an interface.

show policy-map interface service instance

Displays the policy-map information for a given service instance under an interface or port-channel.

show policy-map interface service instance

To display the policy-map information for a given service instance under an interface or port channel, use the show policy-map interface service instance command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map interface interface-type interface-number service instance service-instance-number

Syntax Description


The type of the interface or the port channel.


The number of the interface or the port channel.


The number of the service instance.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 7600 series routers.

Cisco IOS XE
Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.


The following example shows the policy-map output for a hierarchical policy on a given service instance 1 under port channel 1:

Router# show policy-map interface port-channel 1 service instance 1 

Port-channel1: EFP 1         								

  Service-policy output: hqos-pc-brr     									
    Class-map: class-default (match-any)     
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
      queue limit 5000 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
      shape (average) cir 20000000, bc 80000, be 80000
      target shape rate 20000000
      bandwidth remaining ratio 2 

      Service-policy : flat-pc-brr           

        Class-map: cos5 (match-all)          
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: cos  5 
          queue limit 2500 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          shape (average) cir 10000000, bc 40000, be 40000
          target shape rate 10000000

        Class-map: class-default (match-any)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: any 
          queue limit 2500 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          shape (average) cir 10000000, bc 40000, be 40000
          target shape rate 10000000

Table 214 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 214 show policy-map interface service instance Field Descriptions1  

Fields Associated with Classes or Service Policies

Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets and bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as IP precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental (EXP) value, access groups, and QoS groups. For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

Fields Associated with Queueing (if Enabled)

Output Queue

The weighted fair queueing (WFQ) conversation to which this class of traffic is allocated.


Bandwidth, in either kbps or percentage, configured for this class and the burst size.

pkts matched/bytes matched

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) matching this class that were placed in the queue. This number reflects the total number of matching packets queued at any time. Packets matching this class are queued only when congestion exists. If packets match the class but are never queued because the network was not congested, those packets are not included in this total. However, if process switching is in use, the number of packets is always incremented even if the network is not congested.

depth/total drops/no-buffer drops

Number of packets discarded for this class. No-buffer indicates that no memory buffer exists to service the packet.

Fields Associated with Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) (if Enabled)

exponential weight

Exponent used in the average queue size calculation for a WRED parameter group.

mean queue depth

Average queue depth based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant. It is a fluctuating average. The minimum and maximum thresholds are compared against this value to determine drop decisions.


IP precedence level.

Transmitted pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) passed through WRED and not dropped by WRED.

Note If there is insufficient memory in the buffer to accommodate the packet, the packet can be dropped after the packet passes through WRED. Packets dropped because of insufficient memory in the buffer (sometimes referred to as "no-buffer drops") are not taken into account by the WRED packet counter.

Random drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) randomly dropped when the mean queue depth is between the minimum threshold value and the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level.

Tail drop pkts/bytes

Number of packets dropped when the mean queue depth is greater than the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level.

Minimum thresh

Minimum threshold. Minimum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Maximum thresh

Maximum threshold. Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets.

Mark prob

Mark probability. Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

Fields Associated with Traffic Shaping (if Enabled)

Target Rate

Rate used for shaping traffic.

Byte Limit

Maximum number of bytes that can be transmitted per interval. Calculated as follows:

((Bc+Be) /8) x 1

Sustain bits/int

Committed burst (Bc) rate.

Excess bits/int

Excess burst (Be) rate.

Interval (ms)

Time interval value in milliseconds (ms).

Increment (bytes)

Number of credits (in bytes) received in the token bucket of the traffic shaper during each time interval.

Queue Depth

Current queue depth of the traffic shaper.


Total number of packets that have entered the traffic shaper system.


Total number of bytes that have entered the traffic shaper system.

Packets Delayed

Total number of packets delayed in the queue of the traffic shaper before being transmitted.

Bytes Delayed

Total number of bytes delayed in the queue of the traffic shaper before being transmitted.

Shaping Active

Indicates whether the traffic shaper is active. For example, if a traffic shaper is active, and the traffic being sent exceeds the traffic shaping rate, a "yes" appears in this field.

1 A number in parentheses may appear next to the service-policy output name, class-map name, and match criteria information. The number is for Cisco internal use only and can be disregarded.

Related Commands


show policy-map interface

Displays the statistics and the configurations of the input and output policies that are attached to an interface.

show policy-map mgre

To display statistics about a specific QoS policy as it is applied to a tunnel endpoint, use the show policy-map mgre command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map mgre [tunnel-interface-name] [tunnel-destination overlay-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of a tunnel interface.

tunnel-destination overlay-address

(Optional) Tunnel destination overlay address (such as the tunnel endpoint address).

Command Default

All existing policy map configurations are displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify the tunnel destination overlay address to display the output from a particular session.


The following is sample output from the show policy-map mgre command:

Router# show policy-map mgre tunnel 0
Tunnel0  <-->

  Service-policy output: set_out

    Class-map: test (match-all)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: access-group 101
      QoS Set
        precedence 3
          Packets marked 0

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any

Table 215 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 215 show policy-map mgre Field Descriptions



Name of the tunnel endpoint.

Tunnel destination overlay address.

Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets and bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in kbps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel and an IP Security (IPSec) tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPSec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in kbps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as IP precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental (EXP) value, access groups, and QoS groups. For more information about the variety of match criteria that are available, see the "Classifying Network Traffic" module in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

QoS Set, qos-group, Packets marked

Indicates that class-based packet marking based on the QoS group has been configured. Includes the qos-group number and the number of packets marked.

Related Commands


ip nhrp group

Configures a NHRP group on a spoke.

ip nhrp map

Statically configures the IP-to-NBMA address mapping of IP destinations connected to an NBMA network.

ip nhrp map group

Adds NHRP groups to QoS policy mappings on a hub.

show dmvpn

Displays DMVPN-specific session information.

show ip nhrp

Displays NHRP mapping information.

show ip nhrp group

Displays the details of NHRP group mappings on a hub and the list of tunnels using each of the NHRP groups defined in the mappings.

show policy-map multipoint

To display the statistics about a specific quality of service (QoS) for a multipoint tunnel interface, use the show policy-map multipoint command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map multipoint [tunnel interface-number [tunnel-destination-address]] [input [class class-name]] [output [class class-name]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the tunnel interface.


(Optional) Module and port number.


(Optional) Tunnel destination overlay address (such as the tunnel endpoint address).


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached input policy will be displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached output policy will be displayed.

class class-name

(Optional) Displays the QoS policy actions for the specified class.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show policy-map multipoint command to display the quality of service (QoS) policy map for a multipoint tunnel interface.


The following is sample output from the show policy-map multipoint command:

Router# show policy-map multipoint

Interface Tunnel1 <-->

  Service-policy output: parent-policy-out

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      9839 packets, 869608 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
      queue limit 250 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 5000/710000
      shape (average) cir 1000000, bc 4000, be 4000
      target shape rate 1000000

      Service-policy : child-policy-out

        queue stats for all priority classes:
          queue limit 300 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 5000/710000

Interface Tunnel1 <-->

  Service-policy output: parent-policy-out

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      4723 packets, 479736 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
      queue limit 250 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
      shape (average) cir 1000000, bc 4000, be 4000
      target shape rate 1000000

      Service-policy : child-policy-out

        queue stats for all priority classes:
          queue limit 300 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0

Related Commands


show platform qos policy-map

Displays the type and number of policy maps that are configured on the router.

show policy-map

Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show policy-map session

To display the quality of service (QoS) policy map in effect for the Subscriber Service Switch (SSS) session, use the show policy-map session command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map session [uid uid-number] [input class class-name | output class class-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Defines a unique session ID.


(Optional) Unique session ID. Range is from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) Displays the upstream traffic of the unique session.


(Optional) Displays the downstream traffic of the unique session.


(Optional) Identifies the class that is part of the QoS policy-map definition.


(Optional) Class name that is part of the QoS policy-map definition.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB. This command was also modified to include per-session traffic shaping and traffic queueing statistics, if applicable.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC, and support for the Cisco 7600 series router was added.


