clear ip route dhcp through ip arp entry learn

clear ip route dhcp

To remove routes from the routing table added by the Cisco IOS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and relay agent for the DHCP clients on unnumbered interfaces, use the clear ip route dhcp command in EXEC mode.

clear ip route [vrf vrf-name] dhcp [ip-address]

Syntax Description


(Optional) VPN routing and forwarding instance (VRF).


(Optional) Name of the VRF.


(Optional) Address about which routing information should be removed.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

To remove information about global routes in the routing table, use the clear ip route dhcp command. To remove routes in the VRF routing table, use the clear ip route vrf vrf-name dhcp command.


The following example removes a route to network from the routing table:

Router# clear ip route dhcp

clear ip snat sessions

To clear dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation (SNAT) sessions from the translation table, use the clear ip snat sessions command in EXEC mode.

clear ip snat sessions * [ip-address-peer]

Syntax Description


Removes all dynamic entries.


(Optional) Removes SNAT entries of the peer translator.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear entries from the translation table before they time out.


The following example shows the SNAT entries before and after using the clear ip snat sessions command:

Router> show ip snat distributed
    :State READY
    :Local Address
    :Local NAT id 100
    :Peer Address
    :Peer NAT id 200
    :Mapping List 10
Router> clear ip snat sessions *
Closing TCP session to peer:
Router> show ip snat distributed

clear ip snat translation distributed

To clear dynamic Stateful Network Address Translation (SNAT) translations from the translation table, use the clear ip snat translation distributed command in EXEC mode.

clear ip snat translation distributed *

Syntax Description


Removes all dynamic SNAT entries.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear entries from the translation table before they time out.


The following example clears all dynamic SNAT translations from the translation table:

Router# clear ip snat translation distributed *

clear ip snat translation peer

To clear peer Stateful Network Address Translation (SNAT) translations from the translation table, use the clear ip snat translation peer command in EXEC mode.

clear ip snat translation peer ip-address-peer [refresh]

Syntax Description


IP address of the peer translator.


(Optional) Provides a fresh dump of the NAT table from the peer.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear peer entries from the translation table before they time out.


The following example shows the SNAT entries before and after the peer entry is cleared:

Router# show ip snat peer 
Pro Inside global      Inside local       Outside local      Outside global
---     ---                ---
Router# clear ip snat translation peer

clear ip dhcp snooping database statistics

To clear the DHCP binding database statistics, use the clear ip dhcp snooping database statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ip dhcp snooping database statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This example shows how to clear the statistics from the DHCP binding database:

Router# clear ip dhcp snooping database statistics

clear ip translation peer

To clear or reset the Network Address Translation (NAT) entries created by the Stateful Failover of Network Address Translation (SNAT) peer router and retreive a list of NAT entries, use the clear ip translation peer command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ip translation peer ip-address refresh

Syntax Description


IP address of the SNAT peer router.


Retrieves a list of NAT entries from the SNAT peer router.

Command Default

The NAT entries created by the SNAT peer router are recorded.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


The following example shows how to retrieve a list of NAT entries and clear the NAT entries created by the SNAT peer router:

Router# clear ip translation peer refresh

clear ipv6 dhcp

To clear IPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) information, use the clear ipv6 dhcp command in privileged EXEC mode:

clear ipv6 dhcp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The clear ipv6 dhcp command deletes DHCP for IPv6 information.


The following example :

Router# clear ipv6 dhcp

clear ipv6 dhcp binding

To delete automatic client bindings from the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv6 server binding table, use the clear ipv6 dhcp binding command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 dhcp binding [ipv6-address] [vrf vrf-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The address of a DHCP for IPv6 client.

This argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) configuration.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. It was updated to allow for clearing all address bindings associated with a client.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXE.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M.

Usage Guidelines

The clear ipv6 dhcp binding command is used as a server function.

A binding table entry on the DHCP for IPv6 server is automatically:

  • Created whenever a prefix is delegated to a client from the configuration pool.

  • Updated when the client renews, rebinds, or confirms the prefix delegation.

  • Deleted when the client releases all the prefixes in the binding voluntarily, all prefixes’ valid lifetimes have expired, or an administrator runs the clear ipv6 dhcp binding command.

If the clear ipv6 dhcp binding command is used with the optional ipv6-address argument specified, only the binding for the specified client is deleted. If the clear ipv6 dhcp binding command is used without the ipv6-address argument, then all automatic client bindings are deleted from the DHCP for IPv6 binding table. If the optional vrf vrf-name keyword and argument combination is used, only the bindings for the specified VRF are cleared.


The following example deletes all automatic client bindings from the DHCP for IPv6 server binding table:

Router# clear ipv6 dhcp binding

clear ipv6 dhcp client

To restart the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv6 client on an interface, use the clear ipv6 dhcp client command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 dhcp client interface-type interface-number

Syntax Description

interface-type interface-number

Interface type and number. For more information, use the question mark (? ) online help function.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers.


This command was modified. It was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXE.

Usage Guidelines

The clear ipv6 dhcp client command restarts the DHCP for IPv6 client on specified interface after first releasing and unconfiguring previously acquired prefixes and other configuration options (for example, Domain Name System [DNS] servers).


The following example restarts the DHCP for IPv6 client for Ethernet interface 1/0:

Router# clear ipv6 dhcp client Ethernet 1/0

clear ipv6 dhcp conflict

To clear an address conflict from the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) server database, use the clear ipv6 dhcp conflict command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 dhcp conflict {* | ipv6-address | vrf vrf-name}

Syntax Description


Clears all address conflicts.


Clears the host IPv6 address that contains the conflicting address.

vrf vrf-name

Specifies a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) name.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M.

Usage Guidelines

When you configure the DHCPv6 server to detect conflicts, it uses ping. The client uses neighbor discovery to detect clients and reports to the server through a DECLINE message. If an address conflict is detected, the address is removed from the pool, and the address is not assigned until the administrator removes the address from the conflict list.

If you use the asterisk (*) character as the address parameter, DHCP clears all conflicts.

If the vrf vrf-name keyword and argument are specified, only the address conflicts that belong to the specified VRF will be cleared.


The following example shows how to clear all address conflicts from the DHCPv6 server database:

Router# clear ipv6 dhcp conflict *

clear ipv6 dhcp-ldra statistics

To clear Lightweight DHCPv6 Relay Agent (LDRA) related statistics, use the clear ipv6 dhcp-ldra statistics command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 dhcp-ldra statistics [ interface-type number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Interface number.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4SG.

