Cable Commands: show l through show z

show lacp

To display Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) information, use the show lacp command in either user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show lacp {channel-group-number {counters | internal [detail] | neighbor [detail] | sys-id}}

Syntax Description

channel-group- number

Number of the channel group. The range is from 1 to 128.


Displays information about the LACP traffic statistics.


Displays LACP internal information.


Displays information about the LACP neighbor.


(Optional) Displays detailed internal information when used with the internal keyword and detailed LACP neighbor information when used with the neighbor keyword.


Displays the LACP system identification. It is a combination of the port priority and the MAC address of the device

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS 12.2(33)SCJ

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show lacp command to troubleshoot problems related to LACP in a network.

If you do not specify a value for the argument channel-group-number , all channel groups are displayed.


This example shows how to display the LACP system identification using the show lacp sys-id command:

Device> show lacp sys-id


The system identification is made up of the system priority and the system MAC address. The first two bytes are the system priority, and the last six bytes are the globally administered individual MAC address that is associated to the system.


This example shows how to display the LACP statistics for a specific channel group:

Device# show lacp 1 counters

              LACPDUs         Marker       LACPDUs
Port       Sent   Recv     Sent   Recv     Pkts Err
Channel group: 1
  Fa4/1    8      15       0      0         3    0
  Fa4/2    14     18       0      0         3    0
  Fa4/3    14     18       0      0         0
  Fa4/4    13     18       0      0         0

The output displays the following information:

  • The LACPDUs Sent and Recv columns display the LACPDUs that are sent and received on each specific interface.

  • The LACPDUs Pkts and Err columns display the marker-protocol packets.

The following example shows output from a show lacp channel-group-number counters command:

Device1# show lacp 5 counters

             LACPDUs         Marker      Marker Response    LACPDUs
Port       Sent   Recv     Sent   Recv     Sent   Recv      Pkts Err
Channel group: 5
Gi5/0/0     21     18       0      0        0      0         0     

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 1. show lacp channel-group-number counters Field Descriptions



LACPDUs Sent Recv

Number of LACP PDUs sent and received.

Marker Sent Recv

Attempts to avoid data loss when a member link is removed from an LACP bundle.

Marker Response Sent Recv

Cisco IOS response to the Marker protocol.

LACPDUs Pkts Err

Number of LACP PDU packets transmitted and the number of packet errors.

The following example shows output from a show lacp internal command:

Device1# show lacp 5 internal

Flags:  S - Device is requesting Slow LACPDUs 
        F - Device is requesting Fast LACPDUs
        A - Device is in Active mode       P - Device is in Passive mode     
Channel group 5
                            LACP port     Admin     Oper    Port        Port
Port      Flags   State     Priority      Key       Key     Number      State
Gi5/0/0   SA      bndl      32768         0x5       0x5     0x42        0x3D

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 2. show lacp internal Field Descriptions




Meanings of each flag value, which indicates a device activity.


Port on which link bundling is configured.


Indicators of device activity.


Activity state of the port. States can be any of the following:

  • Bndl--Port is attached to an aggregator and bundled with other ports.

  • Susp--Port is in suspended state, so it is not attached to any aggregator.

  • Indep--Port is in independent state (not bundled but able to switch data traffic). This condition differs from the previous state because in this case LACP is not running on the partner port.

  • Hot-sby--Port is in hot standby state.

  • Down--Port is down.

LACP port Priority

Priority assigned to the port.

Admin Key

Defines the ability of a port to aggregate with other ports.

Oper Key

Determines the aggregation capability of the link.

Port Number

Number of the port.

Port State

State variables for the port that are encoded as individual bits within a single octet with the following meaning:

  • bit0: LACP_Activity

  • bit1: LACP_Timeout

  • bit2: Aggregation

  • bit3: Synchronization

  • bit4: Collecting

  • bit5: Distributing

  • bit6: Defaulted

  • bit7: Expired


This example shows how to display internal information for the interfaces that belong to a specific channel:

Device# show lacp 1 internal

Flags:  S - Device sends PDUs at slow rate. F - Device sends PDUs at fast rate.
        A - Device is in Active mode.       P - Device is in Passive mode. 
Channel group 1
                            LACPDUs     LACP Port    Admin   Oper    Port     Port
Port      Flags    State    Interval    Priority     Key     Key     Number   State
Fa4/1     saC      bndl     30s         32768        100     100     0xc1     0x75
Fa4/2     saC      bndl     30s         32768        100     100     0xc2     0x75
Fa4/3     saC      bndl     30s         32768        100     100     0xc3     0x75
Fa4/4     saC      bndl     30s         32768        100     100     0xc4     0x75

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 3. show lacp internal Field Descriptions




Current state of the port; allowed values are as follows:

  • bndl--Port is attached to an aggregator and bundled with other ports.

  • susp--Port is in a suspended state; it is not attached to any aggregator.

  • indep--Port is in an independent state (not bundled but able to switch data traffic. In this case, LACP is not running on the partner port).

  • hot-sby--Port is in a hot-standby state.

  • down--Port is down.

LACPDUs Interval

Interval setting.

LACP Port Priority

Port-priority setting.

Admin Key

Defines the ability of a port to aggregate with other ports.

Oper Key

Determines the aggregation capability of the link.

Port Number

Port number.

Port State

Activity state of the port.

  • See the Port State description in the show lacp internal Field Descriptions table for state variables.


This example shows how to display the information about the LACP neighbors for a specific port channel:

Device# show lacp 1 neighbors

Flags:  S - Device sends PDUs at slow rate. F - Device sends PDUs at fast rate.
        A - Device is in Active mode.       P - Device is in Passive mode.
Channel group 1 neighbors
          Partner                 Partner 
Port      System ID               Port Number     Age     Flags
Fa4/1     8000,00b0.c23e.d84e     0x81            29s     P
Fa4/2     8000,00b0.c23e.d84e     0x82            0s      P
Fa4/3     8000,00b0.c23e.d84e     0x83            0s      P 
Fa4/4     8000,00b0.c23e.d84e     0x84            0s      P
          Port          Admin     Oper      Port
          Priority      Key       Key       State
Fa4/1     32768         200       200       0x81
Fa4/2     32768         200       200       0x81
Fa4/3     32768         200       200       0x81
Fa4/4     32768         200       200       0x81

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 4. show lacp neighbors Field Descriptions




Port on which link bundling is configured.

Partner System ID

Peer’s LACP system identification (sys-id). It is a combination of the system priority and the MAC address of the peer device.

Partner Port Number

Port number on the peer device


Number of seconds since the last LACP PDU was received on the port.


Indicators of device activity.

Port Priority

Port priority setting.

Admin Key

Defines the ability of a port to aggregate with other ports.

Oper Key

Determines the aggregation capability of the link.

Port State

Activity state of the port.

See the Port State description in the show lacp internal Field Descriptions table for state variables.

If no PDUs have been received, the default administrative information is displayed in braces.

show lcha logging

To display the information about the cable line card switchover event and state logs, use show lcha logging command in privileged EXEC mode.

show lcha logging level { error [ { sort using { { slot slot number } | { transaction transaction number } } } ] } | { info [ { sort using { { slot slot number } | { transaction transaction number } } } ] } | { noise [ { sort using { { slot slot number } | { transaction transaction number } } } ] } | { notice [ { sort using { { slot slot number } | { transaction transaction number } } } ] } | { warning [ { sort using { { slot slot number } | { transaction transaction number } } } ] }

Syntax Description


Displays all error logs.

sort using

Sorts the records.

slot slot number

The line card slot number. Valid range is from 0 to 13.

transaction transaction number

The line card transaction number. Valid range is from 0 to 65535.


Displays information, notice, warning and error logs.


Displays noise and other related error logs.


Displays notice and other related error logs.


Displays all warning and error logs.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE Release 3.16.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows how to display the cable modem line card logs.

Router# show lcha logging level noise
11:02:03.313 CST Tue Nov 18 2014 [error] [slot=3] [txn=229] Peer-Up Message [tag=1011]
to slot 3 complete [36144 ms]; status=nak response
11:02:03.313 CST Tue Nov 18 2014 [error] [slot=0] [txn=229] Slot 0 downloaded
configuration for slot 3; result=peer-up notification failed
11:02:03.316 CST Tue Nov 18 2014 [noise] [slot=0] [txn=none]
lcha_plfm_get_max_port_count_for_slot: slot 0 maximum port count is 1794
11:02:03.316 CST Tue Nov 18 2014 [noise] [slot=0] [txn=none]
lcha_plfm_get_starting_port_index: slot 0 starting port count is 0
11:02:03.331 CST Tue Nov 18 2014 [note] [slot=0] [txn=none] Slot 0 is being reset
11:02:04.352 CST Tue Nov 18 2014 [note] [slot=0] [txn=none] slot 0 removed

show lcha rfsw

To display the internal RF switch PIC state information, use show lcha rfsw command in privileged Exec mode.

show lcha rfsw

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged Exec (#)

Command History



IOS-XE Release 3.16.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows how to display the internal RF switch PIC state information:

Router# show lcha rfsw
Slot 0 ====================================
Type : Secondary PIC State: normal
Slot 1 ====================================
Type : Primary PIC State: normal

show license summary

To display the 10G and 100G WAN license information summary.

show license summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)



IOS-XE 16.8.1

This command was introduced.


The command displays the following information, depending on the cable license 100G-conversion configuration.

  • With the cable license 100G-conversion, the show license summary would display:
    Router(config)# show license summary
    Smart Licensing is ENABLED
      Status: REGISTERED
      Smart Account: CBR8_DEV_1
      Virtual Account: cbr8-dev-test
      Export-Controlled Functionality: Allowed
      Last Renewal Attempt: None
      Next Renewal Attempt: Jun 13 00:47:13 2018 CST
    License Authorization: 
      Status: AUTHORIZED
      Last Communication Attempt: SUCCEEDED
      Next Communication Attempt: Jan 14 11:25:01 2018 CST
    License Usage:
      License                 Entitlement tag               Count Status
      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (WAN_License)                    20 AUTHORIZED
  • With the no cable license 100G-conversion, the show license summary would display:
    Router(config)# show license summary
    Smart Licensing is ENABLED
      Status: REGISTERED
      Smart Account: CBR8_DEV_1
      Virtual Account: cbr8-dev-test
      Export-Controlled Functionality: Allowed
      Last Renewal Attempt: None
      Next Renewal Attempt: Jun 13 00:47:13 2018 CST
    License Authorization: 
      Status: AUTHORIZED
      Last Communication Attempt: SUCCEEDED
      Next Communication Attempt: Jan 14 11:34:13 2018 CST
    License Usage:
      License                 Entitlement tag               Count Status
      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (WAN_100G_License)                2 AUTHORIZED

show logging onboard

To view the OBFL logging information, use the show logging onboard command in privileged EXEC mode. To clear the OBFL logging information, use the clear logging onboard command.

show logging onboard {slot| | module| | bay } {slotnumber | | subslotnumber | | modulenumber} {dram| | message| | serdes| | status| | temperature| | uptime| | voltage| | firmware }

clear logging onboard {slot| | module| | bay } {slotnumber | | subslotnumber | | modulenumber} {dram| | message| | serdes| | status| | temperature| | uptime| | voltage| | firmware }

Syntax Description


Displays the slot information.


Displays the sub slot information.


Displays the module information.


Displays slot information.


Displays or clears the DRAM ECC error log.


Displays or clears the onboard serdes log.


Displays whether onboard logging is enabled or disabled.


Displays information such as the time when you powered on the card, the number of times the card was reset, the number of times you moved a card from one slot to another, the reason why a card was reset, the current slot in which you installed the card, and the last time when you powered on the card.


Displays the onboard temperature information.


Displays the onboard voltage information.


Displays firmware versions of slot cards such as SUP and LC and PIC cards such as SUP-PIC, RF-PIC, D-PIC and so on.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 16.8.1

The firmware keyword was added.Using the uptime keyword, you can view additional information such as:

  • the time when you powered on the card

  • the number of times the card was reset

  • the number of times you moved a card from one slot to another

  • the reason why a card was reset

  • the current slot in which you installed the card

  • the last time when you powered on the card

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Use show logging onboard slot slot message to check OBFL messages. Use this command to identify the hardware or software-related failures.


The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot message command:

Router#  show logging onboard slot 8 message
	timestamp message
03/09/15 18:35:29    US-PHY    1    SN Unknown Mg0 TGC-verify not sampled at frame-sync pulse 0x4a900046, 520 times                                                   
03/09/15 18:35:29    US-PHY    1    SN Unknown Mg1 TGC-verify not sampled at frame-sync pulse 0x4a900046, 520 times                                                   
03/09/15 18:35:29    US-PHY    1    SN Unknown Mg3 TGC-verify not sampled at frame-sync pulse 0x4a900046, 520 times                                                   
03/09/15 18:35:29    US-PHY    1    SN Unknown Mg2 TGC-verify not sampled at frame-sync pulse 0x4a900046, 520 times                                                   
03/09/15 18:41:59    US-PHY    1    SN Unknown Mg2 TGC-verify not sampled at frame-sync pulse 0x389a0047, 540 times                                                   
03/09/15 18:41:59    US-PHY    1    SN Unknown Mg1 TGC-verify not sampled at frame-sync pulse 0x389a0047, 540 times 

The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot voltage command:

Router#show logging onboard slot R1 voltage 
Name              Id    Data (mV)  Poll      Last Update               
PSOC-MB2_20: VO   40         1791  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB2_21: VO   41         3290  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB2_22: VO   42         3293  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB2_23: VO   43         3299  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB2_24: VO   44         4958  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB2_25: VO   45         4508  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_0: VOU   46         4999  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_1: VOU   47         4982  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_2: VOU   48         1499  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_3: VOU   49         1193  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_4: VOU   50          708  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_5: VOU   51          757  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_6: VOU   52          585  1         01/01/12 17:03:03         
PSOC-MB3_7: VOU   53         1501  1         01/01/12 17:03:03

The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot temperature command:

Router#show logging onboard slot R1 temperature 
Name              Id     Data (C)  Poll      Last Update               
Temp: BB_DIE      159          25  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: VP_DIE      160          21  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: RT-E_DIE    161          29  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: INLET_1     162          20  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: INLET_2     163          18  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: OUTLET_1    164          22  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: 3882_1      165          44  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: 3882_1A     166          38  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: 3882_1B     167          36  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: 3882_2      168          38  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: 3882_2A     169          37  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: 3882_2B     170          35  1         01/02/12 23:04:19         
Temp: 3882_3      171          38  1         01/02/12 23:04:19 

The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot uptime latest command:

Router#show logging onboard slot R1 uptime latest 
 Slot              Reset reason  Power On                  
    1      reset local software  01/02/12 23:02:46

The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot uptime command:

Router#show logging onboard slot R1 uptime 
 Slot              Reset reason  Power On                  
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 01:52:26         
    4      reset local software  01/06/12 01:52:42         
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 01:52:45         
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 02:20:27         
    4      reset local software  01/06/12 02:20:43         
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 02:20:46         
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 05:12:02         
    4      reset local software  01/06/12 05:12:19         
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 05:12:22         
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 05:17:31         
    4      reset local software  01/06/12 05:17:48         
    0      reset local software  01/06/12 05:17:51         
    0            reset power on  01/01/12 08:56:44         
    4            reset power on  01/01/12 08:57:00


The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot firmware command:

Router# show logging onboard slot R0 firmware
slot     timestamp                                firmware       version
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:38.000   CPLD           16052011
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:38.000   ViperSO CPLD   14091201
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:38.000   ViperSIO CPLD  14092901
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   Rommon         16.6(1r)S
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP-DC CPLD    ffffffff
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP PSOC       v4.1.0_i2c1
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP PSOC 1     v4.0.8_i2c1
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP PSOC 2     v4.1.1_IVB"
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP PSOC 3     v4.0.6_i2c1
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP-DC PSOC 0  N/A
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP-DC PSOC 1  N/A
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP-PIC PSOC 0 V2.0.6
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   SUP-PIC PSOC 1 V2.0.6
0         2018-01-16T00:00:00.000  09:36:39.000   Blackbird      00000112

The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot firmware reverse command:

Router# show logging onboard slot R0 firmware reverse
slot       timestamp            firmware          version
0       01/16/18 09:38:12       Raptor ESI        0001003b
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       Blackbird         00000112
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP-PIC PSOC 1    V2.0.6
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP-PIC PSOC 0    V2.0.6
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP-DC PSOC 1     N/A
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP-DC PSOC 0     N/A
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP PSOC 3        v4.0.6_i2c1
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP PSOC 2        v4.1.1_IVB
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP PSOC 1        v4.0.8_i2c1
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP PSOC 0        v4.1.0_i2c1
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       SUP-DC CPLD       ffffffff
0       01/16/18 09:36:39       Rommon            16.6(1r)S
0       01/16/18 09:36:38       ViperSIO CPLD     14092901
0       01/16/18 09:36:38       ViperSO CPLD      14091201
0       01/16/18 09:36:38       CPLD              16052011


The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot firmware backup command:

Router#show logging onboard bay 4/4 firmware backup
slot timestamp        firmware           version
4 01/16/18 09:40:20   SUP-PIC CPLD       14071504
4 01/16/18 09:40:20   DTI Client FPGA    00000005
4 01/16/18 09:40:20   DTI Firmware       00000a03
4 01/16/18 09:40:20   Raptor MAC         00010031
4 01/16/18 09:40:20   Cortina PHY        201402061607
4 01/17/18 08:38:22   SUP-PIC CPLD       14071504
4 01/17/18 08:38:22   DTI Client FPGA    00000005
4 01/17/18 08:38:22   DTI Firmware       00000a03

The following is a sample output of the show logging onboard slot slot backup reverse command:

Router# show logging onboard bay 4/4 firmware backup reverse
slot timestamp            firmware          version
4    01/17/18 08:38:22    Cortina PHY       201402061607
4    01/17/18 08:38:22    Raptor MAC        00010031
4    01/17/18 08:38:22    DTI Firmware      00000a03
4    01/17/18 08:38:22    DTI Client FPGA   00000005
4    01/17/18 08:38:22    SUP-PIC CPLD      14071504
4    01/16/18 09:40:20    Cortina PHY       201402061607
4    01/16/18 09:40:20    Raptor MAC        00010031
4    01/16/18 09:40:20    DTI Firmware      00000a03
4    01/16/18 09:40:20    DTI Client FPGA   00000005
4    01/16/18 09:40:20    SUP-PIC CPLD      14071504

show nls

To display the Network Layer Signalling (NLS) functionality state, use the show nls command in privileged EXEC mode.

show nls [ag-id | flow]

Command Default

Information for the NLS state is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.


The following example shows the output of the show nls command:

Router# show nls
NLS enabled
NLS Authentication enabled
NLS resp-timeout 45


The following example shows the output of the show nls ag-id command:

Router# show nls ag-id
Auth Group Id

The following example shows the output of the show nls flow command:

Router# show nls flow
NLS flowid CPE IP CR Type CR ID NLS State
4294967295 1 1 PEND_B_RESP


This example shows the output of the show nls command:

Router# show nls
NLS Enabled
NLS Authentication Enabled
NLS resp-timeout 20

This example shows the output of the show nls ag-id command for the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router:

Router#show nls ag-id
Auth Group Id


This example shows the output of the show nls flow command for the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router:

Router# show nls flow
NLS flowid CPE IP CR Type CR ID NLS State
4294967295 1 1 PEND_B_RESP

show nls ag-id

To display authorization group ID information, use the show nls ag-id command in privileged EXEC mode.

show nls ag-id

Command Default

Authorization group ID information is displayed. The authentication key is saved encrypted and is not displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows the output of the show nls-sg-id command:

Router# show nls ag-id
Auth Group Id

show nls flow

To display NLS active flow information, use the show nls flow command in privileged EXEC mode.

show nls flow

Command Default

Information for NLS active flows are displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows the output of the show cpd command:

Router# show nls flow
NLS flowid CPE IP CR Type CR ID NLS State
4294967295 1 1 PEND_B_RESP

show cable oudp-leak-detect

See the OFDMA OUDP Leak Detection Configuration section in the configuration guide for the EXEC, Global configuration, Configuration and Show commands.

To display information related to OUDP leakage detection test sessions, use the show cable oudp-leak-detect command.

show cable oudp-leak-detect { settings | test-sessions }

show cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id { detail | cm-stats }

show cable oudp-leak-detect { system-boot-holdoff | burst-profiles | schedules | rf-detector | docsis-clock slot | CLC slot }

Syntax Description


Displays the values of OUDP global configuration parameters and the CBR-8 capabilities (specifically the OSSI SupportsNumBurstsNotReceived—We support RxNoEnergy stat.)


Displays summary of the test session that includes parent/child IDs, start/stop times, interfaces, and status.


Displays the parent or child test session details.

Includes OSSI information pertaining to:

  • LeakageDetectionTestSessionStatus

  • LeakageDetectionTestChannelStatus


Displays the child test session CM stats for BurstGrants, BurstRx, BurstNoEnergyRx, and BytesRx.

Includes OSSI information pertaining to:

  • LeakageDetectionTestSessionStats

All child session CM stats are displayed when the parent session-id is entered.


Time delay during system boot to allow OFDMA channels to reach up state and CMs to reach online. After this holdoff time expires, OUDP test sessions will begin.


Displays persistent OUDP burst profiles configured in NVRAM (startup-config).


Displays persistent OUDP schedules configured in NVRAM (startup-config).


Displays currently available OFDMA channels and frequencies in the system. Useful for identifying OFDMA channel participation for a given OUDP frequency range.

docsis-clock slotCLC slot

Displays the timing reference information of the SUP and selected CLC slot.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)




This command was introduced.

show packetcable cms

To display all gate controllers that are connected to the PacketCable client, use the show packetcable cms command in privileged EXEC mode.

show packetcable cms [all | verbose]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies all gate controllers including the Common Open Policy Service (COPS) servers for which the PacketCable connection is gone down.


(Optional) Provides detailed output with statistics for all gate controllers that are connected to the PacketCable client.

Command Default

All gate controllers currently connected to the PacketCable client are displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCF

This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.

Usage Guidelines

The show packetcable cms command displays various PacketCable counters including message exchanges and error frequency details to help detect any PacketCable errors. This command output can be periodically monitored to validate the overall health of a PacketCable solution.

In normal circumstances, the output of the show packetcable cms all command is not different from the output of the show packetcable cms command (default form of the command). However, the show packetcable cms command with the all keyword is used to capture all COPS servers including the servers for which the PacketCable connection is gone down.


The following is a sample output of the show packetcable cms command that shows all gate controllers that are currently connected to the PacketCable client in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCF:

Router# show packetcable cms
GC-Addr        GC-Port  Client-Addr    COPS-handle  Version PSID Key PDD-Cfg     47236      0x2FF9E268/1    4.0   0    0   0     55390      0x2FF9D890/1    1.0   0    0   2

The following is a sample output of the show packetcable cms command with the all keyword in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCF:

Router# show packetcable cms all
GC-Addr        GC-Port  Client-Addr    COPS-handle  Version PSID Key PDD-Cfg     47236      0x2FF9E268/1    4.0   0    0   0     55390      0x2FF9D890/1    1.0   0    0   2     42307      0x0       /0    4.0   0    0   0

The following is a sample output of the show packetcable cms command with the verbose keyword. This output provides additional information with statistics for all gate controllers that are connected to the PacketCable client.

Router# show packetcable cms verbose
Gate Controller
     Addr         :
     Port         :     47236
     Client Addr  :
     COPS Handle  :     0x2FF9E268
     Version      :     4.0
     Statistics   :
        gate del =  0  gate del ack =  0   gate del err = 0
        gate info = 0  gate info ack = 0  gate info err = 0
        gate open =  0  gate report state = 0
        gate set =  0  gate set ack =  0   gate set err = 0
        gate alloc = 0 gate alloc ack = 0  gate alloc err = 0
        gate close =  0
Gate Controller
     Addr         :
     Port         :     55390
     Client Addr  :
     COPS Handle  :     0x2FF9D890
     Version      :     1.0
     Statistics   :
        gate del =  0  gate del ack =  0   gate del err = 0
        gate info = 0  gate info ack = 0  gate info err = 0
        gate open =  0  gate report state = 0
        gate set =  2  gate set ack =  2   gate set err = 0
        PCMM Timers Expired
        Timer T1 =  0  Timer T2 =  0 Timer T3 = 0 Timer T4 = 0
GC-Addr        GC-Port  Client-Addr    COPS-handle  Version PSID Key PDD-Cfg     47236      0x2FF9E268/1    4.0   0    0   0     55390      0x2FF9D890/1    1.0   0    0   2

Table below describes the significant fields shown in the show packetcable cms command display.

Table 5. show packetcable cms Field Descriptions




Gate controller IP address.


Port number of the gate controller.


PacketCable client IP address.


Unique value to identify a Common Open Policy Service (COPS) connection.


Policy server ID.


This example shows the output of the show packetcable cms command with the all keyword:

Router#show packetcable cms all
GC-Addr        GC-Port  Client-Addr    COPS-handle        Version PSID Key PDD-Cfg     45140     0x7F07E87170D0/1   4.0     0    0   0     45143     0x7F07E8717000/1   4.0     0    0   0     34934     0x7F079F594380/1   4.0     0    0   0    44902     0x7F079F594318/1   4.0     0    0   2

This example shows the output of the show packetcable cms command with the verbose keyword:

Router#show packetcable cms verbose
Gate Controller
     Addr         :
     Port         :     50406
     Client Addr  :
     COPS Handle  :     0x7FD926EEAC08
     Version      :     4.0
     Statistics   :
        gate del =  0  gate del ack =  0  gate del err = 0
        gate info = 0  gate info ack = 0  gate info err = 0
        gate open = 0  gate report state = 0
        gate set =  0  gate set ack =  0  gate set err = 0
        gate alloc = 0 gate alloc ack = 0  gate alloc err = 0
        gate close =  0

Gate Controller
     Addr         :
     Port         :     50408
     Client Addr  :
     COPS Handle  :     0x7FD926EEABA0
     Version      :     4.0
     Statistics   :
        gate del =  4  gate del ack =  0  gate del err = 4
        gate info = 0  gate info ack = 0  gate info err = 0
        gate open = 0  gate report state = 0
        gate set =  0  gate set ack =  0  gate set err = 0
        gate alloc = 0 gate alloc ack = 0  gate alloc err = 0
        gate close =  0

Gate Controller
     Addr         :
     Port         :     50874
     Client Addr  :
     COPS Handle  :     0x7FD92801E148
     Version      :     4.0
     Statistics   :
        gate del =  0  gate del ack =  0  gate del err = 0
        gate info = 0  gate info ack = 0  gate info err = 0
        gate open = 0  gate report state = 0
        gate set =  6  gate set ack =  0  gate set err = 6
        gate error statistics:
          Invalid subscriber = 6
        PCMM Timers Expired
        Timer T1 =  0  Timer T2 =  0 Timer T3 = 0 Timer T4 = 0

Gate Controller
     Addr         :
     Port         :     33525
     Client Addr  :
     COPS Handle  :     0x7FD92801DB30
     Version      :     4.0
     Statistics   :
        gate del =  0  gate del ack =  0  gate del err = 0
        gate info = 0  gate info ack = 0  gate info err = 0
        gate open = 0  gate report state = 0
        gate set =  0  gate set ack =  0  gate set err = 0
        PCMM Timers Expired
        Timer T1 =  0  Timer T2 =  0 Timer T3 = 0 Timer T4 = 0

show packetcable event

To display information the PacketCable event message (EM) server, use the show packetcable event command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show packetcable event {df-group | radius-server | rks-group}

Syntax Description


Displays information about the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) Delivery Function (DF) server groups that are configured on the router.


Displays information about the EM Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) servers that are configured on the router.


Displays information about the Record Keeping Server (RKS) groups that are configured on the router.

Command Modes

User EXEC, Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7246VXR and Cisco uBR10012 universal broadband routers.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays information about the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) servers that are configured on the Cisco CMTS router for PacketCable operations. These include DF servers (used for CALEA redirection of event messages and traffic), RADIUS servers (used for authentication), and RKS servers (used for billing).


The following example shows typical output for the show packetcable event df-group command, which shows the IP address and UDP port of the DF server to which event messages are being forwarded for CALEA electronic surveillance.

Router# show packetcable event df-group 
CDC-address      CDC-port        1816

The following example shows a typical display for the show packetcable event radius-server command, which shows the IP address for each RADIUS server that is configured on the router for PacketCable operations, along with the UDP port number that it is using.

Router# show packetcable event radius-server 
Server-address Port     1816     1813     1813 

The following example shows a typical display for the show packetcable event rks-group command.

Router# show packetcable event rks-group 
Pri-addr      Pri-port Sec-addr       Sec-port Ref-cnt Batch-cnt     1813      1813       2           0 

Table below describes the major fields shown in the show packetcable event rks-group display.

Table 6. show packetcable event rks-group Field Display




IP address for the primary RKS server.


UDP port for the primary RKS server.


IP address for the secondary RKS server.


UDP port for the secondary RKS server.


Number of times that the router send single event messages to the RKS server.


Number of times that the router sent batrch messages (multiple Event Messages within a single RADIUS message) to the RKS server.


For complete information about PacketCable event messaging, see the PacketCable Event Messages Specification, which is available at the PacketCable Event Messages SpecificationPacketCable web site at the following URL :


This example shows the output of the show packetcable event command:

Router# show packetcable event df-group 
CDC-address      CDC-port        1816

Router# show packetcable event radius-server 
Server-address Port     1816     1813     1813 

Router# show packetcable event rks-group 
Pri-addr      Pri-port Sec-addr       Sec-port Ref-cnt Batch-cnt     1813      1813       2           0 

show packetcable gate

To display information about one or more gates in the gate database, use the show packetcable gate command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show packetcable gate [downstream | upstream] {summary | gate-id}

show packetcable gate [downstream | upstream | dqos | ipv6 | multimedia] {summary | gate-id}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Display information only for gates in the downstream direction.


(Optional) Display information only for gates in the upstream direction.


Display a summary containing the gate ID, subscriber ID, subscriber IP address, and current state information.


Display information for a specific gate ID. The valid range is 0 to 4294967295.

Command Default

Displays information about gates on both upstreams and downstreams, if upstream or downstream is not specified.

Command Modes

User EXEC, Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband router.


The output for the summary option was enhanced to display the cable interface and service flow IDs (SFIDs) associated with each PacketCable gate.