Support for the Cisco 7300 series router was added. This command was also modified to include traffic shaping overhead accounting for ATM statistics, if applicable.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show policy-map session command with the uid keyword to verify the QoS policy map of a unique session ID in the input and output streams in the SSS session.

Use the show policy-map session command with the optional class class-name keyword argument combination to display statistics for a particular class. If you use the show policy-map session command without the class class-name keyword argument combination, statistics for all the classes defined in the QoS policy map display.


This section contains sample output from the show policy-map session command.

Note The output of the show policy-map session command varies according to the QoS feature configured in the policy map. For instance, if traffic shaping or traffic queueing is configured in the policy maps, the statistics for those features will be included and the output will vary accordingly from what is shown in this section. Additional self-explanatory fields may appear, but the output will be very similar.

The following example from the show policy-map session command displays QoS policy-map statistics for traffic in the downstream direction for the QoS policy maps configured:

Router# show policy-map session uid 401 output

 SSS session identifier 401 -

  Service-policy output: downstream-policy

    Class-map: customer1234 (match-any)
      4464 packets, 249984 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 17000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: ip dscp cs1  cs2  cs3  cs4 
        4464 packets, 249984 bytes
        5 minute rate 17000 bps
      QoS Set
        dscp af11
          Packets marked 4464

    Class-map: customer56 (match-any)
      2232 packets, 124992 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 8000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: ip dscp cs5  cs6 
        2232 packets, 124992 bytes
        5 minute rate 8000 bps
          cir 20000 bps, bc 10000 bytes
          pir 40000 bps, be 10000 bytes
        conformed 2232 packets, 124992 bytes; actions:
          set-dscp-transmit af21
        exceeded 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
          set-dscp-transmit af22
        violated 0 packets, 0 bytes; actions:
          set-dscp-transmit af23
        conformed 8000 bps, exceed 0 bps, violate 0 bps
    Class-map: customer7 (match-any)
      1116 packets, 62496 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 4000 bps, drop rate 4000 bps
      Match: ip dscp cs7 
        1116 packets, 62496 bytes
        5 minute rate 4000 bps

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      1236 packets, 68272 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 4000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 

Table 216 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 216 show policy-map session Field Descriptions — Traffic in the Downstream Direction


SSS session identifier

Unique session identifier.

Service-policy output

Name of the output service policy applied to the specified interface or virtual circuit (VC).


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets and bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in bps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation [GRE] tunnel and an IP Security [IPsec] tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPsec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in bps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as IP precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental (EXP) value, access groups, and QoS groups. For more information about the variety of availablematch criteria options, see the "Applying QoS Features Using the MQC" module of the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

QoS Set

Indicates that packet marking is in place.


Value used in packet marking.

Packets marked

The number of packets marked.


Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing. Also, displays the specified committed information rate (CIR), conform burst (bc) size, peak information rate (PIR), and peak burst (be) size used for marking packets.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that conform to a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that exceed a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that violate a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.

The following example from the show policy-map session command displays QoS policy-map statistics for traffic in the upstream direction for all the QoS policy maps configured:

Router# show policy-map session uid 401 input

 SSS session identifier 401 -

  Service-policy input: upstream-policy

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      1920 packets, 111264 bytes
      5 minute offered rate 7000 bps, drop rate 5000 bps
      Match: any 
          cir 8000 bps, bc 1500 bytes
        conformed 488 packets, 29452 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 1432 packets, 81812 bytes; actions:
        conformed 7000 bps, exceed 5000 bps

Table 217 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 217 show policy-map session Field Descriptions — Traffic in the Upstream Direction


SSS session identifier

Unique session identifier.

Service-policy input

Name of the input service policy applied to the specified interface or VC.


Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The choice for implementing class matches (for example, match-all or match-any) can also appear next to the traffic class.

packets and bytes

Number of packets (also shown in bytes) identified as belonging to the class of traffic being displayed.

offered rate

Rate, in bps, of packets coming in to the class.

Note If the packets are compressed over an outgoing interface, the improved packet rate achieved by packet compression is not reflected in the offered rate. Also, if the packets are classified before they enter a combination of tunnels (for example, a generic routing encapsulation [GRE] tunnel and an IP Security [IPsec] tunnel), the offered rate does not include all the extra overhead associated with tunnel encapsulation in general. Depending on the configuration, the offered rate may include no overhead, may include the overhead for only one tunnel encapsulation, or may include the overhead for all tunnel encapsulations. In most of the GRE and IPsec tunnel configurations, the offered rate includes the overhead for GRE tunnel encapsulation only.

drop rate

Rate, in bps, at which packets are dropped from the class. The drop rate is calculated by subtracting the number of successfully transmitted packets from the offered rate.


Match criteria specified for the class of traffic. Choices include criteria such as IP precedence, IP differentiated services code point (DSCP) value, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental (EXP) value, access groups, and QoS groups. For more information about the variety of available match criteria options, see the "Applying QoS Features Using the MQC" module of the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.


Indicates that the police command has been configured to enable traffic policing. Also, displays the specified committed information rate (CIR), conform burst (bc) size, peak information rate (PIR), and peak burst (be) size used for marking packets.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that conform to a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that exceed a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.


Displays the action to be taken on packets that violate a specified rate. Displays the number of packets and bytes on which the action was taken.

Per-Session Shaping and Queueing Output: Example

The following is sample output of the show policy-map session command when per-session traffic shaping and traffic queueing are enabled. With per-session traffic shaping and queueing configured, traffic shaping and traffic queueing statistics are included in the output.

Note The QoS: Per-Session Shaping and Queueing on LNS feature does not support packet marking. That is, this feature does not support the use of the set command to mark packets. Therefore, statistics related to packet marking are not included in the output.

Router# show policy-map session uid 1 output

 SSS session identifier 1 -

  Service-policy output: parent

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        30 second rate 0 bps
      queue limit 128 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
      shape (average) cir 512000, bc 12800, be 12800
      target shape rate 512000

      Service-policy : child

        Class-map: prec0 (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip precedence 0
          queue limit 38 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          bandwidth 30% (153 kbps)

		Class-map: prec2 (match-all)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: ip precedence 2
          queue limit 44 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
          shape (average) cir 212000, bc 7632, be 7632
          target shape rate 212000

        Class-map: class-default (match-any)
          0 packets, 0 bytes
          30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
          Match: any
            0 packets, 0 bytes
            30 second rate 0 bps

          queue limit 44 packets
          (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
          (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0

Table 218 describes the significant fields related to per-session traffic shaping and queueing shown in the display.

Table 218 show policy-map session Field Descriptions—Per-Session Traffic Shaping and Queueing Configured 



Indicates that traffic queueing is enabled.

queue limit

Displays the queue limit, in packets.

queue depth

Current queue depth of the traffic shaper.

shape (average) cir, bc, be

Indicates that average rate traffic shaping is enabled. Displays the committed information rate (CIR), the committed burst (bc) rate, and the excess burst (be) rate in bytes.

target shape rate

Displays the traffic shaping rate, in bytes.


Traffic Shaping Overhead Accounting for ATM: Example

The following output from the show policy-map session command indicates that ATM overhead accounting is enabled for shaping.

Router# show policy-map session uid 2 output 

SSS session identifier 2 -

Service-policy output:  ATM_OH_POLICY 

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
      Match: any 
      queue limit 2500 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
      shape (average) cir 10000000, bc 40000, be 40000
      target shape rate 10000000
       Overhead Accounting Enabled

Table 219 describes the significant fields displayed.

Table 219 show policy-map session Field Descriptions—Traffic Shaping Overhead Accounting for ATM Configured 


target shape rate

Displays the traffic shaping rate, in bytes.

Overhead Accounting Enabled

Indicates that overhead accounting is enabled.


Related Commands


show policy-map interface

Displays the packet statistics of all classes that are configured for all service policies either on the specified interface or subinterface or on a specific PVC on the interface.

show sss session

Displays SSS session status.

show policy-map target service-group

To display the policy-map information about service groups comprising Ethernet Virtual Circuits (EVCs), sub interfaces or sessions as members on the main interface or port channel, use the show policy-map target service-group command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map target service-group [service-group-identifier]

Syntax Description


Service group identification number.