Usage Guidelines

The following interfaces are allowed and can be used for the interface-type argument:

  • FastEthernet

  • GigabitEthernet

  • Loopback

  • Lspvif

  • null

  • Port-channel

  • TenGigabitEthernet

  • Tunnel


The following clears LDRA-related statistics for the GigabitEthernet 0/1 interface:

Device> enable
Device# clear ipv6 dhcp-ldra statistics GigabitEthernet 0/1
Device# exit

clear ipv6 dhcp relay binding

To clear an IPv6 address or IPv6 prefix of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv6 relay binding, use the clear ipv6 dhcp relay binding command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 dhcp relay binding {vrf vrf-name} {* | ipv6-address | ipv6-prefix}

Cisco uBR10012 and Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Devices

clear ipv6 dhcp relay binding {vrf vrf-name} {* | ipv6-prefix}

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

Specifies a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) configuration.


Clears all DHCPv6 relay bindings.


DHCPv6 address.


IPv6 prefix.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword-argument pair was added.


The command was modified to delete the binding or route for IPv6 addresses.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

The command was modified to delete the binding or route for IPv6 addresses.


This command was implemented on Cisco uBR10012 and Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband devices.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M.

Usage Guidelines

The clear ipv6 dhcp relay binding command deletes a specific IPv6 address or IPv6 prefix of a DHCP for IPv6 relay binding. If no relay client is specified, no binding is deleted.


The following example shows how to clear the binding for a client with a specified IPv6 address:

Device# clear ipv6 dhcp relay binding 2001:0DB8:3333:4::5

The following example shows how to clear the binding for a client with the VRF name vrf1 and a specified prefix on a Cisco uBR10012 universal broadband device:

Device# clear ipv6 dhcp relay binding vrf vrf1 2001:DB8:0:1::/64

clear ipv6 dhcp route

To clear routes added by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) on a DHCPv6 server for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and Identity Association for Prefix Delegation (IAPD), use the clear ipv6 dhcp route command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 dhcp route {vrf vrf-name} {* | ipv6-address | ipv6-prefix}

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

Specifies a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) configuration.


Clears all DHCPv6 added routes.


DHCPv6 address.


IPv6 prefix.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S.


The following example shows how to clear routes added by DHCPv6 on a DHCPv6 server for IANA and IAPD:

Router# clear ipv6 dhcp route vrf vrfname 2001:0DB8:3333:4::5/126

clear ipv6 nat translation

To clear dynamic Network Address Translation--Protocol Translation (NAT-PT) translations from the dynamic state table, use the clear ipv6 nat translation command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear ipv6 nat translation *

Syntax Description


Clears all dynamic NAT-PT translations.

Command Default

Entries are deleted from the dynamic translation state table when they time out.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear entries from the dynamic translation state table before they time out. Static translation configuration is not affected by this command.


The following example shows the NAT-PT entries before and after the dynamic translation state table is cleared. Note that all the dynamic NAT-PT mappings are cleared, but the static NAT-PT configurations remain.

Router# show ipv6 nat translations
Prot  IPv4 source              IPv6 source 
      IPv4 destination         IPv6 destination 
---   ---                      ---            2001::2 
---   ---                      ---           2001::10 
tcp,11047      3002::8,11047,23         2001::2,23 
udp,52922      3002::8,52922,69         2001::2,69
Router# clear ipv6 nat translation *
Router# show ipv6 nat translations
Prot  IPv4 source              IPv6 source 
      IPv4 destination         IPv6 destination 
---   ---                      ---            2001::2 
---   ---                      ---           2001::10 

clear logging ip access-list cache

To clear all the entries from the Optimized ACL Logging (OAL) cache and send them to the syslog, use the clear logging ip access-list cache command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear logging ip access-list cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported on Cisco 7600 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 720 only.


This example shows how to clear all the entries from the OAL cache and send them to the syslog:

clear logging ip access-list cache

clear mdns cache

To clear multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) cache information, use the clear mdns cache command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

clear mdns cache [ interface type number | mac mac-address]

Syntax Description

interface type number

(Optional) Clears mDNS cache information for the specified interface.

mac mac-address

(Optional) Clears mDNS cache information for the device associated with the specified MAC address.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The keyword-argument pairs interface type number and mac mac-address were added.

Cisco IOS XE 3.6E

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE 3.6E release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

Usage Guidelines

To clear mDNS cache information for all the interfaces on the device, including all mDNS records in cache, use the command form clear mdns cache . To clear mDNS cache information for a specific interface, use the command form clear mdns cache interface type number .


The following example shows how to clear mDNS cache information for the interface ethernet 0/1:

Device> enable
Device# clear mdns cache interface ethernet 0/1
Device# exit


clear mdns service-types

To clear multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) service-type information, use the clear mdns service-types command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

clear mdns service-types [ interface type number]

Syntax Description

interface type number

(Optional) Clears mDNS service-type information for the specified interface.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.6E

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE 3.6E release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

Usage Guidelines

To clear mDNS service-type information for all the interfaces on the device, use the command form clear mdns service-types . To clear mDNS service-type information for a specific interface, use the command form clear mdns service-types interface type number .


The following example shows how to clear mDNS service-type information for the interface ethernet 0/1:

Device> enable
Device# clear mdns service-types interface ethernet 0/1
Device# exit


clear mdns statistics

To clear multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) statistics, use the clear mdns statistics command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

clear mdns statistics { all | interface type number | service-list name | service-policy { all | interface type number}}

Syntax Description


Clears mDNS statistics for the device or service-policy.

interface type number

Clears mDNS statistics or service-policy statistics for the specified interface.

service-list name

Clears mDNS statistics for the specified service-list.


Clears mDNS service-policy statistics.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The keyword-argument pair service-list name was added.

Cisco IOS XE 3.6E

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE 3.6E release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

Usage Guidelines

The all keyword can be used in two forms of the clear mdns statistics command. You can clear mDNS statistics for the device using the clear mdns statistics all command form. To clear service-policy statistics for all interfaces, use the clear mdns statistics service-policy all command form.

The keyword-argument pair interface type number can be used in two forms of the clear mdns statistics command. To clear mDNS statistics for a specific interface, use the clear mdns statistics interface type number command form. To clear service-policy statistics for a specific interface, use the clear mdns statistics service-policy interface type number command form.


The following example shows how to clear mDNS statistics information for a device:

Device> enable
Device# clear mdns statistics
Device# exit


clear nat64 ha statistics

To clear the Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) high availability (HA) statistics, use the clear nat64 ha statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear nat64 ha statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The HA statistics include the number of HA messages that are transmitted and received by the Route Processor (RP).


The following example shows how to use the clear nat64 ha statistics command to clear the NAT64 HA statistics:

Router# clear nat64 ha statistics

clear nat64 statistics

To clear the Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) statistics, use the clear nat64 statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear nat64 statistics [failure | global | interface type number | limit global | pool pool-name | prefix [stateful ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | stateless [v4v6 | v6v4] ipv6-prefix/prefix-length]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Clears NAT64 failure count statistics.


(Optional) Clears global NAT64 statistics.


(Optional) Clears interface statistics.