Support was added for the Cisco uBR10012 router.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays information about one or more gates in the gate database on the Cisco CMTS. You can display a summary for all currently active gates, for all downstream or all upstream gates, or you can display detailed information about a specific gate.


The following example shows typical output for the show packetcable gate summary command, which displays all current gates on the CMTS:

Router# show packetcable gate summary
GateID    Slot SubscriberID   GC-Addr        State   SFID     SFID
                                                     (us)     (ds)
2566      2/0   COMMIT  9        10
18950     2/0   COMMIT  7        8
Total number of gates = 2
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 2

The following example shows a typical display for a specific gate. Both downstream and upstream gates are shown unless you also specify either the downstream or upstream option.

Router# show packetcable gate 196
GateID                 : 196
    Subscriber ID      :
    GC Address         :
    State              : COMMITTED 
    Gate specs [UPSTREAM] 
      Gate classifier  : [protocol 17, 
                          src addr/port, 
                          dest addr/port 
      diffserv dscp    : 0x6000000 
      timer t1(ms)     : 180000 
      timer t2(ms)     : 2000 
      commit flags     : 0x0 
      session class    : 0x1 
       flowspec # 1          : [r/b/p/m/M 1176256512/1128792064/1176256512/200/200]
                         [R/S: 1176256512/0] 
    Gate specs [DOWNSTREAM] 
      Gate classifier  : [protocol 17, 
                          src addr/port, 
                          dest addr/port 
      diffserv dscp    : 0x9000000 
      timer t1(ms)     : 180000 
      timer t2(ms)     : 2000 
      commit flags     : 0x0 
      session class    : 0x1 
       flowspec # 1          : [r/b/p/m/M 1176256512/1128792064/1176256512/200/200]
                       [R/S: 1176256512/0] 
    Remote Gate 
      address/port     : 
      gate coord flag  : 2 
      algo             : 100
      security key[16] : 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35
    Billing Info 
      primary RKS      : [addr/port] 
      secondary RKS    : [addr/port] 
      flags            : 0 
      billing corr ID        : [3D 38 96 CC 20 20 20 20 31 30 20 30 00 00 00 41 ] 

Table below describes the major fields shown in the show packetcable gate display.

Table 7. show packetcable gate Field Display




Unique number identifying the local gate.


Cable interface on the Cisco CMTS.

Subscriber ID

IP address for the subscriber for this service request.


IP address for the gate controller that is responsible for this gate.


Describes the current state of the gate in both the upstream and downstream directions. The possible state values are:

  • ALLOC = The CMTS has received a Gate-Alloc command from the gate controller and has created the gate in response. The CMTS must now wait for the request to be authorized.
  • AUTH = The CMTS has received a Gate-Set command from the gate controller that authorizes the resources needed for the gate request. The CMTS must now wait for the actual resources to be reserved.
  • RSVD = All required resources for the gate have been reserved.
  • COMMIT = All resources have been committed at both the local CMTS and remote CMTS. The local CMTS has also received a commit notification from the local MTA and has finished all gate coordination with the remote end. The gate can now pass traffic.
  • INVLD = The gate is invalid, typically because of an error condition or lack of resources. The CMTS will eventually delete the gate.
  • UNKWN = The gate is an unknown state.

SFID (us)

SFID for the upstream associated with this PacketCable gate.

SFID (ds)

SFID for the downstream associated with this PacketCable gate.

Total number of gates

Displays the total number of gates that are currently allocated, authorized, reserved, or committed.

Total Gates committed

Displays the total number of gates that the CMTS has committed since the CMTS was last reset or since the counters were last cleared.


For complete information about the State field, see section 5.4, Gate Control Protocol Operation, in the PacketCable Dynamic Quality-of-Service Specification (PKT-SP-DQOS-I03-020116).


This example shows the output of the show packetcable gate command:

Router#show packetcable gate summary 
GateID     i/f          SubscriberID    GC-Addr        State     Type  SFID(us) SFID(ds)
16383    Ca3/0/1    COMMIT    MM    815 

Total number of gates = 1
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 1

This example shows the output of the show packetcable gate command for a specific gate ID:

Router#show packetcable gate 16383
GateID : 16383
Subscriber ID :
COPS connection :
server handle : 0x7F76F046D988
server address :
server port : 57437
client address :
State : COMMIT
CALEA Version : - 
Gate specs [UPSTREAM]
Gate classifier : protocol 17,
src addr/port,
dest addr/port
diffserv dscp : 0xC0
timer t1(s) : 200
timer t7(s) : 300
timer t8(s) : 10
commit flags : 0x0
session class : 0x1
flowspec # 1 : [r/b/p/m/M 10000/200/10000/200/200] [R/S: 10000/800]
Gate specs [DOWNSTREAM]
Gate classifier : protocol 17,
src addr/port,
dest addr/port
diffserv dscp : 0xC0
timer t1(s) : 200
timer t7(s) : 300
timer t8(s) : 10
commit flags : 0x0
session class : 0x1
flowspec # 1 : [r/b/p/m/M 10000/200/10000/200/200] [R/S: 10000/0]

show packetcable gate counter commit

To display the total number of gates that the CMTS has put into the COMMITTED state since the CMTS was last reset or since the counter was last cleared, use the show packetcable gate counter commit command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show packetcable gate counter commit

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC, Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband router.


Support was added for the Cisco uBR10012 router.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the total number of gates that have been committed since the Cisco uBR7200 series router was restarted or since the counter was last cleared with the clear packetcable gate counter commit command.


This command displays only the count of committed gates. It does not include gates that were allocated, authorized, and reserved but that were not put into the COMMITTED state.


The following example shows that 132 gates have been committed since the Cisco CMTS was last reset or since the counters were last cleared:

Router# show packetcable gate counter commit
Total Gates committed (since bootup or clear counter) = 132 


This example shows the output of the show packetcable gate counter commit command:

Router#show packetcable gate counter commit
Total gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 4

show packetcable gate ipv6

To display information about one or more PacketCable gates associated with IPv6 subscriber IDs in the gate database, use the show packetcable gate ipv6 command in privileged EXEC mode.

show packetcable gate ipv6 summary [downstream {gate-id | ipv6 summary}] [upstream {gate-id | ipv6 summary}]

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 subscriber IDs.


Displays a summary of gates containing the gate ID, subscriber ID, subscriber IPv6 address, and the state information.

downstream gate-id

(Optional) Displays information for the specified gate ID in the downstream direction. The valid range is from 0 to 4294967295.

upstream gate-id

(Optional) Displays information for the specified gate ID in the upstream direction. The valid range is from 0 to 4294967295.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC(#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.

Usage Guidelines

This command provides a summary of all active gates (downstream or upstream gates) for IPv6 subscribers.


The following is a sample output of the show packetcable gate ipv6 command that shows a summary of all the active downstream and upstream gates for IPv6 subscribers on a Cisco CMTS router:

Router# show packetcable gate ipv6 summary
GateID     i/f                     SubscriberID                State   SFID(us) SFID(ds)
13582      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT    74       
29962      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT    73       
46354      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT    72       
62738      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT             69       
TTotal number of  gates = 4
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 8

The following is a sample output of the show packetcable gate ipv6 command that shows a summary of all downstream gates for IPv6 subscribers on a Cisco CMTS router:

Router# show packetcable gate downstream ipv6 summary
GateID     i/f                     SubscriberID                State   SFID(us) SFID(ds)
62738      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT             69       
Total number of DS gates = 1
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 8

The following is a sample output of the show packetcable gate ipv6 command that shows a summary of all upstream gates for IPv6 subscribers on the Cisco CMTS router:

Router# show packetcable gate upstream ipv6 summary
GateID     i/f                     SubscriberID                State   SFID(us) SFID(ds)
13582      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT    74       
29962      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT    73       
46354      Ca8/1/0      2001:40:1:42:C0B4:84E5:5081:9B5C       COMMIT    72       
Total number of US gates = 3
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 8

Table below describes the significant fields shown in the command display.

Table 8. show packetcable gate Field Display




Unique number identifying the local gate.


Cable interface on the Cisco CMTS.

Subscriber ID

IPv6 address of the subscriber for this service request.


Describes the state of the gate in both the upstream and downstream directions. The possible state values are:

  • ALLOC—The CMTS has received a Gate-Alloc command from the gate controller and has created the gate in response. The CMTS must now wait for the request to be authorized.
  • AUTH—The CMTS has received a Gate-Set command from the gate controller that authorizes the resources needed for the gate request. The CMTS must now wait for the actual resources to be reserved.
  • RSVD—All required resources for the gate have been reserved.
  • COMMIT—All resources are committed at both the local CMTS and remote CMTS. The local CMTS has also received a commit notification from the local MTA and has completed all gate coordination with the remote end. The gate can now pass traffic.
  • INVLD—The gate is invalid, typically because of an error condition or lack of resources. The CMTS will eventually delete the gate.
  • UNKWN—The gate is in an unknown state.

SFID (us)

SFID for the upstream associated with this PacketCable gate.

SFID (ds)

SFID for the downstream associated with this PacketCable gate.

Total number of gates

Displays the total number of PCMM gates that are allocated, authorized, reserved, or committed.

Total Gates committed (since bootup or clear counter)

Displays the total number of PCMM gates that the CMTS has committed since the CMTS was last reset or since the counters were last cleared.

show packetcable gate multimedia

On Cisco uBR10012 router, to display information about the total number of PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM) multicast gates, use the show packetcable gate multimedia command in privileged EXEC mode.

On Cisco cBR-8 router, to display information about the total number of PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM) gates, use the show packetcable gate multimedia command in privileged EXEC mode.

show packetcable gate multimedia [summary]

Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router

show packetcable gate multimedia [downstream | upstream]summary

Syntax Description


(Optional) Display information only for Packetcable multimedia downstream gate.


(Optional) Display information only for Packetcable multimedia upstream gate.


(Optional for Cisco uBR10012 router) Displays PCMM information.


For Cisco uBR10012 router— Provides a summary of PCMM multicast gate ID, subscriber ID, gate controller address, and current state information.

For Cisco cBR-8 router— Provides a summary of PCMM gate ID, subscriber ID, gate controller address, and current state information.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.

The downstream and upstream keywords were added.

PCMM Multicast option is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.


The following is a sample output of the show packetcable gate multimedia command on a Cisco CMTS router:

Router# show packetcable gate multimedia multicast summary
GateID     i/f          SubscriberID   GC-Addr        State     Type  SFID(us) SFID(ds)
134        Ca5/0/0     COMMIT    MM             4
Total number of Multimedia-MCAST gates = 1
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 1

Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 9. show packetcable gate multimedia Field Descriptions




Unique number identifying the local PCMM multicast gate.


Cable interface on the Cisco CMTS router.

Subscriber ID

IP address of the subscriber for this service request.


IP address of the gate controller that is responsible for the gate.


Describes the current state of the gate in the downstream direction. The possible state values are:

  • ALLOC—The CMTS has received a Gate-Alloc command from the gate controller and has created the gate in response. The CMTS must now wait for the request to be authorized.
  • AUTH—The CMTS has received a Gate-Set command from the gate controller that authorizes the resources needed for the gate request. The CMTS must now wait for the actual resources to be reserved.
  • RSVD—All required resources for the gate have been reserved.
  • COMMIT—All resources are committed at both the local CMTS and remote CMTS. The local CMTS has also received a commit notification from the local MTA and has completed all gate coordination with the remote end. The gate can now pass traffic.
  • INVLD—The gate is invalid, typically because of an error condition or lack of resources. The CMTS will eventually delete the gate.
  • UNKWN—The gate is in an unknown state.

SFID (us)

Service flow ID (SFID) for the upstream associated with this PCMM multicast gate.

SFID (ds)

SFID for the downstream associated with this PCMM multicast gate.

Total number of Multimedia-MCAST gates

Total number of PCMM multicast gates that are currently allocated, authorized, reserved, or committed.

Total Gates committed (since bootup or clear counter)

Total number of PCMM multicast gates that are committed since the Cisco CMTS router was last reset or since the counters were last cleared.


This example shows the output of the show packetcable gate multimedia command with the summary option:

Router#show packetcable gate multimedia summary 
GateID i/f     SubscriberID  GC-Addr   State  Type SFID(us) SFID(ds)
81919  Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            363 
98303  Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            364 
114687 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            301 
131071 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            302 
147455 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            365 
163839 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            366 
180223 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            367 
196607 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            368 
212991 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            303 
229375 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            304 
245759 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            305 
262143 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            306 

Total number of Multimedia gates = 12
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 12

This example shows the output of the show packetcable gate multimedia command with the upstream summary option:

Router#show packetcable gate multimedia upstream summary 
GateID i/f     SubscriberID  GC-Addr   State  Type SFID(us) SFID(ds)
81919  Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            363 
131071 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            302 
147455 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            365 
180223 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            367 
229375 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            304 
245759 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            305 

Total number of Multimedia-US gates = 6
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 12

This example shows the output of the show packetcable gate multimedia command with the downstream summary option:

Router#show packetcable gate multimedia downstream summary 
GateID i/f     SubscriberID  GC-Addr   State  Type SFID(us) SFID(ds)
98303  Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            364 
114687 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            301 
163839 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            366 
196607 Ca1/0/4 COMMIT MM            368 
212991 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            303 
262143 Ca1/0/0 COMMIT MM            306 

Total number of Multimedia-DS gates = 6
Total Gates committed(since bootup or clear counter) = 12

Table 10. show packetcable gate multimedia Field Descriptions for Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router




Unique number identifying the local PCMM gate.


Cable interface on the Cisco CMTS router.

Subscriber ID

IP address of the subscriber for this service request.


IP address of the gate controller that is responsible for the gate.


Describes the current state of the gate in the downstream direction. The possible state values are:

  • ALLOC—The CMTS has received a Gate-Alloc command from the gate controller and has created the gate in response. The CMTS must now wait for the request to be authorized.
  • AUTH—The CMTS has received a Gate-Set command from the gate controller that authorizes the resources needed for the gate request. The CMTS must now wait for the actual resources to be reserved.
  • RSVD—All required resources for the gate have been reserved.
  • COMMIT—All resources are committed at both the local CMTS and remote CMTS. The local CMTS has also received a commit notification from the local MTA and has completed all gate coordination with the remote end. The gate can now pass traffic.
  • INVLD—The gate is invalid, typically because of an error condition or lack of resources. The CMTS will eventually delete the gate.
  • UNKWN—The gate is in an unknown state.

SFID (us)

Service flow ID (SFID) for the upstream associated with this PCMM gate.

SFID (ds)

SFID for the downstream associated with this PCMM gate.

Total number of Multimedia-xx gates

Total number of PCMM gates that are currently allocated, authorized, reserved, or committed.

The "Total number of Multimedia-xx gates" depends on the options used. The field is given as:
  • If no option is used—"Total number of Multimedia gates" ,

  • For option multicast— "Total number of Multimedia-MCAST gates"

  • For option downstream— "Total number of Multimedia-DS gates"

  • For option upstream— "Total number of Multimedia-US gates"

Total Gates committed (since bootup or clear counter)

Total number of PCMM gates that are committed since the Cisco CMTS router was last reset or since the counters were last cleared.

show packetcable global

To display the current PacketCable configuration, including the maximum number of gates, the Element ID, and the DQoS timer values, use the show packetcable global command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show packetcable global

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC, Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband router.


Support was added to display the Element ID for the CMTS.


Support was added to display whether non-PacketCable UGS service flows are authorized or not. The T2 and T5 timers were removed from the display to conform to the requirements of the PacketCable DQoS Engineering Change Notice (ECN) 02148.