Policy-map information for all existing service groups is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC(#)

Command History



This command is introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You should create the service groups and policy maps before using this command.


This is a sample output of the show policy-map target service-group command.

Router# show policy-map target service-group 1000
Port-channel1: Service Group 1000
Service-policy output: policy1
Counters last updated 02:04:11 ago
Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      0 packets, 0 bytes
      30 second offered rate 0000 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
      Match: any 
      queue limit 768 packets
      (queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/0/0
      (pkts output/bytes output) 0/0
      shape (average) cir 20000000, bc 80000, be 80000
      target shape rate 20000000

Table 220 describes the fields shown in the show policy-map target service-group command.

Table 220 Field Descriptions


Port-channel: Service Group

Specifies the interface type and service-group number.

Service-policy output

Specifies the output service-policy name.


Specifies the class of traffic.


Indicates that a traffic queuing mechanism is enabled. Statistics for traffic queuing are also displayed.

Related Commands


show policy-map interface

Displays the statistics and the configurations of the input and output policies that are attached to an interface.

show policy-map interface service instance

Displays the policy-map information for a given service instance under an interface or port-channel.

show policy-map type access-control

To display the access control for a specific policy map, use the show policy-map type access-control command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map type access-control
[policy-map-name [class class-map-name] |
apn index-number |
control-plane [all | subinterface] [input [class class-map-name] | output [class class-map-name]] |
interface type number [vc vpi/vci | vp vpi [subinterface] | input [class class-map-name] | output [class class-map-name]] |
session [uid id] [input [class class-map-name] | output [class class-map-name]]]

Cisco ASR 1000 Series

show policy-map type access-control [control-plane [all [brief {timestamp | vrfs timestamp} | class class-map-name | service-instance [target-identifier]] | interface [type number [service-instance [target-identifier]]] | session [uid [id]] [input [class class-map-name] | output class [class-map-name]]

Syntax Description

policy-map name

(Optional) Policy-map name.

class class-map-name

(Optional) Displays the Quality of Service (QoS) policy actions for the specified class.

apn index-number

(Optional) Displays information about the Access Point Name (APN)-related policy.


(Optional) Displays information about control plane policy.


(Optional) Displays all control plane policies.


(Optional) Displays statistics and policy details for an individual class for one of the following subinterfaces: cef-exception, host, transit.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached input policy are displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached output policy are displayed.

interface [type number]

(Optional) Displays information about the Cisco IOS QoS policy interface.


(Optional) Displays the service policy for a specified virtual channel (VC).


(Optional) Virtual path identifier (VPI) for this permanent virtual circuit (PVC). The absence of the slash mark ("/") and a VPI value defaults the VPI value to 0. On the Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, this value ranges from 0 to 255. The vpi and vci arguments cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.


(Optional) Virtual channel identifier (VCI) for this PVC. This value ranges from 0 to 1 less than the maximum value set for this interface by the atm vc-per-vp command. Typically, lower values 0 to 31 are reserved for specific traffic (F4 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM), switched virtual circuit (SVC) signaling, Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI), and so on) and should not be used.


(Optional) Displays information about the session QoS policy.

uid [id]

(Optional) Displays the session user identifier (uid) for a policy map based on the Subscriber Service Switch (SSS) unique identifier.


(Optional) Dispays a brief description of policy maps.


Displays time when the policy map was attached to the interface.


Displays information about the interface associated with a virtual private network (VPN).

service instance

(Optional) Displays information about the service instance for an interface.


(Optional) Target identifier for a service instance.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on Cisco ASR Aggregation Services 1000 series routers.


The command was modified. The output was modified to display encrypted filter information.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the access control for a specific policy-map.


The following is sample output from the show policy-map type access-control command. The fields are self-explanatory.

Router# show policy-map type access-control

Policy Map type access-control tcp_policy
    Class psirt1 (encrypted FPM filter)
    Class psirt2 (encrypted FPM filter)
    Class psirt11 (encrypted FPM filter)

  Policy Map type access-control udp_policy
    Class slammer

  Policy Map type access-control fpm-policy
    Class ip_tcp_stack
      service-policy tcp_policy
    Class ip_udp_stack
      service-policy udp_policy

Related Commands


show platform qos policy-map

Displays the type and number of policy maps that are configured on the router.

show policy-map

Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show policy-map type nat

To display the policy-map for Network Address Translation (NAT), use the show policy-map type NAT command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map type nat [policymap-name [class classmap-name]] | apn index-number | | interface [type number[input [class classmap-name] | output[class classmap-name]] | session [uid [id]] input [class classmap-name] | output[class classmap-name]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Policy-map name.

class classmap-name

(Optional) Displays the QoS policy actions for the specified class.

apn index-number

(Optional) Displays Access Point Name (APN) related policy information.

interface [type number]

(Optional) Displays Cisco IOS Quality of Service (QoS) Policy Interface information .


(Optional) Displays session QoS Policy information.

uid [id]

Displays session user identifier (uid) for a policy-map based on the Subscriber Service Switch (SSS) unique identifier.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached input policy is displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached output policy is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show policy-map type NAT command:

Router# show policy-map type NAT

Policy Map ipnat-policyxx-in2out 
Class ipnat-default 
Class ipnat-class-acl-1 
Class ipnat-class-acl-2 
Class ipnat-class-acl-3 
Policy Map ipnat-policyxx-out2in 
Class ipnat-default

Related Commands


show policy-map

Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show platform qos policy-map

Displays the type and number of policy maps that are configured on the router.

show policy-map type port-filter

To display information about policing of packets going to closed or nonlistened TCP/UDP ports, use the show policy-map type port-filter command in privileged EXEC mode.

show policy-map type port-filter
[policy-map-name [class class-map-name] |
apn apn-index |
control-plane [all | subinterface] [input [class class-map-name] | output [class class-map-name]] |
interface type number [vc vpi/vci | vp vpi [subinterface] | input [class class-map-name] | output [class class-map-name]] |
session [uid id] [input [class class-map-name] | output [class class-map-name]]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Policy-map name.

class class-map-name

(Optional) Displays the QoS policy actions for the specified class.

apn index-number

(Optional) Displays Access Point Name (APN) related policy information.


(Optional) Displays information about control plane policy.


(Optional) Displays all control plane policies.


(Optional) Displays statistics and policy details for an individual class for one of the following subinterfaces: cef-exception, host, transit.

interface [type number]

(Optional) Displays Cisco IOS QoS policy interface information.


(Optional) Displays the service policy for a specified virtual channel (VC).


(Optional) virtual path identifier (VPI) for this PVC. The absence of the "/" and a vpi value defaults the vpi value to 0. On the Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, this value ranges from 0 to 255. The vpi and vci arguments cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.


(Optional) virtual channel identifier (VCI) for this PVC. This value ranges from 0 to 1 less than the maximum value set for this interface by the atm vc-per-vp command. Typically, lower values 0 to 31 are reserved for specific traffic (F4 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM), switched virtual circuit (SVC) signalling, Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI), and so on) and should not be used.


Optional) Displays the service policy for a specified virtual path (VP).


(Optional) Displays session QoS Policy information.

uid [id]

Displays the session user identifier (uid) for a policy map based on the Subscriber Service Switch (SSS) unique identifier.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached input policy is displayed.


(Optional) Indicates that the statistics for the attached output policy is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Port filtering feature allows policing of packets going to closed or nonlistened TCP/UDP ports, while queue thresholding limits the number of packets for a specified protocol that is allowed in the control-plane IP input queue.


The following example shows sample output for the show policy-map type port-filter command.

Router# show policy-map type port-filter

Policy Map type port-filter p1
Policy Map type port-filter p4

Related Commands


show platform qos policy-map

Displays the type and number of policy maps that are configured on the router.

show policy-map

Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show protocol phdf

To display protocol information from a specific protocol header description file (PHDF), use the show protocol phdf command in privileged EXEC mode.

show protocol phdf protocol-name

Syntax Description


Loaded PHDF.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)ZY on the Catalyst 6500 series of switches equipped with the Programmable Intelligent Services Accelerator (PISA).