(Optional) Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Interface or subinterface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Clears the statistics about the maximum number of stateful NAT64 translations allowed on a router.

pool pool-name

(Optional) Clears statistics for a specified pool.


(Optional) Clears statistics for a specified prefix.


(Optional) Clears stateful NAT64 statistics.


(Optional) IPv6 network number to include in router advertisements. This argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.


(Optional) Length of the IPv6 prefix. A decimal value that indicates how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix (the network portion of the address). A slash mark must precede the decimal value.


(Optional) Clears stateless NAT64 statistics.


(Optional) Clears statistics about the IPv4 address that is associated with an IPv6 host for NAT64.


(Optional) Clears statistics about the IPv6 address that is associated with an IPv4 host for NAT64.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was modified. The failure , pool, stateful, stateless, v4v6, and v6v4 keywords and the pool-name argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.4(1)T.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the clear nat64 statistics command to clear the statistics of a specified interface or all the interfaces for a given stateful or stateless prefix.


The following example shows how to clear NAT64 statistics:

Device# clear nat64 statistics 

clear nat64 translations

To clear dynamic stateful Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) translations, use the clear nat64 translations command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear nat64 translations {all | redundancy group-id | protocol {icmp | tcp | udp}}

Syntax Description


Clears all NAT64 translations.

redundancy group-id

Clears translations that are filtered on the basis of the specified redundancy group ID. Valid values are 1 and 2.


Clears translations that are filtered on the basis of the specified protocol.


Clears NAT64 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) translations.


Clears NAT64 TCP translations.


Clears NAT64 UDP translations.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.4S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was modified. The redundancy group-id keyword-argument pair and the protocol and icmp keywords were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.4(1)T.


The following example shows how to clear all NAT64 translations:

Device# clear nat64 translations all

The following example shows how to clear translations that are filtered for redundancy group ID 1:

Device# clear nat64 translations redundancy 1


To specify the unique identifier (in dotted hexadecimal notation) for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the client-identifier command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To delete the client identifier, use the no form of this command.

client-identifier unique-identifier

no client-identifier

Syntax Description


The distinct identification of the client in 7- or 27-byte dotted hexadecimal notation. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for more information.

Command Default

No client identifier is specified.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration (dhcp-config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

This command is valid for manual bindings only. DHCP clients require client identifiers instead of hardware addresses. The client identifier is formed by concatenating the media type and the MAC address. You can specify the unique identifier for the client in either of the following ways:
  • A 7-byte dotted hexadecimal notation. For example, 01b7.0813.8811.66, where 01 represents the Ethernet media type and the remaining bytes represent the MAC address of the DHCP client.

  • A 27-byte dotted hexadecimal notation. For example, 7665.6e64.6f72.2d30.3032.342e.3937.6230.2e33.3734.312d.4661.302f.31. The equivalent ASCII string for this hexadecimal value is vendor-0024.97b0.3741-fa0/1, where vendor represents the vendor, 0024.97b0.3741 represents the MAC address of the source interface, and fa0/1 represents the source interface of the DHCP client.

For a list of media type codes, refer to the “Address Resolution Protocol Parameters” section of RFC 1700, Assigned Numbers .

You can determine the client identifier by using the debug ip dhcp server packet command.


The following example specifies the client identifier for MAC address 01b7.0813.8811.66 in dotted hexadecimal notation:

Device(dhcp-config)# client-identifier 01b7.0813.8811.66


To specify the name of a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the client-name command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To remove the client name, use the no form of this command.

client-name name

no client-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the client, using any standard ASCII character. The client name should not include the domain name. For example, the name abc should not be specified as

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The client name should not include the domain name.


The following example specifies a string client1 that will be the name of the client:

client-name client1


To configure the control interface type and number for a redundancy group, use the control command in redundancy application group configuration mode. To remove the control interface for the redundancy group, use the no form of this command.

control interface-type interface-number protocol id

no control

Syntax Description


Interface type.


Interface number.


Specifies redundancy group protocol media.


Redundancy group protocol instance. The range is from 1 to 8.

Command Default

The control interface is not configured.

Command Modes

Redundancy application group configuration (config-red-app-grp)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to configure the redundancy group protocol media and instance for the control Gigabit Ethernet interface:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# application redundancy
Router(config-red-app)# group 1
Router(config-red-app-grp)# control GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 protocol


To configure the data interface type and number for a redundancy group, use the data command in redundancy application group configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

data interface-type interface-number

no data interface-type interface-number

Syntax Description


Interface type.


Interface number.

Command Default

No data interface is configured.

Command Modes

Redundancy application group configuration (config-red-app-grp)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the data command to configure the data interface. The data interface can be the same physical interface as the control interface.


The following example shows how to configure the data Gigabit Ethernet interface for group1:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# application redundancy
Router(config-red-app)# group 1
Router(config-red-app-grp)# data GigabitEthernet 0/0/0

ddns (DDNS-update-method)

To specify an update method for address (A) Resource Records (RRs) as IETF standardized Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS), use the ddns command in DDNS-update-method configuration mode. To disable the DDNS method for updating, use the no form of this command.

ddns [both]

no ddns

Syntax Description


(Optional) Both A and PTR RRs are updated.

Command Default

No DDNS updating is configured.

Command Modes

DDNS-update-method configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.

Usage Guidelines

If Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to configure the IP address on the interface, a DHCP client may not perform both A and PTR RRs or any updates. Also, if the DHCP server notifies the client during the DHCP interaction that it will perform the updates, then the DHCP client will not perform the updates. The DHCP server can always override the client even if the client is configured to perform the updates.

If the interface is configured using DHCP and if the DDNS update method is configured on that interface, then the DHCP fully qualified domain name (FQDN) option is included in the DHCP packets between the client and the server. The FQDN option contains the hostname, which is used in the update as well as information about what types of updates the client has been configured to perform.

If the ddns keyword is specified, the A RRs only are updated, but if the ddns both keyword are specified, both the A and the PTR RRs are updated. Also, if the DHCP server returns the the FQDN option with an updated hostname, that hostname is used in the update instead.


The following example shows how to configure a DHCP server to perform both A and PTR RR updates:

ip ddns update method unit-test
 ddns both


To configure Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) mapping of addresses and ports translation (MAP-T) default domain mapping rule, use the default-mapping-rule command in NAT64 MAP-T configuration mode. To remove the NAT64 MAP-T default domain mapping rule, use the no form of this command.


no default-mapping-rule

Syntax Description


The IPv6 address assigned to the interface and the length of the IPv6 prefix.

The prefix-length is a decimal value that indicates how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix (the network portion of the address). A slash mark must precede the decimal value.

Command Default

Mapping rules are not enabled.

Command Modes

NAT64 MAP-T configuration (config-nat64-mapt)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)T

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

MAP-T or Mapping of address and port (MAP) double stateless translation-based solution (MAP-T) provides IPv4 hosts connectivity to and across an IPv6 domain. MAP-T builds on existing stateless IPv4/IPv6 address translation techniques that are specified in RFC 6052, RFC 6144, and RFC 6145.