Support was added for the Cisco uBR10012 router.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router.


The following example shows a typical PacketCable configuration that is enabled and has the default values for all configurable parameters, except for the Element ID:

Router# show packetcable global 
Packet Cable Global configuration:
Enabled   : Yes
Element ID: 12456 
Max Gates : 1048576
Allow non-PacketCable UGS 
Default Timer value - 
  T0      : 30000 msec
  T1      : 300000 msec

Table below describes the fields shown in the show packetcable global display.

Table 11. show packetcable global Field Display




Displays whether PacketCable operation is enabled or disabled. (See the packetcable command.)

Element ID

Displays the Element ID for the CMTS. If you do not manually configure this parameter with the packetcable element-id command, it defaults to a random value between 0 and 99,999 when PacketCable operations is enabled.

Max Gates

Displays the maximum number of gates that the CMTS supports. (See the packetcable gate maxcount command.)

Allow non-PacketCable UGS or Not Allow non-PacketCable UGS

Displays whether non-PacketCable, DOCSIS-style UGS service flows are allowed when PacketCable operations are enabled. (See the packetcable authorize vanilla-docsis-mta command.)

Default Timer value

Displays the current values of the following DQoS timers that the CMTS maintains. (See the packetcable timer command.)


T0 specifies the amount of time that a gate ID can remain allocated without any specified gate parameters. The timer begins counting when a gate is allocated with a Gate-Alloc command. The timer stops when a Gate-Set command marks the gate as Authorized. If the timer expires without a Gate-Set command being received, the gate is deleted.

The valid range is 1 to 1,000,000,000 milliseconds, with a default value of 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).


T1 specifies the amount of time that an authorization for a gate can remain valid. It begins counting when the CMTS creates a gate with a Gate-Set command and puts the gate in the Authorized state. The timer stops when the gate is put into the committed state. If the timer expires without the gate being committed, the CMTS must close the gate and release all associated resources.

The valid range is 1 to 1,000,000,000 milliseconds, with a default value of 200000 milliseconds (200 seconds).


This example shows the output of the show packetcable gate counter commit command:

Router#show packetcable global 
Packet Cable Global configuration:
Packetcable DQOS Enabled : Yes
Packetcable Multimedia Enabled : Yes
Element ID: 49137
Max Gates : 512000
Not Allow non-PacketCable UGS
Default Multimedia Timer value - 
T1 : 200000 msec
Persistent gate : 0 hour
Volume Limit : RUNNING
Default DQoS Timer value - 
T0 : 30000 msec
T1 : 300000 msec
Client Accept Timer: Disabled
Client Accept Timer Expired: 0
Packetcable DQOS Gate Send SubscriberID Enabled: No

Table 12. show packetcable global Field Display



Packetcable DQOS Enabled

For Cisco cBR router— Displays whether PacketCable DQOS operation is enabled or disabled. (See the packetcable command.)

Packetcable Multimedia Enabled

For Cisco cBR router— Displays whether PacketCable multimedia operation is enabled or disabled.

Element ID

Displays the Element ID for the CMTS. If you do not manually configure this parameter with the packetcable element-id command, it defaults to a random value between 0 and 99,999 when PacketCable operations is enabled.

Max Gates

Displays the maximum number of gates that the CMTS supports. (See the packetcable gate maxcount command.)

Allow non-PacketCable UGS or Not Allow non-PacketCable UGS

Displays whether non-PacketCable, DOCSIS-style UGS service flows are allowed when PacketCable operations are enabled. (See the packetcable authorize vanilla-docsis-mta command.)

Default Timer value

Displays the current values of the following DQoS timers that the CMTS maintains. (See the packetcable timer command.)


T0 specifies the amount of time that a gate ID can remain allocated without any specified gate parameters. The timer begins counting when a gate is allocated with a Gate-Alloc command. The timer stops when a Gate-Set command marks the gate as Authorized. If the timer expires without a Gate-Set command being received, the gate is deleted.

The valid range is 1 to 1,000,000,000 milliseconds, with a default value of 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).


T1 specifies the amount of time that an authorization for a gate can remain valid. It begins counting when the CMTS creates a gate with a Gate-Set command and puts the gate in the Authorized state. The timer stops when the gate is put into the committed state. If the timer expires without the gate being committed, the CMTS must close the gate and release all associated resources.

The valid range is 1 to 1,000,000,000 milliseconds, with a default value of 200000 milliseconds (200 seconds).

Client Accept Timer

For Cisco cBR router— Displays whether the Client Accept Timer is enabled.

Client Accept Timer Expired

For Cisco cBR router— Displays the time expired on the Client Accept Timer.

Packetcable DQOS Gate Send SubscriberID Enabled

For Cisco cBR router— Displays whether the Packetcable DQOS Gate Send SubscriberID operation is enabled.

show platform hardware diagnostic status

To displays the field diagnostic tests status, use the show platform hardware diagnostic status slot slot-id command in Privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware diagnostic status slot slot-id

Syntax Description

slot slot-id

Specifies the slot performing field diagnostic test.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.18.0S

This command was introduced on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform hardware diagnostic status slot slot-id command displays field diagnostic test status.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware diagnostic status slot slot-id command:

Router# show platform hardware diagnostic status slot 0
Online Offline Diagnostic Status (P=Passed, F=Failed, U=Untested) 
State                  Overall Test Num        Test Done Num         Test Result            
Running Auto Test      75                      70                    P:69 F:1 U:5  

show platform hardware dpic

To display information with regard to the Digital Physical Interface Card, use the show platform hardware dpic slot-id command in Privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware dpic slot-id

slot slot-id

Specifies the slot for which the information is displayed.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)



IOS-XE 16.10.1d

This command was introduced on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

The show platform hardware dpic slot-id command displays information on the status of the DPIC.

Router# show pl hardware dpic subslot 4/2 transceiver 1 show status
Load for five secs: 6%/0%; one minute: 6%; five minutes: 8%
Time source is NTP, 11:13:49.865 CST Mon Mar 4 2019

The Transceiver in slot 2 subslot 1 port 1 is enabled.
  Module temperature                        = +29.582 C
  Transceiver Tx supply voltage             = 3328.6 mVolts
  Transceiver Tx bias current               = 2 uAmps
  Transceiver Tx power                      = -40.0 dBm
  Transceiver Rx optical power              = -2.8 dBm

Router# show pl hardware dpic subslot 4/2 transceiver 0 show idprom
Load for five secs: 3%/0%; one minute: 7%; five minutes: 9%
Time source is NTP, 11:12:46.926 CST Mon Mar 4 2019

IDPROM for transceiver 2/1 port0:
  Description                               = SFP or SFP+ optics (type 3)
  Transceiver Type:                         = SFP+ 10GBASE-SR (273)
  Product Identifier (PID)                  = SFP-10G-SR-S        
  Vendor Revision                           = G4.1
  Serial Number (SN)                        = AVD2032D1G7     
  Vendor Name                               = CISCO-AVAGO     
  Vendor OUI (IEEE company ID)              = 00.17.6a (5994)
  CLEI code                                 = CMUIAK6CAA
  Cisco part number                         = 10-3105-01
  Device State                              = Initialized.
  Date code (yy/mm/dd)                      = 16/08/09
  Connector type                            = LC.
  Encoding                                  = 4b5b
  Nominal bitrate                           =  (10300 Mbits/s)
  Minimum bit rate as % of nominal bit rate = not specified
  Maximum bit rate as % of nominal bit rate = not specified  

show platform hardware qfp active cable dpic-lcha if-name

To display DPIC LCHA interface subblock information, use the show platform hardware qfp [ active | standby ] cable dpic-lcha if-name interface-name command in privileged EXEC mode.

The commands display the peer interface info. The ouput displays when protect Line Card becomes active. The same peer interface displays on both SUPs.

show platform hardware qfp [ active | standby ] cable dpic-lcha if-name interface-name

Syntax Description

Syntax Description


Display DPIC LCHA interface subblock information.

if-name interface-name

Enter the interface name.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Dublin 17.12.1w

This command is introduced for the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform hardware qfp active cable dpic-lcha if-name interface-name command displays DPIC LCHA interface subblock information.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware qfp active cable us-dpic-lcha command:

router#show platform hardware qfp active cable dpic-lcha if-name te6/1/0
if_h: 30
ppe_addr: 0x3c99dc04
rsrc_h: 0x1ea6770049901803
peer uidb in client: 261554
peer uidb in exmem: 261554

The output line peer uidb in client: 261554 refers to TE9/1/0 interface.

router#show platform hardware qfp active cable dpic-lcha if-name te9/1/0
if_h: 590
ppe_addr: 0x3c99dc00
rsrc_h: 0x1ea6770009901803
peer uidb in client: 262114
peer uidb in exmem: 262114

The output line peer uidb in client: 262114 refers to TE6/1/0 interface.

router#show platform hardware qfp active interface if-handle 30 | i Name|Tx uidb
Interface Name: TenGigabitEthernet6/1/0
Tx uidb: 262114

router#show platform hardware qfp active interface if-handle 590 | i Name|Tx uidb
Interface Name: TenGigabitEthernet9/1/0
Tx uidb: 261554

show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc

To display MPLS TC bits marking information, use the show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc command in Privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc vslot vslot_number md md_number uflow-idx uflow_index

Syntax Description

vslot vslot_number

Specifies the virtual slot in which the linecard is inserted.

md md_number

Specifies the MAC domain.

uflow-idx uflow_index

Specifies the SID of the upstream service flow.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.17.0S

This command was introduced on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc command displays MPLS TC bits marking information.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc command:

Router# show cable modem
c8fb.26a5.5402       C3/0/0/U2     w-online(pt)      19    -4.50  1781   0   Y
c8fb.26a5.5730      C3/0/0/U0     w-online(pt)      20    1.50   1781   0   Y
c8fb.26a5.530c      C3/0/0/U3     w-online(pt)      21    -0.50  1782   0   Y

Router# show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc vslot 3 md 0 uflow-idx 19
vslot     md       SF_ID  mpls_tc_se...  mpls_tc (hex)  
    3      0          19            0x1            0x5
Router# show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc vslot 3 md 0 uflow-idx 20
vslot     md       SF_ID  mpls_tc_se...  mpls_tc (hex)  
    3      0          20            0x1            0x5
Router# show platform hardware qfp active cable us-mpls-tc vslot 3 md 0 uflow-idx 21
vslot     md       SF_ID  mpls_tc_se...  mpls_tc (hex)  
    3      0          21            0x1            0x5

show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf

To display DOCSIS bundle-flood feature information, use the show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf command in Privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf bundle-interface-handle { replist | subblock detail}

Syntax Description


Specifies the DOCSIS bundle-flood feature.


Specifies the bundle interface handle. The valid range is from 1 to 2147483647.


Specifies the bundle-flood replication list.


Specifies the bundle-flood subblock.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf command displays DOCSIS bundle-flood information.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf command:

Router#  platform hardware qfp active interface if-name Bundle1
General interface information
  Interface Name: Bundle1
  Interface state: VALID
  Platform interface handle: 3689
  QFP interface handle: 7
. . .
Router#  show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf ?
<1-2147483647>  Vbundle Intf handle

Router#  show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf 7 ?
replist   Cable Bundle Flood Replication List
subblock  Cable Bundle Flood Subblock

Router#  show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf 7  replist
  cbl fwd uidx (dec)   replica entry ppe-address (hex)  
                1839                          3d9c5000  
                1840                          3d9c5008  
                1841                          3d9c5010  
                1842                          3d9c5018  

Router#  show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis bf 7 subblock
Bundle Flood Tx Subblock
  Subblock PPE Address: 0x3bd00000

  Recycle Queue Info:
  Object ID: 84
  Queue Info PPE Address: 0x711453c0

  Replica Info:
  Depth Encoding: 0x01000004
  List Head PPE Address: 0x3d9c5000

show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis cbl-vrf-steering

To display cable VRF steering feature information, use the show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis cbl-vrf-steering command in Privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis cbl-vrf-steering CM-bundle-handle

Syntax Description


Specifies the bundle interface handle. The valid range is from 1 to 2147483647.


Specifies the bundle interface handle. The valid range is from 1 to 2147483647.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis cbl-vrf-steering command displays cable VRF steering information.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis cbl-vrf-steering command:

Router#   show platform hardware qfp active interface if-name Bundle1
General interface information
  Interface Name: Bundle1
  Interface state: VALID
  Platform interface handle: 3689
  QFP interface handle: 7
  . . .
Router#   show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis cbl-vrf-steering ?
<1-2147483647>  CM Bundle handle

Router#   show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis cbl-vrf-steering 10
 cpe bundle uidx (dec)

show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis mpls_tc-precfy db

To display MPLS TC bits classification information, use the show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis mpls_tc-precfy db command in Privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis mpls_tc-precfy db

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.17.0S

This command was introduced on Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis mpls_tc-precfy db command displays MPLS TC bits classification information.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis mpls_tc-precfy db command:

Router# show platform hardware qfp active feature docsis mpls_tc-precfy db
mpls_tc pre classification database

CM IF HDL     Subblk RSRC HDL       Subblk PPE Addr   VPNTbl RSRC HDL       VPNTbl PPE Addr
0x00000740    0x0018fd4009280003    0x498fd400        0x005b3c0009280003    0x4db3c000
0x00000751    0x0018fd4049280003    0x498fd404        0x005b3c0109280003    0x4db3c010
0x0000074e    0x0018fd4089280003    0x498fd408        0x005b3c0209280003    0x4db3c020

show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt sbrl

To display and clear the Source-Based Rate Limiting (SBRL) statistics, use the show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt sbrl command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt sbrl [ sub-mac-addr | sub-cm | wan-ipv4 | wan-ipv6] [ threshold threshold_value ] [ clear]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays only the SBRL subscriber-side MAC-address statistics.


(Optional) Displays only the SBRL subscriber-side cable modem statistics.


(Optional) Display only the SBRL WAN-side IPv4 statistics.


(Optional) Display only the SBRL WAN-side IPv6 statistics.

threshold threshold_value

(Optional) Specifies the threshold for displaying SBRL statistics. Rows which have a drop-cnt greater than or equal to the threshold are displayed. The default threshold is 1.


(Optional) Clears the SBRL statistics.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers. This command replaces the clear pxf statistics drl cable-wan-ip command.

Usage Guidelines

The SBRL statistics algorithm stores data for the worst offenders. Sources with small drop counts may be overwritten if the drop-cnt is not continually increasing. The evict-cnt increases in tandem with drop-cnt, and decreases when a source is no longer active. When the evict-cnt is below 10, the record may be overwritten.

In the WAN-IPv4 and WAN-IPv6 statistics, the quar value is either 1 or 0, where 1 indicates that the source is in quarantine. The quar value is updated only when a packet from the source is dropped, so if a source enters quarantine but then stops sending packets, the quar value will remain at 1 even after the source exits quarantine. However, the drop-cnt fails to increment.

The statistics can be displayed all at once, or individually. The threshold and clear keywords can be entered in any order. Only non-zero statistics are displayed.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt sbrl command:

Router# show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt sbrl 
SBRL statistics

Subscriber CM
  drop-cnt  evict-cnt    SID  Interface
         1          1      5  Cable3/0/0
       982        982      5  Cable3/0/0

Subscriber MAC-addr
  nothing to report

  drop-cnt  evict-cnt  quar  VRF  cause  IP-address
    456788     456788     0    0    050

  drop-cnt  evict-cnt  quar  VRF  cause  IP-address
    129334     129334     1    0    011  3046:1829:fefb::ddd1
       965        965     0    0    011  2001:420:2c7f:fc01::3

Table 13. show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt sbrl Field Descriptions




Counter for dropped packets.