The following example shows how to define FPM traffic classes for slammer packets (UDP port 1434). The match criteria defined within the class maps is for slammer packets with an IP length not to exceed 404 bytes, UDP port 1434, and pattern 0x4011010 at 224 bytes from start of IP header. This example also shows how to define the service policy "fpm-policy" and apply it to the gigabitEthernet interface. Show commands have been issued to verify the FPM configuration. (Note that PHDFs are not displayed in show output because they are in XML format.)

Router(config)# load protocol disk2:ip.phdf
Router(config)# load protocol disk2:udp.phdf

Router(config)# class-map type stack match-all ip-udp
Router(config-cmap)# description "match UDP over IP packets"
Router(config-cmap)# match field ip protocol eq 0x11 next udp

Router(config)# class-map type access-control match-all slammer
Router(config-cmap)# description "match on slammer packets"
Router(config-cmap)# match field udp dest-port eq 0x59A
Router(config-cmap)# match field ip length eq 0x194
Router(config-cmap)# match start 13-start offset 224 size 4 eq 0x4011010

Router(config)# policy-map type access-control fpm-udp-policy
Router(config-pmap)# description "policy for UDP based attacks"
Router(config-pmap)# class slammer
Router(config-pmap-c)# drop

Router(config)# policy-map type access-control fpm-policy
Router(config-pmap)# description "drop worms and malicious attacks"
Router(config-pmap)# class ip-udp
Router(config-pmap-c)# service-policy fpm-udp-policy

Router(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 0/1
Router(config-if)# service-policy type access-control input fpm-policy

Router# show protocols phdf ip

Protocol ID: 1
Protocol name: IP
Description: Definition-for-the-IP-protocol
Original file name: disk2:ip.phdf
Header length: 20
Total number of fields: 12
Field id: 0, version, IP-version
Fixed offset. offset 0
Constant length. Length: 4
Field id: 1, ihl, IP-Header-Length
Fixed offset. offset 4
Constant length. Length: 4
Field id: 2, tos, IP-Type-of-Service
Fixed offset. offset 8
Constant length. Length: 8
Field id: 3, length, IP-Total-Length
Fixed offset. offset 16
Constant length. Length: 16
Field id: 4, identification, IP-Identification
Fixed offset. offset 32
Constant length. Length: 16
Field id: 5, flags, IP-Fragmentation-Flags
Fixed offset. offset 48
Constant length. Length: 3
Field id: 6, fragment-offset, IP-Fragmentation-Offset
Fixed offset. offset 51
Constant length. Length: 13
Field id: 7, ttl, Definition-for-the-IP-TTL
Fixed offset. offset 64
Constant length. Length: 8
Field id: 8, protocol, IP-Protocol
Fixed offset. offset 72
Constant length. Length: 8
Field id: 9, checksum, IP-Header-Checksum
Fixed offset. offset 80
Constant length. Length: 16
Field id: 10, source-addr, IP-Source-Address
Fixed offset. offset 96
Constant length. Length: 32
Field id: 11, dest-addr, IP-Destination-Address
Fixed offset. offset 128
Constant length. Length: 32

Router# show protocols phdf udp

Protocol ID: 3
Protocol name: UDP
Description: UDP-Protocol
Original file name: disk2:udp.phdf
Header length: 8
Total number of fields: 4
Field id: 0, source-port, UDP-Source-Port
Fixed offset. offset 0
Constant length. Length: 16
Field id: 1, dest-port, UDP-Destination-Port
Fixed offset. offset 16
Constant length. Length: 16
Field id: 2, length, UDP-Length
Fixed offset. offset 32
Constant length. Length: 16
Field id: 3, checksum, UDP-Checksum
Fixed offset. offset 48
Constant length. Length: 16

Related Commands


load protocol

Loads a PHDF onto a router.

show qbm client

To display quality of service (QoS) bandwidth manager (QBM) clients (applications) and their IDs, use the show qbm client command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show qbm client

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Releas 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show qbm client command to confirm that a subset of Cisco IOS software has registered with QBM.

A subset of Cisco IOS software becomes a client of QBM by calling a QBM registration application programming interface (API) and receiving an ID. If the subset has not registered, then it is not a client.


The following is sample output from the show qbm client command when RSVP aggregation is enabled:

Router# show qbm client

Client Name                              Client ID 
RSVP BW Admit                            1         
RSVP rfc3175 AggResv                     2 

Table 221 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 221 show qbm client command Field Descriptions 


Client Name

The name of the application.

RSVP BW Admit—The RSVP QBM client used for admitting bandwidth into QBM bandwidth pools.

RSVP rfc3175 AggResv—RSVP aggregation as defined in RFC 3175, Aggregation of RSVP for IPv4 and IPv6 Reservations.

This client is used to create and maintain QBM bandwidth pools for RSVP aggregate reservations.

Client ID

The identifier of the application. One client ID exists per client.

Related Commands


debug qbm

Enables debugging output for QBM options.

show qbm pool

Displays allocated QBM pools and associated objects.

show qbm pool

To display allocated quality of service (QoS) bandwidth manager (QBM) pools and identify the objects with which they are associated, use the show qbm pool command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show qbm pool [id pool-id]

Syntax Description

id pool-id

(Optional) Displays the identifier for a specified bandwidth pool that is performing admission control. The values must be between 0x0 and 0xffffffff; there is no default.

Command Default

If you enter the show qbm pool command without the optional keyword/argument combination, the command displays information for all configured QBM pools.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show qbm pool command to display information for all configured QBM pools or for a specified pool. If you enter a pool ID that does not exist, you receive an error message.

This command is useful for troubleshooting QBM operation.


The following sample output is from the show qbm pool command when RSVP aggregation is enabled:

Router# show qbm pool

Total number of pools allocated:  1

Pool ID 0x00000009
Associated object:  'RSVP 3175 AggResv>'
  Minimum:         300Kbps
  Oper Status:     OPERATIONAL
  Oper Minimum:    300Kbps
Used Bandwidth:  80Kbps

Table 221 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 222 show qbm pool command Field Descriptions 


Total number of pools allocated

The number of QBM pools configured.

Pool ID

The QBM pool identifier.

Associated object

The application (or client) associated with the QBM pool. This string is provided by the client and as a result, the client chooses the string, not QBM. For example, RSVP 3175 AggResv> means the QBM pool is associated with the RSVP aggregate reservation with source endpoint (aggregator) having IP address, destination endpoint (deaggregator) having IP address, and differentiated services code point (DSCP) expedited forwarding (EF).


The pool's minimum bandwidth guarantee. (Units may vary.)

Oper Status

Status of the application. Values are the following:

OPERATIONAL—Application is enabled.

NON-OPERATIONAL—Application is disabled.

Oper Minimum

Defines the minimum bandwidth guarantee that the pool is able to enforce. This value may differ from the pool's minimum bandwidth guarantee because of operational conditions. For example, if the pool is associated with an interface and the interface is down, its Oper Status is NON-OPERATIONAL, then the operational minimum is N/A.

Used Bandwidth

The bandwidth reserved by applications/clients using this pool. N/A displays instead of 0 when the pool's Oper Status is NON-OPERATIONAL.

The following sample output is from the show qbm pool command with a specified pool ID:

Router# show qbm pool id 0x000000006

Pool ID 0x00000009
Associated object:  'RSVP 3175 AggResv>'
  Minimum:         300Kbps
  Oper Status:     OPERATIONAL
  Oper Minimum:    300Kbps
Used Bandwidth:  80Kbps

See Table 221 for a description of the fields.

Related Commands


debug qbm

Enables debugging output for QBM options.

show qbm client

Displays registered QBM clients.

show qdm status

To display the status of the active Quality of Service Device Manager (QDM) clients that are connected to the router, use the show qdm status command in EXEC mode.

show qdm status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.


Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

The show qdm status command can be used on the Cisco 7600 series router.