The following example shows how to configure a default domain mapping rule:

Device(config)# nat64 map-t domain 89
Device(config-nat64-mapt)# default-mapping-rule 2001:0DB8:0:1::/64


To specify the default router list for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the default-router command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To remove the default router list, use the no form of this command.

default-router address [address2 . . . address8]

no default-router

Syntax Description


Specifies the IP address of a router. One IP address is required, although you can specify up to eight addresses in one command line.


(Optional) Specifies up to eight addresses in the command line.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

The IP address of the router should be on the same subnet as the client subnet. You can specify up to eight routers in the list. Routers are listed in order of preference (address1 is the most preferred router, address2 is the next most preferred router, and so on).


The following example specifies as the IP address of the default router:



To designate a specific device or interface in a domain for routing multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) announcement and query information, use the designated-gateway command in mDNS or interface mDNS configuration mode. To disable designated gateway status on a device or interface, use the no form of this command.

designated-gateway enable [ ttl ttl-duration]

no designated-gateway enable [ ttl ttl-duration]

Syntax Description


Assigns the device or interface as the designated gateway for the domain.

ttl duration

(Optional) Specifies the Time to Live (TTL) duration. The TTL value is specified in minutes. The range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Command Default

No device or interface is assigned as the designated gateway in a domain.

Command Modes

Multicast DNS configuration (config-mdns)

Interface mDNS configuration (config-if-mdns-sd)

Command History



Cisco IOS 15.2(2)E

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.6E

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE 3.6E release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S.

Usage Guidelines

When multiple mDNS gateways are configured in a domain without a designated gateway, then queries and announcements are received by all the mDNS gateways in the link local domain. When you specify an mDNS gateway as the designated gateway, the designated gateway will give responses to queries for that domain; the other mDNS gateways do not respond since the other gateways know that the designated gateway will answer the query. In this way, duplicate responses are avoided.


The following example shows you how to specify an interface as the designated gateway with a TTL duration of 20 minutes:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface ethernet 0/1
Device(config-if)# service-routing mdns-sd
Device(config-if-mdns-sd)# designated-gateway enable ttl 20
Device(config-if-mdns-sd)# exit 


device-role (DHCPv6 Guard)

To specify the role of the device attached to the target (which can be an interface or VLAN), use the device-role command in Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6 (DHCPv6) guard configuration mode. To remove the specification, use the no form of this command.

device-role {client | server}

no device-role

Syntax Description


Sets the role of the device to client.


Sets the role of the device to server.

Command Default

The device role is client.

Command Modes

DHCPv6 guard configuration (config-dhcp-guard)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The device-role command specifies the role of the device attached to the target (which can be an interface or VLAN) . The device role is primarily used to allow and disallow DHCP replies and DHCP advertisements when they are received on an interface with a device role other than server or relay.


The following example defines a DHCPv6 guard policy name as policy1, places the router in DHCPv6 guard configuration mode, and configures the device as the server:

Router(config)# ipv6 dhcp guard policy policy1
Router(config-dhcp-guard)# device-role server

dns forwarder

To add an address to the end of the ordered list of IP addresses for a Domain Name System (DNS) view to use when forwarding incoming DNS queries, use the dns forwarder command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove an IP address from the list, use the no form of this command.

dns forwarder [vrf vrf-name] forwarder-ip-address

no dns forwarder [vrf vrf-name] forwarder-ip-address

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) The vrf-name argument specifies the name of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding (VRF) instance of the forwarder-ip-address .



If no VRF is specified, the default is the global VRF.


IP address to use when forwarding DNS queries handled using the DNS view.


You can specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address for the forwarder IP address.

Command Default

Provided that DNS forwarding (configured by using the dns forwarding command) is enabled and the interface to use when forwarding incoming DNS queries is configured (if using the dns forwarding source-interface command) and not shut down, incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view are forwarded to one of the DNS forwarding name servers.

If no forwarding name servers are configured for the DNS view, the device uses any configured domain name server addresses.

If there are no domain name server addresses configured either, the device forwards incoming DNS queries to the limited broadcast address ( so that the queries are received by all hosts on the local network segment but not forwarded by devices.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. An IPv6 address can be specified for the forwarder-ip-address argument.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be entered multiple times to specify a maximum of six forwarding name servers. After six forwarding name servers have been specified, additional forwarding name servers cannot be specified unless an existing entry is removed.

To display the list of DNS forwarding name server addresses configured for the DNS view, use the show ip dns view command.


DNS resolving name servers and DNS forwarding name servers are configured separately. The domain name-server and domain name-server interface commands are used to specify the DNS resolving name servers (the ordered list of IP addresses to use when resolving internally generated DNS queries handled using the DNS view). The dns forwarder command specifies the forwarder addresses (the ordered list of IP addresses to use when forwarding incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view). Earlier to this command being introduced, the resolving name server list was used for resolving internal DNS queries and forwarding DNS queries received by the DNS server. For backward compatibility, if there are no forwarding name servers configured, the resolving name server list will be used instead.


The following example shows how to add three IP addresses to the list of forwarder addresses for the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Device(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Device(cfg-dns-view)# dns forwarder
Device(cfg-dns-view)# dns forwarder
Device(cfg-dns-view)# dns forwarder

The following example shows how to add the IP address to the list of forwarder addresses for the DNS view named user1 that is associated with the VRF vpn32, with the restriction that incoming DNS queries will be forwarded to only if the queries are from the VRF named vpn1:

Device(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user1
Device(cfg-dns-view)# dns forwarder vrf vpn1

dns forwarding

To enable forwarding of incoming Domain Name System (DNS) queries handled using the DNS view, use the dns forwarding command in DNS view configuration mode. To disable forwarding and revert to the default configuration, use the no form of this command.

dns forwarding [retry number | timeout seconds]

no dns forwarding [retry | timeout]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the time to retry forwarding a DNS query.


(Optional) Number of retries. The range is from 0 to 100.


(Optional) Specifies the timeout waiting for response to a forwarded DNS.


(Optional) Timeout in seconds. The range is from 1 to 3600.

Command Default

The default value is inherited from the global setting configured using the ip domain lookup global configuration command. However, the dns forwarding command for the DNS view does not have a reciprocal side effect on the setting configured by the ip domain lookup command.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration (cfg-dns-view)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The retry number and timeout seconds keywords and arguments were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables forwarding of incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view.

To display the DNS forwarding setting for a DNS view, use the show ip dns view command.

If you configure the no domain lookup command for a DNS view while the dns forwarding command has not been disabled for that view, then the dns forwarding command setting will appear in the show ip dns view command output in order to make it clear that DNS forwarding is still enabled.