Service ID.


Cable interface.


Quarantine status. The value is either 1 or 0, where 1 indicates that the source is in quarantine.


Punt cause.


WAN-IPv4 and WAN-IPv6 IP address.

show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt summary

To display and clear the summary of punt-path rate-limiting statistics, use the show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt summary [ threshold threshold_value] [ clear]

Syntax Description

threshold threshold_value

(Optional) Specifies the threshold for displaying the summary statistics. Rows which have a CPP punt value greater than or equal to the threshold are displayed. The default threshold is 1.


(Optional) Clears the summary statistics.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The summary statistics provide a fast way to determine the status of punt-path rate-limiting. When the Supervisor is receiving an excessive number of punted packets, clear and show the summary statistics to determine how to configure SBRL and/or punt-policing. The threshold and clear keywords can be entered in any order. The default behavior is to display only non-zero statistics.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt summary command:

Router#  show platform hardware qfp active infrastructure punt summary threshold 10 
Punt Path Rate-Limiting summary statistics
ID   punt cause               CPP punt        CoPP  ARPfilt/SBRL   per-cause      global
017  IPv6 Bad hop limit             22           0             0           0           0
050  IPv6 packet                    13           0             0           0           0
080  CM not online                 335           0             0           0           0

ID   punt cause               CPP punt        CoPP        SBRL   per-cause      global
017 IPv6 Bad hop limit             471           0           0           0           0
018 IPV6 Hop-by-hop Options      29901           0           0        1430           0
024 Glean adjacency             450911           0      308912           0           0
025 Mcast PIM signaling             19           0           0           0           0
050 IPv6 packet                     11           0           0           0           0

show platform integrity

To display checksum record for the boot stages , use the show platform integrity command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform integrity [ sign [ nonce nonce ] ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Show signature


(Optional) Enter a nonce value

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

IOS-XE 17.3.1

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


This example shows how to view the checksum record for boot stages:

router#show platform integrity 
Platform: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS
Boot 0 Version: F01013R10.283bb08f92014-10-28
Boot 0 Hash: 9CC305A6C7089195B408D93BF11BD2FB8C000B25B4D14D7AE7AB38AD73C4EB61
Boot Loader Version: 16.7(6r)S
Boot Loader Hash: F75B1988F328A9BFBF9DECCB5556D2553EB00F0808B1E5112B8560841A1F05EB9CA694E7FE70BD912A2682D8205DA5B29823B5F62E17FFEA2876EA91BB2498FF
OS Version: 17.03.01w
OS Hashes:
cbrsup-universalk9.17.03.01w.SPA.bin: 2005312A49A02A9BB9BF018012580FFE6E333EA3F09D5058BC9B03566BC3C3F7E753460267A5CAC27B0673574B50BA80958004B1E5874396C0898E21CA924900
cbrsup-clccontrol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 0E2FA5D224738C9F8F7574EAB549C859E74CA3411777EEF270C2DE0175FCD7EE23D4B50CC7C7EA4FB12F4698224D902F6E4F7A5ABD52146E688EB1106DE67C5F
cbrsup-rpvideo.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 2BA9A4631C9466A651E59A30841A5BD65B21DDB355D205EE47EBE080747D97F23155FE57C88A2AB18988CFA982BEE6228AC3E2ED20C9D9234557759B78E5100A
cbrsup-rprphy.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 44D1811AE7E36C8A6D1A63BF9C5E7EDF2476CB078BB157E429C92EBF689D15F9587BB51AAE38CDF078F42FC19CECAD7F15FF7EA5728518875D45F34F021C14B5
cbrsup-webui.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 594C520EB603E253B312C54DC9C92C738CC20E07A07B7695048B627D9396F6BC268DF41331FB65D42DFD8D1F55F163D07E700D62A237F7A31B242ACCB4778FD8
cbrsup-clcdocsis.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 615E60F5FC0E1C82E5DA0B1A4D74A2B1DEFEA8DF701653491395589C58EDE065160BBBDF21A8ACDD3311A97107105BD2CF074882147E122E7AE7DB7FEBA61596
cbrsup-clcvideokobol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 18CD98F02194D624E8D1F9F14DA50FC7C5FAA85151C427717029383C444D732756CD7FBE1B50F22F45670DD36739EFC342C72AE2C35502DF0DF3123AB9B49AB6
cbrsup-clcvideo.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: F81F6C09F9A4125A3CF1E32F8CB2AE6583ED78FE7035BFC29EA4FE4468408861815C91A2924D6C51FE36873F7208CC3ED639A76B41F53D21D36628EF9C550E04
cbrsup-rpaccess.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 2DB39AB2C9C5B4913A0C0D1159494FFA464549C1DF99F9C172AAD8116E8932FE99C6902D1EB3DEF9690DF594092EB5FBEFC94C9F36C45CE0A3BC8DDA8A5864E1
cbrsup-clcios.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 621D90E67D446F9E60BE8F0FE92F936B2CCB477D73571D23E6D29AEDA8E3D7CA1BF78B79E1EE34DA649BDC37A8CBB29D323AE7F0A711BF4714A8A3D5AC66D367
cbrsup-clciosdb.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 19113B4605E7BB528F14B37EA228A57328E34285DC65466EF6470189B7628494661731D292B2162F55EF52FDE27BF63872C54E621E1DAD3C0A55532A75D9D64E
cbrsup-rp-firmware.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 52AE6AADB152DFEA9040272C4B295DD74CF380238BB7B21443E01D5F80A6A9BDDB65060966CE706DDE95BCD75F660F3267721F6DCC03FEC8FD6CF511A521E67F
cbrsup-clcmipsbase.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: BA07A071F0AF33D5656D7BC9098B887FCEE1BB101BCD52C499450A5E0ED8A4797E888B4950510481A3942E3CC57F9DD17AC749964F939DCF90AA083BE131A1E4
cbrsup-cciomdsup.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 79403B96056330701721F0DECD9A5994F87ED0A7051A788BDFA4C1D22AB597DF5F04ED2CAA0A9F993FD99E0E40E3D5197DA29BB1BEFF3CCE8924702CDD2760D8
cbrsup-rpbase.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 239DDBDE502B1F74415D27A3BA66B5367E760CEE9AD056D58F0FD4FD4BB5CF9B99FE661E293273409FEEF18A1356D37B89922FA7638E1466F1EAD117547CC500
cbrsup-espx86base.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 09C1C7B01517B38062CFA4F5112F55C6BE27786CB09E03105DD90CECEB452CB2EDA184B78B600FB2B042FCF2903730745FDA5BFC37042ABF3B7C63C347C4E6A8
cbrsup-rpcontrol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 51EDF2EE01B4B78BF7BBA873686704B0F86E0B30A32E7ED3CF75DAB2A4CACD5C5AA4FC33839824429718375C673556F9D7822B35DE3A9EDAAF9C237D031B7F70
cbrsup-rpios-universalk9.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 4280AC6E8D56C37811CA80982173EFA750E589C9B3C0DC2183CD247458C19E43CED1A389DCA008322FCA1B811FEDEC54A063552CE2D8E57C0B8692E20F49BCD7
cbrsup-clc-firmware.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: D52D632D807CBA3F78F1CB2EE19CB4A7114E419A884BDADDE2B9563F36E045615B1093567C6241B0E1A37BE57D35A7A17DED383BACBAB6E2B88207D1CC53CD6A
PCR0: 7D29EFC0558B5FB1C35DBD0849EDB8B532BB1842621056DA93867E5F486EEF31
PCR8: 0F420B7149D33A328E1AB34B580F2668AC114B74E4CC32E0E920CD28B1BA52A0


This example shows how to view the checksum record for boot stages with a signature:

router#show platform integrity  sign 
Platform: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS
Boot 0 Version: F01013R10.283bb08f92014-10-28
Boot 0 Hash: 9CC305A6C7089195B408D93BF11BD2FB8C000B25B4D14D7AE7AB38AD73C4EB61
Boot Loader Version: 16.7(6r)S
Boot Loader Hash: F75B1988F328A9BFBF9DECCB5556D2553EB00F0808B1E5112B8560841A1F05EB9CA694E7FE70BD912A2682D8205DA5B29823B5F62E17FFEA2876EA91BB2498FF
OS Version: 17.03.01w
OS Hashes:
cbrsup-universalk9.17.03.01w.SPA.bin: 2005312A49A02A9BB9BF018012580FFE6E333EA3F09D5058BC9B03566BC3C3F7E753460267A5CAC27B0673574B50BA80958004B1E5874396C0898E21CA924900
cbrsup-clccontrol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 0E2FA5D224738C9F8F7574EAB549C859E74CA3411777EEF270C2DE0175FCD7EE23D4B50CC7C7EA4FB12F4698224D902F6E4F7A5ABD52146E688EB1106DE67C5F
cbrsup-rpvideo.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 2BA9A4631C9466A651E59A30841A5BD65B21DDB355D205EE47EBE080747D97F23155FE57C88A2AB18988CFA982BEE6228AC3E2ED20C9D9234557759B78E5100A
cbrsup-rprphy.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 44D1811AE7E36C8A6D1A63BF9C5E7EDF2476CB078BB157E429C92EBF689D15F9587BB51AAE38CDF078F42FC19CECAD7F15FF7EA5728518875D45F34F021C14B5
cbrsup-webui.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 594C520EB603E253B312C54DC9C92C738CC20E07A07B7695048B627D9396F6BC268DF41331FB65D42DFD8D1F55F163D07E700D62A237F7A31B242ACCB4778FD8
cbrsup-clcdocsis.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 615E60F5FC0E1C82E5DA0B1A4D74A2B1DEFEA8DF701653491395589C58EDE065160BBBDF21A8ACDD3311A97107105BD2CF074882147E122E7AE7DB7FEBA61596
cbrsup-clcvideokobol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 18CD98F02194D624E8D1F9F14DA50FC7C5FAA85151C427717029383C444D732756CD7FBE1B50F22F45670DD36739EFC342C72AE2C35502DF0DF3123AB9B49AB6
cbrsup-clcvideo.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: F81F6C09F9A4125A3CF1E32F8CB2AE6583ED78FE7035BFC29EA4FE4468408861815C91A2924D6C51FE36873F7208CC3ED639A76B41F53D21D36628EF9C550E04
cbrsup-rpaccess.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 2DB39AB2C9C5B4913A0C0D1159494FFA464549C1DF99F9C172AAD8116E8932FE99C6902D1EB3DEF9690DF594092EB5FBEFC94C9F36C45CE0A3BC8DDA8A5864E1
cbrsup-clcios.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 621D90E67D446F9E60BE8F0FE92F936B2CCB477D73571D23E6D29AEDA8E3D7CA1BF78B79E1EE34DA649BDC37A8CBB29D323AE7F0A711BF4714A8A3D5AC66D367
cbrsup-clciosdb.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 19113B4605E7BB528F14B37EA228A57328E34285DC65466EF6470189B7628494661731D292B2162F55EF52FDE27BF63872C54E621E1DAD3C0A55532A75D9D64E
cbrsup-rp-firmware.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 52AE6AADB152DFEA9040272C4B295DD74CF380238BB7B21443E01D5F80A6A9BDDB65060966CE706DDE95BCD75F660F3267721F6DCC03FEC8FD6CF511A521E67F
cbrsup-clcmipsbase.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: BA07A071F0AF33D5656D7BC9098B887FCEE1BB101BCD52C499450A5E0ED8A4797E888B4950510481A3942E3CC57F9DD17AC749964F939DCF90AA083BE131A1E4
cbrsup-cciomdsup.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 79403B96056330701721F0DECD9A5994F87ED0A7051A788BDFA4C1D22AB597DF5F04ED2CAA0A9F993FD99E0E40E3D5197DA29BB1BEFF3CCE8924702CDD2760D8
cbrsup-rpbase.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 239DDBDE502B1F74415D27A3BA66B5367E760CEE9AD056D58F0FD4FD4BB5CF9B99FE661E293273409FEEF18A1356D37B89922FA7638E1466F1EAD117547CC500
cbrsup-espx86base.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 09C1C7B01517B38062CFA4F5112F55C6BE27786CB09E03105DD90CECEB452CB2EDA184B78B600FB2B042FCF2903730745FDA5BFC37042ABF3B7C63C347C4E6A8
cbrsup-rpcontrol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 51EDF2EE01B4B78BF7BBA873686704B0F86E0B30A32E7ED3CF75DAB2A4CACD5C5AA4FC33839824429718375C673556F9D7822B35DE3A9EDAAF9C237D031B7F70
cbrsup-rpios-universalk9.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 4280AC6E8D56C37811CA80982173EFA750E589C9B3C0DC2183CD247458C19E43CED1A389DCA008322FCA1B811FEDEC54A063552CE2D8E57C0B8692E20F49BCD7
cbrsup-clc-firmware.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: D52D632D807CBA3F78F1CB2EE19CB4A7114E419A884BDADDE2B9563F36E045615B1093567C6241B0E1A37BE57D35A7A17DED383BACBAB6E2B88207D1CC53CD6A
PCR0: 7D29EFC0558B5FB1C35DBD0849EDB8B532BB1842621056DA93867E5F486EEF31
PCR8: 0F420B7149D33A328E1AB34B580F2668AC114B74E4CC32E0E920CD28B1BA52A0
Signature version: 1


