Managing the VMware vSphere Hypervisor License

Last Updated: June 27, 2011

Cisco SRE-V uses the VMware vSphere HypervisorTM software for virtualization. This chapter provides information about how to manage the VMware vSphere HypervisorTM license. It contains the following sections:

VMware vSphere Hypervisor License Overview

Registering the VMware vSphere Hypervisor License

Activating the VMware License Key

Accessing the VMware License Key Information

VMware vSphere Hypervisor License Overview

The following two types of VMware vSphere HypervisorTM licenses are available:

VMware vSphere Hypervisor Evaluation License—60-day evaluation license that is bundled with the Cisco SRE-V software image, which you can use to evaluate the hosting environment.

Permanent VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host License—Perpetual license that can be obtained along with the Cisco SRE-V software image, or can be purchased separately, after the built-in evaluation license expires. After a permanent license is installed, it provides all the permissions necessary, to access the features in the software image. You do not need to upgrade a permanent licence for subsequent releases.

The following types of permanent licenses are available:

VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host License—Does not provide the ability to manage the VMware vSphere Hypervisor host through vCenter.

VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host with vCenter Agent License—Provides the ability to manage the VMware vSphere Hypervisor host through vCenter.

For feature license SKUs that are available for Cisco SRE-V, see Table 5-1.

Note You can convert the VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host license to a VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host with vCenter Agent license by purchasing an upgrade license.

Table 5-1 shows the feature license SKUs that are available for Cisco SRE-V.

Table 5-1 Feature License SKUs 

License SKUs
Licenses Without vCenter Support


VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host paper license purchased with the software.


VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host paper license purchased without the software (spare).


VMware vSphere Hypervisor Host electronic license purchased without the software (spare).

Licenses With vCenter Support


Feature license for the VMware vSphere Hypervisor software on the Cisco SRE Service Module, which includes vCenter management support. This license can be purchased with the software.


Feature license for the VMware vSphere Hypervisor software on the Cisco SRE Service Module, which includes vCenter management support (spare).


E-delivery feature license for the VMware vSphere Hypervisor software on the Cisco SRE Service Module, which includes vCenter management support (spare).

Upgrade Licenses to Add vCenter Support


Feature license to upgrade the VMware vSphere Hypervisor software on the Cisco SRE Service Module to enable vCenter management support (spare).


E-delivery feature license to upgrade the VMware vSphere Hypervisor software on the Cisco SRE Service Module to enable vCenter management support (spare).

Related Topics

Cisco SRE-V Options, page 1-4

Registering the VMware vSphere Hypervisor License

Activating the VMware License Key

Registering the VMware vSphere Hypervisor License

Use this procedure if you purchased Cisco SRE-V Option 1 (Hardware only) and a spare VMware vSphere HypervisorTM license from

When you purchase the spare VMware vSphere HypervisorTM license, you receive a letter from Cisco Systems, which contains the Activation Code, which you must register with VMware. After, you register the Activation Code, you receive a VMware license key, which you must activate using the vSphere Client GUI.

Note You must register the Activation Code with VMware within 30 days of receipt.

To register the Activation Code and receive the VMware license key, complete the following steps:

Step 1 To register the Activation Code with VMware, go to:

The VMware Product Registration page opens.

Step 2 Do one of the following:

If you are a registered VMware user, enter your credentials, and then click Sign In. The VMware Partner Activation Code Registration page opens.

If you are new to VMware, click the Register button. The Register For Your VMware Product page opens. Enter the required information in the fields provided, and then click Continue. You receive an e-mail from VMware to Activate your account. Click the Activate Now button provided in your e-mail, and then enter your password in the field provided. The VMware Partner Activation Code Registration page opens.

Step 3 Enter the Activation Code that you received from Cisco Systems in the Partner Activation Code(s) text box, and then click Continue. The Add License Administrator page opens. By default, your name is added as the License Administrator.

Step 4 To allow additional people to receive information about future updates and serial number upgrades, enter their e-mail address in the space provided in the Add License Administrator page, and then click Continue.

The VMware Confirmation Page opens with the license key redemption information for the Activation Codes that you registered.

Step 5 Save the product redemption information for your records, and then click Continue. The Link to Downloads and VMware's License Portal page opens thanking you for your registration.

After you finish the registration process, you receive an e-mail from VMware with information about the VMware license key or serial number.

Note We highly recommend that you write down the VMware license key and store it in a secure, easily accessible location.

Step 6 To use Cisco SRE-V software, you must assign the VMware license key to the VMware vSphere HypervisorTM host using the vSphere Client GUI as appropriate. See "Activating the VMware License Key" section.

Related Topics

Cisco SRE-V Options, page 1-4

VMware vSphere Hypervisor License Overview

Activating the VMware License Key

Accessing the VMware License Key Information

Understanding Cisco SRE-V Options and Associated Tasks, page 1-8

Activating the VMware License Key

Before you begin activating the VMware license key, do the following:

Download and instal the vSphere Client. See Downloading and Installing the vSphere Client, page 6-1.

To activate the VMware license key, complete the following steps:

Step 1 From the vSphere Client GUI, click the Configuration tab.

Step 2 From the left pane, under Software, choose Licensed Features.

Step 3 Click Edit..., which is located on the top right corner of the Licensed Features page. The Assign License page opens.

Step 4 Choose Assign a New License to this Host radio button, and then click Enter Key. The Add License Key window opens.

Step 5 Enter the license key in the New License Key field, and then click OK.

Related Topics

Cisco SRE-V Options, page 1-4

VMware vSphere Hypervisor License Overview

Registering the VMware vSphere Hypervisor License

Accessing the VMware License Key Information

Understanding Cisco SRE-V Options and Associated Tasks, page 1-8

Accessing the VMware License Key Information

You can access the license key information from the vSphere Client GUI or the console interface.

Note We highly recommend that you write down the VMware license key and store it in a secure, easily accessible location.

See the following sections for more information:

Accessing the VMware License Key Information from the vSphere Client GUI

Accessing the VMware License Key Information from the Console Interface

Accessing the VMware License Key Information from the vSphere Client GUI

To access the license key information from the vSphere Client GUI, complete the following steps:

Step 1 From the vSphere Client GUI, choose a host.

Step 2 Click the Configuration tab, and then choose Licensed Features.

The license key information displays in the following format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.

Accessing the VMware License Key Information from the Console Interface

The console interface allows you to access the VMware vSphere HypervisorTM DCUI. To obtain the license key information from the console interface, choose View Support Information.

The license key information displays in the following format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.

The physical machine serial number is also displayed. Make sure that you do not confuse the license key information with the physical machine serial number.