If you configure the no ip domain lookup global configuration command, however, the no dns forwarding setting is automatically configured also, in order to be backward compatible with the global command form.


DNS lookup and DNS forwarding are configured separately. The domain lookup command enables the resolution of internally generated DNS queries handled using the DNS view. The dns forwarding command enables the forwarding of incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view. By default, domain lookup and DNS forwarding are both enabled for a view. If you then configure the no domain lookup command, DNS forwarding is still enabled. However, if you instead use the older Cisco IOS command no ip domain lookup to disable domain lookup for the global default view, then DNS forwarding is disabled automatically. This is done for backward compatibility with the functionality of the no ip domain lookup global configuration command.


The following example shows how to enable forwarding of incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# dns forwarding

dns forwarding source-interface

To specify the interface to use when forwarding incoming Domain Name System (DNS) queries handled using the DNS view, use the dns forwarding source-interface command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove the specification of the source interface for a DNS view to use when forwarding DNS queries, use the no form of this command.

dns forwarding source-interface interface

no dns forwarding source-interface

Syntax Description


Router interface to use when forwarding DNS queries.

Command Default

No interface is specified for forwarding incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view, so the router selects the appropriate source IP address automatically, according to the interface used to send the packet, when the query is forwarded.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command specifies the interface to use when forwarding incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view.

To display the interface configured by this command, use the show ip dns view command.


To list all the interfaces configured on the router or access server, use the show interfaces command with the summary keyword. Use the appropriate interface specification, typed exactly as it is displayed under the Interface column of the show interfaces command output, to replace the interface argument in the dns forwarding source-interface command.


The following is sample output from the show interfaces command used with the summary keyword:

Router# show interfaces summary
 *: interface is up
 IHQ: pkts in input hold queue     IQD: pkts dropped from input queue
 OHQ: pkts in output hold queue    OQD: pkts dropped from output queue
 RXBS: rx rate (bits/sec)          RXPS: rx rate (pkts/sec)
 TXBS: tx rate (bits/sec)          TXPS: tx rate (pkts/sec)
 TRTL: throttle count
  Interface              IHQ   IQD  OHQ   OQD  RXBS RXPS  TXBS TXPS TRTL
* FastEthernet0/0          0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  FastEthernet0/1          0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  ATM2/0                   0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/0              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/1              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/2              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/3              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  ATM6/0                   0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
NOTE:No separate counters are maintained for subinterfaces
     Hence Details of subinterface are not shown

The following example shows how to configure FastEthernet slot 0, port 1 as the interface to be used to forward DNS queries for the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# dns forwarder source-interface FastEthernet0/1


To specify the Domain Name System (DNS) IP servers available to a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the dns-server command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To remove the DNS server list, use the no form of this command.

dns-server address [address2 . . . address8]

no dns-server

Syntax Description


The IP address of a DNS server. One IP address is required, although you can specify up to eight addresses in one command line.


(Optional) Specifies up to eight addresses in the command line.

Command Default

If DNS IP servers are not configured for a DHCP client, the client cannot correlate host names to IP addresses.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Servers are listed in order of preference (address1 is the most preferred server, address2 is the next most preferred server, and so on).


The following example specifies as the IP address of the domain name server of the client:


dns-server (config-dhcp-global-options)

To configure the Domain Name System (DNS) servers that are available to DHCP clients on request, use the dns-server command in DHCP global options configuration mode. To remove the DNS server list, use the no form of this command.

dns-server ip-address [ip-address2...ip-address8]

no dns-server

Syntax Description


IP address of a DNS server.


(Optional) IP address of DNS servers. You can specify up to eight IP addresses.

Command Default

If DNS servers are not configured for a DHCP client, the client cannot correlate hostnames to IP addresses.

Command Modes

DHCP global options configuration (config-dhcp-global-options)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S.

Usage Guidelines

Before you configure the dns-server command, you must enter DHCP global options configuration mode by using the ip dhcp global-options command.


The following example shows how to configure two DNS servers:

Router(config)# ip dhcp global-options
Router(config-dhcp-global-options)# dns-server

dns-server (IPv6)

To specify the Domain Name System (DNS) IPv6 servers available to a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv6 client, use the dns-server command in DHCP for IPv6 pool configuration mode. To remove the DNS server list, use the no form of this command.

dns-server ipv6-address

no dns-server ipv6-address

Syntax Description


The IPv6 address of a DNS server.

This argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.

Command Default

When a DHCP for IPv6 pool is first created, no DNS IPv6 servers are configured.

Command Modes

DHCP for IPv6 pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.


This command was modified. It was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Command History


This command was modified. It was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Usage Guidelines

Multiple Domain Name System (DNS) server addresses can be configured by issuing this command multiple times. New addresses will not overwrite old addresses.


The following example specifies the DNS IPv6 servers available:

dns-server 2001:0DB8:3000:3000::42 

domain list

To add a domain name to the end of the ordered list of domain names used to complete unqualified hostnames (names without a dotted-decimal domain name) in Domain Name System (DNS) queries handled using the DNS view, use the domain list command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove a name from the domain search list, use the no form of this command.

domain list domain-name

no domain list domain-name

Syntax Description


Domain name to add or delete from the domain search list.



Do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name from the domain name.

Command Default

No domain list is defined for the DNS view.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command adds a domain name to the end of the domain search list for the DNS view.


The domain list and domain name commands are similar, except that the domain list command can be used to define a list of domain names for the view, each to be tried in turn. If DNS lookup is enabled for the DNS view but the domain search list (specified using the domain list command) is empty, the default domain name (specified by using the domain name command) is used instead. If the domain search list is not empty, the default domain name is not used.

To display the list of domain names used to complete unqualified hostnames in DNS queries received by a DNS view, use the show hosts command or the show ip dns view command.


The following example shows how to add two domain names to the list for the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain list
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain list

The following example shows how to add two domain names to the list for the DNS view and then delete one of the domain names from the list:

Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain list
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain list
Router(cfg-dns-view)# no domain list

domain lookup

To enable the IP Domain Name System (DNS)-based hostname-to-address translation for internally generated DNS queries handled using the DNS view, use the domain lookup command in DNS view configuration mode. To disable domain lookup for hostname resolution, use the no form of this command.

domain lookup

no domain lookup

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default value is inherited from the global setting configured using the ip domain lookup global command. However, the domain lookup DNS view command does not have a reciprocal side effect on the setting configured by the ip domain lookup global command.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables DNS-based hostname-to-address translation for internally generated DNS queries handled using the DNS view.

To display the DNS lookup setting for a DNS view, use the show ip dns view command.

If you configure no dns forwarding for a DNS view while domain lookup has not been disabled for that view, then the domain lookup setting will appear in the show ip dns view command output in order to make it clear that domain lookup is still enabled.

If you configure the no ip domain lookup global command, however, the no domain lookup setting is automatically configured also, in order to be backward compatible with the global command form.