This example shows how to view the checksum record for boot stages with a signature and nonce:

router#show platform integrity  sign nonce 18446744073709551615 
Platform: CBR-8-CCAP-CHASS
Boot 0 Version: F01013R10.283bb08f92014-10-28
Boot 0 Hash: 9CC305A6C7089195B408D93BF11BD2FB8C000B25B4D14D7AE7AB38AD73C4EB61
Boot Loader Version: 16.7(6r)S
Boot Loader Hash: F75B1988F328A9BFBF9DECCB5556D2553EB00F0808B1E5112B8560841A1F05EB9CA694E7FE70BD912A2682D8205DA5B29823B5F62E17FFEA2876EA91BB2498FF
OS Version: 17.03.01w
OS Hashes:
cbrsup-universalk9.17.03.01w.SPA.bin: 2005312A49A02A9BB9BF018012580FFE6E333EA3F09D5058BC9B03566BC3C3F7E753460267A5CAC27B0673574B50BA80958004B1E5874396C0898E21CA924900
cbrsup-clccontrol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 0E2FA5D224738C9F8F7574EAB549C859E74CA3411777EEF270C2DE0175FCD7EE23D4B50CC7C7EA4FB12F4698224D902F6E4F7A5ABD52146E688EB1106DE67C5F
cbrsup-rpvideo.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 2BA9A4631C9466A651E59A30841A5BD65B21DDB355D205EE47EBE080747D97F23155FE57C88A2AB18988CFA982BEE6228AC3E2ED20C9D9234557759B78E5100A
cbrsup-rprphy.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 44D1811AE7E36C8A6D1A63BF9C5E7EDF2476CB078BB157E429C92EBF689D15F9587BB51AAE38CDF078F42FC19CECAD7F15FF7EA5728518875D45F34F021C14B5
cbrsup-webui.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 594C520EB603E253B312C54DC9C92C738CC20E07A07B7695048B627D9396F6BC268DF41331FB65D42DFD8D1F55F163D07E700D62A237F7A31B242ACCB4778FD8
cbrsup-clcdocsis.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 615E60F5FC0E1C82E5DA0B1A4D74A2B1DEFEA8DF701653491395589C58EDE065160BBBDF21A8ACDD3311A97107105BD2CF074882147E122E7AE7DB7FEBA61596
cbrsup-clcvideokobol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 18CD98F02194D624E8D1F9F14DA50FC7C5FAA85151C427717029383C444D732756CD7FBE1B50F22F45670DD36739EFC342C72AE2C35502DF0DF3123AB9B49AB6
cbrsup-clcvideo.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: F81F6C09F9A4125A3CF1E32F8CB2AE6583ED78FE7035BFC29EA4FE4468408861815C91A2924D6C51FE36873F7208CC3ED639A76B41F53D21D36628EF9C550E04
cbrsup-rpaccess.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 2DB39AB2C9C5B4913A0C0D1159494FFA464549C1DF99F9C172AAD8116E8932FE99C6902D1EB3DEF9690DF594092EB5FBEFC94C9F36C45CE0A3BC8DDA8A5864E1
cbrsup-clcios.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 621D90E67D446F9E60BE8F0FE92F936B2CCB477D73571D23E6D29AEDA8E3D7CA1BF78B79E1EE34DA649BDC37A8CBB29D323AE7F0A711BF4714A8A3D5AC66D367
cbrsup-clciosdb.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 19113B4605E7BB528F14B37EA228A57328E34285DC65466EF6470189B7628494661731D292B2162F55EF52FDE27BF63872C54E621E1DAD3C0A55532A75D9D64E
cbrsup-rp-firmware.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 52AE6AADB152DFEA9040272C4B295DD74CF380238BB7B21443E01D5F80A6A9BDDB65060966CE706DDE95BCD75F660F3267721F6DCC03FEC8FD6CF511A521E67F
cbrsup-clcmipsbase.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: BA07A071F0AF33D5656D7BC9098B887FCEE1BB101BCD52C499450A5E0ED8A4797E888B4950510481A3942E3CC57F9DD17AC749964F939DCF90AA083BE131A1E4
cbrsup-cciomdsup.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 79403B96056330701721F0DECD9A5994F87ED0A7051A788BDFA4C1D22AB597DF5F04ED2CAA0A9F993FD99E0E40E3D5197DA29BB1BEFF3CCE8924702CDD2760D8
cbrsup-rpbase.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 239DDBDE502B1F74415D27A3BA66B5367E760CEE9AD056D58F0FD4FD4BB5CF9B99FE661E293273409FEEF18A1356D37B89922FA7638E1466F1EAD117547CC500
cbrsup-espx86base.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 09C1C7B01517B38062CFA4F5112F55C6BE27786CB09E03105DD90CECEB452CB2EDA184B78B600FB2B042FCF2903730745FDA5BFC37042ABF3B7C63C347C4E6A8
cbrsup-rpcontrol.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 51EDF2EE01B4B78BF7BBA873686704B0F86E0B30A32E7ED3CF75DAB2A4CACD5C5AA4FC33839824429718375C673556F9D7822B35DE3A9EDAAF9C237D031B7F70
cbrsup-rpios-universalk9.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: 4280AC6E8D56C37811CA80982173EFA750E589C9B3C0DC2183CD247458C19E43CED1A389DCA008322FCA1B811FEDEC54A063552CE2D8E57C0B8692E20F49BCD7
cbrsup-clc-firmware.17.03.01w.SPA.pkg: D52D632D807CBA3F78F1CB2EE19CB4A7114E419A884BDADDE2B9563F36E045615B1093567C6241B0E1A37BE57D35A7A17DED383BACBAB6E2B88207D1CC53CD6A
PCR0: 7D29EFC0558B5FB1C35DBD0849EDB8B532BB1842621056DA93867E5F486EEF31
PCR8: 0F420B7149D33A328E1AB34B580F2668AC114B74E4CC32E0E920CD28B1BA52A0
Signature version: 1

show platform software cable

To display the out-of-band information for downstream and upstream channels, use the show platform software cable command in privileged EXEC mode.

Show commands for OOB downstream channel:
  • Shows OOB DS FMAN table details:

    show platform software cable slot-number oob-ds

  • Shows OOB DS FMAN table statistics status:

    show platform software cable slot-number oob-ds statistics

  • Shows OOB DS FMAN table details of the group:

    show platform software cable slot-number oob-ds group G2 address

Show commands for OOB upstream channel:
  • Shows OOB US FMAN table details: show platform software cable slot-number oob-us
  • Shows OOB DS FMAN table statistics status: show platform software cable slot-number oob-us statistics
  • Shows OOB DS FMAN table details of the source ID: show platform software cable slot-number oob-us source-id RPD source ID
  • Shows information on Upstream RF ports , 55-1 channels, and packet count information of the UEPI sessions. show platform software cable fp active oob-chn-pkts

Syntax Description


The line card that is present in the specified slot. Valid numbers range 0–9, F0 to F1 and R0 to R1.


Displays the FMAN table statistics status.


Displays the line card groups.

RPD source ID

RPD source ID

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1x

The output of the option fp active oob-chn-pkts was modified to include more 55-1 us oob debug information.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the out-of-band information for downstream or upstream channels:


Use the following commands to verify the US details.

show platform software cable F0 oob-us
show platform software cable F0 oob-us statistics
clear platform software cable F0 oob-us statistics
show platform software cable F0 oob-us source-id <RPD source id>


Use the following commands to verify the US details.
show platform software cable F0 oob-ds
show platform software cable F0 oob-ds statistics
clear platform software cable F0 oob-ds statistics
show platform software cable F0 oob-ds group <G2 address>


The following example shows a sample output for the command show platform software cable fp active oob-chn-pkts :

Router#show platform software  cable fp active oob-chn-pkts
cable OOB US PACKET table information

Session ID    rfport  chn_Id  demodId  Total Cells   Perfect Cells    Corrected Cells    Uncorrected Cells   Power Level      Min Power Lvl    Max Power Lvl  
0x40300003    0       0       32       0000000000    0000000000       0000000000         0000000000          0000000000       0000000000       0000000000     
0x60300003    0       0       32       0000000000    0000000000       0000000000         0000000000          0000000000       0000000000       0000000000     
0x60300003    0       2       130      0000000000    0000000000       0000000000         0000000000          0000000000       0000000000       0000000000     

show platform software iomd

To verify the MAC filtering status, use the show platform software iomd command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software iomd slot /bay mac-filter

Syntax Description


The SUP slot and SUP-PIC bay number.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.18.1SP

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform software iomd command:

Router# show platform software iomd 4/4 mac-filter
IOMD (Input Output Module Driver) Mac Filter Status

port: 0     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:04    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                       0

port: 1     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:05    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                    1729

port: 2     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:06    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                       0

port: 3     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:07    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                       0

port: 4     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:08    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                       0

port: 5     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:09    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                      15

port: 6     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:0a    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                       0

port: 7     promiscuous mode:     unicast:  enable   multicast:  enable      broadcast:  enable
            Input Drop cnt:                      0      Total Drop cnt:                       0
            Entry Number:   1
    Index      Mode    Action            Entry MAC           Entry MASK             Match Count
       00    enable      pass    c4:14:3c:16:7c:0b    ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                       0

show platform software ios/cdman ipccl

To display information about IPC Client Library (IPCCL) on cable device manager, use the show platform software command in privileged EXEC mode. Use cdman keyword to display cable device manager's IPCCL statistics on linecards or use ios keyword to display IOS IPCCL statistics on Route Processor's or linecards.

show platform software { ios | cdman } slot-id ipccl { log-history { port-id } | outstanding { client { port-id client-id } | port { port-id} } | statistics { client { port-id client-id } | { port { port-id [ rx-msg-stat] } } | { service { port-id [ svc-id apps] } } }

Syntax Description

cdman slot-id

Specifies the cable linecard slot number. The valid linecard slot range is 0-3 and 6- 9.

ios slot-id

Specifies the cable linecard slot number. The valid linecard slot range is 0-3, 6-9,R0, R1 and RP active\standby.


Specifies the log-history.


Specifies the port layer to which IPC messages are sent and received. The port-id values are for IOS are:
The port-id values are for IOS-CLC are:
The port-id values for cable device manager is:


Specifies the statistics of outstanding messages.


Specifies the client statistics.


Specifies the port statistics.


Specifies client statistics. Different client's will use different services and ports:
The valid client-id values for cable device manager is:


Specifies statistics on route processor.


(Optional) Specifies the RX message statistics based on TDL message type.


Specifies the service statistics


Specifies the service-id used by clients grouped under service layer. The valid values are:
  • 0 - Normal
  • 1 - High


Specifies the list of application used by this service.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform software ios slot ipccl command displays information about IPC Client Library (IPCCL) on cable device manager.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform software cdman ipccl command:

 Router# show platform software cdman 2 ipccl ?
  log-history  log history
  outstanding  statistics of outstanding messages
  statistics   statistics on Route Processor 

show platform software ios ipccl

To display information about the IPC Client Library (IPCCL) relative statistics, use the show platform software ios ipccl command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software ios slot ipccl { { outstanding { port [ port_number ] [ peer_slot_number ] } | { client port_number client_id peer_slot_number } } | { statistics { port [ port_number] [ peer_slot_number] [ rx-msg-stat] } | { client port_number peer_slot_number } | { service port_number service_id peer_slot_number } } | { log-history port port_number peer_slot_number } }

Syntax Description


The cable line card Supervisor slot number.


Displays statistics of outstanding messages.


Displays the port statistics.


The IPCCL predefined internal port ID.


The slot number of IPCCL peer session.


Displays the client statistics.


The IPCCL registered internal client ID.


Displays statistics on route processor.


(Optional) Specifies the RX message statistics based on TDL message type.


Displays the service statistics.


The IPCCL predefined internal service ID.


Displays the log history.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform software ios slot ipccl command displays the IPCCL statistics on Supervisor or line card.


To enable the log-history feature, use the platform ipccl log-history command in global configuration mode. To enable the rx-msg-stat feature, use the platform ipccl rx-stat command in global configuration mode.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform software ios slot ipccl command for all cable interfaces:

 Router# show platform software ios R0 ipccl statistics ?
  client   client statistics 
  port     port statistics 
  service  service statistics 

Router# show platform software ios R0 ipccl statistics por 
Router# show platform software ios R0 ipccl statistics port ? 
  |  Output modifiers 

Router# show platform software ios R0 ipccl statistics port 1 ? 
  0  Cable-Linecard slot 0 
  1  Cable-Linecard slot 1 
  2  Cable-Linecard slot 2 
  3  Cable-Linecard slot 3 
  4  SUP-PIC slot 4 
  5  SUP-PIC slot 5 
  6  Cable-Linecard slot 6 
  7  Cable-Linecard slot 7 
  8  Cable-Linecard slot 8 
  9  Cable-Linecard slot 9 

Router# show platform software ios R0 ipccl statistics port 1 7 

IPCCL Port 1 Dest CC7 Session 3604558 

Session is up      : True 
Session Up Cnt     : 1 
Session Down Cnt   : 0 
Message Flushed Cnt: 0 
Message Send                   : 2964 
Message Send Success           : 2964 
Current Outstanding Message    : 0 
Outstanding High Watermark     : 0 
Port Config MAX Outstanding Msg: 10000 
Port Current Pending message   : 0 
Port MAX Pending message       : 0 
Port Configured High Watermark : 3000 
Port Configured Low Watermark  : 1000 
Port High Watermark Hit Count  : 0 
Port Low Watermark  Hit Count  : 0 
Outstanding MAX Hit Count      : 0 
Ack Received                   : 2 
Overdue Ack Received           : 0 
Message Send Error             : 0 
Port Driver Error Counter      : 0 
TX Msg Drop Counter-Invalid Sess   : 0 
TX Msg Drop Counter-Invalid App    : 0 
TX Msg Drop Counter-Invalid SVC    : 0 
Message Received            : 894889 
Total Ack Send Counter      : 1 
RX Msg Drop Counter-Invalid Sess   : 0 
RX Msg Drop Counter-Invalid App    : 0 
RX Msg Drop Counter-Invalid SVC    : 0 
RX Msg Drop Counter-Invalid Field  : 0 
RX ACK Drop Counter-Invalid Sess   : 0 
RX ACK Drop Counter-Invalid App    : 0 
RX ACK Drop Counter-Invalid Field  : 0 
EAGAIN                      : 0 
ETIMEOUT                    : 0 
ENOMEM                      : 0 
EFAULT                      : 0 
ECANCELED                   : 0 
Other Error                 : 0 
Average Latencies in Microseconds: 
Round Trip                  : 28659 
Send                        : 7537 
Onwire                      : 5442 
Total Ctx Switch            : 14275 
Peer Ctx Switch             : 345 
Local Ctx Switch            : 13930
Router#show platform software ios R1 ipccl log-history 1 3
IPCCL Port 1 Dest CC3
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.090 Msg 191 seq 1113408 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.091 Msg 191 seq 1113409 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.092 Msg 191 seq 1113410 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.093 Msg 191 seq 1113411 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.093 Msg 191 seq 1113412 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.094 Msg 191 seq 1113413 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.095 Msg 191 seq 1113414 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.095 Msg 191 seq 1113415 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.096 Msg 191 seq 1113416 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0
: 2015-04-16 16:32:50.096 Msg 191 seq 1113417 NBK MsgRx port 1 clnt 16 slot 3 E0

Router# show platform software ios R1 ipccl statistics port 1 3 rx-msg-stat 
  client_id     tdl_msg_type      total_msg_count       last_msg_handle_usec      aver_msg_handle_usec      max_msg_handle_used       
  3             2                 1603                  33                        39                        3518                      
  3             6                 1618                  44                        36                        2758                      
  3             216               6                     163                       429                       1821                      
  3             243               2                     30                        24                        30                        
  16            191               64395                 37                        39                        408                       
  17            219               1040                  51                        41                        108                       

show platform software ios socket statistics 0

To display raw socket interprocess communication (IPC) infrastructure statistics for specified field replaceable unit (FRU), use the show platform software ios slot-id socket statistics 0 command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software iosslot-idsocket statistics 0

Syntax Description


The field replaceable unit slot number.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.18.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform software ios slot-id socket statistics 0 command:

 Router# show platform software ios R0 socket statistics 0

Session Slot             : 2
Socket FD                : 93
Client ID                : 0
Message Receive Count    : 0
Message Receive Bytes    : 0


Session Slot             : 2
Socket FD                : 93
Client ID                : 1
Message Receive Count    : 30155
Message Receive Bytes    : 1326820


Session Slot             : 3
Socket FD                : 86
Client ID                : 0
Message Receive Count    : 0
Message Receive Bytes    : 0


Session Slot             : 3
Socket FD                : 86
Client ID                : 1
Message Receive Count    : 29611
Message Receive Bytes    : 69782901

show platform software patch

To display the patch version for each sub package, use the show platform software patch command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software patch slot info

To display the detailed patch information for all the field replaceable units (FRUs), use the show platform software patch info command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software patch info

Syntax Description


The cable line card slot number.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

IOS-XE 3.18.0SP

This command was modified on the Cisco cBR Series converged Broadband Routers. Only the show platform software patch info can be used to get the detailed pacth information for all the FRUs.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform software patch slot info command is used to determine the patch information for each sub package on a particular slot.