The output of the show qdm status command includes the following information:

Number of connected clients

Client IDs

Version of the client software

IP addresses of the connected clients

Duration of the connection

Note QDM is not supported on Optical Service Module (OSM) interfaces.


The following example illustrates the show qdm status output when two QDM clients are connected to the router:

Router# show qdm status

Number of QDM Clients :2
QDM Client v1.0(0.13)-System_1 @ (id:30)
     connected since 09:22:36 UTC Wed Mar 15 2000
QDM Client v1.0(0.12)-System_2 @ (id:29)
     connected since 17:10:23 UTC Tue Mar 14 2000

Related Commands


disconnect qdm

Disconnects a QDM client.

show queue

Note Effective with Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6, Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S, and Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T, the show queue command is hidden. Although this command is still available in Cisco IOS software, the CLI interactive Help does not display it if you attempt to view it by entering a question mark at the command line.

This command will be completely removed in a future release, which means that you will need to use the appropriate replacement command (or sequence of commands). For more information (including a list of replacement commands), see the Legacy QoS Command Deprecation feature document in the Cisco IOS XE Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide or the Legacy QoS Command Deprecation feature document in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

Note Effective with Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S, the show queue command is replaced by a modular QoS CLI (MQC) command (or sequence of MQC commands). For the appropriate replacement command (or sequence of commands), see the Legacy QoS Command Deprecation feature document in the Cisco IOS XE Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

To display the contents of packets inside a queue for a particular interface or virtual circuit (VC), use the show queue command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show queue interface-name interface-number [queue-number] [vc [vpi/] vci]

Syntax Description


The name of the interface.


The number of the interface.


(Optional) The number of the queue. The queue number is a number from 1 to 16.


(Optional) For ATM interfaces only, shows the fair queueing configuration for a specified permanent virtual circuit (PVC). The name can be up to 16 characters long.


(Optional) ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) for this PVC. The absence of the "/" and a vpi value defaults the vpi value to 0.

On the Cisco 7200 and Cisco 7500 series routers, this value ranges from 0 to 255.

The vpi and vci arguments cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.

If this value is omitted, information for all VCs on the specified ATM interface or subinterface is displayed.


(Optional) ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) for this PVC. This value ranges from 0 to 1 less than the maximum value set for this interface by the atm vc-per-vp command. Typically, lower values 0 to 31 are reserved for specific traffic (F4 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM), switched virtual circuit (SVC) signalling, Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI), and so on) and should not be used.

The VCI is a 16-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VCI value is unique only on a single link, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only.

The vpi and vci arguments cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T, but without support for hierarchical queueing framework (HQF). See the "Usage Guidelines" for additional information.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was modified. This command was hidden.


This command was modified. This command was hidden.


This command was modified. This command was hidden.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S

This command was replaced by an MQC command (or sequence of MQC commands).

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the contents of packets inside a queue for a particular interface or VC.

This command does not support VIP-distributed Weighted Random Early Detection WRED (DWRED). You can use the vc keyword and the show queue command arguments to display output for a PVC only on Enhanced ATM port adapters (PA-A3) that support per-VC queueing.

This command does not support HQF. Use the show policy-map and the show policy-map interface commands to gather HQF information and statistics.


The following examples show sample output when the show queue command is entered and either weighted fair queueing (WFQ), WRED, or flow-based WRED are configured.

WFQ Example

The following is sample output from the show queue command for PVC 33 on the atm2/0.33 ATM subinterface. Two conversations are active on this interface. WFQ ensures that both data streams receive equal bandwidth on the interface while they have messages in the pipeline.

Router# show queue atm2/0.33 vc 33

Interface ATM2/0.33 VC 0/33
  Queueing strategy: weighted fair
  Total output drops per VC: 18149
  Output queue: 57/512/64/18149 (size/max total/threshold/drops)
     Conversations  2/2/256 (active/max active/max total)
     Reserved Conversations 3/3 (allocated/max allocated)

  (depth/weight/discards/tail drops/interleaves) 29/4096/7908/0/0
  Conversation 264, linktype: ip, length: 254
  source:, destination:, id: 0x0000, ttl: 59,
  TOS: 0 prot: 17, source port 1, destination port 1

  (depth/weight/discards/tail drops/interleaves) 28/4096/10369/0/0
  Conversation 265, linktype: ip, length: 254
  source:, destination:, id: 0x0000, ttl: 59,
  TOS: 32 prot: 17, source port 1, destination port 2

Table 223 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 223 show queue Field Descriptions for WFQ 


Queueing strategy

Type of queueing active on this interface.

Total output drops per VC

Total output packet drops.

Output queue

Output queue size, in packets. Max total defines the aggregate queue size of all the WFQ flows. Threshold is the individual queue size of each conversation. Drops are the dropped packets from all the conversations in WFQ.


WFQ conversation number. A conversation becomes inactive or times out when its queue is empty. Each traffic flow in WFQ is based on a queue and represented by a conversation. Max active is the number of active conversations that have occurred since the queueing feature was configured. Max total is the number of conversations allowed simultaneously.

Reserved Conversations

Traffic flows not captured by WFQ, such as class-based weighted fair queueing (CBWFQ) configured by the bandwidth command or a Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) flow, have a separate queue that is represented by a reserved conversation. Allocated is the current number of reserved conversations. Max allocated is the maximum number of allocated reserved conversations that have occurred.


Queue depth for the conversation, in packets.


Weight used in WFQ.


Number of packets dropped from the conversation's queue.

tail drops

Number of packets dropped from the conversation when the queue is at capacity.


Number of packets interleaved.


Protocol name.


Packet length.


Source IP address.


Destination IP address.


Packet ID.


Time to live count.


IP type of service.


Layer 4 protocol number.

Flow-Based WRED Example

The following is sample output from the show queue command issued for serial interface 1 on which flow-based WRED is configured. The output shows information for each packet in the queue; the data identifies the packet by number, the flow-based queue to which the packet belongs, the protocol used, and so forth.

Router# show queue Serial1

   Output queue for Serial1 is 2/0
   Packet 1, flow id:160, linktype:ip, length:118, flags:0x88
     source:, destination:, id:0x0000, ttl:59,
     TOS:32 prot:17, source port 1, destination port 515
       data:0x0001 0x0203 0x0405 0x0607 0x0809 0x0A0B 0x0C0D 
             0x0E0F 0x1011 0x1213 0x1415 0x1617 0x1819 0x1A1B 
   Packet 2, flow id:161, linktype:ip, length:118, flags:0x88
     source:, destination:, id:0x0000, ttl:59,
     TOS:64 prot:17, source port 1, destination port 515
       data:0x0001 0x0203 0x0405 0x0607 0x0809 0x0A0B 0x0C0D 
             0x0E0F 0x1011 0x1213 0x1415 0x1617 0x1819 0x1A1B 

Table 224 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 224 show queue Field Descriptions for Flow-Based WRED 



Packet number.

flow id

Flow-based WRED number.


Protocol name.


Packet length.


Internal version-specific flags.


Source IP address.


Destination IP address.


Packet ID.


Time to live count.


Layer 4 protocol number.


Packet data.

WRED Example

The following is sample output from the show queue command issued for serial interface 3 on which WRED is configured. The output has been truncated to show only 2 of the 24 packets.

Router# show queue Serial3

   Output queue for Serial3 is 24/0
   Packet 1, linktype:ip, length:118, flags:0x88
     source:, destination:, id:0x0000, ttl:59,
     TOS:192 prot:17, source port 1, destination port 515
       data:0x0001 0x0203 0x0405 0x0607 0x0809 0x0A0B 0x0C0D 
             0x0E0F 0x1011 0x1213 0x1415 0x1617 0x1819 0x1A1B 
   Packet 2, linktype:ip, length:118, flags:0x88
     source:, destination:, id:0x0000, ttl:59,
     TOS:224 prot:17, source port 1, destination port 515
       data:0x0001 0x0203 0x0405 0x0607 0x0809 0x0A0B 0x0C0D 
             0x0E0F 0x1011 0x1213 0x1415 0x1617 0x1819 0x1A1B 

Related Commands


atm vc-per-vp

Sets the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI.