DNS lookup and DNS forwarding are configured separately. The domain lookup command enables the resolution of internally generated DNS queries handled using the DNS view. The dns forwarding command enables the forwarding of incoming DNS queries handled using the DNS view. By default, both domain lookup and DNS forwarding are both enabled for a view. If you then configure no domain lookup , DNS forwarding is still enabled. However, if you instead uses the older Cisco IOS command no ip domain lookup to disable domain lookup for the global default view, then DNS forwarding is disabled automatically. This is done for backward compatibility with the functionality of the no ip domain lookup global command.


The following example shows how to enable IP DNS-based hostname-to-address translation in the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain lookup

domain multicast

To configure the domain name to be used when performing multicast address lookups for internally generated Domain Name System (DNS) queries handled using the DNS view, use the domain multicast command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove the specification of the domain name for multicast address lookups, use the no form of this command.

domain multicast domain-name

no domain multicast

Syntax Description


Domain name to be used when performing multicast address lookups.

Command Default

No IP address is specified for performing multicast address lookups for the DNS view.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the domain name to be used when performing multicast address lookups for internally generated DNS queries handled using the DNS view.

To display the domain name for multicast address lookups, use the show ip dns view command.


The following example shows how to configure the domain name as the domain name to be used when performing multicast lookups for internally generated DNS queries handled using the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain multicast

domain name

To specify the default domain for a Domain Name System (DNS) view to use to complete unqualified hostnames (names without a dotted-decimal domain name), use the domain name command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove the specification of the default domain name for a DNS view, use the no form of this command.

domain name domain-name

no domain name

Syntax Description


Default domain name used to complete unqualified hostnames.



Do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name from the domain name.

Command Default

No default domain name is defined for the DNS view.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the default domain name used to complete unqualified hostnames in DNS queries handled using the DNS view.


The domain list and domain name commands are similar, except that the domain list command can be used to define a list of domain names for the view, each to be tried in turn. If DNS lookup is enabled for the DNS view but the domain search list (specified using the domain list command) is empty, the default domain name (specified by using the domain name command) is used instead. If the domain search list is not empty, the default domain name is not used.

To display the default domain name configured for a DNS view, use the show hosts command or the show ip dns view command.


The following example shows how to define as the default domain name for the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain name

domain-name (IPv6)

To configure a domain name for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) client, use the domain-name command in DHCPv6 pool configuration mode. To return to the default for this command, use the no form of this command.

domain-name domain-name

no domain-name

Syntax Description


Default domain name used to complete unqualified hostnames.



Do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name from the domain name.

Command Default

No default domain name is defined for the DNS view.

Command Modes

DHCPv6 pool configuration mode (config-dhcp)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.


This command was modified. It was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was modified. It was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Usage Guidelines

Use the domain-name command in IPv6 configure a domain name for a DHCPv6 client.


The following example configures a domain name for a DHCPv6 client:

Router(config)# ipv6 dhcp pool pool1
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain-name domainv6

domain name-server

To add a name server to the list of Domain Name System (DNS) name servers to be used for a DNS view to resolve internally generated DNS queries, use the domain name-server command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove a DNS name server from the list, use the no form of this command.

domain name-server [vrf vrf-name] name-server-ip-address

no domain name-server [vrf vrf-name] [ name-server-ip-address]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) The vrf-name argument specifies the name of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) routing and forwarding (VRF) instance of the forwarder-ip-address .



If no VRF is specified, the default is the global VRF.


IP address of a DNS name server.


You can specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address for the DNS name server.

Command Default

No IP address is explicitly added to the list of resolving name servers for this view, although an IP address can be added to the list if dynamic name server acquisition is enabled. If the list of resolving name servers is empty, the device will send the query to the limited broadcast address when this view is used.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. An IPv6 address can be specified for the name-server-ip-address argument.

Usage Guidelines

This command can be entered multiple times to specify a maximum of six resolving name servers. After six resolving name servers have been specified, additional resolving name servers cannot be specified unless an existing entry is removed.

This method of explicitly populating the list of resolving name servers is useful in an enterprise network where the population of available DNS servers is relatively static. In an Internet service provider (ISP) environment, where primary and secondary DNS server addresses can change frequently, the device can learn a DNS server address through either DHCP or PPP on the interface. To configure the dynamic acquisition of DNS resolving name server addresses, use the domain name-server interface command. Regardless of the method or methods used to populate the list of DNS resolving name servers for the view, no more than six resolving name servers are maintained for the view.

To display the list of DNS resolving name server IP addresses configured for a DNS view, use the show hosts command or the show ip dns view command.


The DNS resolving name servers and DNS forwarding name servers are configured separately. The domain name-server and domain name-server interface commands are used to specify the DNS resolving name servers (the ordered list of IP addresses to use when resolving internally generated DNS queries for the DNS view). The dns forwarder command specifies the forwarder addresses (the ordered list of IP addresses to use when forwarding incoming DNS queries for the DNS view). If there is no DNS forwarder configuration in a view, then the domain name server list will be used when forwarding DNS queries. This is done for backward compatibility with the ip name-server global command.


The following example shows how to specify the hosts at and as the name servers for the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Device(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Device(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server
Device(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server

domain name-server interface

To specify the interface on which the router can learn (through either DHCP or PPP) Domain Name System (DNS) a resolving name server address for the DNS view, use the domain name-server interface command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove the definition of the interface, use the no form of this command.

domain name-server interface interface

no domain name-server interface interface

Syntax Description


Interface on which to acquire the IP address of a DNS name server that the DNS view can use to resolve internally generated DNS queries. The interface must connect to another router on which the DHCP agent or the PPP agent has been configured to allocate the IP address of the DNS server.

Command Default

No interface is used to acquire the DHCP or PPP address to be used for a DNS view to resolve internally generated DNS queries.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command specifies the interface from which to acquire (through DHCP or PPP interaction on the interface) the IP address of a DNS server to add to the list of DNS name servers used to resolve internally generated DNS queries for the DNS view.

The dynamic acquisition of DNS resolving name server addresses is useful in an Internet service provider (ISP) environment, where primary and secondary DNS server addresses can change frequently. To explicitly populate the list of resolving name servers in an enterprise network where the population of available DNS servers is relatively static, use the domain name-server command. Regardless of the method or methods used to populate the list of DNS resolving name servers for the view, no more than six resolving name servers are maintained for the view.


The DNS resolving name servers and DNS forwarding name servers are configured separately. The domain name-server and domain name-server interface commands are used to specify the DNS resolving name servers (the ordered list of IP addresses to use when resolving internally generated DNS queries for the DNS view). The dns forwarder command specifies the forwarder addresses (the ordered list of IP addresses to use when forwarding incoming DNS queries for the DNS view). If there is no DNS forwarder configuration in a view, then the domain name server list will be used when forwarding DNS queries. This is done for backward compatibility with the ip name-server global command.