The show platform software patch info command is used to determine the detailed patch information for all the FRUs. For example, to see the patch info for thirteen FRUs, you need not execute the show platform software patch slot info command thirteen times specifying FRU ID everytime. Instead use show platform software patch info , which will display the detailed patch information for all the FRUs.


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform software patch slot info command for all cable interfaces:

Router# show platform software patch 3 info 
cbrsup-clciosdb: 3.15 (0.0) 
cbrsup-clc-firmware: 3.15 (0.0) 
cbrsup-clcvideo: 3.15 (0.0) 
cbrsup-clcios: 3.15 (0.0) 
cbrsup-clccontrol: 3.15 (0.0) 
cbrsup-clcdocsis: 3.15 (0.0) 
cbrsup-clcmipsbase: 3.15 (0.0)  


The following example shows a typical display for the show platform software patch info command for all cable interfaces:

Router# show platform software patch info
Base Version: 3.18.0
Subpkg              R0   R1   LC0  LC1  LC2  LC3  LC6  LC7  LC8  LC9
clc-firmware        N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  0.0  0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A
clccontrol          N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  0.0  0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A
clcdocsis           N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  0.0  0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A
clcios              N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  4.0  4.0  4.0  N/A  N/A
clciosdb            N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  4.0  4.0  4.0  N/A  N/A
clcmipsbase         N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  0.0  0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A
clcvideo            N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  0.0  0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A
espx86base          0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
rp-firmware         0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
rpaccess            0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
rpbase              0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
rpcontrol           0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
rpios-universalk9   0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
rpvideo             0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
cciomdsup           0.0  0.0  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A

show platform software ptpd stat stream

To check the detailed stream statistics, use the show platform software ptpd stat stream <id|ip> command.

show platform software ptpd stat stream <id|ip>

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

IOS-XE 16.7.1y

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.9.1w

The command output includes units for the current data set section.


This example shows the output for the show platform software ptpd stat stream <id|ip> command:


Router# show platform software ptpd stat stream 2001:120:101:16:A94F:61DB:D324:76B4

Load for five secs: 5%/0%; one minute: 4%; five minutes: 4%
Time source is NTP, 04:40:43.466 CST Tue Dec 19 2017
IP-Address : 2001:120:101:16:a94f:61db:d324:76b4 Stream-Number: 0
SYNC Contract
Remaining Duration : 105 (secs), State : ACTIVE
Tx packets : 247592, Rx Packets : 0 Error Packets : 0
Announce Contract
Remaining Duration : 105 (secs), State : ACTIVE
Tx packets : 15490, Rx Packets : 0 Error Packets : 0
Delay-Response Contract
Remaining Duration : 101 (secs), State : ACTIVE
Tx packets : 246878, Rx Packets : 0 Error Packets : 0
Router# show platform software ptpd stat stream 0
Load for five secs: 3%/0%; one minute: 4%; five minutes: 4%
Time source is NTP, 04:40:26.810 CST Tue Dec 19 2017
SYNC Packet Stats
Time elapsed since last packet: 0.0
Configured Interval : -4, Acting Interval -4
Tx packets : 247325, Rx Packets : 0
Last Seq Number : 0, Error Packets : 0
Delay Req Packet Stats
Time elapsed since last packet: 0.0
Configured Interval : 0, Acting Interval : -4
Tx packets : 0, Rx Packets : 246612
Last Seq Number : 26116, Error Packets : 0
Delay Response Packet Stats
Time elapsed since last packet: 0.0
Configured Interval : -4, Acting Interval : -4
Tx packets : 246612, Rx Packets : 0
Last Seq Number : 0, Error Packets : 0
Announce Packet Stats
Time elapsed since last packet: 0.0
Configured Interval : 0, Acting Interval : 0
Tx packets : 15474, Rx Packets : 0
Last Seq Number 0 Error Packets 0
Signalling Packet Stats
Time elapsed since last packet: 0.0
Configured Interval : 0, Acting Interval : 0
Tx packets : 162, Rx Packets : 162
Last Seq Number : 0, Error Packets : 0
Current Data Set                             Units     Within tolerance?
  Offset from master :  +0.000000008        seconds          Yes
  Mean Path Delay    :  +0.000005055        seconds          Yes
  Forward Path Delay :  +0.000005063        seconds          Yes
  Reverse Path Delay :  +0.000005026        seconds          Yes
  Steps Removed 1 
General Stats about this stream
Packet rate : 0, Packet Delta (ns) : 0
Clock Stream handle : 0, Index : 0
Oper State : 3, Sub oper State : 6
Log mean sync Interval : 0, log mean delay req int : 0

show platform software punt-policer

To display the punt policer settings and statistics, and clear the statistics, use the show platform software punt-policer command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform software punt-policer [clear | drop-only ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the punt policer configuration and statistics and clears the statistics.


(Optional) Displays the punt policer with non-zero drop counters.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers. The show platform software punt-policer clear command replaces the clear pxf statistics drl max-rate and clear pxf statistics drl wan-non-ip commands.


The following is a sample output of the show platform software punt-policer command:

Router# show platform software punt-policer

Per Punt-Cause Policer Configuration and Packet Counters

Punt                                Configured (pps)   Conform Packets     Dropped Packets
Cause  Description                   Normal   High     Normal    High       Normal    High             
  2    IPv4 Options                  4000     3000     0         0          0         0                
  3    Layer2 control and legacy     40000    10000    890       0          0         0                
  4    PPP Control                   2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  5    CLNS IS-IS Control            2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  6    HDLC keepalives               2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  7    ARP request or response       2000     1000     0         123        0         0                
  8    Reverse ARP request or re...  2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  9    Frame-relay LMI Control       2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 10    Incomplete adjacency          2000     1000     0         5          0         0                
 11    For-us data                   40000    5000     1523592   0          211       0                
 12    Mcast Directly Connected ...  2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 13    Mcast IPv4 Options data p...  2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 15    MPLS TTL expired              5120     2000     0         0          0         0                
 16    MPLS Reserved label (ie: ...  5120     2000     0         0          0         0                
 18    IPV6 Hop-by-hop Options       2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 19    Mcast Internal Copy           2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 23    Mcast IGMP Unroutable         2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 24    Glean adjacency               2000     5000     0         1525432    0         0                
 25    Mcast PIM signaling           2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 27    Subscriber session control    10000    40000    0         0          0         0                
   . . .
 98    cable arp filter              2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 99    Cable L3 mobility             2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
100    Source Verify inconclusive    2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
101    cable modem pre reg           2000     1000     49        0          0         0                
102    mpls receive adj              2000     2000     0         0          0         0                
103    MKA EAPoL packet              2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
104    ICMP Unreachable              1048     1000     0         0          0         0                
105    Cable DHCP                    2000     1000     697       0          0         0                

The following is a sample output of the show platform software punt-policer clear command:

Router# show platform software punt-policer clear

Per Punt-Cause Policer Configuration and Packet Counters

Punt                                Configured (pps)   Conform Packets     Dropped Packets
Cause  Description                   Normal   High     Normal    High       Normal    High             
  2    IPv4 Options                  4000     3000     0         0          0         0                
  3    Layer2 control and legacy     40000    10000    890       0          0         0                
  4    PPP Control                   2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  5    CLNS IS-IS Control            2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  6    HDLC keepalives               2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  7    ARP request or response       2000     1000     0         123        0         0                
  8    Reverse ARP request or re...  2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
  9    Frame-relay LMI Control       2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 10    Incomplete adjacency          2000     1000     0         5          0         0                
 11    For-us data                   40000    5000     1523592   0          211       0                
 12    Mcast Directly Connected ...  2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 13    Mcast IPv4 Options data p...  2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 15    MPLS TTL expired              5120     2000     0         0          0         0                
 16    MPLS Reserved label (ie: ...  5120     2000     0         0          0         0                
 18    IPV6 Hop-by-hop Options       2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 19    Mcast Internal Copy           2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 23    Mcast IGMP Unroutable         2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 24    Glean adjacency               2000     5000     0         1525432    0         0                
 25    Mcast PIM signaling           2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 27    Subscriber session control    10000    40000    0         0          0         0                
   . . .
 98    cable arp filter              2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
 99    Cable L3 mobility             2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
100    Source Verify inconclusive    2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
101    cable modem pre reg           2000     1000     49        0          0         0                
102    mpls receive adj              2000     2000     0         0          0         0                
103    MKA EAPoL packet              2000     1000     0         0          0         0                
104    ICMP Unreachable              1048     1000     0         0          0         0                
105    Cable DHCP                    2000     1000     697       0          0         0   

The following is a sample output of the show platform software punt-policer drop-only command:

Router# show platform software punt-policer drop-only

Per Punt-Cause Policer Configuration and Packet Counters

Punt                  Configured (pps)  Conform Packets    Dropped Packets
Cause  Description    Normal   High     Normal    High     Normal  High             
11    For-us data     40000    5000     1523592   0        211     0                

Table 14. show platform software punt-policer Field Descriptions



Punt Cause

Punt cause number.


Description of the punt cause.

Configured (pps) Normal

Configured punt policing rate limit for normal-priority punts, in packets per second. Corresponds to the platform punt-policer punt-cause punt-rate command.

Configured (pps) High

Configured punt policing rate limit for high-priority punts, in packets per second. Corresponds to the platform punt-policer punt-cause punt-rate high command.

Conform Packets Normal

Number of packets that conform to the configured rate limit for normal-priority punts.

Conform Packets High

Number of packets that conform to the configure rate limit for high-priority punts.

Dropped Packets Normal

Number of dropped packets for normal-priority punts.

Dropped Packets High

Number of dropped packets for high-priority punts.

show platform software restart info

To view the stage in which the process restart is in, us the show platform software restart info command.

show platform software {ios | us-scheduler}slot-number restart info

Syntax Description


Displays information for Cable Line Card Control Plane Restart feature.


Displays information for Cable Line Card Upstream Scheduler Process Restart feature.


Specifies the cable line card slot number for which the information is required to be displayed.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

IOS-XE 3.16.0S

This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.17.0S

This command was modified. The us-scheduler keyword was added.

Restart States

This command is used for the following features:

  • Cable Line Card Control Plane Restart feature.

  • Cable Line Card Upstream Scheduler Process Restart feature.

Restart states displayed, by the ios keyword in the command output:

  • NOT_RESTARTED — No restart happened after system boot

  • GLB_CONFIG_PENDING — Configuration is synchronizing from database process.

  • SYNC_PENDING — Modem data is synchronizing from database process.

  • RECOVERY_PENDING — Modem data is being reconstructed inside the IOSd.

  • RECONCILE_PENDING — Modem data is being reconciled between SUP IOSd, CDMAN and LCHAMAN is occurring.

  • DB_RESET_PENDING — Stale modem data in database process is being flushed (This results in restart of database process IOSDB).

  • BULK_SYNC_PENDING — Synchronizing the clean data to database process.

  • DB_ACTIVE_PENDING — Waiting for confirmation from database process of the bulk synchronization.

  • ACTIVE — IOSd active (ready for next restart).

Restart states displayed, by the us-scheduler keyword in the command output:

  • BOOT — Process is booting up.

  • INIT — Process initialization state.

  • INFRA_READY — Basic infra is ready.

  • IPC_INFRA_READY — Process can talk to other processes.

  • OPERATIONAL — Process is ready for new sessions.

  • RESTART_INIT — Process has restarted.

  • RESTART_INFRA_READY — Basic infra after restart is ready.

  • RESTART_IPC_INFRA_READY — Process can talk to other processes after restart.

  • RESTART_CFG_RECOVER_DONE — Data has been read from Elcaro database and feature recovery is done.

  • RESTART_RECON_PEND — Reconciliation has started.

  • RESTART_OPERATIONAL — Process is ready after restart.


This example shows the output for the show platform software restart info command with the ios keyword:

Router#show platform software ios 6 restart info 
IOSD process restart info:
  Process restartable: Yes
  IOSD restart state : ACTIVE
  Total Modem Count  : 31
  Active Modem Count : 31

This example shows the output for the show platform software restart info command with the us-scheduler keyword:

Router#show platform software us-scheduler 6 restart info 
us-scheduler process restart info:
   Process restartable         : Yes
   us-scheduler state          : RESTART_OPERATIONAL
   Features bit map            : 0x001e
   us-scheduler restart count  : 1

show platform software trace message lc-veman LC slot number/0

You can use the show platform software trace message lc-veman <LC slot number>/0 to view the btrace logs that provide for better debugging of VOD failures.

show platform software trace message lc-veman <LC slot number> / 0

Syntax Description

LC slot-number

Specifies the cable Line Card slot number for which the log is required to be displayed.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

IOS-XE 16.12.1y

This command was introduced.


This example shows the output for the show platform software trace message lc-veman <LC slot number>/0 command:

Router# show platform software trace message lc-veman 8/0

This command is being deprecated. Please use 'show logging process' command.
executing cmd on chassis local ...
2020/02/03 03:34:05.046653 {veman_8-0}{1}: [scs] [7197]: (warn): 02/03 20:34:04.477 [scs]:
[7197]: (warning): PERFORMANCE: entering ScsTask too late (65 ms since last tick)
2020/02/03 03:34:05.046624 {veman_8-0}{1}: [scs] [7197]: (warn): 02/03 20:34:04.179 [scs]:
[7197]: (warning): PERFORMANCE: entering ScsTask too late (67 ms since last tick)
2020/02/03 03:34:05.046558 {veman_8-0}{1}: [scs] [7197]: (warn): 02/03 20:34:04.073 [scs]:
[7197]: (warning): PERFORMANCE: entering ScsTask too late (61 ms since last tick)

show ptp clock

To display the PTP clock information synchronized with the PTP primary clock, use the show ptp clock command in privileged EXEC mode.

Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Router

show ptp clock { dataset [ current | | default | | parent | | time-properties ] | | running domain | | running domain id }

Syntax Description


Specifies the current dataset for the PTP clock synchronized with the PTP primary clock.


Specifies default dataset for the PTP clock synchronized with the PTP primary clock.


Specifies parent dataset for the PTP clock synchronized with the PTP primary clock.


Specifies time-properties dataset for the PTP clock synchronized with the PTP primary clock.

running domain-number

The domain number of the PTP clock synchronized with the RPD synchronized with the PTP primary clock.

running domain <id>

Checks the PTP primary clock state.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to monitor PTP clock status. Use this command to verify the IEEE 1588 PTP configuration and monitor its status.