Assigns a custom queue list to an interface.

fair-queue (class-default)

Specifies the number of dynamic queues to be reserved for use by the class-default class as part of the default class policy.

fair-queue (WFQ)

Enables WFQ for an interface.


Assigns the specified priority list to an interface.

random-detect (interface)

Enables WRED or DWRED.

random-detect flow

Enables flow-based WRED.

show frame-relay pvc

Displays information and statistics about WFQ for a VIP-based interface.

show queueing

Lists all or selected configured queueing strategies.

show queueing

Note Effective with Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6, Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S, and Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T, the show queueing command is hidden. Although this command is still available in Cisco IOS software, the CLI interactive Help does not display it if you attempt to view it by entering a question mark at the command line.

This command will be completely removed in a future release, which means that you will need to use the appropriate replacement command (or sequence of commands). For more information (including a list of replacement commands), see the Legacy QoS Command Deprecation feature document in the Cisco IOS XE Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide or the Legacy QoS Command Deprecation feature document in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

Note Effective with Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S, the show queueing command is replaced by a modular QoS CLI (MQC) command (or sequence of MQC commands). For the appropriate replacement command (or sequence of commands), see the Legacy QoS Command Deprecation feature document in the Cisco IOS XE Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

To list all or selected configured queueing strategies, use the show queueing command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show queueing [custom | fair | priority | random-detect [interface atm-subinterface [vc [[vpi/vci]]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Status of the custom queueing list configuration.


(Optional) Status of the fair queueing configuration.


(Optional) Status of the priority queueing list configuration.


(Optional) Status of the Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) and distributed WRED (DWRED) configuration, including configuration of flow-based WRED.

interface atm-subinterface

(Optional) Displays the WRED parameters of every virtual circuit (VC) with WRED enabled on the specified ATM subinterface.


(Optional) Displays the WRED parameters associated with a specific VC. If desired, both the virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual circuit identifier (VCI) values, or just the VCI value, can be specified.


(Optional) Specifies the VPI. If the vpi argument is omitted, 0 is used as the VPI value for locating the permanent virtual circuit (PVC). If the vpi argument is specified, the / separator is required.


(Optional) Specifies the VCI.

Command Default

If no optional keyword is entered, this command shows the configuration of all interfaces.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T. The red keyword was changed to random-detect.


This command was modified. This command was modified to include information about the Frame Relay PVC Interface Priority Queueing (FR PIPQ) feature.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(24)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXF2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was modified. This command was hidden.


This command was modified. This command was hidden.


This command was modified. This command was hidden.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S

This command was replaced by an MQC command (or sequence of MQC commands).

Usage Guidelines

This command does not support HQF. Use the show policy-map and the show policy-map interface commands to gather HQF information and statistics.


This section provides sample output from show queueing commands. Depending upon the interface or platform in use and the options enabled, the output that you see may vary slightly from the examples shown below.

FR PIPQ: Example

Weighted Fair Queueing: Example

Custom Queueing: Example

Flow-Based WRED: Example

DWRED: Example

FR PIPQ: Example

The following sample output shows that FR PIPQ (referred to as "DLCI priority queue") is configured on serial interface 0. The output also shows the size of the four data-link connection identifier (DLCI) priority queues.

Router# show queueing

Current fair queue configuration:

  Interface           Discard     Dynamic      Reserved
                      threshold   queue count  queue count  
  Serial3/1           64          256          0
  Serial3/3           64          256          0

Current DLCI priority queue configuration: 

  Interface           High    Medium  Normal  Low 
                      limit   limit   limit   limit 
  Serial0             20      40      60      80 

Current priority queue configuration:

List   Queue  Args  
1      low    protocol ipx
1      normal protocol vines
1      normal protocol appletalk
1      normal protocol ip  
1      normal protocol decnet
1      normal protocol decnet_node
1      normal protocol decnet_rout
1      normal protocol decnet_rout
1      medium protocol xns
1      high   protocol clns
1      normal protocol bridge
1      normal protocol arp
Current custom queue configuration:
Current random-detect configuration:

Weighted Fair Queueing: Example

The following is sample output from the show queueing command. There are two active conversations in serial interface 0. Weighted fair queueing (WFQ) ensures that both of these IP data streams—both using TCP—receive equal bandwidth on the interface while they have messages in the pipeline, even though more FTP data is in the queue than remote-procedure call (RCP) data.

Router# show queueing

Current fair queue configuration:
Interface           Discard     Dynamic      Reserved
                    threshold   queue count  queue count
  Serial0             64          256          0    
  Serial1             64          256          0    
  Serial2             64          256          0    
  Serial3             64          256          0    

Current priority queue configuration:
List   Queue  Args
1      high   protocol cdp         
2      medium interface Ethernet1  

Current custom queue configuration:

Current random-detect configuration:
    Queueing strategy:random early detection (WRED)
    Exp-weight-constant:9 (1/512)
    Mean queue depth:40

    Class   Random       Tail    Minimum    Maximum     Mark 
              drop       drop  threshold  threshold  probability 
      0       1401       9066        20         40      1/10 
      1          0          0        22         40      1/10 
      2          0          0        24         40      1/10 
      3          0          0        26         40      1/10 
      4          0          0        28         40      1/10 
      5          0          0        31         40      1/10 
      6          0          0        33         40      1/10 
      7          0          0        35         40      1/10 
      rsvp       0          0        37         40      1/10

Custom Queueing: Example

The following is sample output from the show queueing custom command:

Router# show queueing custom

Current custom queue configuration:
List   Queue  Args
3      10     default
3      3      interface Tunnel3
3      3      protocol ip
3      3      byte-count 444 limit 3

Flow-Based WRED: Example

The following is sample output from the show queueing random-detect command. The output shows that the interface is configured for flow-based WRED to ensure fair packet drop among flows. The random-detect flow average-depth-factor command was used to configure a scaling factor of 8 for this interface. The scaling factor is used to scale the number of buffers available per flow and to determine the number of packets allowed in the output queue of each active flow before the queue is susceptible to packet drop. The maximum flow count for this interface was set to 16 by the random-detect flow count command.

Router# show queueing random-detect

    Current random-detect configuration:
        Queueing strategy:random early detection (WRED)
        Exp-weight-constant:9 (1/512)
        Mean queue depth:29
        Max flow count:16       Average depth factor:8
        Flows (active/max active/max):39/40/16
        Class   Random       Tail    Minimum    Maximum     Mark
                  drop       drop  threshold  threshold  probability
          0         31          0         20         40     1/10
          1         33          0         22         40     1/10
          2         18          0         24         40     1/10
          3         14          0         26         40     1/10
          4         10          0         28         40     1/10
          5          0          0         31         40     1/10
          6          0          0         33         40     1/10
          7          0          0         35         40     1/10
         rsvp        0          0         37         40     1/10

DWRED: Example

The following is sample output from the show queueing random-detect command for DWRED:

    Current random-detect configuration:
        Queueing strategy:random early detection (WRED)
        Exp-weight-constant:9 (1/512)
        Mean queue depth:29
        Max flow count:16       Average depth factor:8
        Flows (active/max active/max):39/40/16
        Class   Random       Tail    Minimum    Maximum     Mark
                  drop       drop  threshold  threshold  probability
          0         31          0         20         40     1/10
          1         33          0         22         40     1/10
          2         18          0         24         40     1/10
          3         14          0         26         40     1/10
          4         10          0         28         40     1/10
          5          0          0         31         40     1/10
          6          0          0         33         40     1/10
          7          0          0         35         40     1/10
         rsvp        0          0         37         40     1/10

Current random-detect configuration:
    Queueing strategy:fifo
    Packet drop strategy:VIP-based random early detection (DWRED)
    Exp-weight-constant:9 (1/512)
    Mean queue depth:0
    Queue size:0       Maximum available buffers:6308
    Output packets:5  WRED drops:0  No buffer:0

    Class   Random       Tail    Minimum    Maximum     Mark       Output
              drop       drop  threshold  threshold  probability  Packets
      0          0          0       109        218      1/10            5
      1          0          0       122        218      1/10            0
      2          0          0       135        218      1/10            0
      3          0          0       148        218      1/10            0
      4          0          0       161        218      1/10            0
      5          0          0       174        218      1/10            0
      6          0          0       187        218      1/10            0
      7          0          0       200        218      1/10            0

Table 225 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 225 show queueing Field Descriptions 


Discard threshold

Number of messages allowed in each queue.