To list all the interfaces configured on the router or access server, use the show interfaces command with the summary keyword. Use the appropriate interface specification, typed exactly as it is displayed under the Interface column of the show interfaces command output, to replace the interface argument in the domain name-server interface command.


The following is sample output from the show interfaces command used with the summary keyword:

Router# show interfaces summary 
 *: interface is up
 IHQ: pkts in input hold queue     IQD: pkts dropped from input queue
 OHQ: pkts in output hold queue    OQD: pkts dropped from output queue
 RXBS: rx rate (bits/sec)          RXPS: rx rate (pkts/sec)
 TXBS: tx rate (bits/sec)          TXPS: tx rate (pkts/sec)
 TRTL: throttle count
  Interface              IHQ   IQD  OHQ   OQD  RXBS RXPS  TXBS TXPS TRTL
* FastEthernet0/0          0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  FastEthernet0/1          0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  ATM2/0                   0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/0              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/1              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/2              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  Ethernet3/3              0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
  ATM6/0                   0     0    0     0     0    0     0    0    0
NOTE:No separate counters are maintained for subinterfaces
     Hence Details of subinterface are not shown

The following example shows how to specify a list of name servers for the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32. First, the list of name server addresses is cleared, then five DNS server IP addresses are added to the list. Finally, FastEthernet slot 0, port 0 is specified as the interface on which to acquire, by DHCP or PPP interaction, a sixth DNS server IP address.

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# no domain name-server
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain name-server interface FastEthernet0/0

domain resolver source-interface

To set the source IP address of the Domain Name Server (DNS) queries for the DNS resolver functionality, use the domain resolver source-interface command in DNS view configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.

domain resolver source-interface interface-type number

no domain resolver source-interface

Syntax Description


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Interface or subinterface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.

Command Default

Disabled. (DNS queries are not forwarded through the expected interface.)

Command Modes

DNS view configuration (cfg-dns-view)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Sometimes, when a source interface is configured on a router with the split DNS feature to forward DNS queries, the router does not forward the DNS queries through the configured interface. If you want the router to forward the DNS queries through a particular source interface, configure the router using the domain resolver source-interface command.


The following example shows how to set the source IP address of the DNS queries for the DNS resolver functionality:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain resolver source-interface fastethernet 0/0

domain retry

To configure the number of retries to perform when sending or forwarding Domain Name System (DNS) queries handled using the DNS view, use the domain retry command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove the specification of the number of retries for a DNS view, use the no form of this command.

domain retry number

no domain retry

Syntax Description


Number of times to retry sending or forwarding a DNS query. The range is from 0 to 100.

Command Default

number : 2 times

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the number of retries to perform when sending or forwarding DNS queries handled using the DNS view.

To display the number of retries configured for the DNS view, use the show ip dns view command.


The following example shows how to configure the router to send out or forward ten DNS queries from the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32 before giving up:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain retry 10

domain round-robin

To enable round-robin rotation of multiple IP addresses associated with a name in the hostname cache used by the DNS view, use the domain round-robin command in DNS view configuration mode. To disable round-robin functionality for the DNS view, use the no form of this command.

domain round-robin

no domain round-robin

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Round-robin rotation of multiple IP addresses associated with a name in the hostname cache is disabled for the DNS view.

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables round-robin rotation such that each time a hostname in the internal cache is accessed, the system returns the next IP address in the cache, rotated such that the second IP address in the list becomes the first one and the first one is moved to the end of the list. For a more detailed description of round-robin functionality, see the description of the ip domain round-robin global command in the Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference .

To display the cached list of hostnames and addresses specific to a particular DNS view or for all configured DNS views, use the show hosts command. To define static hostname-to-address mappings in the global hostname cache or VRF hostname cache for the specified DNS view, use the ip host command. To display the round-robin setting for the DNS view, use the show ip dns view command.


The following example shows how to define the hostname with three IP addresses and then enable round-robin rotation for the default DNS view associated with the global VRF. Each time that hostname is referenced internally or queried by a DNS client sending a query to the Cisco IOS DNS server on this system, the order of the IP addresses associated with the host will be changed. Because most client applications look only at the first IP address associated with a hostname, this results in different clients using each of the different addresses and thus distributing the load among the three different IP addresses.

Router(config)# ip host view
Router(config)# ip dns view default
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain lookup
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain round-robin

domain timeout

To configure the number of seconds to wait for a response to a Domain Name System (DNS) query sent or forwarded by the DNS view, use the domain timeout command in DNS view configuration mode. To remove the specification of the number of seconds for a DNS view to wait, use the no form of this command.

domain timeout seconds

no domain timeout

Syntax Description


Time, in seconds, to wait for a response to a DNS query. The range is from 0 to 3600.

Command Default

number : 3 seconds

Command Modes

DNS view configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command configures the number of seconds to wait for a response to a DNS query sent or forwarded by the DNS view.

To display the number of seconds configured for the DNS view, use the show ip dns view command.


The following example shows how to configure the router to wait 8 seconds for a response to a DNS query received in the DNS view named user3 that is associated with the VRF vpn32:

Router(config)# ip dns view vrf vpn32 user3
Router(cfg-dns-view)# domain timeout 8

domain-name (DHCP)

To specify the domain n ame for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the domain-name command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To remove the domain name, use the no form of this command.

domain-name domain

no domain-name

Syntax Description


Specifies the domain name string of the client.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following example specifies as the domain name of the client:



To designate a specific device or interface in a domain for routing multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) announcement and query information, use the designated-gateway command in mDNS or interface mDNS configuration mode. To disable designated gateway status on a device or interface, use the no form of this command.

designated-gateway enable [ ttl ttl-duration]

no designated-gateway enable [ ttl ttl-duration]

Syntax Description


Assigns the device or interface as the designated gateway for the domain.

ttl duration

(Optional) Specifies the Time to Live (TTL) duration. The TTL value is specified in minutes. The range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Command Default

No device or interface is assigned as the designated gateway in a domain.

Command Modes

Multicast DNS configuration (config-mdns)

Interface mDNS configuration (config-if-mdns-sd)

Command History



Cisco IOS 15.2(2)E

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.6E

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE 3.6E release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.5(2)S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

This command was integrated into the Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S.

Usage Guidelines

When multiple mDNS gateways are configured in a domain without a designated gateway, then queries and announcements are received by all the mDNS gateways in the link local domain. When you specify an mDNS gateway as the designated gateway, the designated gateway will give responses to queries for that domain; the other mDNS gateways do not respond since the other gateways know that the designated gateway will answer the query. In this way, duplicate responses are avoided.