The following example shows the sample output for the show ptp clock datasetdefault command:

Router#show ptp clock dataset default 
CLOCK [Boundary Clock, domain 10]

  Two Step Flag: No
  Clock Identity: 0x2A:0:0:0:58:67:F3:4
  Number Of Ports: 1
  Priority1: 89
  Priority2: 90
  Domain Number: 10
  Slave Only: No
  Clock Quality:
    Class: 224
    Accuracy: Unknown
    Offset (log variance): 4252


The following example shows the sample output for the show ptp clock datasetdefault command:

Router#show ptp clock dataset current 
CLOCK [Boundary Clock, domain 10]

  Steps Removed: 18522
  Offset From Master: 4661806827187470336
  Mean Path Delay: 314023819427708928


The following example shows the sample output for the show ptp clock datasetparent command:

Router#show ptp clock dataset parent 
CLOCK [Boundary Clock, domain 10]

  Parent Stats: No
  Observed Parent Offset (log variance): 0
  Observed Parent Clock Phase Change Rate: 58087144

  Grandmaster Clock:
    Identity: 0x3E:D3:D0:0:0:0:0:0
    Priority1: 42
    Priority2: 0
    Clock Quality:
      Class: 176
      Accuracy: Unknown
      Offset (log variance): 4252


The following example shows the sample output for the show ptp clock datasettime-properties command:

Router#show ptp clock dataset time-properties 

CLOCK [Boundary Clock, domain 10]

  Current UTC Offset Valid: TRUE
  Current UTC Offset: 10752
  Leap 59: FALSE
  Leap 61: TRUE
  Time Traceable: TRUE
  Frequency Traceable: TRUE
  PTP Timescale: TRUE
  Time Source: Unknown


The following example shows the sample output for the show ptp clock running domain command:

Router#show ptp clock running domain 0 

                      PTP Ordinary Clock [Domain 0]
         State          Ports          Pkts sent      Pkts rcvd      Redundancy Mode
         PHASE_ALIGNED  1              34856          106046         Hot standby
                               PORT SUMMARY
                                                                                PTP Master
Name           Tx Mode      Role         Transport    State        Sessions     Port Addr
slave-from-903 unicast      slave        Lo1588       Slave        1  
                             SESSION INFORMATION
slave-from-903 [Lo1588] [Sessions 1]
 Peer addr          Pkts in    Pkts out   In Errs    Out Errs         106046     34856      0          0

show pxf cable

To display information about the multicast echo, packet intercept, or source-verify features for one or all cable interfaces, use the show pxf cable command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show pxf cable {feature-table [cx/ y/ z] | maptable cx/ y/ z [sid] | multicast-echo ds-group | multicast-echo mcast-addr | source-verify [ip address]}

Syntax Description

feature-table [cx/y/z ]

Displays the multicast echo and packet intercept status on the PXF processor. If given without any options, displays the status for all cable interfaces and subinterfaces. If given with an optional cable interface, displays the status for that particular interface.

maptable cx/y/z [sid ]

Displays memory and service ID (SID) information for a particular cable interface. If the optional sid parameter is specified, displays information for that particular SID.

multicast-echo ds-group

Displays the cable interfaces that are associated with each downstream group, where each downstream group is a unique DOCSIS MAC domain. (Interfaces that are bundled together are considered one MAC domain.)

multicast-echo mcast-addr

Displays the service flow ID (SFID) information for all multicast addresses that hash to the same index as the specified multicast IP address.

source-verify [ip-address ]

Displays the interface and SFID mapping tables that are maintained by the source-verify feature. If the optional ip-address parameter is specified, displays information only for that particular IP address.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



12.2(11)CY, 12.2(11)BC2

This command was introduced as show hardware pxf cable for the Cisco uBR10012 router.


This command was renamed from show hardware pxf cable to show pxf cable .


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.3BC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.2(33)SCA.


The command was modified and verbose option was removed.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show pxf cable command displays information about whether multicast echo and packet intercept are enabled on the cable interfaces. It can also be used to display the service flow ID (SFID) used for each multicast address that is being processed by the router.


The source-verify option is not supported on the PRE-2 module. Instead, use the show pxf cpu cef verbose command to display the primary SID information on the PRE-2 module.


The following example shows a typical display for the show pxf cable feature-table command for all cable interfaces:

Router# show pxf cable feature-table
Interface       SWInterface    VCCI   McastEcho  Intercept  DSGroup  InterceptGroup
Cable5/0/0      Cable5/0/0      3         On         On        0            0
Cable5/0/0.1    Cable5/0/0      9         On         On        0            0
Cable5/0/1      Cable5/0/1      4         On         Off       255          -
Cable6/0/0      Cable6/0/0      5         On         Off       255          -
Cable6/0/1      Cable6/0/1      6         On         Off       255          -
Cable7/0/0      Cable7/0/0      7         On         Off       1            -
Cable7/0/1      Cable7/0/1      8         On         Off       2            -

The following example shows a typical display for the show pxf cable feature-table option for a particular cable interface:

Router# show pxf cable feature-table c5/0/0
Interface      SWInterface    VCCI   McastEcho  Intercept  DSGroup  InterceptGroup
Cable5/0/0     Cable5/0/0      3         On         On        0            0
Cable5/0/0.1   Cable5/0/0      9         On         On        0            0

The following example shows a typical display for the show pxf cable feature-table option when a cable interface has a bundle interface configured without a corresponding primary interface:

Router# show pxf cable feature-table
Interface   SWInterface    VCCI   McastEcho  Intercept  DSGrp  InterceptGrp
Cable5/0/0  <No Cable Bundle Master Configured>
Cable5/0/1  Cable5/0/1      4         On         Off     11        -
Cable5/1/0  <No Cable Bundle Master Configured>
Cable5/1/1  Cable5/1/1      6         On         Off     15        -
Cable6/0/0  Cable6/0/0      7         On         Off     0         -
Cable6/0/1  Cable6/0/1      8         On         Off     1         -
Cable6/1/0  Cable6/1/0      9         On         Off     6         -
Cable6/1/1  Cable6/1/1      10        On         Off     7         -
Cable7/0/0  Cable7/0/0      11        On         Off     8         -
Cable7/0/1  Cable7/0/1      12        On         Off     9         -
Cable7/1/0  Cable7/1/0      13        On         Off     4         -
Cable7/1/1  Cable7/1/1      14        On         Off     5         -
Cable8/0/0  Cable8/0/0      15        On         Off     255       -
Cable8/0/1  Cable8/0/1      16        On         Off     3         -
Cable8/1/0  Cable8/1/0      17        On         Off     12        -
Cable8/1/1  Cable8/1/1      18        On         Off     13        -

Table below describes the fields shown by both forms of the show pxf cable feature-table command:

Table 15. show pxf cable feature-table Field Descriptions




Identifies the cable interface or subinterface.


Identifies the primary cable interface for bundled interfaces.


Displays whether multicast echo is enabled (On) or disabled (Off).


Displays the Virtually Cool Common Index (VCCI) for this cable interface or subinterface. The VCCI is an index that uniquely identifies every interface or subinterface on the PXF processor, and that quickly maps that interface to the appropriate set of services and features.


Displays whether packet intercept, as per the Communications Assistance of Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), is enabled (On) or disabled (Off).


Displays the downstream group (unique MAC domain) that is associated with this interface or subinterface. Interfaces that are bundled together are considered one MAC domain.


A downstream group number of 255 indicates that the CMTS has not assigned the interface to a MAC domain, typically because the interface is shutdown.


Displays the intercept packet group assigned to this cable interface.

The following example shows a typical display for the show pxf cable maptable command for a particular cable interface:

Router# show pxf cable maptable c5/1/0 
SID   VCCI   FIB Index   SrcVfy   Pri SID   CM IP Address
1     3         0          On       1
2     3         0          On       2

Table below describes the fields shown by the show pxf cable maptable command:

Table 16. show pxf cable maptable Field Descriptions




Identifies the service ID (SID).


Displays the Virtually Cool Common Index (VCCI) for this cable interface or subinterface. The VCCI is an index that uniquely identifies every interface or subinterface on the PXF processor, and that quickly maps that interface to the appropriate set of services and features.

FIB Index

Identifies the forwarding information base (FIB) being used.


Identifies whether the source-verify feature (enabled with the cable source-verify command) is On or Off for this SID and interface.


Identifies the primary SID associated with this SID, in case this SID is a secondary or dynamic SID.

CM IP Address

Displays the IP address for the CM that is associated with this SID.

The following example shows a typical display for the show pxf cable multicast-echo ds-group command, listing each downstream multicast group and its associated cable interface:

Router# show pxf cable multicast-echo ds-group
DS Group        Interface
0               Cable5/0/0
1               Cable7/0/0
2               Cable7/0/1

The following example shows a typical display for the show pxf cable multicast-echo command for a particular multicast address:

Router# show pxf cable multicast-echo
Src        I/f          SFID    DS Jib Header                 Packets     Bytes  Cable7/0/1   16385   0x0000 0000 1000 0001 1000        321      2160

Table below describes the fields shown by the show pxf cable multicast-echo command:

Table 17. show pxf cable multicast-echo Field Descriptions




Multicast address being displayed.


Cable interface being used for this multicast address.


Displays the service flow ID (SFID) for this particular multicast address.

DS Jib Header

Shows the bitmask used for this multicast address on the PRE’s MAC-layer processor. The bitmask consists of ten hexadecimal bytes in the following format (reading left to right, from most significant to least significant bit):

  • Bytes 9:8 = Specifies the key index for the downstream.

  • Bytes 7:6 = Identifies the rule number used for packet header suppression (if enabled)

  • Byte 5 = Bitmask that defines the type of packet transmitted:

    • Bit 4 = 1 if padding CRC for data packets, 0 if not padding the CRC

    • Bit 3 = 1 if inserting an extended header (EH) for PHS processing

    • Bit 2 = 1 if inserting an extended header (EH) for BPI+ processing

    • Bits 1:0 = Specifies the packet type: 00 = Data packet 01 = MAC management message for transmitted packets 10 = Internal MAP message on upstream 11 = Special packet

  • Byte 4 = Bitmask that identifies the type of map control and key sequence for the packet:

    • Bits 6:4 = Destination upstream for the MAP message

    • Bits 3:0 = BPI Key Sequence number

  • Bytes 3:2 = Index to obtain the downstream modem statistics.

  • Byte 1 = Specifies the assumed minimum size of a packet data unit. Multiply this byte by 4 to get the actual minimum size in bytes.

  • Byte 0 = Specifies the DOCSIS header size, with a maximum value of 0xE0 (248 decimal).


Number of packets sent to this address.


Number of bytes sent to this address.

The following example shows a typical display for the show pxf cable source-verify command:

Router# show pxf cable source-verify 
IP Address    Interface     Fib Index   Mac-Domain   SID      Cable5/0/0      0             0        1     Cable5/0/0      0             0        2     Cable5/0/0      0             0        2      Cable8/0/0      0             6        1     Cable8/0/0      0             6        1

Table below describes the fields shown by the show pxf cable source-verify command:

Table 18. show pxf cable source-verify Field Descriptions



IP Address

Identifies the IP addresses that have been verified by the source-verify feature.


Identifies the cable interface or subinterface used for this IP address.

FIB Index

Identifies the forwarding information base (FIB) being used.


Identifies the MAC DOCSIS downstream domain for this IP address.


Identifies the service ID (SID).

show pxf cable controller

To display information about radio frequency (RF) channel Versatile Traffic Management System (VTMS) links and link queues, use the show pxf cable controller command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pxf cable controller modular-cable slot / subslot / unit rf-channel channel link queues

Syntax Description


Specifies the modular cable interface.


Identifies a cable interface on the Cisco uBR10012 router. The following are valid values:

  • slot = 1 or 3
  • subslot = 0 or 1
  • unit = 0


Specifies the RF channel physical port on the Wideband SPA field-programmable gate array (FPGA).


Specifies the number of the RF channel. The range is 0 to 23.

link queues

(Optional) Displays the link queue information for the specified RF channel.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

The show pxf cable controller command displays information about VTMS link queues only on the Cisco uBR10012 universal broadband router.


The following example using the show pxf cable controller command, omitting the link queues option, displays only VTMS-related output:

Router# show pxf cable controller modular-cable 1/0/0 rf-channel 3
Link ID is 32259
           link next_send:    0x00000000   channel number:     0
           temporary bgbw:    0x00000000    reserved bgbw:     0x00000000
col.6 link bandwidth mult:    55778                 shift:     18
col.7 link bandwidth mult:    55778                 shift:     18
       link aggregate cir:    0x00000000    aggregate eir:     0x00000000
   bw reclaimed/trunc eir:    0/0            link cir_max:     0xFFFF
             link cir_sum:    70             link eir_sum:     2
              link bw_sum:    0           act. link q num:     0

The following example using the show pxf cable controller command including the link queues option, displays VTMS-related output as well as link queue-related output:

Router# show pxf cable controller modular-cable 1/0/0 rf-channel 3 link-queues
Link ID is 32259
           link next_send:    0x00000000   channel number:     0
           temporary bgbw:    0x00000000    reserved bgbw:     0x00000000
col.6 link bandwidth mult:    55778                 shift:     18
col.7 link bandwidth mult:    55778                 shift:     18
       link aggregate cir:    0x00000000    aggregate eir:     0x00000000
   bw reclaimed/trunc eir:    0/0            link cir_max:     0xFFFF
             link cir_sum:    70             link eir_sum:     2
              link bw_sum:    0           act. link q num:     0

Link Queues :
 QID   CIR(act/conf)       EIR            MIR       WB Chan.   Status
  420   13107/13107        1/1        65535/65535      0       Inactive
  423   32768/32768        1/1        65535/65535      2       Inactive

See Table below for descriptions of link queue fields.

Table 19. show pxf cable controller Link Queue Field Descriptions




Displays the identification number of the link queue.

CIR (act/conf)

Displays the information for the committed information rate (CIR) of link queues on this RF channel.

  • The first number, act , indicates the parameter that a link queue is actually using.
  • The second number, conf , indicates the parameter that is configured for a link queue.


Displays the information for the excess information rate (EIR) of link queues on this RF channel.

  • The first number in the output indicates the parameter that a link queue is actually using.
  • The second number in the output indicates the parameter that is configured for a link queue.


Displays the information for the maximum information rate (MIR) of link queues on this RF channel.

  • The first number in the output indicates the parameter that a link queue is actually using.
  • The second number in the output indicates the parameter that is configured for a link queue.

WB Chan

The number of the wideband cable channel.


Displays the state of the link queue.

show pxf cable feature

To display multicast echo, packet intercept, or source-verify features for one or all cable interfaces, to include information for virtual interface bundles, use the show pxf cable feature command in privileged EXEC mode.

show pxf cable feature

Syntax Description

This command has no additional arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Display output without page breaks and remove passwords and other security information.

Command Modes

User EXEC, Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced to support Multicast with Virtual Interface Bundling on the Cisco CMTS.

IOS-XE 3.15.0S

This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Refer to the following document on for additional information about cable interface bundling and virtual interface bundling on the Cisco CMTS:

  • Cable Interface Bundling and Virtual Interface Bundling on the Cisco CMTS


The following example illustrates Multicast Echo and virtual interface bundling information on the Cisco uBR10012 router.

Router# show pxf cable feature
Interface   SWInterface    VCCI   McastEcho  Intercept  SrcVfy   DHCP  DSGrp  InterceptGrp
Cable5/0/0  Bundle1         36        On         Off        On         On         0 
Cable5/0/1  Cable5/0/1      15        On         Off        Off        Off        11 
Cable5/1/0  Bundle1         36        On         Off        On         On         0 
Cable5/1/1  Cable5/1/1      17        On         Off        Off        Off        9 
Cable6/0/0  Bundle1         36        On         Off        On         On         0 
Cable6/0/1  Cable6/0/1      19        On         Off        Off        Off        12 
Cable6/1/0  Cable6/1/0      20        On         Off        Off        Off        7 
Cable6/1/1  Cable6/1/1      21        On         Off        Off        Off        8 
Cable7/0/0  Cable7/0/0      22        On         Off        Off        Off       255 
Cable7/0/0  Cable7/0/0.1    42        On         Off        Off        Off       255 
Cable7/0/1  Bundle200       38        On         Off        Off        Off        3