Dynamic queue count

Number of dynamic queues used for best-effort conversations.

Reserved queue count

Number of reservable queues used for reserved conversations.

High limit

High DLCI priority queue size in maximum number of packets.

Medium limit

Medium DLCI priority queue size, in maximum number of packets.

Normal limit

Normal DLCI priority queue size, in maximum number of packets.

Low limit

Low DLCI priority queue size, in maximum number of packets.


Custom queueing—Number of the queue list.

Priority queueing—Number of the priority list.


Custom queueing—Number of the queue.

Priority queueing—Priority queue level (high, medium, normal, or low keyword).


Packet matching criteria for that queue.


Exponential weight factor.

Mean queue depth

Average queue depth. It is calculated based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant. It is a moving average. The minimum and maximum thresholds are compared against this value to determine drop decisions.


IP Precedence value.

Random drop

Number of packets randomly dropped when the mean queue depth is between the minimum threshold value and the maximum threshold value for the specified IP Precedence value.

Tail drop

Number of packets dropped when the mean queue depth is greater than the maximum threshold value for the specified IP Precedence value.

Minimum threshold

Minimum WRED threshold, in number of packets.

Maximum threshold

Maximum WRED threshold, in number of packets.

Mark probability

Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

Related Commands



Assigns a custom queue list to an interface.


Configures the exponential weight factor for the average queue size calculation for a WRED parameter group.

fair-queue (WFQ)

Enables WFQ for an interface.

frame-relay interface-queue priority

Enables the FR PIPQ feature.

precedence (WRED group)

Configures a WRED group for a particular IP Precedence.


Assigns the specified priority list to an interface.

priority-list interface

Establishes queueing priorities on packets entering from a given interface.

priority-list queue-limit

Specifies the maximum number of packets that can be waiting in each of the priority queues.

queue-list interface

Establishes queueing priorities on packets entering on an interface.

queue-list queue byte-count

Specifies how many bytes the system allows to be delivered from a given queue during a particular cycle.

random-detect (interface)

Enables WRED or DWRED.

random-detect flow average-depth-factor

Sets the multiplier to be used in determining the average depth factor for a flow when flow-based WRED is enabled.

random-detect flow count

Sets the flow count for flow-based WRED.

show interfaces

Displays the statistical information specific to a serial interface.

show queue

Displays the contents of packets inside a queue for a particular interface or VC.

show queueing interface

Displays the queueing statistics of an interface or VC.

show queueing interface

To display the queueing statistics of an interface, use the show queueing interface command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show queueing interface type number [vc [[vpi/] vci]]

Catalyst 6500 Series Switches

show queueing interface {type number | null 0 | vlan vlan-id} [detailed]

Cisco 7600 Series Routers

show queueing interface {type number | null 0 | vlan vlan-id}

Syntax Description

type number

Interface type and interface number.

For Cisco 7600 series routers, the valid interface types are ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, tengigabitethernet, pos, atm, and ge-wan.

For Cisco 7600 series routers, the interface number is the module and port number. See the "Usage Guidelines" section for more information.


(Optional) Shows the weighted fair queueing (WFQ) and Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) parameters associated with a specific virtual circuit (VC). If desired, both the virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI) values, or just the VCI value, can be specified.


(Optional) The VPI. If the vpi argument is omitted, 0 is used as the VPI value for locating the permanent virtual circuit (PVC). If the vpi argument is specified, the / separator is required.


(Optional) The VCI.

null 0

Specifies the null interface number; the only valid value is 0.

vlan vlan-id

Specifies the VLAN identification number; valid values are from 1 to 4094.


(Optional) Displays the detailed statistics information per policy class.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Cisco 7600 Series Routers

User EXEC (>)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 2 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The detailed keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco 7600 Series Routers

The pos, atm, and ge-wan interfaces are supported on Cisco 7600 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 2 only.

The type number argument used with the interface keyword designates the module and port number. Valid values depend on the specified interface type and the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you specify a Gigabit Ethernet interface and have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 1 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.

The show queueing interface command does not display the absolute values that are programmed in the hardware. Use the show qm-sp port-data command to verify the values that are programmed in the hardware.

Catalyst 6500 Series Switches

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI and later releases, the optional detailed keyword is available. The show queueing interface detailed command output includes the following information:

Display of the last 30-second counters.

Display of the peak 30-second counters over the last 5 minutes.

Display of the 5-minute average and peak bps rates.

The peak rates are monitored with 10-second resolution. Releases prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI were monitored at 30-second resolution.


The following is sample output from the show queueing interface command. In this example, WRED is the queueing strategy in use. The output varies according to queueing strategy in use.

Router# show queueing interface atm 2/0

  Interface ATM2/0 VC 201/201 
  Queueing strategy:random early detection (WRED)
    Exp-weight-constant:9 (1/512)
    Mean queue depth:49
    Total output drops per VC:759

    Class   Random       Tail    Minimum    Maximum     Mark
              drop       drop  threshold  threshold  probability
      0        165         26         30         50     1/10
      1        167         12         32         50     1/10
      2        173         14         34         50     1/10
      3        177         25         36         50     1/10
      4          0          0         38         50     1/10
      5          0          0         40         50     1/10
      6          0          0         42         50     1/10
      7          0          0         44         50     1/10
     rsvp        0          0         46         50     1/10

Table 226 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 226 show queueing interface Field Descriptions 


Queueing strategy

Name of the queueing strategy in use (for example, WRED).


Exponential weight constant. Exponent used in the average queue size calculation for a WRED parameter group.

Mean queue depth

Average queue depth based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant. It is a fluctuating average. The minimum and maximum thresholds are compared against this value to determine drop decisions.


IP precedence level.

Random drop

Number of packets randomly dropped when the mean queue depth is between the minimum threshold value and the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level.

Tail drop

Number of packets dropped when the mean queue depth is greater than the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence level.

Minimum threshold

Minimum WRED threshold in packets.

Maximum threshold

Maximum WRED threshold in packets.

Mark probability

Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.

The following is sample output from the show queueing interface command in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI and later releases:

Router# show queueing interface gigabitethernet 3/27 detailed 
  Packets dropped on Transmit:
    BPDU packets:  0

    queue  Total pkts   30-s pkts / peak   5 min average/peak pps   [cos-map]
    1      443340       55523 / 66671      3334 / 44455             [0 1 ]
    1      7778888      555555 / 666666    233333 / 340000          [2 3 ]
    2      0            0 / 0              0 / 0                    [4 5 ]
    2      0            0 / 0              0 / 0                    [6 7 ]

Table 227 describes the significant fields added when you enter the detailed keyword.

Table 227 show queueing interface detailed Field Descriptions 


Packets dropped on Transmit

Displays information regarding the packets dropped in transmission.

BPDU packets

Number of Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) packets.


Queue number.

Total pkts

Display of the last 30-second counters.

30-s pkts / peak

Display of the peak 30-second counters over the last 5 minutes.

5 min average/peak pps

Display of the 5-minute average and peak rates in packets per second (pps).


Class of service (CoS) mapping.

Related Commands


Assigns a custom queue list to an interface.

fair-queue (class-default)

Specifies the number of dynamic queues to be reserved for use by the class-default class as part of the default class policy.

fair-queue (WFQ)

Enables WFQ for an interface.