The following example shows you how to specify an interface as the designated gateway with a TTL duration of 20 minutes:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface ethernet 0/1
Device(config-if)# service-routing mdns-sd
Device(config-if-mdns-sd)# designated-gateway enable ttl 20
Device(config-if-mdns-sd)# exit 


group (firewall)

To enter redundancy application group configuration mode, use the group command in redundancy application configuration mode. To remove the group configuration, use the no form of this command.

group id

no group id

Syntax Description


Redundancy group ID. Valid values are 1 and 2.

Command Default

No group is configured.

Command Modes

Redundancy application configuration (config-red-app)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to configure a redundancy group with group ID 1:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# application redundancy
Router(config-red-app)# group 1


To specify the hardware address of a BOOTP client, use the hardware-address command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To remove the hardware address, use the no form of this command.

hardware-address hardware-address [protocol-type | hardware-number]

no hardware-address

Syntax Description


MAC address of the client.


(Optional) Protocol type. The valid entries are:

  • ethernet

  • ieee802

If no protocol type is specified, the default is Ethernet.


(Optional) ARP hardware specified in an online database at The valid range is from 0 to 255. See the table below for valid entries.

Command Default

Only the hardware address is enabled.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

This command is valid for manual bindings only.

The table below lists the valid assigned hardware numbers found online at

Table 1. ARP Hardware Numbers and Types

Hardware Number

Hardware Type




Experimental Ethernet (3Mb)


Amateur Radio AX.25


ProNET Token Ring




IEEE 802 Networks








Autonet Short Address




LocalNet (IBM PCNet or SYTEK LocalNET)


Ultra link




Frame Relay


Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM)




Fibre Channel


Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM) (RFC2225)


Serial Line


Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM)






IEEE 1394.1995


MAPOS and Common Air Interface (CAI)








IP and ARP over ISO 7816-3




IPsec tunnel (RFC3456)


InfiniBand (RFC-ietf-ipoib-ip-over-infiniband-09.txt)


TIA-102 Project


The following example specifies b708.1388.f166 as the MAC address of the client:

hardware-address b708.1388.f166 ieee802


To specify the IP address and network mask for a manual binding to a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, use the host command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To remove the IP address of the client, use the no form of this command.

host address [mask | / prefix-length]

no host

Syntax Description


Specifies the IP address of the client.


(Optional) Specifies the network mask of the client.

/ prefix-length

(Optional) Specifies the number of bits that comprise the address prefix. The prefix is an alternative way of specifying the network mask of the client. The prefix length must be preceded by a forward slash (/).

Command Default

The natural mask is used.

Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

If the mask and prefix length are unspecified, DHCP examines its address pools. If no mask is found in the pool database, the Class A, B, or C natural mask is used. This command is valid for manual bindings only.

There is no limit on the number of manual bindings but you can configure only one manual binding per host pool.


The following example specifies as the IP address of the client and as the subnet mask:


host (host-list)

To specify a list of hosts that will receive Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) updates of address (A) and pointer (PTR) Resource Records (RRs), use the host command in host-list configuration mode. To disable the host list, use the no form of this command.

host [vrf vrf-name] {host-ip-address | hostname}

no host [vrf vrf-name] {host-ip-address | hostname}

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) table. The vrf-name argument is a name with which the address pool is associated.



All hostnames or IP addresses specified on the same line as the vrf keyword are associated with that VRF.


List of server IP addresses that will receive DDNS updates.


Specifies a hostname.

Command Default

No list is configured for hosts.

Command Modes

Host-list configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.


The following example shows how to configure a list of hosts:

ip host-list test
 host vrf abc

http (DDNS-update-method)

To specify an update method for address (A) and pointer (PTR) Resource Records (RRs) as HTTP and enter DDNS-HTTP configuration mode, use the http command in DDNS-update-method configuration mode. To disable HTTP dynamic updates, use the no form of this command.


no http

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No HTTP update method is configured.

Command Modes

DDNS-update-method configuration (DDNS-update-method)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.

Usage Guidelines

When you use the http command, you enter DDNS-HTTP configuration mode. In this mode, you can add or remove a mapping between a hostname and an IP address. Details are given below:

Use this command form..


add url-string

Add or change a mapping between a hostname and an IP address.

You must specify the URL to be used to add or change a mapping between a hostname and an IP address. The url-string argument takes the following form:

http://userid:password @domain-name/update-folder-name /update?system= system-name &hostname= hostname &myip= myipaddr

  • userid and password —Strings for the organization website that you use for performing the A and PTR RRs updates.

  • domain-name —String for the organizational URL that you are using for the updates; for example

  • update-folder-name —String of the folder name within the organizational website in which your updates are stored.

  • update?system =system-name --Update system (method) being used; for example, dydns is DDNS and dyn is EasyDNS.



Before entering the question mark (?) character, press the control (Ctrl) key and the v key together on your keyboard. This will allow you to enter the ? without the software interpreting the ? as a help query.

  • &hostname= hostname-- Hostname to update.

  • &myip =myipaddr --IP address with which the specified hostname is associated, respectively.



There are other special character strings that can be entered into the url-string . For example, if <s> is entered into the string, and when the update is processed, the IP address of the server to which the update is being sent is substituted at that location.

The list of available special characters and their purpose are given below:
  • <a>—Substitutes the address being updated.

  • <h>—Substitutes the hostname being updated.

  • <s>—Substitutes the IP address of the server to which the update is being sent.

  • <q>—Substitutes a question mark character ("?").

  • <o>—Substitutes an open angle bracket ("<").

  • <c>—Substitutes a close angle bracket (">").

remove url-string

Remove a mapping between a hostname and an IP address.

You must specify the URL to be used to remove a mapping between a hostname and an IP address. The url-string argument takes the same form as the one shown in the add keyword description.


The following example shows how to specify the to process the updates:

ip ddns update method unit-test

The following are examples of URLs that can be used to update some HTTP DNS update services. These URLs are correct to the best of the knowledge of Cisco but have not been tested in all cases. Where the word “USERNAME:” appears in the URL, your account username at the HTTP site should be used. Where the word “PASSWORD” appears in the URL, your password for that account should be used:

!Requires “interval max 28 0 0 0" in the update method definition.








Since these services are provided by the respective companies, the URLs may be subject to change or the service could be discontinued at any time. Cisco takes no responsibility for the accuracy or use of any of this information. The URLs were obtained using an application called “ez-ipupdate,” which is available for free on the internet.

import all

To import Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) option parameters into the DHCP server database, use the import all command in DHCP pool configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.


When two servers provide DHCP addresses to a single device configured with ip address dhcp on two different interfaces, the imported information is merged and, for those options that take a single value, the last known option value will be used.

import all

no import all

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

DHCP pool configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

When the no import all command is used, the DHCP server deletes all “imported” option parameters that were added to the specified pool in the server database. Manually configured DHCP option parameters override imported DHCP option parameters.

Imported option parameters are not part of the router configuration and are not saved in NVRAM.


The following example allows the importing of all DHCP options for a pool named pool1:

ip dhcp pool pool1
 network /16
 import all