Assigns the specified priority list to an interface.

random-detect flow

Enables flow-based WRED.

random-detect (interface)

Enables WRED or DWRED.

random-detect (per VC)

Enables per-VC WRED or per-VC DWRED.

show frame-relay pvc

Displays information and statistics about WFQ for a VIP-based interface.

show policy-map interface

Displays the configuration of all classes configured for all service policies on the specified interface or displays the classes for the service policy for a specific PVC on the interface.

show qm-sp port-data

Displays information about the QoS manager switch processor.

show queueing

Lists all or selected configured queueing strategies.

show random-detect-group

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S and Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)T, the show random-detect-group command is hidden. Although this command is still available in Cisco IOS software, the CLI interactive Help does not display it if you attempt to view it by entering a question mark at the command line.

This command will be completely removed in a future release, which means that you will need to use the appropriate replacement command (or sequence of commands). For more information (including a list of replacement commands), see the Legacy QoS Command Deprecation feature document in the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.

To display the Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) or distributed WRED (DWRED) parameter group, use the show random-detect-group command in privileged EXEC mode.

show random-detect-group [group-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name for the WRED or DWRED parameter group.

Command Default

No WRED or DWRED parameter group is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.4(22)T.


This command was integrated in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.


This command was modified. This command was hidden.


This command was modified. This command was hidden.

Usage Guidelines

WRED is a congestion avoidance mechanism that slows traffic by randomly dropping packets when there is congestion. DWRED is similar to WRED but uses the Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) instead of the Route Switch Processor (RSP). WRED and DWRED are most useful when the traffic uses protocols such as TCP that respond to dropped packets by decreasing the transmission rate.


The following example displays the current settings of the DWRED group called group-name:

Router# show random-detect-group group-name

exponential weight 9
class    min-threshold    max-threshold    mark-probablity

0          -                  -                1/10
1           1                 2000             1/30
2           1                 3000             1/40
3           1                 4000             1/50
4           1                 3000             1/60
5           1                 3000             1/60
6           1                 4000             1/60
7           1                 4000             1/60
rsvp        1                  1               1/10

Table 228 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 228 show random-detect group Field Descriptions 


exponential weight

Exponential weight factor for the average queue size calculation for a WRED parameter group.


Policy map class name.


Minimum threshold in number of packets. The value range of this argument is from 1 to 4096. When the average queue length reaches the minimum threshold, WRED randomly drops some packets with the specified IP Precedence.


Maximum threshold in number of packets. The value range of this argument is from the value of the min-threshold argument to 4096. When the average queue length exceeds the maximum threshold, WRED drops all packets with the specified IP Precedence.


Denominator for the fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the minimum threshold. For example, if the denominator is 512, 1 out of every 512 packets is dropped when the average queue is at the minimum threshold. The value range is from 1 to 65536. The default is 10; 1 out of every 10 packets is dropped at the minimum threshold.


Indicates Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) traffic.

Related Commands



Changes the minimum and maximum packet thresholds for the DSCP value.


Configures the exponential weight factor for the average queue size calculation for a WRED parameter group.

precedence (WRED group)

Configures a WRED group for a particular IP Precedence.


Defines the WRED or DWRED parameter group.

show queueing

Lists all or selected configured queueing strategies.

show queueing interface

Displays the queueing statistics of an interface or VC.

show running-config service-group

To display the running configuration of one or all service groups, use the show running-config service-group command in privileged EXEC mode.

show running-config service-group [service-group-identifier]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Service-group number. Enter the service-group number.

Command Default

If a service-group number is not specified, information about all service groups is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display information about all the running service groups:

Router# show running-config service-group

Building configuration...

Current configuration:
service-group 1
service-group 2
service-group 3
 service-policy output test
service-group 4
service-group 5
 service-policy output test

This example shows how to display information about a specific running service group. In the example below, service group 700 has been specified.

Router# show running-config service-group 700

Building configuration...

Current configuration:
service-group 700
 service-policy output test

Table 213 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 229 show running-config service-group Field Descriptions 



Indicates the service-group number.

service-policy output

Indicates the output policy attached to the service group.

show service-group

To display service-group information for a specific service group or for all service groups, use the show service-group command in privileged EXEC mode.

show service-group {service-group-identifier | all} [detail]

Syntax Description


Service-group number. Enter the number of the service group that you want to display.


Displays information for all service groups.


(Optional) Displays detailed information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show service-group command to display information such as statistics about memberships and interfaces, as well as information about policy maps and member identification numbers.


The following is sample output from the show service-group command. This example displays statistics for service group 1:

Router# show service-group 1      

Service Group 1:
  Number of members:                      2
  State:                                  Up
  Interface:                              GigabitEthernet2/0/0
    Number of members:                    2

The following is sample output of the show service-group command with the detail keyword specified. This example displays detailed statistics for service group 1:

Router# show service-group 1 detail

Service Group 1:
  Description: Test service group.                                    
  Number of members:                      2
      Service Instance                    2
  State:                                  Up
  Features configured:                    QoS
  Input service policy:                   in1
  Output service policy:                  out1
  Number of Interfaces:                   1
  Interface:                              GigabitEthernet2/0/0
    Number of members:                    2
    Service Instance ID:

Table 213 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 230 show service-group Field Descriptions 


Service Group 1

Service group number.

Number of members

Number of members in the service group. Also includes service instance numbers.


Indicates the administrative state of the service group.

Note For Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE, the administrative state is always "Up" and cannot be modified.


Interface to which the service group is attached, along with the number of members, as applicable.

Table 231 describes the significant fields shown in the display when the detail keyword is specified.

Table 231 show service-group detail Field Descriptions 


Service Group

Service-group number.


Service-group description.

Number of members

Number of members in the service group. Also includes service instance numbers.


Indicates the administrative state of the service group.

Note For Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE, the administrative state is always "Up" and cannot be modified.

Features configured

Features configured in the service group.

Note For Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE, the only feature supported on the Cisco 7600 series router is Quality of Service (QoS).

Input service policy

Name of the input service policy.

Output service policy

Name of the output service policy.

Number of Interfaces

Number of interfaces.


Name of the interface, number of members in the service group, and service instance number(s), as applicable.

show service-group interface

To display service-group membership information by interface, use the show service-group interface command in privileged EXEC mode.

show service-group interface type number [group service-group-identifier] [detail]

Syntax Description


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Interface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Displays service-group information.


(Optional) Service-group number. Enter the number of the service group that you want to display.


(Optional) Displays detailed statistics for all groups.

Command Default

If an interface is not specified, service-group information about all interfaces is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display service-group membership information for Gigabit Ethernet interface 3/1:

Router# show service-group interface gigabitethernet 3/1 

Interface GigabitEthernet3/1:
  Number of groups:                       3

This example shows how to display service-group detailed membership information for Gigabit 
Ethernet interface 3/1:

Router# show service-group interface gigabitethernet 3/1 detail 

Interface GigabitEthernet3/1:
  Number of groups:                       3
Service Group 1:
  Number of members:                      3000
    Service Instance ID:
       . . .

This example shows how to display detailed membership information for Gigabit Ethernet interface 
3/1 service group 10:

Router# show service-group interface gigabitethernet 3/1 group 10 detail 

Service Group 10:
 Number of members:                      3
  Service Instance ID:

Table 213 describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 232 show service-group interface service group Field Descriptions 



Interface type and number.

Number of groups

Number of groups.

Service Group

Service-group number.

Number of members

Number of members in the service group.

Service Instance ID

Service-instance identifier.

show service-group state

To display state information about one or all service groups, use the show service-group state command in privileged EXEC mode.

show service-group state [group service-group-identifier]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays service-group state statistics.


(Optional) Service-group number. Enter the number of the service group that you want to display.

Command Default

If a service-group number is not specified, information about all service groups is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show service-group state command. In this example, state infomation about all the service groups is displayed. The fields are self-explanatory.

Note For Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE, the state is always "Up" and cannot be modified.

Router# show service-group state 
    Group      State
      1         Up
      2         Up
      3         Up
     10         Up
     20         Up

show service-group stats

To display service-group statistical information, use the show service-group stats command in privileged EXEC mode.

show service-group stats [errors | group service-group-identifier | interface type number | module slot]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays service-group errors.


(Optional) Displays service-group statistics.


(Optional) Service-group number. Enter the number of the service group that you want to display.


(Optional) Displays statistics for the specified interface.


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.

number </